Junior Division Competition Rules
Junior Division Competition Rules
SECTION 1 COMPETITION RULES .......................................................................................................................................................6 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 GENERAL COMPETITION RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 6 DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 ENTRIES & ENTRY FORMS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 EXHIBITOR AND COMPETITOR CONDUCT ............................................................................................................................................. 8 DISPUTES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 8 DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS/PENALTIES ...................................................................................................................................... 8 RIGHTS AND PROCESS OF APPEAL OF VIOLATION AND / OR PENALTY ................................................................................................. 9 PROTESTS .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 CONCESSIONS AND ADVERTISING PRIVILEGES ................................................................................................................................... 10 DOGS ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 MOTORIZED UTILITY VEHICLES ........................................................................................................................................................... 10 OBJECTIONABLE EXHIBITS ................................................................................................................................................................... 11 HOMETOWN RODEO RULES ............................................................................................................................................................ 12 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 12 ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 PREMIUMS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 EVENTS ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 13 TIE DOWN ROPING .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13 LADIES BREAKAWAY ROPING .............................................................................................................................................................. 14 BOYS BREAKAWAY ROPING................................................................................................................................................................. 14 TEAM ROPING GENERAL RULES .......................................................................................................................................................... 15 DARREL BELL MEMORIAL TEAM ROPING ....................................................................................................................................... 16 FAMILY TEAM ROPING ................................................................................................................................................................... 16 GOAT TAIL UNTYING ........................................................................................................................................................................... 16 GOAT TYING ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 17 BARREL RACING................................................................................................................................................................................... 17 POLE BENDING .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 BOYS STEER DAUBING ......................................................................................................................................................................... 19 DALLY RIBBON ROPING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 19 STEER STOPPING ................................................................................................................................................................................. 20 COWHIDE RACE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 20 QUEEN AND PRINCESS ROYALTY PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................... 22 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 COMPETITION PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................ 22 ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 ENTRIES ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 23 DISPUTES ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 24 PROTESTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 24 ROYALTY PROGRAM PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT ............................................................................................................................ 25 SECTION 2 4-H/FFA JUNIOR DIVISION ADDITIONAL RULES .............................................................................................................. 27 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 27 GENERAL COMPETITION RULES .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 ON GROUNDS PARKING AND ACCESS ................................................................................................................................................. 28 CAMPING............................................................................................................................................................................................. 28 TRAILER PARKING ................................................................................................................................................................................ 29 JUNIOR DIVISION EXHIBITOR ID .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 JUNIOR DIVISION EXHIBITOR GROUNDS ADMISSION ......................................................................................................................... 29 COOPERATION..................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 INTERFERANCE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 29 SECTION 2A JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECT RULES ................................................................................................................ 30 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 30 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS COMPETITION RULES ............................................................................................................. 30 GENERAL PROJECT EXHIBIT DISPLAY BOARD GUIDELINES ............................................................................................................... 32 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS............................................................................................................................................... 34 ANIMAL SCIENCE ................................................................................................................................................................................. 34 101 VETERINARY SCIENCE .............................................................................................................................................................. 34 102 HORSELESS HORSE ................................................................................................................................................................... 34 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES......................................................................................................................................................................... 35 201 GARDENING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 35 MECHANICAL SCIENCES ...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 301 BICYCLE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 306 GEOSPATIAL ............................................................................................................................................................................. 37 304 MODEL ROCKETRY ................................................................................................................................................................... 37 307 POWER OF WIND ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38 ROBOTICS ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 305 SMALL ENGINES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 39 NATURAL RESOURCES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 401 ENTOMOLOGY ......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 403 OUTDOOR ADVENTRURES ....................................................................................................................................................... 40 404 SHOOTING SPORTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 41 405 SPORTFISHING ......................................................................................................................................................................... 42 407 WILDLIFE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 43 COMMUNICATION, ART & LEISURE SCIENCES .................................................................................................................................... 44 501 CERAMICS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 44 502 GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP ............................................................................................................................................................... 45 503 LEADERSHIP ............................................................................................................................................................................. 45 504 LEATHERCRAFT ........................................................................................................................................................................ 45 505 PHOTOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 46 508 SCRAPBOOKING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 47 506 WOODWORKIONG .................................................................................................................................................................. 47 507 VISUAL ARTS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48 714 BEST PHOTO CONTEST ............................................................................................................................................................ 48 715 ROBOTICS CHALLENGE DIVISION ............................................................................................................................................. 48 700 POCKET PETS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 49 700 SELF DETERMINED ................................................................................................................................................................... 49 700 DISCOVERING 4-H .................................................................................................................................................................... 49 FASHION REVUE .................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................ 50 ELIGIBILITY ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 PREMIUMS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 BEGINNING CLOTHING ................................................................................................................................................................... 50 CONSUMER SCIENCES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 53 601 CAKE DECORATING .................................................................................................................................................................. 53 602 CHILD DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 54 603 CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 54 604 ARTISTIC CLOTHING ................................................................................................................................................................. 56 607 FOODS & NUTRITION ............................................................................................................................................................... 56 607 FOOD CORE PROJECTS ............................................................................................................................................................. 56 610 FOOD PRESERVATION .............................................................................................................................................................. 58 611 HERITAGE ARTS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 58 MISCELLANEOUS FIBER ARTS .................................................................................................................................................... 58 NEEDLE ARTS ............................................................................................................................................................................. 58 QUILTING ................................................................................................................................................................................... 59 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHOOT COMPETITION ....................................................................................................................................... 61 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 61 1 ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 PREMIUMS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 62 DOUGLAS COUNTY SHOOT.................................................................................................................................................................. 63 DIVISION AND CLASSES ....................................................................................................................................................................... 63 GENERAL PROJECTS RECORD BOOKS ............................................................................................................................................... 66 SECTION 2B GENERAL LIVESTOCK DIVISION RULES .......................................................................................................................... 67 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 67 COMPETITION RULES .......................................................................................................................................................................... 67 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK COMPETITION ELIGIBILITY ................................................................................................................................... 67 FEED AND BEDDING ............................................................................................................................................................................ 67 OWNERSHIP ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 67 OFFICIAL IDENTIFICATION DATES ........................................................................................................................................................ 68 LIVESTOCK ENTRY LIMITATIONS.......................................................................................................................................................... 68 ENTRY AND ENTRY PAYMENT ............................................................................................................................................................. 68 ERRONEOUS ENTRY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 68 ANIMAL CHECK-IN ............................................................................................................................................................................... 68 POSSESSION, CARE AND SHOWING .................................................................................................................................................... 69 JUNIOR DIVISION EXHIBITOR SUBSTITUTION FOR EMERGENCY OR SICKNESS ................................................................................... 69 UNETHICALLY FITTED LIVESTOCK ........................................................................................................................................................ 70 FITTING OF ANIMAL ............................................................................................................................................................................ 70 MQA/PQA............................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 STALLS, TACK STALLS, PENS AND TIE OUTS ......................................................................................................................................... 71 BARN SECURITY & RESTRICTED AREA ................................................................................................................................................. 71 WATER ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 71 WEIGHING ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 PARTICIPANT WARRANTIES OF SALE ANIMALS ................................................................................................................................... 71 TESTING AND FEES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 72 ANIMAL CARCASS ................................................................................................................................................................................ 72 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE PARTICIPATION REQUIREMENTS INFRACTION............................................................................................ 72 RELEASE OF LIVESTOCK ....................................................................................................................................................................... 72 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE RULES ....................................................................................................................................................... 73 INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS .............................................................................................................................................................. 73 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 73 WHOLESOME MEAT ACT ................................................................................................................................................................ 74 WHOLESOME ASSURANCE STATEMENT......................................................................................................................................... 74 PRE-SALE PROVISIONS, STANDARDS AND RULES ................................................................................................................................ 74 SALE PROVISIONS, STANDARDS AND RULES ....................................................................................................................................... 75 POST SALE PROVISIONS, STANDARDS AND RULES .............................................................................................................................. 76 ANIMAL DISPOSITION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 76 PAYMENT ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 77 THANK YOU NOTES TO BUYERS AND BUYERS’ GROUPS ................................................................................................................ 77 DISCIPLINE ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 77 JUNIOR POULTRY DEPARTMENT 13 ................................................................................................................................................. 78 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 78 ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 79 ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE ................................................................................................................................................................ 79 POULTRY SHOW .................................................................................................................................................................................. 79 CAGES AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 79 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 79 PREMIUMS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 80 LARGE FOWL DIVISIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................... 80 BANTAM DIVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 80 WATERFOWL DIVISION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 80 2 GAME BIRD DIVISION .......................................................................................................................................................................... 81 TURKEY DIVISION ................................................................................................................................................................................ 81 PRODUCTION POULTRY DIVISION ....................................................................................................................................................... 81 MARKET DUCK DIVISION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 83 POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP ................................................................................................................................................................... 83 POULTRY RECORD BOOK ..................................................................................................................................................................... 83 JUNIOR RABBIT DEPARTMENT 14 .................................................................................................................................................... 85 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 85 ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 86 ANIMAL GROOMING AND CARE ......................................................................................................................................................... 86 SHOW TABLE ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 86 CAGES AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 86 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87 PREMIUMS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 87 PRODUCTION RABBITS DIVISION ........................................................................................................................................................ 87 BREED SHOW RABBITS DIVISION ........................................................................................................................................................ 88 PET QUALITY CLASSES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 88 FUR CLASSES........................................................................................................................................................................................ 88 RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP ...................................................................................................................................................................... 89 RABBIT QUIZ BOWL CONTEST ............................................................................................................................................................. 89 RABBIT RECORD BOOK ........................................................................................................................................................................ 89 RABBIT COSTUME CONTEST ................................................................................................................................................................ 89 RABBIT BARN MANAGER AWARD ....................................................................................................................................................... 89 AWARDS CEREMONY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 90 JUNIOR HORSE DEPARTMENT 15 ..................................................................................................................................................... 91 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................. 91 ELIGIBILITY ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 91 ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE ................................................................................................................................................................ 92 SHOW RING ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 93 STALLS AND TACK ................................................................................................................................................................................ 93 SHOWMANSHIP .................................................................................................................................................................................. 93 HIGHPOINT .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 94 PREMIUMS .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 95 WORKING RANCH HORSE SHOW ........................................................................................................................................................ 96 WESTERN TRAIL ................................................................................................................................................................................... 98 WESTERN HORSE SHOW ..................................................................................................................................................................... 99 WESTERN ROPING COMPETITION ..................................................................................................................................................... 100 JUNIOR BEEF DEPARTMENT 16 ...................................................................................................................................................... 105 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 105 ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 105 ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE .............................................................................................................................................................. 106 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 106 STALLS AND TACK .............................................................................................................................................................................. 106 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE ................................................................................................................................................................... 106 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 106 MARKET BEEF DIVISION .................................................................................................................................................................... 106 BREEDING BEEF DIVISION ................................................................................................................................................................. 107 BEEF SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION ........................................................................................................................................................ 108 MARKET BEEF CARCASS CONTEST..................................................................................................................................................... 108 BEEF RECORD BOOK DIVISION .......................................................................................................................................................... 108 SUPREME BEEF EXHIBITOR DIVISION ................................................................................................................................................ 108 BEEF FITTING CONTEST ..................................................................................................................................................................... 109 BEEF HERDSMAN AWARD ................................................................................................................................................................. 109 3 JUNIOR SHEEP DEPARTMENT 17.................................................................................................................................................... 111 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 111 ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 111 ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE .............................................................................................................................................................. 111 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 112 STALLS AND TACK .............................................................................................................................................................................. 112 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE ................................................................................................................................................................... 112 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 112 MARKET LAMB DIVISION ................................................................................................................................................................... 112 BREEDING SHEEP DIVISION ............................................................................................................................................................... 113 SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION ...................................................................................................................................................... 113 MARKET LAMB ULTRASOUND EVALUATION CONTEST ..................................................................................................................... 114 SHEEP RECORD BOOK DIVISION ........................................................................................................................................................ 114 SUPREME SHEEP EXHIBITOR DIVISION .............................................................................................................................................. 114 SHEPHERD AWARD............................................................................................................................................................................ 114 JUNIOR SWINE DEPARTMENT 18 ................................................................................................................................................... 116 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 116 ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 116 ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE .............................................................................................................................................................. 116 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 117 STALLS AND TACK .............................................................................................................................................................................. 117 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE ................................................................................................................................................................... 117 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 117 MARKET SWINE DIVISION ................................................................................................................................................................. 117 SWINE SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION ..................................................................................................................................................... 118 MARKET SWINE ULTRASOUND EVALUATION CONTEST .................................................................................................................... 118 SWINE RECORD BOOK DIVISION ....................................................................................................................................................... 119 SUPREME SWINE EXHIBITOR ............................................................................................................................................................. 119 SWINE HERDSMAN AWARD .............................................................................................................................................................. 119 JUNIOR MARKET GOAT DEPARTMENT 19 ...................................................................................................................................... 121 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 121 ELIGIBLITY .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 121 ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE .............................................................................................................................................................. 121 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 121 STALLS AND TACK .............................................................................................................................................................................. 122 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE ................................................................................................................................................................... 122 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 122 MARKET GOAT DIVISION ................................................................................................................................................................... 122 BOER/MEATTYPE BREEDING GOAT DIVISION ................................................................................................................................... 123 FIBER GOAT DIVISION........................................................................................................................................................................ 123 MARKET GOAT CARCASS CONTEST ................................................................................................................................................... 124 GOAT RECORD BOOK DIVISION ......................................................................................................................................................... 124 SUPREME GOAT EXHIBITOR .............................................................................................................................................................. 124 GOAT HERDSMAN AWARD................................................................................................................................................................ 124 JUNIOR DAIRY, PYGMY, FIBER & UTILITY GOAT DEPARTMENT 20 ................................................................................................. 126 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 126 ELIGIBLITY .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 126 ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE .............................................................................................................................................................. 127 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 127 STALLS AND TACK .............................................................................................................................................................................. 127 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 128 FIBER GOAT DIVISION........................................................................................................................................................................ 128 PYGMY GOAT DIVISION ..................................................................................................................................................................... 128 4 DAIRY GOAT DIVISION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 128 UTILITY GOAT DIVISION..................................................................................................................................................................... 129 GOAT SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION....................................................................................................................................................... 130 GOAT RECORD BOOK DIVISION ......................................................................................................................................................... 130 GOAT QUICK DRAW MILKOUT CONTEST........................................................................................................................................... 130 GOAT COSTUME CONTEST ................................................................................................................................................................ 130 GOAT HERDSMAN AWARD................................................................................................................................................................ 131 JUNIOR DOG DEPARTMENT 22 ...................................................................................................................................................... 132 DEPARTMENT RULES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 132 EXHIBITOR ELIGIBILITY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 132 ANIMAL CARE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 133 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 133 PENS AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 133 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 133 DOG OBEDIENCE DIVISION ................................................................................................................................................................ 134 DOG SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION ........................................................................................................................................................ 138 DOG RECORD BOOK DIVISION ........................................................................................................................................................... 141 JUNIOR CAT DEPARTMENT 23 ....................................................................................................................................................... 142 DEPARTMENT RULES ......................................................................................................................................................................... 142 EXHIBITOR ELIGIBILITY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 142 ANIMAL CARE .................................................................................................................................................................................... 143 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 143 PENS AND EQUIPMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 143 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 143 CAT SHOW DIVISION 2300 ................................................................................................................................................................ 143 CLOVERBUD CLASS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 144 JUNIOR SHEEP LEAD DEPARTMENT 24........................................................................................................................................... 145 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 145 ELIGIBILITY ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 145 SHOW RING ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 146 JUDGING STANDARDS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 146 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 147 JUNIOR LLAMA/ALPACA DEPARTMENT 27 .................................................................................................................................... 148 DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 148 ELIGIBLITY .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 148 STALLS AND TACK .............................................................................................................................................................................. 148 PREMIUMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 148 JUNIOR DIVISION ............................................................................................................................................................................... 149 OPEN DIVISION .................................................................................................................................................................................. 149 LLAMA/ALPACA SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION ...................................................................................................................................... 149 OBSTACLE COURSE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 149 LLAMA/ALPACA RECORD BOOK DIVISION ......................................................................................................................................... 149 OTHER JUNIOR DIVISION CONTESTS DEPARTMENT 30 .................................................................................................................. 151 SUPREME CONTEST ........................................................................................................................................................................... 151 MASTER SHOWMANSHIP .................................................................................................................................................................. 152 SMALL ANIMAL ROUND ROBIN ......................................................................................................................................................... 155 5 SECTION 1 DOUGLAS COUNTY FAIR AND RODEO COMPETITION RULES APPLIES TO ALL DIVISIONS, DEPARTMENTS AND COMPETITIONS I. INTRODUCTION A. The following terms, conditions, rules apply to all departments and to all competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. B. Every exhibitor or competitor at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo shall comply with the competition rules herein and comply with the more specific rules set forth in each Department. C. Person or persons, who violate any of the Competition Rules herein, may be subject to discipline as set forth in these rules and may be vacated or removed and ineligible for competition. D. Smoking is not allowed in any public buildings, or within 100’ of any building entrance. E. Alcohol will be sold in designated areas on the Fairgrounds during the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Otherwise, alcohol cannot be consumed or carried anywhere else on the grounds. F. Any public display of photos or video of any Douglas County Fair and Rodeo event, concert or rodeo for public dissemination without express written consent from the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management is strictly prohibited. G. All guests, contestants and participants are subject to a search by security personnel. H. The current Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Rule Book will be posted on www.douglascountyfairandrodeo.com and www.douglascountyextension.org II. GENERAL COMPETITION RULES A. The Douglas County Fair does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, sex, age, or other non-merit factors. B. Sleeping in livestock and horse barns are strictly forbidden. C. No fireworks are allowed. D. Warning: Under Colorado law, it is a crime to sabotage or to tamper with, administer growth stimulation drug(s) to, substitute unauthorized animal(s) for exhibition livestock, pursuant to CRS Section 18-9-10 7. Penalties include up to eighteen (18) months in prison or a fine up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) and the name and photograph of any convicted person (s) to be available for publication in newspapers and trade journals. E. Warning: Under Colorado law, an equine professional is not liable for any injury or death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent massages pursuant to CRS 13-21-119. F. Under Colorado law, a llama professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of any person resulting from the inherent risks of llama activities pursuant to CRS 13 -21-119. G. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management is not responsible for any loss, damage or injury to any person or property while on Douglas County grounds or real property. H. An exhibitor or competitor acknowledges and agrees to abide by all Competition Rules when they sign their entry form for competition. I. Exhibitors and competitors hereby indemnify the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management from any and all legal proceedings in regard to a challenge to any Competition Rules. J. Exhibits must be stalled, penned, or exhibited only in areas and locations assigned to that exhibitor by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Exhibits not in authorized locations will be removed by the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management without notice and the exhibitor may be subject to disciplinary action. 6 K. Exhibits may not be removed prior to the release time listed within each Department. L. Every animal or article shall be entered and exhibited in the name of its bona fide owner. M. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management reserves the right to cancel events or change scheduling if deemed necessary. Specific or special competition rules or conditions are published in each department where necessary. III. DEFINITIONS A. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management: this term includes the Fair Board Directors, Fairgrounds Manager, Fair Coordinator, administrative staff, however the primary enforcement of these Competition Rules on a day to day basis is the Fair Board. B. Program Leader: Douglas County 4-H Extension Agent. C. Department Superintendent/Assistant Superintendent: Person appointed by Fair Board that oversees a specific department, division or contest at the County Fair. D. Judge: an individual who is selected to judge items or animals based on his/her expertise. IV. ENTRIES & ENTRY FORMS A. Competitions are open to the world except where otherwise specified. Junior Division Competitions are open to Douglas County 4-H Members in good standing. B. All entries must be completed on-line or on regulation forms, properly filled out, and accompanied by all fees, when required and are non-refundable. C. Entry forms and instructions for the 4-H Junior Division Competitions are available upon request or may be found online at www.douglascountyextension.org or www.douglascountyfairandrodeo.com or at the Douglas County Extension Office. D. E. No animal or article will be entitled to a place on the grounds until proper entry has been made. F. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management assumes no responsibility for errors on the entry forms. G. Every exhibitor or competitor expressly understands and agrees that a completed entry form is their acceptance of these Competition Rules and further agrees and understands that he/she will abide by these Rules throughout the duration of their time at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. It is understood that compliance with these Competition Rules may subject an exhibitor or competitor to penalties, including the loss of a prize or award money and the return of any other non-monetary awards he/she may receive. H. Late entries will not be accepted. See Appendix A for the Exhibitor Master Schedule for required deadlines. I. The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management reserve the right to limit entries to facilities available, and to cancel any Department, division or class in which, in its judgment, the entries are insufficient to secure adequate competition. The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management further reserves the right to return entries in the event any event competition, class or exhibit is cancelled. J. All premiums will be paid by check. Checks must be cashed within 90 days of the date of the check. Any check not cashed within the 90 day period will be void. No replacement check shall be issued after the expiration of the 90 days and the un-cashed premium will be forfeited. Forfeited funds will return to the General Fund of the Fair. 7 V. EXHIBITOR AND COMPETITOR CONDUCT A. The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management expects exhibitors, competitors, parents, and volunteers to abide by the stated Competition Rules for all activities and events, including, but not limited to the following: Conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner, using appropriate language, exhibiting good sportsmanship and providing positive role models. Adhere to Competition Rules, curfews and dress codes; Abstain from illegal and immoral behavior; Fully participate in scheduled activities; Refrain from physical or emotional child abuse or neglect; Apply safety regulations to individuals, groups and property; and Accept personal responsibility for behavior. B. Consequences may include penalties as set forth in these Competition Rules. VI. DISPUTES A. The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management are the final review and authority to interpret these Competition Rules and to settle questions of interpretation. B. There are additional specific competition rules set forth, if necessary, within each Department’s competition section. Both may apply and if there is a conflict between them the Department rules will apply. C. In the event that references to external requirements, regulations, or rules conflict to these Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules then the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules shall control over such conflicts. D. The following three types of disputes are addressed in the following: Pre Fair rule infraction/violation. During Fair rule infraction/violation. Exhibitor, competitor or contestant initiated protest. VII. DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS/PENALTIES A. Whenever a violation of any competition term or Competition Rule has occurred or has been reported to have occurred, prior to, during, or after judging, prior to or during the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo, it shall be reported to the Department Superintendent, or to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management, to determine if, in fact, a violation has occurred. B. If in fact a rule infraction has occurred, the notified Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management Representative shall inform the Fairgrounds Manager and the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Board Chairman. If the infraction warrants an investigation, the Infraction Sub-Committee, identified in Section 1, XI, will be assembled to deliver a decision on the infraction. C. The Infraction Sub-Committee shall investigate the infraction, conduct interviews with the affected parties and determine a resolution of the issue and identify if any penalty, as identified in Section 1, VIII, shall be applied. D. The Infraction Sub-Committee shall generate a written response to the affected parties for the resolution for the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Board Chairman’s signature describing the infraction and the Infraction Sub-Committee’s resolution. E. The affected parties shall be notified of the resolution and identify any penalty that were invoked. 8 F. The Infraction Sub-Committee presents the issue and resolution to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Board for information only and identify if the rule in question requires revision in the Competition Rules. The decision of the Infraction Sub-Committee is final. VIII. POSSIBLE PENALTIES FOR RULE INFRACTIONS A. The following penalties may be invoked for rule infractions: Verbal or written warning. The exhibitor or competitor in question is disqualified and forfeits all entry and other fees and all premiums, trophies, and awards from the department. Any or all of Douglas Fair and Rodeo premiums, trophies, and awards won by an exhibitor or competitor in any and all Douglas County Departments shall be withdrawn and required to be returned to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. All entry or other fees are forfeited. The exhibitor or competitor shall be barred from competition at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo for a predetermined period of time that may include a lifetime suspension from competition upon the concurrence of the Douglas County Fair Board. The exhibit in question will not be sold in any sales at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo to include the Junior Livestock Sale. In the case of an exhibit already sold at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo, the exhibitor or competitor shall refund and return all sale proceeds in excess of market value to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. The Douglas County Fair Board after conference with the Buyer shall determine the disposition of the remaining funds. Any combination of the above stated penalties. IX. INFRACTION SUB-COMMITTEE A. For any identified rule infraction or submitted protest the following Infraction Sub-Committee will be assembled to investigate and render a decision on the identified issue. The Vice Chair of the Fair Board who shall serve as the presiding officer of the Infraction SubCommittee. Superintendent of the affected department. Extension Staff or representative. One Douglas County Fair Board Director at large (preferable with knowledge in the affected department). Fairgrounds Manager or representative. Two Douglas County Fair Board Directors at large (if situation warrants). X. PROTESTS A. DECISIONS OF JUDGES ARE FINAL AND NOT ELIGIBLE FOR PROTEST. B. Whenever any person believes that an exhibitor, competitor, contestant or Fair Official has engaged in any activity that violates the Competition Rules of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo or engaged in any unethical activity during the course of the competition that may violate these rules, such person has the opportunity to provide their allegations of wrong-doing (protest) to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management for review. Any person making such report must do so in writing and it must be personally presented to the Department Superintendent or a Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management representative. C. Each protest must be accompanied by a one hundred dollars ($100) bond. D. The following is the Protest Procedure: 9 The protest must be presented, in writing, and sworn to, within 24 hours or sooner if the subject matter is time sensitive, of the occurrence of alleged infraction for all activities and prior to the official closing of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. In the event a protest is presented after the judging has begun on the item or activity in question, the judging will proceed and the protest will be handled as if the protest has been presented following the judging. The written protest must state the name of the exhibitor, competitor, contestant or fair official as applicable, who has allegedly committed a violation, or identified the activity in question. The protest shall include the exhibit, class in question, the specific allegations giving rise to the protest, the facts that support the protest with reference to Competition Rules as applicable. Upon receipt of a properly presented protest, the Douglas County Fair Board will appoint the Infraction Sub-Committee, identified in Section 1, XI, to review the protest and render a decision, the review process may include interview with the parties involved to assist in obtaining the facts associated with the filed protest. The decision on the Infraction Sub-Committee is final. (Written notice or record of the decision). If the decision of the Infraction Sub-Committee determines that the facts described constitute a violation the bond may be returned. The bond may be retained if the protest is not upheld and will be deposited in the Douglas County Fair Foundation general funds. XI. CONCESSIONS AND ADVERTISING PRIVILEGES A. All exhibits, concessions, or commercial privileges are at the sole discretion of Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Under no circumstances will any advertising matter be allowed to be placed upon buildings, trees, or other places on the grounds, or otherwise distributed, without management permission. Unauthorized advertising material may be immediately removed and disposed of, without recourse or notice. XII. DOGS A. Dogs are not allowed on the Fairgrounds during the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo with the following exceptions: Service Animals. Dogs on leashes will be allowed in the camping and trailer parking areas only. For their safety, dogs should not be tethered to a camper. A self-contained kennel is required for dogs staying in the camping area. Excessive barking or complaints of aggressive behavior will result in the dog being excused from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Excused dogs must be immediately removed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Dogs that are competing or performing during the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Owners / Handlers must keep dogs under constant control and dogs ARE NOT allowed into any livestock barns, Kirk Hall, or the Events Center. XIII. MOTORIZED UTILITY VEHICLES A. NO personal golf carts or ATV’s nor bicycles will be allowed on the fairgrounds during the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. 10 XIV. OBJECTIONABLE EXHIBITS A. The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management reserves the right to exclude from the grounds, any exhibit, animal, or entry that may be falsely entered, those deemed undesirable or objectionable, without assigning a reason. OFFICIAL ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER Douglas County Fair and Rodeo 500 Fairgrounds Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104 (720) 733-6900 fair@douglas.co.us 11 HOMETOWN RODEO RULES ALL EVENTS WILL BE HELD IN THE OUTDOOR ARENA I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. All entrants must have read and be familiar with and comply with the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. B. All Douglas County Hometown Rodeo contestants must submit entry during the posted entry dates. C. No mail- in entries will be accepted. D. Entry fees and stock charges must be paid when entries are made at the Extension Office. E. Each contestant will be required to turn in a signed waiver. Any contestant under 18 years of age must have a parent or guardian signed waiver. F. Age will be determined as of July 1 of current year, contestants are not allowed to age up. G. No draw out or substitutions of entries after entry deadline. H. Contestants may only enter once per event, except for Team Roping (See Team Roping Event below). I. Western tack and attire is required for all contestants and events. Western saddle and equipment is required Cowboy hat or helmet must be on contestant’s head when crossing the start line. Disqualified if not on when start line is crossed. Contestants, contestants helpers and committee helpers must wear Western attire; cowboy hat or safety helmet, long sleeved shirt with sleeves rolled down, shirt must be buttoned or snapped closed, cuffs must be buttoned and shirt tail tucked in, (must be wrist length sleeved shirt, with collar and cuffs), western boots and long pants. No ball caps allowed. J. A time limit will apply to all events; the time limit is listed in individual event description. At the end of the time limit the announcer will advise time and contestant must exit arena. Exceeding time limits—Failure to complete an event in the prescribed time limit (excluding penalties) set for that event will result in a disqualification from that event. Contestant must leave the arena immediately upon expiration of the time limit. Not being mounted—a contestant must be mounted at the completion of his/her time in an event unless as an integral part of the competition, the contestant must be on foot as in tiedown roping or runner in ribbon roping. Failure to be mounted will result in disqualification from that event. Falling off your horse in any event will result in a disqualification; you may not remount and continue. K. Final order of events will be posted prior to start of Hometown Rodeo at the arena office. L. An electric eye will be used for appropriate events. M. Contestants must keep their horse under control at all times. N. Decisions of the Judges will be final. O. Abuse of stock. In any event; if in the opinion of the judge and/or arena director, a contestant abuses any stock, including the contestant’s own horse, that contestant may be disqualified from that event. A second or subsequent violation may result in disqualification from the entire rodeo. P. Not being ready when called—Announcer shall call contestant three (3) times. If contestant is not present and prepared to compete, he/she shall be disqualified from the event. Q. Running into electric eye or flagger—contestant who hits the electric eye or flagger will be disqualified from that event. 12 R. Re-crossing start/finish line—in all timed events using a start/finish line, a contestant will be disqualified for re-crossing the start/finish line prior to finishing the prescribed pattern. S. Breaking patterns—a contestant will be disqualified for breaking the pattern. T. In any roping event, throwing rope before horse’s chest has crossed the barrier line is a disqualification. U. In all breakaway roping events, altering the original makeup of the string issued by the rodeo committee, i.e. thinning or stripping in any manner is an automatic disqualification. V. A re-run will be granted for any event at the sole discretion of the judge. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Many events are open to everyone. Some events have age and gender qualifications. B. Bob Thomas Scholarship Age Groups. Please see Bob Thomas Memorial Scholarship Policy for rules. 9-under 10 - 13 14 – 19 III. PREMIUMS A. All entry fees will be split: Top four (4) contestants – 1st-40%, 2nd-30%, 3rd-20%, 4th-10% a. If only three (3) contestants – 1st-50%, 2nd-30%, 3rd-20% b. If only two (2) contestants – 1st-60%, 2nd-40% c. If only one (1) contestants – 1st-100% B. In case of tie, the jackpot money will be split evenly between the winners. C. All Around Award will be determined by total dollars won in two or more events. D. Winners will be paid as follows: All jackpot winnings will be paid by check and mailed. Checks for the current year must be cashed within 90 days of the date on check. Any check not cashed will be void. No replacement checks shall be issued after 90 days. Un-cashed checks will be forfeited after 90 days of the date on check. Forfeited funds will be returned to the general funds of the Douglas County. IV. EVENTS TIE DOWN ROPING A. Age and Gender: Contestant must be 14 years of age or older. This event is not gender specific. B. Time Limit: 1 minute, closed gate. C. General Requirements: Contestant must rope calf, dismount, flank calf by hand and cross and tie any three legs. To qualify as legal tie, there shall be at least one wrap around all three legs and a half-hitch. If calf is down when contestant reaches it, the calf must be let up to his feet and be thrown by hand. If contestants hand is on the calf when calf falls, calf is considered thrown by hand. Rope must hold calf until contestant gets hand on calf. Three legs must remain crossed and tied for six seconds, as timed by the judge, from the time the rope horse takes his first step forward after the contestant has remounted, until approved by the judge. Contestant must not touch calf after signaling that contestant is finished and until after the judge has completed an examination. Rope must remain slack until field judge approves the tie. Unless instructed to do so by the judge, contestant will be disqualified for removing rope from calf after signaling for time, until the tie has 13 been passed on by the field judge. In the event a contestant’s catch rope is off a calf after completion of tie, the six-second time period is to start when contestant clears calf. Flag judge must watch calf during the six second period and will stop watch when a calf kicks free, using the time shown on the watch to determine whether calf was tied long enough to qualify. If tie becomes illegal by calf kicking, or calf gets to his feet before tie has been approved by the judge, the contestant will be marked “no time.” D. Two Loops Permitted. Two loops will be permitted, catch-as-catch- can, and should the contestant miss with both, contestant must retire and will be marked “no time.” Roping the calf without releasing the loop from the hand is not permitted. If contestant intends to use two loops, contestant must carry two ropes and must use second rope for second loop. E. No Dragging of Calf. A neck rope must be used on the horse, and contestant must adjust rope and reins in a manner that will prevent horse from dragging calf. Contestant must receive no assistance of any kind. If the horse drags the calf at least five feet, field judge may stop horse and the contestant will be disqualified. F. No Jerk Down. Intentional Jerk Down’s will result in the disqualification of the contestant. LADIES’ BREAKAWAY ROPING A. Age and Gender: Contestant must be female, 14 years of age or older. B. Time Limit: 1 minute, closed gate. C. Objective: The contestant must rope a calf from the back of a horse, and have the rope, which is tied to the saddle horn with a piece of string, break away from the saddle. D. Equipment: The contestant must use a standard catch rope with a white flag, a minimum of 24 inches in length and 2 inches in width tied to end of rope (no tail) and end of rope must be tied to saddle horn with a piece of string (#24 polycotton twine OR #18 nylon—150# test) furnished by the Rodeo Committee. E. The contestant will start from behind a barrier in the right hand box and will nod to the gate operator to indicate when he is ready for the calf to be released. The calf will be given a predetermined head start and beating or breaking the barrier will result in a 10-second penalty, and penalty will be documented by barrier judge. F. The contestant must then chase after the calf. In order to be a legal catch, the loop must pass cleanly over the calf’s head. Once the loop has passed over the calf’s head, loop may draw up on any part of calf’s body behind the head. G. Time is to begin when the calf releases the barrier rope and ends when the field judge flags the rope breaking away from the saddle horn. Calf must break rope away from saddle horn— contestant would receive a no time should they break rope away from saddle horn themselves. H. Once the contestant has given up on their first loop and have started to compete on their second loop, if the first loop becomes a legal catch and breaks away, it WILL NOT be flagged as a time. The contestant will be flagged on their second loop. I. Automatic Disqualification will occur if: The contestant breaks the string by hand rather than letting the calf pull the rope and break it away from the saddle horn. The contestant fails to release the loop from hand before catching calf. BOYS BREAKAWAY ROPING A. Age and Gender: Participant must be male, 10-13 years of age. B. Time limit: 1 minute, closed gate. 14 C. Objective: The contestant must rope a calf from the back of a horse, and have the rope, which is tied to the saddle horn with a piece of string, break away from the saddle. D. Equipment: The contestant must use a standard catch rope with a white flag, a minimum of 24 inches in length and 2 inches in width tied to end of rope (no tail) and end of rope must be tied to saddle horn with a piece of string (#24 polycotton twine OR #18 nylon—150# test) furnished by the Rodeo Committee. E. The contestant will start from behind a barrier in the right hand box and will nod to the gate man to indicate when she is ready for the calf to be released. The calf will be given a pre-determined head start and beating or breaking the barrier will result in a 10-second penalty, and penalty will be documented by barrier judge. F. The contestant must then chase after the calf. In order to be a legal catch, the loop must pass cleanly over the calf’s head. Once the loop has passed over the calf’s head, loop may draw up on any part of calf’s body behind the head. G. Time is to begin when the calf releases the barrier rope and ends when the field judge flags the rope breaking away from the saddle horn. Calf must break rope away from saddle horn— contestant would receive a no time should they break rope away from saddle horn themselves. H. Once the contestant has given up on their first loop and have started to compete on their second loop, if the first loop becomes a legal catch and breaks away, it WILL NOT be flagged as a time. The contestant will be flagged on their second loop. I. Automatic disqualification will occur if: The contestant breaks the string by hand rather than letting the calf pull the rope and break it away from the saddle horn. The contestant fails to release the loop from hand before catching calf. TEAM ROPING A. Age and Gender: This event is not age or gender specific. B. Time limit: 1 minute, open gate. C. Each contestant will be allowed to carry only one rope. Only two loops per team shall be allowed (one loop at each end with an open gate). Roping steers without turning loose the loop will be considered no catch. Contestant must rope, dally and change direction of steer. Any heeler 50 years of age or older may tie hard and fast. D. All headers shall start from behind a barrier. A 10-second penalty will be added for breaking or beating a barrier. E. Field judge shall drop flag when steer is roped by its head and heels, and both horses are facing steer in line with ropes dallied and tight. Horses’ front feet must be on ground and contestants must be mounted for flag to drop. Steer must be standing up when roped by head and heels. F. Throwing Heel Loop. The direction of the steer’s body must be changed before the heel loop can be thrown. However, if the steer stops, it must only be moving forward for the heel loop to be legal. Any heel loop thrown before the completion of the initial turn will be considered a crossfire and no time will be recorded. G. Steer Roped by One Horn. If steer is roped by one horn, contestant is not allowed to use hands to remove loop or put loop over other horn or head. H. Heeler Roping Front Foot. If the heeler ropes a front foot or feet in the heel loop, this is a foul catch. Neither contestant may remove the front foot or feet from the loop by hand. However, should the front foot or feet come out of the heel loop by the time the field judge drops the flag, time will be official. I. Legal Head Catches. There will be only three legal head catches: 15 Around both horns. Half a head. Around the neck. J. Illegal Head Catches. The following shall be illegal head catches: If hondo passes over one horn and the loop over the other; If loop crosses itself in a head catch. If loop is in the steer’s mouth. K. Heel Catches. Behind Both Shoulders. Any heel catch behind both shoulders is legal if rope goes up heels. One Hind Foot. One hind foot receives a five-second penalty. L. Inspection of Catches. Any questions as to catches in this contest will be decided by the judges. If a field judge tells the header to hold the steer so the field judge may inspect the head catch, and the header does not do so, the team may receive a “no-time”. DARREL BELL MEMORIAL OPEN TEAM ROPING A. Contestant may enter twice. If contestant enters twice they must compete with different contestants or switch ends. FAMILY TEAM ROPING A. Contestant may enter up to three (3) times with different family members. B. Family members for the Family Team Roping are described as: mother, father, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, grandchild, spouse, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or cousin. GOAT TAIL UNTYING A. Age and Gender: This event is not gender specific. Contestants must be 9 years of age and under. B. Time limit: 1 minute. C. Objective: For the contestant to ride horseback across the start line, run to where a goat is tethered, remove a ribbon from the goat. D. Event Rules: Goats must be uniform in size and type for each age class. Equipment—3-foot long soft rope for tethering goats with a metal snap affixed to each end. Stake with tether ring. Acceptable is a stake with an eye rolled into it and with a length of rope with a loop tied in one end and attached to the stake at the eye. All adjusted so that no part of the stake protrudes above the ground and just enough of the loop of the length of rope sticks above the ground so the tether rope may be snapped on to it. Contestant must ride horse across the start line, to where the goat is tethered, dismount, catch the goat, remove the ribbon from the goat’s tail, and run back across the finish line, which will be located 10 feet from tether stake back in the direction of the start line. Contestant must finish cross line with ribbon in hand. The goat will be tethered at a point 100 feet from the start line and held at the point furthest away from the starting line and facing the starting line and far enough away from fences or walls that there is room to reasonably compete. The goat will be held by a goat handler facing the starting point until the start line flagger flags the start of the time. The goat handler will then release the goat and step back out of the way. Time runs from the time the start line flagger drops the flag starting the time until the judge drops the flag as the contestant crosses finish line. 16 E. Automatic disqualifications will occur if: The horse makes contact with the goat. The contestant handles the goat with un-necessary roughness. The contestant crossed the finish line without the ribbon in hand. GOAT TYING A. Age and Gender: This event is not gender specific. Contestants must indicate age on entry form as classes will be divided into the following age categories: 10-13, 14-19 and 20 and over. B. Time Limit: 1 minute. C. Objective: For the contestant to ride horseback across the start line, run to where a goat is tethered, dismount, catch, throw and tie any three legs. D. Goats will be uniform in size and type for each age class. E. Equipment: 10-foot long soft rope for tethering goats with a metal snap affixed to each end. Stake with tether ring. Acceptable is a stake with an eye rolled into it and with a length of rope with a loop tied in one end and attached to the stake at the eye. All adjusted so that no part of the stake protrudes above the ground and just enough of the loop of the length of rope sticks above the ground so the tether rope may be snapped on to it. Goat thong or pigging string to be used by the contestant to tie the goat’s legs together. No metal rings or wire allowed on or in thong. Thong may be leather, nylon, grass, rope or a combination of materials. F. Contestant must ride horse across the start line, to where the goat is tethered, dismount, catch the goat, tie the goat and signal that his/her tie is complete by raising his/her hands in the air. The goat must be tied by stringing one (1) leg first then crossing and tying any three (3) legs. There must be at least one (1) wrap around all three (3) legs and finished with a half hitch or “hooey”. The contestant then must step back away from the goat at least three (3) feet. G. The goat will be tethered at a point 100 feet from the start line and held at the point furthest away from the starting line and facing the starting line and far enough away from fences or walls that there is room to reasonably compete. H. The goat will be held by a goat handler facing the starting point until the start line flagger flags the start of the time. The goat handler will then release the goat and step back out of the way. I. If the goat is down or on its knees when the contestant reaches it, the goat must be let up or lifted up high enough to be given the opportunity to regain its feet. Then the contestant may throw and tie the goat. J. Time runs from the time the start time flagger drops the flag starting the run until the judge drops the flag as the contestant signals tie complete. K. Penalties: A 5-second penalty will be asses if the horse interferes with the tether. L. Automatic disqualifications will occur if: The horse makes contact with the goat. The contestant handles the goat with un-necessary roughness. The tie does not hold or the legs do not remain crossed for 6-seconds. The contestant touches goat or tie with hands after signaling completion of tie. BARREL RACING A. Age and Gender: This event is not gender specific. Participants must indicate age on entry form as classes will be divided into the following age categories: 9 and under, 10-13, 14-19 and 20 and over. B. Time limit: 1 minute. C. Objective: The contestant shall race horse through a cloverleaf barrel pattern. 17 D. Equipment: 55 gallon barrels will be used. Barrels must be closed on each end, no open end(s) on barrels will be allowed. E. Pattern shall be a cloverleaf pattern with barrels positioned in a triangular fashion in the arena. F. Measurements: A full pattern will be the following measurements and should be used when arena conditions allow: 75 feet from arena fence to the start/finish line. 60 feet from the start/finish line to a line drawn between the first and second barrel and 90 feet between the first and second barrel and 105 feet from each the first and second barrel to the third barrel. No barrel may be closer than 20 feet from any fence or wall. G. When arena conditions do not allow a full pattern to be used, the pattern may be shortened as necessary provided that it remains the same throughout the rodeo. It is mandatory that the 20 foot from any fence or wall safety zone be maintained even with a reduced pattern size. H. Diagram of barrel pattern. The contestant will enter the arena, race across the start/finish line and proceed to either the left or right barrel. If the right barrel is used as the first barrel, the contestant will make a right hand turn around that first barrel and then proceed to the second barrel. The contestant will make a left hand turn around the second barrel and then race to the third barrel. The contestant will make a left hand turn around the third barrel and then race back across the start/finish line. The opposite will occur if the contestant chooses to go to the left barrel first. Knocking over a barrel will result in a 5-second penalty being assessed. If a barrel is knocked down, and then stands back up, it is still considered knocked down and the 5-second penalty will be assessed. The contestant may reach down and touch a barrel in order to keep from falling over if the contestant chooses to and is able to do so. If a barrel falls after the contestant crosses the finish line, it will be considered a qualified run and no penalty will be assessed. The Rodeo Committee will determine prior to each age class when re-rakes will be done. POLE BENDING A. Age and Gender: This event is not gender specific. Participants must indicate age on entry form as classes will be divided into the following age categories: 9 and under, 10-13 and 14-19 Age Groups. B. Time limit: 1 minute. C. Objective: The contestant must run their horse through the pole bending pattern. D. Equipment: Shall consist of six (6) bases, each capable of holding upright a 6 foot tall pole that will fall if hit by an Exhibitor. E. Set up: The course shall consist of six (6) poles set in a straight line, the first pole being set 21 feet from the start/finish line. Each pole after that shall be set 21 feet apart. No pole may be closer than 20 feet from any fence or wall. It is mandatory that the pattern be staked so that the poles will be set in the same spot for the duration of the rodeo. 18 F. The Rodeo Committee will determine prior to each age class when re-rakes will be done. G. The contestant must cross the start/finish line and may start on either side of the pattern it is the contestant’s choice. The contestant must race down alongside the poles and upon reaching the sixth or end pole they must turn around that pole. The contestant then must weave back and forth through the poles toward the first pole. Upon reaching the first pole, contestant must turn around this pole and continue the weave back and forth towards the sixth pole, round this pole, then race alongside the poles back to and cross the start/finish line. H. Penalties: The contestant will be assessed a 5-second penalty for each pole the contestant knocks down. The contestant may touch the pole by hand to keep it from falling if they choose to and is able to do so and no penalty will assess for touching the poles. I. If a pole is knocked down, and then stands back up, it is still considered knocked down and the 5second penalty will be assessed. J. Diagram of pattern: BOYS STEER DAUBING A. Age and Gender: Contestants must be male, ages 10 to 19. Contestants must indicate age on entry form as classes will be divided into the following age categories: 10-13 and 14-19. B. Time limit: 1-minute, with an open gate. C. Cattle and a roping box with barrier are required for this event. D. The contestant backs into the heading box with a 4-foot daubing stick dipped in paint. The contestant signals readiness for the steer and rides after the steer upon its release. The contestant must leave paint on the steer, behind the point of the shoulder, then raise the stick to call for time. Score line will be determined by the Rodeo Committee. E. Automatic disqualifications will occur if: The contestant daubs the steer in front of the point of the shoulder (ex: head or neck). F. A 10-second penalty will be assessed for breaking the barrier. DALLY RIBBON ROPING A. Age and Gender: This team event is not age or gender specific. B. Time limit: 2 minutes, closed gate. C. Objective: Team will consist of 1 “roper” and 1 “runner”. The roper is required to rope to the calf, dally around the saddle horn and hold the calf while the runner removes a ribbon from the calf’s tail and carries that ribbon across the barrier line of the box the roper left. D. Rules: The roping box and barrier are to be used as in the other roping events. The ribbon for the calf’s tail is to be a uniformly colored unbreakable ribbon, 1 inch wide and 12 inches long. Tied to the calf’s tail with a rubber band that is strong enough to hold the ribbon in place but weak enough to break easily when grabbed by a contestant. The roper is to start from the right hand box as you face the arena. 19 A 10-second penalty will be assessed for breaking the barrier. The runner may wait anywhere in the arena. Roper must rope the calf, dally around the saddle horn and hold the calf for the runner until runner has removed ribbon from calf’s tail. Catch as catch can is a legal catch. Runner must remove the ribbon from the calf’s tail and carry the ribbon back to the box the roper left from. Time will run from the time the calf releases the barrier rope until the barrier judge flags the runner crossing the barrier line. The roper may carry only one (1) rope but may rebuild one (1) loop if no catch is made with the first loop. Only two (2) loops total allowed. If the ribbon comes off the calf’s tail after the roper has made a catch, the roper must dally off and hold the calf; however, the runner must go to where the ribbon came off, pick it up and then carry it back across the barrier line. Roper must hold dally until the runner has picked up the ribbon. E. Automatic disqualifications will occur if: Roper fails to complete and hold a dally. Roper drops or loses rope. Runner touches rope or calf before rope is dallied. Roper drags calf to runner. When roper makes a catch; roper must dally off and wait for the runner. Runner crossing barrier line without ribbon. STEER STOPPING A. Age and Gender: This event is not age or gender specific. B. Time limit: 1 minute, open gate. C. A timed event started with an electric eye or barrier. Contestant must use head box. A 10 second penalty will be added for a broken barrier. The steer must be roped with a legal head catch a. Both horns b. Full head c. Half head with one horn d. All other catches will be disqualified with a no time After roping the steer, contestant must dally to saddle horn and stop the steer. The steer and horse must be facing - both stopped with front feet on the ground to be flagged. Only one loop allowed. COWHIDE RACE A. Age and Gender: This team event is not age or gender specific. B. Time limit: 5 minutes. C. The contestants’ saddle and all tack will be placed on the raw hide at start/finish line. The horse and contestants will be placed in the roping boxes. When the line judge says go, the contestants will lead their horse to their tack and saddle. The contestants saddle their horse and with 1 contestant on the cowhide, rider pulls the hide and contestant to the other end of the arena around a cone and back to the start/finish line where their time will stop. The only tack on the horse at the start is a halter with lead rope. Teams are made up of 2 contestants’ one horse rider and one rawhide rider. 20 Contestants must both be on the horse and rawhide when they go around the cone at the other end of the arena or they will be disqualified. Time will start when the line judge says go and the time will stop when the team crosses back across the start/finish line. Automatic disqualification will occur if in the judge’s opinion unsafe situations or conditions are present and the contestants will be stopped immediately. Thank you 2015 Hometown Rodeo Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Donor Barrel Racing (9 & Under) Barrel Racing (10-13) Barrel Racing (14-19) Barrel Racing (20 & Over) Boys Breakaway Boys Steer Daubing (10-13) Boys Steer Daubing (14-19) Cowhide Race Cowhide Race Dally Ribbon Roping Dally Ribbon Roping Darrel Bell Memorial Open Team Roping Darrel Bell Memorial Open Team Roping Darrel Bell Memorial Open Team Roping Family Team Roping Family Team Roping Goat Tail Untying Goat Tying (10-13) Goat Tying (14-19) Goat Tying (20 & Over) Ladies' Breakaway Roping Pole Bending (10-13) Pole Bending (14-19) Pole Bending (9 & Under) Steer Stopping Tie Down Roping Mike DeMarco Mike DeMarco Curtis & Laura Rethwisch Bonnie Bell Myrna Adams Curtis & Laura Rethwisch Curtis & Laura Rethwisch *2* Ranch Allstate Insurance Carson Insurance Services Riata West John Adams Bob Massey Caps Inc. Bonnie Bell Family Littleton Equine Medical Center Littleton Equine Medical Center Founders Family Medicine Nathan & Jenny Carlson Andrea Richardson – Stucy Realty Allstate Insurance – Chad Jewett Don Martin – Stucy Realty Nathan & Jenny Carlson Curtis & Laura Rethwisch Curtis & Laura Rethwisch Nathan & Jenny Carlson Rowan & Marilyn Tyson 21 ROYALTY PROGRAM Mail or Deliver Entries to: Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Program 500 Fairgrounds Drive Castle Rock, CO 80104 JUDGING IS OPEN TO PUBLIC I. INTRODUCTION A. The following terms, conditions, and requirements apply to the Royalty program and contest. These requirements and regulations do not supersede or negate the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. All contestants must be familiar with all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. Additional and specific Competition Rules are set forth below and in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Queen and Princess Royalty Agreement. Both general and specific Competition Rules shall apply to competition and program unless specifically noted otherwise. B. Every contestant entering into any competition at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo shall comply with the Competition Rules as set forth below and shall comply with any additional or specific requirements or regulations as set forth for each, individual competition. Submission of an entry to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo expressly binds the contestant to all terms and conditions contained in any and all parts of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. C. If there are any questions this competition or the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Program please contact either the Superintendent or Assistant Superintendent. II. COMPETITION PROVISIONS A. Contestants selected for the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Program must make appearances and represent the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo and the Douglas County Fair Board as requested until the end of next year’s fair. Selected contestants who fail to appear or participate in required appearances or events may be subject to discipline as set forth in Section 1, VIII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. B. Any horse may be inspected at any time for general health by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Any horse showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Contestants are warned that any act of discourtesy or disobedience to the Officials on the part of the owner, groom, driver or rider, of any horse on exhibition will disqualify the contestant and the contestant will be subject to discipline as set forth in Section 1, VIII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. D. No contestant or parent(s) of the contestant shall try to influence the judges, or in any way hinder the progress of judging the contest. Any person who is discourteous to the Directors, Judges, or officials or who attempts to influence of hinder the judging of this contest may be subject to discipline as set forth in Section 1, VIII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. THE JUDGES DECISIONS ARE FINAL. E. No stallions will are allowed in this competition or program. F. Only contestants are permitted to ride or school the horse on the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Anyone not listed as the Contestant on the entry form must receive prior written permission from Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management to ride a horse other than their own on the 22 G. H. I. J. Douglas County Fairgrounds. Permission must be granted immediately prior to the riding or schooling. In the HORSEMANSHIP event of the contest, contestants will be required to control their horse one handed, REGARDLESS of the bit used (i.e. snaffle bit, hackamore, or western curb, etc.) or age of horse. If a contestant chooses to ride two handed, it will be the judge’s discretion to deduct points. At the discretion of Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management, any horse that cannot be adequately controlled by the contestant will be excused from the show ring and/or the Fairgrounds. Safety and courtesy to all riders will be stressed. A horse is considered as being sufficiently out of control at any time the contestant is unable to manage the animal after a reasonable corrective action or time. If a selected Contestant/Royalty Member should fail to abide by the following requirements at any time either prior to or during her reign, she may be required to relinquish her position at the discretion of the Douglas County Fair Board and may be subject to discipline as set forth in Section 1, VIII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. Contestants cannot be married and must remain unmarried during their reign. If the selected Queen and/or Princess should choose to marry during their reign, they must relinquish their position. They may not cohabitate with any significant other during their reign. They must not be, nor ever have been pregnant. Contestants will be judged on: Queen Princess Horsemanship: 60% 50% Personality: 40% 50% III. ELIGIBILITY A. Contestants must reside in Douglas County, Colorado. B. Only females are eligible for this competition. C. Age Requirements Queen Contestants must be between the ages of 16 and 22 on the day of the contest. Princess Contestants must be between the ages of 9 and 15 on the day of the contest. IV. ENTRIES A. Required entry forms can be picked up at the Fairgrounds Office. B. All entries must be made on regulation forms, properly filled out, and accompanied by all required agreements and documentation including: Proof of ownership or a lease signed by the owner of the horse to be used for the contest and program. A color photo of the horse to be used for the contest and program. A signed Waiver of Liability. A signed Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Program Participation Agreement. a. If Contestant/Royalty Member is under 21 years of age, Parent or Legal Guardian must also sign. C. Entries must be received by the Superintendent or Fairgrounds office before the Entry Deadline. LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. D. Contestants under the age of 21 must have a parent or guardian’s written consent. 23 E. The contestant’s or the minor contestant’s parent/guardian’s signing the competition entry form(s) certifies that he or she has read and has been advised of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules, Queen and Princess Competition Rules, and special Department or Division Competition Rules. F. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management assumes no responsibility for errors on the entry forms. G. EFFECT OF ENTRY: Every contestant expressly understands and agrees that a contestant’s completed entry form is her acceptance of all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules whether set forth in a general or a specific Rule. The contestant further agrees and understands that she will abide by the Royalty Program and Competition Rules throughout the duration of her time at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Additionally, the contestant agrees and understands that failure to comply with the Royalty Program or Competition Rules may subject her to penalties, including the loss of prize or award money and the return of any other non-monetary awards she may receive. V. DISPUTES: A. The Douglas County Fair Board reserves the final and absolute right to interpret all the Competition Rules and to settle questions of interpretation. VI. DETERMINATION OF VIOLATIONS: A. The Department Superintendent shall make an initial determination as to whether a violation occurred per Section 1, VII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. VII. PROTESTS: A. Whenever any person believes that a contestant has engaged in any activity that violates the competition requirements or regulations of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo or engaged in any unethical activity during the course of a competition, such person has the opportunity to provide his or her allegations of wrong-doing to the Douglas County Fair Board for review as set forth in Section 1, X of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. 24 ROYALTY PROGRAM PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT A. Queen, Queen Attendant, Princess and/or Princess Attendant (“Royalty Member”) is a resident of Douglas County, Colorado. B. Royalty Members must be single females, never have been married, and remain unmarried during their reign. They may not cohabitate with any significant other during their reign. They must not be, nor ever have been pregnant. If a selected Royalty Member should fail to abide by these conditions at any time either prior to or during her reign, she may be required to relinquish her position at the discretion of the Douglas County Fair Board. C. Appearances outside the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo include but are not limited to: Queen and Queen Attendant: a. Must be available to appear at required appearances when called upon. b. Queen and Queen Attendant may appear and participate in other fairs, rodeos, or other community events during their reign but not as representatives of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo without the express consent of the Douglas County Fair Board. c. Though costs will be reimbursed, the Queen and the Queen Attendant must provide their own transportation, for themselves and their horses, when making required appearances. d. The Queen and Queen Attendant must assist in fundraisers, meetings, practices and various community service events throughout their year. Princess and Princess Attendant: a. Must be available to appear at required appearances when called upon. b. Princess and Princess Attendant may appear and participate in other fairs and rodeos as well as additional community service events during their reign but not as representatives of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo without the express consent of the Douglas County Fair Board. c. Though costs will be reimbursed, the Princess and Princess Attendant must provide their own transportation, for themselves and their horses, when making required appearances. d. The princess and her attendant will participate in fundraiser events, meetings, practices held accordingly, and various community service events throughout their year. Required appearances include but are not limited to: a. Queen and Queen Attendant: Community service events, parades, horse shows, livestock shows, livestock sale, all rodeo performances, and any other events at the next year’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo and/or as Douglas County Fair Board Directors deem appropriate throughout their year. b. Princess and Princess Attendant: Douglas County Fair and Rodeo events held during the next year’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo, including but not limited to the parade, livestock sale, all rodeo performances and other community service events throughout their year. D. Failure to appear or participate in any of the required appearances or events will result in the Royalty Member relinquishing her position. All awards, prizes and education funds that have been received through their position shall be immediately returned to the committee. In the event a position is relinquished, the committee may select a successor who will be entitled to receive such awards, prizes and education funds, as determined by the committee. E. As a representative of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo, Royalty Members shall dress appropriately, in western attire with crown (if applicable) and banner at all required appearances and events. The Royalty Member and her horse shall be neat and well groomed. Inappropriate attire and/or grooming will be immediately corrected if required by the committee. Fighting, loud, 25 F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. disruptive, and other inappropriate behavior, while representing the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo, will not be tolerated and may result in relinquishment of title, at the discretion of the County Fair Board. Royalty Members are responsible for the care and maintenance of the chaps (as applicable), leather horse drapes, nylon horse drapes and vehicle magnets. In the event of loss or damage to any of the above, the Royalty Member will be responsible for reimbursement and/or replacement, as appropriate and determined by the committee. Royalty Members will receive mileage reimbursement for necessary travel of official appearances at the current IRS rate from the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. This reimbursement will be in lieu of actual expenses and will not exceed $125 per person annually or current IRS rate. Royalty Members shall NOT swear, smoke, drink alcohol or use tobacco products, with or without royalty attire, while representing the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Failure to comply with this rule may result in relinquishment of title, at the discretion of the Douglas County Fair Board. Anger, aggression and/or abuse displayed to your horse will not be tolerated. Failure to comply with this regulation may result in relinquishment of title, at the discretion of the Douglas County Fair Board. Royalty Members shall NOT solicit donations or gifts such as clothing, belt buckles, trophies, etc., unless expressly authorized by the Douglas County Fair Board. Royalty Members will not be allowed to hold more than one royalty title during this reign. The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Program are NOT affiliated with the Colorado State University Extension Office or the Colorado State 4-H program, nor does the Royalty Program follow 4-H rules or guidelines. Failure to comply with any portion of the rules or agreement may result in loss of title and all awards. By signing below I agree to the following: (a) I have received, read, understand, and agree to all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Competition Rules and the Royalty Participation Agreement; (b) I have asked and received answers to any questions I may have related to the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Competition Rules, the Royalty Participation Agreement, and the waiver of liability/assumption of risk agreement; (c) I agree to adhere to all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Competition Rules and the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Royalty Agreement; (d) If I fail to adhere to the any of the above, I may relinquish any title and benefits received; (e) I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREED TO THE RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AGREEMENT; Contestant/Royalty Member Name: Signature: Parent/Legal Guardian Name: Date: Signature: Date: If Contestant/Royalty Member is under 21 years of age, Parent or Legal Guardian must also sign. 26 SECTION 2 4-H JUNIOR DIVISION ADDITIONAL RULES I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS A. The following additional rules apply to all Junior Division Departments and to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These Rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2A and 2B. II. GENERAL COMPETITION RULES A. EXHIBITOR CLASSIFICATION: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. Unless otherwise noted. CLOVERBUD – 5-7 years old. a. 4-H Cloverbuds CANNOT exhibit animals. 4-H Cloverbuds may participate in the Primary Fair and display one exhibit in Kirk Hall. JUNIOR – 8-10 years old. INTERMEDIATE – 11-13 years old. SENIOR – 14-18 years old. When only two age classifications are used, the breakdown will be: Junior is 8-13 years old and Senior is 14-18 years old. B. Junior Division competition eligibility ELIGIBILITY: Junior Division Competition is open to any Douglas County 4-H Member in Good Standing for the current year that is not over 18 years old as of December 31st of the previous year. Record books are part of the 4-H project. Junior Division Exhibitors must complete ALL the rules of the project, as defined by the 4-H program, to be a Member in Good Standing. At the discretion of the 4-H Program Leader, Junior Division Exhibitors who are NOT Members in Good Standing will not be eligible to compete in any Junior Division class at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo or participate in the Junior Livestock Sale. Junior Division Exhibitors must be bona fide members of, and enrolled in, a Douglas County 4-H Club and must be active in the project they are exhibiting, meet the age requirements, and have met all the individual 4-H program requirements. For 4-H exhibitors, the Douglas County Extension Agent or the Douglas County Vocational Agriculture Instructor shall verify the entry forms to ensure the following: a. The Junior Division Exhibitor’s entry is a bona fide project of Douglas County’s 4-H program; b. The Junior Division Exhibitor is a Member in Good Standing of Douglas County’s 4-H program; and 1) Member in Good Standing status can be revoked at any time during Fair if the Junior Division Exhibitor does not fulfill any program rules necessary during Fair; c. If the entry is for a Junior Division General Project Department, the Junior Division Exhibitor has fulfilled all project requirements; d. If the entry is for a Junior Livestock Division Department, the animal entered is owned and has been in the continuous possession of the named Junior Division Exhibitor. By completing the online entry form, the Junior Division Exhibitor’s or the minor Junior Division Exhibitor’s parent/guardian’s certifies that he or she has read, agrees and has been advised of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules, Sections 1, 2, 2A, 2B and any special rules as applicable to the Junior Division Exhibitors project. 27 In addition, the Junior Division Exhibitor agrees to Competition Rules regarding sabotage, tampering, prohibited substance and unethical fitting. DRESS CODE: All Junior Division General Project Exhibitors are required to wear appropriate attire when competing. Shorts, tank tops, low-cut shirts, shear blouses, flip flops, t-shirts, shirts with inappropriate messages or logos, ball caps, hats, or bare midriffs are not acceptable attire and shall not be worn during any competitive event. Recommended dress is as follows: longor short-sleeved, button-down shirt or blouse, clean jeans or slacks with belt, or clean skirts. Hard-soled, closed-toe shoes or boots are recommended to protect the feet. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management may refuse anyone improperly dressed entry into the competition area until said Junior Division Exhibitor is properly dressed. Rabbit and Chickens: jeans or slacks and long-sleeved shirts are preferred for safety. Dairy Goats: white shirts and pants are recommended. Horse: Refer to the Horse Department Competition Rules for information. III. ON GROUNDS PARKING AND ACCESS A. Parking on the grounds is by PERMIT ONLY. Permits are approved by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Permits must be clearly displayed on the dash of the vehicle at all times. Duplication of a Permit is prohibited. Permitted vehicles must park in designated areas. B. Junior Division Exhibitor parking Saturday through Wednesday is in parking lot 1. C. Junior Division Exhibitor parking Thursday through Sunday will be limited to a designated area of parking lot 1. This area is clearly marked as Junior Division parking. Each family of a Junior Division Exhibitor will receive one parking pass. Parking in this lot a first-come first-served basis. There are no reservations for this lot. When this lot is full, additional vehicles must be parked in general parking. D. Vehicles are not permitted to block other vehicles from being able to leave. E. Vehicles are not allowed to block or restrict access to the roadway leading to the Junior Division Exhibitor gates. This is a designated Fire Lane for emergency vehicles access during the fair. F. Temporary grounds access is granted for temporary loading/unloading of items on the grounds. Vehicles given this access must not park on the roadway. These permits are a 15 minute pass and issued under the following conditions: Unloading of food items in the camping area during designated times. a. Temporary grounds access permits for campers will only be issued Wednesday through Sunday before 10am. 1) Unloading of bulk food or water to livestock during designated times. 2) Unloading/loading of stage equipment or show event items. G. Vehicles on grounds without a valid permit or not having the permit displayed on the dash are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense. No attempts will be made to contact the owner prior to it being towed. IV. CAMPING A. On-ground camping is limited to reserved camping spots only. No camping or overnight stays are allowed in any parking lot or barn areas of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. B. Camping Registration Form is required to be allowed to camp at the fairgrounds. C. Campers must be in place by 8pm Monday and remain in place for the duration of the Fair. During the animal check-in hours, access to the campers will be restricted. This will allow the livestock trailers to access their check-in areas without excessive congestion. 28 D. Removal of campers the final Sunday of Fair – must be done prior to 10am or after the rodeo performance once access is allowed into that area of the fairgrounds and all campers must be removed by noon the day after Fair. E. No vehicles are allowed to park with the campers. Temporary permits will be issued to unload supplies as identified in the “On-Grounds Parking and Access” Section of these rules. F. All campers and trailers must be self-contained. No electric or water hook-up is available. V. TRAILER PARKING A. Livestock trailers may be parked and unhooked in the designated trailer parking area. B. Temporary livestock trailer parking outside of the Junior Division parking lot is allowed during animal check-in day only. These trailers must be removed at the end of check-in day. VI. JUNIOR DIVISION EXHIBITOR ID A. All Junior Division Exhibitors must have the current Junior Division Exhibitor ID on them at all times and present it to Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management or security personnel on request. This is for 4-H. Failure to present the Junior Division Exhibitor ID on request may result in the Junior Division Exhibitor being escorted off the Fairgrounds. Only current Junior Division Exhibitor IDs will be accepted. Lost Junior Division Exhibitor IDs must be reported immediately to Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Junior Division Exhibitor ID days will be announced. To reduce wait times, scheduled appointments are encouraged. VII. JUNIOR DIVISION EXHIBITOR GROUNDS ADMISSION A. Discount prices will be available for Douglas County 4-H and Douglas County. A wristband can also be purchased with entry forms. This wristband will admit bearer onto the grounds. VIII. COOPERATION A. All Junior Division Exhibitors and their family, friends and associates are asked to cooperate with all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management including office clerks, ground admission, security, and parking personnel while on the Douglas County Fairgrounds. IX. INTERFERENCE A. No person may act as a judge in any Department in which he or she has or may have any interest with a Junior Division Exhibitor, agent or employee of a Junior Division Exhibitor, and if such case arise, the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management may remove such judge or substitute another judge temporarily. 29 SECTION 2A JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECT RULES ALL EXHIBITS WILL BE IN KIRK HALL I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS A. The following Rules are specific to the Junior Division General Projects Competition at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These Rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules and 4-H Junior Division Additional Rules in Sections 1 and 2. Additional rules for individual departments and classes supplement these rules. B. Exhibits of unusual size or shape may not be on public display or may be displayed in an area that is different from other Junior Division General Project exhibit displays. All exhibits will be displayed unless there is a safety, health or space issue. C. The American Ribbon System will be used to rank Junior Division General Project exhibits. This system uses standards and the fulfillment of exhibit rules to rank the exhibits. It also uses the idea of competition among exhibitors to establish ranking. II. JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS COMPETITION RULES A. ELIGIBILITY: Only 4-H Members in good standing are eligible to participate in Junior Division General Projects. B. JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECT ENTRIES: Every entry must be the Junior Division Exhibitor’s own original work with all sources cited. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will subject the Junior Division Exhibitor to immediate disqualification, loss of Member in Good Standing status and subject the Junior Division Exhibitor to discipline as set forth in the Section 1, VIII Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. C. JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECT ENTRY LIMITATIONS: A Junior Division Exhibitor may enter for competition as many general project entries as he or she wishes within the entry limitations of each individual Junior Division General Project department. D. ENTRY AND ENTRY PAYMENT: A completed Douglas County Fair and Rodeo entry form must be used and shall include the following. Incomplete entries from the Junior Division Exhibitor will be contacted for completion: One completed online or entry form for each department; Any special additional documents required for the entered department. Payment of all fees. E. ERRONEOUS ENTRY: Participants are responsible for their own errors in preparation of entries. Entry forms must be completely filled out in accordance with instructions and signed by appropriate parties. By submitting application for entry, participant acknowledges he or she has read the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules Sections 1, 2, 2A and the Department Rules as applicable to the entered project. F. EXHIBIT CHECK-IN: All exhibits must be checked in at Exhibit Day. Junior Division General Project exhibits are classified as either Project Only or Project and Interview. a. Project and Interview exhibits are judged on the merit of the exhibit and the Exhibitor will interview with the judge at exhibit day to demonstrate knowledge and skills learned through the project. 30 b. Project Only exhibits are only judged only on the merit of the exhibit. These projects must be entered by 9am on Exhibit Day. Interviews are not judged, but offer the 4-H Member a chance to respond to judges questions and to develop life skills. c. Project Only Members may submit an optional one page cover sheet with their exhibit explaining any details about their project. G. RECORD BOOKS: A 4-H Record Book must accompany the Exhibit Display Board. a. Record Books must have a label similar to the below Display Board Label placed on the upper-right hand corner of the front cover. b. Unless specified otherwise in the Junior Division General Project Department, Division or Class Rules, the 4-H Record Book pages must be secured in a prong style binder or the 4-H Record Book Cover. 3-Ring Binders, Notebooks or Slide type binders may not be used and may subject the exhibit to disqualification. H. EXHIBIT DISPLAY BOARDS: Display Boards must measure 48 inches wide x 36 inches tall. Display Boards must have a label on the back side, upper right-hand corner with the following information: a. Douglas County b. Exhibitor Name c. Project Area d. Class Information Display Board guidelines are provided on the next page. 31 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECT EXHIBIT DISPLAY BOARD GUIDELINES Display boards are great ways to share information, but when viewers walk by, they spend only 60-90 seconds looking at each display board. Make yours stand out by highlighting the main points of your project in a fun, interesting way. Follow these guidelines to create a display board for the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. SHAPE TEXT Design your exhibit so information fits on the display. Remember, you have 1 large surface, and 2 smaller side wings. Make sure that all the text on your display is easy to read. Use a large font for the title, and smaller fonts for the headings and body text. Text must be readable from 3-5 feet away. Use large bold letters. Dark letters on a light background work best. SPACE Your display should only discuss one main topic. This will help it look neat and uncrowded. SIZE ATTACHMENTS Display boards for the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must measure 4’ wide x 3’ tall. They should be made of lightweight cardboard, but not poster board. Pre-cut boards are available at most craft and shopping centers. No part of your display may extend beyond these boundaries. When attaching pictures or objects to your board make sure they are secure. Use glue for pictures and paper, and consider wires, zip ties or staples to attach bulkier items. Do not attach items that are so heavy that your board can’t stand or fold. DISPLAY BOARDS Your e-record book must accompany your display board. You may use prong style binders or the 4-H Record Book Cover to keep the pages securely inside. You MAY NOT use slider-type binders. Unless specifically stated in the Junior Division General Project Department, Division or Class, 3-Ring Binders or Notebooks will not be permitted and may subject the entry to disqualification. Please place a label with the following information in the upper right-hand corner of the e-record book front cover, and on the upper right-hand corner of the display board or poster: Douglas County, Your Name, Project Area, and Class Information. 32 I. EXHIBIT REQUIREMENTS: Exhibits must meet all the rules of the Department, Division, Class and Unit to be eligible for a Blue Work Award. Exhibits that do not merit a Blue Work Award are not eligible to compete for Champion Awards and may not be eligible for competition at the Colorado State Fair. Exhibits will earn Work Awards based on the merit of the exhibit. Exhibit Judges may disqualify an exhibit based on the quality of work. Premiums and Special Awards will be based on the Judges’ decisions on Exhibit Day. J. RELEASE OF EXHIBITS: The release time for all general project exhibits is 5:00 p.m. on the final Sunday of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Any Junior Division Exhibitor who leaves early will automatically forfeit all awards and premiums earned at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo and are subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1, VIII Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. Any exhibit released for a special Douglas County Fair and Rodeo activity must be returned for display immediately after the special activity. K. The Junior Division General and Home Ec Department Rules will utilize the current year’s Colorado State Fair 4-H Exhibit Requirements that can be found at http://www.colorado4h.org/project_resources/StateFairExhibitReq.pdf L. The following additional requirements will be enforced for these classes. III. PREMIUMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 4th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$2, 2nd-$1.50, 3rd-$1.25, 4th-$1 33 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS ANIMAL SCIENCE DEPARTMENT 1 I. DIVISIONS VETERINARY SCIENCE DIVISION 101 Class 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 Description Unit 1 – From Airedales to Zebras – Junior Unit 1 – From Airedales to Zebras – Intermediate Unit 1 – From Airedales to Zebras – Senior Unit 2 – All Systems Go – Junior Unit 2 – All Systems Go – Intermediate Unit 2 – All Systems Go – Senior Unit 3 – On the Cutting Edge – Junior Unit 3 – On the Cutting Edge – Intermediate Unit 3 – On the Cutting Edge - Senior HORSELESS HORSE DIVISION 102 Class 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 Description Unit 1 – Junior Unit 1 – Intermediate Unit 1 – Senior Unit 2 – Junior Unit 2 – Intermediate Unit 2 – Senior Unit 3 – Junior Unit 3 – Intermediate Unit 3 – Senior Unit 4 – Junior Unit 4 – Intermediate Unit 4 – Senior CATS –DIVISION Class 022 023 024 025 026 027 028 029 030 Description Unit 1 –Purr-Fect Pals – Junior Unit 1 – Purr-Fect Pals – Intermediate Unit 1 – Purr-Fect Pals – Senior Unit 2 – Climbing Up – Junior Unit 2 – Climbing Up - Intermediate Unit 2 – Climbing Up – Senior Unit 3 – Leaping Forward – Junior Unit 3 – Leaping Forward – Intermediate Unit 3 – Leaping Forward – Senior 34 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT 2 I. DIVISIONS GARDENING DIVISION 201 Class 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 Description Unit 1 – See Them Sprout – Junior Unit 1 – See Them Sprout – Intermediate Unit 1 – See Them Sprout – Senior Unit 2 – Let’s Get Growing – Junior Unit 2 – Let’s Get Growing – Intermediate Unit 2 – Let’s Get Growing – Senior Unit 3 – Take Your Pick – Junior Unit 3 – Take Your Pick – Intermediate Unit 3 – Take Your Pick – Senior Unit 4 – Growing Profits – Senior Advanced 35 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS MECHANICAL SCIENCES DEPARTMENT 3 I. DIVISIONS BICYCLE DIVISION 301 Class 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 Description Unit 1 – Bicycling For Fun– Junior Unit 1 – Bicycling For Fun – Intermediate Unit 1 – Bicycling For Fun – Senior Unit 2 – Wheels in Motion – Junior Unit 2 – Wheels in Motion – Intermediate Unit 2 – Wheels in Motion – Senior Unit 3 – Bicycle – Self Determined – Intermediate Unit 3 – Bicycle – Self Determined – Senior COMPUTERS DIVISION 302 Class 208 209 210 Description Unit 1 – Newbie Know-How – Junior Unit 1 – Newbie Know-How – Intermediate Unit 1 – Newbie Know-How – Senior 211 212 213 Unit 2 – Inside the Box– Junior Unit 2 – Inside the Box – Intermediate Unit 2 – Inside the Box – Senior 214 215 Unit 3 – P2P – Peer to Peer – Intermediate Unit 3 – P2P – Peer to Peer – Senior A. One sturdy binder/notebook that contains the project manual or copy of page 5—Achievement Program Requirements with explored areas completed (page 5 of manual) and completed eRecord. B. A display board illustrating a topic from the Expand Your Memory in the manual. COMPUTERS DIVISION 302 Class Description 216 Unit 4 – Computers in the 21st Century - Intermediate 217 Unit 4 – Computers in the 21st Century – Senior 218 Unit 5 – Teens Teaching Tech – Senior ELECTRIC DIVISION 303 Class 219 220 221 Description Unit 1 – Magic of Electricity – Junior Unit 1 – Magic of Electricity – Intermediate Unit 1 – Magic of Electricity – Senior 36 222 223 Unit 2 – Investigating Electricity – Junior Unit 2 – Investigating Electricity – Intermediate 225 226 227 Unit 3 – Wired for Power – Junior Unit 3 – Wired for Power – Intermediate Unit 3 – Wired for Power – Senior 228 Unit 4 – Entering Electronics – Senior Advanced GEOSPATIAL DIVISION 306 Class 229 230 231 Description Unit 1 – Setting Out – Junior Unit 1 – Setting Out – Intermediate Unit 1 – Setting Out – Senior 232 233 234 Unit 2 – On the Trail – Junior Unit 2 – On the Trail – Intermediate Unit 2 – On the Trail – Senior 235 236 237 Unit 3 – Reaching Your Destination – Junior Unit 3 – Reaching Your Destination – Intermediate Unit 3 – Reaching Your Destination – Senior 238 239 240 Unit 4 – Group Project – Junior Unit 4 – Group Project – Intermediate Unit 4 – Group Project – Senior MODEL ROCKETRY DIVISION 304 MODEL ROCKETRY DIVISION (BALSA OR BASSWOOD FINS ONLY) Class Description 241 Unit 1 – Introduction to Rocketry – Junior 242 Unit 1 – Introduction to Rocketry – Intermediate 243 Unit 1 – Introduction to Rocketry – Senior 244 245 246 Unit 2 – Basic Model Rocketry – Junior Unit 2 – Basic Model Rocketry – Intermediate Unit 2 – Basic Model Rocketry – Senior MODEL ROCKETRY DIVISION (BALSA FINS ONLY) Class Description 247 Unit 3 – Intermediate Model Rocketry – Junior 248 Unit 3 – Intermediate Model Rocketry – Intermediate 249 Unit 3 – Intermediate Model Rocketry – Senior MODEL ROCKETRY DIVISION (FINISHED FINS OF ANY TYPE) Class Description 250 Unit 4 – Advanced Model Rocketry – Junior 251 Unit 4 – Advanced Model Rocketry – Intermediate 252 Unit 4 – Advanced Model Rocketry – Senior 37 MODEL ROCKETRY (FINISHED FINS OF ANY TYPE) Class Description 253 Unit 6 – Designer Model Rocketry – Junior 254 Unit 6 – Designer Model Rocketry – Intermediate 255 Unit 6 – Designer Model Rocketry – Senior POWER OF WIND DIVISION 307 Class 256 257 258 Description Unit 1 – Wind Powered Vehicle – Junior Unit 1 – Wind Powered Vehicle – Intermediate Unit 1 – Wind Powered Vehicle – Senior 259 260 261 Unit 2 – Wind Powered Machine – Junior Unit 2 – Wind Powered Machine – Intermediate Unit 2 – Wind Powered Machine – Senior 262 263 264 Unit 3 – Wind Sculpture – Junior Unit 3 – Wind Sculpture – Intermediate Unit 3 – Wind Sculpture – Senior 265 266 267 Unit 4 – Other Power of Wind – Junior Unit 4 – Other Power of Wind – Intermediate Unit 4 – Other Power of Wind – Senior 268 269 270 Group Power of Wind – Junior Group Power of Wind – Intermediate Group Power of Wind – Senior ROBOTICS DIVISION 308 Class 271 272 273 Description Unit 1 – Give Robotics A Hand – Junior Unit 1 – Give Robotics A Hand – Intermediate Unit 1 – Give Robotics A Hand – Senior 274 275 276 Unit 2 – Robotics on the Move – Junior Unit 2 – Robotics on the Move – Intermediate Unit 2 – Robotics on the Move – Senior 277 278 279 Unit 3 – Mechatronics – Junior Unit 3 – Mechatronics – Intermediate Unit 3 – Mechatronics – Senior 280 281 282 Unit 4 - Platforms – Level 1 – Junior Unit 4 - Platforms – Level 1 – Intermediate Unit 4 - Platforms – Level 1 – Senior 283 284 285 Unit 5 - Platforms – Level 2 - Junior Unit 5 - Platforms – Level 2 - Intermediate Unit 5 - Platforms – Level 2 - Senior 286 287 Unit 6 - Platforms – Level 3 – Junior Unit 6 - Platforms – Level 3 – Intermediate 38 288 Unit 6 - Platforms – Level 3 – Senior 289 290 291 Unit 7 – First LEGO League – Junior Unit 7 – First LEGO League – Intermediate Unit 7 – First LEGO League – Senior 292 293 294 Unit 8 – First Tech Challenge – Junior Unit 8 – First Tech Challenge – Intermediate Unit 8 – First Tech Challenge – Senior 295 296 297 Unit 9 – First Robotics Competition – Junior Unit 9 – First Robotics Competition – Intermediate Unit 9 – First Robotics Competition – Senior 298 299 300 Unit 10 – BEST – Junior Unit 10 – BEST – Intermediate Unit 10 – BEST – Senior SMALL ENGINES DIVISION 305 Class 301 302 303 Description Unit 1 – Crank It Up – Junior Unit 1 – Crank It Up – Intermediate Unit 1 – Crank It Up – Senior 304 305 306 Unit 2 – Warm It Up – Junior Unit 2 – Warm It Up – Intermediate Unit 2 – Warm It Up – Senior 307 308 309 Unit 3 – Tune It Up – Junior Unit 3 – Tune It Up – Intermediate Unit 3 – Tune It Up – Senior SMALL ENGINES DIVISION (CAN BE USED FOR ANY TYPE OF ENGINES (TRACTOR, CAR, ETC.) Class Description 310 Unit 4 – Advanced Small Engines – Junior 311 Unit 4 – Advanced Small Engines – Intermediate 312 Unit 4 – Advanced Small Engines – Senior 39 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS NATURAL RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 4 I. DIVISIONS ENTOMOLOGY DIVISION 401 Class Description 400 Unit 1 – Let’s Learn About Insects – Junior 401 Unit 1 – Let’s Learn About Insects – Intermediate 402 Unit 1 – Let’s Learn About Insects – Senior 403 404 405 Unit 2 – Learn More About Insects – Junior Unit 2 – Learn More About Insects – Intermediate Unit 2 – Learn More About Insects – Senior 406 407 408 Unit 3 – Insect Habits and Control – Junior Unit 3 – Insect Habits and Control – Intermediate Unit 3 – Insect Habits and Control – Senior 409 410 411 Unit 4 – Insect Identification and Community Projects – Junior Unit 4 – Insect Identification and Community Projects – Intermediate Unit 4 – Insect Identification and Community Projects – Senior 412 413 414 Unit 5 – Immature Insects and Life Stages – Junior Unit 5 – Immature Insects and Life Stages – Intermediate Unit 5 – Immature Insects and Life Stages – Senior 415 416 417 Unit 6 – Exploring with Insects – Junior Unit 6 – Exploring with Insects – Intermediate Unit 6 – Exploring with Insects – Senior 418 419 420 Unit 7 – Exploring with Insects Advanced – Junior Unit 7 – Exploring with Insects Advanced – Intermediate Unit 7 – Exploring with Insects Advanced – Senior OUTDOOR ADVENTURES DIVISION 403 Class 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 Description Unit 1 – Hiking Trails – Junior Unit 1 – Hiking Trails – Intermediate Unit 1 – Hiking Trails – Senior Unit 2 – Camping Adventures – Junior Unit 2 – Camping Adventures – Intermediate Unit 2 – Camping Adventures – Senior Unit 3 – Backpacking Expeditions – Junior Unit 3 – Backpacking Expeditions – Intermediate Unit 3 – Backpacking Expeditions – Senior 40 SHOOTING SPORTS DIVISION 404 FOR ALL UNITS: A. Members may enter in only one class of the 4-H Shooting Sports Division at Exhibit Day. Although they may be enrolled in multiple projects, they must select one project to exhibit at Fair Exhibit Day. Class 430 431 432 Description Archery – Junior Archery – Intermediate Archery – Senior 433 434 435 Air Rifle – Junior Air Rifle – Intermediate Air Rifle – Senior 436 437 438 Shotgun – Junior Shotgun – Intermediate Shotgun – Senior 439 440 441 .22 Rifle – Junior .22 Rifle– Intermediate .22 Rifle – Senior 442 443 444 .22 Pistol – Junior .22 Pistol – Intermediate .22 Pistol - Senior 445 446 447 Muzzleloading – Junior Muzzleloading – Intermediate Muzzleloading – Senior 448 449 450 Air Pistol – Junior Air Pistol – Intermediate Air Pistol – Senior 451 452 453 Western Heritage – Junior Western Heritage – Intermediate Western Heritage – Senior 454 455 456 Outdoor Skills – Junior Outdoor Skills – Intermediate Outdoor Skills – Senior SHOOTING SPORTS STAND-ALONE CLASSES Class Description 457 Archery Stand-Alone – Junior 458 Archery Stand-Alone – Intermediate 459 Archery Stand-Alone – Senior 460 461 462 Air Rifle Stand-Alone – Junior Air Rifle Stand-Alone – Intermediate Air Rifle Stand-Alone– Senior 463 Shotgun Stand-Alone – Junior 41 464 465 Shotgun Stand Alone – Intermediate Shotgun Stand-Alone – Senior 466 467 468 Air Pistol Stand Alone – Junior Air Pistol Stand Alone – Intermediate Air Pistol Stand Alone – Senior 469 470 471 .22 Rifle Stand-Alone – Junior .22 Rifle Stand-Alone – Intermediate .22 Rifle Stand Alone – Senior 472 473 474 .22 Pistol Stand Alone – Junior .22 Pistol Stand Alone – Intermediate .22 Pistol Stand Alone – Senior 475 476 477 Western Heritage Stand Alone – Junior Western Heritage Stand Alone – Intermediate Western Heritage Stand Alone - Senior 478 479 480 Outdoor Skills Stand Alone – Junior Outdoor Skills Stand Alone – Intermediate Outdoor Skills Stand Alone – Senior 481 482 483 Muzzleloading Stand-Alone – Junior Muzzleloading Stand-Alone – Intermediate Muzzleloading Stand Alone – Senior SPORTFISHING DIVISION 405 Class 484 485 486 Description Unit 1 – Take the Bait – Junior Unit 1 – Take the Bait – Intermediate Unit 1 – Take the Bait – Senior 487 488 489 Unit 2 – Reel in the Fun – Junior Unit 2 – Reel in the Fun – Intermediate Unit 2 – Reel in the Fun – Senior 490 491 492 Unit 3 – Cast into the Future – Junior Unit 3 – Cast into the Future – Intermediate Unit 3 – Cast into the Future – Senior 493 494 495 Unit 1 Take the Bait Sportfishing Stand Alone – Junior Unit 1 Take the Bait Sportfishing Stand Alone – Intermediate Unit 1 Take the Bait Sportfishing Stand Alone – Senior 496 497 498 Unit 2 Reel in the Fun Sportfishing Stand Alone – Junior Unit 2 Reel in the Fun Sportfishing Stand Alone – Intermediate Unit 2 Reel in the Fun Sportfishing Stand Alone – Senior 499 500 501 Unit 3 Cast into the Future Sportfishing – Stand Alone – Junior Unit 3 Cast into the Future Sportfishing – Stand Alone – Intermediate Unit 3 Cast into the Future Sportfishing – Stand Alone - Senior 42 A. Members may have entries in both the display board classes and the stand-alone classes, however they must have two record books. A photocopy of the record book will work for each project WILDLIFE DIVISION 407 Class 502 503 504 Description Unit 1 – The Worth of Wild Root – Junior Unit 1 – The Worth of Wild Root – Intermediate Unit 1 – The Worth of Wild Root – Senior 505 506 507 Unit 2 – Living Wild in an Ecosystem – Junior Unit 2 – Living Wild in an Ecosystem – Intermediate Unit 2 – Living Wild in an Ecosystem – Senior 508 509 510 Unit 3 – Managing in a World – Junior Unit 3 – Managing in a World – Intermediate Unit 3 – Managing in a World – Senior 511 512 513 For all Units – Stand Alone Item – Junior For all Units – Stand Alone Item – Intermediate For all Units – Stand Alone Item – Senior A. Members may have entries in both the display board classes and the stand-alone classes, however they must have two record books. A photocopy of the record book will work for each project. 43 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS COMMUNICATION, ARTS AND LEISURE SCIENCES DEPARTMENT 5 I. DIVISIONS CERAMICS DIVISION 501 CERAMICS DIVISION (INCLUDES GLAZES ON EARTHENWARE, STONEWARE AND PORCELAIN) Class Description 600 Unit 1 – Glazes – Junior 601 Unit 1 – Glazes – Intermediate 602 Unit 1 – Glazes – Senior 603 Unit 1 – Bisque Option – Junior 604 Unit 1 – Bisque Option – Intermediate 605 Unit 1 – Bisque Option – Senior CERAMICS DIVISION (INCLUDES UNDERGLAZES ON EARTHENWARE, STONEWARE AND PORCELAIN) Class Description 606 Unit 2 – Underglazes – Junior 607 Unit 2 – Underglazes – Intermediate 608 Unit 2 – Underglazes – Senior 609 Unit 2 – Bisque Option – Junior 610 Unit 2 – Bisque Option – Intermediate 611 Unit 2 – Bisque Option – Senior CERAMICS DIVISION (INCLUDES OVERGLAZES ON EARTHENWARE, STONEWARE AND PORCELAIN) Class Description 612 Unit 3 – Overglazes – Junior 613 Unit 3 – Overglazes – Intermediate 614 Unit 3 – Overglazes – Senior CERAMICS DIVISION (INCUDES UNFIRED FINISHES ON EARTHENWARE, STONEWARE AND PORCELAIN) Class Description 615 Unit 4 – Unfired Finishes – Junior 616 Unit 4 – Unfired Finishes – Intermediate 617 Unit 4 – Unfired Finishes – Senior 618 Unit 4 – Bisque Option – Junior 619 Unit 4 – Bisque Option – Intermediate 620 Unit 4 – Bisque Option – Senior CERAMICS DIVISION Class Description 621 Unit 5 – Porcelain Dolls – Junior 622 Unit 5 – Porcelain Dolls – Intermediate 623 Unit 5 – Porcelain Dolls – Senior 44 CERAMICS DIVISION Class Description 624 Unit 6 – Hand Constructed – Junior 625 Unit 6 – Hand Constructed – Intermediate 626 Unit 6 – Hand Constructed – Senior GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP DIVISION 502 No Display Boards Class Description 627 Unit 1 – Study of Another Country – Junior 628 Unit 1 – Study of Another Country – Intermediate 629 Unit 1 – Study of Another Country – Senior 630 631 632 Unit 2 – Host a Delegate from Another Country – Junior Unit 2 – Host a Delegate from Another Country – Intermediate Unit 2 – Host a Delegate from Another Country – Senior 633 634 Unit 3 – Junior Counselor – Intermediate Unit 3 – Junior Counselor – Senior GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP DIVISION Class Description 635 Unit 4 – Exchange Delegate to Another Country – Intermediate 636 Unit 4 – Exchange Delegate to Another Country – Senior LEADERSHIP DIVISION 503 Class 637 Description Unit 1 – Individual Skills for Young Members – Junior 638 639 Unit 2 – Individual Skills for Older Members – Intermediate Unit 2 – Individual Skills for Older Members – Senior 640 641 Unit 3 – Skills Working Within Groups – Intermediate Unit 3 – Skills Working Within Groups – Senior 642 643 Unit 4 – Skills Leading Groups – Intermediate Unit 4 – Skills Leading Groups – Senior LEATHERCRAFT DIVISION 504 Class 644 645 646 Description Unit 1 – Intro to Leathercraft & Stamping – Junior Unit 1 – Intro to Leathercraft & Stamping – Intermediate Unit 1 – Intro to Leathercraft & Stamping – Senior 647 648 649 Unit 2 – Beginning Leather Carving – Junior Unit 2 – Beginning Leather Carving – Intermediate Unit 2 – Beginning Leather Carving – Senior 650 651 652 Unit 3 – Intermediate Leather Carving – Junior Unit 3 – Intermediate Leather Carving – Intermediate Unit 3 – Intermediate Leather Carving – Senior 45 653 654 655 Unit 4 – Advanced Leather Carving – Junior Unit 4 – Advanced Leather Carving – Intermediate Unit 4 – Advanced Leather Carving – Senior 656 657 658 Unit 5 – Coloring and Shading – Junior Unit 5 – Coloring and Shading – Intermediate Unit 5 – Coloring and Shading – Senior 659 660 661 Unit 6 – Pictorial Carving – Junior Unit 6 – Pictorial Carving – Intermediate Unit 6 – Pictorial Carving – Senior 662 663 664 Unit 7 – Making and Rebuilding Saddles – Junior Unit 7 – Making and Rebuilding Saddles – Intermediate Unit 7 – Making and Rebuilding Saddles – Senior 665 666 667 Unit 8 – Advanced Creative Stamping – Junior Unit 8 – Advanced Creative Stamping – Intermediate Unit 8 – Advanced Creative Stamping – Senior 668 669 670 Unit 9 – Braiding and Untooled – Junior Unit 9 – Braiding and Untooled – Intermediate Unit 9 – Braiding and Untooled – Senior 671 672 673 Unit 10 – Sewing Leather – Junior Unit 10 – Sewing Leather – Intermediate Unit 10 – Sewing Leather – Senior PHOTOGRAPHY DIVISION 505 Class 674 675 676 Description Unit 1 – Focus on Photography Level – Junior Unit 1 – Focus on Photography Level – Intermediate Unit 1 – Focus on Photography – Senior 677 678 679 Unit 2 – Controlling the Image – Junior Unit 2 – Controlling the Image – Intermediate Unit 2 – Controlling the Image – Senior 680 681 682 Unit 3 – Mastering Photography – Junior Unit 3 – Mastering Photography – Intermediate Unit 3 – Mastering Photography – Senior 683 684 685 Unit 4 – Lightning Photography – Junior Unit 4 – Lightning Photography – Intermediate Unit 4 – Lightning Photography – Senior 686 687 688 Unit 6 – Advanced Photography – Junior Unit 6 – Advanced Photography – Intermediate Unit 6 – Advanced Photography – Senior 4-H FILMAKING DIVISION 509 Class Description 689 Filmmaking – Junior 46 690 691 Filmmaking – Intermediate Filmmaking – Senior 692 693 694 Narrative – Junior Narrative – Intermediate Narrative – Senior 695 696 697 Documentary – Junior Documentary – Intermediate Documentary – Senior 698 699 700 Promotional – Junior Promotional – Intermediate Promotional – Senior 701 702 703 Voices of 4-H History – Junior Voices of 4-H History – Intermediate Voices of 4-H History - Senior SCRAPBOOKING DIVISION 508 Class 704 705 706 Description One Scrapbooking Page – Junior One Scrapbooking Page – Intermediate One Scrapbooking Page – Senior 707 708 709 Two Page Layout – Junior Two Page Layout – Intermediate Two Page Layout – Senior 710 711 712 Scrapbook Album – Junior Scrapbook Album – Intermediate Scrapbook Album – Senior 713 714 Scrapbook Card Making – Intermediate Scrapbook Card Making – Senior WOODWORKING DIVISION 506 Class 715 716 717 Description Unit 1 – Measuring Up - Junior Unit 1 – Measuring Up - Intermediate Unit 1 – Measuring Up – Senior 718 719 720 Unit 2 – Making the Cut – Junior Unit 2 – Making the Cut – Intermediate Unit 2 – Making the Cut – Senior 721 722 723 Unit 3 – Nailing it Together – Junior Unit 3 – Nailing it Together – Intermediate Unit 3 – Nailing it Together – Senior 724 725 726 Unit 4 – Finishing Up - Junior Unit 4 – Finishing Up - Intermediate Unit 4 – Finishing Up – Senior 47 VISUAL ARTS DIVISION 507 Class 727 728 729 Description Portfolio Pathways, Paintings & Printing – Junior Portfolio Pathways, Paintings & Printing – Intermediate Portfolio Pathways, Paintings & Printing – Senior 730 731 732 Portfolio Pathways, Graphic Design – Junior Portfolio Pathways, Graphic Design – Intermediate Portfolio Pathways Graphic Design – Senior 733 734 735 Sketch Crossroads – Junior Sketch Crossroads – Intermediate Sketch Crossroads – Senior II. CONTEST DIVISIONS COLORADO 4-H PHOTO CONTEST DIVISION 714 Class 389 390 391 Description Best Photo Contest – Junior Best Photo Contest – Intermediate Best Photo Contest – Senior A. The photos for this contest will come in with the other exhibits on Exhibit Day, but must be preentered B. The Best Photo Contest is open to any 4-H member. (Does not have to be enrolled in Photography) No e-Record is required. Submitted pictures must be taken in Colorado to be eligible for the contest. C. The picture must be a 5”x7” print. D. The photo must be mounted on a mat and suitable for hanging without additional frame. No other mounted materials (i.e. foam core, glass, wood, plastic, metal, etc.) can be used. E. The maximum size for the matted only picture is no larger than 8”x10” (no frame or glass). F. The photo must be labeled on the back with: Name County Date, time and location of photo Make and model of camera used ASA film speed (for film cameras) or ISO resolution setting (for digital cameras) G. The Grand and Reserve Grand Champion photos will be taken to State 4-H Office and a screen saver will be made. Once the screen saver is made the photos will be returned. H. Photos will be judged according to the following criteria: Composition/Presentation Focus/Sharpness Lighting Creativity ROBOTICS CHALLENGE DIVISION Class 3470 3471 Description Junior Team 8-13 Senior Team 14-18 48 A. Dates will be determined depending on the County 4-H member interest. Interested individuals must contact the 4-H Extension Office in writing by June 12th to validate their participation in this contest. If enough interest for a contest exists a local contest will be administered. B. Competition will be based on the type of platform used: LEGO NXT, Tetrix, Vex, FIRST Robotics Kit, etc. C. The 2016 challenge will use the LEGO NXT platform. County robotics winners with other platforms (Tetrix, Vex, FIRST, Robotics) are encouraged to participate in the Robotics Showcase. D. Each year the tournament board will change. E. Requirements: Completed team notebook: including all the modules completed by team for the level completed. Completed e-Record: each individual team member will need to complete an e-Record. Each county can bring one (I) junior team and one (1) senior team. F. Remember that if your team is made up of a mixture—juniors and seniors, they must compete at the senior level. III. COUNTY PROJECTS (NOT ALL COUNTY PROJECTS GO ON TO STATE FAIR) POCKET PETS DIVISION 700 Class 001 002 003 A. B. C. D. Description Junior Intermediate Senior Examples of pocket pets are gerbils, mice, rats, hamsters, snakes, etc. Create a display board showing something you learned in your project this year. Complete a 4-H Pet Animal e-Record book. Optional: Bring your caged 4-H Pocket Pet with you to your interview to share with the judge for demonstration only. SELF DETERMINED DIVISION 700 Class 013 014 015 Description Junior Intermediate Senior A. Please list project (i.e. swimming, jewelry, etc.). B. Project must be accompanied by a completed 4-H e-Record DISCOVERING 4-H DIVISION 700 Class 016 017 018 Description Junior Intermediate Senior A. One completed treasures of 4-H workbook. B. A display item demonstrating knowledge learned during this project. (Standardized display board, portfolio, any other item). Project must be accompanied by a completed 4-H E-Record. 49 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS FASHION REVUE DEPARTMENT 6 KIRK HALL I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2A. B. Champion and Reserve Champion awards will be given to the top models in both Junior and Senior Divisions. The Champion and Reserve Champion Senior as well as third place overall Senior will represent Douglas County at the State Fair Fashion Revue Competition. C. Classes may be combined if the number of entries in any individual class does not warrant a separate class. The superintendent may place entries into appropriate classes as necessary. D. Fashion Workshops times are approximate – Fashion Workshops will begin following completion of Judging. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Cloverbud members are only allowed for participation. B. Participants must be present for Judging and Public Show to be eligible for awards. Workshop participation is highly encouraged. C. Members enrolled in clothing construction, (exception: Sewing for Others) Decorate your Duds, Creative Sewing, Heritage Arts, Recycled Clothing, Leathercraft and Buymanship are eligible to participate. Age categories: Jr. 8-13 and Sr. 14-18. D. Participants model wearable garments they have made for themselves in the above 4-H projects. III. PREMIUMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 4th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$3, 2nd-$2.25, 3rd-$1.75, 4th-$1.50 IV. DIVISIONS JUNIOR DIVISION – 6 UNIT 1 – BEGINNING CLOTHING Class Description 1 STEAM Clothing – Unit 1 – 8-13 2 STEAM Clothing – Unit 1 – 14-18 3 STEAM Clothing – Unit 2 – 8-13 4 STEAM Clothing – Unit 2 – 14-18 5 STEAM Clothing – Unit 3 – 8-13 6 STEAM Clothing – Unit 3 – 14-18 7 Sewing For Others – Unit 7 – 8-13 8 Sewing For Others – Unit 7 – 14-189 10 Recycled Clothing – Unit 8 – 14-18 50 Recycled Clothing – Unit 8 – 8-13 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Decorate Your Duds – Junior (8-13) Decorate Your Duds – Senior (14-18) Creative Sewing – Artistic Clothing Unit 5 – Junior (8-13) Creatvie Sewing – Artistic Clothing Unit 5 – Senior (14-18) Create Your Own - Artistic Clothing – Unit 7 – Intermediate 11-13 Create Your Own - Artistic Clothing – Unit 7 – Senior (14-18) Buymanship - Intermediate Buymanship - Senior Heritage Arts – Crochet – 8-13 Heritage Arts – Crochet – 14-18 Heritage Arts – Knitting – 8-13 Heritage Arts – Knitting – 14-18 Heritage Arts – Quilting – 8-13 Heritage Arts – Quilting – 14-18 Heritage Arts – Miscellaneous – 8-13 Heritage Arts – Miscellaneous – 14-18 Leathercraft – 8-13 Leathercraft – 14-18 Cloverbuds (5-7 Individual) Cloverbuds (5-7 Team) Other (all other wearable garments – all other ages) 51 Thank you 2015 Fashion Revue Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award 3rd Place Sr Fashion Revue Accessories Award Attitude, Enthusiasm & Good Sportsmanship Champion Jr Fashion Revue Champion Sr Fashion Revue Fabric & Color Award Grooming Award Poise & Posture Award Reserve Champion Jr Fashion Revue Reserve Champion Sr Fashion Revue Donor Mary Baldwin Ponderosa Pines 4-H Club Bud Elkins Family Mary Baldwin Karen Huber Woodrick Family Phippen Family Nathan & Jenny Carlson Mary Baldwin Will Travel Repair 52 JUNIOR DIVISION GENERAL PROJECTS CONSUMER SCIENCES DEPARTMENT 6 I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2A. B. All “Project Only” exhibits (those not interviewing) must be turned in by 9:00 a.m. on Exhibit Day. C. Open to regularly enrolled Douglas County 4-H Consumer Science projects. D. E-Records are due on Exhibit Day along with exhibit. Hand written or typed pages are allowed. E. Wool garments may be checked out two (2) hours prior to Sheep Lead Contest and must be returned one (1) hour after conclusion of contest. F. Projects will be evaluated on the quality of the information completed in the e-Record (25 percent) and the quality of exhibit (75 percent) unless specifically identified in the individual Division Rules and/or unit rules. G. The Junior Division General and Home Ec Department Rules will utilize the current year’s Colorado State Fair 4-H Exhibit Requirements that can be found at http://www.colorado4h.org/project_resources/StateFairExhibitReq.pdf H. Other additional requirements will be enforced for these classes. II. PREMIUMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 4th place. Exhibits that do not meet all exhibit requirements will be awarded a white ribbon. PREMIUMS: 1st-$2, 2nd-$1.50, 3rd-$1.25, 4th-$1 FASHION REVUE PREMIUMS: 1st-$3, 2nd-$2.25, 3rd-$1.75, 4th-$1.50 SPECIAL AWARDS ALSO GIVEN. III. DIVISIONS CAKE DECORATING DIVISION 601 Class 800 801 802 Description Unit 1 – Edible Cake Decorating – Junior Unit 1 – Edible Cake Decorating – Intermediate Unit 1 – Edible Cake Decorating – Senior 803 804 805 Unit 2 – Single Layered Cake – Junior Unit 2 – Single Layered Cake – Intermediate Unit 2 – Single Layered Cake – Senior 806 807 808 Unit 3 – Two Layered Cake – Junior Unit 3 – Two Layered Cake – Intermediate Unit 3 – Two Layered Cake – Senior 809 810 811 Unit 4 – Character Cakes – Junior Unit 4 – Character Cakes – Intermediate Unit 4 – Character Cakes – Senior 812 Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Junior 53 813 814 Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Intermediate Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Senior 815 816 817 Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Junior Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Intermediate Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Senior 818 819 820 Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Junior Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Intermediate Unit 5 – Cake Decorating – Senior 821 822 823 Unit 6 – Cut-Up Cakes – Junior Unit 6 – Cut-Up Cakes – Intermediate Unit 6 – Cut-Up Cakes – Senior 824 825 Unit 7 – Flat Surface and Nail Flowers – Intermediate Unit 7 – Flat Surface and Nail Flowers – Senior 826 827 Unit 8 – Fondant – Intermediate Unit 8 – Fondant – Senior 828 829 Unit 9 – Lily Nail Flowers – Intermediate Unit 9 – Lily Nail Flowers – Senior 830 Unit 9 – Tiered Cakes – Seniors Only 831 Unit 11 – Molds – Seniors Only 832 Unit 11 – Create Your Own – Seniors Only CHILD DEVELOPMENT DIVISION 602 Class 833 Description Arts and Crafts – Intermediate 834 Play – Intermediate 835 Music and Rhythm – Intermediate 836 Stories and Poems - Intermediate 837 Snacks – Intermediate 838 Guidance and Discipline - Senior 839 Parties – Senior 840 Mealtime – Senior 841 Safety- Senior 842 Careers – Senior CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION DIVISION 603 BEGINNING CLOTHING – STEAM 1 Class Description 844 Pillowcase – Junior 845 Pillow - Junior 54 846 847 848 Simple Top – Junior Simple Top – Intermediate Simple Top – Senior 849 850 851 Simple Bottom (Pants, Pajama bottoms, shorts, skirts) – Junior Simple Bottom (Pants, Pajama bottoms, shorts, skirts) – Intermediate Simple Bottom (Pants, Pajama bottoms, shorts, skirts) – Senior 852 853 854 Simple Dress – Junior Simple Dress – Intermediate Simple Dress – Senior BEGINNING CLOTHING – STEAM 2 855 Top (vest acceptable) – Junior 856 Top (vest acceptable) – Intermediate 857 Top (vest acceptable) – Senior 858 859 860 Bottom (pants or shorts) – Junior Bottom (pants or shorts) – Intermediate Bottom (pants or shorts) – Senior 861 862 863 Skirt – Junior Skirt – Intermediate Skirt – Senior 864 865 866 Dress (not formal wear) – Junior Dress (not formal wear) – Intermediate Dress (not formal wear) – Senior 867 868 869 Romper or Jumpsuit – Junior Romper or Jumpsuit – Intermediate Romper or Jumpsuit – Senior 870 871 872 Two-Piece Outfit – Junior Two-Piece Outfit – Intermediate Two-Piece Outfit – Senior SEWING FOR OTHERS – UNIT 7 873 Sewing for Others Unit 7 – Junior 874 Sewing for Others Unit 7 – Intermediate 875 Sewing for Others Unit 7 – Senior RECYCLED CLOTHING – UNIT 8 876 Recycled Clothing Unit 8 – Junior 877 Recycled Clothing Unit 8 – Intermediate 878 Recycled Clothing Unit 8 – Senior ADVANCED CLOTHING CONSTRUCTION CLOTHING STEAM 3 879 Cotton or Cotton Blend – Intermediate 880 Cotton or Cotton Blend – Senior 881 Synthetics and Rayon – Intermediate 55 882 Synthetics and Rayon – Senior 883 884 Wool and Wool Blends – Intermediate Wool and Wool Blends – Senior 885 886 Silk and Silk Like – Intermediate Silk and Silk Like – Senior 887 888 Specialty Fabrics – Intermediate Specialty Fabrics - Senior ARTISTIC CLOTHING DIVISION 604 Class 889 890 891 Description Decorate Your Duds (Applied) – Junior Decorate Your Duds (Applied) – Intermediate Decorate Your Duds (Applied) – Senior 892 893 894 Decorate Your Duds (Stitched) –Junior Decorate Your Duds (Stitched) – Intermediate Decorate Your Duds (Stitched) – Senior 895 896 897 Decorate Your Duds (Combination) – Junior Decorate Your Duds (Combination) – Intermediate Decorate Your Duds (Combination) – Senior 898 899 900 901 902 903 Unit 5 - Costumes – Junior Unit 5 – Costumes – Intermediate Unit 5 – Costumes – Senior Unit 5 – All Other Exhibits – Junior Unit 5 – All Other Exhibits – Intermediate Unit 5 – All Other Exhibits – Senior 904 905 Unit 7 – Create Your Own Intermediate Exploration of Textiles and Clothing Unit 7 – Create Your Own Senior Exploration of Textiles and Clothing 906 907 Unit 8 – Buymanship – Intermediate Unit 8 – Buymanship – Senior FOODS & NUTRITION DIVISION COOKING 101 UNIT 1 Class Description 908 No Bake Bars/Cookies - Junior 909 No Bake Bars/Cookies - Intermediate 910 No Bake Bars/Cookies - Senior 911 912 913 Coffee Cake – Junior Coffee Cake – Intermediate Coffee Cake – Senior 914 915 916 Cookies – Junior Cookies – Intermediate Cookies – Senior 56 COOKING 201 UNIT 2 917 Quick Breads – Junior 918 Quick Breads – Intermediate 919 Quick Breads – Senior 920 921 922 Scones – Junior Scones – Intermediate Scones – Senior 923 924 925 Muffins – Junior Muffins – Intermediate Muffins – Senior COOKING 301 UNIT 3 926 Shortened Cakes – Junior 927 Shortened Cakes – Intermediate 928 Shortened Cakes – Senior 929 930 931 Yeast Rolls – Junior Yeast Rolls – Intermediate Yeast Rolls – Senior 932 933 934 Creative Yeast Breads – Junior Creative Yeast Breads – Intermediate Creative Yeast Breads – Senior 935 936 937 Party Planning – Junior Party Planning – Intermediate Party Planning – Senior COOKING 401 UNIT 4 938 Flatbread – Junior 939 Flatbread – Intermediate 940 Flatbread – Senior 941 942 943 Double Crust Pie – Junior Double Crust Pie – Intermediate Double Crust Pie – Senior 944 945 946 Celebration Meals – Junior Celebration Meals – Intermediate Celebration Meals - Senior OUTDOOR COOKING AND LIVING UNIT 25 Class Description 947 Unit 25 – Outdoor Cooking and Living – Junior 948 Unit 25 – Outdoor Cooking and Living – Intermediate 949 Unit 25 – Outdoor Cooking and Living – Senior CULTURAL FOODS – UNIT 30 Class Description 950 Unit 30 – Cultural Foods – Intermediate 951 Unit 30 – Cultural Foods – Senior 57 PASSPORT TO FOREIGN COOKERY – UNIT 35 Class Description 952 Unit 35 – Passport to Foreign Cookery – Intermediate 953 Unit 35 – Passport to Foreign Cookery - Senior FOOD PRESERVATION DIVISION 610 Class 954 965 956 Description Unit 40 & 41 – Freezing and Drying – Junior Unit 40 & 41 – Freezing and Drying – Intermediate Unit 40 & 41 – Freezing and Drying – Senior 957 958 959 Unit 42 – Boiling Water Canning – Junior Unit 42 – Boiling Water Canning – Intermediate Unit 42 – Boiling Water Canning - Senior 960 961 Unit 43 – Pressure Canning – Intermediate Unit 43 – Pressure Canning – Senior HERITAGE ART DIVISION 611 Class 962 963 964 Description Crochet – Junior Crochet – Intermediate Crochet – Senior MISCELLANEOUS ARTS FIBER (WEAVING, SPUN SKEINS, FELTED BAGS, BATIKED FABRIC, HOOKED PILLOWS, NAVAHO RUGS, MACRAME, ETE.) Class Description 965 Fiber Arts/Fabric Option – Junior 966 Fiber Arts/Fabric Option – Intermediate 967 Fiber Arts/Fabric Option – Senior NATIVE AMERICAN BEADING, SILVER SMITHING, UKRAINIAN EGGS, PAPER SCROLLING, WOOD CARVINGS ETC. Class Description 968 Non Fiber Arts – Junior 969 Non Fiber Arts – Intermediate 970 Non Fiber Arts – Senior KNITTING Class 971 972 973 Description Knitting – Junior Knitting – Intermediate Knitting – Senior NEEDLE ARTS Class 974 975 976 Description Needle Arts – Junior Needle Arts – Intermediate Needle Arts – Senior 58 QUILTING Class 977 978 979 Description Unit 1 – Quilting – Junior Unit 1 – Quilting – Intermediate Unit 1 – Quilting – Senior 980 981 982 Unit 2 – Quilting – Junior Unit 2 – Quilting – Intermediate Unit 2 – Quilting – Senior 983 984 985 Unit 3 – Quilting – Junior Unit 3 – Quilting – Intermediate Unit 3 – Quilting – Senior 986 987 988 Unit 4 – Quilting Original Design – Junior Unit 4 – Quilting Original Design – Intermediate Unit 4 – Quilting Original Design – Senior HOME ENVIRONMENT DIVISION Class Description 989 Unit 1 Home Environment – Junior 990 Unit 1 Home Environment – Intermediate 991 Unit 1 Home Environment – Senior 992 993 994 Unit 2 Home Environment – Junior Unit 2 Home Environment - Intermediate Unit 2 Home Environment – Senior 995 996 997 Unit 3 Home Environment – Junior Unit 3 Home Environment – Intermediate Unit 3 Home Environment – Senior 998 999 1000 Unit 4 Home Environment – Junior Unit 4 Home Environment – Intermediate Unit 4 Home Environment – Senior 1001 1002 1003 Unit 5 Home Environment – Junior Unit 5 Home Environment – Intermediate Unit 5 Home Environment – Senior 1004 1005 1006 Unit 6 Home Environment – Junior Unit 6 Home Environment – Intermediate Unit 6 Home Environment – Senior 1007 Unit 7 Design Your Own – Senior 59 Thank you 2015 4-H General Project Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award BOS - Animal Science BOS - Artistic Clothing BOS - Biological Sciences BOS - Cake Decorating BOS - Clothing Construction BOS - Communications, Arts & Leisure Sciences BOS - County Project BOS - Foods & Nutrition BOS - Heritage Arts BOS - Leathercraft BOS - Mechanical Sciences BOS - Natural Resources BOS - Other Consumer Sciences BOS – Photography BOS - Shooting Sports BOS - Woodworking Reserve BOS - Animal Sciences Reserve BOS - Artistic Clothing Reserve BOS - Biological Sciences Reserve BOS - Cake Decorating Reserve BOS - Clothing Constructions Reserve BOS – Comm., Arts & Leisure Sciences Reserve BOS - County Projects Reserve BOS - Foods & Nutrition Reserve BOS - Heritage Arts Reserve BOS - Leathercraft Reserve BOS - Mechanical Sciences Reserve BOS - Natural Resources Reserve BOS - Other Consumer Sciences Reserve BOS - Photography Reserve BOS - Shooting Sports Reserve BOS - Woodworking 60 Donor DC Cabritos 4-H Club Phil & Kimra Douglass Serafini Family Parker Extension Homemakers Club Delhougne Family Farms DC Cabritos 4-H Club Serafini Family Delhougne Family Farms Sedalia Saddle Club Serafini Family Delhougne Family Farms Serafini Family Springleaf Financial Service Serafini Family David & Kathy Kurz Pam Hutton & Family Serafini Family Phil & Kimra Douglass Serafini Family Serafini Family John & Marlene Accardo Sedalia Saddle Club Serafini Family Sedalia Saddle Club Worley Family Pam Hutton & Family Serafini Family DC Natural Resource Conservation Dist. Newel Linford Serafini Family McCabe Family Serafini Family DOUGLAS COUNTY SHOOT COMPETITION DEPARTMENT 28 I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. All entrants must read and be familiar with and comply with the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules, Junior Division Competition Rules, Junior Livestock Division Competition Rules, Department or Class Competition rule and the Colorado State Contest Rule Book most current version. Located online: http://www.co4hshooting.org/ss_contest B. All Douglas County Shooting Sports competition and matches will be conducted in compliance with the Colorado State Contest Rule Book. The most current version of the State Contest Rule Book will govern the Douglas County match. C. Douglas County will only calculate the individual contest and there will be no team contest at the County contest. D. All devices and equipment are forbidden that may facilitate shooting which are not mentioned in these rules and are contrary to the spirit of these rules and regulations. All Junior Division Exhibitors will submit equipment for official inspection and approval prior to the contest. Superintendents have final say on equipment and all safety matters. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitor to have all equipment approved prior to the competition. E. Safe firearm handling is expected at all times. Members carrying firearms should remember MAT Muzzles pointed in a safe direction Actions open and empty Fingers off the Trigger F. Unsafe firearms Management which could result in possible injury is reason for disqualification and dismissal from the firing range. Dismissal rests entirely upon the Superintendent and Range Safety Official. Junior Division Exhibitors who are disqualified for safety reasons will be subject to discipline per Section 1, VII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. G. Range Management: Each individual range will be under the direct supervision of the discipline superintendent. The same firearm/bow must be used throughout the match except in the case of equipment malfunction. The line officer must be notified immediately of any equipment malfunction. H. Target Inspection & Challenge: All paper targets, with the exception of archery, will be posted for inspection for a time period of 15 minutes following the scoring of the relay. Challenges must be made by the Junior Division Exhibitor or another Exhibitor. No challenges will be allowed after targets have been posted for the allotted posting time period. If the contestant is shooting another relay during the target posting time, they can report to the scoring area and ask to check their targets. Any exception to this rule must be approved by the scoring superintendent. Parents, coaches, leaders or other adults are not allowed to handle targets after they have been scored or allowed to make a challenge. I. Coaching: No coaching will be allowed during the record relay. The Junior Division Exhibitor will be disqualified if coaching occurs. J. Local Range Rules: The Douglas County Shooting Sports Competition takes place at several public or private shooting ranges or other venues. We are guests at these venues, and therefore must also follow the rules of such venues. 61 K. Junior Division Exhibitor Coach Responsibility: In all circumstances, Exhibitors, coaches and parents are responsible for their actions. Cooperation, self-control, self-discipline and high standards of sportsmanship are expected at all times. L. Policing the range: It is the responsibility of all Junior Division Exhibitors to police the range, keeping the firing points clean after each match or stage. M. Ammunition: Only factory non-jacketed ammunition may be used in these events. N. Results: Accumulative score will determine individual placement for each class entered. II. ELIGIBILITY: A. Junior Division Exhibitors entered in the Douglas County Shoot must be a Member in Good Standing of the Douglas County 4-H program. All program requirements must be met and certified by the Douglas County 4-H Agent. B. Age Divisions: Age is determined as of December 31 of the previous year. Junior (ages 8-13) Senior (ages 14-18) C. Junior Division Exhibitors must be enrolled in the shooting discipline in which they want to compete in at the Douglas County Shooting Sports Competition. D. Exhibitors must complete three practices per discipline with certified 4-H instructor to be eligible to compete at the County shoot. 4-H Leaders will verify any non-completes with the 4-H office by July 16. The Competition meeting is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors. E. Junior Division Exhibitors must complete their Exhibitor Project and record book, receiving a minimum of red or blue work award to remain eligible to compete at the State Shooting Competition. F. Exhibitors must have a valid Hunter Education / Hunter Safety card issued in their name by the current year deadline set at the Extension Office. III. PREMUIMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 4th place. PREMIUMS: 1ST -$3.00, 2ND $2.25, 3RD $1.75, 4TH $1.50 B. Refer to the current Awards Book for any special awards. C. The following calculations will be awarded for each discipline’s overall Champion Awards: Champion .22 Pistol – highest score all .22 Pistol Classes Champion .22 Rifle Hunt – highest score for all hunt Classes Champion .22 Rifle Sporter – highest score for all 4P Classes Champion .22 Rifle Scope – highest score for all scope Classes Champion Muzzleloader (Highest % of possible scores all Classes) Champion Trap – one award for highest score all Trap Classes Champion Skeet – one award for highest score all Skeet Classes Champion Sporting Clays – one award for highest score all Sporting Clays Classes Champion Recurve Archery – highest percentage of possible score of all Archery Recurve Classes Champion Compound Archery – highest percentage of possible score of all Archery Compound Classes Champion Air Pistol – highest score all Air Pistol Classes Champion Air Rifle Utility – highest score for all Utility Classes Champion Air Rifle 3p or 4p – highest percentage of available points in each class 62 D. Exhibitors placing 1st – 6th in each discipline will be eligible to compete in the State 4-H Shooting Contest according to the State Contest Rules. IV. DOUGLAS COUNTY SHOOT A. Douglas County Shoot will take place at three separate venues. Venues to be listed on the Exhibitor Master Schedule. Air Rifle and Air Pistol matches will be conducted on the 3rd Friday in July. Archer, .22 Rifle, .22 Pistol and Muzzle Loading matches will be conducted on the 3 rd Saturday in July. Shotgun matches (Sporting Clays, Skeet and Trap) will be conducted on the 3 rd Sunday in July. Contest dates may be adjusted annually due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. V. DIVISIONS AND CLASSES AIR PISTOL 10 METER CLASS Division 2803 2803 Class Class Description 220 Air Pistol 10 Meter – Junior 221 Air Pistol 10-Meter – Senior AIR RIFLE 25-FOOT UTILITY CLASS Division 2802 2802 Class Class Description 200 Air Rifle 25-Foot Utility – Junior 201 Air Rifle 25-Foot Utility – Senior AIR RIFLE 10-METER 4-POSITION SPORTER CLASS Division 2802 2802 Class Class Description 208 Air Rifle 10-Meter 4-Position Sporter – Junior 209 Air Rifle 10-Meter 4-Position Sporter – Senior AIR RIFLE 10-METER PRECISION 3-POSITION CLASS Division 2802 2802 Class Class Description 216 Air Rifle 10-Meter Precision 3-Position – Junior 217 Air Rifle 10-Meter Precision 3-Position – Senior AIR RIFLE 10-METER OLYMPIC OFF-HAND CLASS Division 2802 2802 Class Class Description 212 Air Rifle 10-Meter Olympic Off-Hand – Junior 213 Air Rifle 10-Meter Olympic Off Hand – Senior .22-CALIBER 50-FOOT HUNT CLASS Division 2801 2801 Class Class Description 100 .22 Rifle 50-ft Hunt – Junior 101 .22 Rifle 50-ft Hunt – Senior .22-CALIBER 50-FOOT HUNT SCOPE CLASS Division 2801 Class Class Description 112 .22 Rifle 50-ft Hunt Scope – Junior 63 2801 113 .22 Rifle 50-ft Hunt Scope – Senior .22-CALIBER 50-FOOT 4-POSITION SPORTER CLASS Division 2801 2801 Class Class Description 104 .22 Rifle 50-ft 4-Position Sporter – Junior 105 .22 Rifle 50-ft 4-Position Sporter – Senior .22 CALIBER 50-FOOT INTERNATIONAL 3-POSITION CLASS Division 2801 2801 Class Class Description 108 .22 Rifle 50-ft 3-Position International – Junior 109 .22 Rifle 50-ft 3-Position International – Senior .22 PISTOL CLASS (SEMI-AUTO AND REVOLVER) Division 2800 2800 Class Class Description 120 Air Rifle 10-Meter 4-Position Sporter – Junior 121 Air Rifle 10-Meter 4-Position Sporter – Senior COMPOUND BOW UNLIMITED CLASS Division 2805 2805 Class Class Description 400 Compound Bow - Unlimited – Junior 401 Compound Bow - Unlimited – Senior COMPOUND BOW LIMITED CLASS Division 2805 2805 Class Class Description 404 Compound Bow - Limited – Junior 405 Compound Bow - Limited – Senior COMPOUND BOW TRADITIONAL CLASS Division 2805 2805 Class Class Description 408 Compound Bow - Traditional – Junior 409 Compound Bow - Traditional – Senior RECURVE BOW LIMITED CLASS Division 2805 2805 Class Class Description 412 Recurve Bow - Limited – Junior 413 Recurve Bow - Limited – Senior RECURVE BOW TRADITIONAL CLASS Division 2805 2805 Class Class Description 416 Recurve Bow - Traditional – Junior 417 Recurve Bow - Traditional – Senior MUZZLELOADING – TRADITIONAL CLASS Division 2806 2806 Class Class Description 500 Muzzleloading - Traditional – Junior 501 Muzzleloading - Traditional – Senior 64 MUZZLELOADING – OPEN CLASS Division 2806 2806 Class Class Description 506 Muzzleloading - Open – Junior 507 Muzzleloading - Open – Senior SHOTGUN – SPORTING CLAYS CLASS Division 2804 2804 Class Class Description 308 Shotgun - Sporting Clays – Junior 309 Shotgun - Sporting Clays – Senior SHOTGUN – AMERICAN SKEET CLASS Division 2804 2804 Class Class Description 304 Shotgun – American Skeet – Junior 305 Shotgun – American Skeet – Senior SHOTGUN – TRAP CLASS Division 2804 2804 Class Class Description 300 Shotgun - Trap – Junior 301 Shotgun - Trap – Senior Thank you 2015 4-H County Shoot Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Champion .22 Pistol Champion .22 Rifle (4 Position) Champion .22 Rifle (Hunt) Champion .22 Rifle (scope) Champion Air Pistol Champion Air Rifle (Target) Champion Air Rifle (Utility) Champion Archer (Compound Bow) Champion Archer (Recurve Bow) Champion Muzzle Loading Champion Shotgun (Skeet) Champion Shotgun (Sporting Clays) Champion Shotgun (Trap) Good Sportsman Award Donor Boettcher Family Robert & Malinda Pederson Shootin Shop South David & Kathy Kurz Diann & Harold Eason Pollock/Holst Ranch Scott Candelaria Family Bear Creek Archery Bear Creek Archery Auto Alley Al & Shawn Meyers Al & Shawn Meyers Pollock/Holst Ranch Serafini Family 65 JUNIOR DIVISION RECORD BOOKS 4-H RECORD BOOKS DIVISION 800 E-RECORD BOOK E-Records available online at www.douglascountyextension.org All participants must be a 4-H Member and complete a 4-H Record Book (NO FFA BOOKS ACCEPTED). All 4-H members must turn in a completed e-Record and score a minimum of 50% of the total points possible on their e-Record book by the published deadline in order to complete the project. Any 4-H’er not in compliance of these rules will not be allowed to compete at the Douglas County Fair. Therefore, they are not a Member in Good Standing in that particular project and will be ineligible for the Colorado State Fair. Junior must use binders/notebooks that keep the pages securely inside. You MAY NOT use slider-type binders. We prefer you use binders with prongs or the 4-H record book cover. Unless stated specifically in your project we prefer that you don’t use 3-ring binders as they consume a lot of space and are difficult to transport. Ribbons: Blue / Red / White Quality Awards Class Description 001 Junior Livestock 002 Intermediate Livestock 003 Senior Livestock 004 Dog Junior 005 Dog Intermediate 006 Dog Senior 013 Llama/Alpaca Junior 014 Llama/Alpaca Intermediate 015 Llama/Alpaca Senior 019 Rabbit Production Junior 020 Rabbit Production Intermediate 021 Rabbit Production Senior 028 Rabbit Non-Production Junior 029 Rabbit Non-Production Intermediate 030 Rabbit Non-Production Senior Ribbons: 1st – 5th Place and Blue / Red / White Quality Awards Class Description 010 Horse Junior 011 Horse Intermediate 012 Horse Senior 66 SECTION 2B GENERAL LIVESTOCK DIVISION RULES I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS A. The following Livestock Division Rules are specific to the Junior Livestock Division Competition at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These Rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules and 4-H Junior Division Additional Rules in Sections 1 and 2. Additional rules for individual departments, livestock shows, competitions, and classes supplement these rules. B. Early stall set-ups are Department specific. Please refer to the Department Competition Rules to determine if early stall set-up will be allowed before scheduled arrival times. C. Generators and fans are not allowed in the livestock barns except as noted in the individual Department Rules. D. The Junior Division Exhibitor must exhaust all reasonable efforts to meet the scheduled times for Animal Check in, Tag in and Weigh in for the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Exceptions to meeting these scheduled times by the exhibitor, may be considered as hardship cases by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. The exhibitor must contact the Department Superintendent, Program Leader or Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management at least 15 minutes before scheduled completion of animal check-in or weigh in to be considered as a hardship case. E. Junior Division Exhibitors committing any violation of these rules may be subject to discipline as set forth in Section 1, VIII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules. II. COMPETITION RULES A. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK COMPETITION ELIGIBILITY The Junior Division Exhibitor or parent/guardian must sign the United States Department of Agriculture Wholesome Meat Act Form) at time of market animal weigh-in at Fair. By entering any animal in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo the Junior Division Exhibitor and parent/guardian certify that the entry has not been administered or that the Junior Division Exhibitor and parent/guardian does not have any knowledge that this entry has received any substance not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and/or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for food animals. Furthermore, the Junior Division Exhibitor and parent/guardian certify that this entry is free and clear of ALL drug and chemical residue withdrawal and elimination time periods. B. FEED AND BEDDING Only wood shavings or chips will be allowed for bedding. NO STRAW. Except noted in Department specific Rules. All manure/bedding must be removed to designated areas. All bedding, feed and equipment will be furnished by the Junior Division Exhibitor. Stalls and cages will be provided by Douglas County Fair. C. OWNERSHIP Junior Division Exhibitors in this competition must have owned and personally cared for their livestock and not changed ownership or be transferred from one program to another on or after the Official Identification Dates as identified in the individual departments. Unless otherwise specified in individual Department. Every livestock entry must be owned and in the continuous possession of the Junior Division Exhibitor to and through the competition. Any market animal that has been sold at a county 67 D. E. F. G. H. sale, district sale, or premium sale after the specified ownership date – are not eligible for competition at the current year Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. That sale is considered consummated when the animal is sold at auction, regardless of disposition, payment or delivery of the animal. At any time during the year, each Junior Division Exhibitor agrees to provide for inspection by the Douglas County Fair Board, or its designated representative, their exhibits and evidence of ownership, primary care and location. OFFICIAL IDENTIFICATION DATES See Appendix A, Exhibitor Master Schedule for identification deadlines. All market animals must be identified with the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo ear tag, ear notches and/or tattoo they received on their identification day. Check the specific department of each species for the ownership deadline and documentation specifics. Should an animal lose their ear tag the superintendent and/or the Douglas County Extension Office must be contacted immediately. The ear tag will then be replaced after animal is verified. All breeding animals must have been identified at the official identification day. If market animals or breeding animals arrive without an ear tag or prior identification, without prior notification, the animal may be disqualified. a. Market animals are not eligible for entries in any breeding show unless acceptable as identified in the individual departments. b. All male market animals must be neutered by the appropriate species identification day, excluding rabbits and poultry. LIVESTOCK ENTRY LIMITATIONS A Junior Division Exhibitor may enter for competition as many livestock as he or she wishes within the entry limitations of each individual livestock department. ENTRY AND ENTRY PAYMENT A completed Douglas County Fair and Rodeo entry form must be used and shall include the following. Incomplete entries from the Junior Division Exhibitor will be contacted for completion: a. One completed entry form for each department. b. Payment of all fees. c. Check your individual department for any special additional documents your department requires such as copies of Registration Papers, Brand Inspections, or a Bill of Sale. d. No substitutions or late entries will be allowed. ERRONEOUS ENTRY Participants are responsible for their own errors in preparation of entries. Entry forms must be completely filled out in accordance with instructions and signed by appropriate parties. By submitting application for entry, participant acknowledges he or she has read the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Rules Sections 1, 2 and 2B, Junior Livestock Sale Rules and any special Division or Department Competition Rules; the IAFE National Show Ring Code of Ethics and the USDA Wholesome Meat Act, and agrees to abide by these Rules. ANIMAL CHECK-IN No animal will be penned or caged until a health inspection is made by the Department Superintendent(s) at check-in. Please refer to Appendix A Exhibitor Master Schedule for specific livestock department check-in times. If the animal does not pass the health inspection or entry rules it will be excused from the fairgrounds. No livestock will be permitted to reload onto stock trailers or trucks following check-in unless excused or released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. 68 I. POSSESSION, CARE AND SHOWING: Junior Division Exhibitors must accompany their livestock to the show, care for, and exhibit animal(s). Only the Junior Division Exhibitor is allowed in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo show ring during official judging. This show is NOT a terminal Market Show except for the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Market Livestock. Superintendents may add, delete and combine classes as necessary including dividing the classes by weight. This also includes re-classification of breeds as necessary. Exhibitor numbers must be worn in each class. Junior Division Exhibitors are expected to keep exhibit areas clean and attractive. All animals should be kept clean and in a presentable condition at all times. While at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo all livestock must be cared for by the Junior Division Exhibitor. This care includes feeding, watering, pen cleaning and exercising animals appropriately. These responsibilities must be completed by or before 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. daily. Junior Division Exhibitors giving inadequate care to their animal(s) could be subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1, VIII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their own animals until the animal has been released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. It is expected that the livestock exhibited in any class in any of the Junior Livestock Departments be trained, fitted, and dressed for show competition by the Junior Division Exhibitor. Junior Division Exhibitors may receive assistance from immediate family members or other Junior Division Exhibitors in good standing. The Junior Division Exhibitor must show their own animal. If the Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in same class another Junior Division Exhibitor who is a Member in Good Standing in the Douglas County 4-H Program may show the animal(s) with the superintendent’s approval. Only Douglas County Junior Division Exhibitors are allowed in the show ring. Showmanship is mandatory for livestock departments or the Junior Division Exhibitor will forfeit all premiums and awards and no longer be a Member in Good Standing. a. Junior Division Exhibitors must use their own animal except in hardship cases that have been approved, in writing, by the Superintendent and Douglas County 4-H Agent. Hardship cases could include animals that are sick, lame or deceased. Any livestock deemed uncontrollable by the Superintendent may be excused from the show ring and/or the fairgrounds depending on the severity of the situation. Overweight animals will be shown in overweight classes if the Department makes these classes available. Underweight animals will be shown in prospect or feeder classes if the Department makes these classes available. At the conclusion of the show, all exhibitors will be required to assistant with show ring breakdown/setup and clean up if necessary. All placing’s are final. J. JUNIOR DIVISION EXHIBITOR SUBSTITUTION FOR EMERGENCY OR SICKNESS: In case of sickness of the Junior Division Exhibitor or other emergency, an animal may be shown by a substitute Junior Division Exhibitor, provided the substitute is a bona fide Douglas County 4-H Member in Good Standing and that Junior Division Exhibitor has been granted permission from the Department Superintendent. If a Junior Division Exhibitor named on the entry form does not exhibit their animal and did not receive permission from the Department Superintendent, that Junior Division Exhibitor and animal will be disqualified from the show, forfeiting all awards and premium money. 69 K. UNETHICALLY FITTED LIVESTOCK: Refer to the species department for more specific fitting regulations. The following are deemed unethical practices and may result in disciplinary action: Doctoring, doping, tubing or injecting show animals for body "fill-ins" or the alteration, changing, defacing or any modification of the markings of show animals and the anatomical structure of an animal, the removal, alteration, changing or purposely damaging ear tags; any type of injection where oils, glycerin or like substances are used for body "fill-in", external applications of such things as liniments and blistering agents that would cause an edematous condition; use of ice packs or other refrigerants to alter the quality of the finish of an animal are not allowed. Icing of animals will not be allowed. No animal may be decorated with any unnecessary paraphernalia during judging. The showing of livestock of any ineligible age or showing of unethically fitted livestock is prohibited. Unethical fitting will be deemed to consist of any artificial substance which alters the natural conformation and/or color of any part of the animal's body. No altering structure of hair or wool coat except for trimming and blocking will be allowed. Changing the color of hair at any point, spot or area on the animal’s body or any grooming material that allows color to be rubbed off from any animal will result in disqualification. a. The natural color of any animal cannot be altered using any artificial coloring. However, products that match the natural color of the animal may be used in the fitting process only from the knees and hocks down, on the switch and the tail head. Artificial coloring cannot be used to cover the animal’s natural leg color. Any entry adding an artificial tail head or tail fin, artificial poll, or adding any hair or hair-like substance will be disqualified. Any ear tag tampering or removals other than by a Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management official or licensed veterinarian will be subject to discipline. Notify the Program Leader or Superintendent if there are any problems with the official ear tag prior to the Fair. L. FITTING OF ANIMALS: All Junior Division Exhibitors named as owner will accept and acknowledge responsibility for the custody, care, and feeding of their animal(s). Junior Division Exhibitors are expected to have prepared their own project animal for exhibition. While on the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo grounds, it is expected that animals exhibited in any Junior Division show be handled, fitted, dressed, washed, groomed and shown for show competition by the Junior Division Exhibitor. Junior Division Exhibitors are solely responsible for the fitting of their own animals. Junior Division Exhibitors may receive assistance, provided they are in attendance and actively participating at all times when assistance is given. Experienced Junior Division Exhibitors are encouraged to provide support, assistance and instruction for inexperienced Junior Division Exhibitors. M. Any Junior Division Exhibitor committing any fitting violation, or any other practice deemed unethical by the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management, will be subject to discipline. N. Should multiple exhibit and/or multiple species conflicts occur, prohibiting the Junior Division Exhibitor from being present for a period of time, it is the responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to notify the Superintendent of the conflict, prior to the occurrence. O. MEAT QUALITY ASSURANCE / PORK QUALITY ASSURANCE (MQA/PQA): Except for horse, llama and dog Junior Division Exhibitors, all Junior Division Breeding and Market Livestock Exhibitors must successfully complete a MQA/PQA course per the program rules they are enrolled in. 70 P. STALLS, TACK STALLS, PENS AND TIE OUTS: Tack stalls may be requested from the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management or Superintendent. There is no guarantee the request can or will be honored. Junior Division exhibitors will be assigned stalls, pens, or tie outs for use during the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Livestock in stalls, pens or tie outs not assigned to the Junior Division exhibitor may be removed by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. The Junior Division exhibitor could be subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1, VIII in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. Tampering with other Junior Division Exhibitors’ stall, pen or tie out assignments, any misuse of stalls and aisle way will subject the Junior Division Exhibitor to discipline. All stalls and tie-outs must be cleaned daily before 8:00 am and 7:00 pm. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo is not responsible for any animals in the tie-out area at any time day or night. Q. BARN SECURITY & RESTRICTED AREA: For security reasons, all rabbit, poultry, swine, sheep, goat and beef barns will be locked at 10:00 p.m. every night and remain locked until 6:00 a.m. the following morning. Junior Division Exhibitors must confine their animals within their designated stall or pen assignment and wash rack not to wander in general public areas. R. WATER: A water container, with water, must be visible and available for watering on a regular basis in each penned/stalled area at all times. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management reserve the right, at its discretion to determine if water should be given. S. WEIGHING: Market Beef, Lambs, Hogs, Goats and Poultry will be weighed under the supervision of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. This will be the qualifying and official weight. Scales used are certified by the State of Colorado annually. Scale tolerances will not be considered for the official weight. Re-weigh requests will only be accepted by the Junior Division Exhibitor who is the owner and physically present; and must be before the animal leaves the scale. a. In the case of a re-weigh the animal will be taken off the scale, the scale will be zeroed and the animal will be put immediately back on the scale to be re-weighed. 1) No artificial weight alterations of any kind will be allowed, including giving the animal any water or feed. b. Re-weigh animals will not be permitted to leave the weigh area. c. Over and under-weight animals will be taken off the scale, the scale will be zeroed and the animal will be put immediately back on the scale to double check its weight. d. The second weight will be the official weight in all cases. Overweight and underweight animals are not eligible for premium money or the Junior Livestock Sale. Over and underweight animals may be used for showmanship classes. T. PARTICIPANT WARRANTIES OF SALE ANIMALS: All qualified sale participant’s warrant: That the carcass of animal complies with the United States Department of Agriculture Wholesome Meat Act and is fit for human consumption. That the carcass of such animal contains no trace or residue of any illegal drug or any other substance not approved for administration to such animal under applicable laws or Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. That the carcass of such animal reveals no evidence of any unethical fitting practice, as defined in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. That there exist no unusual circumstances or condition of the carcass of such animal that would materially diminish the value of such carcass. 71 U. TESTING AND FEES: The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management reserves the right to administer random testing, to include DNA, urine, tissue, blood, and retinal scanning, for any foreign substances on any animal at any time. Charges for all testing may be deducted from premiums and/or gross sale proceeds acquired. V. ANIMAL CARCASS: Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management reserves the right, at its discretion, to take immediate control and possession of any livestock that dies while on the Fairgrounds and determine method of disposal. W. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE PARTICIPATION RULE INFRACTION: Junior Division Market Exhibitors who qualify for and elect to participate in the Sale will be responsible for the care, control, custody, and feeding of their animals until released or loaded for slaughter. X. RELEASE OF LIVESTOCK: The release time for all livestock, with the exception of horses, is 4:30 p.m. on the final Sunday of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Any Junior Division Exhibitor who leaves early could be subject to discipline. Animals that have been properly nominated and plan to show at the Colorado State Fair will be allowed to leave after their show with the approval of the Department Superintendent. State Fair animals need to be removed the day after their show or no later than Friday, by noon; if not, they must stay for the duration of the fair. Once an animal is removed from the Fairgrounds, that animal is ineligible for further competition at the current Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. All Junior Livestock Division Exhibitors are required to be in the barns on the final Sunday of the Fair by 4:30 pm for cleanup even though their animals may have already been removed. 72 JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. INTRODUCTORY PROVISIONS A. The Junior Livestock Sale (“Sale”) consists of the Livestock Auction that allows Junior Division Exhibitors to sell a qualifying and selected market animal and a Scholarship Sale that sells animals that have been donated to the Douglas County 4-H Council Scholarship fund. B. The following Rules are specific to the Junior Livestock Sale at the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo. These Rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules, 4-H Junior Division Additional Rules, and Livestock Rules in Sections 1, 2 and 2B. C. Junior Division Exhibitors must be a Member in Good Standing with their respective program at the time they enter the Sale ring with their exhibit. II. GENERAL A. All exhibits in the Sale will be offered for sale as a unit. Exhibits WILL NOT be sold by the head. This includes all Pen of 3 entries or any entry that includes more than one animal in the exhibit. B. The Sale is a terminal sale for all Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion market animals. The Sale is NOT a terminal sale for all other market animals. C. NO special announcements or statements will be made during the Sale if a Junior Division Exhibitor is donating all or a portion of his or her proceeds to a special cause, organization or charity. D. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management may organize a special or separate Sale and proceeds would benefit a special cause, organization or charity determined before the Fair. E. Participants and Junior Division Exhibitors are expected to perform and conduct themselves with the highest respect for the Sale, its coordinators, the buyers, the other Junior Division Exhibitors, and the livestock involved. F. An animal on the Sale List WILL NOT be allowed to leave the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo premises until it is released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. G. Junior Division Exhibitors who qualify for and have elected to participate in the Sale will be responsible for the care, control, custody, and feeding of their animals through and to the point the animals are released or loaded for slaughter. H. The Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Management may appoint personnel at the Junior Division Exhibitor’s expense to tend to the livestock that are not receiving appropriate care. I. The Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Management has the authority to perform examinations or additional testing upon any livestock that has been selected for the Sale. J. The Junior Division Exhibitor and the Junior Division Exhibitor’s parents or legal guardians agree that they are the persons absolutely responsible for the care and custody of their animal(s) in preparation for and while at the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo. K. Junior Division Exhibitors whose animals test positive for any drug or foreign substance in violation of these terms and conditions must be disqualified and forfeit all entry and other fees and all premiums, trophies, and awards from the department in which the violation occurred. L. The Douglas County Fair Board endorses and supports the United States Department of Agriculture Wholesome Meat Act as referenced in the Livestock Rules and specific departments. Health Regulations of the United States Department of Agriculture require that animals treated with drugs, pesticides or any other chemical must go through the prescribed withdrawal period as listed on the label. The withdrawal date for animals exhibited at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo is the Livestock Sale ship date identified in Appendix A. Therefore, it is important that Junior Division 73 Exhibitors determine the type of treatments used if the animals must be dipped or treated prior to leaving the point of origin. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WHOLESOME MEAT ACT The United States Department of Agriculture Wholesome Meat Act applies to the sale of market livestock sold during the Douglas County Junior Livestock Sale as follows: Animals must be in good health and carcasses free of drug or chemical residues. Antibiotics and sulfonamides have required withdrawal periods. Before administering antibiotics and/or sulfonamides, consult a licensed practicing veterinarian, or label directions of the drug Drug label directions for use and withdrawal periods must be followed. If drug or other chemical residues are found in tissue of carcasses, the entire carcass may be condemned. If drug or other chemical residues are found in the urine, blood or tissue of carcasses of animals sold through sale or sales connected with the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo, the Fair will in no way be liable or responsible for condition of carcass or sale price of animal. WHOLESOME ASSURANCE STATEMENT The use of animal drugs or other substances by non-veterinarians in any manner other than in accordance with the labeling approved by FDA, is a violation of federal law.* Food animals must not exceed FDA/EPA/USDA established tolerances for any foreign substance including drugs, pesticides, feed additives, or other chemicals. Violated results of residue testing are subject to investigation by USDA and FDA for prosecution. Any misrepresentation of a food animal that can potentially affect the acceptability of the carcass or milk will be considered fraud. *Note: Abuse of the extra-label privilege by veterinarians is unethical and is subject to serious consequences such as license revocation. PLEASE CONSULT THE DOUGLAS COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE MARKET LIVESTOCK QUALITY ASSURANCE STATEMENT, USDA WHOLESOME MEAT ACT OR WHOLESOME ASSURANCE STATEMENT. III. PRE-SALE PROVISIONS A. The Junior Livestock Sale Committee reserves the right to set the final number of animals to be selected and sold. B. Junior Division Exhibitors who have livestock properly nominated and plan to show at the Colorado State Fair may substitute animals that are eligible for sale at the Douglas County Junior Livestock Sale as follows: Animals eligible to be the substitute must have class placing in the top three (3) of the species and be eligible for sale. The Junior Division Exhibitor must notify the Department Superintendent in writing BEFORE the Sale Selection Committee meeting. It is the sole responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to locate and notify the Department Superintendent before the Sale Selection Committee meeting. Once the Junior Division Exhibitor has designated a substitution, if the chosen animal is not selected for the Junior Livestock Sale, another substitution cannot be made. An animal that is selected for the Junior Livestock Sale will be placed in the sale order in the normal class placing order. Grand Champions and Reserve Grand Champions are not eligible to be substituted. 74 C. The Sale order is determined by class placing and weight of the animal. Heavier animals of the same species and class placing will be sold before lighter animals of the same species and class placing. The species rotation order of the Sale is determined by the Junior Livestock Sale Committee. In the event that all equivalent placing within the species cannot be selected for the Sale, preference will be given to heavier animals. D. The Official Weight as defined in the Livestock Rules Section 2B will be used as the sale weight. E. The Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Management reserves the right to mark sale animals before and after the Sale in any manner. F. In the event that any animal is disqualified after having been selected for the Sale, the remaining animals will stay in the same sale order. G. All Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion market animals must be entered in the Sale. All other qualifying Junior Division Exhibitors will be limited to entering one (1) market animal in the Sale. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies with more than one of the Grand or Reserve Grand Champion animals, then the seller will sell all his or her Grand and Reserve Grand Champion qualifying animals in the Sale. H. Junior Division Exhibitors who qualify with more than one species must choose only one of the species to enter in the Sale and notify the Sale Selection Committee prior to the Sale Selection Committee Meeting. I. Junior Division Exhibitors who wish not to participate in the Livestock Sale are obligated to notify the Sale Selection Committee prior to the Sale Selection Meeting that they are pulling their animal from the sale. This does not apply to the sale of the Grand and Reserve Champion animals. J. A qualifying and eligible Beef Educational Grant Program animal must be entered into the Sale, if the Junior Division Exhibitor does not have a Grand or Reserve Champion, and will be the only Junior Division Exhibitor’s animal considered by the Livestock Sale Selection Committee to participate in the Sale. K. There will be a MANDATORY Exhibitor’s Pre-Sale Meeting for all Junior Division Exhibitors qualifying to participate in the Sale Parents are encouraged to attend this meeting. Junior Division Exhibitors who do not attend this meeting will be disqualified from the Sale. L. Sale Photographs will be taken by a professional photographer of all animals selected for the Junior Livestock Sale. All Market Beef animals will have pictures taken after they are judged and leave the show ring. M. Junior Division Exhibitors must be present with the animal at the designated species photograph time and location. IV. SALE PROVISIONS A. Junior Division Exhibitors are required to exhibit their selected animal in the Sale. B. In the event of illness that prevents a Junior Division Exhibitor from showing his or her livestock, which illness is documented by a note from a licensed physician, said Junior Division Exhibitor may petition the Junior Livestock Sale Committee to request that a substitute Junior Division Exhibitor stand in for him or her during the Sale. Any such petition must be in writing and must identify the name of the proposed substitute. Any proposed substitutes must be a Junior Division Exhibitor who is a Member in Good Standing and is also participating in the current Douglas County Fair & Rodeo. C. Animals donated to the Douglas County 4-H Council Scholarship Fund will be resold immediately after the Junior Livestock Sale in the Scholarship Sale. D. Junior Division Exhibitors are required to exhibit their selected animal in the Scholarship Sale. 75 E. All sales are final. Once sold NO animals can be substituted or exchanged. F. Junior Division Exhibitors will be expected to move or transport their livestock to and from the Sale Ring. They will also be expected to move or transport their livestock, at the direction of Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management, to the trucks for transportation to the slaughtering facilities. G. Grooming and Alteration to Livestock All Junior Livestock Sale animals must only be groomed with accepted grooming practices prior to entering the sale ring. MINIMAL DECORATIONS of any type will be permitted on any animal entering the sale ring. Show awards won are allowed. H. Lame, Diseased, or Sick Livestock No animal that is lame, sick, or diseased may sell in the Sale. Determination of whether an animal may enter into the Sale ring shall be at the discretion of the Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Management. Should any animal be excluded from the Sale for reasons of lameness, disease, or sickness, the Livestock Sale Committee will decide if the Junior Division Exhibitor will be permitted to show any other animal in place of the excluded animal in the Sale. I. Grooming and Dress of Junior Division Exhibitors All Junior Livestock Division Exhibitors are required to wear appropriate show attire during the Sale. Recommended dress is as follows: long- or short-sleeved, button down shirt or blouse, clean jeans or slacks with belt. Hard-soled, closed-toe shoes or boots are recommended to protect the feet. Shorts, tank tops, low-cut shirts, shear blouses, flip flops, t-shirts, shirts with inappropriate messages or logos, ball caps, hats, or bare midriffs are not acceptable attire and may not be worn during the Sale. Rabbit and Poultry: jeans or slacks and long-sleeved shirts are preferred for safety. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management may refuse anyone improperly dressed entry into the Sale ring until said Junior Division Exhibitor is properly dressed. J. Sale Photographs Should a buyer want a photograph taken with an animal, the Junior Division Exhibitor will present himself or herself along with the animal at the official photography area. V. POST-SALE PROVISIONS A. Animal Disposition All Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion sale animals will be hauled to packing houses as designated by the Junior Livestock Committee and selected by the Buyer per Committees packing plant selections. Animals going to slaughter will be sent only to a slaughtering facility designated by the Junior Livestock Committee. Junior Beef Department Exhibitors who are entered in the Beef Carcass Class will automatically be withdrawn from the Beef Carcass Class if the final Buyer’s animal disposition is Buyer Hold. The Junior Livestock Committee will not transport any animal to any other individual packer or slaughter house. The Junior Livestock Committee is responsible for delivery of sale animals to the designated slaughter processing facility. Only animals sold at the Junior Livestock Sale will be hauled to selected packing plants. 76 Buyers selecting the BUYER HOLD disposition option are responsible for arranging transportation of the animal off the fairgrounds when it is released by Douglas County Fair & Rodeo Management at the scheduled livestock release time on the last day of the Fair. B. Payment Buyer’s payment will be made to the Douglas County Fair Foundation immediately following the sale. A commission charge of six percent (6%) of the gross sales price will be levied against all animals sold in the Sale, the Scholarship Sale and to all Add-On donations. All sale checks must be cashed within 90 days of the date on the check. Any check not cashed will be void. No replacement checks shall be issued after 90 days. Uncashed sale checks will be forfeited after 90 days of the date on the check. Forfeited funds will be returned to the general funds of the Douglas County Fair Foundation. C. Thank-you Notes to Buyers and Buyers’ Groups A copy of the Junior Division Exhibitor’s buyer thank you note must be received in the Douglas County Extension Office by October 1 of the current year. Exhibitors must write thank you notes for all buyers including Add-Ons and Scholarship Sale. Sale Checks will not be released until copies of the thank you notes are received and Sale records are reconciled for correctness. The Douglas County Fair Board will provide the Junior Division Exhibitor his or her buyers’ addresses shortly after the conclusion of Fair. Please contact the Douglas County Extension Office for this information. VI. DISCIPLINE A. Failure to Show in Sale Violation of these rules will invoke the disciplinary actions as stated in Section 1, VII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. 77 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK POULTRY DEPARTMENT 13 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE POULTRY BARN I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL POULTRY MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE THEY MAY ENTER THE BARN. All poultry will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases, or parasite infested birds will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Poultry Health Requirements and Examination: All poultry (chickens, and turkeys) entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo will be tested for Pullorum/Typhoid (a Salmonella bacterial disease) and samples will be collected for avian influenza virus testing. Veterinarians and veterinary students from Colorado State University and participants of the Colorado Poultry Health Board will be on site at the Douglas County Fairgrounds during poultry check-in to test any non-tested chickens and turkeys. D. Exhibitors are limited to a MAXIMUM of ten (10) entries for the entire Junior Poultry Department. An entry may consist of an individual, pair or trio. E. Birds entered as singles will not be allowed to compete in pair or trio classes. F. In classes with only one entry the award will be based on merit G. Poultry for Sale: Only poultry that have been properly entered and are eligible to compete at the current Douglas County Fair and Rodeo may be sold on the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Poultry can be posted “For Sale” on Friday after the Poultry Show. Poultry sold private treaty may be picked up after animals are released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. H. Poultry Show Standards: All poultry will be judged by the American Poultry Association standards in accordance with the 2010 American Standards of Perfection, copyrighted by the A.P.A., Inc. All Non-Standard breeds will be judged by comparison. All birds must be purebred with exceptions for Meat Pen and Egg Production Classes, which can be pure or hybrid breeds and are judged by market condition and finish, or condition of lay. A copy of the Standards of Perfection is available at the Douglas County Extension Office or www.amerpoultryassn.com I. Exhibitor Number: Each exhibitor will be given a number. The Coop Tags will have the exhibitor’s number on them with no other reference to ownership of the bird. All birds MUST HAVE a numbered leg band prior to cooping at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo and the number entered on the Coop Tag. Each exhibitor must not use duplicate band numbers. If a band number change is made prior to judging, the exhibitor is responsible to notify the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Bands must be on bird at time of judging. J. Handling Birds: No one will be allowed to handle any bird except the Owner, Judge, or Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. K. Judging: Class placings made will be at the discretion of the judge with merit of the bird the determining factor. The aisle will be closed while judging is in progress. No one except judge, 78 clerks, attendants and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management will be allowed in the aisle during judging. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Poultry entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. At that time, poultry will be identified with a numbered leg band. B. All poultry exhibits must be owned by the Junior Division Exhibitor 120 days before the Fair CheckIn date with the following exceptions: Meat Pen Chickens entered in the Meat Pen Classes must be at least 6 weeks old. Market Turkeys must have been hatched after January 1 of current year and before April 1 of the current year, to be eligible for the Market Turkey class. C. Birds entered in the Breed Show are not eligible for the Market Poultry classes. D. Birds entered in the Market Poultry classes are not eligible for the Breed Show. III. ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE A. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their own animals until the animal has been released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Proper feed and water dishes must be furnished by the Exhibitor. Styrofoam cups are not allowed. a. Feed and water cups are available for check-out to each Junior Division Exhibitor at check-in and must be returned when poultry are released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. b. Turkeys, Ducks, Geese, Game Birds and Meat Chickens should be provided with large, secured feed and water containers that hold at least a half (1/2) gallon. IV. POULTRY SHOW A. The Poultry Barn will be closed to the public during judging. Birds may be removed from the cage for Showmanship only with the permission of the Superintendent. V. CAGES AND EQUIPMENT A. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. B. Feed, bedding or equipment storage in the Poultry barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. C. Cages are provided by the Douglas County Fair Board. D. Only wood shavings will be allowed for bedding. Cedar shavings and paper shavings are toxic to poultry and are prohibited. VI. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies for the Junior Livestock Sale, that Junior Division Exhibitor and his/her family must be familiar with, and comply with, all Junior Livestock Sale Rules. B. Sale selection will be determined by class placing and judges choice. C. It is the responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to have their photograph taken as identified in the Livestock Sale Rules. 79 VII. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same weight class all premiums earned will be paid to that exhibitor. B. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 4th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$3, 2nd-$2.25, 3rd-$1.75, 4th-$1.50 VIII. DIVISIONS LARGE FOWL DIVISIONS A. Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) single entries and a trio per variety up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. B. DESCRIPTION OF BIRDS Cock - A male bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Cockerel - A male bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. Hen - A female bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Pullet - A female bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. C. A trio consists of one cock and two hens (old trio) OR one cockerel and two pullets (young trio) of the same breed and variety. D. The Overall Grand Champion exhibit will be determined from the champions of each Breed Division. The Judge will consider these entries on their number and quality. The decision of the Judge is final. BANTAM DIVISIONS A. Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) single entries and a trio per variety up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. B. DESCRIPTION OF BIRDS Cock - A male bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Cockerel - A male bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. Hen - A female bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Pullet - A female bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. C. A trio consists of one cock and two hens (old trio) OR one cockerel and two pullets (young trio) of the same breed and variety. D. The Overall Grand Champion exhibit will be determined from the champions of each Breed Division. The Judge will consider these entries on their number and quality. The decision of the Judge is final. WATERFOWL DIVISIONS A. Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) single entries and a pair per variety up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. B. DESCRIPTION OF BIRDS Old Drake and Old Gander - A male bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Young Drake and Young Gander - A male bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. Old Duck and Old Goose - A female bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Young Duck and Young Goose - A female bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. C. A pair consists of one Drake and one Duck that are either “Old” OR “Young” of the same breed and variety. 80 D. The Overall Grand Champion exhibit will be determined from the champions of each species. The Judge will consider these entries on their number and quality. The decision of the Judge is final. GAME BIRD DIVISION A. Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) single entries and either a pair or trio per breed up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. B. DESCRIPTION OF BIRDS Cock - A male bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Cockerel - A male bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. Hen - A female bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Pullet - A female bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. C. A pair consists of one Cock and one Hen that are either “Old” OR “Young” of the same breed and variety. D. A trio consists of one Cock and two Hens that are either “Old” OR “Young” of the same breed and variety. E. The Overall Grand Champion exhibit will be determined from the champions of each category. The Judge will consider these entries on their number and quality. The decision of the Judge is final. TURKEY DIVISION A. Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) Heritage Turkey entries per variety, up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. B. DESCRIPTION OF BIRDS Old Tom - A male bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Young Tom - A male bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. Old Hen - A female bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Young Hen - A female bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. C. The Overall Grand Champion exhibit will be determined from the champions of each category. The Judge will consider these entries on their number and quality. The decision of the Judge is final. PRODUCTION POULTRY DIVISION A. ENTRY LIMITATIONS Junior Division Exhibitors will be limited to a combined MAXIMUM of two (2) Market Turkey entries, one (1) per variety up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. Junior Division Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) Meat Pen of 3 Chicken entries, one (1) per weight class up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. Junior Division Exhibitors will be limited on one (1) entry in the Laying/Standard Trio Class up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) single entries and a trio in the Production Chicken classes up to the maximum entries allowed for the Junior Poultry Department. B. DESCRIPTION OF BIRDS Old Tom - A male bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Young Tom - A male bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. Cock - A male bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Cockerel - A male bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. Hen - A female bird one (1) year old or older as of show day. Pullet - A female bird less than one (1) year old as of show day. 81 C. The Overall Grand Champion exhibit will be determined from the champions of each category. The Judge will consider these entries on their number and quality. The decision of the Judge is final. D. Meat Pen of 3 Chickens Each chicken in the meat pen must be of the same Breed or Variety and the same gender. Each chicken in the meat pen must meet the weight restrictions for the class. Meat Pen of 3 Chicken entries will be moved to the correct weight classification if necessary. a. If one (1) chicken in a Meat Pen of 3 Chickens entry that has been entered in the Fryer weight class exceeds the weight limitation for Fryer Chickens the entire Meat Pen will be moved to the Broiler weight class. b. If one (1) chicken in a Meat Pen of 3 Chickens entry that has been entered in the Broiler weight class exceeds the weight limitation for Broiler Chickens the entire Meat Pen will be disqualified from competition. c. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has two (2) Meat Pen of 3 Chickens entries classified for the same weight class, only one (1) entry will be eligible to compete. The Junior Division Exhibitor must withdraw one (1) entry from competition and immediately remove that entry from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. d. Fryer Chickens: Cannot be over eight (8) weeks of age on show day and must weigh five (5) pounds or less. e. Broiler Chickens: Cannot be over twelve (12) weeks of age on show day and must weigh over five (5) pounds and ten (10) pounds or less. Meat Pen of 3 Chickens will be judged on: a. Confirmation b. Fleshing c. Finish d. Uniformity of birds within the pen e. Absence of defects (NOTE: If one bird has a defect, it will affect the rating of the entire pen). E. Market Turkeys Market turkeys must be at least 16 weeks old on show day. Market Turkeys will be weighed at Weigh-In. Market Turkeys will be judged on market condition and quality the day of the show. Market Turkeys that display splay legging will be disqualified and must be removed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Market Turkeys will be judged on: a. Confirmation b. Fleshing c. Finish d. Absence of defects F. Production Chickens A Laying/Standard Trio shall consist of three (3) hens or three (3) pullets of the same breed and variety or hybrid. A Production Chicken Trio consists of one cock and two hens (old trio) OR one cockerel and two pullets (young trio) of the same breed and variety or hybrid. G. If at the time of official weigh in, poultry fails to meet the weight restrictions one reweigh will be offered as defined in Livestock Rules Section 2B. H. Poultry will be weighed at the scheduled time. A signed individual “Notice of USDA Wholesome Meat Act” card must be presented at this time. Any animal not tagged properly, or any exhibitor 82 with incomplete paperwork, will not be allowed to show. NO EXCEPTIONS! Animals failing to meet the market show weights will be ineligible to show in Market Poultry classes. MARKET DUCK DIVISION A. Market ducks must be at least 16 weeks old on show day. B. Market ducks will be judged on market condition and quality the day of the show. C. Market ducks that display anomalies will be disqualified and must be removed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. D. Market ducks will be judged on: Confirmation Fleshing Finish Absence of defects POULTRY SHOWMANSHIP Class 001 002 003 Class Name Senior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Junior Showmanship Age 14-18 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 8-10 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A bird disqualified for any reason except weight may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. The Judge will consider appearance of the bird, showmanship ability of the exhibitor, and the exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. D. Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. POULTRY RECORD BOOK DIVISION 800 Division 800 800 800 Class 018 017 016 Class Name Senior Poultry Record Book Intermediate Poultry Record Book Junior Poultry Record Book A. Please refer to Department Division 800 for Poultry Record Book Rules. Records books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. POULTRY BARN MANAGER AWARD To be eligible for this award the Junior Division Exhibitor must participate in set-up day and be a Member in Good Standing. A. This award will be given to the Junior Division Exhibitor group who demonstrates a willingness to help keep the Poultry barn in order; keep their own stall and tack in order; be a positive representative to the general public of 4-H and the poultry industry and be helpful and considerate to other Junior Division Exhibitors, Superintendents and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and staff. B. This award will be determined by the Poultry Superintendent and will be awarded at the Junior Livestock Sale or the Junior Livestock Sale Meeting. 83 Thank you 2015 Poultry Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Barn Managers Award Champion Bantam Chicken Champion Bantam Trio Champion Chicken Champion Game Bird Champion Heritage Turkey Champion Int Poultry Showman Champion Jr Poultry Showman Champion Laying Trio Champion Market Duck Champion Meat Pen - Poultry Champion of Show Champion Sr Poultry Showman Champion Turkey Champion Water Fowl Reserve Champion Int Poultry Showman Reserve Champion Jr Poultry Showman Reserve Champion Market Duck Reserve Champion Meat Pen Reserve Champion of Show Reserve Champion Sr Poultry Showman Reserve Champion Turkey Donor J Heart Ranch Cathy Stone & Carrie Thompson Douglas County Fair Foundation Greg & Patty Daviscourt Paul & Cadra Krueger Brenda & Andrew Kwang Nathan & Jenny Carlson Murdoch's Ranch & Home Supply Scott Candelaria Family Sam & Kay Erskine Robert & Malinda Pederson DC Cabritos 4-H Club Robert & Malinda Pederson Nathan & Jenny Carlson Serafini Family Pollock/Holst Ranch Brooklyn Veterinary Clinic Douglas County Fair Foundation Sam & Kay Erskine Serafini Family Pollock/Holst Ranch Arlene & Francis Stringer 84 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK RABBIT DEPARTMENT 14 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE SOUTH MULTI-PURPOSE BARN I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL RABBITS MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE PLACING RABBITS INTO CAGES. All rabbits will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Junior Division Exhibitors will be limited to 15 rabbit entries. (Meat pens are considered to be one entry.) Exhibitors are limited to two (2) entries in the Meat Pen class. Exhibitors are limited to two (2) entries for each breed class, fur class, single fryer class, stewer class, and the roaster class. Exhibitors are limited to two (2) entries in the Pet Quality class. a. The Pet Quality class is for mixed breed or non-showable rabbits ONLY. b. Rabbits entered in the Pet Quality class are not eligible to compete in the fur, roaster, single fryer, meat pen, or stewer classes. c. Exhibitors with a rabbit entered in a breed class, fur, single fryer, roaster, meat pen or stewer class are not eligible to enter the Pet Quality class. Exhibitors are limited to two (2) entries in the single fryer class. D. All rabbits shown in the fur classes must be entered in their breed classes. E. The Rabbit breed standards from the 2016-2020 American Rabbit Breeders Association (ARBA) Standard of Perfection book will be followed to define breed standards with the exception of the pet quality class. The ARBA Standard of Perfection book is available at the Douglas County Extension Office or online at arba.net/breeds.htm. F. Once judging begins for a class, rabbit entries that are not at the judging table will automatically be disqualified and ineligible to compete in that class. The Superintendent will determine if an entry is late to the judging table. G. In classes with only one entry the award will be based on merit. H. Rabbits can be posted “For Sale” on Friday after the Rabbit Show. Rabbits sold private treaty may be picked up after animals are released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management, on Sunday between 4:30pm and 5:00pm. Signs may be posted in the rabbit barn for rabbits available for sale that are not entered in the Junior Rabbit Show. However, these rabbits cannot be brought onto the Douglas County Fairgrounds during the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. 85 II. ELIGIBILITY A. Rabbits entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. Rabbits must have proof of ownership in the Exhibitor’s name by April 30 of the current year. Valid proof of ownership may be a bill of sale or Pedigree papers. Rabbit ownership cannot be shared with another person, including other family members. Rabbits in the Meat Pen of 3 must be owned solely by the Junior Division Exhibitor. The doe(s) must be owned 100 days prior to judging day. The Junior Division Exhibitor must also own the Doe(s) of Meat Pen of 3 rabbits by April 30 of the current year. You may use a buck service sire for your Meat Pen rabbits. The Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management may verify proof of ownership at any time. B. All rabbits must have a permanent tattoo in the left ear on or before Identification Day. Any rabbit not permanently tattooed by Identification Day will be tattooed by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management at Identification Day free of charge. C. Entry forms for Rabbits will be supplied and filled out for you on Identification Day. III. ANIMAL GROOMING AND CARE A. Any rabbit that is lame, diseased or sick may be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds at the Superintendent’s discretion. B. Proper feed and water dishes must be furnished by the Exhibitor. Proper feed and water dishes are durable and spill proof. The showing of rabbits of any ineligible age or showing unethically groomed rabbits is prohibited. Unethical grooming will be deemed to consist of any artificial substance which alters the natural conformation and/or color of any part of the animal's body. Any dying, plucking, trimming, clipping of fur or coloring of toe nails. Any tattoo tampering other than by a Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management official will be subject to discipline as set forth in the Competitions Rules Section 1. Notify the Program Leader or Superintendent if there are any problems with the official tattoo prior to the Fair. IV. SHOW TABLE A. Junior Division Exhibitors must be able to handle their own rabbit. B. Junior division Exhibitors must show their own rabbits at the judging table. Another Junior Division Exhibitor may show your rabbit if you have a conflict with another Junior Division show or competition with written permission from the Superintendent prior to the start of the Rabbit Show. The alternate Junior Division Exhibitor must be a Douglas County 4-H member in good standing. C. Junior Division Exhibitors may substitute a rabbit before judging begins provided that: The substitute rabbit is the same breed, variety, sex and class, and must have been checked in at the official Identification Day. D. NO feeding or watering of livestock at the show table. V. CAGES AND EQUIPMENT A. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. 86 B. Feed, bedding or carrying cage storage in the rabbit barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. C. Any items such as feed, carrying cages, grooming tables, etc. placed in the Rabbit Barn without the Superintendent’s permission will be removed without warning. Check with Superintendent for availability of space for equipment placement. D. Rabbit exhibitors may not use rubber mats, netting, carpet, etc. for bedding. Only wood or paper shavings will be allowed. E. Cages can only be secured with wire or tie-wraps. No locks. VI. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies for the Junior Livestock Sale, that Junior Division Exhibitor and his/her family must be familiar with, and comply with, all Junior Livestock Sale Rules. B. Roaster, Stewer and Fryer Rabbits are not eligible to be entered in the Junior Livestock Sale. C. Sale selection will be determined by class placing of Meat Pen of 3 Rabbit entries. D. It is the responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to have their photograph taken as identified in the Livestock Sale Rules. VII. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Division Exhibitor. B. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums thru 4th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$3, 2nd-$2.25, 3rd-$1.75, 4th-$1.50 VIII. DIVISIONS PRODUCTION RABBITS DIVISION Division 1448 1449 1450 1451 Class 001 001 001 001 Class Name Roaster Stewer Meat Pen of 3 Rabbits Single Fryer A. Meat Pen of 3 Rabbits Eligibility Requirements: Each rabbit must be no more than 69 days old and weaned from the doe. Each rabbit must weigh between 3.5 pounds and 5.5 pounds. All 3 rabbits must be the same breed and color. The rabbits can be either gender. Rabbits must be purebred. Rabbit Breed must be a Meat / Commercial Breed. B. Roaster Rabbit Eligibility: Rabbit must be 6 months old or younger. Rabbit must be purebred. Rabbit breed may only be a Meat / Commercial Breeds. C. Stewer Rabbit Eligibility: Rabbit must be over 6 months old. Rabbit must be purebred. Rabbit breed may only be a Meat / Commercial Breeds. D. Single Fryer Class 87 Rabbits cannot be over 10 weeks of age. Rabbit must be purebred. Rabbit breed may only be Meat / Commercial breed. Rabbit minimum weight of 3.5 pounds. Rabbit maximum weight of 5.5 pounds. Rabbits are judged on meat type, condition of flesh and the fur condition. E. Underweight or overweight Meat Pen of 3 Rabbits will not be judged in the Meat Pen of 3 Rabbits class but can be used for showmanship. F. Rabbits entered in the Meat Pen Class are not eligible to be entered separately in another Junior Rabbit Department class. G. If at the time of official weigh in, an animal fails to meet the minimum weight one reweigh will be offered as defined in Livestock Rules Section 2B. BREED SHOW RABBITS DIVISION A. All breed show rabbits should be groomed according to breed standards. B. Rabbits entered in the Production Classes are not eligible to show in the Breed Show Classes C. Superintendent will classify Rabbit Breeds and can change entries to the correct class. Superintendent’s breed classification is final with no recourse. D. Breed Show rabbits will be judged on breed characteristics, conformation, structure, fur/wool, per the ARBA book of standards. E. All Commercial/Meat Rabbit Breeds have 6 classes, 3 for each Gender. Junior - Bucks or Does that are over 3 months and under 6 months old. Intermediate - Bucks or Does that are 6 months and under 8 months old. Senior - Bucks or Does that are over 8 months old. F. All Fancy Rabbit Breeds have 4 classes, 2 for each Gender. Junior - Bucks or Does that are over 3 months and under 6 months old. Senior - Bucks or Does that are over 6 months old. G. Neutered or altered rabbits are not eligible for the Rabbit Breed Classes. They can only be shown as a pet quality rabbit. PET QUALITY CLASSES Division 1447 1447 Class 001 002 Breed Class Pet Quality – Under 6 months old Pet Quality – Over 6 months old FUR CLASSES Normal White Fur Normal Colored Fur Breed Wool/Fur Satin Fur Rex Fur A. B. C. D. All Breed Show Rabbits should be groomed according to breed standards. Rabbits entered in the Production Classes are not eligible to show in the Fur Classes. Superintendent will classify Rabbit Fur and can change entries to the correct class. Fur classification is final with no recourse. 88 RABBIT SHOWMANSHIP Class 001 002 003 Class Name Senior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Junior Showmanship Age 14-18 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 8-10 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Exhibitors must show their own animal. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. The Judge will consider appearance of the animal, showmanship ability of the exhibitor and the exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. D. Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. RABBIT QUIZ BOWL CONTEST A. Please come join us for an evening of fun and laughs while testing your knowledge of 4-H and rabbits. The questions will be taken from the American Rabbit Breeders Association Book of Standards, the most current 4-H Newsletter, and the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Fair book. Even if you don’t want to participate, it is great fun to watch and cheer on your favorite team. Participants are divided into two person teams of the same age group, competing until we have one winning team from each age group. Contestants must sign up for the contest by Thursday at noon. The sign-up sheet will be located in the Rabbit Barn. Awards will be given for Champion, 2nd and 3rd place teams in each age group. RABBIT RECORD BOOK 800 A. Please refer to Division 800 for Rabbit Record Book Rules. Records books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. RABBIT COSTUME CONTEST 3000 Multipurpose Building South (Rabbit Barn) A. The contest is open to all Junior Division Rabbit Department Exhibitors. B. Costumes may be purchased or homemade by the Junior Division Exhibitor. C. The winners will be determined by a secret audience ballot. D. Special awards will be given to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. RABBIT BARN MANAGER AWARD A. To be eligible for this award the Junior Division Exhibitor must participate in set-up day and be a Member in Good Standing. B. This award is to the Junior Division Exhibitor who demonstrates a willingness to help keep the rabbit barn in order; keep their own cages and tack in order; be a positive representative to the general public of 4-H and the rabbit industry and be helpful and considerate to other Junior Division Exhibitors, Superintendents and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and staff. C. This award will be determined by the Rabbit Superintendents. 89 RABBIT AWARDS CEREMONY A. There will be an awards ceremony and ice cream social, in the rabbit barn prior to the rabbit release time on Sunday at 1pm. 4-H Members with a rabbit project and their families are welcome to attend. Thank you 2015 Rabbit Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award BOS Rabbits Champion Barn Manager Champion Breed Fur Champion Int Rabbit Showman Champion Jr Rabbit Showman Champion Meat Pen Champion Normal Colored Fur Champion Normal White Fur Champion Rabbit Exhibitor Int Champion Rabbit Exhibitor Jr Champion Rabbit Exhibitor Sr Champion Rex Fur Champion Satin Fur Champion Sr Rabbit Showman Reserve Best of Show - Rabbits Reserve Champion Int Rabbit Showman Reserve Champion Jr Rabbit Showman Reserve Champion Meat Pen Reserve Champion Sr Rabbit Showman Donor Jerry & Jean Tracy Duckworth Family Rampart Feed & Pet Serafini Family Serafini Family Sam & Kay Erskine Gary Pruess DeVault Family Serafini Family Gary Pruess Parker Electric Inc. DeVault Family Serafini Family Serafini Family Serafini Family Serafini Family Serafini Family Rampart Feed & Pet Serafini Family 90 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK HORSE DEPARTMENT 15 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE INDOOR ARENA OR OUTDOOR ARENA WARNING: Under Colorado Law, an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, pursuant to Section 13–21–119, Colorado Revised Statutes. I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, 2B, and the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book available at the Douglas County Extension Office. All rules in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book will apply to the Junior Horse Department unless otherwise noted. It is the responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to obtain and read the appropriate rules in the Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book as appropriate for the required competitions. All references to 4-H and 4-H Exhibitor in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book will be the same as Junior Division and Junior Division Exhibitor in the current Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rule book. B. Horses may be inspected at any time for general health by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Any horse showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Junior Division Exhibitors may only show one horse per riding discipline. D. Stallions of any age may not be shown or ridden in any Junior Horse Department class. Sexually intact male horses will be ineligible and immediately dismissed from the fairgrounds. E. PROTECTIVE HEADGEAR: A certified equestrian helmet with safety harness fastened in place is REQUIRED in English classes, over fences classes, gymkhana events, activities and practice sessions (i.e. timed events not involving livestock). Protective headgear is recommended for Western classes. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian of the Junior Division Exhibitor to see that the headgear worn complies with such standards and is in good condition. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management encourages the use of ASTM certified/SEI approved safety helmets in all equine events. Protective headgear may be used in all classes and shall not be discriminated against. F. A horse with a history of kicking must be identified by a red ribbon on its tail while on the Douglas County Fairgrounds. G. Any horse that cannot be adequately controlled by the Junior Division Exhibitor will be excused from the show ring and/or the Fairgrounds. Safety and courtesy to all riders in the class is to be stressed. A horse is considered as being sufficiently out of control at any time the Junior Division Exhibitor is unable to manage the animal in the required class routine after a reasonable corrective action or time. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Junior Division Exhibitor Classification: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. 91 B. C. D. E. F. JUNIOR: 8–13 years old SENIOR: 14–18 years old Horses entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously identified on the horse identification form by the Identification Date of the current year. Junior Division Exhibitors are encouraged to ID more than one horse. Junior Division Exhibitors with a horse that is lame or that has behavior issues may use a substitute horse that has not been identified with written permission of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Junior Division Exhibitors using a substitute horse will only be eligible for the Showmanship class. Only Junior Division Exhibitors are permitted to ride or school the Identified horse on the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Anyone not listed as the Junior Division Exhibitor on the entry form must receive prior written permission from Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management to ride a horse other than their own on the Douglas County Fairgrounds. Permission must be granted immediately prior to the riding or schooling. Sharing a project horse by more than one (1) Junior Division Exhibitor is permissible provided that: No more than two (2) siblings share the project horse, and; Siblings must be entered in different age groups or levels or disciplines, and; The management and care of the project horse while on the Douglas County Fairgrounds is shared by the two (2) siblings. A Junior Division Exhibitor who makes any entry changes on show day will be ineligible for any Highpoint Awards for that riding discipline. All Level II members who participate in jumping as one of their activities must pass a competency evaluation. This evaluation will be given by a qualified county appointed evaluator at the club level and will be on file with level tests. Competency evaluations must be completed by July 1. Jumping - Members will have to show riding abilities at the sitting trot, without stirrups and in jumping position. This evaluation will also include work over ground poles, maintaining jumping position through a trotting grid, approach circles and cantering a line, as well as a balanced stop. III. ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE A. DRUGS AND MEDICATION: No horse or pony may be shown in any class at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo if it has been administered, in any manner, a foreign substance. A forbidden substance is any stimulant, depressant or local anesthetic which might affect the performance of a horse (stimulants and depressants are defined as medications which stimulate or depress the circulatory, respiratory or central nervous systems). Also prohibited are any drugs, regardless of how harmless or innocuous they might be, which by their very nature might mask or screen the presence of the aforementioned prohibited drugs, or prevent or delay testing procedures. The use of these drugs is considered physical abuse. Any violation of this Drug and Medication regulation will automatically result in disqualification of the Junior Division Exhibitor with no recourse. The full use of modern therapeutic measures including phenylbutazone for the improvement and protection of the health of the horse is permitted, unless the treatment may also stimulate or depress the circulatory, respiratory or central nervous systems. It is the Junior Division Exhibitor’s responsibility to declare, in written form, any veterinarian prescribed medication to Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management prior to show’s start. 92 IV. SHOW RING A. The show ring will be under the absolute control of Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. Only authorized persons will be allowed in the ring during judging. B. PERSONAL ATTIRE: All Junior Division Exhibitors must wear boots. Each Junior Division Exhibitor must wear clothing appropriate for the riding discipline as defined by the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book. Long hair must be pulled back from the Junior Division Exhibitor’s face in all classes. C. EQUIPMENT: All tack must be correct for each riding discipline as defined by the 2015 Colorado 4H Horse Show Rule Book. Rule Books are available at the CSU Extension Office. D. Judges and Superintendents will have discretion to enforce disqualification. V. STALLS AND TACK A. All tack stall requests must be submitted in writing with the Junior Division Exhibitor’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo entry. There is no guarantee the request can or will be honored. B. One stall for every three (3) Junior Division Exhibitors per club will be issued for tack. C. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. D. Feed or bedding storage in the Horse barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. E. Any items such as feed, show boxes, etc. placed in a stall not assigned to the Junior Division Exhibitor will be removed without warning. F. Only wood shavings or wood pellets will be allowed. G. Horses and Tack must be removed and the stall area, inside and outside, must be cleaned by the Junior Division Exhibitor as specified in Appendix A Exhibitor Master Schedule unless previous arrangements have been made with Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. VI. SHOWMANSHIP A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors entered in the Junior Horse Department, unless excused by the Junior Division Exhibitor’s Program Leader. Failure to participate in the showmanship class of the Junior Division Exhibitor’s riding discipline will make the Junior Division Exhibitor ineligible to participate in any additional classes in that riding discipline and the Member in Good Standing status will be revoked. Members may complete showmanship at any open show or other event with their leader for program completion rules only. In cases of hardship the member’s situation must be presented to the 4-H Extension office in writing by entry deadline (if possible) to be reviewed by show management and the Extension Agent. B. Showmanship Division Rules of the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book, apply to all Showmanship classes. C. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A horse disqualified for any reason may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the 4-H Program Leader and Superintendent. D. The Judge will consider appearance of the animal, showmanship ability of the Junior Division Exhibitor and the Junior Division Exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. E. Age divisions are offered with Junior Division Exhibitor age considered as of December 31st of the previous year. 93 VII. HIGH POINT A. All classes will be placed 1st through 6th place. B. Class placing will be assigned a point value using the table below: Minimum Entries per Class 6 5 4 3 2 1 1st Place 6 5 4 3 2 1 2nd Place 5 4 3 2 1 Points Earned per Place 3rd 4th 5th 6th Place Place Place Place 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 2 1 1 C. The English and Western High Point and Reserve High Point winners are ineligible to compete at the same Level in future years. The High Point winner must pass the written test and riding test for the next riding discipline level to compete in future years. a. Failure to pass either the written test or riding test for the next riding discipline level will make the Junior Division Exhibitor ineligible to compete for the High Point Award at the current riding discipline level. The Reserve High Point winner must pass the written test and attempt to pass the riding test for the next level to compete in the same riding discipline level. a. Failure to pass the written test for the next riding discipline level will make the Junior Division Exhibitor ineligible to compete for the High Point Award at the current riding discipline level. Level IV Junior Division Exhibitors are exempt from this regulation. Junior Division Exhibitors who move up an age classification will remain eligible to compete at the current riding discipline level. A Junior Division Exhibitor is exempt from this regulation if there are less than three (3) Junior Division Exhibitors in the Riding Discipline the year the Junior Division Exhibitor won (previous fair year). D. The Highpoint Award is selected for the following riding disciplines: English Western Gymkhana Working Ranch Horse E. The Highpoint Award is determined by a composite score earned on: Written Test Record Book Showmanship Equitation/Horsemanship Any other classes the Junior Division Exhibitor is eligible for in the riding discipline. F. To be eligible for the Highpoint Award in any riding discipline the Junior Division Exhibitor must compete in the Written Test, Record Book, Showmanship and Equitation/Horsemanship in that riding discipline. 94 G. In the event of a tie in any riding discipline the Written Test will be the first tie breaker and the Record Book will be the second tie breaker. VIII. PREMIUMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. PREMIUMS: 1st–$8, 2nd–$6, 3rd–$4, 4th–$3, 5th–$2 B. All level III and IV classes will be judged and placed together for premium payout and ribbon awards. They will however be awarded highpoint points by the individual level. 95 WORKING RANCH HORSE SHOW INDOOR ARENA A. All Junior Horse Department Competition Rules also apply to this show. B. Junior Division Exhibitors are required to be Working Ranch Horse Level II or above to be eligible for this show. C. Junior Division Exhibitor Classification: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. JUNIOR: 8–13 years old SENIOR: 14–18 years old D. Junior Division Exhibitors must compete in all five (5) classes of the Working Ranch Horse Show at the appropriate age classification. (We will not be using the Ranch Cattle Sorting Class in Douglas County). Ranch Showmanship Ranch Cutting Working Cow Horse Ranch Trail Ranch Horsemanship E. TACK AND ATTIRE: Refer to Working Ranch Horse Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book. F. Any horse with open sores or bleeding apparently caused by tack, equipment or rough handling shall be disqualified from competition and will not be placed. RANCH SHOWMANSHIP CLASS Division Class Class Name 1551 001 Ranch Showmanship 1551 002 Ranch Showmanship Age Senior Junior A. Ranch Showmanship Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. RANCH CUTTING CLASS/PENNING CLASS Division Class Class Name 1552 001 Ranch Cutting/Penning 1552 002 Ranch Cutting/Penning Age Senior Junior A. Ranch Cutting/Penning Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. B. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management will supply two (2) turn back riders. C. Junior Division Exhibitors may elect to use two (2) currently entered Working Ranch Horse Junior Division Exhibitors who are Members in Good Standing as the turn back riders instead of the riders that are supplied by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. D. Cattle may or may not be numbered, at the discretion of the Judge. INDIVIDUAL COW WORK CLASS Division Class Class Name 1552 003 Individual Cow Horse 1552 004 Individual Cow Horse Age Senior Junior A. This Class may be combined with the Ranch horsemanship class. 96 B. Individual Cow Work section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to the individual cow work portion of this class. C. All members will show as Level II riders according to the state 4-H Horse Rule Book. Level II riders shall only be asked to box and take their cow down one side of the arena to the ¾ point and stop their horse square. RANCH TRAIL CLASS Division Class 1552 005 1552 006 Class Name Ranch Trail Ranch Trail Age Senior Junior A. Ranch Trail section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. RANCH HORSMANSHIP CLASS Division Class Class Name 1552 007 Ranch Horsemanship 1552 008 Ranch Horsemanship Age Senior Junior A. Ranch Horsemanship section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. 97 WESTERN TRAIL WARM-UP ARENA This competition will be judged on the performance of the horse over obstacles, with emphasis on manners, response to the rider and quality of movement. Credit will be given to horses negotiating the obstacles with style and promptness providing correctness is not sacrificed. Horses should receive credit for showing attentiveness to the obstacles cleanly, smoothly and alertly with prompt and willing responses to the rider’s cues. Division 1547 1547 1547 1547 1547 1547 Class 001 002 003 010 011 012 Class Name Western Trail, Level I Western Trail, Level II Western Trail, Level III & IV Western Trail, Level I Western Trail, Level II Western Trail, Level III & IV Age Senior Senior Senior Junior Junior Junior A. All Junior Horse Department Competition Rules apply to this show. B. Western Riding section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this competition. C. Junior Division Exhibitor Classification: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. JUNIOR: 8–13 years old SENIOR: 14–18 years old 98 WESTERN HORSE SHOW INDOOR ARENA AND OUTDOOR ARENA A. All Junior Horse Department Competition Rules also apply to this show. B. Western Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this show. C. Junior Division Exhibitor Classification: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. JUNIOR: 8–13 years old SENIOR: 14–18 years old WESTERN SHOWMANSHIP CLASS Division Class Class Name 1541 001 Western Showmanship, Level I 1541 002 Western Showmanship, Level II 1541 003 Western Showmanship, Level III & IV 1541 010 Western Showmanship, Level I 1541 011 Western Showmanship, Level II 1541 012 Western Showmanship, Level III & IV Age Senior Senior Senior Junior Junior Junior Location Indoor Arena Indoor Arena Indoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena A. Showmanship Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. EQUITATION ON THE RAIL CLASS (NARHA ONLY) Division Class Class Name Age 1542 001 Equitation on the Rail All Ages Location Indoor Arena A. Open to all riding disciplines. B. Junior Division Exhibitor must also hold a NARHA card. A copy of this card must be included with the Junior Division Exhibitor’s entry form. C. Western Riding section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. D. This is a Walk/Trot class. TRAIL (NARHA ONLY) Division Class Class Name 1542 002 Trail Age All Ages Location Indoor Arena A. Open to all riding disciplines. B. Junior Division Exhibitor must also hold a NARHA card. A copy of this card must be included with the Junior Division Exhibitor’s entry form. C. Western Riding section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. WESTERN EQUITATION ON THE RAIL (NO PATTERN) CLASS Division Class Class Name Age 1543 1543 Senior Indoor Arena Junior Outdoor Arena 001 010 Western Equitation on the Rail (No Pattern), Level I Western Equitation on the Rail (No Pattern), Level I Location A. Western Horsemanship section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. WESTERN HORSEMANSHIP CLASS Division Class Class Name 1544 001 Western Horsemanship, Level I 1544 002 Western Horsemanship, Level II 99 Age Senior Senior Location Indoor Arena Indoor Arena 1544 1544 1544 1544 003 010 011 012 Western Horsemanship, Level III & IV Western Horsemanship, Level I Western Horsemanship, Level II Western Horsemanship, Level III & IV Senior Junior Junior Junior Indoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena A. Western Horsemanship section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. WESTERN RIDING CLASS Division Class Class Name 1545 002 Western Riding, Level II 1545 003 Western Riding, Level III & IV 1545 011 Western Riding, Level II 1545 012 Western Riding, Level III & IV Age Senior Senior Junior Junior Location Indoor Arena Indoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena A. Western Riding section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. WESTERN REINING CLASS Division Class Class Name 1546 002 Western Reining, Level II 1546 003 Western Reining, Level III & IV 1546 011 Western Reining, Level II 1546 012 Western Reining, Level III & IV Age Senior Senior Junior Junior Location Indoor Arena Indoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena A. Reining section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. HORSE MASTER SHOWMANSHIP QUALIFIER CLASS Division Class Class Name 1560 004 Horse Master Showmanship Qualifier 1560 005 Horse Master Showmanship Qualifier Age Senior Junior Location Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena A. Showmanship Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this class. B. Age Classification for this class determined as of December 31st of previous year: JUNIOR – 8–13 years old. SENIOR – 14–18 years old. C. The Champion and Reserve Champion of each age division MUST return to the fairgrounds with their horse fitted for show for the Master Showmanship competition. D. Horses may not be shared by siblings of any age in this class. E. This class DOES NOT count toward any High Point award. F. Any Junior Division Exhibitor who qualifies for the Master Showmanship competition and fails to participate with their horse at the Master Showmanship competition will be subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1 Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. This Junior Division Exhibitor may also be banned from competing in the Junior Horse Department at next year’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. 100 ENGLISH HORSE SHOW INDOOR ARENA AND OUTDOOR ARENA A. All Junior Horse Department Competition Rules also apply to this show. B. English Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this show. C. Junior Division Exhibitor Classification: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. JUNIOR: 8–13 years old SENIOR: 14–18 years old ENGLISH SHOWMANSHIP CLASS Division Class Class Name Age Location 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 1511 Senior Senior Senior Junior Junior Junior Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Indoor Arena Indoor Arena Indoor Arena ENGLISH EQUITATION CLASS Division Class Class Name Age Location 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 1512 Senior Senior Senior Junior Junior Junior Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Indoor Arena Indoor Arena Indoor Arena ENGLISH EQUITATION ON THE RAIL CLASS (NO PATTERN) Division Class Class Name Age Location 1513 1513 Senior Junior Outdoor Arena Indoor Arena ENGLISH CONTROL CLASS Division Class Class Name Age Location 1514 1514 1514 1514 Senior Senior Junior Junior Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Indoor Arena Indoor Arena ENGLISH SHOW HACK CLASS Division Class Class Name Age Location 1515 1515 1515 1515 Senior Senior Junior Junior Outdoor Arena Outdoor Arena Indoor Arena Indoor Arena HUNTER HACK CLASS Division Class Class Name Age Location 1516 1516 Senior Senior Indoor Arena Indoor Arena 001 002 003 010 011 012 001 002 003 010 011 012 001 010 002 003 011 012 002 003 011 012 002 003 English Showmanship, Level I English Showmanship, Level II English Showmanship, Level III & IV English Showmanship, Level I English Showmanship, Level II English Showmanship, Level III & IV English Equitation, Level I English Equitation, Level II English Equitation, Level III & IV English Equitation, Level I English Equitation, Level II English Equitation, Level III & IV English Equitation on the Rail (No Pattern), Level I English Equitation on the Rail (No Pattern), Level I English Control, Level II English Control, Level III & IV English Control, Level II English Control, Level III & IV English Show Hack, Level II English Show Hack, Level III & IV English Show Hack, Level II English Show Hack, Level III & IV English Hunter Hack, Level II English Hunter Hack, Level III & IV 101 1516 1516 011 012 English Hunter Hack, Level II English Hunter Hack, Level III & IV Junior Junior Indoor Arena Indoor Arena A. All jumps will be set 5 strides apart. B. Jump Heights will be as follows: Level II – 2’ vertical to 2’ vertical Level III & IV – 2’ vertical to 2’ 6” vertical GYMKHANA HORSE COMPETITION INDOOR ARENA A. B. C. D. All Junior Horse Department Competition Rules also apply to this competition. Gymkhana Division section of the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to this show. Junior Division Exhibitors are required to be Western Level II or above to be eligible for this show. Junior Division Exhibitor Classification: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. JUNIOR: 8–13 years old SENIOR: 14–18 years old GYMKHANA CLASSES Division Class 1521 001 1521 004 Class Name Gymkhana Showmanship Gymkhana Showmanship Age Senior Junior 1522 1522 001 013 Barrel Racing Barrel Racing Senior Junior 1522 1522 004 0014 Flag Race Flag Race Senior Junior 1522 1522 007 0015 Pole Bending Pole Bending Senior Junior 1522 1522 010 016 Key Hole Race Key Hole Race Senior Junior 1522 1522 017 018 Egg and Spoon Egg and Spoon Senior Junior 1522 1522 019 020 Goat Tying Goat Tying Senior Junior A. Working Western Division section in the 2015 Colorado 4-H Horse Show Rule Book applies to the goat tying class. 102 Thank you 2015 4-H Horse Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Champion High Point (14-18) Champion High Point (14-18) Champion High Point (8-13) Champion High Point (8-13) Champion Horse Int Showman Champion Horse Jr Showman Champion Horse Sr Showman Champion Western (8-13) Level 1 Champion Western (8-13) Level 2 Champion Western (14-18) Level 1 Champion Western (14-18) Level 2 Champion Western (14-18) Level 3 Champion Western (14-18) Level 4 Champion Western (8-13) Level 3 Champion Western 8-13 Level 3 Class Winner Break-away Roping (14-18) Class Winner Break-away Roping (8-13) Class Winner Goat Tying Class Winner Ranch Cutting (14-18) Class Winner Ranch Cutting (8-13) Class Winner Ranch Horsemanship (14-18) Class Winner Ranch Horsemanship (8-13) Class Winner Ranch Trail (14-18) Class Winner Ranch Trail (8-13) Class Winner Steer Daubing (14-18) Class Winner Steer Daubing (8-13) Class Winner Steer Stopping (14-18) Class Winner Steer Stopping (8-13) Class Winner Team Roping Header Class Winner Team Roping Heeler Class Winner Team Roping Heeler Class Winner Working Cow Horse (14-18) Class Winner Working Cow Horse (8-13) English Champion (14-18) Level 1 English Champion (14-18) Level 2 English Champion (14-18) Level 3 English Champion (8-13) Level 1 English Champion (8-13) Level 2 English Champion (8-13) Level 3 English Champion (8-13) Level 4 English Reserve Champion (14-18) Level 1 Donor Re/Max Edge Real Estate Shawn & Kathryn Collins Anonymous Sponsor Jordan Family Nathan & Jenny Carlson Nathan & Jenny Carlson David Lori Liberty Infrastructure Sedalia Spurs 4-H Club David Lori Sedalia Saddle Club Springleaf Financial Service David Lori The Gaughan Family Greg & Patty Daviscourt Taylor Landscaping DC Dally's Meadowstar Consulting Inc. Springleaf Financial Service Springleaf Financial Service D.C. Horse Steering Committee D.C. Horse Steering Committee Ostrand Family D.C. Horse Steering Committee Springleaf Financial Service David Paul & Debbie Eaton Taylor Anonymous Sponsor Anonymous Sponsor David Paul & Debbie Eaton Taylor Dale & Kristi Anderson Jesse Hill Family DC Dally’s F4 Enterprises Inc. Liberty Infrastructure Nathan & Jenny Carlson Joel & Caty Draper Sean & Barbara Burke D.C. Horse Steering Committee Newel Linford Newel Linford D.C. Horse Steering Committee 103 English Reserve Champion (14-18) Level 2 English Reserve Champion (14-18) Level 3 English Reserve Champion (14-18) Level 4 Springleaf Financial Service Obrien's Café Newel Linford 104 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK BEEF DEPARTMENT 16 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL BEEF MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE UNLOADING. All beef will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Junior Division Exhibitors must have their animal under control at all times. Junior Division Exhibitors must demonstrate their ability to control the animal at the superintendent’s request. Any animal the Junior Division Exhibitor cannot adequately control to the superintendent’s satisfaction may be disqualified and must be immediately removed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. D. Sexually intact male cattle will be ineligible and immediately dismissed from the fairgrounds unless they are eligible for and entered in the Cow/calf class. E. Neck ropes for night tie-up are required for ALL cattle. The Junior Division Exhibitor must demonstrate the proper use of neck ropes to the superintendent’s satisfaction. Improper use of neck ropes may cause the exhibitor to be disqualified. F. Fans (up to 36”) must blow towards the halter side of the animal. No individual misters or swamp coolers allowed in beef barn. G. Fans must have proper safety-approved shrouds and power cords must be in good condition with grounds intact. H. Turn off and unplug all fans when fitting to minimize overloading electrical circuits. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Beef entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. Market animals must have original brand papers in the exhibitors name by March 1st of the current year or tag in date. Original registration papers, if applicable, must also be solely in the Junior Division Exhibitor’s name. Breeding beef may utilize breed registration papers in member’s name or brand papers in member’s name as official identification and are to be completed by March 1st or the tag in date. Breeding beef will be identified and registration tattoos, if applicable, will be verified. All market beef will be tagged with an official Douglas County ear tag. Any sexually intact male or cryptorchid animal is ineligible for show and will not be tagged. B. For breeding beef animals that are previous year fall born (September, October, November, December) or spring calves that are not weaned, a separate identification form will be required to be completed in May of each current year. See master schedule for deadline. C. All market animals must be polled or dehorned. Scur regrowth after initial dehorning is acceptable. D. Animals will be weighed at the designated scheduled time; all original brand inspection certificates and signed individual Wholesome Meat Act papers will be presented at this time. E. Cattle Age Classifications: 105 Market Beef – born on/or after January 1 of the previous year. Ranch Raised Calf – born on/or after January 1 of the previous year. Junior Calf – born on/or after January 1 of the current year. Senior Calf – born on/or after September 1 through December 31 of the previous year. Summer Yearling – born on/or after May 1 through August 31 of the previous year. Junior Yearling – born on/or after January 1 through April 30 of the previous year. Senior Yearling – born on/or after September 1 through December 31 two (2) years prior. III. ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE A. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their own animals until the animal has been released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. B. Zero products (paints, sprays, adhesives etc.) can be used in preparing the animals for showmanship. C. If products are used for other classes, they must be removed and washed out the day of the event/show. IV. SHOW RING A. The Exhibitor must be able to control his/her animal. The Judge or Superintendent may excuse an animal from the show ring for safety reasons. V. STALLS AND TACK A. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. B. Straw bales and/or wood pallets cannot be used for bedding. Only wood shavings will be allowed. C. Feed or bedding storage in the Beef barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. D. No tack pens will be available until all Beef have been stalled. Any items such as feed, show boxes, etc. placed in pens not assigned to the exhibitor will be removed without warning. Check with Superintendent for availability of space for tack placement. E. All cattle must be in the barn for lock down as specified in the Livestock Rules Section 2B. Neck ropes are required for night tie up and required for ALL cattle. VI. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE A. If the Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies for the Junior Livestock Sale, that Junior Division Exhibitor and his/her family must be familiar and comply with all Junior Livestock Sale Rules. B. It is the responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to have their photograph taken as identified in the Livestock Sale Rules. VII. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Division Exhibitor. B. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$8, 2nd-$6, 3rd-$4, 4th-$3, 5th-$2 VIII. DIVISIONS MARKET BEEF DIVISION 1606 Division Class Class Name 1606 001 Market Beef classes 106 1608 001 Ranch Raised Calf C. Beef entered in the Breeding Classes are not eligible to show in the Market Classes. D. Purebred or crossbred steers or heifers are eligible for the Market Beef Classes. E. Weight Restrictions All market beef must weigh a minimum of 1,000 pounds at weigh-in. Underweight market beef WILL NOT be eligible for the Market Classes. If at the time of official weigh in, an animal fails to meet the minimum weight one reweigh will be offered as defined in Livestock Rules Section 2B. Animals will be weighed at the scheduled time. A signed individual “Notice of USDA Wholesome Meat Act” form and proper Brand papers must be presented at this time. Any animal not tagged properly, or any exhibitor with incomplete paperwork, will not be allowed to enter the show ring. NO EXCEPTIONS! Animals failing to meet the market show weights will be ineligible to show in Market Beef classes. Underweight Market Beef will not be judged in the Market Beef classes but can be used for showmanship. Cattle in the Ranch Raised Calf class must have been born in Colorado and from a herd owned by the Exhibitor’s immediate family. a. This calf must also be eligible for and entered in a Market Beef Class. BREEDING BEEF DIVISION 1602 Division 1602 1602 1602 1602 1602 1602 Class 001 002 003 004 005 006 Class Name Breeding Heifers – Junior Calves Breeding Heifers – Senior Calves Breeding Heifers – Summer Yearling Breeding Heifers – Junior Yearling Breeding Heifers – Senior Yearling Beef Production – Cow w/current year’s offspring A. All breeding beef will be exhibited in the same area as all the other beef animals. Breeding beef animals will not be assigned individual stalls. Pens or corrals must be provided by the Exhibitor. B. All breeding beef should be fitted according to breed standards and the slick shearing of breeding animals is highly discouraged. C. All Breeding Beef will be identified by a breeding beef identification form (non-market cattle), photos, and brand papers in members name are due to the extension office prior to March 1st or the beef identification day (Tag day). Those animals born after identification day must be identified on a breeding beef identification form turned in to the extension office by May 30th each year. Breeding animals must be brand inspected in the Junior Division Exhibitors name by the identification deadlines according to age listed above. All members enrolled in the beef and breeding beef project must be enrolled by the Extension office deadline in Feb/March of each year. Contact the Extension office each year for this deadline. D. Classes will be divided by age, hip height, or weight at the Superintendent’s discretion. E. Beef entered in the Market Classes are not eligible to show in the Breeding Beef Classes. F. The Cow/Calf Class is one (1) cow of any age and any breed with current year’s offspring born on or after January 1st of current year that are eligible for and entered into the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Junior Beef Department. G. Breeding beef will be judged on breed characteristics, conformation, structure, and breeding capacity. 107 BEEF SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION 1600 Division 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 Class 001 002 003 004 005 Class Name Senior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Junior Showmanship Beef Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Senior Beef Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Juniors Age 14-18 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 8-10 Years Old 14-18 Years Old 8-13 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Showmanship is a Blow ‘n Go competition Absolutely no fitting products of any kind may be used. Animal can only be washed and dried. C. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. An animal disqualified for any reason except weight may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. D. The Judge will consider cleanliness of the animal, showmanship ability of the Junior Division Exhibitor, the Junior Division Exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. E. Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. F. Junior Division Exhibitors will qualify for the Master Showmanship Competition through a separate Showmanship Qualifier Class after their species showmanship classes. The Junior Division Exhibitor must first compete in their regular species Showmanship classes to be eligible. The Master Showmanship Qualifier class will be divided by different age divisions than the Showmanship Division. Placement in Showmanship will not be a factor in the separate qualifier class. Exhibitors must pre-enter for the Master Showmanship qualifier class on their online fair entries. MARKET BEEF CARCASS CONTEST 3000 A. Underweight animals will not be eligible for the Carcass Contest. B. Only market beef that have been sold in the Junior Livestock Sale are eligible for and automatically entered into the Beef Carcass Contest, unless the buyer has selected “Buyer Hold” as the animal disposition. C. Beef carcass evaluation and judging will be conducted by an organization designated by the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. D. Awards will be presented at 4-H Achievement Night. BEEF RECORD BOOK DIVISION 800 A. Please refer to Division 800 for Beef Record Book Rules. Records books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. SUPREME BEEF EXHIBITOR DIVISION A. Please refer to Department 30 for Supreme Beef Exhibitor Competition Rules. B. All entries must comply with all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules Sections 1, 2 and 2B, Livestock Sale Rules, and any special Division or Department Competition Rules. C. Eligible Exhibitors must be a Member in Good Standing. D. Underweight animals do not qualify for the Supreme Contest. 108 BEEF FITTING CONTEST 3000 THIS CONTEST WILL BE HELD IN THE BEEF BARN A. Exhibitors must be a Member in Good Standing and have entries at the current Douglas County Fair and Rodeo to be eligible. B. For this contest only, the age classification for exhibitors as of December 31st of the previous year is: JUNIOR: 8-13 years old SENIOR: 14-18 years old C. Fitting Teams consist of three (3) Exhibitors. Fitting Team Members are not required to be entered in the Junior Beef Department. At least one (1) Exhibitor must be a junior exhibitor. Each Fitting Team must supply one (1) animal that has been shown at the current Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. Please select a quality animal. D. Each Fitting Team must provide equipment and supplies. Only one (1) blower per Fitting Team. NO CLIPPERS ARE ALLOWED. E. A lottery will be used to select the animal each Fitting Team will be using for this contest. No Fitting Team may use an animal belonging to one of its’ members. F. Supplied animals will be bathed by someone other than a Fitting Team member and presented clean and dry. Animals will be uniformly wetted by the Superintendents. G. The animal can be tied up or placed in a blocking chute. H. Fitting Teams will have 30 minutes to fit the animal. Once the time limit has been reached the fitting of each animal will be judged. I. Awards will be given 1st through 3rd place teams. BEEF HERDSMAN AWARD A. To be eligible for this award the Junior Division Exhibitor must participate in set-up day and be a Member in Good Standing. B. This award will be given to the Junior Division Exhibitor who demonstrates a willingness to help keep the beef barn in order; keep their own stall and tack in order; be a positive representative to the general public of 4-H and the beef industry and be helpful and considerate to other Junior Division Exhibitors, Superintendents and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and staff. C. This award will be determined by the Beef Superintendents and will be awarded at the Junior Livestock Sale or the Junior Livestock Sale Meeting. 109 Thank you 2015 Beef Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Name 1st Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 1 of 3) 1st Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 2 of 3) 1st Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 3 of 3) 2nd Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 1 of 3) 2nd Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 2 of 3) 2nd Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 3 of 3) 3rd Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 1 of 3) 3rd Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 2 of 3) 3rd Place Beef Fitting Contest (3 person team 3 of 3) Champion Beef Carcass Contest Champion Herdsman Champion Int Beef Showman Champion Jr Beef Showman Champion Ranch Raised Champion Ranch Raised Champion Sr Beef Showman Champion Supreme Beef Grand Champion Female Grand Champion Female Grand Champion Market Beef Reserve Champion Beef Carcass Contest Reserve Champion Int Beef Showman Reserve Champion Jr Beef Showman Reserve Champion Ranch Raised Reserve Champion Ranch Raised Reserve Champion Sr Beef Showman Reserve Champion Supreme Beef Reserve Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Champion Female Reserve Grand Market Beef 110 Donated by Brett & Laurie Banister Robert & Malinda Pederson Springleaf Financial Service The Partridge Family Hoof Overheels 4-H Club Nathan & Jenny Carlson Taylor Landscaping Taylor Landscaping Taylor Landscaping Dr. Phil Riesselman Rampart Feed & Pet Jerry Myers Family Falcon Weed Control Dr. Phil Riesselman Marilyn Stephens Nathan & Jenny Carlson Dr. Phil Riesselman Spruce Mountain Ranch Where Food Comes From, Inc. Coggins and Sons Dr. Phil Riesselman Maude Kelty Memorial Award Maude Kelty Memorial Award Kenny & Shelby Gresham Where Food Comes From, Inc. Maude Kelty Memorial Award Dr. Phil Riesselman Emily Golding Doug Polson Family Ernie & Kathe Jackson JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK SHEEP DEPARTMENT 17 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL SHEEP MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE UNLOADING. All sheep will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases or visible prolapse will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Superintendent will classify Sheep Breeds and can change entries to the correct class. Superintendent’s breed classification is final with no recourse. D. No more than 12 head of sheep per Junior Division Exhibitor. E. Ram Lambs may only be shown in the production class as long as they are not bedded at the Fairgrounds. Ram Lambs may be brought to the Fairgrounds the day of the show left in trailer until production class is shown, and then removed from the Fairgrounds. Superintendent shall be notified by the exhibitor that a ram lamb will be brought in for the Production Class. Other sexually intact male sheep will be ineligible and immediately dismissed from the fairgrounds. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Sheep entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. At that time, breeding sheep and market ewes will be identified and the USDA Scrapie Tag recorded and market lambs will also be tagged with an official Douglas County ear tag. Any sexually intact male or crypt orchid animal is ineligible for show and will not be tagged. B. All female sheep will be required to have a USDA Scrapie ID tag. Do not cut out any Scrapie identification tags that are in market lambs. C. Sheep entered in the Junior Sheep Department shall show no evidence of surgical docking, prolapse, purse strings, etc. If any of these are evident in any sheep, that animal will be disqualified and dismissed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. D. Sheep Age Classifications: Yearling – Dropped between January 1, and December 31 of the previous year. a. Yearling ewes may have two or four permanent teeth. Lamb – Dropped on/or after January 1 of the current year. a. Lambs must be carrying all milk teeth (have lamb teeth) in place. III. ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE A. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their own animals until the animal has been released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. 111 IV. SHOW RING A. In all sheep classes, the front feet of the sheep must remain on the show ring floor while being shown. Judges and Superintendents will have discretion to enforce disqualification. V. STALLS AND TACK A. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. B. Feed or bedding storage in the Sheep barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. C. No tack pens will be available until all Sheep have been stalled. Any items such as feed, show boxes, etc. placed in pens not assigned to the Junior Division Exhibitor will be removed without warning. Check with Superintendent for availability of space for tack placement. D. Water may be removed at 8:00 a.m. on day of show, but any lamb deemed dehydrated by the Superintendents will not be allowed to show. E. Junior Sheep Division Exhibitors may not use rubber mats, netting, carpet, etc. for bedding. Only wood shavings will be allowed. F. Junior Sheep Division Exhibitors may use meshed or plastic muzzles at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. The muzzle style must allow the lamb to drink water. VI. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies for the Junior Livestock Sale, that Junior Division Exhibitor and his/her family must be familiar with, and comply with, all Junior Livestock Sale Rules. B. It is the responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to have their photograph taken as identified in the Livestock Sale Rules. VII. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Division Exhibitor. B. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$8, 2nd-$6, 3rd-$4, 4th-$3, 5th-$2 VIII. DIVISIONS MARKET LAMBS DIVISION 1702 Division 1702 Class Market Class Name Lamb Classes A. Purebred, grade or crossbred wether or ewe lambs are eligible for the Market Lamb Classes. B. C. All Market Lambs must be shown uniformly slick shorn with a maximum of 1/4" wool from the knees and hocks up. No patterns allowed. Wool foretops and boots may be left on the lamb. D. Ewe lambs entered in the Breeding Classes are not eligible to show in the Market Classes. E. Male animals having one or both testicles contained in the body cavity are not eligible to show. F. Weight Restrictions All market lambs must weigh a minimum of 95 pounds at weigh-in. G. Animals will be weighed at the scheduled time. A signed individual “Notice of USDA Wholesome Meat Act” form must be presented at this time. Any animal not tagged properly, or any Junior 112 Division Exhibitor with incomplete paperwork, will not be allowed to show. NO EXCEPTIONS! Animals failing to meet the market show weights will be ineligible to show in Market Lamb classes. H. If at the time of official weigh in, an animal fails to meet the minimum weight one (1) reweigh will be offered as defined in Livestock Rules Section 2B. I. Underweight Market Lambs will not be judged in the Market Lamb classes but can be used for showmanship. No premiums will be awarded for the underweight class. BREEDING SHEEP DIVISION 1703 Division 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 Class 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 Class Name Hampshire Yearling Ewes Hampshire Ewe Lambs Suffolk Yearling Ewes Suffolk Ewe Lambs All Other Breeds Yearling Ewes All Other Breeds Ewe Lambs Crossbred Yearling Ewes Crossbred Ewe Lambs Aged Ewes All Breeds Sheep Production A. All sheep (except the Crossbred Ewe and Production classes) must be purebred. Crossbred ewes are to be shown in the Crossbred classes. B. All breeding sheep should be fitted according to breed standards and the slick shearing of breeding animals is highly discouraged. C. Ewe Lambs entered in the Market Classes are not eligible to show in the Breeding Sheep Classes, except as offspring in the Production class. D. The Sheep Production Class is one (1) ewe of any age and any breed with current year’s offspring. E. Breeding sheep will be judged on breed characteristics, conformation, structure, wool, and breeding capacity. F. Champion Breeding Ewe will be from all Classes in Division 1703. SHEEP SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION 1700 Division 1700 1700 1700 1700 1700 Class 001 002 003 004 005 Class Name Senior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Junior Showmanship Market Lamb Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Seniors Market Lamb Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Juniors Age 14-18 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 8-10 Years Old 14-18 Years Old 8-13 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A sheep disqualified for any reason except weight may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. The Judge will consider appearance of the animal, showmanship ability of the Junior Division Exhibitor and the Junior Division Exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. D. Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. 113 E. Junior Division Exhibitors will qualify for the Master Showmanship Competition through a separate Showmanship Qualifier Class after their species showmanship classes. The Junior Division Exhibitor must first compete in their regular species Showmanship classes to be eligible. The Master Showmanship Qualifier class will be divided by different age divisions than the Showmanship Division. Placement in Showmanship will not be a factor in the separate qualifier class. Exhibitors must pre-enter for the Master Showmanship qualifier class on their online fair entries. MARKET LAMB ULTRASOUND EVALUATION CONTEST 3000 Division 3000 Class 016 Class Name Market Lamb Ultrasound Evaluation Class A. Underweight animals will not be eligible for the Ultrasound Evaluation Contest. B. Only one market lamb ultrasound evaluation per Junior Division Exhibitor will be paid for by the Douglas County Fair Board for the contest. Other market lambs may be entered in the contest by the Exhibitor paying the ultrasound evaluation entry fee of $5 per animal at the time of the ultrasound/weigh-in. C. The ultrasound evaluation will be conducted immediately following weigh-in. D. Ultrasound evaluation and judging will be conducted by an organization designated by the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. E. Awards will be presented at 4-H Achievement Night. SHEEP RECORD BOOK DIVISION 800 A. Please refer to Division 800 for Sheep Record Book Rules. Records books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. SUPREME SHEEP EXHIBITOR Division 3000 Class 024 Class Name Supreme Sheep Exhibitor A. Please refer to Department 30 for Supreme Sheep Exhibitor Rules. B. All entries must comply with all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules Sections 1, 2 and 2B, Livestock Sale Rules, and any special Division or Department Competition Rules and the USDA Wholesome Meat Act. C. Eligible Junior Division Exhibitors must be a Member in Good Standing. D. Underweight animals do not qualify for the Supreme Sheep Exhibitor contest. SHEPHERD AWARD A. To be eligible for this award the Junior Division Exhibitor must participate in set-up day and be a Member in Good Standing. B. This award will be given to the Junior Division Exhibitor who demonstrates a willingness to help keep the sheep barn in order; keep their own pen and tack in order; be a positive representative to the general public of 4-H and the sheep industry and be helpful and considerate to other Junior Division Exhibitors, Superintendents and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and staff. C. This award will be determined by the Sheep Superintendents and will be awarded at the Junior Livestock Sale or the Junior Livestock Sale Meeting. 114 Thank you 2015 Sheep Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Champion Breeding Ewe Champion Breeding Ewe Champion Int Sheep Showman Champion Jr Sheep Showman Champion Market Lamb Champion Market Lamb Champion Production Class Winner Champion Production Class Winner Champion Sheep Carcass Contest Champion Shepherd Champion Sr Sheep Showman Champion Supreme Sheep Contest Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe Reserve Champion Breeding Ewe Reserve Champion Int Sheep Showman Reserve Champion Jr Sheep Showman Reserve Champion Market Lamb Reserve Champion Production Class Reserve Champion Sheep Carcass Contest Reserve Champion Sr Sheep Showman Reserve Champion Supreme Sheep Contest Donor Sam & Jo Spencer Taylor Landscaping F4 Enterprises Inc. Anonymous Robert & Malinda Pederson Tom Burdick Family Sam & Jo Spencer Steve Clark Family Paul & Cheryl Clayton H&M Collision & Auto Body Robert & Malinda Pederson CALF Delhougne Family Farms Sam & Jo Spencer Abbe Hills Animal Hospital Abbe Hills Animal Hospital Will Travel Repair Sam & Jo Spencer Ponderosa Pines 4-H Club Abbe Hills Animal Hospital Priority Insurance Services 115 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK SWINE DEPARTMENT 18 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL SWINE MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE UNLOADING. All swine will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. All ear tags must be clean and legible. Any swine with unreadable ear tags will not be unloaded until ear tags are cleaned. Ear tag, ear notches, photographs and ID forms must match exactly with the live hog. See Section Junior Swine II, B, Eligibility for ID procedures. Any discrepancies with the ear tag, ear notches, photograph or ID form will result in ineligibility of the entry. C. No more than 6 hogs per Junior Division Exhibitor. D. The Exhibitor Meeting is MANDATORY. E. Swine barn will be closed to the public during showmanship and market shows. Parents may volunteer to assistant superintendents with show preparations. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Swine entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously tagged and the Swine ID form and photographs are submitted to the Extension Office by May 1 or deadline posted by Extension Office on Appendix A Exhibitor Master Schedule. This is a self-tagging procedure. The exhibitor will obtain ear tags and ID form from the Extension office beginning April 1. Market swine will be identified by sex, coat color and ear notches (all swine entered and tagged into the project must have ear notches according to the Universal Swine Ear Notching System) and will be tagged with an official Douglas County Fair ear tag. All information will be entered on the Swine ID form. a. Any sexually intact male or crypt orchid animal is ineligible for show and will not be tagged. B. Four photographs will also be submitted showing the front, back and both sides of each tagged swine. The exhibitor must be present in at least one of the photographs and the legible ear tag must also in the at least one photograph. C. Swine Age Classifications: Market Swine – Born on/or after January 1 of the current year. D. Only market barrows and gilts are eligible for this show. III. ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE A. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their own animals until the animal has been released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. B. Only family members may assist in driving hogs to wash racks. 116 C. Family members may provide instruction but only minimal help in pre-show fitting and driving. Superintendents and designated helpers will provide assistance in driving hogs to the show ring. D. All Market Swine must have at least 1/4" of hair on the body to enter the show ring. The head, jowls, belly and tail may be clipped close. IV. SHOW RING A. All exhibitors must follow Superintendent Instructions. B. Specific Show Ring instructions will be discussed at the mandatory exhibitor meeting and become part of the Junior Swine Department Rules. V. STALLS AND TACK A. Pens must have clean shavings each day. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. B. Nipple waters or equivalent must be in each pen. C. Feed or bedding storage in the Swine barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. Feed stored in sealed metal or plastic containers is acceptable. D. No personal fans are allowed. E. No tack pens will be available until all Swine have been stalled. Any items such as feed, show boxes, etc. placed in pens not assigned to the exhibitor will be removed without warning. Check with Superintendent for availability of space for tack placement. F. Swine exhibitors may use rubber mats for under bedding. Only wood shavings will be allowed. G. All electrical equipment and cords must be kept away from the hogs at all times. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies for the Junior Livestock Sale, that Junior Division Exhibitor and his/her family must be familiar with, and comply with, all Junior Livestock Sale Rules. B. It is the responsibility of the Junior Division Exhibitor to have their photograph taken as identified in the Livestock Sale Rules. VI. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same weight class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Division Exhibitor. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$8, 2nd-$6, 3rd-$4, 4th-$3, 5th-$2 VII. DIVISIONS MARKET SWINE DIVISION 1802 Division 1802 Class Market Class Name Swine Classes A. Purebred or crossbred hogs are eligible for the Market Swine Classes. B. Male animals having one or both testicles contained in the body cavity are not eligible to show. C. All Market Swine must weigh a minimum of 230 pounds and a maximum of 290 pounds at weigh-in D. Animals will be weighed at the scheduled time. A signed individual “Notice of USDA Wholesome Meat Act” card must be presented at this time. Any animal not tagged properly, or any exhibitor 117 with incomplete paperwork, will not be allowed to show. NO EXCEPTIONS! Animals failing to meet the market show weights will be ineligible to show in Market Swine classes. E. If at the time of official weigh in, an animal fails to meet the weight requirements one reweigh will be offered as defined in Livestock Rules Section 2B. All exhibitors with overweight or underweight hogs are REQUIRED to participate in the MANDATORY Over/Under Weight Workshop to review production and health practices. F. Market Swine classes will be divided by weight as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. The Market Swine classes will be grouped into Middle Weight and Heavy Weight divisions as deemed appropriate by the Superintendent. The first place and second place market hogs from each class will compete for the respective division Champion and Reserve Champion market hog. These division Champion and Reserve Champion market hogs will compete for the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion market swine. G. Underweight/Overweight Market Swine will not be judged in the Market Swine classes but can be used for showmanship. SWINE SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION 1800 Division 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 Class 001 002 003 004 005 Class Name Senior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Junior Showmanship Swine Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Seniors Swine Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Juniors Age 14-18 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 8-10 Years Old 14-18 Years Old 8-13 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A hog disqualified for any reason except weight may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. If a member does not have an animal entered at the Douglas County Fair, they must be allowed to use another member’s animal for showmanship only. Prior approval from the other member must be arranged and the Junior Exhibitors cannot be in the same class. Members must be enrolled in the project, own a project animal and complete record books for the project animal. Permission from the program leader should be granted prior to fair. C. The Judge will consider appearance of the animal, showmanship ability of the exhibitor and the exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. D. Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. E. Junior Division Exhibitors will qualify for the Master Showmanship Competition through a separate Showmanship Qualifier Class after their species showmanship classes. The Junior Division Exhibitor must first compete in their regular species Showmanship classes to be eligible. The Master Showmanship Qualifier class will be divided by different age divisions than the Showmanship Division. Placement in Showmanship will not be a factor in the separate qualifier class. Exhibitors must pre-enter for the Master Showmanship qualifier class on their online fair entries. MARKET SWINE ULTRASOUND EVALUATION CONTEST 3000 Division 3000 Class 018 Class Name Market Swine Ultrasound Evaluation Class A. Overweight/Underweight animals will not be eligible for the Carcass Contest. 118 B. Only one market hog ultrasound evaluation per Junior Division Exhibitor will be paid for by the Douglas County Fair Board for the contest. Other market hogs may be entered in the contest by the Exhibitor paying the ultrasound evaluation entry fee of $5 per animal at the time of the ultrasound/weigh-in. C. The ultrasound evaluation will be conducted immediately following weigh-in. D. Ultrasound evaluation and judging will be conducted by an organization designated by the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. E. Awards will be presented at 4-H Achievement Night. SWINE RECORD BOOK Division 800 A. Please refer to Division 800 for Swine Record Book Rules. Records books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. SUPREME SWINE EXHIBITOR Division 3000 Class 026 Class Name Supreme Swine Exhibitor A. Please refer to Department 30 for Supreme Swine Exhibitor Rules. B. All entries must comply with all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules Sections 1, 2 and 2B, Livestock Sale Rules, and any special Division or Department Competition Rules and the USDA Wholesome Meat Act. C. Eligible Junior Division Exhibitors must be a Member in Good Standing. D. Underweight / Overweight animals do not qualify for the Supreme Swine Exhibitor contest. SWINE HERSDMAN AWARD A. To be eligible for this award the Junior Division Exhibitor must participate in set-up day and be a Member in Good Standing. B. This award will be given to the Junior Division Exhibitor who demonstrates a willingness to help keep the swine barn in order; keep their own pen and tack in order; be a positive representative to the general public of 4-H and the swine industry and be helpful and considerate to other Junior Division Exhibitors, Superintendents and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and staff. C. This award will be determined by the Sheep Superintendents and will be awarded at the Junior Livestock Sale or the Junior Livestock Sale Meeting. 119 Thank you 2015 Swine Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Champion Heavy Weight Market Swine Champion Int Swine Showman Champion Jr Swine Showman Champion Meduim Weight Market Swine Champion Sr Swine Showman Champion Supreme Swine Contest Champion Swine Carcass Contest Grand Champion Market Hog Reserve Champion Heavy Weight Market Swine Reserve Champion Int Swine Showman Reserve Champion Jr Swine Showman Reserve Champion Medium Weight Market Swine Reserve Champion Sr Swine Showman Reserve Champion Supreme Swine Contest Reserve Champion Swine Carcass Contest Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog Swine Hersdsman 120 Donor Paul & Cheryl Clayton Boettcher Family Mike Murphy Cherry Valley Aggies Gary & Denise Griffith Pam Hutton & Family Goodburn Ranch Virginia Kersting Joe & Marge Clayton Memorial Rampart Feed & Pet Hoof Overheels 4-H Club Joe & Marge Clayton Memorial Devault Family Will Travel Repair Pam Hutton & Family Meadowstar Consulting Inc. Fischer Family JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK MARKET GOAT DEPARTMENT 20 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL GOATS MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE UNLOADING. All Goats will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases or visible prolapse will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. Animals with active ringworm or ringworm like lesions with resulting hair loss or multiple warts easily visible will be ineligible and immediately excused from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. C. All Market, goats must be dehorned or disbudded or have horns blunt tipped, with no sharp points. Scur regrowth after initial disbudding is acceptable. D. Superintendent will classify Goat Breeds and can change entries to the correct class. Superintendent’s breed classification is final with no recourse. E. No more than 12 Goat Department entries per Junior Division Exhibitor. F. Entries may be scratched on the day of competition but MAY NOT be changed to a different class. G. All goats must be shown with a collar. No pinch-type collars are allowed in the show ring. H. Bucks of any age may not be shown in any Junior Goat Department class. I. Sexually intact male goats will be ineligible and immediately dismissed from the fairgrounds. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Goats entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. Any sexually intact male or cryptorchid animal is ineligible for show and will not be tagged. B. All female goats will be required to have a USDA Scrapie ID tag. Do not cut out any Scrapie identification tags that are in market goats. C. The Junior Division Exhibitor’s meeting is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors. D. Goats entered in the Junior Goat Department shall show no evidence of prolapse, purse strings, etc. If any of these are evident in any Goat, that animal will be disqualified and dismissed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. III. ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE A. Any entry adding an artificial tail head or tail fin, artificial poll, or adding any hair or hair-like substance will be disqualified. IV. SHOW RING A. In all goat classes, the front feet of the goat must remain on the show ring floor while being shown. Market goat exhibitors may lift to set. Judges and Superintendents will have discretion to enforce disqualification. 121 V. STALLS AND TACK A. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. B. Feed or bedding storage in the Goat barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. C. No tack pens will be available until all Goats have been stalled. Any items such as feed, show boxes, etc. placed in pens not assigned to the Junior Division Exhibitor will be removed without warning. Check with Superintendent for availability of space for tack placement. D. No goats are to be tied up and left unattended in their pens. Unattended, goats that are tied up in their pens will be untied by a Superintendent. E. Water may be removed at 8:00 a.m. on day of show, but any goat deemed dehydrated by the Superintendents will not be allowed to show. F. Junior Goat Division Exhibitors may not use rubber mats, netting, etc. for bedding. Only wood shavings will be allowed. G. Fiber goat exhibits may use carpet or bedding that allows for clean fiber maintenance. H. Junior Goat Division Exhibitors may use meshed or plastic muzzles at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. The muzzle style must allow the goat to drink water. VI. JUNIOR LIVESTOCK SALE A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies for the Junior Livestock Sale, that Junior Division Exhibitor and his/her family must be familiar with, and comply with, all Junior Livestock Sale Rules. B. It t is the responsibility of the junior division exhibitor to have their photograph taken as identified in the livestock sale rules. VII. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Division Exhibitor. B. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$8, 2nd-$6, 3rd-$4, 4th-$3, 5th-$2 VIII. DIVISIONS MARKET GOAT DIVISION 2005 Division 2005 Class 001 Class Name Market Goats A. Market goats entering the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. B. Animals will be weighed at the scheduled time. A signed individual “Notice of USDA Wholesome Meat Act” card must be presented at this time. Any animal not tagged properly, or any Junior Division Exhibitor with incomplete paperwork, will not be allowed to show. NO EXCEPTIONS! Animals failing to meet the market show weight restrictions will be ineligible to show in the Market Goat classes. C. If at the time of official weigh in, an animal fails to meet the weight restrictions one (1) reweigh will be offered as defined in Livestock Section 2B. D. All market goats must weigh a minimum of 55 pounds and a maximum of 120 pounds at weigh-in. E. Purebred, grade or crossbred wether or doe goats are eligible for the Market Goat Classes. F. Market Goats must have been born after December 1st of the previous year. 122 G. Both does and wethers are eligible to be shown in the Market Goat Show. H. Market does may also be entered and shown in the Breeding Goat classes. Market does also entered into a Breeding Goat class must also meet all eligibility rules of that Breeding Goat Division. I. All Market Goats must be slick shorn to the skin above the knee and hock joints, excluding the tail switch. J. Male animals having one or both testicles contained in the body cavity are not eligible to show. K. Underweight/Overweight Market Goats will not be eligible for the Market Goat classes but can be used for showmanship. An underweight class may be utilized as determined by the Superintendent. No premiums will be awarded for the underweight class. BOER/MEAT-TYPE BREEDING GOAT DIVISION 2001 Division 2001 2001 2001 Class 001 002 003 Class Name Boer or Meat Breed Doe Under 1 Year of Age Boer or Meat Breed Doe Over 1 Year of Age Boer or Meat Breed Production A. Boer/Meat-Type Breeding Goats entering the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. At that time Boer/Meat-Type Breeding Goats will be identified and the USDA Scrapie tag recorded. B. All Boer/Meat-type breeding Goats should be fitted according to breed standards. C. Breeding does will be divided into classes by age: Does Under 1 Year of age as of the date of the Boer/Meat-Type Breeding Goat Show. Does Over 1 Year of age as of the date of the Boer/Meat-Type Breeding Goat Show. D. The Production Class will consist of one (1) doe of any age with current year’s offspring. E. Boer/Meat-Type Breeding Goats will be judged on breed characteristics, conformation, structure, and breeding capacity. MARKET GOAT SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION 1900 Division 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Class 001 002 003 004 005 Class Name Senior Showmanship Intermediate Showmanship Junior Showmanship Market Goat Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Seniors Market Goat Master Showmanship Qualifier Class Junior Age 14-18 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 8-10 Years Old 14-18-Years Old 8-13 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A goat disqualified for any reason except weight may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. The Judge will consider appearance of the animal, showmanship ability of the Junior Division Exhibitor and the Junior Division Exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. D. Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. E. Junior Division Exhibitors will qualify for the Master Showmanship Competition through a separate Showmanship Qualifier Class after their species showmanship classes. The Junior Division Exhibitor must first compete in their regular species Showmanship classes to be eligible. The Master Showmanship Qualifier class will be divided by different age divisions than the Showmanship 123 Division. Placement in Showmanship will not be a factor in the separate qualifier class. Exhibitors must pre-enter for the Master Showmanship qualifier class on their online fair entries. MARKET GOAT CARCASS CONTEST Division 3000 Class 020 Class Name Market Goat Ultrasound Evaluation Class A. Overweight and Underweight animals will not be eligible for the Carcass Contest. B. Only one market goat ultrasound evaluation per Junior Division Exhibitor will be paid for by the Douglas County Fair Board for the contest. Other market goats may be entered in the contest by the Junior Division Exhibitor paying the ultrasound evaluation entry fee of $5 per animal at the time of the ultrasound/weigh in. C. The ultrasound evaluation will be conducted immediately following weigh-in. D. Ultrasound evaluation and judging will be conducted by an organization designated by the Douglas County Fair Board and Rodeo Management. E. Awards will be presented at 4-H Achievement Night. GOAT RECORD BOOK DIVISION 800 A. Please refer to Division 800 for Goat Record Book Rules. Record books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. SUPREME GOAT EXHIBITOR Division 3000 Class 0286 Class Name Supreme Goat Exhibitor A. Only Junior Division Exhibitors with entries in the Market Goat Division are eligible for the Supreme Goat Exhibitor. B. Please refer to Department 30 for Supreme Goat Exhibitor Rules. C. All entries must comply with all Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules Sections 1, 2 and 2B, Livestock Sale Rules, and any special Division or Department Competition Rules and the USDA Wholesome Meat Act. D. Eligible Junior Division Exhibitors must be a Member in Good Standing. E. Underweight / Overweight animals do not qualify for the Supreme Goat Exhibitor. GOAT HERDSMAN AWARD A. To be eligible for this award the Junior Division Exhibitor must participate in set-up day and be a Member in Good Standing. B. This award will be given to the Junior Division Exhibitor who demonstrates a willingness to help keep the goat barn in order; keep their own pen and tack in order; be a positive representative to the general public of 4-H and the goat industry and be helpful and considerate to other Junior Division Exhibitors, Superintendents and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and staff. C. This award will be determined by the Sheep Superintendents and will be awarded at the Junior Livestock Sale Meeting. 124 Thank you 2015 Market Goat Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Champion Goat Carcass Contest Champion Jr Goat Showman (8-13) Champion Meat Production Doe Champion Meat type Breeding Doe Champion Sr Goat Showman (14-18 ) Champion Supreme Goat Goat Herdsman Grand Champion Market Goat Reserve Champion Goat Carcass Contest Reserve Champion Jr Market Goat Showman (8-13) Reserve Champion Market Goat Reserve Champion Sr Market Goat Showman (14-18) Reserve Champion Supreme Goat 125 Donor Tom & Amanda Goehry Newel Linford Newel Linford DC Cabritos 4-H Club Priority Insurance Services Meg Schenk Newel Linford Priority Insurance Services Scott Candelaria Family Meg Schenk Troy Taylor Family Paul & Cheryl Clayton Springleaf Financial Service JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK DAIRY, PYGMY, FIBER & UTILITY (NON-MARKET GOAT) DEPARTMENT 20 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL GOATS MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE UNLOADING. All Goats will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases or visible prolapse will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. Animals with active ringworm or ringworm like lesions with resulting hair or fiber loss or multiple warts easily visible will be ineligible and immediately excused from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. C. All Dairy and Utility goats must be dehorned or disbudded or have horns blunt tipped, with no sharp points. Scur regrowth after initial disbudding is acceptable. All goats will be expected to adhere to breed standards. D. Superintendent will classify Goat Breeds and can change entries to the correct class. Superintendent’s breed classification is final with no recourse. E. No more than 12 Non-Market Goat Department entries per Junior Division Exhibitor. F. All Goats entering the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. At that time all Goats will be identified and the USDA Scrapie tag recorded. All Goats must present valid registration papers OR tattoo OR have a USDA Scrapie tag OR a breeder tag, OR official microchip that can be read on official identification day, or official Douglas County ear tag. G. Entries may be scratched on the day of competition but MAY NOT be changed to a different class. H. All goats must be shown with a collar. No pinch-type collars are allowed in the show ring. I. Bucks of any age may not be shown in any Junior Goat Department class. J. Sexually intact male goats will be ineligible and immediately dismissed from the Fairgrounds. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Goats entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. Any sexually intact male or cryptorchid animal is ineligible for show and will not be tagged. B. All goats will be required to have a USDA Scrapie ID tag or registration papers and tattoo and/or microchip. C. The Junior Division Exhibitor’s meeting is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors. D. Goats entered in the Junior Goat Department shall show no evidence of prolapse, purse strings, etc. If any of these are evident in any Goat, that animal will be disqualified from the show. 126 E. Goat Age Classifications: Kid Dry Milking Junior Kid Born May 2016 or Later Dry Junior Yearling Born August 1, 2015 – December 31, 2015 Does Under 2 Years in Milk Born on or after August 1, 2014 Intermediate Kid Born March – April 2016 Dry Senior Yearling Born before August 1, 2014 – July 31, 2015 Does 2 Years and Under 3 Milking Born August 1, 2013 – July 31, 2014 Senior Kid Born January 2016 – February 28, 2016 Dry Senior Does that are 2 Years and Older Not in Milk Born after August 1, 2014 Does 3 Years and under 5 Milking Born August 1, 2011 – July 31, 2013 Does 5 Years and Over Milking Born on or before August 1, 2011 III. ANIMAL FITTING AND CARE A. All goats must be clipped to breed standards by the Junior Division Exhibitor. IV. SHOW RING A. In all goat classes the goats should be shown to their breed standards. Goat’s feet must remain on the show ring floor while being shown. It is permissible to lift to set. Judges and Superintendents will have discretion to enforce disqualification. V. STALLS AND TACK A. Bedding must be removed to designated areas daily and at the end of Fair. B. Feed or bedding storage in the Goat barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. C. No tack pens will be available in department stalls until all Goats have been stalled. Any items such as feed, show boxes, etc. placed in pens not assigned to the Junior Division Exhibitor will be removed without warning. Check with Superintendent for availability of space for tack placement. D. No goats are to be tied up and left unattended in their pens. Unattended, goats that are tied up in their pens will be untied by a Superintendent. E. Non-Market Goats must have water at all times. F. Junior Goat Department Exhibitors may not use rubber mats, netting, etc. for bedding. Only wood shavings will be allowed. G. Fiber goat exhibits may use carpet or bedding that allows for clean fiber maintenance. 127 VI. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Division Exhibitor. B. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. C. PREMIUMS: 1st-$8, 2nd-$6, 3rd-$4, 4th-$3, 5th-$2 VII. DIVISIONS FIBER GOAT DIVISION 1901 Division 1901 1901 Class 004 005 Class Name Fiber Goats Under 1 Year of Age Fiber Goats Over 1 Year of Age A. Fiber Goats should be fitted according to breed standards. B. Fiber Goats will be divided into classes by age: Fiber Goats Under 1 Year of Age as of the date of the Fiber Goat Show. Fiber Goats Over 1 Year of Age as of the date of the Fiber Goat Show. C. Fiber Goats will be judged on breed characteristics, conformation, structure, and fiber quality. PYGMY GOAT DIVISION 1901 Division 1901 1901 A. B. C. D. E. Class 006 007 Class Name Pygmy Goats Under Year of Age Pygmy Goats Over 1 Year of Age All Pygmy goats should be fitted according to breed standards. Pygmy goats will be divided into classes by age: Pygmy Goats Under 1 Year of Age as of the date of the Pygmy Goat Show. Pygmy Goats Over 1 Year of Age as of the date of the Pygmy Goat Show. Pygmy Goats will be judged on breed characteristics, conformation, and structure. DAIRY GOAT DIVISION 1902 Division 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 1902 Class 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012 013 014 015 016 Class Name Swiss Type Doe (erect ears) 1 year & Under 2 Milking Swiss Type Doe (erect ears (2 years & Under 3 Milking Swiss Type Doe (erect ears) 3 years & Under 5 Milking Swiss Type Doe (erect ears) 5 years & Over Milking Swiss Type (erect ears) Junior Kid Born May 1 or later of current year Swiss Type (erect ears) Intermediate Kid Swiss Type (erect ears) Senior Kid Swiss Type (erect ears) Dry Junior Yearling Swiss Type (erect ears) Dry Senior Yearling Swiss Type (erect ears) Dry Senior Doe Nubian Type Doe (drooping ears) 1 Year & Under 2 Milking Nubian Type Doe (drooping ears) 2 Years & Under 3 Milking Nubian Type Doe (drooping ears) 3 Years & Under 5 Milking Nubian Type Doe (drooping ears) 5 Years & Over Milking Nubian Type (drooping ears) Junior Kid Nubian Type (drooping ears) Intermediate Kid 128 1902 1902 1902 1902 017 018 019 020 Nubian Type (drooping ears) Senior Kid Nubian Type (drooping ears) Dry Junior Yearling Nubian Type (drooping ears) Dry Senior Yearling Nubian Type (drooping ears) Dry Senior Doe A. Nursing kids born after the official Identification day are exempt from being checked in at the official Identification Day. However, they must be declared, in writing, to the Superintendent before arrival at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. B. Any Dairy Goat not identified on the official Identification Day or declared in writing to the Superintendent prior to arriving at the Douglas County Fairgrounds will be ineligible and dismissed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. C. Dairy Goats should be fitted according to breed standards. D. Junior Dairy Division Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to wear white during competition. E. There will be no pre-show milk-out. F. Classifications: Nubian type: all purebred, recorded grade Nubians and any grade doe with drooping ears. Lamanchas show as Nubian type. Swiss type: Nigerian Dwarf, all Swiss purebreds, recorded grade, and any grade doe with erect ears. UTILITY GOAT DIVISION 1906 Division 1906 1906 Class 001 004 Class Name Utility Goat –Goat under 1 year Utility Goat – Goat over 1 year A. Utility goats may be any breed and any age. Utility goats may be either does or wethers, no bucks allowed. B. No does in milk due to the safety concerns of the udder going over obstacles. C. Utility Goat Division is open to all goat exhibitors. Exhibitors are not required to be enrolled in the Utility Goat Project. D. Purebred, grade or crossbred doe goats are eligible for the Utility Goat Classes. E. Utility Goats may also be entered and shown in other Goat Divisions. F. Utility Goats also entered into other Goat Divisions must also meet all eligibility rules of that Goat Division. For example, a Utility Goat that is also entered as a Market Goat must have an official Douglas County ear tag from the official Identification Day. G. All goats over 1 year of age are required to wear a pack during utility competition. Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarfs are the only two breeds that do not have to wear a pack due to their size. All goats under 1 year of age are not required to wear a pack during the competition. H. Junior Division Exhibitors will be limited to two (2) goat entries (one over 1 year and one under one year old) in the Utility Goat Division. I. Junior Division Exhibitors will run one at a time through the course. No re-runs, all times are final. J. The Utility Goat Division will be divided by the age of the goat. K. Summary of the Course: the Utility Goat class is an obstacle course that is designed and set up to have the exhibitor demonstrate their ability to take the goat through the obstacles. The Obstacle course mimics things you would encounter if the goat were taken on a hike. Each obstacle will be challenging, but safe. Goats will be judged on how well the exhibitor and the animal work together on the course and the length of time to complete the course. Part of the time will consist with the exhibitor putting the pack on their goats. Exhibitors should wear clothing they don’t mind getting 129 dirty since it is possible they may be crawling through obstacles with their goat. Before the course portion begins, the judge and exhibitors will walk through the course. At this time, exhibitors will be able to ask questions about the course. During the course, the goat should not be handled with excessive pulling or jerking. If this exists, 5 second will be added to your time and/or you may be disqualified. DAIRY GOAT SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION Division 1900 1900 1900 Class 001 002 003 Class Name Senior Goat Showmanship 14-18 Years Old Intermediate Goat Showmanship 11-13 Years Old Junior Goat Showmanship 8-10 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A goat disqualified for any reason except weight may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. The Judge will consider appearance of the animal, showmanship ability of the Junior Division Exhibitor and the Junior Division Exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. D. Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. GOAT RECORD BOOK DIVISION 800 A. Please refer to Division 800 for Goat Record Book Rules. Records books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. GOAT QUICK DRAW MILKOUT CONTEST A. This contest is open to all Junior Division Exhibitors who are a Member in Good Standing and have entries in the Junior Division of the current year’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo that have not been disqualified. A Junior Division Exhibitor who does not have an entry in the Junior Goat Department is required to find a sponsor Junior Division Exhibitor with goat currently entered in the Junior Goat Department they can use. B. Eligible Goats for the Goat Quick Draw Milkout Contest are goats that are entered in the Junior Goat Department and have not been disqualified for any reason. C. Each contestant may appoint one Junior Division Exhibitor as an assistant to hold the doe and control her movements. The assistant may not assist in the milking in any way. D. All equipment must be provided by the Junior Division Exhibitor. E. The Goat Quick-Draw Milkout Contest is a one (1) minute timed competition. The winner will have produced the most total weight of milk. F. Ribbons for first and second place will be awarded. GOAT COSTUME CONTEST A. This contest is open to all Junior Division Exhibitors age 8-18 years who are a Member in Good Standing and have entries in the Junior Division of the current year’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo that have not been disqualified. A Junior Division Exhibitor who does not have an entry in the Junior Goat Department is required to find a sponsor Junior Division Exhibitor with goat currently entered in the Junior Goat Department they can use. 130 B. The Goat and Junior Division Exhibitor must be in costume, with all materials provided by the Junior Division Exhibitor. C. The Junior Division Exhibitor is to provide a brief description of costume theme and/or story to be told during presentation. D. The Goat Costume Contest is judged by audience participation. E. Refer to the current Awards Book for any special awards. GOAT HERDSMAN AWARD A. To be eligible for this award the Junior Division Exhibitor must participate in set-up day and be a Member in Good Standing. B. This award will be given to the Junior Division Exhibitor who demonstrates a willingness to help keep the goat barn in order; keep their own pen and tack in order; be a positive representative to the general public of 4-H and the goat industry and be helpful and considerate to other Junior Division Exhibitors, Superintendents and Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and staff. C. This award will be determined by the Sheep Superintendents and will be awarded at the Junior Livestock Sale or the Junior Livestock Sale Meeting. Thank you 2015 Goat Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Name Best in Show - Dairy Goat Champion "Costume Contest Winner" Champion Fiber Goat Champion Jr Dairy Goat Showman (8-13) Champion Pygmy Goat Champion Quick Draw Milkout Champion Sr Dairy Goat Showman (14-18) Goat Herdsman Reserve Best in Show - Dairy Goat Reserve Champion Jr Dairy Goat Showman (8-13) Reserve Champion Quick Draw Milk out Reserve Champion Sr Dairy Goat Showman (14-18) 131 Donated by Craig Holt Maggie Weinroth Devault Family DC Cabritos 4-H Club Mary Dickson Robert & Malinda Pederson Steve & Jane Boand Robert & Malinda Pederson Sedalia Saddle Club Lippold Family Steve & Jane Boand Rampart Feed & Pet JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK DOG DEPARTMENT 22 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE MULTI-PURPOSE BARN I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL DOGS MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT. All dogs will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of injuries, infectious, contagious or communicable diseases will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Superintendent will classify Dog and Junior Division Exhibitor’s Obedience and Showmanship training level and can change entries to the correct class. Superintendent’s level classification is final with no recourse. D. No bitch in heat, obviously pregnant or lactating will be allowed to compete in any classes at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo and must be removed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. E. Dogs which are deemed to be a danger to people or other dogs as determined by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management or the Superintendent will be disqualified and removed from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. F. Dogs must be on a leash at all times except when performing exercises off leash in the show ring. G. Each Junior Division Exhibitor may enter a different dog in the Obedience Division and Showmanship Division provided the division qualifications are met. A Junior Division Exhibitor may enter multiple Obedience or Rally classes with different dogs, but each Junior Division Exhibitor may enter Dog Showmanship only one time. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Dogs entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously identified by May 1 of the current year using the Colorado 4-H Dog Health Certificate. This certificate must be on file at the Douglas County Extension Office. Dates of approved current and effective vaccination of the dog for Rabies and Parvovirus must be provided. Proof of Rabies vaccination must come from a Colorado State licensed veterinarian. If a Junior Division Exhibitor’s dog does not receive Rabies immunizations as required by the State of Colorado, a certificate from the Junior Division Exhibitor’s veterinarian stating the reason must be submitted with the Junior Division Exhibitor’s entries. Proof of Parvovirus and Bordetella immunization must be provided in order to show at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. B. After once earning a qualifying score in competition at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo in Obedience competition, that same dog is no longer eligible for that same dog training level at any following Douglas County Fair and Rodeo except: Obedience: Graduate Novice, Open, Graduate Open, Utility classes. C. If a dog has received a qualifying score in Obedience: Graduate Novice, Open, Graduate Open, Utility, or at a previous Douglas County Fair and Rodeo, that dog may stay in that same class as a “B” level Exhibitor for as long as needed to complete the training required to move up to the next dog training level class. 132 D. A dog with any other obedience title from any national dog association (AKC, UKC, CKC, ASCA, etc.) is not eligible to enter the class for which the degree was awarded, or any lower class, unless that title was won less than four months before the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. If the title was won less than four months before the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo the dog is eligible for entry in the same class. If the dog receives a title more than 4 months before the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo, they must move up to the next class. The exceptions to this titling rule are. Obedience: Graduate Novice, Open, Graduate Open, and Utility; and If the dog received a title in one of these classes, that dog may stay in that same class for as long as needed to complete the training required to move up to the next dog training level class. E. Dogs in obvious pain from a previous illness or injury are not eligible for the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. If a dog is injured at the show, that dog will be excused from the ring. A Douglas County Fair Board approved veterinarian or qualified veterinarian technician’s decision on doubtful cases will be final with no recourse. F. If a properly entered dog has been is injured or in season before the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Dog Showmanship competition, a replacement dog may be used for Dog Showmanship with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent provided that: The replacement dog must fulfill all of the Dog Eligibility Requirements. G. All Junior Division Exhibitors must have continuous ownership and primary care of their animal. If a Junior Division Exhibitor chooses to lease a dog for their 4-H project and not have primary care, they will be ineligible for Grand Champion. The Junior Division Exhibitor will also be ineligible for competing at the Colorado State Fair if they choose to show a leased dog that they do not have primary care for. All Junior Division Exhibitors will be eligible for specific class awards, as well as moving through to Round Robin Contest. III. ANIMAL CARE A. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their own animals until the animal has been released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. B. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs. Failure to do so may be subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1 Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. C. Any Junior Division Exhibitor mistreating any dog, or committing any other practice deemed unethical by the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management, may be subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1 Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. IV. SHOW RING A. No grooming equipment will be allowed in the showmanship ring at any time. B. No dog tags can be on the dog when showing in the ring including name tags, rabies tags, or anything else that hangs from the dog’s collar. It is very important that your dog wear tags at all times, except when in the show ring. V. PENS AND EQUIPMENT A. Junior Division Exhibitors must provide their own crates, equipment and feed. VI. PREMIUMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. 133 PREMIUMS: 1st-$8, 2nd-$6, 3rd-$4, 4th-$3, 5th-$2 VII. DIVISIONS DOG OBEDIENCE DIVISION 2200 Division Class Class Name 2200 001 Beginner Novice A 2200 002 Beginner Novice B 2200 003 Beginner Novice C-1 2200 004 Beginner Novice C-2 2200 005 Novice A 2200 006 Novice B 2200 007 Pre-Graduate Novice A 2200 008 Pre-Graduate Novice B 2200 009 Graduate Novice A 2200 010 Graduate Novice B 2200 011 Open & Utility 2200 012 Veterans Class 2200 013 Colorado Puppy Class Classes may be added/adjusted as State Rules are released. A. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A dog disqualified for any reason may not be used for obedience. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. B. Obedience classes will be patterned after the latest AKC obedience guidelines whenever possible. Dog registry with AKC is not required in any Obedience class. C. In all Obedience classes except the Colorado Puppy Class, ten (10) points will be deducted for the following: Strong correcting 5. Leaving the ring Disciplining 6. Rules violation Fouling the ring 7. Showing fear Excessive barking D. Junior Division Exhibitors entered in “B” Obedience classes will be judged at a higher skill level (handler errors) than handlers entered in “A” Obedience classes. E. Only flat or rolled leather collars with buckle or snap closure, flat or rolled nylon collars with buckle or snap closure and metal choke chains are allowed in Dog Obedience classes. Collars and leashes must be two separate pieces. Dogs with halties, gentle leaders, harnesses, pinch collars or slip leads in the show ring will be disqualified for the class. F. The leash length for all Junior Division Exhibitors in the Beginner Novice Obedience class should be six feet long. Junior Division Exhibitors in all other Obedience classes may use a shorter leash. G. The Veteran’s class is for any dog 7 years old or over. H. Veteran’s class dogs will be allowed to jump one half (½) of their regulation jump height. They will be required to perform all exercises in their class; jump height will be the only difference from the regular class. I. Once a veteran dog can no longer jump at least one half (½) their regulation jump height they must be moved to a class that does not require jumping. Junior Division Exhibitor cannot determine a jump height for a dog. They will be judged at one half (½) their required jump height. 134 J. Dogs shown as a Veteran are not eligible for any other Obedience classes. K. Veteran dogs will compete at the obedience level the Junior Division Exhibitor chooses, from Novice through Utility. L. A veteran dog may change obedience levels in either direction each year as their health determines. M. Scores will be calculated as follows: NOVICE: Judge’s score PRE-GRADUATE NOVICE: Judge’s score plus 3 points GRADUATE NOVICE: Judge’s score plus 6 points OPEN: Judge’s score plus 9 points GRADUATE OPEN: Judge’s score plus 12 points UTILITY: Judge’s score plus 15 points N. Veteran dogs will compete only against other veteran dogs for ribbons and awards. Their scores will not count toward awards in any other Obedience divisions. O. If a dog is entered as a Veteran during a project year, they may go back to regular obedience the following year; however, they must go back to the level they would have been competing at before they moved to veterans. P. The Colorado Puppy Obedience class will be for puppies that are not ready for regular obedience classes. Double commands (or more) are allowed. This class will be evaluated on the Junior Division Exhibitor’s skill in training a young dog and dealing with the animal’s mistakes than on the skill of the animal when performing the exercises. After one year of showing in the Colorado Puppy Obedience Class: a. If the Junior Division Exhibitor was in their 1st year of obedience training, the team moves into Beginner Novice A Obedience. b. If the Junior Division Exhibitor was in their 2nd year or higher of obedience training, the team moves to Beginner Novice C-1 year. This is a NO SCORE CLASS. The score sheet will consist of Excellent, Good or Needs Improvement in each of the following areas: a. LOOSE LEAD WALKING: This exercise is used to encourage the puppy to feel comfortable and happy on lead while maintaining a distance of no more than two feet from the Junior Division Exhibitor’s left side. This does not need to be heel position. Junior Division Exhibitors may use bait and toys to keep the puppy in the correct position, and may tell the puppy to sit after a “Halt.” Things to be considered in judging include the enjoyment of the puppy, the bond between the puppy and the Junior Division Exhibitor, and the Junior Division Exhibitor’s ability to get the puppy’s attention back after a distraction. b. SIT FOR EXAM: In this exercise the puppy is commanded to a sit position. The judge will approach the puppy and examine it. The judge is required to handle the puppy’s ears, mouth, and one front foot during the exam, although petting and scratching are encouraged. The purpose of this exercise is to teach the puppy to accept handling from a friendly stranger. c. RECALL: The Junior Division Exhibitor will command the puppy to stay in a sit position and will step just in front of the puppy with his or her toes no more than six inches from the puppies front feet. When the judge says “Call your dog,” the Junior Division Exhibitor will proceed to walk backward no more than six feet while calling the puppy. The puppy should get up and follow the Junior Division Exhibitor in a happy manner. After the six feet has been reached, the Junior Division Exhibitor will command the puppy to sit. 135 d. DOWN STAY: The Junior Division Exhibitor will put the puppy in a down. When the judge says “Leave your puppy,” the Junior Division Exhibitor will tell the puppy to stay. The Junior Division Exhibitor will walk to the end of the lead, pause, and then immediately walk behind the puppy and back to heel position. e. SERPENTINE WALKING: The puppy and Junior Division Exhibitor will walk on a loose lead through a serpentine of three people positioned in a straight line. The expectations are the same as for Loose Lead Walking, with the addition of the distraction of the three “posts”. Q. DOG OBEDIENCE EXCERCISES AND SCORING: Beginner Novice A, B, C-1 and C-2: a. All exercises are explained in detail in the Colorado 4-H Dog Resource Handbook (Handbook) available at the CSU Extension Office. Heel on Leash 40 Figure Eight 40 Sit for Exam 40 Sit Stay 40 TOTAL POINTS 200 Novice A & B: a. All exercises in this class are according to AKC specifications except registration of dog is not required. Refer to Handbook page 80. Heel on Leash, then Figure Eight 40 Stand for Exam (off leash) 30 Heel Free 40 Recall 30 Sit and Stay 30 Down and Stay 30 TOTAL POINTS 200 Pre-Graduate Novice A & B: a. These exercises are not in the Handbook. Heel on Leash 40 Moving Stand for Exam (off leash) 30 Heel Free, then Figure Eight 40 Moving Drop on Recall 30 Recall Over Broad Jump 30 Down and Stay 30 TOTAL POINTS 200 Graduate Novice A & B: a. All exercises in this class are according to AKC specifications except registration of dog is not required. Refer to Handbook page 82. Heel off Leash, then Figure Eight 40 Drop on Recall 40 Dumbbell Recall 30 Recall Over High Jump 30 Recall Over Broad Jump 30 Long Down 30 TOTAL POINTS 200 Open A & B: 136 a. All exercises in this class are according to AKC specifications except registration of dog is not required. Refer to AKC Handbook page 86. Heel Free, then Figure Eight 40 Drop on Recall 30 Retrieve on Flat 20 Retrieve Over High Jump 30 Broad Jump 20 Sit and Stay 30 Long Down 30 TOTAL POINTS 200 Graduate Open A & B: a. All exercises in this class are according to AKC specifications except registration of dog is not required. Refer to Handbook page 88. Signal Exercises 40 Scent Discrimination 30 Directed Retrieve 30 Moving Stand and Exam 30 Go Out 30 Directed Jumping 40 TOTAL POINTS 200 Utility A & B: a. All exercises in this class are according to AKC specifications except registration of dog is not required. Refer to Handbook page 92. Signal Exercises 40 Scent Discrimination – Leather 30 Scent Discrimination – Metal 30 Directed Retrieve of Glove 30 Moving Stand and Exam 30 Go Out 30 Directed Jumping 40 TOTAL POINTS 200 R. DOG OBEDIENCE EXCERCISE EXPLANATION: Moving Stand and Examination: The judge will give the command “forward,” at which time the Junior Division Exhibitor will heel forward with his/her dog. After the Junior Division Exhibitor has proceeded forward about ten feet, the judge will give the command “stand your dog.” Without pausing, the Junior Division Exhibitor will command and/or signal the dog to stand and continue forward about 10 to 12 feet and turn and face the dog. The judge will approach the dog from the front, gives a novice exam and gives the command “return to your dog.” The Junior Division Exhibitor will return to his/her dog by going around and behind and back to heel position. S. DOG OBEDIENCE EXCERCISES AND SCORING: The principle feature of this exercise is that the dog heels and executes a prompt response to the Junior Division Exhibitor’s command and/or signal to down and remain in the down position until called, or signaled to come on command. Orders for the exercise are “Forward,” “Down your dog,” “Call your dog” and “Finish.” The Junior Division Exhibitor will stand with the dog sitting in the heel position at a point designated by the judge, who will then ask “Are you ready?” and order “Forward.” The Junior Division Exhibitor may command or signal his/her dog to heel, and will walk briskly and naturally. After the Junior Division Exhibitor has gone about 15 feet, the judge will order “Down 137 your dog.” Without pausing, the Junior Division Exhibitor will command and/or signal the dog to down. The Junior Division Exhibitor will continue forward to the end of the ring, turn around and stand in a natural manner facing the dog. On the judge’s orders or signals, the Junior Division Exhibitor will command or signal the dog to come and immediately sit in front of the Junior Division Exhibitor until the command to “Finish” is given by the judge. T. Recall Over Broad Jump: The principle feature of this exercise is that the dog stays until directed to jump, clears the jump on a single command or signal, and immediately returns to sit in front of the Junior Division Exhibitor. Orders are “Leave your dog,” “Call your dog” and “Finish.” U. The Junior Division Exhibitor will stand with his/her dog sitting in the heel position at least eight feet from the jump, facing the lowest end of the lowest hurdle. When the judge orders “Leave your dog,” the Junior Division Exhibitor will give the command and/or signal to stay, go at least eight feet beyond the highest edge of the last hurdle, turn, and face the dog as in the Novice recall. On the judge’s order, the Junior Division Exhibitor will give the command or signal to jump. The dog must clear the entire distance of the broad jump without touching it and, without any further command or signal, immediately sit in front of the Junior Division Exhibitor until the command to “Finish” is given by the judge. Beginner Novice A: This class is open only to Junior Division Exhibitors and their dogs in their first year of dog obedience training work. Beginner Novice B: This class is open only to second year dog obedience training Junior Division Exhibitors and must be the same Junior Division Exhibitor and dog team that showed in last year’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo in the Beginner Novice A class. Beginner Novice C-1: This class includes Junior Division Exhibitors with previous obedience training who are working with a new dog or a dog with previous experience in an organized training class working with a new Junior Division Exhibitor. All exercises will be performed on leash. Beginner Novice C-2: This class is open only to Junior Division Exhibitors in the second year of Beginner Novice training and must be the same Junior Division Exhibitor and dog team that showed in last year’s Douglas County Fair and Rodeo in the Beginner Novice C-1 class. Novice A: This class is open to Junior Division Exhibitor with no prior experience in Novice Dog Training. Novice B: This class is open to experienced Junior Division Exhibitors in their second year or above who have never received a blue ribbon at a previous Colorado State Fair in this class. Pre-Graduate Novice A: This class is open to Junior Division Exhibitors with no prior experience in Pre-Graduate Novice Dog Training. Pre-Graduate Novice B: This class is open to experienced Junior Division Exhibitors in their second year or above of Pre-Graduate Novice Dog Training. Graduate Novice A: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors in their first year of Graduate Novice training. Graduate Novice B: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors in their second year or higher of Graduate Novice training. Open A & B, Graduate Open A & B and Utility A & B: These classes are available to Junior Division Exhibitors per AKC (American Kennel Club) www.akc.org eligibility rules. DOG SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION 2201 Division 2201 2201 Class Class Name 001 Junior Novice Showmanship 002 Junior Open Showmanship 138 Age 8-10 Years Old 8-10 Years Old 2201 003 Intermediate Novice Showmanship 2201 004 Intermediate Open Showmanship 2201 005 Senior Novice Showmanship 2201 006 Senior Open Showmanship 2201 007 Senior Best in Show Showmanship Classes may be added or adjusted per State rules release. 11-13 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 14-18 Years Old 14-18 Years Old 14-18 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A dog disqualified for any reason may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. Junior, Intermediate and Senior Novice classes are for Junior Division Exhibitors who are in their first year of showmanship training and have no prior outside dog showmanship experience. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has prior experience, the Junior Division Exhibitor must move into Open Class competition in his/her appropriate age group. D. Rules Governing Senior Advanced Showmanship: Any Junior Division Exhibitor who has placed in the top ten in the Senior Open class at any previous State Fair must enter the Senior Advanced Showmanship class. a. If a Junior Division Exhibitor who has entered in the Senior Advanced Showmanship class gets a new dog, the Junior Division Exhibitor has the choice to enter either Senior Advanced Showmanship or Senior Open Showmanship with the new dog. If the Junior Division Exhibitor enters Senior Open Showmanship with a new dog, the Junior Division Exhibitor must qualify the new dog to move to the Senior Advanced Showmanship class. A Junior Division Exhibitor who is a Senior and has moved up because of age may choose to enter Senior Advanced Showmanship if: a. The Junior Division Exhibitor placed Grand Champion or Reserve Grand Champion at a State Fair Dog Show in the Intermediate Division. b. The Junior Division Exhibitor has received Best Junior Handler awards from any national dog club. E. DOG SHOWMANSHIP SCORING CRITERIA: The Dog Showmanship criteria will be judged throughout the entire class. The score will reflect the Junior Division Exhibitor’s ability to perform these items throughout the class, not just one time. a. For example: The dog should be stacked (either hand stacked or free stacked) upon entering the ring, during the exam, after the pattern, and any time they are in the line-up. The EXHIBITOR’S HANDLING OF THE DOG score will reflect all of these times when the dog is stacked. APPEARANCE OF HANDLER 15 • Cleanliness and neatness of handler • Appropriateness of apparel GROOMING OF DOG 15 • Brushing (mats, dead hair), trimmed toes nails, clean teeth – groomed to a neat, clean appearance EXHIBITOR’S HANDLING OF DOG: FRONT SET-UP 10 • Judge’s side first 139 • • • • Head high (no choking) Feet placed directly beneath the shoulders Toes pointing straight forward Legs should fall vertical from shoulder and parallel (within limit of the most apparent breed) REAR SET-UP 10 • Legs slightly wider apart than front • Adjust the leg that is most out of line first • Try not to let the head drop while setting up the hindquarters GAITING 10 • Ability to follow direction in judge’s pattern • Dog always fully visible to judge in gaiting position • Smoothness in turns • Gait proper to most apparent breed (when applicable) • Ability to exhibit dog’s movements according to most apparent breed. EXAMINATION 10 • Stand properly during entire examination • Does not sit or move away before or during examination • Does not growl or snap (a dog attempting to bite handler or anyone else in the ring will be dismissed from the ring) DESIRABLE AND SPORTSMANLIKE BEHAVIOR OF EXHIBITOR 5 ABILITY TO ANSWER JUDGE’S QUESTIONS 5 GROUP EXERCISE 10 TOTAL AVAILABLE POINTS 100 F. The Junior Division Exhibitor’s age is considered as of December 31st of the previous year. Junior Novice Showmanship: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors who are 8 – 10 years old, are in their 1st year of participation in the project, and have no prior experience with any other dog showing entity. Junior Open Showmanship: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors who are 8 – 10 years old and have previous experience in showmanship. Intermediate Novice Showmanship: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors who are 11 – 13 years old, are in their 1st year of participation in the project, and have no prior experience with any other dog showing entity. Intermediate Open Showmanship: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors who are 11 – 13 years old and have previous experience in showmanship. Senior Novice Showmanship: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors who are 14 – 18 years old, are in their 1st year of participation in the project, and have no prior experience with any other dog showing entity. Senior Open Showmanship: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors who are 14 – 18 years old and have previous experience in showmanship. Senior Best in Show Showmanship: This class is for Junior Division Exhibitors who are 14 – 18 years old. Any Junior Division Exhibitor who has placed 1st through 10th at a previous State Dog Trial in Senior Open Showmanship must enter Senior Advanced Showmanship. 140 DOG RECORD BOOK DIVISION 800 Division 800 800 800 Class 006 005 004 Class Name Senior Dog Record Book Intermediate Dog Record Book Junior Dog Record Book A. Please refer to Division 800 for Dog Record Book Rules. Record books are mandatory to remain a Member is Good Standing in 4-H. Thank you 2015 Dog Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Beginner Novice C-1 Beginner Novice C-2 Champion Int Dog Showman Champion Int Obedience Champion Jr Dog Showman Champion Jr Obedience Champion Open A Champion Sr Dog Showman Champion Sr Obedience Graduate Novice A Graduate Novice B Int Advanced Showmanship Int Novice Showmanship Int Open Showmanship Jr Novice Showmanship Jr Open Showmanship Novice A Novice B Open & Utility Pre-Grad Novice A Pre-Grad Novice B Reserve Champion Int Dog Showman Reserve Champion Int Obedience Reserve Champion Jr Dog Showman Reserve Champion Jr Obedience Reserve Champion Sr Dog Showman Reserve Champion Sr Obedience Sr Advanced Showmanship Sr Novice Showmanship Sr Open Showmanship Veterans Class Donor Brooklyn Veterinary Clinic Rampart Feed & Pet Plum Creek Kennel Club Matthew & Catherine Wormington Parker Barkers DC Combined Dog Clubs Barnhart Family Nathan & Jenny Carlson Elizabeth Animal Hospital Barnhart Family Newel Linford 4 Paws 4-H Club Plum Creek Kennel Club Pam Long Plum Creek Kennel Club Plum Creek Kennel Club Plum Creek Kennel Club Plum Creek Kennel Club Rampart Feed & Pet Barnhart Family 4 Paws 4-H Club Grant & Courtney Gibson Plum Creek Kennel Club DC Combined Dog Clubs Lou Tucker 4 Paws 4-H Club Grant & Courtney Gibson DC Combined Dog Clubs Parker Barkers Rampart Feed & Pet 4 Paws 4-H Club 141 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK CAT DEPARTMENT 23 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE MULTI-PURPOSE BARN I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL CATS MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT. All cats will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of injuries, infectious, contagious or communicable diseases, or with watery eyes or nose will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. Superintendent will classify Cats according to ages identified. Superintendent’s classification is final with no recourse. D. Cats must check in 2 hours before the show and check out 2 hours after the show. All cats must be checked in/out with the Superintendent. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Cats entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously identified by May 1 of the current year using the 4-H Cat Identification form on 4honline enrollment. This form must be on file at the Douglas County Extension Office by the posted deadlines. Dates of approved current and effective vaccination of the cat for Rabies must be provided. Distemper is also encouraged as vaccination. Proof of vaccination must come from a Colorado State licensed veterinarian. B. If a properly entered cat has been is injured or in season before the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Cat Showmanship competition, a replacement cat may be used for cat Showmanship only with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent provided that: The replacement cat must fulfill all of the cat Eligibility Requirements. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. All Junior Division Exhibitors must have continuous ownership and primary care of their animal. If a Junior Division Exhibitor chooses to lease a cat for their 4-H project, the member must own or lease his/her cat individually or in partnership with parent or guardian during the complete duration of the project. D. No pregnant cats or nursing cats or kittens will be allowed. Kittens must be born by May 1 st of the current year. E. Cats may be purebred or household pets. Cats do not need to be registered or pedigreed in order to enter the Junior Division Cat Show. F. Cat class age classification will be determined by August 1 of each year. G. Exhibit Day judging participation including a display is required of all exhibitors in order to participate in the cat show at the fair. All Junior Division Cat exhibitors are required to complete their record book with a score of 50% by the deadline in order to compete in the cat show at the fair. 142 1. Please see the General 4-H Department Rules for requirements for the poster/display section of the Cat project. H. An exhibitor may show no more than two cats in a class except showmanship where they can have only one entry. Each cat can only be entered in one Conformation class. I. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. III. ANIMAL CARE A. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for the care of their own animals until the animal has been released by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. B. All Junior Division Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning up after their cats. Failure to do so may be subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1 Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. C. Any Junior Division Exhibitor mistreating any cat, or committing any other practice deemed unethical by the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management, may be subject to discipline as set forth in the Section 1 Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Competition Rules. D. All Cats must have their front and rear claws trimmed or clipped for the safety of the exhibitor and Judge. IV. SHOW RING A. Each exhibitor is responsible for bringing their cat to the show table. Only exhibitors may show cats at the judging table. All exhibitors are expected to stay in the area with their cats during judging. If a cat is not on the judging table at the time the class is judged, it will not be judged. See superintendent before your scheduled time if you have a conflict. V. PENS AND EQUIPMENT A. Exhibitors are to provide their animals with litter, litter box, food and water. Cages will be provided or members may bring their own. VI. PREMIUMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 5th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$8, 2nd-$6, 3rd-$4, 4th-$3, 5th-$2 VII. AWARDS A. Overall Cat showman Award will be determined by the following: Showmanship class (200 pts.) Cage Decoration (100 pts.) Conformation (100pts) Written Test (100 pts.) Display Board (100 pts.) VIII. DIVISIONS CAT SHOW DIVISION 2300 Division 2300 2300 Class Class Name 001 Junior Showmanship 002 Intermediate Showmanship 143 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 2300 003 Senior Showmanship 004 Conformation - all kittens ages 3-12 months 005 Conformation - all cats 1 year up to 8 years 006 Conformation – senior cats 8 years and older 007 Cage Decorating – Junior 008 Cage Decorating – Intermediate 009 Cage Decorating – Senior 010 Written Test- Junior 011 Written Test- Intermediate 012 Written Test- Senior 013 Cloverbud class – Stuffed cat show Classes may be added/adjusted as State Rules are released. CLOVERBUD CLASS Cloverbud 4-Her’s (ages 5 – 7) can participate in their own “Stuffed Cat Show” at this year’s County Fair. Cloverbuds who want to participate should bring their stuffed cat(s) and supplies to decorate their cage, and they will have the opportunity to participate in Showmanship and Confirmation. There will be a separate area designated for Cloverbuds, they are not allowed to handle live cats and they will receive participation ribbons only. All interested Cloverbuds should register with their online entries and check-in the morning of the cat show during regular check-in time. View the County Fair Schedule for specific date/time information. 144 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK SHEEP LEAD DEPARTMENT 24 ALL SHOWS WILL BE HELD IN THE WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. SHEEP NOT CURRENTLY ENTERED IN THE JUNIOR SHEEP DEPARTMENT MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE UNLOADING. All sheep will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. C. A Junior Division Exhibitor with entries in the Junior Sheep Department may sponsor another Junior Division Exhibitor for this competition. D. Sheep must be a Production Ewe, Yearling Ewe or Ewe Lamb that is eligible for and has been entered into the Junior Sheep Department. A Ewe that has not been entered in the Junior Sheep Department must be approved by the Superintendent before the Ewe will be allowed onto the Douglas County Fairgrounds. E. Sheep should be appropriately groomed according to accepted breed standards. F. Sheep must be trained to show at halter. G. The Junior Division Exhibitors will be judged on the mode of dress selected and the primary garment made of at least 50% wool. H. The outfit chosen by the Junior Division Exhibitors should take into consideration their age and size. The intent is to present a stylish and attractive picture and to lend elegance to the class. Junior Division Exhibitors must provide their own outfit, which is not required to be handmade, and may be purchased or borrowed. I. Junior Division Exhibitors must lead production ewes, yearling ewes or ewe lambs into the show ring. J. Junior Division Exhibitors not leading their own sheep must designate their sponsor on the entry form. K. The show ring will be available for practice immediately after setup. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Junior Division Exhibitors are not required to have an entry in the Junior Sheep Department. Any Junior Division Exhibitor is eligible to compete in the Junior Sheep Lead Department. B. All female sheep will be required to have a USDA Scrapie ID tag. C. The Junior Division Exhibitors must submit a typewritten narrative with their name, age, school, sponsor (if any), entrant’s sheep background or interest, description of his/her attire. D. Narrative is subject to editing at the discretion of the Superintendent. E. Exhibitor Age Classifications: Age Classifications are determined as of December 31st of previous year. MINI: 7 years old or younger b. Mini Exhibitors are not required to be enrolled in Douglas County 4-H. JUNIOR: 8–10 years old 145 INTERMEDIATE: 11—13 years old SENIOR: 14–18 years old F. Previous contest winners are eligible to return for competition, however, they must exhibit a new garment. III. SHOW RING A. Only Junior Division Exhibitors and escorts are allowed in the show ring. IV. JUDGING STANDARDS A. The object of this class is to present sheep and handlers in an attractive manner and show the beauty and versatility of wool. B. The contestant awarded the highest number of total points shall be declared the winner. C. Bonus points will be awarded for creativity and originality. D. An additional one (1) point will be awarded to the Junior Division Exhibitor for a garment they have personally constructed. E. An additional one (1) point will be awarded to the Junior Division Exhibitors for leading their own sheep. F. Judges may interview the contestants. G. There will be three primary Judges; each concerned with a separate category. Awarding of points in each category will be made on the following standards: Sheep Judge: Available Points General Appearance 30 Good breed character, size and scale body conformation, soundness and wool quality representative of the breed. Fitting the Sheep 30 The ewe should be attractively fitted and groomed, but not colored or in any way artificially prepared. Leading Ability 40 The ewe should respond calmly to the halter. She should "walk out" in a deliberate and natural manner. Contestant Judge: General Appearance 30 Grooming, hairstyle and make-up should enhance, rather than distract from the chosen costume. The Contestant should handle themselves and their animal with poise in the show ring. Selection of Outfit 30 The outfit should be appropriate for the age, size and type of contestant. It should be stylish and attractive and compliment the contestant. Fit of Clothes 30 Garments should fit well and accessories included should be applied in a tasteful manner. Personality 10 The contestants should present themselves in a pleasant, natural, sincere and unaffected manner. They should show courtesy toward other contestants. Overall Judge: Function of the Ewe and the Contestant 40 146 The contestant and animal should work together smoothly. The team of animal and contestant should be presented in a competent and confident manner and should complement each other. Overall Effect 30 The contestant and animal should present a coordinated look. The pair should provide an attractive and realistic representation of the use of wool. Control of the Sheep 30 The contestant and animal should "work" together smoothly. They should exhibit poise and ease in their movement before the Judges and around the show ring. H. The Overall Judge’s score will be the first tie breaker. Bonus Points for Originality will be the second tie breaker. V. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Division Exhibitor. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 4th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$3, 2nd-$2.25, 3rd-$1.75, 4th-$1.50 Division 2401 2400 2400 2400 Class 001 001 002 003 Class Name Mini Open Sheep Lead Junior Sheep Lead Intermediate Sheep Lead Senior Sheep Lead 7 Years Old and Younger 8-10 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 14-18 Years Old Thank you 2015 Sheep Lead Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Champion Int 4-H Sheep Lead Champion Jr 4-H Sheep Lead Champion Sr 4-H Sheep Lead Reserve Champion Int 4-H Sheep Lead Reserve Champion Jr 4-H Sheep Lead Reserve Champion Sr 4-H Sheep Lead Donor Phippen Family Phippen Family Delhougne Family Farms Phippen Family Phippen Family Phippen Family 147 JUNIOR DIVISION LIVESTOCK LLAMA AND ALPACA DEPARTMENT 27 WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. ALL LLAMAS AND ALPACAS MUST BE INSPECTED BY A SUPERINTENDENT OR ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT BEFORE UNLOADING. All Llamas and Alpacas will be inspected for general health. Any animal showing evidence of infectious, contagious or communicable diseases or visible prolapse will be ineligible and excused from the Fairgrounds. Animals with active ringworm or ringworm like lesions with resulting hair/fiber loss or multiple warts easily visible will be ineligible and immediately excused from the Douglas County Fairgrounds. C. Animals do not need to be owned by the Junior Exhibitor showing the animal. D. All Junior Division and Creative Arts - Open Class Division Exhibitors will compete together by age brackets. E. Creative Arts - Open Division Exhibitors will be scored for the Open Show only and are not included in the Junior Division show. F. They will follow all ALSA rules, but this is NOT an ALSA Sanctioned Show. http://www.alsashow.org II. ELIGIBILITY A. Open Class Division Exhibitors can be of any age and register by July 23, 2016. B. Llamas and Alpacas entered in the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. III. STALLS AND TACK A. Bedding must be removed to designated areas during and at the end of Fair. B. Feed or bedding storage in the Llama/Alpaca barn will be at the discretion and permission of the Superintendent. C. No tack pens will be available until all Llama/Alpaca have been stalled. Any items such as feed, show boxes, etc. placed in pens not assigned to the Junior Llama/Alpaca Department Exhibitor will be removed without warning. Check with Superintendent for availability of space for tack placement. D. Junior Llama/Alpaca Department Exhibitors may not use rubber mats, netting, carpet, etc. for bedding. Only wood shavings will be allowed. IV. PREMIUMS A. If a Junior Llama/Alpaca Department Exhibitor has multiple animals in the same class all premiums earned will be paid to that Junior Llama/Alpaca Department Exhibitor. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. Premiums will be paid thru 4th place. PREMIUMS: 1st-$3, 2nd-$2.25, 3rd-$1.75, 4th-$1.50 V. DIVISIONS 148 JUNIOR DIVISION A. Llamas and Alpacas entering the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo must have been previously checked in at the official Identification Day. B. Llama Show will follow rules set by ALSA. Show rules available upon request. C. All Junior Division Exhibitors will be entered in both categories (Junior and Creative Arts – Open Class Division) and use the same score from each class they compete in. D. Junior 8 years or older may show intact males. E. Llama Age Classifications: F. All Llamas must be at least 5 months old. OPEN DIVISION A. Open Exhibitors will be scored for the Open Show only and are not eligible for the Junior Show. They will follow all ALSA rules, but this IS NOT an ALSA SANCITIONED SHOW. LLAMA/ALPACA SHOWMANSHIP DIVISION Division 2700 2700 2700 Class 001 002 003 Class Name Senior Llama/Alpaca Showmanship 14-18 Years Old Intermediate Llama/Alpaca Showmanship 11-13 Years Old Junior Llama/Alpaca Showmanship 8-10 Years Old A. Showmanship is mandatory for all Junior Division Exhibitors to remain a Member in Good Standing of their respective program. B. Junior Division Exhibitors must show their own animal. A Llama/Alpaca disqualified for any reason except weight may not be used for showmanship. Exceptions may be granted for extraordinary circumstances with prior approval of the Program Leader and Superintendent. C. The Judge will consider appearance of the animal, showmanship ability of the Junior Division Exhibitor and the Junior Division Exhibitor's appearance, courtesy and knowledge. D. The three age divisions classes for the Junior Division Exhibitor age as of December 31st of the previous year are: OBSTACLE COURSE DIVISION Division Class Class Name 2701 001 Junior Obstacle Course 2701 002 Intermediate Obstacle Course 2701 003 Senior Obstacle Course LLAMA/ALPACA RECORD BOOK DIVISION 800 Division Class Class Name 800 015 Senior Llama/Alpaca Record Book 800 014 Intermediate Llama/Alpaca Record Book 800 013 Junior Llama/Alpaca Record Book A. Please refer to Division 800 for Llama/Alpaca Record Book Requirements and Regulations. 149 Thank you 2015 Llama Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Champion Alpaca/Llama Jr Showman Champion Alpaca/Llama Int Showman Champion Alpaca/Llama Sr Showman Donor Anonymous Steve & Jane Boand Lowry Allstate Agency 150 OTHER JUNIOR DIVISION CONTESTS DEPARTMENT 30 I. DEPARTMENT PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. SUPREME CONTEST RESERVATIONS REQUIRED KIRK HALL A. The Supreme Contest is available to all Junior Division Exhibitors who are Members in Good Standing and who have fulfilled all elements of the contest. Only Junior Division Exhibitors with a properly entered and eligible Market Beef, Market Swine, Market Sheep or Market Goat are eligible for the Supreme Contest. B. Market animals that are overweight or underweight do not qualify for the Supreme Contest. C. The Supreme Contest is based on four (4) areas of competition in the animal’s species. Each area is worth a maximum of 25% of the total score. Market Class a. Points received will be based on the highest placing market animal: 1st Place – 25 points 2nd Place – 23 points 3rd Place – 20 points 4th Place – 18 points 5th Place - 15 points 6th Place – 12 points 7th Place and lower – 10 points Showmanship a. 1st Place – 25 points 2nd Place – 23 points 3rd Place – 20 points 4th Place – 18 points 5th Place - 15 points 6th Place– 12 points 7th Place and lower – 10 points Record Book points will be based upon the quality ribbon awarded. a. Blue Award- 25 points b. Red Award – 18 point c. White Award – 10 point d. Incomplete Record Book – no points (not eligible for contest Skills Quiz a. There a maximum of 25 points available. b. The points received are based on the percentage of correct answers on the Skills Quiz. (i.e. 80% Skills Quiz score X 25 maximum points = 20 points awarded). 151 D. Junior Division Exhibitors must be eligible for and receive points in each Supreme Contest area of competition to be eligible for this contest. E. Bonus Points will be awarded for Market Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion of each species. Grand Champion – 3 points Reserve Grand Champion – 2 points F. Tie Breakers: The order of tie breakers is listed below: Skills Quiz score Showmanship score Market Animal score Record Book score Douglas County Fair Board decision on merit MASTER SHOWMANSHIP WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION (LIVESTOCK) & WEST WARM UP ARENA (HORSES) I. COMPETITON PROVISIONS A. The following additional department rules apply to all Junior Division Competitions at the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo. These rules are in addition to and do not supersede or negate the Competition Rules in Sections 1, 2, and 2B. B. Each class will have a time limit of ten (10) minutes. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management may modify this time limit as needed. C. Junior Livestock Departments participating in the Master Showmanship Competition include: Beef Horse Sheep Swine Market Goats D. Junior Division Exhibitors must attend the Check-In Meeting. Failure to attend this meeting may cause the Exhibitor to be declared ineligible for the Master Showmanship Competition. E. Junior Division Exhibitors must provide an animal from the Junior Livestock Department in which they qualified for use in the Master Showmanship Competition. F. Animals will be available for exhibition in all age divisions. G. Beef and horses must be provided with a show halter, complete with a chain under the chin. H. Animals must be clean and presentable. However, there will NOT be an animal fitting score. I. Junior Division Exhibitors must designate a handler who will be responsible for the provided animal during the Master Showmanship Competition. J. Handlers must have the animal available at ringside when that species is being shown. K. Junior Livestock Department Superintendents will select additional and alternate animals for use in the Master Showmanship Competition. L. Alternate animals may be used in any class, at any time as determined by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. M. Junior Division Exhibitors must be present at ringside when their class is called. Junior Division Exhibitors who are late or who miss their class may be declared ineligible for this competition by the Master Showmanship Competition Superintendent. N. Junior Division Exhibitors must bring or borrow their own show ring supplies and equipment. 152 Recommend Show Ring Supplies and Equipment: a. BEEF: show stick & scotch comb b. SWINE: show stick & brush II. ELIGIBILITY Class Class 001 Senior 004 Junior Name Master Showmanship 14-18 Years Old Master Showmanship 8-13 Years Old A. The two age division’s classes for the Junior Division Exhibitor are based on the Exhibitor’s age as of December 31st of the previous year. B. Junior Division Exhibitors will qualify for the Master Showmanship Competition through a separate Showmanship Class after their species showmanship classes. This class will aid in the combination of the age divisions. Previous species showmanship placement will not be a factor in the separate class. Exhibitors must pre-enter for the Master Showmanship qualifier class on their online fair entries. C. A maximum of ten (10) Junior Division Exhibitors are eligible to participate in each age division of the Master Showmanship Competition, two (2) from each Junior Livestock Department age division. Junior Division Exhibitors may qualify for the Master Showmanship Competition in only one (1) Junior Livestock Department. a. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies in more than one (1) Junior Livestock Department the Junior Division Exhibitor must declare which Junior Livestock Department they will represent in the Master Showmanship Competition. (i) This declaration must be made within one (1) hour of the end of the final Junior Livestock Department Showmanship Class. (ii) This declaration must be made to either the Master Showmanship Competition Superintendent or the chair of the Show Management Committee. D. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has already qualified or is unable to compete in the Master Showmanship Competition the next highest placing Exhibitor will become eligible until two (2) Junior Division Exhibitors from each participating Junior Livestock Department age division are selected for this competition. III. COMPETITON FORMAT A. The Order of Competition will be set by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and may be changed as needed. The preliminary Order of Competition will be: Swine & Horse* Beef Sheep Market Goats a. *Horses will show concurrently with other species rotating thru age divisions. B. Junior Division Exhibitors will draw lots at the Check-In Meeting to select the animal or order they will show in each class of the competition. C. Junior Division Exhibitors automatically draw the animal they provide for this competition. D. Show order for the Horse Class will also be drawn. 153 SWINE A. Class Order: Junior Senior B. Time Limit: 10 minutes per class C. Junior Division Exhibitors are to use the animal that was selected at the Check-In Meeting unless an alternate animal has been provided at the judge’s discretion. D. Junior Division Exhibitors are placed based on showmanship skills and knowledge. BEEF A. Class Order: Senior Junior B. Time Limit: 10 minutes per class. C. Junior Division Exhibitors are to use the animal that was selected at the Check-In Meeting unless an alternate animal has been provided at the judge’s discretion. D. Junior Division Exhibitors are placed based on showmanship skills and knowledge. SHEEP A. Class Order: Senior Junior B. Time Limit: 10 minutes per class. C. Junior Division Exhibitors are to use the animal that was selected at the Check-In Meeting unless an alternate animal has been provided at the judge’s discretion. D. Junior Division Exhibitors are placed based on showmanship skills and knowledge. HORSE A. Class Order: Senior Junior B. Time Limit: 10 minutes per class segment. C. Junior Division Exhibitors will enter the show ring in the order that was selected at the Check-In Meeting unless an alternate animal has been provided at the judge’s discretion. D. Junior Division Exhibitors are to use the horse that was selected at the Check-In Meeting. E. Junior Division Exhibitors are placed based on showmanship skills and knowledge. GOAT A. Class Order: Senior Junior B. Time Limit: 10 minutes per class segment. C. Junior Division Exhibitors will enter the show ring in the order that was selected at the Check-In Meeting. D. Junior Division Exhibitors are to use the animal that was selected at the Check-In Meeting unless an alternate animal has been provided at the judge’s discretion. E. Junior Division Exhibitors are placed based on showmanship skills and knowledge. 154 IV. SHOW RING A. Only Junior Division Exhibitors are allowed in the show ring. B. Junior Division Exhibitors are to show the animal they selected at the Check-In Meeting or the alternate designated by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. C. The front feet of sheep and goats must remain on the show ring floor while being shown. Judges and Superintendents will have discretion to enforce disqualification. V. SCORING GUIDELINES A. Each Junior Division Exhibitor will be placed 1st – 10th for each species. This placing will be the score received for each class. Judges may ask questions relating to knowledge of the species or may place the class entirely on showmanship abilities. B. The lowest total score wins, the best possible score being 5 points if the individual placed first in all five species. C. Tie Breakers: 1st Tie Breaker: Lowest combined showmanship score of contestant’s 4 secondary species (i.e. the champion beef showman’s tiebreaker score would be his/her combined score from sheep, swine, goats and horse). 2nd Tie Breaker: Showmanship score from the contestant’s primary species. Additional tie breakers will be determined by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management as needed. VI. PREMIUMS A. Ribbons will be awarded in 1st thru 6th place only. SMALL ANIMAL ROUND ROBIN WHITMAN-LOWELL PAVILION I. COMPETITION REQUIREMENTS A. All entrants must read and be familiar with and comply with the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Requirements and Regulations, Junior Division Competition Requirements and Regulations, Junior Livestock Division Competition Requirements and Regulations, Junior Livestock Sale Participation Requirements, any special Division or Department Competition Requirements, Regulations and Health Requirements, and the IAFE National Show Ring Code of Ethics. B. Superintendents may add, delete and combine classes as necessary. C. Each class will have a time limit of five (5) minutes. Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management may modify this time limit as needed. D. Junior Livestock Departments participating in the Round Robin Contest include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dog Rabbit Llama Non-Market Goat Poultry 155 E. Contestants must attend the mandatory competitor’s meeting on Saturday night before the contest. Failure to attend this meeting may cause the Contestant to be declared ineligible for the Round Robin Contest and subject to discipline as set forth in Section VII of the Douglas County Fair and Rodeo General Competition Requirements and Regulations. F. Contestants must provide an animal from the Junior Livestock Department in which they qualified for use in the Round Robin Contest. 1. Animals will be available for exhibition in all age divisions. a. Dogs must be provided with a show collar and leash. b. Non-Market Goats must be provided with a show collar. c. Llamas must be provided with a show halter, complete with a chain under the chin. d. Animals must be clean and presentable. However, there will NOT be an animal fitting score. e. Contestants must designate a handler who will be responsible for the provided animal during the Round Robin Contest. (1) Handlers must have the animal available at ringside when that species is being shown. f. Contestants from the Poultry Department may bring the animal they qualified with to use in the Round Robin Contest. g. Junior Livestock Department Superintendents will select additional and alternate animals for use in the Round Robin Contest. G. Junior Division Exhibitors that qualify for the Round Robin Contest from the Poultry Department will exhibit a chicken in the Round Robin Contest in order to maintain consistency for all Contestants during this contest. H. Alternate animals may be used at any show station, at any time as determined by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. I. Contestants must be present at ringside when their class is called. Contestants who are late or who miss their class may be declared ineligible for this competition by the Round Robin Contest Superintendent. J. Contestants must bring or borrow their own show ring supplies and equipment. II. ELIGIBILITY A. Junior Division Exhibitors eligible for the Round Robin Contest must be a Member in Good Standing of the Douglas County 4-H program. All program requirements must be met and certified by the Douglas County 4-H Agent. B. Three age divisions are offered with Junior Division Exhibitor age considered as of December 31st of the previous year. Class 001 002 003 Class Name Senior Round Robin Showmanship Intermediate Round Robin Showmanship Junior Round Robin Showmanship Age 14-18 Years Old 11-13 Years Old 8-10 Years Old C. Junior Division Exhibitors qualify for the Round Robin Contest based on their placing in the participating Junior Livestock Department Showmanship Class. 156 1. A maximum of ten (10) Junior Division Exhibitors are eligible to participate in each age division of the Round Robin Contest, two (2) from each Junior Livestock Department age division. 2. Junior Division Exhibitors may qualify for the Round Robin Contest in only one (1) Junior Livestock Department. a. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies in more than one (1) Junior Livestock Department the Junior Division Exhibitor must declare which Junior Livestock Department they will represent in the Round Robin Contest. b. This declaration must be made within one (1) hour of the end of the final participating Junior Livestock Department’s Showmanship Class. c. This declaration must be made to either the Round Robin Contest Superintendent or the chair of the Show Management Committee. 3. If a Junior Division Exhibitor has already qualified or is unable to compete in the Round Robin Contest the next highest placing Contestant will become eligible until a maximum of two (2) Junior Division Exhibitors from each participating Junior Livestock Department age division are selected for this contest. D. If a Junior Division Exhibitor qualifies for the Round Robin Contest with an animal that is leased, the Exhibitor and animal are eligible to participate in the Round Robin Contest. III. COMPETITON FORMAT All species participating in the Round Robin Contest are exhibited at the same time. One age group at a time competes in this contest. At each show station the Contestant will demonstrate their knowledge and showmanship of that species using currently acceptable showmanship techniques within the allotted time. Contestants rotate through all the species show stations demonstrating their knowledge and skills. Each Contestant is scored by the judge using a score sheet. Higher scores indicate a better performance. The score sheets are totaled at the end of the contest to determine the overall winner. Highest score wins. A. The Order of Competition will be set by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management and may be changed as needed. The preliminary Order of Competition will be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dog Rabbit Llama Non-Market Goat Poultry B. Contestants’ animals will be used in the showmanship portion of the contest. The judges will not be using a fitting score as a tie breaker —contestants do not need to fit their animals, but the animals should be clean and presentable. 1. Contestants must bring their own or borrow necessary supplies IV. SHOW RING A. Only Contestants are allowed in the show ring. B. Contestants are to show the animal designated by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management. 157 C. Contestants are to remain at the current show station until the announcer calls for Contestants to rotate to the next show station. V. SCORING GUIDELINES A. Each Contestant will be scored on knowledge and showmanship skills for each species. This score will be received for each species show station. Judges may ask questions relating to knowledge of the species or may score the Contestant entirely on showmanship abilities. B. The highest total score wins, the best possible score being 125 points if the Contestant shows all five species perfectly. C. Tie Breakers 1. 1st Tie Breaker: Highest combined score of contestant’s secondary species (i.e. the champion rabbit showman’s tiebreaker score would be his/her combined score from llama, non-market goat, poultry and dog). 2. 2nd Tie Breaker: Showmanship score from the contestant’s primary species. 3. Additional tie breakers will be determined by Douglas County Fair and Rodeo Management as needed. VI. PREMIUMS/AWARDS A. Ribbons will be awarded for Champion and Reserve Champion per age division. No premiums awarded. Separate sponsored item awards will be given at 4-H Achievement night. Thank you 2015 4-H Award Donors! Your support helps to benefit exhibitors, support education, and facilitate better agricultural practices through exhibitions and presentation. Award Jr Livestock Achievement Award Bruce Peck Memorial Champion Jr Master Showman Award Reserve Champion Jr Master Showman Award Champion Int Master Showman Award Reserve Champion Int Master Showman Award Champion Sr Master Showman Award Reserve Champion Sr Master Showman Award Champion Jr Round Robin Showman Reserve Champion Jr Round Robin Showman Champion Int Round Robin Showman Reserve Champion Int Round Robin Showman Champion Sr Round Robin Showman Reserve Champion Sr Round Robin Showman 158 Donor Newel Linford Larry Carnahan Taylor Landscaping Pam Hutton & Family Newel Linford Pam Hutton & Family Newel Linford Pam Hutton & Family Kate Wormington Pam Hutton & Family Kate Wormington Pam Hutton & Family Ernie & Kathe Jackson Pam Hutton & Family