Curriculum Vitae - Economic Research Forum (ERF)


Curriculum Vitae - Economic Research Forum (ERF)
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Samir Baha-Eddine MALIKI
Faculty of Economics & Management
University of Tlemcen
BP 226, Tlemcen, 13000, Algeria
born in July, 1 , 1972
Citizenship: Algerian /
Tel & Fax : + 213 (0) 43 212166 / Mobil: +213 (0)5
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------March 2010
Ph.D. Economics, University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines, France
June 2008
Ph.D. Economics, University of Tlemcen, Algeria
September 2002
Master (Magister) Production Management, University of Tlemcen
June 1997
BSC (Licence) Management, University of Tlemcen .
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2015–present Full Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management,
University of Tlemcen
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management
University of Tlemcen.
Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Management,
University of Tlemcen.
Temporary Teaching Assistant, Faculty of Economics and Management
University of Tlemcen.
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Teaching Experience
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. Undergraduate.
(Economic Statistical Analysis, Data Analysis, Management of Innovation)
2. Master’s level
(Quantitative Techniques, Economic Analysis, Innovation, Macroeconomics, Economic Development
and Data Analysis)
Fields of Interest
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Applied Economics
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Poverty and inequality Measurement
Economic Development in MENA region
Awards and Study Tours
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------March 2006 – June 2007 Study Tour at I.R.D (Research Institute for Development),Paris.
Candidate for training Workshop “Writing Winning Research Proposals and
August 3-5 2008
Papers” organized by ERF (Economic Research Forum), Cairo.
June 20 – 23 2010
Candidate for training Workshop “Measurements of Inequality of
Opportunity and Inequality of Outcomes”, organized by ERF (Economic Research Forum), Cairo.
Selected Publications
Hemche O., Jawadi F., Maliki S.B.,Idi Cheffou A., On the study of contagion in the context
of the subprime crisis: A dynamic conditional correlation–multivariate GARCH approach,
Economic Modelling, Vol 52, Part A, 2016, pp. 292–299,
Kamel Si Mohammed, Noreddine Chérif Touil & Samir Maliki, An empirical test of
purchasing power parity of the Algerian exchange rate: evidence from panel dynamic, EPRA
International Journal of Economic and Business Review, Vol. 3, Issue 11, November
Reguig M. K., Maliki S.B., Decision Making Factors for purchasing a new Car in Algeria: a
Descriptive Analysis, International Journal for Innovation Education and Research, Vol.2,
N°.11, 2014,
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Maliki S.B. , Benhabib A. and Bouteldja A, Poverty and Education in Algeria: the Impact of
Non-School Factors using a Multinomial Econometric Approach, International Journal for
Innovation Education and Research, Vol.2, N°.01, 2014,
Bouteldja A, Benameur A , Maliki S. B., The Black Market Exchange Rate and Demand for
Money in Algeria, International Journal of Arts and Commerce, Vol. 2 N°. 10, November
2013, pp. 71-82,
Smahi A., Maliki S.B., Arif S.E., Microfinance et Pauvreté Subjective en Algérie: Essai
d’analyse, La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, n° 255-256, 2012/3-4, 2012,
Maliki S.B., Smahi A. and Metaiche A, National Innovation Systems: An International
Comparaison”, Revue Européenne du Droit Social, N° 1(6), 2010, pp. 91-108, Edition
Bibliotheca, Roumanie,
Maliki S.B. , Benhabib A. and Charmes J, Households poverty and water
linkages:Evidence from Algeria, Topics in Middle Eastern and North African Economies,
electronic journal, Volume 11, Middle East Economic Association and Loyola
University Chicago, September, 2009,
Maliki S.B. and Benhabib A., Measuring Water- Poverty Relationship in Algeria using ROC
Curves», Economic Research Forum Working Paper Series WP 0423, August 2008.
Benhabib A., Ziani, T., Bettahar S., Maliki S.B., The Analysis of Poverty Dynamics in
Algeria: A Multidimensional Approach, Topics in Middle Eastern and North African
Economies, electronic journal, Volume 9, Middle East Economic Association and
Loyola University Chicago, September 2007.
Benhabib A., Ziani, T., Maliki S.B., « Poverty Evaluation in Algeria: A Logit-Probit Model
Applied to a Multidimensional Field Survey in the Region of Tlemcen. » Chapter13, in
“Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean: Trends, Policies and Welfare
Prospects in the New Millennium”, Edited by Maria Petmesidou and Christos
Papatheodorou, ZED BOOKS, London, England, March 2006.
Last communications
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------· “Innovation indices in Enterprises: Evidence from Tlemcen region”, 36th Annual Meeting
of MEEA, Post ASSA Conference January 6th, 2016, San Francisco, USA.
“Game theory as a decision making tool in the economic research”, The International
Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP), 13-15
December 2015, Tlemcen, Algeria,
“Entrepreneurship Facilities and Unemployment in Algeria: a case study from Tlemcen
region, 13th International conference of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA) –
“Managing the MENA transitional economies of (MEEA), 31st May – 1st June, 2014, EPSECG
Tlemcen, Algeria.,
Dr. Maliki S.B
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“The Relationship between Oil price and exchange rate in oil-exporting countries, 34th
Annual Meeting of the Middle East Economic Association (MEEA), January 3-6, 2014,
Philadelphia, U.S.A. http ://
“Management of Water Policy Resources in Algeria by Concession to Foreign Firms:
Gap between Financial and Economic Variability », MEEA Post ASSA Conference
January 7th, 2013, San Diego, USA.
« Monetary and Non-Monetary Deprivation in Algeria: A Discriminant Method by the
ROC Curve », IARIW-SSA Conference on Measuring National Income, Wealth, Poverty, and
Inequality in African Countries September 28-October 1, 2011, Cape Town, South Africa, in
"The Optimal Currency Area and the GCC (Gulf Coast Counties): Is There Feasibility? »,
MEEA 10th Annual International Meeting Barcelona, June 23-24, 2011, Spain
« L’eau dans la ville de Tlemcen : gestion et usage », Colloque International, « L’eau
dans la ville, du Maghreb au Moyen-Orient : accès, gestion et usages », Université Paris 7 /
Univ Tlemcen, 7 & 8 octobre 2010, Paris, France, in
“Quantification of the Relationship Poverty-Education in Algeria: A Multinomial
Econometric Approach », the 29 Annual Meetings of the Allied Social Science Associations
4 January 2010,
Marquis Hotel,
« Performance de la politique de l’Education Primaire pour Tous en Algérie, Etude
exploratoire à travers la relation Pauvreté-Education dans la wilaya de Tlemcen », with
A.Benhabib & M. Chenini, International Colloquium « Regards croisés sur les objectifs du
millénaire pour le développement : pauvreté,éducation,santé,ressources naturelles et
développement durable », 11 et 12 Octobre 2009, University of Tlemcen, Algeria & AUF
(Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie
“Poverty Measurement by Water for Algeria: A Multi-items Approach”, Workshop on
“Multidimensional Poverty and “Pro-poor”Growth in the MENA Countries” CEMAFI, Université
de Nice Sophia Antipolis Nice, 11–12 June 2009.
“Targeting Poor Algerian Households on the Basis of Water Characteristics”, 29th
Annual Conference of the MEEA, in San Francisco, CA , 3 January, 2009.
“ Measuring Water- Poverty Relationship in Algeria using ROC Curves », ERF 14th
Annual Conference,”Institutions and Economics Development “, 28 – 30 December 2007
Cairo, Egypt.
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Students supervision
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Completed Ph.D.
‫ﻣﻦ اﻻﻗﺘﺼﺎد اﻟﻤﺤﻤﻲ إﻟﻰ اﻗﺘﺼﺎد اﻟﺴﻮق‬: ‫( اﻟﻤﺆﺳﺴﺎت اﻟﺼﻐﯿﺮة و اﻟﻤﺘﻮﺳﻄﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺠﺰاﺋﺮ‬2014) ‫ﻋﺒﺪ اﻟﻼوي ﻣﺤﻤﺪ إﺑﺮاھﯿﻢ‬
Affiliation: University of Saida, Algeria
Hemche Omar(2014), Crises Financières : Effet de Contagion sur les Pays développés et les Pays
Affiliation: University of Oran2, Algeria
Bouziani-Boubou Naima (2015), Eau, environnement et énergies renouvelables:vers une gestion
intégrée de l’eau en Algérie
Affiliation: National Polytech School of Oran , Algeria
Reguig Mohamed Khalifa (2015), L’impact des attributs du pays d’origine sur la décision d’achat des
consommateurs algériens : Cas d’achat d’un véhicule touristique neuf
Affiliation: University of Ain-Temouchent, Algeria
Completed Master Degree
More than 30 Master’s dissertations
Other Professional activities
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scientific Activities
President of Organizing Committee of International conference “The International Conference on
Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming (MOPGP)” ,Tlemcen University, 13-15
December 2015.
-- Member of Scientific Committee of the 13th International Conference of the MEEA, “Managing the
MENA transitional economies”, 31st May- 1st June 2014, Tlemcen, Algeria
- President of Scientific Committee of National Workshop «Financement des PME par les Banques
Publiques et Etrangères en Algérie : Evaluation et Perspectives » ” organized by Tlemcen University,
October ,8-9,2013
- President of Scientific Committee of Workshop « Creation and Development of SME’s” organized by
Tlemcen Preparatory School of Economics L’EPSECGTlemcen, January,28,2012
-- Vice-president of organizing committee and coordinator of the colloquium “ Rural Entrepreneuriat,
and Territorial Development” organizing by MECAS Laboratory, University of Tlemcen, 3 & 4
December 2008
Dr. Maliki S.B
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-- Member of the organizing Committee of the Conference « Le management des savoirs et
développement des compétences » Faculty of Economics & Management, University of Tlemcen, 1516 December 2002.
-- Member of the organizing Committee of the Symposium « Poverty & Cooperation », Faculty of
Economics & Management , University of Tlemcen, 23-25 October 2001.
-- Head of the Edition of the Review “Les Cahiers du MECAS”, edited by MECAS Laboratory,
University of Tlemcen, ISSN 1112-5969
-Head of Research Team “Ingénierie économique, Environnement et Management des Entreprises” of
MECAS Laboratory at University of Tlemcen, Algeria.
-Since 2010, Director of Master Program “Ingénierie économique et Développement des Entreprises à
l’International”, University of Tlemcen
- Since 2015, Director of Doctorate Program 3E “Economic Engineering & Enterprises”, University of
- Since January 2015, Member of Scientific Council at Tlemcen University
- Since September 2014, Head of Scientific council of Business department at faculty of economics
and Management, Tlemcen University
-- Research Fellows at ERF (Economic Research Forum), Cairo, since January 2009
Administrative Activities
-- Vice-Director of the department of Business sciences, University of Tlemcen, between 01 February
2004 and 31 March 2005.
-- Acted as an adviser/consultant to the new Program of Rural Development at the Algerian Ministry of
Agricultural and Rural Development / CENEAP, Algiers, January-June 2008.
-- Vice-Director of Tlemcen Preparatory School of Economics ,Business and Management between
September 2010 and June 2015
Les Cahiers du CREAD, Algeria
Les Cahiers du MECAS, Algeria
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
Yougoslav Journal of Operations Research
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Research Grants
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Member of several research projects :
1- Accord Programme interuniversitaire du comité mixte franco algérien CNRS / DRS n° 10489 (2002
& 2003), SEDET Laboratory,Paris7 University and Tlemcen University « Pauvreté & Coopération ».
2- Accord Programme interuniversitaire du comité mixte franco algérien CNRS / DRS n° 15969
(2004), SEDET Laboratory,Paris7 University and Tlemcen University « L’eau dans la wilaya de
Tlemcen : ressources, gestion, usages».
3- Projet de Recherche CNEPRU, n° 1301/20/2005, sur « Aide de la décision multicritère, Application
à la gestion des ressources hydriques de la ville de Tlemcen » (2005-2008), Algerian Ministry of High
Education and Scientific Research
4- Projet de Recherche, ANDRU (Agence Nationale pour le Développement de la Recherche
Universitaire) PNR3 : OU39902, sur « La pauvreté en Algérie »,(2002 -2003), Algerian Ministry of High
Education and Scientific Research
5- Project Head CNEPRU, n° M02020090036, « Pauvreté, Eau et dimension Genre en Algérie : cas
de la wilaya de Tlemcen » (2010-2013), Algerian Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research
6- Project Head PNR Economie «Financement des entreprises algériennes par les banques
françaises » (2011-2013), DGRSDT , Algerian Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research
7- Project Head CNEPRU, n° M02020120093, « Initiating and Enhancing Innovation within Algerian
Firms » (2013-2015), Algerian Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research
Expert at CENEAP (Algerian National Center for Studies and Population Analysis) on
“Evaluation of the Rural Development Policy at Sidi Belabes Department”, 2008.
Expert at EIM Business & Policy Research, « 2012 Survey on Sustainable Enterprise
Development, case of Algeria » 2011.
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