May 2015 - Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic


May 2015 - Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic
Vol. 11, No. 5
May 2015
Prayer Dedicating the Order of Preachers
to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Virgin Mother Mary, with trust we approach you. We, your preachers, fly to you who believed in the words sent from heaven and pondered
them in your heart. We stand close around you, who are always present to
the gathering of apostles.
In you the Word was made flesh, that same Word which we receive,
contemplate, praise together, and preach. Therefore, under your guidance
we today devote ourselves anew to the ministry of the Word. Furthermore,
we declare to you that, hearing with you the Word within ourselves and
anointed by the Spirit, whose sacred vessel you pre-eminently are, we are
consecrated in the name of Jesus Christ to the evangelization of the world.
With the eyes of your heart enlightened, you understood the mystery
of the Word. Through you we, too, are able to perceive the presence of that
same word in the history of our time, so that we may finally contemplate
him face to face.
Through you the Father sent his Son into the world that He might
save it. Through you we will be powerful in the sight of your people, becoming witnesses of that truth which frees and of that love which unites.
To this place we have brought our needs, and here we ponder them.
Do you, Mother, give us strength and preserve the harmony of our family,
so that what was begun by our profession may be brought to completion by
our love for one another, for the salvation of the world and to the praise
and glory of God.
Traditional prayer recited on May 8 by the Order of Preachers
In This Issue
Prayer to BVM
Provincial Promoter’s Letter
Bro. Tonto, et al
Preaching on Int’l Bridge
Handmade Prod. Alert
Retreat in Connecticut
Lay Congress Flyer
Te Deum
De Profundis
OP Moment Trivia
Around the Province
Links of Interest
Congress Registration
Internet Newsletter of the Province of St. Joseph
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May 2015
From the Provincial
Promoter’s Desk
Fr. Bede Shipps, O.P.
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Saint Dominic,
Recent travels to Lancaster, Pa., New
Castle, Del., and Buffalo, N.Y., have allowed
for meeting more of you,
hearing of the growing pains
of some chapters and of efforts to revitalize others.
There is a general desire to
grow in prayer and charity,
and to promote the spread
of saving truth in the world.
We need to pray for and encourage one another in giving ourselves to these
Fr. Bede Shipps, O.P.,
Provincial Promoter
Always showing a
special and tender regard for the Order, Mary,
whose month this is, can teach us much about
discipleship. She is profoundly contemplative,
living her days with her heart open to the presence and promptings of God. She accepts the
divine plan for her life: "Behold the handmaid
of the Lord. Be it done unto me according to
your word." And she counsels us to imitate that
same docile obedience: "Do whatever he tells
you." She knows her lowliness, her reliance on
God: "He has looked on the lowliness of his
handmaid." She knows that her gifts ARE gifts--from God: "He who is mighty has done great
things for me." Praising God, she shares the
Good News: "My soul proclaims the greatness
of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my Savior." As she brings forth the Word Made Flesh,
the Savior of the world, she becomes the model
for preachers of every age----taking the word to
heart, pondering and living in it, and sharing the
fruits. Mary's profound love for our father Dominic continues in her patronage of Dominic's
family. May her words be in our minds and on
our lips in this month of Our Lady. "Pray for us,
O holy Mother of God, that we may be made
worthy of the promises of Christ."
God bless you and your families in
Mary's month.
Fr. Bede
Brother Tonto , Cappa & Canis Honoring Our Lady on May 8th
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Preaching on the International Bridge
(ISIL/ISIS) and Da’esh in the same area being
served by the Rosary Sisters. This followed a
By Ms. Alexandria Faiz, O.P.
March 13 joint statement on Christians and othSt. Mary’s Chapter
New Haven, Connecticut
er minorities in the Middle East, where the Vatican took the extremely rare move of joining 69
On May 17, 2015, another Dominican
countries to request a military response against
tertiary will be canonized. Blessed Mariathe terrorists. The Vatican’s top diplomat at the
Alfonsina Danil Ghattas, born in Jerusalem on
United Nations in Geneva, Italian Archbishop
October 4, 1843, was a Palestinian Christian
Silvano Tomasi,
nun who founded the
said, was a “first” in
Dominican Sisters of
the United Nations
the Most Holy Rosary
for the Human
of Jerusalem (the RoRights Council to
sary Sisters), the first
specifically identify
Palestinian congregaChristians as a tartion. The Virgin apgeted group. “It
peared to Sister Marie
will be up the Unit-Alfonsina on the day
Blessed Maria-Alfonsina Danil Ghattas (from
ed Nations and its
of Epiphany in 1874.
member states, especially the Security Council,
At around 9.00 in the morning, while she was
to determine the exact form of intervention necsaying the rosary and meditating on the fifth
essary,” he said, “but some responsibility [to
Sorrowful Mystery, Mary appeared before her
act] is clear.”
in a swarm of light, her hands open. On her
What makes a just war? It is not only the
breast, a cross; and from this cross a rosary
Church that looks to Saint Thomas Aquinas for
hung that went down to her waist and nearly
guidance. “For a
reached her feet even as she held it in both outwar (bellum) to be
stretched hands. This wasn’t the first time the
just,” Aquinas
Virgin appeared to Sister Marie-Alfonsina, but
wrote, “three
now she instructed her to start the Congregathings are necestion of the Rosary. On March 7, 1884, the nine
sary”: sovereign
first novices of the Rosary pronounced their
authority, just
vows consecrating them to the Lord and to St.
cause, and right
Mary. The Sisters continue to this day to serve
intention. James
the poor and educate Christians in Palestine
Turner Johnson,
(Gaza strip), Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt,
Professor of ReliSyria, Kuwait and in some Persian Gulf emirgion at Rutgers
ates (Abu Dhabi, Shariqah) and Rome. Sister
University, wrote a
Maria-Alfonsina passed away on March 25,
from (
compelling analy1927, at Ain Karim, Jerusalem.
sis of how these criteria translate in the modern
This year, on March 27, UN Secretaryversion of war in a 2005 First Things article.
General Ban Ki-moon announced that the UnitHow timely that we will soon be able to pray to
ed Nations will issue an action plan to counter
another Dominican saint for her help.
the violent attacks launched by Levant/Sham
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Dominican Monastery of our Lady of the Rosary
Dear Sisters, and Family and Friends,
Please see below. Several years ago Debbie May successfully got them not to introduce this bill but now one
has been to the Senate. If it passes we’ll be out of business in the soap department. Many other small cottage
industries will be as well. This is really a huge control thing! All I have seen online is that people in this industry nearly go overboard to make their products safe and often as natural as possible. It’s one reason they
probably started their business. Most don’t have a business like us but make their income at fairs, etc., working in their kitchens.
Please fill out the form indicated below to contact our legislators!
Sr. Mary Catharine Perry, O.P.
Tel: 908.273.1228
Dominican Monastery of our Lady of the Rosary
543 Springfield Avenue
Summit, NJ 07901-4498
Write Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representative Today!
This week a cosmetic bill was introduced in the United States Senate that will hurt small handmade
cosmetic companies by requiring small businesses to register, pay annual fees and file ingredient
reports with the FDA for every product made.
The legislation, the Personal Care Products Safety Act (S-1014), was introduced by Senator Diane
Feinstein (California) and co-sponsored by Senator Susan Collins (Maine). The bill is now with the
Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (aka: HELP Committee).
The Handmade Cosmetic Alliance (HCA) leadership is working with Members of the HELP Committee and other Senators to protect the handmade cosmetic industry so that small businesses across
the country can continue to thrive. But the HCA needs your help.
Your Senators and U.S. Representative need to hear from you. They must know
how important making handmade cosmetic products are to you, your family,
customers and those you may employ. They are your elected federal officials
and it is important for each one to know how this legislation will affect
you and your business.
HCA will continue to work on this issue in Washington making sure that members of Congress
know that the handmade industry supports cosmetic safety, but it is vital that any legislation include
adequate exemptions to allow small and emerging businesses to bring quality products to the market, support local economies and create main-street jobs.
Write your elected official using our easy to access tool at the site below.
Thank you.
Debbie May, Executive Director
Handmade Cosmetic Alliance
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
The Dominican Friars
of the
Province of St. Joseph
joyfully announce the Ordination of
their Brothers
Thomas More Garrett, O.P.
John Maria Devaney, O.P.
Boniface Endorf, O.P.
Gabriel Joseph Torretta, O.P.
Innocent Vincent Smith, O.P.
Charles Shonk, O.P.
Vincent Ferrer John Bagan, O.P.
Philip Neri Jordan Reese, O.P.
to the Priesthood of Jesus Christ
through the Imposition of Hands and
Prayer of Ordination by
The Most Reverend Charles John Brown,
Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland
Friday, May 22, 2015, at 9:30 AM
Saint Dominic Church
630 E Street Southwest
Washington, District of Columbia 20024
The Rosary promoter for the Order
invites you to visit the new website:
One of the Dominican Family traditions is our
regular prayers for our dead. Please have a
Mass celebrated for all the deceased members
of the Dominican Laity in the Province of St.
Joseph, U.S.A., and in particular for our sisters
below. I also ask everyone to pray one Rosary
for all our deceased members:
Name: Mrs. Gloria Anzelmo, O.P.
Religious Name: Rose of Lima
Chapter: St. Dominic #601
Location: Youngstown, Ohio
Final Promise: February 13, 2000
Date of Death: December 11, 2014
Name: Mrs. M. Jean Hacker, O.P.
Religious Name: Rose Martina
Chapter: St. Catherine of Siena #603
Location: Columbus, OH
Final Promise: November 6, 2000
Date of Death: April 20, 2015
Please remember our sisters, Gloria and Jean,
who died in Christ with the hope of rising with
Send the names and dates of members who
have died to your Regional Editor, so that they
can be included in our continued prayers for
the dead.
ERRATA: In April 2015’s De Pro fund is, Mr.
Joseph A. Honegger’s, Final Promise was listed
as May 25, 2003. In fact, his Final Promise was
made on June 24, 2007.
(3rd Century; Oldest Known Prayer to Mary)
We fly to thy patronage, O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions in our necessities, but
deliver us always from all dangers, O glorious
and blessed Virgin.
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Links of Interest
Liturgical Manuscripts:
Jubilee of Mercy:
Empire of the Cross:
…news you can use
A Regional Meeting is to be held on May 9,
2015, at Holy Ghost Church, Tiverton, RI. Registration will begin at 9:00 AM and the cost is
$15. The meeting will be hosted by Mother of
Mercy Chapter in Tiverton, RI.
Attention Attention Attention
Our Mother,
Pray for us.
by Mrs. Lynn Simpkins, O.P.
Match the dates below to their
corresponding celebration:
Translation of Our Holy Father Dominic ____
Anniversary of the dedication of St.
Joseph’s Province to St. Joseph
a. May 24
b. May 1
Register online for the Congress on our
website: then
go to “What’s New”.
Nota Bene: Hotel reservations are separate.
Patronage of the Blessed Virgin Mary
over the entire Order of Preachers
Due to the Congress in November 2015, it
has been necessary to cancel the Annual
Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic Retreat,
hosted by Region IV. Hopefully, this decision will enable more members to attend
the Congress which occurs only once every
ten years. Hope to see you there.
A Regional Meeting is to be held on June 6,
2015 and will be hosted by St Thomas Aquinas
Chapter in Charlottesville, VA.
Meeting begins at 11 A.M. with Mass, followed by a business meeting, lunch, prayer,
and then a tour of the priory.
Please notify your chapter President if you
will be attending so we can be prepared with
food, etc. A head count is needed by mid-May.
c. May 8
See page ____ for answer.
Never grow tired of doing what is right.
2 Thessalonians 2:14
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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May 2015
MEMBERS: Your FY 2015-2016 Provincial dues are due July 1st, 2015. Dues
are $60 per year per member and are to
be collected by the chapter treasurer (or
designated member). The treasurer
then sends the total dues collected from
the chapter members in a check, along
with a list of paid members’ names.
The checks should be made payable to
the “LFSD” and sent to:
PO Box 142
Depew, NY 14043-0142
your mother
Mother’s Day,
May 10, 2015.
Read All About IT!!!!
Please send Notices of Advancements,
Obituaries, and Events of interest to
Lay Dominicans, to your
Regional Editors (see below).
eLumen Credits
Ms. Marianne T. Jablonski, O.P.
Provincial Council President
Editorial Staff:
Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P., Managing Editor
Mrs. Helen Tice, O.P., Layout/Design
Ms. Louise A. Mitchell, O.P., Copy Editor
Ms. Amy Strickland, O.P., Calendar
Mrs. Lynn Simpkins, O.P. OP Trivia
Reg. 1
Reg. 2
Reg. 3
Reg. 4
Reg. 5
Reg. 6
Mrs. Faith Flaherty, O.P.
Ms. Maria Vida, O.P.
Mr. Louis Pizzuti, O.P.
Mr. Donald Wacker, O.P.
Ms. Ann Devine, O.P.
Mr. Michael Murphy, O.P.
The Internet Newsletter of the Province of St. Joseph is
published monthly and sent to subscribers via email.
To subscribe, please contact
Copyright © 2015 .The Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic
Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
All rights reserved
“Permission to reprint is granted provided that citation
is made to eLumen with the volume, issue, and year,
and to the author and title of specific articles.”
Answer to OP Moment Trivia is:
May 1: anniver sar y of the dedication of St.
Joseph’s Province to St. Joseph.
May 8: the date on which the patr onage of
the Blessed Virgin Mary over the entire Order
of Preachers is celebrated.
May 24: date on which the Tr anslation
(moving of the body) of Our Holy Father
Dominic is honored.
Newsletter of the Lay Fraternities of St. Dominic, Province of St. Joseph, U.S.A.
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