Shore to Sea 2012 (Please note: File size is 3.5MB)


Shore to Sea 2012 (Please note: File size is 3.5MB)
research report | issue 1
Australia’s National Institute for Maritime Education, Training and Research
about trial and error and about problem solving.
It’s about seeing a need and filling that need,
and establishing on-going working relationships
with industry partners worldwide.
Through innovative thinking, AMC finds solutions
that not only benefit industry, but can change
the way that people think and how the world
will move forward in an era of environmental,
economic and humanitarian awareness.
AMC is globally recognised as being a centre for
excellence. We are committed to the growth of
research within the University of Tasmania and
aim to be recognised as integral to its reputation.
The Australian Maritime College (AMC) at the University of Tasmania
is Australia’s national institute for maritime and maritime-related
education, training and research and is one of the seven founding
members of the International Association of Maritime Universities.
Globally recognised as a centre for excellence,
AMC boasts a multi-million dollar suite of specialist
teaching, learning and research facilities that
are utilised by industry, government bodies and
maritime-related businesses world-wide.
Located on the banks of the Tamar River in
Australia’s picturesque island state of Tasmania,
AMC has two main campuses. The Newnham site is
in Launceston: a vibrant regional city known for its
stunning architecture, beautiful natural setting and
Mediterranean climate, along with many cultural
activities and sporting events. The second campus,
at nearby Beauty Point, is home to AMC’s coastal
seafaring students and impressive fleet of training
and research vessels.
shore to sea
Whether it’s captaining a vessel, safeguarding
marine environments, designing advanced ocean
engineering structures, farming seafood or keeping
the world’s goods moving, AMC offers a wide range
of courses. These include vocational certificates
at many levels, bachelor degrees and diplomas,
as well as postgraduate certificates and degrees,
including doctorates. There are also many generous
scholarships available.
AMC class sizes are relatively small, meaning
students and teaching staff work closely together.
There are also flexible course options with
opportunities for full-time, part-time and online
distance study.
With a high employment rate, AMC’s highly skilled
graduates are in demand world-wide, and the
alumni network now spans over 56 countries.
We understand the importance of a thriving
research culture and we have an excellent track
record of attracting people who are passionate
about AMC’s areas of interest. These researchers
are the lifeblood of our university and add to the
atmosphere for our undergraduates, opening
the door for future innovative thinkers.
“Welcome to the first edition of Shore to Sea,
the Australian Maritime College’s new-look
research report.
Research is not just about news-making
breakthroughs, it’s about being part of a global
community that works together to make change
For AMC, which has a traditional focus in
seafarer training, it’s also about leading the
research and development of that training at an
international level, and looking at new areas.
Research is about testing and more testing,
Our aim is to more than double our research
candidate numbers by 2015 (Research Higher
Degree, Doctoral and Masters), and we have
invested money into a scholarship program
that is specifically designed to encourage new
candidates. This is open to both Australian
and international applicants. We particularly
welcome students who have a seafaring
background and want to extend their careers
into research in the discipline.
We also understand the importance of providing
top-class infrastructure for our candidates.
Not just the best supervisors and research
equipment, but also high quality space, such as
our new RHD Hub, where candidates can reflect
on their work and collaborate with their peers.
The Hub, which used to house the AMC library,
has been redesigned to provide space and
facilities for candidates not only from AMC,
but from other faculties and schools across the
northern campus of the university. It’s an ideal
way to encourage cross-discipline research on
the UTAS campus – to create a real learning
community and a rich student experience.
In this first edition of ‘Shore to Sea’ we showcase
a snapshot of the diverse range of projects
currently being undertaken at AMC: from
stories on the creation of the perfect neverending wave, to fostering fish health and prawn
We look forward to discussing future
opportunities with potential research
candidates, and to establishing alliances and
partnerships with national and international
leaders in maritime research, learning and
teaching, and ocean technology.”
Neil Bose
Acting Principal, Australian Maritime College
04AMC areas of research
06 Optimising prawn
10 Digital futures
12 Southern Bluefin
Tuna health
14 Prawn trawler
energy audit and
novel net design
16 By-catch reduction
18 Powering
optimisation of
20 Marine phytoplankton
bacterial interactions
22 Underwater explosions
and cavitation
24 Australian national
ship exhaust emissions
26Sailing simulator
28 Harvest methodologies
in the Barramundi
30 The analysis of
breaking waves
utilising circular
track pressure
32 A novel propeller for
underwater vehicles
34 Performance
optimisation of ocean
wave energy
36 Tropical cyclone wave
38 AMC facilities
46 AMC Search
AMC researchers
Message from the
shore to sea
National Centre for Marine
Conservation and Resource
Areas of research interest
Sustainable marine production and
Aquatic animal health and welfare
Aquatic animal nutrition and physiology
Aquaculture production and technology
Harvest and post-harvest technology
Ecosystem-based management
Fisheries management
Fisheries biology
Fisheries gear technology
Bycatch reduction
Resource economics
Marine conservation and environment
Impacts of climate change
Human impacts on marine environments
Marine and coastal ecology
Algal and microbial ecology/biology
Remote-sensing in coastal environments
Invasive and introduced species
Areas of research interest
Defence industry and operations
shore to sea
Energy-efficient trawl gear, improved
selectivity and reduction of bycatch
Scaling of underwater equipment tests in
flume tank
Energy and fuel usage
Cavitation and noise signatures
Seakeeping and manoeuvring of surface craft
and submarines
Structural response, including fluid-structure
Resistance and propulsion, including
waterjets, propellers, vessel-generated
waves and environmental impact
Vessel safety and damaged stability
Structural integrity, including composites
Areas of research interest
Ports management
High speed craft and shipbuilding
(including some aspects of large
National Centre for
Maritime Engineering and
National Centre for Ports
and Shipping
Fisheries engineering
Marine engines
Diesel spray dynamics, including CFD and
EFD of marine diesel engine combustion and
Alternative fuels
Maritime policy and port governance
Strategic management of ports
Port development management
Port and shipping economics
Port performance and efficiency measures
Port pricing and competition
Port marketing strategies
Regional ports and innovation
Maritime industry
Ocean engineering
Shipping and seafaring
Missions, propulsion and control of
autonomous underwater vehicles
Hydrodynamic performance of platforms,
risers and pipelines
Modelling of tropical cyclones and their
extreme winds, waves and water levels
Ocean renewable energy
Wave energy and energy generation from
tidal currents waves
Ship handling simulation and control
Behaviour of berthed ships
Recreational craft
Hydrodynamics of high performance craft
including sailing yachts
Surfing wave pool design
Knowledge and skill requirements of logistics
Value chain systems
Intermodal transport connectivity
Path dependency in regional networks
Strategic capabilities and the digital economy
E-readiness and audit tools
Strategic co-operations in shipping
Maritime emergency and crisis management
Knowledge creation and transfer, IT and
Seafarer recruitment, retention and human
Ship and maritime operations
Coastal shipping
Supply chain and logistics management
Global supply chain strategies, distribution,
collaborations and risk
Quality management in supply chain and
Supply chain performance, including
information and communication
technologies (ICT) and tracking and tracing
Human factors and maritime safety
Planning, policy and maritime industry
Workforce planning and forecasting
Maritime law
Policy and governance
Maritime disruptions in supply chains
of research
of research
shore to sea
prawn nutrition
for growth
under suboptimal
Funding: Australian Seafood
Cooperative Research Centre
Partners: Fisheries Research
Development Council, University of
Tasmania, Marinova, Ridley Aquafeeds
and the Australian Prawn Farmers
TEAM: Dr L. Adams, Prof. B. Nowak,
D. Pountney
ustralians love good quality seafood and,
if Paul Hogan is to be believed, there is
none more iconic than the prawn.
The Australian prawn farming industry
now produces in excess of 4000 tonnes (2009)
of product annually, with a farm gate value
estimated to be in excess of $75 million.
According to Dr Louise Adams, of AMC’s National
Centre for Marine Conservation and Resource
Sustainability, Australia’s insatiable appetite for
this much-loved marine delicacy sees us consume
more than the industry can generate.
Dr Adams is the lead supervisor on a PhD project
that is looking to find new feed ingredients for
commercial prawn pellets. The study hopes
to find not only locally available produce for
inclusion, but also ingredients with the potential
to improve the health of prawns in commercial
culture conditions.
“The industry is continually focussed on trying
shore to sea
marine environment
co-supervisor: prof. barbara nowak
researcher profile
to improve prawn nutrition. Not only to improve
growth rates, but also improve the ability of
prawns to grow through the colder months and
challenging growing conditions,’’ Dr Adams says.
“All of our prawns are held in isolated quarantine areas. We
can run nutrition experiments with no risk of contamination or
complication of experiments.”
Australia’s isolation has put the industry in
a unique global position. In contrast, prawn
industries in other countries have been affected
by a number of serious viruses.
“In Australia we don’t have those viruses present;
we have a very healthy prawn population and we
have fast growing animals,’’ Dr Adams says.
<< “It’s important from a research point of view
to understand how prawn immune systems
can be manipulated, particularly when we are
looking at ingredients of local importance.
Studying the antiviral and antibacterial
properties of seaweeds, algal products and other
new ingredients all have the potential to open
up new nutraceutical or pharmaceutical fields in
other spin-off industries,’’ Dr Adams says.
“We do get the Gill-associated virus (GAV)
disease, which is endemic to Australia. It is often
expressed after high rainfall events which lead to
low water temperatures and salinities.
“It is not necessarily responsible for mass
mortality and the prawns are still safe to eat, but
it slows production. While prawns are affected
they feed less and grow slowly.”
Prawns are traditionally farmed in Queensland
in one hectare brackish water ponds. Australia’s
production volume is considered a speck in the
ocean on a global scale with an industry average
yield of about 8 tonnes per hectare. Selective
breeding has increased yields to 12.8 tonnes.
“This PhD project will allow us to screen a really
broad range of different ingredients that can
potentially be used as immuno-stimulants in this
“Humans use nutritional supplements and
vitamins to boost low immune systems, why
shouldn’t the same premise be applied to
“Traditionally the grow-out cycle of prawns
is about 8 months, but with improvements in
growth, genetics and nutrition the cycle could be
reduced to below six months,’’ Dr Adams says.
Dr Adams applauds the prawn industry for its
willingness to invest in high quality research.
“The project is directly funded by industry for
industry. It will help improve their management
tools and it will provide another product in their
arsenal to help deal with disease and challenging
culture conditions. >>
dr louise adams says amc is a great
place to do this type of research
“There are still a lot of prawns imported so
the more freshly produced seafood that we
can generate, in a clean manner with no use
of antibiotics or chemicals throughout their
production, the better. It is a very sustainable
grow-out cycle.”
As in many other production industries,
Australian consumers are becoming increasingly
interested in where their food is from and how it
is produced.
On the question of why Queensland prawns are
being studied in Tasmania, Dr Adams laughs and
says, “all you need is a good water heater”.
“The AMC is a great place to do this type of
research because we are isolated from endemic
diseases,’’ she says.
“All of our prawns are held in isolated quarantine
areas. We can run nutrition experiments with
no risk of contamination or complication of
Australian Seafood CRC PhD student Daniel
Pountney is working on the project under the
supervision of Dr Adams.
“Daniel is in charge of the experiments, which
can be quite intensive. Often the sampling is
immediate and blood parameters are done on
the spot. There is also quite a lot of laboratory
work involved at this stage,’’ she says.
Daniel Pountney
PhD Candidate
Daniel completed his honours degree
at AMC in 2009. In October 2010,
he commenced his PhD research on
ingredients in prawn feeds with Dr
What led you to undertake this
research? I have a background in
aquaculture and have always wanted
to research crustaceans as I find them
very challenging to work with.
Plus, researching issues of economic
importance, such as improving animal
health and welfare in aquaculture via
optimum nutrition, will be important
for producing sustainable produce
into the future.
What is the most rewarding part
of your work? My research is
industry funded. It’s really rewarding
working with a large number of
professionals in their fields, such as
research professionals, aqua-feed
producers, prawn farming industry
and biotechnology companies. It is
also great to be constantly learning
new techniques and expanding my
knowledge in this field.
“He will also spend quite a lot of time on farms in
Queensland running experiments in conjunction
with industry.”
shore to sea
maritime engineering
<< They are also looking at optimum length to
diameter ratios for vessels of different shapes
operating both at depth and near surface.
Investigation into the
length and diameter
ratio of submarines
operating near the free
FUNDING: Defence Science and
Technology Organisation (DSTO)
supervisor: assoc. prof. d. ranmuthugala
TEAM: Assoc. Prof. D. Ranmuthugala,
Dr J. Binns
recharge their batteries using their diesel engines.
However, unlike older submarines they do not
need to surface to run their engines.
“A diesel engine has to breathe and the exhaust
has to be removed. Modern subs come within
snorkelling distance of the surface to perform
these functions. Unfortunately this can be
very close to the surface, which makes a sub
vulnerable because it can be detected. In addition,
its operation will be influenced by the surface
effects,” Prof. Ranmuthugala says.
“The next generation of submarines may have
air independent propulsion systems, which allow
them to charge their batteries at depth, but they
are yet not capable of fully replacing the diesels.”
When submarines approach the surface they
create waves which increase the drag and
therefore more power is used. It also causes the
vessel to behave unpredictably,’’ he says.
“Submarines operate within very tight margins
and slight variations can have multiple
Prof. Ranmuthugala and his team are doing
experimental work in the AMC’s towing tank
facility and also creating computer simulations,
utilising the National Hydrodynamic Research
Centre’s computer cluster. These will categorise
the effects on submarines at different speeds,
configurations and depths.
Computational fluid
dynamics simulation and
captive model testing of
underwater vehicles
FUNDING: Defence Science and
Technology Organisation (DSTO)
TEAM: Assoc. Prof. D. Ranmuthugala,
Dr J. Binns
ccording to Associate Professor
Dev Ranmuthugala of the National
Centre for Maritime Engineering and
Hydrodynamics, the picture that most
people have in their heads of a submarine, is of
something that lurks deep below the surface for
long periods of time. But this is not strictly correct.
“While there are some submarines that are
specifically designed for deep work, the average
submarine is only designed to work 400-600m
below the surface,’’ Prof. Ranmuthugala says.
While submarines may be classed as one of the
best defensive weapons that a country can have,
they are also one of the hardest vehicles to design
and get right.
Unlike the larger nuclear submarines that can stay
underwater for long periods of time, Australia’s
conventional submarines currently need to
“We get to see what kind of wave patterns the
subs create and, more importantly, what effects
they have on the submarine hull.”
shore to sea
“A submarine’s vertical stability near the surface
is always an issue. As speeds change the vessel
can experience heave (up and down) or pitch
(rotational) motion that can affect its behaviour,’’
Prof Ranmuthugala says.
“We are also developing computational models
that can use be used to predict the motions
and forces in these conditions. They enable us
to simulate a larger range of conditions and
configurations than in the rather expensive
experimental processes. This can assist with
the submarine design process as well as giving
operators ways of predicting submarine reaction
in various situations.
”The problem with computational work is that
you are never sure if your answer is correct
which, by the way, is also a problem with
experimental work. But by using both techniques
and comparing against work carried out by other
researchers, it is possible to create validated
simulation models and relevant computational
and experimental data to assist with analysis and
design work,” Prof Ranmuthugala explains.
They are also looking at optimum length to
diameter ratios for vessels of different shapes
operating both at depth and near surface.
“We get to see what kind of wave patterns the
subs create and, more importantly, what effects
In the towing tank, a Horizontal Plane Motion
Mechanic (HPPM) allows for submarine models
to be “wriggled around” in a horizontal plane
under the water to obtain the various forces and
movements acting on the hull.
zhi quan leong
researcher profile
different length to diameter ratios. A lot of work
goes into designing and maintaining underwater
vehicles and Prof. Ranmuthugala says that AMC is
justifiably proud of the part that it plays.
“Australia is in the capability building phase
at the moment. When new subs do come in,
it is important to have the ability to test and
understand them better. A number of projects
carried out across AMC are making contributions
to these areas mainly in collaboration with the
Defence, Science and Technology Organisation
“While DSTO have their own people involved
in this, we are working with them to develop
computer simulations and conduct relevant
experimental work to build capability in
underwater vehicle design and operations,’’ Prof.
Ranmuthugala says.
Understandably, a lot of the information in this
area is not available in the public domain, so
most projects are often forced to cover the same
“Our work will provide information on the
hydrodynamic characteristics of these vehicles
when operating at depth as well as near the
“At AMC we can put a lot of our research in the
public domain, as we use generic submarine
models. This allows us to look at all sorts of
different shapes and sizes, including some that
can be applied to Autonomous Underwater
Vehicles (AUV),” he says.
“While working with DSTO and providing them
with information and data, we are constantly
building on our own capabilities.
AMC has access to a number of generic
submarine and AUV models for testing in the
towing tank, including models that can have
“And it is important to get it right because bad
designs or operational errors can result in serious
“There are a lot of countries that use submarine
and underwater vehicle technology, but there are
very few who advance it.
Zhi Quan Leong
PhD Candidate
Originally from Malaysia, Leong
completed a degree in Maritime
Engineering (Ocean Engineering)
through the National Centre
for Maritime Engineering
and Hydrodynamics before
commencing his PhD at AMC.
What wider implications will your
research have? The developed
underwater vehicle simulation
model we’re working on can also
be used by designers to evaluate
the implications of different design
options and manoeuvers without
the need of the physical vehicle
and pilot. This provides a safer
and more cost effective means of
Where to next for you? The skills
and knowledge gained through
my postgraduate research and
experience here at AMC will
open a wide diversity of careers
options in both academia and
industry. For the moment though,
my immediate goal is to finish my
shore to sea
Development of
a digital futures
capability or
competency framework
Funding: Optus Systems Pty Ltd
team: DR M. Bowles
Closed loop
electronic medication
Funding: Enterprise Connect
Researcher in Business
team: DR M. Bowles
he time has come, according to Dr Marcus
Bowles, when all businesses, including
those in the maritime industry, need to
embrace the digital age.
Dr Bowles, of AMC’s National Centre for Ports
and Shipping, is the Principal Research Fellow of
the Digital Economy and Regional Futures (DERF)
DERF looks at the impact of future technology,
particularly in relation to local and global supply
chains. In essence, it considers how a product
moves from where it is produced to the point
where it is consumed.
“We are moving away from an employment
base where everything was manufactured and
produced. Most jobs are in service industries
now,’’ Dr Bowles says.
“The future lies with digital employment. People
want to be able to communicate with, and
distribute to, customers anywhere around the
globe. Most of that can be digitally enabled.”
shore to sea
ports and shipping
Much of Dr Bowles’ research centres on the
world’s progress towards a digital, or advanced,
economy. It focuses on everything from microsupply chains right through to global export
chains. It concentrates on the changes that a
digital economy will force on all industries, not
just those in the maritime arena.
Dr Bowles cites Optus SingTel as an example of a
company that recognises that the future is in its
“Optus engaged me to look at the company’s
digital future, using Optus Australia as an
example,’’ Dr Bowles says.
“We worked with senior executives and clients
to discover what the company would need to do
better in the digital age, and what that would
mean for the capabilities of the people in their
“We told them that they should no longer class
themselves as a telco, but a service organisation
that sells products over a digital network.”
As a result of the research, Optus has recently
gone through a restructure which included the
establishment of a new division called Group
Digital Life.
Dr Bowles says that Optus is a prime example of
a company that is moving closer to its customers
down a value chain.
“The way that they manage supply and distribute
product is changing. Everyone should be prepared
to look at ways to improve their business
processes, supply chains and complex systems.
“There are common solutions that affect
everybody during the deployment of technology
across industries. We need to avoid looking at
them from an individual discipline point of view.”
Another DERF research project that has
universal applications, this time with Tasmanian
origins, was centred on a company that has
developed a Closed Loop Electronic Medication
Management System (CLEMM). CLEMM is an
innovative hardware and software bundle that
has been designed to improve patient medication
compliance. >>
<< “It is a supply chain for medication from the
point of prescription until it gets to the patient,’’
Dr Bowles says.
The time has come, according
to Dr Marcus Bowles, when all
businesses, including those in
the maritime industry, need to
embrace the digital age.
“We can track a drug all the way from the point
of production right through to its prescription
and keep an electronic record. This means that
any health provider can check to see what drugs
an individual patient is taking, and how they will
all interact.
“Project partner SVIDA have also come up with
an alert system designed to tell the prescriber
not to give certain drugs because of potential
adverse reactions.”
Dr Bowles says that current health systems
worldwide do not tend to operate in a closed
loop system and, as a result, medication
mismanagement costs around $77 billion dollars
a year.
“In Australia alone it is estimated to cost $1.9
billion annually. A startling 13 per cent of the
errors that occur in the aged care industry
are estimated to stem from medication
mismanagement and three per cent of these
result in deaths.
dr marcus bowles
“We did a research project on the market
potential and support systems for a closed loop
trial in Hong Kong. The Tasmanian innovator now
has a project with a capitalisation that has risen
from around $12 million to around $30 million.
All this on the back of research that cost the
company no more than $60,000. Half of this was
Commonwealth funded, and nearly half of their
own contribution was able to be seen as an R&D
tax write off.”
Dr Bowles says that it was satisfying to see
a Tasmanian company growing its export
opportunities in a global context.
“But it’s still just a microcosm of the
Although the potential of new economic
opportunity is endless, Dr Bowles says that
digital literacy is not advancing at the same rate.
“We can create solutions that will work, but we
have to assume that digital technologies have to
be smart, so smart people using the solutions no
longer need to be IT experts.”
“Technology can underpin a lot of things, but
it’s not just about that. It’s about the efficiencies
that we are trying to put into any value chain,
whether it is in medicines, telecommunications
or the maritime industry.”
He points to the bulk grain and coal industries
as tangible examples of how the digital age can
affect the maritime industry.
“These are among Australia’s biggest export
industries. All of their buying and selling is now
digitised and the process is going to become
increasingly more automated,’’ he says
“These are real changes, and they are
happening now, and we need to be on board.
The movement of knowledge, and the sharing
of knowledge, increases the agility of any
Dr Bowles says that while the collection of DERF
research projects might look completely random,
the Futures Project put up research themes
and found industry clients with a real need in
the area. The approach ensures early wins and
benefits that all participants can enjoy.
“By looking at future technologies you are
actually engaging in conversations about the
future, forming a vision as to what lies ahead,
and then initiating actions that make the vision
“DERF can help people who are looking
at business solutions that allow them to
successfully participate in the local and global
opportunities provided by the digital economy.”
researcher profile
Jianjun Lu
Visiting Researcher
Professor Lu is visiting AMC from
China Agricultural University
where he is an Associate
Professor in the College of
Economics and Management.
What wider implications will
your research have? Our research
about applying nanotechnology
to supply chain management is
expected to improve the efficiency
and to reduce the costs of supply
chain management.
Where to next? Next we will
research the potential of using
intelligent agents to improve food
supply chains.
What would you say to someone
considering undertaking a
research project at AMC?
In addition to the beautiful
work environment, AMC has
outstanding researchers, and a
loose, free and vibrant research
atmosphere. You can feel
freedom, convenience and respect
shore to sea
Southern Bluefin
Tuna parasites
and investigating
ways to mitigate
their influence on
Funding: Fisheries Research and
Development Corporation
Partners: Australian Southern Bluefin
Tuna Aquaculture Industry Association,
South Australian Research and
Development Institute, Flinders University,
University of Queensland, Queensland
TEAM: Prof B. Nowak, Prof. C. Carter, D.
Ellis, Dr C. Hayward, Dr Trent D’Antignana,
Assoc Prof T. Cribb, Dr R. Adlard, Dr N. Bott
rom little things big things grow, and it was a
chance encounter with a small benthic marine
worm that led to a discovery of worldwide
acclaim. For Professor Barbara Nowak it also
cemented a decade long relationship with the
Australian tuna industry.
Prof. Nowak, of the National Centre for Marine
Conservation and Resource Sustainability, has many
strings to her bow. She lists her research interests as
fish health and immunology, and fish histopathology.
She’s probably best known for leading research into
Amoebic Gill Disease (AGD) and heads a large team
of researchers on this topic. But it was the discovery
of the intermediate host of a Southern Bluefin Tuna
blood fluke that she credits as being “one of the
most amazing scientific discoveries” that she’s been
a part of.
Southern Bluefin Tuna are ‘ranched’ off the coast of
shore to sea
marine environment
<< “In the end he proved that it was on the
Leatherjacket, which were coming in to eat leftover
tuna feed. He proposed a strategy of reducing feed
to reduce leftovers and also raising the nets further
away from the bottom to reduce the infection. We
haven’t seen any major sea lice infections for the last
three years.”
Blood fluke (Cardicola forsteri) are flatworms that live
within the heart of a fish. The parasite has a complex
life, which means that to complete a full cycle it
needs two hosts. In this case tuna is the final host.
supervisor: prof. barbara nowak
“When we started our research no-one knew what
the intermediate host was. There was only one
life cycle known for the marine fish blood fluke
worldwide. This life cycle was discovered via tank
experiments,’’ Prof. Nowak says.
Port Lincoln in South Australia. Wild fish, between
the ages of two and four, are caught in the Great
Australian Bight and towed, in big pontoons, back
to the ranching zone near Port Lincoln where they
remain, in static pontoons, for up to six months.
Almost the entire quota is sold to the Japanese
sashimi market.
“We can get buckets of blood,
we can get gills and guts, but due
to the high value of the fish we
can’t really take muscle tissue,
nor can we get brain samples...
it’s quite limited really.”
“Because the fish are very expensive, a lot of the
research needs to be done opportunistically. We
can’t do experiments in tanks so we very often
collect samples at harvest,’’ Prof. Nowak says.
“We can get buckets of blood, we can get gills and
guts, but due to the high value of the fish we can’t
really take muscle tissue, nor can we get brain
samples... it’s quite limited really.”
“Obviously tank experiments weren’t an option for
us, so we had to look for the infected host in other
ways. We sorted through lots of benthic materials for
anything that might live in the sediment. Some of it
was taken by divers and others using benthic corers.
Prof. Nowak’s work began with the tuna industry
more than 10 years ago. Her first project involved
desktop research on the baseline parasites that exist
on normal tuna.
“We looked at a lot of gill parasites and we also
considered a ciliate, which can affect the brain of
the tuna,’’ she says.
The group looked through more than 10,000 little
organisms during five trips to the Port Lincoln area. It
was only on their last trip when they struck gold.
“But in the end we discovered that there are only
two significant parasitic conditions that may have
some impact in tuna – the blood fluke and sea lice.”
“That was when we found a little polychaete, a little
worm, infected with something that appeared to be
the life stage of blood fluke that we were looking
for,’’ Prof. Nowak says.
Southern Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) are only
ever infected with adult sea lice, so the species was
identified and the host of the early life stage was
tracked down.
“My colleague Dr Craig Heywood suspected that
early stages were being carried to the pontoons via
another fish species,’’ Prof. Nowak says. >>
When one of the group’s collaborative researchers
came to pick up the samples he was told to “make
himself useful” while things were being wrapped up.
nicole kirchhoff with a giant
southern bluefin tuna
“He also found an infected polychaete but it had a
different parasitic infection to the one that we had
found in our other four samples,’’ Prof. Nowak says.
After dissecting the blood flukes that had been
found, molecular methods were used to identify
which one was Cardicola forsteri.
“Because there is so much tuna in the Port Lincoln
area we all expected that the final sample would be
discounted, but it turned out to be the other way
The findings were published in the International
Journal for Parasitology. This was the first molecular
confirmation of the lifecycle of the marine fish blood
fluke in the world and only the second lifecycle
researcher profile
“We have now shown that this species of blood fluke
is present in other species of tuna worldwide. We
don’t know that the intermediate host is exactly the
same, but it will always be something very closely
related.’’ Prof. Nowak says.
Nicole Kirchhoff
PhD Candidate
Originally from Florida, USA, Nicole
received her B.S. from University
of Miami in 2005 and a M.S. from
the University of Maine in 2007. In
July 2008, she began her PhD at
AMC, researching the health and
performance of Australian ranched
Southern Bluefin Tuna.
She says that while blood fluke does not affect fish
product quality and is no threat to consumers, it
can affect fish physiology, and thus fish growth
“While it has been implicated as a contributing factor
in tuna mortality, I personally have not seen any
pathology that would suggest that this is the case.”
These days Prof. Nowak’s initial collaboration has
expanded into a myriad of tuna-related projects, all
of which have the potential to provide either long or
short-term benefits to the industry.
PhD candidate Nicole Kirchhoff, undertook a project
with a company that ranched tuna further away
from Port Lincoln. These were at offshore sites with a
depth closer to 40m rather than around 20m.
gills and guts form the basis of
much of the tuna research
Australian tuna, both wild and ranched, have the
lowest level of chemical contamination worldwide.
“Studies like this help our tuna get into markets that
they had never been in before,’’ Prof. Nowak says.
“We were hoping that the distance between the
water column and the bottom of the pontoon nets
would take the fish away from the intermediate host.
At the last count she is supervising 14 PhD
candidates, with at least three more coming this
year, along with two Masters students.
“And in this case, it did. These particular fish were
not infected at all.”
Other projects looked at chronic and acute stress
effects on fish, and managing parasitic infections.
“We are the only group in Australia that does
research on tuna health, but we also provide
training. This includes the production of a CD-Rom
on tuna health, and involves a number of PhD
candidates and honours students.”
“We discovered how to determine which groups of
fish were under stress at harvest and which weren’t.”
She says that working with the tuna industry has
been a “very satisfying experience”.
AMC PhD candidate Mark Polinski, is working on a
long-term project on tuna gene expression that looks
at a number of different factors in vitro and in vivo.
“The tuna industry is very educated, very switched
on and always looking to improve their practices.
In the last decade there has been quite amazing
PhD candidate David Padula, who graduated in
2011 winning the Rob Lewis Medal, showed that
What led you to undertake this
research? I have a deep passion
for aquaculture, fisheries, and
What was the most rewarding part
of your research? Watching my
research instantly come to life as
increased fish welfare and survival,
changes in industry management,
and recognition through publications
and conference presentations.
What would you say to someone
considering undertaking a research
project at AMC? If you are looking
for international recognition of
your studies, world class facilities,
countless opportunities to follow your
passions and to be part of a close-knit
community of like-minded people,
then you could not find a better place
than AMC.
shore to sea
maritime engineering
“The industry has evolved over the years, but nobody has really done
much work in terms of understanding the physics of the problem: learning
to understand what the key drivers of drag are.”
Empowering industry:
energy audit of prawn
trawler with auxiliary
sail power
Funding: Fisheries Research &
Development Corporation
Prof. Thomas points out that it’s only when you get
to look at something in a lot of detail, such as a sail
on board, that you can really work out what kind of
cost savings you can make.
supervisor: assoc. prof.
giles thomas
TEAM: Assoc. Prof. G. Thomas, R.Frost
Optimising a novel
prawn trawl design
for minimum drag and
maximum eco-efficiency
Funding: Fisheries Research &
Development Corporation
of Sterling Trawl Gear Services, Dr Matt
Broadhurst, of the Fisheries Conservation
Technology Unit in NSW
TEAM: Assoc. Prof. G. Thomas,
Dr J. Binns, C. Balash, Prof. N. Bose
ighty-two Olympic swimming pools.
That’s equivalent to the amount of diesel
fuel the Australian commercial fishing
industry uses in a year.
205 megalitres. That’s a lot of diesel fuel. And
that’s definitely a lot of money.
By anyone’s standards commercial fishing could be
considered an energy intensive food production
method, and trawling amongst the most intensive.
Fuel costs eat up around 35 percent of the average
shore to sea
prawn trawler’s production costs, and Associate
Professor Giles Thomas, of the National Centre for
Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics, says
this can be improved.
“The fishing industry as a whole wants to radically
improve the energy efficiency of its operations,
primarily due to the rising cost of fuel. This has
flow-on effects down the whole supply chain,’’ he
He says the consumer is becoming increasingly
aware of the long-term ramifications of issues
such as greenhouse gas emissions, and that the
European trend of tracking the carbon output of
supermarket products is about to hit our shores.
“The industry has evolved over the years, but
nobody has really done much work in terms of
understanding the physics of the problem: learning
to understand what the key drivers of drag are,’’
Prof. Thomas says.
But, like every business or building in a land-based
audit system, every fishery and vessel is different.
Prof. Thomas warns that there is no broad solution.
The two main drivers of drag are the netting, or
twine size, and the actual shape of the net.
“There is such a wide variety of operations. It’s very
hard to make assumptions about what people ought
to do. That’s why energy audits need to be done on
a series of vessels.”
“It’s all about the way that you cut the item and join
it together to get the shape that you want.
“This is where most of the energy goes on a prawn
trawler,’’ he says.
“The biggest cost comes from fuel. There’s wages,
insurance, boat maintenance and all that, but it all
pales in comparison to fuel.
The first highlights the potential of alternative
auxiliary powering systems, such as sails, to
radically reduce fuel consumption onboard fishing
vessels. The second looks at one of the main
drivers of drag, and therefore fuel consumption on
prawn trawlers, the net. Prof. Thomas recently attended a United Nations
Food and Agriculture Organisation (UN FAO) forum
on renewable energy in Rome, and says that the
economic productivity of the world’s marine
environment can be boosted by a taking a more
sustainable and environmentally-friendly approach
to maritime activities.
“The results from an energy audit on a commercial
vessel will provide valuable information to other
fishers on the benefits, or otherwise, of fitting such a
system,’’ he says.
There’s no doubt that Prof. Thomas’ prawn trawl net
project is a direct result of his energy audit work.
Prof. Thomas is currently working on two
innovative research projects with the aim of
helping to alleviate this problem.
“The biggest period of fuel consumption is when
they are trawling – dragging the nets through
the water. So, what we are doing is looking
systematically, and quite innovatively, at net design
to try and come up with a radically improved version
of what is currently being used.”
“Fuel usage is the biggest cost outlay, and the
biggest carbon contributor, for most fishing
vessels, even taking into account the building
process and transporting produce to market. So
anything that we can do to reduce that is not only
good for the fishermen, but it also contributes to
a certain amount of greenhouse gas reduction,’’
Prof. Thomas said.
“There are an estimated 2.3 million fishing
vessels worldwide. In terms of global impact
it may not seem like much, but in terms of the
fishing industry it’s a big deal. The global fisheries
industries annually emit more than 130 million
tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.
“People are going out of business because they
can no longer do it efficiently.”
Prof. Thomas says that while several fishers in
Australia have installed sails onto their vessels,
with the aim of reducing fuel consumption, no
investigations have been conducted to test the
effects on performance and costs.
The energy audit will use a “marinised” version of
the traditional land-based energy audit systems.
“Firstly we look at the business as a whole. Then
work out what the operational profile of the boat is,
honing in on what might be best for that particular
vessel,’’ Prof. Thomas says.
“The best options might include retrofitting a
bulbous bow, perhaps changing the lighting system
on board, or even recommending a different
operational speed.”
challenges over the last three decades in respect
to the need for improved energy efficiency and
environmental performance of its trawl gear.
For the uninitiated, prawn trawl nets are different
from traditional fishing nets. Instead of one big net
being dragged behind the boat, prawn trawlers use a
series of up to five smaller nets.
Trawl net design is considered a difficult research
area because of the way the net reacts in the water.
Due to the complexity of the design space, a trial
and error approach isn’t ideal. As a consequence,
the prawn trawling industry has not been able to
deal quickly and effectively with the mounting
“A net is like an item of clothing,’’ Prof. Thomas says.
“When you then drag that through the water, the
angle that you drag that on is also going to have
considerable effect.”
Prof. Thomas says that the first stage of design
involves model nets using full-scale materials in the
AMC’s circulating water channel.
“Then we systematically look through design
changes that we can test at model scale. We can
measure drag, but we can also monitor water
velocities around it, to help to determine what is
happening,’’ he says.
“Then we can go out to full scale. You can do work
at full scale with instrumentation and load cells,
but you can also use underwater video cameras to
check how it is behaving as well.”
Final full scale tests are due for completion by
early 2013. The goal is to come up with a better
net design that will contribute to a significant drag
“The outcome of the project could provide a typical
operator with a $30,000 cost reduction a year,
based on estimated drag saving, which equates to
millions of dollars for the Australian industry.’’
researcher profile
Cheslav Balash
Post-Doctoral Researcher
Cheslav Balash was raised on the
Russian coast of the Baltic Sea;
he completed his undergraduate
degree in Russia, his masters
degree in Canada, and his PhD at
Cheslav is now a Post-Doctoral
Research Fellow with AMC’s
National Centre for Marine
Engineering and Hydrodynamics.
What is your role in this project?
I am responsible for the design,
conduct and analysis of flume
tank tests and sea trials. I also lead
dissemination of the outcomes to
industry through workshops and
What is the most rewarding
part of this research? It is a very
rewarding feeling to provide tools
which directly benefit industry and
maximise eco-efficiency.
What would you say to someone
considering a research project at
AMC? Tasmania is a very inspiring
island – with a diverse landscape
and a rich number of outdoor
and social opportunities. I find
AMC an excellent base for ocean
engineering research.
shore to sea
Application of
light systems
as by-catch
FUNDING: Department of Innovation,
Industry, Science, Research and Tertiary
Education, Energy Options International
Pty Ltd
TEAM: N. Rawlinson, Dr T. Gaston,
Assoc. Prof. G. Thomas, R. Frost
ext time you admire the piles of trawled
prawns at your local fish market,
consider the fact that for every kilogram
of the orange delicacy that you see,
between 3 and 20 kilograms of unwanted sea life
have been caught at the same time as by-catch.
While by-catch is a problem across a range of
fisheries, the proportions of non-target to target
species in prawn fisheries is quite high.
A prawn trawl net is traditionally fairly
indiscriminate about what it takes. When it is
being dragged across the ocean floor, for species
like tiger prawn, the odds of unwanted fish are
even higher. In the worst areas of the tropical
Northern prawn fisheries up to 90 per cent bycatch has been recorded.
Globally around 2 million tonnes of unwanted fish
are discarded each year by prawn trawlers.
New AMC by-catch research team head Nick
Rawlinson, of the National Centre for Marine
Conservation and Resource Sustainability, says
that an AMC research project is aiming to shine a
light on this age old problem.
shore to sea
marine environment
supervisor: nick rawlinson
researcher profile
Darcie Hunt
Mr Rawlinson is all too familiar with the nature of
the by-catch issue in Australia.
PhD Candidate
“Prior to joining AMC nearly 20 years ago, I was
working with the CSIRO when this issue first came
up,’’ Mr Rawlinson says.
Globally around 2 million tonnes of unwanted fish are discarded
each year by prawn trawlers.
“In those days turtle by-catch was the biggest
issue. We tested net grids and came up with a
design that was well accepted by industry.”
He says that while a lot of positive things have
come out of studies into the problem, the issue
has evolved over the years and small fish by-catch
is the problem that is proving the hardest to
<< The by-catch project has now been underway
for three years, trialling custom underwater
lights adapted to a trawl net. In the first two
trials alone, by-catch was reduced by 30 and 20
per cent and prawn catch increased by 30 and
5.5 per cent, respectively.
“There is not one solution that fits all scenarios,
that’s the problem.”
AMC’s training vessel Bluefin has been utilised
during the trials.
Over the past two decades a variety of by-catch
reduction devices have been developed, involving
things like fish eyes and square panels of largersized mesh placed at the top of the nets to
encourage fish to turn around before they get too
far in. While some things do let smaller by-catch
escape, they also run the risk of letting prawns
out too.
“While trials were also conducted in the
Northern Prawn Fishery, the Bluefin trips were a
chance to test the light reaction of non-tropical
species,’’ Mr Rawlinson says.
“Results so far have been promising, but now
we need to try different things like alternative
orientations, power and colour. And all these
things need to be tested to see if reaction varies
in different species,’’ Mr Rawlinson says.
Mr Rawlinson says that while the prawn industry
realises that something clearly needs to be done
about the issue, like any business, they don’t
want to see a loss of income.
Team Bycatch has found a way of exploiting the
natural fish aversion to artificial lights. By placing
LED lights on the front of a trawl net they have
seen a reduction in the amount of unwanted fish
netted. Prawns, on the other hand are attracted
to the lights. >>
Team Bycatch has recently been boosted by a
new collaborative research agreement with a
Hobart-based company that creates high-end
LED lighting systems.
phd candidate darcie hunt onboard amc’s
training and research vessel bluefin
Energy Options International Pty Ltd and AMC
now aim to further develop the technology.
The next phase of the project will concentrate
on how the lights are positioned. Because of the
wide variety of by-catch within the Northern
Prawn Fishery it is hoped that light orientation
will provide a viable solution.
While LED are low energy output there are also
plans in place to develop a light that can be
automatically charged via the trawling process.
The stakes are high. Market research has
identified a $500 million market for a successful
light emitting by-catch reduction device.
“If we get this right it’s not only environmentally
beneficial, it helps the industry as well,’’ Mr
Rawlinson says.
“They don’t want the extra catch. It takes time
to sort target from non-target species. And if we
can reduce the extent of the by-catch in a trawl
there will be less weight to drag and therefore
less fuel usage.
“If prawn catch rates can be increased as well,
it potentially means that fishers will be able to
catch the same amount of prawn in less time,
meaning less labour costs, less expenditure of
fossil fuels and less of a carbon footprint.”
Darcie completed a Bachelor of Applied
Science (Marine Environment) majoring
in Fisheries Management and a year of
Honours research, before commencing
her PhD studies at AMC.
What is your role in this project? My
role in this project is to research the
effect of light on individual species and
investigate the reasons for finding these
differences, whether it is due to the
physiology of the animal or its habitat
What led you to undertake this
research? What started as a general
interest in the marine environment
and a love of fishing developed into a
passion for ensuring that we have fish
for the future by further increasing the
sustainability of fisheries.
What wider implications will your
research have? It is possible that this
kind of research can extend to other
fisheries and maybe even other countries
as I hope to provide the underlying
biological reasons to a fish’s reaction to
What would you say to someone
considering undertaking a research
project at AMC? I would highly
recommend it. AMC has provided me
with the experts and specialised facilities
I need to complete my research.
shore to sea
optimisation of
large energyefficient
operating at
critical speeds
Funding: Australian Research Council
Linkage Project
industry partners: Incat Tasmania
Pty Ltd, Revolution Design Pty Ltd,
Wartsila Netherlands BV, Maritime
Research Institute Netherlands
“Incat is working on the design of its larger
ferries. The new transport ships are designed for
25-30 knots. They are also planning on increasing
the size to between 130-160m,’’ Prof Bose says.
obart-based shipbuilder Incat is
currently a world leader in wave-piercing
catamaran technology. Thanks to its
innovative design and construction
techniques its multi-hulled vessels currently
operate in more than 20 countries.
This kind of innovation takes an open mind
and a willingness to experiment, according to
AMC’s Prof. Neil Bose, of the National Centre for
Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics.
The project combines teams from AMC, Incat’s
Revolution Design Pty Ltd, Wartsila Netherlands
BV (a propeller and water-jet designer) and
the Maritime Research Institute Netherlands
(a hydrodynamic research facility). This project
is designed to keep Incat at the cutting edge of
shore to sea
“The Incat vessels are not designed for propellers. The hulls are
uniquely shaped to encompass water jets.”
Incat’s current multi-hulled vessels are
traditionally propelled by four water jets, travel
at a high speed of 40-50 knots and range in size
up to 112m.
TEAM: Prof. N. Bose, Assoc. Prof. G.
Thomas, Prof. M. Davis, Dr J. Binns,
T.J. Roberts, R. Verbeek, S. Carter,
F. van Walree, G. Davidson
maritime engineering
<< “Resistance doesn’t increase linearly. As
speed increases a vessel goes through a point
where the drag of the vessel is relatively high.
This sets in at about medium speed with water
“This is another reason for considering
“And that is considerably bigger because the size,
in naval architecture terms, is really the cube of
the dimensions.”
Prof. Bose says that although a technical
solution is the end goal, the team also has
to keep cost-effectiveness in mind when
considering options.
The team, with the assistance of an Australian
Research Council Linkage Project grant, have
to concentrate on three aspects of new design.
The first is to work out how to best propel the
proposed vessels.
“Cost must underpin everything. While we
might uncover a way to do something really
efficiently, if the expense outweighs the benefit,
it’s pointless.
“Water jets are fine at high speeds, but at
medium speed (25-30 knots) they are not
necessarily the best option,’’ Prof. Bose says.
“The Incat vessels are not designed for
propellers. The hulls are uniquely shaped to
encompass water jets.”
“Our job is to work out whether a propeller
system or a water-jet propelled system is the
better of the two for this kind of operation. A
project aim is to accurately predict the powering
requirements of these medium-speed multihulls.
“Propellers, envisaged at around 3m in
diameter, currently would need to extend at
least a metre out of the sides of the vessel. They
would be very exposed there.”
“We also need to try and uncover whether there
are any other propulsion alternatives.”
The team will also look at the computational
side of the project, creating a computer
simulation of both the propulsion and powering
Much of the propulsion testing will take place in
the AMC’s towing tank facility.
“At medium operating speed, water-jet propelled
vessels hit what is known as the drag hump,’’
Prof. Bose says. >>
prof. neil bose onsite at incat
Prof. Bose says that finding the right solution,
and accurate marine powering prediction
methods, would be in the best interests of the
industry as a whole.
“We need to keep an open mind on how best to
make the transition to the era where speed takes
a back seat to fuel efficiency and environmental
An AMC Masters project, not part of the current
ARC Linkage Project, illustrates even more
alternatives that could be available in the future.
“Robert Clifford is very interested in paddle
propulsion. He has a paddle-propelled vessel
that he has tested. Masters candidate Dave
Harte will take a model of that paddle design and
test it at high speed in our towing tank,’’ Prof
Bose says.
“While it might be considered a bit ‘out there’
in some engineering circles, it really does have
some potential.
“Traditionally paddles have only been considered
for slow speeds, but when the paddle propelled
vessel was first tested it achieved 32 knots. At
this stage it’s only about 35-40 per cent efficient,
but that’s not bad for a high speed device.”
“So we are continuing the spirit of innovation
with this, even if it is only in a peripheral way.”
The project team aims to have achieved a
successful outcome by 2014, and Prof. Bose
says that it will be crucial to ensuring Australia
continues to lead the world with its shipbuilding.
“Incat is a huge success story for Tasmania and
AMC is pleased to play a continuing part in that.”
researcher profile
Max Haase
PhD Candidate
Max studied mechanical engineering
and specialised in naval architecture
at the University of Rostock
in Germany. He worked on an
interdisciplinary research project on
autonomously acting rescue boats
at the University of Rostock with a
focus on manoeuvring of small craft
in heavy sea, before commencing his
study at AMC.
What led you to undertake this
research? After finishing a research
project at the University of Rostock,
Germany, I was looking for a new
challenge in naval architecture. The
great facilities, the experienced staff
and the innovative topic convinced
me that this project would be the
perfect option for me to progress my
career in maritime hydrodynamics.
What is the most rewarding part
of this research? Working at an
internationally recognised university
together with a world-leading ship
yard (Incat) and their engineers and
to see how this research actually
influences new designs of a new class
of highly efficient catamarans.
shore to sea
marine environment
<< Putting it into a local context, Dr Bolch
explains that he has particular interest in an
alga that creates widespread toxic blooms in
southern Tasmania.
Funding: University of Tasmania
internal funding grant, Australian
Research Council
TEAM: Dr C. Bolch
t’s the little things that matter to Dr Chris
Bolch, of the National Centre for Marine
Conservation and Resource Sustainability.
Dr Bolch studies the relationship between
phytoplankton, the ‘microscopic plants’ that
are the basis of the marine food chain, and
the bacteria that live in close association with
them. His specific research interests include
harmful and toxic algae, algal systematics and
biogeography, and marine microbial interactions.
“My research combines traditional laboratory
culture and field studies with molecular and
more recently genomic techniques to tackle
questions in algal and microbial ecology/biology,’’
he says.
Like every other living organism on the planet,
including humans, phytoplankton live with a
distinct community of bacteria that affect it one
way or the other. Just like in humans, bacteria
can cause disease and death, or their bacterial
community can throw their systems out of
“The nature and type of bacteria that live with
the algae cells themselves have a huge impact
on how they respond and how they grow. They
can attack them directly and kill them or, like
shore to sea
“I call it my favourite dinoflagellate,’’ he says.
”There is evidence that a particular microbial
community develops early on in the algal bloom
formation, which is integral to that species
coming to dominate the phytoplankton of the
area. In turn, a different bacterial population
develops when the bloom is running out of
nutrients that suddenly turns nasty and attacks
the bloom. It dies much more quickly than we
can model or understand,’’ he says.
A lot of Dr Bolch’s work involves the creation of
experimental models.
probiotics in humans, they can support their
health and growth.
“That, in turn, has a huge influence on how
phytoplankton populations behave and the level
of primary production in the oceans.”
“Without understanding how
a complex system is going to
respond we can’t predict it.”
Dr Bolch says that the link between the
phytoplankton and bacteria communities is
currently very poorly understood. The areas
are typically dealt with by different scientific
disciplines who consider the populations
independently, but he says they are actually
intimately linked in the ocean.
“This involves bringing the organism into
culture and seeing how it responds to different
bacteria. Rather than dealing with a culture that
might have 50 to 100 different bacteria in the
algal cell, we have some techniques here that
allow us to construct a simple community with
only a few types of bacteria.”
“What interests me is how they are linked and
what effect that interaction has on things as
diverse as algal blooms, right through to how
they influence things like long-term climate
“Models are a crucial part of any science. They
are all simplifications of reality/nature which
allow you to understand how things interact.
You can affect the growth of algal species purely
by changing the microbial community and
nothing else. That is something quite new for
phytoplankton ecologists to consider.”
Dr Bolch says that the aim of his research is
to provide a greater understanding of why
particular organisms and species dominate at
particular times of the year.
“Certain groups of phytoplankton appear at
particular times of year, based on the supply
of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates,
but we have limited understanding as to why
particular species, particularly harmful ones, may
dominate at any particular point in time.
“It can’t be explained purely by physical or
seasonable variables. There is a biological or
interactive element in the community, which
includes the bacteria.” >>
Dr Bolch says that if we better understand these
interactive dynamics, scientists will be able
to better predict phytoplankton blooms and
what’s going to happen in response to change,
including climate change.
dr chris bolch studies the relationship
between phytoplankton and bacteria
“Large scale changes in temperature and
ocean acidity will all have unpredictable effects
because the ocean is such a complex system,
driven by interactions among many different
organisms. The interaction between bacteria
and algal cells is only one component of that. A
missing component.”
He says that while we understand how the
physical variables effect various compartments
of the marine community, we actually don’t
understand the interactive components.
“If ocean acidity goes up, there are predictions
about what will happen to organisms in
those situations. But, we might find that
the interactive effects among the microbial
community either completely mitigate the
effect, or might act synergistically to make it
even worse.
“Without understanding how a complex system
is going to respond we can’t predict it.”
Bringing it back to a local scale, Dr Bolch says
that research like his also has the potential
to be beneficial to marine industries like the
shellfish industry.
“When blooms appear, the toxin produced
can have negative impacts on the rest of the
ecology in the area. The toxin can accumulate
in shellfish and the industry has to close down
for anywhere from six weeks to six months at a
time, until the toxins go away.
“If we can predict where and when those
blooms are going to happen they can manage
their stock effectively.”
Dr Bolch says that it has been a long slow
road to prove to the scientific community that
microbial interactions are relevant.
“As ecologists, we have known these
interactions are important for over 25-30
years, but we have made so little progress on
understanding how they work.’’
He says that the devil is in the detail.
“You can’t ignore the detail because complex
systems will respond completely unexpectedly,
and even chaotically. The interactive links can
very quickly turn an expected positive to a
“It’s the smallest things that can have the
furthest reaching effects.”
researcher profile
Maria Albinsson
Originally from Sweden, Maria
Albinsson studied the interactions
between Perch and toxic microalgae
in the Baltic Sea, and the interactions
between microalgae and parasites in
Chesapeake Bay, USA, before coming
to AMC to complete her PhD in
Marine Ecology.
What is the most rewarding part of
your research? The concept of algae
and bacteria interacting with one
another is still fairly new, and there
are lots of questions out there still
waiting to be answered. I think this is
what makes it such a rewarding field
of research; there are still so many
aspects that are unknown and even
the slightest discoveries are worthy of
Where to next for you? After finishing
my PhD I got a short-term research
position with the CSIRO Marine and
Atmospheric Laboratories, and, I
am still there today, but now as a
postdoctoral fellow.
What would you say to someone
considering undertaking a research
project at AMC? Go for it! I learnt so
much during my PhD years. It’s worth
all the blood, sweat and tears in the
shore to sea
explosions (UNDEX)
and cavitation
dynamics adjacent
to an elastic plate
Funding: Defence Science &
Technology Organisation
TEAM: Dr I. Penesis; Assoc. Prof. P.
Brandner, S. Cannon (DSTO), W. Reid
(DSTO), K. de Graaf
ir guns and seismic explosions.
Sounds like props for a Boy’s Own
adventure doesn’t it?
Dr Irene Penesis and PhD candidate
Katrina de Graaf, of the National Centre for
Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics would
beg to differ.
These are the scientific tools used to ensure that
the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) can safely test its
vessels in an environmentally friendly manner.
During commissioning, all naval ships need to
be shock tested. Vessels are currently taken
miles off shore where an explosion, usually TNT,
is set off next to them. This is designed to test
structural integrity and vessel response.
“But this is obviously quite expensive,
time consuming and not considered to be
environmentally friendly,’’ Miss de Graaf says.
An underwater explosion forms a gas bubble
that, firstly, creates a shock wave and secondly,
creates pulses in the water as the gas in the
bubble expands and contracts. Both of these can
cause serious damage to surrounding structures.
shore to sea
maritime engineering
“We are trying to model the underwater
explosion, the behaviour of the explosion and
how that explosion affects the structure when
it impacts. It’s all about the fluid/structure
An underwater explosion can have a significant
impact if it occurs close to a structure like a
submarine or ship hull.
“It can go from just damaging the external
structure, right through to actually being sucked
into the structure and exploding inwards rather
than outwards. That’s where the major damage
can happen and that is why the RAN is very
interested in investigating this,’’ Dr Penesis says.
co-supervisor: dr irene penesis
Seismic airguns, which are commonly used for
underwater geophysical exploration surveys,
are now being used by the US and UK navies
as an alternative to underwater explosions for
shock testing ships. Seismic air guns fire a ball
of compressed gas into the water. This highly
pressured bubble, which rapidly expands and
then pulses, is very similar to a traditional
underwater explosion.
“This project looks at the
replication of the shockwave that
happens underwater when an
explosion goes off near a vessel
or a structure.”
“It allows them to build better ships and better
structures, but it also allows them to gain an
understanding of the best place to release
these explosions and the best way to go about
positioning the explosions.
“But these are more easily repeated, more
environmentally friendly and easier to use and
test alongside or in harbour,’’ Miss de Graaf says.
The Defence Science and Technology
Organisation (DSTO) and AMC are now
investigating the viability of using seismic airguns
for RAN vessel testing.
“It also helps them to understand the modelling
and the behaviour of an explosion so that
they know the risks and the liabilities involved
because usually it’s people who are detonating
these type of structures.”
Dr Penesis says that the research is an integral
part of the Australian Maritime College’s
on-going relationship with DSTO and is being
conducted in collaboration with the Maritime
Platforms Division.
Miss de Graaf’s particular niche in the project is
to model the airguns and the dynamics of the
bubbles that they produce.
“It will provide a greater understanding of the
dynamics of an airgun-produced bubble through
a series of laboratory scale airgun experiments
and the development of a Smooth Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation tool,’’ Dr
Penesis says.
“This project looks at the replication of the
shockwave that happens underwater when an
explosion goes off near a vessel or a structure. >>
phd candidate katrina de graaf in
amc’s cavitation research lab
The airguns DSTO own are traditionally
cylindrical, about ½m long, about 30cm wide,
and have 4 holes for air release. A moving
shuttle inside the cylinder forces out the air.
Miss de Graaf is conducting laboratory scale
model experiments to simulate firing in an
infinite domain and near a vertical, surfacepiercing, flat, rigid plate. The airgun model
will be fired at a range of depths and stand-off
distances from the plate.
The dynamics of the bubble will be captured
using a high speed camera through both an
underwater viewing window and above the
surface (to view the plume). The shockwave and
pressure field will be measured using an array
of pressure transducers.
“Several airguns will need to be used in an
array because they aren’t as strong as TNT
explosions. But if you put them together you
can effectively do sections of the ship at a
time,’’ Miss de Graaf says.
“Because the airguns aren’t as strong, TNT
might still be required for initial testing, but
they are still safer, more effective and more
repeatable so the RAN should be able to do
additional testing more often.”
To further increase the efficiency of shock trials
Miss de Graaf is also doing numerical modelling
of explosions, using SPH.
A numerical model creates a computer
simulation of the event so that physical
experiments aren’t always required. SPH is
a meshless particle approximation that is
considered ideal for simulating the dynamics
of an underwater explosion. This is due to its
inherent ability to model large deformations
and inhomogeneous effects.
The model will be capable of simulating the
shockwave and pressure field of the bubble in
the presence of a free surface and rigid plate.
“Modelling saves trial and error. Setting up an
experiment still takes more time than running
models,’’ Miss de Graaf says.
“A computer model allows for better planning
of experiments. As the models get validated
and developed they can be used more often
than experiments, and to determine the most
effective experiments to perform.”
researcher profile
Katrina de Graaf
PhD Candidate
Katrina completed a Bachelor of
Engineering (Naval Architecture) at
AMC in 2007. She is now completing
her PhD investigating the bubble
dynamics, shock wave and pressure
field produced by seismic airguns.
What is your background? After
completing my undergraduate
degree I worked with the Defence
Materiel Organisation for 2.5 years,
mainly working with the Collins
Class Submarines in Adelaide. I then
returned to AMC to begin my PhD in
August 2010.
What is the most rewarding part
of your research? The opportunity
to work with both numerical and
experimental models - and to
contribute something novel to the
field I am researching.
Dr Penesis says that the project’s methodology
is going to give the RAN confidence and help
support what they are trying to do full scale.
“To be able to test on a small scale in an area
like AMC’s Cavitation Research Lab allows for
greater understanding of the mechanics of the
shore to sea
national ship
exhaust emissions
Funding: Australian Shipowners
Association; Fremantle Ports; Newcastle
Port Corporation; North Queensland
Bulk Ports Corporation Limited; Port
Hedland Port Authority; Port Kembla
Port Corporation; Port of Melbourne
Corporation; Port of Townsville Ltd.
TEAM: Dr L. Goldsworthy, B. Goldsworthy
ore than 90 percent of the world’s
goods are carried by sea. More than
$202 billion of international exports
passed through Australian ports in 2008-2009
alone. That’s about 10 per cent of the world’s
It’s big business.
But, in this era of environmental awareness and
emissions trading schemes, like all other big
businesses, the shipping industry recognises the
need to be a good global citizen and play its part
in reducing emissions to the atmosphere.
However, unlike land-based industries, there
is currently limited knowledge about both the
emissions from ships in coastal regions and ports
in Australia, and the effects of these emissions
on air quality and the atmosphere in coastal
urban regions.
As part of the Australian National Ship Exhaust
Emissions Inventory, Dr Laurie Goldsworthy, of
the National Centre for Maritime Engineering
and Hydrodynamics (NCMEH), will look at ways
to quantify and potentially reduce the emissions
shore to sea
maritime engineering
<< Market based measures for reducing ship
greenhouse gas emissions are under active
consideration. A number of other emissionreducing initiatives, involving individual ports
and ship operators, have also been put in place
or are under development.
from ship exhausts in Australia. Australian ports
and shipowners are actively participating in this
research to obtain better information regarding
ship emissions in ports and on the coast, to
assist with planning for future growth and
Dr Goldsworthy, along with his son Brett, also
from NCMEH, will quantify the emissions that
are coming from ships in Australia using a
year’s worth of ship movement data from the
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA).
“The first area to study is the impact of
ship emissions on air quality. Global studies
have shown that in places where there is a
concentration of shipping along the coast,
ship emissions have the potential to impact on
human health.”
Each ship possesses an automatic identification
system. Ships automatically report their speed,
position and heading. These signals are picked
up by ground stations and then AMSA collates
the data.
The second area to focus on, he says, is the
shipping industry’s longer term contribution to
greenhouse gas emissions.
“Australia runs a high standard
of ships. The more of those
high-standard ships out there
serving the coast, or even running
internationally, the better.”
“Greenhouse gas emissions from the global
shipping industry are the equivalent to that
of a developed country like Germany. Just as
developed countries are under pressure to
bring their contribution down, shipping is also
required to do the same,’’ Dr Goldsworthy says.
“From those individual data records we
can identify the ship, its speed, location,
characteristics, size, types of engines, etc. Using
that information we can work out at what rate it
is putting emissions out into the atmosphere.
But the industry shouldn’t be demonised.
“Even though I am talking about potentially
significant emissions and the need to reduce
them, the fact of the matter is that shipping,
from a greenhouse gas point of view, is the best
option that we have for transporting goods over
large distances.
“After quantifying and mathematically
modelling those very large data sets we
can use atmospheric models to look at how
those emissions are transported through the
“Australia runs a high standard of ships.
The more of those high-standard ships out
there serving the coast, or even running
internationally, the better.”
Dr Goldsworthy says that contribution made by
ship emissions to total pollution loads in urban
areas is calculated as a percentage of existing
emissions from road, rail, industry and other
polluters. The total potential health effects are
also apportioned.
The global shipping industry, through the
International Maritime Organisation, is
implementing measures to reduce ship
engine exhaust emissions. These include the
progressive reduction of allowable global fuel
sulphur levels and the introduction of the Ship
Energy Efficiency Management Plan and Energy
Efficiency Design Index to moderate greenhouse
gas emissions. >>
brett and dr laurie goldsworthy
INSET: SO 2 emissions from shipping around Australia in 2001
(total emissions in each 0.1x0.1 deg grid cell over 1 year). Data
derived from Wang et al (2008):
The national inventory not only calculates the
emissions from each ship, it also locates them.
A colourful map on Dr Goldsworthy’s wall
highlights the extent of sulphur dioxide emissions
along the major shipping and trading routes
around Australia and to Asia and New Zealand.
There are three different sources of emissions
generated by fossil fuel combustion on board
vessels. The primary source is the main
engine(s) of the ship. The other sources are the
auxiliary engines and boilers used to provide
electrical power and heat. The main propulsion
engines consume the most fuel while vessels
are at sea. Auxiliary engines and boilers run
both while vessels are at sea and also at berth.
Dr Goldsworthy says that there are numerous
options available to assist the shipping industry
in its quest to lower emissions, but the crucial
factor was economics.
“To be economical, the shipping industry needs
cheap fuel, but cheap fuel has a lot of sulphur
in it compared to what is being used in other
forms of transport. Sulphur emissions are one
of the biggest causes of health problems,’’ he
“That’s partly where renewable fuels come in.
They are generally very low sulphur, so they’ve
got the potential to reduce those emissions.
They could also reduce net lifecycle greenhouse
gas emissions.”
Dr Goldsworthy believes that the biofuels
industry has evolved past the use of edible
oils as a source of energy. The second and
third generation technology is now focusing
on the use of very low grade biomass, which is
sourced from fibre.
“But whether we will ever be capable of
producing enough biomass sustainably to
satisfy shippings needs and to seriously impact
on fossil fuel usage is the question,’’ he says.
“The International Maritime Organisation
(IMO) is trying to bring the sulphur content of
fuel down via various UN conventions, but that
might be achieved by going to alternative fuels,
not necessarily renewable fuels. There are
low sulphur petroleum fuels and also liquefied
natural gas.”
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) presents itself as
one of the most viable alternatives. LNG fuel
used in shipping is indistinguishable from that
used on land. The fuel contains negligible
sulphur and a lower carbon content than diesel
fuel. Natural gas engines also produce greatly
reduced quantities of nitrogen oxide and
particles compared with diesel engines.”
But, according to Dr Goldsworthy, it’s not
just a matter of providing alternatives. It’s
about setting the legislative frameworks that
encourage the technological developments.
“In Australia we have options under the IMO
conventions to implement more stringent
requirements on ship emissions,’’ he says.
“This includes special Emission Control Areas
(ECA), where ships have to run on very low
sulphur content fuel. Even though ships
operating in any part of the world will be
required to use lower sulphur content fuel,
in ECAs the requirements are even more
stringent. In ECAs, emissions of another
pollutant, oxides of nitrogen, are required to be
greatly reduced.”
The US and Canada recently introduced an ECA
that covers the Pacific and Atlantic coasts and
eight main Hawaiian islands, 200 nautical miles
out to sea.
According to a report released by the US
Environment Protection Agency in 2010, the
ECA is “expected to yield significant health and
welfare benefits, in 2020 annually preventing
between 5,500 and 14,000 premature deaths,
3,800 emergency room visits, and 4,900,000
cases of acute respiratory symptoms…
monetised health benefits are projected to
range from $47 to $110 billion”.
“We don’t know whether ship emissions in
Australia have significant health impacts or
whether introduction of an ECA is justified.’’ Dr
Goldsworthy says.
“We would need to develop a thorough
quantification of all emissions and use public
health models to clarify the health benefits,
before considering an ECA.
“The study that we are doing is one of the first
“It is a chance to be proactive and learn from
the experiences of others.”
shore to sea
Enhancing the
fidelity of low-cost
physical sailboat
Funding: Australian Research Council
Grant-Linkage Project
Industry Partners: Virtual Sailing,
University of Melbourne
TEAM: Dr J. Binns, Dr C. Manzie, Prof. M.
Good, Prof. N. Bose, Prof. N. Saunders, Dr
M. Habgood
t’s a big call for anyone to step off dry land and
on to an ocean-going vessel.
Imagine doing it directly from a wheelchair.
“We also moved one into Auckland in 2008 that
has produced great results.
One recent participant transferred from the
simulator to on water sailing within 6 months and
has recently qualified to represent New Zealand at
the 2012 Paralympics.
Thanks to an Australian Research Council Linkage
Project grant and other smaller research grants, the
project has been functioning for more than a decade.
Due to demand, Sailability Auckland now offer
sailing simulator classes twice weekly with several
coaches available for novice sailors.
“We’ve always had a final year project that has
revolved around it and last year we had two Masters
students, Nic Clark at AMC and Graham Bennett
at the University of Melbourne, who developed
and compared the onboard measurements of the
simulator to that of a full-scale vessel,’’ Dr Binns says.
“Therapists tend to like the sailing sim for spinal
patients because the joystick used to control
the boat can actually be quite challenging for
someone with reduced mobility,’’ Dr Binns says.
“The disabled sailing fraternity is amazing - very
engaged and proactive.
shore to sea
“Sailing a real dinghy safely is related more to feel
than it is to thinking. Therefore the limiting factor in
simplifying the physics of a sailing dinghy is that the
feel of the simulation must remain sufficiently close
to a real dinghy, otherwise the illusion of sailing is
lost to the user,’’ Dr Binns says.
rehabilitation clinics in Miami, Baltimore, Sydney,
and Melbourne,’’ Dr Binns says.
“The real value in terms of human interaction
with sailing has been shown in recent years to be
in introducing novice sailors to sailing,’’ Dr Binns
“We have tried it at a number of different levels,
including pre-teenage children and university
students, and the feedback from coaches seems to
be that kids who have used the simulator have less
fear of capsizing.
The physical simulation was achieved through an
explicit Euler time stepping procedure. This is
considered to be a fairly clumsy, but none-the-less
consistent method where advances in computing
power are realised without the need for reprogramming.
supervisor: dr jonathan binns
“The motion that it requires presents both a
mental and a physical challenge. They can also
swap arms or vary positions to up the ante.
“We currently have sailing simulators in
show that people who have used the sim seem to
have a higher level of confidence when they hit the
water,’’ he says.
<< AMC’s involvement with the VSail-Trainer
project began back in 2001, when the engineering
department was approached to collaborate with VS
by assisting with the software development for the
simulator and to develop tools that would enable the
system to be optimally and inexpensively reproduced.
Dr Jonathan Binns, of the Australian Maritime
College’s National Centre for Maritime Engineering
and Hydrodynamics, has witnessed first-hand the
evolution of the VSail-Trainer – the world’s only
ride-on sailing simulator that was initially designed
for fitness training and physiological evaluation of
elite athletes more than a decade ago.
The simulator is also finding extended use in
the area of spinal injury rehabilitation. Currently
Virtual Sailing (VS) sells two or three slightly
modified simulators a year, mostly outside
maritime engineering
“This kind of data allows us to make proper
qualitative and quantative assessments. You can start
to make some real comparisons and it provides the
tools to help fix problems.”
“The idea is that, after doing that for a few weeks,
they are put in touch with local disabled sailing
groups so that the impetus is there to go to the
next level.”
Dr Binns says that the simulator had not only proved
its worth around the world, but on campus as well
– showing the kind of robustness that has permitted
significant research and development and allowed
retrofitting to existing simulators.
“It has been a valuable learning tool for students,
but it has also proved to us as an institution that you
don’t have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars
to create a successful simulation tool.”
“These days they even have the technology to get
full quadriplegics sailing, with the likes of puff and
blow controls and chin supports.
“That’s why I’ve always liked this project. It
combines human factors with engineering in a lot
of different ways.” >>
sailboat in action on the water
Dr Binns says that the project team needed to be
careful to make sure that any extra added pieces of
simulation fidelity were worthwhile.
“Every time you add a part, you add cost and
“Maybe because they feel more in control of
everything, they know what is going to happen.”
Dr Binns says that he hopes that the simulator, while
remaining cost-friendly, will keep advancing in terms
of what it is used for.
“Therapists tend to like the
sailing sim for spinal patients
because the joystick used
to control the boat can
actually be quite challenging
for someone with reduced
complexity to maintenance servicing. The more bits
you add, the more bits there are to potentially fail.
“Simulation is all about take-up. If you’ve got
endless technical problems, or it’s cost prohibitive,
people just give up. There’s always an alternative to
For example, he says that while the immersion in
the simulator could be enhanced by variations in
feedback systems, an increase in hardware would be
cost prohibitive.
“A full surround screen would probably triple the cost
of the simulator and would remove its transportable
Dr Binns says that the sailing simulator has proved to
be a very reliable tool.
“In general the feedback we have had, while it
depends on the engagement of the user, seems to
“We would like to get a more formalised
study underway in Baltimore on its effects on
rehabilitation,’’ he says.
There is also the potential to use the simulator to
measure efficiency.
“You can actually get a much better measurement
of efficiency on a simulator than on a real boat,’’Dr
Binns says.
“This could assist elite sailors to be more energy
efficient when competing.”
He says that there are also opportunities for
collaborative research within the University of
“While the simulator can provide a perfect measure
for useful power coming out, I can’t really get a
measure for how much energy the person puts in.
“The project could be extended to encompass human
life sciences – a study of participants before and after
they have been in the simulator.”
But, in the long run it’s all about engagement to Dr
“Actual sailing is a complex interaction of cognitive,
motor and perceptual skills, so the simulator needed
to find the correct balance of immersion and
interaction to be effective,’’ he says.
“Although its uses have varied, it continues to be
an engaging tool and a valuable research project on
many levels.”
researcher profile
Nic Clarke
MPhil Candidate
Nic Clark completed both his bachelor
degree in Naval Architecture and his
researched-based Masters degree with
What led you to undertake this
research? My undergraduate thesis
project was on sailing simulation. When
the opportunity arose to undertake my
Masters by research in the same area – I
jumped at the opportunity.
What is the most rewarding part of this
research? One of the most rewarding
parts of this research was conducting
full-scale testing at Albert Park Lake
in Melbourne. It was also great to
participate in and present at Simtect
(Simulation Australia) conferences in
2011 and 2012. These conferences
have put me in touch with industry
peers, both in the research and defence
What would you say to someone
considering undertaking a research
project at AMC? The value of a postgrad qualification, particularly from
AMC, is extremely high. It will put
you ahead of anyone with similar
professional/academic experience. My
Masters qualification has put me a step
ahead of my peers.
shore to sea
in the Australian
aquaculture industry
- impacts on stress,
product quality and
fish welfare
Funding: Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry
Industry Partners: The Australian
Barramundi Farmers Association and
Ridley Aquafeeds Pty Ltd
TEAM: Dr R .Wilkinson
ree-range eggs are a marketer’s dream.
Show people pictures of bald chickens
in cages and the consensus is free-range
produce will win hands down, and shoppers
will pay for the privilege.
But, what about fish? Wouldn’t you like to know
that the fish you are eating, whether farmed or
ocean-caught, were treated in an ethical manner
right up to the point of harvest?
Dr Ryan Wilkinson, of the National Centre for
Marine Conservation and Resource Sustainability,
says that if we did, the end result would be tastier
and producers would be able to reap the rewards.
He says that modern aquaculture places great
emphasis on culture techniques with the aim of
shore to sea
marine environment
producing fast-growing fish. But the importance
of the harvest stage of production is often
“My research focuses on the conditions fish
experience during harvest. The way fish are
handled during the harvesting and slaughter
process not only has a direct impact on the
quality of the product, it has an animal welfare
aspect as well.”
Dr Wilkinson says that fish farmers are under
increasing pressure from supermarkets, animal
welfare groups and consumers to improve and
maintain fish welfare in aquaculture and that
Europe was leading the charge.
“But it’s increasingly becoming a significant factor
in Australia as well.”
<< “I can measure aspects like traditional
stress indicators such as cortisol, as well as
a range of different flesh-quality indicators.
Lactic acid build-up and pH of the flesh can
also be measured,’’ he says.
Dr Wilkinson’s research will compare current
harvest methods in commercial Barramundi farms
and determine effects on the physiological stress
response and flesh quality of individual fish. It will
also identify critical control points in the harvest
which may be contributing to reductions in
product quality. It will then suggest cost-effective
industry best-practice options.
“Typically, if you have a low pH (less than
neutral), the fish enters rigor mortis faster,
may have a shorter shelf life, and the flesh
may start to gape and become mushy and
“Most harvest methods employ procedures
where the fish are crowded at high density where
they start competing for space and oxygen in
the water. The crowding density and duration
are often important factors to control during the
harvest,’’ Dr Wilkinson says.
A lot of the physiological responses are
directly linked to the product that you get
on your plate. He also equates it with sport
“If you play fish out for a long time, the fish
is going to be exhausted by the time it’s
reeled in. That fish is going to have worse
eating qualities than if it was caught quickly
and killed straight away,’’ Dr Wilkinson says.
“It is also necessary to limit how long the fish are
actually exposed to air in harvest procedures.
Minimising air exposure is looked upon
“This is one of the advantages of
aquaculture. A lot of those variables can be
controlled as much as possible.
“Fish should also be killed instantly, not die
Dr Wilkinson’s background is in biochemistry and
although some of the behavioural changes in the
Barramundi can be witnessed visually, he is also
blood and tissue sampling the fish that have gone
right through the farming process to harvest. >>
dr ryan wilkinson in the amc
aquaculture centre
“The best quality fish, in theory, should
come from aquaculture. The fish are right
there, they can be harvested quickly, and
you can get their body temperature down
quickly once they are dead.”
“Some fish farms are now starting to use ethical accreditation
standards to market their product as being welfare friendly.”
Dr Wilkinson said that project partners, the
Australian Barramundi Farmers Association
(ABFA), were interested to learn about
what was going on within the industry
to ensure the competitiveness of an
Australian-grown product. However, unlike
big players such as the salmon industry, the
Barramundi farming industry is still very
much in its infancy, and contains a lot of
smaller and family-owned businesses.
“ABFA want to look at what people are
doing on different farms and adopt the
positive aspects so they can say: we’ve got
an ethical product that is being produced in
an ethical way,” he said.
“Then, if the big players can change what
they are doing, or have confidence in what
they are doing, and can see the benefits in
terms of quality product, then hopefully
the small producers will follow suit.”
Dr Wilkinson said that the majority of the
Australian industry already have ethically
sound harvest procedures.
“Some fish farms are now starting to use
ethical accreditation standards to market
their product as being welfare friendly.
You’ve only got to do a quick internet
search to find examples of all the fish
welfare programs around the world and
this has infiltrated the Australian fish
farming industry as well,’’ he said.
“In Australia we generally treat our animals
well, but people are less connected to a
plate of fish than they are a chicken or a
“Unfortunately we still import a lot of
cheaper fish products from overseas and
we can’t guarantee the origins of those
products. The consumer needs to be less
motivated by the price of products and
more interested in how it is grown and
treated. They need to embrace welfarefriendly fish the way that they have
welcomed free-range eggs.”
shore to sea
The novel
and analysis of
breaking waves
utilising circular
track pressure
Funding: Australian Research
Council, Linkage Project, Liquid Time
Pty. Ltd.
Industry Partners: Liquid Time
Pty Ltd, Webber Wavepools, Delft
University of Technology Netherlands
TEAM: Dr J. Binns, Prof. M Renilson,
Assoc. Prof. GA. Thomas,
G. Macfarlane
nderneath the veneer of laid-back
beach culture where nothing material
matters, surfing is big business.
The Australian industry generates $3.3
billion a year for the Gold Coast economy alone,
and tourists come from around the world to revel
in our surfing vibe.
Then there are the days when the ocean’s as flat
as a board, or the weather is dangerous, or even
worse, the waves are as crowded as the beaches
themselves. Where do all the dollars go then?
Dr Jonathan Binns of AMC’s National Centre for
Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics says
that the answer is wave pools.
shore to sea
maritime engineering
supervisor: dr jonathan binns
researcher profile
AMC, along with its partners, Webber Wavepools
and Delft University of Technology in the
Netherlands, are leading the charge to research,
develop and create a revolutionary structure that
will allow surfers to enjoy a continuous perfect
PhD Candidate
The perfectly repeatable wave means that surfers won’t have
to spend endless hours waiting for the perfect swell at the
perfect angle.
“It’s not going to replace sitting up the back of a
break waiting for the perfect wave. That is part of
the surfing culture,’’ Dr Binns says
<< “But it turns out that surfers actually quite
like these boat waves. They don’t necessarily
need big waves, but they are fairly fussy about
the waves they surf.”
“But, it does mean that when surfers do finally
catch that perfect wave at the beach they are
going to be a whole lot better at doing it.”
While there are other wavepool designs on the
market, Dr Binns says that the doughnut-shaped
wave pool, proposed by Webber Wavepools, is a
The “boat shape” goes round the pool on a
track, generating waves that break on to the
large “island” in the centre.
Dr Binns says that, while the initial concern
was that all they were doing was creating
a “giant washing machine”, the viscous
dissipation involved in the process ensures the
uniformity of the waves created.
“Because it is in a circle you can keep going
forever. You could feasibly ride it for as long as
you can stand, and this is unheard of in surfing ...
“The market for the unlimited ride certainly has
the potential to add a whole new aspect to the
The unique design has both commercial
and research applications. The perfectly
repeatable wave means that surfers won’t
have to spend endless hours waiting for the
perfect swell at the perfect angle.
The design, which can range in diameter from
50 to 200m, adapts an existing device to create
surfable waves.
“That device is called a boat,” laughs Dr Binns,
who has been a part of two America’s Cup
campaigns. >>
“Practice time is guaranteed,’’ Dr Binns says.
marcus vanderharst and steven schmeid
monitor the wavepool during testing
It is also proving to be an economically viable
alternative. Tests reveal that a wave travelling
at six metres per second would only require
around 60kW of power. The equivalent
paddle-type wavemaker could use up to
500 kW.
“While the final result still depends on how
long it goes around and drive efficiencies
based on those calculations, we could afford
to double our energy output and still be more
cost-effective than our closest competitors in
the field,’’ he says.
4 that the ARC Linkage project has allowed
the AMC to set up consumables, knowledge
and capabilities in the area, Dr Binns says that
research applications are far-reaching.
“Traditionally researching breaking waves is
difficult because they are very unstable, so
having a repeatable one in a known location is
extremely useful,’’ he says.
“The wavepool device will be useful for
studying many different areas, from what
happens when a breaking wave hits an
offshore structure, to the nature of sediment
As a PhD candidate, Mohmmadreza’s
role in the research team includes
optimising the wave pool system by
numerical approach, and assisting in
experimental investigations.
What wider implications will your
research have? The achievements
of this research can be used for
building artificial reefs for different
goals such as coastal protection,
diving, ecological restoration, fisheries
enhancement and boating. This
work also can be extended to vessel
generated waves during manoeuvring
and whilst operating in restricted
What would you say to someone
considering undertaking a research
project at AMC? The people and
facilities at AMC are great. It is one
of the best maritime colleges in the
world. In my opinion it is worth it
to do research here, especially for
people who like to live in a beautiful
place like Tasmania.
shore to sea
The performance
of a cyclic pitch
propeller for
Funding: Institutional Research Grant
co-supervisor: prof. neil bose
researcher profile
However, some traditional AUV designs encounter
control issues when operating at low speed and
are often not reliable over longer distances, which
is an issue when collecting data. This is where the
AMC’s research project comes in.
The Omni-Directional Thrust aims to apply
a collective and cyclic pitch propeller (CCPP)
to AUVs. It is a device that works well when
stationary or moving forward at slow speeds.
There are two different types of
underwater vehicles – manned (MUV) and
unmanned (UUV). MUVs, the most common of
which is the submarine, are not a new concept.
In 1620 Dutch inventor Cornelius Van Drebbel
constructed one that was propelled by oars.
UUVs, on the other hand, are only now gaining
popularity. As technology improves they are
providing a more economical solution to tackling
some of the mysteries of the underwater world.
There are several types of UUVs, but the styles
that are proving most useful to the scientific
community are remotely operated vehicles (ROVs)
and autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs).
AUVs, which can operate independently without
shore to sea
Poowadol Niyomka
human support, are used for collecting a variety
of ocean data. Multiple AUVs can be deployed and
monitored at the same time, increasing the data
collection ability.
TEAM: Prof. N. Bose, Dr H. Nguyen,
Dr J Binns, P. Niyomka
novel research project with Canadian
origins has the potential to revolutionise
capabilities of underwater submersibles.
maritime engineering
PhD Candidate
We hope that AUVs of this type could eventually be constructed
to meet the demands of the offshore oil and gas industries.
<< He says that while patents on similar designs
were taken out in the 60s – practical applications
have not yet been completely successful.
While the heavy pre-production model currently
being tested by PhD candidate Poowadol
Niyomka did have some initial teething
problems, the team involved are now happy
with the progress that is being made.
Picture a helicopter and its ease of
Now put it under water.
Just like the main rotor blades on a helicopter,
(which tilt in the direction that it moves), a
component on the CCPP design, called a swash
plate, will allow the propeller blade angle to be
The tests will focus on the data communication
and control of the model, as well as predicting
propulsion forces and hydrodynamic interactions
for later applications.
According to project co-supervisor Professor
Neil Bose, the CCPP design originated as part
of a Masters project at his former university in
Newfoundland, Canada.
“A Masters candidate by the name of Charles
Humphrey began work on the original prototype
and we have continued it here,’’ Prof. Bose says. >>
Co-supervisor Dr Hung Nguyen says that the
team will also need to estimate the thrust of the
dr hung nguyen and phd candidate
poowadol niyomka
“Because of its multidirectional characteristics
we will need to estimate both its forward and
sideways thrust.”
Poowadol Niyomka, who has just completed a
round of testing in the AMC’s Circulating Water
Channel facility, says his main objective is to
develop an intelligent controller for the new
propulsion system.
“It would achieve maximum performance in
manoeuvrability and propulsion.”
Dr Nguyen says that the Omni-Directional Thrust
project will provide a prototype for others to
learn from and it could easily be commercialised
in the future.
“These are just preliminary tests, but it has
endless potential,’’ he says.
“We hope that AUVs of this type could
eventually be constructed to meet the demands
of the offshore oil and gas industries.
“And, who knows, perhaps we could one day
even see AUVs with the CCPP design being
put to use in areas like Antarctica to observe
underwater biodiversity.”
Poowadol’s research includes
assessing the potential
performance of the cyclic and
collective pitch propeller and then
completing the control system for
the propeller. What is your background? I grew
up in a marine propeller repairing
shop in a small village in Thailand.
I finished my first bachelor degree
in Production Engineering at King
Mongkut’s Institute of Technology
North Bangkok. I then completed
my second bachelor degree in
Naval Architecture at AMC, before
commencing my PhD.
Your role in this project: To assess
the potential performance of the
cyclic and collective pitch propeller
and then to complete the control
system for the propeller.
What is the most rewarding part
of this research? To do and see the
progress of the research, especially
overcoming obstacles during
the development of the novel
propulsion system.
shore to sea
and design
optimisation of
oscillating water
column ocean
wave energy
Funding: Australian Research Council
Linkage Grant
TEAM: Prof. N. Bose, G. Macfarlane,
Dr L. Goldsworthy, Dr I. Penesis,
S. Hunter, T. Denniss, A. Fleming
team of AMC researchers and its
industry partner are making waves for
renewable energies in Australia.
While progress has been made in the
areas of solar and wind energy, the Federal
Government has identified wave energy, as well
as geothermal energy, as two of Australia’s vast
untapped resources. However the technology
in both areas is only in the initial stages of
commercial development.
Researchers from the National Centre for
Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics
(NCMEH) and Sydney-based international
marine renewable energy company Oceanlinx
are working together, thanks to an Australian
Research Council Linkage Project grant, to
shore to sea
maritime engineering
co-supervisor: prof. neil bose
Australia’s Atlas of
Renewable Energies,
produced in 2010, predicted
that wave energy densities
to the south of mainland
Australia alone have the
potential to substantially
reduce reliance on other,
less environmentally
friendly, energy sources.
researcher profile
Courtesy: Oceanlinx
perfect a unique and commercially efficient
device for extracting wave energy and
converting it to electricity or, alternatively, using
it to desalinate sea water.
<< Project co-supervisor Gregor Macfarlane says
that, in the short term, wave energy converters are
ideal for remote areas that have a regular wave
climate, and are not on the national energy grids.
Called an Oscillating Water Column (OWC), the
device captures wave energy within a partially
submerged chamber that extends from just
below the surface of the water to a reasonable
height above the surface. Wave-induced
vertical oscillation of the water column inside
the chamber displaces the air above, causing a
bi-directional flow past a turbine that drives an
electrical generator.
A series of physical scale model experiments and
numerical predictions, using Computational Fluid
Dynamics, will also be conducted to quantify the
flow fields within and around the OWC geometry.
“They would be ideal for places like King Island, or
the Hawaiian islands. Alternatively they could be
extremely useful for companies located in coastal
regions, that are medium to large consumers of
energy,’’ he says.
Data processing methods will be developed
to quantify both the magnitude and positions
of energy losses in the OWC. It will provide
benchmarking for the performance of the geometry
being tested.
“In the longer term, large scale wave energy farms
could take on base load energy demands.”
Mr Macfarlane says that the Oceanlinx project
was the result of a long-term relationship with the
Oceanlinx is currently developing marine
renewable energy projects in Australia, US,
UK, South Africa and Mexico. The company
has trialled three prototypes at Port Kembla,
New South Wales, one at full scale, and the
subsequent two at one-third scale.
“Since 2003 AMC has undertaken a variety of tests
in the model test basin and towing tank facilities on
the hydrodynamic properties and performance of a
wide range of ocean energy devices for Oceanlinx,’’
he says.
Its most recent project, the Mk3PC OWC,
was one of the world’s first grid-connected
generators of electricity from ocean waves. AMC
has played a significant role in the development
of all three of these devices.
Australia’s Atlas of Renewable Energies,
produced in 2010, predicted that wave energy
densities to the south of mainland Australia
alone have the potential to substantially reduce
reliance on other, less environmentally friendly,
energy sources. >>
Particle flow in and around the systems will be
quantified by the use of a laser-based technique
called Particle Image Velocimetry.
“This has involved investigations into OWC
geometry and a variety of different multi-OWC
Project co-supervisor Professor Neil Bose says that
this three-year AMC project will focus on trying to
improve the efficiency of the next generation of
near-shore OWCs.
phd candidate alan fleming with scott
hunter, of oceanlinx
“The OWC is only capable of taking a certain
amount of the energy out of the waves that hit it,’’
Prof. Bose says.
results from scale model
experiments using particle
imaging velocimetry
“Some waves will hit the device and be reflected,
others will pass right through.
“You can never completely stop that from
happening, but our job is to find a way improve the
flow in and out of the device in an effort to maximise
the amount of energy that can be taken out.”
AMC’s hydrodynamic facilities have proved essential
for conducting the proposed physical scale model
experiments for optimising the OWC design.
“Experiments like this take time and they are
essential to fully understand the features that could
affect efficiency. It will also provide information
to assist in the future prototype designs,’’ Mr
Macfarlane says.
Prof. Bose says that project outcomes have the
potential to more broadly assist Australian industry,
and also with the reduction of greenhouse gas
production nationwide.
“This project will have significant input to
the development of wave energy technology,
specifically OWCs, thereby contributing to the
achievement of the Australian Government’s
renewable energy targets of 20 per cent renewable
energy before 2020,’’ he says.
Alan Fleming
PhD Candidate
Alan completed his undergraduate
degree in Ocean Engineering
at AMC. He is now conducting
research on phase-averaged
analysis of an oscillating water
column wave energy converter.
What led you to undertake this
research? I am motivated by
sustainability. After completing my
undergraduate degree, I resisted
finding employment in the oil
and gas industry and instead
commenced my PhD in the field of
ocean renewable energy. I think that
wave energy will be an important
source of renewable energy in the
What is the most rewarding part
of this research? Seeing my results
applied by industry.
What wider implications will
your research have? My findings
will contribute to improvements
in conversion performance of
Oscillating Water Column wave
energy converters, specifically those
of my industry partner Oceanlinx.
shore to sea
cyclone wave
Funding: Swinburne University
of Technology
PARTNER: Swinburne University
TEAM: L. Mason
hen Category 5 Cyclone Yasi
hit mainland Australia in early
February 2011, it had a front
hundreds of kilometres wide and
an eye that is believed to have measured about
35km in diameter.
It brought with it driving rains, treacherous winds
and a storm surge of more than five metres. It
flattened many buildings, sugar cane and banana
crops, huge areas of trees and caused extensive
coastal damage.
The cyclone was powerful and didn’t completely
disperse until it reached Alice Springs. It’s
estimated that Yasi cost $3.6 billion of damage.
The Insurance Council of Australia estimated the
initial insured losses to be around $868 million.
The Bureau of Meteorology estimated that Yasi
packed winds of up to 290 kmh but no equipment
survived long enough to accurately measure it.
So, how can we be better prepared for extreme
weather events if this occurs? As with other
engineering problems the answer comes by
understanding the issues and good design.
shore to sea
maritime engineering
Enter Luciano Mason, a research engineer with
AMC’s National Centre for Maritime Engineering
and Hydrodynamics, specialist in the numerical
modelling of tides, storm surges and other longwave motions and the statistical representation
of tropical cyclone-induced extreme water and
wave levels.
<< Although the Cape York region was even
more sparsely populated in those days, hundreds
of people died when the cyclone hit the area.
“The pearling fleet used to anchor in Princess
Charlotte Bay because it provided shelter from
the tradewinds, and this attracted aborigines to
camps nearby,’’ Mr Mason says.
“There isn’t much data on real cyclones, and
hindcasting - trying to reproduce an event after
it has occurred – is also hard to do because the
data is usually less than immaculate,’’ he says.
During Mahina, the storm surge swept across
Princess Charlotte Bay and then kilometres
inland. More than 100 aboriginals are believed
to have died, including some who were caught
by the surge and swept into the sea while trying
to help shipwrecked men.
“Additionally because cyclones are so rare,
you don’t have many historical data points
to extrapolate. The idea is to extend our data
set with synthetic cyclones so that reasonable
statistics on these extremes can be calculated.’’
“Many of these aborigines were drowned
because Mahina blew in from the east and
skimmed along the northward facing beaches of
Princess Charlotte Bay.
Mr Mason aims to fill the gaps in cyclone
statistics by the creation of synthetic cyclones,
a simplified version of a real cyclone, some of
which take months to create.
“Because cyclones in the southern hemisphere
have a clockwise rotation, the initial pass of the
winds were off-shore and this lowered the water.
Aborigines at the water’s edge were caught as
the winds returned from the opposite direction
washing a wave of water over them.”
A mathematical model is used to generate
synthetic cyclones with tracks and pressure
variations that mimic the statistical characteristics
of real storms. Each synthetic storm can be used,
in conjunction with a separately developed wind
field algorithm, to drive numerical models for
computing waves and water levels (including
storm surges).
“Many people in the industry only think in a one
dimensional fashion. They only think in terms of
the intensity of a cyclone, but there are lots of
other factors that can combine to create unusual
events,’’ Mr Mason says.
“We need to create the equivalent of say 100,000
years worth so that we can estimate a one in
10,000 year occurrence. Using this process we
develop cyclones that other researchers might
not think of as being important.”
“A population of synthetic cyclones can help
model unexpected situations like this. No one
could have thought Cyclone Mahina would have
had the outcome that it did,’’ Mr Mason says.
He says that it is not necessarily the most intense
cyclones that wreak the most havoc.
“Take Cyclone Katrina in New Orleans, for
example. Although direct impact was severe, a
greater portion of the damage was done later
by the failure of the levee that allowed the
inundation to occur.”
At a national level Mr Mason cites Cyclone
Mahina, another Category 5, which hit Northern
Australia in 1899. >>
The Bureau of Meteorology estimated that Yasi packed winds
of up to 290 kmh but no equipment survived long enough to
accurately measure it.
luciano mason aims to fill the
gaps in cyclone statistics by the
creation of synthetic cyclones
The most extreme coastal sea level anomalies
arise from the impact of tropical cyclones. The
storm surges from these events are generally
localized close to the cyclones centre but are
never the same in extent and timing with tide.
The understanding of storm surge risk under
current and future climate conditions therefore
must be obtained using modelling approaches.
He says that his synthetic cyclone modelling had
multiple applications and multiple spin-offs. The
models predicting wave
heights for Cyclone Yasi
data he produces assists the likes of the offshore
oil and gas industries, government planning
and, one of the biggest drivers, the insurance
“In design for extreme events, nothing is
determinate and we design to a particular level
of risk. That level of risk is determined by, and
depends on, what the facility is being built for.”
“While you might design a house to a higher
level of risk – generally controlled by local
councils - if you are an oil and gas company and
are building a $3 billion dollar platform, you are
going to design to much lower levels of risk,’’ Mr
Mason says.
“There is no worse case scenario. They need to
design to a particular level of risk that they and
their insurers find acceptable. They can use the
results to assist with, for example, building a
platform, a floating facility or a pipeline, or even
use it to decide how and when they need to
evacuate a facility.”
“A common way to express the risk of extreme
events is through the concept of return period
where design is done to withstand the say 1 in
100 years, or the 100 year return period event.”
“This means that an event of this size or greater
will on average only occur once every 100 years
if the climate remains constant.”
However, Mr Mason cautions that the
community often misinterprets the concept of
the return period. For example, if a 100 year
event occurs this year many people believe
that a similar event cannot occur for the next
100 years. However there is a one per cent
probability that it will occur next year or any
following year. In fact there is a 64 per cent
chance that it will occur in the next 100 years.
“The return period concept is a convenient
way to talk about probabilities or the risk
that an event will happen in the near future.
Nothing is guaranteed, we just need to prepare
shore to sea
Our multi-million dollar suite of specialist research and
learning facilities are internationally acclaimed and are
utilised by government bodies and maritime-related
businesses world-wide.
shore to sea
centre for
This state-of-the art suite of facilities offers
real-time maritime simulation technology
that includes a full-scale ship’s bridge, a tug
simulator, a dynamic positioning simulator
unit and six operations bridges. It is used
for investigation into port development, ship
manoeuvring and improving ship and port
safety and efficiency.
Sea and swell conditions can be customised
for amplitude, wavelength and period.
AMC’s Centre for Maritime Simulations
bridges the gap between practical and
theory as an effective aid for training and
competency assessment of shipmasters and
deck officers. If necessary, all eight bridges
can be made interactive. Ships are modelled
to a full six degrees of freedom, and the area
models have greater representative fidelity.
The simulator database includes most
Australian and New Zealand ports, as well
as areas of Europe, Malaysia, and Indonesia.
AMC also provides regular pilot simulation
training to maritime organisations like
TasPorts, the Newcastle Ports Corporation,
Rio Tinto and Port Kembla, along with Napier
and Tauranga (New Zealand).
The Centre has been used for research
into Human Factors and Human Systems
Integration. It can also implement research
from other AMC facilities such as the Towing
Tank, Model Test Basin and Cavitation
Research Laboratory.
shore to sea
ftv bluefin
AMC’s 35m flagship research and training
vessel cruises Australian waters with up to 20
students and staff on voyages from two days to
two weeks. Educational and research activities
conducted on board include habitat monitoring,
fish sampling, fishing technology, navigation
and ship handling, machinery operation and
maintenance, environmental assessment,
oceanographic instrument mooring, ship
manoeuvring, speed trials and energy audits.
The vessel underwent a major refurbishment in
2011 when she was fitted with a new Caterpillar
shore to sea
3512B, V12 diesel engine and a rebuilt gearbox.
This 14m steel-hulled prawn trawler is used for
training and research into trawling techniques,
Bluefin is capable of carrying out a variety of
navigation and vessel handling, and machinery
fishing methods including stern trawling, both
bottom and mid-water, purse seining, long lining operations. The vessel provides a platform
for research and development of fishing gear
and prawn trawling. It has been an integral part
technology, towed equipment and sensors, and
of research trials on the effects of LED lights on
coastal surveying and operations. The vessel can
fishing by-catch.
Bluefin is also available for collaborative research carry up to 11 passengers and two crew members
on day voyages in the Tamar River region.
projects and commercial charter and has been
used extensively by the offshore industry for
underwater pipeline work and hydrographic
stephen brown
This former collier is moored permanently and has
been renovated for use as a stationary training ship.
A damage control unit, comprising three floodable
compartments, is used to train students and
Department of Defence Pacific Patrol Boat
personnel. An R5 fast rescue boat and davit are also
located on board.
the survival centre
damage control unit
This facility includes a heated pool and mock
ship’s superstructure, for simulated survival
and rescue exercises in conditions such as night
operations, storm conditions, and waves. The
centre provides essential survival and rescue
training for a range of personnel within the
maritime industry, whilst also being a testing
facility for new equipment, techniques and
procedures. The pool is also used for captive
model testing of offshore structures, equipment
and underwater marine vehicles.
Located within the superstructure of AMC’s
permanently moored training vessel, Stephen
Brown, this facility comprises three floodable
compartments that can simulate various
damaged marine structures and systems under
extreme conditions. A number of surrounding
compartments and systems provide a realistic
shipboard experience. The unit provides
damage control training for civil and military
maritime personnel, while providing a venue
to investigate and research damage control
techniques and the human interface.
marine fire fighting
training centre
Staffed by experienced officers, this facility
specialises in practical training including the
control of liquid and gas fires, plus the use of
self-contained breathing apparatus to fight fires
in a mock ship structure. A fire investigation
unit provides seafarers with the knowledge and
skills to determine the cause of fires on board
ships. Personnel from the shipping industry,
offshore industry, and from national and
international ports and terminals, in Australia
and overseas, access courses at this centre.
fast rescue and
survival craft
AMC’s range of davit-launched survival craft are
primarily used for survival and rescue training
of seafarers in launching, handling and recovery
of the craft, as well as planning and execution
of rescue operations. The facilities and craft
also enable the testing and proving of new
equipment and techniques.
shore to sea
research centre
towing tank
Australia’s largest hydrodynamic towing tank
has been designed to investigate the behaviour
of ships hulls in different conditions, and to find
ways to reduce fuel costs and environmental
This 100m-long tank has been used by students
and researchers to undertake tests on over 500
models of ships and other ocean structures, such
as semi-submersibles, offshore oil rigs, ocean
wave energy converters, submarines and special
purpose buoys. The tank is 3.55m wide and has
a maximum water depth of 1.5m. The length of
typical ship models is in the order of 1.5 to 2.0m
and they can be towed at speeds up to 4.6m/s.
The facility is regularly used for commercial
consultancy projects for a wide range of
shore to sea
companies in the Australian and international
maritime industry. Regular users include: Sea
Transport Solutions, Incat Tasmania, Oceanlinx
Limited, Revolution Design, DSTO, Austal Ships,
LOMOcean Design, Department of Defence,
Norman R Wright & Sons and Incat Crowther.
Industry and research projects conducted in
the towing tank have involved experiments
on defence vessels, patrol and police boats,
catamarans, frigates, bulk carriers, container
ships, high performance racing yachts, landing
craft, barges, trimarans, submarines, wave
energy structures, tidal energy converters, sonar
equipment and semi-submersibles.
model test basin
The model test basin is used by students,
national research organisations and industry
to conduct hydrodynamic experiments
into maritime operations in shallow-water
environments like ports, harbours, rivers and
coastal regions.
The facility is 35m long and 12m wide, with a flat
floor and an adjustable water depth up to 1m. It
is equipped with a multidirectional wave maker,
with sixteen computer-controlled paddles,
capable of generating a wide array of wave
spectra. The basin has a fixed Qualisys video
motion capture system consisting of eight digital
cameras which provide the capability to track a
model’s motion under different wave conditions.
Ship models can either be free-running or towed
at varying speeds, up to 4.0m/s.
The basin has been used to test cutting-edge
wave energy technology, including research
into the development of a novel circular surfing
continuous wave pool, as well as studies into
damage stability and time to flood experiments
on several different surface craft.
The facility is used by industry for a variety of
experiments. Organisations involved include
the Defence Science & Technology Organisation
(DSTO), Oceanlinx, Rio Tinto, the UK Ministry
of Defence, Austal Ships, Newcastle Port
Corporation, Kobe University (Japan), Memorial
University (Canada), and Incat Tasmania.
cavitation research
Internationally unique, this is one of the few
experimental laboratories in the world used
to test hydrodynamic behaviour of submerged
structures such as submarines and ship hulls.
Featuring a variable pressure water tunnel and
a bubble dynamics chamber, this facility also
has additional capabilities for investigating
bubbly flows or flows containing gaseous or
vaporous cavities.
Cavitation can interfere with the operation of
hydrographic and acoustic research ships, and
cause discomfort for cruise ship passengers. It
can also rapidly erode the surface of concrete,
metal other hard materials.
This facility plays a key role in providing
research and advice on the development of
destroyers, patrol boats and other defence
vessels. While cavitation research projects
have traditionally centred on hydro-electric
machinery, nuclear plant and rocket propulsion,
the lab also has applications in the areas of
modern medicine, biomedical engineering and
The Cavitation Research Laboratory facilities
are used for undergraduate teaching and
research programs, postgraduate research, and
industry and government-sponsored research
computing cluster
The cluster is the perfect complement to AMC’s
experimentally based facilities. It consists of
a Linux cluster of 176 cores on 44 nodes and
one server. The computing power of the cluster
allows it to complete more jobs of greater
complexity in one year than one CPU could do
in 40 years. It has been used for collaborative
projects across the University of Tasmania.
circulating water
Situated at Beauty Point, this facility can test
the behaviour of equipment and structures in
currents, such as fishing gear and oil and gas
pipelines. The test channel (11m x 5m x 2.5m)
has a large viewing window so that objects can
be observed from side on. It is also possible to
view items being tested from overhead through
a Perspex-bottomed boat. Ground forces can
be simulated by manipulating the speed of the
conveyor belt floor that runs the full length of
the test section.
This facility houses a range of sophisticated
instruments (3D velocity probe, tension
gauges, flow visualisation equipment and video
cameras) to enable researchers to acquire
highly accurate data.
The facility has recently been utilised by the
likes of the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD)
and the Australian Fisheries Management
Authority (AFMA) for projects including seal
excluder devices and equipment to minimise
sea bird by-catch. Other research projects
have included the testing of autonomous
underwater vehicle propeller designs and the
observation of prawn trawl net behaviour.
shore to sea
environment research
nutrition laboratory
This laboratory supports research to improve
sustainable aquafeed production and refine
nutritional requirements of tropical and
temperature finfish and invertebrates. Processing
(freeze drier) and analytical equipment (kjeldahl
protein, soxhlett lipid, ash furnace and bomb
calorimeter) provide all major chemical analyses
of ingredients, feeds and tissues. An on-site x-ray
and radioactive laboratory allow detailed studies
of protein synthesis and other growth processes.
The associated Feed Production Laboratory
houses a hammermill to prepare ingredients
and Californian pellet mill and commercial pasta
maker to produce pressed pellets for different
fish sizes and species. Several tank systems are
shore to sea
In addition to a large open-plan general research lab,
AMC has the following specialist laboratories at the
Newnham Campus Science Building, and a seafood
processing laboratory at the Beauty Point campus.
used, the largest of which consists of 28 conical
360 litre tanks for rainbow trout and Atlantic
salmon. The systems are fitted with computer
controlled self-feeders and cameras to allow fish
feeding patterns and behaviour to be recorded.
with digital cameras are also available for image
analysis purposes.
the fish health
This lab is currently the only aquatic animal
focussed facility in Australia that maintains both
radioimmunoassay (RIA) and enzyme-linked
immunosorbent-assay (ELISA) technology for
the measurement of various hormones in fish.
Research projects conducted in this facility are
industry focussed and aim to better understand
reproductive development, stress physiology
and growth performance of cultured fish
species. These techniques are being applied to
study environmental control of reproduction in
fish, impacts of husbandry and environmental
stressors in aquaculture, photoperiod
The fish health lab is dedicated to aquatic
animal health research and disease
investigations. It provides users with specialized
and automated histology equipment for all
their pathology or health research needs. The
laboratory offers an automated Shandon Duplex
tissue processor, Shandon Histocentres II and
III, two Microm HM340 microtomes, a Hestion
TEC29000 Histo-Trimmer and an automated
Shandon Linistain GLX. Microscopes combined
the endocrine
manipulation for improved aquaculture
production, harvest impacts on post-harvest flesh
quality, fish behaviour and fish welfare.
the molecular
biology laboratory
Supporting a wide range of molecular-based
research this lab is used for major projects on
aquatic animal health and disease, aquaculture
nutrition and metabolism, algal and microbial
ecology, detection and tracking of introduced
and harmful marine pests, fisheries genetics and
biology. It is equipped for the analysis of PCRbased molecular markers, DNA-hybridisation
and DNA/RNA extraction, quantification and
electrophoresis, and includes a gel-imaging and
analysis suite.
the marine
Dedicated to research on biology and ecology of
introduced species this lab offers the opportunity
to broaden general knowledge on biological
invasions the threat to marine and coastal
ecosystems. Its facilities include a drying oven
and muffle furnace, a fume extraction system,
stereo and optical microscopes, an underwater
digital camera, fridge and freezer. The lab has
been recently used for research on community
ecology and space utilisation of native and
introduced fouling communities and research
on biotic and abiotic factors determining
distribution and abundance of Petrolisthes
elongates in Tasmania.
the marine ecology
In this lab there is a focus on studying
the impacts of climate change on marine
ecosystems, the spread and ecological impact
of invasive species; and the direct and indirect
effects of marine ecosystem engineers. Recent
research includes Australian Research Council
funded projects examining the impact of climate
change on kelp and impact of invasive crabs on
coastal food-webs.
the seafood
quality & safety
This unique combination of facilities offers
a research space not available at any other
university in Australia. It offers a variety of
analysis, ranging from basic physical and
chemical assessments to product development,
shelf-life determination and preservation
technology. Recent research projects include
the study of the shelf-life optimisation of various
species of Australian seafood, and modified
atmosphere packaging using a range of different
gas mixtures.
the aquaculture
The Aquaculture Centre contains extensive
recirculating salt water and fresh water facilities
for experimental research in aquaculture, marine
biology and ecology and marine technology.
It supports research on a range of tropical
and temperate species, including charr, trout,
salmon, seahorses, barramundi, shrimp, yabbies,
galaxids, microalgae, Artemia and rotifers. It is
one of the country’s few dedicated on-campus
facilities for the study of fish and shellfish
shore to sea
Diverse areas of consultancy
provided include:
Port development and design
Large ship handling in confined waters
Ship design and hydrodynamic performance
Yacht design and performance evaluation
Safety at sea, including the testing of marine
safety technology
Marine environmental studies and fisheries
stock assessments
Fisheries by-catch reduction technology and
fisheries gear assessment
Maritime occupational health and safety
Maritime security
Dynamic positioning
shore to sea
AMC Search Limited (AMCS) is the specialised, client-focussed
commercial arm of AMC. It provides maritime training,
consultancy and research services for a wide range of
international and Australian organisations and individuals using
AMC’s internationally-renowned resources, staff and facilities.
Recent projects have included:
A study for the NSW Department of
Environment, Climate Change and Water in
collaboration with environmental specialists
PAEHolmes to develop and evaluate
potential measures to control air emissions
from shipping and other sources in NSW
Ports, resulting in environmental and public
health benefits. The focus of the study
was on legislative and policy measures,
including implementation issues.
A project for Woodside Energy Ltd, which
is seeking to establish a new natural
gas liquefaction plant at James Price
Point in the Kimberly region of Western
Australia. As part of this work AMCS
conducted a Navigation Simulation
Study, which included an assessment of
ship manoeuvrability/handling based
on the final port design using AMC’s full
mission bridge ship handling simulator; an
assessment of the under keel clearance
required in the channel due to vessel
motions caused by both squat and wave
action in the channel; and an assessment of
environmental limits for tug operability.
A full safety audit for Marine Safety Victoria
(now Transport Safety Victoria) as part
of a proposed development of a new
open ocean access facility. The aim was
to inform the construction and design of
the ramp and breakwater so as to reduce
safety risks; and to potentially provide user
operational guidance and other safety and
management arrangements.
An investigation of the motions, mooring
line loads and fender loads experienced
by ships at existing and proposed berths
in the Port of Newcastle for the Newcastle
Port Corporation. The work, undertaken
in two stages, included experiments using
physical scale models in the AMC Model
Test Basin. It also involved the generation
of numerical simulations to predict
berthed ship motions, mooring line loads
and fender loads for potential worst case
scenarios in each condition. The study was
the second of its type using the Model Test
Basin conducted for the Newcastle Port
An extension arising from the Port of
Melbourne Corporation (PoMC) Towage
Review, conducted by AMCS in 2008, to
provide PoMC with a balanced view of
the fire fighting capabilities of tugs to be
deployed in the future within port waters.
Through consultation with key stakeholders
and benchmarking of other Australian ports,
outcomes included recommendations on a
suitable fire fighting standard for the port,
including the equipment fitted on the fire
fighting tugs and the foam capacity and the
training requirements of tug crews operating
in the port.
An assessment of the risks associated with
mooring ships, in conjunction with the three
mooring service providers for PoMC. This was
subsequently developed into a ‘Best Practice
Risk Assessment’ for the Port of Melbourne.
Provision of additional information for the
Swan River Trust, in Western Australia, on
the wave wake generated by ski boats and
wakeboarding activities as part of a study into
vessel wave wake impact on the Swan River.
The study was instigated in response to specific concerns regarding the influence of vessel
wash on bank erosion.
A project to undertake a ballast water risk
analysis related to invasive species, in collaboration with international consultancy firm
GHD, for Qatar Ports (QP) as part of the Qatar
Ports Ballast Water Management Framework.
The primary focus of this study was to ascertain the native species most likely at risk, the
possible type and global location of invasive
species, and to identify the shipping traffic that
posed the highest risk for the introduction of
invasive alien species.
Chief Executive Officer: Dean Cook
Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Catherine Wilson
Projects and Quality Manager: Nic Bender
Phone: (03) 6324 9850
Fax: (03) 6326 3790
shore to sea
national centre for marine
resource sustainability
Mark Adams
Aquatic animal health, physiology and husbandry
in open and closed aquaculture production
Louise Adams
Feed development for commercial and developing
aquaculture species; digestive physiology of
commercial finfish and crustaceans; commercial
crustacean production.
Chris Bolch
Algal culture, ecology and molecular biology;
harmful algal blooms; marine population genetics
and biogeography; ballast water and introduced
Andrew Bridle
The use of molecular biology and biotechnology
applications for improving aquaculture vaccines.
Chris Burke
Aquatic microbial ecology, in particular
interactions between sediments and overlying
water and the roles of probiotic bacteria in
aquaculture; the value of inquiry-based learning
as an approach to improving students’ scientific
Philip Crosbie
Fish immunology and vaccinology; amoebic gill
Andy Fischer
Remote sensing, digital image processing,
algal blooms, land-sea interactions, marine
shore to sea
Troy Gaston
Trophic interactions and ecosystem processes
of marine and estuarine systems; use of stable
isotope analysis in benthic, planktonic and pelagic
estuarine and coastal systems; quantification of
anthropogenic disturbances on estuarine and
coastal ecosystems.
Elkana Ngwenya
Applied fisheries economics, fishing patterns
and allocation of effort; socioeconomics of
aquaculture; food insecurity and the effect on
livelihoods; methods for the reduction of fisheries
bycatch; behavioural modelling.
James Haddy
Fisheries biology and population dynamics;
reproductive and stress physiology of exploited
fisheries resources.
Barbara Nowak
Aquatic animal health particularly of farmed
finfish; marine parasites and host-parasite
interactions including immune response to
Robin Barnes
The effect of temperature on the nutritional
physiology of fish; the effect of fish meal
replacement on the protein metabolism of
Carmen Primo Perez
Ecology and risk assessment of marine pest
bioinvasions; phenology of the invasive kelp
Undaria pinnatifida; biogeography; taxonomy of
Felicia Kow
The effect of temperature on the nutritional
physiology of fish; the effect of fish meal
replacement on the protein metabolism of
John Purser
Feeding and activity rhythms in fish; development
of techniques to optimise food intake; fish
behaviour; marine fish, salmonid and seahorse
culture techniques.
Melanie Leef
Finfish health and physiology.
Nick Rawlinson
Artisanal and subsistence fisheries in Pacific Island
nations; community-based fisheries management;
selectivity of fishing gears; quantification of fishing
effort; population dynamics of small pelagic fish
David Milne
Seafood supply chain management, monitoring
and optimization; new product development
including bycatch and low value species utilisation,
seafood product marketing, shelf-life extension
and optimization of chilled seafood products;
seafood safety, quality assessment and systems
national centre for maritime
engineering & hydrodynamics
Ryan Wilkinson
Environmental control of reproduction in fish;
impacts of husbandry and environmental stressors
in aquaculture; photoperiod manipulation for
improved aquaculture production; harvest impacts
on post-harvest flesh quality; fish welfare in
Walid Amin
Twin hull vessels with emphasise on SWATH and
Wave piercing Catamaran; Finite Element Analysis
and Fluid-Structure interaction; wave loads and
ship motions with focus on transient events such
as slamming on ships and offshore structures; and
marine renewable energy resources.
Shuhong Chai
Hydrodynamics of offshore structures and fluidstructure interactions, such as wave mechanics,
hydrodynamic responses of offshore structures
and mooring forces, vortex induced vibration
analysis for deepwater marine risers and cables,
and dynamics of pipelines.
Mike Williams
Application of solar and mechanical drying
techniques to seafood processing; shelf-life
extension of Australian seafood using chlorine
dioxide, ozone and modified atmosphere
Cheslav Balash
Aquaculture structure hydrodynamics and fishing
Jonathan Duffy
Ship hydrodynamics including resistance,
seakeeping, ship manoeuvring in restricted
waters and motions of berthed ships.
Jeff Wright
The spread and ecological impact of marine
invasive species; seaweed ecology; habitat
modification by marine system engineers, impacts
of climate change on temperate marine systems.
For more information on NCMCRS staff research,
please visit:
Jon Binns
Analysis of fluid mechanics by theoretical
and experimental techniques; sailing yachts
including design, engineering and technology
Vikram Garaniya
Combustion science, computational fluid
dynamics, mathematical modelling, evaporation
and pyrolysis, spray dynamics, heavy fuel oil.
Neil Bose
Marine propulsion, autonomous underwater
vehicles, ocean environmental monitoring, ice/
propeller interaction and aspects of offshore
design; marine powering prediction; marine
renewable energy; renewable energy for
Laurie Goldsworthy
Diesel engine combustion processes, including
the formation and control of exhaust emissions;
assessment of alternative fuels; measurement
of diesel spray dynamics; advanced computer
modelling using computational fluid dynamics;
ship emissions inventories.
Paul Brandner
Marine propulsion (water-jets and propellers);
hydro-elasticity of control surfaces; basic
turbulent and bubbly flow physics; supercavitation; ventilated cavities; submarine and
underwater vehicle hydrodynamics.
Gregor Macfarlane
Ship and platform hydrodynamics, especially
the design and conduct of physical scale model
experiments. Ship hull resistance and seakeeping;
ocean wave energy; marine vessel wave wake,
especially operations within restricted waterways.
Lou Mason
Numerical modelling of tides, storm surges and
other long-wave motions; three-dimensional
circulation modelling for both continental shelf
and ocean models; particle tracking schemes for
the transport of water-borne substances (e.g.
pollutants, larvae); the statistical representation
of tropical cyclone-induced extreme water and
wave levels; numerical modelling of surface
gravity waves in the Great Barrier Reef region.
Hung Nguyen
Marine control engineering (guidance, navigation
and control of marine vehicles); system modelling
and identification; instrumentation and process
control; marine electronic and electrical
Roberto Ojeda
Finite Element Analysis with emphasis on the
non-linear analysis of stiffened structures;
ultimate strength and fatigue life prediction of
ship structures; light construction and composite
Irene Penesis
Research interests include varied applications of
numerical and applied mathematical techniques
and experiments to the study of engineering
science and hydrodynamics mainly in areas
such as Fluid-Structure interactions applied to
renewable energy technology and the modelling
of underwater explosions.
Dev Ranmuthugala
Development of remotely operated and
autonomous underwater vehicles, including the
modelling of vehicles using computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) to calculate their hydrodynamic
coefficients and predict the flow around
the vehicles, experimental work to obtain
hydrodynamic and thrust data from full scale
and model vehicles, and the optimisation of
hydrodynamic characteristics; CFD modelling of
external flows around marine vehicles.
Martin Renilson
Ship hydrodynamics, with emphasis on the
dynamics of both ships and submarines in calm
water and in waves; ship safety, including extreme
motions in waves, such as capsizing, broaching
and deck diving, and ship behaviour when
damaged; operations in ports, including channel
design, tug operations and behaviour of moored
Mark Symes
The academic development processes associated
with the attainment and assessment of graduate
attributes, learning outcomes and curriculum
Giles Thomas
Ship hydrodynamics especially ship motions
and resistance; wave loads including slamming;
fluid-structure interaction of high-speed vessels;
fishing and underwater technology.
For more information on NCMEH staff research,
please visit:
shore to sea
national centre for
ports & shipping
Prashant Bhaskar
Shipping operations; cargo handling systems;
exporting and importing; international business;
ships’ deck officer training; crisis management.
Marcus Bowles
Impact of the digital economy on industry
competitiveness and skills demand (e-skills
and e-readiness); workforce planning and skills
demand; digital infrastructure and the transport
and logistics industry; transformational leadership
and supply chain management capabilities;
intelligent technologies and supply chain agility;
Tony Boyle
Informing the Australian Shipping Industry,
regulators, incident investigators and Maritime
Education and Training (MET) institutions of
current technologies in use, potential gaps in
training, safety practices and human factors
relating to height safety on ships.
Ben Brooks
Maritime human factors; seafarer occupational
health and safety; collection and analysis of
accident/injury data; organisational and safety
culture; human decision-making and cognition;
moral judgement in safety contexts; safety
management systems.
Stephen Cahoon
Seaports as drivers and contributors of regional
growth and innovation, development of marketing
strategies for seaports, marketing communications
with customers and the local community,
quality management in seaports; the use of
human resource management and marketing
to provide labour shortage solutions, intangible
resources in shipping consolidations; efficient and
effective supply chain management, overcoming
disruptions, skills and knowledge requirements of
Australian logistics managers.
Peter Cain
Maritime, admiralty and contract law; the
critical nature and value of disciplines and
interdisciplinary practice; and research of explicit
teaching practices within disciplines.
shore to sea
Samrat Ghosh
Maritime training for deck watchkeepers and
Mates/Masters; relevance of training to onboard
duties; training requirements for senior officers
including knowledge of maritime English and
advanced management concepts.
Hilary Pateman
Sustainable competitive advantage derived from
strategy, learning and innovation within business
networks; the use of networks by individual
businesses for growth, especially in the areas of
ports and supply chains.
Allison James
Managerial competencies, strategic and human
resource management, social justice and social
and business entrepreneurship.
Wayne Schwartz
The implementation and use of electronic
navigational aids on the bridge; accurate
simulation of hydrodynamics and ship handling,
involving advanced training methods and
heightened realism; shipboard computer– human
Eon-Seong Lee
Strategic management of maritime transportation
within the context of international logistics and
supply chain management.
Peggy Chen
Port governance, port policy and strategy, regional
port, coastal and short sea shipping, shipping
policy and strategy.
Owen Nguyen
Causal relationship between trade and maritime
logistics; competitive advantage of national
shipping; applied econometrics in maritime
business; dynamics of fixed business investment;
Vietnamese economy and maritime industry.
Richard Dunham
The human element in marine accident causation;
differences in perception due to a subject’s
unique cultural and experiential influences; bridge
team management and the integration of new
technologies to existing team dynamics.
Dorian Notman
Supply chain security assessment and
management; anti-counterfeiting and supply
process integrity; the application of innovative tag,
sensor, and ICT in supply chains for asset tracking,
process design and process improvement.
Johnny Fei
Management of intangible assets (knowledge
creation, sharing and retention), contemporary
issues in ports and shipping, and logistics/supply
chain efficiency.
message from
the vice-chancellor
For an illustration of this, one needn’t look
any further than the collaboration featured
in this edition between the AMC, the School
of Engineering in the Faculty of Science,
Engineering and Technology and the private
shipbuilder Incat. This project has had a long
and very successful association, as team member
Associate Professor Giles Thomas can attest – as
a PhD student he was based for a time at Incat’s
Derwent Park (Hobart) site.
At the other end of the scale is a more recent
partnership that involves an AMC team led
by Dr Jonathan Binns, a company named
Webber Wave Pools and the Delft University of
Technology in the Netherlands. The aim is to
make waves, literally – using a rotating ‘wave
dozer’ to generate waves in a pool for landlocked
Anura Seneviratne
Auditing of quality management systems;
maritime education and training curriculum
design, development, implementation and review.
Speaking of waves, a team from the National
Centre for Maritime Engineering and
Hydrodynamics and its industry partner
Oceanlinx are working to perfect a unique and
commercially efficient device for extracting wave
energy and converting it to electricity.
Darrel Silva
Ship stability and dynamics; maritime education,
training and assessment; quality assurance in
maritime training.
Siamack Yousofi
Interactive, instructor-lead online training
and assessment; simulators and simulator
development; reduction of sea service
requirements through more effective training;
comparative analysis of current Aviator vs.
Mariner training to improve current training
programs; maritime safety blogs (by mariners).
For more information on NCPS staff research,
please visit:
we draw on our rich resources to work with
local, national and international communities.
The University recognises the importance of
the AMC’s strong brand in the global maritime,
marine and offshore sectors. It is underpinned by
the world-class facilities that are highlighted in
this report, as well as passionate and committed
staff with many industry links.
There are many opportunities ahead for the
AMC in developing research areas such as
ocean wave and tidal energy, and oil and gas, as
well as challenges such as maritime safety and
protection of the marine environment.
The University is proud to support the AMC
staff to work in an environment that encourages
excellence and celebrates achievement.”
Professor Peter Rathjen
Vice-Chancellor, University of Tasmania
the australian
maritime college
AMC’s aim is to be:
widely acknowledged as the
premier, dual-sector maritime
education, training and research
institute within Australia and the
southern hemisphere
internationally-renowned for its
maritime research, quality of
learning and teaching and the rich
student experience that it provides
strongly industry-focussed and
a leader of research and teaching
collaborations with other
University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Faculties and Institutes
“It gives me great pleasure to contribute to
the first edition of Shore to Sea, a premium
publication which showcases the depth and
breadth of the Australian Maritime College’s
research activities.
These projects – and many others being
undertaken by AMC researchers – embody the
three key priorities for UTAS over the next 10
years, as detailed in Open to Talent, our new
strategic plan.
As an institute of the University of Tasmania,
the AMC represents best practice in terms of its
substantial partnerships with government and
Open to Talent envisages a future in which
research contributes to prosperity via innovative
approaches to the issues impacting our society
and environment; in which students share our
knowledge and the world of ideas, and in which
distinguished by its alliances and
partnerships with national and
international leaders in maritime
research, learning and teaching
and ocean technology
recognised as a leading brand that
is integral to the UTAS reputation
shore to sea
amc research
AMC Associate Director,
Research and Research Training
National Centre for Maritime Engineering
and Hydrodynamics
Dr Christopher J.S. Bolch
Phone: +61 03 6324 3815
Graduate Research Coordinator
Phone: +61 6324 9732
National Centre for Marine Conservation
and Resource Sustainability
National Centre for Ports and Shipping
Graduate Research Coordinator
Phone: + 61 6324 3801
Graduate Research Coordinator
Phone: +61 6324 9645
For information on Graduate Research
Scholarships, please visit:
Or contact the relevant AMC Graduate Research
This publication has been produced using
an FSC (Forest Stewardship Council)
certified mix paper source and printed
using vegetable-based inks.
Shore to Sea, Issue 1, July 2012