A lido fit for the future - Rushmoor Borough Council


A lido fit for the future - Rushmoor Borough Council
Summer 2015
A lido fit for the future
Season tickets and loyalty schemes spearhead plans
to improve facilities at the popular pool
Planning ahead
Election 2015
Get active this summer!
Update on future plans for
Farnborough and Aldershot
Introducing your local
There’s loads to do in Rushmoor – from
councillors and elected MP sports and swimming to free events
Regeneration of towns
among our priorities
By Cllr Peter Moyle, Leader of
Rushmoor Borough Council
Welcome all to the summer edition
of Arena magazine.
In April, the Rushmoor community
was rocked by news of the
devastating earthquake in Nepal.
When news first broke of this awful
disaster, we worked closely with
local groups and organisations to
help enable town centre collections.
We provided as much information as
we could to help people find out
about their loved ones and how everyone could contribute
financially and practically.
Our thoughts must remain particularly with the Nepali
community in Rushmoor, many of whom may have had family
members and friends caught up in this terrible event and will still
be dealing with the consequences for years to come.
Moving on to happier things. I hope by the time you read this that
the weather is warm and you are spending your leisure time out
and about in our parks and open spaces.
The first half of the year was a very busy time for the council, with
the general election and borough council elections (see pages
eight and nine) and our biggest event of the year, the VE Day 70
parade in Aldershot, just a couple of days apart in May. The new
Vue cinema in Farnborough finally opened on 7 May to make it a
monumental few days for Rushmoor!
I was delighted to attend the VE Day celebrations on Saturday, 9
May. What a great atmosphere there was in the town that day –
and what community spirit displayed by the thousands who came
along to watch and take part!
With regeneration remaining one of our top priorities, we are
continuing to focus on improving our town centres. We held a
masterplanning consultation on the Farnborough Civic Quarter
earlier in the year and have now started consultation on the
Rushmoor Local Plan, which will set out how the borough could
be developed over the next 15 years. This will be followed by
consultation on an Aldershot town centre masterplan in the
autumn. I would encourage everyone who has an interest in the
future of the area to give their thoughts and opinions (see page
five). Our plans for improving Aldershot have also been boosted
by an encouraging uptake for the Shop Front Improvement
Scheme, for which we have put aside a £200,000 pot.
Both our town centres have also been boosted with the addition
of a Saturday market in Aldershot and a Sunday market in
Farnborough, with preliminary results encouraging.
Looking forward to the summer months, please don’t forget that
Aldershot’s Lido is open at weekends in June and daily from
1 July until 6 September. We are exploring all kinds of options for
its future and will report back.
Summer is, of course, a great time for sampling the big outdoors
and getting fit and we have a whole range of activities to get the
blood pumping and put colour in your cheeks! This includes
football, cycling, athletics, jogging and our ever-popular
children’s playschemes (pages 10 and 11).
Like us on Facebook or follow us on
Twitter @RushmoorCouncil
Make us your favourite on your
browser or phone.
Cover: Summer fun at Aldershot Lido.
News: Our Eight Point Plan to improve services
and balance the budget; new Vue cinema opens
Planning ahead: Updates on the Rushmoor Local
Plan consultation, the Farnborough Civic Quarter
redevelopment, Aldershot town centre spruce-up
and looking ahead to the Aldershot masterplan
Recycling: Blue bins help us stay green; a chance
to enter the Aldershot calendar competition
News: New season tickets and loyalty schemes
for the popular lido; Under-16s swim for £1
Election 2015: Introducing your local councillors
and the elected MP for Aldershot
Rushmoor: Get
10-11 Active
there’s so much to do
sporty this summer –
On: Lots of free events this summer in
12-13 What’s
Farnborough and Aldershot; plus your local
events listings
Rushmoor is blooming: How Cheyne Way
became a perennial Rushmoor in Bloom entrant;
sensory and accessible gardens are unveiled
Issue 94 Summer 2015
Produced by: Rushmoor Borough Council, Council Offices, Farnborough
Road, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 7JU
Tel: 01252 398399 Website: www.rushmoor.gov.uk
Email: arena@rushmoor.gov.uk
Design: Deep South Media (01202 534487) www.deepsouthmedia.co.uk
Advertising: Spot on Media Ltd (0845 004 0683) info@spotonmedia.co.uk
Print: PCP Ltd (01952 585585) www.pcpltd.net
Each magazine costs less than 20p to produce.
While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, Rushmoor Borough Council
does not accept liability for any error or omission. Rushmoor Borough Council does
not endorse products or services advertised in Arena.
Did you know that Arena is available as a talking
newspaper? Each edition is recorded as an mp3 file and
is available free. It is also available in large print.
And if you have any problems receiving Arena please
don’t hesitate to call.
Tel: Gill Chisnall on 01252 398744 or email her at
Eight steps to balancing the books
Balancing council budgets between
now and 2018 is going to be a tall
order – and doing it without reducing
public services will be even more
challenging – but our Eight Point
Plan is already bearing fruit.
Funding from the government is
continuing to shrink, so the plan sets
out to make us more sustainable and
efficient, while keeping council tax
costs down and improving services.
Included in the plan are projects to
boost income, get more from our
investments, use our assets better
and improve how we buy goods and
One way we are aiming to generate
more income is by bringing the weekly
Farnborough and Aldershot markets
and car boot sales in-house. This will
bring in close to £100,000 extra
income every year – and the move is
already proving popular.
We are improving many of our online
services to make them better for
residents and reduce costs. You may
notice our bin men with mobile tablets
soon. This is also part of the plan, as
problems can be reported straight to
the contractor and our customer
services team, meaning we can sort
Bringing the local markets in-house will generate around £100,000 a year
out issues more quickly and cheaply.
We are also looking at the way we buy
things to make sure we get best
possible value for money. This will
Red carpet rolled out for families as new
Farnborough cinema opens for business
include major contracts such as the
waste collection, recycling, street
cleaning and grounds’ maintenance
contracts, which we are preparing to
renew in 2017.
Calling all local
voluntary groups –
help is at hand
Do you belong to a local club or
voluntary group? Then support and
help is at hand.
Rushmoor Voluntary Services (RVS)
is the umbrella organisation for
local groups and membership is
Jon Ditty (second left), area manager, and Kam Dosanjh, director of operations for
Vue and their special guests wait to greet local families
Farnborough's much anticipated new,
seven-screen cinema officially opened in
May - but not before giving film lovers a
sneak preview.
The day before the official opening, owners
Vue Entertainment staged a launch party
with free film screenings throughout the
day and family fun, including a red carpet,
popcorn giveaway, photo booth, facepainting and special guests Iron Man and a
Star Wars stormtrooper.
Vue Farnborough is part of the new leisure
and restaurant redevelopment taking
shape in the Kingsmead shopping centre
and boasts 921 seats, stadium seating,
disabled access and the latest Sony 4K
digital projection and Dolby 7.1 surround
The cinema has also created 32 new jobs.
Kevin Styles, managing director of Vue
Entertainment UK and Ireland said: “We
are incredibly excited about the opening of
this new state-of-the-art cinema and look
forward to welcoming film and
entertainment fans from Farnborough and
Members of RVS can also make
use of many services, including
recruitment of volunteers, funding
information, support with grant
applications and help with
governance – as well as the use of
its community minibuses.
Training is also available for
volunteers and in addition, RVS will
help promote your organisation.
Keep up to date
For more information go to
www.rvs.org.uk, email
sue@rvs.org.uk or call them
on 01252 540162.
Now is the time to have your say on
plans that will help shape the future
of the borough.
The policies in the plan will guide the
quantity, location and type of new
community and leisure facilities that
are needed locally.
needs by planning for more new
l Supporting the regeneration of
Aldershot and Farnborough town
centres and North Camp centre
l Supporting a prosperous local
economy by protecting key
employment sites, such as the Cody
Technology Park
l Protecting the area’s green spaces
and natural environment
l Guiding the future of Farnborough
Key areas include:
l Addressing local people’s housing
We would like to hear your views on
these key issues and the options for
We’ve started consultation on the new
draft Rushmoor Local Plan, which will
set out a vision and strategy for future
developments in Aldershot and
Farnborough up to 2032.
New look for Aldershot unveiled
future development. The consultation
ends on 20 July.
You can find out more, including how
to have your say, on our website
You can also view hard copies of the
draft plan at Aldershot and
Farnborough libraries and at the
council offices.
Keep up to date
To have a chat with one of the
team about the draft local plan,
call 01252 398789.
Planning ahead
Have your say on plans for the
future development of Rushmoor
You help with ideas for
Farnborough’s Civic Quarter
A major plan, which will provide an important boost
to the regeneration of Farnborough town centre, was
due to be considered by councillors as Arena went to
We consulted residents and local organisations in
February and March on the draft ‘masterplan’ for the
town’s Civic Quarter, which includes the library,
leisure centre, police station, community centre and
Westmead House.
New paving in Grosvenor Road and Barrack Road
The finishing touches are being made
to a big investment project to breathe
new life into Aldershot town centre.
Work has been ongoing since January
to bring a whole raft of improvements
to the town centre – and we are
expecting everything to be completed
by the end of July, ready for a launch
event in the town centre on Saturday
15 August to coincide with the VJ Day
There will be a special VJ Day
Saturday market including vintage
stalls as well as a brass band and
vintage cars. Visitors can also enjoy a
free open air theatre production of
Around the World in 80 Days in
Princes Gardens (full details on page
12). The Eagle Radio crew will also be
in town.
Improvements to the town centre
include new paving, new trees,
benches and lighting in Union Street
and Wellington Street and better
links between Westgate through to
the town centre.
We received 130 written responses, suggesting how
the Civic Quarter could be developed so it integrates
better with the town centre, improving green space,
leisure, community and cultural facilities. Generally,
you supported the proposals, but we did amend the
draft plan to take on board a number of your
suggestions. Our Cabinet was due to consider the
revised plan on 2 June and, if it’s adopted, we will use
it to help guide the regeneration of the Civic Quarter.
To find out more , visit
Other changes around the town
include new footpaths, cycle stores,
a shelter for the taxi rank in the High
Street, better signage and more
seating areas and improved links to
the new Wellesley development.
Aldershot masterplan in the pipeline
We have also invited landlords and
businesses to bid for grants of up to
£10,000 from the new shop front
improvement scheme to improve
their frontages and restore traditional
features. We have received 36
applications for the money.
The workshops were part of initial consultation
carried out with our consultants Allies and
Morrison into how the town centre could be
developed over the next few years.
Keep up to date
Visit www.rushmoor.gov.uk/
improvingaldershot for details.
More than 70 residents came along to have their
say on Aldershot town centre at two community
workshops we held in March.
We are aiming to consult on the draft masterplan
in the autumn and we will publicise how you can
have your say. You can sign up to receive updates
on our website, www.rushmoor.gov.uk/
Blue bins can help you turn green!
Many of our residents are great at
recyling already, but did you know
we could all be using our blue bins to
be even greener?
By choosing to use your blue bin
correctly, you can be sure your
recyclables will be made into new
items such as garden furniture,
fleeces and even aeroplane parts, as
well as new cans, bottles and
Our top five most wanted blue bin
items are cans and tins, plastic
bottles, cardboard, papers and
magazines and aerosol cans.
These are taken to a Material
Recovery Facility (MRF) where they
are mechanically sorted and baled,
ready to be sent to reprocessors to be
made into new items.
Items you shouldn’t put in your blue
bins are – glass (this should go in your
box/basket), shredded paper, plastic
bags and plastic packaging, juice
cartons, plastic tubs and pots, foil and
wrapping paper. We can’t recycle
these yet and they can also damage
the machinery at the MRFs.
If you can’t fit all your recycling in your
blue bin, or you live in a flat and don’t
have a blue bin, we can provide you
with free recycling sacks or one of our
handy recycling bags (pictured). Just
fill the sacks and put them out with
your next recycling collection.
on top of your blue bin on your
collection day. Recycling is easy and
satisfying. So please use your blue bin
correctly and be more green.
We will also collect and recycle your
old batteries – just put your AAA, AA,
C, D, button cell, laptop and mobile
phone batteries in a clear plastic bag
For more information on
recycling, plus details on how to
order recycling sacks and blue
bins and store batteries safely,
visit www.rushmoor.gov.uk/
Aldershot calendar showcases local talent
Have your cameras at the ready
because entries are now being
accepted for the 2016 Aldershot
Calendar Competition.
photographs taken by local people,
the calendar celebrates all the great
things the town has to offer – and
also raises money for good causes.
services are
united under
one roof
Victims of domestic
abuse can now access
the help and support they
need from a single,
expert, Hampshire-wide
We would like to receive your
photographs of local landmarks and
locations, such as parks, buildings
and views, taken throughout the
Entries need to be submitted before
Friday September 25 and 12 winning
photos will then be selected for the
2016 calendar, which will go on sale
across the borough from November.
Keep up to date
The image for June in this year’s Aldershot calendar
was taken by Andrew McQuire-Hall.
The 2015 calendar attracted more
than 120 entries and raised an impressive
£1,130 for Aldershot charity, The Vine Day
Among the winning photographers was Joy
Cross, 55, from Farnborough, whose
photograph of poppies was taken in the central
reservation of the A325 between Farnborough
and Aldershot.
We had planted the poppies in honour of the
WW1 centenary and Mrs Cross’s photograph
features in the current calendar as ‘November’,
when Remembrance Sunday falls.
Keep up to date
For more information and to submit your
entries for the 2016 calendar, visit
The Integrated Domestic
began on 1 April. It offers
a single point of contact
Independent Domestic
Violence Advisers (IDVA)
services, those seeking
refuge accommodation
and child and family
domestic violence should
call the IDASH helpline
on 0330 0165112.
In an emergency call 999.
Aldershot lido is as popular as ever
30 Cabinet
30 Licensing Sub-committee
16 Licensing Sub-committee
(Alcohol and
22 Development
Management Committee
28 Licensing Sub-committee
28 Cabinet
30 Full Council
13 Licensing Sub-committee
(Alcohol and
18 Licensing Sub-committee
19 Development
Management Committee
25 Cabinet
3 Licensing Sub-committee
(Alcohol and
7 Leisure and Youth Policy
and Review Panel
8 Environment Policy and
Review Panel
10 Corporate Services Policy
and Review Panel
14 Borough Services Policy
and Review Panel
15 Licensing Sub-committee
16 Development
Management Committee
17 Community Policy and
Review Panel
21 Standards and Audit
22 Cabinet
28 Licensing and General
Purposes Committee
The public is welcome at all
meetings. Most start at 7pm,
at the council offices in
Farnborough Road. Cabinet
meetings start at 4.30pm.
For more information, visit
meetingscalendar or
call Kathy Flatt on
01252 398829.
You can
tell that
has arrived
when Aldershot’s historic
lido opens for business!
The popular pool is open weekends
throughout June and daily from 1 July
right through until 6 September.
The lido has something for everyone, with
three water flumes, a diving platform, a
toddler paddling pool and sandpit, a
water fountain feature, a picnic area set
in nine acres, hot and cold food and a
swimming accessory shop.
To increase visitor numbers and reduce
the running cost, we have been looking
at future uses for the lido, which first
opened in 1930.
We are working closely with the Friends
of Aldershot Lido and a councillors’ task
and finish group to come up with plans
to make the lido fit for the 21st century.
This year we are introducing new season
tickets and loyalty schemes and looking
to speed up entry, provide more shade
and redecorate the changing rooms.
Season tickets start at £39 for juniors
and £60 for adults. A combined season
ticket for one adult and one junior is £80.
Under threes get in free.
For the first-time pre-paid
introduced. Swimmers can buy
five tickets for the price of four.
For an adult this will cost
£27.60 and for a junior £17.20.
Lido regulars who sign up for
a loyalty card and visit the
pool five times a season will receive their
sixth visit free. General admission prices
are £6.90 for adults and £4.30 for juniors.
Half price tickets are also available from
Longer term, we are looking at a new
adventure golf facility in the grounds,
expanding the fitness gym and adding a
sauna and hot tub to the neighbouring
indoor pools. We need to improve the
quality of the facilities and generate
income to reduce running costs.
We have already consulted more than
1,300 of you and reviewed your thoughts
and feelings on social media, and we will
certainly take these into account.
Keep up to date
More details can be found at
Youngsters can swim for £1 this summer
Young people across Aldershot and
Farnborough are urged to dive into our special
swimming holidays offer.
Everyone aged 16 and under can swim for just
£1 during school holidays by simply
registering their details for a one-off cost of
£2 at Farnborough Leisure Centre or
Aldershot Pools.
Once registered, youngsters can swim for a
pound during ‘all welcome’ and ‘family fun’
sessions in the school holidays up to 4pm
weekdays and 6pm weekends (Hampshire
term only). The offer excludes Aldershot Lido
For details visit www.rushmoor.
Election 2015
Martin Tennant
Tel: 07778 594821
Email: martin.tennant@
Jacqui Vosper
Tel: 07771 261984
Email: jacqui.vosper@
Peter Moyle
Tel: 01252 546750
Email: peter.moyle@
Terry Bridgeman
Tel: 07709 967244
Email: bridgemanterry@
Clive Grattan
Tel: 07510 524074
Email: clive.grattan@
Sue Carter
Tel: 01252 904181
Email: sue.carter@
Adrian Newell
Tel: 01252 662329
Email: adrian.newell@
Barry Jones
Tel: 01252 652906
Email: barry.jones@
Steve Masterson
Tel: 01252 514434
Email: steve@station
Mike Roberts
Tel: 01252 345737
Email: mike.roberts@
Les Taylor
Tel: 01252 512385
Email: les.taylor@
Martin Tennant
Tel: 07778 594821
Email: martin.tennant@
David Clifford
Tel: 0845 3032930
Alan Ferrier
Tel: 01252 540180
Email: alan.ferrier@
Roland Dibbs
Tel: 01252 519613
Gareth Lyon
Tel: 07827 275588
Email: gareth.lyon@
John Marsh
Tel: 01252 545341
Email: johnhmarsh@
Adam Jackman
Tel: 01252 517570
Email: adam@
Mike Smith
Tel: 01252 542250
Email: mdsmithrushmoor
Ken Muschamp
Tel: 07801 430352
Email: ken@
Paul Taylor
Tel: 01252 516589
Email: paul.taylor@
Peter Crerar
Tel: 01252 322213
Email: peter_crerar@
Keith Dibble
Tel: 01252 329831
Email: tksdibbles@
Charles Choudhary
Tel: 01252 316015
Email: charles.choudhary
Ron Hughes
Tel: 01252 901640
Sue Dibble
Tel: 01252 329831
Email: susandibble@
Sophia Choudhary
Tel: 01252 316015
Email: sophia.choudhary@
Bruce Thomas
Tel: 01252 656860
Email: bruce.thomas@
Frank Rust
Tel: 01252 314376
Email: frank.rust@
David Welch
Tel: 01252 657332
Email: david.welch@
Making sure you’re
registered to vote
Did you exercise your right to vote?
You can register to vote at any time
at www.gov.uk/register-to-vote.
We will be sending out household
inquiry forms to all homes in July
and August saying who is
registered to vote at that address
and giving you the chance to add or
remove names for the property.
If you make any changes, you’ll
receive an invitation to register to
vote a few weeks later.
Keep up to date
For more information on
registering to vote, visit
Barbara Hurst
Tel: 01252 405149
Email: barbara@
Peter Moyle
Tel: 01252 546750
Email: peter.moyle@
Jacqui Vosper
Tel: 07771 261984
Email: jacqui.vosper@
Diane Bedford
Tel: 01252 654822
Email: diane.bedford@
Elizabeth Corps
Tel: 01252 652984
Email: liz.corps@
David Gladstone
Tel: 07956 366350
Email: gladstone.
Alex Crawford
Tel: 01252 314708
Email: alex.crawford06@
Jennifer Evans
Tel: 01252 314708
Email: evans.jenniferevans
Jeremy Preece
Tel: 07880 948494
Email: jeremy.preece@
David Bell
Tel: 01252 663 735
Email: dave.bell100@
To check which ward you are in, visit
www.rushmoor.gov.uk/inmyarea or call 01252 398824.
Sir Gerald Howarth
Aldershot Constituency
Tel: 020 7219 5650 (House of Commons)
Email: Gerald.Howarth.MP@Parliament.uk
Write to: Sir Gerald Howarth
House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Rod Cooper
Tel: 01252 514393
Email: rod.cooper@
Picture courtesy of
Aldershot News & Mail
Mark Staplehurst
Tel: 01252 655 433
Email: ukip.westheath@
Election 2015
Rushmoor, including ward boundaries
Active Rushmoor
Get out and about for a summ
Spotlight on athletics
Athletics may have experienced a surge in popularity
since the London 2012 Olympics, but Aldershot &
Farnham District Athletics Club has been setting the
pace since 1966.
The thriving club has around 600 members and trains
at Aldershot’s Military Stadium.
Its athletes consistently out-perform nearly every
club in the country and beyond – its female cross
country team recently took one of the top spots in an
event involving the best clubs in Europe.
Kids play the summer away
Keeping your youngsters
summer holidays is not a
thanks to our range of
courses and activities for
kids aged four to 16.
Most of the programmes
run for morning or/and
afternoon sessions, with
variety of activities, from
football and swimming to
board games and crafts –
and lots of outside play.
Great fun for all and a
help for working parents,
the schemes are run
across Rushmoor – in
schools, leisure centres,
parks, children’s centres,
entertainment venues.
already be a school pupil
to attend.
Chairman Mike Neighbour said: “Our success is down
to our young athletes’ commitment and the support of
our coaches and officials. We would like to hear from
more people interested in coaching and acting as
officials, for which we offer training.
“And we are always keen to hear from aspiring
athletes interested in becoming members.”
For more information visit www.afd.org.uk
For details visit
Cycling is a Breeze with
our scheme for women
programme has wheely taken off,
with around 20 women joining our
first cycle rides.
Martin Sterio, our health and physical
activity officer, said: “Breeze rides
aim to get more women into riding
bikes for fun, and have been set up by
British Cycling to help more women
feel confident and comfortable about
going on a ride.
“We are currently running two rides
at 10am on the last Saturday of each
month, a short eight-mile route and a
longer 20-mile route for those who
are more adventurous.”
Both rides start and finish at Grays
Coffee in North Camp, Farnborough.
For more information contact
Martin Sterio, our health and
physical activity officer. Email
or call 01252 398763.
Soccer at 6 sessions return
Young soccer stars of the future can learn from the
experts by joining one of our daily summer soccer
Running across the borough until 28 August, the popular
Soccer at Six sessions are led by Aldershot Town
Football Club’s Community Trust and supported by the
Safer North Hampshire community safety team.
The evening sessions start at 6pm and are open to
boys and girls of all skill levels, aged between five
and 14. Sessions are:
Mondays at King George V Playing Fields, Farnborough
Tuesdays at Aldershot Park, Aldershot
Wednesdays at Pinewood Park, Farnborough
Thursdays at Manor Park, Aldershot
Fridays at Cove Green, Cove.
There are also pan-disability sessions on
Wednesdays from 10am to 11am at Samuel Cody
School, Farnborough.
There is no need to book – just turn up on the day. The
sessions run from 6pm to 7.15pm and cost £3 a time.
Try Parkrun –
it’s fun and free
One year on from its launch,
Rushmoor Parkrun is a huge
success, with runners of all
abilities taking up the challenge.
easy-PC after we
donate 100 desktops
er of fun Buying a computer is
A five kilometre run against the
clock, Parkrun takes place at
Queens Avenue in Aldershot,
every Saturday morning at 9am.
It’s free to join, although you must
register the first time you take
part and it’s all about enjoying
staying fit with others.
The weekly run is staffed by
volunteers, mainly from the
Blackwater Valley Running Club
in Aldershot. Event director Chris
McWilliam, said: “Rushmoor
Parkrun is a great event and
happens largely because of our
fantastic volunteers, who are
almost all regular runners and
make sure that the event runs
smoothly every week.
“Every week the team and
runners grab a post-Parkrun
coffee at Grays Coffee in
Lynchford Road, North Camp – so
please come and join us!”
If you would like to help, email:
To register as a runner visit
3-2-1 run makes
most of beauty spots
Runners can now follow wellmarked routes spanning one to
five kilometres, in some of our
prettiest locations.
3-2-1 running routes were set
up by Run England to provide a
range of marked-out running or
jogging routes across the
country, that anyone can have a
go at.
Local 3-2-1 routes can be found
in Farnborough’s Southwood
Woodland and Aldershot Park. If
you don’t want to run alone,
local clubs are also offering
group runs for beginners and
For more details visit
Nick Harding (left) and Mark Loudon at TechStart
Dozens more affordable computers
could be yours after we donated 100
PCs to Aldershot’s TechStart.
This not-for-profit social enterprise is
celebrating its first anniversary since
opening at The Galleries last year and
is helping more people to get online by
offering refurbished computers and
laptops at affordable prices.
ensure everyone can take part.
Mark Loudon, who manages
TechStart, said: “We just couldn’t keep
going without donations from local
companies and individuals and we are
so delighted that the council and other
organisations have been so generous
and willing to help.”
The PCs we donated are around five
years old and have benefited from
through their lifetime.
As well as selling affordable
computers, TechStart offers computer
repairs, runs an internet drop-in
centre, offers IT training and provides
work experience opportunities.
Nick Harding, our head of IT, said:
“TechStart relies on businesses and
organisations, like us, donating no
longer needed computers, which are
then refurbished and sold on.”
Some people may also be entitled to
receive free PCs if they are referred to
Techstart from support services, such
as CAB, The Vine, Step-by-Step and
social landlords.
These days, when we’re so reliant on
the internet, TechStart is helping to
For more information visit
Rushmoor parties like it’s 1945!
With the streets awash with bunting and
smiling faces everywhere, the clock
really did turn back 70 years for our VE
Day celebrations.
You came out in your thousands for our
special VE Day 70 celebrations. Mums
and dads with their children and the
older generation all came together for a
weekend of events
Centrepiece of the weekend was the big
Victory Day Parade, which took place in
Aldershot town centre. Serving soldiers,
veterans, Scouts, Guides, cadets, school
children, marching bands and World War
II re-enactors and their vehicles were
cheered by onlookers as they paraded
from Princes Hall to the High Street.
What’s on
Around the world in Princes Gardens
You’re invited to take your seats – or
should that be picnic blankets – for
an outdoor production of Jules
Verne’s Around the World in 80 Days.
This special event from Box Tree
Productions will be staged at the
Princes Gardens bandstand in
Aldershot on Saturday 15 August –
and it’s absolutely free.
Around the World in 80 Days is the
fictional adventure of rich English
gentleman Phileas Fogg and his
French valet Passepartout who accept
the challenge of circumnavigating the
world in 80 days.
This outdoor production begins at
2.30pm and lasts two hours. Bring
blankets or camping chairs and a
picnic to enjoy this free family
worldwide adventure.
Al fresco family fun: Box Tree Productions in the Princes Gardens
Silver celebrations
at Princes Mead
ticket to the Princes Hall’s Christmas
panto; or a half barrel planter full of
beautiful summer bedding.
Traders will also provide tasters of their
food offerings, including sausages from
Merrywood Farm, bakery items from
Costco, olives and peppers from Olive
Mania and wine and savoury items from
Princes Mead shopping centre in
Farnborough is celebrating its 25th
anniversary in style on Saturday 4 July.
There will be free entertainment
starting from 11am, including balloon
modelling, face-painting and live music,
plus great giveaways. The listings
You’ll also be able to enter three
competitions to win a three-course
dinner for two, plus bed and breakfast at
the Village Hotel, Farnborough; a family
Monday 22-Friday 26 June
Aldershot Military Festival – five days of fun for all the family.
Events include a film festival at Cineworld; tours of the military
cemetery and walks through the historic town; a three-day
exhibition at the West End Centre and music at the Princes Hall
Various times and venues.
For more details go to www.armyshow.co.uk
Thursdays from 25 June
Baby bounce and rhyme time. Farnborough Library
2.30pm. Free. Every Thursday
Thursday 25 June
Jackson Live in Concert. Princes Hall, Aldershot
7.45pm. £19 / Child £15 / Family (4) £60 / Friend £17
Friday 26 June
Disabled Club. The Old Scout Club, Off Montgomery Road, Cove
2pm-4pm. Free. Come along for tea and a chat
To find out more, call Paul on 07900 1112961
Friday 26 June
Archery and air rifle shooting for Father's Day. Hawley Lane
Youth Activity Centre, Farnborough. 6.45pm. £10
Monday 29 June
The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (film)
Princes Hall, Aldershot. 2.30pm and 7.30pm. £7 (£6 Screenpass)
Monday 29 June
Monthly Make – create your own glass mosaic plaque to hang in
your home. West End Centre, Aldershot. 7pm. £12.
Tuesdays from 30 June
Story time. Farnborough Library
10.30am. Free. Every Tuesday
For more information go to
Wednesday 1 July
Curtis Eller’s American Circus - A wild-eyed yodeller creating
banjo-driven punk-vaudeville show tunes.
West End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm. £10
Saturday 4 July
Carve Your Own Chopping Board workshop.
Design your own or choose one of sculptor Ruth Wheeler’s
designs to finish off and decorate. Prepare to get messy!
West End Centre, Aldershot. 10.30am. £60/£45/£30
Saturday 4 July
Beginners’ Reflexology workshop
West End Centre, Aldershot. 10.30am. £35 / £26.25 / £17.50
Saturday 4 July
Aldershot Boys’ and Girls’ Football Tournament
Connaught School, Aldershot. 7pm
Sunday 5 July
Brickfields’ 30th Anniversary Funday.
Brickfields Country Park, Aldershot.
Celebrating our 30th anniversary with new stalls, games and
competitions, including a balloon race and wildlife-themed
decorated cake competition. Plus the usual animal displays;
refreshments and Brickfields Park jams. 11am-4pm. Free
Thursday 9 July
Summer Walk in the Reserve
The Field Centre, Cranmore Lane, Aldershot. 7:30pm. Free
Saturday 11 July and Sunday 12 July
Picnic to Music in the Park – The Rotary Club of Farnborough
hosts this event for all ages, in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.
King George V Playing Fields, Farnborough. 7.30pm.
Comedy gold at the
Princes Hall
Your sides will be hurting through
laughter this summer and autumn
thanks to a whole host of comic
favourites coming to the Princes
Hall. Jasper Carrott, Milton
Jones, Ed Byrne, Nina Conti and
Dave Gorman are just some of the
household names coming to
entertain us.
For more details on the comics
lining up to perform in Aldershot
visit www.princeshall.com
Winging it all in a
good cause
Local charity Parity for Disability is
offering people a sky-high challenge.
On 19 September you can take off as
a wing-walker while raising money
for this good cause.
For more information and to
register your interest go to
Music comes alive
Aldershot will come alive to the
sound of music when local bands and
singers perform at Live Music Day on
Saturday 25 July. The event is now in
its fifth year and gives local acts
30 minutes to perform live on stage.
Three stages will be set up across
Kings of comedy (l-r): Jasper Carrott, Ed Byrne and Milton Jones
the town centre, at the crossroads of
Union Street and Wellington Street,
the Princes Gardens bandstand and
the Westgate leisure complex.
All genres are welcome and basic
backline equipment is provided.
For more information – and to
register to take part – visit
Aldershot’s summer
of free entertainment
A packed programme of free events
will be taking place in Aldershot
town centre this summer kicking off
on Saturday 4 July with Cactus
Brass. If jazz is more your bag then
make sure you swing by on Saturday
11 July to catch Dixieland Jazz. Alder
Valley Brass will be entertaining the
crowds on Saturday 1 August.
Check out the other stories on these
pages for Aldershot Live Music Day
Saturday 11 July
100 Watt Club. West End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm. £12 (£10 concs)
Monday 13 July
Still Alice (film). Princes Hall, Aldershot.
2.30pm and 7.30pm. £7 (£6 Screenpass)
Saturday 25 July
Aldershot Live Music Day. Aldershot town centre – Now in its
fifth year, the event gives local singers and bands a 30-minute
set to perform live on stage. 10am. Free
Monday 27 July
Vocal workshop. Princes Hall, Aldershot – Work on songs that
will be performed to parents at the end of the day. Bring a
packed lunch.
For ages 7-11. 10am-4pm. £19
Tuesday 28 July
Craft workshop. Princes Hall, Aldershot – Learn new skills and
make something you can take home or give as a gift. Bring a
packed lunch. For ages 4-7. 10am-4pm. £19
Tuesday 28 July
Dance in a Day workshop. Princes Hall, Aldershot – Work on a
number of short pieces that will be performed to parents. Bring
a packed lunch.
For ages 6-10. 10am-4pm. £19
Thursday 30 July
Play in a Day workshop. Princes Hall, Aldershot – Learn new
theatre skills and work on a short play that will be performed to
parents. Bring a packed lunch. For ages 7-11. 10am-4pm. £19
Thursday 6 August
Alvin Youngblood Hart (musician)
West End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm. £14 (£12 concs)
on Saturday 25 July and Around the
World in 80 Days theatre on Saturday
15 August, along with the great
VJ Day market.
For details these and other free
events for all the family, visit
Summer fun in
The summer brings a host of fun,
free events in Farnborough town
centre for all the family. On Saturday
25 July, children and adults can get
up close and personal with the
animals from the farm. While on
Saturday 8 August, Juggling Jake
will be entertaining people with his
amazing skills. And on Saturday
29 August, make sure you ‘pop’
along to see Tom's Tricks Balloon
Details of more events can be
found at: www.rushmoor.gov.uk
Saturday 15 August
VJ Day commemorations. Saturday market with vintage stalls
and cars and music. Aldershot town centre. From 10am. Free
Thursday 3 September
Aldershot Floral Design Club – diamond anniversary showcase
when Carola Kean presents ‘Recollections’. Princes Hall,
Aldershot. 7.30pm (doors open at 6.30pm). Tickets £12.
For more information and tickets call Chris Brown on
01276 61740 or go to www.nafas.org.uk
Saturday 5 September
Pinocchio – Steve Tiplady carves Pinnochio on stage to tell this
classic tale. Ages 4+. West End Centre, Aldershot. 2.30pm £6.50
Saturday 12 September
Jasta11 Launch Party – Jasta 11 launch their new club in style
with an evening of punk. West End Centre, Aldershot. 8pm £6
Farnborough Library and Learning Centre –
farnborough.library@hants.gov.uk 01252 516458.
Aldershot Library & Learning Centre –
aldershot.library@hants.gov.uk 01252 322560.
Princes Hall – www.princeshall.com
01252 329155.
West End Centre – www.westendcentre.co.uk
01252 330040.
What’s on
Rushmoor in Bloom
When flooding blighted their homes
eight years ago it also served to
bring together a group of
community-spirited residents – and
a lasting togetherness bloomed.
It was their efforts to clear water from
each other’s homes that made the
Farnborough realise that, by pulling
together, they could restore pride in
their area. Later that eventful year
they decided to enter our Rushmoor in
Bloom competition – and have been
perennial competitors and winners
ever since. Every year, the group of 12
households – six facing each other
with a green in between – make a
sterling effort to make their front
gardens look spectacular.
Cheyne Way resident Mary Yeldham,
said: “The flooding in 2007 really
brought us together as a community.
We were helping to bale out our
houses and distribute sandbags – it
took all day. We really came together
and from that moment on have
entered Rushmoor in Bloom.
Friendships blossomed after the floods in Cheyne Way, Farnborough
“We have a lot of dog walkers who
make a special point of coming to look
at our gardens in the summer – it
really does instil a sense of pride.”
Many residents have entered this
year’s competition in categories that
include: best front garden, best floral
display, best wildlife garden and best
street/community garden.
in: Mike
of Farnborough
Club in
the new
Sowing the seeds of success
A new accessible garden for
vulnerable people and those
with disabilities is now open.
The Farnborough Rotary
Access Garden has been a
labour of love. Volunteers
transformed a derelict site
at the Cove Green allotments
into a green oasis that will
available to all, with raised
flowerbeds accessible to
wheelchair users, which
house an array of plants and
It is now run by Rushmoor’s
Blooming Marvellous group,
and is helping many more
people take up horticulture
and enjoy its many benefits.
It was officially opened by
then Mayor of Rushmoor,
Councillor Diane Bedford.
If you, or anyone you know,
could benefit from use of this
new garden – or if you have a
disability and need help with
your own garden – contact
Blooming Marvellous on
01252 540162 or email
There is also an allotment competition
and a school gardening competition.
Judging takes place in July, with a
special awards ceremony at the
Princes Hall in September.
For more information, visit
A real sense of achievement
Students at a special
needs school now
have a new sensory
garden to enjoy,
thanks to some local
Members of the
Community Matters
Partnership Project
have transformed
part of the garden at
the Henry Tyndale
School, Farnborough
Henry Tyndale is a
community special
school for young
people aged from
two to 19 who have
Having fun in the sensory garden is
Ollyvia Rakanace with team worker
Alison Keynes
The garden features
a range of musical instruments and accessible pathways.
Special acoustic panels to amplify the sound were designed by
engineers from Farnborough-based company Fluor. Other
companies involved in the project were TAG Aviation, Rushmoor
Borough Council, the Sixth Form College, Cap Quest and the
Hogg Robinson Groups.