cc19940919 - City of Lloydminster
cc19940919 - City of Lloydminster
CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES The eighteenth regular meeting of Council of the City of Lloydminster was held on Monday, September 19, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Present Mayor Alderman City Commissioner Director of Finance & Admin. Director of Eng. & Public Works Director of Parks & Recreation Development Officer City Clerk City Treasurer Confidential Secretary R.C.M.P. Guests Vanshaw Enterprizes Ltd. Vanshaw Enterprizes Ltd. Lloydminster Slo-Pitch Association Lloydminster Slo-Pitch Association Vice-President, Chamber of Commerce Visitor - P. Gulak - H. Flieger - B. Kondro - B. Myers - I. Plant - J. Rooks - D. Stewart - R. Brekko - D. Newlin - E. Thornhill - D. Dmytryshyn - G. Willard - T. Lysyk - G. Switenky - D. Wild - Sgt. J. King - Kevin Van Der Kooy Ernie Nichols Brad Hill Wade Tokarek C. Bolin F. Spenrath CALL TO ORDER AND PRAYER Call to Order Mayor Gulak called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. and Alderman Joe Rooks offered the prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING Minutes Moved by Alderman Flieger, Seconded by Alderman Myers, That the Minutes of the seventeenth regular Meeting of Council dated September 6, 1994, be approved as circulated. CARRIED ORIGINAL DELEGATIONS, COMMUNICATIONS AND PETITIONS R.C.M.P. Report Sgt. John King presented the R.C;M.P. Report for the month of August, 1994. Moved by Alderman Stewart, Seconded by Alderman Plant, That the R.C.M.P. Report for the month of August, 1994, be accepted as presented. CARRIED MAYORS REPORT Thank You Card Received a thank you card from Alice and Robert Leonard thanking Council and Administration for the bouquet of flowers received in memory of Alice's mother. CITY COMMISSIONER'S REPORT No report. 94/09/19 PAGE ... 97 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - ALDERMAN MYERS DiscreMoved by Alderman Flieger, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, tionary Use/ Tropical That we approve the application of the Tropical Inn to operate a Casino in the building at 5621 - 44 Street (E2 of Lot D and Lots E, F, P & R, Plan 3752 HW) as a discretionary use in the C2 Highway Commercial District subject to: (a)conformance with all applicable Provincial regulations. (b)no operation on Sundays. TABLED Mr. Kevin Van Der Kooy of Vanshaw Enterprizes Ltd. made a presentation to Council regarding the operation of "Casinos by Vanshaw" in Lloydminster. Council questioned Mr. Van Der Kooy as to clarification of Government regulations/restrictions pertaining to the split of revenues earned by non-charitable organizations. Tabled Motion Moved by Alderman Kondro, Seconded by Alderman Plant, That motion #429-94 be tabled. CARRIED: 4-3 OPPOSED: ROOKS/STEWART/MYERS Encroachment Moved by Alderman Myers, Seconded by Alderman Flieger, Agreement 4820-48 St That no action be taken to rectify the .073 - .3 m building encroachment onto the east/west lane behind 4820 - 48 Street (Lot 27 & EI of Lot 28, Block 4, Plan B 1127) subject to the property owner entering into an Encroachment Agreement with the City. CARRIED Clearance Moved by Alderman Myers, Seconded by Alderman Flieger, Deviation 4809-37 St That no action be taken to rectify the .706 - .738 m rear yard clearance deviation on the detached garage at 4809 - 37 Street (Lot 7, Block 18, Plan 63-B-08586). CARRIED Clearance Moved by Alderman Myers, Seconded by Alderman Flieger, Deviation 5706-29 St That no action be taken to rectify the .11 - .14 m east side yard clearance deviation on the detached garage at 5706 - 29 Street (Lot 87, Block 33, Plan 792-2747). CARRIED Office-inthe-Home/ D&N Keck Moved by Alderman Myers, Seconded by Alderman Flieger, That we approve the request of Nadine & David Keck to operate an office-in-the-home in their residence at 2626 - 46 Avenue (Lot 17, Block 7, Plan 83-B-08817) as a discretionary use in the R1 Residential District. CARRIED Home Occupation Bobrowsky Moved by Alderman Myers, Seconded by Alderman Flieger, That we approve the application from Jeannine Bobrowsky to operate a Home Occupation in her residence at 4711 - 31 Street (Lot 3, Block 6, Plan 75-B-01894) as a discretionary use in the R1 Residential District. CARRIED 94/09/19 PAGE ... 98 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES PARKS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE - ALDERMAN FLIEGER Slo-Pitch Ball Park Proposal Moved by Alderman Flieger, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, That we approve in principle the lease of the 16.2 hectare (40 acre) site located on 40 Avenue south of 67 Street to the Lloydminster Slo-Pitch Association for the purpose of a ball diamond complex subject to the preparation of a Lease and Development Agreement. CARRIED Tender Awa d Moved by Alderman Flieger, Seconded by Alderman Plant, Communiple Roof Tende That we award the Communiplex Roof Refurbishing Contract to Edwards-Christensen Roofing (1983) Ltd of Edmonton in the amount of $63,620.00 plus GST. CARRIED UTILITIES AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE - ALDERMAN ROOKS Crossing Agreement/ Morgan Hydrocarbons Inc. Moved by Alderman Rooks, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, That we approve the City of Lloydminster's Crossing Agreement No. 103/94 for Morgan Hydrocarbons Inc. crossing of the Raw Water Pipeline in the NWi 24-53-1-W4M with an access road, and further, that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign and seal the said Crossing Agreement. CARRIED ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE - ALDERMAN PLANT Temporary Moved by Alderman Plant, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, Road Closu e Lloyd Gosp 1 That we approve the Lloydminster Gospel Fellowship request for the Fellowship temporary road closure of 47 Avenue from 46 to 47 Street on Saturday, October 1, 1994, for the purpose of a block party at the church, subject to the conditions of the RCMP, Fire Department, and Engineering and Public Works Department. CARRIED Relief Sto m Moved by Alderman Plant, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, Sewer Revised Tender That we accept the revised tender from Rusway Construction Ltd. for the 36 Street/57-59 Avenue Relief Storm Sewer for a total estimated price of $206,600.00 plus GST. CARRIED School Bus Moved by Alderman Plant, Seconded by Alderman Rooks, Zones That we approve School Bus Zones on 57 Avenue at Rendell Park School, on 45 Avenue at Winston Churchill School, at E. S. Laird on 49 Street, and at Barr Colony School on 52 Avenue and on 31 Street, and further, that all costs be charged to the Public School Division. CARRIED 94/09/19 PAGE ... 99 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES PROTECTIVE SERVICES COMMITTEE - ALDERMAN STEWART Ten Minute Parking Stall Moved by Alderman Stewart, Seconded by Alderman Myers, That we approve the request of the Lloydminster Credit Union for a 10 minute parking stall to be installed from 14.0 m to 21.4 m west of 49 Avenue on 50 Street (southside). CARRIED Constable'Moved by Alderman Stewart, Seconded by Alderman Myers, Report That the Constable's Report for the month of August, 1994, be accepted. CARRIED Fire Dept. Report Moved by Alderman Stewart, Seconded by Alderman Myers, That the Lloydminster Fire Department Report for the months of July and August, 1994, be accepted. CARRIED FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE - ALDERMAN KONDRO Cash Receipts & Payments Moved by Alderman Kondro, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, That we approve the Cash Receipts and Payments for the month of August, 1994. CARRIED 1994 Revis d Moved by Alderman Kondro, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, Budget That we approve the 1994 Revised Budget with a projected surplus of $5,423.00. CARRIED BYLAWS B law 12-9 Third and Final Reading of Bylaw 12-94 will be completed subject to the signing of a Development Agreement between the City and the Developer. ACCOUNTS Moved by Alderman Kondro, Seconded by Alderman Stewart, That we approve the payment of Accounts in the amount of $565,392.95 as presented. CARRIED INQUIRIES The media was given the opportunity to conduct interviews with any Council Members or Administration. 94/09/19 PAGE ... 100 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER COUNCIL MINUTES OTHER MATTERS Election Alderman Rooks announced that he would not be seeking nomination in Announceme t the 1994 General Municipal Election. ADJOURNMENT Moved by Alderman Stewart, Seconded by Alderman Myers, That the Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:35 p.m. CARRIED The next regular Meeting of Council will be held on Monday, October 3, 1994, at 7:30 p.m. in Council Chambers and will be opened in prayer by Roger Brekko. 94/09/19 PAGE ... 101 COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF CASH RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE NORTH OF AUGUST 1994 RECEIPTS August 94 Water & Sewer Taxes Grants in Lieu of Taxes Sale of Services Other Revenue: Rents, Fines, Investments Unconditional Transfers Conditional Transfers To Reserve/Suspense Miscellaneous $356,837.86 $403,055.49 $6,400.19 $132,119.19 $383,060.64 $433,118.34 $6,402.48 $118,135.01 $318,524.65 $175,606.71 $281,655.33 $45,816.89 ($85.09) Capital $339,950.00 $337,920.00 $1,884,274.51 $1,457,695.85 Total Receipts August 1993 $300.00 $3,660.00 ($507.33) Balances beginning of month: Cash on Hand Current Bank Account PAYMENTS August 1994 August 1993 Ordinary Payments $4,081,833.43 $3,674,844.85 Contract Payments $9,290.97 $104,255.57 $219,034.58 $232,121.26 $4,310,158.98 $4,011,221.68 $1,205.00 $486,215.62 $1,330.00 $659,469.39 Payroll Total Payments Balances end of month: $1,180.00 $3,503,910.23 $1,330.00 $2,409,170.52 Cash on Rand Current Bank Account Term Deposits - General $22,211,885.51 $20,363,021.13 Term Deposits - General $22,803,670.65 $19,559,196.43 Total $27,601,250.25 $24,231,217.50 Total $27,601,250.25 $24,231,217.50 RECEIPTS Water & Serer Taxes Grants in Lieu of Taxes Sale of Services Other Revenue: Rents, Fines, Investments Unconditional Transfers Conditional Transfers To Reserve/Suspense Miscellaneous Capital Total Receipts (YTD) 1994 Year to Date 1993 Year to Date $2,956,426.63 $2,892,650.12 $13,681,804.62 $13,610,338.11 $297,885.72 $336,955.67 $929,828.96 $958,726.13 $2,593,556.56 $2,254,414.60 $329,127.33 $687,011.00 $393,375.25 $390,311.96 $458,578.89 $1,061,566.53 ($106.15) ($4,021.47) $1,656,931.84 PAYMENTS Ordinary Payments Contract Payments Payroll 1994 Year to Date 1993 Year to Date $13,518,233.64 $15,842,636.46 $909,610.69 $1,273,613.22 $1,713,864.82 $1,911,671.81 $907,852.69 $23,297,409.65 $23,095,805.34 Total Payments (YTD) MAYOR TY TREASURER $16,141,709.15 $19,027,921.49 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ALLOCATION AUGUST 1994 Water & Sewer Sale of Goods and Services $599.54 Other Revenue Hater & Sewer $62,318.99 General Government Services $20,578.88 Protective Services $8,218.07 Transportation Services $46,402.28 Environmental Health Services $25,896.28 Public Health and Welfare Environmental Planning and Development Recreational and Cultural Services Fiscal Services Other Services Payables Capital TOTAL $318.20 $8,918.40 $53,870.65 $3,628,990.66 $20,414.55 $145,219.62 $187,663.32 ---------------$4,209,409.44 BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 1994 Valette Homes box 1301 'LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan New Dwelling Lot 46, Block 77, Plan 942-2145 $ 90,000.00 4007 - 60 Avenue Atlas Line Developments 2728 - 58 Avenue LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta New Dwelling Lot 54, Block 77, Plan 942-2157 5917 - 41 Street 80,000.00 Robert Dunham 3907 - 59 Avenue LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta New Dwelling Lot 73, Block 78, Plan 942-2157 4032 - 60 Avenue 96,000.00 Barry Gunn 4301 - 49 Avenue LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan New Dwelling Lot 76, Block 78, Plan 942-2157 5922 - 41 Street 96,000.00 Terry Garrett 4502 - 31 Street LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan New Dwelling Lot 14, Block 51, Plan 942-2327 5313 - 23 Street 85,000.00 Harty Developments Ltd. Box 246 LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan New Dwelling Lot 19, Block 3, Plan B 1127 4802 - 49 Street 60,000.00 filbert Fischer 5016 - 58 Avenue LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta Addition to Dwelling Lot 8, Block 57, Plan 904 MC 5016 - 58 Avenue 5,000.00 Lloyd & Della Green 5511 - 38 Street LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta Alterations to Dwelling Lot 5, Block 70, Plan 3021 TR 5511 - 38 Street 5,000.00 Keith Horton 3708 - 56 A Avenue LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta Alterations to Dwelling Lot 5, Block 76, Plan 762-2276 3708 - 56 A Avenue Abraham & Diana Adrian 4802 - 42 Street LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan Alterations to Dwelling Lots 1 & E 1/2 2, Block 2, Plan C 298 2,500.00 4802 - 42 Street Ervin Nixdorf 5308 - 32 Street LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta Detached Garage Lot 15, Block 21, Plan 1679 TR 5308 - 32 Street 8,000.00 Victor Zadery 4602 - 32 Street 1,IJOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan Detached Garage Lot 24, Block 9, Plan 80-B-07482 4602 - 32 Street 5,000.00 Two Plus Five Holdings Ltd. 5101 - 50 Street LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan Interior Alterations To Building Lots 23-26, Block 5, Plan LXXXVI 5101/07 - 50 Street 20,000.00 500.00 BUILDING PERMITS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER, 1994 PAGE 2 Grayzone Holdings Box 656 LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan Alterations To Building Lot 10, Block 11, Plan 852-2060 6002 - 50 Avenue $147,000.00 423582 Alberta Ltd. 4504 - 44 Street LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan Alterations To Building Lot 38, Block 32, Plan 89-B-08105 4504/06 - 44 Street 25,000.00 Temor Oil Service Ltd. Box 676 LLOYDMINSTER, Saskatchewan Office & Truck Storage Building Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Plan 862-0435 5202 - 65 Street 550,000.00 First Lutheran Church 2925 - 57 A Avenue LLOYDMINSTER, Alberta Interior Alterations Lot 6, Bldck 34, Plan 792-2747 2925 - 57 A Avenue 35,000.00 $1,310,000.00 BUILDING PERMITS September 1994 Permits New Dwellings Residential Additions & Alterations Residential Garages Commercial Alterations New Industrial Institutional Alterations Total Total Total Total Total September September September September September 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 Total Total Total Total Total to to to to to September 1994 September 1993 September -1992 September 1991 September 1990 end end end end end of of of of of 6 Value $ 507,000 4 2 3 1 1 13,000 13,000 192,000 550,000 35,000 17 $ 1,310,000 17 19 28 19 18 $ 1,310,000 910,100 550,600 2,726,000 1,897,483 137 124 174 162 • 140 $ 11,370,123 5,176,163 14,958,409 19,624,013 14,643,478 BUILDING PERMITS TO THE END OF SEPTEMBER 1994 1994 PERMITS VALUE Apartment (28 suites) 1 $2,200,000 Row Housing (5 units) 1 350,000 Group Home 1993 PERMITS VALUE 1992 PERMITS VALUE -$ (3 units) 1 160,000 $ 1 123,000 Semi-detached Dwellings 12 1,152,000 6 480,000 New Dwellings 39 3,713,000 29 2,485,000 31 2,781,500 1 59,000 lential Additions, Alterations & Repairs 28 225,300 20 132,600 59 281,760 Residential Garages, Carports & Sheds 26 157,700 27 203,100 32 196,900 4 1,226,429 2 885,000 15 754,000 27 642,500 35 2,359,000 New Industrial 1 550,000 1 15,000 Industrial Additions & Alterations 4 430,000 4 258,041 5 275,000 New Institutional 1 8,000 2 7,530,449 4 544,694 9 836,922 7 488,800 137 $11,370,123 124 $5,176,163 174 $14,958,409 Mobile Home New Commercial Commercial Additions, Alterations & Repairs itutional Additions & .rations SEPTEMBER 1994 DEVELOPMENT PERMITS PREPARED 10/03/94 ADDRESS 4504/06-44 STREET PROPOSED USE APPLICANT EXTERIOR & INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 423582 ALBERTA LIMITED RETAIL - COSTUME SALES AND RENTAL SEBREE; LYNN 5917-41 STREET NEW DWELLING C/W GARAGE ATLAS LINE DEVELOPMENTS 4711-31 STREET HOME OCCUPATION FUNCTIONIONAL ART HANDICRAFTS BOBROWSKY; JEANNINE 5524A-50 AVENUE OFFICES & COMMERCIAL BAKER PERFORMANCE CHEMICALS 4032-60 AVENUE NEW DWELLING C/W GARAGE DUNHAM; ROBERT L 2925-57A AVENUE INSTALL INTERIOR ELEVATOR FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 5016-58 AVENUE PORCH ADDITION FISHER; ALBERT 5313-23 STREET NEW DWELLING C/W GARAGE GARRETT; TERRY 6002-50 AVENUE INTERIOR ALTERATIONS FOR CLINIC BEXSON CONSTRUCTION LTD 554.4-41 STREET NEW DWELLING C/W GARAGE GUNN; JOHN BARRY 4802-49 STREET NEW DWELLING HARTY CONSTRUCTION LTD 2626-46 AVENUE HOME OCCUPATION - MAIL ORDER SERVICE KECK; DAVID & NADINE 3310-50 AVENUE SALE OF FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS OK ENTERPRISES 4202-50 AVENUE FACTORY SLURPLUS SALES FACTORY SURPLUS SALES 5308-32 STREET DETACHED GARAGE NIXDORF; ERV 5202-65 STREET NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING BEXSON CONSTRUCTION LTD 4007-60 AVENUE NEW DWELLING C/W GARAGE VALETTE HOMES LTD 4905-21 STREET CORNER LOT FENCE VAN DRECHT; SHAWN DETACHED GARAGE ZADERY; VICTOR 48 STREET 732 STREET 20 PERMITS ISSUED THIS MONTH 173 ISSUED TO DATE PAGE 1 THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER MEMORANDUM To: Mayor & Council City Commissioner From: Gary Buchanan, Director Planning & Development Date: September 30, 1994 Subject: Casino I have contacted that Alberta Gaming Commission in follow up to the September 19 Council meeting regarding the casino proposal. I trust that this information will be useful to you in making your decision. I spoke to Craig Smitten of the Gaming Control Branch regarding Vanshaw Enterprises' casino proposal. Craig reported the following: - only charities can run casinos; the charity must be incorporated through registries and must have been incorporated for at least 2 years; the Gaming Commission looks after the charities; charities are allowed 1 casino per year; a charity is free to rent casino equipment from whoever they wish; the casino operator is free to charge whatever they want; the Gaming Commission reviews all contracts to prevent 'gouging'; casinos are not cheap, costing approximately $10,000 per casino the equipment rented is limited by what the market will bear, usually 12 games: black jack, roulette, red dog with 3/4 being black jack; the mixture of equipment used is market based; a charity signs a contract with a casino for a flat fee not a percentage of the take; it is possible that a charity could lose money if the take is less than the cost; in the event of a loss the charity makes up the difference; however, all revenues above the cost of the casino go to the charity: recently a charity made over $160,000 on a casino; Vanshaw Enterprises is seen as filling a market niche; and, Vanshaw will have a monopoly through economic advantage: by locating in Lloydminster costs can be minimized passing the savings onto customers. THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER Page 2 Craig Smitten gave some comments regarding Vanshaw Enterprises. - nothing bad has been received by the Commission on Vanshaw; Vanshaw is seen as running a smart operation; Vanshaw is known for looking after 'their' charities: they don't hang the charities out; Vanshaw is actively involved with the groups; and, Craig had "... heard nothing bad about him at all." Regards, Gary GB/bw THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER 5011-49AVE,LUDYMNSTER SASKATCHEWAN - ALBERTA S9V OT8 PH.: (306) 825-6184 FAX: (306) 825-7170 OFFICE OF October 3, 1994 TO: Mayor Gulak and Members of Council FROM: Tom Lysyk City Clerk RE: Vanshaw Casino Proposal The enclosed letter and attachments were dropped off at our office this afternoon by Mrs. Brenda Stang. I advised Mrs. Stang that the agenda has already been distributed, but the Vanshaw proposal will be taken from the table for further consideration this evening. I advised her that I would copy and distribute the material if she would attend the meeting to answer any questions about it when the matter comes up. She agreed and plans to attend. Hopefully, if there are questions of Mrs. Stang they can be answered right at the meeting. "THE BORDER CITY" DECEIVED OCT -31994 October 3, 1994 ITY OF LLOYDMIVISTSIE ICE OP TIII3 CITY CLERK Mayor Gulak and Council On behalf of the Stockade Bingo Association and the Hi-Roller Bingo Association I am presenting a petition that was signed at a meeting held on October 2, 1994. This meeting was called with only a few days notice resulting in 49 out of the 90 member groups able to attend. The meeting dealt with the casino proposal that Vanshaw Enterprizes Ltd. has before City Council for approval. A few of our members have been contacted by Vanshaw regarding support for the casino. At this point in time Vanshaw is providing very few details on the operation of the casino and the criteria for eligibility for participating organizations. The 49 member groups that signed the attached petitions feel that it is only fair that Vanshaw Enterprizes Ltd. meet with the total group of members of the Stockade and HiRoller Bingo Associations. Vanshaw Enterprizes Ltd. would be able to provide all the details and information needed by our members as well as address questions and concerns that these groups would have. Our members felt that the proper action would be to bring our concerns to you before a decision was made rather than after the fact. We trust that you will give serious consideration to our request that you delay your final decision by one month. This delay will ensure that all information regarding the operations of the casinos can be made available and that concerns of the charitable and non-profit organizations can be addressed. Thank you for your consideration. Respectfully yours, Mrs. Brenda Stang Chairman, Stockade Bingo Association 9-6 October 2, 1994 ayor Gulak and Council On behalf of the 'Stockade Bingo_ Association the following groups and organizations have concerns about the report of a casino opening in our community. Please understand we are not:opposed to the casino but ask for 'a short delay until we .caa meet with the operator. We have two main concerns: 1 what groups can join the casino as community organizations? 2. what might be the effect on the two current bingo halls. Keep in mind, there are some ninety groups and organivations currently conducting bingos in Lloydminster. We are concerned about the long term health of the bingo halls and what a casino might have to offer. We understand the casino operator has been in contact with some f our groups and we would like to have the opportunity to meet a total group. At this time we ask the final decision be delayed for one month in order to determine our support or opposition to the proposed casino. 5--r-a--.464-7-1-4_4 d t_skokasinW m011ogo Loyd taggw& • it) Am' wiz 10 yd VIA%.e r ,2d,z ek Li mr14.114 tA, 4,es.► -a›:411,/ 44/44.ey 43;c/e-yy ..-- . 111-9 64 rooAl .5146€ DA) /J9-$ H-IE tied 4/?c,u,oz_. s/Loct,6y5 ( -C464/14,L; ti 13 &CR A) / 1 7::ek7 eVili;7-2 e7 Euy-A 10/7 6?_) /4 te/P rs'eoe,7 11/•9/1 1/2a-/ 9 ■ /.LV AlC&Ot javfrvf .6///p/..1/, / _ ,Ayz_<=ALJ Ate-4 0 ,■ (--*er`JrLA-4 aMR P/ V PrOb 13 EV vi)/71 • f 0 11/1/ C2iir 17- / 9,569e;01961 / j6 go-e voc of ( s We- P A ve4a,_ Spav-k Miktov 00)D6.-r- sctv1-6,ea, L 4.0typ fr, Yo r Abe k 0/67-. E.- A o S (A- Z2( rS t07 ( October 2, 1994 Mayor Gulak and Council On behalf of the Hi - Roller Bingo Association the following groups and organizations have concerns about the report of a casino opening in our community. Please understand we are not opposed to the casino but ask for a short delay until we can meet with the operator. We have two main concerns: 1. what groups can join the casino as community organizations? 2. what might be the effect on the two current bingo halls. Keep in mind, there are some ninety groups and organivations currently conducting bingos in Lloydminster. We are concerned about the long term health of the bingo halls and what a casino might have to offer. We understand the casino operator has been in contact with some of our groups and we would like to have the opportunity to meet as a total group. At this time we ask the final decision be delayed for one month in order to determine our support or opposition to the proposed casino. Fo/rPkx (try /'/OAS e )): 1414 y /6? r /1-Sfite /7) fe ivokias- #iikk /3/24"c cA-01-0,4,t) RIA117 17-re /O Mr) 141r aWon a-- R-D--LP-Lan.3 t(r) ccAst, Veyolynins7i# AD187C 4 1'd Zfrxitrp 4 Zlet-seAd r p/t4 ilq-$70 d/724,z/3Z2-4_, I / NO/e. OC irl( 55.4 Zee-e-C: t<reJe_gie- THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER MEMORANDUM To: Mayor & Council City Commissioner From: Gary Buchanan, Director Planning & Development Date: September 30, 1994 Subject: Border City Rodeo Association Attached is a copy of Administration Report PD-91-94-26100-65 regarding the Border City Rodeo Association. This admin report was intended to be dealt with at the October 11 Planning & Development Committee meeting and the October 17 Council meeting. However, given that the Rodeo will start on October 20, it is felt that this matter should be considered by Council now. I apologize for this late addition. Regards, Gary GB/bw Attachment BORDER CITY RODEO ASSOCIATION BY-LAWS 1.0 Name The name of the board shall be the "Border City Rodeo Association" hereinafter referred to as the "BCRA". 2.0 Mandate To ensure the smooth and profitable operation of the Canadian Cowboy Association Finals Rodeo in the City of Lloydminster. 3.0 Procedures and Organization 3.1 Membership The member organizations listed below shall make up the membership of the Border City Rodeo Association. These incorporated organizations are: a) the Lloydminster Economic Development Authority b) the Lloydminster Tourism and Convention Authority c) the Lloydminster Agricultural Exhibition Association d) the Lloydminster Chamber of Commerce e) the Cowboy Countdown Association Inc. fl the Lloydminster Region Community FuturesCorporation 3.2 Board of Directors of the BCRA The BCRA shall consist of two regular voting members of the listed membership in 3.1 above. 3.3 Resignation and Removal of Directors Any Board member may withdraw from the Board of Directors by delivering WRITTEN notice to the chairman and member (organizations) who appointed him/her to the Board. The effective date of resignation shall be in accordance with section 9 2 ( 2 ) of the Non-Profit Corporations Act (hereinafte referred to as "the Act") which states that resignation is effective as of the time it is sent to the corporation, or, at the time specified in the resignation, whichever is later. The Board of Directors may, by resolution of a quorum of the Board, recommend to one of the member organizations of the BCRA the termination of any member prior to the e ion of his/her appointed office for reasons of lark of attendance at Board meetings or improprie the undertaking of his/her duties as a Board member. The actual removal of a Board member will be in accordance with section 9 3 of the Act namely, that the founding members of the BCRA may by ordinary resolution at a special meeting remove any director or directors from office. 3 . 4 Conduct of Meetings The fundamental principles of the most up-to-date Roberts Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of the Corporation, the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and any other Committees established, so far as they may be available without coming into conflict with the Act, Articles of Incorporation or By-laws. A recording secretary or a Board member assigned such duties will record all minutes of Board, Committees, Executive, Annual and General meetings of the Corporation. All minutes of BCRA Board meetings, AGM's and special meetings of the members SHALL be forwarded to the members organizations of the BCRA. 3 . 4 . 1 Voting All decisions of the Board of Directors shall be by a simple majority of members present. 3 . 4 .2 Quorum Size A quorum of the Board shall consist of a majority of the voting members. 3.4.3 Meetings Except as otherwise provided, meetings shall be held on such basis as determined by the Board of Directors. A Board meeting may be called at the request of the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson with 48 hours notice. Committee meetings may be called at the request of the chairperson of the committee with reasonable notice. 3.5 Executive Committee The Board of Directors shall establish annually an Executive Committee consisting of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, a Treasurer and one member of the Cowboy Countdown Associaion Inc. 3.5.1 Duties of the Executive Committee To manage the affairs of the BCRA between regular meetings with particular emphasis on managing the financial affairs of the corporation. 3.6 Nominating Committee A Nominating Committee consisting of a Chairperson and two Board members, not on the Executive Committee, shall be established annually. a) The Nominating Committee shall ensure that each founding organization is notified three weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting regarding its two appoints to the BCRA Board. The committee shall also endeavor to maintain board continuity. b) The Nominating Committee shall bring a slate of potential Executive officers as recommendations to the Board. 3.7 Term of Office All appointments shall be for a one year term with consideration being given for board continuity. 3.8 Committees of the BCRA The BCRA Board may establish particular committees to examine, consider, report and take action on such matters as the Board may delegate. Members from the community at large may be appointed to the above-mentioned committees; however, the Chairperson of any committee established shall be a Board Member of the BCRA. Minutes of all BCRA committee meetings shall be recorded and circulated to all members of the BCRA Board within a reasonable amount of time. 3.8.1 Cowboy Countdown Association Inc. The Cowboy Countdown Association Inc. shall be responsible for organizing the annual Canadian Cowboy Association Finals Rodeo event in Lloydminster. This particular committee shall submit annually, a rodeo budget for approval by the BCRA and the annual rodeo event 'hall be organized by the Lloydminster Cowboy Countdown Committee Inc. within the budget approved by the BCRA. 3.9 Responsibilities of the Board of Directors of the BCRA In addition to the general statutory and common law responsibilities and duties of a Nonprofit Corporation Board of Directors, the following are specific responsibilities of the Board of Directors of the BCRA: a) The BCRA Board chall approve an annual budget in consultation with the Cowboy Countdown Association Inc. for the operation of the Rodeo on an annual basis. b) The BCRA Board 'hall have the right to review and monitor all revenue and expenditures of the Cowboy Countdown Association Inc. c) All contracts and agreements entered into by the Cowboy Countdown Association Inc. that extend beyond the current year's rodeo will be subject to review and approval from the BCRA. 4.0 Profit Sharing and Loss. 4.1 Canadian Cowboys Association Profit Sharing The Canadian Cowboys Association shall be entitled to a $ 4 , 0 0 0 guaranteed payout each year the rodeo event is held whether or not the rodeo makes a profit as per current contract dated 1994, 1995, 1996. 4.2 Lloydminster Parks and Recreation Department Profit Sharing The Lloydminster Parks and Recreation Department shall be entitled to a $ 4 , 5 0 0 guaranteed payout each year the rodeo event is held whether or not the rodeo makes a profit. 4.3 Seed Fund The BCRA shall establish a seed fund that will be comprised of twenty percent of the net profit calculated annually at the close of the project. This fund shall be set at $ 2 , 5 0 0 for the inaugural year of the rodeo and shall be capped at a maximum of $ 15 , 0 0 0 . Any additional monies over and above the stated $ 15 , 0 0 0 will be invested in a Capital Development Fund which is part of the BCRA. 4.4 Border City Rodeo Association Profit Sharing at the_ 4ose of The Border City Rodeo Association will receive 40% of the net profit calculated ann VaYers a the the project and this money will be held in trust for equal disbursement to all the BCRA upon completion of the present contract with the Canadian Cowboys Association. The project includes everything associated with organizing and hosting the annual rodeo. In summary, the net profit calculated annually at the close of the annual event will be divided as follows Revolving Seed Monies 20 % Canadian Cowboys Association 20 % Border City Rodeo Association 40% Lloydminster Parks and Recreation Depart. 20% 100% 4.5 In Event of a Monetary Loss All partners will be equally liable for all monetary sh•rtfalls and losses incurred in it organizations will be hosting the annual rodeo. In an event of a loss all immediately informed. The BCRA Board has no authority to take..cairs or other financial securities to cover such losses without prior imaminous approval of all founding members. 5.0 Signing Authority Signing Authority for the BCRA shall be either the Chairperson or Vice-Chairperson in addition to the Treasurer or any Board Member authorized by the BCRA Board. 6.0 Confidentiality Where in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the BCRA or the Lloydminster Cowboy Countdown Committee Inc., there are considerations of a confidential nature, Board Members and Committee Members will respect this or face possible removal. 7.0 Conflict of Interest When a conflict of interest arises, the member affected shall disclose the general nature of the interest and leave the room until the matter is dealt with. If a Board or Committee Member is temporarily absent from a meeting and has a pecuniary interest in any matter that was discussed in his/her absence, he/she shall disclose any interest on their return to the meeting. The pecuniary interest and abstention shall be duly recorded in the minutes. 8.0 Corporate and Board Liability The BCRA Board shall do everything in its power to avoid liability including: a) ensuring that sufficient liability insurance is provided to operate the rodeo on an annual basis. In particular, this coverage should be adequate to ensure that no fmancial liability will accrue to the BCRA member organizations. b) forwarding copies of all insurance agreements to the member organizations as soon as practicable. 9.0 Financial Year-End The financial year of the BCRA ball be the twelve month period ending on March 31 of each year. 10.0 Audit The BCRA Board shall appoint independent auditors of the Corporation who shall hold office for a period of one year. The accounts of the Association shall be audited annually in advance of each Annual General Meeting by the auditors and an audited statement of the affairs of the corporation shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting. A copy of the audited fmancial statement will be forwarded to the profit sharing group as outlined in section 4.4 above. 11.0 Annual General Meeting 11.1 Organization of the AGM The member organizations shall meet at least once a year at a time and place to be determined by the BCRA Board. This meeting shall occur no later than April 31 of the preceding year following the staging of the annual rodeo event. Such meeting shall be called by the Directors, who shall give not leSs than 15 days notice and no more than 50 days notice, in writing, stating date, time and place of such meeting to the six founding members. All Board members in good standing with any of the six founding organizations shall be invited to the AGM. 11.2 Business of the AGM a) The AGM shall confirm all appointments to the Board by the six founding organizations as governed by these by-laws. b) The AGM shall elect an executive for the BCRA including Chairperson, Vice Chairperson and Treasurer. c) The AGM shall present and recommend approval of the audited financial statements of the corporation by the six founding organizations of the BCRA. d) The AGM shall present an annual report of the past years activities. e) The AGM shall recommend approval of any changes to the by-laws of the BCRA by the six founding organizations of the BCRA. f) The AGM shall appoint a auditors and solicitors for the corporation. g) Any other business that may arise shall be discussed at the AGM. 11.3 Vc)tAg i Four voting delegates from each member organization shall be allowed to vote at the AGM as outlined in 3.2 11.4 Quorum A quorum for the AGM shall consist of 50% of all voting members as outlined in 11.3. 12.0 Special Meetings of the Founding Organizations of the BCRA Special meetings of the founding membership of the BCRA may be called from time to time to deal with issues including: winding down of the corporation, renewal of finals rodeo contract with Canadian Cowboys Association and preparing rodeo bids, etc. as determined by the Board of Directors of the BCRA. Fifteen days of notice with time and place of such meetings will be given to the founding membership of the BCRA. All Board members in good standing with any of the member organizations shall be invited to the special meeting and a quorum shall consist of 50% of all voting members as outlined in 11.3. 13.0 Amendments to the Bylaws of the BCRA These by-laws shall not be rescinded, altered or added to except by special resolution of the corporation with the unanimous approval of the six founding members of the BCRA. Copies of all updated by-laws shall be sent to the member organizations. 14.0 Dissolution of Corporate Affairs of the BCRA Dissolution of the Corporate Affairs of the BCRA shall be in accordance with Division XVII of the Act. Proposed Addenda For The Bylaws Chamber of Commerce Changes 144will require approval of the BCRA 73.9 any additional expenditures in excess of 10% of the approvedilbudget Board. 3.5.1 manage the affiars of the BCRA between regular meetings. Exhibition Association 3.4.2 Quorem Size A quorem of the board shall consist of 50% of the Board of Directors plus one. 4.3 Seed Fund (Any additional monies over and above the stated $15,000 will be invested in the BCRA General Fund. 15.0 Membership Withdrawal an organization shall provide written notification with an explanation nine weeks prior to a special meeting of the Membership to the Chairman of the BCRA who will forward copies to all members. -. 15.1 Profit sharing AlSo Any member who withdraws from the Association will forfeit any profit sharing of upon the dissolotion of the BCRA. CITY OF LLOYDNINSTER RECONCILIATION FORM Project: Account: Reconciliation Date: ITEM 1994 CURRENT BUDGET Russ Robertson Retrofit #57115 August 4, 1994 YEAR TO DATE TO DATE TO COME REVISED BUDGET ORIGINAL APPROVED BUDGET REVENUE 1)1993 Surplus -56,666.00 2)Alberta Infrastructure Prog -56,667.00 3)Federal Infrastructure Prog -56,667.00 4)1994 Capital Trust -19,972.38 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 -56,666.00 -56,667.00 -56,667.00 -19,972.38 -56,666.00 -56,667.00 -56,667.00 -19,972.38 -56,666.00 -56,667.00 -56,667.00 -19,972.38 TOTAL REVENUE -189,972.38 .00 .00 -189,972.38 -189,972.38 -189,972.38 1)Legend Coast. contract 2)Engineering Fees 3)Dehumidifier unit 4)Spectator heating 160,354.00 9,700.00 14,081.38 5,837.00 .00 .00 14,081.38 5,837.00 .00 .00 14,081.38 5,837.00 160,354.00 9,700.00 .00 .00 160,354.00 9,700.00 14,081.38 5,837.00 160,354.00 9,700.00 14,081.38 5,837.00 TOTAL EXPENSES 189,972.38 19,918.38 19,918.38 170,054.00 189,972.38 189,972.38 .00 19,918.38 19,918.38 -19,918.38 .00 .00 EXPENSES Project Deficit/(Surplus) General Ledger balance as of August 4, 1994 19,918.38 RECOMMENDATIONS Legend Construction Contract Components 1)New roof 2)Front vestibule TOTAL 160,354.00 Date: September 22, 1994 Prepared by: Randy Taves Recommended by: D. Dmytryshyn pi-Recommended by City Commissioner: Approved by City Council: 7:C1 THE BLUE BOX PROGRAM PROGRESS REPORT AUGUST, 1994 During the month, the following materials were processed at the Recycle Depot: 1.Paper 90000 lbs ( 2. Cardboard 77250 lbs ( 5225 lbs ( 3. Tin Cans 4. Glass(clear) 3525 lbs ( 5.Plastic Jugs 700 lbs ( 500 lbs ( 6.Plastic Bags 92500 in 74000 5200 2425 950 250 Totals 177200 lbs ( 175325 in July) A total of 5984 boxes were emptied during August which is an average of 272 per day compared to 260 in July. Inquiries should be directed to the Recycle Depot at 825-9777. City of Lloydminster Engineering & Public Works 94/09/29 CITY AP150 OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE DATE 94/09/30 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER CODE AMOUNT NUMBER DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT ALBERTA POWER LIMITED. /032 94/09/30 1 21.73 .00 21.73 067033 94/09/30 1 640.25 .00 640.25 067034 94/09/30 1 66,883.00 .00 66,883.00 067035 94/09/30 1 129,692.57 .00 129,692.57 067036 94/09/30 1 4,922.00 .00 4,922.00 067037 94/09/30 1 30,368.00 .00 30,368.00 067038 94/09/30 1 263.76 .00 263.76 067039 94/09/30 1 66.00 .00 66.00 067040 94/09/30 1 3,972.37 .00 3,972.37 067041 94/09/30 1 968.35 .00 968.35 067042 94/09/30 1 76.30 .00 76.30 067043 94/09/30 1 722.78 .00 722.78 BOB SACK'S SHEET METAL LIMITED. 067044 94/09/30 1 266.90 .00 266.90 BUCHANAN; GARY 067045 94/09/30 1 168.34 .00 168.34 BEARING 4 TRANSMISSION (LLOYD) 067046 94/09/30 1 111.13 .00 111.13 BILL'S PRINTING & STATIONERY 067047 94/09/30 1 671.47 .00 671.47 BARTLE 4 GIBSON CO. LTD. 067048 94/09/30 1 909.59 .00 909.59 BRANDT EQUIPMENT LTD. 067049 94/09/30 1 552.12 .00 552.12 BRYAN 4 COMPANY 067050 94/09/30 1 50.22 .00 50.22 067051 94/09/30 1 51.04 .00 51.04 BEA FISHER CENTRE, THE 7052 94/09/30 1 38.80 .00 38.80 BAILEY; BYRON ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES ALBERTA URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION ASL PAVING LIMITED ASSOCIATED ENGINEERING ALBERTA LTD. ALARIE AGLAND EQUIPMENT LIMITED. ALBERTA ATTORNEY GENERAL AQUA-BRITS PAINTING & DECORATING LTD BENDIXEN; M.R. BALANIK; AUDREY BEISEL; DIANE BMW MONARCH 1053 94/09/30 1 67.39 .00 67.39 067054 94/09/30 1 3,145.70 .00 3,145.70 067055 94/09/30 1 103.74 .00 103.74 CANADIAN TIRE ACCEPTANCE LIM/TED. 067056 94/09/30 1 132.95 .00 132.95 CANADIAN LINEN SUPPLY 067057 94/09/30 1 40,343.46 .00 40,343.46 067058 94/09/30 1 337.05 .00 337.05 067059 94/09/30 1 21.50 .00 21.50 067060 94/09/30 1 321.00 .00 321.00 067061 94/09/30 1 61.47 .00 61.47 THE CANADIAN TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT GROUP INC. 067062 94/09/30 1 57.40 .00 57.40 DMITRYSHYN; DAVID 067063 94/09/30 1 37.45 .00 37.45 DZUS MOTOR REPAIR 067064 94/09/30 1 30,080.70 .00 30,080.70 067066 94/09/30 1 37.77 .00 37.77 DIETRICH; WYNN 067067 94/09/30 1 98.57 .00 98.57 D&D ESSO SALES 067068 94/09/30 1 182.97 .00 182.97 ELECTRICAL INDUSTRIES WESTERN LTD.' 067069 94/09/30 1 224.98 .00 224.98 FOUNTAIN TIRE 067070 94/09/30 1 79.52 .00 79.52 FELDSPAR STEEL 067071 94/09/30 1 112.14 .00 112.14 067072 94/09/30 1 14,294.99 .00 14,294.99 067073 94/09/30 1 34.24 .00 34.24 FENNIG FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 7074 94/09/30 1 84.94 .00 84.94 GULAX; MAYOR PAT 075 94/09/30 1 242.92 .00 242.92 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. COOPER CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION LTD. CIVIC TIRE AND BATTERY SERVICE (1972) LTD. CAN SWIM AQUATICS CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY DAIMON GRAVEL PRODUCTS FRONTIER GLASS AND DOOR LTD. FELDSPAR EXCAVATING 4 REDI-MIX GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS 1 CITY AP150 OF LLOYDMINSTER DATE 94/09/30 PAGE 2 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER CODE AMOUNT NUMBER DISCOUNT NET 7076 94/09/30 1 25.37 .00 25.37 067077 94/09/30 1 3,944.02 .00 3,944.02 067078 94/09/30 1 3,392.00 .00 3,392.00 067079 94/09/30 1 79,888.12 .00 79,888.12 067080 94/09/30 1 20.87 .00 20.87 , NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT GROCERY PEOPLE LTD. GRINNELL SUPPLY SALES COMPANY ICG CANADIAN PROPANE LTD INTERPROVINCIAL CONCRETE LTD. & JAMES PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 067081 94/09/30 1 160.25 .00 160.25 K & L ELECTRIC LTD. 067082 94/09/30 1 306.93 .00 306.93 IILEEN-BEE SANITARY SUPPLIES LTD. 067083 94/09/30 1 227.80 .00 227.80 LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS 067084 94/09/30 1 698.44 .00 698.44 LLOYDMINSTER & DISTRICT CO-OP ASSOCIATION LIMITE 067085 94/09/30 1 37.45 .00 37.45 LLOYDMINSTER PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED 067086 94/09/30 1 31.54 .00 31.54 LOOMIS COURIER SERVICE LIMITED. 067087 94/09/30 1 539.28 .00 539.28 LLOYDMINSTER TIMES 067088 94/09/30 1 274.45 .00 274.45 LLOYD LOCK & KEY (1982) LTD 067089 94/09/30 1 259.11 .00 259.11 LJRELECTRICAL LTD 067090 94/09/30 1 79.72 .00 79.72 067091 94/09/30 1 560.24 .00 560.24 .00 70.46 LLOYD BUS & DELIVERY SERVICE LTD. LION BUSINESS MACHINES LTD. LUNCH AT LORNA'S 067092 94/09/30 1 70.46 067093 94/09/30 1 810.54 .00 810.54 MERIDIAN PRINTING (1979) LTD. 067094 94/09/30 1 411.66 .00 411.66 MIDWAY DISTRIBUTORS (1980) LTD. 067095 94/09/30 1 267.50 .00 267.50 MICRO AGE COMPUTER STORES ,7096 94/09/30 1 627.18 .00 627.18 MCKAY WATER WORKS SUPPLY LTD. 1 4097 94/09/30 1 21.35 .00 21.35 MIDAS MUFFLER LLOYDMINSTER 067098 94/09/30 1 68.80 .00 68.80 MID-NORTH MINE & SAFETY SUPPLY (1983) LTD, 067099 94/09/30 1 1,737.64 .00 1,737.64 067100 94/09/30 1 577.27 .00 577.27 NORMAN WADE COMPANY LIMITED 067101 94/09/30 1 802.08 ,.00 802.08 NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED 067102 94/09/30 1 483.98 .00 483.98 NORTHLAND STATIONERS (1963) LTD. 067104 94/09/30 1 59.32 .00 59.32 NORTHWIND RADIO LTD. SALES & SERVICE 067105 94/09/30 1 84.04 .00 84.04 PUROLATOR COURIER LIMITED 067106 94/09/30 1 48.09 .00 48.09 PWM STEEL SERVICES LIMITED 067107 94/09/30 1 202.18 .00 202.18 PHILLIPS MESS WEAR LTD. 067108 94/09/30 1 262.79 .00 262.79 QUIK PICK WASTE DISPOSAL 067109 94/09/30 1 25.00 .00 25.00 067110 94/09/30 1 469.69 .00 469.69 067111 94/09/30 1 21,637.01 .00 21,637.01 067112 94/09/30 1 13.00 .00 13.00 067113 94/09/30 1 129.19 .00 129.19 067114 94/09/30 1 32.10 .00 32.10 067115 94/09/30 1 197.95 .00 197.95 RICHARDSON'S JEWELLERY (LLOYD) LTD. 067116 94/09/30 1 791.46 .00 791.46 R.L. ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDING (1978) LTD. 067117 94/09/30 1 106.57 .00 106.57 RAYDON RENTALS LTD. '7118 94/09/30 1 88.20 .00 88.20 7119 94/09/30 1 2,015.63 .00 2,015.63 NELSON LUMBER COMPANY LTD. QUIST; DAVE PITNEY BOWES LEASING R.N. FLEMING HOLDINGS LTD.• ROOKS; ALDERMAN JOE ROYAL LIFE SAVING SOCIETY CANADA RAM PRINTING COMPANY LTD ' SCOTTY'S RENTALS AND SALES STUART WRIGHT LIMITED CITY AP150 DATE 94/09/30 OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE NUMBER 7120 067121 067122 067123 067124 067125 067126 067127 067128 067129 067130 067131 067132 067133 067134 067135 067136 067137 067138 067139 '67140 7141 067142 067143 067144 067145 067146 067147 067148 067149 067150 067151 067152 067153 067154 067155 067156 067157 067158 067159 067160 -17161 /162 DATE CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 94/09/30 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GROSS AMOUNT 131.45 30.00 42.80 982.79 1,605.19 106.73 267.50 106.84 342.40 93.89 4,152.26 331.63 635.19 661.63 3,529.15 60.00 211.86 445.50 360.00 561.43 75.00 32.00 213.73 1,387.76 204.44 4,922.00 347.05 DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ;00 .00 15.52 143.96 141.95 50.00 58.85 16.05 5,000.00 214.00 54.29 450.00 45.97 42.80 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 914.74 467.59 176.55 83.72 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAYMENT 131.45 30.00 42.80 982.79 1,605.19 106.73 267.50 106.84 342.40 93.89 4,152.26 331.63 635.19 661.63 3,529.15 60.00 211.86 445.50 360.00 561.43 75.00 32.00 213.73 1,387.76 204.44 4,922.00 347.05 15.52 143.96 141.95 50.00 58.85 16.05 5,000.00 214.00 54.29 450.00 45.97 42.80 914.74 467.59 176.55 83.72 NAME OF BENEFICIARY SKYLINE REFRIGERATION LTD. SASKATCHEWAN ATTORNEY GENERAL SIGN LANGUAGE SMITH; BARRY S.S.C. RECRUITMENT ADVERTISING LTD. SAWCHUK'S TROPHY GALLERY VERNS'S DIESEL SALES 4 SERVICES 1TD. VALLEY C CONSTRUCTION LIMITED WINDSOR BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED WORKER'S COMPENSATION BOARD WESTBURNE WILTER AUTO & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY (LLOYD) LTD. SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LTD. HUSKY OIL MARKETING COMPANY ORB; DARIN 47993 ALBERTA LTD. ACCENT FRAMING TEM:FERE; NANCY CAPTAIN'S QUARTERS SURPLUS ALBERTA MUSEUMS ASSOCIATION CULLIGAN WESTERN WATER & SEWER SUPPLIES WEINHANDL CONSTRUCTION 423582 ALBERTA LTD. BEARDEN ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD. SERACON PRODUCTS PRAIRIE WEST ARTWORKS SHARE CORP CANADA(CHEMICAL) LTD. LONE PINE PUBLISHING LTD. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION PETER CUMBER ENTERPRISES LTD RECEIVER GENERAL FOR CANADA IMBOFF; CARL R 4 R MASONRY CONSTRUCTION THE PAINT SPOT CUNDLIFFE; HOLLY SILVERWOOD TOYOTA LTD. AUTO TECHNICS T.B. SYSTEM SOLUTIONS INC. DIFFUSION AQUASPORT ORGANIZATION OF SASK. ARTS COUNCIL REINIGER; DON 3 CITY AP150 OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE DATE 94/09/30 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER CODE AMOUNT NUMBER 163 u67164 94/09/30 94/09/30 83.94 1 1 70.00 DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT .00 83.94 .00 70.00 NORTH STAR SPORTS (RED DEER) INC NORTH SIDE SPORTS AGRA EARTH 6 ENVIRONMENTAL 067165 94/09/30 1 3,331.34 .00 3,331.34 067166 94/09/30 1 50.00 .00 50.00 GRAFF; MARLENE 067167 94/09/30 1 50.00 .00 50.00 CARDE; JASON 067168 94/09/30 1 43.12 .00 43.12 TREE 067169 94/09/30 1 1,013.37 .00 1,013.37 067170 94/09/30 1 376.68 .00 376.68 067171 94/09/30 1 75.00 .00 75.00 DALLYN; BRAD KLOTZ; HELEN TULLOCH; RON HAWRYLAK; SHANNON 067172 94/09/30 1 37.50 .00 37.50 067173 94/09/30 1 136.51 .00 136.51 067174 94/09/30 1 195.00 .00 195.00 067175 94/09/30 1 25.00 .00 25.00 KORMYSH; SHERRY REESOR; JANET NEUMAN; HOLLY NAIT 067176 94/09/30 1 15.00 .00 15.00 067177 94/09/30 1 31.00 .00 31.00 URBAN; ARLENE 067178 94/09/30 1 17.00 .00 17.00 LAMBOURN; CAROLIN 067179 94/09/30 1 720.00 .00 720.00 FALCON; WAYLON 067180 94/09/30 1 500.00 .00 500.00 LAMB; CHARLES 067181 94/09/30 1 500.00 .00 500.00 BEAVER CREEK CONTRACTORS 067182 94/09/30 1 37.50 .00 37.50 MAKING CITIES LIVABLE -7183 94/09/30 1 150.49 .00 150.49 NICXLESS; DOUGLAS & HELM 7184 94/09/30 1 133.75 .00 133.75 LLOYD BOOK EXCHANGE u67185 94/09/30 1 135.00 .00 135.00 53.50 HUGHES; JIM YOUNG; DARLA miumm4 KELLY 067186 94/09/30 1 53.50 .00 067187 94/09/30 1 44.60 .00 44.60 173.52 NISKU SAFETY SUPPLY 4 SERVICES 067188 94/09/30 1 173.52 .00 067189 94/09/30 1 438.70 .00 438.70 FRANK FLAMAN SALES LTD. 067190 94/09/30 1 137.25 .00 137.25 GYSLER; JEFF 067191 94/09/30 1 82.00 .00 82.00 067192 94/09/30 1 984.40 .00 984.40 067193 94/09/30 1 29.00 .00 29.00 067194 94/09/30 1 133.75 .00 133.75 MUSEUMS ASSOCIATIONS OF SASKATCHMAN 067195 94/09/30 1 30.00 .00 30.00 ALBERTA SPORTS HALL OF FAME & MUSEUM 067196 94/09/30 1 2,500.00 .00 2,500.00 067197 94/09/30 1 10.50 .00 10.50 066816 94/09/30 1 14 62,319.54 .00 62,319.54 066817 94/09/30 1 14 100.00 .00 100.00 066900 94/09/30 1 1,230.50- .00 1,230.50- 066994 94/09/30 1 m 769.89 .00 769.89 REYNOLDS PLUMBING (LLOYD) LTD. 067008 94/09/30 1 M 125.00 .00 125.00 GUSTAVSON; TED 067020 94/09/30 1 M 77.00 .00 77.00 -'7021 94/09/30 1 M 23,652.64 .00 23,652.64 022 94/09/30 1 M 1,646.00 .00 1,646.00 C CURREY; HOLLY HODGINS AUCTIONEERS INC. CEDAR INN HUARD; WENDY COWBOY COUNTDOWN ALBERTA POWER LIMITED. DMYTRYSHYN; DAVID REYNOLDS PLUMBING (LLOYD) LTD. LLOYDMINSTER UNITED APPEAL THE MANUFACTURERS LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY C.U.P.E. LOCAL #1015 4 AP150 C/TY OF LLOYDMINSTER DATE 94/09/30 PAGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE GROSS NUMBER CODE AMOUNT NUMBER 023 94/09/30 1 H 105.00 u67024 94/09/30 1 M 2,906.75 067025 94/09/30 1 M 651.70 067026 94/09/30 1 M 1,070.00 NUMBER OF CHEQUES DISCOUNT NET .00 .00 .00 .00 105.00 2,906.75 CITY OF LLOYDMINsimt SOCIAL CLUB PRINCE CHARLES MOTOR INN 651.70 SASKATCHEWAN TELEPHONES 1,070.00 CANADA POST CORPORATION 176 588,259.49 588,259.49 176 588,259.49 588,259.49 REGISTER TOTALS NUMBER OF CHEQUES NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT PROVINCE OF ALBERTA THE LAND TITLES ACT EASEMENT WHEREAS 333085 ALBERTA LTD. is the registered owner of the land described in Schedule "A" attached hereto; AND WHEREAS the City of Lloydminster desires to register a utility easement against the said land to secure to the City the right to install and maintain utilities on, over and under the said land, notwithstanding the subsequent sale or disposition of the land. NOW THEREFORE 333085 ALBERTA LTD. with offices at Box 1249 in the City of Lloydminster, in the Province of Alberta, (hereinafter referred to as the "Owner"), being the registered owner of an estate in fee simple, in all those certain tracts of land situate in the City of Lloydminster, in the Province of Alberta, as more particularly described in Schedule "A" attached hereto, DOTH HEREBY GRANT, CREATE AND TRANSFER unto the City the right, license, liberty, privilege and easement to use that portion of the said lands (hereinafter called "the right-of-way") as shown on a plan of survey of the right-of-way filed in the Land Titles office for the Gas Pipeline Right-of-Way on the 18th day of July A.D., 1994 as No. 942 2936, being a right-of-way on, over and under the said land for the laying down, construction, operation, maintenance, inspection, alteration, removal, replacement, reconstruction, and/or repair of natural gas pipe lines, telephone communication cables or lines, cable television transmission lines, transmission lines for the conveyance of electrical energy and other utilities, and surface drains for the drainage of surface and run off water, together with all the works of the City necessary therefore and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, valves, fittings, meters, conductors and other equipment and appurtenances as may be necessary or convenient in connection therewith for the carriage, conveyance, and transportation of the said natural gas, telephonic communication, cable television, electric energy, other utilities, and drainage of surface water together with the right of ingress and egress to and from the same for its servants, agents, assignees and appointees, and the vehicles, supplies and equipment for all purposes necessary or incidental to exercise the rights and privileges as hereby given on the following terms and conditions: The said right shall be for so long a period as the City, its successors, assigns and 1. appointees desire to maintain and operate any of the utilities and/or services, and shall not interfere with the enjoyment of the said lands by the owner thereof or those claiming through or under the owner, excepting as may be necessary for the purposes herein expressed. The City and/or its successors, assigns and appointees will erect, install and 2. construct the utilities and/or services in a proper and workmanlike manner in order to do as little injury as possible to the said lands, and shall maintain in good repair, any poles, standards, works, and other apparatus which may be installed or constructed on, in, or under the said right-of--way in connection with the utilities, and will at the termination of :17 this easement, remove from the right-of-way the said works and will restore the surface of the right-of-way as far as may be reasonable and practical to its former condition. Any and all chattels installed in, on, under the said right-of-way, shall be and shall remain chattels, notwithstanding that the same may be affixed to the land, and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the City and/or its successors, assigns and appointee& 3. The City shall compensate the owners from time to time of the said lands for all damage that may be done to property adjacent to the right-of-way by reason of the construction, maintenance, operation, replacement, renewal, and/or repair of such utilities. Provided that the City shall not be liable for any damage that may occur through the interference with the said utilities by anyone other than the City, its officers, agents, employees, or persons acting with its authority. It is understood and agreed that the replacement of fences, structures, trees, shrubs, and landscaping on the said right-of-way and easement shall not be the responsibility of the City. 4. The owners from time to time of the said lands covered by this right-of-way and easement, shall not without the prior written consent of the City, excavate, drill, install, erect, or permit to be excavated, drilled, installed or erected, in, on, or under the said right-of-way, any structure, installation, foundation, pit, well, pavement or other permanent structure, but otherwise such owners from time to time shall have the right to use and enjoy the said right-of-way subject to the purposes herein granted to the City. 5. The City, its successors and assigns, shall peaceably hold and enjoy the rights hereby granted and created during the period hereof, without any hindrance, molestation, or interruption on the part of any owner from time to time or any person or corporation claiming by, through, or under or in trust for any owner from time to time. 6. This right-of-way and easement shall not, nor shall anything herein contained, affect or prejudice the statutory rights of the City to acquire the said right-of-way or any other portion or parts of the within described lands under any law. 7. The City of Lloydminster shall have the absolute right, without notice, to assign to any person, firm, or corporation, all or any portion of the rights, privileges, and benefits accruing to it hereunder. 8. This easement is and shall be of the same force and effect to all intents and purposes as a covenant running with the land, and conditions herein contained shall extend to, and be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, the heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns of the owners from time to time of the said lands, and the successors and assigns of the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 333085 ALBERTA LTD. has hereunto caused its corporate seal to ,be affixed attested by the proper officers in that behalf this 3D day of A.D. 1994. r p 333085 ALBERTA LTD. PER: THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PER: PER: INDIVIDUAL OWNERSHIP PLAN N.E. 1/4 SEC. 25 49-1-4 21 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER R/W PLAN 812 Z402 19—MR 89' 25th OWNER(S): 333085 ALBERTA LTD. C. of T.: 912 171 74-4 +25 AREA REQUIRED FOR R/W: 0.023 ha (0.06 Ac. 05" 12' STREET NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED PLAN SHOWING PIPELINE RIGHT OF W AREA REFERRED TO IS OUTLINED: IN Certified Correct ,eXer)-v N.E. 1/4 SEC. 25-TP.49-R.1-W.4M. ALBERTA LAND S VEYOR IS,?i STEWART, WEIR & CO. LTD. 11405 — 163 STREET, EDMONTON 451-6465 94 d-.3(c) DRAWN BY: R.F. SCALE: 1:1000 DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1994 FILE No.: 114-2294C a Schedule "A" ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH EAST QUARTER OF SECTION TWENTY FIVE (25) TOWNSHIP FORTY NINE (49) RANGE ONE (1) WEST OF THE FOURTH MERIDIAN WHICH LIES EAST OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 812 0974, SOUTH OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 822 0064, NORTH OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 862 2011, SOUTH AND WEST OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 882 0831 AND WEST OF ROAD PLAN 4448 JY. CONTAINING 9.27 HECTARES (22.91 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. EXCEPTING THEREOUT: A) PLAN 882 2125 - SUBDIVISION B) PLAN 912 2061 - SUBDIVISION HECTARES 1.90 2.68 (ACRES) MORE OR LESS 4.70 6.62 EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS AND THE RIGHT TO WORK THE SAME. 0 i Nut-tt,r Flt.b ltrtly u 1-31.1 .. 1 .60, 10035-105 STREET, EDMONTON, ALBERTA T5J 2V6 Rural Natural Gas System Endorsed by Farmer's Right-Of-Way-Agreement Advocate Office. THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER l(We) LLOYD MINSTER of (hereinafter called "the Grantor") being the registered owner or entitled to become the registered owner of an estate in the simple, subject however to such encumbrances, liens and namely: interests as may be notified on existing Certificate of Title and situate in the Province of Alberta, Irate of Title No. 912 021 212 +1, 862 209 062 BE & 862 209 062 BF RESPECTIVELY FIRSTLY: PLAN LLOYDMINSTER 852 1646 BLOCK (A) CONTAINING 15.98 HECTARES (39.49 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. EXCEPTING THEREOUT: HECTARES (ACRES) MORE OR LESS A) PLAN 852 2232 - SUBDIVISION 734 18.14 B) PLAN 882 2830 - ROAD 1.653 4.08 q PLAN 902 2066 - SUBDIVISION 6.15 15.20 D) PLAN 912 0237 - SUBDIVISION 0.136 034 EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS. SECONDLY: PLAN 862 2011, BLOCK 47 LOT 1MR (MUNICIPAL RESERVE) EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS. 4;1;49;25;N THIRDLY: PLAN 862 2011, BLOCK 48 LOT 1MR (MUNICIPAL RESERVE) EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS. AREA: 0.712 HECTARES (1.76 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. mg thereout aft MINES and MINERALS in all of that certain tract of land (hereinafter called "the said lands':) In consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR J) (receipt of which is hereby acknowledged) paid to the grantor by NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED (hereinafter called "the Company"), and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter contained I DO HEREBY GRANT, CONVEY, TRANSFER AND SET OVER, to and unto the Company, its successors and assigns a right-of-vray across, over, under, on or through the said lands to construct, operate and maintain a pipeline or pipelines including accessories and above ground installations (appurtenances) and for any other purpose preparatory or incidental thereto. THE GRANTOR AND THE Company hereby convenant and agree to the following terms and conditions: IA. FILING A PLAN OF SURVEY a Plan of The Company agrees that on or before one year after the date of commencement of construction, it will file at the appropriate Land Tides_Offia-----— Survey of the right-of-way the approximate location as shown on a sketch plan initialed by the parties and delivered to the Gran -upon signing of this to the Grantor a Plan of .44 agreement. If the Company has not either filed a Plan of Survey within the one year period, or should the Co one year from the date of commencement Survey showing the location of the right-of-way to be substantially in the location shown on the sketch plan, onor such documents as may be necessary to remove of construction this agreement will be null and void and the Company shall thereupon execute and the registration of this agreement from the title to the lands. -- IR. FILING OF METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION the date of commencement of construction it will file at the appropriate Land Titles Office a Metes The Company agrees that on or before one and Bounds description of the ri h • .yin the approximate location and width as shown on a sketch plan initialed by the parties and delivered to the Grantor ent. If the Company has not either filed a Metes and Bounds description within the one year period, or should the Company upon his signing of this rantor a copy of the Metes and Bounds description describing the right-of way on or before one year from commencement of construction, not forward to this ent will be null and void and the Company shall therupon execute and register such documents as may be necessary to remove the registration this agreement from the title to the lands. LOCATION OF RIGHT OF WAY: THE RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE ACROSS, OVER, UNDER, ON OR THROUGH A PORTION OF THE SAID LANDS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THAT PORTION OF BLOCK A, LOT 1-MR; BLOCK 47 AND LOT 1-MR; BLOCK 48 AS SHOWN ON THE GAS ,'ELI NE RIGHT OF WAY SURVEY PLAN REGISTERED AS 942 2938. TRANS 0110-0008-0591 2. PARTIAL WITHDRAWAL AND DISCHARGE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY Upon filing of the Metes and Bounds description or the Plan of Survey at 1 • • pro es lice, the Company shall cause to be registered such documents as shall restrict this a rein granted to the right-of-way shown upon the Plan of Survey or described by the Metes and 3. ADDITIONAL PAYMENT Upon the filing of the Metes and Bounds description or the Plan of Survey at the Land Titles Office the Company shall pay an additional consideration to the Grantor calculated at the rate of — ONE xx/100 ($ —1.00— )DollarsPIWZ/net of right-of-way shown by the Metes and Bounds description or the Plan of Survey which has been filed. If the additional consideration is not paid to the Grantor within one year after commencement of construction, this agreement will be null and void and the Company shall thereupon execute and register such documents as may be necessary to remove the registration of this agreement from the title to the lands. 4. PROTECTION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY TheGrantor shall have the right to use and enjoy the right-of-way for any purpose except that which might interfere with the rights granted herein to the Company. The Grantor, his successors or assigns, shall not without the prior written consent of the Company (which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld) enter on, over, under or through the right-of-way for any purpose which may incur a liability to the Company for damages resulting from that entry. The Company shall be responsible for and compensate the Grantor for reasonable additional costs incurred by the Grantor which may be caused by the existence of the said pipeline, pipelines, and right-of-way, in connection with the excavation, drilling, installation, erection, repair, or construction for any permitted operation for agricultural or related purposes across, over or under, on or through the said right-of-way. 5. REMOVAL OF PROPERTY Notwithstanding any rule of law or equity, the pipeline or pipelines shall at all times remain the property of the Company, notwithstanding that the same may be annexed or affixed to the said lands and shall at any time and from time to time be removable in whole or in part by the Company. 6. DAMAGES The Company shall pay compensation for any and all damage where such damage occurs as a result of the operations of the Company; its servants, agents or contractors. 7. LIABILITY The Company covenants and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the Grantor from any and all liabilities, damages, costs, claims, suits or actions caused by or resulting from the construction, operation, maintenance and/or repairs of the said pipeline or pipelines and/or any related fixtures and appurtenances affixed to the right-of-way other than through willful damage or gross negligence by the Grantor. & TOPSOIL The Company shall, upon request by the Grantor, insofar as it may be practicable to do so, strip the topsoil from the ditch line prior to construction and replace it as near as possible to its original condition following construction. 9. TAXES The Company shall pay all rates and taxes that may be assessed and levied from time to time against its interest in the said lands and installation, or in connection with its operation thereon. 10. ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION The Company shall, so far as may be practicable, locate any above ground installation in such a fashion as to provide a minimum of inconvenience to the Grantor. The Company agrees to compensate the Grantor for such above ground installation by separate agreement and failing such agreement within Ninety (90) days from the date of such installation, the matter of compensation shall be submitted to arbitration as hereinafter provided. U. DISCONTINUANCE AND ABANDONMENT Upon the discontinuance of the use of the said right-of-way and of the exercise of the right hereby granted, the Company shall restore the said lands to the same condition, so far as may be practicable to do so, as the lands were prior to the entry thereon and the use thereof by the Company: PROVIDED HOWEVER, that the Company may, at its option, leave and abandon the said pipeline or pipelines in place. The Company agrees to withdraw and discharge any encumbrance registered in the Land Titles Office pertaining to this agreement upon abandonment of the said right-of-way. 12. DISCHARGE OF ENCUMBRANCES The Company shall have the right at its option, to pay or discharge any balance owing under any agreement of sale or mortgage or any tax charge, lien or encumbrances of any kind or nature whatsoever, which may exist prior to the registration of this agreement, upon or against or in any way affecting the said lands, in which event the Company shall be subrogated to the rights of the holder or holders thereof and may, in addition to exercising and enforcing such rights, as its option, apply and credit the amount so paid by it. to the consideration as set forth above in this agreement. a ARBITRATION If the amount for compensation for damages, and/or above ground structures payable cannot be agreed upon by the Grantor and the Company, the matter at issue shall be determined by three disinterested arbitrators, one to be appointed by the Grantor, one by the Company, and the third by the two arbitrators so appointed, and the decision of any two of such three arbitrators shall be final and conclusive; PROVIDED THAT in all other aspects the provision of the arbitration legislation then in force in the Province of Alberta shall apply to each submission. In any event, the responsibility for the arbitration costs shall be determined by the appointed arbitrators. 14. ADDITIONAL PIPELINES In the event the Company separately constructs an additional pipeline and/or pipelines within the said right-of-way, the Company shall pay to the Grantor for that portion of the right-of-way utilized for the construction of the additional pipeline or pipelines, a sum equal to the greater of One Hundred and Twenty-Five ($125.00) Dollars per hectare or the appraised difference, if any, by which the lands contained in the right-of-way have increased in value over the amount paid at the time of construction of the immediately preceding pipeline or pipelines; PROVIDED ALWAYS that the Company may, at the Company's sole discretion, lay more than one pipeline in the same construction operation; and that construction shall not be delayed by the provisions of this clause. 15. UNAVOIDABLE DELAYS Neither party shall be considered in default in performance of its obligations under this agreement, to the extent that the performance of such obligations or any of them is delayed by circumstances, existing or future, which are beyond the control of the Grantor or the Company; PROVIDED HOWEVER, the Company shall not be in default in the performance of any of its covenants or obligations under this agreement until the Grantor has notified the Company of such default and the Company has failed to commence timely action to remedy the same upon receipt of such notice. 16. ADDITIONAL TERMS Any additional terms, expressed or implied, shall be of no force or effect unless made in writing and agreed to by the Grantor and the Company. 17. ASSIGNMENT All the covenants and conditions herein contained, shall extend to, be binding upon, and operate to the benefit of, the executors, administrators, successors, and assigns of the Grantor and the Company respectively. 12. QUIET ENJOYMENT The Company performing and observing the covenants and conditions on its part to be performed and observed shall and may peaceably hold and enjoy the rights, liberties and easements hereby granted without hindrance, molestation or interruption on the part of the Grantor or any person claiming by, through, under or in trust for the Grantor for so long thereafter as the Company, his successors and assigns continue to use the right-of-way for the purposes herein set forth. 19. FENCES That it will not fence the strip of land excepting those portions upon which appurtenances necessarily incidental to theoperation of the said pipeline or pipelines are situated and which the Company deems to require the protection of fencing. If at any time hereafter it shall be necessary for the Company, or any person, Inn or corporation acting on its behalf, to move fences adjoining the strip of land for the purposes of installing or repairing the said pipeline or pipelines otherwise, it will replace the said fences in the same position and in as good condition as the same were in prior to their being moved. .RANTOR'S USE OF THE RIGHT-OF-WAY That the Grantor shall have the right to farm the strip of land and shall have a right of ingress and egress over the same, but not so as to interfere in any manner with the use and occupation thereof by the Company. 21. FUTURE SERVICE The Grantor acknowledges that in the event natural gas service is required that such service will not be available until the applicant for service re-pays the amount paid as consideration for this easement plus the contribution payable by applicants, for rural natural gas service in Company franchised areas. 22. NOTICES All notices to be given hereunder may be given by registered letter addressed to the Company at 10035 - 105th Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5.1 2V6 and to the Grantor at: or such other addresses as the Grantor and the Company may respectively from time to time designate in writing, and any such notice shall be deemed to have been given to and received by the addressee Fourteen (14) days after the mailing thereof, postage prepaid and registered. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Grantor and the Company have hereunto set their hand and seal this day of A.D. 19.94 THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED ) ) in the presence of: ) ) ) Grantor's Signature ) ) NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED: Witness Manager, Engineering Services APPROVED: AS TO FORM AS TO CONTENT NUL AFFIDAVIT OF EXECUTION I, CANADA of the PROVINCE OF ALBERTA of TO WIT: in the Province of Alberta make oath and say: i. That I was personally present and did see 2. That the same was executed at named in the within instrument, who is personally known to me to be the person named therein, duly sign and execute the same for the purpose named therein in the Province of Alberta, and that I am the subscribing witness thereto. 3. That I know the said of the full age of eighteen years. and he (she) is in my belief efore me at in this ) ) ) ) evince of Alberta day of A.D. 19 ) A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Alberta INDIVIDUAL OWNERSHIP PLAN '0 U5 iD 0 - -0 •-• 41) 03 I- 4e;/ Ei ° .,,,?fa291'26'20" ,Y¢, <4... 43.39 (.<.i co (a a) ct ce el 42- .... oo 7?- ".*1* 7,76001 .1, BLOCK A PLAN 852 1646 co 'R3 CS. 171.46 89' 12' 40" DETAIL SCALE 1:2000 SEE 171.46 DETAIL 8912'45" A=1913'17" R=368.00 Arc=164.13 89' 30" 12' 0 0 0 ROAD PLAN 443 R.S. UTILITY R/W PLAN 862 2012 I N.W. 1 /4 SEC. 25-49-1-4 CANADIAN UTIUTIES R/W PLAN 2368 R.S. 10.00 OWNER(S): THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER C. of T.: 912 021 212±1 AREA REQUIRED FOR R/W: PLAN SHOWING 0.214 ho (0.53 Ac. AREA REFERRED TO IS OUTLINED: Certified Correct LBERTA LAND 41,. NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED S. PIPELINE RIGHT OF WAY -- blfy- IN BLOCK A, PLAN 852 1646 OR STEWART, WEIR & CO. LTD. 11405 — 163 STREET, EDMONTON 451-6465 N.W. 1/4 SEC. 25-TP.49-R. 1-W.4M. qA°1°11))5/ DRAWN BY: R.F. DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1994 SCALE: 1:5000 FILE No.: 114-22940 INDIVIDUAL OWNERSHIP PLAN N.U.L R/W PLAN 942 2292 89 117.01 d _ AIL 25th STREET 231.98 11' 1–MR 108.00 30" 129.63 132.44 R/W PLAN 872 1484 111111111.7 Mai , 11111,, -1 sin)1.11 N. E. 1 /4 SEC. 25 49-1 —4 • DAV" 1 — . _1 R/W PLAN 862 2012 3c4 CC (4 : 1%; 0 0 ROADPLAN4448J.Y. 0 0 23rd STREET Jam a_ I PLAN 5850 H.W. C. of T. OWNER(S): THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER C. of T.: 862 209 062 BE AREA REQUIRED FOR R/W: NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED 0 PLAN SHOWING 0.121 ha (0.30 Ac.) AREA REFERRED TO IS OUTLINED: Certified Correct 9 ALBERTA LAND PLAN 5850 H.W. URVEYOR STEWART, WEIR & CO. LTD. A. 11405 – 163 STREET, EDMONTON 451-6465 or PIPELINE RIGHT OF WAY' _ IN LOT 1—MR, BLOCK 47, PLAN 862 2011 N.E. 1/4 SEC. 25—TP.49—R.1—W.4M. CAD, D,cAab DRAWN BY: R.F. SCALE: 1:5000 DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1994 FILE No.: 114-22940 INDIVIDUAL OWNERSHIP PLAN N.U.L R/W PLAN 942 2292--,,, II L UL O 89117.01 25th STREET 231.98 1—MR fi~Zco I 1 I IIV -^ §1 " (" (11.1 .......4c, ,—,i <4z 0,11 0 c-i -(,c) F , .e•-..4_J IX al a. 11' R/W PLAN 872 1484 SiZMIVIIII/ II 011 tiWIN gar 01111i Sit 44 ir OW c° Pit NW_ SU cli lk 30" 129.63 132.44 108.00 R/W PLAN 862 2012 N.E. 1 /4 SEC. 25 49 -1 -4 0 U) 23rd STREET _iftem 11_1 PLAN 5850 H.W. C. of T. OWNER(S): THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER C. of T.: 862 209 062 BF PLAN 5850 H.W. NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED PLAN SHOWING AREA REQUIRED FOR R/W: 0.236 ha (0.58 Ac.) AREA REFERRED TO IS OUTIJNED. Certified Correct LBERTA LAND•VEYOR 41, STEWART, WEIR Sc CO. LTD. 11405 — 163 STREET, EDMONTON 451-6465 PIPELINE RIGHT OF WA IN LOT 1—MR, BLOCK 48, PLAN 862 2011 N.E. 1/4 SEC. 25—TP.49—R.1—W.4M. DRAWN BY: R.F. DATE: SEPTEMBER 9, 1994 -)N CGB SCALE: 1: 5000 FILE No.: 114-22940 Schedule "A" ALL THAT PORTION OF THE NORTH EAST QUARTER OF SECTION TWENTY FIVE (25) TOWNSHIP FORTY NINE (49) RANGE ONE (1) WEST OF THE FOURTH MERIDIAN WHICH LIES EAST OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 812 0974, SOUTH OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 822 0064, NORTH OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 862 2011, SOUTH AND WEST OF SUBDIVISION PLAN 882 0831 AND WEST OF ROAD PLAN 4448 JY. CONTAINING 9.27 HECTARES (22.91 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. EXCEPTING THEREOUT: A) PLAN 882 2125 - SUBDIVISION B) PLAN 912 2061 - SUBDIVISION HECTARES 1.90 2.68 (ACRES) MORE OR LESS 4.70 6.62 EXCEPTING THEREOUT ALL MINES AND MINERALS AND THE RIGHT TO WORK THE SAME. CONSENT BY OCCUPANT, VENDOR, MORTGAGEE OR OTHER INTERESTED PARTY I,(We) in the Province of of having an interest in the within lands by virtue of an Agreement or Instrument dated the DO HEREBY AGREE that all my(our) rights, interests and estate which are, or may be, affected by the above A.D. 19 day of --if-Way Agreement shall be fully bound by all the terms and conditions thereof both now and henceforth. in the Province of A.D. 19 day of this (Witness) CONSENT OF SPOUSE being married to the above named (the Grantor) do hereby give my consent to the disposition of our homestead, made in this instrument, and I have executed this document for the purpose of giving up my life estate and other dower rights in the said property given to me by the Dower Act, to the extent necessary to give effect to the said disposition. Spouse of Grantor CERTIFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT BY SPOUSE -This document was acknowledged before me by Art from her husband (or his wife). acknowledged to me that she (or he), (a) (b) is aware of the nature of the disposition. is aware that the Dower Act gives her (or him) a life estate in the homestead and the right to prevent disposition of the homestead by withholding consent. (c) COMMIS to the disposition for the purposes of giving up the life estate and other dower rights in the homestead given her (or him) by the Dower Act, to the extent necessary to give effect to the said disposition. (d) is executing the document freely and voluntarily without any compulsion on the part ofher husband (or his wife). in the PlOvince of Alberta, this Dated at day of A.D. 19 A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Alberta AFFIDAVIT of make oath and say: in the Province of Alberta (Occupation) 1. That I am the Grantor named in the within instrument. That I am not married. OR _. That neither myself nor my spouse have resided on the within mentioned land at any time since our marriage. SWORN before me at in the Province of Alberta this day of A.D. 19 A Commissioner for Oaths in and for the Province of Alberta Gendarmerie Royal Canadian royale Mounted du Canada OXIWife LLOYDMINSTER, SASKATCHEWAN S9V 0Y9 SEPTEMBER, 1994 THE MAYOR CITY HALL LLOYDMINSTER, SASKATCHEWAN Security Classification / Designation Classification / Designation securitaire Your file Votre reference Our file Notre reference RE: POLICING THE CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER MONTH OF AUGUST, 1994 Statistical data for AUGUST 1994, compared to the same period last year is attached. The city complement of members was 1 member short for the month of AUGUST, 1994. We have not had a replacement for one of the members transfered. There were 913 files opened during the month. This compares to 970 complaints in August of 1993. Municipal transport travelled 23,280 kilometers and $11,190 was generated in revenue. Overtime amounted to 6 hours at straight time and 60 hours at time and one half and 31 hours at double time. Our overall Criminal Case load is up over last year. An update of our operation plan reveals that: Motor vehicle accidents are up 26% Provincial traffic law enforcement is down 23% Criminal Code traffic law enforcement is up 8% Drug enforcement is p 46% Yours 4P/ #1/44 S/SGT C OYDMINS 1ER DETACHMENT. Canacrg LLOYDMINSTER DETACHMENT STATISTICAL DATA FOR AUGUST 1994 COMPARED TO AUGUST 1993 1994 PER YTD 1993 PER YTD %CLEARED TOTAL PERSON OFFENCES 22 167 23 192 74 TOTAL BREAK AND ENTER 24 164 26 151 46 THEFTS OF MOTOR VEHICLES 5 61 9 50 49 TOTAL PROPERTY OFFENCES 130 952 129 877 45 TOTAL CRIMINAL CODE OFFENCES 245 1776 282 1775 54 ACTUAL DRUG OFFENCES 5 89 9 61 79 INTOXICATED PERSONS 23 321 63 401 LIQUOR ACT 9 206 24 189 TOTAL COLLISIONS 59 492 46 391 TOTAL PROVINCIAL TRAFFIC 84 1258 273 1634 TOTAL OTHER TRAFFIC 6 290 62 340 TOTAL CRIMINAL CODE TRAFFIC 71 691 84 642 FALSE ALARMS 35 87 23 74 1 h b, s CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER \ LANDFILL 67 STREET \ AREA #2 -• "• *.*••■ •• — tom ENGINEERING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT FILE:34LL2000 TITLE: PUBLIC SCHOOL DIVISION BUS STOP ZONES PREPARED BY: A. PARKIN NO: EW079/94/23/200/51 DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS DATE: September 13, 1994 CLEARANCES: ATTACHMENTS: SUMMARY OF HISTORY/DISCUSSION/ALTERNATIVES/FUNDING & CONCLUSION: By letter dated August 19, 1994 the Public School Division requested signing for School Bus Zones at the following locations: 1. Rendell Park School - establish a bus zone at 57 Avenue turnout for a length of 43.2m. 2. E.S. Laird School - establish a bus zone from 4.0m west of the east exit onto 49 Street to 25.8m West, and from 4.0m west of the west entrance onto 49 Street to 48m West on the south side of 49 Street. 3. Winston Churchill school - establish a bus zone from 4.0m North of the west entrance to the parking lot for a distance of 38m North along the east side of 45 Avenue. Remove existing bus zone on 27 Street in front of main entrance. 4. Barr Colony School - change existing no parking signage on 31 Street to bus zone signage (39.6m zone exits as no parking zone), change existing no parking sign on 52 Avenue to bus zone sign, and place a new sign 21m north of existing sign, then remove existing no parking sign north of 32 Street on the east side of 52 Avenue. NOTE: Increased snow haul and possible boulevard grass damage due to snow clearing, may increase costs of maintenance. RECOMMENDATION: That Engineering and Transportation Committee recommend Council approve school Bus Zones on 57 Avenue at Rendell Park school, on 45 Avenue at Winston Churchill School, at E.S. Laird on 49 Street, and at Barr Colony School on 52 Avenue and 31 Street, and further that all costs be charged to the Public school Division. CITY COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS: APPROVALS: -I ,-DEPARTMENT HEAD i DATi i .., i CITY COMMISSIONER DATE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: CITY COUNCIL: ACTION: MOTION NO: DATE: 7 f I ex otrawf--. CONSTABLE'S REPORT FOR THE MONTH OF ISSUED CURRENT MONTH TICKETS ISSUED PREVIOUS MONTH ER VIOLATIONS ($3-$5) GAL PARKING ($7-$10) 1MEGAL PARKING ($15-$20) R.C.M.P. CANCELLED/WITHDRAWN TOTAL 809 95 2 14 (131) 1,051 660 84 2 9 (103) 858 OUTSTANDING 1,086 913 5,814.53 2,205.74 656.00 0.00 192.00 1,051.56 9,919.83 4,764.79 1,960.65 623.00 0.00 290.00 2,206.56 9,845.00 REVENUE METER COIN METER VIOLATIONS VOLUNTARY PENALTIES TOWING - IMPOUNDING DOGS ATRIUM CENTRE TOTAL 1994 AUGUST YEAR TO DATE PREVIOUS YEAR 4,895 1,023 14 36 N/A 7,316 5,281 901 41 87 (1,309) 7,619 42,342.86 13,337.50 6,749.78 4,052.99 3,040.00 11,525.01 81,048.14 42,336.21 15,079.55 6,561.40 2,509.47 2,106.00 12,390.43 80,983.06 ACTIVITIES LICENSES ISSUED COMPLAINTS RECEIVED BUSINESS LICENSES 21 3 DOGS 11 18 LEGAL ENFORCEMENT IMPOUNDED = 0 5 N/A 5 PESTS: SKUNKS. RATS OTHERS N/A N/A N/A 0 0 1 TOWING: COMMERCIAL N/A N/A 1 3 3 6 PARKING: COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL N/A N/A 2 5 0 2 N/A N/A UNTIDY PREMISES N/A 3 0 PARKING METERS N/A 1 RESIDENTIAL 0 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 RELEASED N/A N/A N/A 3 6 N/A 2 N/A N/A N/A N/A 1 0 0 0 ADOPTED N/A 1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0 CITY CONSTABLE 3 5 DESTROYED 0 0 0 LLOYDMINSTER FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY FIRE REPORT TO R. H. Brekko, City Commissioner FROM D. E. Gustayson, Fire Chief FOR THE MONTH ENDING: Jul 31, 1994 July 1994 1993 Inc/Dcr 13 12 8.33 0 3 -100.00 52 2 1 55 4 2 -5.45 -50.00 -50.00 Number of Orders Issued Under the Fire Prevention Act: 0 0 0.00 Number of Burning Permits Issued: 0 Number of Complaints: 0 Number of Fire Calls: Number of Court/Aft.Hr. Calls: Number of Inspections - Residential: - Merchantile: Number of Call Back Inspections: 0.00 0 0.00 REMARKS During the month of July the Fire Department held two (2) practises. July 4/94 a group of Russian Air Controlers from Lakeland College toured the Fire I attended several meetings with Alberta Fire Inspector, Investigators and contractors. Fire Calls attached: Yes Inspections attached: Yes Respectfully Submitted Fire Chief Compare Jul 31. 1994 with Jul 31. 1993 . 1993 INSPECTIONS AS OF September 7, 1994 DATE TYPE OF PROPERTY July 25, 1994 RESTARAUNT July 25, 1994 DWELLING Count: OCCUPANT ADDRESS JOEY'S SEA FOOD 44ST-49AVE LLOYDMINSTER SASKATCHEWAN GRACE GREGSON 4511-49AVE LLOYDMINSTER SASKATCHEWAN 2 1994 FIRE REPORT AS OF 7 Sep 1994 DATE SURNAME OF OCCUPANT 1 Jul 1994 1 Jul 1994 3 Jul 1994 7 Jul 1994 8 Jul 1994 12 Jul 1994 17 Jul 1994 24 Jul 1994 26 Jul 1994 26 Jul 1994 27 Jul 1994 28 Jul 1994 29 Jul 1994 Total: Count: 7171? PIONEER LODGE 17777 PERKINS MURPHY WAYSIDE INN SUPER STORE ELSRO ASPHALT WEST HARV INN LAKELAND COL. CO-FLEX WELL ??? SEARS LOCATION #9 ALTA CRES LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA PIONEER LODGE LLOYDMINSTER SASK. 62 AVE & 52 ST. LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA 5204-568 ST LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA 51ST - 53AVE LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA HI-WAY #1605 AVE.LLOYDMINSTER ALTA. SUPER STORE LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA HI-WAY #16 WEST LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA UESTHARVEST-INNALOYAINSTER ALBERTA 59AVE & 26 ST LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA 75AVE & 67ST COUNTY OF VERMILION RIV 56A AVE & 43ST LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA SEARS LLOYD MALL INCIDENT 10S SC 10V 108 SC 1068 10F 10S 106 10S 10V 10G SC TYPE OF INCIDENT BURNTOUT FURNACE MOTOR FALSE ALARM (RESET) MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT STRUCTURE FIRE FIRE ALARM NO FIRE DUMPSTER FIRE FALSE ALARM STRUCTURE FIRE DUMPSTER FIRE STRUCTURE FIRE MVA & FIRE GARBAGE CAN FIRE FIRE DRILL EST.TOTAL LOSS $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $60000.00 $0.00 $3000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64600.00 13 LLOYDMINSTER FIRE DEPARTMENT MONTHLY FIRE REPORT TO R. H. Brekko, City Commissioner FROM D. E. Gustayson, Fire Chief FOR THE MONTH ENDING: Aug 31, 1994 August 1994 1993 Inc/Dcr Number of Fire Calls: 6 3 100.00 Number of Court/Aft.Hr. Calls: 0 2 -100.00 28 0 0 67 0 0 -58.21 0.00 0.00 Number of Inspections - Residential: - Merchantile: Number of Call Back Inspections: Number of Orders Issued Under the Fire Prevention Act: 0 Number of Burning Permits Issued: 1 0 Number of Complaints: 0 0 0.00 0.00 REMARKS During the month of August the Fire Department held two (2) practises. Also during the month of August the Fire Department went through a reorganizational change. Several meetings where held with the Deputy Chieisiduring the process. Fire Calls attached:// Inspections attached: Respectfully Submitted DE ustayson Fire Chief A,fn 21. 199(1 ,Jith 21 . Ioa2 1994 FIRE REPORT AS OF 7 Sep 1994 DATE SURNAME OF OCCUPANT 6 Aug 1994 10 Aug 1994 11 Aug 1994 14 Aug 1994 17 Aug 1994 24 Aug 1994 Total: Count: MAY THEATER LAGEMAAT WALLACE ATRIUM CENTRE SENIORS USELMAN LOCATION 49th AVE SOUTH LLOYDMINSTER SASK PLAZA 44 MALL LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA 3501-57 VE LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA 5000 BLK-49TH ST LLOYDMINSTER ALBERA LEGACY CENTRE LLOYDMINSTER ALBERTA 4909-45AVE LLOYDMINSTER SASKATCHEWAN INCIDENT IOS 10V 10S IOS 10F IOS TYPE OF INCIDENT OVER HEATED FURNACE MOTOR VEHICLE FIRE BURNTOUT WASHER KMOTOR SPRINKLER FLOW FALSE ALARM POT ON STOVE EST.TOTAL LOSS $0.00 $50.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150.00 6 p,,a 01;ri: lab CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER 1994 BUDGET SUMMARY REVISED BUDGET FILE=REVBUD94 DATE: 9/19/1994 1992 ACTUAL 1993 ACTUAL 1994 BUDGET 1994 RE-BUDGET CHANGE CHANGE $-6,274,819 $2,252,094 $2,502,568 $-1,491,736 $623,334 $1,856,155 $-5,851,310 $2,281,351 $2,303,943 $-1,700,577 $668,978 $1,781,696 $-5,258,051 $2,283,475 $2,432,386 $-1,506,849 $395,465 $1,610,749 $-5,720,375 $2,358,978 $2,873,080 $-1,500,644 $344,911 $1,638,627 $-462,324 $75,503 $440,694 $6,205 $-50,554 $27,878 8.79% 3.31% 18.12% -.41% -12.78% 1.73% $-532,404 $-515,919 $-42,825 $-5,423 $37,402 -87.34% WATER & SEWER UTILITY SECTION REVENUE $-5,232,012 EXPENDITURE $4,829,008 $-4,510,019 $4,121,354 $-4,346,736 $4,278,216 $-4,547,965 $4,194,808 $-201,229 $-83,408 4.63% -1.95% $-388,665 $-68,520 $-353,157 $-284,637 415.41% $-22,474,670 $-22,548,799 $-22,211,182 $-22,681,270 $22,345,270 $22,421,545 $22,236,877 $23,029,004 $-470,088 $792,127 2.12% 3.56% $347,734 $322,039 1253.31% $-27,706,682 $-27,058,818 $-26,557,918 $-27,229,235 $27,174,278 $26;542,899 $26,515,093 $27,223,812 $-671,317 $708,719 2.53% 2.67% FINANCE & ADMINISTRATION PROTECTIVE SERVICES ENGINEERING & TRANSPORTAT UTILITIES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT PARKS & RECREATION TOTAL: Deficit/Surplus(-) GENERAL SECTION REVENUE EXPENDITURE Deficit/Surplus(-) COMBINED SUMMARY REVENUE EXPENDITURE $-403,004 $-129,400 $-127,254 $25,695 Deficit/Surplus(-) $-532,404 $-515,919 $-42,825 $-5,423 $37,402 -87.34% SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) IN MILL 4.32 407 .34 .04 -.30 -.87 DATA 1992 ACTUAL 1993 ACTUAL 1994 BUDGET 1994 RE-BUDGET CHANGE CHANGE $123,283 $126,890 $126,159 $126,159 $0 .00% Separate School School Foundation 51.88 2.26 53.50 53.50 9.86 54.48 1.52 53.50 53.50 10.20 54.48 1.50 53.50 53.50 10.94 54.48 1.50 53.50 53.50 10.94 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00% .00 .00 .00 COMBINED MILL RATE Public School Separate School 117.50 117.50 119.70 119.70 120.42 120.42 120.42 120.42 .00 .00 .00 .0 0 22.31 41.00 41.30 41.30 .00 Value of One (1) mill MILL RATES Municipal Hospital Public School BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DIST 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER MONDAY SEPT 19/94 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 1994 REVISED BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS 1st Draft 9/12/1994 Projected Surplus $696,245.00 Possible Adjustsaents: Leisure Centre Telephone Move CC Sound System to RAR Joint School Developments Recreation Facility Maintenance Auxil Hospital Walkway Aux Hospital - local site contribution 59 Ave Walkway Paving North Side Civic Centre Christmas Lights Highway 16/17 Banners (93) Upgrade Computers (286 to 486) var. dept 1/2 to I A S Debt (711 Util Sinking F) Fire Dept Reserve Storm Sewer Redevelopment Transportation Land Reserve Transportation Reconstruction $5,700.00 $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $20,000.00 $100,000.00 $10,000.00 $50,000.00 $15,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 $348,122.50 $40,000.00 $200,000.00 $100,000.00 $140,000.00 $348,122.00 $40,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $348,122.00 $40,000.00 $100,000.00 $70,000.00 $100,000.00 $-409,577.50 $8,123.00 $5,423.00 Revised 1994 Surplus Original 1994 Budgeted Sarplus..$ 42,485 Prepared: Printed: Sep 13/94 9/19/1994 Recommended To Option 1 Council $5,700.00 $2,000.00 $10,000.00 $15,000.00 :71;atHeflt ile: Revised: OT 9/16/1994 t 31, 1'394 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BALANCE 12/31/1993 1994 REVENUE ALLOCATIONS AVAILABLE FOR 1993 EXPENDITURE 1994 EXPENDITURE ALLOCATIONS UNALLOCATFD FUNDS 12/31/1994 Operating Reserves 42474 42413 45100 45200 45400 45902 45915 48100 48200 48300 44607 49000 Homecoming 1903 - 2003 Prepaid Future Local Imp For Uncollectible Taxes For UOCIllo:tiblE Receivables For Assurance Public Reserve (Municipal) For City Share of Local lmprov BMASP Operating Reserve Studies Reserve Sewage Lagoon Major Mtce Blue Box Revenue Surplus $1,871 $15,907 $299,571 $181,839 $312,120 $41,668 $1355 $1,052,034 $18,400 $13,614 $69,259 $2,390,305 $0 $0 $20,000 $45,000 $238,149 $0 $0 $318,067 $0 $26,100 $103,519 $42,825 $1,971 $15,907 $319,571 $226,839 $550,269 $41,668 $1,355 $1,370,101 $18,400 $39,714 $172,778 $2,423,130 $1,871 $67 $0 $14,849 $234,075 $0 $0 $375,000 $0 $1,711 $139,050 $516,097 $0 $15,840 $319,571 $211,990 $316,194 $41,668 $1355 $995,101 $18,400 $32,003 $33,728 $1,917,033 Total Operating Reserves $4,396,072 $793,660 $5,189,732 $1,280,849 $3,908,883 $3,512,917 $15,595 $53,353 $775,513 $824,067 $814 $2,801 $154,421 $4,337,004 $16,409 $56,154 $929,934 $72, 000 $0 $3,090 $81,906 $4,265,004 $16,409 $53,064 $848, 028 Capital Reservet .z‘ 64100 64112 64136 64140 Revolving Capital Fund Hospital Library City Properties Capital 64211 64241 Parking Utility Fire Hall Capital $104,825 $54,485 $66,503 $2,860 $171,328 $57,345 $0 $0 $171,328 $57,345 64306 64308 64326 64330 64331 64333 64335 Arterial Road Acreage. Assess. Subdivision Prepaid Ieprov. Alta Transport Basic Cap 85-88 Equipment Pool Storm Sewer Redevelopment Transportation Land Transportation Reconstruction $455,338 $696,890 $207,659 $602,293 $432, 700 $239,009 $154,287 $27,030 $36,587 $272,646 $364,144 $15,052 $12,316 $541,896 $482,368 $733,477 $480,305 $966,437 $447,752 $251,325 $696,183 $184,746 $239 $480,305 $383,044 $319,142 $3,369 $602,351 $297,622 $733,239 $0 $583,393 $128,610 $247,956 $93,832 64402 64415 64416 64417 64425 Offsite Service Charge Water & Sewer System 7M Utility Sinking Landfill Improvement Reserve Local Improvements $488, 002 $814,158 $0 $0 $07,519 $77,491 $316,060 $295,866 $50,000 $4,595 $565,493 $1,120,218 $295,866 $50,000 $92,114 $195,963 $1,286 $295,666 $0 $0 $369,530 $1,128,932 $0 $50,000 $92,114 64603 64634 64637 Future Land Development Tourist Attraction Downtown Revitilization $1,512,050 $178,812 $24,794 $1,260,484 $0 $1,302 $2,772,534 $178,812 $26,096 $1,164,641 $178,000 $0 $1,607,893 $812 $26,096 64707 64710 64723 64724 64735 64738 Park Dev'I. Acreage Assess. Cemetery Improvement New Theatre New Imhoff Building Joint School Developments Indoor Arena $46,440 $7,270 $737,540 $112,327 $12,753 $115,182 $2,438 $5,000 $28,721 $30,897 $670 $2,831 $48,878 $12,270 $776,261 $143,224 $13,423 $48,291 $0 $776,261 $7 s74 $118,013 $587 $12,270 $0 $69, 000 $4,400 $111,250 Total Capital Reserves $11,441,711 $4,407,512 $15,849,223 $4,163,455 Grand Total Reserves $15,837,783 $5,201,172 $21,038,955 $5,444,304 CITY AP150 DATE 94/09/16 OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE NUMBER DATE 66821 066822 066823 066824 066825 066826 066827 066828 066829 066830 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 066831 066832 066833 066834 066835 066836 066837 066838 066839 066840 '6841 66842 066844 066845 066846 066847 066848 066849 066850 066851 066852 066853 066854 066855 066856 066857 066858 066859 066860 066861 066862 5863 4864 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GROSS AMOUNT 40.52 131.40 16.21 5,484.22 28.64 356.96 6.00 35.00 968.35 1,729.07 94/09/16 94/09/16 1 1 1 94/09/16 1 20.59 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 1 1 1 1 1 1 81.32 141.42 68,193.98 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 89.98 140.65 12,045.20 26.75 3,411.83 34.34 39.54 414.74 1,337.50 2,405.42 44.14 1,599.87 299.60 233.89 19,537.03 47,003.00 176.05 54.79 376.94 21.06 749.00 387.50 39.95 188.90 72,888.25 353.10 106.89 38.31 53.50 DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAYMENT 40.52 131.40 16.21 5,484.22 28.64 356.96 6.00 35.00 968.35 1,729.07 89.98 20.59 81.32 141.42 68,193.98 140.65 12,045.20 26.75 3,411.83 34.34 39.54 414.74 1,337.50 2,405.42 44.14 1,599.87 299.60 233.89 19,537.03 47,003.00 176.05 54.79 376.94 21.06 749.00 387.50 39.95 188.90 72,888.25 353.10 106.89 38.31 53.50 NAME OF BENEFICIARY ALBERTA POWER LIMITED. ALBERTA GOVERNMENT TELEPHONES ACXLANDS LIMITED ASL PAVING LIMITED AGLAND EQUIPMENT LIMITED. ARCTEC ALLOYS LIMITED ALBERTA ATTORNEY GENERAL ABBY ROAD FLOWERS & GIFTS BENDIXEN; M.R. BEE-CLEAN BUILDING MAINTENANCE BORDER PAINT & COLOR CENTRE INC BROWNLEE FRIETT BEARING & TRANSMISSION (LLOYD) BILL'S PRINTING & STATIONERY BEXSON CONSTRUCTION LTD. BOUNDARY FORD MERCURY SEA FISHER CENTRE, THE C.U.P.E. LOCAL #1015 CANADIAN CORPS OF COMMISSIONAIRES WESTERN CRYSTAL GLASS CANADIAN TIRE ACCEPTANCE LIMITED. CANADIAN LINEN SUPPLY CHRISTIE CORROSION CONTROL 1983 LTD. CITY CENTER AUTO BODY LTD. BOC CANADA LIMITED COMMANDER WAREHOUSE EQUIPMENT CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY FELDSPAR STEEL FELDSPAR EXCAVATING & REDI -MIX FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES GUSTAVSON; TODD GREYHOUND COURIER EXPRESS GROCERY PEOPLE LTD. HUDSON; NEIL HUMENY; W.D. HERCIK; IRENE HOBBY SHOP ICG CANADIAN PROPANE LTD INTERPROVINCIAL CONCRETE LTD. & IMAGE PRESS JAMES PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. JIM'S REFRIGERATION JERRY'S TOWING SERVICE (1984) LTD. 1 CITY AP150 OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE DATE 94/09/16 2 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER NUMBER CODE GROSS DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT AMOUNT KINDERSLEY TRANSPORT LTD. .6865 94/09/16 1 168.35 .00 168.35 066866 94/09/16 1 115.17 .00 115.17 066867 94/09/16 1 12,103.34 .00 12,103.34 LAIDLAW WASTE SYSTEMS 066868 94/09/16 1 28,865.00 .00 28,865.00 LLOYDMINSTER PUBLIC LIBRARY 066869 94/09/16 1 272.85 .00 272.85 066870 94/09/16 1 2,616.83 .00 2,616.83 SLEEN-BEE SANITARY SUPPLIES LTD. LLOYDMINS1S1t ANSWERING SERVICE LLOYDMINSTER & DISTRICT CO-OP ASSOCIATION LIMITS 066871 94/09/16 1 250.19 .00 250.19 LLOYDMINSTER PLUMBING & HEATING LIMITED 066872 94/09/16 1 295.32 .00 295.32 LLOYDMINbszm TIMES 066873 94/09/16 1 88.64 .00 88.64 066874 94/09/16 1 5,210.64 .00 5,210.64 LLOYD LOCK & KEY (1982) LTD L J R ELECTRICAL LTD LAZERKOPY CENTRES INC. 066875 94/09/16 1 23.50 .00 23.50 066876 94/09/16 1 648.51 .00 648.51 LION BUSINESS MACHINES LTD. 066877 94/09/16 1 1,391.00 .00 1,391.00 LITTLE DIPPER HOLDINGS LTD. 066878 94/09/16 1 1,794.29 .00 1,794.29 MERIDIAN PRINTING (1979) LTD. 066879 94/09/16 1 564.58 .00 564.58 MIDWAY DISTRIBUTORS (1980) LTD. 066880 94/09/16 1 210.74 .00 210.74 MICRO AGE COMPUTER STORES 066881 94/09/16 1 444.27 .00 444.27 MID-NORTH MINE & SAFETY SUPPLY (1983) LTD, 066882 94/09/16 1 25,042.69 .00 25,042.69 066883 94/09/16 1 146.72 .00 146.72 NELSON LUMBER COMPANY LTD. 066884 94/09/16 1 395.90 .00 395.90 NORWOOD FOUNDRY LIMITED 6885 94/09/16 1 2,483.04 .00 2,483.04 „,6887 94/09/16 1 849.39 .00 849.39 066889 94/09/16 1 97.84 .00 97.84 066890 94/09/16 1 352.40 .00 352.40 NORTHERN LIGHTS COMPUTERS 066891 94/09/16 1 679.34 .00 679.34 PRAIRIE CHEM INC. 066892 94/09/16 1 75.46 :60 75.46 066893 94/09/16 1 23.52 .00 23.52 PEAVEY MART 066894 94/09/16 1 22.48 .00 22.48 PUROLATOR COURIER LIMITED 066895 94/09/16 1 67.41 .00 67.41 066896 94/09/16 1 2,664.30 .00 2,664.30 PHOENIX JANITORIAL SERVICES LTD. ROYAL LIFE SAVING SOCIETY CANADA MINISTER OF FINANCE NORTHWESTERN UTILITIES LIMITED NORTHLAND STATIONERS (1963) LTD. NORTHWIND RADIO LTD. SALES & SERVICE PITNEY BOWES PRISM SOUND DESIGN SYSTEM LTD. 066897 94/09/16 1 349.05 .00 349.05 066898 94/09/16 1 572.45 .00 572.45 RAM PRINTING COMPANY LTD 066899 94/09/16 1 274.21 .00 274.21 INTRA ROYAL TRAVEL REYNOLDS PLUMBING (LLOYD) LTD. 066900 94/09/16 1 1,230.50 .00 1,230.50 066901 94/09/16 1 988.14 .00 988.14 R.L. ELECTRIC MOTOR REWINDING (1978) LTD. 066902 94/09/16 1 620.45 .00 620.45 ROBERTSON MOSKAL 066903 94/09/16 1 150.13 .00 150.13 RELAY DIST. (DIV OF NEVEU) 066904 94/09/16 1 278.33 .00 278.33 S.P.C.A. LLOYDMINSTER, 066905 94/09/16 1 354.56 .00 354.56 SCOTTY'S RENTALS AND SALES 066906 94/09/16 1 2,681.23 .00 2,681.23 066909 94/09/16 1 671.42 .00 671.42 - 910 94/09/16 1 2,379.93 .00 2,379.93 911 94/09/16 1 982.79 .00 982.79 STUART WRIGHT LIMITED SKORETZ; DAVID SASKATCHEWAN TELEPHONES SMITH; BARRY AP150 DATE 94/09/16 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE NUMBER DATE 6912 066913 066914 066915 066916 066917 066918 066919 066920 066921 066922 066923 066924 066925 066926 066927 066928 066929 066930 066931 5932 ,6933 066934 066935 066936 066937 066938 066939 066940 066941 066942 066943 066944 066945 066946 066947 066948 066949 066950 066951 066952 ;953 954 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 GROSS AMOUNT 6,892.29 51.31 3,033.50 3.82 300.00 339.94 119.84 110.84 85.77 344.81 3,630.07 300.00 165.85 510.74 111.44 267.50 193.33 70.62 900.00 27.76 11.00 85.60 118.50 9,624.65 173.34 494.88 35.00 48.15 90.95 11.07 143.53 56.43 2,723.42 325.15 395.90 1,112.78 318.86 32.30 187.25 5,000.00 973.92 700.00 48.15 DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAYMENT 6,892.29 51.31 3,033.50 3.82 300.00 339.94 119.84 110.84 85.77 344.81 3,630.07 300.00 165.85 510.74 111.44 267.50 193.33 70.62 900.00 27.76 11.00 85.60 118.50 9,624.65 173.34 494.88 35.00 48.15 90.95 11.07 143.53 56.43 2,723.42 325.15 395.90 1,112.78 318.86 32.30 187.25 5,000.00 973.92 700.00 48.15 NAME OF BENEFICIARY THE STREETSCAPES CO. TROPHY GALLERY UNITED CHEMICAL COMPANY (SASE) VERNS•S DIESEL SALES & SERVICES 1TD. WILLARD; GENE WINDSOR BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED WESTBURNE WILTER AUTO & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY (LLOYD) LTD. SHELL CANADA PRODUCTS LTD. C.REMPEL & SONS SALES LTD. HUSKY OIL MARKETING COMPANY SASKATCHEWAN WATER & WASTE ASSOCIATION TROPICAL INN FICEACH; CHRIS 47993 ALBERTA LTD. NORTH WEST TOURISM DEV. GRP. STUDER; GORDON GREIF CONTAINERS INC. LLOYDMINSTER GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB COMPUSERVE INCORPORATED CULLIGAN NEW WAY TRUCK PARTS SAFETY-KLEEN CANADA INC. MERIDIAN PAINTING & DECORATING LTD. CITY LOCKSMITHING STAN'S RADIATOR SERVICE EVERGREEN FLORISTS LTD. FARRELL; MARK INTERNATIONAL ROAD DYNAMICS INC. FRONTIER PETERBUILT SALES LTD. SHARE CORP CANADA(CHEMICAL) LTD. TERIS HYDRAULICS LTD. STEELE SECURITY & INVESTIGATION SERVICES BI-SYSTEMS ELECTRIC CONTROLS LLOYDMINSTER GLASS .76.3 AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION FRED PRYOR SEMINARS WCI MAGAZINE J.C. WELDING LLOYDMINSTER SENIORS SOCIETY SILKVINE MASTERMAN; WILF TIRECRAFT 3 AP150 CITY OF LLOYDMINSTER DATE 94/09/16 CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE DATE CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE NUMBER GROSS DISCOUNT NET NAME OF BENEFICIARY PAYMENT AMOUNT 6955 94/09/16 1 141.00 .00 141.00 066956 94/09/16 1 489.36 .00 489.36 066957 94/09/16 1 1,162.56 .00 1,162.56 066958 94/09/16 1 6.60 .00 6.60 066959 94/09/16 1 36.98 .00 36.98 CISSELL; NADINE DIDUR; JERRY GLM OILFIELD CONSTRUCTION LTD. SURE VALUE HOBBIES LACOURSIERE; DOUG AGRA EARTH & ENVIRONMENTAL 066960 94/09/16 1 9,419.75 .00 9,419.75 066961 94/09/16 1 80.00 .00 80.00 066962 94/09/16 1 26.80 .00 26.80 WHITSTONE; DARLENE 066963 94/09/16 1 23.33 .00 23.33 ROBERTSON; MONICA 066964 94/09/16 1 25.61 .00 25.61 BARNEY; JAMES 066965 94/09/16 1 25.00 .00 25.90 066966 94/09/16 1 267.50 .00 267.50 066967 94/09/16 1 73.03 .00 73.03 JOHNSTON; KAREN 066968 94/09/16 1 51.36 .00 51.36 THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF 066969 94/09/16 1 185.11 .00 185.11 066970 94/09/16 1 88.00 .00 88.00 YOUCK; GRACE 066971 94/09/16 1 50.00 .00 50.00 MORGAN; WAYNE 066972 94/09/16 1 6.00 .00 6.00 066973 94/09/16 1 15.00 .00 15.00 066974 94/09/16 1 179.42 .00 179.42 M & B RENTALS 1975 94/09/16 1 142.02 .00 142.02 SEMAGANIS; SELENE CARDS; JASON OLSEN; SYLVIA HOWLETT; MAINE CORRPRO CANADA INC. KRAMER LTD. BELL; LAMA HOLIER; MANNA 6976 94/09/16 1 100.00 .00 100.00 066977 94/09/16 1 531.95 .00 531.95 TREE 066978 94/09/16 1 109.14 .00 109.14 MCR 066979 94/09/16 1 21.15 .00 21.15 GARISON; JIM 066980 94/09/16 1 48.15 .00 48.15 ENVIROMENTAL SCIENCE & ENGINEERING MMGAZIMI 066981 94/09/16 1 1,000.00 .00 1,000.00 066982 94/09/16 1 2,320.00 .00 2,320.00 LLOYDMINSTER INTERVAL HOME 2,134.00 LLOYDMINSTER MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION LLOYDMINSTER 6 DISTRICT SOCCER ASSOCIATION BORDER BLADES SPEED SKATING CLUB 066983 94/09/16 1 2,134.00 .00 066984 94/09/16 1 2,134.00 .00 2,134.00 900.00 .00 900.00 LLOYDMINSTER OUTLAWS RUGBY CLUB 909.50 CHALLEY; DONALD 3.21 066985 94/09/16 1 066986 94/09/16 1 909.50 .00 066987 94/09/16 1 3.21 .00 HAUL-N-ER (1994) RYDAN CARPET CLEANING 066988 94/09/16 1 231.12 .00 231.12 066989 94/09/16 1 171.00 .00 171.00 EDA ,94 066990 94/09/16 1 118.77 .00 118.77 KOCH MATERIALS LTD. 066991 94/09/16 1 160.50 .00 160.50 CAR CARE PLUS 1990 066992 94/09/16 1 770.40 .00 770.40 TULLOCH; RON 066993 94/09/16 1 15.00 .00 15.00 066523 94/09/16 1 M 200.00 .00 200.00 066524 94/09/16 1 M 75.00 .00 75.00 MARCHADOUR; MICHELLE CUNDLIFFE; HOLLY '767 94/09/16 1 14 90.00 .00 90.00 768 94/09/16 1 M 9,831.17 .00 9,831.17 ANDERSON; LORNA ALBERTA URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION ALBERTA URBAN MUNICIPALITIES ASSOCIATION CITY AP150 DATE 94/09/16 OF LLOYDMINSTER PAGE CHEQUE REGISTER - PAYABLES CHEQUE NUMBER DATE 6779 066780 066808 066809 94/09/16 066810 066811 066812 066813 066814 066815 CONTROL CHEQUE NUMBER CODE 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 94/09/16 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M M /4 M 14 14 M 1 M 1 M 1 M GROSS AMOUNT 12.04 495.79 28,680.84 115,378.23 750.00 600.00 1,284.00 1,605.00 150.00 1,070.00 DISCOUNT .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NET PAYMENT 12.04 495.79 28,680.84 115,378.23 750.00 600.00 1,284.00 1,605.00 150.00 1,070.00 NUMBER OF CHEQUES 182 565,392.95 565,392.95 REGISTER TOTALS NUMBER OF CHEQUES 182 565,392.95 565,392.95 NAME OF BENEFICIARY COUNTY OF VERMILION RIVER GAS UTILITY WORKER'S COMPENSATION BOARD LLOYDMINSTER CATHOLIC SCHOOL DIVISION LLOYDMINSTER PUBLIC SCHOOL DIVISION IMAGINATION MARKET MOTHER EARTH THEATRE NIKOLAI - SEAN NIKOLAI SMITH THE STRATHCONA MUSIC COMPANY LTD. DMYTRYSHYN; DAVID CANADA POST CORPORATION 5