1 thank you to our 007 donors


1 thank you to our 007 donors
2550 University Avenue West, Suite 410 N
St. Paul MN 55114
Letter from the CEO/President and Board Chair
Donor Spotlight
Education and Enrichment
Bigs of the Year
2007 Highlights: School-based Program
2007 Highlights: Community-based Program
2007 Statement of Activities
2007 Balance Sheet
Waiting for a Mentor
2007 Kids Served
Supporting Our Matches
2007 Donors
Board of Directors
To enrich the lives of young people through
one-to-one friendships.
Build and support strong, healthy relationships with
community partners and for all mentors and youth.
Maintain a culture that is inclusive of all youth,
volunteers and staff.
Personal Growth
Provide opportunities and experiences for all youth,
volunteers and staff that lead to enriching their lives.
Make informed decisions and provide tools to ensure
the safety of our staff and the youth and volunteers
we serve.
Use resources entrusted to us to create and
support positive and strong mentoring
relationships for youth.
Dear Friends,
A friend is the hope of the heart.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
2007 was a year of transformation for Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Twin Cities (BBBS). The
work we are doing is truly changing the future for our communities by helping thousands of children
to develop successful and positive relationships with caring, volunteer mentors. These relationships
lead to many positive outcomes in the lives of our Little Brothers and Little Sisters, such as enhanced
self-confidence, improved academic performance, stronger relationships with peers, family and other
adults, improved communication skills and a better view of the future.
As part of our strategic plan to make BBBS the premier mentoring agency in Minnesota, we are three
years into a change process that has enabled us to improve and strengthen the agency’s programming,
its ability to serve kids in our communities and raise money that will foster growth in the future. In
2007, we hired new Vice Presidents of Development and Marketing, who have re-organized the work
of their teams in order to raise the money we need to manage our programs and to generate the kind of
publicity we need to attract and retain more volunteer mentors.
We are proud to have served approximately 3,400 children in 2007. We continue to encourage the
hopes and dreams of our Little Brothers and Sisters through our education and enrichment activities.
We have expanded our programs to include mentoring opportunities for Big Couples, Colleagues and
Families. And, looking ahead to 2008, we are thrilled by the energy our staff and volunteers are putting
into providing a caring mentor to every child who needs or wants one.
Gloria C. Lewis
President & CEO
The time that our Little Brothers and Sisters spend with their mentors is time that they can spend
simply talking or engaging in an activity that they find mutually enjoyable, but most important it is the
consistency of having someone special in their lives who is there for them.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to continued growth in 2008 as we work
closely with community leaders to improve our program delivery and to find new ways to serve our
With heartfelt thanks,
Charles T. Roehrick
Chair, Board of Directors
On February 23, 2008, the community came out
to support the power of youth mentoring at
BBBS’ 10th Annual Awards Gala, Evening on the
Nile. The event, emceed by Dave Lee, anchor of
WCCO Radio, drew approximately 550 people.
The highlight of the elegant evening was the
presentation of the Hope and Big of the Year
Awards. This year, BBBS presented Ecolab, Inc.
and Sean O’Bryne from Great Waters Brewing
Company with the Hope Award for making a
big difference in the lives of young people in
the Greater Twin Cities region. The recipients
of this year’s Big of the Year Awards were Bill
Heuer, Susan Swenson, Gene Friesen, Nathalie
Luke and Amy Theis. Turn to pages 4-5 to learn
more about their relationships with their Little
Brothers and Sisters.
The action-packed evening was a huge success. From the frenzy to get in final bids for the
silent auction to the excitement of auctioneer,
Kurt “The Colonel” Johnson, running from one
end of the room to the other as two attendees
tried to outbid each other for a dinner cooked
and hosted by BBBS CEO and President, Gloria
Lewis, a good time was had by all. By the end
of the night, $290,000 had been raised to find,
match and support mentors for young people
in our region.
(See photos on page 18.)
BBBS is fortunate. We have been the recipients of
both financial and volunteer support from thousands
of people in our 11-county service area. Without
this support, we would not be able to do what we do
best: enriching the lives of young people through
one-to-one friendships. These relationships, shared
by the thousands of young
people in our region with
Big Brothers and Sisters, are
making a difference in our
neighborhoods, our cities
and across the state.
Two supporters who have
been committed to BBBS’
mission and our agency’s
growth are Foster and Elaine
Cole. The Coles have been Foster and Elaine Cole
involved with BBBS for many
years, initially as Bigs for 11 years and, currently, as
Everyday Advocates and donors.
The Coles have many fond memories of the time
spent with each of the two boys they mentored. For
Foster, these moments include climbing up Eagle
Mountain in Northern Minnesota and attending a
dog sled race with each of his Little Brothers. In
addition, one of their Little Brothers loved musicals
and introduced Foster to the genre.
Foster and Elaine were positively affected by their
experience as Bigs. They gained satisfaction from
helping someone else and learned what life is like
when you don’t have access to a wide range of
resources. The Coles are still involved in the life of
their first Little Brother and his family.
Both families gather occasionally to watch
movies and to celebrate the holiday season
together with dinner and a game night.
After 11 wonderful years of mentoring these
young men, the Coles decided they could
better serve BBBS as
advocates and donors.
Foster has recruited
a friend to become a
Everyday Advocate. The
Coles also are some of
BBBS’ most appreciated
and cherished financial
supporters. Each year
for many years, they
have reached deep into their pockets to
touch the lives of the young people served
by BBBS. Because they believe so strongly
in our mission, Foster and Elaine have also
included our agency in their estate planning,
thereby ensuring that their legacy of support
continues long into the future.
Supporters like Foster and Elaine enable our
agency to keep on growing and succeeding.
The Coles—and hundreds like them—are the
reason why we are able to provide mentors to
thousands of young people in our community.
We extend our deepest gratitude to the Coles
and to everyone who makes a BIG difference
as financial supporters of the work we do.
The Annexstad Family Foundation Scholarship
The Annexstad Family Foundation Scholarship provides financial support for higher education to deserving students who have matured
through the BBBS program. The number of Annexstad Scholars jumped from a total of two in 2005 and 2006 to 11 in 2007! These students
are currently enrolled at an array of schools, including the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Mary’s
University of Minnesota, Minnesota State University – Moorhead, Saint Cloud State University and Southwest Minnesota State University.
The Annexstad Family Foundation Scholarship gives each Little Brother or Sister the chance to turn their dreams of attending college into
a reality.
One Annexstad Scholar, Zakiya Edwards, who was a Little Sister for seven years prior to graduating from South
High School in Minneapolis, also received the Wallin Scholarship, the Village Scholars award and the Mortan
Katz Scholarship in 2007. Currently a Journalism and Theater Arts major at the University of Minnesota, Zakiya is
involved in performances both in her community and on campus. She is on the Young Artists Council at the Youth
Performance Company, where she acted in Just Before Sleep this past fall. In addition, Zakiya acted as Glinda in the
University of Minnesota’s production of The Wiz, which was performed in April of this year.
The Page Education Foundation
The Page Education Foundation strives to increase participation of Minnesotan students of
color in post-secondary education. This goal is accomplished by offering grants to exceptional
students who take part in a Service-to-Children Program, for which they perform volunteer
services that bring them into contact with children in kindergarten through eighth grade.
The Service-to-Children Program offers award recipients the option of applying to be Big
Brothers or Big Sisters. In 2007, 11 BBBS graduates (seven Littles and four High School
Bigs) received Page Grants.
In 2007, former High School Big Choua Yang received the Page Grant, the Big Brothers Big
Sisters Temali Scholarship and the Children’s Defense Fund “Beat the Odds” Scholarship. As a
single mother, she became a master of time management by balancing
being a High School Big, participating in Admission Possible, playing
badminton, working at the Guthrie Theatre and completing everyday
homework throughout high school. Now, in addition to being a fulltime student at the University of Minnesota and working two jobs,
Choua fulfills her Service-to-Children project by volunteering at the
Hmong American Mutual Assistance Association (HAMAA), where
she tutors first-graders for an hour-and-a-half each week. Although
Choua has not yet decided on a major, she says that it is important to
her to “be in an environment where I will be able to help others.” In
order to achieve this goal, Choua is currently considering a career in
nursing or elementary education.
Choua Yang
Zakiya Edwards
Education and Enrichment
Although matches officially graduate
from BBBS when the Little turns 18,
BBBS challenges matches to explore resources that may help them to continue
their education beyond high school.
BBBS provides Littles and High School
Bigs with links to colleges, universities,
trade and technical schools, scholarship
agencies, career exploration centers,
financial aid support and enrichment
activities that will help them along the
way. These opportunities have helped
numerous Little Brothers and Sisters
successfully move on to post-secondary
studies. For more information, contact
William Tully, Education and Enrichment Activities Coordinator, at 651-7892445 or at wtully@bigstwincities.org.
During the past three years, Isaiah has switched schools five times. For any child,
moving to locations that are full of unfamiliar faces and situations may be a daunting
experience. Fortunately, Gene Friesen, Isaiah’s Big Brother, has been a constant
throughout all of these moves. Gene’s flexibility with locations has given Isaiah a
friendly and familiar face at each new school, making the transitions much easier
to handle. Gene’s commitment to Isaiah is evident even when he goes on vacation
or has to miss a meeting, as he always brings pictures to show Isaiah where he was
and what he was doing.
Gene excels at focusing their interactions around Isaiah’s interests. This past
summer, they attended a BBBS-sponsored hip-hop event in North Minneapolis, during which
they learned some hip-hop steps and made up a rap together. Isaiah’s favorite activity is playing
basketball because Gene not only helps him build his skills and techniques in the game, but he
also listens attentively and provides useful advice in various areas of Isaiah’s life.
Isaiah sees Gene as a coach who can help him decipher right from wrong. Isaiah says that
Gene’s coaching “has encouraged me to be my own person, be inspired, be a leader and have
my own personality and mind.” This past fall, Gene signed up for the School-based Plus program,
which allows Gene to occasionally do activities with Isaiah in the community in addition to their
weekly meetings at Isaiah’s school.
In the two years Nathalie Luke has been matched with Victoria, she has learned to
tailor the match activities to the needs of her Little Sister. Nathalie seeks out ways to
balance fun with learning. For instance, every week they decide on a book to read,
which they discuss during their meeting the following week. This helps Victoria
develop an interest in reading and improve her communication skills.
After realizing that the transition to middle school had been difficult for Victoria,
Nathalie began incorporating some social time with her friends into their meetings,
including helping to plan an end-of-the-year party with five of Victoria’s friends. The
addition of social time into their meetings has noticeably increased Victoria’s level
of self-confidence.
In addition to being a Big, Nathalie is a great Everyday Advocate for BBBS. Nathalie has invited
BBBS staff to speak at one of her affinity groups and has given a presentation at Best Buy on
how employees can give back to their communities, highlighting BBBS.
Amy Theis is BBBS’ High School Big of Year. After
a year of being matched with Amy, her Little Sister
Victoria says, “I am more
kind and nice to everyone.”
By providing Victoria with
consistent, positive attention,
Amy has helped her learn to
focus on the tasks at hand.
Victoria’s favorite memories
with Amy include searching
for puzzle pieces and going
to Como Zoo, but no matter what they do, she
always looks forward to spending time with her
Big Sister. Through her time with Amy, Victoria
has gained a better understanding of the value of
friendship. Victoria’s mom has noticed that other
students find her daughter more approachable,
and she seems to make friends more easily since
meeting Amy.
While Amy’s presence in her Little Sister’s life
appears to have resulted in many positive changes,
Victoria’s impact on Amy is also undeniable. A
naturally shy girl, interacting with Victoria has
helped Amy learn how to become more assertive
and open about sharing her own ideas. In fact,
Amy recently joined the High School Leadership
Council at Big Brothers Big Sisters, a testament to
her personal growth throughout the year that she
has been matched with Victoria.
Bill Heuer and his Little Brother, Trey, have been matched for more than five years. With no male figure in his life,
Trey’s mother hoped that a Big Brother would allow Trey to develop a consistent and positive relationship with a male
role model. Bill has definitely lived up to her expectations of a Big Brother. Bill’s commitment to Trey has resulted in a
relationship that has impacted Trey’s emotional health, family life and school performance in ways far beyond what his
mother imagined. Trey admits that Bill has helped him learn “how to slow down and take everything as it comes,” but he
also appreciates the fun activities they get to do together, such as going to Twins games and watching football.
Although school had always been a source of frustration for Trey, he recently received an honorable mention for the
honor role at his school. This transformation may be partially due to the trip Trey took with Bill to Iowa State University,
where they toured the campus and
watched a football game. When school
started a few weeks later, his mother
During the five years that Susan Swenson has known her Little Sister, Asia, their
observed a vast difference not only
friendship has been disrupted by relocations and transitions, yet this match has
in his performance academically, but
never ceased to be strong or consistent. When Asia moved with her family to
his overall attitude toward learning.
Indiana, it was unclear whether or not they would ever return to Minnesota, but
Regarding this shift towards academic
Susan did not allow this change to impact their relationship. She maintained
excellence, Trey recently told his mom,
contact with Asia the entire time, even after the match was officially closed.
“All I needed was a goal. I’ve found that
Asia’s mom, Tashelia, credits the strong relationship between Susan and Asia as
one of the reasons for her family’s move back to Minnesota. Upon their return,
According to Trey’s mother, “Bill’s
Susan and Asia requested to be re-matched, and once again began seeing each
involvement with my son has made a
other regularly, as though Asia had never moved.
tremendous impact on my ability as a
The support provided by Susan throughout the years has positively affected multiple areas
single parent to raise two boys.” Bill’s
of Asia’s life. She readily helps Asia with her homework and regularly attends her academic
guidance reaches everyone in the
activities. Tashelia notes that her daughter appears to better understand the importance of
family, as he does not hesitate to listen
reading and learning about other cultures. She’s even begun dreaming of going to college. Asia’s
to the concerns of Trey’s mother, and
increased school performance is especially notable considering the hardships she’s endured
Trey often passes along the advice
throughout the past few years, including being diagnosed with Sickle Cell Anemia. During this
he receives from Bill to Kenley, his
difficult time, Susan provided Asia and her family with support and helped Asia develop coping
younger brother.
skills. Susan is viewed as a part of the family, says Tashelia, partially because she has helped
them through so many transitions.
In addition to being an exceptionally devoted Big Sister, Susan also is a Big Co-Trainer, and she
and Asia were interviewed for one of the DVDs used for volunteer orientation.
Since 2000, the School-based Program has been
matching adult and high school volunteer mentors with young people at schools throughout
the Greater Twin Cities. In 2007, Hamilton
Elementary in Coon Rapids was another great
addition, bringing the total to 40 participating
schools! At these schools, Big Brothers and
Sisters are matched with young people for an
hour each week during the school day or in after-school programs. During their time together,
they do various activities, including reading,
educational games, physical activities and/or
art projects. A focus this past year has been to
make the time spent together more meaningful.
Some of their activities have included making
blankets for the Humane Society, sending letters to soldiers in Iraq and decorating cards for
nursing home residents.
High School Bigs were able to apply for the High
School Leadership Council for the first time in
2007. After the group’s members were selected,
the Council met several times to discuss goals for
their after-school programs. Previous undertakings
have been to promote National Mentoring Month
in January and plan an appreciation event for High
School Bigs.
Another focus has been to work on developing
traits and qualities that the Search Institute has
identified as integral to making good decisions.
The institute developed a list of 40 Developmental Assets® that are the building blocks to
enabling young people to grow into confident,
competent, caring adults. Each month, an asset
is reviewed, and Bigs and Littles may discuss the
topic. A previous focus has been social competencies such as decision making, resistance skills,
interpersonal communications and cultural
In June 2007, school-based matches met at the Como Zoo to stay connected over the summer. The
matches ate a picnic lunch and were able to see their favorite animals up close. The picnic was a huge
success, with more than 150 people attending!
Another on-going project that our Big Brothers
and Sisters plan to focus on is the lengthening of
matches held between Bigs and Littles. In 2007,
we’re proud to find that match length has increased
by more than a month. With the Leadership Council
working on lengthening matches, we expect to see
great results for the coming year!
Big Sister Jean Jachman
and Little Sister Dalila
Little Brother Dohntrel and High School
Big Brother Alan
Prior to the event, BBBS did a cell phone drive to donate to the zoo. With 16 donation boxes spread
throughout the metro area, we were able to collect 170 phones for the zoo!
These phones get recycled by Eco-Cell, and the funds received are sent to
Orangutan conservation projects throughout the world. The zoo’s “Green
Team” spoke to Bigs and Littles about how important the cell phone donations
are because the orangutan is a critically endangered species. Zoos throughout
the nation participate in the cell phone drive and work to spread the word
about how to help protect orangutans. Before receiving our donations, Como
Zoo’s numbers had been down in comparison to the previous year, but with the
phones collected by BBBS, they raised an additional $2,500!
Como Zoo “Green Team”
This year, matches were invited to participate in a Cultural Immersion Program,
which included a Pow Wow and an activity at the Midtown Global Market.
Approximately 20 matches participated in the “Cherish the Children Pow Wow”
that took place in February. Matches came to the BBBS office for a workshop
presented by the Ain Dah Yung Center. During the workshop, matches learned
about Native American history, etiquette, and the meaning and significance of
the pow wow. After the workshop, matches went to Central High School where
they got to watch a pow wow presentation. In addition, there were several
booths set up at the school where matches were able to sample traditional
food and see Native American art, jewelry, clothing and more.
Little Brother Peter and
Big Brother Rand Retterath
navigate the waters during
the Outdoor Adventure
The “Midtown Global Market Tour,” the second event in the series, took place
in April. Approximately 10 matches explored the Midtown Global Market by
way of a scavenger hunt. The scavenger hunt took them to various booths and
stores throughout the Market to learn about the food, art, clothing and dance
of various world cultures represented at the Market.
BBBS hosted a Holiday Giving Party for matches in December. About 30
matches attended the party, which began with a catered dinner from the Olive
Garden restaurant. After dinner, matches moved through three stations that
revolved around the theme of creating something to give to others.
Big Sister Anne Edvenson
and Little Sister Moteace
enjoy the Roller Party.
At one station, matches made fleece blankets that were donated to the People
Serving People shelter. At another station, they wrote letters to loved ones
who were away from home. At a third station, they had the opportunity to
make homemade ornaments for their loved ones. In addition, matches brought
canned food to the party to be donated to the local food shelf.
At the end of the evening, matches listened to a storyteller read The Giving
Tree by Shel Silverstein. Every child got to take home a copy of this book and
a $40 gift card to Cub Foods for their parent(s)/guardian(s). In addition, every
volunteer received a free copy of the book, Mentoring for Meaningful Results,
by Kristie Probst.
Little Brother Michael
scales the wall at a rock
climbing event.
In our Community-based Program, Bigs meet with
their Littles two to four times a month at the locations of their choice. During their time together,
Bigs and Littles participate in a variety of activities,
such as playing video games and sports, going to
the park, watching movies or playing board games.
In addition, they often have the opportunity to attend sporting, theater or cultural events for free.
Our Match Support Coordinators (MSCs) also host
fun activities for matches. In 2001, MSCs hosted
one activity for matches each month. Since that
time, we have seen tremendous growth in this area
with 152 activities and trainings for our matches
in 2007. In addition, we also implemented new,
mandatory volunteer training. Throughout last
year, 44 training sessions were offered, helping
prepare volunteers for their role as Bigs. MSCs
also have increased their Support Contact Compliancy (SCC). In April 2007, their SCC was 59%. By
December 2007, MSCs had increased their SCC to
81%. The increase in activities, trainings and SCC
has helped us become better at creating and supporting long-lasting friendships between our Bigs
and Littles. Currently, our average match length is
nearly 27 months.
In 2007, we also announced our new Big Families
program. In this program, family members are able
to spend quality time together in an activity that
helps build stronger communities by promoting
caring, compassion and competence to both their
child or children and the family’s Little Brother or
Support and Revenue
United Way
Public Contributions
Other Income
Total Support and Revenue
$ 4,328,091
$ 3,808,257
Management and General
Volunteer Recruitment
Total Expenses
$ 3,283,882
$ 4,712,867
$ 2,971,356
$ 4,182,211
Change in Net Assets from Operations
Non-Operating Change in Net Assets
Change in Net Assets
$ (384,776)
$ (373,954)
$ 3,405,177
$ 3,692,295
Net Assets - Beginning
Net Assets - Ending
Other 20%
United Way 23%
Fundraising 15%
Public Funding 42%
Fundraising 9%
Volunteer Recruitment 9%
Management & General 12%
Programs 70%
Cash and Equivalents
Contracts Receivable
Pledges and Grants
Prepaid Expenses
Accrued Interest
Short Term Investments
Other Assets
Property and Equipment, Net
Property Held for Sale
Community Foundation Holdings
Pledges and Grants Receivable (Long Term)
Total Assets
$ 3,764,691
$ 4,028,305
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Other Liabilities
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 3,764,691
$ 4,028,305
Little Brother Ta’Maris wants a Big Sister.
Little Brother Dontrell
Little Sister Akioya
Little Brother Mateo
Little Brother Tristian
Little Sister Tyanna
In 2007, BBBS served approximately 3,400 matches in our 11-county service area.
In 2007, the School-Based Program began
making matches under a new contract with
the Anoka Hennepin School District. Since
the program kicked off in January 2007, more
than 120 children have been connected with a
school-based mentor.
Many of the Big Brothers and Sisters are high
school students from Blaine and Coon Rapids
who volunteer for an hour each week after
school. BBBS is excited to be reaching out to
this new service area and is always actively recruiting volunteers to serve the many young
people of the district.
If you live or work in Anoka or North Hennepin
counties and would like to volunteer in this
program, please call 763-231-7401 to learn
CB: 6
SB: 1
CB: 163
SB: 172
CB: 38
SB: 0
CB: 11
SB: 0
CB: 5
SB: 1
CB: 1,187
SB: 620
CB: 30
SB: 0
CB: 88
SB: 1
CB: 418
SB: 296
CB: 78
SB: 48
CB: 177
SB: 4
CB = Community-based Program
SB = School-based Program
What sets BBBS apart from many other mentoring
organizations is the support we provide our
matches. Once a match is made, BBBS staff
communicate with everyone involved on a regular
basis to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
While both the Community-based Program
and School-based Program provide support for
matches, they do so in different ways due to the
nature of the programs.
In the Community-based Program, Match Support
Coordinators (MSCs) keep in contact with the Big,
Little and the Little’s parent(s)/guardian(s) on
a regular basis. During the first year of a match,
MSCs make monthly contact, usually by phone
or e-mail, to all parties involved in a match to
answer questions and offer support. Topics that
are often covered in these contacts include child
safety, child development, school, activities and
the match relationship itself. In addition, MSCs
send postcards, newsletters and information on
upcoming events and opportunities to matches.
Our community-based match support team also
hosts fun and enriching activities throughout
the year to keep everyone involved and active.
For example, once a month MSCs host match
connection parties and anniversary parties.
Topical Trainings also are provided on a quarterly
basis to prepare volunteers and families for any
challenges that might arise during their tenure in
the program. MSCs arrange a variety of activities
for matches to participate in throughout the year,
including snow tubing, picnics, and trips to apple
orchards, the science museum and water parks.
However, their main focus is to form and sustain
safe, fun and meaningful friendships between
volunteers and young people. After the first year
of a match, MSCs continue to keep in contact with
everyone involved on a quarterly basis.
School-based matches typically receive in-person
support from their BBBS Match Coordinator
(MC) while matches are meeting at the Little
Brothers’ and Sisters’ schools. Like Communitybased MSCs, School-based MCs initiate dialogues
around activities, relationship development, asset
development and any concerns the match may be
MCs often plan activities for matches and help
them find new and exciting ways to spend their
time together. They also serve as an intermediary
between the Bigs and school staff, as well as the
Bigs and their Littles’ families. In addition to the
day-to-day support matches receive, MCs plan
events throughout the year, including servicelearning projects, year-end celebrations and
summer picnics. As in all BBBS programs, child
safety is at the forefront of everything that MCs
do. Due to the regular interactions that MCs have
with their matches, they are able to provide very
personalized, regular support in order to ensure an
ideal mentoring experience for all of our Bigs and
BBBS is very proud of the support that we provide
our matches. It is important for our volunteers
and families to know that we will always be here
to lend a listening ear, answer questions, address
concerns, offer advice and organize fun activities.
We believe our support helps matches form
relationships that last a lifetime and help make a
BIG difference for everyone involved.
Volunteers contributed a total of
180,000 hours in 2007 to BBBS.
Big Brothers and Sisters volunteered for approximately 167,800
hours. Volunteer staff and AmeriCorps members donated 12,200
hours of their time and expertise.
At a current value of $19.51 per
hour, our volunteers contributed
a total value of more than $3.6
million to the young people and
communities we serve!
Big Sisters from Target Corporation,
Erica and Melanie, spend lots of quality
time with Little Sisters Leonela and
Individual Donors
* 2007 support received through United
Way Workplace Giving donations.
Greg and Cynthia Page
$10,000 - $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Paul and Lynne Blomgren
Bill and Jeannie Buckner
Shirley J. Hughes
Paul and Sarah Karon
Barbara Koch
David and Janis Larson
Marti Morfitt and Patrick Weber
Eldon Oldre
$5,000 - $9,999
Gerald A. Bilski
Thomas J. Boros
Sarah Buxton and Julie Brown
David Kaercher
Kevin and Stacey LaCasse
John Lettmann
Robert MacDonald
Wendell and Julia Maddox
McFarland Family Fund
Neil and Julie McKay
Joe and Laura Schmit
Jim and Sheri Simpson
Richard and Elizabeth Uihlein
$2,500 - $5,000
Mark Badner
Mary Brown and Donald Himsl
Phil Campbell
Mike and Renee Carrel
David and Margaret Dines
Jim Halverson
Jeff J. Jacobsen
Mark and Amy Kersey
Laurie and Dan Lafontaine*
Joe D. Ledbetter*
Pat L. McNeilus
James and Terese Miller*
Gary and Deborah Nelson
Pamela Olson
Michael and Lisa O’Shaughnessy
Tom Petters
Chuck and Terri Roehrick
Scott A. Schroepfer and
Jacqueline S. Churchill
Dennis and Pamela Schulstad
Jerry Seppala
Dr. Reed V. and Mrs. Margie
M. Tuckson
E. Thomas and Rita Welch*
John Westley
$1,000 - $2,499
Richard J. Ahmann
James and Pam Allen
Jerry and Lori Allen*
James Andrews*
Gregory Barnard*
Robert Barnett
Dean and Cathleen Barthel
Kelly Bellini
Brad K. Beneke
Lester and Theresa Brunker
Jane Casto
Jill S. Cherbow*
Michael Cherry
Ed Christie
Jason A. Coffel*
Foster and Elaine Cole
Steven J. Connolly
Nancy E. Cooke
Kathleen L. Cornils*
Dave and Julie Dahl
James Dallas*
Michael and Joyce DeVito
Michael Dimond
Craig and Astrid Diviney
Thomas R. Donlin
Manny Droz
John W. Dubois
Don Ellwood
Melinda J. Emerson
Stephen Erdall
Michael and Jane Felmlee
John B. Ficklin*
Jay S. Fishman*
Brian Furey
Jon and Christine Galloway
Alan Geiwitz and Mary McMahon
Jesper Groenvold
Richard and Sheridan Hafdal
Mark and Elizabeth Hagberg
James Haglund
Richard E. Heichert*
Cindy and Geoffrey Hirman
Ronald and Renee Hunter
Tim C. Johnson
Tracy Wessel Johnson*
Ronald V. Kalin*
Brett M. Kasak*
Susan and Justin Kelly
James W. Kelly
Alan Klein
Kevin Landa
Dave Lane
Gloria and Craig Lewis
Mary Jo and Dean Lindholm
Nathalie Luke
Kevin Magnuson
Mike and Patti Marinovich
Robert and Suzanne McCarthy
Robert L. McCollum
Daniel and Heidi McKeown
Denise Melka
Larry Meuers
Bryan and Shelly Moen
Lori Nelson
Mark and Wendy Nesheim
Bud Pappas
Robert and Molly Perry
John and Nancy Peyton
Pamela Pfeffer
Marc Phibbs
Robert Potts
Peggy L. Raisanen
Brian Rank*
John Rasmussen
Cassandra Rogers
Calvin and Ann Ross
Chris Ryan
Bill and Susan Sands
Dennis J. Schapiro
Lonna-Jean Schmidt
Jeanne Schmidt
Christa Schnabel
Richard M. Schulze*
Patrick Siegrist
Suzanna and Kraig Smiegowski
Richard and Nancy Solum
Warren and Mary Lynn Staley
Craig and Connie Swanson
Susan K. Swenson*
Aaron Tatone
Robert and Leslie Teddy
Judith Tilsen and James Lewis
Roxann Toewe
Jim and Vicky Torborg
Christopher Wall
Dennis Walsh, Jr.
Brad D. Wenzel
David Werner
Linda Hall Whitman
Terry and Nina Wobken
$500 - $999
Bruce and Kaye Aho
Scott L. Anderson and Lisa Bailey
Lynn F. Annis*
Rodney D. Bacon
Arleen Ballor
Linda and Dale Blyth*
Chad Boisseau
Patrick and Wendy Born
Kimberley Bow Sundy*
Susan Brief
Laurie Broucek
Wendy U. Burn
Gina Cesaretti and Michael Iwan
Brian L. Clark*
Jonathon and Sara Danforth
Douglas S. Edwards*
Karla Ekdahl and Peter Hutchinson
Barbara B. Engen*
Robert W. Ernst
Daniel M. Feine*
Robert Fox
Howard and Judith Fulk
John and Janet Gendler
Brent Gmeinder
Merle Bell Gonzales and
Louis Gonzales
Angelique Harrington
Cheryl Hatlevig
Lisa and Jack Hauser
For information regarding donations, please call 651-789-2476.
Bud and Carol Hayden
James Haymaker
June M. Heinz
Anna L. Hooper*
Dean A. Hooper*
John and Amy Hueg
David Hughes
Tim and Kaye Igo
Jerry and Marie Jungbauer
Kenneth Kauth
Kevin and Candace Ketelsleger
Scott and Mary Kirby
Brian Kjesbo*
Steven J. Klapmeier, M.D.
Elisabeth and Corey Kline
Lisbeth LaBreche and
Eric Johnson
Frank J. Madden
Rosemarie J. Madden
Christine L. Mason
Vivian Mason
Durjoy Mazumdar
Kevin T. Meehan
Kathy Mertz
Marissa Meyer
Gale D. Micka*
Richard L. Mielke*
Kathleen L. Milano*
James Momon*
Travis and Holly Morehead
Mary Morris
Dick and Joan Niemiec
Lisa Olberg
TJ and Laurel Olson
Paul J. Pankratz*
Jennifer Pearce Smith*
Neal Peterson and
Deanna Thompson
Jeff and Lynn Radunz
Eric S. Rangen
Colleen and David Reitan
Julie Renasci
Justin Revenaugh*
Channing W. Riggs*
Scott and Amy Robinson*
Julie A. Rose
Kathleen and Michael Ryan
Don Schmeichel
Derek R. Scott*
Patrick and Maria Seiler
Jared T. Severson*
Michael J. Sharkey*
Daniel Shogren
Jim Simon*
Margaret and Lee Skold
Brian and Janice Sweeney
Michael T. Tait
Jon N. Tevlin and Ellen
M. Hatfield
Greg Thorsen
Mary Beth Thorsgaard*
Gerald and Susan Timm
Dewayne Ullsperger
Bruce A. Ulrich*
John and Rachael Vegas
Colleen A. Vickerman
John S. Wilebski*
Jessica and Matt Wilson*
Matt Winkel
Rebecca Yanisch
$250 -$499
Cesar Acosta*
Becky Ahmann
Barb and Tran Alfrey
Angela Althoff
Kate Amerongen
Laura Anders
David A. Anderson
Garry Anderson
Roz Andreucci
David Antonneau*
Amy Asbury
Keri J. Baird-Maage*
Lisa M. Baumgard*
Linda L. Berg*
Stephen and Eileen Bergren
Eric Berry*
Heidi Bjugstad
Wayne D. Bock
Robert and Linda Bohnenkamp
John F. Boreen*
Mark and Calranne Bramwell
Colin and Julia Breyer
Timothy R. Brink
Robert and Barbara Bucha
Mark E. Buchstaber
Lisa I. Bugman*
Clifton and Dorothea Burns
Andy Carr
Jean Cash
Eric D. Christensen
Ronald Christenson
Kelly Clark
Peter J. Cmiel
Danette F. Colin
Peter and Mary Jo Conzemius
Bonnie J. Creason
Dallas W. Creighton*
Kevin Darby*
Susan A. Davis
Edward and Sherry Ann Dayton
Fred Dickson
Barbara Diekmann
Molly A. Doran
Duane Downey
Douglas and Ann Dumas
Jeffrey Ebert
Paul Egeland
Molly Ellefson*
Kimberly Fahnhorst
Paul Fierszt
Jeffrey O. Fink
Casella Foster*
Lawrence Frattallone
Rosemarie Gagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Mort Ganeles
John and Leslie Garner
Karen Grabow
Jeremy and Sarah Graff
Bruce Graff
Mark Greenberg
Leann M. Groth*
Russ Grundhauser
Jim Gryzmala
Kathleen Y. Guck*
Paul and Julie Gulstrand
Harry J. Gwinnell
Patti Hague and Barbara Merrill
Philip and Janet Hallaway
James and Dorothy Halverson
Nylla Hanson*
Barbara J. Hanson
Brooke M. Hanssen
Dell Hartmann
Diane M. Hawfitch
Thomas and Olia Heinecke
Jeff Hillebrandt
Kenneth and Cindy Hillman
Sara Hoeppner*
Jonathan C. Hoistad, Ph.D.
Tim Holdgrafer
Tracee Holte*
Gwen and Justin Holzer
Emi Ito*
Carl E. Jauch*
Andrew J. Jensen
Jennifer Johnson
Michael W. Kanitz*
Brian Kelly
John and Paula Kelly
Michon Kieper
Amanda Killebrew*
Jonathan K. Kim
Douglas Kline
David O. Koch
Nichole Korth*
Webster Krough*
Sandra Kunert
Judith Langevin
Scott and Stacy Larson
James Laurito*
Julie and Dave Lee
Edward and Noreen Levine
Pat Liska
Jeff Liter*
Richard Loch*
Martin Long
Kris Mager
Saundra Martell*
Bruce Martin
Alberto Marzan
David Mavis
Stanley McCoy
Bruce McGoogan*
Marcia J. McKinney
John Melberg*
Robert Meller, Jr.
Amy C. Miller
Philip W. Miner
Joe Moeller
Seth Monette*
Lori and Ed Money
Adele M. Moran*
Kevin J. Mulvaney
Shrin and Lekha Murthy
Bridget C. Nelson*
Dennis Nichols
James and Laura Niederhofer
Deanna J. Nurnberg
Jason and Chelsea O’Brien
Sarah Owens
Elizabeth Pagel
Erin Payton*
Gregory T. Pederson
Katherine Pereira
Sheila M. Pokorny*
Michael Polifka
Howard Polski
Bill and Teri Popp
Amy M. Poppler
Charles Poppler
Kimberly and Ronald Price
Steven and Barbara Proeschel
Andrea E. Rasmussen*
Christopher J. Rau*
Patrick Reis
Amaza A. Reitmeier*
Stacey and Michelle Rickert*
Arnie Roese*
Daniel Rogers
Lori J. Rogers*
Krista M. Rolland
Jeffrey A. Samayoa*
Steven and Linda Sandvig
John and Linda Satorius
Joe Schlosser*
Kimberly Schmit
Mark Scholtes
Jeffery L. Schuler
David H. Schulze*
Scott Schwefel
Leif Severson
Pamela P. Simons
Rodney Simons
Jill Smith*
Garett Solberg
David Sorbel*
Patrick Sukhum
James E. Tadeusiak*
Christine Tenuta*
John and Barbara Timmer
Rod Toft
Jason and Claire Topp
Joanna Trapp Simpson*
Dan W. Vahle
Rick and Karen VanBeusekom*
This list names only a few of the people and organizations whose generosity makes it possible for BBBS to serve its mission.
Due to space constraints, we are unable to list everyone who provided support for our work. Thank you to all our supporters.
Kevin Vickers
Ann K. Votel
Eugene and June Wagner
Billy A. Walls*
Mitch Waltman
Robert and Ann Weber
Ward J. Wieman
Paige Winebarger
Mike M. Witzmann
Nancy Wolter
$100 - $249
Dave and Ann Adams
Tony L. Adolphsen*
Thomas Akin
Gregory M. Aldrian
Todd Allison*
Arley Anderson
Bonnie L. Anderson
Cheryl and Keith Anderson
Jim Andrew
Gordon B. Asselstine
Ronald and Donna Axel
Douglas Bailey*
Julie A. Baker*
John and Elizabeth Balay
D’Juana Ballard
Michael L. Bamonti
James R. Bardill
Sheila Barnes*
Steven G. Barnes
Richard and Debra Barta
Judy K. Bartlett
Vernon and Polly Batdorf
Elizabeth C. Bauer*
Debra J. Bauler
Russell and Tara Beaver
Danna Beck
Sandy Becker
Lois W. Beierman*
James A. Benshoof
Guy and Denise Bergevin
Joshua A. Bernier*
Candace and Terry Birk*
James and Regina Blayney
Rick and Mary Blum
Glen Boedecker
Marion A. Boggs
Matt and Vivian Boockmeier
Katherine S. Bormann
Cheryl Bormes*
Robert Boucher
James Bowman*
Tareasa L. Bradley*
James Braseth II
Nancy Brenna*
Steven R. Breton*
Martha Brinson
Margaret and John Brossart
Brenna Brown Jones*
Paul R. Budde*
Steven A. Bulmer
Joseph Bungard
Diane Burnie
James and Tracy Burns
Kirsten and Patrick Burton
Barbara Butcher*
Robert D. Byrne
Susan E. Cable*
Richard Calhoun
Stacy Cardinal
Sara C. Carlson
Laurie A. Carmichael*
Todd Caven
Frank and Kathie Cerra
Paul B. Chaffin
Jim Chamberlain
Natalie Chapman
Yahya Chaudhary
Cathryn A. Christenson
Christine M. Cinque
Kim M. Ciolkosz*
John N. Clarke
Susan L. Cochran
Robert and Kimberly Colbert
Martin Cole
Elena Condos*
David and Harriet Conkey
Julie and Steven Conlee
Martin Conover and Jeffery Kirkwood
Gregory and Kristie Cook
Barbara J. Corcoran
William Corson*
Samuel and Mary Jo Cote
Naomi Couillard
Kimberly A. Coulson*
Stephanie Crosby
Ryan D. Crosby
John Crouch
Alexander Cummins
Lee and Anne Cunningham
Katie Daniels*
Jennifer Danielson*
Bradley Davis*
Mary and R. Dawson
Jessica Debartolo
Wendy DePaolis
Cynthia M. DeVoe*
Jimmy Diaz*
John Dolejsi
D. Douty*
John and Nancy Downey
Craig Drugge
Chester Duck
Thomas and Tina Dvorack
Daniel and Alea Dye
Barbara Eastwold and Michael
Carlina Ellis*
Scott P. Ellison*
Justina M. Ersfeld
Jennifer L. Fahrmann*
William Farhet III
Mark and Sheila Farmer
Jill M. Farrington
Gregory Faue
David Fettig and Nancy Baldrica
Scott Fischmann
Daniel Flesher
Keff and Susan Fonseth
Don P. Forrest
Steven and Judith Ann Forshay
Philip and Caroline Fortmeyer
John D. Foss
David and Katharine Frederick
Kari and Troy Fredrickson
Thomas Fredrickson
Kristi Friend*
David P. Gabel
Robert I. Garrett II
Simone Gbolo-Thompson*
Fred and Anne Gedelman
John and Jean Geisler
Michael A. Gentz
Bob Gibbs
Michael Gilgenbach*
David and Clo Mary Girk
Richard Gitler*
Maria Gonzalez-O’Brien
John R. Graves and Margaret
A. Thomsen
William and Carol Gray
Karin Green
Jennifer A. Greene
Eric and Kirsten Gregerson
Larry and Zylpha Gregerson
Steve and Annice Gregerson
Thomas Grezek
Carly and Al Grogan*
Thomas and Donnelle Grover
Margaret L. Gunther
Kristen Gupta*
Phyllis A. Haensel*
Jeffrey D. Hagen
Tom M. Hagen*
Nathan Haley*
Thomas Halpern
Gayle A. Hanson
Judith K. Hanson*
Richard and Judith Hanson
Samuel and Cindy Hanson
Joanne C. Harney
Daniel B. Harrington
Ariel Harrison
Kelli G. Harty
Mr. Gregg Haugen
Lindsey L. Hefty*
Erik E. Heidemann
Lori Heinrichs*
Gary Hendlin
Bradley Hepper
Jeremy A. Hipps*
Drew Hodges*
Jonathan and Susan Horick
Bruce and Jeannine Hubbard
Jessica J. Hultgren
Elaine Humphrey
Maria Huntley
Damian Jelich*
Robert E. Jenks
Jane M. Jensen
Sean Jensen
Alan Johnson*
Bruce C. Johnson*
Scot Johnson*
Tami J. Johnson*
Philip and Susan Jones
Thomas and Virginia Jones
David H. Joo
Keith Jung*
Collette Jurek
Andrew J. Kagol*
Shirley A. Kaiser
Donald and Barbara Karel
Linda Baker Keene
Cheryl L. Keller
Peter E. Kelly*
Debra J. Kendall
Jody Kern
Jayne Khalifa
Karissa Kirvida
Terry Klomps*
James C. Knutsen*
Pamela Koehne
Cindy Kokott*
Stanley Kolden
Gayle and James Koska
Jane Kostik
Tim Kotecki
Heather L. Krall*
Kevin A. Kuhn
David Kyllo
Michael J. Langan
Richard and Sidney Lange
Joseph and Lisa Lanz
Roger and Jacqueline Larson
Matt and Katrina Lassegard
William Lee
Joel and Brenda Legred
Donald and Maria Leifer
Christopher Leitschuh
Jon Lenz
Jess and Janet Lewis
Kevin Lewis
John G. Liethen
Marsha and Albert Lietz
E.H. and D.M. Lillestrand
Robert E. Lipscomb*
Brad Litton
Jack T. Litzau*
Anthony P. Livorsi
David J. Luebbe*
Mary Lundberg
David and Kathleen Maclennan
Linda Madden
Kim Main*
Randall B. Maki*
Cynthia and David Mallon
John and Sallie March
Pamela and Mark Margolis
Michael Markman
Alan and Mary Marschall
Andrew Martens*
Phillip and Paula Mason
W. and Melissa Maurer
Robert M. Mauzy
John E. Mavetz
Randel J. Maxwell*
Colleen A. May
James and Colleen May
Russell and Tracey Maziarka
Michael McAnder
Darion and Maria McDowell
Edward McFadden
Stephanie McKay
Cindy McKenzie
Catherine A. McMillin
Audrey Mears
Joni Meilahn
Melvin Menke and Melissa Pint
C.L. and Michael Mergen
Mary Merrill
Rich and Heidi Merson
Rodney and Susan Metcalf
Daniel D. Meuers
Bryce and Cynthia Mewhorter
Gregory Michael
Kristine M. Milbrandt
Lori J. Millard
Anne Miller
John C. Miller
Laura and David Miller
Peter Miller
Tennille Miller*
Valerie M. Miller
Debra Ann Miller Ekberg
Kathleen and Michael Miner
Tyson Mingo
Debra L. Mitchell
John Mitchell
Steven and Michele Modjeski
Mana Moini*
James J. Monner*
Gail M. Monson*
Robert A. Monson*
Nannette E. Montgomery
William Moore
Deborah Motz
Tom Mrachek
Janet Mueller
Sharon Mulvaney
Ken J. Munn
Andrea Nelson
Mark and Linda Nelson
Mark E. Nelson
Richard V. Nelson
Tonya M. Nelson
Lisa and Scott Nicholson
Steven and Karie Nicolich
Anne Norsted
Susan R. Nygaard
Nicolle R. Nyzio
Jamice Obianyo
Charles J. O’Brien
Jill Oliveira
Jennifer A. Olsen
Holly Olson*
Lew S. Olson
Marian N. Olson
Steven and Sara Olson
Lisa and Gregory Oothoudt
David and Susanne Orenstein
Camille Orr
Richard Orr
Ruth E. Orrick*
Eric Orrington*
Jenny Ostlund*
Hershel Ousley
Elisabeth R. Page
Kevin and Catherine Palmer
Wade A. Parrott
Therese M. Pautz
Dean and Melody Pekarek
Christina M. Petersen
Kathleen Peterson
Andrea J. Pierson
Gretchen Pietruszewski
Steve Plant
Ronald K. Powers II
Shane Prevost
Sarah Ptacek*
Doug and Sheila Punke
Laurie J. Radmer
Michelle Rasschaert
Ruth Rathbun-Rangwala*
Walter and Mary Rea
Jeff Reed*
Bart E. Reigstad
Kirsten K. Rekstad*
Tawana M. Reliford*
Dean M. Remer*
Patrick Reusse and Katie Dillon
David H. Rew
Pat and Patricia Rickert
David Rickman
Eric P. Ringham*
Paul R. Roach
Dave Robertson
Becky Roloff
Don Romer
George C. Rosar*
Gerald and Gloria Rose
Donald R. Rudolph*
Lisa A. Ruehlow*
Jeremy S. Rufsvold
William and Mary Rusinak
Tom Ryan
Joseph Sahar
Roger T. Sahr
Mike and Kelly Schall
Lisa Schaub
Daniel and Jana Scherf
Nick Schilling
Linda A. Schintz*
Ron Schlenker*
Doug and Debra Schmidt
Eric C. Schoneman*
Gary Schrupp
Chuck Schultz*
Carolyn Schwantes
Hugo and Lynn Searle*
Dana Sears
Natalie K. Sepeda
Mary M. Shaffer*
Marc Shrake
Shakil and Patricia Siddiqui
Brian A. Sillanpaa
Frank and Robyn Sims
Kimberlee Sinclair
Michael P. Sis*
Brian D. Smith*
Jason and Linda Smith
Ronald Smith*
Scott Smith
Tim Sorensen
Sarah Spindler
Tim Sprenger
Charlene Sroga
Mark N. Stageberg
William E. Stangler
Charles Stark
David and Sylvia Stecher
Derek R. Stendahl
Jane Stockey*
Jasmine Stringer*
Philip Styrlund
Pat Swetala
James and Paige Tarara*
Richard S. Taylor
Mihailo and Laura Temali
Michael and Jillellyn Tersteeg
Franklyn Thayer
Cynthia K. Thompson
Melanie Thompson
Wayne Thorkelson
Brian and Annette Tigue
Raymond Toliver
Toccara Torres
Nicholas F. Toscano
Joel and Elizabeth Trinkle
Nichole Tubman
William Tully
Christine Tunseth and
Lamar Noriega
Artika Tyner
James Ubel
Idara D. Uko*
Drexel W. Van Every
Lisa and Mark Vanderlinde
Bao Vang*
Thomas Verbout
Robert and Jenny Verner
Maria Votel
Phyllis L. Wagner
Stan and Jeanette Waidelich
Casey Walter*
Hans A. Wanzenried*
Ware B. Washam
Craig M. Webber
Andrea Wehrung*
Roy Weigel
Daniel and Carol Weiler
Steven A. Weisman
Brian J. Weitz
Frederick N. Welch
Jessica Welt
Brian Werch*
Pauline Z. Whelan
Jason Whelpley*
Douglas White
Jesse and Leanne Whitehead
Alvino Williams
Evan Williams*
Jon and Jackie Williams
Topeka T. Wilson
Emily and Andrew Winter
Ernest E. Woodrow
Ashley R. Woodward
Douglas Younger III
Kim and Margaret Zander
Linda Zdon
Ellen Zebrun
Pat C. Zehrer*
Gerald Ziebarth
Organizational Donors
* All or part of donor’s yearly contributions were given through United Way
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Walden Automotive Group
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
$5,000 - $9,999
Federated Insurance Foundation, Inc.
Greater Twin Cities United Way
$100,000 - $499,999
Fred C. and Katherine B. Andersen
$50,000 - $99,999
Allianz Life Insurance Company of
North America
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
The Arby’s Foundation
The Cargill Foundation
The Curtis L. Carlson Family
The McKnight Foundation
$25,000 - $49,999
Benfield, Inc.
F.R. Bigelow Foundation
Cargill, Inc.
Federated Insurance
Grand Casino Hinckley
Kinney Family Foundation
Otto Bremer Foundation
Petters Group Worldwide, LLC
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Saint Paul Foundation
$10,000 - $24,999
Best Buy Company
Diversity MSP, Inc.
Ecolab Foundation
Ecolab, Inc.
Karon Family Foundation
Mardag Foundation
Steven C. Leuthold Family Foundation
Target Corporation*
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
The Pentair Foundation
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
United Way of McLeod County
A Better Place, Inc.
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Best Buy Children’s Foundation
Casey Albert T. O’Neil Foundation
CHI Companies
Cognizant Technology Solutions
Cognos Corporation
EMC Corporation
Entegris, Inc.
Great Waters Brewing Company
Hewlett Packard
Highland Bank*
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
Imation Corporation
Insight Direct USA, Inc.
International Dairy Queen
Legacy Luxury Homes
Margaret Rivers Fund
McNeilus Steel, Inc.
Mercer Human Resource Consulting
Oracle USA, Inc.
RJ Ahmann Company
Schwan’s Global Consumer Brands
Smith Foundation
SUPERVALU Foundation
UnitedHealth Foundation
Western Bank
$2,500 - $4,999
American Express Travel/BTC
Analysts International Corporation
AXA Foundation
BEA Systems, INC.
Bloomberg L.P.
BMC Software
BNC Asset Management Inc.
Carlson Companies
From left to right: Charles McKenzie, Board Member
Shirley Hughes, Board Chair Chuck Roehrick,
President & CEO Gloria Lewis, and Robyn Sims at the
10th Annual Awards Gala.
Big Couple Brian and Lori Milbrandt with Little
Brother Anuba at the 10th Annual Awards Gala.
Culver’s Franchising System,
DHL - Global Mail, Inc.
Genesis 10
GR Seppala & Associates
Hardenbergh Foundation
HNI Charitable Foundation
Horwitz, Inc.
Ion Corporation
Jack & Jill of America Inc.,
Minneapolis Chapter
Mary C. Koehler Family Fund of
The Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Timberwolves
Minnesota Vikings Football
Club, Inc.
Minnesota Wild
NCI - Lending a Hand
Pohlad Companies
Quest Software, Inc.
Rosemount, Inc.
Solutia Consulting, Inc.
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
The Hubbard Broadcasting
Tomsec, Inc.
Treasure Island Resort & Casino
Twin City Produce Supplies, Inc.
Unilever Ice Cream
United eWay
Xcel Energy Inc.
$1,000 - $2,499
Guests at the BBBS 10th Annual Awards Gala,
Evening on the Nile, enjoyed dinner, dancing and
a spectacular auction.
Allianz Global Investors of
America L.P.
American Eagle Outfitters #380
American Eagle Outfitters #843
American Identity
API Group, Inc.
Blue Cross Blue Shield of
Bremer Financial Corporation
C.W. Healthcare, Inc.
Concur Technologies
Cottage Grove Lions Club
Customer Elation
Element Consulting
Elmer L. and Eleanor J.
Andersen Foundation
Ernst & Young
Graco Foundation
Knopf Family Foundation
Lakeside Capital Foundation
Marketsphere Consulting, LLC
Object Partners, Inc.
Orthogonal Software Corporation
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP
RBC Dain Rauscher
Richfield Foundation
Salo, LLC
SAS Institute Inc.
St. Croix Area United Way
Sun Country Airlines
Sweitzer Foundation
Terhuly Foundation
The Infohrm Group, Inc,
The Nicholson Family Foundation
The Olson Foundation
The Prouty Project
UMI Company, Inc.
United Parcel Service
Warren Foundation
Wells Fargo Bank
Michael Foods, Inc
Myers Thompson
North Star Events
Project Consulting Group INC.
Project Leadership Services, Inc.
RBC Dain Rauscher Foundation
Rich Management
Shakopee Lions Club
Tech-Pro, Inc.
The Stanton Group
Travelers Foundation
Vital Images, Inc.
Wilmot Wheeler Foundation, Inc.
Government Agencies
Anoka Hennepin School District 11
Hennepin County
Minnesota Department of Corrections
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services
In-Kind Donors
3M Community Affairs
3M Company
Adventure Park
African American Adoption Agency
Agassi Charitable Foundation
Kirk AllButt
Allianz Life Insurance Company of
North America
Arrowood Vineyards and Winery
Art Holdings
Arthur Murray Dance Studio
$500 - $999
Avi Resort and Casino
Kyle Bauman
All God’s Children Metropolitan
Kelly Bellini
Community Church
Buffalo Lions Club
Paul and Lynne Blomgren
Michael and Mary Ellen Brooks
Doug and Willie Eden Family Fund
Dale Busacker
Eide Bailly
Sarah Buxton and Julie Brown
Hopkins Rotary Club
Cache House, Inc.
Initiate Systems, Inc.
CaDan Computers
International Union of Operating
Calhoun Beach Framing
Engineers - Local #49
Carey Limousines of Minneapolis
Jack and Bessie Fiterman Foundation Carlson Companies
Jack J. Jorgensen Charitable Trust
Chanhassen Dinner Theatres
Meat Concepts LLC
Clear Channel
D’Amico Catering
Dick’s Sporting Goods
Stephen L. Dieringer
Disney Consumer Products
Elbow Lake Lodge
Fantesca Estate & Winery
Nancy Favilla
Michael and Jane Felmlee
John C. Feste
Craig Froelich
FSI International, Inc.
Gegax Management Systems
Gibson Musical Instruments
Thomas and Mary Gormley
Grand Casino & Mille Lacs Band
of Ojibwe
Kathleen Gray
Steve and Annice Gregerson
John and Jan Hallett
Brandon and Jill Harbaugh
Mary Helbach
Hewlett Packard
Cindy and Geoffrey Hirman
Hook Me Up Network
Huntington Learning Center
Illusion Theater
Infinite Vision Art
Barbara and Gary Janas
JB Hudson
Jim Hansel Editions, LLC
Johnson & Condon, P.A.
David Kaercher
Brian Kallio
Karlsson Consulting Group
King George Hotel
Kowalski’s Markets
Kraus-Anderson Insurance
Dan Krocheski
Terri Kruger
La Belle Vie
James Langkamp
Lawson Software
LBP Mechanical, Inc.
Links, Inc.
Lucia’s Restaurant & Wine Bar
Macy’s Fur Department
Mall of America
Bruce Martinson, D.D.S.
Randall and Lucy Mattson
MB Originals
Grant Mears
Mentoring Partnership of
Microsoft Corporation
Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine
Minnesota Landmarks
Minnesota Orchestra
Minnesota Timberwolves
Minnesota Timberwolves Fastbreak
Minnesota Vikings Football Club, Inc.
MLT Vacations, Inc.
Mystic Lake Casino
Natural Solutions Massage Therapy
Teresa Neuhaus
Deanna J. Nurnberg
Park Tavern Bowling & Entertainment
Rick Petrekovic
Petters Group Worldwide, LLC
Pilgrim Drycleaners, Inc.
Jim and Lynn Praska
Radisson Plaza Hotel Minneapolis
Peter and Bonnie Raquet
Ribnick Fur
Roland Marketing
Kevin Rutkowski
Darryl Savage
Barbara P. Scherek
Dan Schultz
Kathleen Scott
Jerry Seppala
Thomas and Kathy Serrill
Mats Sexton
Shepard of the Lakes Lutheran Church
Sheraton Minneapolis, Midtown Hotel
Simonson Salon & Day Spa
Skateville, Inc.
Snapdragon’s Ventures
Southview Design
Tanya Spencer
Peter Spink
Springhill Suites by Marriott
St. Olaf College
Charles Steiner
Stevie Ray’s Improv Company
Stoner & Associates
Karen Strain
Sun Country Airlines
Sunset Books
Doug and Stacey Swanson
Garry Syverson
Target Center
The Dancer’s Studio
The Design Group
The Marquette Hotel
The Phoenician
The Toro Company
The Wirth Companies
The/Minnesota Swarm
Union Resource Guide
United Concordia
University of Minnesota Hockey
Urban Mass Media Group
US Bank Corporate Marketing
US Bank Network Planning &
Engineering Services
Greg Weigel
Wells Fargo Bank
XECBO- Xcel Energy Center
Dan and Amy Zeh
Memorial Contributions
In Memory of ...
Kylie Grayden
Hansing Memorial Fund
Steve Hoepner
Jim Kelly
Workplace Giving
The following organizations encouraged their
employees to make charitable contributions to
agencies that support the community. Employees
of these organizations chose to designate their
payroll contributions to BBBS.
4Charity Foundation
AETNA Foundation
Allianz Life Insurance Company
of North America
Allstate Giving Campaign
America’s Charities, Inc.
Ameriprise Financial Gift
Matching Program
AT&T United Way Employee
Giving Campaign
Chevron Texaco People Making
a Difference Campaign
Ecolab Foundation
Ecolab, Inc.
Federated Insurance Foundation, Inc.
Kintera, Inc.
Prudential Foundation
Wells Fargo Community Support
WSB & Associates
Nicole Kirby
Harvey Martens
Donated by ...
Wendy DePaolis
John and Barbara Timmer
Marian N. Olson
Bradley and Kristen Ames
Kenneth and Dianne Bailey
Larry Blake
James and Lynn Bursell
Sarah Buxton
David and Marjorie Cain
Darlene Carlson
Suzanne Grant
Ralph and Sharon Hedman
Thomas Heiberg
Thomas and Virginia Jones
Frank Jost and Ann Olsen Jost
Geri Lambrecht
Michael J. Mayfield
Robert and Suzanne McCarthy
Dennis and Judith McDonald
Philip and Jean McKeown
Robert Meller, Jr.
Richard A. Nelson
Ronald J. Nida
David and Alice Paulsrud
Pat and Patricia Rickert
Terry and Lucille Rickert
Barbara G. Senness
Michael R. Sigelman
Pamela P. Simons
James and Kathleen Wenthold
Suzanne D. Wright
Laurie and Dan Lafontaine
James and Rosemarie Basta
Mark and Carol Bayert
Burns Brothers Financial Group, Inc
James and Linda Ell-Egermeier
Linda J. Ferber
Samuel and Cindy Hanson
James and Ann Kelley
Daniel Lamont and Connie Hilton-Lamont
R. Martens and Carol Martens
Charles Roach
Tim and Wendy Schulz
Sylvia M. Woodward
Honorary Contributions
In Honor of ...
Rebeccah Anderson and Matt Stay
Beth Daniels and her Little Sister
Donal and Mary Felmlee
Terri Foley
Shirley Hughes
Hattie Krerg
Don Martin
Little Brother Alex
Andrei and Wendy Sivanich
Donated by ...
Melissa Cooper
Lisa Maloney-Vinz
Sundiep Tehara
Applera Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ganeles through the
Jewish Community Foundation
of Southern Arizona
Michael and Jane Felmlee
Heather Dawe
Marsha and Albert Lietz
Robert and Marilyn Haefner
Aaron Dimler and Kathleen
Jon N. Tevlin and Ellen M. Hatfield
Linda Matter
In Memory of ...
Harold Van Every
Karol Peterson
Donated by ...
D.J. and S.H. Anderson
Constance and Gordon Batdorf
Wallace and Sylvia Berg
Gladys Byrnes
Audrey and Ralph Chantry
Aurthur R. Fritsen
Fred and Anne Gedelman
Henry and Jeannette Gjersdal
Bruce and Dorothy Hyde
Richard C. Jenson
Jeanne E. Jessen
George and Marilyn Klouda
Victoria and Shawn Larson
Patrick and Wendy Levoir
Patricia and Edward Lindell
James and Colleen May
Joyce E. McCarthy
Samuel P. Cleveland, Inc.
Darlene A. Schaefer
Donald Steinkraus
Marjorie and Michael Stueven
Barbara and Aurthur Swanstrom
Richard S. Taylor
Harriet P. Tenner
Charles Upcraft
Drexel W. Van Every
Donna M. Wiethoff
Winton-Whitney Fund
Jim and Sandra Feese
Legacy Gifts
The following is a list of donors who have
generously included BBBS in their estate
plans. We are in the process of auditing our
files pertaining to these gifts and welcome any
additions in the event that we have inadvertently omitted any legacy gifts from our listing. To amend this list, please contact Martin
A. Conover at mconover@bigstwincities.org
or 651-789-2443.
Laura Anders
Kay Anderson
Ed Christie
Foster and Elaine Cole
Barry Graceman
Cary Johnson
Mark Krivoruchka
Dean and MaryJo Lindholm
Curt MacKenzie
Greg and Cynthia Page
Linda Hall Whitman
Chuck Roehrick
Chief Financial Officer
Prime Therapeutics
Sarah Buxton
Vice Chair
Executive Vice President, Insurance Operations
Federated Insurance
E. Thomas Welch
Past Chair
BNC Bank
Laurie Lafontaine
Vice President, Finance and Treasury
Allina Hospitals and Clinics
Colleen Reitan
President and Chief Operating Officer
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota
Gloria C. Lewis
Non-Voting Officer
President and Chief Executive Officer
BBBS of the Greater Twin Cities
Directors At-Large
Merle Bell-Gonzales
District Administrator
Minneapolis Public Schools
Paul Blomgren
Development Committee Chair
Vice President, Fixed Income Strategist
Wells Fargo Institutional Brokerage and Sales
Bill Buckner
Program Committee Chair
Corporate Vice President
Mike Carrel
Corporate & Foundation Subcommittee Chair
Chief Executive Officer
Vital Images, Inc.
Gina Cesaretti
Dorsey and Whitney, LLP
Mike Felmlee
Chief Executive Officer
The Prouty Project
John Hueg
Individual Giving Subcommittee Chair
Vice President, Business Integration & Compliance
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Shirley Hughes
Governance/Nominating Committee Co-Chair
Senior Vice President, Human Resources (Retired)
Ceridian Corporation
David Kaercher
Senior Vice President, Network Planning and
Engineering Services
US Bank
Paul Karon
Chief Executive Officer
Benfield, Inc.
Susan C. Kelly
Governance/Nominating Committee Co-Chair
Investment Analyst
Kevin Ketelsleger
Senior Managing Director, PCG
RBC Dain Rouscher
Beth LaBreche
Marketing Subcommittee Chair
Alberto Marzan
Chief Executive Officer
Marzan Interactive
William Moore
Facilities Management/Real Estate Manager (Retired)
Andersen Corporation
Jim Simpson
Strategic Events Subcommittee Chair
Chief Financial and Administrative Officer
International Dairy Queen, Inc.
Mark Van Note
First Vice President, Investments
Merrill Lynch
John Vegas
Regional Vice President, Institutional Field Sales
Ecolab, Inc.
Wenda Weekes Moore
Board of Trustees, W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Kimberlee A. Sinclair
Vice President, Marketing &
Public Relations
(651) 789-2469
Gloria C. Lewis
President and CEO
Deanna Nurnberg, CFRE
Director, Corporate, Government &
Philanthropic Relations
(651) 789-2438
Barbara Alfrey
Director, Human Resources
Nadia Siddiqui
Director, Special Events
(651) 789-2431
Martin A. Conover, CFRE
Vice President, Development
(651) 789-2443
Design Concept: Vilai Lor
Martin A. Conover, CFRE
Vice President, Development
Patti Hague
Vice President, Programs
Kari Munson
Vice President, Finance
Deanna Nurnberg, CFRE
Director, Corporate, Government
& Philanthropic Relations
Alicia Schwarz
Vice President, Program Evaluation
& Information
Kimberlee A. Sinclair
Vice President, Marketing
& Public Relations

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