the 400 blows oliver! harvey swing time the muppets take manhattan
the 400 blows oliver! harvey swing time the muppets take manhattan
Classics for Kids and Their Families SUNDAYS @ 11 MARCH 30 ALL SEATS $7.50 APRIL 20 François Truffaut’s THE 400 BLOWS James Stewart in EASTER SUNDAY HARVEY APRIL 27: NO FF JR. In French with English subtitles APRIL 6 Carol Reed’s OLIVER! BEST PICTURE OF 1968 NEW MAY 4 Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers in N RESTORATIO APRIL 13 THE MUPPETS TAKE MANHATTAN SWING TIME MAY 11 MOTHER’S DAY Hayley Mills in Walt Disney’s THE PARENT TRAP West Houston St (w. of 6th Ave) NYC 212.727.8110 ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE AT BOX OFFICE & ONLINE Classics for Kids and Their Families SUNDAYS @ 11 MAY 18 Claude Berri’s THE TWO OF US The true story of a Jewish boy in Occupied France In French with English subtitles MAY 25 MR. MAGOO & FRIENDS Restored color cartoons by animation pioneer John Hubley ALL SEATS $7.50 JUNE 8 Powell & Pressburger’s THE RED SHOES DAZZLING COLOR RESTORATION JUNE 15 Gregory Peck in FATHER’S DAY TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD JUNE 22 Rodgers & Hammerstein’s OKLAHOMA! BRAND NEW STUDIO RESTORATION JUNE 29 JUNE 1 Danny Kaye in THE COURT JESTER Harold Lloyd in SAFETY LAST 2 Live piano accompaniment by Steve Sterner Film Forum Jr. goes on summer vacation until Sunday, Sept. 7 All movies in GLORIOUS 35mm or EQUALLY GLORIOUS DCP Absolutely no DVDs, no Blu-rays, no kidding. Most shows appropriate for 5 & up Produced by Karen Cooper and Bruce Goldstein Many thanks to our founding sponsor, The Cordelia Corporation, and for generous support from The Charles & Lucille King Family Foundation and The Ira M. Resnick Foundation. Public support received from the NYS Council on the Arts & the NYC Dept. of Cultural Affairs. To receive Jr. notices, please send your e-mail address to: filmforumjremails@
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