Coalgate Record Register
Coalgate Record Register
COALGATE Volume 131 Number 40 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 Coal County and City of Coalgate wrap up four major projects Four major projects that Coal County and the City of Coalgate have been working on for quite some time are in the final stages of completion. The projects include resurfacing the Coalgate Lake access road, improvements to the boat ramp and picnic area at the lake, resurfacing Fair Barn Road, and installing a handicap accessible fishing dock at the 45th Infantry Park Lake. The Coalgate Lake access road now has three inches of new asphalt overlay. The resurfacing project covers approximately one and onehalf miles of roadway and includes the parking area and boat ramp area near the dam and spillway. Except for the road striping and a few finishing touches, the project is complete. Funding for the resurfacing project was made possible by discretionary grant money provided for lake access roads through the Oklahoma Department of Transportation. The grant was for $395,000. “We applied for this grant over two years ago because the road needed upgrading and it was something that would be good for Coal County,” said District 2 Commissioner Johnny D. Ward. “The new road provides better access to the public use facilities at the lake, and the other improvements make the area a lot nicer. These improvements are good not only for our economy, but for our local citizens. A lot of people use the Coalgate Lake for fishing, boating, camping and relaxing. It will be nice for our area and the region for many years to come.” Cummins Construction in Coleman, Ok was the sole bidder on the asphalt project with a bid of $397,165.50. The preliminary dirt work and the shoulder work were performed by District 2. The City of Coalgate has enhanced the boat ramp area with three lights and a new picnic table, and two pavilions are being constructed. Once the pavilions are finished, picnic tables will be added. City Manager Roger Cosper said volunteers have offered to help with the pavilions and they should be completed next spring. A major component of the lake improvement project was the addition of a concrete ditch liner that will help eliminate soil erosion. The ditch liner was installed by the City of Coalgate with the assistance of District 2. Current plans are to restock the lake with hybrid bass, bluegill perch, channel cat and maybe a few crappie in late January or early February. The last time the Coalgate Lake and the 45th Infantry Park Lake were stocked was about 20 years ago. “I want to thank the Oklahoma Transportation Commission, the District 3 ODOT officials in Ada, and our state legislators for their support,” Ward stated. “I also want to thank Coalgate City Manager Roger Cosper for working with us on this project and for the city’s contributions.” Another project that has been in the works for quite some time is a handicap accessible fishing dock at the 45th Infantry Park Lake. A new parking area and a sidewalk leading to the dock were also added, and two picnic tables are easily accessible. The new 8’ x 20’ dock was installed last week by Atlantic-Meeco of McAlester assisted by City of Coalgate workers. The sidewalk was laid by Roy and Benny Ward. City Manager Roger Cosper said the cost of the project was $27,486, which was paid with funds generated by the city’s motel tax. “This is a nice new asset at the lake that I think people will enjoy and Continued on Page B-3 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, DECEMBER 17, 2014 “ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS…” — It’s plain to see why this beautiful little girl was chosen as a 2014 Coalgate Record-Register “All I Want for Christmas” kiddo. She is Ali Maples, daughter of James and Magen Maples. Ali is a student in Mrs. Janet Hale’s Pre-K class at Emerson Elementary. She wants Santa to bring her a real black pony to ride, a pink car that she can drive, and a gun that shoots balls. Emerson Elementary Principal Greg Davidson, left, and coach/teacher Trevor Cook compete in a ‘Best Beard’ contest. Davidson wins ‘Best Beard’ contest Emerson Elementary Principal Greg Davidson last week was declared the winner of a ‘Best Beard’ contest. The contest was concocted by Davidson and coach/ teacher Trevor Cook as a way to help underprivileged families at Christmas. The contest raised $644 ($1 per vote), which Davidson said was split between Operation Christmas and Jesus’ Toy Box. “Both of these programs directly ben- efit our students,” he said. The winner of the contest won the privilege of shaving the loser’s beard. This took place before the student body on December 12 — which the kids loved. Mr. Cook is now cleanshaven, but Mr. Davidson is required to keep his facial growth through the Christmas and New Year’s break. Both contestants said they had a lot of fun with the contest EARLY DEADLINE NEXT WEEK! All ads, legal publications, etc. must be in no later than 10:00 a.m. Monday, December 22, 2014 and even admitted to playing ‘dirty politics’ to win votes. By his own admission, Davidson resorted to telling the kids that Mr. Cook shot and killed one of Santa’s reindeers. The following day, Davidson got 150 votes and Mr. Cook got 50 votes. Holiday Closings The Coal County Courthouse and Coalgate City Hall will be closed the following days for the Christmas and New Year’s holidays: Courthouse Christmas - Wednesday, December 24; Thursday, December 25; Friday, December 26. New Year’s - Thursday, January 1; Friday, January 2. Coalgate City Hall Christmas – Wednesday, December 24; Thursday, December 25. New Year’s – Thursday, January 1. PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 Handkerchiefs bring back a lot of memories. I used to give them at Christmas to my “special” uncles and even gave some monogrammed ones to my dad a couple of times. I remember when my Dad would get blest at church and pull out his pocket handkerchief and start waving it. In our denomination that was a sign of surrendering all you have to Jesus. Others of us, including myself, carried one for many years and it came in handy many times. Handkerchiefs have become a forgotten item . . . until recently. They are making a comeback and many men would like to find them in their Christmas stocking this year. Ray Smith, of the Wall Street Journal, writes . . . “This winter, the hankies are coming out. It isn’t just because this is the season of sniffles. A current hankering for retro men’s accessories, such as hats, tie bars and pocket squares, is reawakening interest in handkerchiefs, some retailers say. After years of being tucked away while a germ-conscious society turned to tissues, the humble handkerchief is being rediscovered and in some cases reimagined with bold patterns and colors. “In the way that skinny ties and tie bars are once again [au] courant, the cotton handkerchief has come out of the bottom drawer and found its way into the pockets of some of the hippest dandies,” says Tom Kalenderian, executive vice president of the men’s department at Barney’s New York. Its Madison Avenue store features two table-size display cases of handkerchiefs on the first floor, which he says would have been unimaginable 20 years ago when the store opened. Colored and patterned handkerchiefs are prominent. At Hermes, the white handkerchiefs aren’t necessarily plain. The Faune Lettree line, launched this year, features the word “Hermes” spelled in quirky abstract letters arranged so that “however you decide to fold it or wear it in your pocket, you can have any letter showing,” says Robert Chavez, president and chief executive of Hermes of Paris. Handkerchiefs today are “one of our fastest-growing accessories categories,” he says. The handkerchief shouldn’t be confused with the pocket square, which is meant to be purely decorative. One is for blow and the other for show, according to a common refrain in the menswear industry. Handkerchiefs are typically cotton or linen, while pocket squares are more likely to be silk and boast bolder patterns. A neatly folded white cotton handkerchief can, however, be used decoratively, placed in the chest pocket. In the past seven or so years, as the menswear industry has pushed a more dressed-up look inspired by past decades, pocket squares exploded in popularity. Now, the functional handkerchief is enjoying a renaissance as well, according to some retailers. Mr. Chavez at Hermes attributes some customer interest in the house’s handkerchiefs to the whimsical design characteristics they share with Hermes pocket squares. Hermes has a half-dozen types of handkerchiefs, from classic white to colorful. Since handkerchiefs have been outside the mainstream consciousness for some time, many younger men may require a Handkerchief 101 class in etiquette and handling. “If I saw a person just sneeze or with perspiration on their forehead, and they were trying to wipe it with their hand or sleeve, and I had one in my pocket, I would offer them my handkerchief,” says Peter Post, managing director of the Emily Post Institute etiquette specialists. Mr. Post, author of the book “Essential Manners for Men” and one of the four great-grandchildren of Emily Post, says the handkerchief should be a fresh one. “You wouldn’t offer someone a used tissue either, so don’t give someone a handkerchief that has already been used,” he says. The recipient ideally should return the handkerchief either immediately or, if soiled, as soon as it has been laundered. Growing up, Mr. Post, 64, recalls his father “always had a handkerchief in his pocket.” Mr. Post says he carried pocket tissue packs instead. His father’s handkerchiefs “always made me uncomfortable,” he says, citing fear they harbored germs. With handkerchiefs, the “ick” factor inevitably comes up. Aaron E. Glatt, an infectiousdisease specialist and spokesman for the Infectious Diseases Society of America, says he isn’t aware of a study that shows handkerchiefs are more germ-spreading than tissues. Still, he says, “if you blow your nose with it and your hands are moist from the secretions, then you go and touch somebody else or an object, you can be transferring the virus.” A handkerchief user should wash or sanitize his hands right after using it. Dr. Glatt, also executive vice president of Mercy Medical Center in Rockville Centre, New York, adds that touching “somebody else’s handkerchief could be a problem” if it isn’t clan, since virus can still be present in a damp handkerchief. Handkerchiefs go back to ancient Greece, where a little square of fabric was used to blow one’s nose. But it was in the late 1300s that they were popularized by England’s King Richard II, according to Mark-Evan Blackman, former chairman of the menswear design department at the Fashion Institute of Technology. They were used primarily by society’s elite but gradually were adopted by the masses. In the 1900s, “it was a standard item for any professional, even for many blue-collar workers, Monday through Friday and even on weekends,” says Mr. Blackman. “You didn’t go out without a handkerchief.” Women, too, carried handkerchiefs, often in their pocketbooks. But starting in the 1930s, handkerchiefs began falling out of favor, as Kleenex facial tissue was actively promoted as a more hygienic alternative. Still, handkerchiefs have their day as the holidays approach, bringing a pressing need for a gift for Dad. Turnbull & Asser sees a spike in sales of handkerchiefs during the holiday season, and especially of white linen handkerchiefs, which some customers use as pocket squares for tuxedos, said James Fayed, head of its North American business. “It gives that straighter, crisper, cleaner look in the pocket.” Turnbull & Asser sells colorful and patterned cotton and linen handkerchiefs made from shirt fabric, and recently launched a limited-edition set of silk handkerchiefs with designs based on a mural on the side of its Manhattan store. Its best seller, Mr. Fayed said, remains a six-pack box of white cotton handkerchiefs, each with its own subtle detailing. At Brooks Brothers, handkerchiefs sell well year-round, but Christmas is the bestselling period, followed by Father’s Day, says Guy Voglino, vice president of men’s global merchandising. Handkerchiefs typically come in white cotton and Irish linen and in packs of three, six, seven or thirteen, and they can be monogrammed. For some, handkerchiefs never went out of style. Michael Zimmet, a 51-year-old lawyer based in Baltimore County, Maryland, has long tucked a handkerchief into his pants pocket when going to work or a social event. “I often have a runny nose,” he says. When dressed up, he says, “It looks more refined to be carrying around a cotton handkerchief than a Kleenex.” Continued on Page A-3 Happy Holidays Circle N Gas & Deli from all of us at 201 N. Main, Coalgate, Ok ~580-927-3266 Everyday Special December 3, 2014 - January 3, 2015 Buy $25 or more of Unleaded Gas and Get a LARGE Fountain Drink or Coffee FREE Buy $30 or more of Diesel and Get a LARGE Fountain Drink or Coffee FREE Buy Two Slices of Pizza (of your choice) and get a 32 oz Fountain Drink for ONLY .89¢ Monday-Sunday Winner of $20 in gas drawing was Monday...Buy Two 10” Pizza (One Topping) for ONLY $9.99 Jamie Bozenan Tuesday...32 oz Fountain Drink for ONLY .89¢ Wednesday...Buy Two 14” Pizza (One Topping) and Get a Two Liter (of your choice) for ONLY $21.99 Thursday...Purchase $3 or more in the Deli Box and Get a 32 oz Fountain Drink for ONLY .89¢ This Weeks Drawing Will Be For Friday... Buy Two 14” Pizza (One Topping) for ONLY $19.99 Saturday...Buy One 14” Pizza (One Topping) and get a 10” (One Topping) for ONLY $14.99 with 2 liter bttle of pop Sunday... Two Chicken Strips w/Potato Chives and Roll for ONLY $4.99 1 large pizza & 1 small pizza (Entries w/ Purchases per customer) Cottonwood Kids Write to Santa Ms. Madden, Ms. Snow, Ms. Gina, Ms. Sylvia Teachers. Dear Santa, Thank you for the presents. I want Battle Bots that you have to control with your body. There are two bots. I want some new spurs. I want some new boots. I want a pet original razorback. It is a type of dog with a Mohawk on its back. I want some new arrows. Not the ones that are pointy at the end but the black ones. I want some new paint. I have some but I want some extras. I have a bigger at my house for you to look at. Love, Maverick Dear Santa, I would like the Paw Patrol movie. I would like a new How to Train Your Dragon 2 movie. This is also what I’ve been wanting, it is on my Christmas list; a hero toy that comes with two masks. I also want a new Hoodie. My other hoodies are torn up except on. Love, Zachariah Dear Santa, I want a doll that is Dora. I want a toy truck. I want a toy monkey. I will try to be better so I can get on the nice list. I love you Santa Claus! From, Kennedy Country Comments Continued from Page A-2 Other men who may have put away their handkerchiefs find they are handy again. Todd Keefer, a 44-year-old case worker for Pennsylvania’s human-services department, used to carry handkerchiefs years ago but felt they were a little “gross,” he says. In the past two years, though, since moving to Philadelphia and walking and using public transportation rather than driving, he has found handkerchiefs useful, and now owns about eight. He likes to have them when his allergies flare up on a subway or bus, he says. Once, he had an unfortunate encounter with a bird overhead. “Luckily I had [a handkerchief] in my pocket, he says. A few weeks ago, he went salsa dancing and his dance partner was “sweating like crazy,” so he lent her his handkerchief. When he has one, he says, “it feels like being prepared.” —CC— Many of us remember the book written by Art Linkletter, “Kids Say The Darndest Thing.” Recently I ran across a book that reminded me of that one. In it the author has asked some children “How do you think God spends Christmas Day?” Their answers are great . . . “He watches Miracle on 34th Street.” Lyle, age 10 “It must be a day of rest because I think He likes those days of rest.” Nicholas, age 8 “He plays cloudball . . . It’s like football, but you throw a cloud instead.” Kerr, age 10 “He goes to a big Christmas party and tries to find a date in Heaven for New Year’s.” Arnold, age 10 “A lot of the time He has to find out what went wrong with the big snow machine.” Robbie, age 8 “He says prayers to Himself . . . but that gives Him a headache after a while and so He goes and visits with some grandma and grandpas that came up to Him in the last few weeks.” Terry, age 9 “He attends a big graduation ceremony where some of the angels get their wings.” Anita, age 9 “God just relaxes and starts planning some miracles for the coming year.” Carey, age 7 “God goes to a place like the White Mountains and sits around the big fireplace and rests. God doesn’t need to eat, so God just takes in all the love from around the world.” Marcus, age 8 “It’s the happiest day of the year for Him because His first son was born on that day and parents always like to remember things like that.” Colleen, age 8 —CC— And last of all . . . My favorite story of the Christmas season is the following. A southern-gospel group arrived home from a singing tour and was called by the widow of a man in their church who had just passed away. The widow asked them to sing three of her husband’s favorite songs at the funeral: In The Garden, Amazing Grace, and Jingle Bells. The group leader had misgivings about singing Jingle Bells at a funeral, but when the widow insisted that her husband loved the song, he agreed to sing it but told her that they would be singing it “real slow.” At the funeral service, the group sang all three songs, including Jingle Bells slowly and mournfully. Afterward, the widow thanked the group for singing and added: “Oh, I remember the name of the song my husband liked so much. It wasn’t Jingle Bells, it was When They Ring Those Golden Bells.” Dear Santa, I want a couple of stuff. I want a big black car that I can drive. It is pink on the inside. I want a new sponge bob movie. I want a big Barbie doll hose that comes with 12 pieces of furniture. I want a new princess scooter and also a lamp for my room. I want my very own clock with picture of daises in it. That’s all. Love, Leah Dear Santa, I cleaned my room two times. I play on my trampoline. I want a Barbie house. I want baby dolls. I made this Christmas tree for you. My favorite toy I like is a bike. I want a pretty one. Love, Kiersyn Dear Santa, I want presents. I want “Frozen” stuff. It is my favorite movie. I want to see you. I want a Christmas Tree toy. I want snuggle bear monkey. I want Anna and Elsa books. I want a giraffe toy. I hope you like my picture Love, Hayden Dear Santa, I want 3 “Frozen” books. I want one dragon toy. I want a Cinderella Barbie with her grandmother and her pumpkin. I want a teddy bear. I want eight Barbie’s. Santa please bring me all of those presents. I made you a picture. Love, Peyton Dear Santa, I like flowers. I want some toys for Christmas and candy. I want a Paw Patrol troll like a papa’s house. It is a blue troll and he has a blue dog police car with a hook. I want a sled to ride on the snow. Will you come play snowball fights with me? I made this picture for you. Love, Axl Dear Santa, I want a lot of baby puppies. I want them to climb all over me and lick on my face. I only want this one present. Love, Cage Continued on Page A-5 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014—PAGE A-3 New Dealer... New Attitude! Bring in this ad for $500 Discount! Welcome All, We at Riverside Autoplex of Holdenville strive to pass on big city discounts and prices, while maintaining that small town pride and customer service. For the month of December if you bring in this ad you will receive $500 towards TT&L or off your down payment of any finance vehicle w.a.c. We stock new and used vehicles of all makes and models...and as always we are fully stocked on great service! Thank you for your continued support. All new management, including Service Department 3224 Hwy 48 in Holdenville - (405)379-5424 ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY Weekly Market Report Monday, DECEMBER 15, 2014 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .....$3.00 300 - 400 lb......$2.85 400 - 500 lb......$2.60 500 - 600 lb......$2.40 600 - 700 lb......$2.28 SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 990 - $4.05 - $3.90 - $3.40 - $3.00 - $2.60 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb........$2.90 - $3.70 300 - 400 lb........$2.80 - $3.45 400 - 500 lb....... $2.40 - $3.10 500 - 600 lb....... $2.30 -$2.55 600 - 700 lb........$2.07 - $2.34 PAIRS $2500 - $3000 • STOCKER COWS $1400 - $2900 PACKER COWS $.94 - $1.15 LOW DRESSING .70¢ - .93¢ • PACKER BULLS $1.20 - $1.48 BULLS PER hEAD NONE • BABY CALVES -200 - $450 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula Hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 WE WILL BE CLOSED UNTIL OUR NEXT SALE ON MONDAY, JANUARY 5Th MERRY ChRISTMAS & hAPPY NEW YEAR!! Phillip & Paula Hatridge Coal County Conservation Announces Cost-Share Assistance Coal County Conservation District Announces Cost-Share Assistance available for Cost-Share Program Year 16 to benefit landowners. The State of Oklahoma has provided limited funds to our conservation district to help landowners implement measures that protect soil and water resources. “The great advantage of the Conservation Cost-Share Program in Oklahoma is that it is a locally-led program,” said Mike Thralls, executive director of the Conservation Commission. “Each local conservation district, with input from local residents and agricultural producers, selects which of the available conservation practices to provide assistance on, based on their local natural resource issues.” The Coal County Conservation District will begin accepting applications December 17, 2014 for Brush Management and Construction of New Ponds until January 30, 2015. Cost-share assistance will be provided at the rate of 75 percent of the lesser of the county average or actual costs, not to exceed $2,000. For more information or to pick up an application contact the Coal County Conservation District at (580)927-3414. The district office is located at 106 E. Post Ave, Coalgate, OK 74538. Office hours are 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 Service Saturday for Yvonne Adcock Memorial services for Yvonne Alene Adcock, a Coalgate resident, will be held Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at the Coalgate Assembly of God Church with Bro. Billy Wilson, Sr. officiating. Yvonne was born November 8, 1967 to Curtis Lemare Rascoe and Doretoe Whitman and passed away December 5, 2014 at her home in Coalgate at the age of 47. She obtained her GED, had completed Cosmetology School and Business School with a 4.0 GPA. Yvonne was a caregiver and enjoyed cleaning houses for people when able to. She was married to Henry Jack Adcock and attended the Coalgate Assembly of God Church. Yvonne enjoyed going to garage sales. Survivors include her husband, Jack Adcock of the home; children, Sammy and Tracy Adcock of Mustang, Henry Jack and Deanna Adcock of Coalgate, Lynn Schmitt and Ed Edmonson of Del City, David Adcock of West Point, MS, biological daughter, Sheylene Waddle and numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents. Service Held for David Lee Hokett It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’sMICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted Coal County Sheriff’s Report Destruction of property A deputy was dispatched to an alarm going off at Seeing Double Liquor Store in Lehigh on Sunday, December 7, at 5:30 a.m. The drive-through window had been busted with a concrete block but no entry was made to the store. Theft Pablo Energy reported that eight cattle panels were taken from a well site on Snake Road and SH 31 west of Coalgate sometime between Saturday afternoon, December 6, and Sunday morning, December 7. The panels are green in color and valued at $720. Pickup Theft On December 12, a 1999 Dodge pickup black in color was reported stolen from David Ward’s car lot on SH 3 west of Coalgate. The pickup was last seen on December 11 at approximately 6:00 p.m. Services for David Leo Hokett, a longtime Bromide, OK resident, were held at 2:00 p.m. December 5, 2014 at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka with Bro. Arvel Hall officiating. Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka was in charge of arrangements. Mr. Hokett was born September 2, 1954 to Harvey Leo and Alice Bernice (Dewitt) Hokett at Durant, OK and passed away December 2, 2014 at Durant at the age of 60. He graduated from Wapanucka High School in 1972 and married Linda Lou (Hobbie) October 19, 1995 at Sherman, TX. David was a rancher and former Atoka Police Officer. He was of the Baptist faith and enjoyed hunting and trapping hogs and feeding wildlife on the ranch. Survivors include his wife Linda Lou Hokett of the home in Bromide; sons, David Thomas Hokett and wife, Angela of Antlers and Randale Lee Hokett of Ardmore; brother, Lonnie Hokett and wife, Revonda of Boggy Depot, OK; grandchildren, Kaci Hokett, Taylor Hokett, Hugh Hokett and Jasper Hokett all of Antlers and Stoney Hokett of Yukon, OK, along with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; and brother, Darrell Hokett. Service Held for Johnnie Henderson Funeral services for Johnnie Ray Henderson, a longtime Bentley, OK resident were held Friday, December 12, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn in Atoka with Bro. Quilla Sanders officiating, assisted by Bro Dennis Powell. Burial was in Bentley Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mr. Henderson was born May 27, 1939 to Julius and Lilly Bell (Cooksey) Henderson at Bentley, OK and passed away December 9, 2014 at his residence in Bentley at the age of 75. He attended Bentley Elementary, Atoka Middle and Atoka High School and married Virgie Marlene Thornton November 29, 1957 in Durant. They had 57 wonderfully blessed years together. Johnnie worked for Allied Fence Co. in Oklahoma City while attending barber school. He then owned his own Barber Shop in Oklahoma City until he moved to Bentley, OK. Johnnie was a school bus driver for Tushka Public School for 22 years. He was also a rancher. He was an active member of General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn where he served as an Elder for many years. He was baptized into the faith in 1967. Johnnie was a lifetime member of the Atoka Trail Riders. After retirement, he enjoyed buying, selling and trading. Survivors include his wife, Virgie Henderson of the home in Bentley; children, Ronnie Henderson and wife, Karen of Atoka, Kenneth Henderson and wife, Renae of Caddo, Carl Henderson and wife, Jana of Atoka, Pamela Bingham of Harmony, Carol Lane and husband, Matt of Harmony, Leonard Henderson and wife, Shaye of Bentley; grandchildren, Angie Hodge and husband, Brian of Caddo, Crystal Gossett of Atoka, Brandie Humphrey and husband, Zack of Edmond, Jessica Smith of Farris, Jessica Henderson and husband, Heath of Caddo; Johnica Henderson of Caddo, Stetson Henderson and wife, Sarahi of Atoka, Stormie Henderson of Atoka; Zed Moon of Atoka, Sevans Henderson of Atoka, Ashley Glover and husband, Bob of Atoka, Kendra Bingham of Harmony, Taylor Bingham and wife, Ashley of Atoka; Raynee Eaves and husband, Caleb of Bentley, Kendall Lane and wife, Lindsay of Harmony, Meagan Burnside of Garvin OK, Madison Burnside of Bentley, Nathan Henderson of Caney, Nicole Henderson of Bentley, Nick Henderson of Bentley; great grandchildren, Hannah Hodge, Phillip Gossett, Haygan Gossett, Denver Humphrey, Trenton Carriger, Garrett Smith, Carmeron Gentry, Conway Gibson, Ruger Moon, Brooks Glover, Cooper Callicoat, Will Eaves, Cole Lane, Harper Lane, Bentlee Burnside and two on the way; siblings, Jerry Henderson and wife, Merle of Bentley, Ruth Keeler of OKC, Frank Henderson and wife, Freda of Atoka, Marvin Henderson and wife, Mary of Stratford, Artie Powell of Harmony, Fred Henderson and wife, Judy of OKC, Ted Henderson and wife, Pat of Atoka, Mary Jane Ables and husband, Richard of Bobby Depot; along with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and a host of dear friends and brethern. He was preceded in death by his parents; father and mother-in-law, Henry and Nellie Thornton; sister, Ester Fincher and husband Bo; brothers, Jim Henderson and wife, Faye and Perry Henderson and wife, Mary; brothers-in-law, Ed Keeler and James Powell. Pallbearers were William Henderson, Brad Carey, Shawn Morris, Brent Ables, Eric Carey and Derrick Howard; honorary bearers were Jerry Henderson, Frank Henderson, Marvin Henderson, Fred Henderson, Ted Henderson and Richard Ables. Service Held for Tyler Merriman Randall “Tyler” Merriman passed away at the age of 24 due to complication of cancer on December 2, 2014. Tyler Merriman was born on February 8, 1990 in Ada, Oklahoma and was raised in Atwood, Oklahoma. Tyler attended Holdenville Public Schools. He was a member of the Golden Pride Band and earned Oklahoma AllState band member honors. He was an active 4-H club member participating in livestock projects, speech competitions, and many other 4-H functions. Tyler was the recipient of various Oklahoma State University and local community academic and leadership scholarships. He was active in Key Club, National Honor Society, and many other organizations. He graduated Valedictorian from Holdenville High School in 2008. After graduation Tyler attended Oklahoma State University to pursue a degree in Chemical Engineering. While attending OSU, Tyler marched in the Cowboy Marching Band his freshman year at Oklahoma State. Tyler also served on the College of Engineering, Architecture & Technology Student Council and was college’s Career Fair Coordinator during his junior year. Tyler graduated from Oklahoma State University with a degree in Chemical Engineering in May of 2014. Tyler Merriman was survived by his parents, Randy and Connie Merriman of Holdenville, OK; his sister Laura Merriman of Raleigh, NC; his grandparents, Bill and Luella Smoot of Ada, OK; J.C. and Margie Merriman of Cottonwood Kids Write to Santa Continued from Page A-3 a picture for you. I want a prep school Barbie that is a Dear Santa, I am making you cook- princess. I love Christmas! ies. Get milk. I am giving I love my presents. Love, Aditi you cinimon crunch. I want a puppy surprise. I like pink. Dear Santa, Give me presents for ChristThank you for presents. I mas. I moved the candy am giving you some papers. cane. I want to show you my picLove, Addy ture. I want a shooting game just like my brother. I want Dear Santa, I like I get all my pres- a game with birds that fly. Love, Elija ents. I want a vampire toy with remote controller. I Dear santa, want everyone to get a presI want a big monster ent for Christmas. I like Jintruck. I like red. I’ve been gle Bells. Here is a picture good! I want a little tiny car, for you. Merry Christmas to you! a remote controlled one. I want a movie. I would like a Ho, HO, Ho! Papa Troll (Paw Patrol) one Love, Kyle and a monkey one. Love, Easton Hello, Santa! Good morning! I hope Dear Santa, you have a Happy New Thank you for bringing Year! This year I want a red presents. I want to get a cool thing it is like an I-pad. I don’t know what it is called rectangle fish tank. I already but you know. I want a new have a fish. His name is Blue BB gun with a scope on it. Jay. Love, Canyon I want a new rope. I would like a toy bow and arrow. Dear Santa, Love, Jagger Hi, I love you, Santa. You are coming soon. I want Dear Santa, I like you Santa. Can you you to bring me a ninja turtle give me some toys, Santa game. This is a picture of Claus? I would like a rabbit me with you. Love, Carson and a lot of ponies. I want a lot of houses for my ponies Dear Santa, to live in. Can you Santa, I really, really want a give me lots of animals that can walk by themselves? I Barbie house. I want Elsa want a lot of toys for my and Anna dolls. I also want own house to play with my makeup. I want a toy puppy that walks. ponies. Love, Emily Love, Faith Dear Santa, Thank you for bringing our toys. Thank you for putting stuff in our stockings. I want a doll for Christmas. I want one of those dolls that can talk and you can pretend feed them. I want an American doll. She comes with a horse. I love you Santa Claus! Love, Nevaeh Dear Santa, Bring me presents. I want to be on the good list. I want a bow and arrow and a toy car. I want a dinosaur. I made you a picture. Thank you! I love you, Brinson Dear Santa, I want a toy car and a remote control airplane. I want two racing games. I want a toy monkey. I made you an Dear Santa, I want to send you my elephant to help you carry photo from school. I made your presents. Love, Jeffrey Holdenville, OK; Six Aunts, Connie R. Merriman of Dallas, TX; Matt and Luann Rinowski of Sand Springs, OK; David and Lisa Ewing of Tulsa, OK; Paul and Renell Wheat of Phoenix, AZ; Sherry Smoot of Ada, OK; and Darren and Shawna Thompson of Bethel Acres, OK. Tyler was also survived by several close cousins: Robert and Kelli Schawo, Jason Thomas, Katie Thomas, Casey LeFever, Jesse LeFever, John Wheat, Abbey Thompson, and Colby Thompson. He was also survived by prayer warriors all over the world that prayed up many miracles along the way. Services were held Monday, December 8, 2014 at 2:00pm at the First Baptist Church in Holdenville, Oklahoma. Pastor Danny Frazee officiated with Ashton Adair assisting. Burial was at the Atwood Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to the Tyler Merriman Memorial Scholarship the Chemical Engineering Department has set up to honor Tyler at Oklahoma State University. To donate, go to Click the ‘Give Now’ link and search for ‘Tyler Merriman’ or use the Fund ID (26-93750). Donations can also be made by phone at (800) 622-4678. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014—PAGE A-5 Lehigh Word of Life Community Church Hwy 3 & 6th St. - Lehigh, OK. Come be with us to hear Rev. Donnie Henson Preaching & Singing December 21, 2014 Sunday 11:00 am ~ Sunday 5:00 pm Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 12/10/2014 Total Head: 1218 Steer 258-293 ...............$380.00-$410.00 305-330 ...............$365.00-$407.50 350-380 ...............$350.00-$377.00 417-419 .............................$350.00 458-492 ...............$301.00-$327.50 500-548 ...............$289.00-$316.00 565.....................................$298.00 555-580 ...............$262.00-$276.00 Heifers 3304-345 ............ $320.00-$350.00 355-378 .............. $314.00-$324.00 405-445 .............. $294.00-$310.00 450-488 .............. $280.00-$289.00 500-538.00 ......... $261.00-$277.00 600-640 .............. $220.00-$230.00 650-688 .............. $218.00-$222.00 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Next Sale Date: January 7, 2015 starting at 9:00 am S W PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 Commissioners’ Proceedings The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, December 8, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Michael Hensley called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. Roll was called by Michael Hensley. Those present were: Michael Hensley, Chairman, Johnny Ward, Vice-chairman, Brock Jones, Member, Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk, and Landi Frazier, Deputy County Clerk. Johnny Ward gave the invocation. There were no quests present. Brock Jones made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Johnny Ward seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve monthly reports of county officials for the Court Clerkʼs office and the Election Board from the previous month. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones, and Hensley approved. Brock Jones made a motion to approve transfers of appropriations in the General fund for the Election Board. Johnny Ward seconded. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the purchase orders for payment. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved the following: Fiscal Year: Payments by Fund Approved 2014-2015 From: 12/4/2014 To: 12/9/2014 Warrant No. Vendor Name 911 COLLECTIONS 25 WINDSTREAM Amount Purpose $467.51 SERVICE $14.17 $148.87 BLANKET EMER MNGMT SUPPLIES CDBG WATER GRANT 6 OK DEPT OF COMMERCE $520.84 WATER PAYMENT COUNTY SALES TAX 630 ADA PAPER CO. 631 ADA PAPER CO. 632 OK DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 633 OKLAHOMA STATE BANK 634 C & C HARDWARE 635 C & C HARDWARE 636 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP 637 CIRCLE N MARKET 638 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE 639 RICKS OIL COMPANY 640 KOUNTRY STORE $33.32 $23.95 $350.00 $489.80 $81.97 $15.77 $23.50 $84.03 $250.30 $1,301.84 $1,437.61 641 O REILLY AUTO PARTS $145.14 642 643 644 645 AT&T U-VERSE STAPLES CREDIT PLAN EDDINGS, ANNA KAREN RATCLIFF, KELSEY AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER PUBLIC WORKS AUTH PUBLIC WORKS AUTH PUBLIC WORKS AUTH PUBLIC WORKS AUTH AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER CITY OF COALGATE ADA PAPER CO. SHARE CORP. COMMUNITY WORKS RECORD REGISTER $35.00 $76.73 $189.28 $412.12 SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES SHERIFF DEPT SUPPLIES BLANKET RENTALS SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SUPPLIES OSU SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES OSU TRAVEL OSU TRAVEL $187.83 SERVICE $1,488.00 SERVICE $62.02 $410.58 $17.50 $37.08 OSU SERVICE COURTHOUSE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $147.90 SERVICE $147.79 SERVICE $30.00 $61.79 $126.12 $316.42 $196.75 SERVICE COURTHOUSE SUPPLIES COURTHOUSE SUPPLIES JUVENILE SERVICES PUBLICATION CD-4 16 17 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 C & C HARDWARE C & C HARDWARE $251.80 $404.00 $187.48 $1,111.67 PUBLICATION PUBLICATION BLANKET SERVICE $76.51 SERVICE 664 665 666 RECORD REGISTER RECORD REGISTER RICKS OIL COMPANY AT&T AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER ALLIED WASTE PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC $829.44 $59.54 $24.95 667 COLLINS, TWYLA $125.00 668 669 670 671 672 673 US FOODSERVICE SONNYS GROCERY SONNYS GROCERY KAHLE, DORIS FAMILY DOLLAR STORE PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $726.35 $164.51 $489.48 $500.00 $42.26 $283.92 SERVICE SERVICE COALGATE RF SERVICE CLARITA SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE LEHIGH COMM CENTER SUPPLIES BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET $46.13 SERVICE F-3 COUNTY CLERKS LIEN FEE ACCT 51 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC $44.95 COUNTY CLERK SERVICE GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 693 AT&T 694 AT&T 695 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 696 AT&T 697 AT&T 698 AT&T 699 SONNYS GROCERY 700 C & C HARDWARE $36.16 $128.42 $62.99 $52.15 $78.65 $40.65 $240.64 $33.69 SERVICE SERVICE OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE BLANKET BLANKET HIGHWAY 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1198 1199 1200 1201 $145.00 $128.00 $56.37 $24,995.00 $4,529.68 $286.37 $791.89 $399.16 $59.93 $189.86 $170.00 $833.00 $1,803.89 $3,188.68 $69.85 $78.09 $17,329.08 $5,641.96 $6,320.81 $2,839.26 $125.00 $285.53 $220.20 $29.49 $3,924.75 $299.90 $1,887.21 $4,694.52 $410.00 $2,489.61 $39.95 $4,966.02 BLANKET DIST 3 PARTS DIST 3 SERVICE DIST 3 TRUCK BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET DIST 3 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 3 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 3 REIMBURSEMENT DIST 3 LODGING DIST 3 GRADER BLADES BLANKET BLANKET SERVICE SERVICE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS DIST 1 RENTAL BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET DIST 1 LUMBER DIST 1 TIRES DIST 1 SERVICE BLANKET BLANKET Dist 1 EQUIPMENT BLANKET DIST 1 SERVICE BLANKET 663 COURT CLERK REVOLVING CASH FUND AMERICAN ELECTRIC 24 POWER 1202 1203 1204 1205 1206 1207 1208 1209 1210 1211 1212 1213 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP GRISSOM LLC WINDSTREAM COALGATE AUTO SALES COALGATE FUELS C & C HARDWARE RICKS OIL COMPANY B&S SUPPLIES ARAMARK HENSLEY, MICHAEL DON NORMAN HOTEL DUB ROSS CO. DOLESE CO MILLER MART AT&T VYVE BROADBAND FIRSTBANK WELCH STATE BANK SHAMROCK BANK JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP C & C HARDWARE HALLS AUTO SUPPLY DOUBLE S LUMBER DIRECT DISCOUNT TIRE COALGATE FUELS RICKS OIL COMPANY KOUNTRY STORE C & C HARDWARE BLESSING GRAVEL LLC 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC FITTSTONE INC STAPLES CREDIT PLAN PUBLIC WORKS AUTH ARAMARK AT&T C & C HARDWARE RICKS OIL COMPANY COALGATE FUELS DUB ROSS CO. MCNUTT AUTO REPAIR SHARE CORP. RED ROCK PIT 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC LAW LIBRARY LAW LIBRARY 15 FUND REVOLVING $109.97 $54.22 $53.22 $36.16 $179.49 $546.38 $2,685.86 $833.00 $782.00 $566.87 $298.44 $39.95 DIST 2 OFFICE SUPPLIES DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 SERVICE BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET DIST 2 GRADER BLADES DIST 2 TIRES DIST 2 SUPPLIES BLANKET DIST 2 SERVICE $328.06 TRANSFER OF FUNDS MD-1A MD-1C MD-2 HEALTH BUDGET ACCT 93 OKLAHOMA DENTAL 94 OKLAHOMA DENTAL 95 STOWE, TINA 96 C & C HARDWARE 97 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT 98 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE $600.00 $600.00 $350.00 $55.98 $31.80 $32.00 SERVICE RENTALS BLANKET BLANKET MAINTENANCE CONT BLANKET RESALE PROPERTY 27 AT&T 28 COMFORT INN $33.65 $106.00 TREAS SERVICE TREAS LODGING 97 98 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT FAMILY DOLLAR STORE RESALE PROPERTY 27 AT&T 28 COMFORT INN $31.80 $32.00 MAINTENANCE CONT BLANKET $33.65 $106.00 TREAS SERVICE TREAS LODGING Brock Jones made a motion to allow District 2 to purchase a one ton crew cab with dump bed off state bid contract. Johnny Ward seconded. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve contract renewal between Coal County and Family Health Center of Southern Oklahoma. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones, and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to go out for six month bids for gravel, gravel hauling, grader blades, metal culvert pipe, asphalt, tank cars, emulsions, road oil, and fencing material. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones, and Hensley approved. The board acknowledged receipt of the authorization from ODOT County Road Machinery and Equipment Revolving Fund for District 2 to lease purchase a 10 wheeler dump truck after January 1, 2015. Old Business: None. New Business: Clerk Loudermilk said she received a request from Gary Bartosovsky of Leidos to be on the agenda today to approve an invoice for bridge inspection for District 1. She did not access her email until after she had posted the agenda on Friday December 5, 2014. Ward said it shouldnʼt be a problem to sign because the inspection services were contracted. All agreed to sign the payment agreement. Brock Jones made a motion to adjourn at 9:20a.m. Johnny Ward seconded the motion. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved. ______________________________ _____________________________ Michael Hensley, Chairman Johnny Ward, Vice-chairman _____________________________ ______________________________ Brock Jones, Member Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk LEGAL N0TICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register December 10 & 17, 2014, 2t) SEALED BID The Lehigh Fire Department is accepting sealed bids for two (2) skid units. Bids must be turned in by 6:00 p.m. Sunday, January 4, 2015 and will be opened at that time. Bids may be mailed to Lehigh Fire Department, P.O. Box 280, Lehigh, OK 74576. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register December 10 & 17, 2014, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SHARON C. KENNEDY, DECEASED. PB-2014-12 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT, PETITION FOR ORDER ALLOWING FINAL REPORT AND DETERMINING HEIRSHIP, AND PETITION FOR FINAL DECREE Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the Estate of Sharon C. Kennedy, Deceased, that on the 18th day of November, 2014, John B. Wimbish filed in the District Court of Coal County, State of Oklahoma, his Final Report, Petition For Order Allowing Final Report and Determining Heirship and Petition For Final Decree and Discharge. Pursuant to an Order of this Court, notice is given that on the 15th day of January, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., the Petition will be heard at the District Court, Coal County Courthouse, Coalgate, Oklahoma, and all persons interested may appear and show cause why the accounts should not be approved and final orders entered determining heirship and decreeing distribution and closing the estate. In testimony thereof, I have hereunto set my hand this 1st day of December, 2014. S)D. Clay Mowdy Judge of the District Court Approved BY: S)John B. Wimbish, OBA #9756 RIDDLE & WIMBISH P.C. 5314 South Yale, Suite 200 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 Telephone (918) 494-3770 Facsimile (918) 492-5264 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register December 17, 24 & 31, 2014, 3t) CV-2014-21 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: THE UNKNOWN HEIRS, EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, TRUSTEES. DESCENDANTS AND ASSIGNS OF REBECCA J. GALLAGHER, a/k/a JEAN GALLAGHER, DECEASED GREETINGS: Said Defendants are hereby notified that they have been sued in Case No. CV-14-21 in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, entitled Scott C. Calahan, et al, Plaintiffs, vs. the Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Trustees Descendants and Assigns of Rebecca Jean Gallagher, a/k/a Jean Gallagher, defendants. Defendants must answer the Petition herein on or before the 27th day of January, 2015, or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true, and a judgment will be entered quieting the title as prayed for in Plaintiffs’ Petition and excluding defendants from any claim in the undivided severed mineral interest of the following described real property, to wit: The South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S/2 SW/4), and the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NW/4 SW/4), and the South Half of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (S/2 NE/4 SW/4), of Section Twenty-seven (27), and the South Half of the Southwest Quarter (S/2 SW/4), and the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SW/4 SE/4), and the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (N/2 SE/4 SE/4), of Section Twenty-eight (28), all in Township Three (3) North, Range Ten (10) East. Rachel Nix, Court Clerk By:S)Brittany Brice Date: December 9, 2014 John B. Wimbish, OBA #9756 Riddle & Wimbish 5314 S. Yale, Site 200 LPXLP Tulsa, OK 74135 (918) 494-3770 Spray-On Truck Liner • Enhances and protects new and used trucks • Sprayed directly onto the truck bed • Unique black textured non-slip finish seals out dirt, moisture and rust • Guaranteed not to peel, buckle or warp • It looks Awesome Charles Dove - (580)272-7014 901 Arlington • Ada • (580)332-8668 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register December 3, 10 &17, 2014, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA KENNETH A. HAIR, BRANDON SPENCER, KARA E. SPENCER and KATIE AIKEN Plaintiffs, vs. The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of CHESTER A. HAIR, VERNA RAY formerly VERNA HAIR, KENNETH CHET HAIR and TIFFANY MICHELLE HAIR, all deceased, Defendants Case No. CV-2014-20 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: The known and unknown heirs, beneficiaries, administrators, executors, devisees, trustees, legatees, successors and assigns, immediate and remote of CHESTER A. HAIR, VERNA RAY formerly VERNA HAIR, KENNETH CHET HAIR and TIFFANY MCHELLE HAIR, all deceased, GREETINGS: You are hereby notified that on the 25th day of November, 2014 Plaintiffs, KENNETH A. HAIR, BRANDON SPENCER, KARA E. SPENCER and KATIE AIKEN, filed suit against you in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, being Suit No. CV-2014-20, to quiet title to the following described property in Coal County, Oklahoma, towit: An undivided 1/4th mineral interest in and under the SW/4 SW/4 of Section 8, Township 2 North, Range 10 East; and an undivided 1/8th interest in and under the NE/4 NE/4 and that portion of the SE/4 that lies and is West of the U.S. Highway No. 75 and the N/2 SW/4 of Section 8; and the West Half of the NW/4 of Section 9, all in Township 2 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, and to obtain judgment establishing that Plaintiffs are the owners of said mineral interest, all as more particularly set out in Plaintiffs’ petition. NOW, THEREFORE, you and each of you are further notified that you must answer the petition filed herein on or before the 16th day of January, 2015, or said petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly in favor of Plaintiffs and against you, and establishing that Plaintiffs are the owners of the property, all as more particularly set out in their petition. RACHEL NIX, Court Clerk S)Cheryl Hobgood Deputy Johnny Sandmann OBA#32110 Sandmann Law Office 28 North Main Coalgate, Oklahoma 580-927-2314 Office LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register December 10 & 23, 2014, 2t) NOTICE OF OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION PROJECT All interested persons are hereby given notice that the Big Five Community Services, Inc. is seeking financial assistance from the U. S. Department of Transportation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration for the purpose of operating a rural public transportation project. Grant funds will be used to purchase replacement vehicles, administer and operate a public transportation project in Bryan, Carter, Coal and Love Counties. If any person desires a public hearing to consider the social, economic, and/or environmental effects of the proposed project, they may submit a request, in writing, to the Big Five Community Services, Inc., 1502 N. 1st Ave., Durant, OK, 74701, Attention: Allen Leaird, Transportation Director, no later than January 2, 2015. A copy of the grant proposal is currently available for public inspection and copying at the Big Five Community Services, Inc. located at 1502 N. 1st Ave., Durant, OK; 201 A. Street SW, Ardmore, OK; 210 N. Main, Coalgate, OK; and 910 West Main, Marietta, OK. Big Five Community Services, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014—PAGE A-7 Wildcats enter week with 3-3 record —Coalgate was due for major test Tuesday with talented Wampus Cats By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent The Coalgate Wildcats split wins in four games last week in high school basketball action. Coach Lance Weeks’ CHS squad lost 57-44 to Tishomingo on Tuesday. The Wildcats also fell 47-45 to the Whitesboro Bulldogs in the first round game at the First National Bank Classic on Thursday. However, the Coalgate squad rebounded with a 68-41 triumph over Pittsburg on Friday and a 34-28 win over Caddo on Saturday. Coach Weeks was pleased to see his Wildcats end the 4-game stretch with backto-back victories. However, he pointed to the 47-45 loss to Whitesboro as the best overall performance during the span. “We had some really good moments last week and some really bad moments,” the coach said. “One of the best was the Whitesboro game. They were coming off the win over Stuart in the (EOSC) tournament. We were down 6 and cut it to 2 points late. We had a shot in the last 10 or 15 seconds and the basketball rattled out on us. We had our chances against a good team. That was probably our best game of the week.” The week began at Coalgate High School on Tuesday when the Wildcats lost 57-44 to the visiting Indians from Tishomingo. CHS fell behind 12-8 in the first quarter. They rallied to square the score at 2121 going into the halftime break. Tishomingo then stormed the court in the third period to outscore the home squad 21-10. The effort pushed the Indians into the final quarter with a 42-31 advantage. The Indians then edged the Wildcats 15-13 to clinch the 13-point win at 57-44. C.J. Bills led a four-man scoring list with 17 points. Dakota Powell was also rock-solid on offense with 14 points. Rob Penney just missed scoring in double figures with his 9 points. Brandon Courson rounded out the list with 4 points. On Thursday, Coalgate moved on into the First National Bank Classic. The Wildcats squared off with the Whitesboro Bulldogs and suffered a tight 47-45 loss. The Bulldogs led 17-15 in the first quarter and 2722 at the break. Coalgate matched Whitesboro with a dozen points in the third frame. That kept CHS to within 5 points (39-34) going into the fourth quarter. Coalgate then cut the deficit to only 2 points late in the game. However, the shot bounced around the rim and then came back out in the close seconds. Whitesboro held on and escaped with the hard-fought 47-45 win over the Wildcats. A trio of CHS players landed in double digits in the scoring column. Dakota Powell moved ahead of teammates with 15 points. Brandon Courson added 11 points and Rob Penney followed with 10 points. C.J. Bills generated 7 points and Cody Franks tossed in the 2 points. The loss dropped Coalgate into the losers’ bracket on Friday. The Wildcats moved into the consolation finals to face the Pittsburg Panthers. Coach Weeks watched CHS erupt for a 68-41 victory, thanks to a strong start and a strong finish. Coalgate led 19-11 in the first quarter. The Wildcats were on top 30-21 in intermission. In the third quarter, CHS extended the lead to double digits at 47-34. Coalgate then finished with authority by outscoring Pittsburg 217. The surge carried the Coal County cagers to the convincing 68-41 win. Coalgate had four players to score in double figures. C.J. Bills dropped in 16 points. Brandon Courson was close off the high pace with 14 points. Halen ‘Bear’ Francis kicked in 11 points and Dakota Powell contributed 10. Rob Penney netted 7 points while Nate Hardy and Ian Conley scored 4 points. Cody Franks and Brandon Ragland scored 1 point each to round out the total. Coalgate moved on into the consolation finals to play the Caddo Bruins. The Wildcats ran off to a lead of 8-3 in the first quarter and 17-6 in the second quarter. In the third quarter, CHS managed to keep a doubledigit lead at 28-18. Caddo responded in the fourth quarter with a minirally. The Bruins outscored the Wildcats 10-6 to reduce the final margin to 6 points at 34-28. Coalgate stepped off the court with the win and the consolation championship title. Dakota Powell was the biggest weapon for the Wildcats. Powell pumped in 17 points to lead all scorers in the game. The other half of Coalgate’s scoring included Rob Penney with 6 points, Brandon Courson with 4, C.J. Bills with 3 and Nate Hardy and Nathaniel Daniel with 2 points each. Looking ahead, Coalgate came into the week with one game to play prior to the Christmas and New Year’s Day holiday. The Wildcats were slated to visit Atoka to play the Wampus Cats on Tuesday evening. Weeks expects a very challenging game with the powerful Atoka team. The Wampus Cats have recorded a pair of very impressive wins into the week. The AHS team has beaten Class 5A Durant 57-50. The Wampus Cars also hammered Class 3A Hugo 75-48. “Atoka is a very talented team,” he said. “They were in the state tournament last Continued on Page B-1 LI GHT UP UP FOR ALL YOUR PHYSICAL THERAPY NEEDS Suffering from pain, weakness or joint stiffness? Having difficulty getting around? We can help. Call or stop by for a free screening or just for some friendly advice. Steve Penney, PT 1004 S Broadway, Coalgate. ~ 580-927-9121 tthe he NNII G H T Available While Supplies Last Purchase the "Starlight" Gift Set for $125* *Featuring one pair of clear “brilliant legacy” stud earrings and one clear “pavé lights” charm on a necklace chain presented in a PANDORA jewelry case (a combined retail value of $175 US). While supplies last. See store for details. Experience at: 100 E. Main • Ada, OK 74820 580.332.0457 Valley Insurance Agency is proud to announce that Dillon Strunk, son of Bob & Francy Strunk, has joined our office as a producing and servicing agent. Dillon has graduated from the Hartford School of Insurance, taking courses in both commercial and personal coverages. Dillon has over a year’s worth of experience working for Alexander & Strunk, Inc. in Oklahoma City training in Personal, Commercial, and Life & Health Departments. He has also completed other insurance courses and has obtained his Property & Casualty and Life & Health Insurance Licenses. Dillon is looking forward to working with and advising current and future customers on all their insurance needs. We also want to thank our customers for their continued loyal business. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Guy, Mary Jo, Kim, Dillon, Bob, & Francy ‘Tis The Season ! ! ! LA N D M A R K B A N K OF WAPANUCKA INVITES YOU TO THEIR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Friday – December 19, 2014 10:00a.m. – 3:00p.m. 105 N Choctaw Wapanucka, OK Member FDIC Happy Holidays Come Visit the ALL New TTS Tupelo Travel Stop 99¢ Bag of Ice •24 hr. Fueling • ATM • Backwoods Cafe • BBQ • Beer Cave • Truck Friendly • OFF-Road Diesel 580-845-2360 • Hwy 3 & Hwy 48 at Flashing Light-Just South on 48 PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 s g n i v a S Get the gift of kubota savings 13995 $ 299 $ sale RTVX1120 SVL75 $ *per month 45209 $ 841 package sale savings $ 21458 $ 375 **per month L3301 Premium Package sale Kubota 33HP 4WD Tractor Loader & Bucket 60” Land Pride Box Blade 60” Land Pride Rotary Cutter 18’ Trailer ***per month $ L2501 Premium Package Kubota 25HP 4WD Tractor Loader & Bucket 60” Land Pride Box Blade 60” Land Pride Rotary Cutter 18’ Trailer 20998 $ 359 sale ****per month tax savings Uncle Sam’s Gift To You Section 179 tax savings with BIG tax deductions on equipment purchases for farmers and business owners 30000 $ 525 $ Put your tax dollars to work with powerful Kubota Equipment! sale U25S *****per month M9960HDC 50754 $ 868 $ BIG TAX $ tier 3 sale ******per month savings L3800DT 19924 $332 $ sale MX5100DT M7040SUHD 26779 $447 $ M5140HD M108SHDC2 31500 $533 $ $ *******per month sale L4600DT 26000 $433 $ sale ********per month sale sale *********per month 58618 $999 $ **********per month 32500 $550 ***********per month sale ************per month Merry Christmas G reat Plains Ada -t B T W F Y he rand hat orks or ou 1601 N. Mississippi• 580 427 9000 *Payments of $299 per month on a new Kubota RTVX1120 based on sales price of $14355 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 48 months. **Payments of $841 per month on a new Kubota SVL75 based on sales price of $49320 at $0 down, .9% A.P.R. for 60 months. ***Payments of $375 per month on a new Kubota L3301DT Package based on sales price of $22500 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months. **** Payments of $359 per month on a new Kubota L2501DT Package based on sales price of $20998 at $0 down, .9% A.P.R. for 60 months. *****Payments of $525 per month on a new Kubota U25S based on sales price of $31500 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months. ******Payments of $868 per month on a new Kubota M9960HDC based on sales price of $52054 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months. *******Payments of $332 per month on a new Kubota L3800DT based on sales price of $19924 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 60 months. ********Payments of $447 per month on a new Kubota MX5100DT based on sales price of $26779 at $0 down, 0 % A.P.R. for 60 months. *********Payments of $550 per month on a new Kubota M7040SUHD based on sales price of $33000 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months. **********Payments of $433 per month on a new Kubota L4600DT based on sales price of $26000 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months. ***********Payments of $533 per month on a new Kubota M5140HD based on sales price of $32000 at $0 down, 0% A.P.R. for 60 months. ************Payments of $999 per month on a new Kubota M108SHDC2 on sales price of $58618 at $0 down, .9% A.P.R. for 60 months. Financing available from Kubota Credit Corporation, U.S.A., 3401 Del Amo Blvd., Torrance, CA 90503; subject to credit approval. Payments don’t include set up, delivery, or local taxes where applicable. Customer Instant Rebates may not be available with promotional rate financing. Some exceptions apply. Offer expires 12/31/14. See dealership for details and other low-rate finance options. All prices include applicable customer instant rebates. Please see dealer for more information. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014—PAGE B-1 RANCH HOUSE RUSTIC & More Fashion~Furniture~Home Décor Clothing~Jewelry~Purses~Gifts~Furniture and much more STORE WIDE SALE 25% OFF (excluding furniture) V 20 to 40% RE SA ON FURNIT S G U IN OFF 10 miles east of Atoka OR 19 miles east of Antlers on the North side of Hwy 3 Like us on: Facebook@RanchHouseRustic 580-513-0769 Open Mon-Fri 10-6 ~ Sat 10-5 3-year-old Bliss Battles visits with Santa at the Choctaw Nation District 12 kids’ Christmas party. Bliss loves her new baby doll. Coal County District Court Records Felonies Jerry Lynn Parker, Durant, OK – Possession of controlled dangerous substance. Wildlife Bradley Ray Batchelor, Tupelo, Ok – Illegal possession of whitetail deer (2 cases). Civil Beverly C. Bishop vs C&F Trucking, Inc., Bernard Mageto Monyoncho, and Lee Roy Key – Personal injury and damages. Scott C. Cahan et al vs Heirs, etc. of Rebecca J. Gallagher aka Jean Gallagher, deceased – Quiet title. Small Claims Teresa M. Poor vs Brandon Michael Lee – Money judgment. DANCING DIAMOND PENDANTS starting at Wildcats Basketball Continued from Page A-7 year and have kids back this year. We will have to play a very great game and really compete just to keep from being embarrassed. But they (Wampus Cats) are supposed to win so there is not any pressure on us. We can just go play and see what happens.” --AT A GLANCE Dec. 9 @ Coalgate Tishomingo 57, Coalgate 44 Tishomingo – 12 – 9 – 21 – 15 – (57) Coalgate – 8 – 13 – 10 – 13 – (44) Coalgate scoring: C.J. Bills 17, Dakota Powell 14, Rob Penney 9 and Brandon Courson 4. --First National Bank Classic Dec. 11 @ McAlester Whitesboro 47, Coalgate 45 Coalgate– 15 – 7 – 12 – 11 – (45) Whitesboro – 17 – 10 – 12 – 8 – (47) Coalgate scoring: Dakota Powell 15, Brandon Courson 11, Rob Penney 10, C.J. Bills 7 and Cody Franks 2. --Dec. 12 @ McAlester Coalgate 68, Pittsburg 41 Pittsburg – 11 – 10 – 13 – 7 – (41) Coalgate – 19 – 11 – 17 – 21 – (68) Coalgate scoring: C.J. Bills 16, Brandon Courson 14, Bear Francis 11, Dakota Powell 10, Rob Penney 7, Nate Hardy 4, Ian Conley 4, Cody Franks 1 and Brandon Ragland 1. --Dec. 13 – Consolation Final Coalgate 34, Caddo 28 Coalgate– 8 – 9 – 11 – 6 – (34) Caddo – 3 – 3 – 12 – 10 – (28) Coalgate scoring: Dakota Powell 17, Rob Penney 6, Brandon Courson 4, C.J. Bills 3, Nate Hardy 2 and Nathaniel Daniel 2. --Coalgate (3-3) Dec. 2 @ Dickson, won 5853 Dec. 4 vs. Rattan, lost 69-38 Dec. 9 vs Tishomingo, lost 57-44 --- First National Bank Classic Dec. 11-13 @ SE Expo Center Whitesboro 47, Coalgate 45 Coalgate 68, Pittsburg 41 Coalgate 34, Caddo 28 --Dec. 16 – Atoka - Away --Kingston Invitational Jan. 8-10 --Jan. 13 – Antlers- Home Jan. 16 – Konawa- Home --STAR Invitational Jan. 19-24 --- $169.000 Jan. 27 – Stonewall - Home Jan. 30 - Rock Creek Home Feb. 3 – Tushka - Away Feb. 10 – Atoka - Home Feb. 13 – Antlers - Away Feb. 17 – Savanna - Home Feb. 20-21 - DISTRICTS Feb. 26-28 – REGIONALS 101 W Main , Ada • (580)332-2277 Dress With Pizazz and Family Hair Care Center 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 (580) 889-7704 Owner: Barbara Callicoat HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new! Looking For Some Christmas Ideas? Come Check Out Our Great Jean Selection, Tops, Jewelry, Purses and Belts! 30% OFF New Items Arriving Weekly! ALL OVER THE STORE! Miranda Callicoat - Hairstylist Ready to do some mani & pedis in the new and improved Pizazz Beauty Shop. Come see her Tuesday-Friday 10-4, Monday & Saturdays by appointment. Offers: Color, Cut, Style, Makeup, Mani & Pedis, Gelish Nails. Cell 580-239-0311 Also stop by and see Malisa Sweeny Hairstylist She does Cuts, Colors MondayWednesday; (Thursday - Friday by appointment only) Cell 580-399-2916 Also at our Beauty Shop Margie Eldridge and Sue Blaker PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 Not everyone is happy to sit in Santa’s lap! 2-year-old Maddie Thomas decided she didn’t want any part of that bearded guy. Marshall Hearrell with his new bike that he won at the Choctaw Kids Christmas Party held in Coalgate. Marshall won the bike in a drawing for boys 5 to 8 years old. 1-year-old Ryle Billy sizes up the strange-looking man with a beard and red suit. Ryle met Santa at the Choctaw Nation District 12 kids’ Christmas party. 3-year-old Sabrina Guffey wasn’t a bit bashful about telling Santa what she wants tor Christmas. Sabrina was one of 200 or so kids that attended the 2014 Choctaw Nation District 12 Children’s Christmas Party. Palace Drug& Gifts 104 West Ohio • Coalgate, Ok - 580-927-2064 FREE LOCAL DELIVERY (cut off delivery time 3pm) Professional Pictures With Santa Saturday, December 13th New Purses Craft Show in store December 13th Picture Packets Available Christmas Decor Free Gift Wrapping (with purchase) Camille Beckman (New Scents) 4-year-old Adyson Stevenson loved her “Flashlight Friend” that Santa gave her at the Choctaw Kids Christmas Party DELI IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE FOR FUND RAISERS COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014—PAGE B-3 Coal County and City of Coalgate wrap up four major projects Continued from Front Page appreciate,” Cosper stated. He extended his appreciated to Double S Lumber and Wayne Tomlinson for unloading the dock materials at the site. Fair Barn Road has also gotten a facelift. Last week, Tate Asphalt Paving, Durant, OK, added a three inch asphalt overlay to the road. The newly paved road is about a half mile in length and 19 feet wide. Commissioner Ward said the Fair Barn Road project was funded by a $47,000 Community Development Block Grant through the Oklahoma Department of Commerce. The grant was applied for by Southern Oklahoma Development Association. District 2 pitched in some labor. Coalgate Police Report Tate Asphalt Paving and Coal County District 2 working on the Fair Barn Road asphalting project. Bike Theft A bicycle was reported stolen from a residence on S. Byrd Street on December 9. The bike is described as a Mongoose, neon yellow/ Atlantic-Meeco and City of Coalgate workers installing new handicap accessible fishing dock at the 45th Infantry Park Lake. The dock had not been leveled nor the handrails installed at the time the photo was taken. green in color. Larceny Charges are pending in Municipal Court against a woman accused of shoplifting at Family Dollar on December 14. The officer’s report states that the woman paid for a couple of items and then attempted to leave the store with a tank top, lint roller and a bottle of Febreze in her purse. When the cashier confronted her about checking her purse and the woman refused, the cashier called 911 and a police officer was dispatched to the store. The woman offered to pay for the three items, but Family Dollar declined the offer. She was placed under arrest and transported to jail. The cost of the three items was $8.00 plus tax. The upgraded boat ramp area at the Coalgate Lake. The project has progressed since this photo was taken. Cummins Construction laying asphalt on the Coalgate Lake access road. PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 J & N Construction 17350 CR 3700 Coalgate, OK Free Estimates Sidewalks Custom Steel Buildings Metal Roofs James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 Cell: 580-258-0911 Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Call me: 580-889-3338 Lady Wildcats wrap up 2014 at Atoka —Coalgate girls are playing hard and eager to get that first victory By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent again included five players – and did not include a doubledigit scoring performance by any of the Lady Wildcats. Taylor Hall was the closest to double-figure scoring with 8 points. Ashlee Lynch and Shaylyn Coslow followed with 3 points each while Racheal Pebworth and Stasia Roebuck rounded out the scoring with 2 points each. The 37-point setback dropped Coalgate into the consolation semi-finals against the Whitesboro Lady Bulldogs on Friday. Coalgate found some offense and made a run at the Lady Bulldogs. However, a slow start in the first quarter made the deficit too large to overcome. Whitesboro led 14-5 in the first quarter and 26-8 at the half. Coalgate then scored 23 points in the second half, including 9 in the third quarter and 14 in the fourth. The Lady Bulldogs countered with 29 points in the second half to secure the 55-31 victory. Coach Roe was happy to The Coalgate Lady Wildcats were scheduled to close out the first half of the basketball season early this week. Coach Scott Roe’s CHS ladies were on tap for a Tuesday date with the archrival Atoka High School Lady Wampus Cats. “We play at their place,” said the first-year head coach at Coalgate High School. “Everyone gets excited anytime Coalgate and Atoka Continued on Page B-5 get together for anything.” The matchup should give the Coalgate girls their best chance so far to notch their first win of the season. Like the CHS squad, Atoka is winless coming into the week. “They are a middle of the road type of team,” Coach Roe said. “They are trying to ZONES: 2,4 replace some of the seniors for week of DECEMBER 7, 2014 they lost from last year’s team. 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’ It won’t be easy or anything, download the line ads for this week at but if we play well I believe - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLO we have a chance to win this 203 N. Main - Coalgate, OK game.” Atoka lost 67-25 to the Hugo Lady Buffaloes last Tuesday. The setback came against Class 3A’s 17th-ranked Hugo squad. GIVE AN OKLAHOMA VETERAN Seniors on blood thinners, The Lady Wampus Cats were THE CHANCE TO BE HONORED. swept from the Choctaw Nation who bruise easily because of thin Your tax-deductible donation to OKLAHOMA skin, Talihina Tournament on backHONOR FLIGHTS will help transport Call 580-889-3338 to-back losses on Thursday and Oklahoma veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit to make an appointment to memorials dedicated to honor their service and Friday. Class A’s 8th-ranked toughen up your sacrifices. Kiowa Cowgirls recorded a 66-41 verdict against Atoka skin, and clear out ugly bruises For more information on how to donate, visit in the tournament opener. or call (405) 259-9000 The Kingston Lady Redskins followed up Friday in the consolation semi-finals with a win over Atoka (but the exact score was not recorded). As for Coalgate, Coach Roe’s team suffered a very similar 3-game stretch last week. The Lady Wildcats were beaten 5014 by the visiting Tishomingo Lady Indians. Coalgate then went into the 1st National Bank Classic Thursday at McAlester for firstround action. The Lady ‘Cats were ambushed 55-18 by the Caddo Lady Bruins. Coalgate followed up on Friday with a 55-31 loss to Whitesboro in an elimination contest. “We lost two and were out on Friday,” the coach said. “We played hard but just made too many mistakes. That’s the same thing that happened on Tuesday against Tishomingo.” Tishomingo took control early and romped to a 36-point margin of victory. The Lady Indians led 14-5 after a quarter and 35-12 at halftime. THS went on to outscore Coalgate 11-0 in the third quarter to extend the lead to 46-12. Tishomingo then played slowdown ball in the final period to close out the 50-14 victory. CHS struggled offensively during the entire game. The fact is reflected in only five girls getting on the scoreboard and the leader, Stasia Roebuck, scoring only 4 points. Jessie Sexton and Mallorie Humphreys added 3 points each while Checotah Heathcock and Taylor Hall tallied 2 points each. On Thursday, Coalgate ran into Caddo in the opening round of play in the tournament Pastors Billy & Linda Wilson at McAlester. The matchup For information call Pastor Billy at generated a 55-18 victory for 580-927-5588 or 580-927-3030 the Lady Bruins. Coalgate trailed 17-3 in the first quarter and 30-9 Pastors Billy and Linda are licensed Counselat intermission. The Lady ors and experienced 12 step leaders. Yvonne is Wildcats were then outscored a recovered person of addiction and speaks in 20-0 in the third stanza to Universities across the country about human traffall down 50-9. CHS picked ficking. Meeting will be Christ centered dealing up the pace a little down the with the reasons people turn to additions. We deal stretch and outscored Caddo with all addictions the same whether it is Alcohol, 9-5. The effort rounded out the final score at 55-18 for the Drugs, Anger, Eating disorders, gambling or any Cowgirls. other addiction, Jesus is the answer. Coalgate’s scoring list once Andy’s Muffler & AliGNMeNt MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT Auto • Truck • Motorcycle • Railroad Crossing Call for Free Consultation 323 E. Carl Albert Parkway • 918-423-0421 1-800-658-1596 Storm Shelters 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Jerry English 580-927-5493 Installed All Concrete Now Accepting Choctaw Vouchers General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems McAlester Stockyards Market Report Tuesday, DECEMBER 9, 2014 sold 1470 cattle. Steers $4 to $7 higher. heifers $4 to $8 Higher. Next Special Cow & Bull Sale is December 13th. “for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for his godd pleasure.” Phill. 2:13 Weight Range #1 Steers #1 Heifers 225 to 300# $385 to $415 $301 to $330 300 to 350# $357 to $390 $324 to $338 350 to 400# $335 to $369 $318 to $333 400 to 450# $336 to $352 $293 to $317 450 to 500# $297 to $311 $274 to $287 500 to 550# $290 to $311 $245 to $258 550 to 600# $263 to $276 $223 to $236 600 to 700# $249 to $265 $217 to $237 700 to 750# $225 to $240 $205 to $214 800 to 850# $210 to $230 $202 to $210 300 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. PACKER COWS $4 tO $6 lOWER And BullS $2 lOWER High yielding packer bulls sold from .....................$137 to $140 Average yielding packer bulls sold from................$133 to $136 low yielding packer bulls sold from.......................$125 to $129 High yielding packer cows sold from ....................$116 to $122 Average yielding packer cows sold from............... $110 to $116 low yielding packer cows sold from .....................$104 to $111 Sale Every tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls tuesday evening, 6 pm OPEn 7 dAyS/WEEK & 24 HOuRS/dAy 2 RECEIVE & CARE FOR yOuR lIVEStOCK InVEStMEnt! Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill George tarr lindsey Grant donny Shadwick Richard Magby 918-423-4498 918-421-9057 918-649-4750 580-889-6049 918-424-1464 918-548-3478 918-655-7754 580-889-1329 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd • Coalgate, OK ~ Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors ServiCe tiMeS: Sunday School 10:00 am ~ Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. if you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 NOW O PeN 580-927-2729 Coalgate Assembly of God Tuesday Evenings 7:00 pm Hurts, Hang-Ups, & Habits Christian 12 Step Program COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014—PAGE B-5 Proud Sponsor of Coalgate Wildcat Athletics All new Chrysler 200 Come see Cade!! 1109 N Broadway Ave., Ada, OK 74820 (580)332-9400 • up to $6,000 Off Tigers looking for win to end 2014 —Tupelo’s chance for victory this week is with Sasakwa Vikings By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Tigers have one more game left in 2014 to win another high school basketball game. The Tigers were to have that chance on Tuesday, December 16. The Sasakwa Vikings were due at Tupelo High School to close out the year just prior to the annual Christmas and New Year’s Day break. Coach Clay Weller’s THS squad earned a split of two games last week. The Tigers were beaten 65-25 by the high-powered Stuart Hornets. The loss came on Tuesday, December 9, at Stuart. Tupelo recorded a win on the scheduled Friday evening showdown with the Milburn Eagles. The game was scheduled to be staged at Milburn. However, the Eagles signed up to play in a tournament and were unavailable to host THS in the game. The game was awarded as a win to Tupelo in the way of a forfeit. On Tuesday, Tupelo ventured over to Stuart to test the Hornets in a varsity contest. The trip resulted in a 65-25 loss to the home team. Stuart outscored THS in each quarter of the game. The Hornets led 17-5 after a quarter, 34-11 at the half, 4814 after three quarters, and 65-25 when the final seconds melted off the clock. Dalton Barnes scored 10 points to lead Tupelo in the scoring column. He was the only Tupelo player to finish in double digits. Five other Tigers added points to the total. Caleb Watson was second on the team with 6 points. Conor McCollum followed with 5. Bry Bratcher and Christian McLean scored 4 points each and Joshua Gragg added 1. Stuart’s scoring paraded included a trio in double figures. Wilson was tops with 17 while Goode added 13 and Langley tallied 11. Other SHS scoring included Brewer with 8 points, Bolte with 6, Beck Lady Wildcats wrap up 2014 at Atoka —Coalgate girls are playing hard and eager to get that first victory Continued from Page B-4 see eight Lady Wildcats join the scoring parade. Jessie Sexton was tops on the team with 8 points. Shaylyn Coslow was a close second place with 7 points. Taylor Hall followed with 5 points while Karley Shores chipped in 3. Other scoring for CHS included 2 points each by Stasia Roebuck, Checotah Heathcock, Katelyn Shockey and Mallorie Humphreys. Following the loss to the Lady Bulldogs, Coach Roe had some works of advice for his Lady Wildcats. “I told them to keep their heads up,” he recalls. “I see you are working hard and trying to improve. Our youth is showing up right now. We have to keep our turnovers rates down and also figure out a way to score. But if you are playing hard and trying to learn, that’s all I can ask of you … and you are doing that. We are just playing some really strong competition. There are certainly no cupcakes on our schedule.” --AT A GLANCE Dec. 9 @ Coalgate Tishomingo 50, Coalgate 14 Tishomingo – 14 – 21 – 11 – 4 – (50) Coalgate – 5 – 7 – 0 – 2 – (14) Coalgate scoring: Stasia Roebuck 4, Jessie Sexton 3, Mallorie Humphreys 3, Checotah Heathcock 2 and Taylor Hall 2. --1st National Bank Classic Dec. 11 @ McAlester Caddo 55, Coalgate 18 Coalgate - 3 - 6 - 0 - 9 - (18) Caddo - 17 - 13 - 20 - 5 - (55) Coalgate scoring: Taylor Hall 8, Ashlee Lynch 3, Shaylyn Coslow 3, Racheal Pebworth 2 and Stasia Roebuck 2. --Dec. 12 @ McAlester Whitesboro 55, Coalgate 31 Whitesboro – 14 – 12 – 18 – 11 – (55) Coalgate – 5 – 3 – 9 – 14 – (31) and Jordan with 4 each and Whitaker with 2. Coach Weller summed up the contest in simple terms. “Stuart has a very good club that can compete with anyone,” he said. “We turned it over 27 times and shot 22% from the floor. It makes it even tougher when you do that.” The Tigers were hoping to log another win on December 16 at home against the Sasakwa Vikings. --AT A GLANCE Dec. 9 @ Stuart Stuart 65, Tupelo 30 Tupelo - 8 - 6 - 6 - 10 - (30) Stuart - 26 - 17 - 14 - 8 - (65) Tupelo scoring: Dalton Barnes 10, Caleb Watson 6, Conor McCollum 5, Bry Bratcher 4, Christian McLean 4, and Joshua Gragg 1. Stuart scoring: Wilson 17, Goode 13, Langley 11, Brewer 8, Bolte 6, Beck 4, Jordan 4 and Whitaker 2. 3-Point scoring: Wilson 3, Barnes 2, Watson, Goode. --Tupelo Tigers results (3-7) Nov. 4 @ Stringtown, won 59-50 Nov. 7 @ Wanette, lost 43-34 Nov. 11 vs. Calvin, won 7734 Nov. 14 @ Asher, lost 55-37 Nov. 18 vs. Vanoss, lost 7746 Nov. 21 vs. Stonewall, lost 45-36 --Pontotoc Conference Dec. 1-6 @ Stonewall Vs. Roff, lost 65-25 Vs. Wanette, lost 45-42 --Dec. 9 @ Stuart, lost 65-25 Dec. 12 @ Milburn, won forfeit -Remaining games Dec. 16 vs. Sasakwa Jan. 6 vs. Allen Jan. 9 @ Coleman Jan. 13 vs. Earlsboro Jan. 16 @ Roff Jan. 19-24 @ Roff Tournament Feb. 3 vs. Wapanucka Feb. 9 @ Victory Life Feb. 10 vs. Kiowa --Playoffs District Tournament Coalgate scoring: Jessie Sexton 8, Shaylyn Coslow 7, Taylor Hall 5, Karley Shores 3, Stasia Roebuck 2, Checotah (Corner of Newell & Queen) Heathcock 2, Katelyn Shockey 2 and Mallorie Humphreys 2. --Coalgate Lady Wildcats at 11:00 a.m. #32 - Neiatha Hardy (Sr.) #55 - Racheal Pebworth (Sr.) would like to invite you to join them in worship #14 - Stasia Roebuck (Sr.) #23 - Jessie Sexton (Jr.) 580-258-8856 or 580-927-2267 #25 - Karley Shores (Jr.) #21 - Ashlee Lynch (Jr.) #22 - Shaylyn Coslow (Soph.) #24 - Checotah Heathcock (Soph.) #36 - Taylor Hall (Fr.) #20 – Jaylee Lenamond (Fr.) #31 - Katelyn Shockey (Fr.) #11 - Trayzr Hefley (Fr.) #10 - Mallorie Humphreys (Fr.) #40 - Madison Roe (Fr.) --Head Coach Scott Roe Assistant Coach Jared Truett Manager Taya Parsons Manager Maria Martinez --Antiques & Collectibles 2014-15 CHS Basketball 203 East Ewing Avenue & North Broadway - 580-579-3967 Schedule BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA BEFORE THE CORPOR Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm 580-579-3967 IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLI Dec. 2 @ Dickson, lost 63-39 CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES ) CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESO Dec. 4 vs Rattan, lost 64-33 ITEMS YOUR WELCOME TO CENTERPOINT ATTEND E CORP., D/B/A CENTERPOINT ENERGY )ALL CAUSE NO. CORP., D/B/A OKLAHOMA GAS, FOR ) PUD 201400291 OKLAHOMA GAS, FOR APPROV Dec. 9 – vs. Tishomingo, lostAPPROVAL OF ANOF OWNER THE COALGATE IN SHOP ASSET MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT AND ) ASSET CHURCH OF THEMANAGEMENT NAZARENEAGREEM 50-14 REVENUE-SHARING MECHANISM ) 50% OFF all of December Read John 3:16REVENUE-SHARING MECHANI --NOTICE OF HEARING NO McAlester Expo Classic Have a Blessed Day NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CenterPoint For EnergyYou Resources Corp., NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Blessing At Christmas Listen to 88.3 THEGOSPELSTATION.COM terPoint Energy Oklahoma Gas ( Tournament d/b/a CenterPoint Energy Oklahoma Gas (“CenterPoint Oklahoma”) has led an Application requesting that the Oklahoma Corporation Commission requesting that the Oklahoma Co Dec. 11-13 fiissue @ SE Expo an order approving an asset management agreement and revenueasset management agreement an sharing mechanism. Center NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tha NOTICE 18 IS FURTHER GIVEN that, as detailed in the Application, Cenhoma and Sequent Energy Man Caddo 55, Coalgate Mi. South of Atoka, Hwy. 69 & 75 Management Agreement (the “A Oklahoma and Sequent Energy Management, L.P.16(“Sequent”) Whitesboro 55,terPoint Coalgate 31 entered into an Asset Management Agreement (the “AMA”) concerning portation contracts. In general, u 580-889-6778 or 800- 889-6778 certain gas storage and transportation contracts. InCall: general, under the to Sequent all of its capacity und --AMA, CenterPoint Oklahoma will release to Sequent all of its capacity and un- Pasture Gates Metal gas supply and delivery arrange Custom Built Corral Buildings Dec. 16 - @ Atoka der those contracts, Sequent will manage certain gas supply and delivery released capacity is not needed --arrangements for CenterPoint Oklahoma, and when the released capacity Sequent may enter into transacti needed to serve the CenterPoint Oklahoma’s customers, Sequent and negotiate beneficial transact 2015 scheduleismaynotenter into transactions that maximize the value of the asset capacity Oklahoma will receive from Sequ ALLcommodity YOUR PIPE, STEEL,Cen-LIVESTOCK HANDLING, & EQUIPMENT Kingston Invitational and negotiate beneficial transactions inFOR the gas markets. ated with the NEEDS assets managed un terPoint Oklahoma will receive from Sequent a share of the net third-party each year. CONTACT US Jan. 8-10 revenues associated with the assets managed under the AMA, with a guarNOTICE FURTHER GIVEN th Round bale feeders........................................................starting at IS $119.00 --anteed minimum payment each year. tion a revenue-sharing mechanis Round bale hay cradle................................................... starting at $395.00 Jan. 13 – vs. Antlers NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that CenterPoint Oklahoma proposes in with customers on a 50/50 basis, 12’ 16’ troughs........................................................... starting at $119.00 the Application a revenue-sharing 8’ mechanism whereby the revenue from the-line, and with the remaining Jan. 16 – vs Konawa 5x10 round the AMA will be split with customers on light a 50/50 basis,panelss.............................................................$69.00 with CenterPoint Oklahoma’s Performance Based --Oklahoma retaining 50% below-the-line, withHeavy the remaining 50% being 5-1/2and x 12 Duty Corral Panels..........................................$119.00 ea.GIVEN th NOTICE IS FURTHER credited to revenues in CenterPointSelf-Catching Oklahoma’s Performance Based Rate STAR Invitational sion’s Administrative Law Judge Head Gate............................................................$429.00 B, at the Oklahoma Corporation Jan. 19-24 Change (“PBRC”) filings. 6’ Creep Feeder - 850 Lb Capacity.............................................$695.00 NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before the Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Ok 8’ Creep Feeder - 1 Ton Capacity...............................................$1,150.00 --- Commission’s Administrative Law Judge at 10:30 a.m. on January 8, 2015, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN th Ton Bulk Feeder Jim on Thorpe Wheels..............................................$1,955.00 in Courtroom B, at the Oklahoma3-1/2 Corporation Commission, Jan. 27 – vs Stonewall and that the Commission shall, 2 ton feed buggy.........................................................................$2495.00 Office Building, 2101 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and conorders and grant such relief as i Jan. 30 – vs Rock Creek tinuing thereafter until completed. 7’ x 12’ Steel Cattle Guard............................................starting at $595.00 equitable under the circumstance Feb. 3 - @ Tushka NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that7’allxinterested persons 16’ Heavy Dutymay Oilappear Field and Cattle Guard.................................$1,075.00 For more information concerning be heard and that the Commission7’shall, hearing and taking Feb. 10 – vs Atoka x 16’after Super Heavy Duty ofOileviField Cattle Guard ........starting at $1,395.00 CenterPoint Energy Resources C dence, issue such orders and grant such relief as it deems reasonable, fair, Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Ba 7’ x 20’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard......................$1,875.00 Feb. 13 - @ Antlers necessary, proper, and equitable under the circumstances, whether or not Tulsa, Oklahoma, phone 918-599 specifically requested. Feb. 17 – vs Savanna OKLAHOMA CORPO Colored Sheets, Doors, and Concrete Additional Charge on Building For more information concerning this Cause, contact Curtis M. Long, AtFeb. 20-21 - DISTRICTS BOB ANTHONY, Ch torney for CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a/ CenterPoint Energy PATRICE DOUGLAS Visit our website Feb. 26-28 - REGIONALS Oklahoma Gas, Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Bailey & Tippens, P.C., 321 S. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = Meeting Each Sunday s Paradise Cove nawidth. e h t Please choose the size that best fi ts your column r LEGAL NOTICE Be BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION ) CENTERPOINT ENERGY RESOURCES ) CORP., D/B/A CENTERPOINT ENERGY ) CAUSE NO. PUD 201400291 OKLAHOMA GAS, FOR APPROVAL OF AN ) ASSET MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT AND ) REVENUE-SHARING MECHANISM ) NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a CenterPoint Energy Oklahoma Gas (“CenterPoint Oklahoma”) has filed an Application requesting that the Oklahoma Corporation Commission issue an order approving an asset management agreement and revenuesharing mechanism. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, as detailed in the Application, CenterPoint Oklahoma and Sequent Energy Management, L.P. (“Sequent”) entered into an Asset Management Agreement (the “AMA”) concerning certain gas storage and transportation contracts. In general, under the AMA, CenterPoint Oklahoma will release to Sequent all of its capacity under those contracts, Sequent will manage certain gas supply and delivery arrangements for CenterPoint Oklahoma, and when the released capacity is not needed to serve the CenterPoint Oklahoma’s customers, Sequent may enter into transactions that maximize the value of the asset capacity and negotiate beneficial transactions in the gas commodity markets. CenterPoint Oklahoma will receive from Sequent a share of the net third-party revenues associated with the assets managed under the AMA, with a guaranteed minimum payment each year. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that CenterPoint Oklahoma proposes in the Application a revenuesharing mechanism whereby the revenue from the AMA will be split with customers on a 50/50 basis, with CenterPoint Oklahoma retaining 50% below-the-line, and with the remaining 50% being credited to revenues in CenterPoint Oklahoma’s Performance Based Rate Change (“PBRC”) filings. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before the Commission’s Administrative Law Judge at 10:30 a.m. on January 8, 2015, in Courtroom B, at the Oklahoma Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Office Building, 2101 N. Lincoln Blvd., Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and continuing thereafter until completed. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard and that the Commission shall, after hearing and taking of evidence, issue such orders and grant such relief as it deems reasonable, fair, necessary, proper, and equitable under the circumstances, whether or not specifically requested. For more information concerning this Cause, contact Curtis M. Long, Attorney for CenterPoint Energy Resources Corp., d/b/a/ CenterPoint Energy Oklahoma Gas, Fellers, Snider, Blankenship, Bailey & Tippens, P.C., 321 S. Boston, Suite 800, Tulsa, Oklahoma, phone 918-599-0621. OKLAHOMA CORPORATION COMMISSION BOB ANTHONY, Chairman PATRICE DOUGLAS, Vice Chairman DANA L. MURPHY, Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 25th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: PEGGY MITCHELL, Commission Secretary Fincher & Son’s Pipe & Steel ALL TYPES OF METAL FABRICATION Boston, Suite 800, Tulsa, Oklahoma, phone 918-599-0621. DANA L. MURPHY, C DONE AND PERFORMED THIS n your PAGEnewspaper. B-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 OF DECEMBER 14, 2014. FOR SALE FOR SALE—2002 Subaru, Outback, all wheel drive. Good condition. 1-405-831-0913. (2tc40) FOR SALE—Beautiful hardwood office furniture: Desk with 6 OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK HELP WANTED HEALTH/MEDICAL A-CDL DRIVERS OILFIELD NOW HIRING 2 years experience. No LABOR just drive, OKC and Woodward location, housing provided. Average 52K + bonus!! 1-866-501-7549 www. 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 OTR DRIVERS TRUCKLOAD! PD Practical/ loaded & empty same. Good DOT rating. Get home. Weekly pay. Class A. 2 years experience required. 636-584-6073. START THE NEW YEAR WITH A NEW JOB... AS A TRUCK DRIVER... Earn $43K first year & up to 65K third year! Company Sponsored CDL Training. Call 888-570-0230. LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS ATTENTION: VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-519-6148. SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied Benefits? We can help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-970-7845 to start your application today! WANT TO BUY HANK HAS CASH WILL DASH! For old guitars, amps, mandolins, ukuleles. Gibson, Fender, Martin, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar cash paid. 40 years in Tulsa. 1-800-525-7273. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact us at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672 OCAN121414 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Quality Vinyl Siding, Guttering & Windows Anderson Home Improvement Wetumka / Calvin, Oklahoma Russell Anderson • 405-380-4151 Free Estimates • In Business Since 1975 Tank Truck Drivers Needed A&A Tank Truck Co. – Calvin, OK A&A Tank Truck Co is currently hiring Night Drivers for our Calvin, OK yard. This position will work 4 On 2 Off schedule with the possibility to go to Days in the future. Our drivers are Home every day! Competitive Wages, Medical, Dental, Life Insurance, Paid Time Off, 401K and other benefits available. REQUIREMENTS: · Must possess a valid Commercial’s Drivers License with Tank Endorsement · Must provide 3 years verifiable Work History · Oilfield Experience preferred Please contact Frank Williams @ 405-431-8188 or Dispatch @ 580-399-6357 Available Immediately Bank Teller side drawers, file racks and lap drawer (72x35.5x31.5); matching bookshelf with glass door hutch (90x72x19.5). Asking $2999, but all reasonable offers considered. Call Darla at (918) 298-0100 days or (918) 230-6077 cell. (tfn) HOUSE FOR SALE—‑2-story house, approximately 2,840 sq. ft. with 5 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, 2 living areas, & formal dining. Has fireplace, new CH/A and is located on 5 acres 1 mile SE of trown of Coalgate onn Industrial Boulevard. Approximately 2,840 sq. feet on 5 acres with scenic view. Asking price is $189,000. Call 580-9275726 or 580-927-2621. (4tc15) Special Gov’t Program! Own Land/ Family land ZERO down! Don’t prejudge your credit. E-Z qualify by phone. 2,000 furniture package with purchase. Homes starting at 26,500 and up. W.A.C. 405-6317600 or 405-206-3693. (10/24tfn) FOR SALE—2-story house, approx. 2840 sq. ft. with 5 bedrooms, 4-bathrooms, 2 living areas, & formal dining. Has fireplace, new CH/A and is located on 5 acres with scenic view. 1 mile SE of town of Coalgate on Industrial Boulevard. Asking price is $189,000.00. 580-272-8395 or 580-927-2621. (8/6tfn) FOR RENT FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-bdrm houses. 580-258-8856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished & unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-5171. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT —Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—1-bdrm apts. with stove, refrigerator, CH/A, 3 walkin storm shelters, water sewer & garbage paid. Laundry facility on property. Handicap assessable apts available. At least 62 years of age may apply at Louis Sandmann Senior Housing. 1201 Cedar Way, west of Coalgate football field. 580927-2781. Office hours M-F, 9:00 to 1:00. (4/3tfn) FOR RENT—Nice 3-bdrm trailer with CH/A in Phillips. Also modern 2-bdrm, 2-bath apartment. Very nice. Close to school and town of Coalgate. 580-239-2170. (12/3tfn) FOR RENT—Available now. 3-bdrm with bonus room (storage, extra bedroom, etc.) 2-full baths. Near Coalgate. Phone 530-9052956. (4tp42) HOUSE FOR RENT—$400 month. Employment and references required. Call 927-6240 after 4:00 p.m. (12/17tfn) REFURBISHED MFD HOME— Ready to move in, 32x76 on 10 acres. 918-234-8900. (3tc42) at Coalgate City Hall located at 3 South Main, Coalgate, OK 74538. Position is open until filled. EOE. (12/10tfn) Hilltop Health Care, now hiring full time RN, Field Nurse. Monday-Friday, 8:00 – 4:30, mileage benefits. Contact: Vickie Westmoreland at 1-580-332-1892. (2tc40) Pecans for Sale 2014 Improved Pecans Custom Cracking 4 miles East of Coalgate on Hwy 31 For more information 580-927-0229 The Coal County Coon Hunters Assn Will Have A Meeting & Hunt Saturday, December 20th at 7:00 p.m. Nixon Community Center Draw out is at 7:00 pm. Please Come! Entry Fee - $500 • 1st Place $10000 David Shores SEPTIC TANK SERVICE 580-927-5160 Coalgate HHRV Park on Hwy 75 in Phillips has 30 amp & 50 amp spaces available. Also has drop off laundry service available We accept all credit cards 927-3168 • 927-5603 • 927-6419 WANTED HELP WANTED—McNutt Auto Service is seeking an experienced Mechanic/Technician. Experienced ir t D l with late model electronics Fil preferred. Please fax resume to Top 580-927-9069 or apply in person Soi Applicants with banking experience l Jerry Lemons at McNutt Auto Services, 308 East and/or cash handling backgrounds Lafayette, Coalgate, OK 74538. Home (11/5tfn) are urged to apply. Excellent Cell 580-258-0282 580-428-3166 HELP WANTED—The City compensation and benefits package. of Holdenville is now taking applications for a full-time meter Please fax your resume to: Randi Sue reader position. Applications may Smith at 918-948-9433 or submit an be picked up in the office of the application at one of our five locations. City Clerk between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 pm Monday Applications can also be found on through Friday, at 100 North Creek, the FirstBank website at OK. Applications will 502 East Vincent on corner of Vincent & Coe -3 bdrm. 1 Atoka Holdenville, Coalgate Antlers until 12:00noon Hugo be accepted on bath, home, on corner lot. Priced at $49,000. 701 S. Mississippi 714 S. Broadway 100 N. High St. 1501 E. Jacksonbrick St. 29th, 2014. (2tc41) (580) 889-7357 December (580) 927-3555 (580) 298-3368 (580) 326-4958 Please respond by Monday, December 29, 2014. HELP WANTED—The City of !!!"#$%&'()*+,-+".-/ 1003 West Blair - Large 3 bdrm. 2 bath, brick home, recently Coalgate is currently accepting Coalgate Antlers Hugo remolded with newCoalgate privcy fence and new covered back paCoalgate Atoka applications for Antlers ippi Atoka 714 S. Broadway Hu 100 N. High St.Antlers 1501 E. JacksonHugo St. a part-time 701 S. Mississippi 714 S. Broadway 100 N. High St.927-3555 1501 E. Jackson St. tio. Very nice house with granite counter tops and plantation 357 (580) (580) 298-3368 (580) 326-4958 Housekeeping position. Applicant (580) 889-7357 (580) 927-3555 (580) 298-3368 (580) 326-4958 Locally Owned 701 S. Mississippi 714 S. Broadway 1501 E. Ja 100 N. High St. blinds. Priced at $105,000. must have a valid Oklahoma and Operated !!!"#$%&'()*+,-+".-/ !!!"#$%&'()*+,-+".-/ (580) 889-7357 (580) 927-3555 (580) 298-3368 (580) 32 Driver’s License and have no 711 S. Railroad - 3 bdrm. 1.5 baths, brick home, on 2 large felony convictions. Applicant must lots, with privacy fence, very nice house in a good neighborpass mandatory alcohol and drug EOE/M/F/D/V hood. Priced at $99,000. testing. Applications are available FirstBank is looking for an experienced applicant to work as a bank teller at our Coalgate Location. Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Real Estate Sale Land for !!!"#$%&'()*+,-+".-/ “ 403 W.Fautt St in Phillips - 3 bdrm., 2 bath brick home on 10 lots. Nice 24x40 metal shop building. Priced at $85,000. Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: 918-557-5308 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 1384 + acres....pristine whitetail and turkey habitat. High fenced. 30 acre lake. 6 acre lake. 2 cattle working areas. 100+AU capacity. Property is fenced and cross fenced. 3 high fenced wildlife breeding pens. 60’x80’ metal barn with 3 bdrm/2bth bunkhouse. • 300 acres - Great hunting land. Electricity and water available. East of Durant • 19.77 acres....3,000+sq. ft. amazing new home. 4 bdrms/3bths. Office. Solid hardwood floors. Exotic granite counters. Gas log fireplace. Landscaped with sprinkler system. Underground electric fence. Attached double car garage. Workshop. Pond • 125 acres - Complete mini ranch. 2 homes. 1 guest cottage. Barns. Steel pens. 4 ponds. Hay meadow. 95% cleared. Clear Boggy upland. $399,000 MANY MORE LISTINGS AVAILABLE. PLEASE CHECK OUR WEB SITE FOR ALL LISTINGS WITH 205 South Dewight, 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom, frame home, with handicap walk-in tub and a nice quite neighborhood. Priced at $89,000. 306 N. Byrd - 3 bdrm. 1 bath, framed home with 1,783 sq ftwith fenced yard. Priced at $69,000. North of Coalgate - 754 acres or recreation land, on Caney Boggy Creek with lots of wildlife, electricity on property. Priced at $1,450.00 per acre. For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014—PAGE B-7 Coalgate Parade of Lights Jesus Name Church in the parade lineup. The Girl Scouts Troop 237 Cookie Express was a huge hit in the 2014 Parade of Lights. Shown from left are Kristy Coats, Rheanna Horn, Natalie Shaw, Charlee Wood and brother Jayce, Hayden Chaffin and sister Ava, Iley Lambert, Raelyn Loudermilk and brother Easton, and Kirsten Haney. In the caboose is Lions Club train conductor Cole Boatright. Members of Troop 237 are kindergarten and first graders. This was the first time the troop has participated in a Christmas parade, and we’re told they were really excited about it. Cub Scouts Troop 177 on their parade float. Girl Scouts Troop 2058 were happy to have Santa aboard their float! PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 17, 2014 Lady Tigers come up short at Stuart —Tupelo girls pick up forfeit win when Milburn won’t play Friday game By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Lady Tigers took a one-sided loss last week during a trip to Hughes County. Tupelo suffered a 66-34 setback at Stuart High School. The Lady Tigers went down in a game Tuesday evening against the Lady Hornets. In a strange twist, the Tupelo ladies gained a win by way of a Friday night forfeit. The Milburn Lady Eagles were scheduled to host THS. However, Milburn signed up for a tournament and was unavailable to play on Friday and did not wish to reschedule a makeup date. As for the Tuesday night game, Tupelo fell short in the road game against the Stuart Lady Hornets. The Lady Tigers made a good game of it in the first half. They matched Stuart’s scoring in the first quarter for a 9-9 tie. Tupelo was still within striking distance in the second quarter, trailing 22-15 going into intermission. However, Stuart took control in the second half and pulled away to a convincing 32-point victory. The Lady Tigers were outscored 21-9 in the third quarter and 22-10 in the fourth. The second-half blitz carried the Stuart squad to the 66-34 decision. Phylisha Chamberlain poured in a game-high 17 points. She was the only Tupelo player to finish the game in double digits in scoring. Brittany Sanders and Kaitlin Watson scored 5 points each. Haley Ellis added 3 points while Lana Nelson and Hayley Reeves tallied 2 points each. Stuart had three players to score in double figures, including Beck and Garvin with 15 points each and Barton with 13. Other SHS points came from Jerniger with 8, Stopp and Chavarria with 4 each, Cark with 3 and Blevins and Wilson with 2 each. There were nine treys scored in the game. Stuart knocked down 8 of the 3-balls for 24 points. Tupelo countered with one trey from Brittany Sanders. Tupelo was scheduled to play Sasakwa on Tuesday at Tupelo High School. The meeting will cap the first half of the season for both clubs. Coach Shawn Reeves’ THS team is 4-7 on the season. --AT A GLANCE Dec. 9 @ Stuart Stuart 66, Tupelo 34 Tupelo – 9 –6 – 9 – 10 – (34) Stuart - 9 – 13 – 2 – 22 – (66) Tupelo scoring: Phylisha Chamberlain 17, Brittany Sanders 5, Kaitlin Watson 5, Haley Ellis 3, Lana Nelson 2 and Hayley Reeves 2. Stuart scoring: Beck 15, Garvin 15, Barton 13, Jerniger 8, Stopp 4, Chavarria 4, Cark 3, Blevins 2, Wilson 2. 3-point scoring: Tupelo-Sanders 1; Stuart-Barton 2, Jerniger 2, Garvin 2, Beck 2, Clark 1. --Lady Tigers’ results (4-7) Nov. 4 @ Stringtown, won 5021 Nov. 7 @ Wanette, won 59-21 Nov. 11 vs. Calvin, lost 53-50 Nov. 14 @ Asher, lost 50-30 Nov. 18 vs. Vanoss, lost 49-48 Nov. 21 vs. Stonewall, lost 5149 --Pontotoc Conference Dec. 1-6 @ Stonewall Vs. Asher, lost 34-32 Vs. Calvin, won 49-33 Vs. Vanoss, lost 47-38 --Dec. 9 @ Stuart, lost 66-34 Dec. 12 @ Milburn, won forfeit Remaining schedule Dec. 16 vs. Sasakwa Jan. 6 vs. Allen Jan. 9 @ Coleman Jan. 13 vs. Earlsboro Jan. 16 @ Roff Jan. 19-24 @ Roff Tournament Feb. 3 vs. Wapanucka Feb. 9 @ Victory Life Feb. 10 vs. Kiowa --Playoffs District Tournament A Durant man arrested last week on an outstanding Coal County warrant now faces felony drug charges. Tupelo Police Chief Trevor Dean said Jerry Lynn Parker, 25, was arrested December 8 following a routine traffic stop. Parker was one of two passengers in a vehicle that was stopped for traveling 38 mph in a 25 mph school zone, according to Dean’s probable cause affidavit. Upon obtaining ID’s from the occupants, Dean learned that Parker had an outstanding warrant in Coal County for failure to appear in court on a 2011 case for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. He was placed under arrest and transported to the Coal County jail. After arrival at the jail, Parker told Dean that he needed to give him something and removed one of his shoes. Inside the shoe was a baggie containing a green leafy substance that field tested positive for marijuana. Parker has pleaded not guilty to felony possession of controlled dangerous substance and is being held on bonds totaling $60,000. He is scheduled for a December 18 court appearance. Durant man faces drug charges We will celebrate Jahree’s successful career with a reception in the Shamrock Bank lobby. Tuesday, December 30th 2:00 until 4:00 101 North Main - Coalgate (580) 927-2311 Member FDIC COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 3, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 3, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 3, 2014—PAGE B-9 PAGE B-10—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—DECEMBER 3, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014—PAGE B-9 PAGE B-10—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 16, 2014—PAGE B-9 PAGE B-10—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 16, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 4, 2014—PAGE B-5 PAGE B-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 4, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 4 2014—PAGE B-7 PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JUNE 4, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MARCH 5, 2014—PAGE B-9 PAGE B-10—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MARCH 5, 2014 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MARCH 5, 2014—PAGE B-11 PAGE B-12—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—MARCH 5, 2014
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