August 14(08142016)


August 14(08142016)
August 14, 2016
20th Sunday in Ordinary
"From now on a household of
five will be divided, three
against two and two against
three." What a sad image
Jesus paints in today's
Gospel. Causing family strife-fathers against sons and mothers against daughters--is
not the effect we like to imagine Jesus having on
people. But as he says today, "Do you think that I have
come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but
rather division." The fact is, and always has been, that
not everyone chooses to follow Christ. This causes
Perhaps it is most tragic when this tension takes place
within families. When certain members of the family
desire to live a full Christian life, to follow the
commandments and worship God as he asks, this can
be irritating at best and infuriating at worst to other
family members who want nothing to do with Jesus or
his church. But faith must persist in spite of domestic
turmoil. Following Jesus is the ultimate good; preserving
peace is secondary. In a sense, today's Gospel gives
faithful Christians permission to move forward in their
faith even if it doesn't make everybody happy.
However, all of this needs to be understood in the light
of Jesus' desire to bring peace. He often used the
greeting, "Peace be with you," and clearly promised
peace to his disciples. Today's Gospel should not be
taken to mean that Jesus desires division. Rather, he is
acknowledging the fact that division will inevitably result
as people declare their differing allegiances. But
thankfully, when we align ourselves with Christ, we are
also uniting ourselves to the One who can restore peace
even in the midst of conflict. So when we see turmoil
arise, let's call upon the power of the true Prince of
Readings for the Week of August 14, 2016
Sunday: Jer 38:4-6, 8-10/Ps 40:2-4, 18/Heb 12:1-4/Lk
Monday: Vigil: 1 Chr 15:3-4, 15-16; 16:1-2/Ps 132:6-7, 9
-10, 13-14/1 Cor 15:54b-57/Lk 11:27-28
Day: Rv 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab/Ps 45:10-12, 16/1 Cor
15:20-27/Lk 1:39-56
Tuesday: Ez 28:1-10/Dt 32:26-28, 30, 35-36/Mt 19:23-30
Wednesday: Ez 34:1-11/Ps 23:1-6/Mt 20:1-16
Thursday: Ez 36:23-28/Ps 51:12-15, 18-19/Mt 22:1-14
Friday: Ez 37:1-14/Ps 107:2-9/Mt 22:34-40
Saturday: Ez 43:1-7a/Ps 85:9-14/Mt 23:1-12
Next Sunday: Is 66:18-21/Ps 117:1-2/Heb 12:5-7, 11-13/
Lk 13:22-30
Michael William Bosher & Kristen Lynn Vitelli
Rev. James V. Ragnoni
Elizabeth Lehane, mother of Sue Meinke
Mass Intentions for the Week
MONDAY – August 15~ Feast of The Assumption
7:00 PM George Zadzora—Amy & Izy Caldrone
Mass will be held in Church—the obligation to attend Mass has been lifted because the feast falls on
Rosary and Novena after Mass
TUESDAY - August 16~ St. Stephen of Hungary
8:30 AM Father’s Day Remembrance
WEDNESDAY - August 17 ~ Weekday
8:30 AM
THURSDAY – August 18 ~ Weekday
7:00 PM Dennis Mullin, Gary & Karen Yerse
FRIDAY - August 19~ St. John Eudes, priest
8:30 AM Mary Vernabelle Hawk, Family
SATURDAY - August 20 ~ St. Bernard
50th Wed. Anniv. Mr. & Mrs. Henry Wilson
SUNDAY - August 21~
7:30 AM Judy Cozza, Bobby & Tammy
9:30 AM Robert J. Yuko, Robert & Karen Yuko
11:30 AM Mass for Parishioners
(NO 5:00PM MASS)
Just a Reminder
If you’ve offered up a Mass for a special intention and
are attending the Mass, please be sure to see an usher before the Mass if you would like to take up the gifts
in memory of that special person.
Weekly Schedule
Wednesday - August 17
7:30 PM CMR Adult Pop & Praise planning meeting
Church Support
August 7, 2016
Total Collection: $10,046.50
Loose Money: $399.00 Envelopes: $9647.50
Number of envelopes used: 299
Avg. per envelope: $32.43
Student envelopes: 12
Total Households: 736
Thank You and God Bless You!
Today’s scriptures remind us that sinners resist truth,
often preferring conflicts and division. We are all
sinners and often resist difficult truth and change. Let
us be open to truth and smart about conflict! Don’t try
to “win” an argument and lose the relationship. Run
the race of life wisely. Pope Francis tells us to “rejoice
at the good of others when we see their dignity, and
value their abilities and good works. This is impossible
for those who must always be comparing and
competing.” The Joy of Love #109
Please Pray...
Mary became Mother of all
men at the moment she
became mother of Christ. By
her intimate participation in His
life, passion and death she
became co-redemptrix. Yet not
until her Assumption could she
exercise fully her function of
Queen, Mother and Mediatrix.
Freed from the shackles of
mortality she sees, knows,
loves, protects, cares for each
and all her children in a way
we cannot comprehend.
We must never dissociate the two epochs: the earthly and
the heavenly. Jesus is what He is because of His life on
earth, because He fulfilled to the last iota the Father’s will.
So also Mary is what she is because of her life on earth.
The glory, the holiness, which now shines resplendent in
heaven was forged here below. Her body, now set at the
right hand of her Son, immersed in the Divine, was
formed as is ours, from the dust, was nourished and grew
to maturity by feeding on the bread and fruits of the earth,
and by breathing the air we breathe. Her soul, as is ours,
was perfected by the Holy Spirit—perfected by all she
received through her senses, every event of her life, every
joy that came her way, every sorrow.
Mary is true woman, blessed among women, fairest of
womankind. Apart from the graces of her Divine Maternity
and Immaculate Conception she was as we are; her
supernatural life was like to ours. She lived by faith. She
grew in grace and in the knowledge of God, grew in
experience and in love, was ever learning. The simplicity,
the ordinariness, the ‘earthiness’ of her life would seem to
be incongruous with the glory she now enjoys: drawing
water from the well, spinning, eating, sleeping...and
heavenly bliss, communion with the Trinity! Something
material has been taken up to the Holy of Holies, the
sanctuary of the Divinity inaccessible to creatures!
Please pray for all of our parishioners who are sick or
Shirley Wuicik, Tom Beam, Agnes Brown,
Frank Brown, Nello Chiudioni, Mike Freeze, Judith Gregar,
Ava Jusko, Gail Kahoun, Kathy Kurchak, Connie Jankas,
William Lloyd, Bob Metz, Mary Mullin, Debbie Orlando,
Henry Oschip, Sandi Pandy, Sylvia Smiley, Greg Usko, Phil
Wolfson, Kimberly Yonosik, Jan Kulas, the shut-ins, those in
nursing homes, those needing prayers, and all of the
intentions written in our Book of Prayers located in the
gallery. Many prayers help. To add a name for prayers,
Prayer Line
 Please call Theresa Davison, 942-5761, to add your
request to the Prayer Chain.
 You can reach the Sisters of Notre Dame prayer line at
New Parents Baptism Class
Will be held on Wednesday, September 7, from 7:00-8:30 pm in
the Andrew Trubisky Room of the school. Participation is
required for BOTH parents who are planning to have their first
child baptized. Please call the Parish Office to register by
September 5, 2016.
Eucharistic Adoration Needed:
Monday: 3:00PM, Marge, 942-8989
Tuesday: 1:00PM & 7:00PM, Carolyn, 951-4686
Wednesday: 2:00PM & 11:00PM, Carole, 951-0280
Thursday: 6, 9, 10 & 11:00 PM Sue, 488-1962
 Friday: 1:00 PM, Loretta, 942-7396
Questions? Call Marion, 975-8208
Needed! FRESH Faith (9th grade) Catechists. We
are in need of 3 Catechists for the FRESH Faith program. A catechist is someone who teaches the Catholic faith. All information for each session is given to
you, the lesson is written and the books are given to
you. You never have to write a lesson plan. For more
information contact Beth Rossetti. It’s simple and easy.
Is it not rather more pertinent to say that Divinity has
come down to earth, made His sanctuary in earth—earth
has become heaven—the very dwelling place of God.
If we could see things as they really are I think we would
see everything suffused with the Divine. Perhaps that is
one of the profoundest lessons of the Assumption, and
one which we all need to learn.
In our so-ordinary lives it is not easy to keep our spirits
aloft, to sense the Divinity, to grasp the real value of
events. Our calling is more beautiful than we could dream!
Every day Christ is our Food—how that thought puts life in
its proper perspective! Who am I that I need God to
nourish me? What is this life that I live and which can only
be sustained by the Lord Himself? What my dignity? What
my destiny who feed upon God?
From Ruth Burrows
Bailey Elise Bevins
St. Justin Martyr
St. Justin Martyr Preschool is
closed for the summer, but registration continues. You may call the Parish Office for any
questions at 440-946-1177 or go to the Parish
Office to pick up a registration packet. We have
openings in our half-day P3 Program (Tues. &
Thurs from 8:00-10:45am) and our half-day P4
Program (Mon., Wed. & Fri. 8:00-10:45am).
We hope you will consider our fine academic
and religious preschool program. Thank you!
2017 Mass Book Form
The 2017 Mass book opens Wednesday, August 17, 2016 (NO FORMS ACCEPTED EARLY)
Because of the number of Masses, you may request a maximum of 4 Masses per household:
two weekends (Saturday/Sunday) and two weekdays (Monday-Friday) Mass intentions per year
Available Mass Times:
Daily Masses: Monday and Thursday: 7:00pm Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday: 8:30am Mass.
Saturday Evening: 5:00pm
Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30am
Sunday evening: 5:00pm November through Palm Sunday
Holyday Masses: check with office
Please include: (Print carefully)
Your name and phone number
Name of person to be prayed for
A stipend of $10.00 for each Mass
Requested date and time
Place in an envelope in the collection basket or return to the Parish Office. We will call if there is a conflict. We will call to let
you know the dates you requested are confirmed. We will try to schedule masses on or near the date requested, but
because of funeral requests and less masses, this is not always possible.
Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________
(Person requesting Masses)
Phone: ______________________________ e-mail: __________________________________________________
I (we) request the following Mass Intentions:
Name of deceased: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Mass time: ______________________________________
Requested by: _________________________________________________________________________________
(Name as you would like it in bulletin)
Name of deceased: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Mass time: ______________________________________
Requested by: _________________________________________________________________________________
(Name as you would like it in bulletin)
Name of deceased: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Mass time: ______________________________________
Requested by: _________________________________________________________________________________
(Name as you would like it in bulletin)
Name of deceased: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Mass time: ______________________________________
Requested by: _________________________________________________________________________________
(Name as you would like it in bulletin)
Alternate Choices
Name of deceased: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Mass time: ______________________________________
Requested by: _________________________________________________________________________________
(Name as you would like it in bulletin)
Name of deceased: _____________________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Mass time: ______________________________________
Requested by: _________________________________________________________________________________
(Name as you would like it in bulletin)
Last name: ____________________________
From our Director of Religious Education
Charles Hunt 946-3287 
What’s Francis Saying Now?
Short Messages (Tweets) from Pope Francis
+ When there is dialogue in the family, tensions are easily
+ We oppose hatred and destruction with goodness. We
live in societies of different cultures and religions, but we
are brothers and sisters.
+ God’s forgiveness knows no limits...God looks at the
heart that seeks forgiveness.
+ The secret to joy: never suppress positive curiosity; get
involved, because life is meant to be lived.
Catholic Humor
A man walked up to a Franciscan and a Jesuit asking,
"How many novenas must you say to get a Mercedes
Benz?" The Franciscan asked, "What's a Mercedes Benz?"
The Jesuit asked, "What's a novena?"
PSR Parish School of Religion
PSR Classes begin on Monday, September 12. Please
register as soon as possible. The deadline for
registration is Sunday, September 4, Labor Day
Weekend. Registration forms are in the church gallery
and office.
Children who attend public schools are required to attend
PSR classes. The goal of PSR is to form children as
disciples of Jesus by developing their understanding of
Christian doctrine, encouraging a Christian moral life,
inviting them to worship and prayer in Catholic liturgy, and
orienting them toward service. St. Justin Martyr Parish
School of Religion is at the service of parents, assisting
them in the important task of handing on the Catholic Faith
to their children.
Christ Alive in our Marriage Retreat
A retreat for Married Couples in their 20s & 30s. Sunday
October 9, 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. The day ends with the
Sunday liturgy. Cost: $70 per couple. Register at 440884-9300 or visit:
From our Pastoral Associate
~ Beth Rossetti 946-1177
Follow our
High School teens twitter page
@SJM_Teen. Join our FACEBOOK account SJM
All high school age teens
Cleveland are invited to
the Relentless
Conference, Saturday,
December 3 from 9AM9PM. We as a group will
carpool to John Carroll
University for the day.
Cost is $35.00 per person
which includes entrance,
Lunch, Dinner, T-shirt,
and transportation from SJM. For information
see Don't forget to
follow us on Twitter @ccyc2016 and Instagram
Please contact Mrs. R. at if you
are interested by August 30. This is open to all
teens, you do not have to be Catholic to
experience this.
Are you entering ninth or tenth grade in the fall
of 2016? Would like you to be confirmed in
your Catholic Faith?
Go to and click on Youth Religious
Education and fill out the appropriate application.
You can also contact Beth at the parish office or
For those who are entering the
Confirmation class of 2017,
your informational parent/teen
meeting will be on Wednesday,
September 14 at 7:00 in the
ATR. FRESH Faith class of
2017 is on Sunday, September 18 at 5:30 in the
Our Annual Halloween Party
will be on
October 29, 2016 from 6-8PM. We are
searching for people who are interested in
playing a key role. Contact Beth if you are
interested in helping.
After all the masses on August 20 & 21, there will be a display of handmade articles for sale, such
as the last supper and many beautiful religious articles. Thank you for supporting this project.
St Justin’s Just In Fun Club is traveling to the Hammond/Chicago area to enjoy a variety of exciting stops.
HOLY COW! THIS HAS EVERYTHING! A candy factory, river cruise, shopping, museum, and much more are the things you will be
experiencing on this tour. Your package will include round trip deluxe motor coach transportation, 2 nights accommodations
(double or triple occupancy), 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 2 dinners, the Albanese Candy Factory, an Architecture River Cruise on
the Chicago River, Fair Oaks Dairy Tour, Shrine of Christ’s Passion, Museum of Science & Industry, a guided Gangster Tour,
Tommy Gun’s Dinner Show, shopping and also some gambling time at the Horseshow Casino. You will also receive a continental breakfast on the bus, our famous goodie bag, games, prizes, door prizes, AND all gratuities (including meal gratuities) and
baggage handling are included. The bus leaves St Justin’s parking lot behind the school at 7:30 am on Friday, September 23rd
and will return at approximately 9:00 pm on Sunday, September 25th. The total cost for this all-inclusive package is $390
(double) or $350 (triple) per person. Your payment to secure your seat on this adventure is due August 29th. Your payment is
to be made out to St. Justin’s Just In Fun Club and either dropped off or mailed to St Justin’s Just In Fun Club, 35781 Stevens
Blvd., Eastlake, OH 44095. Travel instructions will be sent to you 2 weeks before the trip. Any questions, contact Cheryl at 9423391. Don’t be left out of this exciting trip as our bus fills up quickly. Looking forward to seeing you on board!
Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth Chapter of Magnificat, invites you to our 50th Breakfast Celebration Sat., Sept.,10th at Walsh University, Barrette Center, 2020 East Maple Street, North Canton,
Ohio. Join us in a special time of fellowship and sharing. Bobbi Bankovich will be the guest speaker. Cost is $18.00. Make checks payable to “Magnificat of Stark County” & send to Debby
Bentivegna, 5575 East Blvd. NW, Canton, OH 44718. Seating is limited. PLAN on getting your
seating. Doors open at 8:30 am with Breakfast at 9:00 am. There will be an optional Mass at 8:00
a.m. in Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel at Walsh University. For further information call Shirley
DeOrio at 614-620-3169.
Birthright Wishlist
The following parishioners are scheduled to receive the cross during the month of August:
Your help with any of the following
items is greatly appreciated:
Diapers size NB thru 6 and
Newborn outfits
Onesies & sleepers sizes 12
and 18 months
Baby wash & new bath towels
Girls summer clothes sizes 2T
and 5T
Girls winter clothes size 2T
Boys summer clothes size 2T,
3T, 4T, 5T
Boys winter clothes size 3T
New Baby rattles
Week of August 6-7:
Sue Lewis
Week of August 13-14:
Janet McPeeks
Week of August 20-21:
Elizabeth Dravecky
Week of August 27-28:
Carol Sternad
If anyone cannot make their week, please call
Loretta Vanagas at 942-7396. Thank you for
your time and prayers.
Save the Date!
September 18 and 25, noon to 5PM
Sisters of Notre Dame
BBQ and Boutique
For details visit: Interested in volunteering?
Call 440-279-1174
Mt. Carmel Altar and Rosary Guild
Luncheon Card Party
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Altar & Rosary Guild Luncheon Card Party is Friday, August 19, 2016 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm in the
Center. Advance tickets are $8.00 or $9.00 at the door. There will be lots of raffle and door prizes. All are welcome. For tickets, please call Anna Marie at 440-944-4383
The Sultanas of Mahdi Caravan of the Order of the Alhambra are having their 36th Annual Reverse Raffle & Chinese
Auction. The grand prize is $1,200. All proceeds go for the developmentally disabled. The raffle will be held Thursday Sept. 29, 2016 at St. Noel Banquet Center in Willoughby Hills. Donation is $45. Cocktails at 6:00 PM, dinner at
7:00 PM. Join us for a fun night to help out a wonderful cause. For tickets call...Bernie Green.. 440-953-8826
How much TIME do you give back to God for the many blessings that you have received?
TIME is a result of God’s precious gift to us: LIFE
God created us to know love and serve him so that we may be happy with him in eternal life. We are called to holiness,
to be disciples, therefore the ways in which we spend our time reflects who we are and who we want to become. To be
a good steward of time, love and serve God’s means by spending time with Him, with family, with work, with our parish,
with our community and with relaxation. The Stewardship of time means using some of the time God has given us to
refresh ourselves so that we will to able to serve well. We are still selling St. Justin Martyr shirts! If you would like to
order a shirt, fill out the order form on the top of the rack located by the church front entrance. When you have completed the form take it and your payment to the church office. You will be notified by phone when the shirts are ready
for pick up. Do not be left out. Everyone is wearing them.
Ss. Robert & William International Family Festival, Aug 11-14, Euclid. Enjoy ethnic foods, live
bands, games of chance, inflatables, face painting, affordable children’s games, prizes, $12,500 raffle or 3-year Honda
Accord Lease and new air-conditioned Oktoberfest area featuring Irish, German, Eastern European and Italian food
and entertainment. Visit for updates.