Linking our Community - Aldershot
Linking our Community - Aldershot
ALDERSHOTGARRISONHERALD June/July 2016 Linking our Community Issue 008 WIN FREE TICKETS SEE PAGE 26 FOR DETAILS TO WESTIVAL 16 Red Devils deliver flag to signify new title for Aldershot 3* Headquarters ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD Available online at: A place you can be proud to call home ALDERSHOTGARRISONHERALD FROM THE EDITOR Lt col nc macgregor A Personnel Support Command now retitled Home Command (HC), an Army 3* Headquarters based at Queens Avenue in Aldershot, had a unique visit and delivery on Friday 29th April. To signify that the Headquarters had reached its full operating capability, a Flag Raising and sunset Ceremony at Montgomery House was held and the British Army’s very own Parachute Regiment Freefall Team ‘The Red Devils’ dropped in to hand deliver the new flag. Picture courtesy of 11X Army Media, Cpl J van Zyl. Contents 4 22 Field Hospital have completed the move of their personnel to Keogh Barracks, although remain part of Aldershot Garrison, while 10 QOGLR hosted a Shooting competition, with the Garrison well represented and performing well. 1 Scots Guards have been dominating in the Football, British Army Premier League Central champions with no defeats in the season games! Garrison at a Glance 10 Historical Aldershot 14 Charities 16 Around and About the Garrison 20 In The Garrison 24 Our Partners Update 26 Lifestyle 30 On the Horizon 33 Notices Please address all correspondence to: aldershot Garrison herald, Garrison headquarters, St omer barracks, alisons Road, aldershot, hampshire Gu11 2bG or via email All submissions for the August/September edition are to be with the Herald team no later than 15 July 2016. If you are submitting photographs please ensure they are a good quality jpeg and have an appropriate caption. FRONT COVER PIC: Home Command flag being delivered by ‘The Red Devils’. Picture courtesy of 11X Army Media, Cpl J van Zyl. Production Manager – Lee Sexton, HQ Aldershot Garrison, 37 Community Centres 39 Spiritual News from Above published for Commander aldershot Garrison by Method Publishing, Sutherland Press House, Golspie, Sutherland, Scotland KW10 6RA. Email: design and Typography © Method publishing 2016 The Aldershot Garrison Herald is published every other month by kind permission of the Garrison Commander. Views expressed in this magazine, unless otherwise specifically stated, are not necessarily those ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD nother busy two months since the last edition of the Herald with the Inter Service Boxing Championships,the British Army retaining the Inter Service Trophy for the 33rd consecutive year. The flag raising ceremony of the new Home Command (3* Headquarters established here in Aldershot) got off to a spectacular start with the Home Command flag being delivered by ‘The Red Devils’. ‘Clean for the Queen’ is gathering pace in preparation for the Queen’s 90th birthday with our MP and several local Councillors supporting programmes to ensure Aldershot does its bit for this memorable occasion. Aldershot Garrison was heavily involved in the Battle of the Somme in 1916 and we intend to mark the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of this battle with a number of local events this year. We hope to include local schools and the people of Rushmoor in these events and our local historian (Paul Vickers) has provided a special article for this edition. More to follow on Somme events. A number of military families have been subject to burglary in recent months, I can say with confidence that Hampshire Police and Rushmoor Council are working well with the Garrison to tackle this problem with a targeted effort, which is already producing positive results. We will continue to develop this work and are grateful to the families that have engaged in support of this effort. If you do have an article you would like published, then please remember, you can submit stories to: of the Garrison, the Army or the Ministry of Defence. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the permission of the Editor. No responsibility for the quality of goods or services advertised in this magazine can be accepted by the Editor or Publishers and advertisements are accepted on the express condition that they in no way contravene the provisions of the Trades Descriptions Act 1968 nor any other prevailing Consumer Legislation. The Editor and Publishers cannot accept responsibility for the result of errors or omissions in articles or advertisements. 3 GARRISON AT A G hQ 11 Infantry brigade March 2016 saw Headquarters 11th Infantry Brigade deploy to BATUK, in Kenya, on its first overseas training exercise since it reformed in late 2014. The core Brigade Planning and Operations staff, commanded by the Deputy Commander Col A J P Barr OBE, deployed as the Higher Control (HICON) HQ for 1st Bn Royal Gurkha Rifles (1RGR) Battlegroup’s Final Test Exercise of Ex ASKARI STORM 2/16. Kenya offers an outstanding training environment in which Light Forces can hone their skills and learn to live and operate in austere conditions. At the same time as learning how to deal with elephants and lions getting in the way of their training! This was the second significant event in the Brigade’s training year and provided an opportunity for the Brigade to assess it’s internal processes while delivering a challenging exercise to fully test 1RGR in all aspects of the delivery of Light Infantry capability. It was also the first opportunity to integrate additional capabilities into the Headquarters from Force Troop Command, including Royal Artillery, Royal Engineers and Medical SMEs, and learn how their subject matter expertise could enhance the Headquarters and what it is able to deliver. hQ Regional Command In autumn 2015, pupils from 18 Birmingham schools participated in a Schools’ Centenary Battlefield Tour (SCBT) as part of a Government-led initiative managed by Headquarters Regional Command. The aim of the SCBT is to educate school children across the nation by highlighting the importance of the World War I Western Front campaigns. By the end of 2016, two pupils and one teacher from every state school in England will have had the opportunity to participate in the programme. This tour started in Ypres, Belgium and visited Tyne Cot, Thiepval, and Newfoundland memorials as well as the Poperinghe death cells, in the Flanders Fields museum. The tour finished at the Menin Gate with the children being offered the opportunity to participate in the Last Post Ceremony. Pupils focussed on key areas of interest from their school syllabus which varied from looking at the effects of war on the population of the occupied countries to tracing the footsteps of local football heroes. Serving soldiers accompany each tour, giving modern day perspectives of life in the forces and offering contemporary comparisons to life on operations. Children made clay models as part of the ‘Coming World Remember Me’ public art project that aims to create 600, 000 clay figures representing every fallen soldier who lost their life in Belgium. Each figure has dogtags displaying the names of the maker and soldier with the purpose of uniting different generations and nationalities in the commemorations. For both adults and children alike it was a rare opportunity to undertake a period of reflection, both for events past and the future to come. Schools wishing to sign up for the SCBT programme can find more details at Combat Service Support Trials & development unit The British Army has a distinguished history of collaborating with foreign armies. The UK has recently increased its interoperability agenda and is working closely with the French (FR) Army. Exercise JOINT PULL in France, was a steppingstone on the Combined Joint Expeditionary Force (CJEF) roadmap to UK/ FR vehicle recovery interoperability, and key to developing the CJEF Land Component Command capability. The FR provided 11 different armoured and wheeled FR Army vehicles and CSS TDU was tasked to assess the interoperability of UK armoured and wheeled recovery vehicles with the FR platforms. The trials identified that it is not possible to ‘slave start’ any FR platforms using the British issued NATO slave lead, nor is it possible to use a FR slave lead to assist in starting a UK vehicle, because of slave lead and socket compatibility issues. Beyond that, the CHALLENGER Armoured Recovery Repair Vehicle (CRARRV) encountered another recovery issue, but this was easily resolved during trials of 2 tracked FR equipments, by making a minor modification to a single item of the CRARRV Complete Equipment Schedule that then allowed full compatibility. The wheeled vehicle trials concluded that the majority of wheeled FR vehicles were able to be recovered by the Support Vehicle (Recovery), using rigid and support/suspend tows. Collaboration between the UK and FR Armies was outstanding and Exercise JOINT PULL was highly successful. Director Capability, Major General Bob Bruce, recently wrote “Interoperability within a joint, inter-agency and multinational context will be a fundamental requirement, not an adjunct.” 4 defence dental Centre The dental centre runs as busy as ever with Unit dental fitness and deployability the primary aim. Dental fitness figures are improving thanks to the hard work of the staff and proactive engagement from the Units. Surgeon Captain (D) Norris is warmly welcomed to Aldershot. He is the Principal Dental Officer and commands DPHC(Dental) South from its Regional HQ base in Aldershot. Mrs Ruth Garrity and Mrs Maya Phool Thapa are heartily welcomed into the dental team in their roles as dental nurses that improve our staffing levels and allow for further gains in dental deployability fitness figures. A successful team day was run by SAC Wemyss to the indoor Ski centre at Milton Keynes where thankfully all staff returned injury-free. Congratulations must be extended to Miss Lisa-Marie Grannells for successfully completing her Oral Health Education course. LCpl Buerdsell is to be praised for successfully completing her Level 3 Health and Social Care Diploma in just six short months, eschewing the normal twelve month timeline. ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD GLANCE 4 RIFlES 4 RIFLES have maintained an energetic tempo over the Easter period which has involved exciting opportunities for all. A Company have returned from an overseas deployment to Belize where they have been conducting Jungle Warfare Training. B Company is soon to deploy to Canada in order to work alongside the Canadian Army. R Company have recently finished running the 4 Rifles JNCO Cadre in which Riflemen from across the 5 Battalions were put through their paces in order to prove they have what it takes to promote to Lance Corporal. Support Company is soon to send a Short Term Training Team (STTT) out to Kenya where they will help train Kenyan Soldiers in Mechanised Infantry tactics. Out of uniform, the 4 Rifles LAD recently competed in the REME, RLC & AGC Duathlon 2016. As a team they finished an impressive 2nd out of nearly 300 other competitors which is a fantastic result! 22 Field hospital In April 22 Field Hospital officially moved from Normandy Barracks to Keogh Barracks as part of the Army Rebasing Programme, and is now reunited with 4 AMR in a Barracks with which we are very familiar. While the RHQ and Sp Sqn relocated, the requirement for technical accommodation means that the Clinical Sqn will retain a presence at Normandy Barracks until 2019/20, when it is anticipated that Keogh Barracks will be ready to accommodate the equipment. SLAM is forecast to be completed by the end of the Summer, and a new Warrant Officers’ and Sergeants’ Mess is due to be completed in 2017 as part of the long term regeneration of Keogh Barracks. The Commanding Officer, Lt Col Helen Winder, said “Keogh Barracks presents a great opportunity for 22 Field Hospital to live and work in a fantastic environment. The current schedule of works will bring the unit together in a fit for purpose home within the next 2 yrs. This is an exciting opportunity, it is exciting to be at the very fore of this rebasing programme.” The move into the former Army Medical Directorate Headquarters has seen the Army Medical Services regain a centre of gravity in the south of England and return to what has always been an AMS barracks, named after the Sir Alfred Keogh, who held the position of DG AMS twice in his career. ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 1st battalion Scots Guards Despite RAAT taskings doing their best at filling time in the Scots Guards’ ‘Other Tasks Year’, this has not stopped the Battalion’s success in the sporting arena. The Football team have been crowned British Army Premier League Central champions. The side were undefeated in the league and suffered only one defeat in the Army Cup in their first season down South. Roll on the start of the new season! Slightly further from home, the Battalion Cricket team are currently touring Barbados. In difficult conditions, the side narrowly lost their first two matches, the former coming down to the last two balls. There have been some encouraging performances, however, especially Sgt MacLean with the ball and Capt Jackson with the bat. The side play three more matches before returning home. The next few weeks sees the Battalion deploy to Scotland and the North of England to conduct ranges, adventurous training and recruiting. A three way rotation will see the three rifle companies, supported by elements of B (Support) Company, live firing in Kirkcudbright, hill walking, rock climbing and mountain biking in the Lake District and recruiting in Lanarkshire, Ayrshire and Lancashire. Back in the South the Pipes and Drums are preparing for the Beating Retreat on Horse Guards in June. 5 4 armd Med Regt 4 Armd Med Regt spent much of April focussed on the Brigade Operational Shooting Competition; the team competed against 19 other units finishing in an excellent 6th position, qualifying for the Divisional competition in May. Personnel from 11 Squadron can now look forward to favourable weather as they prepare to deploy for a fortnight conducting Mandatory Annual Training Tests (MATTs) as well as some adventurous training activity on the Isle of Wight. The remainder of the unit continue to offer support to training in Canada at the British Army Training Unit, Suffield (BATUS) on Ex PRAIRIE STORM. 160 provost Company, 4 Regiment, Royal Military police Marksmen from 4 RMP have recently been competing in the FTC Operational Shooting Competition. The team successfully won one of the coveted qualifying places to participate at Bisley later this year. This is a fantastic opportunity to practice core skills and compete head to head with the top shots in the Army. We also fared well at the AGC Triple Crown March & Shoot Competition where the team from 160 Pro Coy managed fourth place out of fifty teams in the Military Skills phase. The highlight of this reporting period has to be the Policing of the Army V Navy Rugby match at Twickenham with our counterparts from the Royal Navy and the Metropolitan Police Service. This event allowed us to test our interoperability with other forces and provided a unique chance to provide policing support to generations of serving, reserve and ex members of the military community. The day was made even more memorable, as we had one of our own, LCpl Sarah Batley representing the Army Women’s Rugby Squad against the Navy. Finally, we bid farewell to Lt Col SL Pringle-Smith and wish her every success in her new post and welcome our new, Commanding Officer, Lt Col D Dray MBE to 4 RMP. 10 The Queen’s own Gurkha logistic Regiment 10 QOGLR remains poised at high readiness and has been training hard to maintain and improve collective readiness and professional excellence across all trades and departments. Additionally, the Regiment were the lead unit for the Force Troops Command Operations Shooting Competition, a two week event involving over 1000 Regular and Reserve soldiers. Pte Arshu Gurung of 1 Supply Squadron was crowned as Champion Shot and the Regimental team finished second overall behind the ARRC Support Battalion team (which featured three soldiers on detachment from 10 QOGLR). Another highlight has been the annual inter-squadron Doko race competition. Sixteen teams of four completed a two mile lap of Caesar’s Camp Training Area carrying 15kg in a traditional Doko basket which is worn using just a strap over the forehead. Although incredibly tough, the event was an inspiration for all and morale within the Regiment remains buoyant. 6 27 Regiment, Royal logistic Corps This last quarter has seen soldiers and officers partake in numerous adventure training opportunities, deploy on key exercises, as well as continuing to bring success in numerous sporting events. Whilst the Regiment continues to maintain readiness during its Other Tasks year, it is also committed to deploying soldiers all over the world, including Germany, Kenya, Belize, United Arab Emirates, the Falkland Islands and Cyprus. Back on UK soil, Exercise GRIFFIN STRIKE saw many soldiers conduct training with their French counterparts to test interoperability between the two nations. The exercise was a huge success and each and every soldier thoroughly enjoyed training with their newly found international friends. Exercise PERUVIAN WOLF, saw members of 91 Squadron deployed to Peru on an arduous two-week adventure training package. This saw them trek through the Salcantay Pass before finally scaling Machu Picchu. The regiment remains dedicated to giving soldiers the freedom to play representative sport and as always they have risen to the challenge, continuing to deliver success. The Men’s Football Team won the Army FA Southern League Central Division One and our Female Boxing Team fought hard, winning the female competition at the Corps Boxing Championships. ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD Garrison headquarters We are continuing to work on the Somme Commemoration Event. A painting to remember the 53 Rushmoor men that died on the Somme has been commissioned. The AMS Band and 4 AMR will be taking part in the Victoria Day Parade on 11 June. A challenge zone has been arranged to involve the children at the Hampshire School Games on 30 June. There will be a number of stands/ displays that children can interact with between the different games. The zone will be set up on Queens Avenue Sports Field and will be open to the public from 16:30. Aldershot Garrison sees the departure of one the longest standing members of the management team here in the headquarters. Lt Col (Ret’d) Jack Longland leaves for the lovely life of retirement after giving 40 years of his life to the military and support services. We would like to thank Jack for all that he has done to better the lives of military personnel within Aldershot Garrison. The PAC wouldn’t be what it’s become today without Jack and his team. Garrison Commander took part in North Coast 500 and cycled 519 miles in 6 days around Scotland to raise money for Royal Regiment of Scotland Benevolent Fund. The team raised nearly £5k! 10 SR 251 Sig Sqn The upcoming month also sees 251 Sig Sqn support the Trooping of the Colour for Her Majesty’s 90th birthday; this involved the Squadron spending 3 weekends in a row in London, providing manning for the busy Operations room or alongside the foot guards along the route providing situational awareness for all that may not be able to see from their position what is happening along the parade route, and inform them of critical information. Our last event for the summer season is ‘The Somme 100’ which will be a memorial parade conducted as it is 100 years since the battle of the Somme. Events similar to this happen every year for various key events throughout history. Overall this is a very busy and demanding period for the Squadron but it will be enjoyed by all personnel taking part. Keep an eye out for us if you find yourself in London for a parade! ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD headquarters, 101 logistic brigade April saw the HQ deployed on Exercise GRIFFIN STRIKE with the French Army down in Cornwall, complete with storms and 70 mph winds. This was the culmination of two years work to develop a Combined Headquarters capable of supporting a multinational force and it was very successful. The level of interoperability achieved was way beyond what we thought possible two years ago. Our French colleagues’ command of the English language was brilliant, evidenced by an increasing amount of sarcasm and banter as the exercise went on! Late June and most of July will see the HQ deployed again on Exercise JOINT VENTURE back in Cornwall but hopefully without the storms this time and on Exercise FEARFUL OWL where we will be educating the Majors’ staff course in logistic planning. 77 army Education Centre From 16 May there will be a number of fundamental changes to CLM Part 3 courses run at education centres. • All soldiers who attend these courses will receive a JPA competency stating that they have ‘Attended’ the course. This competency will be used by APC Glasgow for pre-boarding for promotion. • Students will either be graded as ‘Attended Successful’ or ‘Attended – Non Successful’, dependent on whether or not they have passed the assessment criteria. Only those who receive ‘Attended – Successful’ will be eligible to receive associated accreditation for the course. • Students who receive ‘Attended – Non Successful’ will not be able to receive accreditation. Remediation will no longer be available through AECs and will be a unit responsibility. As awarding bodies will not be able to quality assure this remediation, soldiers will not be able to remediate and then gain accreditation. For further information, soldiers should contact their RCMOs or 77 AEC on 01252 34875. Please note that all 77 AEC Gp email addresses have changed to 77AECGp-*Location*-*Role*@ for example 7 E XC LU S I V E M I L I TA RY B E N E F I TS AT M A R S H A L L M I L I TA RY SA L E S JaguaR XF Range RoveR evoque Jaguar’s most practical sports car with everyday practicality and efficiency. 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A vehicle’s actual fuel consumption may differ from that achieved in such tests and these figures are for comparative purposes only. Finance is subject to status and only available to serving or former serving† members of HM Forces, aged 18 and over resident in Mainland UK and N.Ireland. Indemnities may be required. This finance offer is available from Black Horse Limited trading as Jaguar Land Rover Financial Services, St William House, Tresillian Terrace, Cardiff, CF10 5BH. This offer is available on new Jaguar and Land Rover models at Marshall Military Sales only. Promotions are not available on used cars. Military on the road price includes: Tax Free for Export – Government First Registration Fee. Tax Paid for UK Government – First Registration Fee, 12 Months Vehicle Excise Duty and 20% VAT. Representative Example is based upon an annual mileage of 8000 miles. †Terms and conditions apply and are subject to status. Prices and discount correct at time of going to press. 7 Day Membership at Nuffield Health Farnham offered to all Residents of the Aldershot Garrison. Enjoy our fully equipped Gym, 18m Swimming Pool, Sauna, Steam Room and Jacuzzi For more information and to book please call 01252 747500 T&C’s apply. Guests must be 18 years or older Weybourne Road, Farnham GU9 9EL Expires 31st July 2016 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 9 The Somme Cross I n the south porch of the Royal Garrison Church of All Saints is a large wooden cross, about nine feet high and blackened with age. Inscribed into the cross are the words: “In memory of the Officers, SNCO’s and Men of 1st Division killed in action near High Wood during September 1916 – RIP”. This poignant memorial is a direct and tangible link to the terrible fighting at the Battle of the Somme, one hundred years ago. A drawing of the 1st Division Cross in its original location on the battlefield at High Wood. (Courtesy of the Royal Garrison Church of All Saints.) By Paul H. Vickers, Friends of the Aldershot Military Museum On the outbreak of the First World War there were two infantry divisions resident in Aldershot, 1st Division in South Camp and 2nd Division in North Camp, so Aldershot Command Headquarters was the only de facto standing corps headquarters in the country. The mobilisation order was received on 4 August 1914, the day war was declared, and the first units moved out from Aldershot on 12 August. By 15 August all regular Aldershot units had left for the front. The Battle of the Somme began on 1 July 1916, now recognised as the most disastrous day in British Army history for the horrific number of casualties in the initial attacks. Although the first day on the Somme is the most well known, the battle lasted for over four months until its official end on 18 November. Within the overall Battle of the Somme were a number of sharply fought individual battles and the Aldershot divisions were involved in much hard fighting. The 1st Division went into action during the Battle of Bazentin Ridge (14-17 July), where it operated on the west flank in support of 21st Division. Then at the Battle of Pozieres Ridge (23-26 July) the 1st Division attacked the German second line of defence, known as the Old German or OG Lines, in support of the main offensive by the Australian forces. Within weeks both 1st and 2nd Divisions were in action at the battle of Mons, which was the first of many ferociously fought battles for the Aldershot divisions. Later in 1914 both Divisions fought at the battle of the Aisne and the first battle of Ypres, and in 1915 at Aubers Ridge (1st Division), Festubert (2nd Division), Loos and Hohenzollern Redoubt (both Divisions). By 1916 these were experienced and battle-hardened formations. The high casualty rates meant that a large proportion of the men were not those who had first deployed, but in the ranks were still some of soldiers who had left from Aldershot in August 1914. The 2nd Division launched an assault on Delville Wood on 25 July, and held off German counterattacks throughout the next day. The battle continued until 31 July, by which time the Division had lost 108 officers and 2,957 other ranks killed, wounded or missing. On 8 and 9 August, 2nd Division attacked Guillemont. The attacks failed, in the face of intense enemy machine gun fire, and when the assault was broken off the 2nd Division had lost a further 24 officers and 688 other ranks killed, wounded or missing. The Division was relieved on 11 August and moved to the Ancre sector, north of the Somme battlefield. Later that 10 month they returned to the Somme and were engaged in trench warfare, including numerous raids, until the beginning of November. Some of the hardest fighting during the Battle of the Somme was for High Wood, near the village of Bazentin le Petit, which the British had been trying to take since 6 July. A major assault on the wood was launched on 14 July at the start of the Battle of Bazentin Ridge, but this was driven back, and in the following weeks were many more attacks and counter-attacks. The 1st Division went into action at High Wood on Sunday 3 September, when the attack began with the blowing of a huge 3,000lb mine 30 seconds before zero hour. The 1st Cameron Highlanders (1st Brigade, 1st Division), following an effective creeping barrage, drove the Germans out of their trenches in vicious hand-to-hand fighting, but were driven back by heavy machine-gun fire. Private John Jackson of the Camerons wrote that High Wood “had been reduced to a tangled mass of broken trees and smashed wire fences, through which, in various directions, ran lines of trenches … The trenches were full of bodies both British and German. They lay in grotesque shapes, some indeed stood propped against the parapet, and more than once in the inky darkness we spoke to men who were beyond the power of answering our questions.” On 8 September the 1st Gloucestershire and 2nd Welsh Regiments from 3rd Brigade, ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD time, or at least as long as it lasts.” In accepting the memorial, General Romer said how much they honoured the cross and promised to keep it in good order. Echoing General Strickland’s comment that the cross would remain “as long as it lasts”, he also warned “that the wood was not likely to last but they would do their very best to preserve it”. This was a major concern, as a wooden cross being out in the open would inevitably decay through exposure to the elements. The Somme Cross in the 1st Division Porchway of the Royal Garrison Church of All Saints. (Photo by the author.) The 47th Division Cross from High Wood, outside the London Irish Rifles HQ, Camberwell. (Photo by the author.) 1st Division, attacked the western part of High Wood, supported by 1st South Wales Borderers and 9th Black Watch. Once again the fighting in the trenches was at bayonet point. The 1st Gloucestershire were cut off from the other battalions and, reduced to only three officers and 96 men, were forced to withdraw. Although the Welsh and Black Watch had reached their objectives they could not hold them against heavy shelling and machine gun fire, and also had to fall back. After the end of the First World War, the veterans of 1st Division wanted to erect a permanent stone memorial at Le Cateau. However, they were told by the French Government that no unit could have two memorials in France, so the cross at High Wood must either be removed or left to decay. Being made of wood, it was likely to rot away in a relatively short period of time. The men of 1st Division could not leave their memorial to go derelict, so decided to bring it back to the UK. A second mine was blown on 9 September, resulting in a crater 135 feet wide and 35 feet deep. The 2nd King’s Royal Rifle Corps and 2nd Royal Sussex, of the 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, led another attempt to take High Wood. Private Walter Grover of 2nd Royal Sussex remembered that “the barrage from our own artillery and that of the Germans on that afternoon was indescribable. The ground over which we attacked was swept by machine gun and field gun fire … Seeing my friends shot down on each side of me gave me a feeling of dread.” Despite suffering severe casualties this attack made some progress, and by 11 September just under half the wood was in British hands. The cross was re-erected in 1927 outside the 1st Division Headquarters in Pennefather’s Road, Aldershot. At a ceremony on 3 May, Lieutenant General Sir Peter Strickland, who had commanded 1st Division in the War, formally handed over the cross to his successor, Major General Sir Cecil Romer. General Strickland remembered the bitter fighting in High Wood, and said that the cross was “of great significance to us of the old 1st Division and it gives us great satisfaction that the present 1st Division have allowed us to have it here. It will be great joy to us that it will remain here for all In January 1939, 23 Field Company Royal Engineers, then stationed in Gibraltar Barracks, Aldershot, were undertaking some reconstruction work to the south porch of the Royal Garrison Church. As successors to the men who constructed the cross, they moved the 1st Division memorial from Pennefather’s Road into the south porch, which then became the 1st Division Porchway. Now out of the wind and rain the cross was preserved and it still stands by the entrance to the church, a lasting memorial to the men who died at the Somme. Of the other crosses at High Wood, a memorial to the Cameron Highlanders, in the shape of a St Andrew’s cross, was destroyed in the German offensive of 1917. The 47th Division cross was brought back to the UK and erected at the Duke of York’s Headquarters in Chelsea. When this HQ was given up by the Army (the building is now the Saatchi Gallery), the cross was moved to the London Irish Rifles HQ in Camberwell. To prevent decay, the cross is covered in red preservative paint and the lettering is now on modern panels fixed onto the face of the memorial. The cross for the Black Watch was replaced with a granite memorial to the Black Watch and Cameron Highlanders in December 1924. The 51st Division cross was transferred to Beaumont Hamel and incorporated into the Division’s memorial there. The 20th Royal Fusiliers’ cross was brought back to England and taken to Hounslow Barracks, but it contracted woodworm and was destroyed in 1955. The Aldershot Somme Cross is a rare survivor, still in its original state, which does great honour to the men who died during this dreadful battle. The exhausted 1st Division was now withdrawn, relieved by the 47th (London) Division. Supported by the 50th and 15th Divisions, the 47th Division launched its offensive on 15 September and managed to take the rest of High Wood after four days of bloody fighting. During the 1916 battles over 8,000 British and German soldiers died in High Wood. After the battle a number units who had fought there erected memorials to their fallen comrades. The men of 23 Field Company Royal Engineers, the divisional engineers for 1st Division, constructed the 1st Division memorial cross using wood taken from the ruins of Bazentin village. Other wooden crosses were erected at High Wood by the 47th Division, 51st Division, 1st Northumberland Fusiliers, Cameron Highlanders, 1st South Wales Borderers, 10th Glosters and 20th Royal Fusiliers. ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD The ceremony to re-dedicate the Cross outside Headquarters 1st Division in Aldershot, 3 May 1927. (Courtesy of Aldershot Military Museum.) 11 LOOK TO THE FUTURE. DEVELOP YOUR CAREER You know the importance of looking ahead. Not only in your Service role but in your career. Whatever your role, wherever you are stationed, you can develop your career or your interests without disrupting your professional and personal commitments. So can your dependants. LOW COST FLEXIBILITY The OU is ELC approved and you are eligible for support for your OU costs on most of our modules. The OU is the UK’s leading university dedicated to distance learning. Our flexible materials let you work your studies around shifts and postings, even when on active duty. QUALITY The OU is ranked amongst the top UK universities for the quality of its teaching. An OU qualification is highly valued by employers. More than 30,000 sponsor their staff on our modules – including, NHS, FirstGroup, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Pfizer, Rolls-Royce, Royal Bank of Scotland and Telefonica. You can sit your exams overseas. SUPPORT The OU is world-renowned for the depth of support it offers to each and every student. You’ll have a personal tutor to guide you through, and feedback on your studies. For further information visit the OU Forces The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302). The Open University is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Crown copyright 2016. 12 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD The Army’s National Charity Last year, we spent some £7.7million on delivering grants, to over 5,000 soldiers, veterans and their immediate families, and provided funding to 72 charities which deliver specialist support on our collective behalf. Working with every Regiment & Corps of the British Army to support our soldiers, veterans and their immediate families – for life. To donate or to find out more ways you can support our Charity, visit ABF The Soldiers’ Charity is a registered charity in England and Wales (1146420) and Scotland (039189). Registered as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales (07974609). Registered Office: Mountbarrow House, 6-20 Elizabeth Street London SW1W 9RB Tel: 020 7901 8900, Email: ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 13 CHARITIES vine Centre kitchen project Aspire Defence Services Limited (ADSL) has supported the Vine Centre for the last ten years, fund raising and providing surplus office equipment. In recent years ADSL have helped develop a project to convert two storerooms into a kitchen. Gareth Richards, Supply Chain Manager from ADSL coordinates projects in the Aldershot community for the company and believed ADSL were ideally placed to assist with the project, having contacts among local suppliers and the building and project management skills to complete it. Nigel Marchant, Support Services Account Manager, ADSL sourced surplus equipment to stock the kitchen, including an upright fridge freezer donated by Aspire while ADSL project Manager, Mark Basset developed the design and coordinated local contractors who gave their time free of charge, or at cost to support the Vine Centre. During the eight week project the walls, ceiling and floors were replaced and prepared, electrics, gas and plumbing were installed and the kitchen equipment fitted. A big Thank You goes to ‘Brymor’ who provided a small team of decorators free of charge at short notice on a Friday evening to paint the entrance hall and first floor landing. Vine Centre staff continued to provide a full service to their clients during the whole eight weeks, despite working in a building site. Garrison Facilities Director for Aldershot, Aidan Murphy sees this project as the beginning of a longer term aim to assist The Vine Centre by providing training opportunities for people in the Aldershot area. Contractors and their representatives who supported the project: Redhills – Asbestos survey (Fiona Murphy), aspire defence Capital Works – structural survey (David Beresford), bourne Construction – general builders work (Tony Ellaway), JIb Electricals – electrical works (Jim Morris), brymor Special Works – decorating (Dean Whitehouse), business Moves Group – transport of equipment (David Myers), Sodexo – catering design and consultancy (Mark Humphreys), hobarts – catering equipment commissioning (Lisa Browett), SSE – catering equipment servicing. The Mayor of Rushmoor opened the new facility (Councillor Martin Tennant) UV TANNING EQUIPMENT HEALTH RISKS 5 points to Consider 1. Skin Cancer In the UK, the incidence of malignant melanoma is increasing at a faster rate than any other cancer except prostate. Using UV tanning equipment when young increases the risk of suffering from skin cancers in the future. Using sunbeds before the age of 35 increases your risk of developing melanoma skin cancer by up to 75%! 2. protect your Eyes Never use UV tanning equipment without proper eye protection. If suitable goggles are not worn you may suffer eye irritation or conjunctivitis in the short term and cataracts in the long term. Do not rely on closing your eyes. 3. Sunburnt Skin Spending too long on UV tanning equipment can cause your skin to become painful and red, and it may blister and peel. Burning or going red under a sunbed is a sign that you have seriously harmed your skin. Burning the skin through UV exposure can double your risk of skin cancer in the future. 4. Check your Skin If you notice any abnormal skin reactions during the tanning session stop exposure at 14 once and do not use UV tanning equipment again before seeing a doctor. Seek medical advice promptly if you notice an unusual skin growth or a change in the size, shape or colour of a mole that occurs over weeks or months. 5. Minimal protection against the Sun A tan obtained from UV tanning equipment provides very little protection against sunlight. Always protect your skin from excessive exposure to the sun. Research has shown that this is particularly noticeable where exposure comes from more than 10 tanning sessions. you should nEvER use a sunbed if you: • Are under 18 – it’s against the law. • Have fair or freckly skin. • Burn easily. • Have a lot of moles. • Have had skin cancer in the past. • Have a family history of skin cancer. • Are using medication that increases UV sensitivity, e.g. certain antibiotics and antihistamines. useful Further Information causes-ofcancer/sun-uv-and-cancer/sunbedsand-cancer ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD MILITARY LEGAL Court Martial Defence l Immigration Advice l Family Law l Service Complaints l Personal Injury l l l l CONVEYANCING ADVICE Fixed Fee Conveyancing from £350* Help to Buy Scheme Assistance FREE Online Conveyancing Quote l l FOR PRIVATE CLIENT Single Wills £120* Double Wills £190* Fixed Fee Divorce from £470* 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL SERVICES TO ARMY PERSONNEL QUOTE BCAHEROES PROUD TO SERVE YOU! 02380 228821 l Proudly serving the community for 70 years @BernardChillAxt bcasol Criminal Law l Employment Law l Intellectual Property l Whistleblowers l Conveyancing l Divorce Civil Litigation l Immigration Law l Family Law l Wills & Probate *Price excludes VAT ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 15 AROUND ABOU arounD anD aBo AND arounD AND AND aBo Image Credit Ian Morsman aldershot Town FC 4 Rifles JnCo parade Accompanied by The Royal Logistic Corps Band and 4 Rifl Rifles es Buglers, 59 Rifl Riflemen emen from the Rifles Rifles proudly paraded in front of family and friends as the latest Junior Non Commissioned Officers (JNCO). Gary Waddock, the man who led Aldershot Town into the Football League in 2008, has returned to the EBB Stadium – and promised to ‘get this place rocking again’ with his trademark brand of exciting, attacking football! Waddock, joked: “I like to assemble squads that I would like to watch. People remember my teams as very attacking, very pacey and very entertaining and that won’t change – but ultimately I want to win football matches. “The atmosphere that was created at home games was amazing. The East Bank was rocking and I loved that,” admitted the former Republic of Ireland and Queen’s Park Rangers midfielder. “I’ve missed the supporters, and we have to be able to give them something to cheer about. The supporters are everything to this Club and we’re going to try our best to get this place rocking again.” Ironically, Waddock’s first game back at Aldershot Town will be a home pre-season friendly against Queen’s Park Rangers on Friday 1 July, with Hoops’ boss Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink confirming that a full-strength team will play at the EBB Stadium. 11 Infantry brigade hQ aldershot Garrison The Garrison Sergeant Major and Regional Command Sergeant Major, hosted American Army Command Sergeant Major Dave Davenport. The Garrison Sergeant Major has served with Dave in the Early 90’s When they were both Command Sergeant Majors for NATO at AFNORTH in Brunsum Holland. Member of Parliament for Havant, Alan Mak called on his local constituents in the wider Solent area to take the opportunity to engage with the Armed Forces. Alan Mak MP was speaking during a visit to the British Army’s base on Thorney Island on Thursday 17th March. 16 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD UT outTHE the garrison GARRISON out the garriso Rushmoor Spring Clean More than 50 volunteers rolled up their sleeves and got stuck in to the challenge of the annual Rushmoor Spring Clean on Saturday 9 April. Volunteers of all ages, armed with litter pickers and bin bags, managed to collect 60 bags of litter in just two hours. Among the items found were two bikes, two scooters, several footballs and lots of crockery. Anyone interested in organising their own litter pick can contact Lisa Thornett on 01252 398005 or email army boxing Championships 11 Infantry brigade Captain Monty d’Iverno, a Reservist Soldier with the London Regiment who has recently returned from a seven-week posting in Singapore. He is pictured here (left) with Lieutenant Colonel Brlan See of the Singapore Military at the biennial Singapore International Air show. armed Forces Covenant – Employer Recognition Scheme Centre: Inter Service Trophy won by the Army for 33 consecutive years and retained by the Army in a 7-2 win. Left; James Allen – He has had 2 years out and boxed against a real good talent from the RAF in SAC Ricki Lyon. Right: John Marvin V Marley Abadom from the Royal Navy provided the best bout of the evening with a real tear up with Marvin winning the dual and the Best Boxer award; Abadom rightly received the Most Gallant Boxer award for his part in the bout. Clean for the Queen Forces Mutual (Formerly Forces Financial)was recently awarded the MOD Employer Recognition Scheme Silver Award in recognition of Forces Mutual’s support to Defence Personnel and on-going commitment to helping the Armed Forces Community. hQ aldershot Garrison – Energy from Waste Members from the HQ & ADSL went to see where the general waste from Aldershot Garrison goes and what it returns. A short journey to Lakeside EFW (Nr Heathrow) where our waste is burnt naturally at 850°C and turned into 37-40MW per day, which is sufficient power to supply electricity to the whole of Slough! The news of the Scots Guards and Sir Gerald Howarth MP in the Clean for The Queen campaign has gone nationwide - Meanwhile, our local Aldershot Community in Action team continued clean-up work in Aldershot. (from left to right): Liz Harris, Drick Vernon, Roger Barber, Keith Green, Alex Crawford and Bishnu Shrestha. ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 17 Hampshire Contact: Catterick Military: (9)47312940 Catterick Civilian: 01748 833797 / 872940 / 830191 email: and visit SPACES can help you find permanent housing, or they can refer you to either The Beacon in Catterick, North Yorkshire or Mike Jackson House, Aldersot. Both provide temporary accommodation for single Service leavers in modern, fully-furnished, self-contained flats, with support staff on site 24/7 For further details please contact the SPACES office The Beacon SPACES Office Marne Road Catterick Garrison North Yorkshire DL9 3AU 18 Quoting Ref: MP14 Hook – North Warnborough Village Hall, Priors Corner, Dunleys Hill, Hook, RG29 1EA – 18th June - Sale 2-4pm Aldershot – Garrison Sports Centre, Rawlinson Road, Aldershot, GU11 2LQ – 30th July – Sale 3-5pm As seen on DRAGONS DEN, mum2mum market continues to grow in Hampshire. Mum2Mum Market run award winning baby and children’s nearly new sales where mums sell to mums. Parents can buy top quality baby and children’s toys, clothes, books and equipment at a fraction of the high street price - all great brands in fantastic condition. Parents with outgrown baby and children’s goods can SELL on their outgrown kids stuff and keep 100% of the proceeds. If you would like to book a business stall, please email us before booking to check we have availability and haven’t already taken a booking from a similar business. We’d love to hear from children and family focused businesses. Samantha Scott, military wife and mum of 2, Daniel and Brayden runs mum2mum markets in Aldershot and Hook. Samantha said ‘As a really small local business getting national exposure on prime time television has been amazing, enquiries and stall bookings have gone berserk since the show aired. I really hope this publicity will introduce more mums to the joys of buying and selling second hand at their local mum2mum market and the huge savings, which can be made. Stalls sell fast and on the day there can be a queue of people from 30-40 minutes before the doors open attracting an average of 100-200 people on the day If you’d like to be the first to hear about our upcoming sales visit ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD The Royal Hampstead Education Trust Do you need help with fees for any school, college, or university in the UK? Cherrywood Community ChildCare We provide a warm, welcoming and secure learning environment for children between the ages of birth to 4 plus years. includes prOvisiOn fOr 2 year funded children Our day care sessions are: Monday to Friday 8am-6pm, 8am-1pm, 1pm-6pm Our pre-school sessions are: Between 8am-6pm, subject to availability Mayfield Road, Farnborough, Hants GU14 8LH Tel: 01252 514082 | Email: The Royal Hampstead Education Fund provides financial assistance to help with the education and training of the dependents (up to the age of 25 years of age) of members or ex-members of the UK Armed Forces. For over 150 years we have helped to provide betterment through education for thousands of the needy dependent children of members of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Army and Royal Air Force. If you require assistance with fees for any school, college, or university in the UK, please visit our website and follow the steps outlined to have your request considered by our grants committee. Contact us through: Love cinema? Join the club. Only our Unlimited card gives you all the films you can handle from £16.90 a month. Join today in cinema or at Terms apply, full terms available at Aldershot as seen on dRaGonS dEn, mum2mum market continues to grow in hampshire. Mum2Mum Market run award winning baby and children’s nearly new sales where mums sell to mums. Parents can buy top quality baby and children’s toys, clothes, books and equipment at a fraction of the high street price - all great brands in fantastic condition. Parents with outgrown baby and children’s goods can SELL on their outgrown kids stuff and keep 100% of the proceeds. If you would like to book a business stall, please email us before booking to check we have availability and haven’t already taken a booking from a similar business. We’d love to hear from children and family focused businesses. Samantha Scott, military wife and mum of 2, Daniel and Brayden runs mum2mum markets in Aldershot and Hook. Samantha said ‘As a really small local business getting national exposure on prime time television has been amazing, enquiries and stall bookings have gone berserk since the show aired. I really hope this publicity will introduce more mums to the joys of buying and selling second hand at their local mum2mum market and the huge savings, which can be made. Stalls sell fast and on the day there can be a queue of people from 30-40 minutes before the doors open attracting an average of 100-200 people on the day. ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 19 IN THE GARRISON – Connaught School (Yr 11) made it through to the Hampshire Cup Basketball Final 2016. Engagement The Connaught School’s year 11 Basketball team made it to the Hampshire cup final and faced tough opposition in St. Georges Catholic School, (current champions). The Connaught boys lost out to St. Georges in the semi-final in 2015, where St. Georges won by 4 points. This year’s final was played at Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre (AGSC). Season Review The year 11 basketball team have always been one of the top teams at the Connaught school. In 2015 the boys were unbeaten in the league. The boy’s season has now come to an end and they finished second in the league and missed out on the district cup final losing to an All Hallows team in the semis. With this in mind the boys focused on a tough semi-final match against the Fernhill Pandas. The boys knew it was make or break as this could be their last game together. The game was a fast paced affair and the talent on show was immense! A strong Cobra team hung on to win the game by just one point! Captain Jaepee Dimla has lead by example throughout the year and boy’s attitude has been exceptional. Always prepared to juggle there difficult and demanding school timetable along with the basketball teams training. This year has seen the introduction of Mr Osborne to the coaching team alongside Mr Adolphe. Mr Osbourne has brought a wealth of knowledge to the side and has helped to control the boys attacking flair with now an equally impressive defence. The Final The game took place on Friday 29th April 2016 and brought in a huge crowd to support the Connaught Cobras. Approximately 80 pupils and 20 members of staff attended the Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre to cheer the boys on and make their last ever school sports game a memorable one! The efforts from both The Connaught School’s PE department and members of staff at The AGSC were fantastic, to give the boys the final they deserved! Aldershot Garrison Chief of Staff, Major Steve Hudson was in attendance to show his support to local schools and present the trophy to the eventual winners. 1st Quarter – The game started brightly, as Connaught’s Enrique George leapt above his opponent at tip off, gaining possession from the start. There were early signs of this being a great encounter, which it did prove to be. St. Georges took an early 6 point lead, scoring two 3 pointers with great precision. With a few minutes gone, The Connaught Cobras quick passes and movement proved to be a problem for the St. Georges defence, as Enrique George and Jaepee Dimla scored 2 points each to close the gap to 6-4. The boys knew they’d have to keep up their momentum if they were to win the game. As the first quarter drew to a close, St. Georges scored a couple of lay up’s, but soon had their backs to the wall as Trichandra Limbu and Enrique George came up scoring 2 points each. The 1st Quarter finished 11-9 to St. Georges. 2nd Quarter – The game started in similar fashion. Quick inter-change, great passing and some superb dribbling from captain Jaepee Dimla saw space open up for a shot, which agonisingly hit the rim and St. Georges regained possession. What a tie we had on our hands! St. Georges scored a couple more baskets and another 3 pointer, but again the Cobra’s had answers. Tyrese Quow’s shot hitting the back board only to find Enrique George scoring with the re-bound! Jaepee Dimla’s precise free throws, and a superb lay-up by Rajan Gurung saw the Cobra’s claw their way back into the tie! 18-15 to St. George’s, Game on! 3rd Quarter – This proved to be the decisive one. The crowd were right behind the boys and the atmosphere was electric! St Georges scored a couple of early 2 pointer’s and consistently took their chance’s, with a height advantage proving to be decisive! Did the Connaught Cobra’s give up? Of course they didn’t. With exceptional determination the boy’s clawed their way back. Terry Watelle, Jaepee Dimla and Road to the final Connaught Cobras Round 1 Beat Swanmore 31-24 1/4 Final Beat Aldworth 86-20 Semi Final Beat Fernhill 46-45 20 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD – Hampshire Cup Final – Yr 11 Sandile Dlamini starring in the comeback. The 3rd quarter finished at 38-32 to St. Georges. 4th Quarter – Could an inspirational team talk from Mr Osborne and Mr Adolphe inspire the boy’s to cup glory? The 4th quarter started with a bang! Gaurab Rana Darai’s presence in the middle and accurate passing caused St. Georges Havoc. Ujjal Sunuwar’s energy up and down the court also caused a problem for the other schools this season. St. Georges hit two more 3 pointer’s, making the dream further out of reach for the Cobra’s. As the clock ticked down the boy’s never gave up, but unfortunately went on to lose 49-43. A great game with tremendous pace and everybody played their hearts out. Congratulations to St. Georges on their victory and retention of the cup. The Connaught School is extremely proud of the year 11 Basketball team. They have been an absolute pleasure to work with and the commitment they have shown is a great example to all of our pupils. The boys really are a great example of the school’s moto ‘Be the best you can be’. Mr Adolphe and Mr Osborne said “The boys were unbelievable today and we couldn’t be prouder of them. They’re a huge credit to the school. They would come in to train at 7am before the school day starts, spend their lunch time’s training and even stayed late after school to improve and prepare for this final. We hope they continue their passion for Basketball outside of school and continue to play”. Adam Henwood from the Connaught School PE department had this to say. “A huge thank you must go to The Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre and its entire staff for not only hosting the final, but for all the help and effort they put in to make it the best final it could possibly be. We would definitely recommend the venue to other schools. We would also like to thank Chief of Staff, Major Steve Hudson for attending and presenting the winners and runner’s up trophy’s”. ST JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC PRIMARY SCHOOL NOR 480 St Joseph’s is a Voluntary Academy in the Diocese of Portsmouth Headteacher: Mr W J James B Ed Curriculum: St Joseph’s follows a broad based curriculum with an emphasis on achievement. Children experiencing learning difficulties are given extra consideration and help; the school is highly regarded in this respect. Admission: The school admits boys and girls in the year they are four years old until they transfer to secondary school normally at the age of eleven. Further information from St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Bridge Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 3DD Telephone: (01252) 350583 E-mail: Colourways (Established 1985) Battlefield Tours Group Tour Prices from 1st June to 31st October 2016 Ypres Passchendaele Somme Vimy Cambrai Dunkirk Normandy Arnhem Rhine Crossing 3 days from £155 www. colourwaysuk. 4 days from £199 Galina International Battlefield Tours 16 Bridge Street Row Chester CH1 1NQ Tel: 01244 340777 Web: Twitter: @WarTours ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD Open Monday-Thursday 9.00am – 5.30pm Friday 9.00am – 5.00pm 135 High Street, Aldershot, Hants GU11 1TT Tel: 01252 344944 Fax: 01252 344858 Email: 21 WEllESlEy – updaTE A new chapter in Aldershot’s rich history, Wellesley is an exciting development of 3,850 new homes on the 255 hectare former Aldershot Garrison site in Hampshire. At Wellesley, Grainger plc, the UK’s largest listed residential landlord, is reinvigorating iconic former military buildings to create a place people are proud to call home. Combining historic buildings with leading-edge design, Wellesley will honour Aldershot’s past, but look ahead to its future. Our first zone, Maida is progressing well, with our first residents now moved in and more arriving each week. You will see within Maida that we have introduced road names that have significant historical links to the former Maida Barracks, including ‘Stuart Lane’, after Major General John Stuart, the commander at the Battle of Maida in 1806 and ‘Hope Grant’s Road’ after General Sir James Hope Grant GCB, a former British general who took control of the Aldershot Division in 1870. We have also been working on the site of the first of two new primary schools within Wellesley. The site, which sits between Alison’s Road and Queen’s Avenue, will be handed over to Hampshire County Council this summer for them to start building the school. The school is due to open in September 2017. We have now received planning permission for our Gunhill zone in Wellesley. The area lies to the south of the development and within it we will be creating purposebuilt, specially designed rental homes and apartments. These homes will provide good quality living, allowing families to put down roots and become key members of the Aldershot community. We will be starting construction work in this area later this year. This summer we will also be starting highway works to introduce wider paths for cyclist and pedestrians along Hospital Hill and at its junction with Wellington Avenue. You can find out more about Wellesley on our website, by liking ‘WellesleyHampshire’ on Facebook or following @Wellesleyhants on Twitter. We are now working on our second zone of the development, Corunna, on the former Montgomery Line Barracks. This zone will initially feature around 270 new homes; work is currently underway to prepare the area and we will be starting infrastructure road works this summer. GRaInGER updaTE World War II Treasure Restored in Wellesley Woodlands One of the last remaining WWII pillboxes in the area has been restored to its former glory after being uncovered in the Wellesley Woodlands in Aldershot. The Pillbox was discovered covered in ivy during the towpath upgrade works being carried out along the Basingstoke Canal between Ash Lock and Eelmoor Bridge. Built during World War II, the pillbox, a small hidden concrete building where soldiers could hold off invaders, was created as part of Aldershot’s General Headquarters Line (GHQ Line). Once uncovered, Grainger contacted The Pillbox Study Group to discuss and agree restoration works. These were then carried out by Millgrove Construction. The works to restore the pillbox included removing the undergrowth covering the building and replacing missing brickwork that had broken away. Alan Chitson, Development Manager at Grainger, said: “We are delighted to have uncovered this historical structure along the Basingstoke Canal towpath route. Aldershot is 24 full of historical military gems and at Grainger we are committed to bringing many of these back to their former glory so they can be shared and enjoyed by the public.” managed in partnership by Grainger, the Land Trust and the Blackwater Valley Countryside Partnership. Tim Denton, Amateur Military Archaeologist and member of The Pillbox Study Group, said: “A rare piece of history has been uncovered in Aldershot’s Wellesley Woodlands. Working together with Grainger, Millgrove and The Land Trust, we have been able to restore this important historic building.” Pillboxes were built as a defence tool along the coast, around industrial cities, along rivers and canals and by railways so that troops could hold off enemy invaders long enough for other mobile soldiers to arrive. David Fern, of Millgrove Construction said: “We are delighted to have restored one of these iconic historic buildings in Aldershot. We worked with The Pillbox Study Group to ensure that the new brickwork is as closely matched to the existing building as possible.” The pillbox sits within the Wellesley Woodlands, an area of over 110 hectares of green space in Aldershot. The woodlands are ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD BE A FORCE FOR OUR FORCES Every day, our team of men and women volunteers are making a lasting difference in the lives of serving personnel, veterans and their families. Do something extraordinary and join us. Get in touch today to discuss a volunteer role that will make the most of your talents. Call 0800 032 5612 Email Visit AU N BO GU OW OK ST F LE OR AV E! ! Registered charity No.210760 and SCO38056. Established 1885. Job ref: S094.0516 Mention this advert to receive your discount on 6 & 7 day courses! 1ST GEAR HAVE A DEDICATED CBT AND MODULE 1 OFF ROAD TRAINING CENTRE, WHICH IS ONLY 4 MINUTES FROM THE FARNBOROUGH TEST CENTRE! If you would like some FREE, friendly advice please call us and find out more! 01252 376900 Office open: 9.30am - 5.30pm Sat: 11.00am - 4.00pm 143 Lynchford Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6HD ● Email: • ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 25 Lifestyle upSIdE-doWn, CRanbERRy MuFFInS Ingredients • ¾ cup whole-berry cranberry sauce • ¼ cup packed brown sugar • 2 cups all-purpose flour • 2 tablespoons sugar • 3 teaspoons baking powder • ½ teaspoon salt • 1 cup fat-free (skim) milk • ¼ cup vegetable oil • 1 teaspoon grated orange peel • 2 egg whites Steps 1. Heat oven to 400°F. Place cooling rack over sheet of waxed paper. Spray 12 medium muffin cups with cooking spray. Spoon 1 tablespoon of cranberry sauce into each muffin cup. Top each with 1 teaspoon brown sugar. 2. In large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. In small bowl, mix milk, oil, orange peel and egg whites; blend well. Add to flour mixture all at once; stir just until dry ingredients are moistened. Divide batter evenly over cranberries and brown sugar in muffin cups. 3. Bake 14 to 18 minutes or until toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool in pan 1 minute. Run knife around edges of cups to loosen. Turn muffins upside down onto cooling rack over waxed paper; remove pan. Cool 5 minutes. Serve warm. nuTRITIonal bEnEFITS oF CRanbERRIES: 1 Delicious, tart cranberries hold significantly high amounts of phenolic flavonoid phytochemicals called pro-anthocyanidins (PAC’s). Scientific studies have shown that consumption of berries have potential health benefits against cancer, aging and neurological diseases, inflammation, diabetes, and bacterial infections. 2 Antioxidant compounds in cranberries such as oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC’s), anthocyanidin flavonoids, cyanidin, peonidin and quercetin may prevent cardiovascular disease by counteracting against cholesterol plaque formation in the heart and blood vessels. Further, these compounds help the human body lower LDL cholesterol levels and increase HDL-good cholesterol levels in the blood. 3 Research studies show that cranberry juice consumption offers protection against gram-negative bacterial infections such as E.coli in the urinary system by inhibiting bacterial-attachment to the bladder and urethra. Consumption of cranberries turns urine acidic. This, together with the inhibition of bacterial adhesion property of cranberry juice, helps prevent the formation of alkaline (calcium ammonium phosphate) stones in the urinary tract by working against proteus bacterialinfections. Further, the berries prevent plaque formation on the tooth enamel by interfering with the ability of another gram-negative bacterium, Streptococcus mutans, to stick to the surface. It thus helps prevent development of cavities in a way similar to preventing urinary tract infections. In addition, the berries are also good source of many vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin A, ß-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin, and folate and minerals like potassium, and manganese. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC (measurement of antioxidant strength of food items) demonstrates cranberry at an ORAC score of 9584 µmol TE units per 100 g, one of the highest in the category of edible berries. 4 5 6 7 WIn a FaMIly TICkET FoR TWo adulTS and up To FouR kIdS FoR ThE SaTuRday aFTERnoon SESSIon oR alTERnaTIvEly lEavE ThE kIdS bEhInd and ChooSE TWo adulT TICkETS FoR FRIday EvEnInG, SaT EvEnInG oR Sunday Summer Westival at Aldershot’s West End Centre on 22-24 July 2016 Quiz In which year was the first ever Westival held? answers to: Closing date for entries 20 June 2016. You must be over 18, include your name, address and contact number. Winners will be notified by email on 22 June 16. Only one entry per household. One entry will be drawn “from a hat” by The Editor Aldershot Garrison herald, his decision is final. UK residents only. Tickets must be collected from the Westend Centre, Aldershot in advance. Cash alternative not available. 26 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD MILITARY & SUPPORT STAFF DISCOUNTS This year military personnel can also receive 20% off full price entry, family day tickets, prepaid tickets and season tickets just by showing a valid military ID card; Forces discount card or veteran’s card. The discount means that a family of four (two adults and two children) can enjoy a day at the lido for just £13.52! Owned by Rushmoor Borough Council and run by Places for People Leisure, the large open-air pool offers a great value and fun family day out with three colourful water slides, a toddlers’ paddling To find out more go to uk/lido or like Rushmoor Borough Council or Aldershot Pools and Lido on Facebook. You can also get in touch with the lido team by emailing enquiries@aldershotpoolscomplex. or calling 01252 313 706. pool and large sandpit plus a picnic area, swim shop and basketball area. With the May half term fast approaching it’s that time again – the doors of Aldershot Lido are being opened and everyone is being welcomed in! The popular pool has been cleaned and re-painted by the team at Places for People, who run the lido on behalf of Rushmoor Borough Council, and is looking just perfect for the first visitors which will be arriving on Saturday, 28 May. The pool remains open for half term week until 3 June, and is then open for weekends throughout June before opening daily from 1 July throughout the summer holidays. The package of offers for users now includes: • Junior day tickets £4.30 – or just £2.15 after 3pm. Junior season tickets cost just £40. • Adult day tickets £7.10 – reducing to £3.55 after 3pm. An adult season ticket is £60. • Family tickets range from £11.70 a day to £25.40 a day, depending on the size Chip Stop of your family. A family season ticket (for two adults and two children) is £150. Under threes enter the lido free as do disabled people and their carers. Military families receive an additional 20 per cent discount. A special lido loyalty card offers a fifth visit free. Discounts are also available for groups, schools and clubs. • • • • Cineworld has a variety of offers on unlimited cards which are available to military and support personnel. For more information contact Sudoku 4 Grosvenor Rd, Aldershot GU11 1DP 2 10% discount for Military For more details contact 01252 315557 1 9 Waves Car Wash – Tesco aldershot discounted vehicle wash and valet on production of Id card or defence discount Services card. aTFC – Seats for Soldiers, which offers free tickets to Garrison personnel at certain home games. We also offer a concessionary rate (£4 off) to all serving personnel with Id. 3 8 6 7 Issue 007 Wordsearch – The remaining letters spell out a song CAN’T GET YOU OUT OF MY HEAD ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 27 Fabia Monte Carlo From £12,495 GREAT DEALS from Garland Motors NO BR AIN .. .I’l l re s q ue E R st a te s t dr ive .. . Yeti From £13,195 Superb Estate From £19,295 Octavia VRS From £16,695 For more information please contact a member of our sales team Garlands Motors Aldershot 15 Blackwater Way, Ash Road, Aldershot Hampshire GU12 4DN 01252 917210 28 WHAT CAR? CAR OF THE YEAR 2016 AWARD WINNERS ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 253 PROVOST COMPANY ROYAL MILITARY POLICE RESERVES LONDON You will be expected to be able to commit 27 days training per year, which is made up of attendance on Wednesday evenings, weekends, training exercise and other specific courses. Entry Requirements: To join the unit candidates must: • Be between 17.5 to 50 years of age • Be UK or Commonwealth Citizen • Be physically fit and active • A full criminal records check is routinely made as part of the application process. Based in Tulse Hill, South London, 253 Provost Company – Royal Military Police Reserves is a fully integrated sub unit of 4th Regiment RMP. do you FEEl up FoR ThE ChallEnGE? The Royal Military Police (RMP) is a unique, distinct and necessary arm of the British Army. As an Army Reserve unit we are looking for fit, motivated and dynamic men and women who are determined to excel in soldiering and policing duties. The soldiers within 253 routinely supports the Regular Army providing individual support across a breadth of operational roles in the UK or abroad. To include General Police Duties, Movement Support, Close Support to Combat Units and Close Protection. We are currently recruiting for Military Police Reservists from all walks of life from Ex Regular Soldiers to new recruits. You can expect a challenge , plus a mix of excitement, adventure, new skills and new friends. Please start you application today by filling the online application form: Upon joining 253 Provost Company you will be trained to support your regular counterparts on operations and on General Policing Duties (GPD), upholding law and order in the British Army. Contact: If you feel up to the challenge and for further information and advice please contact us at:253 Provost Company 4th Regiment Royal Military Police Army Reserve Centre 132 Upper Tulse Hill London SW2 2RR Tel: 0208 674 0501 Email: Training is conducted on Wednesday evenings at Tulse Hill Army Reserve Centre between 20:00 – 22:00 hrs, at weekends and on your annual two week training exercise; normally conducted in October. SCan nET SCAN NET is the Safer Clubbing at Night Network. It is a network of over 1000 subscribing venues, who work together with 2.5 million members of the public, who each month, volunteer to have their ID’s scanned to create safer nights out. WhaT IS SCan nET? SCAN NET is a computer system which takes a scanned copy of any identification that you present to door staff on request. The system then checks your age and whether you are listed on the database of people who have been barred from this venue and scans for alerts created by other venues in the SCAN NET system. The aim of SCAN NET is to provide a safe and enjoyable environment for customers, where only those people who are admitted are of legal age and are unlikely to interrupt other customer’s enjoyment. SCAN NET will use any ID (mainly driving licences or proof of age cards that are available at a charge) Soldiers should not be offering ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD MOD 90 ID or other service ID’s for this service. SCan nET IS volunTaRy buT Id May bE a CondITIon oF youR EnTRy By allowing a pub / night club to SCAN NET your ID (scanning and retaining your details) you agree to the following: 1) Permission to use your information for marketing; this means that this venue will send you mailed invitations to events at this venue. 2) That your information can be shared with other venues should you be banned from this venue or through Pubwatch or The Safer Clubbing at Night Network (SCAN NET). 3) That personal information can be shared with police and local authorities in the event of an incident. This system is currently used within Hampshire and Surrey, meaning that if you are barred from a Pub/Club in this area you may also be banned from other drinking establishments within the United Kingdom. 29 EVENTS TO WATCH OUT FOR victoria day parade Saturday 11th June 2016 from 11:00 hours Aldershot Town Centre Victoria Day is back, this time celebrating the 90th birthday of Her Majesty The Queen, as well as Aldershot’s connection with Queen Victoria. The event’s grand parade throughout the town centre will be back. Starting at 11am outside the Princes Hall, the parade will tour the town centre and will be full of community groups, schools, businesses, residents and more. If you are interested in taking part in Victoria Day by being in the parade, having a market stall, performing on the bandstand or helping us promote the event, please contact: or Tel: 01252 327671. Celebration of Freedom Saturday 25th June 2016 from 18:00 hours – Military Cemetery Aldershot Singing hymns and songs, laying flowers at the graves of Soldiers, Sailors & Airmen to give thanks for the freedom they won. Light refreshments and a collection for ABF on the day. Contact: Garrison Churches of Aldershot for more information. The vine Centre exists to help change the lives of the most disadvantaged members of our community in north East hampshire and the blackwater valley. Rushmoor in bloom 2016 gets under way Schoolchildren from across Aldershot and Farnborough have helped Rushmoor Borough Council to launch officially the 2016 Rushmoor in Bloom competition at Squire’s Garden Centre in Badshot Lea. Charity absail The Vine Centre exists to help change the lives of the most disadvantaged members of our community in North East Hampshire and the Blackwater Valley. Representatives from 24 schools and nurseries across the borough joined the Mayor of Rushmoor, Councillor Martin Tennant, competition sponsors and members of the Rushmoor in Bloom forum for the official launch on 21 April. The Vine Centre exists to help change the lives of the most disadvantaged members of our community in North East Hampshire and the Blackwater Valley. We provide purposeful services & daily care and offer a range of potentially lifechanging opportunities to homeless and vulnerable adults. Our Journey Programme comprises 20 frontline services designed to assist clients move towards responsible and independent living. The schools’ competition includes categories ranging from best school grounds for birds to the best edible vegetable patch and encourages school age children to get involved with gardening. When Saturday 11th June 2016 Guildford Cathedral, Stag Hill, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7UP on the day • First climb the 249 steps to the top of the 160ft Bell Tower. • Enjoy the panoramic views across Guildford and surrounding countryside. • You may even see The Shard in London. • Enjoy the thrilling descent, an unforgettable experience! how much • £25 sign up fee • Please raise a minimum of £225 in sponsorship For more information contact: Mary Webb on 07502543375 or RaSC/RCT association Concert band Saturday 23rd July 2016 at 14:00 hours – Princes Hall, Aldershot Featuring; Aldershot Military Wives Choir & The Old Basing RBL Corps of Drums. The concert will be performed at Princes Hall in Aldershot. Tickets available from the box office: Tel: 01252 329155 or event/13401/rasc-rct-association-band-concert 30 One of the special categories for this year’s competition is Mr McGregor’s Pot and all entrants received a free plant kit including a pot, compost and a selection of summer vegetable plants. Squire’s Garden Centre is sponsoring the category and created a wonderful display to inspire the children with Beatrix Potter books, rabbit statues and radish seeds. The children will be competing for the first prize of a £100 gardening voucher for their school. In celebration of the Queen’s 90th Birthday, the council is also asking children to draw or paint a colourful Bouquet for Her Majesty The Queen. To enter, all pictures must be labelled on the back in block capitals with the category, the child’s name, age, school address (if applicable) and a contact number. The deadline for entries is Friday 17 June. Full details on the categories are available on the council’s website, rushmoorinbloom aldershot Floral design Club A warm welcome awaits you at this friendly club, which is affiliated to NAFAS. All floral demonstrations are presented by National and Area Demonstrators. Meetings are held at The Princes Hall, Princes Way, Aldershot GU11 1NX. Doors open at 6.45pm for a 7.30pm start and entry is £8.00. There are sales tables and a raffle for a chance to win one of the wonderful flower designs demonstrated on the evening. The next meetings will be held on:7th Jul 2016, annette parshotam presents “blooming Marvellous”. ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD just all squeezed inside the West End Centre. The organisers of The Westival will be announcing more of the line-up over the next few weeks but the following acts are confirmed: are joined by Get Inuit, So Crates, IDKFA, Here are the Young Men and Uncle and Peanut and Jonas and Jane. The Summer Westival embodies everything that the West End Centre do best – great music, outstanding comedy, community work, making, shaking, dancing and laughing – all rolled into one long weekend. It never rains inside The Summer Westival, although occasionally it has been known to get a little muddy, so wellies are entirely optional! The Festival starts at 6pm on Friday 22 July. Local legends Bennet are reforming for a very special, one-off, headline performance. They will close a night of diverse entertainment that also features; Curtis Eller’s American Circus, Eugene Quell, The Deadcuts and Joe Booley. Welcome to The 2016 Summer Westival at aldershot’s West End Centre on 22-24 July 2016 The 2016 Summer Westival is a three-day music and arts festival which is held inside Aldershot’s West End Centre from Friday 22 July to Sunday 24 July 2016. The first ever Summer Westival took place in 2006, so for the past decade they have been laying turf inside their venue then covering it with crowds of happy revellers. The Summer Westival has all the elements of bigger festivals; swathes of grass, live music, comedy, arts, crafts, and children’s entertainment, Saturday afternoon is devoted to family fun, with free entry for anyone under the age of 16, free arts and crafts activities, children’s entertainment and live music for everyone from Two Thirds, Miikey Riley and the West End Centre’s home-grown ukulele band Get Plucky. For regular updates on the line-up please like Westival 2016’s facebook page or follow @TeamWesty on twitter. Tickets for Westival 2016 start from just £7.50 for a single session and can be purchased online at or by calling the Box Office on 01252 330040. Saturday night’s headline act is The Destroyers, a 12-piece mega-folk collective of rascals and misfits from Birmingham. They are joined on the Pyramid stage by BBC award-winning legend Chris Wood, The Wilsons, Elliot Mason and Welcome the Howling Tones. See LIFESTYLE on Page 26 to win a family ticket for two adults and up to four kids for the Saturday afternoon session, or alternatively leave the kids behind and choose two adult tickets for Friday evening, Sat evening or Sunday (must be aged 18 or over)! The mayhem continues on Sunday with live music from midday. Headliners the Black Peaks aldershot Craft Fayre returns in July 16 Following the success of Aldershot’s first three craft fayres, Aldershot town centre will be hosting another event on Saturday 2 July 2016. The fayre is being organised by Rushmoor Borough Council and supported by Aldershot’s independent haberdashery, Bids and Pieces in Wellington Street. Open from 9am to 4pm, visitors will be able to browse a selection of stalls in Wellington Street offering a variety of crafts and homemade gifts. Among the items on sale will be jewellery, wooden crafts and haberdashery items. Stalls cost from £20 a day and this includes the cost of gazebo hire, use of a table, public liability insurance and parking for the stallholder. The council can also help to set up stall shares for smaller traders. More information and a booking form are available at, by calling 01252 398 377 or emailing Open to ALL residents and businesses in Rushmoor! ENTRY FORM Please circle a maximum of TWO categories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Return by 5pm on Monday 20 June 2016. ! 1. Best Front Garden Sponsored by Squire’s Garden Centre in Badshot Lea (Must be visible from public access) 2. Best Pub/Restaurant Frontage Sponsored by Alderwood Tree Services 3. Best Street/Residents’ Association/Community Garden Sponsored by Aspire Defence Services 4. Best Floral Display using Baskets and/or Containers (including balconies) (Must be visible from public access) Sponsored by Grainger Plc 5. Most Unusual Planted Container (Plants must be planted in the container and the display clearly identified at the judges’ visit) Sponsored by Cllr Charles Choudhary 6. Most Water Efficient Garden Sponsored by South East Water 7. Best Commercial Display or Landscaping Sponsored by North Hampshire Chamber of Commerce & Industry 8. Best Kept First Wessex Tenant’s Garden Sponsored by First Wessex 9. Best Kept First Wessex Communal Garden Sponsored by the Tenants’ Consultative Group 10. Best Sheltered Housing Complex/Residential Care Home Sponsored by Aspire Defence Services 11. Best Young Gardener Sponsored by Colin Balchin 12. Best or Most Improved Wildlife Garden Sponsored by the Rushmoor Urban Wildlife Group 13. Best Garden for Birds Sponsored by the Rushmoor Urban Wildlife Group Please cut along the dotted line *NB 1st time entrants will also be eligible to win the Best Newcomer category Sponsored by Rosemary Possee sponsored by ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD event organised by To: Rushmoor in Bloom Co-ordinator, Rushmoor Borough Council, Farnborough Road, Farnborough, Hants, GU14 7JU. Tel: 01252 398 005 r Please tick box if you are new to this competition. r Please tick box if you want to join the Rushmoor in Bloom mailing list. Name: Address: Postcode: Home Tel: Work Tel: Judging will take place 2 July - 10 July. The judges will be giving gold/silver-gilt/silver/bronze awards in line with RHS standards. supported by 31 SPORTING FOE date Event location Times 7th & 8th June 16 Army Athletics Military Stadium 0800 – 1800hrs 7th & 8th June 16 Kids Out 2016 Rugby Stadium 0600 – 1600hrs 11th & 12th June 16 UK Women’s Deaf Team/Army football 3G Pitch 0900 – 1700hrs 13th June 16 Surrey Heath School sports day Military stadium 0800 – 1400hrs 17th June 16 St Peters School sports day Military stadium 0800 – 1600hrs 18th June 16 Baton Twirling Competition Whole Sports Hall 0700 – 1800hrs 22nd June 16 HQ Londist Military Stadium 0700 – 1830hrs 23rd June 16 Aldershot & District Schools Sports Day Military Stadium 0800 – 1800hrs 24th June 16 Farnham Heath End School Sports Day Military Stadium 0700 – 1600hrs 25th June 16 Scouts Sports Day Military Stadium 0730 – 1500hrs 27th June 16 Aldershot & District Schools Sports Military Stadium 0730 – 1700hrs 28th June 16 Alton Convent School sports day Military Stadium 0730 – 1700hrs 29th June 16 Ash Manor School Sports Day Military Stadium 0800 – 1600hrs 30th June 16 Hampshire Youth Games All areas 0700 – 1800hrs 1st July 16 Weydon Schools Sports Day Military Stadium 0700 – 1600hrs 2nd July 16 Rushmoor Royals Club Champs Whole Pool 1700 – 2130hrs 8th July 16 Focus School sports day Military Stadium 0800 – 1700hrs 8th & 9th July 16 Nepal Cup Queens Parade 0700 – 2000hrs 9th & 10th July 16 Rushmoor Royals Club Champs Whole Pool 1200 – 2130hrs 12th July 16 Army Careers athletics Mil Stadium 0700 – 1300hrs 9th – 17th July 16 Farnborough Air show Parking Queens Parade 0800 – 1800hrs 18th July 16 Belle Vue & Newport School Sports Day Mil Stadium 0700 – 1600hrs 9th Oct 16 Rushmoor Royals Gala Whole Swimming Pool 1030 – 2100hrs 15th – 16th Oct 16 Rushmoor Royals Gala Whole Swimming Pool 1030 – 2100hrs 26th – 27th Nov 16 Rushmoor Royals Gala Whole Swimming Pool 1030 – 2130hrs 32 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD nO t ! RInG ThE Royal ChanGE aT hEadS and TalES EXhIbITIon In aldERShoT C e S ! WanTEd! CyClES & hElMETS GRanGE nuRSERy & InFanT SChool Hampshire Cultural Trust’s Royal Blood exhibition team: (L-R) Claire Woodhead, Conservator; Dave Allen, Curator of Hampshire Archaeology; Mark Fenton, Collections Interpreter; Ioannis Ioannides, Exhibitions Manager. There are stories of conquest and invasion, love, loss and betrayal across 2400 years of royal rule in Hampshire to discover at Royal Blood: Heads and Tales, a new exhibition opening in Aldershot on 21 May. Organised by Hampshire Cultural Trust, the exhibition features coins and precious objects preserved from the reigns of Hampshire’s Kings and Queens, and a special Royal Bloop family trail highlighting humorous but horrible histories. Visitors can delve deeper into their local history at this fascinating exhibition and discover that much of Aldershot’s early development as a military garrison was steered by Albert, the Prince Consort. Queen Victoria herself first visited in June 1855, and inspected over 14,000 troops who had joined the army or ‘taken the Queen’s shilling’ As well as taking a close look at Aldershot’s history, Heads and Tales explores how Hampshire has played a pivotal role in struggles to win the crown of Wessex, and ultimately, England, throughout its illustrious history. From the turbulent Middle Ages, into the pomp and pageantry of the Tudor period, through to the dissension and division of the early Stuarts, the county has seen its full share of triumph and disaster. Battles, skirmishes, religious upheavals, dynastic marriages and other intrigues accompanied the fight of the county’s rulers, who often left their mark through coinage: heads, with a myriad of tales. The Heads and Tales Exhibition is at Aldershot Military Museum runs from ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 14 May until 24 July, and will also be on at other venues throughout the county including the Allen Gallery in Alton. The trust’s programme Royal Blood: The fight for power in Hampshire will bring to life the reigns of rampaging royals through exhibitions, performances and workshops until 11 March 2017. To find out more about Royal Blood, visit: To find out more about Hampshire Cultural Trust visit: abouT haMpShIRE CulTuRal TRuST Hampshire Cultural Trust operates and funds Hampshire’s and Winchester’s council-owned museums, galleries and arts centres. The trust proudly champions world-class culture and exists to showcase, connect and empower Hampshire’s creative economy. The independent charity works collaboratively to bring organisations, people and ideas together for greater impact, with customer focus at its core. To find out more and for a full list of attractions operated by Hampshire Cultural Trust visit press Contacts Rosie Wiseman/Natasha Lijka Carswell Gould T: 023 80 238001 E: / Situated on the Prospect Estate in Farnborough, is a fantastic little school that really goes the extra mile to support its families. Jane Armstrong, the head teacher at the school ia after your help! To kick it off they need some bikes and helmets for the families. Donations of outgrown bikes and/or helmets for children aged 5-11 or any unwanted adult bikes, suitable for their mums in particular, to use on organised family rides around Farnborough. Many of the mums don’t even ride bikes at present, so the plan is to run cycling courses at the school also. The hope is that more families will be able to get out and about as many do not have their own cars. Obviously this will encourage family cohesion and also be good for the health & wellbeing of all concerned. If you have an unwanted bike and/or cycle helmets, I think the ideal thing would be for you to let us know and then we will arrange to have bikes collected from you on pre-arranged dates. For more details contact Christine Eustace, Project Manager, Community Matters Partnership Project http://www.communitymatterspartnership. 33 34 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD The year 1962 saw the creation of a watch-making collaboration that has developed into the proud and respected company known today as Col&MacArthur. Founders Sébastien Colen and Iain Wood (formerly of the Pipes and Drums, 2nd Bn Scots Guards) created the company in the French-speaking south of Belgium, not far from Waterloo, where in 1815 the Brigade performed so heroically. It is the perfect blend of talent, and Iain, having manufactured bespoke deluxe watches for global celebrities, has turned his creativity back to reflect his Regimental roots. The consequential accumulation of experience and skills of Colen and Wood are unquestionably vital in order to gain and maintain customer trust and satisfaction. This collaboration is one of Col&MacArthur’s major achievements. A quality wrist watch, painstakingly created by dedicated craftsmen, becomes rightly an emotional item - and a conjurer of memories. In almost all instances, this quality timepiece connects one’s career and “family”. Regiments, as we intimately recognise, are family affairs and those who proudly serve, become tied for life. With this in mind, Col&MacArthur have designed an impressive range of Regimental watches, the first to be unveiled was the Scots Guards watch and this was closely followed by the remainder of the Brigade. This collection is made expressly for men who know that the best things in life are emotional; and what could be more poignant than your cherished Regiment and honoured insignia? This stainless steel watch carries not only your Regimental insignia on the dial, but also the Household Division’s emblem embossed on the back and engraved on the crown and the bracelet buckle. These Regimental watches are officially licensed to Col&MacArthur by the Ministry of Defence and have been designed following careful and considered consultation with each of the Regimental Headquarters. If added personalisation becomes a priority, a stainless steel Brigade-stamped bracelet is also available. Combined with a three-line engraving, this added touch can supplement the uniqueness of this Swiss chronograph watch. For People who understand Passion, Respect and Tradition. Available exclusively online at; For any questions, please contact us at; ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 35 ARMY WELFARE SERVICE ALDERSHOT The Army Welfare Service (AWS) provides a comprehensive, professionally based and confidential welfare support service responsive to the needs of individuals, families and the Chain of Command in order to maximise the operational effectiveness of Servicemen and women. AWS provides support through 4 pillars: PERSONAL SUPPORT Assists serving married and single personnel and their families with any personal or family difficulties that arise by providing confidential, comprehensive and professional welfare support. For further help and advice contact your local AWS team on 01252 349900 / 349920 COMMUNITY SUPPORT Helping Service families through ‘Stay and Play’ events, coffee mornings and drop-in youth clubs. These are run on a regular basis in the Maurice Toye House, Connaught Centre, Quetta Park and Sandhurst Community Centres. During school holidays AWS offers a variety of events, drop-in sessions, activity days and courses, including residential activity centres for children over 8 years of age. A full programme can be accessed on the Aldershot HIVE blog. JOINT SERVICE HOUSING SUPPORT The Joint Service Housing Advice Office (JSHAO) is the MOD’s tri-service focal point to provide service personnel and their entitled family members with civilian housing information for those wishing to move to civilian accommodation at any time in their career, and for those during resettlement to assist with the transition to civilian life. For further information on booking these events, please contact AWS Business Support on 01252 349920. This is delivered through briefings, Housing Matters magazine publication and one-to-one discussions where necessary. JSHAO also manages the MoD Referral Scheme supporting Social Housing in conjunction with Local Authorities and Housing Associations. Housing Briefings: The JSHAO deliver Civilian Housing Briefings at various locations in UK, Germany and Cyprus. These briefings are designed to give you the information to help you make informed choices on your civilian housing. For further details please contact: JSHAO Montgomery House Queens Avenue ALDERSHOT GU11 2JN Mil Tel: 94222 7574, Civ Tel: 01252 787574 or email 36 INFORMATION SUPPORT - HIVE HIVE is an information network available to all members of the Service community. It serves both married and single personnel, together with their families, dependants and civilians employed by the Services. HIVE Information Centres support the Chain of Command and Service communities through the provision of up-to-date and relevant information. For further information please contact Aldershot HIVE Tel Civ: 01252 347650 or Mil: 94222 2650 or email For local information, news and events in Aldershot area visit the Aldershot HIVE blog at: AWS Aldershot Team Office Maurice Toye House, 27 Middle Hill, Tel Civ: 01252 349900 / 349920 Area Office Wellington House, St Omer Barracks, Tel Civ: 01252 348261 /348262 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD WHAT IS ON AT . . . maurice toye house day Morning afternoon Evening Monday Toyebox PE Activities 08:45 – 13:30 Tuesday Toddlers Singalong 08:30 – 10:45 Wednesday Coffee & Chat 09:30 – 11:30 AWS (Army Welfare Service) Youth Club 18:00 – 19:30 Thursday Toye Soldiers 09:30 – 13:30 Youth-Zone Age 12 – 17 18:30 – 20:00 Friday Toye Box EYC Story Time 09:00 – 12:00 & 4 Armd Med Regt Coffee Afternoon 13:30 – 15:00 Toye Box EYC Storytime 12:00 – 13:00 connaught centre day Morning afternoon Evening Monday Sure Start session 09:30 – 11:30 Mini’s Club 16:00 – 17:30 Youth Club 18:00 – 20:00 Tuesday 4 Rifles Coffee Morning 10:00 – 12:00 Families Mediation 18:00 – 22:00 Wednesday 27 Regt Coffee Morning 09:30 – 11:30 10 QOGLR Social Evening (every month on the last Wednesday) 18:00 – 22:00 Thursday 11X Coffee Morning 09:00 – 13:00 Thursday: Karate 17:15 – 18:30 Friday Scots Guards Coffee Morning 09:00 – 12:00 Spotlight Dance 16:00 – 18:00 Quetta Park day Morning afternoon Evening Monday Babies & Toddlers Coffee Morning 09:30 – 11:30 101st Odiham Scout Group 16:45 – 18:15 1st Crondall Guides 18:30 – 22:00 6th Church Crookham Rainbows 16:00 – 17:30 6th Crookham Brownies 18:00 – 19:30 Tuesday Wednesday Babies & Toddlers Coffee Morning 09:30 – 11:30 3rd Church Crookham Rainbows 16:00 – 17:30 Slimming World 19:30 – 21:00 Thursday Stay & Play – Sure Start 09:30 – 11:30 Junior Youth Club 16:30 – 18:00 Senior Youth Club 19:00 – 21:00 Friday 101st Odiham Scout Group 17:45 – 22:00 kEy ANYONE CAN ATTEND MILIITARY AND FAMILIES ONLY CLOSED GROUPS To report faults please call the aspire helpdesk on 0845 168 2100/96340 2100 quoting building Reference number: Connaught Centre – aG0104; Quetta park – aG0200; Maurice Toye house aG0600 hall bookInGS: FoR MIlITaRy FaMIlIES plEaSE Call 01252 348213 FoR CIvIlIan FaMIlIES plEaSE Call aSpIRE on 01252 353181 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 37 Edgar Jerome Limited 7 WELLINGTON STREET, ALDERSHOT TEL: 01252 322020 Email: For All Your School Wear Requirements for Boys and Girls Also Stockists for: – MENSWEAR TO OUTSIZE BEAVER, CUB, SCOUT, RAINBOW & BROWNIE WEAR EVENING, WEDDING & KILT HIRE FOR MEN & BOYS. 38 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD past, present and future I don’t know if you’ve come across the saying, “The past is history, the future’s a mystery, today is a gift, that is why they call it the present”, but it is a good one. a long time trying to forget, as if there is some invisible barbed wire in which we have become tangled, and from which we strive to be free. and the inevitability of death. And if we are to face that future, we must have a certain courage, a certain determination to rise to the challenges that lie before us. We spend a lot of time thinking about the past – which is not a bad thing, for it is by the past that we are shaped: our learning, the people we’ve encountered, and particularly our decisions. Like the rings of growth in a tree, past events have left their indelible mark deep within us. It would be good if we could pick over our memories, to see which to take with us and which to leave behind. But in reality we live in that narrow place between past and future: the now, this present moment. It would be a good thing if we could learn how to focus on the present; to be aware of where we are now, the people who are in this room, today’s sky above us. And it’s not only backward that we look, but also forward, towards what is to come. The future is the source of our hopes, but also our fears. But the past sometimes has too great a hold on us, we look back on happy days, and sometimes long for them so much that we fail to see today’s benefits. We make our plans for what we shall do, and we have dreams of the places we may visit; what adventures still lie before us! And the past is sometimes painful; the scars of past hurts go deep, and the shadows of bad experiences are cast long over our lives. For anyone who has children, the future is important indeed, and we hope that our children will find good friends, and enjoy happy days, and have good fortune. Many of us who have gone to foreign battlefields have seen things we’ve spent But the future is also tinged with the dark of worry, with the possibility of disaster This moment; this is ours, or should be. So pause for a second, to leave the past in its cupboard, or perhaps its treasure chest, to put aside the hopes and fears of the future, and reflect on where you are now; It is in this moment that you live, in which you are most truly yourself. The finding of your own self, and the making of your own self, is the purpose of this life. by Padre Steve Franklin ceLeBration oF FreeDom saturday 25th June 2016 (armed Forces Day) at the military cemetery aldershot We will be singing hymns & songs and laying flowers at the graves of soldiers, sailors and airmen to give thanks for the freedom they won for us. There will be light refreshments and a collection to support the Army Benevolent Fund Please join us on this special day at: 18:00 hours Contact: Garrison Churches of Aldershot ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 39 Church Timings and locations normal Service Times The Royal Garrison Church of All Saints (CofE) Farnborough Road, Aldershot GU11 1QA Chaplain’s Office Tel: 01252 314533 Sundays 1000 hrs Holy Communion Tuesdays 0830 hrs Morning Prayer Baptisms and Marriages by arrangement through the Chaplain. The Garrison Church of St Michael and St George (RC) Queen’s Avenue, Aldershot GU11 2BY Chaplain’s Office Tel: 01252 315042 Verger Tel:01252 319203 Sundays 1100 hrs Mass Wednesdays 1145 hrs Midday Prayer 1200 hrs Mass Confessions, Baptisms and Marriages can be arranged with the Chaplain. St Andrew’s Garrison Church (Church of Scotland) Queen’s Avenue, Aldershot GU11 2BY Chaplain’s Office Tel: 01252 328581 Sundays 1100 hrs Morning Service Baptisms and Marriages by arrangement with the Chaplain Weekday Bible Studies For information on Bible Studies, contact the Chaplain The following faiths have Civilian Chaplains to the Military (CCM): Muslim, Sikh, Hindu and Buddhist. Contact any one of the Garrison Padres if you wish to be put in contact with a CCM. other Churches in the aldershot Garrison area Aldershot Methodist Church, Herrett Street, Aldershot GU12 4ED Tel: 01252 540889 North Camp Methodist Church, 45 Lynchford Road, Farnborough GU14 6EG Tel: 01252 540889 Aldershot Baptist Church, Upper Elms Road, Aldershot GU11 3ES Tel: 01252 321645 St Augustine’s Church, Holly Road, Aldershot GU12 4SE Tel: 01252 320840 St Johns Church, St Johns Road, Cove GU14 9PW Tel: 01252 373301 St Christopher’s Church, Cove Road, Farnborough GU14 0EX Tel: 01252 371804 Holy Trinity Church, Aldershot Road, Church Crookham GU52 8JU Tel: 01252 616963 Holy Trinity Church, Victoria Road, Aldershot GU11 1SJ Tel: 01252 320618 Web: Christ Church C of E, Gally Hill Road, Church Crookham GU52 6LH Tel: 01252 617130 St Peter’s C of E Church, Reading Road, Yateley GU46 7LR Tel: 01252 873647 other Church Support Services The Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association Havelock House, Barrack Road, Aldershot GU11 3NP Tel: 01252 310033 Armed Forces Christian Union Havelock House, Barrack Road, Aldershot GU11 3NP Tel: 01252 311221 offering spiritual support and prayer to serving personnel and their families. Guild of St Helena, The Royal Garrison Church Tel: 01252 314533 Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday. Welcomes all wives, widows, daughters or retired personnel and civilians within the Services Farnborough Baptist Church Queens Road, Farnborough, GU14 6DX Tel: 01252 375154 Web: Entry point salary £23,025 (rising to £25,700 after training) The Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC) is an armed police force, keeping the nation safe from harm by securing the integrity of civil nuclear material. Our primary function is the protection of licensed nuclear sites not used wholly or mainly for defence purposes and the safeguarding of nuclear material in the UK and elsewhere. The facts: we have some remote locations; you will need to live in close proximity of your allocated site and our officers work 12 hour shifts. The opportunities: 16 week foundation training course; unique firearms training and after 24 months you can apply to join one of our specialists teams such as firearms instructor, dog handler or escort team. You will be required to achieve medical and fitness standards as part of the application process, and these must be maintained and demonstrated throughout your career with the CNC. For more information and to apply, please visit CNC is an equal opportunities employer 40 ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD Taking Life to the Extreme – Skydive Netheravon Jumping out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft could well be classed as extreme! But here at Skydive Netheravon, we are fortunate to have some of the best military instructors in the country on one of the largest drop zones in Europe, making the experience even better? The Army Parachute Association here at Netheravon is renowned for training skydivers from 16 to 95 so, whatever the jump, you are trained by the very best. We have been offering military discount on our Static Line and AFF courses for some time, but we are now delighted to be able to offer military discount on our main tandem jumps. These will be open to all serving military personnel and their immediate families from 2016! Tandem skydiving is the most unique way to celebrate a special birthday or anniversary, wanting a great family day out, or have just always wanted to experience a parachute jump! Located in the village of Netheravon and just a stones’ throw from the World Heritage site at Stonehenge, the Army Parachute Association have been introducing people to the thrills of flight for over 50 years. With 3 modern aircraft and state of the art equipment, your journey into the world of parachuting will be one to remember! The APA has charitable objectives; aimed at promoting and supporting sports parachuting for military personnel, active and retired. We welcome civilian members and benefit enormously from the skills and diversity they bring. We operate a not-for-profit organisation continually reinvesting to improve everything. One of the things we are most proud of is helping both able and disabled servicemen and women to parachute again once they have left the service as well as those in civilian life who may be finding life difficult. Our dedicated team pride themselves on being able to give everyone that special thrill of flying whatever their ability. So, whether you are a complete beginner or have been skydiving for years there is something for everyone! From the thrill and anticipation of that first jump, right through to the exhilaration and sense of adventure for those who eventually take up the sport more permanently, this sport has it all! One Day, One Jump, One Big Adventure! TANDEM SKYDIVE SPECIAL MILITARY DISCOUNT JUST £200 PER JUMP ONE DAY; ONE JUMP, ONE AMAZING EXPERIENCE! SKYDIVE NETHERAVON HOME OF THE ARMY PARACHUTE ASSOCIATION Train and jump with some of the best Military Instructors in the country T: 01980 670734 E: Terms & Conditions Apply—Call us for details ALDERSHOT GARRISON HERALD 41 Taking the sting out of a relationship breakdown... protecting your assets. When a relationship breaks down you want to be able to reach a fair agreement that protects you financially and where children are involved to assess their present and future needs. Using all of our knowledge and expertise we will strive whether through negotiation or mediation to help you achieve an amicable solution whilst remaining ready and able to protect your interests in Court. Call us today. All initial calls and enquiries are free and without obligation. 10% discount offered for ongoing instructions from members of the armed forces. 01252 316316 Vale House Wharf Road Ash Vale 42 Victoria Road Farnborough Hampshire GU14 7PG Queen Victoria School Raising to Distinction Admissions Deadline 15 Jan each year Queen Victoria School in Dunblane is a co-educational boarding school for the children of UK Armed Forces personnel who are Scottish, or who have served in Scotland or who have been members of a Scottish regiment. The QVS experience encourages and develops well-rounded, confident individuals in an environment of stability and continuity. The main entry point is into Primary 7 and all places are fully funded for tuition and boarding by the Ministry of Defence. Families are welcome to find out more by contacting Admissions on +44 (0) 131 310 2927 to arrange a visit. Queen Victoria School Dunblane Perthshire FK15 0JY