0% - Van Buren Reminder
0% - Van Buren Reminder
EMINDER R Now Find Your Village Market Flyer Inside! Don’t miss! Classified Ads Page 4 Reminder Rewind Page 10 Sales Central Van Buren All y fou our ev nd in ent one s — spo t Page 12 Serving: Bangor, Bloomingdale, Covert, Glenn, Grand Junction, Lacota, Pullman & South Haven 209 W. Monroe § P.O. Box 218 § 49013 § 269-427-7474 § FAX: 269-427-5286 § Email: reminder49013@aol.com § Website: www.vanburenreminder.com Sunday, January 20149, 2015 Sunday, 19, August Established 1949 § Bangor, Michigan Do great things with Kubota’s Standard L Series compact tractors. $ 0 Down, 0% Financing for 72 Months * A.P.R. Offer ends 9/30/15. Do great things with Kubota’s Standard L Series compact tractors. 0 0 72 $ 0 Down % Financing for 72 Months (269) 668-7800 ,0 24561 Red Arrow Hwy. $Do great % Financing things ,with Kubota’s Standard L Series compact tractors. * Down for Months A.P.R. Offer ends 9/30/15. A.P.R. Offer ends 9/30/15. Mattawan, MI 49071 Bronsink & Bos Equipment (269) 668-7800 24561 Red Arrow Hwy. (269) 668-7800 Mattawan, MI 49071 24561 Red Arrow Hwy. Mattawan, MI 49071 (269) 668-7800 24561 Red Arrow Hwy. Mattawan, MI 49071 kubota.com * BRONSINK BOS AND GRZQ$35¿QDQFLQJIRUXSWRPRQWKVRQSXUFKDVHVRIQHZ.XERWD/H[FOXGLQJ//6HULHVHTXLSPHQWDYDLODEOHWRTXDOL¿HGSXUFKDVHUVIURP SDUWLFLSDWLQJGHDOHUV¶LQVWRFNLQYHQWRU\WKURXJK'HDOHU3DUWLFLSDWLRQ5HTXLUHG([DPSOH$PRQWKPRQWKO\LQVWDOOPHQWUHSD\PHQWWHUPDW $35UHTXLUHVSD\PHQWVRISHU¿QDQFHG$35LQWHUHVWLVDYDLODEOHWRFXVWRPHUVLIQRGHDOHUGRFXPHQWDWLRQSUHSDUDWLRQIHHLVFKDUJHG 'HDOHUFKDUJHIRUGRFXPHQWSUHSDUDWLRQIHHVKDOOEHLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKVWDWHODZV,QFOXVLRQRILQHOLJLEOHHTXLSPHQWPD\UHVXOWLQDKLJKHUEOHQGHG$35 $35DQGORZUDWH¿QDQFLQJPD\QRWEHDYDLODEOHZLWKFXVWRPHULQVWDQWUHEDWHRIIHUV)LQDQFLQJLVDYDLODEOHWKURXJK.XERWD&UHGLW&RUSRUDWLRQ86$ 'HO$PR%OYG7RUUDQFH&$VXEMHFWWRFUHGLWDSSURYDO6RPHH[FHSWLRQVDSSO\2IIHUH[SLUHV6HHXVIRUGHWDLOVRQWKHVHDQGRWKHUORZUDWH RSWLRQVRUJRWRZZZNXERWDFRPIRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQ2SWLRQDOHTXLSPHQWPD\EHVKRZQ GRZQ$35¿QDQFLQJIRUXSWRPRQWKVRQSXUFKDVHVRIQHZ.XERWD/H[FOXGLQJ//6HULHVHTXLSPHQWDYDLODEOHWRTXDOL¿HGSXUFKDVHUVIURP SDUWLFLSDWLQJGHDOHUV¶LQVWRFNLQYHQWRU\WKURXJK'HDOHU3DUWLFLSDWLRQ5HTXLUHG([DPSOH$PRQWKPRQWKO\LQVWDOOPHQWUHSD\PHQWWHUPDW $35UHTXLUHVSD\PHQWVRISHU¿QDQFHG$35LQWHUHVWLVDYDLODEOHWRFXVWRPHUVLIQRGHDOHUGRFXPHQWDWLRQSUHSDUDWLRQIHHLVFKDUJHG © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2015 WEBER-SEILER REALTORS® 637-1141 1-800-637-1141 Julie Weber aBR, gRI 269-214-0224 NeW LISTINg aFFORdaBLe CONdO NeaR LaKe MICHIgaN! 2 BRs, fireplace, high ceilings and lots of natural light. New pool! Convenient first floor unit in peaceful 12-acre setting. Large deck for entertaining. Lower Township taxes too. $114,800. Meryl greene associate Broker 269-808-1047 Mark young gRI 269-214-6658 NeW LISTINg NORTH SHORe CLUB CONdO! Affordable first floor, 2 BR unit in octagon building. New pool, 2 large decks perfect for entertaining, cozy stone fireplace. Beautifully decorated, bright and airy, easy to maintain. Built-in bunks in BR 2. Great year-round or summer getaway! $149,900. View all Our Listings at www.SouthHavenHomes.com amanda Soukup Realtor 269-214-2097 John Valenziano associate Broker 269-214-6834 NeW LISTINg CaSUaL WaLK TO dOWNTOWN SOHa! Charming home with lovely landscaping and fenced backyard. 2 BRs could easily be 3. Kitchen/dining area has hardwood floors and room for entertaining. Cozy enclosed front porch. Well maintained and move-in ready. $139,900. Jim Marcoux Realtor 269-214-8044 Jerry Lampman Realtor 269-214-0418 455 Broadway, South Haven Lou adamson associate Broker 616-490-5301 Brad adamson Realtor 616-706-5278 Ryan McFadden Realtor 269-214-1129 NeW LISTINg COMPLeTeLy MOVe-IN Ready! Updated and quality renovated 3 BR, 1½ bath home near South Beach, town and schools. Full basement. Updated everything! $137,500. RIdgeWOOd eSTaTeS! Affordably priced 3 BR, 2 full bath ranch has 1400 SF of living space, nice sunroom and attached 2-car garage. Many updates including roof, furnace, all windows, appliances and water heater. $109,000. NeW PRICe THe BLUFFS OF SOUTH HaVeN! This immaculate custom-built home has 4 BRs, 4.5 baths, and 3400 SF loaded with top-end finishes inside and out! Located in lakefront community offering 800 ft of sandy Lake Michigan beach, pool overlooking lake, tennis court, and gated entry. $589,000. LaKeFRONT COMMUNITy with tram to beach – NO STEPS HERE! Newer Cape Cod has 3 BRs, 2.5 baths, open living space, soaring ceiling, large windows with scenic views, and a cozy reading loft. The full walkout basement is RTF for extra space. $299,900. WaTeRFRONT COTTage ON aLL SPORTS LaKe! 3 BRs, large screened porch w/roll-up canvas, and awesome views! Turnkey, many updates, recently painted and insulated. Could be used as year-round residence. Pontoon and paddle boat included! $164,900. NORTH BeaCH aRea! This updated South Haven home is just steps from North Beach and offers living room with fireplace, 3 BRs, 2 baths plus outside full bath. Master BR has deck with views of Lake Michigan. Off street parking too. $459,000. NeW PRICe LaKe MICHIgaN LaKeFRONT HOMe! This beach house features a very low gently sloping bluff and a wide sandy beach on South Haven’s Golden Mile, the finest beach in South Haven. Walk to town. 4 BRs, 2 baths, great views! $1,295,000. CaPTURe yOUR dReaM aT NORTH LaKe! 3 BR, 2.5 bath newer home with deeded lake access and professional recording studio valued at $30,000! Main floor master suite, finished lower level, attached 2-car garage and large backyard with private deck. All for $159,000! SaddLe LaKe! This very sharp home is located just a few houses from Silver and Saddle Lakes. 3 BRs, 2.5 baths, family room, fireplace, wood floors, hot tub, and sprinkling. Just $139,000. aFFORdaBLe RaNCH HOMe ON 1 aCRe has 3 BRs, 2 baths, open concept kitchen/living room. Recently updated with laminate wood flooring, kitchen cabinets, drywall in kitchen and living room and new septic system. Reduced to $58,500! NeW PRICe CLOSe TO TOWN & LaKe MICHIgaN! 4 BR, 3 bath, 2-story home has full basement, attached garage and 2 plus acres! New roof in fall 2013! $139,000. NORTH HaVeN VILLage is a quaint community of townhomes located just minutes from beaches, town and KalHaven Trail. Spacious home features decks, garage, finished daylight basement, pool and spa. Great price, $199,900! 3000 SQ FT BUILdINg on 3-acre parcel, just off I-196 & Phoenix Rd interchange. Great location for a variety of business types. Interior is open, modern and mostly carpeted. $165,000. Ready FOR NeW OWNeR! On this tranquil 2.5 acre country setting you will find a well-kept 3 BR, 2 bath manufactured home and 28’ x 32’ pole building. Home is freshly painted, has new flooring and is sparkling clean! $79,900. NeW PRICe 4 BedROOMS with large eat-in kitchen and family room, garage and outbuilding on almost an acre of land. 38 mature blueberry bushes and fruit trees too! Just $69,900. NeW PRICe NICeLy MaINTaINed 4 BedROOM HOMe on 1.5 acres! Wood burning fireplace, enclosed porch, large deck, fenced backyard, 2-car garage, plus an outbuilding for convenient extra storage. Now just $115,000. Land & Lots gReaT BUILdINg SITe within walking distance to South Beach and town. Priced to sell at $19,900. SOUTH HaVeN SCHOOLS! 3 BR stickbuilt home and extra building! Updates include custom cabinets, countertops, flooring, master bath, roof. Screened-in porch overlooking beautiful landscaping. Full basement, 2-car garage, shed, kennel. Additional 1300 SF building with well, septic, furnace, AC, electric. $174,900. eNJOy THe CHaRM & COMFORT of this 3 BR, 2 bath home located within walking distance to beach and downtown! You will love the beautiful oak woodwork, sunny rooms, deck and sun porch. Great vacation or primary home, or weekly rental! $239,900. IN THe MIddLe OF IT aLL! Spacious 2 BR condo only one block from downtown and easy walk to restaurants, shops, parks & Lake Michigan! Hardwood floors, granite, stainless, and large deck. Includes 2 parking spaces and storage area. Furnishings negotiable. $278,000. LaKe MICHIgaN aSSOCIaTION aCCeSS comes with this buildable lot located in Sunset Shores. Public water and sewer are available. Association stairs down to a wide sandy beach. Don’t miss your chance to build your dream home! $69,900. PaGe 3 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com Saturday, August 15th Show starts at 8 pm Final Approach Drink Specials No Cover Upcoming Band 233 W. Monroe • Bangor • 269-427-9928 Mark your calendar Black Ice – August 22 Renzo Lawn Service Mowing • Spring Clean-Up • Leaf Blowing Trimming • Mulch • Much More Best Prices Guaranteed! 10+ years Free estimates – Call anytime No jobs experience 269-363-8863 or 269-348-8121 too small HOUSE FOR SALE Take the H&R Block Income Tax Course to learn how to prepare taxes like a pro. Class times and locations are flexible to fit your current job, school and family schedules. Bilingual courses are available. Not only will you learn a new skill, you could earn extra income as a tax professional.* Enroll now! New Seasons Real Estate Great view overlooking Van Auken Lake. This home offers a new large kitchen, living room with wood burner, 2 bdrms, 1 bath and has a laundry room. The seller has taken pride in this home and it shows. This home would make a perfect vacation place or all year home. There is a 2 car garage for the water toys. Seller leaving dock and possibility of negotiating pontoon boat. There have been many new updates, windows, roof, bathroom and addition in 2009. The septic was replaced in 2004, and this well cared for home offers a lot of great things. Priced to sell. Call Larry today to view this great home, 269-208-3336. 2874 Niles Road, St. Joseph, MI 49085 Samuel For class times and locations, visit hrblock.com/class 800-HRBLOCK (800-472-5625). SOUTH HAVEN Prices good through 8-23-15 WATERVLIET PAW PAW Tuesday Night Special 269-313-6641 269-313-6614 Bilingual classes are taught in English and the instructor or assistant will be able to answer questions in Spanish as needed. Textbooks will be provided in both English and Spanish and course exams will be offered in a bilingual format. *Enrollment in, or completion of, the H&R Block Income Tax Course is neither an offer nor a guarantee of employment. Additional qualifications may be required. Enrollment restrictions apply. State restrictions may apply. Additional training may be required in MD and other states. Valid at participating locations only. Void where prohibited. H&R Block is an equal opportunity employer. This course is not intended for, nor open to any persons who are either currently employed by or seeking employment with any professional tax preparation company or organization other than H&R Block. OBTP#B13696 ©2015 HRB Tax Group, Inc. Thank You Beacon Specialized Services for purchasing my 2015 market gilt from the Van Buren County Youth Fair Brandon DeVries BeaUTIFUL BUILdINg SITe in private dunes setting with nearby wooded nature trail leading to Lake Michigan. Close to Van Buren State Park and South Haven. $39,900. 6 aCRe BUILdINg SITe! Privacy, tall pine trees, and ravine highlight this secluded property in Geneva Township. Great location to build your new home! $44,900. BeVeRLy SHOReS gated beach community with pool, pool house and paved drive to private Lake Michigan beach! 4 BR, 3 bath home w/soaring ceilings, stone fireplace, granite, stainless, finished lower level w/daylight windows, 3-car garage. On beautifully manicured lot. $795,000. SUNday, aUGUST 9, 2015 catches the eye. Call us for our design expertise, Reminder 269-427-7474. Ron Seiler Broker, gRI, CRS 269-214-0253 SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 color! color! color! Ted Weber Broker, gRI, CRS 269-214-0135 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com 15-0713 Page 2 ✜ The highest form of Worship is the study of God’s Word ✜ A hes’ ll Churc Men’s August 22 9:30 am Kibbie Church CR 687 (By the Kal-Haven Trail) 5 PIZZA $ 99 14” Pepperoni PLUS TAX From 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Large Chicken Bacon Salad & 2 Breadsticks & 20 oz. Drink 7 9 $ 99 Pizza $ 99 16” 1 topping PLUS TAX 599 8” Grinder $ & 20 oz. Drink PLUS TAX PLUS TAX From 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. In Village Market Xpress 269-637-9400 08337 M-140, South Haven Open Sun -Thurs 11 am-9 pm • Fri-Sat 11 am-10 pm 269-628-2814 407 S. State St., Gobles Open Mon-Thurs 11 am-10 pm Fri-Sat 11 am-11 pm • Sun 11 am-9 pm Page 4 SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com SUNdAy, AUGUST 9, 2015 Classfied Ads Find what you need right here! FREE WOOD – Standing dead Ash trees. Easy to get at. 269-637-4423. LIFT CHAIR, wheel chair and scooter, parts & service. Breeze Medical Equipment, LLC. 269-521-3880. RN/LPN OPPORTUNITIES – Countryside Nursing and Rehabilitaion Community, an Atrium Centers facility, has immediate openings for RN/LPN’s at our 101-bed skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility located in South Haven, MI. If you are interested in working for a highly respected organization, please come fill out an application between the hours of 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday, we guarantee on the spot interviews. 120 Baseline Road, South Haven. EOE M/W/ Vets/Disabled. best prices. HOME & AUTO INSURANCE!! Low cost. Call Katie at Ken Bleeker Insurance. No obligation quotes. (269) 672-5228 Barringer’s eXCaVATING! Demolition work, Septic Systems, Water and Sewer lines, Driveways. Insured. (269) 637-9483 or (269) 569-2283 LAkESHORE APPLIANCE Sales • Service • Parts 269-637-8933 RP BOBCAT SERVICES: T-180 tracked machine, brush hog, bucket work, grapple for lighter clearing work. Small jobs welcome! (269) 6372662. TREE TRIMMING, topping & removal. Also stump removal. Discount to Senior Citizens. AERIAL CONSTRUCTION CO., Bloomingdale. Insured. Ph. (269) 521-3298. Office Hours: 8:00 to 4:30 Jake Goens boat FOR SALE 12’ fishing boat and trailer, oars and trolling motor. $500. 269-501-1068. DEMOLITION MAN - We haul away and tear down almost anything. Senior citizen discount. 7 days a week. Call George (269) 214-1852. WANTED TO BUY - Post card collections. Call Remey at (269) 637-4764. SANDBLASTING: No job too small! 637-6309, Blue Star Highway, South Haven. DIRECT CARE STAFF NEEDED - for 2nd and 3rd shift positions. Call for more information. (269) 870-5157. DIVORCE? Do your own No children, $150.00. Call Pro Per Inc. (269) 9065126. Dan’s aPPLianCe serVICE: SAME DAY/NEXT DAY SERVICE. Washers, Dryers, Ranges, Freezers, Refrigerators & Dishwashers. (269) 639-2202 or (269) 639-8019. WANTED – Old cars, trucks, farm equipment. (269) 491-0263. WANTED – Part-time truck driver, 12-15 hours per week. Apply within at USA Quality Metal Finishing. 150 Industrial Park Dr., Bangor. STUMP GRINDING Weekends, Saturdays & Sundays. Please leave message. Will return ASAP. 1-269-668-9921. LETMEFILLYOURPOOL. COM - Clean water. Call for rates. 7 days a week, 9 am - 9 pm. (269) 4275039. NOW HIRING - South Haven Subway/Meijer. Inquire within, apply online at www. mysubwaycareer.com, or call (269) 556-9992. FLICkINGER CONSTRUCTION, all types of remodeling & new construction. (269) 521-3041. HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER - 2/3 bedroom, 2 bath, on 2-1/2 country acres. Minutes from Lawrence, Paw Paw and South Haven. Must See! (269) 674-8995 for details/ showing. MR. SHRINk – Mobile shrink wrap services. Boats, pontoons, recreational equipment. 269-615-2890. HAY - $2 A BALE, and $3, and $4. Saddles, rabbits, and cages. 637-1673. DIVORCE AGREEMENT Non-contested divorce, with or without children, nonattorney. (269) 345-1173 HAROLDS PAINTING PLUS - 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE - Interior, Exterior. Power washing, deck washing and finishing. (269) 252-1451. JON GETMAN CONSTRUCTION LICENSED AND INSURED, All phases of construction. Roofing, siding, decks, windows and home demolition work. Call (269) 637-1891 HEATING & COOLING EQUIPMENT – Gas, oil & electric furnaces; outdoor wood heaters, gas and oil boilers, geothermal heat pumps; central air & window air units, duct work & fittings. Installation available. Free estimates. FLEETWOOD’S on CR 665, Bloomingdale, (269) 521-3382. WANTED TO BUY: Coins Foreign or U.S. Old money. Jewelry, watches, scrap gold or silver. EARL COIN AND JEWELRY, 207 West Monroe Street, Bangor, MI.. (269) 427-8348. Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 10am - 5pm, Saturday, 10am - 3pm. Or call for an appointment. ANTENNA, TELEVISION & VCR REPAIR. J & J SERVICE. CR-388, GRAND JUNCTION. PHONE (269) 434-6475. WATERFRONT MOBILE HOME ON SWAN LAkE. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, newly remodeled. Fully furnished, dock included. Pool, playground and boat launch. $405 monthly lot rent. 637 Pauline, Allegan. 616-538-1403. Asking $34,900. yum, food. PHOENIX FARM MARkET – I-196, Exit 20, East 1 mile to 71001 Phoenix Road, South Haven. Hours M - Th 10 am - 6 pm, Fri - Sun 9 am - 6 pm. Donuts Fri, Sat, Sun. Fruits & vegetables daily. Vidalia onion peach salsa available. Also jam, honey, Michigan blueberries, peaches & sweet corn. HELP WANTED – South Haven area Manufacturing Company has an immediate opening for an Office/Bookkeeper. Must be proficient in QuickBooks. Send resume to: lakemi2015@gmail.com G.C. SHRINk WRAPPING - We shrink wrap almost anything and almost anywhere, year round. Call George (269) 214-1852. NURSE AIDE OPPORTUNITIES – Countryside Nursing and Rehabilitaion Community, an Atrium Centers facility, has immediate openings, including 1st shift, for State Certified Nurse Aides at our 101-bed skilled nursing and rehabilitation facility located in South Haven, MI. If you are interested in working for a highly respected organization, please come fill out an application between the hours of 8:30 am - 5:00 pm. Monday through Friday, we guarantee on the spot interviews. 120 Baseline Road, South Haven. EOE M/W/ Vets/Disabled. FOR SALE Firewood, $50 per pick up truck load. (269) 214-8285. COOL DEALS on CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING, FURNACES & BOILERS – Great warranties, competitive pricing and installed by a name that has been trusted in the area over 50 years. Valentine Heating & Cooling Service (269) 427-8751. WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE!! Cars, trucks, tractors, equipment, etc. (269) 569-2283 CERTIFIED NURSE AIDE OPENINGS – Full time CNA positions available at Ely Manor skilled nursing and rehab facility in Allegan. Come work with individuals who are dedicated to improving the quality of life for seniors and individuals needing post-acute rehab. * Must have a CENA Certification. To inquire, please call 269.673.1500 or email: skiser-towne@peplinskigroup.com CONGRATS SIARA CAPPS on your reserve grand champion, heavy dairy feeder calf! REFRIGERATOR FREEzER side by side, stainless steel, 24 cubic feet. Excellent condition. 616-405-0953. HELP WANTED – Someone to cut, rake, square bale, and put 5-acre hayfield into barn. 269-7670103. S & B CLEAN UP Your FULL Service Specialist Tree Removal/Trimming, House/Deck Power Washing, Painting, Staining, Gutters. Cleaning out of Basements, Storage Units, Garages. Brush Removal, Trash/Garbage, and Appliances. Licensed and INSURED. (269) 206-6094. great stuff! WHISPERING PINES ESTATES: LOTS available For Rent. Move in special, $50 off 1st 3 months. (269) 6373435. kITCHEN CABINETS Major brands, free estimates. We come to you. Labor available. 8723281. HOUSEkEEPERS NEEDED - must have own transportation and be available 7 days a week. Apply in person at Lake Bluff Inn & Suites, 76648 11th Ave., South Haven LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE – Call 269-340-0395 today! 720 W. Monroe, Bangor, MI. www.gminsurancemi.com. MEDICARE SUPPLEMENTS!! Low cost. Call Sherry at Ken Bleeker Insurance. No obligation quotes. (269) 672-5228 WaYne’s ContraCtING! Decks; roofing; vinyl siding; pole barns, modular set-ups, concrete & painting. Insured. Free estimates. (269) 637-9483 or (269) 569-2283 these ads sell! Heaven’s rains CLEANING Complete Interior & Exterior Home Cleaning • Housekeeping, Private, Rentals, Condo’s, Business • Soft Exterior House Wash & Roof Washing • Deck Washing, Restoration, Sealing • Window Cleaning, Interior & Exterior • Painting, Interior & Exterior • Drywall • Commercially Insured. Call 4 Quote (269)767-0541 EXCAVATING SERVICES: Driveway work, gravel, crushed concrete, septic systems, water lines and sewer lines. (269) 637-5642. PISTOL CLASSES: CCW, NRA Certified Instructors. WATERVLIET ROD & GUN CLUB, (269) 468-3837 or (269) 468-7875. AUTO GLASS BY GOBLES – Call 760-2781. C & R OUT ON A LIMB TREE CARE, LLC: Tree trimming, topping, removal, stump grinding, clean up & storm work. 24 hr. service. Insured. Free Estimates. Competitive prices. (269) 214-1914, (269) 767-2767. USA QUALITY METAL FINISHING is taking applications for polishers & buffers. No experience required, will train. Apply within at 150 Industrial Park Dr., Bangor. PROPANE FILLING STAtion at Yogi Bear’s JELLYSTONE PARk™ CAMP-RESORT – Open 7 days a week 9 am to 9 pm. We fill partial tanks. 20# tanks $14.00 + tax. Located on the corner of 64th Street and Phoenix Road-03403 64th Street. “Our Business is Picking Up”. Sort it & sell it! Sales Central page coming soon! Time to get organized. WAYNE’S CONTRACTING! Decks; roofing; vinyl siding; pole barns, modular set-ups, concrete & painting. Insured. Free estimates. (269) 637-9483 or (269) 569-2283 Dr. Blake Hardin, Dr. Fred Leavitt & Staff PREMIER GLASS REPLACEMENT AUTO • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL SHOWER DOORS & VINYL WINDOWS PREMIER Corporate Office M43 Hwy., Suite 3 South Haven • MI • 49090 (269) 767-7666 • (269) 929-0391 premierglasssouthhaven@gmail.com GLASS Lakeshore appLianCes Sales • Service • Parts 269-637-8933 Booking Appointments and/or accepting referrals for: Wisdom Tooth Removal • Sedation • Dental Implants Immediate Dentures • All Dental Extractions We now accept patients with Delta Dental Health Plan of Michigan Evening & Friday appointments available at little to no wait. We are now accepting resumes. Please contact Dr. Fred Leavitt & Dr. Blake Hardin at (269) 637-1306 to schedule your appointment. 1088 S. Bailey Ave., South Haven INDEPENDENT SERVICE CORPORATION Blue Star Hwy. & CR-380 The Bangor Historical Society will meet on Thursday, August 13th, 2015 7 p.m. In the Simpson UMC Community Room 507 Joy Street Ron Freestone will present a powerpoint presentation featuring his collection of vintage Bangor, and train-related postcards. KROHN EXCAVATING, Advertisers CALL TODAY FOR AN ESTIMATE 269-767-0941 Scott Krohn 269-217-8910 FREE ADMISSION Open to the Public Refreshments served after the meeting. 19883 Blue Star Hwy., South Haven, MI 49090 LLC Salute our Veterans, or tout your business – A portion of your ad cost will be donated to Operation Injured Soldier Steve Krohn 616-836-1942 55365 M43 • Bangor, Michigan • 49013 FOR SALE – Generator 5,000 watt, Husky 4200 42” cut, riding lawn mower, pull behind seeder & fertilizer, dinghy (small boat) Watertender 8.8. Yard sweeper, Fimco Industries yard sprayer, Brindley lawncare cart. (269) 427-5148. WanteD! CLarK’s aUto PARTS is buying cars, truck and all metals for recycling. Lawrence, MI. (269) 6744905 or 1-800-707-8650. ELDER CARE IN YOUR HOME – 12 years experience caring for my mother who had Alzheimers. Went through all the stages with her. Excellent references. $13/hr. Call Tom through 269-427-7628 or through 269-767-1500. Applications available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at: Van Buren Public Transit 610 David Walton Drive Bangor, MI 49013 or online at EOE www.vbco.org Serving All of Southwest Michigan COOL DEALS on CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING, FURNACES & BOILERS – Great warranties, competitive pricing and installed by a name that has been trusted in the area over 50 years. Valentine Heating & Cooling Service (269) 427-8751. HAY, FIRST CUT GRASS/ CLOVER mix, $3.50 per bale. (269) 312-3764. CR 687, Bangor. EARL COIN AND JEWELRY: Open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, 10am5pm, Saturday, 10 am-3pm or call for an appointment. Professional jewelry and watch repair, custom stone cutting and mounting design - all done on premises. BUY, SELL OR TRADE. 207 West Monroe, Bangor. (269) 427-8348 South Haven Family Dentistry is what Van Buren Public Transit is all about. If you enjoy working with the public, then driving a bus may be the job for you! Knowledge of service area helpful. CDL with a P endorsement helpful but will train if hired. Come join our team because, 269-427-7474 SLEEPY HOLLOW RESORT – in South Haven has openings for various positions including housekeeping. Please call the office to obtain an application. 269-637-1127. FOR SALE - 9.8 HP, Mercury long shaft boat motor, Mercury Thunderbolt ignition 110 boat motor, very good condition. SH. Also, men’s Schwinn 10-speed bike, very good condition, $50. Men’s Adidas football shoes, size 10, $70. (708) 254-7454. BUS DRIVERS Transporting people throughout Van Buren County Call today for FREE DESIGN SERVICE HAY FOR SALE - Timothy and Alfalfa, $4 bale, five blueberry catchers, $25 each or five for $100. WANTED TO BUY: Hay rake. (269) 767-6274 or (269) 767-6420. HELP WANTED – South Haven area Manufacturing Company has an immediate need for a person with welding experience for miscellaneous projects on an as needed basis. Possibly weld in our shop or yours. Send resume to: lakemi2015@gmail.com PERMANENT PART-TIME TRANSIT Color Ads pop! FOR SALE - 1989 International 1600 Stake truck w/N55 National Knuckle Boom. Also has a 16 ft. Stake Dump bed. (269) 637-3840. PAGE 5 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com aFForDaBLe hoUsinG For FaMiLies Accepting applications for 3 bedroom homes with family size of 3 to 6 members. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Hookups for washer and dryer. Homes are located near schools, playgrounds, churches and the grocery stores. Rent is based on income up to a maximum rent. Apply today to be placed on our waiting list. Contact The SOUTH HAVEN HOUSING COMMISSION, 220 Broadway, South Haven, MI (269) 637-5755 Equal Housing Opportunity Van Buren Reminder’s Salute to Veterans Special Section The 4th Annual Boat Parade is August 22, in South Haven SNK TraNSmiSSioN Where Performance matters! 7495 Fluid & Filter Change $ Most Vehicles - And adjust bands as necessary Financing available 22203 m-40, Gobles, mi 49055 269-628-0186 owner: mike Hackett Honoring All AftermArket WArrAnties Nationwide Warranty Place your Garage Sale Ad in The Reminder. The home of sales central Call us for our design expertise. Reminder 269-427-7474 Advertise in a one, two, or three star color ad Publishing August 16 1 col. x 2” 2 col. x 2” ✩✩ ✩✩✩ 2 col. x 3” Samples shown are the shape, but not the actual size. Samples shown are the shape, but not the actual size. Samples shown are the shape, but not the actual size. ✩ Call us about prices Ad deadline is Wed., Aug. 12 @ 3 pm Call Tyna @ 269-569-5966 Call Becky @ 269-251-4574 Call Jessica @ 269-214-8560 Contact the Van Buren Reminder @ 269-427-7474 or reminder49013@aol.com SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com Fresh-picked from our fields… Funerals and cremation are mutually exclusive. A funeral (with or without the body present) may be held prior to cremation. Embalmed bodies are often cremated. Sweet corn, Blueberries, Peaches, Tomatoes, & cantalope RAJZER’ S Farm Market & Greenhouses HOURS: Mon-Sat. 9-6 • closed Sunday Rock Harbor also… Green Beans, Celery, Cucumbers, Peppers, Zucchini, Pickles, New Potatoes, & More! Like Us On 269-423-4941 76301 M-51 • DecaTUr 2mi N. of Decatur • 4mi S. of I-94 (exit 56) Quality Door Company Locally owned and operated for 21 years Garage Doors and Openers D.L. Miller Funeral Home, Inc. BANGOR CHAPEL BLOOMINGDALE CHAPEL 203 E. Spring P.O. Box 171 258 W. Monroe St. Bloomingdale, MI 49026 Bangor, MI 49013 PH: (269) 521-3121 PH: (269) 427-7551 Floyd Decker, manager Ryan K. Oliver, manager/owner GOBLES CHAPEL 208 W. Main P.O. Box 6 Gobles, MI 49055 PH: (269) 628-2852 D.L. Miller, manager • Residential • Commercial • Sales Repairs • Emergency Service • Replacement Springs 05666 C.R. 687, South Haven • 269-637-8761 COUNTRY HOUSE FURNITURE Starting at $69995 08337 M-140 Hwy. South Haven, MI (269) 637-6135 Lift Recliner daily 9:30 - 5:30; Mon. & Fri. ‘til 8; closed Sun. • All Major Credit Cards • Credit Terms Available www.countryhousefurniture.net Painting Ken Whaley (269)449-6615 FREE ESTIMATES HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER - 2/3 bedroom, 2 bath, on 2-1/2 country acres. Minutes from Lawrence, Paw Paw and South Haven. Must See! (269) 674-8995 for details/ showing. Stop using words that hurt. 212 Trowbridge Allegan, MI (269) 686-1155 your Locally Owned & Operated LP gas company Serving All of SW Michigan We thank you for your business. You’re not just a customer – You’re a neighbor. 800-226-6779 269-415-0425 37174 Red Arrow Hwy. • Paw Paw FOUNE Since 1970 RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • IRRIGATION WELL DRILLING & REPAIR Member of Michigan and National Ground Water Association 2” SCREEN CHANGING Accepting most mAjor credit/debit cArds chiropractic clinics Summer’s here! Color it up! Let us help your business grow with reminder-designed ads. 269-427-2800 Hartford 60069 CR 687 269-621-3800 KM KERRY MARK Serving SW Michigan Since 1995 Want a great place to live? Celebrating 16 Years! Lawrence Downs JENNIFER HOPSON Now accepting applications. 1 & 2 bedrooms from $477-$547. Stylist/Manicurist Office: 605 S. Paw Paw St., Lawrence, MI (269) 674-4157 • TTY 711 410 Phoenix South Haven (Across from Acapulco Restaurant.) 269.639.0363 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. kerrymark.com SANDBLASTING: No job too small! 637-6309, Blue Star Highway, South Haven. LOW COST AUTO INSURANCE – Call 269-340-0395 today! 720 W. Monroe, Bangor, MI. www.gminsurancemi.com. 269-427-7809 South Haven Lic. #2101116810 salon/day spa FREE HEAT Director: Dr. A. E. Lotfi, D.C., PLLC • Home Repair & Remodeling • Carpentry, Drywall & Trim • Finish or Repair • Window Repair or Replacement 12921 M-140 Hwy. South Haven, MI • • Security deposit plans available • Large closets • Laundry in every bldg. • Awesome playground • Tax dollars welcome! • Easy commute to SH & Kzoo • 24-hr. on call emergency • Public transporation • 1 & 2 Bedrooms available STATE LICENSE #80-2159 Home Repair & Handyman Service phone 269.637.2996 fax 269.637.1212 STUMP GRINDING Weekends, Saturdays & Sundays. Please leave message. Will return ASAP. 1-269-668-9921. GFI ENTERPRISES, INC. LICENSED & INSURED. Expert in Remodeling and New Construction since 1987. “Quality is our #1 Goal”. Specializing in Kitchens, Baths, Garages, Basements, Family Rooms, Additions, Decks, Siding, Painting, Design Work, New Homes. Bob Mitchell (Owner). (269) 427-7867 or 888-667-6703. Joe’s Blues is looking for elliot Blueberry fields that have not been sprayed. Will pay top dollar. Call 562-774-6510 ✃ Bakery COUPON SAVINGS! & Bulk Foods FreSH Homemade Blueberry Pie, Cheesecake, Muffins, Scones, Coffeecake & Jelly FREE WI-FI $1.00 OFF a LARGE PIE with this coupon. Expires 8/22/15 NEW Summer Hours: T-Thurs. 6:30-4:30 • Fri. 6:30 to 6 • Sat.8-3 38772 W. Red Arrow Hwy • Paw Paw, MI 49079 • (269) 913-4056 TTY: 1-800-549-3777 1210 Phoenix Rd. Ste. 10 www.medallionmgmt.com 269-639-7200 autumnwind@medallionmgmt.com Professionally managed by Medallion Management, Inc. Income Limits apply Paw Paw 38044 Red Arrow Hwy. 269-657-4200 Massage therapist available at all clinics PaGe 7 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com cashwaybody@yahoo.com 309 E. Arlington • Bangor A Holistic Approach to Optimal Health Bangor Insurance & Personal Work Autumn Wind 4” - 8” Wells Specializing in 5” PVC wells 125 W. Monroe Cashway Body & FRAME INC. ANTENNA, TELEVISION & VCR REPAIR. J & J SERVICE. CR-388, GRAND JUNCTION. PHONE (269) 434-6475. WELL DRILLING INC. M-43 628-2700 33215 PAW PAW SUNday, aUGUST 9, 2015 ✃ Page 6 Fishing for Deals? 4Gsorting Android Do you need help out the Health Moto Insurance E Marketplace? $ Health Insurance Marketplace 2999 for Open enrollment begins 11/15/2014 ▪In order to receive coverage by 1/1/2015, you must enroll 269-621-6622 269-767-7716 Pay & Go by 12/15/2014 6 West Main Street 602 Broadway Wireless ▪Open enrollment closes the year on 2/15/2015 Hartford, MI 49057 South for Haven, MI 49090 Weareheretohelpyounavigatethesystem.Wehavecertified application counselors available Monday through Friday, 9 am to 4 pm. For an appointment, please call 269.639.2985. Handley’s Hardwood LUMBER RODEO 2015 Healthy Michigan Plan The Healthy Michigan Plan provides health carebenefitstoMichiganresidentsatalowcost so that more people can have health care coverage. Individuals are eligible for the Healthy Michigan Plan if they: Friday, August 14, 12-8pm Saturday, August 15, 8am-4pm Mark your Calendar ▪ Areage19-64yearsold •▪10-50% off lumber in packs must pick up For more info and Haveincomeatorbelow133%ofthefederalpovertylevel*($16,000 prizes like forasinglepersonor$33,000forafamilyoffour) during during rodeo Cash & Check only special us on Facebook ▪ DonotqualifyfororarenotenrolledinMedicare •▪Mill & Kiln tours Prizes at facebook.com/ DonotqualifyfororarenotenrolledinotherMedicaidprograms Handleyshardwood •▪Network with other woodworkers FREE FOOD Arenotpregnantatthetimeofapplication & DRINKS ▪ more AreresidentsoftheStateofMichigan For information or questions call Josh Bridges- Outside Sales 269-375-3300 Email: handleystreeservice@yahoo.com *EligibilityfortheHealthyMichiganPlanisdeterminedthroughtheModifiedAdjustedGross Income methodology. www.handleyshardwoodlumber.com or facebook.com/Handleyshardwood WehavetrainedfinancialcounselorsavailableMondaythroughFriday, 9 am to 4 pm to assist you with the online application process. For an appointment, please call 269.639.2985. 8342 West Main Street (M-43), Kalamazoo between Leader’s Marine and D&R Sports 955 S. Bailey Ave., South Haven, MI www.sh-hs.org D. L. MILLER FUNERAL HOME, INC BANGOR CHAPEL 258 W. Monroe St. Bangor, MI 49013 PH: (269) 427-7551 Ryan K. Oliver, manager/owner GOBLES CHAPEL BLOOMINGDALE CHAPEL 203 E. Spring P.O. Box 171 Bloomingdale, MI 49026 PH: (269) 521-3121 Floyd Decker, manager 208 W. Main P.O. Box 6 Gobles, MI 49055 PH: (269) 628-2852 D.L. Miller, manager The Bangor Community Fire department & the Kelly Miller Circus announce Circus Coming to Bangor! www.drlotfichiropracticclinics.com BARBER SHOP Walk-ins Only! SHOP HOURS Monday - Friday • 8 am - 6 pm Saturday Morning • 8 am - Noon Closed Tuesdays! 427-5500 Located next to Bangor City Hall “Danny’s - where your business is always appreciated!” PUT AN END TO CHILD ABUSE. American Red Cross Please Donate. Our County Blood Supply is Low. www.redcross.org Catch ’em here! Showtimes 4:30 & 7:30 7:30 am Activities FREE EXCITEMENT! See Animal Feedings! Watch the Tent Go Up! Tiger Meet & Greet! at don Mora Ball Field Behind Hardings Market ☞ SAVE $$$ BUY TICKETS BEFORE AUG. 21 Advance tickets sold at Hardings Market, Bangor Banking Center, Lander’s Hardware & the Bangor Fire Department TICKETS Advance Sales Adults $12 Children (Under 12) $6 On Circus Day Adults $16 Children (Under 12) $8 Page 8 SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com K Kalvan Realty, Inc. Putnik Excavating POND CONSTRUCTION www.Kalvan.com 1967 www.kalvan.com • SINCE Since 1967 • Ag Ponds • Private Fish Ponds • Existing Pond Cleanout & Deepening (60 ft. Excavator) • IrrIgatIon • DemolItIon GOBLES – 201 S. State • (269) 628-2151 BANGOR 226Monroe W. Monroe • (269) 427-5622 GOBLES - 201 S. State St.St. • (269) 628-2151 BANGOR - 226– W. • (269) 427-5622 Mark Putnik Owner (269) 906-1002 SUNday, aUGUST 9, 2015 PaGe 9 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com Wonderful Watervliet Markputnik@gmail.com 15041922 - $169,900 This older farm house sits on 30 beautiful acres, and would be perfect for the outdoor enthusiast. With its 4 bedrooms and 2 full baths, it would accommodate a large family well. It has a 2 plus car detached garage, along with a 36’ X 60’ pole barn that’s set up for horses. As an added bonus, there’s an outdoor wood boiler for heating the home. 15010632 - $275,500 – PRICE REDUCED!!!! There is still time for summer fun and it can begin right here in this 15002190- $139,000 beautiful home on all This is an AWESOME investment property. There are sports scott lake. This three, 2 bedroom units and one, one bedroom unit. year around home is The gross rent is approximately $1,900 a month. in move-in condition Each unit is approximately 750-800 sq. feet. There and has many unique is a commercially managed laundry facility, which features, including a newer 3 season porch and a provides for extra income. They all have their own nice kitchen with a large eating area for your summer utilities. There are also long term tenants. parties. There also is a newer pole barn and a 16 x 10 storage building for all your summer toys. Free! PAPER Free! SHREDDING GENEVA & SOUTH HAVEN TOWNSHIP RESIDENTS Saturday, august 29, 9:00 a.m. to Noon. disposal of personal and/or private papers by shredding will be available at the Geneva Township Hall, 62127 CR 380 LIMIT - 10 paper boxes to be shredded Questions, Call (269) 427-7607 PROPERTY NUMBER REQUIRED Geneva & South Haven Township Board PAPER Free! SHREDDING Free! oPen HoUSe - Sat., aug. 22 - 1 to 3 pm 15020766 - $44,900 Beautiful country setting. Check out this nice sized 3-bedroom, 2 bath home in Arlington Township. Set on 3 acres of land, this home has a large kitchen, large living room, and comfortable master bedroom with a whirlpool tub and separate shower. Vacant Land 95’ Black River frontage with boat dock 13037940 - $35,500 Great location on the northeast corner of downtown Lawrence. Completely remodeled in 2005, this retail space has large display picture windows, newer carpet, new sink and countertops, central air, a half bath, storage area in the rear of the building. Great Location + Great Price = Great Opportunity. 248 oak Street • South Haven PrICe reDUCeD! - $624,900 4 BR, 3 BA, 2,700 sq. ft. Main floor Master Suite and Laundry MLS#15022577 Jill Kingsbury Cell: 269.207.7548 Office: 269.488.5352 15009510 - $29,900 15018594 - $39,900 This wooded 6 acres with a pond can also be purThis wooded 22+- acres is located just south of chased with MLS # 15009510, address 33883 52nd. Scott lake. This 6 plus acres is cleared. What a great combination for a new home. Sale price for both is $55,000. Real Estate Sales and Service Including: • APPRAISALS • AUCTIONS LAND CONTRACT Real estate Sales and• Service Including:PROCESSING • LAND DIVISIONS • DEVELOPMENT • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • APPRAISALS • AUCTIONS • LAND CONTRACT PROCESSING • LAND DIVISIONS • DEVELOPMENT • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Foster Asphalt Maintenance & Repair Seal - Crack Repair - Patching Senior Discount Free Estimates (269) 547-1588 Briar Hills Apartments Taking Applications APPLY AT BRIAR HILLS OFFICE 1010 6TH AVE., SOUTH HAVEN RENT BASED ON INCOME • 1-2-3 BEDROOMS BARRIER FREE “This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” Call: 269-637-1782 TTD/TTY DIAL 711 www.info@briarhillapts.net AUTO REPAIR NEED A COPY? Photocopies available at the Van Buren Reminder. 25¢ per copy 35¢ Color TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES! SUMMER SUNGLASS SALE! 40% OFF Plano Sunglasses • Choose from Guess, Vera Bradley, Just Cavalli, Gant, Columbia, Nautica, Polaroid and more! • Eye examinations are available. South Haven Eyecare Associates Alice M. Bacak, O.D. J. Alan Mannik, O.D. 1088 S. Bailey Ave., Suite B, South Haven 269-637-1442 RidleyAutomotive “Where price is important - but satisfaction is priceless!” Keep that car on the GO with eXPeRT attention for: • Brakes & Mufflers • Tune-ups • Reconditioning George A. Ridley, Jr. Allan S. Ridley Mich. Master Certified Techs 269-227-3402 6649 109th Ave., South Haven, MI 49090 AUTO REPAIR SAVE GAS Shop Locally www.vanburenreminder.com 15041957 - $25,000 Mobile home is in need of some TLC. It would, however, be a nice rental property. Has a nice 2 car garage. Tom Smith Tractor - Celebrating 50 years in Watervliet! The concept of Toms Smith Tractor Parts was born in 1965. The original concept was to offer parts for tractors, farm equipment and auto/truck needs, as there wasn’t a convenient place for the farmers in the area, who would loose valuable time running to town or having to order what they needed to keep their operations going. The building that we purchased had been a small convience grocery store, located at the corners of Red Arrow Hwy and Co. Line Road. (Berrien Co. and Van Buren Co.) Owners Tom and Shirley Smith started the business. Tom took care of all the customer contact, sales, etc., while Shirley concentrated on the office needs. Over the years, we have extended the size of the buildings and added to our inventory. We have, for the most part, kept up with the needs of our customers. We offer a complete line of tires and tire repairs that are installed on site. Proud Dealer We added a tractor line and sell several sizes of tractors as well as accessories. We have often changed tractor manufacturers for the ones that fit our customer needs. If we changed a tractor line, we always serviced what we had sold in the past, as we always have a mechanic to do the repairs and servicing. Due to health reasons, Tom Sr. has retired but still hangs around visiting with customers. Shirley has cut back on her hours but still works in the office part time. Their son Tom Smith now runs the business. Lori Smith, Tom’s wife, can be seen at the store, working back in the office most days. This year we celebrate 50 years in the business. We are so thankful for all the customers and friends we have made over the years. Thank you everyone. Tom Smith Tractor Parts, Inc., 69760 Red Arrow Hwy, Hartford, MI 49057 TOM SMITH Computer Problem? We’ll Fix It! Serving Farmers since 1965 Virus Removal • Tuneups • Windows 8 Makeover • Computer Sales • Remote Support and On-Site Service TRACTOR SALES, INC. Orchard & Vegetable Sprayers Mowers • Forklifts • Parts For All Makes • Car, Truck & Farm Tires Servicing All Brands of Computer Systems Prompt Professional Service COMPUTER SERVICES Tom Maeder email: tstractor@comcast.net 69760 Red Arrow Hwy, between Hartford & Watervliet (WEST of Four Winds Casino) M-F 8 to 5, Sat. 8 to Noon Hartford (269) 621-2001 • Watervliet (269) 463-6141 Beautiful Beads, Glorious Gardens, Pleasant Plants & so much more! The Enchanted Bead & M-140, north of Hagar Shore Rd. Watervliet • 269-463-5786 Sweet Summer Gardens Spring is… In The Air & In Our Shop! POP IN for Spring Arrangements or Plants. Gifts Galore: Scarves, Jewelry, Candles & More! Flower Basket Florist Mon. - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-12 336 N. Main St. Watervliet, MI 49098 • (269) 463-3903 Open 9am-6pm Mon.-Fri., 9am-2pm Sat., & by appointment. Call Today… www.gofixme.com 104 N. Main Street. Watervliet, MI 49098 269-463-4963 www.cortezflooring.com • M-Sat. 9-5 • Closed Sun. Frosty Boy 269-463-5293 Inside Seating Ice Cream & Coney Dogs Drive Up Window Soft Serve & Hand Dipped Hours: Monday - Saturday 11:30 am - 9 pm (open every day until 10 pm starting May 22 through Labor Day) Sunday Noon - 9 pm Open 7 days a week May- August 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Serving Bangor and Surrounding Communities! www.flowerbasketflorist.biz Tom Smith Jr. continues the tradition started by his father. 620 S. Main, Watervliet, MI 49008 ek Mill Cre s ’ e i l r a Ch 3801 N. M-140, Watervliet, MI 49098 • Party Room • Catering Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner M-Sat. 6-8 • Sun. 7-3 269-463-4212 M-F 9-6 Sat. 10-3 Sun. Closed Discount Groceries www.facebook.com/bboutletsales.com 131 N. Main St. Watervliet, MI 49098 WE BUY, SELL & REPAIR! Wanted To Buy Old Trains, Toys & Hobby-Related Items! Open T-F noon-6 p.m., Sat. 9-6 p.m. Bob’s Hobby Shop Factory-Authorized Lionel Service Technician On Site. 115 N. Main Street • Watervliet, MI 49098 • (269) 463-7452 SUNday, aUGUST 9, 2015 Park Meadows Apartments Looking Back What happened in 1966? Money matters: New house – $13,600.00; Income per year – $6,450; Gas per gallon – 31 cents; Cost of a new car – $2,650; Loaf of bread – 21 cents and Average rent per month $118. events: Race riots break out In Watts, California. • The Voting Rights Act – guaranteeing African Americans the right to vote – becomes law. • Malcolm X shot in New York. • The Gemini Space Program continues and lays the groundwork for manned mission to the moon. • Lyndon B. Johnson increases the number of U.S. troops in South Vietnam from 75,000 to 125,000. • The Mary Quant-designed Mini Skirt appears in London. • One of most popular films of all time, “Sound of Music,” is released. • The Beatles Release the movie and album, “Help!” • The Grateful Dead, with lead guitarist Jerry Garcia, play their first concert, in San Francisco. – Information from www.thepeoplehistory.com One, two, and three bedroom apartments and town homes • Central air • Dishwasher • Microwaves • Personal washers and dryers • Nine acres of beautiful natural surroundings 11225 Park Meadows Dr., Ste. D. South Haven, MI 49090 www.medallionmgmt.com Air conditioning tUnE-UPS, repairs and replacements. cALL ME! Joe Wegel Heating & Air Conditioning. Bangor and surrounding areas. (269) 906-0917 Are you looking to buy or sell a home? Contact us, we can help you! Castaway Rentals & Real Estate LLC 269-637-1602 1pm shotgun start Senior Club Championship For more info: www.cheshirehills.com Thursdays, Aug. 20 & 27 • Driving Range • Pro Shop • Golf Lessons • Leagues • Golf Outings • Banquets • Restaurant • Sports Bar Choose Foursomes on Aug. 20 & Flights on Aug. 27 Starts 8am Enjoy your neighborhood… SHOP LOCALLY! Join the team The Van Buren Reminder is looking for Advertising Sponsors for the South Haven Rams fall sports page. The Van Buren Reminder is looking for Advertising Sponsors for the Bangor Vikings fall sports page. Businesses, Clubs, Boosters, Organizations are all welcome! Fall Sports Contact the reminder for the details: 269-427-7474 reminder49013@aol.com ➦ your advertisement will help bring Vikings sports to the community. Businesses, Clubs, Boosters, Organizations are all welcome! NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER! South haven rams Boys & Girls Cross Country • Football • Girls Golf • Boys Soccer • Boys Tennis • Girls Swimming • Volleyball Varsity Football A Homecoming Victory! Sports coverage begins late August, so please call now. By Coach Troy Ayotte I n South Haven’s Homecoming game the Rams clinched a victory over Dowagiac with a 34-28 score. Daymion Archuleta had an impressive 116 yards on 22 carries, leading to two touchdowns. Danny Dopp added 103 yards on carries and a touchdown. Devon Smiley and Tony Browner once again made a team - Smiley with two touchdowns great and an interception and Browner with three receptions for 95 yards and two touchdowns. The Rams held Dowagiac to zero points for the first half. This Friday, the Rams travel to Edwardsburg. Our defensive line’s stellar play in the first half of the game. meant zero points for Dowagiac Terry & Bella, ready to assist! Join the team Sports coverage begins late August, so please call now. 269-427-7474 209 W. Monroe • Bangor info@castawayrentalsandrealestate.com www.castawayrentalsandrealestate.com Sunday, August 16 (269) 673-2882 Please call, or drop by if you want to advertise in the 2015 version of the Van Buren Reminder 269-637-8780 343 Blue Star Hwy • South Haven, 49090 Mixed Alternate Shot 3829 102nd Avenue Allegan, MI 49010 007 (Sean Connery) was a big draw in ’66. r 06701 Blue Star Hwy • South Haven auGust 17 - 21 • 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. 8:30am Shotgun Remember the Jell-O recipes that were filled with fruit? Gelatin molds were all the rage in the ’60s. ts ge Go d when the way VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL 269-639-7275 Thursday, August 13 Sherman ice cream is a South Haven jewel that has been around since 1916. ing Bethel BaPtist ChurCh Allegan General Hospital Foundation The Rudell brothers started their excavation company in 1946. Later they became concrete specialists. The company closed in 1970. llo w Fo Reminder Rewind PaGe 11 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com ! SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com ou gh Page 10 Homecoming Memories! ra Mr oY aLT Y! ! rade! ve a Pa We Lo Proud of our Color Guard! Color Us RAM PROUD!! Spirited seniors walk with their float in the Homecoming Parade. Art Club students paint on the Please support the businesses drivin’ for the win! (269) 637-2600 www.BeechesGolfClub.com Let’s get a Victory for the Village! VILLAGE MARKET FOOD CENTERS We Support our Team! Get ‘em Rams! Stop in after the win! COUNTRY HOUSE FURNITURE “YOUR COMPLETE H OME FURNISHINGS S MI www.countryhousefurniture.net 500 Phoenix Street. - South Haven 269-637-4755 Go Rams! You’re in the driver’s seat! South Haven Insurance Services 1076 S Bailey Ave • South Haven (269) 637-0333 613 Huron St. • South Haven 637-2105 jdorow@southhaveninsurance.com Lake Michigan Shoreline Office 888-764-2836 Photo by Jacob Niffeneggar Homecoming King and Queen Zach Haberland and Sarah Washegesic For you we can move the earth Go Rams!! TORE” 08337 M-140 Hwy. • South Haven, (269) 637-6135 “Ram Pride!” who make this sports page possible. Remington Excavating We’ve got you covered. Van Buren R EMINDER Serving: Bangor, Bloomingdale, Covert, Glenn, Grand Junction, Lacota, Pullman & South Haven 269-427-7474 www.vanburenreminder.com Contact the reminder for the details: 269-427-7474 reminder49013@aol.com ➦ your advertisement will help bring Vikings sports to the community. SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 Sales Central All y fou our ev nd in o ents — ne s pot Crafts by Michigan Artisans Vintage Clothes Boutique Open everyday 11-6 422 eagle Street • South Haven (269) 637-4333 aUgUSt 13 & 14, 9-3. Corner of Michigan & Indiana Streets. South Haven. Auction Tuesday, August 18, 2015 at 10:00am Located: 4462 Sawyer Road, Sawyer, MI OPeN HOUSe: Monday, aug 17th from 12:00 Noon - 1:00 pm TRUCK • TRACTOR • FARM IMPL: 1994 Dodge Dakota SLT 4X4 Pickup, Snow Plow • Case 245 Tractor, 4X4 w/Loader • 5’ Rear Rototiller • 5’ Brush Chopper • 5’ Rear Blade • 4’ King Cutter Rake • Kelly Loader • 1 & 2 Axle Trailers • 4’ Western Plow • SHOP TOOLS: Garage FULL of tools • Gas Furnace • ARTWORK • RUGS: MANY 20th Century Oil Paintings (see website for details) • Mexican Wood Head Carving • Bronze Indian • Tapestries • Morocco Rug • Large Rugs, Oriental • Wool Rug • LaWN eQUIP: Grasshopper, 52” Mower • Overhead Fuel Tank • 1994 EZ-GO Elect & 1994 Western Custom Golf Carts • FURNITURE • HOUSEHOLD • PIANO: Everett Piano, Baby Grand • DR Table & Chairs • Buffet • Leather Chair • Leather Inlay Lady’s Desk • Leather Love Seat & Sofa • Round Table & Chairs • Wet Bar • Bookcase • Dresser • Mexican Art • Mexican, Ornate Lamps • Occasional Chairs • Owner: Joe Hood BigBearauctionCompany.com Jerry & Aimee Glassman • 269-461-6686 Personal Property & Lake House AUCTION Friday, August 14 @ 10:00 a.m. Located : 49160 Rush Lake Rd, Hartford, MI Real Estate: 3 bed. home, - 1-1/2 bath, walk-out basement, over looking the lake Open House: Thurs, aug 13th, 10:00 am– 12:00 Noon Household Items: Ethan Allen Dining Table & Chairs, Secretary/ China Cabinet • Round Oak Table & Chairs • Modern Step Back Kitchen Cabinet • Fireside Chair • Kitchen Island Cabinet • Grand Father Clock • Curio Cabinet • Chest Freezer • Collectibles: Lladro Lady Figurine • Cup & Saucer Sets • Sterling Silver Candle Holders* Rooster & Elephant Figurines • Marble Base Lamp • Vintage Wall Phone • Oil Paintings • Prints • Window Pane Art • Vintage Doors • Cherub Pillar • Chime Clock • Wooden Butler • Iron Patio Chairs • garage Items: Lincoln 225 Welder • Atlas Floor Mount Drill Press • Craftsman Tool Chest • Wilton Vise • Dewalt Bench Mount Grinder • Air Compressor • Maxa Generator • 60 Era Bicycles • Weed Eater • Ariens Push Mower • Snow Blowers • Hand & Garden Tools • Truck Mount Hydraulic Boom Lift • Boats: 18’ PlayBuoy Pontoon Boat * 12’ Crestline Fishing Boat* 12’ Aluminum Swim Platform • Tractor & equip: MM 445 Row Crop Tractor • 5’ 3pt Disk • 5’ Ausco 3pt Brush Chopper • 3pt Buzz Saw • Oliver Grain Drill. Estate Of: Gloria & Wilson Peters. BigBearauctionCompany.com Jerry & Aimee Glassman • 269-461-6686 yaRD Sale - Saturday, August 15th only! 9-4, M-43, north on Hamilton St. to Third St. Left on High St., right on Greenhouse Road. Sleeping bags, tools, lg. ceramic roosters, shelving units, antique sewing machine, Christmas dinnerware, miniatures, brass/silver candleholders, material, yarn, green glasswares, exercise equip., religious pictures, NO JUNK! the ReSale place 10,000 sq. ft. showroom full of antiques, collectibles, vintage & retro, household, appliances, salvage, wood molding, frames, mats, glass, painted/restored/DIY furniture. We buy Estates! 3390 Eagle Drive, Allegan, MI (turn off M-40 at the bridge just 2 miles north of downtown Allegan). Open 10am - 5pm, 7 days a week. Like us on Facebook for frequent updates. Call us at (269) 673-6061. fiRSt chURch OF GOD’s BACK to School SeconD hanD Sale 603 Green Street South Haven Saturday, Aug. 15 • 9-3. Kids clothes 50¢ each. Adults clothes $1. Housewares, books, toys and miscellaneus. Two door prizes – Backpacks full of school supplies. Also, free school supplies @ checkout for each child that is present. (While supplies last.) Bake sale and lunch served. Sponsored by Senior’s Group. gaRage Sale - August 14, 9-4. 507 LaGrange. Clothes, 8x10 Bayberry rug, and miscellaneous. MUlti-faMily yaRD Sale Vintage items, clothes, big to children, baby items, tools and much more! August 13th - 16th, 9-5. No early sales. 363 60th Street, Grand Junction. Two miles north of 388. Estate auction Sat., August 15th, 2015 • 10:00am • 7689 N. 6th, Kalamazoo, MI 1939 Buick, 22k miles. Antiques, antiques, antiques. Please see auctionzip (20779) for photos. Pierce Auction Service Email: pierceauction@earthlink.net • 269-349-8485 High End Collectibles & Antique AUCTION Thursday, august 13, 2015 at 10 am Located: 5225 east TU ave, Vicksburg MI SWaROVSKI: Over 100 retired Swarovski Crystal Figurines • Mirrors, Pedestals • Display & Acrylic Boxes • Retired Clothique Original Santa Clause Figures • Cut Glass • Oil Paintings signed • Star Trek Framed Posters • FURNITURE/HOUSEHOLD: Wooden Hutch w/Glass Shelves • Traditions Christopher Radke Holiday China Set • Picnic Table • BowFlex Power Pro • Dressers • Wooden Book Shelves • Metal HD Storage Shelves • Vintage Stereo Equipment Receivers • Tuners • VCR • Sanyo Apt. Size Fridge • Drafting Table • Pampered Chef • Floor Lamp • Exercise Bike • Kitchen Magician • Power Pop • 3-D Artwork • Couch • Brass Squirrels • Wardrobe Cabinet • Forever Tan Perfect 16 Tanning Bed • True 500 Soft System Tread Mill • Bar Stools • Knick Knacks • Flat Screen TV ‘s • Porcelain Wall Hanging Plaques (Blum) • Metal Bakers Rack • Holiday Decorations • 2- Fitness Quest Torso Track Work Out Systems NIB • Security Coats and Jackets • Designer Clothing • Hallmark Figures • JeWeLRy: 2– 14k Gold & Diamond Necklaces • 14k Diamond Ring 87 Points • 14k Ring w/ 2 Carats of Diamonds • 14k Ring w/ 1-1/2 Carat of Diamonds w/ Platinum Setting • Plus Costume Jewelry • TOOLS: Garage Items • Electrical Supplies • Sale Manager: Jim Givens 269-330-2807 BigBearauctionCompany.com Jerry & Aimee Glassman • 269-461-6686 NEW THIS YEAR! faRMgiRl flea picKeRS & MaKeRS Over 150+ Vendors Sat. Sept 26 @ 9 am - 3 pm Hudsonville Fairgrounds H @ paintedfarmgirl.com @ 616-485-6065 gaRage Sale - Record player, gas furnace, vanity, old clocks, tools and lots more. Aug. 13, 14, 15. 9 am - 5 pm. 2 miles south of Bangor on CR 681, 1/2 mile east on CR 376 E. faMily Sale Friday & Saturday Aug. 14-15 • 10 am - ? Furniture, toys, misc. items, household, baby to large clothing, some glass dishes and plate collections. 6225 107th Ave. South Haven. gaRage Sale - August 14 & 15, 9-4. 18 cubic ft. refrigerator, sofa sleeper, recliner, oak coffee table, comforter sets, men & women’s namebrand clothing, lots of household miscellaneous & 8’ snow blade, turn cylinder. 72410 M-43, close to roundabout. REMINDER Antique Mall Fine Art • Collectibles Specialty ShopS of allegan Looking for things to do in west Michigan? Featuring 8 unique shops located in the Allegan area! Specialties include quilting, weaving, goat milk products, essential oils, massages, wool yarn, felting, antiques, antique hardware, wall art, pottery, wood working, fiber art, and delicious candy. You will never run out of things to do! Visit: www.thingstodowestmi.com for all information. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! POSITIONS INCLUDE: • Truck Driver/Pick-Up Crew • Home Build Crew • Retail Set-Up • Ramp Builders • Landscaping • Community Involvement Team Back to School Blast! FREE School Supplies Carnival-like atmosphere! • Ants • Termites • Spiders • Moles • Mosquitoes & Stinging Insects Look at this… standout. Choose among our many specialty border choices. Call 427-7474, email reminder49013@aol.com or stop in! We’d love to see you! VERY LARGE PUBLIC AUCTION SaTURday – aUgUST 15 – 10:00 a.M. 45 South 160th avenue, Holland, MI 49424 (between Ottawa Beach Road & Lakeshore) The Late James a. Kammeraad NAUTICAL & BIG LAKE FISHING GEER: Invader down riggers; salmon poles and reels; 100’s of lures; boat motors-Mercury 9.8 long shaft; TOOLS: S & K; Craftsman; Kennedy tool chests; machinist tools; Central Bench 4” sheer; arbor press; Lincoln 225 amp welder; floor jack; MANY Hand tools; steel racking; scaffolding units; 17’ scissors; POWeR TOOLS: Trinco dry sand blaster; DoAll surface grinder w/ electric magnet; Makita quick drive screwdriver NIB, Pride Victory 3-wheel scooter; Go-Go 3 wheel scooter; acetylene torch; A-frames; 2 wheel trailer; Toro 5 hp vac/blower; VeHICLeS: 1968 JEEPSTER COMMANDO- convertible V6 (running); 1967 Jeepster (non-running); misc. Jeepster parts; New V6 Buick engine w/valve heads; GOLD CROWN GAS PUMP; INDIAN GAS PUMP; traffic light; Holland’s -- “THE OLD NORTH END” lighted sign (2 sided) & large “In or Out Beer” neon sign NOTE….Jim loved his hobbies…fishing, outdoors, and tools!! Former owner of K-Line Industries. This is a “PARTIAL LISTING” There are MANY more tools and fishing items. Payment cash or check, no credit card. No buyers premium. dates for inspection: Thursday, 4-8 PM and Friday, 9 AM – 7 PM Full list check website: Dale Flokstra, Auctioneer (269) 751-8118 www.dalesauctioneering.com daLeS aUCTIONeeRINg SeRVICe LLC are hosting an Ice Cream Social Saturday, August 29 • 1-4 p.m. at the Bangor Elevator Donations accepted for the funding of Cannonball Restoration in Arlington Hill Cemetery Locally Owned & Operated ANDY PETERSON for more information 521-6462 www.northshorepest.com JOIN N FU THE ORT A P P U & S DERFUL WON USE! CA Heaven’s Rains CleanIng Complete Interior & Exterior Home Cleaning • Housekeeping, Private, Rentals, Condo’s, Business • Soft Exterior House Wash & Roof Washing • Deck Washing, Restoration, Sealing • Window Cleaning, Interior & Exterior • Painting, Interior & Exterior • Drywall • Commercially Insured. Call 4 Quote (269)767-0541 In the Reminder! $7.50 for 10 words, 35¢ each additional word. Add any of our special features to make your ad The Bangor Historical Society & The Cemetery Committee at the Pentecostals of South Haven 617 Kalamazoo Street South Haven, Michigan august 23 at 10 a.m. We Need Your Help! nOW HIRIng - South Haven Subway/Meijer. Inquire within, apply online at www. mysubwaycareer.com, or call (269) 556-9992. PICK UP YOUR 5 gallon bottles of Gordon Water at Lander’s & Wolverine Hardware. NOTICe Arlington Township Regular Board Meeting Wednesday, Aug. 19 • 7:00 pm Arlington Township Hall In the Paper www.vanburen reminder.com 52022 34th Ave, Bangor we design your ads. for FREE. Reminder 269-427-7474 William Pugsley, Clerk Area’s Premier & Largest Fresh Your Sales Online Too! • Garage Sales • Yard Sales • Barn Sales • Rummage Sales • Moving Sales • Mom to Mom Sales • Estate Sales • Auctions PaGe 13 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com PLEASE CALL (269) 302-0211 CLASSIFIEDS BARN SALE – 64725 CR 388, South Haven, B/T 66th St. and 64th St. Sat. and Sun., Aug. 15 & 16, 8 am - ? Home decor, household, clothes, Ford tractor, misc. and new items. • Garage Sales • Yard Sales • Barn Sales • Rummage Sales • Estate Sales • Auctions SUNday, aUGUST 9, 2015 All y fou our ev nd i e n on nts — e sp ot “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com Sales Central Page 12 Fresh Blueberries U-Pick - We Pick - Now Available! Vinyl • Wood • Metal • Log Painted • Custom Built Rent to Own No Credit Check As Low As $62 a Month We’re in the big blue building Stephenson Farms Market Open 7 days a week 8 am-7pm 6783 Baseline Rd. South Haven, MI 49090 (Located at Corner of 68th and Baseline) ☎ 269-637-4824 or cell 269-214-8819 yourbargainbarn.com Full Warranty! Get in the game! We Are Looking For Sports Sponsors. The schools, students and the community win with the the Bangor Vikings, and South Haven Rams sports pages Contact the Van Buren Reminder for more information. 269-427-7474 or reminder49013@aol.com 2305 M-139, Benton Harbor, MI (Old Blossom Lanes) SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com Substitute position with the possibility of full time. Before and after school bus runs. Must possess patience and willingness to provide safe transportation for children of Bangor Public Schools. applicant must be reliable and dependable. Requirements; high school diploma, five years’ experience driving a car, and no more than 3 points on license. The ability to obtain a CdL license, pass a physical exam, drug screening, and criminal history check. Beginning pay rate is $13.47 per hour. Please Call: (269) 427-6800 ext. 3100. all new construction, as well as mobile and modular homes require inspections. • Building Inspector: Chuck Moore, 269-569-0015 • electrical Inspector: Russ Puckett, (269) 208-7465 • Plumbing Inspector: Mike Field, (269) 348-4386 • Mechanical Inspector: Walt Devisser, (269) 427-7543 • Ordinance enforcement Officer: John O’Connell, 207-7746 www.arlingtontownship.org William Pugsley, Clerk HOME HEALTH AIDS, CENA’S, LPN’s, & RN’s needed immediately. Call A+ NURSING at (800) 531-0272. This is a must see! 13574 72nd Street South Haven $99,900 MLS15041837 Natalie Panek-Millitello n.panek22@gmail.com w: 269-767-7628 c: 269-377-6351 250 Broadway, Suite 1 • South Haven You can reach across Michigan with Community Papers of Michigan Ph. 1-800-783-0267 mifreeads.com STATEWIDE CLASSIFIED NETWORK Ads placed in Michigan Mega Market Classified Network appear in free circulation community papers and shopping guides reaching the grass roots of Michigan. Your advertising can be delivered weekly to more than 1,600,000 households throughout the state. ONLY $249 Call this paper to place a classified ad of 25 words or less and reach across the state. Amish Furniture Fishing Miscellaneous AN AMISH LOG HEADBOARD and Queen Pillow Top Mattress Set. Brand new-never used, sell all for $275. Call anytime 989-923-1278. VACATION CABINS FOR RENT IN CANADA Fish for abundant walleye, perch, northern pike. Boats, motors, gasoline included. Call Hugh 1-800-426-2550 for free brochure. www.bestfishing.com PIONEER POLE BUILDINGS Free Estimates Licensed and Insured. 2x6 Trusses. 45 Year Warranty Galvalume Steel-19 Colors. Since 1976 #1 in Michigan Call Today 1-800-292-0679 VIAGRA THE ORIGINAL BLUE PILL! Buy from someone you can trust. Viagra & Cialis 100mg/20 mg. 40 pills plus 4 free, only $99.00! Call today 1-877-595-1024 A PLACE FOR MOM. The nation’s largest senior living referral service. Contact our trusted, local experts today! Our service is FREE/no obligation. CALL 1-800-520-3521 Auctions AUCTION: SAT., AUG. 22, 2015 6587 Meridian, Banister, MI. 10:30 AM Hand and outdoor tools; pump BB gun; ammo; knives; furniture; household; misc. Details at Timsauctionservice.com 989-912-8701 REAL ESTATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY AUCTION Sun., Aug. 23, 2015, 11:30 AM. 2156 West Shephard Rd. Breckenridge, MI. Beautiful large two story home and 59.1 acres with pond. Details at Auctionzip.com ID# 5683 Marsa Auctioneering 989-269-7227 Mattress Sets A TEMPERPADIC/STYLE MEMORY FOAM MATTRESS SET Queen, new-never used, as seen on TV, with warranty. Cost $1,800, Sell $475. Can Deliver 989-832-2401 Medical DISH TV RETAILER -SAVE! Starting $19.99/month (for 12 months.) FREE Premium Movie Channels. FREE Equipment, Installation & Activation. CALL, COMPARE LOCAL DEALS! STOP OVERPAYING FOR YOUR 800-930-8959 MEDICATIONS! Save up to 80% BUILT BEST BARNS when you fill your prescriptions with Michigan’s largest Canada Pharmacy! Call now to compole barn company pare prices and get $10.00 off your Best Quality, Best Service, first prescription and FREE Shipping. START A NEW CAREER in Graphic Summer Specials 1-800-902-3240 Sale Ends Soon Arts, Healthcare, Business, or In24’x24’x8’=$6995.00 formation Tech. If you have a GED GOT KNEE PAIN? BACK PAIN? 24’x32’x8’=$7995.00 & need training, call 844-577-7443 Shoulder Pain? Get a pain-relieving brace -little or NO cost to you. Medi24’x40’x10’=$9495.00 30’x40’x10’=$10,995.00 care Patients Call Health Hotline 32’x48’x12’=$15,495.00 Now! 1- 800-490-8112 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY Completely Built BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied CPAP/BIPAP SUPPLIES AT LITTLE License/Insured benefits? We Can Help! WIN or Pay or no cost from Allied Medical Supply 1-877-802-9591 Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & As- Network! Fresh supplies delivered 989-205-2534 right to your door. Insurance may sociates at 1-800-731-5703 to start Get CABLE TV, INTERNET & cover all costs. 800-291-7476 your application today! PHONE with FREE HD Equipment READERS: THIS PUBLICATION DOES NOT KNOWINGLY ACCEPT adver- and install for under $3 a day! Call Now! tising which is deceptive, fraudulent, or which might otherwise violate the law 855-398-1795 or accepted standards of taste. However, this publication does not warrant or A C O R N S TA I R L I F T S . T h e guarantee the accuracy of any advertisement, nor the quality of the goods or AFFORDABLE solution to your services advertised. Readers are cautioned to thoroughly investigate all claims stairs! **Limited time -$250 Off Your made in any advertisements, and to use good judgment and reasonable care, Stairlift Purchase!**Buy Direct & (particularly when dealing with persons unknown to you who ask for money SAVE. Please call 1-800-280-1897 in advance of delivery of the goods or services advertised.) for FREE DVD and brochure. Education/ Career Training Financial FREE PILLS, No prescription Needed VIAGRA/ CIALIS 100mg/20mg Pills 40 + 4 free pills. Only $99.00 Discreet Shipping. Call Now! 1-800-404-1282 C A S H PA I D f o r u n e x p i r e d , sealed DIABETIC TEST STRIPS HIGHEST PRICES! Shipping prepaid. 1 DAY PAYMENT. 1 - 8 8 8 - 3 6 6 - 0 9 5 8 . www.Cash4DiabeticSupplies.com MEET SINGLES RIGHT NOW! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 877-710-7001 VIGORCARE FOR MEN the perfect alternative to other products, with similar results. There’s an Herbal Alternative to taking Viagra that’s Safe/Effective. 60 Pills / $99.00 plus S&H. 1-888-886-1041, herbalremedieslive.com POLE BARN DESIGNS Michigan’s Custom Pole Barn Experts. PreSeason Specials Now Available! Call for details! Rapid Quotes and VERY Competitive pricing. Build NOW and SAVE! Call toll free: 1-800-549-1240 www.polebarndesigns.com Motorcycles MOTORCYCLES WANTED Before 1985. Running or not. Japanese, British, European. $Cash$ paid. Free appraisals! Call 315-569-8094. Email pictures or Description to: Cyclerestoration@aol.com Real Estate DOCTOR BUYS LAND CONTRACTS, HOMES, AND REAL ESTATE Cash4LandContracts.com $10,000 - $500,000. Free Consultation! Fast Closing! Dr. Daniels and Son Realty. Michigan Licensed NMLS#138110. 248-335-6166 or 800-837-6166 Allan@DrDanielsAndSon.com Rentals RENT TO OWN HOME. 3 Beds 2 Baths $70k, $300 Per Month. www.RentToOwnCentral.net life well spent. Fresh, New, Exciting Colors & Styles ave you lost a loved one your choice! your choice! recently? Do you need to let the community know about their life accomplishments, their passions and their loved ones? Let us help you get the word out. We can Dylan leather Flexsteel sofa $1999.95 publish an obituary that celebrates their life. Feel free to call for more information, and a cost. Dana Sofa $ 99995 Tree Trimming & Removal l Lovely Country Home… Adorable 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom home with over an acre of peaceful country setting. Enjoy the convenience of being close to town and local businesses while enjoying the quiet atmosphere of the country. H PaGe 15 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com Your Style…Our Store…Your House A Inspection Notice Contact John O’Connell, Zoning administrator at 207-7746, between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. to apply for a zoning permit or to obtain information. SUNday, aUGUST 9, 2015 Digby Sofa $ 99995 Compare at $1,499.95 Comfort. It’s what we do. Climbers Specialize In Hard To Reach Places. 20 Years Experience Senior Citizen Discount • Roof Snow Removal Mark Hall 269-348-4019 269-998-5737 Firefighters needed. Columbia Township Fire department is looking for dedicated people that would like to be firefighters. If you have ever wanted to be a firefighter, now is your chance. If you are accepted onto CTFD, we pay for all required classes to get your State of MI Firefighter 2 certification, structural fire gear, any additional training and we pay you for the calls you respond to. Call (269) 434-6266. If no one answers, leave a message and someone will call you back. Or email the Fire Chief at columbiatwp.chief@live.com and he will schedule a time to meet and get you an application. WILL PICK UP FOR FREE Scrap Metal, Stoves, Refrigerators, and Washing Machines within 25 miles. Call Tom 269-6504210 or 269-673-4205 Your Complete Spa & Pool Headquarters! Holland Gas Grill • Big Green Egg Grill Electronic Leak Detection • Above Ground Pools • Spa & Pool Maintenance • Replacement Covers Free Water Analysis • Viking Spas • Pool & Spa Chemicals • Liner Replacement • Large Parts Inventory • Good Prices & Qualified, Certified Technicians! 1-800-779-0909 Two locations to serve you! South Haven 620 Phillips St. 269-637-4499 Coloma 160 N. Paw Paw St. 269-468-3118 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 10am-6pm • Sat. 10am-4pm • Sun. 10am-2pm Lancer Recliner $ 49995 Vail Chair $ 29995 an obituary for your loved one. 44995 $ Compare at $649.95 Compare at $899.95 Crandell, Leather Recliner $ 99995 Compare at $1,499.95 Compare at $1199.95 Fabric 64995 $ Victory chocolate sectional Look! See! Save! Lift Chair Recliner 0% Finance for 24 months! Starting at $ 69995 *see store for details Compare at $999.95 • FREE! FREE! Delivery Set-Up • $ JASMINE PLUSH 39995Queen Set Was 299 49995Queen Set $ NOW Twin Set 599 369 $ 499 95 $ Full Set $ 69995 $ 36995 Full Set $ 69995 King Set $ 99995 $ 59995 King Set $ 109995 $69995 $ 599 $ NOW Was Twin Set 95 Pride of Country House Plush or Firm BRANSON PLUSH 95 $ $ 95 95 Queen Set Was NOW $ 95 Twin Set $80995 449 Full Set $109995 $56995 King Set $159995 $89995 46995 SUPER BUY! *See Store For Details Special Financing Available during this event for a limited time!**With Qualifying Purchase FURNITURE MATTRESS APPLIANCE Daily 9:30-5:30; Mon. & Fri. ‘til 8; Closed Sun. • All Major Credit Cards • Credit Term Available 08337 M-140 South Haven (Village Market Plaza) 269-637-6135 COUNTRY HOUSE FURNITURE “YOUR COMPLETE HOME FURNISHING STORE” VISIT US ON PROOF O.K. BY:___________________________ PLEASE READ CAREFULLY • SUBMIT CORRECTIONS ONLINE 99995 FREE! Removal Of Old Bedding LIMITED TIME! BIG MATTRESS DEALS!* $ $ Pinnacle Leather Recliner $ 69995 (Fabric) Compare at $699.95 The Van Buren Reminder 269-427-7474 reminder49013@aol.com $ Pinnacle Recliner Natalie Sofa $ 69995 HL-00129532 Help Wanted - Bus Driver arlington Township Residents COUPONS IN THIS ISSUE Page 14 AUGUSTA PLUSH OR FIRM $ D! 2 SIDE 79995Queen Set Was Twin Set $96995 NOW $ 59995 Full Set $ 124995 $74995 King Set $ 179995 $109995 ALL PREVIOUS SALES EXCLUDED FROM THIS SALE. LIMITED QUALITIES ON SOME ITEMS 212 Trowbridge St. Downtown Allegan 269-686-1155 O.K. WITH CORRECTIONS BY:________________________ Page 16 SUNday, aUgUST 9, 2015 “Shop Locally with the Reminder” • 269-427-7474 • Email: reminder49013@aol.com Summer Fun Featured Vehicles $19,595 or $285 a month Is Sale Priced at Walt Sicard Car Company Stop in Today and See What’s New! Fine Pre-Owned Vehicles With No Worries! Quality Checked, Warranty Backed, Friends You Know and Trust Bevy of Beauties $27,997 or $415 a month $14,997 or $215 a month Jeeps Scooters! $24,595 or $363 a month $3,995 2014 Chevrolet Impala LTZ 25,000 miles, heated leather, full power options, alloy wheels. Super nice, nearly new sedan! $24,897 or $352 a month 2013 Lincoln MKS 2013 Volkswagen Beetle Beautiful one owner car. Neutral Sporty new body with all the right leather, heated & cooled seats. equipment! Reflex Silver color, Luxuriously quiet ride and performance! automatic trans! $28,900 or $430 a month $12,995 or $185 a month 2014 Jeep Cherokee Latitude 4x4 16,305 miles, nice as new! Bright White Clear Coat! $20,997 or $307 a month 2010 yamaha yP400 Majesty Less than 2,000 miles on this nice as new BIG Scooter! $2,495 2012 dodge durango SXT 4x4 55,400 miles on this nice SUV with 3 rows of seats and nice power features! $9,497 or $125 a month 2014 Ford Mustang gT An exceptional find with only 1,158 miles! 5.0 V8, auto., Ruby Red paint, Brembo brake package & more! $14,995 or $215 a month 2012 Jeep Liberty Sport 4x4 2012 Ford Fusion Se This sharp sedan is the whole package with great ride, passenger room, stylish looks and fuel economy! $13,995 or $199 a month Deep Cherry Red, 17,400 easy miles, full power equipment! $28,995 or $431 a month 2007 Kawasaki 500 Vulcan 500 One owner trade in. 5247 miles! Detachable windshield included. $3,495 2010 Smart Fortwo Passion Red & Ready with panoramic roof, heated leather interior and automated manual transmission! So fun to drive, you’ll scoot around using very little gas, while smiling from ear to ear! Pickups 2009 Mini Cooper S Clubman 37,000 miles, British Racing Green, Automatic trans and power everything, huge sunroof, serviced & ready. $21,995 or $323 a month 2012 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara 2013 Hyundai elantra gLS 4 door Two to choose from! Stylish combination of performance and economy! $13,595 or $199 a month $29,852 or $443 a month Top of the line with removable hard top. 45,600 miles, factory navigation and full power equipment. $25,597 or $385 a month 2003 Buell XB9S Lightning A little rocket with 19,197 miles, sitting pretty on new alloy wheels and tires! V-twin fuel injected engine runs great. Luggage box & bags conveniently holds your stuff! Great condition! SUVs $25,995 or $384 a month 2014 dodge Ram 1500 SLT Quad Cab 4 Wd Agriculture Red, 8-speed auto. trans. HEMI 5.7L V8, multi displacement. 2011 BMW 3 Series 328i xdrive 2014 Jeep Wrangler Sport 2012 Hyundai Sonata gLS Just 50,437 miles on this Ultimate Sharp, right sized sedan provides a Driving Machine! 3.0 V6 engine, 6quiet pampered ride with fun to drive speed transmission. Luxury equipment performance! and power moon roof too! $29,597 or $443 a month 2013 gMC Sierra SLe ext Cab 4x4 Deep Red, 31,000 easy miles, 5.3 V8, extra clean and nice! 75 More than 75 vehicles and trailers can be found at Walt Sicard Car Company in South Haven. Drop by and meet Walt, and his knowledgeable team. Or you can shop online for your new ride at www.WaltSicard.com 25,493 miles, Dune Clear Coat paint, air conditioning. Looks like new! $27,999 or $415 a month 25,000 miles, heated leather, full power options, alloy wheels. Super nice nearly new sedan! $23,494 or $347 a month 2013 Jeep grand Cherokee Laredo 4x4 Heated leather seats, Deep Cherry Red paint, and just 20,553 miles! Quite possibly the nicest one around. 2012 Ford explorer XLT Full size with three rows of seats, full power options, non-smoker, one-owner new car trade in! Toys $11,595 or $199 a month 1987 Chevrolet Corvette Convertible This nice car has just two previous owners and 53,731 miles! Automatic, leather, air conditioning and new tires! $4,900 or $105 a month 1999 Volkswagen Cabrio Convertible Solid car no rust! Awesome new paint job. New top. Runs and drives just great!! 2013 Ford escape Titanium 4x4 $10,995 or $188 a month $10,997 or $188 a month 1986 Chevrolet Pickup 1977 Chevrolet C/K 10 Custom Custom restoration, 350 CID V8 with 4bb Carb, 400 turbo trans. with positrac rear diff., bucket seats, gauges, hardwood bed. Over $30,000 invested. This custom beauty is in great shape! Only 126k. This classic has many more miles left under the hood. Cloth seats, and custom trim too. $16,995 or $245 a month 2012 Ford escape XLT Sharp “right sized” SUV, 47,000 miles, nice power equipment. Factory warranty! Payments based on approved credit with $1000 plus tax, title, license and documentation fee down at delivery. 2008 & newer vehicles financed 72 months @3.75%, older vehicles financed 60 months @ 4.75% annual percentage rate financing. Call Walt 269-639-CARS (2277) • Service Department 269-767-7288 73860 Michigan 43 • South Haven, MI • 49090 (Corner of M43 & Blue Star Hwy.)
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