H.O.T. Times in Las Vegas
H.O.T. Times in Las Vegas
CHAPTER CHATTER Anthem, AZ HOG April 2014 H.O.T. Times in Las Vegas Photos in this Issue Tombstone Page 4 H.O.T. Training Page 5 My Thoughts. By Rory Kraft: Director San Tan Flat Page 9 The end of February several of the officers went to Harley Officers Training (H.O.T.). This was the first time for me and I didn't know what to expect, although it was in Las Vegas. I thought it would be good to get away and see Vegas, how much could it change I was married there 45 years ago. Wow!! I have seen shows on TV that were filmed there but it has changed a lot. Roosevelt Loop Page 10 March Meeting Page 11 We arrived on a Thursday night and parked the bikes at what seemed like 6 miles away in the parking garage. After checking in and looking around it was time for a drink well that was the last drink I had for two days. The sessions were all day long and we met with a lot of interesting HOG members from all over the states including one from Hawaii and one from Puerto Rico. Inside this issue: Director 1 Officers 2 Road Captain 4 Meeting Minutes 6-7 Ladies of Harley 9 Activities 9 Ride Calendar 13 Everyone was very interested in one thing in particular, that was how to get new members and how to keep them involved in the Chapter. There was no correct answer to the question, but lots of interesting ways that each chapter was working at that goal. I have a lot of great Ideas and have to work on how to implement them to work best for our chapter. There were breakout sessions and just about all topics were discussed with many different versions from chapters all around the country. We talked about things like the roles of each officer and how is the safest way to have a ride, drinking on a ride, insurance of riders on chapter events, HOG rallies. From running a chapter to doing charity work and the tax liabilities. We had guest speakers like "Thor" Todd Robinson, Bruce Motta, JT Hasley (HOG regional managers), and Karen Davidson (Willie G's daughter). It was a busy 3 days but we did have a little fun as well, on Saturday night after the speakers we had a fabulous dinner and I did have a drink or two, there were over one thousand attendees and a great band. The music was a little loud for my old ears but they did play some good tunes. It was a great time and I learned a lot, I will be happy to attend next year if the opportunity arises. One thing I have to say is Harley really knows how to get the best from people and what a marketing strategy they started with HOG 30 years ago. They had a room full to the max with people and we were all "working" for Harley and not getting paid a dime for it. Ride safe and I hope to see you soon on a ride. LATE NEWS: Anthems own LOH Officer Merri Jo Ellis was the winner of the Sportster raffled off at the Bike Week Bash Mar 29th. CONGRATULATIONS MJ! Rory Anthem HOG Officers attending 2014 H.O.T. in Las Vegas NV. (L to R) Jeff Feldstein, Rory Kraft, Jim Osborn, George Sherman, , Merri Jo Ellis , Kim Kuharske, Derrick Ellis Anthem HOG #2736 Officers 2014 Director: Rory Kraft Sr. director@anthemhog.com Assistant Director: Jim Osborn assistantdirector@anthemhog.com Director: Rory Assistant Director “Ozzy” Secretary: Jeff Feldstein secretary@anthemhog.com Treasurer: Jean Miller treasurer@anthemhog.com Head Road Captain: Rory Kraft Sr. roadcaptain@anthemhog.com Activities Officer: Kim Kuharske activities@anthemhog.com Secretary: Jeff Treasurer: Jean Membership Officer: John Valentine membership@anthemhog.com Safety Officer: Derrick Ellis safety@anthemhog.com Ladies of Harley: Merri Jo Ellis LOH@anthemhog.com Membership: Holy Harley Safety: “Ellis” Photographer: George Sherman photographer@anthemhog.com Webmaster: Marty Galison webmaster@anthemhog.com Editor: Don Montrey editor@anthemhog.com Head Road Captain Rory (Again) Webmaster: Marty Editor: “Fat Don” Photographer: “Sherm” L.O.H.: MJ Activities: Kim Sergeant at Arms Mr. Chopper APRIL 4th, 5th & 6th BE THERE! TOMBSTONE OVERNIGHTER MARCH 7, 8, 9 By Rory Kraft: Head Road Captain Tombstone !!! What can I say, a great part of the history of our country and our state. Who doesn't know about Wyatt Earp and Doc Holiday and the town that was too tough to die. Well we had a great time down there, the ride was good and we stopped at a wonderful place in Catalina to have lunch. We had a couple tag along members that rode with us just to have lunch. The place is called the Sunny-Side-Up cafe and they have a delicious menu and very biker friendly as well. The place we stayed at in Tombstone was a little mom & pop place and the owners were transplants from London. It was very well kept up and was called the Trail Riders Inn. Just off the main street and walking distance from all the goings on. We parked our bikes and were off to see the history of the city from the Crystal Palace to Big Nose Kate's Place & Doc Holiday's Saloon. In the morning we headed out with Big D as our trusty road captain to the town of Bisbee, first to eat at a place next to the open pit mine that closed in 1976, at a place that was once a Rexall Drug store when it was a busy mining town. It was called the Breakfast Club and had some of the biggest biscuits I have ever seen. The quaint small streets were lined with little shops where the ladies had a delightful time while us men folk waited outside and people watched. There was also an antique car show going on so we were privileged to see beautiful old cars putting up and down the narrow streets while we gazed at the old buildings that were used as many different things over the history of this old mining town. Several of us took a mine tour down into the depths of the Copper Queen Mine. The original claim to the mine was staked in 1877. We all donned bright yellow rain coats and hard hats with miners lights and were taken into the mine by an electric train like the type that was used in later years to transport the men into the mine. We were told that there were no women miners at that time because the men were very superstitious, and it was thought to be bad luck. Our tour guide was a retired miner who showed us a picture of himself as a young man working in the mine, although not this particular mine. We were told that this mine stopped production in 1943 but the open pit mine remained open until 1976. Of course we took the long way back from Bisbee, you know Big D he has to take the long way. I'm surprised we didn't go back around through Mexico as it was only a few miles away. So we went through Sierra Vista home to Ft Huachuca, home of the U.S. Army Intelligence Center and the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command (NETCOM)/9th Army Signal Command. Located in Cochise County, in southeast Arizona, about 15 miles north of the border with Mexico, Fort Huachuca was annexed in 1971 by the city of Sierra Vista and was declared a national landmark in 1976. There we stopped at the Harley store to shop of course. Later that night we headed down the main street to a steak house named The Depot and it was hopping and there were several different chapters there as well as our chapter members Mitch & Julie Levy who were celebrating their third anniversary, as they were married in Tombstone three years before. We had a great dinner and a few drinks and headed back to the motel for a good night rest before heading home the next day, after breakfast for sure. So next year when we have a ride to Tombstone be sure to sign up because it is sure to be a good time with Friends and your HOG family. Don't forget to Ride Safe and Have Fun!! Harley Officer Training H.O.T. Las Vegas Nevada 2014 Photos By: George Sherman & Rory Kraft Joshua trees and motorcycles Hwy 93 Crossing the new bridge at the Hoover Dam and entering Nevada Ellis looks awake...not sure about the rest. 700+ H.O.G. Members attended the training sessions Sunrise Las Vegas & H.O.T. awaits Night on the Vegas Strip Like a challenge? Las Vegas Harley-Davidson Cafe Better review John’s presentations 2376 & 93 H.O.T. 2014 attendees Entering Arizona on the way home From the Secretary’s Desk: Jeff “Fluffy” Feldstein Minutes General Meeting: Anthem HOG Chapter #2376, March 15, 2014 10:02 Am Location: Anthem Buddy Stubs Dealership Meeting Room Officers Present: Jim Osborn (Assistant Director), Jeff Feldstein (Secretary), John Valentine (Membership Officer), Derrick Ray Ellis (Safety Officer), George Sherman (Photographer), Don Montrey (Editor), Kim Kuharske (Activities Officer,) and Merri Jo Ellis (LOH). Officers Absent: Rory Kraft (Director & Head Road Captain), Jean Miller (Treasurer), Marty Galison (Webmaster). Attendance: Members Present: 36 Guests: 2 Darlene Sharp, Debbie Kelly Members First Meeting: Mike Robinson, and Dennis Winge General Meeting Minutes: Jim Osborn called the meeting order at 10:02 AM. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all. Jim asked for new members and guests to stand up. Both Mike Robinson and Dennis Winge have been members for a year but have never attended a meeting until today. Welcome Mike and Dennis. We would like all new members to see our Photographer to have their picture taken for the next news letter, if they wish. Jim asked for Officer Reports: Jeff Feldstein for Jean Miller – Treasurer Report: checking account has $5,917.51 The Savings Charity Account has $203.39. Jeff Feldstein – Secretary: The T-Shirts this year will be a nice Desert Tan Color, with the lettering on the back in a standout “Harley” orange. We will have the map and the sponsor logos on the back too. Jeff showed graphic of new T-Shirt Back. Everyone thought it looked great. Kim Kuharske – Activities: Kim reminds us of the Buddy Stubbs 10th Annual Bike Week Bash volunteer meeting at the Phoenix dealership on March 26th at 7:00 PM. Those who have already volunteered should be there and those who are interested in volunteering should also show up. They will be outlining the duties and times available, and also providing STAFF T-SHIRTS for those who will need them to be visible. Upcoming rides are: Tomorrow to Wickenburg to the HOG Trough BBQ, Saturday March 22 nd the Roosevelt Loop & Cliff Dwellings with Lunch at the Butcher Hook Café, Sunday the 23 rd of March is San Tan Flats. Bike Week is March 28 to April 5 th, and the NEW Bikefest at Wild Horse Pass Hotel and Casino is April 4 th, 5th and 6th. We will have a ride there posted very soon. Tickets are available at the dealerships for the concerts: The Cult on Friday, and Sammy Hagar on Saturday, cost is $25.00 each. Buddy Stubbs 10th Annual Bike Week Bash is Saturday the 29th of March, we will have a ride leaving from the Anthem store at 11:30 AM, and RC will be Pete. Sunday March 30th is the Parker Dam ride to the Blue Water Casino, Meet at McDonalds at 7:00 AM, KSU at 7:30 AM, Big D will be RC. The Phoenix Chapter 93 Wednesday Ride for Kids ride will be April 2 nd. Registration is online or at the Phoenix dealership. On-site registration starts at 6:30 AM. Don’t forget the Desert Ride on April 12 th, 7:00 AM on-site registration, packet pickup and last bike out at 9:00 AM. Should be a great ride and fun event for all. One of the members asked if we have enough volunteers for the Desert Ride in Seligman. Jim Osborn said we do but need additional help at the Roadrunner Café for the party after the ride. All interested parties see Jim after the meeting today. Also we are having a meeting at the HOG room on April 11 th at 2:00 PM to get set up for the ride and all volunteers must be present. We will hand out tickets to be given to the riders (with armbands) at each of the stops. Also any additional information necessary for the volunteers will be provided at that time. Merri Jo Ellis – LOH: Discussed the HOT training last Month in Las Vegas. MJ related that of the 4 HOT events held, 37% of the attendees were woman, the highest number ever. MJ stated that one item she is working on now is a LOH Anthem Logo, so going forth LOH events will have our own designation along with the National L.O.H. logo. MJ also said she would like to start having LOH meetings, perhaps once a quarter. This is an “in the works item” and more information will follow very soon. If you are interested in attending these meetings, please send an email to LOH@anthemHOG.com. All that is required to be an LOH member is on the national membership web site, click the little box for LOH, that’s it. LOH rides and events are open to all members so if you want to come, we would love to have you. We have a progressive dinner ride coming up on May 3 rd, details will be coming out shortly by email, and we are just finalizing it now. Derrick Ellis – Safety Officer: Derrick asked if anybody who was here last month could remember the theme for this year’s program. Scott intoned “Safety Awareness”, and Derrick provided him with a “CASH PRIZE”. He also reminded us of the Helmets and that discussion. We are going to have a guest speaker after the next meeting; Team Arizona will be here today after the meeting presenting a seminar on two up riding, and this is a seminar all of us that ride two up should attend. George Sherman – Photographer: Talked about the HOT training in Las Vegas, people from all over the country. One of the ideas bought up at the training was how to get younger people interested in being part of HOG. It was suggested that the rides be rated, similar to that of Skiing, to provide a little more awareness of difficulty, another idea was having a map of the State with pins where we have ridden (one color) and where we might want to go(a different color) another way to generate interest. Lastly, when taking pictures while we are riding, it was brought to his attention that NO PICTURES of MINORS (Under 18) or LICENSE PLATES should be taken. This might expose the chapter to some issues we don’t want to get involved with, so please be careful when taking photographs. Thank you. From the Secretary’s Desk: Continued Phillip –Buddy Stubbs Marketing: – Today we have the two up seminar which Derrick mentioned; it is a very informative seminar. We still need some volunteers for the 10 th Annual Buddy Stubbs Bike Bash, and as before we will be giving out 100 points per hour on your awards account again, so please Jim at HOG 93 to offer your help, he is here today. Concert tickets are here for the Bikefest at Wild Horse Pass, and if you purchase them in the store they are $5.00 off the regular price of $25.00. If you spend $50.00 in the store they will give another $5.00 off the price. So the tickets could cost as little as $15.00 each. What a buy! Don’t forget the Bike Giveaway the same night. Lots going on but you could be at the drawing and still make the concert. Bill Clower Discussed the upcoming poker run and passed out information to the members. John Valentine – Membership Officer: John discussed the value of the national HOG membership, the timing of renewals. Each year you renew you get the Adventure guide and the Map book. Very handy information to have when you ride. The Adventure guide has all the fun rides to get you out and riding, like the ABC’s of riding. You also get your HOG magazine and if you haven’t seen this see me out front after the meeting, I have some extra copies you can see. Patch discussion about the new “Patches” available for the first time in 30 years. John showed off the new SKULL official HOG Patch, and you can use this as your HOG Patch. We will take names of people who are interested in the new patches and if enough interest we will purchase them and put them in inventory. John also brought up the new patch provided by HOG to new member, which is different from the old one. Long discussion on the new patches and the rockers, we don’t match, but can be provided by Biker Leather, and John will coordinate the patches, rockers, etc. John also reminded the membership to have their rewards card scanned by him and if you don’t know what a “rewards card” is see John or email him to get started. And as a final note, John discussed the difference between Bike Week, and Bikefest. We all want to support the Bikefest. And of course we had the brief zombie survival tips from John Valentine. Jim Osborn – Assistant Director: We are working on a volunteer program, especially for HOGS & DOGS, which we will have more information in the very near future. So today if you could stay after the HOGS & DOGS to help with the tear down we would really appreciate it. Jim will be setting up for Desert Ride Registrations in front after the meeting, we need some more Riders. Next Sunday, the 100 Club is sponsoring a ride to honor Det. Hobbs, who was killed in the line of duty. It is an escorted ride, not very long, ending at the Hideaway and you all are invited. It is a 0 cost ride; T-Shirts are $20.00, starts at the Sandbar Restaurant, in the Desert Ridge Shopping Center, on Sunday the 23 rd, 9:30 AM. Jim Osborn conducts 50/50 Drawing and Gift Certificate Drawing: WINNERS ARE: Amount $65.00 50/50:Dennis Winge (Dennis donated his winnings back to the Chapter, Thanks!) Certificate Provided by Anthem HD: Dennis Winge 4 Golden Doubloons were raffled off by Derrick . Motion to close meeting Merri Jo Ellis, seconded by Don Montrey. Meeting was adjourned at 11:08 AM Respectfully submitted Jeff Feldstein – Secretary Anthem HOG #2376 Ladies of Harley-MJ Activities Officer: Kim Harley Officer’s Training, or H.O.T, was an amazing experience. Chapters from the western US, Florida, Hawaii, and even Polar Vortex escapees from Ohio joined in the 2 day long education sessions in Las Vegas, NV on February 27th & 28th. This being my first HOT experience, I wasn’t sure what to expect but I did suspect I’d be one of a handful of women in attendance. To my shock and delight, women comprised almost 35% of the attendees this year and, anecdotally, a growing number year over year! I had the pleasure of meeting female Directors, Assistant Directors, Safety, and Head Road Captains as well as Activities, Treasurers, Editors, and of course Secretary and LOH. The round table discussions were enlightening and empowering and the information shared was priceless. I was inspired by the women who held non-traditional officer positions and spoke with many of them about their roles, including some of the challenges they faced and how they overcame those obstacles. A single thread emerged from these conversations and that was “passion for the ride”. These women are passionate about riding and passionate about Harley Davidson and it is that zeal which propels them to take on roles with greater responsibility within their respective chapters. It is also their dedication and commitment to their chapters that has turned a few of the most diehard bikers into big supporters. To me being an Activities Officer gives me a great feeling of gratification and enjoyment. I enjoy being a part of the success of our chapter and consider everybody an extension of my family. I have met a lot of great people and look forward to meeting more. I have a great time arranging hotels at a discount for our overnight rides and contacting restaurants when we are on our way for breakfast or lunch rides (warning them we’re on our way!). I have attended several of the lunch and breakfast rides and I have learned a very valuable lesson, if you are hungry do not sit at Rory’s table he’s usually the last one to be served; although this is improving with every ride. (I think he must be bribing the waitress to be served first). Doing activities is a very rewarding position for me with going out asking companies to sponsor our St. Mary’s Food Bank or donate any form of raffle prizes. I enjoy being a part of the planning for organizing volunteers to help with setting up a table at local stores to ask for more donations to benefit our Charity. By raising money or non-perishable items we are doing a great thing to help out the less fortunate. If you have any free time to help out with our upcoming events scheduled for this year. I am always looking forward to hearing from you if you would like to volunteer. Please feel free to contact me at activities@anthemhog.com or by phone at 602-465-8549 San Tan Flat Ride March 23—Road captain: Geoff In this traditionally male-dominated world, women are making a strong showing and having a greater presence each year. I am proud to have met each of the Harley officers at HOT and look forward to the continued exchange of information and the inspiration of seeing these remarkable women in action. Photos By: George Sherman Roosevelt Loop Ride March 22, 2014 Road Captain: Big D Photos By: George Sherman and Rory Kraft A good turnout for the ride On Hwy 188 Headed toward Tonto Basin Breakfast was still being served Continuing along Hwy 188 headed to Tonto N.M. Roosevelt Lake is visible on the left Left: Time for another group photo op at Tonto N.M. Right: Gary strikes a pose under the Visitor Center Sign Below Left: Jeff, Cloudy, Big D and Ozzy. Below Center: John and Char getting ready to head back. Below Right: Roosevelt Lake viewed from the path to the lower ruins. Left: Bikes viewed from halfway point of path to lower ruins Right: Looking up at the lower ruins at Tonto National Monument Anthem H.O.G. Meeting March 15, 2014 5 . 2 MARCH 30 2014—ROAD CAPTAIN BIG D. 3 PARKER DAM RIDE 1 4 6 Photos By: George “Sherm” Sherman 8 7 9 1. Arrival at Parker Dam 2. Dam Sign 3. Outlets from turbines 4. Anthem HOG group at the dam 5. That's California across the Colorado River 6. Heading south on Hwy 95 7. Arriving at the Blue Water Casino in Parker 8. Discussing what happens next. Probably involved food. 9. Big D attacked by angry raccoon while Ozzy looks on. April 2014 CALENDAR CHAPTER RIDES AND EVENTS April 4th, 5th & 6th Phoenix Bike Fest at Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino Wednesday April 2nd: 14th Annual Riding for Kids Ride Meet at McDonald’s at 6:00 AM. Depart 6:30 AM. Road Captain, Rory Ride ends at Tap Haus™ in Cave Creek at 6:30 PM. Ride sponsored by H.O.G. Chapter 93. Miles 250* Saturday April 5th: Ride to Phoenix Bikefest at Wild Horse Pass Hotel & Casino Meet at McDonald’s at 9:00 AM, Leave at 9:30 AM. Road Captain, Big D. Miles 45* Saturday April 12th: 3rd Annual Desert Ride to Benefit St. Mary’s Food Bank Meet at Anthem H-D beginning at 7:00 AM. Last bike out at 9:00 AM. Ride ends at The Roadrunner Café in New River. Miles Approx 390* Sunday April 13th: Ride to Stations of the Cross in Yarnell and Lunch at Anita’s Cocina in Wickenburg Meet at McDonald’s at 9:00 AM. Depart 9:30 AM. Road Captain, Big D. Miles 66* Saturday April 19th General Membership Meeting Anthem HOG Room Time: 10:00 am. Hogs & Dogs follow 11:00 am until 2:00 pm Sunday April 20th: Happy Easter! Saturday April 26th: Ride to Bobby D’s English Kitchen in Jerome Meet: at McDonald’s at 8:00 AM. Depart 8:30 AM. Road Captain, Geoff. Miles 142* Sunday April 27rd: Ride to Crosswinds Restaurant at Payson Airport Meet at McDonald’s 8:00 AM. Depart 8:30 AM. Road Captain, Rory. Miles 110* * All miles are One-Way Ride...to ride another day Anthem, AZ HOG Chapter 2376 Buddy Stubbs Anthem HarleyDavidson 41715 N 41st Drive Anthem , AZ 85086 623-465-1122 / anthemhd.com Website: www.anthemhog.com E-Mail: editor@anthemhog.com Follow us on Twitter: @anthemhog http//twitter.com/anthemhog Who We Are: Chartered in September, 2009, Anthem HOG Chapter 2376 is sponsored by Buddy Stubbs Anthem Harley-Davidson. The Anthem HOG Chapter meets at 10:00 a.m. on the 3rd Saturday of every month at the Buddy Stubbs Anthem dealership. The Buddy Stubbs dealership is located at 41715 North 41st Drive near the Anthem Way exit of I-17. Visitors are always welcomed. Come on by. We currently have approximately 108 members. Ours is one of the newer chapters in the valley. The chapter has designated St. Mary’s Food Bank and Children First Academy as the charities actively supported by the membership. We are a chapter that rides often, where knowledge and skills in safe motorcycling are gained as we forge long-lasting friendships along the way. Ride to Live. Live to Ride We’re on the web! Go to http://www.anthemhog.com for monthly events, calendars, past newsletters and more Photo by George Sherman " When you're traveling, you are what you are right there and then. People don't have your past to hold against you. No yesterdays on the road"
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