Indian Wells Valley No. 684, F. & A.M. Master's Trestleboard 625 N. Norma St., Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 375-2883 http://www.iwv-masonry.org/ IWV #684 Master: Brothers and Friends, Senior Warden: Junior Warden: Treasurer: Secretary: Chaplain: Senior Deacon: Junior Deacon: Marshal: Senior Steward: Junior Steward: Tiler: Trustees: AMBA Brethren: As we take a well needed rest from the hustle and bustle of the first half of the Masonic year, I want to report to you that your Lodge is becoming more and more relevant to our community and to its members every day! We are on schedule for our first Cornerstone Ceremony in 18 years in the Indian Wells Valley on Wednesday, 15 September at Burroughs High School. We will be having a luncheon at the Lodge after the Grand Lodge open reception at around 1030. Everyone reading this Trestle Board is invited to come out at 1030 to hear the Grand Master of Masons of California speak in our Lodge and join us for lunch afterwards. More details will be forthcoming in the September Trestle Board. We should also have two new Master Masons when you read this, Brothers Gockley and Hallinan were raised to full membership in our Lodge on 30 June and 2 July respectfully. Please help me congratulate them on their achievement when you see them next! We are traditionally dark for degrees during July and August and are not planning any stated meeting dinners at the Lodge during those months. We will also meet informally for our stated meetings, i.e. no coats or ties, during these two months. We are planning a visit to Inyo Lodge on Tuesday 3 August in Independence to reclaim the traveling gavel. We need at least 5 members present to make this happen, so please join us if you can! We will meet at our Lodge and carpool from there up to Independence and return. Finally, I am looking forward to qualifying our advancing Officers during the summer hiatus and wish everyone a happy and healthy summer break. See ya again at the September stated meeting dinner on 1 September! Sincerely and Fraternally, Steve Goad, Worshipful Master President: Treasurer: Secretary: Brethren, if you know someone who is under the weather, be sure to call our Jr. Warden Art Austin @ 760-377-5307, or if failing to reach him, Master of the Lodge Steve Goad @ 760-939-9704 Trestleboard Deadline is the 15th of the month. After the 15th of the month, items are included as space and time permit. Trestleboard Editor: Peter Eiserloh, 605 S. Silver Ridge St., Ridgecrest, CA 93555 (760) 608-3394, <eiserlohpp@yahoo.com> Where do you want to serve your Lodge? Order of the Eastern Star ROYAL ARCH S&F - Bob Ludy (High Priest). It is with sadness, that we report that our Scribe, Ted Shelander, passed away on Wed Jun 9th. He was a member of both Inyo and Winnedumah Lodges, and our Norris C. Viles Chapter of Royal Arch, along with many others. Memorial services will on Friday the 16th of July at Trinity Church, Independence CA. One week later we are having a reception for Teddy Hammack, Grand High Priest of California. It will be on Friday the 23rd at Tom McKinney's house in Woford Heights starting at 4:30. S&F - Peter Eiserloh (King). It’s hard to believe our year is almost over and our summer break is upon us. We want to welcome into our chapter Kathie Fretz, initiated on June 28th. We are looking forward to having her participate in our activities. Speaking of activities, even though we are in our summer break, there will be a reception for Barbara Layton, our Grand Deputy, on Saturday the 31st of July in Victorville. For carpooling arrangements call me (Jerry Broaker). We are happy to say that both Annette Francis and Judy Peterson are on the mend. They have both been through a rough time the last few weeks. Please let Linda Skipworth know if you hear of any of our members who are sick, injured or just need to hear from us. Have a great summer. Take care of yourselves and each other. RAINBOW GIRLS This August we will be having our Official Visit in Tehachapi. The girls have been planning this along with the new girls from there. As mentioned last month, Tehachapi went from zero in November to six girls by February, so this is really the first OV that any of these girls has ever conducted. The day before the OV, the girls will have a sleep over at the lodge. Jerry Broaker, Worthy Matron David Skipworth, Worthy Patron. Unfortunately, the Mother Advisor, Donna Poulton, has tendered her resignation, as she is moving out of state. We are looking for someone that can help out in this regard. We will be dark during the summer. Peter Eiserloh, Chairman Adv Brd. WHITE SHRINE COMFORT STATION Marilyn Brendel, Chairman. TBDthe summer. We will be dark during Mary Rose Wegener, WHP Stated Meeting Dinner Menu: During the months of July and August the lodge is semi-dark, meaning no meals. Time: 5:30 PM Sponsored by: TBD Sunday Monday Tuesday 5:30 Corner Stone Meeting (BHS) Independence Day Wednesday Thursday Friday 6 PM AMBA Corner Stone Meeting 7 PM F&AM Confer 3rd Deg 7:00 F&AM Stated Meeting Lodge Mang Cert (Pleasanton) 7PM Rainbow Girls 7 PM F&AM Officer Advancement Practice 6:30 RBG: Adv Brd 7PM Rainbow Girls Saturday 6:30 PM Corner Stone Meeting 4:30 PM RAM Reception for Ted Hamack (Tom McKinney's house, Woford Heights) 7PM F&AM OAP 7 PM F&AM OAP 10 AM Funeral Services 2 PM Graveside Ted Shelander (Independence) 6:30 PM Corner Stone Confab (Bruce Auld's house) 6:30 PM AMBA Eastern Star: Reception Barbara Layton (Victorville) Sunday Monday Tuesday 7 PM Rainbow Girls Gavel Retreival Mission (Independence) Wednesday Thursday 7 PM F&AM Stated Meeting 6:30 PM Corner Stone Committee Friday Saturday 7 PM F&AM OAP 6:30 RBG Adv Brd. 7 PM Rainbow Girls 7 PM F&AM Practice 2nd Deg 6:30 PM Corner Stone Committee 7 PM F&AM Practice 2nd Deg 6:30 AMBA Royal Arch Grand Chapter SOI (Bellflower Lodge) RBG Sleepover (Tehachapi) 1 PM Rainbow Girls Official Visit (Tehachapi) Our Newest Master Masons Robert Gockley, Raised to Master Mason June 30th. He is a husband and father to his family of three children. Austin Hallinan, Raised 02 July. Austin will be completing his education at UC Davis starting this Sept, but does expect to visit from time to time. Members of Desert Holly Joshua Tree Chapter #547 (behind), along with (seated) the Grand Worthy Matron (Beverley Wade), Grand Deputy (Barbara Layton), and Grand Worthy Patron (Larry Coffin). Indian Wells Valley Lodge No. 684 F. & A. M. 625 N. Norma St. Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Phone (760) 375-2883 Non-Profit Org US Postage PAID Ridgecrest, CA 93555 Permit No. 18 Address Sevice Requested. Stated Meetings at 7 PM on the 1st Wednesday of every month, Dinner at 5:30 PM (except July and August) July & Aug 2010 2B1 Ask1