ward 1 news from councillor rick craven


ward 1 news from councillor rick craven
February 2015
Joseph Brant Hospital Expansion Public Open House Meeting
Lakeshore Road Reconstruction
Proposed 28 Storey Building in Downtown
Village Square
Hager Creek Project
Snake Road Bridge
Bell Motel and Former Foo Ho Site
Jaggard’s Florist Site Proposed Development
Official Plan Review and Drive Throughs
Employment Land Conversions
Indian Point Character Study
City of Burlington New Website
Aldershot Honour Roll
We are edging closer to completion of the 2015 municipal budget process. In our area your final tax
bill is determined by a combination of the Halton Regional budget and the City of Burlington’s
budget. Halton has completed its work resulting in a 1.5% property tax hike or about $12 per
household. The City of Burlington is still working on its budget but is working in the area of a 3.5%
property tax increase which, when combined with the Regional tax increase, results in an overall
increase of 2.1% (about inflation) or around $19 per $100,000 worth of assessed property value.
We hope all this will be finalized within the next month.
2015 Proposed Operating Budget Book
2015 Proposed Capital Budget Book
Hospital Expansion
My office will host a public meeting concerning the hospital
expansion. It will be held on Wednesday, March 4 at 7:00 p.m.
in the Shoreline Room of the Burlington Art Gallery. This is
your opportunity to see the final plans in detail and share any
questions or concerns. Assuming approvals the hospital
hopes to start digging this spring.
Bellview Street and Bellview Crescent
A well attended public meeting was held recently to discuss the reconstruction of these two roads.
Both roads will get new water mains and sanitary sewers along with resurfacing. This is a $2.3 million
project. Exact timing is still to be determined but we are aiming for May and June. For further
information contact Jeff Thompson, Project Manager, Ph: 905-335-7600 ext. 7669, email:
Lakeshore Road Reconstruction
There is a long term plan to improve Lakeshore Road from Maple to the Beach. The work is to be
done in phases because it must be coordinated with the construction plans for the new hospital and
with the evolving Beach Master Plan. Phase One of the work will take place in the fall of 2015. This
will involve the replacement of a major storm water outfall behind the hospital. The work will
necessitate some disruption of the pedestrian pathway along the beach in the area. Phase Two,
scheduled for 2016/17, is full reconstruction of Lakeshore from Maple south to the Skyway
Wastewater Treatment Plant administration building. This section of new road will be about half a
meter higher than the existing road (to resolve drainage issues) and include sidewalks (on the north
side) with bike lanes. A public meeting to discuss this work will be scheduled in early spring. Phase
Three of the project concerns the most southern portion of the road. This is still being discussed as
part of the broader Beach Master Plan.
Proposed 28 Storey Building Downtown
The City recently hosted a public meeting to gauge public
reaction to the proposal by the ADI Developments for an
Official Plan amendment to permit this building at 374
Martha Street. The project includes 226 condos along with
retail/commercial space on the first floor. Currently only 4 to
8 storey buildings are permitted at this site. Neighbours feel
that the 28 storey tower is “over intensification” and better suited for downtown Vancouver or Toronto.
Concern was expressed about the negative impact the building might have on traffic, views of the
lake, sun shadowing, etc. Council will decide on the issue after receiving the recommendations of
staff in a couple of weeks.
Village Square
Council has received a report on the heritage value of Village Square.
The aim is to put into perspective some of the issues that may need to
be dealt with if and when the Square is ever redeveloped. (There are no
plans for redevelopment at this time). The study concluded that there
are 3 historic buildings worth preserving but that collectively the Square
(with most buildings constructed in the 70s) is not worth formal historic
The study recommended a variety of ways in which the heritage and
special character of the area could be preserved should the owner
redevelop the site. These ideas include: retaining all three of the
heritage buildings and exploring the possibility of formally “designating” them as historic, maximize
views of the heritage buildings, retaining the tower building (LCBO), introducing complimentary in-fill
development in terms of materials, detailing and residential character. Heights of new buildings
should be stepped back and respectful of scale and massing. The results of the study are to be
discussed with the owner of Village Square and may serve as guidelines for any future development.
Hager Creek Project
A citizens committee known as the “Hager Creek Stewards” continues to work with my office on a
plan to promote the well being of the creek valley between Four Seasons Drive and Kerns Road. The
valley was the subject of a recent erosion control analysis by the City of Burlington but is essentially
privately owned. The “Stewards” are hoping to involve their neighbours in plans to protect and
rehabilitate the valley area. A number of events are being planned for 2015 including a
neighbourhood BBQ on May 30. Stay tuned for more details.
Snake Road Bridge
I have spoken with CP Rail about the continued delays in the reopening of the Bridge. The work is
essentially completed but they need two dry, mild days to do the paving. They hope this can be done
next week.
Bell Motel and Former Foo Ho Site
The new owner of these properties has advised the
City of his plans to redevelop these sites. Melrose
Investments has told us that they want to build a 6
storey “modern” style condominium building with 178
units and 3,000 square feet of retail/commercial space
along Plains Road. The rear of the property would
have a series of 3-storey townhomes. The complex
would have both underground and surface level
parking. Melrose indicated that the old motel will
probably close this summer and both buildings will be demolished by the end of the year to make way
for the new project. The developer has not filed any formal applications with the City yet but
expressed a desire for approvals in 2015 with construction in 2016. When (and if) the City actually
receives a formal application for this development I will host a neighbourhood meeting to show the
plans to nearby residents. Subject to detailed analysis, a proposal like this would be consistent with
the City’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw.
Jaggard’s Florist Site (405 Plains Road East)
This picture is the first artist’s rendering of the
proposed redevelopment of this site. Dawn Victoria
Homes is proposing to build a 3-storey commercial
building along the front of the property and two 3/4storey stand-along residential buildings at the back of
the site. These residential buildings would include 24
stacked townhouses. City staff are currently reviewing
the proposal and I plan to host a public meeting about
it soon.
Waterdown Road Update
The demolition of Murray’s Variety at the corner of Plains and
Waterdown Road is the latest signal that preliminary work is
progressing on this important project. The City plans to widen
Waterdown Road all the way up to the interchange, including
on-road bike lanes, wider sidewalks, improved street lighting
and new storm sewers. The work also includes installation of a
permanent, new traffic light at Plains and Cooke Boulevard.
Major construction will begin in March. The intersection will be
closed from May to October with Cooke Blvd and Masonry Crt
serving as the detour route.
Official Plan Review and Drive-Throughs
A proposal has been put forward to ban construction of any new drive-through stores on Plains Road.
The idea is part of a series of recommendations for the City’s new Official Plan. Drive-throughs are
generally considered to be problematic along streets that we are trying to convert into more
pedestrian friendly “main streets”. Many people believe drive throughs cause problems with cars
backing up onto the street, noisy intercoms, pedestrian safety and increased air pollution. They are
not consistent with the Plains Road Village Vision. I received a lot of negative feedback when the
drive-through Tim Hortons was permitted at the ESSO gas station site at Plains and LaSalle. A
Committee of Council has endorsed the idea of the ban but it will not be certain until the new Official
Plan is finalized at the end of this year. Existing drive-throughs would be permitted to continue. To
view the reports that were presented to the Development & Infrastructure Committee on February 9
visit the City’s Agendas and Minutes web page.
Employment Land Conversions
Also as part of the Official Plan review the City is considering a number of requests from Aldershot
property owners to convert land currently zoned for “employment” purposes to other uses. Many of
these properties are in west Aldershot near Waterdown Road. The list includes: 1077 Howard Road
and 1070 Waterdown Road (King Paving), 1021 Emery Ave (south of King Paving), 53 Plains Road
East and 1025 Cooke Blvd (Solid Gold), 101 Masonry Court, 1 Plains Road East, 1017, 1021, 1025,
1029, 1033, 1026 Waterdown Road and 1026 Cooke Blvd.
Studies show that the City does in fact have sufficient “employment” land to meet our needs so
conversion of these properties to different zones is possible and may in fact be desirable for a variety
of long term planning reasons.
Indian Point Character Study
We are entering the final phase of discussions related to the
zoning at Indian Point. The City has been meeting with residents
for two years to discuss the future of this unique neighbourhood.
The issue was first raised when residents expressed concern
about infill and land severances threatening the historic character
of the area. In response, the City came up with some ideas to
restrict new development. Along the way, however, a majority of
residents signed a petition asking the City not to proceed.
Presumably they don’t want any further restrictions that may
impact the resale value of their property. A Committee of Council is
expected to make a final decision on this matter on March 30.
Interestingly, since the Indian Point discussion began several other areas have come to the City
asking for additional zoning restrictions to protect the existing nature of their neighbourhoods.
Around the Bay Road Race
There is a minor route change for the annual Around the Bay Road Race scheduled for March 29.
Unlike previous years, the race will not go down Spring Gardens Road to Valley Inn Road in west
Aldershot. This is due to extensive construction happening on the Hamilton side of Valley Inn Road
(pathway) at the site of the adjacent CN Rail bridge. The race will be rerouted along Plains Road
West in front of the RBG.
City of Burlington New Website
The City of Burlington has completely upgraded its website. The new site is accessible from any
mobile device. It includes a variety of improvements including more on-line services “Applications,
Licences and Permits”, a section on “Service Requests” where you can report potholes, broken street
lights, graffiti, etc., by simply going online and an improved search option, “What are you looking
for?”. Check it out at www.burlington.ca.
Honour Roll
The Aldershot Community Honour Roll is currently accepting nominations. This year’s honourees will
be celebrated at a reception on Thursday, May 28 at Fern Hill School. Nominations close April 3. For
more information check out www.achr.ca. Previous honourees included Rob MacIsaac, Joe DeLuca
and Les Laking.
Highways 6 and 5
I am occasionally asked about the status of the Province’s plans for Clappison’s Corners. The long
term plan is to build a grade separation so that traffic can move in both directions uninterrupted. The
result will be a full interchange. Upon checking recently I learned that the Province has still not
identified a timetable for this work.
City of Hamilton, Highway 5 and Highway 6 Interchange
Public Information Centre #1 Summary Report
Public Meetings
Joseph Brant Hospital Expansion Public Open House Meeting
Wednesday, March 4, 7:00 p.m.
Art Gallery of Burlington, Shoreline Room
Aldershot Drop-In
Wednesday, March 11, 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
Fortinos on Plains, Café
North Aldershot Public Open House Meeting
Thursday, March 12, 7:00 p.m.
Woodview Children's Centre, Gymnasium
69 Flatt Road
Public Open House Regarding the Feeding of Nuisance Wildlife
Thursday, March 26, 7:00 p.m.
Central Arena, 519 Drury Lane
Rick Craven
Kathi Laufman
City/Regional Councillor Ward 1
Office: 905-335-7600 Ext. 7587
Fax: 905-335-7881
Councillor’s Assistant
Office: 905-335-7600 Ext. 7863
Fax: 905-335-7881
Let’s Keep In Touch
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You may unsubscribe at any time. Please feel free to forward my newsletter to your friends, family,
neighbours and colleagues so they can sign up as well. You may also contact me through email, phone
social media or by attending Ward 1 public open house meetings or drop-in sessions.