We in nvite you to jo in support o oin the Lawyer f Classics for A rs
We in nvite you to jo in support o oin the Lawyer f Classics for A rs
Subscription Form – Lawyeers Group NAME: EMAIL: ADDRESS: POSTCODE: Lawyers Grroup Steering Co ommittee Rt Hon Sir Ruppert Jackson Sir Francis Jacoobs KCMG, QC (Chairm man) Dr Frederick M Mostert Harriet Moynih han Jonathan Rush hworth Sir David Wootton Classics forr All TEL NO: r eevery £1 you donate I wou uld like Boost your donaation Classics for All to treat all donations in i the past four years, now w, and all future donations, as Aid donatiions.* YES, GIFT AID MY DONATION: SIGNATURE: DATE: I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A REGULAR DONATION OF £_____ MONTHLY / QUARTERLY / HALF YEARLY / ANNUALLY COMMENCING: 1 / 15 OF ______ / ______ (MONTH / YEAR) NAME OF BANK: BANK ADDRESS POSTCODE: SORTCODE: ACCOUNT NO [8 digits]: ACCOUNT NAME: Please pay Charrities Aid Foundation Dirrect Debits from the account detailed in this Instructtion subject to the safegguards assured by the Direct D Debit Guarantee. I un nderstand that this Instru uction may remain with Charities C Aid Foundation an nd, if so, details will be passed electronically to my Bank/Building SSociety. Service User Nu umber 691213 Service User U Name: CharityDonation. CAF, Kings Hill, W West Malling, Kent, ME119 4TA *I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I paay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amou unt of Gi Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax yeaar it is my responsibility to ppay any Please post tthis form to: Classicss for All, 51 Achilles Rooad, London NW6 1D DZ www.classicsfforall.org.uk We in nvite you to jooin the Lawyerrs Group in support of Classics for All A Trustees Nicholas Barbeer CBE, Chairman Christopher Clarke, Hon Treasurer Jeannie Cohen Geo frey de Jagger Carolyn Forem man Professor Thom mas Harrison Deborah Hugh hes Sarah Jackson OBE Professor David Langslow Adviser Dr Peter Jones MBE Executive Direector Jules Mann Patrons Professor Maryy Beard OBE Brockwell Lord Butler of B Professor Paul Cartledge OBE Colin Dexter O Lord Dyson, Master of the Rolls Professor Pat EEasterling n MP Michael Fallon Lord Faulkner oof Worcester Tony Harrison Natalie Haynes Charlotte Higggins Ian Hislop Tom Holland Bettany Hughees Boris Johnson Martha Kearneey Joanna Lumleyy OBE FRGS Stuart Lyons CBE Sir Jeremy Morrse KCMG Professor Chrisstopher Pelling Lord Stevenson n of Coddenham Sir Tom Stoppaard CBE Lawyerss Group launch event at Two T Temple Place, March 2014 The chaarity CLASSICS FOR R ALL (CfA) is a you ung venture which raises r funds to en nable state schoools, many in areas off high deprivation n, to introduce orr extend the study of Latin, Ancient History, H Classical Civilisation and Ancient Greek. Its work is ovverseen by e in the educational professiionals with wide experience field and d supported by an n impressive list off Patrons. Classsics for All 51 Achillees Road London NW6 1DZ m: 078809 256839 email: jules@cclassicsforall.org.uk Charityy No. 1135379 www.classsicsforall.org.uk Invitaation Benefits of sub bscription The cau use We think that Classics ffor All will be of special interesst to lawyers – and d we include in thatt term judgess, academics, pracctitioners, and nott least law firrms. There are man ny reasons why. As A well as thee close historical connections bettween Rome,, Latin and the law w, we are confiden nt that an edu ucation in classicss will not only im mprove the qu uality of education n generally, but will also improvve the quality off written English, and indeed d the quality of reaasoning and argum ment obviou us values for lawyeers in particular. The Lawyers Grooup offers several free events during the year for its m members. an p “Studying classics has nott just given my pupils they hem a side of life that t educatioon, it has shown th h as ours would have even less acceess to. Grants such n be more than just an from Classics for All can educatioonal stimulus – it has changed livess.’ (David Kelmscott School, Walthamstow). We ask Hogg, K t pay £10 per mon nth (£120 Lawyers Group members to using the subscription form overleaf, or visit a year) u our webssite and select ‘don nate’. Those undeer 30 may opt to paay £5 per month (£660 a year). - Rt Hoon Lord Dyson, Maaster of the Rolls an nd Rt Hon n Sir Francis Jacobss KCMG QC, Chairm man of the Law wyers Group Steerring Committee In thee words of the Deputy Vice Principal of Greig City Academy in Haringey, whose pupils (picturred above) have spoken at a Laawyers Group event, ‘Classics for All's grant has en nabled us to provide a bettter education foor our studen nts. The achievem ment of masteringg such challen nging subjects encourages acaademic confid dence and ambittion, and gives them invaluable cultural cappital which will benefit b these sstudents for the rest of their lives.’ Past events inclu ude: Lord Dyyson on how a classical education haas affected d his life; Sir Rup pert Jackson on ‘How Rome Ran Britain’ at the House of Lords; and a mockk trial of Socratess at the Supreme presided over by Lo ord Toulson, Justice Court, p upreme Court (picttured above). of the Su will include: Events in 2016 w ‘Oratoryy’ by Sir John Laws ‘Gods aand Men: what on earth did the S Rupert Jackson n, Romanss believe in?’ by Sir and a mock trial of Brutus an nd his accomplicees murder of Caesar. for the m Classics for All has now reached 300 schoools with T good news is th hat there grants off over £450,000. The d for our is a revivving interest in Cllassics, so demand w must raise fund ds to help grants coontinues to grow; we 0 primary meet thaat demand. We aiim to reach 2,000 2 and secoondary schools by 2020, We invite you to contribute to Classiccs for All, bly by joining th preferab he Lawyers Group (but all ns will be welcomee). donation Our vision is of a world in which every staate school pupil p has the chaance to benefit froom the learning g and enjoymentt and greater asp piration which sttudying Classics can bring.
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