Jernigan`s Employment Application
Jernigan`s Employment Application
Jernigan's application attached Please read ! Dear Applicant, Jernigan's is seeking individuals who are looking to invest time and energy in ajob. Job applicants must qualify with some of the abilities listed below. The more job duties you are able to perform the more valuable you will be. 1. Sales and Customer Service- Must have excellent skills to work with public. You will be expected to be knowledgeable about product and services in order to better help our customers. 2. Stock and Check in Merchandise- You must be able to check in merchandise, to attractively display merchandise, and recognize the need to change displays or move things to get a better response from a product 3. Point of Sale- be able to work a point of sale station or be willing to learn a point of sale, basically be able to run a cash register swiftly with great customer service skills. 4. Plant/shrub knowledge- You must be able to, or learn to identify plants, learn their growth needs and habits, be able keep garden area clean and neat for customers, and be able to keep yourself busy and productive during offhours or seasons. 5. Decorating or creativity ability- Jernigan's has a year round Christmas shop upstairs and it is redone every year, all the trees are undecorated and then decorated again with new decor and themes associated with the popular trends. 6. Computer knowledge- The ability to work with the internet, learn a tag program, learn to make signage, or any other programs. Please take the time to complete this application entirely to be considered for an interview. Incomplete applications will be discarded. Negotiable for salary expected is not acceptable please enter a desired wage amount. There is a space provided for you to describe why you want this position and how you will benefit our company, please list all of the above abilities you would bring with you to Jernigan's and any that are not listed. Please use an additional paper if needed. We are aggressively seeking employees who are committed to a long-term relationship in a full-time or regular part-time status. Thank you for your interest in our company. Jernigan's Gift Sales AssoCiate Thisjob position willbe responsible for but not limitedto the followingrequirements: 1. Customer and Service - Jernigan's associates willbe expected to provide excellent customer service to all who enter the doors. Employees should striveto connect with the consumer and learn the customer's needs and reason for visit. 2. Be knowledgeable about product and linescarried throughout the store. 3. Be able to quickly and correctly make customer t(ansactions on the current point of sale. 4. Be able to assista customer in finding or locating products. 5. Be able to stay busy during slow times by finding something productive to do without having to be directed by a supervisor. 6. Keep work area and display areas clean and neat. Perform daily task required to present a clean, safe, and well kept store to the public. 7. Assistmanagement in restocking merchandise daily or weeldy as noted by weekly checklist. 8. Check in merchandise that arrives daily ensuring that orders are complete and agree with the packing slip. Report any shortage or damages to the proper person. Sales associates should also collaborate with supervisoron putting merchandise out for display and stocking shelves as needed. 9. Be aware of surroundings and always keep eyes open for shopliftersor suspicious behavior. 10. Employees willbe expected to cross train in other work areas during their employment. 11. Sales associates should striveto meet or exceed weekly/monthly sales goals of the Jernigan's team. Jernigan's Garden Associate Thisjob position willbe responsible for, but not limited to the following: 1. Thisposition willrequire an active role in the sales of our plants and outdoor garden products. Youwillwork with the other team members to sales and accommodate the needs of our customer. Excellentcustomer service willbe required for this position. 2. The Jernigan's associate willbe responsible for maintaining the seasonal plant material to the best of their abilityand to decrease shrinkage of plant material. 3. Thisposition requires the knowledge of the product being sold. The employee willbe responsible for knowing or learning about the plants in order to serve our consumer better. 4. The sales associate willbe responsible for keeping a neat and clean work area. Maintenance, such as pruning, fertilizing,weeding, and spraying of plants willbe an ongoing daily task. Maintenance of the sellingarea willalso be ongoing with performing such task as mowing, pullingweeds, moving displays, picking up trash ect. 5. The associate willbe responsible for keeping supervisorinformed of need for inventory. 6. The associate willbe responsible for keeping the supervisorinformed of need for repairs or maintenance to equipment. 7. The employee willbe responsible for maintaining the fishpond, fountains, and other displays or attractions. 8. The display of outdoor furniturewillbe this employees responsibility.The employee should make sure every piece iscorrectly prices and displayed to the customer for sale. 9. Cement and Pottery sales and maintenance willalso be required as part of the employees duties. Thisemployee should be able to attractively display the pottery. Thisassociate should also learn the pricing codes for this product. The cement islocated on the grounds of Snapdragons but willremain the responsibilityof the garden associates at Jernigan's. These associates should be familiarwith the inventory of cement and the prices of the pieces. \ 10.The garden associate willalso be responsible for selling,loading, and maintaining of pine straw which isstored at the shelter located at Snapdragons. The associate willbe responsible to make sure the straw isof good quality when it is accepted. The straw should be kept stacked strait and neat and kept out of the rain. The associate should notifytheir supervisorwhen inventory islow. 11. The garden associate willalso be familiarwith potting soil,mulch, and other compost sold at Jernigan's. These associates willbe responsible for loading soil and mulch as well. Asupervisorshould be advised when inventory islow. 12.Thisjob requires heavy liftingand heat tolerance. Employees should be able to liftat least 50lbswithout difficultyand be able to stand 90-100degree heat. Duringoff season this positioncould have times with littleor no-duties above. Thisposition also comes with additional off season responsibilities.Duringthe winter months thisemployee will have to improviseand learn the responsibilitiesof the gift associate as related to the Christmas season to carry their job through to the next season. The above duties are thisassociates responsibilities,but at any time, anyone may be asked to do other duties unrelated to the duties above. Crosstraining for other jobs only makes you more valuable to the team. APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT FOR JERNIGAN'S NURSERY & TRADING POST DATE: POSITION APPLIED FOR: Refefred by: Date Available for Work: INSTRUCTIONS: Plea$e read carefully. Every item on this form must be answered to the best of your ability. Please print and use a pen. Your qualifications will be carefully reviewed and you will be given thorough consideration for any suitable vacancy. Upon employment, this application will become part of your permanent record THIS COMPANY. Keep this in mind as you complete it. Special Note: law. We are 'an Equal Opportllnity Employer. You are not required to supply any information that is prohibited THIS COMPANY. does not discriminate on tile basis of race, color, religian, gender, national origin, pregnancy, mari/al stat/Is, citizensllip, age, mari/al status, disability or any other legally protected class. You may request assistance UI completulg .................................................................................................................................... PERSONAL Name_ First Street Last Box tllis application. ) Telephone Number: ( M.I. by Federal, State. or Local City E-Mail Address Cell/Digital Phone @ Are you legally entitled to work in the United States?** 0 yes 0 no **Compliancewith1-9requirementsis mandatory,uponemployment o No convictions If younger than 18, state your age here If convicted of a crime(s), explain here: Answer these questions for all positions requiring the use of a vehicle: Have you ever been convicted of a moving traffic violation? 0 yes 0 no If yes, list all here: Have your driving privileges ever been revoked or suspended? 0 yes 0 no If yes, list here: .................................................................................................................................... EDUCATION High School (Name and Address) Did you graduate? If no, last grade completed Colleges (Name and Address) Colleges (Name and Address) Did you graduate? If no, number of hours completed Major Minor Other Education Awards, Honors, Leadership Roles: G.E.D. Obtained? Grade Average GradePoint Average_Degree If attending,date of graduation .................................................................................................................................... GENERAL EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION 1. List here all of the equipment with which you have experience and training. (Examples: cash register, small tools, forklift. word processor, calculator, computers, etc.): 2. SalaryExpected hour_ or week_ Numberof hoursyouare availableper week?_ 0 Nopreference 3. Typeof Employmentsought: 0 regularfull time 0 regularpart time 0 temporary0 seasonal0 as needed .................................................................................................................................... EXPERIENCE: List below all present and past employment, beginning with your most recent employer 1. Employer, Address_ Kind of Business Job Title Dates Employed For Job Reference, call _ o Please do not contact this employer. Starting Salary Last Salary to Why not? @l!R.Enterprise, Inc. 2006. Usage Rights to STAFDA Members \ per hour or week per hour or week Supervisor_ Reason for Leaving: 0 Quit 0 Discharge 0 Retired o Laid Off Why? at 2. Employer Address Kind of Business JobTitle DatesEmployed _ per hour or week Starting Salary per hour or week Last Salary Supervisor_ Reason for Leaving: 0 Quit 0 Discharge 0 Retired o LaidOff Why? at to For Job Reference, call Please do not contact this employer. Why not? o ... 3. Employer. Address_ Starting Salary per hout or week Last Salary per hour or week Supervisor_ Reason for Leaving: 0 Quit 0 Discharge 0 Retired Kind of Business JobTitle DatesEmployed _ to For Job Reference, call Please do not contact this employer. Why not? o LaidOff Why? at o In the following space, please describe briefly why you are applying for this position and how our company will benefit from your work here: CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT I. The facts as stated on this application are true and correct. I understand that, if employed, false statements on this application may cause my immediate dismissal. II. I authorize such background and personal reports as deemed necessary to verify that the information I have supplied is true and accurate and to determine my fitness for this job and hold harmless those who have the responsibility to develop such a report. A copy of this authorization is as valid as the original. III. I understand that I may be required to work overtime as a condition of being employed. IV. In consideration of my employment, I agree to conform to the rules and regulations for employees. I understand I am an employee at will, and that this application is not a contract of employment THIS COMPANY, and that my employment and compensation can be terminated, with or without cause, at anytime, at the option of either THIS COMPANY, or me. I understand that no representative of THIS COMPANY, has any authority to enter into any verbal agreement for employment for any specified period of time or to make any agreement contrary to the foregoing and that no document, policy or practice of THIS COMPANY, may change the foregoing unless it is expressly titled "Employment Agreement" and signed by both myself and an officer of THIS COMPANY.. V. I understand that I may be required to submit to a pre-employment, and post-employment test for fitness and/or substance abuse, if not prohibited by law. VI. Upon separation of employment, I authorize THIS COMPANY, to withhold from my final pay check any monies owed to them by me (if not prohibited by law) for equipment, loans, products, services, materials or other assets in my possession not promptly returned. VII. As a condition of employment, I accept that any complaint or conflict that cannot be resolved internally may be referred to Alternative Dispute Resolution, unless prohibited by law. DATE SIGNATURE @HR Enterprise, Inc. 2006. Usage Rights to STAFDA Members t. .' .'. 0" PERMISSIBLE PURPOSERELEASEFOR CREDENTIALING INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT: Pleaseread thefollowing information carefully and complele all oflhe iiformalion reque.'Iled Be sure you sign and date this/arm. As a condition of employment with this company, I understand that consumer. reports/investigative consumer reports. which may contain public record infonnation, may be requested or made on me including financial, criminal, driving record, education, prior employer verification, and others. Further, I understand that you may be requesting information from records of various Federal, State, local and other agencies that contain my past activities. . . I hereby authorize without reservation, any party or agency con~cted by this employer to furnish the above mentioned informatiQnand hold all of those involved in this process hannIess for the information furnished and decisions made. I understandthat I have the right to make a request of the third party that may be used in this investigation,and upon proper identification and.the . payment or any authorized fees, obtain copies of the findings in its tiles on me at the time of my request. I further authorize ongoing procurementof the above-mentionedreports at any time during my employment. Date Signature NOTE: Please print clearly. This information will be used to conduct the background search and errors may delay the employment process or cause misinformation to be reported about you. Print your name StreetAddress City, ST_ SocialSecurityNumber DateofBirth FormerNames Used Race: 0 Zipcode _ _ Gender: Male Female White_ Black_ Hispanic _ Asian_ Latino_ NativeAmerican _Other_ CollegeorUniversity ProfessionalLicenseState YearGraduated_ De~ LicenseNumber T~ Drivers License State Drivers License Number ,............................... For Employer Use Only: Send Resultsto: Name of Company: Email address: FAX: Reports Requested: _Pre-Emp'oyment . . (PEER) _Motor _Past Employment _ Criminal-Stateof _Education _Licensure Vehicle (MVR) Criminal-Countyof (Attachedcopyof applicationformfortheserequests) Nancye M. Combs, HR Entcrprlse, Inc. P.O. 801l6501' louisville, KY 40207 . 502-896-0503 . FAX: 502-896-0033 . cman:. . \. ,. - 13 . CHR Enterprise, Inc. 2006. . ,