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EItrM rffiJeffi,{&,f il$:qffH$CxffiffiffiA] ,l FAKULTI BIOTEKNOLOGI DAN SA!NS BIOMOL trAC#Lry OF S/CIFCHIVOf-OSv {t Sl$rll$1*i:il Rujukan Kami : UPM/FBSB/BKI\,I/APBB20 Tarikh mffi$d [_iI"rffiRi$,{A I 4 :22 Ogos2014 0 sf;i) ?0i4 dr'F- fiGdfuHjt',ti €*n s x" s i r, ata n [.jr]rve,rsiti [iains fi,{alaysra Dekan/Pengarah FakultiAnstitut YBhg, Datuk/Dato'/Datin/Prof. /Dr. ff uan/Puan, EDARAN BROSUR DAII POSTE.R'ADVANCE^S IN PLANT BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY' (APBB), 9-10 DTSEMBER 2014 Dengan segala hormatnya, perkara di atas adalah dirujuk. Sukacita dimaklumkan bahawa Jabatan Biokimia, Fakulti Bioteknologi dan Sains Biomolekul bersama Institut Bioteknologi Kebangsaan Malaysia (NIBM) buat pertama kalinya akan menganjurkan persidangan bertajuk'Advances in Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology' (APBB 2014) pada t hingga l0 Disember 2014 bertempat di Fakulti Bioteknologi dan Sains Biomolekul. Tema persidangan Empowering Urban Agric ulture'. ini adalah 'Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnologt: Tujuan utama persidangan ini adalah untuk mengetengahkan kepentingan penyelidikan Biokimia Tumbuhan dan Bioteknologi di dalam membantu pembangunan pertanian bandar di --1tra1-aysta:-'= '. ini dilampirkan brosur, borang pendaftaran dan poster. Kami berbesar hati sekiranya pihak YBhg, Datuk/Dato'/Datin/Prof./Dr./Tuan/Puan dapat menghebahkan maklumat ini kepada pegawai, penyelidik dan pelajar di PTJ/Institusituan/puan. Bersama-sama Kerjasama daripada YBhg, Datuk/Dato'lDxin/ Prof./Dr./Tuan/Puan amatlah dihargai dan didahului dengan ucapan ribuan terima kasih. "BERILMU BERBAKTI' Yang benar, qff DR. SYAHIDA AHMAD Pengerusi 'Advances in Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2014' Biokimia Fakulti Bioteknologi dan Sains Biomolekul Universiti Putra Malaysia No.Tel : 03 -89466699 I 03-8947 1053 Website: www. op b b 2 0 I 4. upm- edu my Jabatan PROFESOR AHfUAD HJ, ZA!{ARIA Dekan Pusat Pengaiian Sains Kesihatan Kampus Kesihatan Universlti Sains Malaysia I6150 Kubang Keridn Kelantan d1 "t x o : FakultiBioteknologiDan Sains Biomolekul, Universiti Putra Malaysia,43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia JB : http/lwww.biotech.upm.edu.my :603-8946 7590 :603-8946 6664 / 03-8947 1054 I Date: 9th- 1}th December 201 4 (Tnes day and Weclnesday) -Venirc; Main Lecture Hall, Biotech l, IrBSB Scope . Plant Biochemistry . Plant Biotechnology . Plant Metabolomic . Plant Genetics . Plant Stress Responses and Tolerance . Plant Cellular & Molecular Biology . Crop Improvetnent . Birflrels and Plant Bioenergetics . Medicinal Plants UHfi[, . (Jrban Agriculture r]ffi UE i Day 1: dh December 2At4 0800 0900 Registration A,DVANCESN ,,,-,::-:,.,-r /-, Opening Ceremony Session 1 - Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology ...t " t, 1 000 Plenary Lecture 1 025- Oral presentations 1 140 "rl, ,_, .r. i ,t 1 '*. \; Session 2 - Urban Agriculture 1430 15151 Oral presentations 700 Day &, ** * Keynote Lecture I W $ c 2:|dh December 2014 Session 3 - Plant Sustainabitity and Commercialization 0830 0855- s* w Plenary Lecture 2 Oral presentations 1010 Session4-PlantOmics 1030 1055- '$ T il I'I' Plenary Lecture 3 December 2014 9th-1O*h Faculty of Biotechnology & Oralpresentations 1210 Session 5 - Medicinal Plants 1400 14551 Plenary Lecture 4 Oralpresentations 540 '1540 1600 ,ilLr , \\ c.ts J\T\ 'ir$ "f 6.;[9! &q] Plenary Leclure 5 Closing ceremony REGISTRATION FORM The Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of The conference will be held at the Main Lecture Hall, BioTech 1, Faculty of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences, ,iH - Biotechnology & Biomolecular Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) together with National lnstitute Biotechnology Malaysia (NIBM) is organizing to &t Abstracts are required for both oral and poster presentations. Abstract must not be more than 300 The APBB 2014 conference aims to provide a words; in English; in a WORD document (Times New Roman 12, single spacing) with the following the biotechnologist, nutritionist, food technologists, authorized bodies and industrialists to interact and discuss new plant various f ields research findings author, problem statements, of biochemistry and biotechnology. The conference will in particular highlight interest in topics producing food for home ] Oral presenter ] Participant [ ] Poster presenter Payment for Early registration must be made before Early registration Late registralion before 30"' September 2014 after 30tt' September Student MYR 350 MYR 450 Government lnstitution MYR 550 MYR 650 Private Sector MYB 600 MYR 750 USD 250 USD 350 International Pafticipant 'Sr , industrialists, policy makers, [ [ 3oth September 2014. Cellular and Molecular Biology Crop lmprovement Biofuels and Plant Bioenergetics Medicinal Plants Urban Agriculture Academicians, scientist, Iwish to attend the conference as: Title of oral/ poster presentation: recycling waste towards sustainable community. Genetics Stress Responses and Tolerance Fax: Email: 2A14. consumption. Urban agriculture could generate income, promotes human interaction, improves environmental quality and provides an avenue for Biochemistry Biotechnology Metabolomics Tel: objectives, All abstracts must be submitted through email to apbb20'14uom@gmail.com before 30th September pertaining to promote people living in urban areas Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Plant Mailing Address: methodology, results and conclusions. in in Organization: information; abstract title, author's names, author's affiliation and email address of the corresponding platform for biochemists, interested Title/Position: 6& increasing interest in urban farming. to be Name: i& &r Malaysia. and Biotechnology 2014 (APBB 2014)' conference in December. The theme of this conference P/anf Biochemistry and Biotechnology: Empowering Urban Agriculture' is timely chosen due ,"s UPM Serdang, Selangor, the 'Advances in Plant Biochemistry Advances in Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 2014 (APBB 2014) , Mealchoice: [ ]Nonvegetarian Mode of payment: [ ] Bank draft 201 4 [ [ [ ] Bank transfer Signature: ]Vegetarian ] Cheque Date: We encouraged participant to register online at www.apbb?A 1 4. w pm.ed w my or Please email, fax or mailed complete registration form to the " Secretariat. Registration fee covers the conference materials, refreshments, lunches and dinner for registered -All bank drafts / cheques / bank transfer must be made payable to BENDAHARI UPM and mailed to the Secretariat: participants. Participants are advised to arrange their own accommodation and transport. entrepreneurs and students. I I v Account name: BENDAHARI UPM Bank name: CIMB BANK BHD Swift code: cimbmykl Account number: 1 21 50005004050