View the Fall 2015 Texas Mason Magazine
View the Fall 2015 Texas Mason Magazine
the Volume XXIV Issue 3 Fall 2015 magazine OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS, A.F. & A.M. Freemasonry: Love God. Serve Others. Transform Lives. 180th Grand Communication Issue Grand Communication December 3-5, 2015 Volume XXIV • Issue 3 • Fall 2015 the magazine Table of Contents Page 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Master’s Message Page 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Lodge Awards Banquet Page 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Summary of 2015 Resolutions & Recommendations Page 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Timing of Events During 2015 Grand Lodge Page 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies’ Activities, Name Badge Order Form Page 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas Masonic Retirement Center Page 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statements of Availability for Grand Junior Warden Pages 8 through 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statements of Availability for Grand Secretary Page 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statements of Availability for Home & School and Committee on Work Page 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In Memoriam – James Brumit and Jack Wiggins Page 12. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Message from Grand Secretary, Good Search Inside Back Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2015 Merchandise Sales Outside Back Cover. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Master’s Homecoming Banquet The Texas Mason Magazine is an official publication of the Grand Lodge of Texas A. F. & A. M. It is published three times a year for the members of Texas Lodges and subscribers. Opinions expressed by the Editor and contributing writers do not necessarily reflect official positions of the Grand Lodge of Texas. Copyright 2015 by the Trustees of the Grand Lodge of Texas. All rights reserved. PUBLISHER: The Trustees of The Grand Lodge of Texas EDITOR: Benjamin Franklin Linduff The Texas Mason Magazine encourages submission of articles and photographs of general interest to Masons in Texas, reserving the right to edit and use the articles and pictures as needs and policies dictate. News and articles from around the state will continue to be published in a web based format on the Grand Lodge of Texas website The Grand Lodge website is accessible at Please continue to send your articles and Lodge events and news to the Editor of The Texas Mason Magazine. The preferred method of submission is via email with an attached Microsoft Word document. Pictures should be separately submitted in JPEG format to If you do not have email, submissions may be sent to the Grand Lodge of Texas, Attn.: The Editor of Texas Mason Magazine, PO Box 446, Waco, Texas 76703. All materials become property of the magazine and cannot be returned. SUBSCRIPTIONS: $6.00 per year U.S. and Canada, $15.00 for three years; $10.00 per year in foreign countries, $25.00 for three years PERMISSION TO REPRINT:Permission to reprint original articles appearing in The Texas Mason Magazine is granted to all recognized Masonic publications, provided that credit is given to the author and attribution to The Texas Mason Magazine. On the Cover: Grand Lodge of Texas Building, Waco, Texas GRAND MASTER’S MESSAGE Freemasonry: Love God. Serve Others. Transform Lives. As the 2015 Grand Lodge year comes to a close and we approach the 180th Grand Annual Communication, I want to express my appreciation to the Freemasons of Texas for the opportunity to serve you as Grand Master. I have enjoyed my term as Grand Master and appreciate the opportunities I have had to meet many of you during my four-year term as a Grand Lodge Trustee. The future of our Fraternity is directly dependent on you and me living the principles of Freemasonry in our daily lives and teaching our members Freemasonry! If we live Freemasonry, if we practice Freemasonry, and if we teach Freemasonry, we become better men, better husbands, and better fathers. I knocked at the door of Freemasonry because of the type of men in my community who were Freemasons, men of integrity whom I admired. If you and I live Freemasonry outside the Lodge room, then we are men of integrity and an example of the philosophy of Freemasonry for the community to see. That example might lead men of high moral character, like your neighbor or your co-worker or perhaps the young man next door, to Freemasonry and the friendships we enjoy as Freemasons. During this last year, I have reminded our membership of the meaning and purpose of Freemasonry; that life is a continuous journey of enlightenment and that God Photo by Jerry Smith should be the center of our lives. For that opportunity, I will be forever grateful. During my travels this year, I have received numerous queries on why I adopted the Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid as my emblem as Grand Master. For me, it represented the bond of Freemasonry that I shared with a university professor who taught me as an undergraduate student, served as my doctoral advisor, and helped me realize that life is a continuous journey of learning. Euclid was a celebrated mathematician who compiled a series of geometrical proofs in thirteen books that are referred to as Euclid’s Elements. This series of proofs served as the foundation of the study of plane or solid geometry into the twentieth century. Euclid became synonymous with geometry as the serious mathematics student read translations of his work as the basis of his geometric education. Therefore, when the crafters of our modern Masonic ritual wanted to introduce Geometry as the foundation of Freemasonry, it was only natural to invoke the name of Euclid. In addition, it provided an avenue to introduce Pythagoras to the Freemason and extol his virtues. Many of us recognize the Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid as the Pythagorean Theorem: the square of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is the sum of the squares of its sides. While it is doubtful that Pythagoras discovered this relationship, it is almost certain that he or one of his pupils provided the geometrical proof, which Euclid of Alexandria recorded in his First Book of Elements. Pythagoras was a Greek who believed in the immortality of the soul and founded a society with philosophical, religious and political aims based upon the study of mathematics and geometry. He and his followers practiced a philosophy of study that said reason and observation were the keys to understanding the universe. Through this philosophy of study, they believed they could examine the spiritual aspects of the universe and their relationship to the Creator. Thus we have the connection between geometry and God. The Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid is the root of geometry and is the very cornerstone of mathematics. The proposition is a truth, which is a divine attribute and means it is unaffected by time, space, or universe. In the Fellowcraft degree, we are told that geometry is of a divine and moral nature and that by its study we will not only gain the ability to prove the properties of nature but to demonstrate the more important truths of morality. Yet we often fail to grasp this important symbolic lesson. The Forty-Seventh Problem assists us in our Masonic journey from the physical to the spiritual. The Pythagoreans used it to study the universe and search for the divine nature of God. As we circumambulate the lodge room in the three degrees, we symbolically demonstrate the Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid as we build our Masonic edifice, from the physical to the spiritual. The monitorial explanation of the problem concludes by stating: “It teaches Masons to be general lovers of the arts and sciences.” However, the symbol is much more than that. The Forty-Seventh Problem of Euclid teaches us to bow our heads in reverence at the perfection and the beauty of the Universe and to marvel at the universality and the infinite wisdom of the laws of the Great Law Giver and Grand Geometrician of the Universe. God bless you. Michael L. Wiggins Grand Master The Texas Mason Magazine Fall 2015 • Page 1 2015 GRAND LODGE AWARDS BANQUET Thursday, December 3, 2015 Brazos Ballroom Waco Convention Center Reception & Cash Bar – 6:00 PM • Dinner – 6:45 PM PRESIDENT TRUMAN’S GRANDSON TO HIGHLIGHT GALA EVENING Brother Clifton Truman Daniel, the grandson of Freemason and President Harry S. Truman, will keynote the 2015 Grand Lodge Awards Banquet on Thursday evening, December 3, 2015. During the evening, the Grand Master will present the W.B. and Brandon Carrell Humanitarian Award, the William Beck award, and the prestigious Sam Houston Medal to deserving individuals. Tickets are $50 per person for open seating. Reserved tables for eight can be ordered by Lodges or groups for $500. Seating will be limited and tickets must be ordered in advance. Tickets can be obtained by sending a check made payable to Raborn L. Reader, Jr. to his attention at 9502 Sendera Drive, Magnolia, TX 77354. Be sure to include your name, the number of tickets desired with entrée choice, and the names of your party. Contact Brother Reader at 832-421-0888 or for additional information or check the Grand Lodge of Texas website for ordering details, Tickets can be ordered online at www. Ticket sales will close on November 19, 2015. Dress – Black Tie Optional. Tickets – Tickets include live music during the reception (cash bar) with passed appetizers, dinner choice of beef tenderloin or stuffed chicken breast, address by Brother Daniel, and the awards presentation. Page 2 • Fall 2015 The Texas Mason Magazine SUMMARY OF 2015 RESOLUTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS 2014 Holdover Resolution No. 19. – Electronic Voting. Wendell Miller. (Constitution change) 2014 Holdover Resolution No. 8. – Constitution change on voting in Grand Lodge. Civil Law Committee. (Constitution change). 2014 Postponed Resolution No. 10. – Updates statutes pertaining to the Masonic Home and School. Elmer Murphey, MHS Board. 2014 Postponed Resolution No. 11. – Updates constitution articles pertaining to Masonic Home and School. Elmer Murphey, MHS Board. 2014 Postponed Resolution No. 18. – Require Grand Master to have Mediation Committees mediate pending Masonic disciplinary charges. Civil Law Committee. Resolution 1 – Redraft Title V to change the Disciplinary Procedures of the Grand Lodge back to the Subordinate Lodges. Larry Tucker, Chairman, Special Title V Committee (P&P, CL, MJ). Resolution 2 – Add Art. 14f to recognize the men throughout the years with dedicated service in the areas of conferring degrees, lectures, and funeral services with a certificate of appreciation, a Grand Lodge plaque or a spot on the Grand Lodge web site to be updated after the Annual Communication. Darrell Thomas, PM, Royse City No. 663. dues paying member. Raborn Reader, PM, Magnolia Lodge No. 113. Resolution 6 – Amend Article 163, Dues, Fees and Contributions to require each subordinate Lodge on June 24th of all future years to increase the per capita fee by three percent (3%), such increase in Grand Lodge revenue to be credited to its General Fund per Article 163 (10). Claude Ervin, Chairman GL Finance Committee. Resolution 7 – Add Article 318c to permit Lodges to require a fee for affiliations. Jack Wise, DeMolay #1390. Resolution 8 – Amend Article 316 so that members have received the sixty (60)-year service award before he is exempted from Lodge dues, but that all members who have attained the fifty (50)-Year Service Award prior to June 24, 2015 will retain their dues exemptions thereby earned. Claude Ervin, Chairman, GL Finance Committee. Resolution 9 – Amend Article 311 such that the amount of the annual dues in a Subordinate Lodge shall never be fixed below a minimum of fifty dollars per annum. Dennis Ross, PM, Onion Creek Lodge No. 220. Resolution 3 – Repeal the 2014 GM Recommendation No. 2 regarding criminal background checks in its entirety. PGM W. Vernon Burke. Resolution 10 – Amend Article 172 to require all recommendations by the Committee on Fraternal Relations be filed with the Grand Secretary by April 15 and require the Grand Secretary to forward each constituent Lodge five (5) copies of the Committee recommendations. Amend Article 106 to require a vote on a compact to be conducted with a paper or electronic ballot. Sampson Lodge No. 231. Resolution 4 – Add an Article 364c, Financial Transactions between Texas Masons, to report the incident to the Secretary of the Lodges of the transactions on amounts over $1,000 or if the Mason lending the money is over 60 years of age. Chris A. Moyseos, PM Texana Lodge 123. Resolution 11 – Amend Article 2, Annual Communication, to change the date of the Annual Communication from 1:30 p.m. on the Thursday before the first Friday of December each year to 1:30 p.m. on Thursday before the third Friday in January of each year. PGM W. Vernon Burke. Resolution 5 – Amend Article 163 to increase the per capita by $2.50 by increasing item 10 to $20.15 such that the total per capita becomes $27.50 per Resolution 12 – Amend Article 2, Annual Communication, to permit the Grand Master and a majority of Trustees to change the date of the Grand Annual The Texas Mason Magazine Communication to a Thursday at 1:30 p.m. in November or December. PGM Jerry L. Martin. Resolution 13 – Amend Article 172 to require the Committee on Masonic Jurisprudence to have all resolutions and recommendations to the Grand Secretary no later than April 15 and that no resolutions or recommendations is subject to amendment by the Grand Lodge in Annual Communication. Amend Article 174 to limit consideration of a resolution or recommendation ready for consideration to three motions: to lay on the table, to postpone until a time certain, or to adopt. Amend Article XIII of the Constitution to eliminate amendments to resolutions and recommendations at the Grand Lodge. Leonard Harvey. Resolution 14 – Amend Art. XII Section 3 and Title 1, Art. 176 regarding Reconsideration of Matters and adds wording that such motion shall not be acted on unless there are an equal or greater number of members present to reconsider as were present when first acted upon. Allen Tuell, PM 1367. Resolution 15 – Amend Article 14 paragraph 2 on Additional Service Awards and add “…may be presented with the appropriate award anytime during the Grand Lodge Masonic Year the Brother becomes eligible for the award.” Johnny Davis, Denver City Lodge No. 1278. Resolution 16 – Amend 224a to permit Lodges to have controlled areas for smoking E-Cigarettes and chewing tobacco. Donald Toohey, Bethel Lodge No. 134. Resolution 17 – Add Article 74A, Monthly Communication to Subordinate Lodges, to require GS monthly communication to be sent on the 1st of the month. Johnny Davis, Denver City Lodge No. 1278. GRAND MASTER’S RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 1 – Amend question 16 on Masonic Form 26, petition for the (continued on bottom of page 4) 2015 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION • PAGE 3 Fall 2015 • Page 3 TIMING OF EVENTS DURING 2015 GRAND LODGE WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2015 8:00 p.m. Grand Master Hospitality Room, Hilton THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2015 9:00 a.m.-Noon 2016 Officer’s & Ladies Pictures 1:00 p.m. Prelude of Music by Ron Lawrence, Grand Musician 1:30 p.m. Pre-formal Opening Ceremonies Entrance – Officers/Ladies; PGM/Ladies; Distinguished Guests. Presentation of Colors Salute and Pledge to U. S. Flag Salute and Pledge to Texas Flag Address of Welcome and City Certificate – Mayor of Waco or City Councilman Greetings from Order of Eastern Star, Rainbow, & DeMolay Greetings from Imperial Shrine & other national bodies Memorial Service (Memorials Committee) Vanguard Awards Masonic Service Awards Roll Call of Grand Lodge Officers Roll Call of Past Grand Masters Roll Call of DDGMs Roll Call of Representatives of Other Grand Lodges 6:00 p.m. Grand Lodge Awards Banquet Social Hour in Convention Center 6:45 p.m. Grand Lodge Awards Banquet Dinner 7:30 p.m. Grand Lodge Prestigious Awards – GM Wiggins W. B. & B. Carrell Humanitarian Award Sam Houston Award William M. Beck Award 9:00 p.m. GM Hospitality Room, Hilton FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2015 8:30 a.m. Prelude of Music by Ron Lawrence, Grand Musician 9:00 a.m. Opening of the 180th Grand Annual Communication Required Resolutions Required Reports 10:00 a.m. Ladies tour departs from Grand Lodge building 10:00 a.m. 2015 Ladies Luncheon, Lee Lockwood Library. (Invited guests only). Second ladies tour departs from Lee Lockwood Library (invited guests only) Noon Sam Houston Hall of Fame Luncheon, Lee Lockwood (Tickets required) 1:00 p.m. Music prelude by Ron Lawrence, Grand Musician 1:30 p.m. Tiled session to continue with resolutions and committee reports. 2:30 p.m. Grand Oration – Pete Normand 4:30 p.m. Retirement reception for Grand Secretary, main auditorium foyer 8:00 p.m. Grand Master’s Hospitality Room, Hilton Hotel SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2015 8:00 a.m. Grand Lodge called to Labor GM presents Family Day BBQ Cook-Off Plaque Building Preservation Power Point Presentation Resolutions, Recommendations, and Committee Reports Continue 9:00 a.m. Coffee honoring Ms. Tanya Wiggins and Ms. Billie Miller in Lower Level. 10:00 a.m. Elections Resolutions and Reports Continue 1:00 p.m. 2016 Group panoramic picture, Columbus Street 2:00 p.m. Open Installation of Grand Lodge Officers 4:30 p.m. Close Grand Lodge Resolutions & Recommendations (continued from page 3) Degrees of Freemasonry, to clarify its meaning. Question 16 would be changed to: “Have you ever been charged with a felony? _____ (Yes or No). Other than minor traffic citations, have you ever been charged with a crime? _____ (Yes or No). If yes to either question, provide details when and where? ___________________________. Recommendation 2 – Amends Article 393 to treat candidates for Freemasonry the same as a member per Article 658 if the candidate had ever been found guilty or pleaded no contest to charges of pedophilia. Recommendation 3 – Amend Constitution Article X, Section 4 and the Statutes Article 105 to permit no member to serve on more than one Permanent Term Committee or Board elected by the Grand Lodge (Grand Lodge Library and Museum, Masonic Home and School, or other such elected Boards) concurrently. Recommendation 4 – Amends Article 383 to recognize that a treaty with a foreign jurisdiction supersedes the statutes of the Grand Lodge laws. “…However, the provisions of this article are not operative in cases where special visitation procedures have been developed for a jurisdiction where the Grand Lodge of Texas has entered into a special treaty with that jurisdiction.” PAGE 4 4•• 2015 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION Page Fall 2015 The Texas Mason Magazine LADIES’ ACTIVITIES - 2015 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5 1:30 pm Pre-Opening Ceremony Grand Lodge Auditorium 10:00 am Homestead Heritage Craft Village Tour/Lunch Tickets $40 Bus departs 7th Street entrance (lower level) 9:00 am Coffee honoring Mrs. Michael L. Wiggins and Mrs. Wendell P. Miller. Lower Level Museum Foyer 6:00 pm Grand Lodge Awards Banquet Tickets $50 Brazos Ballroom Waco Convention Center Enjoy an evening of fine dining, live music, PLUS hear Brother Clifton Truman Daniel, grandson of President and Brother Harry Truman. See Grand Lodge website for additional information. See this wonderful collection of 19th Century reconstructed barns and handhewn cabins. Demonstrations will include pottery, spinning and weaving, and furniture making. A farm-to-table lunch is included at Cafe Homestead. Beautiful handmade and homegrown products are available for purchase at the various craft centers and The Barn Gift shop. The bus will return all participants to the Grand Lodge Building at 3:00pm. 2:00 pm Installation of 2016 Grand Lodge of Texas Officers 4:30 pm Reception honoring Grand Secretary Tom Guest Library and Museum Foyer Registration for all ticketed events can be made online at or by sending a check made payable to Raborn L. Reader, Jr. to his attention at 9502 Sendera Drive, Magnolia, TX 77354. Be sure to include your name, the event, the number of tickets desired, and the name of your party. Contact Brother Reader at 832-421-0888 or for additional information. Ticket sales will close on November 19, 2015. Name Badges Now Available Name badges are now being offered by the Grand Lodge of Texas for all Texas Masons, especially those who might not have access to a badge maker in their area. The badges, designed to easily slip onto the breast pocket of a suit or shirt, are available in two different styles - one for members and one for Past Master. The price for each badge is only $26.50, including tax and shipping. Name Badge Order Form Please Print Legibly ______________________________________________ Name ______________________________________________ Lodge Name & Number Check One: Square & Compass Past Master ______________________________________________ Ship to Name ______________________________________________ Address __________________________________________ City State Zip __________________________________________ Phone Number If ordering multiple badges, please include all information on a separate sheet. Make checks payable to Eternity Creations. The Texas Mason Magazine Send all orders to:Eternity Creations, 301 Gilmer St. Suite C, Sulphur Springs, TX 75482. E-mail: 2015 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION • PAGE 5 Fall 2015 • Page 5 Your Your life. life. 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Thoughts from residents Thoughts from residents Thoughts from residents at Texas Masonic Retirement Center at Texas Masonic Retirement Center “I just go go to to “I just sleep at night “I just go sleep attonight and feelfeel sleep atsonight and so safe and have and feel sohave safe and nosafe fear.” and have no fear.” no fear.” at Texas Masonic Retirement Center Payment PaymentOptions OptionsforforEvery EveryBudget Budget Payment Options for Every Budget We would be delighted to have you as a resident at “All“All I have to do is is I have to do enjoy without “enjoy All living, I have to do is living, without mowing the grass, enjoy living, without mowing the grass, doing repairs, or mowing the doing repairs,grass, or housekeeping. And I I doing repairs, or housekeeping. And don’t have to worry housekeeping. And don’t have to worry I about thehave future.” don’t to worry about the future.” about the future.” Accommodations Accommodations Accommodations Duplex Duplex Duplex “We enjoy ourour “We enjoy freedom and “We enjoy freedom andour thethe choices toand freedom choices to participate in the choices to participateany in any of the activities or in any ofparticipate the activities or justjust enjoy quiet of enjoy thethe activities or the quiet of our duplex.” enjoy the quiet ofjust our duplex.” of our duplex.” 2 Deposit & Daily Rate Deposit & Daily Rate2 Deposit & Daily Rate2 We would be delighted to have you as a resident at $42,500 2-Bedroom $42,500 2-Bedroom Texas Masonic Retirement WeWe offer thethe finest We would be delighted toCenter. have you as aoffer resident at $106 perper day Texas Masonic Retirement Center. finest $42,500 2-Bedroom $106 day accommodations, planned to meet any budget. All Texas Masonic Retirement Center. We offer the finest accommodations, planned to meet any budget. All $106 per day amenities and services areare offered to any every resident, accommodations, planned tooffered meet budget. All amenities and services to every resident, $25,000 forfor a single Payment $25,000 a single Payment regardless of your choice of of living arrangements. amenities and services are offered to every resident, regardless of your choice living arrangements. $37,500 for a couple for $37,500 for a couple for Main Building $25,000 for a single Payment Schedule a personal tour today by by calling 817.275.2893 Main Building $50$50 perper dayday perper person regardless of your choice of living arrangements. Service Schedule a personal tour today calling 817.275.2893 person Service $37,500 for a couple for or by by sending an an email to WeWe Main Building Schedule a personal tour today by calling 817.275.2893 or sending email to $50 per day per person Service also a photo tour and more information onon our $35,000 Efficiency oralso byoffer sending an email to and We offer a photo tour more information our $35,000 Efficiency $40,000 1-Bedroom website at at $40,000 1-Bedroom Royal Arch Plaza also offer a photo tour and more information on our website Efficiency Royal Arch Plaza $53$53 per$35,000 day perper person per day person 1website at $40,000 1-Bedroom Total Asset Turn Over This includes, but is not limited to, 1 $45,000 2-Bedroom Royal Arch Plaza Total Asset Turn Overautomobiles, - This includes, but isaccounts, not limited to, $45,000 2-Bedroom $53 per day per any and all residences, savings real Total $106 perper daydayperson Total 1 any and all residences, automobiles, savings accounts, real $106 Total Asset Turn Overetc. - This includes, butfinancial is not limited to, estate, stocks, bonds, and a five year look $45,000 2-Bedroom Asset estate, stocks, bonds, etc. and a five savings year financial lookreal Asset any and all residences, automobiles, accounts, Total Main Building back period. $106 per day No deposit Turn Main Building back period. No deposit Turn 1 estate, stocks, bonds, etc. and a five year financial look Asset No daily rate Over 1 2 back period. NoNo daily rate Over Main Building Separate rate schedule forfor nursing facility available upon deposit Turn 2 Separate rate schedule nursing facility available upon 1 request No daily rate Over 2 request Texas Masonic Retirement Center • 1501 W. Division St., Arlington, TX TX 76012 Separate rate schedule for nursing facility available upon Texas Masonic Retirement Center • 1501 W. Division St., Arlington, 76012 Pricing subject to change Office: 817.275.2893 • Email: • Website: request Pricing subject to change Office: 817.275.2893 • Email: • Website: Texas Masonic Retirement Center • 1501 W. Division St., Arlington, TX 76012 Pricing subject to change Office: 817.275.2893 • Email: • Website: STATEMENTS OF AVAILABILITY FOR GRAND JUNIOR WARDEN RUSSELL C. BROWN TERRY WAYNE STOGNER LUFKIN LODGE NO. 669 Raised – July 25, 1980 Endowed Member Worshipful Master- 2014-15 PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Morton Lodge No. 72 – Worshipful Master, 1985-86 – WITH 1999 Clinton Lodge No. 23 – Worshipful Master, 2003-04, Endowed Member, Golden Trowel – 2000 Robert E. Lee Lodge No. 431 – Charter Restoration Master, 2004, Endowed Member, Golden Trowel – 2010 Texas Lodge of Research - 1984 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Grand Orator – 2004 Petitions No. 2 – 1992 District Deputy Grand Master – Masonic District 21B - 2001 District Instructor – Masonic District 21B – 2002-10 District Education Officer and Briscoe Workshop Leader – 2000 John Sayles Award -2004 Masonic Jurisprudence – 1999 - present, Chairman, 2008-09 Civil Law – 2006-07, Chairman Grand Master’s Planning Team – 2003, 2004 Grand Representative - Grand Lodge of New Zealand, 2009-11 PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Lufkin High School, Lufkin, Texas -1977 Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, Bachelor of Science – 1981 Houston Baptist University, Post-grad, 1981-82 South Texas College of Law, Houston, Texas, Doctor of Jurisprudence – 1989 BUSINESS/ PROFESSION Gulf Oil Exploration and Production Company, Houston, Texas, Consultant, 1981-85 Shell Oil Company, Houston, Texas, Corporate OE&T Consultant, 1985-89 United States District Court, Eastern District of Texas, Senior Law Clerk to Chief Judge Emeritus, Joe J. Fisher, 1990-91 Wellborn * Houston Law Firm, LLC, Henderson, Texas, Partner – 1991-2006 Law Offices of Russell C. Brown, P.C. – 2007 to present Board Certified, Texas Board of Legal Specialization, 2001 to present National Order of Barristers American Board of Trial Advocates Super Lawyers, 2002 to present AV Preeminent® (highest) Peer Review Rating U.S. District Courts for Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Texas U.S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit United States Supreme Court Rusk County Bar Association, President – 1997-99 CIVIC ACTIVITY Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children, Trustee Henderson City Council, 2001-07 Mayor Pro Tempore, 2003-07 First United Methodist Church of Henderson, Finance, Staff Committees Kappa Alpha Order, Former National Vice-President NRA – Certified Shooting Coach – Rifle, Pistol, Handgun Quail and Ducks Unlimited Sponsor – Rusk County Youth Livestock and Exhibition Show, 1992-present Sons of the Republic of Texas – Life Member Admiral in the Texas Navy - 2011 FAMILY Wife - Elizabeth Kelly Williams, Married, August 17, 1985 Children – Katy, Clay, and Tom Brown The Texas Mason Magazine LAMESA LODGE NO. 909 (merged into O’Donnell Lodge No. 1187) Raised – February 27, 1990 Endowed Member Worshipful Master – 1995 Golden Trowel Award – 1992 PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Staked Plains Lodge No. 598 – Endowed Member, Worshipful Master – 2002 Stanton Lodge No. 951 – Endowed Member O’Donnell Lodge No. 1187 – Endowed Member Milam Lodge No. 11 – Endowed Member, Worshipful Master–2004; Treasurer – 2005 – 2008 Breckenridge Lodge No. 492 – Endowed Member Holland Lodge No. 1 – Endowed Member Crowley Lodge No. 1437 – Endowed Member Abilene Lodge No. 559 – Endowed Member Mineola Lodge No. 502 – Endowed Member Lake Worth Lodge No. 1410 – Endowed Member Tabernacle Lodge No. 1195 – Endowed Member; 25-Year Service Award Point Isabel Lodge No. 33 – Endowed Member Sweet Home Lodge No. 576 – Endowed Member Tranquility Lodge No. 2000 – Endowed Member GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric “A” Certificate 1993 – present Esoteric Life Certificate – 2010 District Deputy Grand Master – Masonic District No. 80 – 1997 District Deputy Grand Master – At Large – 2012 District Instructor – Masonic District No. 80 –1999- 2011 District Instructor – Masonic District No. 57 – 2008 District Instructor – Masonic District No. 94 – 2014 – current District Masonic Relations Officer – Masonic District 80 – 1997; 1998 Petitions and Returns of Lodges UD Committee – Member, 2003 – 2004 Committee on Work – 2005 – current; Chairman – 2010; 2011 Special Assignments Committee – 2011 Grand Master’s Planning Teams – 2011 (T. E. “Gene” Carnes), 2013 (Walter W. Rogers) M.W.S.A. – Masonic District No. 80 – Member Sam Houston Hall of Fame – Member Grand Lodge Funeral Team – Served as GJW at Grand Lodge Funerals for, R:W: Mickey Drumm and R:W: John Polulech PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Lamesa High School – Midland College, Midland, Texas – Real Estate BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL Stogner Pumping Service, Inc., Oil and Gas Pumping Service and Consulting – Established 1978 to present, President/Owner Lamesa Radio Paging Service, RRC Paging Radio Repeating Tower Leasing Cellar – Established 1981 to present, Owner Mr. T’s Rental Storage – Established 1990 to present, Owner Associate Water Systems, LLC – Established 1991 to present, President/ CEO Sandy Creek Operations, Inc., Independent Oil and Gas Operator – Established 2003 to present, CEO/Major Principal Rengots, Inc., Real Estate Holding Sales and Leasing – Established 2003 to present, CEO/President COMMUNITY/CIVIC ACTIVITY Second Baptist Church, Lomesa, Texas – Member AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assn. – Member FAA Ratings – Private Pilot Airplane Single Engine Land ARRL Amateur Relay Radio League – Member FCC Ratings – Amateur Radio Operator, General Class FAMILY Married to Jackie Nell Cave Stogner, July 24, 1979 Children – Charles Walter Stogner, Lisa Janell Stogner One Granddaughter and one Grandson 2015 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION • PAGE 7 Fall 2015 • Page 7 STATEMENTS OF AVAILABILITY FOR GRAND SECRETARY TRUITT L. BRADLY TASCOSA LODGE NO. 1375 (Consolidated with Palo Duro Lodge No.1239) Raised- December 17, 1981 Worshipful Master- 19851986 Secretary-1986-1989 PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Washington Lodge No. 18 San Gabriel Lodge No. 89- Secretary-1998Present Salado Lodge No. 296- Secretary-2003-2006, Worshipful Master- 2002-2003, 2012-2013 Hereford Lodge No. 849- Endowed Member Texas Lodge of Research – Secretary-2013Present, Endowed Member, Worshipful Master-2008-2009 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS District Deputy Grand Master- 47th District 2009 PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION West Texas A&M University- Bachelor of Business Administration- Accounting-1996 BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL Santa Fe Railway- Train Dispatcher-1973-1989 JB Hunt Transport- Driver Trainer 1990-1994 FirstCare Health Plans- Compliance Accountant 1996-2000, Senior Actuarial Analyst 20002008, and Accountant IV 2008-Present The National Blue Family Association- National Treasurer and Membership Chairman 2012-Present Co-Author Microsoft Access Small Business Solutions: State-of -the-art Database Models for Sales, Marketing, Customer Management, and More Key Business Activities, Wiley & Sons-2010 Microsoft Access 2010: 24-Hour Trainer, Wiley & Sons-2011 Technical Editor Microsoft Access 2007 VBA, Que Publishing Indianapolis, Indiana 2008 EDWARD M. BROWN WACO LODGE NO.92 Raised -Oct 7, 1974 (in Val Verde Lodge No. 646) Worshipful Master 20142015 25 Year Service Award 2013 Endowed Member Scouter Award 2014 PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS White Rock Lodge No.347 – Worshipful Master, 2011-2012 Tranquility Lodge No.2000 Texas Lodge of Research – Member GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric Certificate – 1975, 1976 Esoteric A Certificate – 1 Year – 2009- 2010 Esoteric A Certificate – 3 Year – 2011- 2014 District Instructor – Masonic District # 61B – 2012-2014 District Deputy Grand Master – Masonic District 61B – 2013 Moderator, Grand Master’s Workshop – District 61 – 2012, 2013 PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION West Virginia University – 1966-1968 Ohio University – Associate in Arts – 1969, Bachelor of Science in Communications, cum laude – 1971, Master of Science in Journalism / Public Relations – 1972, Master of Arts in Broadcast Management – 1972 Sul Ross State University – post graduate business classes - 1975 Texas State Technical College – Associate in Applied Science –2015 USAF Pilot Instructor Training – Top Graduate – 1973 USAF Air-Ground Operations School – Distinguished Graduate- 1989 USAF Squadron Officers School – Outstanding Contributor – 1976 USAF Air Command and Staff College – 1978 USAF Air War College – 1985 BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL United States Air Force (active duty pilot) – 1972-1995 (Bronze Star for combat service in Desert Storm) Civil Air Patrol (USAF liaison) 1995-2002 Texas State Guard - Director of Personnel, then 5th Air Wing Commander - 2000-2010 (retired as Colonel) Department of the Air Force (Civil Service) 2002-present CAP liaison for Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas, now totaling 42 years federal government service. CIVIC ACTIVITY 50 years service to Boy Scouts of America including: Council President, Heart O’Texas Council, Waco National President, Association of Baptists for Scouting National Treasurer, Association of Baptists for Scouting VP & Executive Board Member – Longhorn Council BSA, Ft Worth Civil Air Patrol (squadron commander; wing/ region staff, retired LtCol) Parliamentarian, Precinct Chair, and Executive Committee Member, Republican Party of McLennan County City of Waco 1st Street Cemetery Board Member McLennan County Election Judge – 2000-2015 Other Certification:: General Class Radiotelephone and Amateur Extra Class licenses Commercial Pilot – SEL, MEL Certified Flight Instructor – MEL, Instrument PAGE 8 8•• 2015 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION Page Fall 2015 IT - Network++; Network Pro State Certified NIMS (emergency services) instructor FAMILY Wife Dottie (43 years); son Ted ROBERT KARL HARGIS DEER CREEK LODGE NO. 510 Raised - 2007 Endowed Member - 2008 Worshipful Master 20102011 Secretary 2011 - present GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric A-Certificate 2008 - present District Instructor 2010-2012 Grand Secretary Staff 2012 - present PERSONAL PROFILE BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL American Airlines – Reservations system, IT Support, Systems Administration, Customer Support 1987 - 2008 CIVIC Trustee – Landreth Cemetery Association Trust, Santo, Texas EDUCATION Tarrant County College – Computer Technology American Airlines – In-sourced specialized programming JERRY L. MARTIN PARSONS LODGE NO. 222 Raised- March 4, 1997 Worshipful Master- 20022003 Endowed Member Golden Trowel Award2011 PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSIPS Tranquility Lodge No. 2000- Current Worshipful Master, Charter, and Endowed Member Randolph Lodge No. 1268- Endowed Member Point Isabel Lodge No. 33- Charter Member-2007 Texas Lodge of Research Lodge No. 1999 Blanco Lodge No. 216- Endowed Member GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric A- Certificate 2006-2011 District Deputy Grand Master- 2008 Grand Orator-2009 Grand Junior Warden-2011 Grand Senior Warden-2012 Deputy Grand Master-2013 Grand Master-2014 State Coordinator-2009 Grand Master’s Planning Team-2009, 2011, 2014 The Texas Mason Magazine STATEMENTS OF AVAILABILITY FOR GRAND SECRETARY Grand Master’s District Deputy Training Team2009, 2014 Grand Master’s Masonic Family Convention 20042005 Masonic Education and Services CommitteeMember 2006-2010 Special Assignments Committee- Chairman 2009 Grand Representative to Illinois-2008-Present Sam Houston Hall of Fame-2007 PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Stephen F. Austin State University- BBA Management, Economics Minor Kilgore Community Collage Numerous continuing education seminars BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL Texas Department of Human Resources State Office, Austin, TX – 1992-2002 Director of Information Technology Procurement and Contract Management- Responsible for the procurement of equipment and service contracts, for the oversight of the agency print shop and the State mail operations center. Baubles, Bangles, Etc. , Austin, TX-1987-1992Owner of a fine gold jewelry manufacturing business. Wholesale to the trade and also special retail sales. Capital Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Austin, TX -1985-1987 Director of Accounting and Assistant Director of Finance. American Transit Corporation, Austin, TX (contracted management of City of Austin Transit System) 1978-1985 Transit Administrator – Management of the Accounting, Marketing, Customer Service, and Personnel departments. Zale Corporation Sporting Goods Division, Dallas TX 1971-1978 Vice President/ Controller, Responsible for accounting records, controls, and procedures for corporate, regional warehouse, retail and wholesale units from Louisiana to Hawaii. Zale Corporation, Dallas, TX 1969-1971Corporate Internal Auditor- Preformed hundreds of audits of the jewelry, furniture, sporting goods, toy, and drug stores of the corporation throughout the United States. J.C. Penny Corporation Regional Accounting, Dallas, TX- 1966-1969 Department Manager of area Accounting- Consolidated retail store accounting functions for 160 plus stores in 5 states. CIVIC ACTIVITY Schertz United Methodist Church- Usher and Greeter Meals on Wheels- Delivered meals in Austin for ten years. Alpha Phi Omega- National Service FraternityProvided park benches and trash cans for placement at various locations on the University campus. FAMILY Married to Betty Capps Martin One son, two Step-daughters, ten grandchildren The Texas Mason Magazine ORVILLE L. O’NEILL WHITE ROCK LODGE NO. 234 Raised- June 13, 1978 Worshipful Master- 19841985, 2001-2002 Endowed Member-1990 Secretary- 1987-1992 Golden Trowel Award1994 PLURAL AND ENDOWED LODGES Texas Lodge of Research-1984 Riesel Lodge No. 835- Life Member-2007,Golden Trowel-2014 M. Denton Stanford Lodge No. 594- Endowed Member 2013 Sweet Home Lodge No. 576- Worshipful Master 2013-2014, Endowed Member- 2014 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Credentials Committee No. 1- 1992-1998, 20002002, Chairman, 1993,1996, 2004 Credentials- 2005-2006 District Deputy Grand Master- Masonic District No. 14-B, 1989 Assistant State Coordinator- 1993-1994 State Coordinator- 1995 Grand Tiler-2000 Grand Marshal-2005 William M. Beck Award-2005 Grand Master Planning Team-2005 Grand Junior Warden-2006-2007 Grand Senior Warden-2007-2008 Deputy Grand Master- 2008-2009 Grand Master- 2009-2010 Grand Lodge Library and Museum Board of Directors-2005-2015 BUSINESS / PROFESSION Retail Sales Transportation RANDAL KERRY SMALLWOOD OAKWOOD LODGE NO. 1444 Raised April 11, 1989 PLANTERS LODGE NO. 147 Endowed Member Worshipful Master 2006-07 Secretary 2008-present Golden Trowel Award 2011 PLURAL MEMBERSHIPS Bedias Lodge No.651- Secretary- 2015-2016 Tranquility No. 2000 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS William M. Beck Award -2013 Grand Senior Deacon-2013 Grand Junior Deacon- 2011 District Deputy Grand Master- Masonic District No. 29 B -2010 State Coordinator-2013 (Walter W. Rogers) Special Assignments Committee Chairman-2013 Esoteric A Certificate 1990, 2006-present District Instructor Masonic District No. 29 B- 2009, 2011- present PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Garland County Community College, Basketball scholarship UNITED STATES AIR FORCE 1976-1980 Missile Maintenance Technician BUSINESS/ PROFESSIONAL 16 Years as an Inspector/Investigator for Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs, Manufactured Housing Division. W. MIKE SPEARS LIBERTY LODGE NO. 48 Raised June 6, 1991 Chaplain 1991-1992 Past Master 1995 Endowed Member 1995 Golden Trowel 2003 Secretary Pro Tempore - 2006 Secretary 2007 - 2015 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric A Certificate District Deputy Grand Master 1999 Communications Committee 2005 - 2012 Grand Senior Steward 2012 Masonic Graduates Advisory Committee 2012 Present District Instructor 2014 Cornerstone Coordinator 2015 PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Borger High School Texas Tech University, B.A. Certified Texas Contract Manager (CTCM) 2012-Present BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL Lamar University-Beaumont, Texas 2012-Present (Retirement pending) Director of Contract Management Lamar University-Beaumont, Texas 2001-2011 Director of Internal Services WorldGraphics Design Group-Liberty, Texas 1997-2001-Vice President Operations Production Equipment & Supply-Liberty, Texas 1992-1997-Operations Manager The Art Table-Houston, Texas 1990-1992-Corporate Account Design Manager Alphaset Typographers, Houston, Texas 1984-1990-Owner Spears & Leavell Marketing-Houston, Texas 1982-198-Partner Spears Advertising Concern-Houston, Texas 1979-1984-Owner (continued on bottom of page 10) 2015 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION • PAGE 9 Fall 2015 • Page 9 STATEMENTS OF AVAILABILITY FOR HOME & SCHOOL BRUCE W. HAMMOND TIMOTHY KENT RIVERS PANTHER CITY LODGE NO. 1183 Raised –Aug. 11, 2007 Endowed-2008 Worshipful Master- 2011-2012 GLADEWATER LODGE NO. 852 Raised July 20, 1986 PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Cooke-Peavy Lodge No.1162, Endowed Member, Worshipful Master 2010-2011 Northern Star Lodge No.377 –Endowed Member Tranquility Lodge No. 2000- Endowed Member, Texas Lodge of Research-Endowed Member Chalk Mountain Lodge No. 894-Endowed Member Sweet Home Lodge No.567- Charter Member GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS District Deputy Grand Master – District 64-B 2014 Member, Texas History Committee, Grand Lodge of Texas-2009-Present; Chairman 2014 Member, Grand Masters Resource Team, Michael L. Wiggins Fort Worth Masonic Service Bureau- President-2012-2013 PERSONAL PROFILE BUSINESS/ PROFESSINAL Employment – The Cailco Group, Fort Worth, Texas – CEO www. Contributing Author Radiology Financial Management 2nd Edition AHRA 2014 Chairman, Business and Industry Advisory Council – Texas Organization of Rural and Community Hospitals 1992-Present Chairman, Healthcare Administrators Credentialing Commission 2015-Present Vice Chairman, Radiology Administrators Certification Commission FAMILY Married – Delores for 38 years 4 Children- Stephen, Kevin, Michael and Sarah PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Holland Lodge No. 1 Worshipful Master 1994-1995, Endowed Member 2002, Life Member 1995 Salado Lodge No.296 Worshipful Master; 2001-2002 Tranquility Lodge No.2000 Worshipful Master; 20112012 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric ‘A’ Certificate; 1993-1996 District Deputy Grand Master, District 48; 2005 Grand Master’s DDGM Training Team; 2008 Assistant State Coordinator; 2009 Finance Committee; 2004-2011, Vice Chairman; 2007-2011 Grand Trustees Audit Committee; 2012-2014, Chairman; 2013-2014 PERSONAL PROFILE EDUCATION Gladewater High School, Gladewater, TX, 1969 University of Houston, BBA Accounting, 1976 BUSINESS/ PROFESSINAL Certified Public Accountant – Licensed by the State of Texas Rural Capital Area Workforce Solutions – CFO, 2014-Present Operations Mapping & Analysis LLC- Owner, 2010-2014 Cellulose Paper Company - Owner, 1996-2014 Square and Compasses Holding- Trustee-2006-Present Tranquility Foundation- Trustee-2009-Present FAMILY Married Brenda Kay Page, July 19, 1980 Daughters and Sons-in-Law: Melissa and Brennan Speakes, Amanda and Darren, Riley, Jessica and Justin Roland. Three grandchildren. STATEMENT OF AVAILABILITY FOR COMMITTEE ON WORK CHARLES ROBERT FORSYTH H.A. MCFARLAND LODGE NO. 1338 Raised – May 28, 1992 Endowed Member Worshipful Master – 1996 Secretary – 1998-Present Golden Trowel Award – 2005 PLURAL AND ENDOWED MEMBERSHIPS Goldsmith Lodge No. 1276 -Endowed MemberWorshipful Master – 2007- 2009 Secretary -2012-2014 -Golden Trowel Award – 2012 Odessa Lodge No 955-Worshipful Master 2013 GRAND LODGE OF TEXAS Esoteric “A” Certificate 1993 – present District Deputy Grand Master – Masonic District No. 82 – 2005 District Instructor – Masonic District No. 82 – 2002 – present District Instructor – Masonic District No. 81 – 2012 FAMILY Married to Anese N. Forsyth, March 15, 1986 Son, David I. Forsyth Daughter, Elizabeth L. Forsyth PAGE 1010•• Fall 20152015 GRAND ANNUAL COMMUNICATION Page W. MIKE SPEARS Statement of Availability for Grand Secretary (continued from page 9) BUSINESS/PROFESSIONAL (CONT’D) Haverty Furniture Co.-Houston, Texas 1972-1979-Assistant General Manager Advertising and Sales The Houston Post NewspaperHouston, Texas 1970-1972-Account Executive Retail Advertising COMMUNITY/CIVIC ACTIVITY City Councilman - City of Liberty 1996-1999 FAMILY Wife-Becky Children-Amanda and Joseph Grandchildren-Adam and Allison The Texas Mason Magazine In Memoriam James Floyd Brumit 1930 - 2015 A life-long resident of Dallas, Past Grand Master James Floyd Brumit was born on 3 January 1930 to Floyd and Pearl Brumit. He graduated from Sunset High School and married Dorothy Elizabeth Hill in 1950. For 29 years Brother Brumit served in the Dallas Police Department in various roles including patrolman, detective, and ending his career as a sergeant. Following his retirement from the Dallas Police Department, he began his own bookkeeping and tax service for individuals and small businesses. Brother Brumit was initiated, passed, and raised a Master Mason in Gibraltar Lodge No. 1179 during 1958. He served as Worshipful Master of Gibraltar Lodge during the 1966-67 Lodge year. He became a member of Oak Cliff Lodge No. 705 when Gibraltar Lodge consolidated with Oak Cliff Lodge. He was a plural member of several Dallas area Lodges including Sunshine Lodge No. 341 where he served as Worshipful Master during the 2003-2004 term. He was also a member and Past Master of Texas Lodge of Research. Brother Brumit served as District Deputy Grand Master for Masonic District 14-A in 1969 under Grand Master J. Guy Smith. During the years he served on several Grand Lodge Committees and in supporting roles for Grand Lodge programs. In December 2008, he was elected Grand Junior Warden of the Grand Lodge of Texas and would serve as Grand Master of Masons in Texas in 2012. Grand Master James Floyd Brumit laid down the working tools of life on Wednesday, 30 September 2015. He was laid to rest with Masonic graveside services conducted by the Grand Lodge of Texas. Brother Brumit was preceded in death by his wife Dorothy and is survived by their daughter, Vicki Quesada, and one grandson, Stuart Quesada. Jack Dempsey Wiggins 1932 – 2015 In the early hours of 14 March 2015, Brother Jack Dempsey Wiggins passed away after a brief illness and entered into that House not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. A long-time member of Liberty Lodge No. 48, my father conferred all three of my Masonic degrees and we enjoyed a special relationship. I was fortunate to appoint him as a Special Deputy during the Installation of Grand Officers this past December to represent me during my term as Grand Master. Brother Wiggins was my mentor, my Brother in Freemasonry, and my best man at my wedding, but most importantly, he was my Dad. I want to express my heartfelt appreciation for your notes, cards, calls, flowers, visits, funeral attendance, and other expressions of sympathy at the death of my father. I was deeply moved by the support shown me and my family during this period. That outpouring of support truly shows that we are a “Band of Brothers” bound by the ties of Freemasonry! The Texas Mason Magazine The Three Great Lights Author Unknown The Three Great Lights will guide our steps Through life’s uncertain way, And bring us safe at length to see The bright, eternal day. The Holy Book our fathers read With undimmed faith, today Make clear our sight that we may know Its precepts to obey. With square of virtue, try our acts And make them meet the test; There is no other cause that leads To Islands of the Blest. Between the lines that represent The longest, shortest day, Keep circumscribed by compasses That we go not astray. The Three Great Lights will guide our steps Through life’s uncertain way, And bring us safe at length to see The bright eternal day. Fall 2015 • Page 11 Message from the Grand Secretary... Thanks For The Waltz Across Texas Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve the Grand Lodge of Texas as Grand Secretary. For a boy and girl raised in the oil patches of West Texas, this tour opened a whole new world of friendships and service opportunities throughout North America and the world to Sandra and me. Upon retiring from the military, we settled in Stephenville and made a relatively easy transition into civilian life. Although I was a DeMolay and Sandra was a Rainbow, I did not join Freemasonry until I was inspired by my father-in-law, Foster Plummer, and encouraged by members of my Methodist Church Sunday school class. After developing my Masonic background, I was afforded opportunities to serve the Craft. When asked to make myself available for Grand Secretary, Sandra assented and noted that we would move to our 29th set of quarters. The move to Waco provided introductions to the then 100,000 plus Freemasons of Texas, the officers of the Masonic Grand Lodges of the Conferences in North America, and to the Grand Secretary offices throughout the world. While the job is tedious and demands 24 hours seven days a week duties, the opportunities of service to Freemasonry resulted in a warm personal pleasure of service. I am grateful to the Grand Lodge Trustees and the Board of Directors of the Masonic Grand Lodge Library and Museum with whom I served. I cherish their friendships and am in awe of their abilities and backgrounds. As an octogenarian, I am prepared for the next phase of retirement. We expect an easy transition and do not expect a change of quarters for the next several years. I will welcome my successor and offer advice, if asked. The legacy of the Grand Secretary title is to continue serving the Craft upon request, if in the length of his cable tow. Within his inner-being, he is constantly reminded that his service is for the Craft, the Craft, and the Craft. Sincerely and Fraternally, Tom Guest Grand Secretary You Can Help the Library and Museum by searching the internet! Let’s resolve this year to get free money for the Masons of Texas using “”, a search engine powered by Yahoo. The pennies you earn searching and the percentages (up to 3% of order) you earn shopping online using GoodSearch are combined and at year’s end the free money is sent to The Library and Museum. Read more information at to sign up to support the Masonic Grand Lodge Library and Museum of Texas. If only 20,000 Masons would do ten searches per week for 52 weeks this year, we would get over $100,000 in free money. Please Help! Page 12 • Fall 2015 The Texas Mason Magazine 2015 MASONIC MERCHANDISE 521MW 521MW-C 532MW Name: _______________________________________________________ 2013 MASONIC MERCHANDISE Address: _____________________________________________________ 521WR 521WR-C 526WR City/State: __________________________________ Zip: ______________ Name: _______________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________ 532MWEXP Phone:_______________________________________________________ City/State: __________________________________ Zip: ______________ Title: ___________________________________ District: ______________ Title: ___________________________________ District: ______________ 532WR 521WM-PM 531WR 2013 MASONIC MERCHANDISE 535MW 522WR 521WR 521WR-C 532WREXP ITEM NO. DEscrIpTION DESCRIPTION cOsT QTY ITEM NO. TOTAL COST* TOTAL Name: _______________________________________________________ 522MW Lapel Pin – w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 5.00 521MW Lapel Pin521WR $5.00 Address: _____________________________________________________ 521WR-C Charm – w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 5.00 521MW-C Charm $5.00 532WR Button Hook City/State: Tie Chain – with Charm $ 10.00 520MW __________________________________ Zip: ______________ 532MW Tie Chain532WREXP - Button HookExpandable W/Charm Tie Chain – with 545WR 531WR Charm $10.00 $ 25.00 540MW522 521WR-C Title: ___________________________________ District: ______________ 532MWEXP Expandable Tie Chain - SIM/LTHR W/Charm Embossed $30.00 521WR 531WR Writing Folder w/Handles $ 30.00527MW STRP 535MW Pocket Key Fob $40.00 526WR KNF-SM 4 Function Pocket $ 8.00 QTY KnifeITEM NO. DESCRIPTION COST* TOTAL KNF-SM KNF-BX Commerative Knife, Boxed & Numbered $ 40.00 520MW Bronze Coin $5.00 521WR Lapel Pin – w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 5.00 _______________________________________________________ 520WR Name: Bronze Coin $ 5.00 524MW Enamel Coin $10.00 524MW 521WR-C Charm – w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 5.00 524WR Address: Enamel_____________________________________________________ Coin 532WR Button HookOUT Tie Chain$– 10.00 with Charm $ 10.00 525MW Silver Coin $80.00 SOLD 525WR Silver Coin $ 75.00 532WREXP $540WR-NV 25.00 KNF-BX 526MW Large Buckle Enamel W/Grand __________________________________ Masters Logo $30.00 Tie Chain – with Charm • Expandable Zip: ______________ 540WR-NVZ 526WR City/State: Large Buckle – Enamel w/ Grand Master’s LogoEmbossed $Writing 30.00Folder 531WR 531WR SIM/LTHR w/Handles $ 30.00 522MW Small Buckle Enamel W/Grand Masters Logo $25.00 540WR-R 522WR 522WR Title:Small Buckle – Enamel w/Grand Master’s Logo Pocket Knife $ 25.00 ___________________________________ District: ______________ KNF-SM 4 Function $ 8.00 Commemorative Knife, Bolo Boxed &– Numbered 540WR-RZ 527WR Tie w/ Grand Master’s Logo $ 15.00 MW EC-KNF $50.00 540MW KNF-SM KNF-BX Commerative Knife, Boxed & Numbered $ 40.00 W/ Enamel Coin QTY3” CarITEM NO. – w/Grand Master’s LogoDESCRIPTION $ 15.00 COST* TOTAL 528WR 530WR Emblem 525MW 520WR Bronze Coin $ 5.00 521WR Lapel Pin – w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 1.00 $ 5.00 Commemorative Boxed & Numbered 530MW 528WR Knife, Logo Decals $140.00 MW SC-KNF 524WR • Enamel Coin $ 10.00 W/ Silver 529WR Coin Charm – w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 5.00 Tail 521WR-C Light Decals (pair) – Member S&C $ 5.00 525WR Silver Coin $ 75.00 540WR-NV Button Hook Tie Chain – with Charm $ 5.00 $ 10.00 527MW Bolo Tie -529WRPM W/Grand Masters LogoDecals (pair) $15.00 UT Tail 532WR Light – Past Master D O540WR-NVZ 526WR Large Buckle – Enamel w/ Grand Master’s Logo $ 30.00 L 545WR O S 532WREXP Expandable Tie Chain – with Charm $ 25.00 530MW 3” Car Emblem W/Grand8”Masters Logo – S&C $15.00 529WR-8 Window Decal $ 10.00 540WR-R 522WR Small Buckle – Enamel w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 25.00 520WR 524WR 531WR SIM/LTHR Embossed Writing Folder w/Handles $ 30.00 MW EC-KNF 528WR Bumper Sticker – Wear Apron $ 2.00 540WR-RZ 528MW Logo Decals $1.00 527WR Bolo Tie – w/ Grand Master’s Logo $ 15.00 KNF-SM 4 Function Pocket Knife $ 8.00 Bumper Sticker – Binding Contract 3” $5.00 $ 2.00 528W 529MW Tail Light 528WRC Decals (Pair) S&C 530WR Car Emblem – w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 15.00 529WRKNF-SM 529WRPM 529WR-8 KNF-BX Commerative Knife, Boxed & Numbered$ 1.00 $ 40.00 528MW Bumper Sticker – Binding Contract 3”Logo RND 528WR Decals $ 1.00 529MW-PM Tail Light 528WRC3 Decals (Pair) PM $5.00 520WR(Set) w/Grand BronzeMaster’s Coin Logo $ 5.00 545WR Dominoes 527W 529WR Tail Light Decals (pair)$– 30.00 Member S&C $ 5.00 529MW-8 8” Window Decal S&C $10.00 524WR Enamel Coin $ 10.00 536WR-MSH Cap – Black - Mesh Back $– 15.00 529WRPM Tail Light Decals (pair) Past Master $ 5.00 536MW-MSH Cap - Khaki/Hunter - Mesh Back S&C Silver Coin $15.00 $ 75.00 540WR-NV 536WR Cap525WR – Black $ 15.00 529WR-8 8” Window Decal – S&C $ 10.00 540WR-NVZ 536MWPM-M Cap - Khaki/Hunter - Mesh Back Past Master $15.00 526WR Large Buckle – Enamel w/ Grand Master’s Logo WRISTBAND $ 30.00 • Shirt – Black/4 Button 528WR Bumper Sticker – Wear $ 2.00 533WRBLKS&C 522WR $ Apron 30.00 540WR-R Master’s Logo $ 25.00 536MW Cap- Khaki/Hunter $15.00 Specify: : M Small : L Buckle :•XL– Enamel : XXLw/Grand : XXXL 529MW-8 528WRC Bumper Sticker – Binding Contract $ 2.00 540WR-RZ 529WR 527WR Bolo Tie – w/ Grand Master’s Logo $ 15.00 529WRPM 536MW-PM Cap- Khaki/Hunter PastShirt Master $15.00Sticker – Binding Contract 3” RND – Lt. Blue/4 Button 528WRC3 Bumper $ 1.00 533WRBLU $ 30.00 528WR 530WR : M 3”:Car Emblem –: w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 15.00 Specify: L : XL XXL : XXXL Shirt - Hunter 4 Button Polo 545WR Dominoes $ 30.00 533MW-HUN $35.00 (Set) w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 1.00 Logo Decals □M540WR-NV □L □XLTie □ □3XL 533WRBLK 2XLw/Grand –528WR Navy Master’s Logo Cap – Black - Mesh Back $ 30.00 536WR-MSH $ 15.00 Light Decals (pair) – Member S&C $ 35.00 $ 5.00 540WR-NVZ Tie –529WR Navy w/GrandTail Master’s Logo Zipper Shirt - White Dress 536WR Cap – Black $ 15.00 533MW-W $35.00 Decals (pair) – Past Master $ 30.00 $ 5.00 □S540WR-R □M □LTie□ □2XL Tail □Light XL 3XLLogo –529WRPM Red w/Grand Master’s 528WRC3 Shirt – Black/4 Button Window Decal – S&C $ 10.00 533WRBLK $ 30.00 Tie –529WR-8 Red w/Grand 8” Master’s Logo Zipper $ L35.00 540MW-STRP Tie Stripe540WR-RZ W/Grand Masters Logo $35.00 520WR Specify: : M : : XL : XXL : XXXL 528WR Bumper Sticker – Wear Apron $ 2.00 LT-HS Ladies Lighthouse Pin/Pendent $ 10.00 529MW-PM 533MW-W 540MW Tie S&C W/Grand Masters Logo $35.00 Shirt – Lt. Blue/4 Button 533MW-HUN 528WRC Bumper – Binding Contract $ 2.00 533WRBLU LT-HS-C Necklace Chain GoldSticker or Nickle Tone $ L5.00: XL : XXL 529WR Specify: : M : : XXXL $ 30.00 529WRPM 529W Ladies Fleur-De-Lis PinLadies 528WRC3 Bumper Sticker – Binding Contract 3” RND $ 1.00 533WRBLU FLEUR-DE $15.00 T-HS FAN Collapsible Fan w/Lighthouse Logo $ 5.00 □Red □Navy □Green □Turquoise □Pink Tie – Navy w/Grand Master’s Logo 533WRBLK 540WR-NV $ 30.00 545WR (Set) w/Grand Master’s Logo$ 20.00 $ 30.00 536WR BAG Ladies Black w/Red,Dominoes Pink or Royal 540WR-NVZ Tie – Navy w/Grand Master’s Logo Zipper $ 35.00 FLEUR-DE-5 Ladies Fleur-De-Lis 5 Pin Set (One of each $65.00 536WR-MSH Capcolor.) – Black - Mesh Back $ 15.00 536 S/H under $50.00 $5.00 540WR-R• Tie – Red w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 30.00 CHAIN Ladies Matching 20” Necklace Chain Cap $25.00 536WR – Black $ 15.00 528W $10.00 S/H over $50.00 540WR-RZ Tie$5.00 – Red w/Grand Master’s Logo Zipper $ 35.00 RED BOOK Ladies Red Book • Button Shirt – Black/4 533WRBLK LT-HS $ 10.00 TOTAL Tax Included) Specify:(*Sales : MLadies : LLighthouse : XL Pin/Pendent : XXL : XXXL $ 30.00 Wristband “My _____ Is A Mason” WRISTBAND $2.00 LT-HS-C Ladies Necklace Chain Gold or Nickle Tone $ 5.00 528WRC □Dad □Grandpa 529MW 536MW-PM 536MW-MSH Shirt – Lt. Blue/4 Button 528WR 533WRBLU 533WRBLU $ 30.00 T-HS FAN : MCollapsible FanXLw/Lighthouse Logo $ 5.00 530WR Specify: : L : : XXL : XXXL 521WM-PM Pm Pin $5.00 : Check Enclosed (Make Checks payable Lodge Texas) BAG to Grand Ladies Blackofw/Red, Pink or Royal $ 20.00 533WRBLK 540WR-NV Tie – Navy w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 30.00 consignment (signature required) sales Tax Included S/H under $50.00 $5.00 : Visa Card Number540WR-NVZ __________________________________________ – Navy w/Grand Master’s $ 35.00 S/H Tie under $50.00 $5.00Logo Zipper FLEUR-DE-5 $10.00 S/H over $50.00 T-HS FAN 540WR-R S/HTieover – Red w/Grand Master’s Logo $ 30.00 of years, Over a number • Not Shown : MC Exp. Date _____________________________________________ $50.00 $10.00 528WRC3 it has become a tradition 540WR-RZ Tie – Red w/Grand Master’s Logo Zipper $ 35.00 TOTAL (*Sales Tax Included) TOTAL for the wife of the Grand 528WRC _______________________________________________ LT-HSof Texas) Ladies Lighthouse Pin/Pendent $ 10.00 □ Check Enclosed (Make PayableName: to Grand Lodge B LT-HS-C Ladies Necklace Chain Gold or Nickle Tone Master to $choose 5.00 a charity 530WR Address: ______________________________ Aptpayable # __________ : Check Enclosed (Make Checks to Grand Lodge of Texas) or project to support through the sale of a pin for ladies. This year 533WRBLU T-HS FAN Collapsible Fan w/Lighthouse Logo $ 5.00 CARD #___________________________________________ □ Visa Ardith’s Tanya has chosenMiss to focus attentionLighthouse on the Masonic Library and 536WR BAG BlackNumber w/Red, Pink or Royal Zip:___________ $ 20.00The Lighthouse Shines It’s Rays Out Direct City/State:_______________________________ : VisaLadiesCard __________________________________________ Museum of Texas, specifically the need for funding of the restoration □ MasterCard Exp:__________/______________ Guiding The Ships With Pride And Respect S/H under $50.00 $5.00 and endowment of the building Care for the It has Phone: _______________________________________________ : MC Exp. Date _____________________________________________ Communicating Andfuture. Direction To Allbeen said great $10.00 S/H over $50.00 provide □ Discover buildings legitimacy to Like ideas a journalist recently wrote, Signature:_________________________________________ And Just Theand Lighthouse Signature _____________________________________________ “it’s worth a visit to Texas the Grand Lodge try toAnd getTall an idea of what the Name: _______________________________________________ Masons StandtoProud TOTAL (*Sales Tax Included) Texas Masons are about.” The Masonic Library and528WRC Museum should Please reProduce this order form and retain original. Apt __________ All proceeds theheritage sale of the pins will go to the future a vibrant building with#afrom proud contributing 528WR Mail this ENTIRE PAGE to:page Grand of Texas,______________________________ P.O. Box 446, Waco, TX be 76703 Mail this entire to:Lodge Address: 530WR the Grand Lodge restoration Ardith’s :Secretary, Check Enclosed Checks payable to Grand LodgeofoftheTexas) state just toward as the the Texas Masonsofare a vibrantMiss fraternity with a Lighth Grand Lodge Of Texas, Grand PO Box (Make 446, Waco, Tx 76703 City/State: _______________________________ Zip:___________ Memorial Temple The Lighthouse Shines It’s Rays proud heritage contributing to the future of mankind. Please reproduce this order form and retain the original for your records. Guiding The Ships With Pride An : Visa Card Number Phone: __________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Miss Ardith Rogers Communicating Care And Direc FAN Questions? Call 254-753-7395 First Lady 2013 And Just Like T-HS The Lightho : MC Exp. Date _____________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________ Texas Masons Stand Proud A QTY 2013 MASONIC MERCHANDISE Tanya’s project The Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F. & A.M. P.O. Box 446 Waco, Texas 76703 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID WACO, TX PERMIT NO. 903 Right Worshipful Wendell P. Miller Deputy Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas Invites you and your Lady to join him and Lady Billie at the Grand Master’s Homecoming Banquet to be held on January 16, 2016 at 6:30 PM in the Grand Ballroom of Hella Shrine RSVP Required by January 8, 2016 Respond and make payment to: Hella Shrine 2121 Rowlett Road Garland, TX 75043 Phone: 972-240-6624 Price: $40.00 Per Person Tables of 8 $320.00 Texas Tux and After 5 Attire requested No tickets will be available at the door. Admission includes: Meal and Beverages of your choice Dance to music provided by Jolie Holliday