Newsletter - Monash University


Newsletter - Monash University
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Issue 3: July 2010
PhD Oration Program (POP) - An Introduction
NOTDRS and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology are introducing a new Program by which leaving PhD
students are invited to give an oration of
~50 mins to members of the Department
either before or after they submit their
thesis. As an invitational oration, it should
be noted that there are many positives to
giving such a presentation, which should
be a celebration of the students’ work and
will not be assessed.
Presenting as an invited speaker is looked
upon favourably on a CV. This will give
you a competitive edge over other people
applying for the same position. On top
of this, it will generally be assumed when
starting your first post-doc that you will
already have given a ~50 min seminar to
your department about your PhD research.
So it’s typical that when you arrive at a
new institution, whether it be abroad or
elsewhere in Australia, you give the same
talk to introduce yourself to your new department. This Oration program provides
the perfect practice platform, and many
students will find that telling more of their
story to the department is more satisfying
and far more relaxed than confirmation
and other, shorter, student seminars presented throughout the PhD program.
effectively be advertising yourself for future
postdoctoral positions both within the
department and the wider scientific community. This is an opportunity to communicate to a general audience and show your
enthusiasm for your work. You will open
yourself up to collaborations as someone
may wish to continue on with your work
after you leave, potentially leading to joint
The oration program will also provide an
opportunity for feedback from friends and
colleagues on your talk and research in
general. Depending on how and when you
choose to present, the seminar provides
a chance to gather your thoughts for your
final writing task and critique of the structure and arguments of your thesis.
Speakers are encouraged to invite family and friends, and the department will
provide pizza and refreshments after each
oration. Orations will be scheduled for
Mondays in M3, and Fridays in M2, from
4-5pm. We hope that this program will be
welcomed by students submitting their
thesis in 2010, and hope to see you when
the first graduate POPs open the champagne!
The NOTDRS Committee
NOTDRS (Necessary Outlets
for Tertiary Doctoral Research
FIFA Competition Results
Richard Berry (37 points, Rossjohn
Lab) was the overall winner and took
out the major prize of $84. Cecilia
Naranjo (Smyth Lab) and Allan
McKelvie took equal 2nd place (35
points) and each won $28.
NOTDRS President, Nick Walpole,
expressed his congratulations to
all that took part and said “the
competition was fierce and with
most getting less than 50% correct,
we certainly showed that nothing is
certain in the ‘Joga Bonito’!”
Beer Club
Date: 4pm, Saturday, 14 August
Venue: 1R of building 76/77
By giving a departmental seminar you will
Please visit the NOTDRS website:
PhD Poster Prize
Biochem Footy Tipping
Leader Board as it stands after 16
Andrew Welland
Craig Don Paul 85.5
Natasha Ng
Tom Murray-Rust
Sarah Stewart
Lina D’Agruma
Alex Rizzi
Miss Micka Bertucci
At the Australian Society for Medical
Research (ASMR) 1st Victorian Student
Research Symposium, Micka Bertucci
(Mitchell Lab) was awarded the best 2nd
year PhD poster prize. The symposium
was a part of ASMR Medical Research
Week 2010 and there were 20 entrants in
the 2nd year poster section.
Micka won a ticket to the ASMR Medical
Research Week Dinner in the Grand
Ballroom at the Hilton on the Park,
which included a presentation by the
Commonwealth Health Minister’s Award
for Excellence in Health and Medical
Research Featuring ASMR Medallist 2010,
Baroness Susan Greenfield CBE. Micka
was also awarded a $200 cash prize
funded by the Chinese Cancer Society of
The title of Micka’s poster is “A novel
localisation and cellular role for PI(3)P at
invadopodia in a human breast cancer cell
Micka stated that cancer metastasis is
responsible for high levels of mortality
and morbidity. The mechanisms behind
metastasis involve the secretion of
enzymes from actin-rich structures
cellular structures, termed invadopodia,
that drive invasion via the secretion of
matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and
allow tumours to spread to distal sites of
the body. Unpublished novel work by Dr
Jenny Dyson in the Mitchell laboratory has
identified the PI3Kinase (PI3K) product,
PI(3)P, at invadopodia. Micka undertook
Newsletter: July 2010, Issue 3
two approaches to determine the synthesis
and mechanism of function of PI(3)P at
invadopodia. Firstly, using siRNA mediated
knockdown of the candidate PI3K
isoforms, Micka identified PI3KC2α as the
PI3K isoform responsible for the synthesis
of PI(3)P at invadopodia. Secondly,
using siRNA mediated knock down she
investigated the secretion of MMPs that
are required for cell invasion. PIK3C2α
knock down resulted in a significant
reduction in MMPs secretion, the enzymes
that drive cell invasion. Collectively, her
studies identify that PI3KC2α has a
significant role in the process of cancer
Date: 4pm, Wednesday, 11th August
Speaker: Patrick Humbert
Institute: Peter MacCallum Cancer
Title: The Disorientation of Cancer:
Cell Polarity Regulators in Tumour
Progression and Invasion
Venue: M2, Building 13A
Date: 4pm, Wednesday, 18th August
Basically, Micka has identified the enzyme
responsible for the production of PI(3)P
at invasive structures, invadopodia. “By
regulating the level of PI(3)P we can reduce
the ability of these structures to degrade
the surrounding tissue. Therefore this work
has strong implications for breast cancer
metastasis” Micka said.
Speaker: Mireille Lahoud
Micka studied her Bachelor of Science
degree here at Monash University Clayton
and went onto do her Honours in the
Department of Physiology studying
inflammatory markers in intrauterine fetal
growth restriction in 2006. She then took
time off to work as a research assistant
at the Alfred Hospital investigating drug
development in cardiac remodelling before
returning to study in 2009 doing her PhD
in the Biochemistry Department under the
supervision of Professor Christina Mitchell
and Dr Jennifer Dyson.
Title: To be announced
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Institute: Walter & Eliza Hall Institute
Title: To be announced
Venue: M2, Building 13A
Date: 4pm, Wednesday, 25th August
Anne Cooke (University of Cambridge)
Venue: M2, Building 13A
For further Biochemisty news,
please visit our website:
Page 2
Spotlight on: Dr Kip Gabriel
inter-membrane space proteins, Erv1. We
made many inroads to understanding the
mechanistic requirements for import of
proteins into the inter-membrane space,
and the time spent in the Pfanner lab was
great fun.
In mid 2007 I moved back to Australia after
receiving the University of Melbourne’s
J.N. Peter’s bequest fellowship to conduct
research in the Department of Genetics.
I established projects relating to the
mitochondrial aspects of Parkinson’s
disease. In 2009, I moved to Monash
University to establish my own lab.
bacterial meningitis and gonorrhoea
respectively. Many of the pathogenic
mechanisms at play are still poorly
understood but some of the toxins
targeted to host cells have been identified.
We are interested in the pore-forming
PorB toxin that is targeted to mitochondria
during infection by both of these
organisms. In collaboration with Professors
John Davies (Monash, Microbiology) and
Richard Strugnell (University of Melbourne)
we are now coming to appreciate the
exact localisation and function of PorB at
mitochondria. We are examining how PorB
“hijacks” the host machinery for entry into
host mitochondria during infection.
Dr Kip Gabriel
My interest in mitochondria was sparked
as far back as undergraduate study.
During my honours year in Professor Nick
Hoogenraad’s laboratory, I identified and
characterized a mammalian mitochondrial
import receptor, Tom70. During my PhD,
in Professor Trevor Lithgow’s laboratory at
the University of Melbourne, I was shown
the power of the yeast Saccharomyces
cerevisiae as a model system for
studying protein transport mechanisms.
I specifically focused on understanding
aspects of protein translocation across
the outer mitochondrial membrane. We
were able to show that transport across
the inner mitochondrial membrane is
coordinated with events at the outer
membrane, discovering a switch in the
outer membrane that dictates which import
pathway imported proteins as they enter
In mid 2004 I was awarded an Alexander
von Humboldt Fellowship and moved to
the Nikolaus Pfanner’s laboratory at the
Institute for Biochemistry and Molecular
Biology in Freiburg, Germany. There, I
worked on understanding how proteins
that reside in the mitochondrial intermembrane space are imported and folded.
It was during this time that we discovered
the key component involved in import of
Newsletter: July 2010, Issue 3
My group at Monash University focuses
on aspects of mitochondrial dysfunction
during infection and disease. As a result
we have moved to mammalian model
systems, a move that has only made
my appreciation of yeast as a model
organism even greater! Of principal focus
is research on the bacterial toxins VacA
from Helicobacter pylori and PorB from
Neisseria meningitidis. Both of these
toxins are targeted to mitochondria during
pathogenesis. Their final sub-mitochondrial
localisation and how and why they are sent
to mitochondria is a mystery.
The VacA cytotoxin from H. pylori
H. pylori is the major cause of peptic
ulcers, and significantly increases the risk
of gastric cancer in humans. The bacteria
secrete a suite of toxins that are targeted
to host cells to interfere with function,
resulting in an advantage to the pathogen.
The two-part VacA toxin is one of the
most abundantly secreted toxins from H.
pylori and is critical for pathogenesis. In
collaboration with Terry Kwok-Schuelein
and Richard Ferrero (Monash Institute of
Medical Research) my group has already
made significant progress and published a
manuscript clarifying how the two subunits
that form the VacA toxin are targeted to
the mitochondrial inner membrane. It was
previously thought that only one of the two
components was targeted to the organelle.
We are now focusing on showing that
both subunits can re-assemble into an
ion permeable channel that leads to
mitochondrial driven apoptosis.
My group is continuing work towards
understanding mitochondrial dysfunction
during neurodegenerative disease,
supported by an NHMRC Project grant
with Heung-Chin Cheng and Janetta
Culvenor (both from the University of
Melbourne) to study the function of the
Parkinson’s disease related protein PINK1,
a protein kinase associated with the
mitochondrial membranes.
Although I arrived at Monash in 2009, my
time here has already been thoroughly
enjoyable and the research environment in
the department and the STRIP buildings
has allowed my group to form strategic
collaborations for new projects. I am very
happy to be here.
The Research Team
Research assistant: Kher Shing Tan
PhD students: Janette Tong, Jhih-Hang
Honours student: Melissa Jolly
PorB from N. meningitides
N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae cause
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Page 3
Three Minute Thesis Competition
The Department of Biochemistry &
Molecular Biology heats were held on
Wednesday 21st July and the two top
contestants Sandra Hakim (Mitchell lab)
and Stephanie Kondos (Whisstock lab).
Sandra and Stephanie will go forward
to the MBio final, which will be held on
Friday 30th July.
The judging criteria (equal weighting)
consisted of:
PhD Graduates
exPERT Program Seminar
1. Communication style - was the
Natasha May-Yoke Ng
The Monash Research Graduate School
thesis topic and its significance
Thesis: Determinants of thrombin
coordinates an annual seminar and
communicated in language
workshop program for postgraduate
appropriate for an intelligent but
Supervisor: Professor Rob Pike
research students, known as the
non-specialist audience?
exPERT program. The program focuses
Kai Ying Soo
on key aspects of employment and
Thesis: Cytotoxic mechanisms of mutant
research training and the development
presentation help the audience
SOD1 in a cellular model of motor
of generic and transferable skills.
understand the research?
2. Comprehension - did the
neuron disease (ALS).
Supervisor: Professor Phillip Nagley
The Student Representative is
3. Engagement - did the speech make
the audience want to know more?
Students can feel free to contact Craig any time of any concerns or issues concerning
OHS matters, which he can present to the Biochemisty OHS committee for a resolution.
He can also assist in directing your issues to the appropriate people to help you. You
can be rest assured that all matters raised will be kept confidential.
1. Remain CALM…
The Staff Representative is
3. First Aiders: Read MSDS before
treating any chemical injury
Any Biochemistry staff member can approach Alex for any OHS matters. All matters
will be kept confidential and can be presented to the Biochemistry OHS committee for
a resolution.
The Deputy Departmental Safety Officer is
He is located in building 13D and will be able to assist all Biochemistry staff and
students in buildings 13A/B/C & 16 with all OHS matters.
Newsletter: July 2010, Issue 3
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
2. Yell out for a First Aider (don’t
go looking for one yourself, get
someone else to go looking)
4. First Aiders: Call Med Centre if
necessary ext. 53175
5. First Aiders: Call the Safety
Officer and/or Safety
Representative as soon as
Page 4
Anthony, D.A., Andrews, D.M., Chow, M., Watt, S.V., House, C., Akira, S., Bird, P.I., Trapani, J.A., and Smyth, M.J., A Role for
Granzyme M in TLR4-Driven Inflammation and Endotoxicosis. J Immunol 2010. E-pub Category: Immunology Impact Factor:
5.646 Ranking: 18/128
Bird, C.H., Rizzitelli, A., Harper, I., Prescott, M., and Bird, P.I., Use of Granzyme B-based fluorescent protein reporters to
monitor granzyme distribution and granule integrity in live cells. Biol Chem 2010. E-pub Category: Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology Impact Factor: 2.732 Ranking: 130/283 [BCH,MCI]
Clayton, D., Hanchapola, I., Hausler, N., Unabia, S., Lew, R.A., Widdop, R.E., Smith, A.I., Perlmutter, P., and Aguilar,
M.I., beta-amino acid substitution to investigate the recognition of angiotensin II (AngII) by angiotensin converting enzyme
2 (ACE2). J Mol Recognit 2010. E-pub Category: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Impact Factor: 2.776 Ranking: 129/283
Kaur, G., Delluc-Clavieres, A., Poon, I.K., Forwood, J.K., Glover, D.J., and Jans, D.A., Calmodulin-dependent nuclear
import of HMG-box family nuclear factors; importance for the role of SRY in sex reversal. Biochem J 2010. E-pub Category:
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Impact Factor: 5.155 Ranking: 50/283
Knower, K.C., To, S.Q., Simpson, E.R., and Clyne, C.D., Epigenetic mechanisms regulating CYP19 transcription in human
breast adipose fibroblasts. Mol Cell Endocrinol 2010. 321(2): p. 123-30 Category: Cell Biology Impact Factor: 3.503
Ranking: 75/161
Kuruppu, S., Tochon-Danguy, N., and Smith, A.I., Role of Protein Kinase C in Endothelin Converting Enzyme-1 Trafficking
and Shedding from Endothelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 2010. E-pub Category: Biochemistry & Molecular
Biology Impact Factor: 2.548 Ranking: 146/283
Lara-Chacon, B., de Leon, M.B., Leocadio, D., Gomez, P., Fuentes-Mera, L., Martinez-Vieyra, I., Ortega, A., Jans, D.A., and
Cisneros, B., Characterization of an Importin alpha/beta-recognized nuclear localization signal in beta-dystroglycan. J Cell
Biochem 2010. 110(3): p. 706-17 Category: Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Impact Factor: 2.935 Ranking: 120/283
Mahmood, K., Konagurthu, A.S., Song, J., Buckle, A.M., Webb, G.I., and Whisstock, J.C., EGM: Encapsulated Gene-byGene Matching to Identify Gene Orthologs and Homologous Segments in Genomes. Bioinformatics 2010. E-pub Category:
Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology Impact Factor: 4.926 Ranking: 14/150
Tinsley, R.B., Kotschet, K., Modesto, D., Ng, H., Wang, Y., Nagley, P., Shaw, G., and Horne, M.K., Sensitive and specific
detection of {alpha}-synuclein in human plasma. J Neurosci Res 2010. E-pub Category: Neurosciences Impact Factor: 2.986
Ranking: 104/230
Traven, A., Lo, T.L., Lithgow, T., and Heierhorst, J., The yeast PUF protein Puf5 has Pop2-independent roles in response to
DNA replication stress. PLoS One 2010. 5(5): p. e10651.1-10 Category: Biology Impact Factor: 4.351 Ranking: 9/73
Voskoboinik, I., Dunstone, M.A., Baran, K., Whisstock, J., and Trapani, J.A., Perforin: structure, function, and role in human
immunopathology. Immunol Rev 2010. 235(1): p. 35-54 Category: Immunology Impact Factor: 10.050 Ranking: 7/128 [BCH,
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University, Ground Floor, Building 77, Wellington Road, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia
Tel: +61 3 990 29400
Content: Yvonne Dooley
Newsletter: July 2010, Issue 3
Fax: +61 3 990 29500
Layout: Ico Ma
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
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