October 25, 2015 - Church of the Resurrection
October 25, 2015 - Church of the Resurrection
CLYMER ERNEST GLEN CAMPBELL HEILWOOD ROSSITER A Parish of the Diocese of Greensburg • A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION Pastoral Center 349 Morris Street • Clymer, PA 15728 Phone: 724-254-3041 • 800-378-1130 (in the 814 area code) Fax Number: 724-254-3045 • Visit us on the web: www.churchresurrection.org OCTOBER 25, 2015 PARISH STAFF Reverend E. George Saletrik, Pastor gsaletrik@dioceseofgreensburg.org Reverend Anthony J. Klimko, Parochial Vicar aklimko@dioceseofgreensburg.org Reverend Mr. Stephen Black, Permanent Deacon sblack@dioceseofgreensburg.org Reverend Rudy Koser (in residence) THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Mass Schedule: For the schedule of Sunday, Holyday and weekday Mass times, please consult the Mass Schedule found in the inside of the bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation: On weekends, this sacrament is available one half hour before the first Liturgy at each site; during the weekdays, before or after morning Mass. You may also schedule a time by calling the office and arranging an appointment. Mrs. Leigh Shubra, Business Manager lshubra@dioceseofgreensburg.org Sacrament of Baptism: By appointment. Catechesis is required. Mrs. Debbie Anderson, Parish Secretary debbielanderson@comcast.net Sacrament of Marriage: Arrangements must be made in person at least six months in advance. Please contact the Pastor to make arrangements. Mrs. Joan C. Stupic, Administrative Assistant jstupic@comcast.net Ms. Linda Benko, Coordinator of Faith Formation lbenko@dioceseofgreensburg.org PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The Church of the Resurrection is a parish which encompasses 1200 square miles. We are a merger of six parishes and four mission churches into a single faith community with five places of worship. Our Faith Community is composed of various ethnic traditions, however, each and every one of us makes our parish unique. We strive to: • become a welcoming family of the Catholic Faith. • live our Catholic Faith and share its teachings with present and future generations. • hear where God is calling us to minister...to give of our selves - our time, talents and treasures...to put our beliefs into action. • worship with the conviction that the Eucharist is the source & summit of our Faith Community & family unity. • become a unified parish which overcomes the barriers of distance and the challenges of our diversity while fostering a radical openness to growth and development. To this end we open our minds and hearts to the Love of God. Parish Registration/New Members: If you are new in the parish, we welcome you and invite you to complete a confidential census form to complete your membership. These forms are available at the office. Parish membership is required to be a sponsor, to get married in the parish, or to have a child baptized. (RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Anyone interested in obtaining more information on the Catholic Church or interested in becoming Catholic, please contact the parish office. Bulletin Deadline: All articles must be printed or typed and submitted to the parish office by 12:00 Noon on Monday. Parish Office Hours: 9 AM to 4 PM Monday – Friday Council/Committee Facilitators Mrs. Bridget Polenik - Pastoral Council Ms. Betty Geneva - Finance Council Mr. Clayton Lamer - Cemetery Committee Mr. Martin Nupp - Buildings & Grounds Committee THE CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION-A PARISH OF THE DIOCESE OF GREENSBURG PAGE 1 From Father George’s Desk…,With Election Day just around the corner, I remind everyone that it is the policy of the Diocese of Greensburg that only voter guides published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference, or by the Diocese of Greensburg may be distributed in parishes and other diocesan institutions. This is for reasons of both U.S. civil law and the Church’s canon law. While Catholics are strongly encouraged to be engaged in the political process by being informed on the issues of the day and by voting regularly, the Church does not endorse candidates for public office. It is also totally permissible to actively campaign for candidates of your choice, but not on Church property. No dissemination of political materials or active politicking on parish property is permitted, including the leafleting of cars. Unfortunately, we do not have the resources to police our parking lots to prevent leafleting so if you do find such literature when you come out of Mass, please know that this activity was done without permission and should not in any way be seen as the diocese, this parish, or yours truly endorsing the candidacy of any politician or political party. If anyone would like more explanation or clarifications of diocesan policy, please contact me. The next meeting of our Parish Synod is this afternoon in Glen Campbell from 2:00-4:00PM. Our first two meetings—in Clymer and Rossiter—have been very positive. There has been excellent discussion and some very good questions asked. I hope this continues over the next three Sundays. This is an opportunity for the parish family to gather to discuss matters important to continued health and vitality of the Catholic community of Northern Indiana County. Our Parish Synod has two basic aims: 1. to share statistical and financial information and trends over the past 20 years since the merger and, 2. to foster discussion and seek input on developing a pastoral plan for the parish’s future. The remaining dates are November 1 in Heilwood and November 8 in Ernest. The same information is being presented at each session so one need attend only the session most convenient for you. Please understand that these are not intended to be “gripe sessions” but, rather, opportunities for constructive dialogue for the overall good of our parish. The information the councils intend to present is aimed at helping everyone get a clearer understanding how the parish has evolved since the merger in 1995 and where we stand today. It is my hope that the discussions, in addition to providing input to pastoral council, will also foster a greater sense of mission among all members of the parish family. As Catholics we do not live in isolation from one another. Our parish will thrive only to the extent that we see and understand that we’re all on the same team. It’s October, which means it’s time for us to conduct the annual October Count. Each year, during the month of October, all the parishes in the diocese do this head count of how many people are attending Mass. These counts are important in statistical reporting, especially in helping the diocese and parishes determine years’ long trends in Mass attendance, which aid greatly in planning for future needs. The month of October is chosen because there are no major Church feasts or holydays during the month, vacation season is over, school is in session, and the weather is generally still good...all factors which lead to “normal” Mass attendance. Here is the recent trend in our numbers for the third weekend of October: Oct. 17-18, 2015 Oct. 15-16, 2011 Oct. 17-18, 2009 4:00PM Heilwood 68 (CAMERONS BOTTOM) 113 89 6:00PM Glen Campbell 48 85 67 8:00AM Clymer 82 98 95 8:30AM Rossiter 97 108 93 9:00AM Heilwood 85 102 145 10:30AM Ernest 87 94 139 11:00AM Clymer 154 135 169_______ TOTALS 621 735 797 IS GOD CALLING YOU! The secular Franciscan Order is now recruiting men and women to start formation (classes). For more information, call Guy Savasta at 724-254-4159. Applicants must be 18 years or older and be a practicing Catholic. SUPPORT ELDERLY RELIGIOUS! A parishioner writes, “As a Catholic school student from grades K–12, I was formed to be the person I am by many religious brothers and sisters, and I am forever grateful.” Show your appreciation for the senior Catholic sisters, brothers, and religious order priests who made a positive difference in so many lives. Please give generously to next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Please read today’s insert for more information. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS #1481 SCHEDULE: November 4…Officer's Meeting, 7 PM, at the Lodge; November 5..Life Choice Banquet; November 8...Memorial Mass, 9:30 AM Mass at St Bernard's Parish; November 11...Council Meeting, 7 PM, at the Lodge; November 14 & 15...Membership drive at St Thomas More Parish; November 15...Fourth Degree Assembly Pancake Breakfast at St. Thomas More after Mass; November 16...Greensburg Chapter Meeting, 7 PM, at Lucerne Mines; November 25...Fourth Degree Assembly Meeting, 7 PM, at the Lodge. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME— OCTOBER 25, 2015 \ TODAY’S READINGS Jer. 31: 7-9 Heb. 5: 1-6 Mk. 10: 46-52 FAITH FORMATION CLASSES will be held this Mon- day, October 26th at 6:15 until 7:30 p.m. at Glen Campbell and from 7:00 until 8:15 p.m. at Clymer for children in Grades K-8. THE LIVING ROSARY will be held at the Glen Campbell Site this Monday, October 26th at 6:30 p.m. All are invited to join the children from the Faith Formation Program to honor the Blessed Mother with this annual devotion. Light refreshments will follow. The month of November and the Remembrance of All Souls is quickly approaching. Between now and All Saints Day you are invited to write the names of deceased loved ones in our Books of Remembrance, which have been prepared at each of our worship sites. The names of those who have been buried from our parish in the last year are already listed. At every Mass in November, as we pray for the dead, we will especially remember those whose names are written in our books. Please take the opportunity over the next few weeks to add the names of anyone you would like the parish to pray for in our Books of Remembrance. REMEMBRANCE OF ALL SOULS: YOUTH GROUP-Students in Grades 9-12 will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 3:00 p.m. in Clymer church basement. Our next session will take place on Sunday, November 1st. Parents, please strongly encourage your son/daughter to attend! Are you (or anyone you know) interested in becoming a member of the Catholic faith? We have begun our RCIA Inquiry Sessions on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. at the Pastoral Center in Clymer. It's not to late to join us! Call Linda Benko (724-254-1045) for more information. CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD PARISH, KENT will be having a Turkey Dinner on Sunday, November 8, 2015 from 11:00 AM until 2:00 PM. The price for adults is $10.00, Children ages 6 – 12, $5.00, and children age 5 and under, free. The menu includes: Roast Breast of Turkey and Stuffing, Whipped Potatoes with Gravy, Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes, Cranberry Sauce, Salad, Fresh Rolls, Beverage and complimentary Dessert. Take-outs are available. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS the departed soul of: DOROTHY MROCZKA, Deacon Steve’s aunt. We extend our condolences and support to Deacon Steve and his family. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE October 3/4, 2015 ALL SOULS DAY PREPARATION: On Monday, November 2nd, our parish will celebrate a special Mass at the Clymer Site at 7:00 p.m. We will remember all of our parishioners who have died since Nov. 2, 2014 by reading a roll call and lighting a candle in their memory. All are invited to this Mass to remember those whom Our Heavenly Father has called home in the last year. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS MEMORIAL MASS-All are welcome to join the Knights in celebrating the memory of their deceased Brothers: 9:30 AM Sunday, November 8th at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Parish. Deceased Brothers to be honored this year are: Mike Sibo, Rev. Jerome M. Weiksner, William P. Niebauer, Donald F. Stahr, Joseph M. Marshall, Frank Fazio Jr., and Harold “Hal” Cunningham. All Brother Knights and their families are encouraged to attend this Mass to show our support for the families of our deceased Brothers. PAGE 2 OUR PARISH BINGO will take place Today, October 25th in the Clymer Social Hall. Doors open at 12:30 p.m. Admission $25.00! Gtd. Jackpot-1000 pts. Lucky Number-90 pts.+! All are invited! TOTAL COLLECTION: $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 6,197.05 36.00 496.00 52.00 400.27 95.00 285.75 7,562.07 Fiscal YTD 85,336.11 537.45 2,683.00 62.00 4,524.06 1,492.00 3,832.51 98,467.13 Budget Requirements: Difference: :$ $ 7,353.00 209.07 102,942.00 -4,474.87 Candle Cemetery $ $ 68.00 - Adult Children Monthly Fuel Loose Accent Parish Needs Easter /Christmas Envelopes Issued: 826 Envelopes Returned: 295 (35.7%) Offertory Average Gift: $ 17.82 MASS SCHEDULE THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, October 24 4:00 PM (Heilwood) - Charles A. Mattis by Children 6:00 PM (Glen Campbell) - Maxie Matko, by Mother, Sophie Sunday, October 25 8:00 AM (Clymer) - Judy Kochman by Joe Krolick, Sr. 8:30 AM (Rossiter) - Special Intention by Martha Pape 9:00 AM (Heilwood) - Mass for the People 10:30 AM (Ernest) - Judy Stapleton by Family 11:00 AM (Clymer) - Eunice Bence, by Paul Smochek Family Monday, October 26-Weekday 8:00 AM (Clymer) - Betty Bernat, by Tina & Earl Buterbaugh 8:00 AM (Rossiter) - Special Intention, by M/M Lawrence Kopas Tuesday, October 27-Weekday 8:00 AM (Heilwood) - Harry Mariskanish, by Jean Polenik 8:00 AM (Rossiter) - April (Pearce) Kline, by Mom & Family 8:00 AM (Ernest) - NO MASS Wednesday, October 28-SS. Simon & Jude, Apostles 8:00 AM (Glen Campbell) - John Knapik, Sr., by Mike & Eleanor Mattis 8:00 AM (Heilwood) - Anna Kirsch, by Florentz Kirsch Thursday, October 29-Weekday 8:00 AM (Ernest) - Matthew & Johnnie Miconi, by David Zajdel & Al Boden 8:00 AM (Glen Campbell) - Joseph & Anna Bugay, by Children 8:00 AM (Clymer) - NO MASS Friday, October 30-Weekday 8:00 AM (Heilwood) - NO MASS ALL SAINTS Saturday, October 31 4:00 PM (Heilwood) - John, Bob & Frances Michny, by Family 6:00 PM(Glen Campbell)-Stanley & Margaret Janocha, by Family Sunday, November 1 8:00 AM (Clymer) - Martin & Margaret Popson, by Son, Robert Popson 8:30 AM (Rossiter) - Mass for the People 9:00 AM(Heilwood)-Deceased Members of the Bunyak Family by Mary Ann & Joseph Bunyak 10:30 AM (Ernest) - Anna Lostrick, by Dave & Janet Sitosky & Family 11:00 AM (Clymer) - Helen Meshanko, by Jerry, Julie, Joshua & Madison Roof SS. SIMON & JUDE PARISH IN BLAIRSVILLE will be holding a Craft Show on Saturday, November 14, 2015 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Wood crafts, holiday decorations, flower arrangements, quilts, baked goods, candy dolls, bake sale great food and much more. Admission is free! Hourly door prize drawings. BASKET AUCTION sponsored by GCU Lodge 93 on Sunday, November 1st from 11:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. Drawing will take place at 3:00 p.m. Tickets are 26 for $5.00! Special Raffles! Free desserts and beverages. This event will be held at St. John the Baptist Byzantine Catholic Church, Northern Cambria. All are invited! THE FOURTEENTH ANNUAL WHITE MASS FOR ALL HEALTH CARE PERSONNEL-The White Mass for all Health Care Personnel will be held at the Blessed Sacrament Cathedral on Sunday, November 15, 2015 at 11:30 a.m. Bishop Edward C. Malesic, JCL will be the Main Celebrant. All health care personnel are invited to attend. SANCTUARY LAMP October 19—November 1, 2015 BURNING IN MEMORY OR INTENTION OF: CLYMER: In thanksgiving for many blessings by Mary Sibley ERNEST: Blessings upon Deacon Stephen Black as he begins his ministry with us at the Church of the Resurrection GLEN CAMPBELL: Birthday Blessings for Edna Miloser on her 90th Birthday by Family HEILWOOD: In loving memory of Paul & Irene Repik by Daughter, Kathy & Chuck Mattis ROSSITER: Birthday Blessings for Edna Miloser on her 90th Birthday by Cousin, Annette Vinski