Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart Church


Weekly Bulletin - Sacred Heart Church
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
The Catholic Community in Southbury, Connecticut
Growing in Faith Together
910 Main Street South
Southbury, CT 06488
Our Mission Statement
Sacred Heart Parish is a faith-filled family and vibrant Catholic community of believers in Jesus Christ. We are the
visible presence of Jesus through:
Creating a welcoming, joyful, and compassionate atmosphere
Empowering the gifts of one another
Supporting one another on our journey of faith
Sharing God’s unconditional love
Providing opportunities for spiritual growth through ministries and worship, particularly in the Eucharist, and
Advocating responsibility for the poor and oppressed.
If you are new to our parish or if you have been away from the practice of your faith, we extend a warm welcome and
hope that you will find our parish to be a community in which your faith can be nourished. We invite you to introduce
yourself so that we may offer our heart-felt greeting. Our parish family is enriched by your participation in our life of
worship and service. Please consider becoming a registered member of our family.
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Father Joseph T. Donnelly
Sr. Patricia Torre, DW
Ami Conlan
Deacon Chuck Dietsch
203-264-5071 ext. 3
Pastoral Associate for Pastoral Care
203-264-5071 ext. 5
Pastoral Associate for Faith Formation
910 Main Street South, Southbury, CT 06488
Monday-Friday 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
www.sacredheartchurch.info Tel: 203-264-5071
Parish Office
Tel: 203-264-5071
Fax: 203-264-9562
Mary Korsu
Office Manager
ext. 0
Karen Kirk (Bulletin Information) Information & Communications Manager
bulletin@shcsby.org or kkirk@shcsby.org
ext. 201
Mark Bentivoglio
Building & Grounds
ext. 105
Patricia Richards
Director of Music
Jennifer Enger
Faith Formation Office
Tel: 203-264-5065
Ami Conlan
Jay Szymansky
Deborah McGrath
Fran Walsh
Fax: 203-264-4271
Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation
Administrative Assistant
Coordinator of Design (Gr. 1-8)
Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation
Liturgical Schedule
The Lord’s Day: Vigil (Saturday): 5:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM*, 11:00 AM*
4th Sunday/Month:Children’s Mass, 11:00AM
Daily Mass: 8:30 AM, Monday to Friday, subject to change.
*At the noted Masses, children are invited to participate in Liturgy
of the Word. Children ages 7-12 go to the chapel; those ages 3-6
go to the Hospitality room.
Sacramental Ministries
Baptism - To schedule a Baptism, please contact Sister Pat for an
initial meeting and a parent preparation session.
Reconciliation (confession) - Saturdays from 3:30 - 4:15 PM, or
by appointment.
Marriage - Please call the Parish Office at least six months in
advance. Couples meet with Father Joe for an initial pastoral
conversation before a wedding date can be set. Please do not
make other plans until a date has been confirmed with the parish.
For the Sick, including pastoral home visits, Eucharist or the
Anointing of the Sick - Please call the Parish Office. Upon
hospital admission, please indicate that you would like a visit by
your parish, or please call the Parish Office to arrange a pastoral
Gospel Reflection ~ John 1:35-42
What qualities do you have that would
cause others to recognize you as a disciple of Jesus?
Children: What does it take to be a follower of Jesus?
Mass Intentions
If you arranged to have a particular person prayed for at a mass,
notify the ushers upon your arrival so that you may bring up the gifts.
Saturday, January 17, 2015
5:00 PM Katie Burke
Requested by John & Sue
William Miller
Requested by Mary Fittig
Marie Devito
Requested by Paul Donnelly
Sunday, January 18, 2015
7:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners
9:00 AM Edward J. McNamara
Requested by his wife, Mary
11:00 AM Harry J. Ekelund
Requested by The Schmidt Family
Jack Kessler
Requested by Lina Savard
Perry Jeffery
Requested by his friends, Helen and Herb
Monday, January 19, 2015-MLK Holiday
8:30 AM No Mass and parish offices are closed
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
8:30 AM Jim Donahue
Requested by his wife
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
8:30 AM Harrison Pierce
Requested by Phyllis Grady
Thursday, January 22, 2015
8:30 AM Siobhan Sharkey
Requested by Mary Lu Dadakis
Friday, January 23, 2015
8:30 AM Nettie Santaniello
Requested by her daughter, Jen Mortati
Angie Mastracchio
Requested by Jen Mortati
Saturday, January 24, 2015
5:00 PM Peter Barcia
Requested by Joe & Ann Barcia
Chuck Barnett
Requested by Ken & Mary Korsu
Angelina Candella
Requested by her family
Sunday, January 25, 2015
7:30 AM Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners
9:00 AM Carolyn Consaga
Requested by her children
Sarah Greene
Requested by The McNamara Family
Samuel Sampieri
Requested by his wife
11:00 AM Children’s Mass
Intentions of Sacred Heart Parishioners
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Of Many Things….
Praying for Change
How are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions?
Are you growing more disciplined with your health,
your faith, your family life, your relationships with
others or whatever area of life you have resolved to
improve in one way or another?
Most of us think of our
individual resolutions for the
new year whenever such
questions are brought up, but
as we look around at our
world, it is apparent that the
human family could use
some significant change in
behavior and attitude as well.
Consider, as 2015 begins,
some of the issues/situations
that we face:
The events of recent months
in Ferguson, Missouri and
New York City have brought
to the surface again the
struggles around the issue of race in America and the
deep mistrust with which various groups/races view
one another;
Even as it appears that the U.S. economy is
improving the question of the growing number of
people living below the poverty level remains with us
and it seems it is seldom, if ever, mentioned in public
Let us pray:
In the year ahead, Lord of New Beginnings, stretch
our souls and move us to a new awareness of the
human family, their needs and their longings.
Make these into our
needs, our longings, so
confidently from our
small selves to a deeper
sense of community
where our resolutions
r e f l e c t
o u r
Help us to recognize the
possibilities you have
offered to us as a people,
so we can commit to
practice the Hope that
happens when we gather
gratefully in your Name
and we hold up to you this fragile, precious world.
Grant us all the grace in this year ahead to sow seeds
of justice and to gather peace in our day. Amen.
Father Joe
Violence in the form of war, terrorism and violent
crime continues to show its ugly face in all corners of
our country and our world and make people more
mistrusting of others and more fearful in their daily
Disease continues to humble us and defy medical
science on many fronts. Think Ebola, cancer,
Alzheimer’s disease, addiction and mental illness;
Our government remains dysfunctional and unable/
unwilling to constructively and substantially address
the issues that face us.
If Region 15 Schools has a
delay or cancellation, there is no
8:30 a.m. Mass.
January 18, 2015
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Navigating the Rough Waters
Depression self-help tip #1:
Cultivate Supportive Relationships
Getting the support you need plays a big role in lifting the fog of
depression. On your own, it can be difficult to maintain
perspective and sustain the effort required to beat depression, but
the very nature of depression makes it difficult to reach out for
help. However, isolation and loneliness make depression even
worse. You may feel ashamed, too exhausted to talk, or guilty—
remind yourself that this is depression talking.
Helping Deal With Grief
Grief causes a fog to roll into our lives. Our grief gets so heavy
that it surrounds us, clouds our minds, and interferes with our
ability to think clearly. Stephen Ministry is a confidential
ministry that connects trained Sacred Heart Stephen Ministers
with those who are grieving the loss of a parent, spouse, child, or
loved one.
For more information on receiving pastoral help from a Stephen
Minister, please contact Stephen Leaders Sister Pat at 203-2645071 or Lynn Tidgwell at 203-217-0025; or Stephen Minister
Catherine Hughes at 203-758-5421.
Reaching out is not a sign of weakness! So,
- Turn to trusted friends and family members. Share what
you're going through with the people you love and trust, face to
face if possible. They just need to listen.
- Try to keep up with social activities even if you don't feel
like it. When depressed, it often feels more comfortable to retreat
into your shell, but being around other people will lessen your
- Join a support group for depression, or ask for a Stephen
Some ideas if you need to build new relationships this year:
 Talk to one person about your feelings
 Help someone else by volunteering
 Have lunch or coffee with a friend
 Ask a loved one to check in with you regularly
 Call or e-mail an old friend
 Go for a walk with a workout buddy
 Schedule a weekly dinner date
 Meet new people by joining a club or taking a class
 Confide in a counselor, Stephen Minister, or clergy
Please Pray For...
Lynne Perilli, Dennis Savard, Victoria Tocci, Deborah Libourel, Ralph Ponzo, John Chapin, Annette Reidy, Suzanne Hardy,
Dorothy Ruggiero, Maureen Bird McGrath, RoseMary DeCarlo, Bob Bowalick, Ken Schutte, Greg Fortin, Jeanne Kaufman, Mary
Johnstone, Mary Ann Preston, Elena Saliani, Rich Young, Elizabeth Walsh, Glenn Robinson, Msgr. John Burns, Eric Hansen, Ino
Toma, Elaine Williams, Rodney Distefano, Colin Lent, Marilyn Brown, Frank & Barbara Ditter, Ann Rasch, Frank Brooks, Carolyn
& Sylvio Scotti, Trysha Murphy, Judy Stevens, Joan Burns, Corrine Burke, Joan Giese, Sharon Ballard, Tracey Kepics, Brittney
Wheeler, Joe O’Leary, Dennis Bickerstaff, Elaine O’Rourke
Tuesdays, 9:15AM, Hall
Ladies in Faith Together (LIFT) meets weekly at Sacred Heart
Church on Tuesdays mornings to pray, study, share, and provide
service. It is a social gathering, as well as a prayer-centered,
learning experience.
For further information, please feel free to contact Pat Kugeman
at 203-881-1441 or pmkugeman@aol.com
Please watch the weather and if Southbury or Region 15 delays
or cancels school, we will reschedule our meeting.
Ami Conlan, Pastoral Associate Faith Formation - ami@shcsby.org
Fran Walsh, Coordinator of GIFT (9-10) and Confirmation - fwalsh@shcsby.org
Deb McGrath, Coordinator of Design (Grades 1-8) - dmcgrath@shcsby.org
Jay Szymansky, Administrative Assistant – jms@shcsby.org
Faith Formation Office: 203-264-5065 Fax: 203-264-4271
The Next ROC…
Sat. Feb. 7, 5PM
Rely On Christ Mass
Blanket Fundraiser wrap-up: We will prep
the blankets and supplies for the homeless.
January GIFT Schedule
Sunday II
See the bulletin board or email: ami@shcsby.org
January 18
January GIFT Meals catered by:
Julio’s Wood Fired Pizza-Grill
Sacred Heart ROC Group
(Menu: Chicken Marsala)
Blanket Drive Fundraiser
Mission: To raise funds to purchase 504 blankets to be distributed at the
St. Vincent DePaul Homeless Shelter in
Waterbury, CT, those served by the Sacred
Heart Homeless Outreach Ministry, and to
spread awareness for the homeless in our
community and around America.
February GIFT Schedule
How You Can Help: You can make an online
donation on the website: http://
or make a donation in the faith formation office.
Each blanket costs only $5, and any donation
amount can help keep one or more homeless
people warm this winter. Donations for the
blanket drive need to be made to: Sacred Heart
Church and memo: “Blanket Drive” and sent to
the faith formation office or made online at the
Fleece for Peace website.
How Long Do You Have To Donate?: The Sacred Heart ROC Group
Fleece for Peace blanket fundraiser ends on January 26, 2015. Contact
Mallory Blais and Cindy Blais, fundraiser coordinators, at rcmb@charter.net.
the Date
Shrove Tuesday
Pancake dinner with some fun &
Ticket sales after all Masses:
Feb 14-15
First Holy Communion Workshop #1
Sunday I
Sunday II
February 22
February 25
February 27
March 1
February GIFT Meals catered by:
DiPalma’s Pizza
(Menu: Pizza)
Parish Service
February 22 - March 1
GIFT Set-up, Take-down, and/or Kitchen Help
(Please sign up on the Bulletin Board)
Confirmation Date
Monday, May 18, 2015, 7PM Mass
Bishop Peter Rosazza, Presiding
Rehearsal for Sponsors & Candidates: Sun. May 17th at 6pm
Sunday, February 8, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Sat., Feb. 21: Make-up date is for those who, due
to illness or urgent need, cannot make the original
Next Children’s Mass:
Jan. 25th at 11:00am Mass
To volunteer, email ami@shcsby.org
LRSS Bible Study to Resume
Starting Monday evening, January 26th, a 7-week
study of The Passion and Resurrection Narratives of
Jesus will be offered.
A sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board in the
atrium. Look for announcements about the
Wednesday and Thursday daytime studies in
January 18, 2015
This Week at Sacred Heart Church
Saturday, January 17
Sunday, January 18
12:00-12:30PM - Youth Choir - Church
1:00PM - GIFT Session II - Entire Facility
Monday, January 19-MLK Day
No 8:30AM mass & Parish Offices are closed in
honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Tuesday, January 20
7:30AM - 4:30PM - Deliver sandwiches - Kitchen
9:15-11:15AM - LIFT - Jerusalem
6:30-8:30PM - SM Training - Jerusalem
7:30PM - Knights of Columbus, 4th Degree - Library
Wednesday, January 21
10:00AM - JAM - Nursery
3:30PM - Women’s AA - Jerusalem
4:00PM - Faith Formation - Hospitality
Thursday, January 22
7:00PM - Adult Choir - Church
8:00PM - AA - Jerusalem
Friday, January 23
9:00AM-6:00PM - Career Transitions - Emmaus
1:00PM - Martha and Mary - Kitchen
1:30-3:30PM - SM Supervisory - Hospitality
5:45PM - JustFaith - Hospitality
Saturday, January 24
8:00AM-4:00PM - JustFaith - Hospitality
5:30PM - Meeting - Basement
6:00-9:00PM - Choir Party - Hall
Sunday, January 25
After all Masses - Coffee And…
11:00AM - Baptism at Mass
11:00AM - Children’s Mass
12:00PM - Youth Choir
1:00PM - SFO - Jerusalem
6:30PM - Mission Trip - Hall, Church
Winter is Here: If Region 15 has a delayed opening or
cancellation, the 8:30AM daily mass is cancelled.
Parish Nurse Ministry will be having Coffee And… after all
masses on January 25. We invite all parishioners to come and
learn about Parish Nurse Ministry, especially those parishioners
involved in health care to see how their skills might enhance
Parish Nurse Ministry at Sacred Heart.
On February 1, one of our parishioners will be professed into the
Secular Franciscan Order. Joe O'Leary will make his profession
at a 1:00 PM Mass here at Sacred Heart, followed by a reception
in the church hall. Come and support Joe in this important step in
his life. This event is open to all.
Sacred Heart …
For the 21st Century
Please remember Sacred Heart Church when writing your
Will. For more information, please contact Father Joe.
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
LRSS Bible Study Resumes
Starts Monday, January 26th for 7 weeks.
A sign-sheet is on the atrium bulletin board. Look for
announcements about the Wednesday & Thursday daytime
studies in February.
See page 5 in the bulletin for more information.
Social Outreach
St. Vincent de Paul Meal Ministry
We provide a meal for the shelter the first Monday of the month
(except when a holiday occurs then it’s served the second
Monday.) Team A is responsible for Sept/Jan/May, Team B:
Oct/Feb/June, Team C: Nov/March/July & Team D: Dec/April/
Aug. If you are interested, contact Jeanne Tillinghast at 203264-5827.
Team “B” will serve chicken & rice casserole, salad, and
cookies on Mon., February 2 at St. Vincent De Paul Shelter.
Trays, lids and recipe will be available in the church kitchen the
weekends of Jan. 24 and Jan. 31. If you would like to join this
ministry, we are always looking for new volunteers to make
part of the meal. Contact Colleen Burne at 203-232-3658 with
questions. I will contact those already on the list in the next two
weeks to ask for your support again. The residents of the shelter
look forward to our meal and appreciate it very much.
Covenant to Care
Thank you who chose a tag off the Giving Christmas tree.
Children of all ages received gifts. Many families in need
received a helping hand with gift cards for clothing and other
needs. Thank you to the Secular Franciscans for adopting two
families with six children. Another thank you to our Girl Scouts
for baking cookies for the families. Thank you to all who
continue to help us by carrying the gifts upstairs and help us
sort them for the social workers to deliver them. Thank you for
all the generosity you have continued to show every year.
K of C Free Throw Contest - January 20, at RMS
Open to boys and girls, aged 10 through 14. The snow date is
January 21st, at the same place. Ten year olds: 6 p.m., 11 year
olds: 6:30 p.m., 12 year olds: 7 p.m., 13 year olds: 7:30 p.m., and
14 year olds: 8 p.m.. Winners proceed to regional and then
hopefully to state competitions. David Rohlfing, 203-264-4628
Pancake Breakfast - February 1 after 9AM &
11AM Masses, at Sacred Heart Church
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Waterbury and the Knights of
Columbus team up for the 6th annual Habitat benefit pancake
breakfast at Sacred Heart. All are invited to come. Tickets: $5 for
adults and $3 for children, aged 6 and under, and are available for
purchase after all Masses on the weekend of January 24-25 and at
the door on February 1. Proceeds from the breakfast will go
towards our current home construction project at a site in
Waterbury. Call Kate Clarke at 203-264-4628 for questions.
Young Adults (18-30ish) Group
SH Young Adults Facebook: www.facebook.com/