SDREO jsn 9-27
SDREO jsn 9-27
San Diego Regional Energy Office Solar Energy Week 2006 Jeffrey Nelson, Manager Solar Technologies Department Sandia National Laboratories Albuquerque, NM Ph: (505) 284-1715 Email: A Department of Energy National Laboratory Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Sandia’s Core Business Lines as a National Security Laboratory Nuclear Weapons Safe, Secure, Reliable Weapons Military Technologies Bomb Disablement Systems Non-Proliferation & Assessments Detection Surveillance Energy & Infrastructure Assurance Transportation Energy Deeply Buried Targets Information Environment SNL Solar Energy Program • • Work with Solar industry to develop new components and systems “Honest broker” among U.S. industry and stakeholder community for integrating, characterizing, and improving Solar systems. Photovoltaics Solar Hot Water Concentrating Solar Power Solar Energy Facts Carbon “free” energy source More energy from sunlight strikes the Earth in one hour than all the energy consumed on the planet in one year (13 TerraWatts). Solar energy is the only long-term option capable of meeting the energy (electricity and transportation fuel) needs of our planet. - Solar - Wind - Hydro - Ocean - Geothermal 7,500 TW 14 TW 1 TW 0.6 TW 2 TW Estimated Extractable Resource Sources of Our Energy U.S. Energy Production Capacity – 2002 Cost of Solar Energy 2005 DOE Projections PV Markets Are Growing Rapidly The Solar America Initiative (SAI) 2007 Presidential Initiative Reducing Solar Costs to Grid Parity in All U.S. Markets By 2015 Key R&D Activities Focus of SAI Technology Development Efforts Residential System Installed Cost (Total: $8.47/Wp) Other Costs 15% Installation 20% Levelized Cost (Total: $0.32/kWh) O&M 28% Modules 34% Modules 47% BOS 7% Inverter 11% Other Costs 11% Installation 14% Inverter 8% BOS 5% Technology Development: – – – – – – High Volume Manufacturing Equipment & Approaches (Scale-Up) Fully Integrated “Turn-Key” Standard Systems Building and Infrastructure Integration Improved Performance and Reliability Continuous Improvements in Components, Materials, Devices and Processes Discover of New Materials and Devices Key Non-R&D Activities Focus of SAI Technology Acceptance Efforts Infrastructure Development Provide technical, regulatory, institutional, financial and educational solutions to technology acceptance barriers. Market Expansion Accelerate demand for new solar technologies through highly cost-shared “market pull” purchase opportunities. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. Promote codes, regulations and standards that accommodate solar electric systems. Promote the education and certification of solar installers and code officials. Develop and promote national rating system for solar systems. Promote improved financing and insurance options for solar electric systems. Promote large-scale installations of advanced solar power systems. Create and promote “Solar America City” designation. Manufacturing Scale-Up: Continuous Cost Reduction and Performance Improvements Crystalline Silicon Modules Module Price ($/W) ($2002) 100 1980 $21.83/W Historical Projected 1990 $6.07/W 10 2000 $3.89/W 2010 $1.82/W 2013 $1.44/W 1 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Cumulative Production (MW) Courtesy of SunPower Corp. 100,000 Performance Evaluation of Sunpower Module SPR-90 Modules Table 1: Performance for SunPower SPR-90 modules at ASTM Standard Reporting Conditions (1000 W/m2, AMa=1.5, 25°C) Ser. No. Area (m2) PSEL# Isc (A) Voc (V) B46J00065206 .548 B46J00065204 (AR) .548 Imp (A) Vmp (V) 2123 5.87 2124 95% CL= FF Pmp 21.47 5.43 17.62 .759 95.6 17.4 5.99 21.46 5.56 17.59 .760 97.7 17.8 ±2.3% ±1.0% ±2.4% ±1.1% ±1.0% ±2.7% ±2.8% ( W ) Eff (%) Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Sanyo Bifacial Modules 10-15% More Energy Than Without Bifacial Design Table: Performance for front and back of Sanyo H168 bifacial HIT-Si module at ASTM Standard Reporting Conditions (1000 W/m2, AMa=1.5, 25°C) BACK SIDE ILLUMINATION BLOCKED Ser. No. Area (m2) PSEL# Isc (A) Voc (V) Imp (A) Vmp (V) FF Pmp (W) Eff (%) Bifacial Module #2 1.19 2115 3.63 66.7 3.38 54.0 .754 182.5 15.3 Bifacial Mod#2-Back 1.19 2115 3.05 66.3 2.83 54.2 .761 153.6 12.9 95% CL= ±2.3% ±1.0% ±2.4% ±1.1% ±1.0% ±2.7% ±2.8% Inverter Reliability is the Key Metric For BOS Cost and O&M Reduction Sandia Distributed Energy Technology Laboratory Inverter Efficiency at Different dc Input Voltages 94 Efficiency (%) 92 90 88 255 Vdc 320 Vdc 405 Vdc 485 Vdc 86 84 82 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 dc Power (W) * 2-3 Year MTBF was typical in ~2002 3000 DOE/Industry/Sandia High-reliability Inverter Initiative (HRII) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 The Need in 2002 MTBF~2Years MTBF~2Years DOE/SNL Inverter Workshops Determined Industry Consensus Priorities The HRII 2002-2006 Meets First Step to 10-Yr Integrated MTBF Systems 2006 •Preproduction Prototypes (Xantrex, GE) New Thin-Film Materials are Entering the Market Wafers Decreased Efficiency Decreased Raw Materials Usage Thin-Films CSP Planned Worldwide Deployments United States – 1 - MW trough power plant in Arizona (operating) – 64 - MW trough plant in Nevada (under construction) – 800 of Dish Stirling in CA (contracted) PARABOLIC TROUGH UNITED STATES 864 MW MEXICO 240 MW SPAIN 500MW MOROCO 200 MW ISRAEL 100 MW IRAN 400 MW JORDAN EGYPT 130 MW 140 MW INDIA 40 MW POWER TOWER DISH STIRLING SOUTH AFRICA 100 MW 2.76 GW of CSP Worldwide CSP Activities Under SAI R&D Priorities Troughs • Provide technical support for CSP projects in Nevada and Arizona, including optical testing to optimize receiver and concentrator designs. • Begin development of next-generation system capable of operating at 450C. • Develop improved receiver testing capabilities, advanced selective coatings, receiver maintenance systems, and optical characterization tools. Dish / Engines • Work with industry on the six-dish mini-plant at the industry/laboratory test facility in New Mexico to test dishes in a power plant configuration. • Focus on engineering solutions to Stirling engine reliability issues. • Work with industry to improve dish manufacturability and any necessary component upgrades or redesigns. • Assist industry in the design of the 1.0 MW demonstration project in California Storage • Identify a heat transfer fluid suitable for both the solar field and storage system at temperatures up to 450C, has a high thermal capacity, low vapor pressure, and remains liquid at ambient temperatures. • Conduct lab and field tests of a single tank thermocline energy storage system that may offer a nearterm, low-cost storage option for industrial trough projects. On the Horizon: Solar Fuels, H2, and CO2 Reduction CO2 Feedstock (Power Plant/Atmosphere) H2O Feedstock Sustainable Energy Infrastructure Learn More About Solar Energy Acknowledgments SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM