2010 alive after five events - Granville County Chamber of Commerce
2010 alive after five events - Granville County Chamber of Commerce
APRIL 2010 Volume 14, Issue 4 www.granville-chamber.com Brightleaf 2010 ALIVE AFTER FIVE EVENTS Thursday, May 13 • Thursday, August 26 Thursday, September 23 South Council Meeting.......................................... 2 Granville County Museum, Brain Teasers Exhibit...................................... 2 Human Resource Committee................................ 2 Speed Networking Night ........................................ 2 Government Forum ................................................ 2 April Calendar of Events ...................................... 2 New Members.......................................................... 3 Website Advertising ................................................ 3 Speed Networking Event........................................ 3 Administrative Professional Luncheon ................ 3 2009 Small Business of Year Nomination Are Due........................................ 3 Leading the Team .................................................. 4 GRANVILLE COUNTY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE’S MISSION STATEMENT “The Granville County Chamber of Commerce seeks to promote a healthy economy with good business conditions, support good government, improve community relations and market services and programs for Chamber members.” 124 Hillsboro Street PO Box 820 1598 NC Hwy. 56 PO Box 205 919.693.6125 or 919.528.4994 granvillechamber@embarqmail.com For the eighth consecutive year the Granville County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to present “ALIVE AFTER FIVE” events. We have three exciting evenings planned with very popular performing groups entertaining attendees. The first event will be held Thursday, May 13, from 5:30 until 8:30 p.m. in downtown Oxford’s parking lot on Littlejohn Street. JIM QUICK AND COASTLINE BAND will be entertainers for the evening. In August the southern Granville event will feature THE CASTAWAYS, and in September we will have THE LEGENDS OF BEACH in Oxford. About 60 volunteers are needed per event. Tasks for volunteers include: checking ID’s, selling tickets and serving beverages. If you and your staff are willing to volunteer, please call the Chamber — 693.6125 or 528.4994. We would appreciate your assistance. The Chamber’s website, www.granville-chamber.com, The Brightleaf newsletter, newspapers and radio will have more details as the date approaches. Mark your calendars now so you will not miss these fun events. Background on “JIM QUICK AND COASTLINE BAND” . . . May 13, Oxford The buzz is on about Coastline. With their legions of fans known as Coastline Crazies, the band travels all over performing more than 300 shows per year. Coastline is one of the most sought-after acts on the road today, staying booked over a year in advance. They have rapidly become a staple in Americana music. The inimitable vocals and humorous antics of lead singer Jim Quick are captivating and a perfect hybrid of every essence of soul. He has won more accolades than any other entertainer at the Carolina Music Awards. Guitarist Casey Meyer is the blues boy in the band. Although the youngest member of Coastline in regard to age, Casey slides on his guitar with the confidence and grace of his many adored older mentors. He is the essence of Coastline’s roots. His partner in crime, Albert Rogers on bass, comes to Coastline via The Band and Grayson Hugh, not to mention Albert’s a great singer in his own right. The multi-talented Glen Tippett rounds out this perfect culmination of musicians. This virtuoso is a high trained saxophonist and keyboardist and completes this unique sound of the south. Familiar recordings include: “Turn Me Over,” “Sweet Mama Do Right,” “Sweat,” “Late At Night,” “She Poured It On,” “Swamps of the Old Santee,” “Tiki Bar” and “My Little Lucy.” Most recent recordings which have surged the band’s popularity are “My Big Sister’s Transitor Radio” and “Mama’s Drinkin’ Liquor Again.” Page 2 SOUTH COUNCIL MONDAY • APRIL 19TH • 12:00 NOON AT BOB’S BARBECUE A dutch-treat lunch will precede a presentation by Granville County School’s Superintendent Dr. Tim Farley as he discusses “The State of the Granville County School System.” Dr. Farley has presented a similar program which spurred interest in having him give a presentation for the South Council Meeting. We will be meeting Monday, April 19th at noon at Bob’s Barbecue in the private dining room. Attendees may order lunch upon arrival. In order for the Chamber staff to plan appropriately, we ask that persons planning to attend contact one of the Chamber’s offices — 528.4994, theresa @granville-chamber.com; or 693.6125, granvillechamber@embarqmail.com by Monday, April 12. BRAIN TEASERS OPENS AT GRANVILLE COUNTY MUSEUM According to museum director Pam Thornton, Brain Teasers 2 has opened at the Harris Exhibit Hall. This exhibit, produced and toured by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, offers 20 challenges for puzzle enthusiasts of all ages. This brightly-colored exhibit encourages parent-child interaction as families can team up to solve the brain teasers or come by yourself and have fun as well. The museum hopes that many will get to visit this exhibit, which will end on May 15th. Remember that the older we get the more important it is for us to use our brains! HR COMMITTEE TO CONVENE AT CERTAINTEED Gail Birdsong and her staff at CertainTeed will be hosting the April Human Resource Committee Meeting Thursday, April 15 at 12:00 noon at their plant 200 CertainTeed Drive, Oxford. Complete meeting details with program topic, etc. will be forthcoming in an email from the Chamber. March’s meeting was held at Carolina Sunrock’s Butner facility with Felicia Sneed hosting. George Ports of Capital Associated Industries was the guest presenter. Committee members were privy to a great time of networking, lunch and program thanks to Sunrock. April 2010 Brightleaf DON’T MISS THE NEXT ONE!!! SPEED NETWORKING NIGHT What an exciting event! It was the Chamber’s first “experience” with sponsoring a speed networking event, and what an event it was! Ambassadors Chairman Hal Muetzel began the evening by giving an overview of speed networking — process, rules of the road, example, rotation process and round one. During the break, participants enjoyed sharing what they didn’t know that they learned from others during the first round. Participants were: Clareese Moss, Shortcakes Embroidery; Jill Hoffman, Vocational Rehab; Mike McConchie, Action Coach; Doan Laursen, Goose River Farm; Ann Tyson, Gentle Touch Salon; Jay Dalton, Mutual of Omaha; Fred Heath, Vacuum Cleaner Solutions; Wayne McGohan, Oxford Lions Club; Shenna Shotwell, Creedmoor Wellness Center; Yvonne Scott, Fonville Morisey Realty; Carolyn Wilson, Lewis Electric of Oxford; Lee Humphries, Lee Humphries Realty; Fred Frizzle, Fred Frizzle Realty; Jayme Currin, American Dream Properties and Dedra Yancey, Aflac. Ambassadors assisting were Larry Wilson, Sheila Owen and Susie Lee. Speed networking is an effective method to provide exposure, name recognition and build strong and lasting business relationships and referrals within the local community in a high-touch, low-cost environment. The objective of the event is to make as many quality business contacts as possible, communicate with others vital information about your business and learn as much as possible about theirs to provide future referrals in a time limited format. Each encounter lasted 3 minutes. A single bell signaled the beginning of the first 1.5 minutes and a double bell denoted that the 1.5 minutes were up and the partner should begin their sharing. A single, louder bell denoted that all networking stopped and one partner rotated to the next encounter. As Muetzel noted, “remember the power of networking comes from not only what you can personally do to help another person’s business, but the people and the contacts you know in your circle of influence!” Attendees were interested in continuing the events quarterly. Be aware of the next Speed Networking and plan to be a participant. GOVERNMENT FORUM . . . APRIL 9TH Shields Blackwell, Director of the Granville Education Foundation, is doing a wonderful job as Chairperson of the Government Forum group. She announces that the Friday, April 9th meeting will be held at the Granville County Cooperative Extension Office — 208 Wall Street in Oxford — at 8:00 a.m. Extension Director, Paul Westfall, will give a program on the many facets of the work that the Extension staff is doing. We hope that interested Chamber members will want to join the group for this interesting program and great time of networking with others. Plan to join us! 2 9 APRIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS 8:00 a.m. 12 12:00 noon 13 8:00 a.m. 15 12:00 noon 15 6:30 pm 17 - May 1 17 19 20 21 22 12:00 noon 8:00 a.m. 12:00 noon Holiday — Good Friday Government Forum Granville Education Foundation Meeting Chamber’s Board of Directors Meeting Human Resource Committee Meeting Leadership Granville Graduation NCDOT’s Spring 2010 Litter Sweep Granville Education Foundation’s “EXTRAVAGANZA” South Council Ambassador’s Meeting Administrative Professionals Days Deadline to receive Small Business Award Nominations Cooperative Extension Service Granville County Schools Chamber Boardroom CertainTeed VGCC’s South Campus Granville County Shrine Club Bob’s Barbecue VGCC - South Campus Henderson Country Club April 2010 Brightleaf NEW MEMBERS We are oh so pleased to announce a new manufacturing company has joined the Chamber — SHALAG US, INC. The company, located just outside Oxford near the former Lenox plant, will be operating three (3) shifts, 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. General Manager Jeff Harari and HR Manager Judy Thompson will be involved with our Chamber. Their contact information is: P.O. Box 225, Oxford; 919.690.020; 919.690.0370 fax; jeff@ shalagusa.com. We welcome SHALAG as a Chamber member and look forward to working with them. CROSCILL, a distribution and warehousing facility for home furnishings, located at 200 NE Outer Loop Road in Oxford is a new Chamber member. The facility is open 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. daily. Mike Atkinson is the Chamber’s contact person. Visit their website for information at www.croscill.com, or, contact them at 919.956.6367; 919.603.1976 fax; or matkinson@croscill-living.com. Thank you for joining the Granville County Chamber of Commerce. — Member — Granville County Chamber of Commerce 2010 Support Our Chamber Members; They Support Our Community WEBSITE ADVERTISING The Chamber is offering a way for businesses to advertise on their website, www.granville-chamber.com. A committee headed by Chamber President Linda Taylor has met with our website provider to determine an opportunity for Chamber members. The levels of advertising are as follows: PLATINUM: A rectangular banner advertisement centered at the top of the home page. Several ads will rotate every 2 to 3 seconds. This will include the ability to click on and be directed to the advertiser’s website. GOLD: A large advertisement would be placed in the upper right corner. It would rotate every 2 to 3 seconds. SILVER: A business card-size advertisement (on a separate page) listed in a prominent place on the website. BRONZE: These advertisements would be placed on a calendar page, limited to 2 or 3 ads. They would appear on a block where there is no event listed, each month for one year. For an application and additional information, please contact one of the Chamber’s offices at 528.4994; theresa@ granville-chamber.com; 693.6125; granvillechamber@embarqmail.com. 2009 SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR RECOGNITION NOMINATIONS ARE DUE APRIL 22 Chamber members are encouraged to nominate a business to be recognized as the Granville County Small Business of the Year for 2009. Award criteria and forms are available on the Chamber’s website, www.granvillechamber.com and newsletter enclosures. Our Chamber, along with Warren, Franklin and Vance County Chambers, as well as the Small Business Center of Vance Granville Community College, will sponsor a Small Business Luncheon on Thursday, May 6 from 12:00 noon until 1:30 p.m. at the Henderson Country Club. Our speaker will be Joyce Siler on “18 Common Mistakes Small Business Owners Make.” Additional reminders will follow. Watch for details, nominate a Granville County business and plan to attend! Page 3 JOIN US AND TREAT YOUR ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONAL WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21 • 12:00 NOON HENDERSON COUNTRY CLUB The four area Chambers (Granville, Franklin, Vance and Warren), along with VGCC’s Small Business Center, are again sponsoring a luncheon on Administrative Professionals Day, April 21, to recognize and honor these employees. We hope owners and managers will treat their employees to lunch and a great program at the Henderson Country Club, beginning at 12:00 noon. VGCC’s Small Business Center is sponsoring our guest presenter, John Formica, whose topic will be “How Do You Deal with Work When All of Your Sick Days Are Used?” John Formica is a trainer, professional speaker and coach who specializes in leadership development, personal and employee performance, improved communications, team building, and customer service. Prior to starting his own training and coaching firm, John held numerous top management positions with service industry leaders, including Walt Disney World Resorts, Hyatt Hotels and Sunrise Senior Living, Inc. During his ten years at the Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando, John managed their top luxury resort properties and implemented Disney’s philosophy on creating a superior customer experience-based management, to lead his team to achieve the highest guest satisfaction ratings among all Disney World Resort hotels. Today, John’s 30 years of professional leadership in the service industry brings a worth of knowledge, high energy and practical, not theory, hands-on experiences to his workshops, keynotes and presentations. As a result, he has coached hundreds of leaders, produced first-class customer experiences for all types of businesses and organizations, and assisted teams in achieving goals related to leadership, customer service and employee performance. The cost to attend is $15 per person. Contact our offices by April 14th for reservations: Wanda, 693.6125 or Theresa, 528.4994. Leading the Team LEADERS generally possess qualities no GREAT matter their personal style. Successful leaders are: • • • • • • • • • • • Positive Flexible Respectful and respected Good coaches Competent Happy in their jobs Excellent problem solvers Able to keep the big picture in sight Goal-oriented Information-sharers Providers of focused, frequent feedback to employees • People-oriented • Focused on the company mission as well as departmental goals • Self-starters Granville County Chamber of Commerce 124 Hillsboro Street PO Box 820 Oxford, North Carolina 27565 ——— RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED • Caring • Committed to their people and to the company • Stimulated by challenges • Credible, honest and trustworthy • Constantly striving for personal growth • Able to cope with job pressures Reflect on the attributes above. Select three characteristics that you feel really good about in your leadership style and circle them. Now select three characteristics that you feel you need to work on and put a check by them. Hold these in your mind over the next few weeks and seek to improve these qualities. —Author unknown. PRESORTED STANDARD US POSTAGE PA I D OXFORD, NC PERMIT NO. 4 www.granville-chamber.com Printed by: JM GRAPHICS D 528-1555 Serving All of Granville County 4.1.10
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