March 2016 Legislative updates from the capitol on pg 6 District News, find out what’s going on in your local ABATE district on pg 13 Eric Shumans from the Christian Motorcyclists Association shares inspirational thoughts on pg 11 THE SWAP MEET IS NEXT MONTH! ARE YOU READY!!!! Details on pg 25 The 2016 State Swap meet Raffle information is on Pg 26. We need members TO SELL THOSE RAFFLE TICKETS, HELP SUPPORT YOUR ABATE OF GEORGIA Fighting for the rights and education of every Georgia motorcyclist March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER STATE OFFICE ADDRESSES (Mailing Address) ABATE OF GEORGIA, INC. P.O. BOX 116 Austell, GA 30168 Phone: (770) 881-7438 Fax: (770) 234-4177 ABATE OF GEORGIA STATE OFFICERS 2012-2014 Term State Director Ned Williams E-mail (404) 324 –2037 Legislative Director Wayne Overholt E-mail (478) 954—1010 Treasurer Gary Bonds Email: (404) 915-8778 Membership Director Ann Crenshaw Email (229) 924-7449 Sgt. At Arms Dave Woodruffe Email: 678-778-9646 Activities Director David Neal Email: (678_ 770-9188 State Secretary Ann Turner Email (770) 881-7438 Director of Education Chris Carr Email: (678) 896-5909 Webmaster Bill Mattison A.B.A.T.E. Legal Advisor Steve Murrin (404) 221-0777 Email: A.B.A.T.E. Tax Advisor James F. Trucks (404) 307-2541 A.B.A.T.E. State Chaplin Eric Shumans 912-269-3272 Advertising Fees Website Newsletter 115 Business Card Black & White $ 40.00 $ 110.00 $ 200.00 1/4 Page Black & White $ 70.00 $ 200.00 $ 360.00 $ 660.00 $ 1 1/2 Page Black & White $ 125.00 $ 360.00 $ 660.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2 Full Page Black & White $ 225.00 $ 660.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 2,200.00 $ 3 1 Month Term in Months 1 3 6 Term in Months 1 3 6 12 One Month Member Memorial Term in Months 1 3 6 12 One Month Member Memorial Term in Months 1 3 6 12 One Month Member Memorial Ads Must Be Received in digital format or ready to scan by the 10th of the month, accompanied by full payment, to be printed in the next issue. Credit card payments are welcome. Ads must be paid in advance to receive the multiple ad discount rate. If you wish, we can lay out your ad for you for an additional $25 charge plus any reasonable costs. Additional charges and services offered at the discretion of the editor. Please allow additional lead time for all ads that we must lay out. Payment must be received in advance for ad renewals. If not you will lose the discounted multiple ad rate and the account will revert back to monthly prices. Make your check or money order payable to A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia, Inc. Send to: A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. P.O. BOX 116 Austell, GA 30168 Call the State Office @ 770-881-7438 for more info. A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia, Inc. All rights reserved. This newsletter is published monthly and distributed throughout the state of Georgia as well as to other motorcycle organizations nationwide. A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia accepts no responsibility for the comments or opinions from reprinted materials contained within this publication. We welcome your news, opinions, comments, complaints, and suggestions on Motorcycle related issues. All articles must include your name and address. We do not accept slanderous, accusing letters; profanities (photographic or written); non-A.B.A.T.E. related letters. A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia reserves the right to refuse or edit any article, photo, letter, or advertisement that is decided is not in the best interest of the organization or its members. 2 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER Some of A.B.A.T.E.’s accomplishments over the years: • Successfully lobbied for legislation that created the Georgia • • • • • • • • • • • • • Motorcycle Safety Program (GMSP), our state’s rider education program that is available to all. Lobbied to have legislation passed to modify the existing mandatory helmet law to allow adults age 21 and older freedom of choice as to the wearing of a helmet. Successfully lobbied for legislation leading to the repeal of the Georgia law prohibiting use of speakers or headphones while riding a motorcycle. Fought and stopped legislation introduced in the 1992 Session of the Georgia General Assembly that would have made it illegal for kids age 10 and under to ride as passengers on motorcycles. Established May as “Motorcycle Awareness and You” month through a proclamation signed by the Governor and through resolutions passed by the Senate and House each year. This is an annual effort that raises public awareness of motorcycles. Successfully lobbied legislators to approve increased funding for the Georgia Motorcycle Safety Program, in the amount of $170,000 after the license tag rate was raised on all vehicles to $20. Successfully stopped proposed legislation that would have increased the size of motorcycle tags. Successfully lobbied for handicapped tags for motorcycles without further enabling legislation, by bringing it to the attention of the Department of Revenue that the code section was written in such a way that it was already authorized. Successfully lobbied for antique tags for motorcycles in the 1998 legislative session. Established a 15 District organization that has led to more participation locally, while raising our membership statewide. The more members we have, means the more clout we have at the State Capitol. Sponsor and promote the largest Swap Meet/Bike Show in Georgia, 5 times a year. Successfully forced prosecution of a trucker who, while making an illegal turn, killed fellow motorcyclist Mark Bonner. Successfully lobbied to pass the “Frank-Lee” (ROW) bill to enhance penalties to those who cause death or serious injury to a motorcyclists by failing to yield the right of way. Successfully lobbied to pass the “Tag/Title” bill SB-437 that allows for registration of kit/assembled bikes. Signed by Governor Purdue May 14, 2008. Your benefits as a member of A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia: Organized lobbying of State and Federal legislators to make your views on motorcyclist rights known to your Representatives. Current information on all motorcycle related legislation and where your legislators stand on the issues that affect your motorcycling rights and freedoms. Monthly newsletter with legislative updates, event dates and places, and information Membership card, patch, and one year pin for new members. Yearly pin for renewals. Admission discounts at most A.B.A.T.E. events around the state, including ALL State Swap Meets. Discounts at many motorcycle shops and dealers around the state Personal satisfaction of joining your brothers and sisters in promoting the great sport of motorcycling while supporting your right to ride by participation at State and District meetings, toy runs, blood drives, camp-outs, bike shows, swap meets, etc. Spiritual consultation with the Christian Motorcycle Association (CMA) for ride prayers, weddings, and visitation. A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, Inc. IS A TEAM EFFORT WE WELCOME ALL RIDERS, ALL BRANDS 3 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. WHAT IS A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, Inc.? The letters “A.B.A.T.E.” stand for American Bikers Active Toward Education. A.B.A.T.E. is composed of motorcyclists from all areas of the state, from all walks of life, and who ride all makes of bikes. A.B.A.T.E. is not a club, it is a non-partisan politically active organization working on motorcyclist’s rights. We are affiliated with national rights groups like the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), the Motorcycle Riders Foundation (MRF) and the National Coalition of Motorcyclists (NCOM). Our main focus is to keep motorcycle legislation in its proper perspective. Many restrictive laws are enacted by uninformed legislators. A.B.A.T.E.’s goal is to keep our lawmakers informed of our members collective position on Motorcycle related legislation. Preventing unfair legislation from becoming law is easier than fighting to get the law repealed. Rider education and public awareness of motorcyclists are goals of A.B.A.T.E.. We are not against the wearing of helmets, and we encourage all riders to ride safely. An informed and educated rider is a safer rider. Helmet laws do nothing to prevent an accident, while rider education is proven to prevent accidents and save lives. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER New ABATE of Georgia T Shirts are in, Colors are Black and Various colors, Districts SHOULD purchase shirts from the State office, contact David Neal for more information. (678) 770-9188 District Coordinator Contact Information District 1st Name Last Name Phone # EMAIL 1 Dennis Warren 706-270-4406 1W Frank Chaney 706-694-8626 2 Anthony G Love 706-499-4672 3 Dave Woodruffe 678-778-9646 Wayne Davis 404-935-2118 5 Brian Clifford 770-366-8057 5-N Allen Kennedy 770-231-4824 6 6-2 7 Bobby Gary Leigh Bass Allen Jester 678-315-8845 404-324-1244 478-319-4013 8 Nancy James 706-592-1015 9 Matt Jones 478 410 6003 11 David Jackson 912-441-7586 13 Dennis Crenshaw 229-924-7449> 15 Charlie Pendleton 912-202-0713 4E 4 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia District Boundaries 1W: The Fourth Monday of each month at the Dari Dip on Villanow St. Lafayette. Meeting starts at 6:30pm 1:1st Tuesday of the month at the Logan’s Roadhouse 2140 East Walnut Avenue Dalton, GA 2: 2:00pm the first Sunday of each month J.W. Reeds Restaurant, 318 N Main St Cleveland, Ga 4E : 1st Wednesday of the Month 7PM, Confetti’s Bar and Grill, 6470 Spalding Dr. Norcross, GA 30092-4656 5N: third Tuesday of the month 7PM at Cycle World 4225 Atlanta Highway ,Athens Ga 8: 4th Thursday of the month @ 7:00 p.m. at Side Track Bar and Grill 4029 Washington Rd., Martinez, GA 30907 5: Meetings are at 2:00pm on the Third Sunday of the month at Falcons Furry Harley 7: 1st Sunday of the month at 2:00 PM at AP's Hidden Hideaway on Broadway in Macon 6 :1st Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM at The Grove Bar and Grill, 4681 Bill Gardner Pkwy., 11: 2nd Sunday 3:00PM VFW Post 660, 5115 Ogeechee Rd, Savannah, GA 31405 6/2:1st Tuesday of the month at 7PM @Jekyll and Hyde's, 10 The Blvd HWY 29 North, Newnan 9: 1st Tuesday of the month at 7:30 PM at Player’s on 54th St. Columbus. 13: Meets 1st Sunday of Month @2PM at The Henry T. Elrod Welcome Center 100 Washington Ave. Ashburn, Ga, US 41 at GA 112 5 12: Meets Last Saturday of Month @2PM at Mr. Chicks Chicken, 1125 US.84 Cairo, Ga March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER 15: Meets 4th Thursday of the month at Toucans Ale House, @7PM, 2450 Perry Lane Road, Brunswick, 31525 Ned Williams, State Director As this newsletter goes to press our legislative team has been very busy at the State Capitol. We are happy to report that HB166, the bill which now focuses on raising the current handlebar height restriction to 25 inches, a compromise we made with the Governor's office, in light of the fact that we were facing yet another veto and we wanted to make progress, no matter how small was possible this legislative session for Georgia’s motorcyclists, has now passed out of the House of Representatives and is now in the Senate Public Safety committee. The bill is well on its way to becoming Georgia law. At the bottom of this page you will find a summary of where all of our legislative efforts at the capitol, but one thing that every member of ABATE must realize is that these efforts will not succeed without each of your help to raise awareness of these effort among the riders around each of you. Our Activities Director, is also working hard to make sure that next month’s State Swap Meet in Griffin is a success. This will be our fourth year at Griffin and we hope everyone can make it out to help ABATE of Georgia as we get ready for the coming year. I hope we can fill the streets of Griffin with the sounds of motorcycles for the entire weekend. Let’s all drop by so the entire state can hear us. Lastly, I want to call on every district to host membership tables in the coming months, at least one a month if you can, the summer riding season is right around the corner and now is the time for us to reach out to our fellow riders. Let’s all do our part to help ABATE of Georgia, reach EVERY rider in the state. ABATE Legislative Status as of March 1, 2016 HB 166 passed House and was referred to Senate Public Safety Committee. HB 797 Helmets Optional Stalled in House Motor Vehicle Committee (not enough votes to move forward) HB 1079 Lane Filtering dropped and sent to House Motor Vehicles Committee. SB 1040 Defining Auto-cycles was dropped and in Committee Questions? Ask your District Legislative Coordinator. 6 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER The 2015—2016 Legislative Agenda for ABATE of Georgia #1 Stop profiling law-abiding citizens Help us over turn the Georgia handlebar law, a law which only serves as a way to profile and discriminate against motorcyclists (HB166) #2 Let a motorcyclist live Help us Support Legislation requiring the teaching of MSF’s Intersection kit in Drivers Education programs across Georgia #3 Let a motorcyclist get home Help us finally pass a sensible law to prevent motorcyclists from being trapped at malfunctioning Traffic Signals (HB166) #4 Kill a Motorcyclist, Go to Jail Help us increase the penalties for motorists who kill a motorcyclist #5 Let a motorcyclist use all of the road Help us pass sensible legislation to let motorcyclists Lane filter #6 Allow Adults to make their own choices Help bring helmet choice to Georgia #7 ENDED-End State Sponsored Discrimination against motorcyclists Help us end State sponsored Motorcycle Only Checkpoints-ENDED 7 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER 8 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER Events for March—April 2016 9 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER A Special offer for ABATE of Georgia Members from Two Wheel Adventures HTTP/ Call us (678) 896-5909 Two Wheel Adventures will be offering a class every other month. Cost per Student is $125.00 First class offering starts Feb 26, 2012 Students have to ride their own bikes, must have a valid motorcycle endorsement Ride like a pro would like to offer the members of ABATE a special discount on Ride Like A PRO Atlanta Advanced Motorcycle skills training. This offer is good for current and future members of ABATE. The ABATE discount pricing is $140.00 per rider - a $10 discount off regular price. As I offer to all my students, they can retake my advance training classes for 12 months after they take the initial class. They will need to email or call and check if I have additional space in the class GET YOUR LICENSE MSF and Georgia approved training provider Abate Preferred Provider and Abate member Official trainer of the Zac Brown Band 2 Locations : Lakewood Amphitheater & Fraziers Harley Davidson Scott Ford Classes taught by Chris Carr 2011 National Middleweight Superbike Champion Ride Like A PRO Atlanta 10 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Eric Shumans CMA Georgia State Coordinator Last month we celebrated love with Valentine’s Day and while it is great to have a special day to express our love to one another, I think as Christians we should be expressing that love to everyone on a daily basis just as Jesus does to all of us. This month, we will be celebrating Easter, which is a remembrance and celebration of the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. God demonstrated to us through the death and resurrection of his Son, the greatest expression of love that could ever be expressed. John 3:16-17 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.” I know that I personally do not deserve this kind of love but God chooses to freely give it to me anyway. Often time’s people tend to think that what they’ve done is too bad and that God cannot forgive them. But, the bible tells us that there is nothing that cannot be forgiven if you will just confess with your mouth that you are a sinner in need of forgiveness and repent of those sins and ask Jesus to come into your heart to be your Lord and Savior and forgive you of those sins. It was a great price that Jesus paid for us to provide this reconciliation and forgiveness to us and before going to the cross he even said to his father in Luke 22:42, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” And then verses 43-44 says, “An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” I pray that each of you will choose to receive this amazing GRACE which is available to you and that you all may have a very HAPPY EASTER! Christian Motorcyclists Association Georgia Contacts – Here if you need us! State Coordinator – Eric Shumans 912-269-3272 East Central Area Rep – Terry Kleeblatt 770-845-9890 North East Area Rep – Cliff Finney 404-578-8073 North West Area Rep – Jamie Howell 706-331-0417 Middle Ga. Area Rep – Barry Walker 770-328-0873 South West Area Rep – Mark Joiner 229-886-2124 ABATE District – CMA Chapter Presidents District 1 – Dalton – Robert Bearden 706-581-2007 Ellijay – David McDaniel 706-669-0388 Lafayette – Eddie Wilson 706-861-4666 District 2 – Blairsville – Tom Boyland 239-961-2987 Cleveland – Rick Niehoff 478-258-3451 Gainesville – Dan Montgomery 678-513-3763 District 3 – Carrollton – Jimmy Fountain 770-856-0147 Cartersville – Billy Doster 678-221-8730 Rome – Sky Atkins 706-331-5529 District 4 – Duluth – RyannCushway 770-530-2301 Lawrenceville – Ricky Berry 404-432-7381 Marietta – Lee Brooks 770-309-3618 District 5 – Athens – Tracy Allen 706-338-0655 Conyers – Steve Hodges 678-708-1234 Loganville – John Adams 678-643-4895 11 March 2016 District 7 – Warner Robbins – Bill Gragg 678-423-4330 District 8 – Augusta – Ed Driggers 706-832-045 Augusta – Aaron (Rootbeer) Wetzel 803-634-0173 District 9 - Columbus – Dave Barton 706-587-5219 District 11 – Savannah – Jim Williams 912-349-1496 Statesboro – George Pollard 912-690-0845 District 15 – Brunswick – Ricky Harper 912-778-4759 Jesup – Larry Madray 912-586-2384 St. Marys – Curt Johnson 912-674-3253 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER Let’s talk about Lane Filtering for a second…. There has been quite a bit of confusion about what the difference is between Lane Filtering and Lane Splitting. We at ABATE hope this new infographic will better explain the difference between the two. We may have not gotten Lane Filtering through the 2015 session but we have FOUND A POTENTIONAL NEW SPONSOR for next session already! Lane Splitting Lane Filtering Vs. Lane Splitting is when a motorcycle rides between the lanes of traffic at speed when there is no impediment to travel and traffic is moving normally. Lane Filtering is when a motorcycle rides between the lanes of traffic from behind a pack of non moving cars to proceed to a fixed point in the roadway such as a red light ahead of the cars or a right turn lane.. Filtering helps reduce traffic congestion Filtering allows the motorcyclist one more way to increase the distance between their motorcycle and other motorists Filtering allows motorcyclists to occupy road space unusable to all other motorists thereby helping reduce the amount of over all road space used by all vehicles on the road Help up find a Republican Sponsor to bring Lane Filtering to Georgia! 12 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER District News ABATE District 1 West “American Bikers Active Toward Education” Minutes from February 22, 2016 meeting. Frank Chaney opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and a Moment of Silence. Attending - 5 members + 0 guests Minutes - John Conyers distributed copies of last month’s Minutes, and these were approved. Membership Report (Linda Chaney) - 28 members (25 senior + 3 junior). Treasurer’s Report (Frank Chaney) - We have $$$ in the bank. I am sorry to report that two of our members have had a death in their family in the last month. Danny Patton lost his battle with cancer last week. He was Linda Chaney’s Brother in Law and an ABATE member. Betty Chastain passed away suddenly this past weekend. She was the wife of Buddy Chastain who is an ABATE member. Please keep these members and their families in your thoughts and prayers. Frank and Linda attended the last ABATE BoD meeting and gave us a report. Membership = 858 members. GA Motorcycle Riders = 350,083 as of Dec 31, 2015. ABATE Newsletter - The new process costs ~$500/month, and the old process cost ~$1,700/month. Good savings! GA now has Veterans tags available for your motorcycle. ABATE will have their annual Swap Meet on April 1, 2, & 3 in Griffin, GA. They are asking for volunteers. Wayne Overholt is now working with the Legislature. The “Handlebar Bill” has been changed from 15” above seat to 25” above gas tank. The governor will not sign a “Red Light Bill”. District 1 West needs to have a function where the proceeds go 100% to ABATE. We need some ideas. We have scheduled a few Rides. Check out the Rides & Activities below. Frank is hoping to have a Joey Brush Memorial Ride in May where we will ride around GA and connect with other ABATE chapters. The next ABATE BoD meeting is May 7th, and Frank and Linda plan to attend. Our next D1W meeting is scheduled for March 28th at the Dari Dip at 6:30 PM. 2016 Activities February 5th - ABATE BoD Meeting in Macon, GA. February 22nd - District 1 West meeting March 28th - District 1 West meeting April 1, 2, & 3 - ABATE Swap Meet in Griffin, GA 13 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER District News April 25th - District 1 West meeting May 7th - ABATE BoD Meeting in Macon, GA. August 6th - ABATE BoD Meeting in Macon, GA. November 5th - ABATE BoD Meeting in Macon, GA. 2016 Rides March 27th - Annual Easter Gathering and Breakfast Ride (6:30 AM at the Water Tower on Dug Gap Mountain Road). April 23rd - Ride to Ten Mile, TN (Uncle Gus BBQ) after the Officers Meeting. KSU at ~9:30 AM. May 14th & 15th, 2016 - Ride thru GA (Joey Brush Memorial Ride) June 11th & 12th - Plains, GA & Andersonville Prison July 23rd - Ride to Mike’s Seafood in Blairsville, GA after the Officers Meeting. KSU at ~9:30 AM. August 13th - Ride to Wheels through Time Museum in Maggie Valley, NC. . KSU at ~8:30 AM. August 27th - Annual Shriner’s Hospital Ride. September 22nd & 23rd - GA State HOG Rally in Hiwassee, GA. John Conyers – Secretary (423-304-3299, Meeting Time & Location – 4th Monday at 6:30 PM at the Dari-Dip in Lafayette, GA ABATE District 1 West Officers for 2015 District Coordinator – Frank Chaney (706-847-7638) Activities – Frank Chaney (706-847-7638) Treasurer – David Byers (706-537-8547) Secretary – John Conyers (423-304-3299) Membership – Linda Chaney Junior ABATE Membership – Sheila Stansberry Sergeant at Arms – David Byers (706-537-8547) Assistant Sergeant at Arms – Winston Stansberry A special note from Frank, Hello from the frozen north, Hope this finds everyone well and happy. This will be my 4th try to get something in the newsletter in 5 months. Who knows, today may be my lucky day. With any amount of luck, our Oct. and Nov. 2015 news will be ahead of this for your poor old eyes to read. MAYBE?????? Our Christmas Dinner went pretty well. Had enough food for 40 people and 13 showed up. We ate like HOGS, sure was good. The Dari Dip always does themselves proud when it comes to food. If you are ever in Lafayette, stop in, tell them ABATE D1W sent you. I believe you'll like it. On Jan. 1, we had the Froze Nose To Toes ride. 12 people and 9 bikes, 80 mile ride. Only 37 to 41 degrees so it wasn't really all that cold, but we shivered anyway. Heck, we even had one member, Marvin Cardin show up to send us off. Now that's dedication, or crazy, we haven't figured out which yet. We'll be having our annual SONRISE SERVICE and Breakfast ON EASTER MORNING. Any and ALL ARE WELCOME. Give me a call for meeting place and time. Naw, I'll tell you right now. Meeting on Dug Gap Mountain road at the water tower at 6:45AM. That is in the morning, early. We'll go from there to either Shoneys or IHOP for some food and more fellowship. 14 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER District News In case anyone is interested, Rick's Cycle out of Rainsville, ALA. puts on a good swap meet at the Sand Mountain Dragway. It's called BAMA DRAGS AND SWAP MEET. Look it up for time and date, usually in late March. I'm looking forward to our own swap meet in Griffin in April. Hope there are many vendors with lots of goodies. See you there???? Hey, it's time for me to go, so, make someones day, either enter or leave their life. Sgt. Baldy D1W CO Good middle of the month to one and all, If your newsletter gets to you like mine does, then it is around the 20th of Jan. 2016. Happy New Year. Also hope that you had a fine and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Hopefully, my last update is in this same newsletter because it got left out of the one it was supposed to go in, along with our Secretaries report. Anyway, here goes. Scare on the Square, Halloween, went good, many happy kids and also some adults. One of our families lost a loved one and from what I saw at the funeral home, he was well liked by a lot of towns people. Winston Stansberry lost his father. He was a Navy veteran of World War II. Served on two war ships, most notably the USS MISSOURI. You all remember the MIGHTY MO, she was the ship the Japanese surrendered on, ending 5 years of brutal fighting. Our hearts and prayers go out to the Stansberry family. This past Sunday, some of us were able to ride the Catoosa County Toy Run. From what I heard there were around 600 to 700 bikes. The guy counting the wheels and dividing by two got mixed up because of the three wheelers and side car rigs. We'll never have an accurate count, but the one above is close enough. This coming Saturday,12-12-15, we will have our CHRISTMAS DINNER at our meeting place. The one and only, DARI DIP. We told them to expect 40 people so if 20 show up, we'll eat like HOGS and if 50+ show up, we'll eat like BIRDS. As always, we'll have a good time. Get to see some folks that work weird hours and days that can't make it to our meetings/rides/events. One other thing. I knew there was something Linda and I went to in Nov. but my mind wouldn't let it out. Never had a closed mind before, just can't remember. You know the feeling, "CRSAT", Can't Remember STUFF At Times. We went to Savannah for District 11's Swap Meet. Thanks Junkyard, best $15.00 dollars I spent all weekend. No wait, it was $30.00, wasn't it? Anyway, well worth the travel and money. Bought a couple of parts and watched some really great racing. Hope it can/will come around again. Our next ride will be 1-1-16. Frozen Nose to Toes. I'M SORRY SOME OF YOU WILL MISS IT. Looking forward to State Swap Meet in April Our officers for 2016 will remain the same. Easy vote Hey, make some ones day, either enter or leave Sgt. Baldy AKA Frank A. Chaney 15 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER District News District Two Greetings from District 2. Bill Mattison here recording the minutes for D2’s Secretary on February 7th 2016. Join us on the first Sunday of each month at JW Reed’s restaurant in Cleveland GA. At 2:12 Anthony Love, District 2 Coordinator, called the meeting to order. We had 3 officers, 3 members and 2 guests attending. Thanks to Scott Williams and Steve Lucas who were the new attendees. Scott and his wife became members too! Thanks Scott! Anthony then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and Kayse Niehoff, VP of the Cleveland Chapter of the Christian Motorcycle Riders Association led us in a prayer. Brian Love, our Treasurer then gave us a report. Anthony then announced monthly rides to build up district monies: on February 27th at 11:00am there will be a ride to Blairsville for lunch at the Hole in the Wall restaurant. Then an April ride to Commerce in Banks County, details to follow. Anthony then addressed the August elections and made a call for district officers. We need an Activities Director and a Membership Director. Anthony also announced that we need to collect e-mail addresses to add to our mailing list. Send them to me at Anthony then gave us a Board of Director’s legislative overview from the previous day’s BOD meeting. Richard Malcolm, our Legislative Director, then shared a humorous list of “Dumb things motorcyclists do”. I then gave a state website update, and told everyone of my plea at the BOD meeting for officer reports and event fliers to once more be sent directly to me for posting at (for some reason I had not received either for some time now). District 2 also has a Facebook organizational page at Anthony then spoke about the State elections and Ann stepping down as Secretary. He also spoke of how the State office wants us to do flat track MC racing event in D2 similar to the one they held in Savannah. We will also be sponsoring an event this year at Two Wheels Only and we will have a booth at the MotoAmerica Motorcycle races at Road Atlanta on 4/15-17. Anthony then opened the floor to share ideas about increasing membership in our district. Richard, Brian and Anthony then had an open discussion about increased penalties for killing a motorcyclist and the Bill that the State office has introduced. Anthony then gave us details on the AirEvac helicopter and fixed wing ambulance service as given to us by their representative at the BOD. He then told us of the new Military MC plates available in Georgia, find out the details and apply at: He then gave us an overview of the State Swap Meet and raffle details and passed out fliers. At 3:56 we took a 10 min break. Anthony then passed out abate bike logo stickers with numbers on the back for a fun drawing for $5, Jim won. He also announced a ride to Mega Motorsports in Gainesville, details are also pending. Anthony also talked about the importance about reaching out to ATV and dirt bike riders, and how D2 will be at the Wingmen swap meet in Gainesville as we do annually. He then opened the floor to open discussion. Brian told us about the 2015 ABATE T-Shirts now being $15 available from the State office. We also discussed proposed events: at the Cornelia bike show, or in August we could sponsor a bike show at the Clarkesville car show or Brian proposed a bike show at the Fourth Quarter Restaurant in Clarkesville GA. Kayse then gave us an upcoming CMRA event announcement, she’ll be sending me the details for posting here. At 3:38 Richard motioned for the meeting to close, Anthony 2nd the motion. District Five Because of Doug T and Jennie resigning their officer positions in late January, Brian Elliott Clifford has accepted our District Coordinator position, the decision was made final during our telecommunication conference on the 3rd of February. We had all previously discussed this possibility and spoken with Brian about it. So District five’snew contact information is Brian at 770-366-8057 And our official face book page is now at: Three of us attended an officers meeting at the Waffle House at Honey Creek in Conyers Ga, on the 11th of February.So that endless discussion between the officers would not devour regular meeting time. At our regular meeting place: Falcons Fury Harley Davidson, 900 Dogwood Drive SE. Conyers, GA. We set up an information and membership booth during their customer appreciation day on Saturday the 20th of February. We distributed literature and spoke to several people, and sold a few raffle tickets. 16 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER District News Our regular meeting is scheduled for the third Sunday of each month at 2:pm. So we met as scheduled on the 21st of February. With four members of district five present, and our state legislative director “Wayne Overholt” also attended. And we missed all you folks who we invited, but were not there. Minutes of the previous meeting and a current meeting agenda were given to attendees. The meeting was called to order with the pledge to our national flag at 2:05pm, and followed a formal agenda of officer reports, discussions, and news of upcoming events. With emphasis on legislative matters, relations with other districts and organizations, efficient district management, and proposed activities. We intend to be at the Covington Bike Fest on the 10th of April (on the town square of Covington, GA.) We also voted to conduct a helmet drive, to distribute literature and hopefully collect some donations. Our meeting was adjourned at 3:30 pm District Six-Two MINUTES OF THE MEETING FEBRUARY 4, 2016 The regular meeting of the district was held at Wings & Things in Sharpsburg, GA. The meeting was called to order by Brad at 6:57 PM. We pledged allegiance to the flag and Ralph led us in prayer. JoLynne read the minutes from the January meeting, which was approved by the membership. Ralph gave the treasurer’s report, which was approved by the membership. Steve made mention of Daytona Bike Week and told us the Bomber Girl’s cookie drive netted over 1400 dozen cookies. He brought the new SCRC webpage to our attention and welcomed anyone to come on the rides posted. Reb said he still doesn’t receive any communication from the state. Yankee made mention of the helmet law #797, there was various legislative discussion amongst several members. Reb stated that he had been told that we have an inadequate lobbyist. Davina reported that as of last month, we have 32 members in the district. 18 members were at the meeting, including a visitor from 5N. Gary reminded everyone of the swap meet in Griffin to be held the first weekend in April. It will be at the fairgrounds and there will be camping. Marvin asked about the statement made in the ABATE of GA newsletter in reference to closing state business if the Secretary position isn’t filled. There was no further discussion. Motion was made and carried to make Wings & Things the supporter of the month. Gary adjourned the meeting at 7:35 PM Respectfully Submitted, JoLynne Allen Secretary District 62 District Eleven February 2016 Meeting was held February 14, 2016 At Twilight Lounge in Bloomingdale, GA. Attending were 6 officers & 12 members. Ricky “Possum” Lynn called the meeting to order at 3:04p.m. Robin Rice led us in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by prayer from Jim Williams. Secretary Report: Judy Rice read the Minutes of the prior meeting Treasurer report: Darlene Thornton reported we took in $1200 from the Frosty Balls Run. $4500 was sent to the state, leaving us the normal $2000 in the bank. 17 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER District News Activities Director Report: No activities reported. Membership Director Report: Betsy Haddock reports we now have 102 members. Junkyard updated us on the handlebar bill 166 which passed the committee, and the shelving of the red light bill. Lobbyist from State Farm Insurance companies says that they are trying to block our bills this year from being passed. Missouri is passing the helmet law bill. Motion made to accept officers’ reports & accepted. Old Business: 132 people signed in for the Frosty Balls Run. Dice Run in August is our next scheduled event. Brought to the order by Junkyard has been the suggestion of a Scavenger Hunt. Motion made & accepted for the hunt to take place in June. It will be a retro hunt; meaning items to acquire during the hunt will be pre 90’s. The state is having a raffle on April 3rd. The district who sells the most tickets will bring home a trophy. Each district 11 member at the meeting is asked to take 20 tickets to sell. All monies from these tickets need to be turned in at the next meeting. We are also considering a District 11 raffle in April. New Business: None Announcements: CMA Run to the Son is May 7th. Registration begins at 9am at Harley Davidson in Savannah. The run will be approximately 100 miles, ending at Countryside Baptist Church in Guyton. Indian Motorcycle will be having open house Saturday February 20th. at 2pm. with food & entertainment. With warmer weather expected soon, we hope to begin having fun runs following our monthly meetings and possible ride to eat events. Motion made to adjourn & accepted at 3:40pm. District Thirteen February News Greetings from Ashburn Georgia! District 13 met at the Elrod Center on Sunday, February 7 at 2PM. DC Dennis Crenshaw led the group in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the US of A and Brother “Earl the Pearl” Perry opened in prayer. We took a moment to remember one of our former members, “Goose” who recently passed away. Goose always had a smile and a ready laugh and was respected by all. Our prayers go out to his family. Dennis reported the progress of our issues at the State Capitol. He rode up to the dome on a cold January morning and received a warm welcome from our new Legislative Director, Wayne Overholt. Dennis met his representative and had a chance to see what goes on at the State Capitol during session. Upcoming events for District 13 include the following: Saturday, March 26 - Roger Musselwhite Memorial Poker Run/Ashburn Fire Ant Scrambler April 2 & 3 – ABATE Swap Meet & Rally – Griffin Fairground Saturday, April 23 – Bikeshow at the Angel City Spring Rally July 4th Celebration at the KOA in Wenona. More info to be included in next month's meeting. We tabled the discussion on exact dates for the rest of the years' events including fundraisers and Toy Run until the next meeting. District 7's upcoming Chili Cook-Off at AP's is March 19. It was also mentioned that some of our members who went to District 11's event last year really enjoyed the good fellowship shared with their members while visiting their event and volunteering to help out. They look forward to participating in what ever Junkyard has cooking up for this year for District 11. Ann and Dennis gave a report on the business discussed at the recent BOD meeting. We ALL really appreciate the Crenshaws' dedication and hard work that they do to help keep ABATE going. Our next meeting will be held in Ashburn at the Elrod Center on March 6 at 2PM. Our April meeting will be held after the Fireant Scrambler on March 26tt due to a State Event occurring on our regular meeting date. Hope to see you there! Ride Safe! Sheila George, District 13 Secretary 18 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER ATTENTION ABATE MEMBERS State Elections will be held at the May 2016 Board of Directors Meeting Our current State Secretary and State Sergeant at Arms has stated their intentions not to run for another term If a member does not step up for these position all state level business activity of the organization will cease effective May 1 2016 It is critical that people step up and help us keep the state office moving forward. Interested volunteers should be within a reasonable driving distance of Austell Ga for the Secretary position, State Sergeant at Arms can reside anywhere within the State. Interested volunteers can call the office at 770-881-7438 or email Tim Farmer of District Five has stated he will run for State Secretary at this time but he lives notably far from the state office. If someone who lives in the District Four West Area would like to step up this would be very appreciated by the entire State of Georgia membership for ABATE. The Following State Officers are running for re-election in May: Ned Williams: State Director Gary Bonds: State Treasurer David Neal: State Activities Director Wayne Overholt: State Legislative Director Ann Crenshaw: State Membership Director 19 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER (800) ON-A-BIKE ATLANTA OFFICE: 1201 Peachtree St. NE | 400 Colony Square, Suite 200 | Atlanta, Georgia 30361 AUGUSTA OFFICE: 631 Ronald Reagan Drive | Suite 102 | Evans, Georgia 30809 20 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER The Supporters Program Business Support Member Program Any business that wishes to offer a discount on goods or services to an ABATE of Georgia member may have a listing in the monthly newsletter in the Supporter section. This listing will show business name, address, phone number, web site, district Number and discount amount offered. No Logos or other info. The cost to be listed is $25.00 per year. The Business Support member will receive an ABATE membership Easel and 2 Decals showing they offer a discount along with one full year of being listed. Any Business that is owned by an ABATE of Georgia member will receive this for $15.00 Business Sponsor Member Program American Bikers Active Toward Education Post Office Box 116 Austell GA, 30168 Tel 770-884-7138 Supporter_____ Sponsor_______ Any Business that wishes to be a Sponsor and offer a discount on goods or services to an ABATE of Georgia members may have a listing in the monthly newsletter in the Sponsor Section. This listing will show the business name, address, phone number, web site, district number and discount amount offered in large bold type. No Logos etc. The cost for this is $100.00 per year. The Sponsor will receive an ABATE membership easel, 2 decals showing membership, a discount of 5% on any additional advertising in the newsletter. Any business owned by an ABATE of Georgia member will receive this for $75.00. As a thank you to those business’s that allow us to meet there we will run their info in the Sponsor section FREE for as long as a district meets there. An individual or Business that provides more than $100.00 in goods or services to ABATE of Georgia will be listed in the Honor Roll section Business____________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________ City,State, Zip_________________________________________ Business Phone_______________________________________ Business web site______________________________________ Discount Percent offered________________________________ District located in_______ Application taken by ___________________ Date of Application _________________ Years of Term____ Notes_____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Please turn in to your DC with a Check made out to ABATE of Georgia. 21 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER A.B.A.T.E. Of Georgia Sponsors and Supporters These Businesses contribute to ABATE and offer discounts to ABATE members Horizon Motorsports 858 Davis Drive Southeast Conyers, GA 30094 (770) 785-7253 Georgia Bob’s Barbecue 4921 Riverside Dr. Macon, Ga 31210 478-257-6710 Mitchell’s Automotive and Truck Repair 4281 Interstate Drive, Macon, Ga 31210 (478) 477-6403 Weathers Honda 1808 Vernon Road LaGrange GA 30240 Phone: 706.884.7327 Fax: 706.884.3827 Powersports Plus 3006 Kensington Ct., Albany, Ga, 31721 (229) 432-2015 Town Creek Food Shop 3061 Upper River Rd, Macon, Ga, 31211 (478) 751-9393 Mountain Motorsports 899 Iris Dr. S.E. Conyers GA 30094 Phone: 770.761.4800 Fax: 770.761.4900 Clothing to Fit People 5415 Austell-Powder Springs Rd, Austell, Ga, 30106 (770) 941-1142 Tom’s Place 461 Old Mill Place, Cartersville, Ga, 30120 (770) 386-7755 Al’s Appliance and Refrigeration 600 Ridly Avenue, Lagrange, Ga, 30240 (706) 884-5484 Katies’ Too Southern FBuffet Restaurant 614 Lincoln St, Lagrange, Ga, 30240 (706) 882-1222 Free Drink with Buffet Auto Tek Customs 6041 North Henry Blvd Suite A, Stockbridge, Ga 30281 (770) 474-4636 ProLeather & Associates 411 Maxham Road, Suite 1600 (770) 948-1285 www.Proleather& Blueberry Hill 1550 C Dean Forrest Rd. Garden City, Ga (912) 964-8401 Connie Zbikowski, American Family Insurance 2107 Highway 42 N. Suite A, Jenkinsburg, GA. 30234 (770) 504-9500 Cycle Nation of Mcdonough 755 Industrial Blvd, McDonough, GA 30253 770-957-7404 Brian Andrews, state Farm Insurance 1748 HWY 81 E,McDonough, GA 30252 (770) 288-4900 Griffin Jewelers Inc. 1435 N. Expressway Suite 101, Griffin, Ga, 30223 Renegade Classics 4965 Lanaier Islands Pkwy, Suite101, Buford, Ga,30518 (770) 904-5944 22 March 2016 Your Leather Loft 968 Hiram—Douglasville Hwy, Hiram Ga, 30141 (770) 439-0550 Cycle World of Athens 4225 Atlanta Highway Bogart, GA 30622 (706) 548-3300 Freedom Powersports Kennesaw 3102 Cobb Parkway NW, Kennesaw, Ga, 30152 (770) 974 - 6000 Holly’s Hometown Insurance 2955 Buford Hwy Duluth, Ga 30096 (770) 476 - 9300 10% discount on Insurance to ABATE of Ga. Members Helmet Hairdoos 678-227-8861 Patricia Cantaline—Avon Representative (912) 748-5266 Free Shipping on orders over $30.00, order online only Brown’s Camping Sales 9726 Tara Boulevard, Jonesboro, Georgia 30236 770-477-7718 Motorhead’s Bar and Grill 650 Macon Steet, McDonough, GA 30253 (770) 898-0008 Hamburger Mikes 402 Hwy 155 South McDonough, Ga, 30253 (678) 759-2545 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER A.B.A.T.E. Of Georgia Sponsors and Supporters These Businesses contribute to ABATE and offer discounts to ABATE members Page two Page two Cross Road Choppers 3321 US 84 W Suite F Tifton, GA 31793 (229) 387-6563 Georgia Pest Control Company 385 Hwy 30 W Americus, GA 31719 (229) 924-7774 Marty McDonald State Farm Insurance 925 MLK Blvd Americus, GA 31719 (229) 928 3686 Robert Anderson Windows 100 Elm Street Milner, Ga, 30257 (404) 877 2119 Mike's Custom Cycles, 409 Old Augusta Rd. Sparta, Ga (706) 444-5838 The Bike Stop of Cleveland 32 Industrial Way Cleveland, Ga, 30528 (706) 865 4506 Warhill cycles 61 Matheson Drive Dawsonville, GA 30534 (678) 928-1054 Farmer’s Arts and Design LLC.—First Aid Classes (404) 861-5371 ABATE of Georgia Dealership Partners Cycle World of Athens 4225 Atlanta Hwy, Bogart, GA 30622 (706) 548-3300 Augusta Harley Davidson 4200 Belair Frontage Rd, Augusta, GA 30909 (706) 651-0444 Street and Trail Motorsports 4277 Washington Rd, Evans, GA 30809 (706) 868-5050 ATTENTION ABATE OF GEORGIA MEMBERS If you have had trouble with your member card, a pin or a patch A hotline has been set up to make sure your issue is addressed Please call the membership Hotline At (678) 753-6018 The hotline is monitored during business hours 7 days a week. Calls made after hours will be returned the next business day 23 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER Please visit our District Sponsors 1W: Dari Dip 302 West Villanow Street, LaFayette, GA 1: Logan’s Roadhouse 2140 East Walnut Avenue Dalton, GA 30721 2: J.W. Reeds 318 N Main St Cleveland, Georgia 6/2: Jekyll and Hyde's, HWY 29 North, Newnan, Ga 7: AP's Hidden Hideaway 4274 Broadway, Macon, GA 8: Road Runner Cafe, 2508 Peach Orchard Rd. (Rt. 25), Augusta, Ga 3 The Watering hole in Villa Rica 123 Tri County Plaza, Villa Rica, GA 9: Player’s 1500 54th Street, Columbus, GA 4E: Confetti’s Bar and Grill, 6470 Spalding Dr., Norcross, GA 20% Discount with your ABATE card 11: VFW Post 660, 5115 Ogeechee Rd, Savannah, GA 31405 4W: B3's Bar and Grill, at 2523 Veterans Memorial Highway , Austell, Ga 5: Falcons Fury Harley Davidson 900 Dogwood Dr, Conyers, GA 30012 12: Mr. Chicks Chicken 1125 US84, Cairo Ga. 13: Henry Elrod Center 100 Washington Ave., Ashburn, GA US41 at Georgia 112 15: Western Sizzlin 5N: Cycle World of Athens 4225 Atlanta Highway, Athens, Ga 997 Sunset Blvd, Jesup, GA 31545 6: The Grove Bar and Grill 4681 Bill Gardner Pkwy., Locust Grove. Members, Districts, Businesses & Supporters with your donation of $100 or more you become an Honor Roll Member of A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia! As always your generosity and support is appreciated. 24 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER 25 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER 26 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER Proposed Bylaw changes 1) New Bylaw shall read Instead of a $60 mandatory insurance monthly payments . All districts to be changed a 3% Insurance fee of what is in each district’s checking account at the end of each month’s checking account statements, not to exceed $60.00. The fee must be sent to State office. If a district is not in compliance at the quarterly Board of Directors meeting they will have three months or one quarter to come into compliance, or they will be charged a 2% penalty fee of the fee due per month for each month that the district is not in compliance. 2) Amended Bylaw 17 to be amended with a new section to be called 17-1 17-1 Shall read. Any non-member or expired member shall be denied membership in ABATE of Georgia for any observed action that can be classified as conduct unbecoming a member of ABATE. Evidence of said behavior shall be able to be brought by any officer of ABATE of Georgia at either district or state level for review by the Executive board. The individual will be given a hearing before the Executive Board if so desired and The Executive Board shall take the evidence and make final recommendations to the Board of Directors for advice and consent. 27 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER District Four East’s Bikes and Brews photos. Editor’s note: One member asked if this event violated ABATE of Georgia bylaws. The answer, per the bylaws is no. This event was held at an establishment that serves alcohol, the same as many other district events, including our own state swap meets. No member of ABATE served any Alcoholic beverage or took any action that would have violated ABATE of Georgia Bylaws. This event solely worked to promote ABATE of Georgia, raise awareness of what we do in an area of the metro Atlanta area that has been under-represented in ABATE membership and to raise funds for our Four—East district. Naturally, the district named the host location of their event in their flyer, which we ran in this newsletter for 2 months, and we as an organization thank them and any other host location willing to help ABATE’s goals. We encourage all members to do the same for their districts and to send us pictures so we can publish them as well. Second Editor’s note: As the newsletter now has be to formatted into eight page segments for newsprint printing, we will be featuring several photos from this event to fill the required space for newsprint. We encourage all districts to send in as many event photos as they can to help us in these efforts. 28 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER 29 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER 30 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER 31 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U. S. POSTAGE PAID AUSTELL, GA PERMIT NO. 15 IF YOU ARE A MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIAST—JOIN TODAY! Your membership entitles you to our monthly newsletter, admission discounts at most A.B.A.T.E. events, discounts at bike shops throughout the state who support our ideals, a patch and pin for new members, and a year pin for renewals. Help protect your right to ride! Fill out the application below. A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia, Inc. Membership Application 0209 Membership Dues: Single $30, Couple $50, Junior $10 (Juniors must be 15 years old or younger) Make check or money order payable to A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia, Inc., or enter credit card information under your signature. Send to A.B.A.T.E. of Georgia, Inc., PO Box 116 Austell, GA 30168 NAME____________________________________________________DOB____/____/____ NEW OR RENEW NAME____________________________________________________DOB____/____/____ NEW OR RENEW ADDRESS__________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_________________________________________________ STATE__________ ZIP__________________ COUNTY_________________________________DISTRICT________PHONE (______) ___________________ OCCUPATION_____________________________REFERRED BY_____________________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS_____________________________________________________________________________ (OPTIONAL) LEGISLATIVE DONATION $10 _____________ OTHER ____________ MAIL PIN (S) $3 ___________ I agree to comply with A.B.A.T.E. rules for sanctioned motorcycle activities. I understand that all benefits become effective upon receipt of my membership card. I agree not to hold A.B.A.T.E. responsible for accidents that may occur at sanctioned events. Membership dues and donations are NOT tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. APPLICANT SIGNATURE___________________________________________________________________ Prefer to register and pay online? PAY BY CREDIT CARD ON WWW.ABATEGA.ORG 32 March 2016 A.B.A.T.E. OF GEORGIA, INC. NEWSLETTER