Nashua, NH 03062 - St. Joseph the Worker


Nashua, NH 03062 - St. Joseph the Worker
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
777 West Hollis Street – Nashua, NH 03062
Parish Office Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Parish Contacts
Phone: 603-883-0757
Fax: 603-883-8057
Facebook: Saint Joseph the Worker Parish,
Nashua, NH
Weekend Liturgies
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 & 10:00 AM
Weekday Masses
Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM
If Nashua schools are closed due to snow/
ice, daily Mass will be cancelled
Bishop Francis Christian
Pastor – Ext. 7
Deacon Raymond Wheeler
Permanent Deacon – Ext. 5
Deacon Roland E. Leduc
Permanent Deacon—Ext. 5
RCIA Coordinator
Helen Dumont
Business Manager – Ext. 3
Janice Mercure
Director of Faith Formation – Ext. 4
Kim Dupont
Office Manager – Ext. 2
John Puliafico
Facility Superintendent – Ext. 6
We strive to be a parish of Good Stewards,
praising and thanking God for His gifts of life, faith, family and friends and
our parish and civic communities. We ask for His grace to grow and develop
these gifts abundantly for the sake of His kingdom among us.
Sacrament of Penance (Confession)
Saturday: 3:15-3:45 PM & upon request
Please call the Parish Office
Please call Parish Office 6 months prior to wedding date.
Program Coordinators
Adult Choir
Barbara Puder
Art & Environment
Robert Gagne
Kim Dupont
Contemp. Music
Dave Therrien
Cub/Boy Scouts
John Puliafico
Bill Trainor
Knights of Columbus
Tom Moran
Helen Dumont
Prayer Line 883-0757, ext. 2
Safe Environment
Paula O’Connell
Youth Choir
Chris Wenrich
Committee Chairpersons
Pastoral Council
Faith Formation
Family Ministry
Good Steward
Deanery Agencies
Michael Ruest
Paula Moran
John Martin
Ann Kelley
Linda Pugliano
Thomas Moran
Joanne Charpentier
Lisa Simpson
Rick Donaruma
Lisa Richard
New Hampshire Catholic Charities
Corpus Christi Food Pantry
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Weekend Offertory
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Youth Choir, Room 2/3/4, 8-10:00am
First Reconciliation Parent Mtg., Room 5/6,
Baptism, Worship, 12–1:00pm
Middle School Faith Formation, Hall/Classrooms/
Kitchen, 5:50-8:30pm
Weekly Offertory needed to meet budget……………….…..$9,075 Offertory Collec on 10/8‐10/9/16 ….…….……….…...…...…$8,321 Fiscal Year Offertory needed to date…………….………...$136,125 Fiscal Year Offertory collected to date……………..………$120,856 2.5% of the Total Offertory goes to Tithing each week. Thank you for your support! Monday, October 17, 2016
CYO Practice, Center, 5-10:00pm
Merrimack Valley Beekeepers Assoc., Room 1,
Boy Scout Troop Meeting, Room 5/6, 7-8:30pm
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Cribbage League, Center, 12-3:00pm
CYO Practice, Center, 5-10:00pm
First Reconciliation Parent Mtg., Room 5/6,
Adoration, Chapel, 7-8pm
Quilting, Room 2/3/4, 7-9pm
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Adoration, Chapel, 8:30am-12noon
Homeschool, 8-10:00am
CYO Practice, Center, 5-10:00pm
Cub Scouts (Bears), Room 2/3/4, 6:30-8:00pm
Cub Scouts (Webelos I), Room 5/6, 6:30-8:00pm
Cub Scouts (Wolfs), Room 7/8, 6:30-8:00pm
Adult Choir Practice, Worship, 7-9:00pm
Thursday, October 20, 2016
CYO Board Meeting, Room 5/6, 6-8:00pm
Boy Scout Troop Mtg., Center/Kitchen/Room 7/8,
Friday, October 21, 2016
No Events
Saturday, October 22, 2016
Brown Bag Weekend
Our trailer that houses the donations of books, videos,
CD’s, etc. will be available after the weekend of
October 29/30th. Thank you to all who have called and
are patiently waiting to drop off donations. We look
forward to another great “Book room” this year!
Next week, on World Mission Weekend, we join the Church throughout the world in fulfilling our evangelical mission to “go out to all the world.” The Society for the Propaga on of the Faith coordinates programs for evangeliza on and catechesis throughout the world. Thank you for your considera on for this collec on. OUTREACH NEWS…
To help Corpus Christi for the upcoming holidays St.
Joseph Parish will be having a BROWN BAG
WEEKEND on October 22/23, 2016.
Please consider taking a “brown bag”
request from Corpus Christi Food Pantry which will be
on tables in the Gathering Space.
Return your donations on October
29th/30th. As in the past, we will have a
trailer parked at the main
entrance. Thank you!
Most of you are probably aware that
the Church bathrooms are once again
available for your use. While there are a few items to
complete, most of them being cosmetic, there is no
need to keep them from being used. We want to thank
you for your continued patience as we work to
complete the renovation.
The Facility Committee
103 CLUB
All proceeds are given to the parish.
Last monthly drawing will be held
on Sunday, October 30th.
Thank you from the Holiday Fair
Fundraising Committee!
Good Luck! 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Parish News
2017 Mass Book
The Mass Book for 2017 is available.
To make a request, you may call the
parish office, place your Mass Intention in an envelope
marked “Mass Request” and place it in the offertory
basket or stop by the parish office during regular hours.
~ Donation is $10.00 ~
Open House
October 20th, 6-8:30 pm
October 23rd, 1-4:00 pm
Join us at one of our two Fall Open House Programs!
Visit BG and tour our school, learn more about the
strong academics, extracurricular activities, and meet
members of our community! To register, please visit
our website
Holiday Craft Fair, November 19th
Theme baskets needed…
Word is out that some of you are working very hard at preparing “Theme
Baskets” for the holiday fair.
We can’t wait to see them!
Flyers with ideas for theme baskets
can be found in the Narthex.
Bless all of you for your support!
The Family Ministry is sponsoring a
Rafflemania (for mer ly the Penny
Sale) at the Holiday Craft Fair to be
held on Saturday, November 19th. The items for this
raffle will be mostly gift cards from various stores,
restaurants and other businesses.
If anyone is interested in donating to the raffle, they
are asked to consider gifts cards from any restaurant,
gas station, movie theater or store. Any amount from
$5.00 and up would be greatly appreciated.
Donations may be placed in an envelope marked
Rafflemania and placed in the collection basket or
mailed to the parish office. All proceeds to this raffle
are donated to the parish. Thank You!
Saint Joseph Knights of
Columbus Council 12311
Beans & Frank Dinner
Saturday, October 29th at 5:30pm
(after the 4:00pm Mass)
Proceeds to support the Scholarship Fund!
Beans & Franks, Coleslaw, Rolls & Butter,
Coffee/Tea/Soda & Assorted Desserts
Tickets for sale after all Masses.
We are looking for volunteers for the Holiday Fair weekend. If you are interested and can give a few hours please call Helen Dumont, 883‐0757, ext. 3, for more details. BAKE IT, WE’LL TAKE IT!
Cookies, cupcakes, bars, brownies or your
own special creation, we need them for
our bake sale at the fair! Use the St. Joe’s
cookbook for ideas! Call Trina if you are
planning to bake at 930-6559.
Food items may be dropped off
on Friday, November 18th
(preferably in the evening from
5-8pm) or Saturday morning
(the fair opens at 8am).
Boston Pops
The Family Ministry Committee will
be sponsoring a trip to the new
Southern New Hampshire
University Arena on Saturday,
December 10, 2016 for a Christmas Concert by
the Boston Pops.
Tickets will be $42.00
You will be able to reserve tickets on the weekends
of October 29/30 and November 5/6.
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dates to Remember
Middle School – Sunday,
October 16th 5:30-8:30pm
Confirmation I – Sunday,
October 23rd 6-9pm
Gift Assignment
Twenty-ninth Sunday of Ordinary
First Reconciliation Parents’ Meeting
Sunday, October 16th at 11:15am OR
Tuesday, October 18th at 7:00pm
in Room 5/6
~ Coming this Advent ~
The Faith Formation Committee is
sponsoring the Advent Adult Enrichment
program entitled:
CATHOLICISM: The Pivotal Players
Discover the Figures Who Shaped the Church and
Changed the World
(By: Bishop Robert Barron)
This is a multi-part film series that illumines a
handful of saints, artists, mystics, and scholars who
not only shaped the life of the Church but changed the
course of civilization.
The program will be held on Thursday, December 1st,
8th and 15th .
Morning session: 9am to 11am
Evening Session: 7pm to 9pm
(Dinner at 6:30pm-OPTIONAL)
Look for more information in the coming weeks.
‘Tis the Season
The Faith Formation Committee will
once again be providing Advent
Resources for parishioners to order on
the weekends of October 29/30 and November 5/6.
Parishioners will be able to see samples of prayer
books for adults and children a, as well, as Advent
Candles and wreaths. The items will be available for
pick up on the weekend of November 19/20.
We ask that payment be made at the time of ordering.
There will be no Mass on
Thursday, October 20th
Thursday October 27th.
Are you someone or do you know
someone who…
Has expressed an interest in becoming
Was baptized, but has not celebrated the sacraments of
Confirmation or Eucharist?
We offer an opportunity to come together to learn about our
Catholic faith. All are welcome to participate in the RCIA
journey, with all your questions, insights, and faith stories in a
warm and accepting setting.
Are you looking for a volunteer opportunity, to be
involved in the RCIA journey? Have you in the past been a
volunteer in the RCIA journey? If so and you are able to be a
part of this wonderful journey, then for more information on
how you can volunteer and be a part of the RCIA team.
For more information please contact:
Deacon Roland Leduc
Phone: 617-279-9002
There will be an information/inquiry session on
Sunday, October 16th at 11:30am in the Founder’s Room.
On Wednesday, November 2, 2016 we will
be celebrating ALL SOUL’S DAY at
7:00pm to remember our family members
who have left us to go home to God this
year. We have the names of those who had a
funeral Mass here at St. Joseph’s. If you have lost a
family member during the past year and their funeral was
held elsewhere and you would like them to be
remembered at this Mass, please notify Kim in the Parish
Office by Thursday, October 20th. You may call or
email the office or put a note in the collection basket.
Address it to Kim and give your name, address and the
name of your loved one. You’ll receive an invitation
reminding you of the date and time of the Mass.
Let us pray for all those who died
recently. May our compassionate
and loving God welcome
Constance Caron
into His Kingdom and bring comfort to us
who mourn her loss.
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
By Bishop Christian
Christians are called to believe in the logic of the
resurrection of the body and not succumb to heresies that
reduce it to a mere spiritual experience, Pope Francis said.
When looking toward the future, the uncertainty about
what happens after death often can lead to not
understanding Christianity’s “logic of the future,” which
proclaims that believers will rise again in body and soul
like Jesus did, the pope said Sept. 16th during a morning
Mass in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae. “A
spiritualistic piety, a nuanced piety is much easier; but to
enter into the logic of the flesh of Christ, this is difficult.
And this is the logic of the day after tomorrow. We will
resurrect like the risen Christ, with our own flesh,” he
In his homily, the pope reflected on St. Paul’s first
letter to the Corinthians, in which the apostle admonishes
some of the early Christian community for saying “there
is no resurrection of the dead.”
“If there is no resurrection of the dead, then neither has
Christ been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then
empty, too, is our preaching; empty, too, your faith,” St.
Paul wrote. The pope said that, for some, it is difficult to
understand and accept the “logic of the future” regarding
what happens after death. The belief that, like Jesus,
Christians will experience the resurrection of the body “is
not easy.”
“Yesterday’s logic is easy, today’s logic is easy.
Tomorrow’s logic is easy: We will all die. But the logic of
the day after tomorrow, that is difficult,” he said. Some
Christians “are afraid of the flesh” and may fall prey to “a
certain type of gnosticism” that reduces the resurrection to
a purely spiritual experience; a belief that was “the first
heresy” denounced by the apostle John, the pope
Believing and having faith that Christ did not rise from
the dead “as a ghost” but rather in flesh and blood is “the
logic of the day after tomorrow that we find hard to
understand,” he said. While it is a sign of maturity to see
the logic of the resurrection, Christians must also pray for
the grace to understand it, Pope Francis added.
“You also need the great grace of the Holy Spirit to
understand this logic of the day after tomorrow; after the
transformation, when he will come and will carry us
transformed above the clouds to be with him always. Let
us ask the Lord for the grace of this faith.”
~ Based on an article from Crux in the News
Monday, October 17th
8:00 am ~ Wayland Walters, Jr. by St. Joseph Outreach
8:00 am ~ William Dinucci, 10th Anniversary
Tuesday, October 18th
8:00 am ~ For the deceased family & friends of David &
Sopheavy Miller
8:00 am ~ Pat Mula by the Anderson Family
Wednesday, October 19th
8:00 am ~ For the deceased family & friends of the Boucher
Family by Cecile Boucher & Family
8:00 am ~ Fr. John Crispo & Fr. John Buckley by Frank &
Linda Booth
Thursday, October 20th
8:00 am ~ No Service
Friday, October 21st
8:00 am ~ No Service
Saturday, October 22nd
4:00 pm ~ For our parishioners celebrating birthdays
this month
Sunday, October 23rd
8:00 am ~ Wilhelmina Chamberland by her family
8:00 am ~ Arnold Caravan by his children
10:00 am ~ John Mercure by Janice Mercure
38th Anniversary
10:00 am ~ Catherine Lozeau by her family
Eph 2:1-10; Ps 100:1b-5; Lk 12:13-21
2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13, 17-18;
Lk 10:1-9
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Is 12:2-3, 4bcd-6; Lk 12:39-48
Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 11-12, 18-19;
Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6; Ps 24:1-4ab, 5-6; Lk 12:54-59
Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 13:1-9
Sir 35:12-14, 16-18; Ps 34:2-3, 17-19, 23;
2 Tm 4:6-8, 16-18; Lk 18:9-14
Information page
St. Joseph the Worker Parish
Kim Dupont
Number of pages: 6
October 16, 2016
Transmission: Wednesday 10am
Publisher 2010 Adobe 2010
Special Instructions:
, 777 W
S ., N
, NH 03062