1/1 - State Bar
1/1 - State Bar
January 1, 2014 • Volume 53, No. 1 Inside This Issue Table of Contents......................................................3 Prosecutorial Excellence............................................5 Thank You, Wills for Heroes Volunteers ..............6 U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico: Judicial Appointment .........................................7 Reappointment of Incumbent Judge................7 Board of Bar Commissioners: Meeting Summary...............................................8 Clerk’s Certificates................................................. 15 From the New Mexico Court of Appeals 2013-NMCA-104, No. 31,178: Puri v. Khalsa .................................................... 19 Flower Shadow by Anne Boysen (see page 3) Jack Arnold Fine Art, Rio Rancho Member Benefits Resource Guide Bench & Bar Directory Bar Bulletin New Mexico Lawyer Fee Arbitration Program Digital Print Center Attorney Resource Helpline ENews Ethics Assistance Bridge the Gap Mentorship Program Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program State Bar Center Meeting Space Center for Legal Education Visit www.nmbar.org for the most current member benefits and resources. 2 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 Table of Contents Notices .................................................................................................................................................................4 Prosecutorial Excellence....................................................................................................................................5 Thank You, Wills for Heroes Volunteers......................................................................................................6 Legal Education Calendar........................................................................................................................... 10 Writs of Certiorari .......................................................................................................................................... 12 List of Court of Appeals’ Opinions............................................................................................................ 14 Officers, Board of Bar Commissioners Erika Anderson, President Martha Chicoski, President-Elect J. Brent Moore, Vice President Scotty A. Holloman, Secretary-Treasurer Andrew J. Cloutier, Immediate Past President Board of Editors Jennifer C. Esquibel, Chair Ian Bezpalko Kristin J. Dalton Jocelyn C. Drennan Marcella Garvey George C. Kraehe Maureen S. Moore Tiffany L. Sanchez Mark Standridge Joseph Patrick Turk State Bar Staff Executive Director Joe Conte Managing Editor D.D. Wolohan 505-797-6039 • dwolohan@nmbar.org Communications Coordinator Evann Kleinschmidt 505-797-6087 • notices@nmbar.org Graphic Designer Julie Schwartz jschwartz@nmbar.org Account Executive Marcia C. Ulibarri 505-797-6058 • mulibarri@nmbar.org Digital Print Center Manager Brian Sanchez Assistant Michael Rizzo ©2014, State Bar of New Mexico. No part of this publication may be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without the publisher’s written permission. The Bar Bulletin has the authority to edit letters and materials submitted for publication. Publishing and editorial decisions are based on the quality of writing, the timeliness of the article, and the potential interest to readers. Appearance of an article, editorial, feature, column, advertisement or photograph in the Bar Bulletin does not constitute an endorsement by the Bar Bulletin or the State Bar of New Mexico. The views expressed are those of the authors, who are solely responsible for the accuracy of their citations and quotations. State Bar members receive the Bar Bulletin as part of their annual dues. The Bar Bulletin is available at the subscription rate of $125 per year and is available online at www.nmbar.org. The Bar Bulletin (ISSN 1062-6611) is published weekly by the State Bar of New Mexico, 5121 Masthead NE, Albuquerque, NM 87109-4367. Periodicals postage paid at Albuquerque, NM. Postmaster: Send address changes to Bar Bulletin, PO Box 92860, Albuquerque, NM 87199-2860. 505-797-6000 • 800-876-6227 • Fax: 505-828-3765 E-mail: address@nmbar.org. • www.nmbar.org January 1, 2014, Vol. 53, No. 1 Clerk’s Certificates.......................................................................................................................................... 15 Recent Rule-Making Activity...................................................................................................................... 16 Opinions From the New Mexico Court of Appeals 2013-NMCA-104, No. 31,178: Puri v. Khalsa................................................................................ 19 Advertising....................................................................................................................................................... 23 Meetings State Bar Workshops January January 8 Employment and Labor Law Section BOD Noon, State Bar Center 8 Divorce Options Workshop 6–8 p.m., State Bar Center 9 Elder Law Section BOD Noon, State Bar Center 21 Lawyer Referral for the Elderly Workshop 9:30–10:45 a.m., Presentation 12:30–3 p.m., Clinics Mary Esther Gonzales Senior Center, Santa Fe 9 Public Law Section BOD Noon, Montgomery and Andrews, Santa Fe 10 Prosecutors Section BOD Noon, State Bar Center 22 Consumer Debt/Bankruptcy Workshop 6 p.m., State Bar Center 11 Young Lawyers Division BOD 10 a.m., State Bar Center February 17 Family Law Section BOD 9 a.m., via teleconference 5 Divorce Options Workshop 6–8 p.m., State Bar Center 5 Foreclosure Legal Fair 10 a.m.–1 p.m. Second Judicial District Court 26 Consumer Debt/Bankruptcy Workshop 6 p.m., State Bar Center Cover Artist: Anne Boysen’s love of nature is evident in her art, which comprises oil and acrylic on canvas works. Boysen creates landscapes, florals and abstracts based on her strong feelings for natural beauty. Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 3 Notices Court News N.M. Supreme Court Pro Hac Vice Practice in New Mexico Courts Rules 24-106, 16-505, 1-089, 2-107, and 5-108 NMRA Effective Dec. 31, 2013, the Supreme Court has approved amendments to the pro hac vice rule that (1) expand the application of the pro hac vice rule to transactional matters; (2) limit the number of times a person may register to appear pro hac vice to five times in any calendar year; (3) revise the information that must be included in pro hac vice registration certificate; (4) explain the procedure that must be followed by a pro hac vice applicant who has been disciplined in another jurisdiction; and (5) raise the fees that must be paid with each registration certificate. New Mexico Commission on Access to Justice Commission goals include expanding resources for civil legal assistance to New Mexicans living in poverty, increasing Professionalism Tip With respect to opposing parties and their counsel: I will not make improper statements of fact or of law. public awareness through communication and message development, encouraging more pro bono work by attorneys, and improving training and technology. The next meeting of the Commission is Friday, Jan. 3, at the State Bar Center, from noon until approximately 4 p.m. Interested parties from the private bar and the public are welcome to attend. Further information about the Commission is available on the State Bar’s website, www.nmbar.org. Second Judicial District Court Announcement of Vacancy A vacancy will exist in the Second Judicial District Court in Albuquerque upon the retirement of The Hon. Reed S. Shepphard, effective Feb. 1. The vacancy will be in the Children’s Court division. Further inquiries regarding the details or assignment of this judicial vacancy should be directed to the Chief Judge or the Administrator of the court. The Dean of the UNM School of Law, designated by the New Mexico Constitution to Chair the Nominating Committee, solicits applications for this position from lawyers who meet the statutory qualifications in Article VI, Section 14 of the New Mexico Constitution. Applications, as well as information related to qualifications for the position, may be obtained from the Judicial Selection website: http:// lawschool.unm.edu/judsel/application. php, or emailed to you by calling Raylene Weis at 505-277-4700. The deadline for applications has been set for Jan. 23, at 5 p.m. Applications received after that date will not be considered. Applicants seeking information regarding election or retention if appointed should contact Notices continued on page 7 Judicial Records Retention and Disposition Schedules Pursuant to the Judicial Records Retention and Disposition Schedules, exhibits (see specifics for each court below) filed with the courts for the years and courts shown below, including but not limited to cases that have been consolidated, are to be destroyed. Cases on appeal are excluded. Counsel for parties are advised that exhibits (see specifics for each court below) can be retrieved by the dates shown below. Attorneys who have cases with exhibits may verify exhibit information with the Special Services Division at the numbers shown below. Plaintiff(s) exhibits will be released to counsel of record for the plaintiff(s), and defendant(s) exhibits will be released to counsel of record for defendant(s) by Order of the Court. All exhibits will be released in their entirety. Exhibits not claimed by the allotted time will be considered abandoned and will be destroyed by Order of the Court. Court Exhibits/Tapes For Years May Be Retrieved Through 5th Judicial District Court Domestic Relations 1994–2007 Jan. 6, 2014 Eddy County DM-1994-35 through DM-2007-68 575-885-4740 Criminal Cases Feb. 9, 2014 CR-1979-28, CR-1989-85, CR-1989-178, CR-1990-190, CR-1991-57, CR-1991-119, CR-1991-157, CR-1991-173, CR-1991-199, CR-1992-201, CR-1992-267, CR-1993-19, CR-1993-131, CR-1993-208, CR-1993-253, CR-1993-271, CR-1994-13, CR-1994-239, CR-1996-244, CR-1997-161, CR-1999-232, CR-1999-234, CR-1999-273, CR-2000-10, CR-2000-122, CR-2000-293, CR-2002-64, CR-2003-177, CR-2004-235, CR-2004-336, CR-2004-401, CR-2005-57, CR-2005-73, CR-2005-122, CR-2005-122, CR-2005-179, CR-2006-300, CR-2007-40, CR-2007-350, CR-2007-350, CR-2008-148, CR-2008-154, CR-2008-158, CR-2008-172, CR-2009-4, CR-2009-92, CR-2009-210, CR-2009-304, CR-2010-105, CR-2010-278, CR-2011-48. 4 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 The Prosecutors Section of the State Bar recognized excellence in its ranks through its annual awards, given in November 2013. Congratulations to all! Awardees from left are Amy Orlando, Violent Crimes Prosecutor; Lisa Trabaudo, Homer Campbell Award for Child Abuse Prosecutor; Marco Serna, Domestic Violence Prosecutor; Julie Gallardo, DWI Prosecutor; Brian Stover, Drug Crimes Prosecutor. Not pictured are awardees Troy Oliver, Children’s Court Prosecutor; and Scot Key, Violent Crimes Prosecutor. Members of the Prosecutors Section Board, top row from left, are Kristen Murphy, Phyllis Bowman, Letitia Simms and Clara Moran. Bottom row from left are Rick Wilson, Chair Ken Fladager, and Martina Kitzmueller. Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 5 Wills for Heroes The Young Lawyers Division would like to express its gratitude to the following volunteers for generously giving their time and expertise to the Wills for Heroes event on Dec. 14 in Artesia: Dustin Hunter Tricia Mares Jones Jared Kallunki Roxanne Lara Lane Martin Vincent Master James Mitchell Scott Morgan Barbara Patterson Allen Perry Esabel Thruman This program would not be successful without our volunteers’ continued support! YOUNG LAWYERS DIVISION 6 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 www.nmbar.org Continued from page 4 the Bureau of Elections in the Office of the Secretary of State. The Judicial Nominating Commission will meet on Feb. 7, at the Bernalillo County Courthouse in Albuquerque to evaluate the applicants for this position. The Commission meeting is open to the public and members of the public who wish to be heard about any of the candidates will have an opportunity to be heard. Bernalillo County Probate Court Notice of Closure Bernalillo County and the Probate Court will be closed Jan. 1. The public should be advised that the probate judge will not be available from Dec. 16–Jan. 3. During this time alternate processes have been arranged and the court will be available for normal procedures. However, because all of the courts and county government may be on limited holiday schedules, the public should be prepared for longer wait times and possible delays. The District Court will be available for initial filing if a case needs immediate attention. U.S. District Court District of New Mexico Judicial Appointment The Judicial Conference of the U.S. has authorized the appointment of a full-time U.S. Magistrate Judge for the District of New Mexico in Albuquerque. The current annual salary of the position is $160,080. The term of office is eight years. A full public notice and application forms for the U.S. magistrate judge position are posted in the Clerk’s office of the U.S. District Court at all federal courthouses in New Mexico, and on the Court’s internet website at www. nmcourt.fed.us. Application forms may be obtained from the intake counter at all federal courthouses in New Mexico, or by calling 575-528-1439. Applications must be received by Jan. 31. All applications will be kept confidential. Reappointment of Incumbent Judge The current term of office of U.S. Magistrate Judge Carmen E. Garza is due to expire on Aug. 22. The U.S. District Court is required by law to establish a panel of citizens to consider the reappointment of the magistrate judge to a new eight-year term. The duties of a magistrate judge in this court include the following: (1) conducting most preliminary proceedings in criminal cases, (2) trial and disposition of misdemeanor cases, (3) conducting various pretrial matters and evidentiary proceedings on delegation from a district judge, and (4) trial and disposition of civil cases upon consent of the litigants. Comments from members of the State Bar and the public are invited as to whether the incumbent magistrate judge should be recommended by the panel for reappointment. Comments should be addressed as follows: U.S. District Court, CONFIDENTIAL – ATTN: Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel, 333 Lomas Blvd. NE, Suite 270, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Comments must be received by Jan. 24. Notice of Correction The U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico heading for the “Judicial Appointment” and “Reappointment of Incumbent Judge” notices was omitted from the Dec. 25, 2013, Bar Bulletin (Vol. 52, No. 52). This caused them to appear as though they were associated with the Bernalillo County Probate Court heading. The Bar Bulletin regrets the error and apologizes for any confusion it may have caused. Supporting New Mexico Courts Preserving Justice for All In response to decreased funding for the New Mexico Judiciary since 2009 and ever-increasing demands on New Mexico Courts, a broad-based coalition consisting of business, community and legal organizations, and individuals has formed to assist in securing additional resources for the judiciary in fiscal year 2015 and beyond. Between 2009 and 2014, the overall state budget was reduced by 1.3 percent while the Judiciary’s budget was reduced by 3.5 percent. The New Mexico Judiciary received only 2.57 percent of the overall state budget in 2009 and 2.51 percent in 2014. The request for 2015 is for $158.7 million or 2.55 percent, an increase of $10,845,200. Why is this increase so important? The Coalition believes that not adequately funding the New Mexico Judiciary hurts everyone. When your rights, your business, or your family needs help, underfunded courts hurt you. Underfunded courts hurt our children, our unions, our churches, our neighborhoods and our communities. To join the Coalition, share your story of justice delayed, or for more information, go to www. supportingnewmexicocourts.org. Liberty Mutual Auto and Home Insurance SBNM members receive an exclusive group discount off already competitive rates, extra savings for insuring both car and home, and discounts based on driving experience, car and home safety features and much more. Contact Edward Kibbee, (505) 323-6200 ext. 59184, or visit www.libertymutual.com/edwardkibbee. New Mexico Lawyers and Judges Assistance Program Help and support are only a phone call away. 24-Hour Helpline Attorneys/Law Students 505-228-1948 • 800-860-4914 Judges 888-502-1289 www.nmbar.org/JLAP/JLAP.html Address Changes All New Mexico attorneys must notify both the Supreme Court and the State Bar of changes in contact information. Supreme Court Email:attorneyinfochange @nmcourts.gov Fax: 505-827-4837 Mail:PO Box 848 Santa Fe, NM 87504-0848 State Bar Email: address@nmbar.org Fax: 505-797-6019 Mail: PO Box 92860 Albuquerque, NM 87199 Online:www.nmbar.org Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 7 www.nmbar.org State Bar News Attorney Support Groups • Jan. 6, 5:30 p.m. First United Methodist Church, 4th and Lead SW, Albuquerque (The group meets the first Monday of the month.) • Jan. 13, 5:30 p.m. UNM School of Law, 1117 Stanford NE, Albuquerque, Room 1119 (The group meets the second Monday of the month.) • Jan. 27, 7:30 a.m. First United Methodist Church, 4th and Lead SW, Albuquerque (Normally, the group meets the third Monday of the month, but not in January.) •For more information, contact Bill Stratvert, 505-242-6845. Board of Bar Commissioners Meeting Summary The Board of Bar Commissioners met on Dec. 11, 2013, at the N.M. Supreme Court in Santa Fe. Action taken at the meeting follows: •Approved the Sept. 20, 2013, meeting minutes as submitted; •Reviewed the October 2013 profit and loss statement; •Approved the N.M. State Bar Foundation 2014 budget; •Approved a name change for the Lawyer Referral for the Elderly Program to Legal Resources for the Elderly Program to help clarify what the program is and the services it provides and to remove the identification as a referral service only program; •Reported that a notice was published in the Bar Bulletin with links to the 2014 budget disclosure document and audits on the Web site and that no challenges to the budget disclosure were received; •Approved adding an additional board member, in addition to the officers, as a check signer; •Received an update on the refinance of the Bar Center; •Approved passing on credit card merchant fees up to 4 percent to members as of Jan. 1, for all non-dues related charges and the change will also go into effect for dues with the 2015 dues cycle; •Approved a request from the Access to Justice Commission for funding in the amount of $6,600 for a series of facilitated collaboration meetings of the legal services providers; 8 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 •Reported that the dues process is ongoing; this is the second year that it’s been done online with forms being mailed upon request; •Received a report on the auditing firms that submitted proposals pursuant to the RFP; four were selected to make presentations to the Finance Committee and approved entering into a contract with Burt & Co. for three years; •Received a report from the Bylaws and Policies Committee and provided 30 days’ notice of a bylaw amendment to Article XI, Section 11.2, Governmental Affairs Committee; determined not to approve a request to endorse ALPS Professional Liability Insurance and directed the Bylaws and Policies Committee to work with the Lawyers Professional Liability and Insurance Committee to develop guidelines/ criteria to vette professional liability insurance carriers; •Appointed Robert E. Valdez to the N.M. Client Protection Fund Commission for a three-year term; •Reappointed Elizabeth I. Gutierrez to the N.M. Legal Aid Board for a threeyear term; •Approved the new cafeteria plan document and authorized the signing of a resolution; •Received a report on the State Bar’s participation in a Professional Fellows Program sponsored by the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs and coordination of an internship for a young lawyer from the Republic of Moldova and the possibility of continued coordination between the two bar associations; •Reported on the Client Protection Fund; the fund and commission will be jointly administered by the State Bar and the Disciplinary Board as of Jan. 1; • Received a report on the Judiciary Committee and its assistance with the Justice at Stake initiatives, including launching the website www.supportingnmcourts. com, to assist with the Court’s funding request; •Received an update on the UPL Task Force rules; •Distributed the 2014 Supreme Court Board and Committee Liaison and the Board’s internal committee rosters, which will be appointed before the end of the year; •Distributed the 2014 meeting schedule as follows: Feb. 28, July 17, Sept. 12, and Dec. 10; •Approved the 2014 Paralegal Division Budget; • Presented a gift to President Andrew J. Cloutier for his service as president this year and plaques to Danny W. Jarrett, Evonne Sanchez and Hans Voss for their service on the Board; Brigitte U. Lotze and Roderick Thompson were not in attendance to receive their plaques. Note: The minutes in their entirety will be available on the State Bar’s website following approval by the Board at the Feb. 28 meeting. Employment and Labor Law Board Meeting The Employment and Labor Law Section board of directors welcomes section members to attend its meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. The January meeting, however, will meet at noon on Jan. 8, at the State Bar Center. Lunch is provided to those who R.S.V.P. to membership@nmbar.org by Jan. 7. For more information, contact Chair Erin E. Langenwalter, elangenwalter@lrrlaw.com. Solo and Small Firm Section Meeting and Speaker Susana Rinderle will present “Brain, Biases and Barriers—How to Communicate More Effectively Across Differences” at the Solo and Small Section Board of Directors meeting at noon, Jan. 21, at the State Bar Center. The Section Board will meet at 11:30 a.m. Lunch is provided to those who R.S.V.P. to Evann Kleinschmidt, ekleinschmidt@nmbar.org, by Jan. 20. State Bar Licensing Fees Due Dec. 31 State Bar licensing fees for 2014 were due by Dec. 31, 2013, and must be paid by Feb. 1, to avoid late fees. Take advantage of the e-check payment option this year. Payment by credit/debit card also is available. Pay your dues at www.nmbar.org. For questions, call 505-797-6083 or email license@nmbar.org. www.nmbar.org UNM Award celebration will be held on March 7, at the University of New Mexico. Hours Through Jan. 6 Building & Circulation Monday–Thursday 8 a.m.–8 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. Sunday Noon–8 p.m. Reference Monday–Friday 9 a.m.–6 p.m. Saturday–SundayClosed Closures Dec. 21, 2013–Jan. 1 Other Bars Law Library Women’s Law Caucus Seeking Nominations for Justice Mary Walters Award The UNM School of Law Women’s Law Caucus is seeking nominations for the 2014 Justice Mary Walters Award. The Caucus honors a woman in New Mexico’s legal community who serves as an inspiration to women in the legal profession. The first female justice to serve on the N.M. Supreme Court, Mary Walters was a trailblazer whose memory serves as a touchstone for women who seek a life in the diverse New Mexico legal community. The nomination form can be found online at https://docs. google.com/forms/d/104Skoooa4v2Rq0 t4cAZusUIoIU8H5Wxe2ogDzVk48LY/ viewform. The nomination period ends Jan. 1. The 2014 Justice Mary Walters Albuquerque Bar Association Meeting Luncheon and CLE The Albuquerque Bar Association Membership Luncheon will be held at noon on Jan. 7, at the Embassy Suites Hotel, 1000 Woodward Place NE, Albuquerque. Pamelya Herndon, executive director of the Southwest Women’s Law Center, will present “40 Years after Roe v. Wade, Still Fighting for Equality.” Following the luncheon, George Bach, UNM School of Law, will present “Hot Topics Under the First Amendment: Restrictions on Abortion Protesters, Limits on Campaign Contributions, Union Fair-Share Fees, and Funeral Protests” (2.0 G) from 1:15–3:15 p.m. Lunch only: $30 members/$40 non-members with reservation; $5 additional at door; lunch and CLE: $90 members/$120 non-members with reservation; $5 additional at door; CLE only: $60 members/$80 non-members. Register by noon, Jan. 3, at www.abqbar. org, abqbar@abqbar.org, or 505-842-1151. Albuquerque Lawyers Club Monthly Lunch Meeting The Albuquerque Lawyers Club invites members of the legal community to its Jan. 8, lunch meeting. Chuck Loeber, former president of the board of the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History, will be presenting “Nuclear Weapons and the Case Against Robert Oppenheimer.” The lunch meeting will be held at Seasons Restaurant, 2031 Mountain Road, NW, Albuquerque. Cost: Free to members/ $30 non-members. For more information, contact Yasmin Dennig at ydennig@Sandia.gov or 505-844-3558. Federal Bar Association New Mexico Chapter CLE Lunch Series Dean Erwin Chemerinsky will present “An Amazing Time in the Supreme Court,” on Jan. 16, at Yanni’s Mediterranean Restaurant, 3109 Central Ave. NE. Chemerinsky is a Distinguished Professor of Law and the Raymond Pryke Professor of First Amendment Law at University of California, Irvine School of Law. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. and the presentation will begin at noon. Cost: $30 for FBA members, $40 for non-members (includes cost of lunch and 1.0 CLE credit) R.S.V.P. to ronholmes@ronholmes.com. Pay at the door (credit cards, checks and cash accepted) or send checks to: FBA, 112 Edith NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102. Contact Ron Holmes at ronholmes@ ronholmes.com for further information. Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 9 Legal Education January 3 Heath Care Reform in 2014: What Transactional Lawyers Need to Know 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 7 Estate Planning in 2014: A Look Forward 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 9 Nonprofit Law/Exempt Organizations Update 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 10 Attorney Ethics and Elder Abuse 1.0 EP National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 14 BYOD: Bring Your Own Device to Work–Employment Law Issues in the Workplace 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 16 Real Property Institute 5.0 G, 1.0 EP Video Replay Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 10 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 16 Skeptically Determining the Limits of Scientific Evidence IV 4.5 G, 2.0 EP Video Replay Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 23 16 24 Technology Tools for Lawyers: A Technology Overview of Practical and Ethical Considerations in the Future of the Law Practice 4.0 G, 1.0 EP Video Replay Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 17 Ethical Issues for Business Attorneys 1.0 EP National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Drafting Guaranties in Real Estate Transactions 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Financial and Health Care Powers of Attorney, Assessing Capacity and Home Visit Protocols 1.0 G, 0.5 EP Live Seminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 28 Buyouts in Closely Held Companies–Triggers, Methods, Valuation & Finance 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 21 Piercing the Entity Veil: Individual Liability for Business Acts 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 30 22 31 Fixing Trust: Techniques to Alter a Trust When Circumstances Have Changed 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Estate Planning for Personal Residences 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Attorney Ethics and Digital Communications 1.0 EP National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Legal Education www.nmbar.org February 4–5 2014 Ethics Update, Parts 1–2 2.0 EP National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 6 Funding Unfunded Testamentary Trusts in Estate Planning 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 7 2014 Retaliation in Employment Law Update 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 11 Successor Liability in Business Transactions: The Risk of Selling Assets But Retaining Liability 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 12 Small Commercial Leases: Negotiating and Drafting Issues 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 13 Understanding the Fiduciary Duties & Liability of Trustees in Estate Planning 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 14 Ethics in Negotiations 1.0 EP National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 20 Private Company Directors: Fiduciary Duties & Liability 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 21 Ethics in the Receipt and Release of Confidential Information 1.0 EP National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 18 Role of Public Benefits in Estate Planning for All Clients 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org 26 19 27 Recession in Business Transactions: How to Fix Something That’s Gone Wrong 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Structuring Profits Interest in LLCs/Partnerships 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Choice of Entity Considerations for Nonprofits 1.0 G National Teleseminar Center for Legal Education of NMSBF 505-797-6020 www.nmbarcle.org Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 11 Writs of Certiorari As Updated by the Clerk of the New Mexico Supreme Court Joey D. Moya, Chief Clerk New Mexico Supreme Court PO Box 848 • Santa Fe, NM 87504-0848 • (505) 827-4860 Effective December 13, 2013 Petitions for Writ of Certiorari Filed and Pending: No. 34,460 No. 34,407 No. 34,458 No. 34,457 No. 34,455 State v. Serrano-Ortiz COA 32,952 State v. Greenhalgh COA 31,358 State v. Perez COA 31,814 State v. Wilson COA 32,984/33,091-93 City of Santa Fe v. Tomada COA 32,407 No. 34,454 State v. Cobrera COA 29,591 No. 34,452 Torres v. State 12-501 No. 34,450 State v. Mejia COA 31,983 No. 34,448 State v. Cahall COA 32,969 No. 34,445 Frank v. O’Friel COA 32,408 No. 34,444 City of Albuquerque v. AFSCME COA 33,077 Response filed 12/11/13 No. 34,442 Davis v. Devon Energy COA 33,141 No. 34,439 Grano v. Public Employees Retirement Association COA 33,113 No. 34,440 State v. Casares COA 31,808 No. 34,435 State v. Strauch COA 32,425 No. 34,441 State v. Northrup COA 32,922 No. 34,436 Benjamin v. Southern N.M. Correctional 12-501 No. 34,430 State v. Mares COA 31,865 No. 34,428 Petrakis v. Rodriguez COA 32,921 No. 34,426 State v. Otero COA 33,033 No. 34,425 State v. Eric G. COA 32,768 No. 34,422 State v. Qumyintewa COA 32,783 No. 34,400 State v. Armijo COA 32,139 No. 34,413 State v. Lucero COA 32,834 No. 34,396 Gipson v. Janecka 12-501 No. 34,419 Nichols v. State 12-501 No. 34,330 State v. Koester 12-501 Response ordered; due 12/19/13 No. 34,361 Padilla v. Franco 12-501 Response ordered; filed 12/12/13 No. 34,321 Skidgel v. Hatch 12-501 No. 34,289 Tafoya v. Stewart 12-501 No. 34,281 State v. Perales COA 32,841 No. 34,282 Bhandari v. Artesia General Hospital COA 31,130 Response filed 8/29/13 No. 34,277 State v. Ramirez 12-501 No. 34,275 State v. Hernandez COA 30,230 No. 34,303 Gutierrez v. State 12-501 No. 34,238 Munoz v. Janecka 12-501 Response ordered; filed 12/12/13 No. 34,237 Mahoney v. Jaramillo 12-501 No. 34,170 Holguin v. Nance 12-501 No. 34,165 Conley v. Janecka 12-501 Response ordered; filed 9/6/13 12 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/12/13 12/12/13 12/12/13 12/11/13 12/11/13 12/10/13 12/09/13 12/04/13 12/02/13 12/02/13 11/27/13 11/26/13 11/26/13 11/25/13 11/22/13 11/22/13 11/21/13 11/20/13 11/20/13 11/20/13 11/20/13 11/15/13 11/04/13 10/23/13 10/21/13 10/15/13 09/12/13 08/23/13 08/16/13 08/15/13 08/12/13 08/09/13 07/30/13 07/12/13 07/11/13 05/23/13 05/22/13 No. 34,095 No. 34,067 No. 33,868 No. 33,819 No. 33,867 No. 33,539 No. 33,630 Ramirez v. State 12-501 05/15/13 Response ordered; filed 8/7/13 Gutierrez v. Williams 12-501 03/14/13 Burdex v. Bravo 12-501 11/28/12 Response ordered; filed 1/22/13 Chavez v. State 12-501 10/29/12 Roche v. Janecka 12-501 09/28/12 Contreras v. State 12-501 07/12/12 Response ordered; due 10/24/12 Utley v. State 12-501 06/07/12 Certiorari Granted but not yet Submitted to the Court: (Parties preparing briefs) Date Writ Issued No. 33,725 State v. Pasillas COA 31,513 09/14/12 No. 33,837 State v. Trujillo COA 30,563 11/02/12 No. 33,754 State v. Garcia 12-501 11/02/12 No. 33,877 State v. Alvarez COA 31,987 12/06/12 No. 33,952 Melendez v. Salls Brothers COA 32,293 01/18/13 No. 33,930 State v. Rodriguez COA 30,938 01/18/13 No. 33,999 State v. Antonio T. COA 30,827 03/01/13 No. 33,997 State v. Antonio T. COA 30,827 03/01/13 No. 34,044 State v. Riordan COA 31,795 04/05/13 No. 34,076 State v. Martinez COA 32,424 04/19/13 No. 34,074 State v. Maples COA 30,507 04/19/13 No. 34,124 State v. Cortina COA 30,317 05/24/13 No. 34,120 State v. Baca COA 31,442 05/24/13 No. 34,150 Kimbrell v. Kimbrell COA 30,447/31,491 06/14/13 No. 34,122 State v. Steven B. consol. w/ State v. Begaye COA 31,265/32,136 07/12/13 No. 34,204 Faber v. King COA 31,446 07/12/13 No. 34,232 Hinkle v. State Farm COA 31,707 07/26/13 No. 34,194 King v. Faber COA 34,116 07/31/13 No. 34,235 State v. Alverson COA 32,046 08/16/13 No. 34,138 Jones v. Franco 12-501 08/30/13 No. 33,994 Gonzales v. Williams COA 32,274 08/30/13 No. 33,863 Murillo v. State 12-501 08/30/13 No. 33,810 Gonzales v. Marcantel 12-501 08/30/13 No. 34,287 Hamaatsa v. Pueblo of San Felipe COA 31,297 09/20/13 No. 34,271 State v. Silvas COA 30,917 09/20/13 No. 34,300 Behrens v. Gateway COA 31,439 09/27/13 No. 34,286 Yedidag v. Roswell Clinic Corp. COA 31,653 09/27/13 No. 34,349 Harrison v. Lovelace Health System, Inc. COA 32,215 10/18/13 No. 34,311 State v. Favela COA 32,044 10/18/13 No. 34,295 Dominguez v. State 12-501 10/18/13 No. 34,380 Cohen v. Continental Casualty Co. COA 32,391 11/15/13 No. 34,365 Potter v. Pierce COA 31,595 11/15/13 No. 34,363 Pielhau v. State Farm COA 31,899 11/15/13 Writs of Certiorari No. 34,274 No. 34,398 No. 34,387 State v. Nolen State v. Garcia Perea v. City of Albuquerque http://nmsupremecourt.nmcourts.gov 12-501 11/20/13 COA 31,429 12/04/13 COA 31,605/32,050 12/04/13 Certiorari Granted and Submitted to the Court: (Submission Date = date of oral argument or briefs-only submission) Submission Date No. 32,860 State v. Stevens COA 29,357 01/10/12 No. 33,224 Bank of New York v. Romero COA 29,945 09/12/12 No. 33,296 State v. Gutierrez COA 29,997 09/12/12 No. 33,014 State v. Crane COA 29,470 11/13/12 No. 33,324 State v. Evans COA 31,331 11/26/12 No. 33,483 State v. Consaul COA 29,559 12/17/12 No. 33,382 N.M. Human Services v. Starko, Inc. COA 29,016/27,922 01/15/13 No. 33,383 Presbyterian Health Plan v. Starko, Inc. COA 29,016/27,922 01/15/13 No. 33,384 Cimarron Health Plan v. Starko, Inc. COA 29,016/27,922 01/15/13 No. 33,611 Bank of America v. Quintana COA 30,354 03/12/13 No. 33,594 Fallick v. Montoya COA 30,172 03/13/13 No. 33,589 Zhao v. Montoya COA 30,172 03/13/13 No. 33,632 First Baptist Church of Roswell v. Yates Petroleum COA 30,359 03/13/13 No. 33,548 State v. Marquez COA 30,565 04/15/13 No. 33,567 State v. Leticia T. COA 30,664 04/30/13 No. 33,566 State v. Leticia T. COA 30,664 04/30/13 No. 33,592 State v. Montoya COA 30,470 05/15/13 No. 33,565 State v. Ballard COA 30,187 05/30/13 No. 33,226 State v. Olsson COA 29,713 05/30/13 No. 33,971 State v. Newman COA 31,333 07/24/13 No. 33,808 State v. Nanco COA 30,788 08/14/13 No. 33,862 State v. Gerardo P. COA 31,250 08/14/13 No. 33,993 Fowler v. Vista Care and American Home Insurance Co. COA 31,438 08/14/13 No. 33,896 Rodriguez v. Del Sol Shopping Center COA 30,421/30,578 08/26/13 No. 33,949 Rodriguez v. Del Sol Shopping Center COA 30,421/30,578 08/26/13 No. 33,770 Vaughn v. St. Vincent Hospital COA 30,395 08/26/13 No. 33,969 Safeway, Inc. v. Rooter 2000 Plumbing COA 30,196 08/28/13 No. 33,938 No. 33,898 State v. Crocco COA 31,498 Bargman v. Skilled Healthcare Group, Inc. COA 31,088 No. 34,007 City of Albuquerque v. AFSCME Local 3022 COA 31,075 No. 33,817 Gordon v. King 12-501 No. 34,039 Cavu Co. v. Martinez COA 32,021 No. 33,884 Acosta v. Shell Western Exploration and Production, Inc. COA 29,502 No. 34,083 Amethyst v. Terhune COA 31,165 No. 33,847 State v. Urquizo COA 30,337 No. 34,013 Foy v. Austin Capital COA 31,421 No. 33,970 State v. Parvilus COA 30,379 No. 34,085 Badilla v. Walmart COA 31,162 No. 34,146 Madrid v. Brinker Restaurant COA 31,244 No. 34,126 State v. Maurice H. COA 31,597 No. 34,128 Benavides v. Eastern N.M. Medical COA 32,450 No. 34,125 Redman v. McClain Company COA 32,439 No. 33,977 State v. Calderon COA 30,844 No. 33,604 State v. Ramirez COA 30,205 No. 34,009 State v. Huettl COA 31,141 No. 33,870 State v. Perez COA 31,678 No. 33,796 State v. Vasquez COA 29,868 No. 34,093 Cordova v. Cline COA 30,546 08/28/13 09/11/13 09/24/13 09/30/13 09/30/13 10/28/13 10/28/13 10/30/13 11/14/13 11/25/13 12/04/13 12/09/13 12/16/13 12/18/13 12/18/13 12/18/13 01/14/14 01/14/14 01/15/14 01/15/14 01/15/14 Writ of Certiorari Quashed: No. 34,309 Star Paving v. Espanola Mercantile Date Order Filed COA 32,954 12/10/13 Petition for Writ of Certiorari Denied: No. 34,434 No. 34,427 No. 34,420 No. 34,416 No. 34,414 No. 34,341 No. 34,424 No. 34,412 No. 34,410 Gabilondo v. Franco Quintana v. Acosta Chavez v. Delgado Fausnaught v. Frawner Clark v. Clark State v. Mendoza Serna v. Webster State v. Chavez State v. Chavez Date Order Filed 12-501 12/12/13 COA 31,585 12/12/13 COA 32,719 12/12/13 12-501 12/11/13 COA 31,547 12/11/13 COA 31,853 12/11/13 COA 32,885 12/09/13 COA 32,960 12/09/13 COA 32,903 12/09/13 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 13 Opinions As Updated by the Clerk of the New Mexico Court of Appeals Wendy F. Jones, Chief Clerk New Mexico Court of Appeals PO Box 2008 • Santa Fe, NM 87504-2008 • (505) 827-4925 Effective December 19, 2013 Date Opinion Filed Published Opinions No. 32066 11th Jud Dist San Juan CR-10-1063, STATE v B ALLEN (affirm) 12/16/2013 No. 32335 1st Jud Dist Santa Fe CV-11-2530, K SNOW v WARREN POWER (affirm) 12/17/2013 No. 32635 WCA-11-1699, M HAWKINS v MCDONALDS (affirm) 12/17/2013 No. 32276 1st Jud Dist Rio Arriba CV-11-272, PARKVIEW v D PEPER 12/19/2013 (affirm in part, reverse in part and remand) Unublished Opinions No. 32848 13th Jud Dist Valencia CV-10-397, N MUNIZ v A HALLMARK (dismiss) 12/16/2013 No. 33096 1st Jud Dist Santa Fe CV-12-1054, NM CONS CONST v CITY COUNSEL (dismiss) 12/16/2013 No. 33132 4th Jud Dist San Miguel CV-12-274, NM BEHAVORIAl v M MARQUEZ (affirm) 12/16/2013 No. 32302 2nd Jud Dist Bernalillo CV-09-13584, ABQ v M TRUJILLO (affirm) 12/16/2013 No. 31936 6th Jud Dist Grant CV-10-45, GILA REGIONAL v C OSUAGWU (reverse) 12/17/2013 No. 33040 5th Jud Dist Lea CV-09-661, B URLACHER v R EASTBURG (affirm) 12/18/2013 No. 33072 5th Jud Dist Lea DM-83-558, HSD v L MOORE (affirm) 12/18/2013 No. 33159 5th Jud Dist Lea CR-12-553, STATE v F LUNA (affirm and remand) 12/18/2013 No. 33216 11th Jud Dist McKinley CR-13-120, STATE v C SMITH (affirm) 12/18/2013 No. 32432 2nd Jud Dist Bernalillo DM-11-1330, J GARAY v R CALABRO (affirm) 12/18/2013 Slip Opinions for Published Opinions may be read on the Court’s website: http://coa.nmcourts.gov/documents/index.htm 14 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 Clerk’s Certificates From the Clerk of the New Mexico Supreme Court Joey D. Moya, Chief Clerk New Mexico Supreme Court PO Box 848 • Santa Fe, NM 87504-0848 • (505) 827-4860 Clerk’s Certificate of Admission The following entries were erroneously omitted from the Clerk’s Certificate of Admission published in the October 16, 2013 Bar Bulletin (Vol. 52, No. 42). On September 23, 2013: Stephanie K. Goff First Data Corporation 9752 East Hawaii Place Denver, CO 80247 303-525-9927 Sgoff66@comcast.net Kevin Grzebielski U.S. District Court District of New Mexico 100 N. Church Street Las Cruces, NM 88001 575-528-1642 575-528-1645 (fax) kevin_grzebielski@nmcourt. fed.us Theresa Hacsi Albuquerque, NM Jesse D. Hale ACLU of New Mexico PO Box 566 Albuquerque, NM 87103-0566 505-266-5915 505-266-5916 (fax) jhale@aclu-nm.org Georgia Lily Hamann Lewis Roca Rothgerber LLP 40 North Central Avenue, Suite 1900 Phoenix, AZ 85004 602-262-5764 602-262-5747 (fax) GHamann@LRRLaw.com Kathryn Hardy Alan Maestas Law Office 224 Cruz Alta, Suite H Taos, NM 87571 575-737-0509 575-758-2497 (fax) kathryn@taoslegal.com Victor Hernandez Justice Legal Group 1516 San Pedro Drive NE Albuquerque, NM 87110 505-881-4820 hernandv@earthlink.net Keith W. Herrmann Santa Fe, NM 87501 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 15 Recent Rule-Making Activity As Updated by the Clerk of the New Mexico Supreme Court Joey D. Moya, Chief Clerk New Mexico Supreme Court PO Box 848 • Santa Fe, NM 87504-0848 • (505) 827-4860 Effective January 1, 2014 Pending Proposed Rule Changes Open for Comment: Comment Deadline None Recently Approved Rule Changes Since Release of 2013 NMRA: Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts 1-005.2 Electronic service and filing of pleadings and other papers 01/29/13 1-047Jurors 12/31/13 1-050Judgment as a matter of law in jury trials; alternative motion for new trial; conditional rulings 12/31/13 1-052 Nonjury trials; findings and conclusions 12/31/13 1-059 New trials 12/31/13 1-060 Relief from judgment or order 12/31/13 1-071.4 Statutory stream system adjudication suits; ex parte contacts; general problems of administration12/31/13 1-074 Administrative appeals; statutory review by district of administrative decisions or orders court12/31/13 1-075 Constitutional review by district court of administrative decisions and orders. 12/31/13 1-077 Appeals pursuant to Unemployment Compensation Law 12/31/13 1-079 Public inspection and sealing of court records 12/31/13 1-089.1 Nonadmitted and nonresident counsel 12/31/13 1-120 Domestic relations action; scope; use of forms in dissolution of marriage proceedings 05/31/13 Rules of Civil Procedure for the Magistrate Courts 05/05/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 Rules of Civil Procedure for the Metropolitan Courts 3-105 Assignment and designation of judges 3-106 Excusal; recusal; disability 3-107 Pro se and attorney appearance 3-603Jurors 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 Civil Forms 4-118 4-119 Order on motion to seal court records Order on motion to unseal court records 16 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 Domestic Relations Forms Effective Date 2-105 Assignment and designation of judges 2-107 Pro se and attorney appearance 2-111 Telephone conferences 2-603Jurors 4-206Summons 4-602 Juror summons, qualification, and questionnaire form 4-913 Writ of restitution (Restitution to owner) (Uniform Owner Resident Relations Act) 4-913A Order setting escrow deposit/appeal bond. (Uniform Owner Resident Relations Act) 12/31/13 12/31/13 4A-100 Domestic relations forms; short title; purpose of forms; citations regarding use of forms (Withdrawn)05/31/13 4A-100 Domestic relations forms; instructions and cautions regarding use of forms 05/31/13 4A 101 Domestic relations cover sheet 05/31/13 4A 101A Domestic relations information sheet 05/31/13 4A-102 Petition for dissolution of marriage (no children) 05/31/13 4A-103 Petition for dissolution of marriage (with children) 05/31/13 4A-104Response 05/31/13 4A-105 Entry of appearance pro se 05/31/13 4A-101(Withdrawn) 05/31/13 4A-200 Domestic relations forms; instructions for stage two (2) forms 05/31/13 4A-201 Domestic relations forms for self-represented parties; limited purpose of forms; cautions regarding use of forms (Withdrawn) 05/31/13 4A-201 Temporary domestic order 05/31/13 4A-202 Definitions (Withdrawn) 05/31/13 4A-202 Motion for temporary order 05/31/13 4A-203 Forms not available through courts (Withdrawn)05/31/13 4A-203 Motion to modify temporary order 05/31/13 4A-204 Domestic relations forms; divorce cases; forms needed; filing fee (Withdrawn) 05/31/13 4A-204 Motion for referral to mediation (child custody, timesharing, or visitation) 05/31/13 4A-205 Parenting plan and child support worksheet; wage withholding order (Withdrawn) 05/31/13 4A-205 Motion for referral to mediation (child support or other financial issues) 05/31/13 4A-206 Request for hearing 05/31/13 4A-207 Notice of hearing 05/31/13 4A-208 Notice of compliance with Rule 1-123 NMRA 05/31/13 4A-209 Verified motion for order to show cause 05/31/13 4A-210 Order to appear and show cause 05/31/13 4A-211 Objection to hearing officer report 4A-212 Interim monthly income and expenses statement05/31/13 4A-213 Interim order allocating income and expenses 05/31/13 4A-214 Community property and liabilities schedule 05/31/13 4A-215 Separate property and liabilities schedule 05/31/13 4A-300 Domestic relations forms; instructions for stage three (3) forms 05/31/13 4A-301 Marital settlement agreement 05/31/13 4A-302 Custody plan 05/31/13 4A-303 Child support obligation 05/31/13 4A-304 Wage withholding order 05/31/13 Rule-Making Activity 4A-305 4A-310 Final decree of dissolution of marriage Domestic relations forms; instructions for default proceedings 4A-311 Affidavit as to Respondent’s failure to plead or otherwise defend 4A-312 Certificate as to the state of the record 4A-313 Application for default judgment and final decree of dissolution of marriage 4A-321(Withdrawn) 4A-322(Withdrawn) 4A 401 Uncontested petition for paternity; forms needed; filing fee 4A 402 Petition to establish parentage 4A 403 Final decree of parentage http://nmsupremecourt.nmcourts.gov. 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 05/31/13 06/24/13 06/24/13 06/24/13 5-108 5-115 5-123 5-205 5-212 5-301 Nonadmitted and nonresident counsel 12/31/13 Conduct of court proceedings 12/31/13 Public inspection and sealing of court records 12/31/13 Unnecessary allegations 05/13/13 Motion to suppress 12/31/13 Arrest without warrant; probable cause determination; first appearance 12/31/13 5-302A Grand Jury Proceedings 12/31/13 5-501 Disclosure by the state 05/13/13 5-606Jurors 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 07/15/13 07/15/13 07/15/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 05/05/13 Rules of Criminal Procedure for the Metropolitan Courts 12/31/13 12/31/13 07/15/13 07/15/13 07/15/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 05/05/13 Rules of Procedure for the Municipal Courts 8-107 8-111 8-113 8-203 8-205 8-207 Entry of appearance Non attorney prosecutions Court Interpreters Issuance of warrant for arrest and summons Arrest warrants Search warrants 9-113 9-114 9-201 9-202 9-207A 9-212C 9-306 9-415 9-415A 9-513 Order on motion to seal court records 12/31/13 Order on motion to unseal court records 12/31/13 Criminal complaint 12/31/13 Criminal complaint (Withdrawn) 12/31/13 Probable cause determination 12/31/13 Bench warrant 05/05/13 Commitment for preliminary hearing (Withdrawn)12/31/13 Cash receipt 12/31/13 Plea and disposition agreement 12/31/13 Order dismissing criminal complaint with prejudice12/31/13 Notice of dismissal non felony case 12/31/13 Notice of dismissal felony case (Withdrawn) 12/31/13 Juror summons, qualification, and questionnaire form 12/31/13 Children’s Court Rules 10-352 Judgments and appeals 12/31/13 Rules of Evidence Rules of Criminal Procedure for the Magistrate Courts 7-107 Entry of appearance 7-108 Non attorney prosecutions 7-204 Issuance of warrant for arrest and summons 7-206 Arrest warrants 7-208 Search warrants 7-304Motions 7-506 Time of commencement of trial 7-605Jurors 7-802 Return of the probation violator 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 05/05/13 Criminal Forms 9-312A 9-408A 9-414 Rules of Criminal Procedure for the District Courts 6-107 Entry of appearance 6-108 Non attorney prosecutions 6-204 Issuance of warrant for arrest and summons 6-206 Arrest warrants 6-208 Search warrants 6-304Motions 6-506 Time of commencement of trial 6-506A Voluntary dismissal and refiled proceedings 6-605Jurors 6-802 Return of the probation violator 8-304Motions 8-506 Time of commencement of trial 8-506A Voluntary dismissal and refiled proceedings 8-802 Return of the probation violator 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 07/15/13 07/15/13 07/15/13 11-501 11-502 11-503 11-504 Privileges recognized only as provided 12/31/13 Required reports privileged by statute 12/31/13 Lawyer client privilege 12/31/13 Physician patient and psychotherapist patient privilege12/31/13 11-505 Husband wife privileges 12/31/13 11-506 Communications to clergy 12/31/13 11-507 Political vote 12/31/13 11-508 Trade secrets 12/31/13 11-509 Communications to juvenile probation officers and social services workers 12/31/13 11-510 Identity of informer 12/31/13 11-511 Waiver of privilege by voluntary disclosure 12/31/13 11-512 Privileged matter disclosed under compulsion or without opportunity to claim privilege 12/31/12 11-513 Comment upon or inference from claim of privilege; instruction 12/31/13 11-514 News media confidential source or information privilege 12/31/13 11-1101 Applicability of the rules 05/05/13 Rules of Appellate Procedure 12-201 12-208 12-215 12-601 Appeal as of right; when taken Docketing the appeal Brief of an amicus curiae Appeals from administrative entities and special statutory proceedings 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 Uniform Jury Instructions for Civil Cases 13-302F Special verdict form; examples 12/31/13 13-1807 Pain and suffering 12/31/13 13-1807A Loss of enjoyment of life 12/31/13 13-1827 Punitive damages; direct and vicarious liability12/31/13 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 17 Rule-Making Activity http://nmsupremecourt.nmcourts.gov. Uniform Jury Instructions for Criminal Cases 14-956 14-956A 14-970 14-970A 14-2241 14-6019 Criminal sexual penetration in the second degree; force or coercion; essential elements 12/31/13 Criminal sexual penetration in the second degree; force or coercion; child 13 to 18; essential elements 12/31/13 Indecent exposure; essential elements 12/31/13 Aggravated indecent exposure; essential elements12/31/13 Tampering with evidence; essential elements 12/31/13 Special verdict; tampering with evidence 12/31/13 Rules Governing Admission to the Bar 15-101 Definition; title 15-104Application 15-105 Application fees 15-105 Application fees 15-202 Place and time of examinations 15-205 Administration and granding 15-301.2 Legal services provider limited law license 15-402Qualifications 05/14/13 05/14/13 05/14/13 12/06/13 05/14/13 12/06/13 05/14/13 05/14/13 Rules of Professional Conduct 16-100Terminology 16-101Competence 16-104Communication 16-106 Confidentiality of information 16-117 Sale of a law practice 16-404 Respect for rights of third persons 16-505 Unauthorized practice of law; multijurisdictional practice of law 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 Rules Governing Discipline 17-102 17-207 17-208 17-211 Powers and duties Summary suspension Incompetency or incapacity Discipline by consent; stipulated facts 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 17-214Reinstatement 17-301 Applicability of rules; application of Rules of Civil Procedure; service 17-303 Statute of limitations 17-307 Investigation of complaints 17-314 Consideration by the Disciplinary Board 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 Rules Governing the Client Protection Fund Commission 17A-005 Composition and offices of the commission 01/01/13 Rules Concerning the Unauthorized Practice of Law 17B-001Jurisdiction 17B-002 Appointment of the Disciplinary Board 17B-003 Disciplinary counsel; duties and powers. 17B-004Investigation 17B-005 Civil injunction proceedings 17B-006 Determination by the Supreme Court 17B-007 Civil contempt proceedings 17B-008Immunities 17B-009 General provisions 08/23/13 08/23/13 08/23/13 08/23/13 08/23/13 08/23/13 08/23/13 08/23/13 08/23/13 Code of Judicial Conduct 21-315 Reporting requirements 04/08/13 Supreme Court General Rules 23-112 Citations for papers and other pleadings 07/01/13 Rules Governing the New Mexico Bar 24-101 24-102 24-106 Board of Bar Commissioners Annual license fee Practice by nonadmitted lawyers To view all pending proposed rule changes (comment period open or closed), visit the New Mexico Supreme Court’s website at http://nmsupremecourt.nmcourts.gov. To view recently approved rule changes, visit the New Mexico Compilation Commission’s website at http://www.nmcompcomm.us. 18 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 12/31/13 Advance Opinions http://www.nmcompcomm.us/ From the New Mexico Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Certiorari Denied, October 17, 2013, No. 34,325 From the New Mexico Court of Appeals Opinion Number: 2013-NMCA-104 Topic Index: Appeal and Error: Standard of Review Statutes: Interpretation Wills, Trusts, and Probate: Administration of Estate; Allowances; Claims Against Estate; Compensation of Attorneys and Administration; Execution; Personal Representative; Testamentary Intent; Time Limitations; and Trusts, General IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF HARBHAJAN SINGH KHALSA YOGIJI, Deceased, INDERJIT KAUR PURI, Petitioner-Appellant, v. SHAKTI PARWHA KAUR KHALSA, Respondent-Appellee Docket No. 31,178 (filed August 19, 2013) APPEAL FROM THE DISTRICT COURT OF SANTA FE COUNTY BARBARA J. VIGIL, District Judge SURJIT P. SONI THE SONI LAW FIRM Pasadena, California for Appellant MAUREEN A. SANDERS SANDERS & WESTBROOK, PC Albuquerque, New Mexico Opinion Cynthia A. Fry, Judge {1} This case requires us to interpret NMSA 1978, Section 45-3-108(A)(4) (2011), which provides an exception to the Probate Code’s three-year time limit for opening a formal testacy or appointment proceeding under certain circumstances. Under this exception, a personal representative appointed more than three years after the decedent’s death has the right to possess estate assets only to the extent necessary to confirm title in those assets, and no claims, other than for administrative expenses, may be asserted against the estate. The district court permitted the initiation of a formal testacy proceeding but restricted the personal representative’s investigation of the estate’s as- JANE KATHERINE GIRARD KATHERINE WRAY WRAY & GIRARD, PC Albuquerque, New Mexico for Appellee sets to those assets that had not previously been transferred to the decedent’s trust. We conclude that these restrictions were the result of an improper interpretation of the applicable statute and reverse. I.BACKGROUND {2} Inderjit Kaur Puri (Wife), the wife of the decedent Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji (Decedent), filed a petition seeking the formal probate of her husband’s will and appointment of a personal representative over four years after Decedent’s death. No appointment or probate proceeding had been filed in connection with Decedent’s estate between Decedent’s death and the date of Wife’s petition. The petition stated that it was brought pursuant to Section 45-3-108(A)(4) “for the limited purpose of confirming title to the assets of the estate in the successors to the estate.” {3} Section 45-3-108(A) prohibits the initiation of a formal testacy or appointment proceeding more than three years after a decedent’s death unless certain exceptions apply. In this case, Wife sought to take advantage of Subsection (4)’s exception, which permits a late filing of a proceeding but prohibits the assertion of claims against the estate other than claims for administrative expenses. The exception also restricts the personal representative’s right to possess estate assets. The exception provides: A. No informal probate or appointment proceeding or formal testacy or appointment proceeding, other than a proceeding to probate a will previously probated at the testator’s domicile or appointment proceedings relating to an estate in which there has been a prior appointment, may be commenced more than three years after the decedent’s death, except: .... (4) an informal appointment in an intestate proceeding or a formal testacy or appointment proceeding may be commenced thereafter if no proceeding[] concerning the succession or estate administration has occurred within the three-year period after the decedent’s death, but the personal representative has no right to possess estate assets as provided in [NMSA 1978,] Section 45-3-709 [(1975)] beyond that necessary to confirm title thereto in the successors to the estate and claims other than expenses of administration may not be presented against the estate[.] Section 45-3-108(A)(4). In this Opinion, we refer to this exception as Subsection (4). {4}Decedent’s will, which was attached to Wife’s petition, contained three specific devises of certain of Decedent’s personal property to persons other than Wife and a provision requiring the residue of Decedent’s estate to be transferred to a trust. The will recited that Decedent and Wife had “mutually agreed upon a plan of disposition of [their] assets which is set forth in this [w]ill and the [t]rust described above.” The will also nominated Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa, a devisee under the will, as executor. Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 19 Advance Opinions {5}Ms. Khalsa filed objections to Wife’s petition, stating that to the best of her knowledge, “there are no assets in the estate the title to which can be confirmed” because all assets had been transferred to the trust and were to be administered by way of the trust. Ms. Khalsa further objected on the ground that Wife’s petition did not fall within the exception to the three-year limitation period permitted by Subsection (4). {6} The district court held several hearings on Wife’s petition and Ms. Khalsa’s objections. At the hearings, the parties informed the court about a separate proceeding that could impact the proceedings in the present case. The separate proceeding was a declaratory judgment action that Ms. Khalsa and the other trustees of Decedent’s trust had initiated against Wife before Judge James Hall to determine the validity of claims Wife was asserting against the trustees. In that case, which we refer to as the trust litigation, Wife filed counterclaims seeking an accounting and alleging that the trustees had breached their fiduciary duties. {7} At the hearings in the present case, Ms. Khalsa urged the court to deny Wife’s petition for appointment of a personal representative because the circumstances did not satisfy the limitations exception in Subsection (4). Ms. Khalsa claimed that there was no asset in the estate to which title could be confirmed due to the transfer of assets into the trust upon Decedent’s death. In response, Wife argued that because there had never been a personal representative appointed, there had never been a determination of what assets belonged to Decedent at the time of his death in the form of either his separate property or his half of the community property and, as a result, it was unclear whether Decedent had improperly disposed of any portion of Wife’s half of the community property. Wife maintained that all assets were initially controlled by Decedent’s will and that the residual assets should not have been transferred to the trust until all assets had first been identified. The problem, according to Wife, was that a personal representative had never been appointed, and an inventory of assets had never occurred. Consequently, Wife urged the district court to appoint an independent personal representative to investigate what assets existed when Decedent died in order to determine what assets belonged to Decedent and which belonged to Wife. 20 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 http://www.nmcompcomm.us/ {8}The district court formally probated Decedent’s will and appointed Christopher Cullen as personal representative in a supervised administration. Cullen’s appointment was subject to two prior orders entered by the district court. The first order stated that the personal representative was to determine “whether any assets were owned by [Decedent] and [Wife] on [the date of Decedent’s death] other than those previously identified and distributed by the trustees” of the trust and, “if any such assets exist, to confirm title to those assets in the successors to [Decedent’s estate].” Wife objected to this provision in the order because, in her view, the trust may have disposed of assets inappropriately, and the personal representative should be charged with determining what assets and interests existed at the time of Decedent’s death, as opposed to what assets were left after distribution by the trustees. {9}The second order was more specific. That order required Wife to identify “all entities in which [she] believes that Decedent may have, on the date of his death, owned an interest (legal or equitable), which interest has not been previously identified and distributed by the trustees.” The order further required the personal representative to make inquiry of the entities identified and determine whether an entity was a non-profit and, if it was not a non-profit, determine whether Decedent owned an interest in that entity. If there was credible information that an entity was a non-profit or that Decedent did not own an interest in the entity, the order directed the personal representative to report that entity to be a non-asset. The order required the personal representative to prepare a report of his investigation, and the parties could file objections to the report. {10} Following an investigation, the personal representative filed a report and a supplemental report. He explained at a hearing that several of the entities investigated were non-profits, some entities were actually products owned by other entities, and one could not be identified as a separately existing entity. Of the remaining entities, the personal representative said he could not identify any of them as being entities that Decedent had any interest in. {11} At the same hearing, Wife’s counsel stated that while Wife had no objection to the court’s acceptance of the personal representative’s report, the authority given to the personal representative was too narrow. Wife maintained that, even if Decedent had no interest in the entities investigated, there was still a question as to whether the entities had possession of assets in which Decedent had an interest. Wife argued that the probate proceeding should be stayed until things had been sorted out in the trust litigation, which would determine the distribution of identified community property. {12} In response to Wife’s arguments, Ms. Khalsa asserted that the personal representative had completed all of the duties ordered by the court, and there was no evidence of any asset whose title needed to be confirmed. Consequently, it would be appropriate for the court to close the estate. {13} The district court found that the personal representative had acted in accordance with the court’s previous orders and that he had “fulfilled the purposes for which this case was opened pursuant to [Subsection (4)].” The court granted Ms. Khalsa’s motion for a final order closing the estate. This appeal followed. II.DISCUSSION {14} Wife argues that the district court erroneously concluded that Subsection (4) prevented the personal representative from investigating what assets were owned by Decedent at the time of his death, regardless of who was in possession of the assets at that time. She further maintains that the district court improperly determined that Subsection (4) precluded the personal representative’s investigation into the propriety of the transfer of estate assets to the trust. We agree. {15} The interpretation of Subsection (4) is a matter of law that we review de novo. In re Estate of Baca, 1999-NMCA-082, ¶ 12, 127 N.M. 535, 984 P.2d 782. “In interpreting [statutes], we seek to give effect to the Legislature’s intent[.]” Zuni Indian Tribe v. McKinley Cnty. Bd. of Cnty. Comm’rs, 2013NMCA-041, ¶ 8, 300 P.3d 133 (internal quotation marks and citation omitted). A. Overview of Subsection (4) {16} Section 45-3-108 begins with a broad prohibition against the initiation of a probate or appointment proceeding more than three years after the decedent’s death. It then lists five exceptions to this prohibition, but we are concerned only with the fourth exception—Subsection (4)—which states, in relevant part, that “a formal testacy or appointment proceeding may be commenced” more than three years after the decedent’s death “if no proceeding[] concerning the succession or estate administration has occurred within the three-year period after the Advance Opinions decedent’s death.” Section 45-3-108(A) (4). The exception goes on to state, “but the personal representative has no right to possess estate assets as provided in Section 45-3-709 . . . beyond that necessary to confirm title thereto in the successors to the estate and claims other than expenses of administration may not be presented against the estate.” Section 45-3-108(A)(4). {17} This subsection permits any appointment or formal testacy proceeding to be initiated more than three years after the decedent’s death with three limitations. First, the subsection’s exception is not applicable if there has been any other proceeding regarding succession or estate administration during the three-year period. Second, in proceedings brought under this exception, no claims other than for the expenses of administration may be asserted against the estate. Third, the personal representative’s right to possess estate assets is limited to the possession necessary to confirm title to the assets in the estate’s successors. This case concerns the second and third limitations. B.Second Limitation: Precluding Claims Against the Estate {18} Regarding the second limitation, we are not persuaded by Ms. Khalsa’s argument that Wife is asserting an improper claim against the estate. Ms. Khalsa maintains that this alleged “claim” arose from Wife’s argument that unilateral gifts that Decedent may have made to third parties were possibly taken from Wife’s share of the community property. {19} Wife argued in the district court that she was not asserting a claim against the estate. To the contrary, she was asserting that Decedent’s estate could only transfer to the trust those assets in which he had an interest and that it could not properly transfer to the trust the assets in which Wife had an interest. On appeal, Wife clarifies that she does not seek to recover any portion of Decedent’s estate, nor does she want any damages from the estate. Instead, she wants to identify and confirm title in any asset that represents her share of community property that should never have been deemed to be part of Decedent’s estate in the first place. {20} We conclude that Wife’s desire to identify assets representing her share of community property is not a “claim” against Decedent’s estate. NMSA 1978, Section 45-1-201(A)(7) (2011), of the Probate Code defines “claims” as including “liabilities of the decedent . . . whether arising in contract, in tort or otherwise and http://www.nmcompcomm.us/ liabilities of the estate that arise at or after the death of the decedent . . . , including funeral expenses and expenses of administration.” More relevantly, this subsection states, “ ‘Claims’ does not include estate or inheritance taxes or demands or disputes regarding title of a decedent . . . to specific assets alleged to be included in the estate[.]” Id. (emphasis added); cf. Houston v. Young, 1980-NMSC-053, ¶ 6, 94 N.M. 308, 610 P.2d 195 (stating that “[a] widow’s onehalf community property interest belongs to her and does not become a part of her deceased husband’s estate”). Wife’s arguments in this case are disputes regarding Decedent’s title to the assets alleged to belong to his estate and, therefore, they are not “claims” against the estate. C.Third Limitation: Restriction on Personal Representative’s Right to Possess Assets {21} The third limitation on initiating a proceeding under Subsection (4) states that the personal representative “has no right to possess estate assets as provided in Section 45-3-709.” Section 45-3-108(A) (4). Thus, to determine what possessory rights Subsection (4) removes from the personal representative, we turn to Section 45-3-709, which generally permits a personal representative to take possession and control of a decedent’s property, to manage the property, and to initiate actions to recover possession or to determine title. The statute states: Except as otherwise provided by a decedent’s will, every personal representative has a right to, and shall take possession or control of, the decedent’s property, except that any real property or tangible personal property may be left with or surrendered to the person presumptively entitled thereto unless or until, in the judgment of the personal representative, possession of the property by the personal representative will be necessary for purposes of administration. The request by a personal representative for delivery of any property possessed by an heir or devisee is conclusive evidence, in any action against the heir or devisee for possession thereof, that the possession of the property by the personal representative is necessary for purposes of administration. The personal representative shall take all steps reasonably necessary for the management, protection and preservation of the estate in his possession. He may maintain an action to recover possession of property or to determine the title thereto. Section 45-3-709. Although Subsection (4) states that the personal representative does not have the right to possess estate assets as provided in Section 45-3-709, it also states that the personal representative may possess estate assets to the extent “necessary to confirm title thereto in the successors to the estate.” Section 45-3-108(A)(4). This language is the crux of the present appeal. D. Ms. Khalsa’s Arguments {22} Ms. Khalsa makes two primary arguments in support of her view that this limitation permitted the district court to restrict the breadth of the personal representative’s investigation of Decedent’s assets. She maintains (1) that Subsection (4)’s limitation on the personal representative’s possessory rights prohibited the full-scale investigation of assets sought by Wife and that this position is supported by In re Estate of Baca; and (2) the district court properly restricted the personal representative’s investigation to only those assets that had not already been transferred to the trust because (a) it had the discretion to do so and (b) allowing a more extensive investigation would thwart Decedent’s estate plan to avoid probate. We do not agree. 1.First Argument: Limited Possessory Rights and In re Estate of Baca {23} First, we see nothing in Subsection (4) that prohibits a personal representative from performing an investigation to identify with particularity what assets belonged to the decedent at the time of death. Even if Subsection (4) precludes the management or control of estate assets, as Ms. Khalsa argues, a personal representative could certainly conduct an investigation to ensure that only the decedent’s separate property and his or her share of community property were identified as estate assets, whereupon the personal representative could confirm title to those assets in the successors identified in the decedent’s will. Such an investigation would not be inconsistent with the limitations on possession stated in Subsection (4). {24} The goal of Subsection (4)’s restriction on the personal representative’s rights of possession is apparent. In cases such as the present one where no intestacy or formal testacy proceeding has been initiated within the first three years after a decedent’s Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2014 - Volume 53, No. 1 21 Advance Opinions death, the Legislature intended to preclude the personal representative from selling or otherwise exerting possessory control over assets that had been in the possession of others for more than three years. However, the Legislature wanted to provide a mechanism for a personal representative to confirm title in an estate’s successors for purposes of establishing the validity of title. See NMSA 1978, § 45-3-102 (2005) (stating that “to be effective to prove the transfer of any property . . . , a will must be declared to be valid”). {25} Ms. Khalsa’s reliance on In re Estate of Baca is also misplaced. That case interpreted Subsection (4) and stated that “an estate may be settled through inaction and passage of time” consistent with the Probate Code’s policy “to promote the speedy and efficient liquidation and distribution of estates, while allowing claimants adequate time to protect themselves.” 1999-NMCA-082, ¶ 24. This statement is correct in the context of the circumstances in In re Estate of Baca, which involved a claim asserted against an estate by a nondevisee seeking enforcement of an alleged oral agreement the decedent entered into prior to death. See id. ¶¶ 8-9. The present case does not involve a claim against the estate.1 {26} Furthermore, what Wife seeks— an investigation to identify what assets were properly in Decedent’s estate—is consistent with another policy of the Probate Code, which is “to discover and make effective the intent of a decedent in distribution of the decedent’s property.” NMSA 1978, § 45-1-102(B)(2) (2011). Effectuating Decedent’s intent first requires identification of the property subject to distribution. 2.Second Argument: Investigation Limited to Assets Not Transferred to Trust a. District Court’s Discretion {27} We see nothing in Subsection (4) and Ms. Khalsa has not cited any other portion of the Probate Code that confers discretion on the district court to restrict a personal representative’s investigation of what assets are properly in the decedent’s estate. Ms. Khalsa relies solely on http://www.nmcompcomm.us/ Schwartzman v. Schwartzman Packing Co., 1983-NMSC-010, 99 N.M. 436, 659 P.2d 888, for the notion that a probate court may, in its discretion, circumscribe a personal representative’s investigatory obligations. But Schwartzman is not helpful. In that case, our Supreme Court interpreted a statute permitting a shareholder to inspect a corporation’s books and records “ ‘at any reasonable time or times, for any proper purpose.’ ” Id. ¶ 8 (quoting NMSA 1978, § 53-11-50(B) (1983)). The Court stated that “[a district] court must of necessity have some discretion in determining when and in what manner the right of examination should be exercised.” Schwartzman, 1983-NMSC-010, ¶ 11. {28} The circumstances in Schwartzman are not similar to those in the present case. Subsection (4) does not contain any language suggesting that there are any limitations, other than possessory ones, placed on the personal representative when a formal testacy proceeding is initiated more than three years after the decedent’s death. Therefore, in cases where Subsection (4) applies, the personal representative would have the same obligations that are imposed when the personal representative is appointed within the three-year period following the decedent’s death. Among those obligations is the duty to “prepare an inventory of property owned by the decedent at the time of his death, listing it with reasonable detail and indicating as to each listed item its estimated value as of the date of the decedent’s death.” NMSA 1978, § 45-3-706(A) (1983). In fact, the personal representative is subject to removal for failure to complete the inventory responsibilities. See NMSA 1978, § 45-3-611(B)(6) (1975) (permitting removal of the personal representative for “fail[ure] to perform any duty pertaining to the office”). Thus, the obligation to inventory estate assets is not subject to discretionary limitation by the court presiding over the probate. b.Unrestricted Investigation Does Not Thwart the Estate Plan {29} We also conclude that allowing the personal representative to investigate and identify estate assets, including assets previously transferred to the trust, would not thwart Decedent’s estate plan. Decedent’s will contained several devises of specific personal property and then provided that the residue of the estate would pour over into the trust for distribution consistent with the trust documents. An investigation would allow the personal representative to identify what assets were Decedent’s separate property or his share of the community property, and those assets would properly be the subject of the will’s pourover provision. {30} If, following an investigation, the personal representative identified assets previously transferred to the trust that constituted Wife’s share of community property, the personal representative could not take possession of those assets given Subsection (4)’s limitations on the personal representative’s possessory rights. However, the parties appear to agree that reallocation of community property that was improperly transferred to the trust was the subject of the trust litigation. III.CONCLUSION {31} We hold that the district court improperly interpreted Subsection (4) as restricting the personal representative’s duties to investigate and inventory the assets of Decedent’s estate. On remand, the personal representative may conduct a complete investigation and inventory of assets in which Decedent had an interest at the time of his death. The personal representative may confirm title to any assets that are properly in the possession of a devisee, and he may inventory the assets that were properly identified as residue for transfer to the trust. Any claim Wife may have for reallocation of improperly transferred community property was the subject of the trust litigation. {32} For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the district court’s judgment and remand for proceedings consistent with this Opinion. {33} IT IS SO ORDERED. CYNTHIA A. FRY, Judge WE CONCUR: MICHAEL D. BUSTAMANTE, Judge MICHAEL E. VIGIL, Judge 1 We clarify that this Court relied on two cases in In re Estate of Baca that are not relevant to the interpretation of Subsection (4) because they were decided before that provision of the Uniform Probate Code was adopted by the Uniform Laws Commission in 1993. 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Staff Attorney Navajo Housing Authority, Window Rock, AZ The Navajo Housing Authority (NHA) is seeking applications for a Staff Attorney position. The position requires a Juris Doctorate degree from accredited ABA law school; Two years of advisory law experience; Active member of the Navajo Nation Bar Association; State licensed and in good standing in Arizona, New Mexico or Utah required. Competitive salary and excellent benefits provided. To apply: access the website at www.hooghan.org. Prosecutor The Ninth Judicial District Attorney’s Office, located in Curry and Roosevelt Counties, has an immediate position open for a new or experienced Prosecutor. Salary will be commensurate with experience and budget availability. Excellent benefits available. Please send a cover letter, resume and references to Kevin Spears, Chief Financial Officer, 417 Gidding, Ste 200 Clovis, NM 88101. Associate Lawyer Exceptional earning opportunity for associate lawyer in a growing personal injury law firm. 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Please send resumes and a recent writing sample via e-mail to Chandra Manning, at cmanning@mstlaw.com Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2013 - Volume 53, No. 1 25 www.nmbar.org Commercial Real Estate Attorney The Albuquerque firm of Campbell & Wells, P.A. seeks a commercial real estate associate with a strong academic background, superior analytical abilities and excellent writing skills. Salary commensurate with experience. We will consider flexible scheduling needs. Please submit resume to Lawrence M. Wells at lwells@campbellwells.com. All inquiries will be handled in strict confidence. PT/FT Attorney Positions Available This opportunity is geared for an experienced domestic relations and/or estate planning practitioner who possesses a high level of motivation and understanding of client development and is team-oriented, able to assume a high level of responsibility and interact professionally and effectively with clients, attorneys and staff. We are seeking candidates that have proficiency in all areas of oral argument and significant experience with computers, legal research and practice management software in local, remote, and cloud based environments. Applicants must be licensed and in good standing in New Mexico with 8 or more years' experience in Family Law and/ or Estate Planning work. We offer flexible work hours and compensation DOE. All replies will be maintained as confidential. If you are looking for a friendly, innovative, client centered work environment, please forward resume, salary history and letter of interest to fax number 866.319.3058 Attorney Positions 1st Judicial District Attorney The First Judicial District Attorney’s Office has immediate openings available for attorneys to prosecute DWI and/or domestic violence cases in Magistrate Court. This is an entry level attorney position, 0 to 1 years experience. Salary is based on the District Attorney Personnel and Compensation Plan. 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One, Two, or Three Attractive Office Spaces For Lease in the downtown Abq historic Hudson House – One, Two, or Three attractive office spaces. Rent includes telephone, equipment, access to fax, copier, conference rooms, parking, library, and reference materials. Referrals and co-counsel opportunities. For more information, call the offices of Leonard DeLayo at 505-243-3300, ask for Meg. Furnished Office For Rent One block from courthouses; all amenities: copier, fax, telephone system, conference room, phone service available. Rate: $800 a month. Call Ramona at 243-7170 for further information. Business Opportunities Retiring? Want To Work Less? We are looking for personal injury/work comp lawyers who want to retire or slow down. We are looking to combine our practice with an established personal injury or work comp lawyer who wants to retire or work less. Please e-mail abqlaw@msn.com. Visit the State Bar of New Mexico’s website www.nmbar.org 26 Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2013 - Volume 53, No. 1 Office Space SUBMISSION DEADLINES All advertising must be submitted via e-mail by 4 p.m. Wednesday, two weeks prior to publication (Bulletin publishes every Wednesday). Advertising will be accepted for publication in the Bar Bulletin in accordance with standards and ad rates set by the publisher and subject to the availability of space. No guarantees can be given as to advertising publication dates or placement although every effort will be made to comply with publication request. The publisher reserves the right to review and edit ads, to request that an ad be revised prior to publication or to reject any ad. Cancellations must be received by 10 a.m. on Thursday, 13 days prior to publication. For more advertising information, contact: Marcia C. Ulibarri at 505-797-6058 or e-mail mulibarri@nmbar.org MULTI-MEDIA AUDITORIUM Hold your conference, seminar or training at the State Bar Center. For more information, site visits, and reservations, contact Alan Kroll 505-797-6037 akroll@nmbar.org • Seats up to 160 • Moderately priced by the day • Catering available • Reception area • Beautiful setting • Ample parking 5121 Masthead NE, Journal Center, Albuquerque (easy access from I-25) Bar Bulletin - January 1, 2013 - Volume 53, No. 1 27 2014 Licensing Fees It’s annual licensing time again. Your 2014 State Bar licensing fees must be paid by Feb. 1, 2014, to avoid late fees. Take advantage of the e-check payment option this year. Payment by credit/debit card also is available. Pay your dues at www.nmbar.org. If you have questions, please call 505-797-6083 or email license@nmbar.org.