vipnewspremium > volume 140 > october 2011 - VIP


vipnewspremium > volume 140 > october 2011 - VIP
Have you noticed – you probably haven’t
(… alright, careful, you don’t have to hold
who would not have otherwise registered,
as time flies when you’re having fun – that
up lighters as well, you could set fire to the
eventually it is assumed some free users
this is the 140th VIP-News?! That’s a lot
whole of this issue!) Some people tell me
will become paying­customers, making the
of Newsletters­
, and a frightening number
that they have been aware of quite a lot of
existence­of free users a necessary precursor­
of words, still – like the VIP’ers, and me of
seagull references, but you may have noticed
to signing up more paying customers.
course, I’m sure you all digest every last
that I’ve eased off Shitty and his incontinent
The conclusion is that this is just a process
one of them - put up your hand if you have
friends of late, as I think they know I’ve been
that will take time while young companies
talking about them…
operating­this model are still figuring­out the
marketplace. It all sounds very risky to me
As I write this I’m preparing for the MaMA
and I can’t see it being­taken up by concert
event– hopefully, unless I’m unavoidably
promoters. But what do I know, water used
detained­as a result of being beguiled by the
to be free and at the recent UK Live Awards
charms of Paris, there will be a brief report in
Dinner it was £6.50 a bottle, but then again
this issue. One of the panels that I have been
there were bubbles in it and it came in a
involved with is Music 2025, which discusses
designer­ bottle!
and possibly predicts ‘The Future of Live’, so
it’s official, we can relax, there is a future for
Talking of the UK Live Awards, there seem
the live industry!
to be more and more awards and award
events around these days, (See this issue),
VIP-News is published by:
145-157 St John Street
London Ec1V 4PW
Managing Director:
Ronni Didriksen
General Manager:
Peter Briggs
Writer and editorial:
Allan McGowan
Manfred Tari
For advertising enquiries
please contact:
Peter Briggs
+44 870 755 0092
Another MaMA session looks at the Value of
and in general they seem to have much more
Music, considering the basic human values­
significance­than in the past, even the Arthur
of music through to the present economic­
Awards at the ILMC, originally instituted as a
models applied to the sale, or more likely
jokey antidote to taking things too seriously
the ‘taking for free’ of the products of the
have in the last few years seen winners feted
music industry. I was struck by the business­
in the national press in their home countries
model references in the recent reports
for being honoured by their peers. It must
of Spotify’s financial situation; although
all be part of the human condition, and I’d
subscription­revenue­grew by £38.3 million­
probably take an entirely different view if it
(with advertising­revenue growth of just
was me up there lifting the trophy …. Oh yes,
£13.6 million)­apparently­non-paying users
did you know I won Conference Junkie of the
account for about 90 percent of total Spotify­
Year 2011 at the YMCA’s?
registered­users, in other words, about
10 percent of Spotify users - the paying­ Right that’ll do for now, by the way, what
subscribers­- generate about 71 percent of
do you think of the new lay out and design
the company’s­revenues. Analysts state that
– let us know. In the meantime Ladies and
the get it for free business model simply
Gentlemen­, for the 140th time, here is The
needs time to play out as this attracts users
MaMA Gets Bigger!
Allan McGowan
When your successful event finishes late on
Steve Jenner
a Saturday night and the closing party takes
The dates
have a clearing up Monday to face! I spoke
of MaMA
Fernando Ladeiro-Marques,
you into the early hours of Sunday, you still
to MaMA Director Fernando Ladeiro Marques
this afternoon­, (Monday October 24) whilst he
and the MaMa staff were shifting 10 000 full
boxes of documents that back to the office­in
Paris. It looked, as he told me, “At the moment­
like being in the middle of what seems to be a
very big illegal open air market!”
2012 will be
25th, 26th
and 27th.
But when all of this paper work and
information­has been filed or properly disposed­
how the production and presentation of how
“As a visitor, I was extremely impressed with
of Fernando­and the MaMA team will have
the concert will develop with the continued
MaMA. I found the organisation to be flawless­
good reason to be pleased with their labours.
speed of technological advancement.
and the production excellent, far in excess of
my expectations for such an event which I had
This was the third MaMA showcase and
conference­event, the second to take place in
Steve launched and ran Virtual Festivals.
assumed to be in its first year. The location was
the 18th Arrondisement­of Paris, in and around
com in 1999, in order to make festival
inspired – the heart of the Montmartre­/Pigalle­
Pigalle and Montmartre, and the numbers­ information­accessible to the masses, enhance
district of Paris that remains­unparalleled­
were significantly­up on last year. Some figures­
communication­between organisers and fans,
in its influence on the creative arts. Overall­,
are still to come out of the 10,000 boxes, but
and shift the balance of power within the
it is already known that 1183 companies­were
market to the fan, all of which happened as
cosmopolitan­and inclusive and I left MaMA
represented by 2448 delegates, up from the
the festival market exploded over the next
feeling revitalised and very positive about
724 companies - 1926 delegates by a very
decade­. He co-founded the UK Festival Awards
the future of the live music industry and my
Approximately­30% of
in 2004, as well as The European Festival
place in it. As a speaker, I could not have been
these delegates were internationals. All the
Awards (taking­place in January at Eurosonic
made to feel more welcome. As hosts, the
indications are that MaMA is now well on
Norderslag­in Holland).
MaMA organisers­are among the best I have
yet encountered­and the experience was a joy
the way to being the French event that sits
in the calendars­of international­professionals­
Two years ago he took on the role of Digital­
from start to finish. With a compelling range of
alongside­established gatherings such as
Director­at Kilimanjaro Live, one of the UK’s
content on offer and high calibre of speakers­,
Eurosonic Noorderslag in The Netherlands,
leading promoters of concerts, tours and
MaMA has already established itself as an
Reeperbahn­Festival and Campus in Germany
festivals­– and probably the most active
essential­event on the music industry calendar
and The Great Escape in the UK.
promoter­in the digital realm currently. The
and I look forward to many more visits there
company’s flagship event – Sonisphere Festival
in future.”
Around 60 acts appeared in 15 Venues with a
– has grown in just three years to become the
combined capacity of 6100 over the Friday and
world’s largest touring festival brand (taking
Markus Kuehn, Director Generalof Berlin
Saturday of Oct 21/22, all in walking distance­
place in 11 European countries this summer),
based radio station Flux FM, founder of m2m
of the Conference Centre at Le Trianon. 55%
and also boasts the largest online following
and a Marketing Consultant, contributed to
of the tickets were sold to the public, with
with more than half a million Facebook Fans
the panel. ‘Marketing & Promotion – A New
the remaining 45% being reserved for the
worldwide and over 6 million unique visitors
Tool Box.’ He told VIP-News. “I really enjoyed
to its website.
MaMA. Everything - locations, panel topics­
Steve Jenner took part in the Live 2025 panel
Steve was obviously impressed with MaMA
chosen­and provided a very good experience.
at MaMA – a consideration and discussion of
and sent us this comment:
And so did the organisation team., I’ll come
and showcasing bands - have been well
ADE 2011 – Amazing Dance Event
A Combination of
Passion and Business
Manfred Tari
for the first time it was easily possible to find
part of the music industry. Perfect examples­
is complete. Organizing music conventions­ a free online terminal at almost any time, as
were a number of panels and presentations­
The 16th edition of Amsterdam Dance Event
more professionals than ever before­brought
on Thursday, October 20; “How To Score
behind­ADE are no different from most
their new iPad’s or notebooks with them,
a Hollywood Movie” participants­used
other convention­organizers as far as this is
demonstrating their products or projects­.
film snippets to passionately discuss how
concerned­. But the organizers of ADE have
“music­and images” contribute to each
managed something that makes this event
But what makes ADE unique is how its
other or discussed the differences between
exceptional, by managing to retain the
organizers­maintain and serve the exclusive
‘glockenspiels­and marimbas’ and why
original­spirit of the event while growing
community vibe that surrounds these dance
the latter are good for film music instead
from year to year.
music people. A community that has grown
of complaining­about the miracle of how
into a global business network, a bit like
Hollywood­Studios run their business.
There are indicators for improvement to
the Metal or Hard Rock community with its
be spotted when reviewing how ADE has
own rules and business pipelines, having its
Also in line with aspects of passion was the
developed­over the years. The integration
own live events and venues, online portals
presentation of Scott Snibbe, a US media­
of the ADE logos, images and information
and media, only occasionally using the usual
artist­and ‘researcher in interactivity’. Snibbe­
throughout the conference locations has
entities­of the music industries.
pretty much performed the panel ‘The Album­
developed­ and complements the layout of
Return As An App’ delivering a historical­
the content of the conference agenda. A
ADE is not only growing in numbers, this
review­of once innovative inventions such
superb production crew serving more visitors­
convention mellows with the experienced
as the ‘Motion Phone’ or light performances­
and conference topics than ever before, a
dance music establishment and benefits
by Thomas Wilfred from 1920 to 1930,
very modern understanding of the provision
from an ongoing rejuvenation provided by
leading over to the ‘Oscillo Scoop’, one of
of perfect meeting facilities for ADE visitors,
youngsters­as artists or fans, who want to be
his own projects before he finally screened
equipped with online terminals and a decor­
part of this community.
and showed the latest apps he produced in
in line with the corporate design of this
It is remarkable to see how the ADE
“Biophilia”, more a total work of art than
The high demands on internet data transfer
conference­agenda covers business topics­but
just an album.
caused some data traffic congestion, and yes,
also philosophical­aspects that concern­this
Panel at ADE 2011
collaboration with Björk for her new album
Passion also became noticable at the Q&
to do his Q&A session in German. There is
A session on the same day with Carl Cox
no question­of the musical merits of Väth,
interviewed­by Gary Smith, an ADE-Veteran
but this decision­reminds me at least of the
and once again as a moderator, looking
legendary­press conference with the current­
after seven panels this year, in absolutely
Foreign minister Guido Westerwelle, who
brilliant­form. Smith wormed out of Cox a
refused­in his very first outing in his new
lot of interesting information about how he
position­to speak English. This decision­
manages­his work and continues to listen to
, at least in Germany, a different
and discover new music, or about his most
form of “entertainment­” and may lead to
memorable gigs, DJ-sets at Loveparade in
the confusion of a Q&A session with Sven
Berlin or New Years Eve 2000 in Sydney and
Westerwelle rather than Sven Väth.
Richard Zijlma
Hawaii at the same day.
Smith also moderated the panel series
‘Talkshow­In The Clouds’, divided in three
as the “ADE Playground­
” for company
parts; ‘Virtuality’, ‘Micromanagement’ and
, the “ADE University”, a
‘What Next’. In the “Virtuality”-session
conference­program dedicated and designed
panellists explored philosophical aspects
to serve students, an extended conference
such as the “generation gap”, the lack of
program for “Music­and Bits” focusing on the
ADE is now developed to a platform basically
understanding­of the industry by young
latest trends in music and technology or the
and I think dividing ADE into different­pieces
consumers, while the older ones cannot just
“Hard Dance Event” a conference embedded
is important for this.
keep doing the things we are used to.
within the ADE conference. VIP-News spoke
with Richard­Zijlma, the mastermind of this
You mean to develop various formats of
Needless to say ADE cooperates with many
convention, initiated and powered by Buma
prominent dance music artists. David Guetta­
Cultuur, the music foundation of the Dutch
– Exactly. This year we started “ADE
appeared for the lecture “Nothing But The
copyright collection society Buma.
University­”, because I could recognize that
it’s interesting and important for anyone to
Beat”. Under the headline “Putting the
A In Authenticity”, for the “Annual­Artist­ Please give us your overview of ADE
share and pass on knowledge to the next
” Carl Cox, Sander van Doorn,
generation, as new professionals for the
Goldie. David Morales, R3hab and Nicky
– I think it was a kind of new ADE, because
industries. But I think it’s also important to
Romero under­the guidance of Tommie
we were trying hard to bring it up to another
keep the conference section purely as it is.
Sunshine discussed­the aspects of “origins,
level. So we sorted some things out to do this
So anybody like you and me can meet in
attributions­, commitment­, sincerity, devotion
year and I think you can already get an image
the usual ADE-Buildings (“Felix Meritis”
and intention.”
of what can happen with ADE next year.
and the “Dylan Hotel”) but also could meet
professionals­outside in the clubs and venues
Another highlight was the Q& A session
But the basic settings, expect for one
and other possible business-point, so that’s
with Frankie Knuckles interviewed by
new location (De Baile) remained more
why I created another platform for students.
Derrik­May. The long times mates delivered­
less the same, didn’t they?
a highly­entertaining­and informative chat
– It’s always difficult to ask this during this
Would you say the dance-community­is
about the business in the past and today­,
edition, because last year I couldn’t say some
more than ever becoming a closed shop
things about this year’s edition. I could expect
where other parts of the music-industry
template­of House music today” and that
it to work out like it did, but in the process
are not able to benefit or to participate,
radio airplay­once meant “flip the money­”
of thinking about it, some ideas would be
as this is a complete business-­field­in its
and why Jamie Principle­is Knuckles “silent­
developed. But one way or the other, it will
own right?
hero”, his the legendary dance club
grow, so how do we handle this? Do we have
– That’s not what the scene is about, I
“Power­Plant” in Chicago­and the fugacity
to move to huge location where we put 4000
think. This whole scene is about sharing,
of House Hits.
people under one roof, which may be good,
it’s in the DNA of this scene. However it is
but I thought also about to do it differently­
not like pop/rock, where you release an
Only the appearance of Sven Väth turned
and to stay away from the dogma that people­
album­and when the album is finished, you
out to be less entertaining. Väth decided
buy one ticket for the whole event, I think
put it out there and hope that it will be a
success­. Dance music­is about sharing tracks
I have never seen so many flags waving
Skruff as administrators and Richard Zijlma as
and anybody can use each other’s music. In
in the town, has your relationship­with
a general manager, who has a great network­,
the history of electronic­music or when it
the City of Amsterdam become more
which enables him to open doors to get
started­to call house-music, I think the major-
people­in. And we’ve worked with people
companies­didn’t get into this music as they
– Yes, the interesting thing is that after 15
who came to us with ideas, we are always
didn’t understand­it or were not interested.
years of working with the government of the
open for ideas from the industry because
So this is why an independent scene could
city, you know they’ve supported us already,
they are the one we want to serve. We’re
be developed­as it is now. I think also that
even financially, but I wanted to get more
also trying to analyze if there are any new
provided some opportunities for the Dutch
“officially” in the city and have flags there,
trends on the scene that we can incorporate
dance community, because we were able
but they always said “It’s okay… but you
into the program.
to develop an independent dance-industry-
need a licence to put flags in the city!” But
scene, which was difficult before.
now, you’ve seen the result and they flags
Has the number of topics also grown?
are very visible out there. It was always in
Karsten ter Hoven: Yes, because we have more
my mind to bring every year something extra
locations, so we have more programming­to
conference-­program­go this year?
into this event So, if people come back they
do. As for the main conference­locations,
– We added the “De Baile” as an additional
should rewarded with something extra and
the Dylan and the Felix, it’s not necessarily
conference location this year. By doing so
see that we have put something extra in the
more panels I think, but it’s definitely more
it was really important for us also to define
event…..maybe some flags will help.
intensity. I think we have around 9 or 10
panels a day as the main conference, but
reasons­for the people to go over to the
venue. So we started early with Music &
Bits on Wednesday. I thought this could be
a good moment to find a new location and
to develop a three-day-conference within the
platform of ADE.
That worked out well, we’ve had some really
good speakers like Scott Snibbe for example­,
he developed the Björk-App and also his
vision­of that. In the old days the design of
a record-sleeve was important but now you
can design an artist-app to communicate
on an i-Pad or other mobile devices. It’s very
interesting­how the visuals come back this
way. Also interesting was the appearance of
Pitchfork Media as part of Music & Bits.
We worked for two weeks to invite Boiler
Room. This started just fourteen months
ago and the concerts are just filmed on
one camera­with the artist lit up with some
audience­behind them. They did a gig with
Richard Hawtin in an old office and they had
80.000 streams during his set. And when I
told this story to David Guetta, he said, “Oh,
I’ve had one and a half million streams on
my DJ set.” This is just another level, because
these services by these new music providers­
are blowing out music differently than
before­. They use their strength to reach out
for the audience in their own way.
Karsten ter Hoven works for
ADE as conference coordinator
and oversees the production
of the conference program.
How did the organization for the conference go this year?
– Very well, we started in the early stages by
setting the main points for the conference
and from there on we moved into the fine
tuning. As we had the main topics in place
and went on with refining we found a couple­
of speakers that are really relevant for the
scene for electronic music. But beyond that
people who are also active around the scene
or crossing over in terms of the business­
Again this year we had as part of the overall program Music&Bits, a program for
mobil-e-phone-technology and with “ADE
University­” a new program that was more
if you add the Music&Bits program to that
you get about 20 panels we run. With “ADE
University” and “ADE Next” you probably
have about 40 – 50 topics to discuss and you
can also add the workshops that set on ADE
Next – which is quite a lot to produce but
it’s always good to be close to the industry;
to keep an ear on what’s going on and try
to reach out to them, get them involved and
pick up an insiders view into the business.
Hopefully it will stimulate the scene itself,
which is of course our main point, to be a
platform for the electronic music industry.
Official facts
& figures Visitors from
62 different countries:
or less for students. So we’ve worked with
ADE Next
different groups, which we’d been trying to
ADE Universit
Hard Dance Event
Music and Bits
serve. But the main point of course was the
conference in the Dylan Hotel and the Felix
How many people are involved in this
– Well, for the day program as the conference­
only, we have a core-team which is me as a
coordinator, we have Gary Smith and Jonty
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Rotterdam Beats,
Another Event by Buma Cultuur
Manfred Tari
It was just a question of time before a
to the B2B side of the conference we have
Europe­and the States and Jamaica, and
conference­would focus on Urban music
NEXT Beats, a program­focusing on the next
panels­where you can meet the important­
and it isn’t surprising that once again Buma
generation­of this business: students who are
European­Festivals­and media, such as
Cultuur, the music foundation of the Dutch
now enrolled­in studies­on (Urban) Music­,
Splash! Magazine­and festival, HipHopKemp,
copyright collection society Buma has taken
and music management­
. Additionally­we
HipNotik festival, Southport Weekender,
the lead in establishing such a conference in
have a festival during the night where there
Bbarak magazine, Okayplayer, Pinboard,
are different showcases and performances­ Juice Magazin and 22 tracks.
from mainly European artists. Rotterdam
VIP-News spoke with Aldo Bruining who
Beats is kicked off on Thursday November 17
For the NEXT Beats visitors I would say that
is charge of the conference program at
by the State Awards, a prestigious Dutch Hip
the production Workshops by Om’mas
Rotterdam­Beats that looks forward to its
Hop award show.
Keith and Boaz (Dutch upcoming talent) are
second edition on November 18 & 19…
really­interesting, but also the masterclasses
focusing­on making a living in the music
business­are key for these younger visitors.
Please tell us something about the set up
Rotterdam­Beats, Saul van Stapele and me
of Rotterdam Beats; who is supporting­
are responsible­for the conference, Roger
the event and who is working besides
Brouwn­is Director­of the Festival. Richard
you on the conference program?
Zijlma­is general manager­of Rotterdam
the market segments R’N’B, Hip Hop
– For the second time Rotterdam Beats
Beats as well as ADE. We’ve got Remko
or Urban­and the ones of Rock, Pop,
is organized­by Buma Cultuur, the same
Gorter on marketing­and Samira Bin Sharifu,
Alternative­music genres?
working­on international press and media.
– In my opinion the Urban market is still
But like I said, we operate­as a team and
relatively­young and because of that has a
Amsterdam­Dance Event and Eurosonic/
everybody­shares their knowledge­
, visions
lot of ground to gain in comparison with for
Noorderslag. Whereas the ADE focuses
and contacts­on all aspects of the process to
example the Rock/Pop markets. At the same
on Dance and Eurosonic/Noorderslag on
the conference­and festival.
time it is one of the most fruitful genres
bands, Rotterdam Beats has its eye on urban­
Next to this team there is a large production­
and cultures in the past decades, an engine
music. Hiphop, Reggae, R&B, Soul, but
team working behind the scenes on this
behind­a lot of creativity. Additionally the
also Electronic­music such as Dubstep and
event, who should definitely be mentioned
urban market is a market based on a “do
Tropical­ Bass.
as well.
it yourself” mentality what creates a strong
Our aim is to be the gateway to Europe
How many people do you expect­to take
these self-grown people together we hope
concerning­these music styles. Not just for
part in Rotterdam Beats this year?
to evolve in something bigger, a more
the States where a lot of this music comes
– Last year we had 500 visitors at the
solid­market and better market positions in
from, but also the other way around and
conference­and 2100 at the festival. For this
comparison­with the other music styles you
for upcoming markets such as Asia or
year we expect to have more on both sides.
just mentioned.
encourage­cooperation between different
Which are the conference topics­you
R’N’B, Hip Hop or Urban have a bigger
parties on both national and international
consider­that currently matter­most for
market share in the US than in Europe, is
levels. Knowledge is shared and extended
the Rotterdam Beats community­?
this a problem or even an advantage­for
by Keynote speakers, Panel discussions,
– Depending on the purpose of visiting, I
European artists and companies­working
Masterclasses­and Q&A’s, and by creating
would say for Business people: Keynotes by
within this market?
network opportunities, new business connec-
insiders like hip-hop CEO’s Dave Lighty and
– I think this is rather shifting at the moment­;
tions are also easily made and it has already
Kees de Koning or DJ Chuckie. Or the panels­
Urban in the European market is rapidly
lead to some interesting cooperation. Next
self-confident group of people. By bringing­
South America. The conference is set up to
between­ growing­and is getting more common­ >
Aldo Bruining
. Where Europe used to be
– No I don’t think so, I think that across the
since Dubstep made its first steps in Holland.
totally­focused on the Urban music from the
whole of Europe all of the festivals have a
Reggae wise we’ve also got Waxfiend who
States, we are now shifting towards more
growing interest in Urban Music. Dubstep
has major influence with his Jamrock events,
focusing­on our own artists, which is seen
is spread out everywhere for example, but
and is a bridge between Europe and Jamaica
by the growing­amount of rappers rapping
also Reggae and Hip Hop easily cross borders
all by himself, present during our conference
in their native tongue rather than in English
nowadays and are getting more room than in
and festival.
for example­.
the past. Perhaps the biggest festivals are a
I think that we are living in a period when
bit behind in programming urban acts, which
Artists from Holland who are most interesting­
Americans are opening their ears more and
is a good reason to strongly showcase the
on an international level at the moment are:
more for what is coming from Europe, you
live talent in this genre as well.
Chuckie, who has had great influence on the
can see how much influence the music of
net urban dance style that is so popular­in the
Chuckie, Afrojack and Munchi have at the
Who are currently the most interesting­
US; Munchi, who is a key founding producer
moment in the American market (all of
players in the Netherlands for this kind
of the very popular moombahton genre, and
which is discussed at the conference, with
of music?
Pete Philly, a very soulful hip hop singer who
some of the major players being involved).
– Us of course! ;-) Ha ha! No seriously, it is
was had international popularity with his duo
Still a German­or Dutch rapper would never
totally dependant on what you mean by play-
Pete Philly & Perquisite and is now solo. There
be a superstar in the States whilst rapping
ers and what genre you are looking for: Busi-
are quite a few Dutch language­rappers­. Jiggy­
in their native language; but for musicians,
ness wise, I would say Kees de Koning, who
Dje is one of the greats who will perform­at
producers­and English language vocalists
is the CEO and Founder of HipHop Label­Top-
our festival, and Sticks another­one who
opportunities­seem to arise. These are all
Notch­­, has an important role in the Dutch
will be there to discuss his experiences with
topics we will discuss with people involved
Scene. But also Jiggy Djé who is the founder
upcoming­ talent.
during our conference.
of Noah’s Ark and is the 2nd largest HipHop
label of Holland.
You have one festival-panel on the
For further information please check
conference­agenda, is the live music­ For Dubstep we have 2 main labels and events
market­for these kinds of events in Europe­
in Holland: Subway, who has a showcase at
more difficult than for other genres?
our Festival. And Oi! who are key players
Updates on Festival Disasters
At the recent Future of Music Summit panel
in Washington, US, Cheap Trick guitarist Rick
Nielsen recalled the horrifying events of midJuly­at the Ottawa Bluesfest. He described
Pukkelpop Storm Declared Force
Majeure by Public Prosecutor:
how he ran to the front of the collapsing
The severe storm which hit Belgium’s
stage whilst most of the band escaped to
Pukklepop­on Thursday 18th August causing
the back when the storm that raged through
major damage to the main open-air stage
the festival brought the 50-ton roof crashing­
as well as causing the second tented stage
down.”I felt like I was in a Buster Keaton
(in a marquee) to collapse, has been ruled
movie where the building falls down on
a ‘force majeure’ ie a chance occurrence­
him,” Nielson said
or ‘Act of God’, and an unavoidable­
Rick Nielsen
. Pukkelpop­decided to cancel the
Fortunately, the collapsing rig’s fall was
event entirely­following the storm, and the
broken­by the band’s equipment truck,
Hasselt­Public Prosecutor has announced
parked directly in back of the stage, leaving­
its conclusion­that no charges can be laid
about a six-foot gap between the roof
against the Pukkelpop Organization.
and the stage. “It fell 70 feet in a quartersecond­,” Band Manager Dave Frey recalled.
Although this means that the organisers are
Two crew members and several other people­
deemed to have done nothing wrong this
were injured, the band’s equipment was
places them in a difficult situation as regards
destroyed­, but fortunately no one died.
insurance and compensation. Pukkelpop­ Pukklepop have confirmed the event will
organization had taken out civil liability
return­next year to take place from Thursday
Nielsen and Frey have urged congressmen to
insurance­to provide coverage for errors they
16th until Saturday 18th August, ticket prices
regulate temporary stages to prevent such an
might commit as organizers of the festival.
are not yet confirmed, and the on sale date
incident from happening again. This nearfatal­­
Now that this decision clearly states that the
for tickets has not yet been announced.
incident was one of four last summer­in
organizers have made no mistakes and can
which temporary stages were blown down in
therefore not be held liable, the civil liability
The Organisers have stated that, “In spite of
severe weather during or just before festival­
insurance cannot be necessarily used to cover
the force majeure ruling and the fact that the
performances. Following­the Ottowa incident
the damages suffered during the Pukkelpop
expenses for the 2011 Pukkelpop edition far
a stage collapse in Tulsa, destroyed­$800,000
exceed the benefits, Pukkelpop has decided
worth of Flaming Lips gear, but caused no
to offer food & drink tickets worth 75 or
injures, and this was followed­by two horrific
This means that festival goers affected by
150 euros for the next three editions to all
and fatal incidents at the Indiana State Fair
the disaster can only file damage claims
Pukkelpoppers who bought a ticket for the
which resulted in seven deaths and dozens
with their own insurance or through the
2011 festival online. Pukkelpop has suffered
of injuries; and the Pukkelpop­Music Festival
Belgium National Disaster Fund that only
considerable financial losses. The festival will
in Belgium, where five people were killed and
compensates­for direct material damages
only be able to survive with the support of
140 injured.
in excess of a deductible­of 250 euros.
many and thanks to the strong reputation it
Pukkelpop­organizers­have announced that
has built up in the past. The consequences
Nielsen and Frey have pushed for Congress
their main concern is to still ensure that
of the Pukkelpop storm will weigh heavily­
to consider a ‘standard certification’ process
the storm victims­and ticket holders are
on Pukkelpop, the festival as well as the
as you would have with elevators or a big
still compensated­
, whilst still guaranteeing
organization­, in the coming years.”
wheel at a carnival.”
the future of the festival. In an attempt to
address­these major concerns a restitution­ Anyone who bought a Pukkelpop 2011 ticket
deal was announced on Monday 17th
online will between Tuesday 1st and Monday­
October­ for all 2011 ticket holders’.
14th November 2011 receive an email with
which they will be able to download­food &
ones who face expenses not covered by
drink vouchers worth 75 or 150 euros for the
their insurance policy. The Fund functions
next three years of the festival. This offer will
in complete­independence of Pukkelpop.
end at 12 midnight on Sunday 11th December­.
All donations made to the fund will be
The vouchers cannot be exc­hanged for cash.
distributed­fairly among the victims. More
Pukkelpop organisers have confirmed they
information about the Support Fund can be
will not be able to offer any other form
found on the Pukkelpop website.
of restitution other than the food & drink
vouchers, which are exchangeable for food
The Organisers added, “All of the above
& drink tickets. Organisers have confirmed
allows­us to say that Pukkelpop will continue­
that attendees­in 2001 who wish to claim
in its original form: three days, eight stages­,
, such as lost or broken camping
a mixture of the best bands, DJs and
equipment etc., must file claims with their
sideshows­of the moment combined­with
own insurance company or, if the damage
a distinctive­focus on artists of tomorrow­. A
exceeds 250 euros, and because the Federal­
few days before­the start of the online ticket
Council of Ministers has recognized the
sale for Pukkelpop 2012, all Pukkelpoppers­
storm of 18th August as a natural disaster,
that bought Pukkelpop 2011 tickets online­
anyone who suffered direct damage by the
will be given the opportunity to buy their e-
storm can file a claim with Belgium’s National
tickets­online. Once again, the Pukkelpop­
Disaster Fund. Detailed information about
organizers­wish to express their sincere
the damage suffered must be provided.
thanks to all Pukkelpoppers for their
understanding­, their unlimited patience and
A support fund for the victims of the
the huge number of messages of sympathy
Pukkelpop­Storm has also been established
they have sent us.”
to help Pukkelpop victims and their loved
enables artists to MAIL
their music to more
than 6.000 venues and
agencies worldwide…
Prosecution Department Widens Love Parade Investigation
Manfred Tari
The Prosecution Department of Duisburg has expanded its
Department­. Besides the free lancers of Lopaevent, the department
investigations­regarding the fatal disaster of the Love Parade in July
furthermore investigates 11 officials of the city council of Duisburg
2010. Due to mass panic on a ramp leading to the open air site in
and the police officer in charge. As the news magazine Spiegel Online
the centre of Duisburg 21 people lost their lives and more than 300
reported a house search in the home of the ‘head of organisation’
persons were injured.
already took place on October 24.
While the Prosecution Department of Duisburg has so far focused
A citizens action committee in Duisburg has meanwhile collected
its investigations on 16 involved persons it has now also taken the
more than 80.000 signings by mid - October for a petition urging
former ‘head of organisation’ under scrutiny. The new subject is the
dismissal of the mayor Adolf Sauerland. The mayor has so far refused
fifth person who worked for Lopavent, the promoter of the music­
to resign from his post and has until now not been subject to investi-
event that has now come under the scrutiny of the Prosecution
gation by the Prosecution Department.
2nd GreenEvents Europe Conference Announced
Allan McGowan
The Conference will take place in Bonn on
Festival), Jan Smeets (Pinkpop­), Niklas­Lundell­
Topics discussed with all parties involved
November 2nd and 3rd. Organisers state,
(Way Out West) or Franz-August Emde
(promoters, venues, suppliers etc.) such as
“After a successful premier in 2010 we are
(Bundesamt­für Naturschutz) and Frank
energy efficiency, carbon footprinting, waste
looking forward to welcome international
Klingenstein­(freelancing expert at BMU) will
management or the question, whether green
guests, exclusive speakers and experts in
take part.
friendly events’ at the Wissenschaftszentrum
GreenEvents expects about 120 participants
from promoters and the production point
in Bonn.”
from all areas of the international live music
of view. The aim is to connect experts and
business­. The conference aims to deal with
professionals involved in event organisation­
There will be various additions to the program­
challenges set up regarding environmental­ to listen to other’s opinion and to start
and prominent speakers such as Jacob­Bilabel
, exchange knowledge and best
(Green Music Initiative), Rebecca­Saunders­ protection and sustainability within an
event’s organisation and promotion.
(Sustainable Event Ltd.), Ben Challis (A
greener­Festival), Marie A. Rogvi (Roskilde
engagement can be used for marketing
purposes­– on the basis of practical questions­
the field of ‘sustainable and environmentally
practise ideas.
Live UK Awards and Conference
Allan McGowan
Attendance at this year’s edition of the Live
Radisson Blu Hotel on 5-6 October, was
Live Music Business Awards:
definitely­down on last year, organisers
– And the winners were...
UK event, which took place at London’s­
claimed that 250 professionals attended, but
this may have included all those who came
for the Awards Dinner.
Still there was a reasonable attendance for
the main panels; the Festival session, Fields
of Change included some good comment.
John Giddings of the Isle of Wight Festival
Best Venue Teamwork
Major Club (800+):
Wembley Stadium, London
The O2, London
Royal Albert Hall, London
53 Degrees, Preston
The Leadmill, Sheffield
Club (under 800):
Robin 2, Wolverhampton
Artist Manager Of The Year:
Jonathan Dickins,
September Management
Breakthrough Artiste:
Ed Sheeran
dismissed­the recent reports of a fading
festival­market as “rubbish”, although he
was concerned that there are no new rock
acts, the traditional festival type acts, coming
through. He noted that the range is lessened
National Promoter Of The Year:
SJM Concerts
with the break up of bands like REM, and
there are no replacements. He also stated
that people are “watching their pennies”,
in response to this IOW has introduced part
payment plans for next year’s tickets, 25% of
Agent Of The Year:
Solomon Parker,
William Morris Endeavour Entertainment
Regional Promoter Of The Year:
DF Concerts
these have sold already with 50% of those
being on the payment plan.
The Festival is aiming to go ‘cashless’ with the
Indie Promoter Of The Year:
Gary Prosser & Ben James
All Night LongPromotions
Tour Manager Of The Year:
Sarah Moir (The Wombats)
introduction of RFID wristband technology­.
Stuart Galbraith, promoter of the Sonisphere
Best Record Label Partner:
Hayley Absalom, Full Time Hobby
festivals said that social networking drove his
events, with the events having half a million­
Facebook friends. He also mentioned that
Best Festival (40,000 +):
Sonisphere’s fuel bill is £60,000. The Olympics­
in the UK next year has caused concerns for
some venues and events, Glastonbury­is
Best Festival (15,000-40,000):
Secret Garden Party
taking­a year off and Sonisphere is moving
dates to avoid clashing, although Giddings
was not worried, particularly as his event is
Greatest Brand Impact:
Unsung Hero:
Jane Montague, The Eden Project
Outstanding Contribution:
Danny Betesh, Kennedy Street
Best Festival (under 15,000):
Kendal Calling
on an island­!
‘Greening’ costs continue to rise, with
Best Festival Performance:
Slipknot at Sonisphere
Giddings­figuring that they spend £50,000
on environmental applications; He mentioned­
that up to 10,000 tents get left on the site,
people presume that these are recycled but
this is not necessarily true.
Spectacle Of The Year
(Best Production):
Take That’s Progress tour
Robin 2, award for best Venue under 800
Agnes Obel, one of the EBBA Winners 2012
The winners of the 2012 European Border­ The winners will receive their awards in a
European music. Eurosonic Noorderslag also
televised­ceremony hosted by TV personality­ is the organization of the European Talent
new talents­in European pop music, were
and musician Jools Holland at Eurosonic
Exchange­Program (ETEP). The ETEP boosts
announced­in Groningen on 6 October­by
Noorderslag in Groningen, Netherlands, on
circulation of talented European­artists­among
Androulla Vassiliou, European­Commissioner­
11 January 2012. The ceremony – including­ a network of European summer­festivals­
for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and
performances­by most of the winning acts – will
It creates opportunities for professionals­in
Youth and the European music conference
be broadcast by Dutch National Television­(NOS/
the European music business and ultimately­
and showcase festival Eurosonic Noorderslag.
NTR) and will also receive European coverage­
contributes­to the development­of the
through TV channels and radio stations.
European­music industry.
The winners of
the 2012 awards are:
One of the winners will also receive a ‘Public­
The European music industry makes an
Choice Award’. From 1 November until
important­contribution to growth and jobs,
• Elektro Guzzi (Austria)
December 31 the public can vote for their
accounting­for a significant part of cultural­and
• Selah Sue (Belgium)
favourite­artist on By
creative industries, which provide quality­jobs
• Agnes Obel (Denmark)
voting, they could win a trip to the award
for 8.5 million people in the EU and contribute­
• Ben l’Oncle Soul (France)
4.5% to Europe’s GDP. The total­value of the
EU recorded music market is around € 6 bil-
• Boy (Germany)
• James Vincent McMorrow (Ireland)
Former winners of the ‘EBBA Awards include
lion a year. The European recorded­music mar-
• Afrojack (Netherlands)
Adele, The Baseballs, Carla Bruni, KT Tunstall,
ket presents around a fifth of the total music
• Alexandra Stan (Romania)
Tokio Hotel, The Ting Tings, Lykke Li, The
market­which is worth close to € 30 billion.
• Swedish House Mafia (Sweden)
Scripts, Milow, Katie Melua, Mumford and
• Anna Calvi (UK)
Sons and Caro Emerald.
Website of the prize:
To be eligible for the awards, the artists­must
Now in their ninth year, the awards are funded­
have enjoyed border-breaking success­with
by the EU Culture Programme and organized
their first international release­in Europe­ by Eurosonic Noorderslag, in partnership
between­1 August 2010 and 31 July 2011.
with the European Broadcasting­Union (EBU).
The winners are selected by music market
The awards are supported by Buma Cultuur,
analyst Nielsen Music Control on the basis­ SNN, Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture
of record sales and broadcast frequency­and
and Science­, Province of Groningen, City of
according­to votes by European Broadcasting­
Groningen­and European Music Office.
Union­(EBU) radio stations and festivals
participating­in the European Talent Exchange­
Eurosonic Noorderslag is Europe’s most
Program (ETEP).
important­music conference and showcase
festival, aiming to encourage circulation of
Culture portal of the European Union:
Independent Music Award
Shortlists Announced
And the nominees are...
Independent Entrepreneur
Innovative Marketing
Of The Year:
Campaign of the Year:
Rob da Bank (Sunday Best/ Bestival),
Amon Tobin - ISAM (Ninja Tune), Ninja
Ruth Daniel­(Fat Northerner Records/
Tune XX (Ninja Tune), Frankie & The
), Martin
Heartstrings­- Hunger (Radar Maker),
(Cooking­Vinyl­), Julie Weir (Visible Noise/
Wiseblood Management­)
Alison Wenham,
Flying­Lotus - Cosmogramma­(Warp)
Independent Breakthrough Of The
Best Difficult Second Album:
Adele - 21, Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Fleet Foxes
Bring Me The Horizon, Caro Emerald, The
The shortlist for AIM’s inaugural Independent
- Helplessness Blues, Friendly Fires - Pala,
Horrors, SBTRKT
Music Awards has also been announced.
Toddla­T - Watch Me Dance
As previously reported, Björk will receive the
Outstanding Contribution To Music Award,
while Domino Records founder Laurence Bell
will be given the Pioneer Award. The rest of
the winners will be announced at a ceremony
at Floridita in Soho on 10 Nov hosted by Steve
Tom Robinson (6music), Nathan Clark
Various Artists - Ninja Tune XX, The Fall
- The Wonderful & Frightening World
(Louder­Than War), John Doran & Luke
Of The Fall/This Nation’s Saving Grace
Turner (The Quietus)
(Omnibus­Edition­­), Orange Juice - Coals
To Newcastle, Various Artists - Matador
At 21
Lamacq and Huw Stephens.
Best Small Label:
Says AIM CEO Alison Wenham: “In its first
Ambiguous Records, Naim Edge Records,
year, the AIM Awards have already shone a
Smalltown America, Stolen Recordings
bright light on some of the most talented
and hardworking­people in the industry. The
response­to the awards has been incredible,
and signals the start of a new era in recognising
a whole new measure of talent and success in
Indie Champion:
Catalogue Release Of The Year:
Golden Welly Award For Best
Independent Festival:
Bearded Theory, Belladrum, End Of The
Road, Y Not Festival
PPL Award for Most Played
Independent Artist:
Working Band or Artist:
Beardyman, Bring Me The Horizon, Frank
Weekend­, The xx
Turner, Random Hand
Best Live Act:
Bring Me The Horizon, Enter
The VIP-Booking European Live Entertainment Book
Advertising in the VIP Book will make you visible to 10.000 business
professionals­all over Europe. You will find no better­place to expose­
your company to the whole European Live Entertainment­Industry.
A New Award for Concert Clubs
Manfred Tari
The German concert agent Berthold Seliger
Spanish band Depedro. Instead of a trophy
Seliger furthermore argues that this award is
has endowed a new award dedicated to
the club award comes with the offer that the
concert clubs in Germany. The award will be
agency will drop agency commission of 15
handed out every quarter and is intended to
percent for the next booking and provides the
importance­of ‘club culture’, highlighting the
highlight those venues that have sold the most
club with a package of promotional CD’s and
cultural relevance and the engagement and
tickets for a club show by an unknown act,
merchandising products. In the press release
valuable work undertaken by smaller concert
booked by Konzertagentur Berthold Seliger.
Seliger explained “We believe that this is more
clubs and concert promoters.
a helpful for a club instead of receiving a funny
The first edition of the award went to the
Moritzbastei in Leipzig for a concert with the
For further information please check:
Uwe Frommhold to Oversee
AEG Facilities in Germany
AEG Europe has named Uwe Frommhold
Basis and has been nominated “International­
Vice President AEG Facilities Germany. The
Venue­ of the Year” three times by the
newly created position involves ultimate
responsibility­for AEG’s German Venues,
Uwe Frommhold
Allan McGowan
the o2 World Hamburg with the adjacent­ Before entering the entertainment business­
Volksbank­Arena and the o2 World Berlin­.
Frommhold managed several Five Star Hotels­
Frommhold will take up his new role
in Germany most notably the Kempinski
immediately­and report directly to Rod
Hotel Atlantic in Hamburg. He is a member­
O’Conner, Executive Vice President AEG Eu-
of the Board of the European Arenas­
rope Facilities. He will continue to act as Man-
Association­(EAA). He said, “This is a very
aging Director of the o2 World in Hamburg­,
exciting and challenging opportunity for
with Mike Keller, Managing Director­o2
me. o2 World Hamburg and o2 World Berlin
World Berlin, reporting to him directly.
are the two leading venues in Germany and
we will continue to utilize their synergies. I
Frommhold has been the Managing Director­
am happy and proud to play an active part
of the o2 World in Hamburg ever since the
within the new structures of AEG Europe
venue opened in 2002. Under his leadership­
that will strengthen and grow our business
the arena established itself as a premier
in Germany.­”
venue­in Germany, regularly hosting over 130
Germany. Berlin and Hamburg are important­
events with over 1 million visitors per year.
Rod O’ Conner, Executive Vice President
venues within our European operations
In 2007 AEG bought the Arena, which was
AEG Europe Facilities commented, “Uwe
and we trust his experience and leadership
then renamed o2 World Hamburg in April
Frommhold’s­proven track record of success
to master the challenges ahead in the very
of 2009. The venue has led German Venues
is a perfect fit as we expand our efforts to
unique German marketplace.”
in the annual Pollstar Ranking on a regular
grow AEG’s business and content offering in
You Play – We Pay - in the US
Although as you know VIP-News concentrates­
was mainly assumed that these fees were
on Europe we are well aware that the artists,
not available­in the US as ASCAP­and BMI
managers and agents in our readership do
business in the US and other territories, so
with European­Societies­only collected­and
now and again we will feature international
paid out Performing­Rights to the top 200
material that we think will be of interest and
grossing­touring artists­
. But one rights
of use.
, SESAC, does in fact pay
performance­fees to all bands that decide
In this case we look at a means of earning
to strike an agreement­with them. Mumford­
extra income in the US which could offset
& Son for instance, who by the way have
some of the growing costs of touring­at
become­just the third artist of all time to sell
club and small venue level to get a foothold­
more than 1 million digital copies of their
but whilst still a Writer/Publisher Relations
in the American market. Although bands
album­‘Sigh No More’, benefited from these
representative­with performing­rights society­
who write their own material are used to
returns to help cover the costs of their US
SESAC he and SESAC UK Representative
receiving­Performance­fees from PRS and
tour. Josh Feingold has recently gone to work
John Sweeney explained­how acts can secure
other European­Collection­Societies, it
with a publisher in the US on a full time basis­
US performance­fees:
John Sweeney
The SESAC Live Performance Program
I often find myself explaining to UK artists­that
offered­by SESAC we’d like to make known.
program­to make a distribution for live.
the United States is vast. I like to reference­
It can be summed up in a SESAC slogan,
We like to keep it very simple if you are a
the scene in The Filth And The Fury where
“You Play. We Pay.”
SESAC affiliate or a non-US act licensing
you have a young John Lydon on a tour bus
Performance­ Program.
It’s the SESAC Live
through us, and you play live then you will
transfixed by endless flatlands during­a multihour­journey from gig to gig.
get paid. We pay based on venue capacities,
Performing rights in the states is propelled
not attendance­, and our first tier is any venue
by the fact that you as an artist have the
up to 1000 people with a rate that reflects
In today’s world, touring the United States
right to choose between SESAC (est. 1930),
playing­to the 1000 people capacity. This
isn’t exactly a cash grab.
Gas prices are
ASCAP­(est. 1914) and BMI (est. 1939) and
is good money and money for doing what
seemingly­always rising, fans are forced to
each society is always trying to find a way
you’re already­doing which is touring.
pick and choose which shows they can afford­,
to get the edge. SESAC’s approach to live
labels are finding it harder to scrounge up
performances­is a unique one: We will pay
The SESAC live performance program is a
tour support and the list goes on. Superstar­
you a performance royalty for any venue
benefit offered to our direct affiliates and
acts often partner with sponsors­and brand
you play in the United States.
those who are members of other societies­
their tour to off-set the cost of a major tour.
affiliate­you would simply provide the venue/
outside of the US who choose to have SESAC
That works but what about the little­guy?
performance­information to us, along with
represent them in the US. We are not in
What about a promising UK act’s first trip
a list of the songs you have performed. We
the business of persuading non-US writers
to the States? Well, there is a great service
do not use a mystic survey or grant/­
to swap their existing national society for
SESAC; we are making clear the benefits
goes to the right place, the writer or writer/
acts from inside and outside of the US who
of appointing SESAC through and with the
artist and publisher.
are targeting America as a prime territory for
knowledge of their local society.
Live Performance Program many years ago to
SESAC launched the
make sure that any affiliate who is touring­
Touring is essential for most acts and SESAC
can earn public performance money from
SESAC is headquartered in Nashville with
wants to reward the work and reward it as
their music.
additional offices in New York, Los Angeles­,
quickly as we can. To this end SESAC makes
Atlanta, Miami and London and covers the
its distributions a quarter faster than its US
United States in virtually every genre of
competitors (this is true of all royalties not
provides­a solid stream of income for
music­with reciprocal agreements with over
just live). Therefore every quarter our touring
anybody­taking on the US, which I’m told
80 foreign­societies. SESAC represents such
artists can get paid for any dates they played
is approximately­the size of 2 billion football­
musical icons as Bob Dylan, Neil Diamond,
in the previous quarter, and that money can
pitches. SESAC has officially launched a
RUSH, Mumford & Sons, Lady Antebellum,
go towards van repairs, rent, equipment and
UK program targeting acts that are going
Cassandra Wilson, as well as many others.
any other essentials that can get the artist
to aggressively make a push in the US. In
back on the road. When a live venue pays
partnership­with PRS we’ve started with
For more information go to:
a performing rights license the destination of
Mumford & Sons, The Joy Formidable, and
the money is clearly outlined and we ensure
Gold Panda to name a few. SESAC is actively
through the SESAC distribution system that it
seeking to work with emerging and existing
The Spanish Concert Market
as a Future Indicator
Manfred Tari
of the economy in this country and like all
lower than the rest of Europe and if you
other sectors we face hard times.
consider­this together with the fact that
Spain is in the very south of Europe, some
What are currently the biggest problems
acts just don’t travel here any longer.
you have to deal with and does anything
Xavi Manresa
work well for you as Spanish promoter
Please tell us what came out of the APM
these days?
annual general assembly in February?
– The biggest problems is the lack of
– APM currently includes 42 promot-
competence­, there are these news promoters­
er companies­with a market share of
that don’t work legally in terms of taxes,
approximately­80% of all the concerts
PRS, VAT etc… so they don’t take care of
carried­out under private initiative. At the
insurances­for artists, crews, audiences etc…
last assembly­the following members were
a big problem in the end for the bands that
elected to the board:
come to play here. Not many things work
Pascual Egea (Fix Eventos):
well these days…
The latest business figures for 2010 as
reported­by PRS For Music in the UK or Centre­
Can you please describe particularly­ Xavi Manresa (Cap-Cap Produccions):
National De La Chanson Des Variétés­Et Du
how the financial crisis and the high
Jazz (CVN) in France have already indicated­a
Barnaby Harrod (Mercury Wheels), Ana
downward trend. Even in markets where the
affected­the concert business?
Eusa (RLM) and Iñigo Argomaniz:
overall economic situation seems to be under­
– Obviously it has had a big impact on our
Board Members
pressure but manageable, the live music­ business. Before people used to go to 3-4
business­is returning revenue downturns of
shows a month, now they choose very
We debated the music business in Spain,
between 4 and 6 percent.
carefully­what they go to see and maybe now
how it’s developing, the current problems,
they attend about a show every two months.
SGAE (PRS), regulation of the sector, the
But it appears more than possible that things
We had a drop in sales of about 30-40% on
situations­concerning sponsorship, with the
could decline even further if we take note of
club shows based on 200 to 2000 capacities.
public administration and ticketing.
in this interview. Manresa, who is also vice-
Would you say that due to this ticket
What are the current matters on the
president­­of the Asociation de Promotores
prices in Spain are on average lower­than
agenda of APM?
Musicales (APM) explains how the Spanish­
in other European markets or are they
– APM is focusing on expanding the
concert market is faring in an extremely
still at the same level?
association­, better regulation for our sector­,
difficult­environment. The details Manresa
– Normally, at club level the ticket prices are
and negotiations with SGAE ( Spanish
reports­paint a vivid picture of how the
cheaper than in the rest of Europe. These
Collection­Society for Performing Rights)
concert­business suffers when the economy
days we are on a level with ticket prices years
with regard to their 10 percent rates.
of a country undergoes a severe recession.
ago, I would even say that we have cheaper
The unemployment rate in Spain is currently
prices than before.
what Spanish promoter Xavi Manresa reveals
in Spain?
the highest in Europe and reached 21.2
What is the VAT rate on concert­tickets
percent in August 2011, with a jobless rate
What about fees for international­artists­?
among young people of 40 percent.
Does the level of fees take into account
– 8 Percent’
the economic situation­in Spain?
Has APM lost former members or gained
How is the Spanish concert market doing
– Of course, we base our offers on ticket
new ones?
in these difficult times?
prices and as I said, we return to the prices of
– These are difficult economic years in Spain.
– Hard times for rock ‘n’ roll!!! We’re a part
three years ago. So our offers are therefore­
New members are joining and although
some have also left the association, we are,
For more information please check:
in general, growing. and
EBU Secures Rights to Coldplay Album Launch Gig
Allan McGowan
The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) has
Euroradio­satellite network. Sixteen radio
and youth programming, the BBC and EMI
secured exclusive rights to distribute the
stations have already announced plans to
presented the band live from London under a
live Coldplay album launch gig in Cologne.
broadcast the show live, with more expected
similar agreement for the worldwide release
EBU has teamed up with record label EMI
to follow­. The network enables EBU Members­
of their third album X&Y.
to become­the exclusive distributor of the
to exchange­concert recordings and live
surprise­live concert in Cologne, Germany,
music­from leading­orchestras­
, concert
on 2 November, 2011.
seasons­, festivals, and their national music
organizations­in 56 countries in and around
from across a range of genres. The network
Europe. For more information about the EBU:
All EBU Member broadcasters will now
ensures access for public radio broadcasters
have free live access to the concert, at the
to over 3,500 music performances every year.
E-Werk arena, which promotes the October
24 release­of the British band’s fifth album,
This is the second time the EBU have worked
Mylo Xyloto. The concert will be produced
with Coldplay; the first was in June 2005,
by German­EBU Member, ARD-WDR Eins,
and transmitted internationally­on the EBU’s
when Eurosonic, the partnership of EBU
radio­stations specialized in pop-rock music
CTS Eventim Reports Visitor
Record for Waldbühne Berlin
Manfred Tari
Waldbühne Berlin
CTS Eventim reported a record result of 200.000 visitors for the 2011 for open-air
Live Nation
Announce 3rd
Quarter Results
in November
Setting aside $16.5 million for
the Ticketmaster-SpringsteenTicketing case:
location Waldbühne in Berlin. In 2009 CTS Eventim won a tender by the Senate
of Berlin and took over the management of the location from its arch rival DEAG.
The world market leader for concerts will
announce its results for the 3rd quarter on
The press release highlighted DEAG concerts such as the one of violinist David Gar-
November 3 after market hours at 5pm. As
rett and “Gipfeltreffen der Stars” with Anna Netrebko, Erwin Schrott and Jonas
the website reports, Live
Kaufmann and the concert of the Berliner Philharmoniker as well as Peter Maffay.
Nation’s­subsidiary Ticketmaster is going to
Concerts by other promoters included Kings of Leon, Joe Cocker and The Eagles.
put $16.5 million aside in order to cover the
CTS Eventim Vice President Rainer Appel commented on the success, saying: “We
cost for the 2009 class action lawsuit for its
have always had faith in the Waldbuehne’s potential. The fantastic 2011 season
business practises when redirecting ticket
proves that our decision in favour of this unique venue was a thoroughly good
buyers to scalping site, an
one. Since we took over there has been a steady upward trend. Our thanks go to
affiliate company of Ticketmaster.
all artists and promoters who choose the Waldbuehne as a venue, but above all to
the people who attend the shows. They can look forward to another marvellous
In mid - October the Los Angeles Federal
range of events in 2012”.
Court made public a deal with the company­
by which deceived ticket buyers can choose
First announcements for the open air season 2012 are three shows of the popular
between receiving $10 in cash or a discount­
German act Die Ärzte on August 17th, 18th and 19th, 2012 and Dieter Thomas
of 18.5 percent on any further ticket
Kuhn on August 25.
purchases­on in the next
two years.
For more information please check:
The magazine furthermore reported that
Music Festivals PLC
- A Share Price Downer
The new company Music Festivals PLC floated by Vince Power at the end of June
at the AIM (Alternative Investment Market) of the London Stock Exchange has
already suffered a downtick of about 66,5 Pence to 59,5 Pence in October. The
current market­capitalisation of Music Festivals PLC in Euro currency stands at
8.74 million.
Ticketmaster now have to add an additional
web page on, carrying
a warning, informing users when they are
being­redirected to
On July 15 the Live Nation share stood at
$11.44, on October 24 at $9.18.
DEAG and Ringier
AG found Starclick
Christian Diekmann CFO DEAG
DEAG and its Swiss business partner Ringier­
companies. On one hand they are competing
terms of booking and promoting will be on
AG have announced that they launched
with each other, on the other we will check
the Swiss market.
a new company to be known as Starclick
for possible synergies, as this is from time
to time the case with market participants.
Who will head Starclick Entertainment
Starclick will be based in Zurich.
and how many people will be working
proposes­to take over the operative business
for the new company?
of Free & Virgin, which had to file insolvency
after 40 years in business at the beginning
Are there already concrete plans and
of October.
ideas­for where and when Starclick
been appointed as managing directors for
Entertainment­will start to promote
Starclick. A team of engaged and experienced­
Starclick Entertainment AG will focus on the
staff members are currently being recruited.
development of new talents and festivals and
– There are ideas and options on which will
promoting club shows within the Rock/Pop
currently be worked on.
– Harry Sprenger and Stephan Mattey have
Free & Virgin had to file insolvency earlier
in October, what assets of this company
and Alternative market segments.
IIn the press release regarding Starclick
will be added to Starclick Entertainment?
DEAG already holds stakes in Good News and
it says that the company also aims to
– Starclick Entertainment has been founded
The Classical Company AG in Switzerland­.
support­and to develop new talents.
as a plc company that won’t take over any
VIP-News asked Christian Diekmann, CFO of
Are these going to be Swiss or rather
of the assets of another company. Due to the
DEAG about the new venture.
international acts and if so, will Starclick
insolvency of Free & Virgin some concerts
Entertainment­book and promote artists
for which tickets had already been sold have
How will Starclick Entertainment be
outside Switzerland?
been in danger. Starclick is going to promote
embedded­within the company structure
– Off course Starclick will book and promote
these concerts in order to avoid cancellations
of DEAG and where will the company
international acts. One of the aims is to
and to avoid a loss for fans that have already
have its office?
work a bit outside promoting big acts and
purchased tickets.
– Both companies, the Good News Group
rather put on boutique and niche concerts
and Starclick Entertainment are like our
of various­genres. Furthermore Starclick will
On July 15 the DEAG share stands at 2.88
third subsidiary The Classical Company in
concentrate on the support and positioning
Euro, on October 24 at 2.20 Euro.
Switzerland­, self contained and independent
of new talents. The main focus of Starclick in
Need to know who is
touring Europe
Go online -
guilty76 artist management at Womex
At WOMEX, guilty76 artist management will announce Shantel’s
touring agent and producer, nationwide tour promoter and local­
“Anarchy and Romance World Tour 2011 + 2012”. It starts on 26th
frankfurt based show promoter. Since nearly 10 years now the
November 2011 in Ankara, Turkey and will end one year and a month
company­takes care of the worldwide representation of artists like
later on 16th December 2012 in Vienna, Austria. The tour will touch
shantel & bucovina club orkestar, señor coconut and his orchestra,
all continents of the globe.
alva noto & ryuichi sakamoto “s”tour and many more.
Furthermore guilty76 is more than happy to announce the second
On top of this the company acts as a national concert promoter in
part of ALVA NOTO & RYUICHI SAKAMOTO’s “s”-Tour in September
Germany and works with all kind of international acts. Our direct
connection­with Frankfurt located venues Batschkapp and Nachtleben­
The full artist roster and agent contacts are available under www.
allows us to get the perfect Frankfurt venue for our clients. The agents are looking very much forward to meeting
For further info and contacts:
you in person at WOMEX booth B-14.
Florian Joeckel // guilty76
We are happy to meet you all at Womex in Copenhagen where CEO
About guilty76 artist management:
Florian Joeckel and his collegue Heikki Eiden will be present at stand
Founded in 2002, the Frankfurt based concert agency and artist
b14 (which will be run together with Berlin’s finest f cat).
management­quickly received a strong reputation as a worldwide
About Our Company
VIP-Booking’s core product is the Internet’s oldest and
Today VIP-Booking offers a range of tools for the
largest database for the European Live Entertainment industry­– including VIP-News, VIP-Booking, VIP-Book enables artists to MAIL their music
Industry developed as a tool for and VIP-Contract.
to more than 6.000 venues and agencies worldwide…
industry professionals. Since it’s launch in the year 2000,
Please visit for further information.
we have consistently offered our subscribers the very
best in database services and now boast subscribers in
Your comments and suggestions are always appreciated.
Mail your music to
the Live Music Industry…
over 30 countries.
Territory: Europe / Worldwide
Period: Worldwide 2011
Agency: WME - William Morris Endeavor Entertainment
Agent: Steve Hogan
Barbwire Messiah
Dub Syndicate
(feat. Adrian Sherwood & Style Scott)
Territory: Europe
Period: November-December 2011
Agency: Paperclip Agency
Agent: Rob Berends
Phone: +31 24 323 9322
Skid Row
Territory: Europe
Period: July/August 2012
Agency: ARM Entertainment
Agent: Dana Strutz
Phone: 1-651-483-8754
Martin Turner’s Wishbone Ash
Territory: Europe
Period: 1/5/2012-31/5/2012
Agency: ARM Entertainment
Agent: Dana Strutz
Phone: 1-651-483-8754
After half a decade of public drunkenness, East Jutland natives
Henrik Sloth Jensen and Mazdak Khosravi, finally pulled their act
together­and shaped the embryo, of what would become a bleeding,
burping­bastard, of a southern style rockband. Barbwire Messiah was
LA Guns (feat. Phil Lewis & Steve Riley)
Territory: UK - Newcastle, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool
Period: 28/09/2011-29/09/2011
Agency: ARM Entertainment
Agent: Dana Strutz
Phone: 1-651-483-8754
born, and with their female vocalist abandoning them shortly after
(propably­because of the stench), the two pulled in a nasty pack of
trouble, from the vast outbacks of Jutland. Søren Skovgaard Larsen,
a former high school buddy of Mazdak`s, had proven himself being
deadly behind the drums, and with the bad company of Holger K.
Nielsen (origin unknown) leading his sixstring into battle, Barbwire
Ultimate Earth Wind & Fire
Territory: World Wide
Period: General
Agency: Sport Star Management
Agent: Carsten Hilding Larsen
Phone: +45 4071 7722
Messiah had become a fourpiece gang of bad news.
Skid Row