January Newsletter 2016 - Wyevale Central Public School
January Newsletter 2016 - Wyevale Central Public School
January 2016 Wyevale Central Public School 20 Concession 5 East, Wyevale Ontario, L0L 2T0 (P) 705-322-2734 (Fax) 705-322-2039 Principal: Mr. Chris Harding Twitter: @WyevaleP Web Page: Wye.scdsb.on.ca Upcoming events: From the Principals Desk: Jan 6/16—BBBall @ Burkvale (8) Jan 7/16—BBBall @ Mundy’s (7) Jan 11/16—School Council 6:30 pm Jan 12/16—GVBall @ Mundy’s BBBall @ Keating (7) Jan 13/16—BBBall @ Huron Park (8) Jan 14/16—GVBall @ Huron Park Jan 15/16- - Pyjama Day Jan 19/16—GVBall @ LeCaron BBBall Vs Keating (8) Grade 8 Grad Photos Jan 21/16—BBBall vs St. Antoine GVBall mini tourney NSRC Jan 25/16—GVBall @ Lourdes BBBall @ St. Antoine (7) Jan 27/16—BBBall @ Tay Shores (8) Jan 28/16—Assembly 9:15 am Toque/Winter Hat Day Jan 29/16—PA Day January’s Character Trait Is Honesty “We behave in a sincere, trustworthy and truthful manner”. Wyevale Central School Hours 2014-2015 8:50 - 10:30 10:30 - 10:50 10:50 - 11:10 11:10 - 12:50 12:50 - 1:10 1:10 - 1:30 1:30 - 3:10 3:10 Period 1 & 2 Nutrition Break Fitness Break Period 3 & 4 Nutrition Break Fitness Break Period 5 & 6 Dismissal Happy New Year! 2016 brings with it a busy time of year for our staff and students! Our intermediates will become involved in their winter sports, with the girls playing volleyball and the boys playing basketball. Junior and intermediate students will begin speech arts this month, so look out for all the talking going on at home! I’d like to thank all of the family members who came out during our last week singing as well as the wonderful turnout for our Holiday Assembly! Our student performers had a fantastic time getting into the spirit of the season. Our assemblies are always open to parents and guests and we hope that you will choose to join us at an assembly in the new year. Our next assembly is on January 28th! I would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many volunteers from our school family who helped with our Holiday Dinner and Trinket Sale. Your time and efforts are always appreciated. A special Thank you to our local Fire Department and specifically Rick Hales for assisting in having tables donated for our use! The winter season has roared back on us with our return to school, please make sure that students dress appropriately for the weather and outdoor play! A reminder that snow pants are required to be off the pavement area and in the snow! Once again, happy new year and best wishes for 2016! Chris Harding Page 2 Provide input on proposed 2016-17 school year calendar The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) invites public school communities to submit input regarding the proposed school year calendar for next school year (Sept. 2015 to June 2016). Input can be provided by visiting www.scdsb.on.ca, then clicking the link on the ‘School Year Calendars’ page under the ‘Schools’ menu. All stakeholders including staff, school council members, parents/guardians, students and members of the school community are invited to provide input. Feedback is invited until Jan. 9, 2015 to ensure the SCDSB meets school year calendar development timelines set by the Ministry of Education. Free International Languages program starting in January limited spaces available Would your child like to learn a new language or maintain their native language? The International Languages program is open to any student in Grades 1 to 8. Classes run Saturday mornings from 9 to 11:30 a.m. There is currently space in the following classes: Spanish in Bradford; Beginner Mandarin, German, Spanish and Greek in Barrie. In-person registration at Barrie and Bradford Learning Centre's takes place on Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 9 a.m. Registration will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis as there are limited spaces available. For more information, visit www.thelearningcentres.com. English as a Second Language – Register now for winter sessions Do you or someone you know want to improve your English language skills? The SCDSB Learning Centres can help. English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adults are offered at the Barrie and Bradford Learning Centres, and at the Allison Learning Centre (pending enrolment numbers). Please visit www.thelearningcentres.com or call for more information: Barrie 705-725-8360, Bradford: 905-775-4432 or Alliston: 705-435-7778. Recognize a STAR at your school! Our employee recognition program, SCDSB STARS, provides the opportunity for members of the school community to nominate an outstanding SCDSB teacher, custodian, educational assistant, early childhood educator, administrator, office staff person, etc. who has done something wonderful to support students in our system. Nominees will be informed of the nomination and the staff person will receive a personalized thank you and commemorative lapel pin from our Director of Education. It’s just one way to recognize the shining stars in our education system who make a difference every day in our schools, facilities and classrooms. Nominate an outstanding staff person by visiting www.scdsb.on.ca and clicking on ‘Staff’, then ‘SCDSB Stars.’ Page 3 French Immersion and Extended French info nights and registration info The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) offers French Immersion (FI) and Extended French as a Second Language (EFSL) at select schools throughout the county. FI begins in Grade 1 and EFSL begins in Grade 5. These programs give students a bilingual education and the opportunity to become fluent in another language. Information sessions will be held in January for parents of Kindergarten and Grade 4 students. A letter will be sent home to those parents with more details. Information session dates will be posted at www.scdsb.on.ca under Programs, French as a Second Language. To apply for these programs, you must complete the online application form in January at www.scdsb.on.ca under Programs, French as a Second Language. The FI application form will be available from 9 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 18, until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The EFSL application form will be available from 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 20, until 9 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 21, 2016. While every effort will be made to accommodate all FI applications, available space and staffing will determine how many students can be registered in the program. Applications will be processed in the order they are received electronically. EFSL is an open access program. This means that any student starting Grade 5 in September 2016 will be eligible for the EFSL program, and all online applications will be processed. It is important to note that January 2016 is the last time students can register for the EFSL program in the SCDSB, as the EFSL program is being phased out. Parents who do not have Internet access at home, or who require other assistance accessing the online application, should contact the school. Information Nights for Grade 8 students Is your child starting Grade 9 next year? High school information nights happen this winter! Information nights give an overview of what’s new and what to expect, and are a chance to ask questions. High school is an exciting time—there are so many programs, clubs and activities for students to try. Attend the information night at Elmvale District High school! Check the schedule on SCDSB’s website here: www.scdsb.on.ca/highschool to find out what’s offered at your local high school. Message from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit: Blast off with breakfast! Eating breakfast is one of the surest ways to get your family off to a positive start to their day. Both researchers and educators think breakfast is both important and necessary to support the learning potential of children. Breakfast does not have to be complicated – here are some quick breakfast fixes: Whole wheat tortilla wrap with cheese and salsa Rice cakes, cheese sticks and canned peaches Smoothie shake made with fruit, yogurt and milk Cereal trail mix, banana and yogurt Whole wheat pita spread with light cream cheese and wrapped around a banana With these breakfast ideas the whole family will rise, shine and save time! For more information, you can call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-5720 and speak with a public health nurse or visit the health unit’s website at www.simcoemuskokahealth.org. Page 4 Library News Our junior and intermediate students are starting 2016 in the Library by choosing and researching topics for their speech. Students in the Primary, Junior, and Intermediate classes once again will have the opportunity to get involved in the Forest of Reading program. This program helps celebrate Canadian books, publishers, authors and illustrators, and encourages the improvement of reading skills. The Ontario Library Association (OLA) chooses ten books in each category that have been recently written by Canadian authors. Participants then read, discuss, and judge the books that they have read. All students in Grades JK to 3 will be enjoying the ten great books that have been nominated this year in the Blue Spruce reading program. Participation by the older grades is voluntary and open to all students who would like to join. Students in Grade 5 and 6 will be reading the Silver Birch titles and students in Grade 7 and 8 will be reading books in the Red Maple program. Our students, along with students from across the province, will be able to vote for their favourite books in April. Page 5 Intermediate Boys’ Basketball What a pleasure it is to have so many boys interested in playing basketball this season. The challenge coaching such a large team is providing each player an equal opportunity to play, learn and develop their skill set. In support of the boys’ enthusiasm for the game, a decision was made to run one team consisting of two groups. Team 8 is coached by Mr. Lewis, and Team 7 is coached by Mrs. Pagliaro. All twenty boys are sure to have a fantastic time representing Wyevale on the court. Cheers to a great season! Mrs. Pagliaro & Mr. Lewis Intermediate Girls’ Volleyball An excellent team of Wildcats has been chosen to represent Wyevale during intermediate girls’ volleyball. Practices began in December and with games scheduled; it is sure to be an exciting and super-fun season! Thank you for your support of the school athletics program that helped to offset the cost of new tshirts for intermediate boys and girls sports. We’re GREEN; we’re WHITE… we’re DYNAMITE!!! Mr. McCormack Green Team News Students and staff are encouraged to bring litter-less lunches as frequently as possible. I am impressed by some students that always bring a litter-less lunch to school. To encourage more people to participate, we will hold litter-less lunch each Wednesday. Each class is asked to take a count of qualifying lunches and record their count on the chart by the recycling area. (Products in recyclable containers are allowed.)It only takes a little while to change a habit. Gateway Centre for Learning’s 8th Annual Spelling Bee Sunday, February 7th, 2016 – NSSRC – Community Hall Open to children in Grades 1 to 8 who reside in North Simcoe Registration fee $10.00 Registration deadline: Monday, February 1, 2016 Prizes per category: 1st = $100.00, 2nd = $50.00, 3rd = $25.00 Door Prizes, Silent Auction and Used Book Sale HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE WYEVALE STAFF TO ALL OUR WILDCAT FAMILIES! Page 6 School Council Information With the beginning of a new year, Wyevale School Council is set to support our incredible staff and students with a variety of activities and fundraisers. Your fundraising support has once again helped to offset the cost of t-shirts for team sports. Also, the annual Treasure Sale collected just over $1,000. This money was used to help local families participating in the Salvation Army - Adopt a Family program. Our next School Council meeting is Monday, January 11th, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. If you have any questions about what’s happening at Wyevale, kindly send an email to councilchairwye@scdsb.on.ca Kindergarten Registration starts January 25 Do you or someone you know have a child who was born in 2012? If so, it’s almost time to register them for Kindergarten in the SCDSB! Beginning on January 25, 2016, Simcoe County’s public schools will be registering children for Kindergarten for the 2016-2017 school year. Required registration documents include birthdate documentation, proof of address and record of immunization. For more information, visit www.scdsb.on.ca/kindergarten. Page 7 Bus cancellation information in case of inclement weather Although fall has just departed, winter is just around the corner in Simcoe County. With it comes the possibility of severe weather, challenging winter driving conditions and, as a result, possible bus and school event cancellations. All information regarding cancelled buses in Simcoe County is posted on the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium’s bus information website at www.simcoecountyschoolbus.ca. Our school is in the NORTH zone. When buses are cancelled, please remember that schools are still open (unless otherwise noted) for student learning. The Consortium, in conjunction with bus operators, will make the decision to cancel school buses before 6 a.m. and as such, will make every effort to post announcements between 6 and 7 a.m. Parents should also note that inclement weather cancellations are effective for the whole day and buses cancelled in the morning will not run at the end of the day. You can also subscribe to receive bus delay notifications here: https://scstc.ca/Subscriptions and you can follow the Consortium on Twitter @SCSTC_SchoolBus. We need your help to keep students safe at arrival and dismissal The safety of students is our top priority. Arrival and dismissal are busy times at our school. We need to work together with parents/guardians and childcare providers to make sure students are safe. Here are key points to be aware of when planning pick up and/or drop off of students: Supervision starts fifteen (15) minutes before bell time and ends fifteen (15) minutes after bell time. School staff will contact the parent/guardian, followed by emergency contact, for any student who is not picked up within this time. If late pickup happens often, additional support services may be involved. If parents/guardians arrange for other people to pick up their children, like a private childcare provider, the parent/guardian is responsible to ensure the alternate person/program is picking up on time. Designated bus loading zones are out-of-bounds during arrival and dismissal times, with the only exception being Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium buses. Private childcare providers will be asked not to use these areas. Parents are also not allowed to drop off or pick up in the bus zones. Once buses have departed and the loading zone has been opened up by school staff, vehicle traffic may begin to flow through the area to pick students up. Traffic must be in constant flow in this area at all times, meaning no unattended parked vehicles in this area. Unattended vehicles must be parked in an approved parking space, outside of the kiss and ride area, with the engine turned off. A full description of the Supervision, Arrival and Dismissal Procedures is available at www.scdsb.on.ca – Parents – Safe and Healthy Schools – Procedures. Nicholyn Farms Healthy Lunch Menu 2015-2016 *Each meal will also include a seasonal selection of vegetables and/or fruits* Week of January 11 – January 15: Hot Choice: Five Vegetable Spring Rolls with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: One Whole Ham and Cheddar Wrap. (Allergens: wheat, milk) Week of January 18 – January 22: Hot Choice: Three Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: Five California Roll Sushi with Soy Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, soy, sesame, egg, pollock, crab flavouring) Week of January 25 – January 29: Hot Choice: Vegetable Lasagna. (Allergens: wheat, soy, milk) Cold Choice: One Whole Chicken Salad Sandwich. (Allergens: wheat, sesame, soy, egg, mustard) Week of February 01 – February 05: Hot Choice: Two Honey Garlic Chicken Drumsticks. (Allergens: wheat, soy) Cold Choice: One Whole Bacon Lettuce Tomato Wrap. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Week of February 08 – February 12: Hot Choice: Two Pulled Pork Sliders. (Allergens: wheat, egg, milk, mustard, soy, sulphites) Cold Choice: Tossed Salad with Ranch Dressing. (Allergens: milk) Week of February 15 – February 19: Hot Choice: Three Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: Chicken Caesar Salad. (Allergens: egg, milk) Week of February 22 – February 26: Hot Choice: 8 Beef Meatballs in a Sweet & Sour Sauce. (Allergens: soy) Cold Choice: One Whole Chicken Ranch Wrap. (Allergens: soy, wheat, milk) Week of February 29 – March 04: Hot Choice: One Cup Baked Macaroni in a Light Cheese Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, milk, soy) Cold Choice: One Whole Ham and Cheddar Wrap. (Allergens: wheat, milk) Week of March 07 – March 11: Hot Choice: Five Vegetable Spring Rolls with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: Five California Roll Sushi with Soy Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, soy, sesame, egg, pollock, crab flavouring) Week of March 21 – March 25: Hot Choice: Three Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: One Whole Chicken Salad Sandwich. (Allergens: wheat, sesame, soy, egg, mustard) Week of March 28 – April 01: Hot Choice: Vegetable Lasagna. (Allergens: wheat, soy, milk) Cold Choice: One Whole Bacon Lettuce Tomato Wrap. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Week of April 04 – April 08: Hot Choice: Two Honey Garlic Chicken Drumsticks. (Allergens: wheat, soy) Cold Choice: Tossed Salad with Ranch Dressing. (Allergens: milk) Week of April 11 – April 15: Hot Choice: Two Pulled Pork Sliders. (Allergens: wheat, egg, milk, mustard, soy, sulphites) Cold Choice: Chicken Caesar Salad. (Allergens: egg, milk) Week of April 18 – April 22: Hot Choice: Three Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: One Whole Chicken Ranch Wrap. (Allergens: soy, wheat, milk) Week of April 25 – April 29: Hot Choice: 8 Beef Meatballs in a Sweet & Sour Sauce. (Allergens: soy) Cold Choice: One Whole Ham and Cheddar Wrap. (Allergens: wheat, milk) Week of May 02 – May 06: Hot Choice: One Cup Baked Macaroni in a Light Cheese Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, milk, soy) Cold Choice: Five California Roll Sushi with Soy Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, soy, sesame, egg, pollock, crab flavouring) Week of May 09 – May 13: Hot Choice: Five Vegetable Spring Rolls with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: One Whole Chicken Salad Sandwich. (Allergens: wheat, sesame, soy, egg, mustard) Week of May 16 – May 20: Hot Choice: Three Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Cold Choice: One Whole Bacon Lettuce Tomato Wrap. (Allergens: wheat, egg) Week of May 23 – May 27: Hot Choice: Vegetable Lasagna. (Allergens: wheat, soy, milk) Cold Choice: Tossed Salad with Ranch Dressing. (Allergens: milk) Week of May 30 – June 03: Hot Choice: Two Honey Garlic Chicken Drumsticks. (Allergens: wheat, soy) Cold Choice: Chicken Caesar Salad. (Allergens: egg, milk) Week of June 06 – June 10: Hot Choice: Two Pulled Pork Sliders. (Allergens: wheat, egg, milk, mustard, soy, sulphites) Cold Choice: One Whole Chicken Ranch Wrap. (Allergens: soy, wheat, milk) Week of June 13 – June 17: Hot Choice: Three Chicken Fingers with Plum Sauce. (Allergens: egg, wheat) Cold Choice: One Whole Ham and Cheddar Wrap. (Allergens: wheat, milk)
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