Grizzly - The Detail Newspaper
Grizzly - The Detail Newspaper
ELECTION DAY THIS SATURDAY, MAY 9 FROM 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Volume 3 No. 46 May 6, 2009 Grizzly The Detail 817.246.NEWS Serving West Fort Worth, White Settlement and the Entire WSISD Local man attacked by bees while out mowing By Ben Posey Cecil Campbell was doing the neighborly thing and mowing the yard of a house across the street. What wasn’t neighborly was an attack by a swarm of honeybees that had been taking up residence in the attic and wall of the house where he was working. “I started mowing the backyard and all of a sudden the bees started landing on me and stinging me,” Campbell said. “I ran toward the street and fell down. I even knocked my hearing aids out trying to shake the bees off my face.” He had been asked to mow the property by the caretaker of the property since the owner no longer lives at the residence. Campbell said the property has been vacant for 10 or 12 years. As Campbell tried to run from the yard, he fell a second time in the street, tearing his shirt off trying to get the bees off of his body. After finally making it into his own backyard, Campbell used a water hose to wash the bees off. Autumn Mercer, Campbell’s granddaughter, called 911 as soon as she saw what was happening. Bees following Campbell even stung her and her dog. COMMUNITY SPIRIT Historical society elects officers By Ben Posey Members of the White Settlement Historical Society held their 34th annual meeting this past Saturday featuring special guest speaker Dr. J’Nell Pate. Pate recently wrote a book entitled Hazel Vaughn Leigh and the Fort Worth Boys’ Club, which she discussed at the meeting. The book was commissioned by the Fort Worth Library from the Hazel Vaughn Leigh Trust. Copies of the book are available through Carol Davis at the White Settlement Historical Museum. Jim Weaver gave a report on the Museum/Farmers Branch Creek Project. Weaver stated that the organization was hoping to have a new building built for its collectible items, but no decision had been made by the city. “We are still waiting on possible funding from the government,” Weaver said. The museum will celebrate its 18th birthday on July 4 of this year. Grant Jackson reported on the Thompson Cemetery stating that a work crew from County Commissioner J.D. Johnson’s office would be coming out this week to remove dead tree limbs and brush from the property. Jackson also stated that a representative would be visiting the property regarding a possible drilling pad site near the cemetery. Jackson stated that the information would be reported back to the organization as soon as possible. The White Settlement Historical Society will be hosting the Tarrant County Historical Commission’s 6th Annual Summit on Oct. 17. The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the north dining room of the Senior Center. Area Historical Societies from all over the area will be in attendance at the summit. Lunch will be catered and attendance is free. Officers were elected at the meeting for the 2009-2010 calendar year. They are as follows; Carol Davis, President; James Ouzts, 1st Vice President; Jim Weaver, 2nd Vice President. ;Frances Colwell, Secretary/ Treasurer.; Grant Jackson, Historian/Archivist; Regina Ouzts, Reporter/Hospitality; Betsy Browder, Outreach; John Maulden, Parliamentarian. The White Settlement Historical Society will meet again on Sept. 12. The White Settlement Museum is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and is closed on Sundays. The Museum features thousands of historical items and is available for group tours as well. Doctors at the hospital told Campbell he had been stung over 80 times and that they had removed over 30 stingers including one from his left eye. “I’m feeling better now, but when it happened my face and arms felt like they were on fire,” Campbell said. “I wouldn’t go through that again for a million dollars.” City Manager Jimmy Burnett said that he helped Campbell find a local beekeeper that would come and remove the hive and bees. “It’s the property owner’s responsibility to have the bees removed,” Burnett said. “We helped contact the son of the property owner to get permission for the beekeeper to remove the bees.” Burnett stated that the beekeeper removed around 10 honeycombs and estimated that nearly a million bees were living in the house. The beekeeper also said the bees had probably been living in the walls for the past several years. “I just want to make sure the bees were removed properly and everyone is safe in the neighborhood,” Cambell said. Cecil Campbell shows off his collection of bees and stingers that were removed from him at the hospital after the attack. NEIGHBORS HELPING NEIGHBORS Fort Worth company lends a helping hand By Ben Posey F “We came out to go up to the Senior Center and the yard had already changed so much,” James said. “They were working so hard and everything looked so nice.” Working around rainy conditions, the work crew was finally able to apply a coat of primer to the exterior of the house by late afternoon. Unfortunately, the crew ran out of time and daylight and wasn’t able to paint the house. “All the paint is here including the rollers and brushes,” James said. “We’ll get to it as soon as we can.” The yard now is pleasantly shaded and the house sits with white primer on its walls. A petrified wood outdoor smoker, built by the Editors Note: Some of you younger pups in the community may know Margery as “the dog lady of Veterans Park” and those of you with a little more, lets say experience, may know her as “the waitress from El Fenix .” I’ll be the first to admit that I fall into the “little more age, I mean experience” category and remember Margery as a waitress at the El Fenix Mexican Restaurant when it was in Ridgmar Mall. Margery was a waitress there for 22 years before her vision forced her into retirement in 2003. She now takes online classes through UTA and is proficient in Braille and speaks some Spanish. James is a disabled veteran who also worked as original owners of the house in the early 60’s, sits in the back corner of the yard surrounded by a large flagstone patio. “I just can’t say thank you enough,” Margery said. “We both say a prayer of gratitude every day for those people.” a field service engineer for Forney Engineering out of Addison for many years. They met in 1981 at the Waffle House on Las Vegas Trail where Margery was a waitress and James was a customer. Their first date was at Red Lobster and they have been happily married for 26 years. If you or a group would like to volunteer to finish painting (paint and supplies are ready to go) the Cooper’s home, please contact Tamara Sagert with Neighbors Helping Neighbors at 817-262-9754. or almost 30 years James and Margery Cooper have lived in a modest frame house on Las Vegas Trail in White Settlement. James is a disabled Veteran who served in Vietnam and his wife Margery is visually impaired. They are both active at the White Settlement Senior Center and enjoy helping friends and neighbors as best they can. This last week, the Coopers received a little help in return through a United Way version of a “Home Makeover” as almost twenty volunteers from the Burlington Northern Sante Fe Railway (BNSF) showed up with rakes, shovels, saws and paint brushes to give the Cooper’s home and yard a makeover. “This project, along with several others going on simultaneously city wide, is part of an annual meeting for the BNSF Company here in Fort Worth,” Peter Disterlic said. “We call it a ‘Day of Caring’ before our annual two day meeting.” Disterlic explained that approximately 150 BNSF employees nationwide come to Fort Worth for the annual meeting and participate in the community service project. He said employees are here from Washington, Minnesota, California, Tennessee and many other states as well as those based right here in the Metroplex. “We contacted the United Way office who put us in touch with a local organization called Neighbor Helping Neighbor who helped organize this event,” Disterlic said. Tamara Sagert, the local Neighbor Helping Neighbor director, helped coordinate the project with BNSF and the Coopers. Disterlic, the team leader for the project, visited with the Coopers approximately thirty days before the event and planned out all the specifics for the property including landscaping and painting. Then, about 7 a.m. on Tuesday of last week, the BNSF employees converged on the yard and trimmed limbs, raked leaves, hauled off debris and scraped old paint from the house. The group even planted two crepe myrtles that the Coopers brought home from James and Margery Cooper the City’s Arbor Day event this last Saturday. AN INVITATION FROM THE WSISD Community invited to retirement reception for high school Principal Hope 2009-2010 White Settlement Historical Society Officers are Front Row (l-r): Betsy Browder, Outreach; Frances Colwell, Secretary/ Treasurer; Carol Davis, President; John Maulden, Parliamentarian. Back row (l-r): Grant Jackson, Historian/Archivist; Jim Weaver, 2nd Vice President; Bert Blackburn, member; James Ouzts, 1st Vice President. Not pictured: Regina Ouzts, Reporter/Hospitality. Check out our New Summertime Hours! Sun - Thurs 10:45 a.m. - 9 p.m. Fri - Sat 10:45 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. Come Celebrate with us on Mother’s Day! Sirloin Steak All Day! 1501 S CHERRY LANE * WHITE SETTLEMENT, TX 76108 (817) 246-5080 WWW.RYANS.COM GZD-050609-A01-C.indd 1 After 35 years of service to White Settlement ISD, Brewer High School Principal Paula Hope will retire. The WSISD administration invites current and former students, employees and parents and the citizens of WSISD to bid our long-time Brewer Bear farewell during a come and go reception on Thursday, May 14 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in the high school library, located at 1025 W. Loop 820 North in Fort Worth. Hope began her tenure at WSISD as a teaching assistant in 1974. P R S I A N D G O S BAR-B-Q ★ CATFISH S “ALL YOU CAN EAT” BBQ OR CATFISH Thursday, Friday & Saturday Nights 817.246.4644 8620 CLIFFORD STREET, FORT WORTH, TX She taught history at Brewer before being promoted to Brewer High School assistant principal in 1991. She served as principal at North Elementary from 1997 to 2006, when she returned to Brewer High School as principal. Ben POSEY for WSISD Place 3 VOTE May 9, 2009 Political Advertisement paid for by Ben Posey Campaign. Dana Glover - Treasurer 5/6/09 12:58:29 AM West Side News Page 2 Wednesday, May 6, 2009 COMMUNITY NEWS AND NOTES BHS REUNION INFO Plans have been finalized for the CF Brewer High School Class of 1979 30 Year Reunion to be held July 24 & 25, 2009. The place will be at The Radisson Hotel Fossil Creek and the cost is $50 per person. A block of rooms has been reserved for any who wish to stay at the hotel for one or both nights for the reunion. For questions or to respond to this request for classmate addresses, please email barbiejaynesbrewer@ or call 817-899-3985 and leave a message. Brewer Bears 1983-1986 reunion June 6. A 4 class reunion! You don’t want to miss this! For more info and to register go to www. Register ASAP! Friends of the Library Seeks Additional Members Have you considered becoming a “Friend” of the White Settlement Public Library? If so, then please plan on attending the interest meeting on Thursday, May 14th at 6:30 pm in the Library’s classroom. The “Friends” host the Library’s fundraisers and volunteer their time setting up and packing up the book sales. Currently, they are planning a book sale and pancake breakfast for Saturday, June 13. Please call (817) 367-0166 for more information or visit the Library located at 8215 White Settlement Road. New Freshmen Invited to Orientation at Brewer High The OBITUARY Public Library Announces Summer Programs for Children LETTERS Alfred A. “Bud” Meeks Sr., 83, passed away Friday, May 1, 2009, in Fort Worth. Funeral services were held at 11 a.m. Tuesday at West Freeway Church of Christ. Dear Editor: I am submitting a copy of a letter that I have sent to the President of the United States of America. I am hoping that something that I have said will catch your eyes and help out those that are drawing social security. We have bailed out some of the largest companies that have asked for help. I do not mind helping someone as long as they try and help themselves. It seems to me that greed has come over these companies and they expect the world to give them more. We, that are the backbone of this country have given all we have. All the citizens will grow up to be senior citizens, and I hope that they are not faced with the same worries that we have today. The cost of living is high today and is going to be higher in the future. How are we going to make it? My generation is left out in the cold when it comes to social security. My President made a statement in his speech on March 25, 2009, and I quote, “If you pay twenty cents for taxes and he paid thirty nine cents then that would be unfair to him.” Where is our justice when we bail out these companies and not social security? Our President made over two million dollars last year and I and millions of other people only made nine thousand dollars. Is this fair? Don’t we have the same rights as other people? Are we to be left out again? Is there any hope for us? The preamble states “We the people, for the people, by the people…” and the last six words of the Pledge of Allegiance states and I quote “With Liberty And Justice for All.” Now may I ask where is our justice? Is there real help on the way, or will it be the same as in the past--- Pennies for us and large raises for Washington. Is there an answer on the way or will it stop in the trashcan? The 2009 summer programs at the White Settlement Public Library provide opportunities for area children to enjoy reading. This year’s theme is “Libraries: Deep in the Heart of Texas!” The programs will begin on Tuesday, June 16, and will continue through Aug. 11. All of the programs are free to Library cardholders. Cards issued to White Settlement residents are free, while cards issued to non-residents are fifteen dollars per year. Enrollment by a parent or legal guardian is required, and forms will be available at the Library beginning on Monday, May 4. Story time for preschoolage children will take place on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Children who will be four years old by Dec. 1, 2009, may be enrolled to attend either day. This program will include stories, songs, rhymes, short films, as well as take-home crafts and has limited enrollment. The Eager Reader Program for children going into first and second grade will take place on Tuesdays from 12:50 to 1:20 p.m. Children will practice reading out loud with a volunteer. This program also has limited enrollment. The Summer Reading Program for elementary-age children will take place on Tuesdays from 1:30 to 2:45 pm. Children who have completed Kindergarten through fifth grade and read independently may be enrolled. This program will include stories, games, crafts, and movies. Participants will alsokeep track of the minutes they read at home in order to earn prizes. Information about the summer programs is available by calling (817) 367-0166 or by visiting the Library located at 8215 White Settlement Road. The Library is open Monday and Thursday from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, and Saturday 9:30 am to 1:30 pm. Time Twistin’: Texas Teens Read! The White Settlement Public Library will be holding its annual Young Adult Summer Reading Program beginning June 18th and continuing every other Thursday through August 13th. This year’s events will include Brain Day, where participants will compete in a teen-related Quiz Bowl; Wii Day; Clay Day, with an emphasis on creating a prehistoric village from modeling clay; CLUE© Day, with a life-sized version of the popular board game; and Magic Day with renowned prestidigitator Bruce Chadwick. In addition to the events, a reading contest will run throughout the program. Participants will earn prizes based on the number of pages they have read by August 13th. The program is open to library cardholders who will be entering grades 7-12. Cards are free to all White Settlement residents, and nonresidents may apply for a $15-annual membership. All events will begin at 2:00pm and will finish by 3:30pm. Registration begins May 4th. The Library is located at 8215 White Settlement Road. For more information, contact the White Settlement Public Library at (817) 367-0166. Brewer High School invites the 2009-2010 incoming freshmen to an orientation Freshman Orientation on Thursday, May 14 from 6 to 7 p.m. in the gym. After the presentation, attendees Sincerely, C. R. Campbell will be invited to attend a club/ White Settlement, TX organization fair. Submissions to Community Notes can be emailed to Mon-Fri 10-6pm Saturday 11-5pm Closed Sunday Dona Alterations You’re worth more (to us) Donika Moni Detail Alfred A. Meeks was born March 24, 1926, in Hamilton County. Most everyone called him “Bud.” He was a retired minister who served the Lord his entire life. He met his loving wife, Irma, at Alfred A. “Bud” Meeks, Sr. the Athens Bible School in Athens, 1926-2009 Ala., and they were very happily married for 60 years. Bud also spent 30 years at the publishing company, Gospel Minutes, which is a weekly Christian publication. He was a charter member of the West Freeway Church of Christ. Bud was a loving husband, father and grandfather. He will be missed by all whose lives he touched. Survivors: Wife of 60 years, Irma Meeks; daughters, Susie Frederick and husband, Royce, Sally Crossley and husband, Jimmy, and Jayne Schirato and husband, Richard; son, Alfred Meeks Jr. and wife, Debbie; granddaughters, Jyothi Griffin and husband, Kevin, Rebecca Meeks, Sarah Schirato and Katie Schirato; grandsons, J Crossley and wife, Lisa, Billy Crossley, Daniel Crossley and Justin Meeks; sisters, Myrtice Aldred and Joyce Ferguson and husband, Mike. Editor’s Note: Bud Meeks was a semi-regular contributor to this newspaper and his stories and remembrances will be sorely missed. But what I will miss most about this man is counting on his wisdom, his vast knowledge of the Bible and so many other things. Bud was a charter member of West Freeway Church of Christ where he taught so many how to study God’s word and search for meaning in every word in every verse. Bud taught me that through my unceasing prayer I could change the very mind of God. I will never forget that lesson of faith and that is only one thing that Mr. Meeks taught that Sunday. Although the West Freeway Church celebrated its 25th anniversary this past Sunday, and we were all delighted to be together again with friends and family that had moved away from the area, the joy of the day was somewhat blighted knowing that our Bud was not there to celebrate this anniversary with us. Even so, every song reminded us that Bud was with our heavenly father in a far better place. To all of the Meeks family, we share in your sorrow and we will all miss Bud when he isn’t there to greet and teach us each Sunday. But we know that he was greeted by many who also loved him as we do, and that he will be waiting to greet each one of us as well. Re-Elect Garr h t i m y Wi Se 4 n Do Plac Plac e5 lson 8137 White Settlement Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76108 (817) 246-5399 A few things accomplished in 2008-2009 CHECK ENGINE LIGHT ON? Get a FREE DIAGNOSTIC CHECK with repair of vehicle. A $70 savings w/coupon. *The “CHECK ENGINE” light can come on when an emissions problem occur and that will keep your automobile from passing the state inspection. exp: 5-27-09 $10.00 OFF $5.00 OFF Any of our ASE PROFESSIONAL BRAKE SERVICES w/coupon Any FUEL FILTER w/coupon *We use Wagner Quiet Premium Pads, quality brake parts & use state of the art equipment to get the job done right the first time! exp: 5-27-09 *The air filter helps keep debris from entering the engine and a fuel filter helps protect the fuel system. Fuel Filters should be replaced every 25,000 miles or once a year. exp: 5-27-09 $5.00 OFF $10.00 OFF Any WIPER BLADE PAIR REPLACEMENT w/coupon Any COOLANT FLUSH SERVICE w/coupon *Properly maintained windshield wiper blades assure safe driving in bad weather. exp: 5-27-09 *If your cooling system fails, your engine could suffer major damage. exp: 5-27-09 ns io ect p ns eI tat S e Tir ons ti ta Ro Kwik Kar LUBE & TUNE 9613 White Settlement Road Fort Worth, TX 76108 817-367-6808 New Animal Control Center Increased Street Overlays and New Sidewalks New City Marker Signs at entrances to White Settlement Positive City Attitued toward Businesses and Citizens Bought and Cleared Land for Re-Development Upcoming Projects for 2010-2011 Main Sewer Line moved out of Farmers Branch Creek Flood Control Project with Farmers Branch Creek Public Swimming Pool Upgrade Radios for Police, Fire and City workers If you like the direction we’re headed, We Fill Propane Join Us! Political Ad Paid for by Don Smith Mon-Fri 8am-6pm and Sat 8am-5pm GZD-050609-A02-B.indd 1 5/6/09 12:59:36 AM OPINIONS Page 3 Wednesday, May 6 2009 X-men Origins Wolverine There’s nothing better then a mutant clawed death machine to start the summer By Wesley Kite Marvel has really been in the zone the past couple of years. From the awesome Spider Man 3 to the flawless Iron Man or the masterful Incredible Hulk or the brutal Punisher War Zone, Marvel has really stepped up their game in the movie industry. X Men Origins Wolverine simply sustains the consistency. The story gets underway as the boy who will become Wolverine makes a shocking discovery about his family bloodline, and gains a brother in the process. Flash forward Admit one By A.C. Hall X-Men Origins Wolverine: Awesomely Mediocre By A.C. Hall Ah the true summer blockbuster. There’s little that can be as entertaining as a movie that cost hundreds of millions of dollars to create and on that level Wolverine is an absolute success. As a huge fan of the character and of Hugh Jackman’s work portraying him on the big screen, I had high hopes for this spinoff film. Unfortunately, it really didn’t come close to living up to them. But where it failed to be a brilliant movie, it was a perfectly passable summer blockbuster and by the end of it, if you can embrace the film for what it is, you’ll find yourself having a heck of a good time. Set many years before the XMen films, this movie tells the origins of how Wolverine came to be. Beginning in the late 1800’s when his mutant powers (claws and healing factor) first manifested, the movie quickly chronicles the violent history between Wolverine and the similarly powered Sabretooth. The two violent men are eventually recruited into a special unit full of other violent mutants. When the dark lifestyle becomes too much for him, Wolverine quits and moves to an isolated part of Canada. It’s not long before his old life comes hunting for him and Wolverine once again finds himself having to embrace his violent tendencies. Wolverine’s origin story in the comic books can be muddled at times, but it’s something that most fans take very seriously. In the film they took a strange approach to half honoring and half defrauding everything that the origin means. So look out serious comic book fans, there’s going to be some upsetting changes to his story that you’re not going to like. For non-comic book fans, however, the story is obviously just a marginal one, but it works on all the levels it needs to. Regardless of many flaws that I could spend time pointing out, Wolverine is an extremely entertaining film. Hugh Jackman is once again brilliant in the title role and the movie is filled with other lesser known mutants with some of them being okay but with most of them feeling forced and a waste of time. However, the one that works exceedingly well is that of Gambit, one of the most popular X-Men characters who is brought to life in the film by the excellent young actor Taylor Kitsch. Perhaps the most criminal thing this movie does wrong is by under involving Kitsch, whose increased presence easily would’ve made this a much better movie. The Verdict: It in no way lives up to the expectations most fans probably have, but the thing is that the movie almost embraces that fact. The story is full of holes, the ending is silly and some of the minor characters in the film are useless. But, on top of all that, the movie is big, beautiful, action packed and cool on a whole bunch of levels. It’s hard to get obsessed with flaws when the action sequences are this good. By the time the film is over you’ll definitely feel like you got your money’s worth and for that reason I’m recommending that you “SEE IT IN THEATERS.” And be sure you stay after the credits for one final scene. X-Men Origins: Wolverine is ratted PG-13 for intense sequences of action and violence and some partial nudity. s ’ n i Kev But this film that of course focuses mostly on Wolverine was a refreshing thrill ride. I’ve always liked Leiv Schreiber, too bad he’s always a jerk in his roles, though. But seeing him a Sabre tooth was pretty cool and a HUGE step up form Tyler Mane in the first X Men film. I myself have never read the comics, so I know nothing of the source material. However, I have heard from several people that this film doesn’t respect the original comic origin for Wolverine. I did greatly enjoy this film and thought it was highly entertaining and with Hugh Jackman being one of my favorite actors, there was simply no way I could dislike this film. One of the coolest scenes was getting to see the indestructible adamantium fused to the skeletal structure of Logan (Wolverine) and seeing just how real they were able to make his invincibility seem. I loved this movie. It contained intense action scenes, of course one of the best story lines in the comic medium (which I find second only to Watchmen) and a Weekend at the Theater STAR VILLAGE 8 LOOP 820 & JACKSBORO HWY. 817-238-8300 *STADIUM SEATING*DIGITAL SOUND*WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE *ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES Fri & Sat Night Curfews * Call for Info $5 Tuesdays ** $4 Senior Wed. matinees **some restrictions apply 5/8 - 5/14 Star Trek (PG-13) #1 (11:40* 2:30 5:10) 8:00 10:40 #2 (12:30* 4:15) 7:15 10:00 Wolverine (PG-13) #1 (11:30* 2:00 4:30) 7:00 9:30 #2 (12:15* 2:45 5:15) 7:45 10:20 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past NP (PG-13) (12:00* 2:30 5:00) 7:30 10:10 Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D (PG) (12:00* 2:15 4:45) 6:50 9:15 17 Again (PG-13) 7:30 9:45 Earth (G) (11:50* 2:15 4:15) Obsessed ND (PG-13) (12:45* 3:00 5:30) 8:00 10:20 The only other new release this weekend is the R rated comedy Next Day Air. Starring Donald Faison and Mos Def as slacker delivery men, this movie is all about their unfortunate luck when they deliver a package of drugs to the wrong place and the angered drug dealer accuses them of stealing the drugs. It’s not opening everywhere so you may have to travel a bit to find a showing of this one. Can’t make up your mind about which film to see? Maybe we can help. Just head over to our website at and watch the trailers for each of these films at the bottom of the page. Things are just heating up in the summer movie season as we get yet another huge blockbuster release just two weekends in. Our choice film of the week is Star Trek, the J.J. Abrams helmed reboot of the popular science fiction franchise. Featuring beloved characters such as James Kirk and Spock, the new film is set in their youth when they first begin serving together onboard the Enterprise. With an amazing cast and jaw dropping special effects this one should have something for the whole family and will likely be a great choice if you’re heading out to the movies. Detail great cast with gifted and talented actors. No doubt about it, this film is top rated. I give it 4 out of 5 stars. And ‘SEE IT IN THEATERS’ for sure. Admit one A.C. at the Movies! to find the mutant siblings battling side by side through two world wars and Vietnam where they are sentenced to death for killing a commanding officer and Logan and his brother Victor Creed have joined a top-secret government task force. When their targets begin to include innocent civilians, conscientious Logan escapes to the Canadian Rockies, where he builds a home with pretty schoolteacher Kayla Silverfox. Informed by his old commanding officer William Stryker that the members of his old team are being targeted for death, Logan is heartbroken when Victor finds and kills Kayla. Vowing revenge, Logan agrees to take part in a dangerous experiment that will fuse his bones with a powerful metal alloy called adamantium, which makes him virtually indestructible and gives him the strength needed to defeat his powerful brother. I myself personally have always found the X Men films to be just a bit... boring. THIS A double Look at The *=Time for Sat & Sun Only 3D films subject to $2 surcharge NO CHILDREN UNDER 6 IN (R) RATED FILMS NP = NO PASSES ND = NO PASSES/N0 $5 TUESDAY PRICING ( ) = MATINEE PRICING: $6.50 ‘TIL 6 PM AFTER 6 PM ADULTS: $8.50 STUDENTS: $7.25 MILITARY: $7.25 SENIORS/CHILDREN: $6.50 Dining OUT... S P RINGS S A D O BAR-B-Q ★ CATFISH “ALL YOU CAN EAT” BBQ OR CATFISH Thursday, Friday & Saturday Nights 817.246.4644 8620 CLIFFORD STREET, FORT WORTH, TX Capri’s Italian Ristorante Get a XXL - 18” PIZZA 1 Topping Buy 4 Tenders $9.95 4 Tenders FREE 817-246-4445 Take Out ONLY Feature of the WEEK... Soda Springs Bar-B-Q has been serving delicious meals since 1985. On Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights they serve their ALL YOU CAN EAT BBQ or Catfish. Looking for some catering? Soda Springs Bar-B-Q will take care of your wedding rehearsal dinners, wedding receptions, business lunches and dinners and sporting events. Call in orders welcome! 817-246-4644 DA O S Put your Restaurant in front of thousands of readers each week! with Coupon exp. 5/27/09 Capri’s Italian Ristorante Chicken Express 9650 Legacy Drive (Just one block behind Star Bank) 8805 Clifford Street (Just one block east of Loop 820) $25 Off or FREE Local DELIVERY S BAR-B-Q ★ CATFISH $500 OFF get exp. 5/27/09 SPRING ANY PURCHASE Call us today to find out how! OF $25 OR MORE 817-246-NEWS w/ad 8620 CLIFFORD STREET, FORT WORTH, TX 817-246-4644 SPECIAL PURCHASE! w/ad ON ANY PURCHASE of $250 or more! HOMETOWN FURNITURE 8157 White Settlement Rd. White Settlement 817-246-9181 Twin $189 Open M-Sat 10am-7pm SUNDAYS 12-5PM Creme, Mocha, Sage or Brick Red Rustic Rocker Recliners. Best Prices Around! Sofa & Love Seat Set ONLY $699 - Available in 4 colors FREE OTTOMAN* Full $239 Queen $269 King $399 Premium Quality Pillowtop Mattress Sets Includes Mattress & Foundation *5-year, non-prorated warranty Kevin’s has EXPANDED! Come see our new selection of Texas Rustic gifts and decor from $599! Stop By TODAY! We now have Rustic Entertainment Centers, Armoirs, Dining tables and chairs, Bedroom sets, etc... BEST PRICES IN TOWN! 2-piece sectional with FREE Ottoman ONLY $599 GZD-050609-A03-B.indd 1 5/6/09 1:00:40 AM OPINIONS Page 4 Wednesday, May 6, 2009 to know more about this colorful little town that blossomed and had its day in the sun and eventually became a virtual ghost town, this website will get you started. www. Clifton’s mother was a first cousin of Glenn Strange. The Strange family was among the early pioneers who settled in the community. The McPeters family was also one of the early families to settle down around Cross Cut. Curtis McPeters was also a cousin of Clifton’s. Glenn and Curtis were much older than Clifton and me. In the late 1920’s they decided to go west and seek their fortunes. Glenn and Curtis were good musicians and were available to play for the area dances and community programs. As I recall, they were both good singers. Glenn usually played the fiddle and Curtis the guitar. Many hated to see them leave because they would miss the music. Every community needs good musicians. Others would miss them as ball players and just plain good friends. By Norris Chambers Norris Chambers and his wife Ella have lived in White Settlement over 60 years. They have raised a family here and have been active in school, city and community activities and organizations and still enjoy being among the world’s best people. Ito haveguessknown I have been fortunate several men who made their marks in various fields and are remembered for it. The closest little town to our country home was called Cross Cut. That is where Clifton and I graduated from the Cross Cut High School in 1935. For those who would like THE IDLE AMERICAN Commentary by Dr. Don Newbury D ogs’ barks, the saying goes, typically are worse than their bites. Not so, however, with swine flu, whose potential dangers loom to be far more ominous than a porcine’s “oink.” There’s never a convenient time for epidemics, or even We heard from them a few times from the kin who received letters. It seems they got as far west a New Mexico where they played in a band. The band traveled on west to Hollywood where its music was used in western movies for dances, celebrations and other festive occasions. Both Glenn and Curtis began appearing in movies and we saw many of them in the area theaters. Glenn is probably best known for his many years as Sam, the bartender, on Gunsmoke. Curtis was listed under various names. Probably “Cactus Mack” was best known. There are hundreds of blogs and sites on the Internet detailing the movies they were in. I remember when Glenn and Curtis returned to Cross Cut and presented a free performance at the high school. I heard the song “When the Bloom is on the Sage” for the first time that night. Clifton and I visited Glenn in Los Angeles when were stationed on Catalina Island. After I was sent to New York, Clifton visited him two more times. Cross Cut also produced Robert E. Howard, a fantasy writer of the late 20s and early 30s. Robert is remembered for the creation of Conan and his western and fight stories. The Howards were good friends of our family and we saw them often. In another tale I told how I typed stories for Robert and other writers when I was in high school. Robert E. Howard is also well represented on the Internet. After graduating from high school and a trade school in Fort Worth, I was fortunate enough to work for W. Lee O’Daniel who gained fame by organizing the Lightcrust Doughboys and writing several very popular songs during the thirties. These included Beautiful Texas, Million Dollar Smile, Put Me in You Pocket as well as several well known theme songs. While working for O’Daniel I was associated with several musicians who are still well known today. W. Lee O’Daniel was performing 8 programs a day on this station along with recorded programs on stations in Texas and Oklahoma. He was later elected Governor of Texas for two terms and was a Senator from Texas for several years. While working in Mexico I became acquainted with Lonnie Glosson, a nationally famous harmonica player (also well defined on the Internet) who sold harmonicas and lessons over the powerful radio station in Piedras Negras, across the river from Eagle Pass. I had the pleasure of introducing Lonnie Glosson on stage at a bluegrass festival in Perrin, Texas in the 1980s. W. Lee O’Daniel was performing 8 programs a day on this station along with recorded programs on stations in Texas and Oklahoma. He was later elected Governor of Texas for two terms and was a Senator from Texas for several years. After I retired in 1974, I became acquainted with one of the top showmen of the century – Bill Camfield, known to many as Icky Twerp. Some of you youngsters will probably remember his kid show on Channel 11, Slam Bang Theater. Bill was a friend of our family and visited us on many occasions. He was an early columnist for Startext, a computer bulletin board introduced by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and a forerunner of the Internet. He inspired me to begin my series on “Making Money at Home for Fun” on Startext. Ella and I were invited to a wake for his cat. It was an unusual and interesting party with several well known TV entertainers in attendance. The poor cat was properly directed to “Cat Heaven.” Bill left Fort Worth and appeared in several movies but returned and worked for a TV network until his death. Bill Camfield is well documented by Google! You can see many movie clips of Icky Twerp on In conclusion, the Old Timer has this advice for you kids – Stay young, have fun and keep plugging!” Flu Bug Flying High worse, world-wide pandemics. But when such potential health catastrophes occur near the end of a school year, “havoc” seems far too tame a word to describe the disruptions. And this is true for educators and students alike…. Both groups are running short of furrows to accommodate worries embedded on troubled brows. Looming for some educators and students are canceled and postponed events, possibly including proms, commencement exercises and “Project Graduation” events. CLIFFORD STREET TIRE CO. CUSTOM WHEELS TRUCK ACCESSORIES Buy 4 Tir 8421 CLIFFORD ST. Get a es, WHITE SETTLEMENT, TX 76108 FR AlignmEE ent! COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR (817)246-4430 Check out our New Summertime Hours! Superintendents, bless ‘em, figured their lives couldn’t become more complicated. They’ve shuffled schedules to provide more time for school funding issues and such. Now, they’ve got to consider the possibility of swine flu. Shucks, some of the administrators are also dealing with safety issues linked with, of all things, faulty light standards that teeter above athletic fields…. I’ve long contended that school folks may provide the primary reason for the “National Day of Prayer” being recognized in the month of May. Why? Because administrators, teachers, students and parents of students are already praying anyway! “Just help us make it through the year;” that’s their plea. At press time, thousands of prospective graduates were feverishly addressing invitations to their commencement exercises, wondering, of course, if the events will be held as scheduled…. They were already committed to getting invitations out early to beat the postal rate increase scheduled for May 11. Two cents saved is two cents earned, they always say. An even better incentive is to get ‘em mailed before events are cancelled. Wow, what if the “invites” become “virtual invitations” to “virtual commencement exercises.”… Prospective graduates are marking up phone books, “Googling” madly for addresses and names of relatives as far removed as fourth cousins and suddenly talking to parents about friends across the years who might enjoy seeing them cross the stage. The point, of course, is to accrue as many gifts as possible. Once we got an invitation addressed to “occupant.” Turns out it was from a kid who once toted our groceries to the car. I think I detected an “I’ll get even” smirk when I handed him his 25cent tip…. Truth to tell, all of us are immersed in education. This is as it should be. We should aspire to be like green tomatoes. As long as we’re green, we grow. When we think we’re ripe, we start to get rotten…. Actually, Socrates was pushing this theory some 2,500 years ago. Once he asked, “Whom, then, Re-Elect Don Smith for White Settlement City Council Place 4 Sunday - Thursday 10:45 a.m. - 9:00 p.m Friday & Saturday 10:45 a.m. - 9:30 p.m 1501 S CHERRY LANE * WHITE SETTLEMENT, TX 76108 (817) 246-5080 WWW.RYANS.COM VOTE May 9, 2009 EdwardJones Investment Representative 9501 Clifford Road, Suite D Fort Worth, TX 76108 Bus. 817-367-0105 Fax 877-420-8874 Serving Individual Investors Since 1871 Political Advertisement paid for by Don Smith 8430 White Settlement Rd. P.O. Box 151342 White Settlement, TX 76108 BREWER HIGH SCHOOL 817.246.NEWS WHITE SETTLEMENT ISD NOW OFFERING OPEN: Tuesday - Saturday 10-3pm OPEN ENROLLMENT for Over 1400 Exhibit Items! WHITE SETTLEMENT HISTORICAL MUSEUM 8320 Hanon Drive 817-246-9719 Groups Welcome - FREE Admission ELECT Ron White City Council - Place 5 817-246-9192 Accountability in Government shall I call educated?” We don’t know whether he answered the question in the next moment, hour, week, month or year, but a few words later in history books, he provides the answer: “First, those who learn to manage well the circumstances they encounter day by day.” As prominent and admired as he was, Socrates likely had few clues about how many new circumstances would come along. Seems like multiple new circumstances are encountered under every rock…. People I’ve always respected most are the ones who’ve uttered the oftheard expression: the one about their desire for their children to have more and better opportunities than they had. A few days ago, I met a distinguished Fort Worth executive chef for the first time. His name is Jon Bonnell. He visited our table; his remarks focused on education. He was a high school teacher before opting to attend culinary institutes in New England and New Orleans. One of his joys now is teaching in various culinary venues. Jon shares his recipes with all who ask and opens his kitchen to visits at all times. With culinary awards stacking up, he’s a quick-to-like guy. And he has a sense of humor to match. “When you visit my restaurant for the first time, you’re a rookie; when you return, you are a repeat offender,” he laughed. I think Socrates would have held classes at Bonnell’s, pointing to Jon as “Exhibit A” as a man who has learned a bunch, wants to share his expertise with others, and is ready to take on new circumstances as they come along. This includes, of course, swine flu and falling light poles. The Grizzly Detail Newspaper Ken Kruzel “Bulldog for the Truth!” Detail OLD TIMER IN HIGH COTTON! Another Tale from an Old Timer Dr. Newbury is a speaker and writer in the Metroplex. He welcomes inquiries and comments. Send email: newbury@ Phone: 817-4473872. His website: The NON-RESIDENT STUDENTS IN GRADES 9-12 • No Transfer Fee •Application Process Required • New, State-of-the-Art Facilities Visit or contact: Brewer High School Principal’s Office 817.367.4109 Published and distributed every Wednesday at 8430 White Settlement Road, Fort Worth, TX 76108. Send address changes to The Grizzly Detail Newspaper, PO Box 151342, Fort Worth, TX 76108. Postal permit USPS #4687. Telephone Numbers: Ads and Distribution: 817.690.6929 News Tips & Photos: 817.246.NEWS Email: Regular Mail: The Grizzly Detail P.O. Box 151342 Fort Worth, TX 76108 Political Ad Paid for by Ron White GZD-050609-A04-B.indd 1 5/6/09 1:02:11 AM NEWS AND VIEWS Page 5 Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Commentary Pop Culture With A.C. Hall A.C. Hall graduated from Brewer High School in 1999 and has been writing ever since. His work has been featured in several anthologies and comic books over the past few years. A.C. has written and published his own books as well which can be bought at http://stores. Television lost one of the best shows of all time this year when the incredible re-imagining “Battlestar Galactica” wrapped up over on the Sci-Fi Network. The show didn’t just rise above the science fiction genre, it absolutely shattered it. Sure, it featured giant space battles between the last remnants of humankind and sentient robots, but the focus of this show was drama in its highest and best form. Society has never been under a more piercing microscope than it was in this show and the stories they told were brilliant every step of the way. But, “Battlestar Galactica” is over now. Instead of running until this summer. The show’s creators are hoping that fans will check out the “Caprica” pilot and give them input on how to shape the show. Most television shows have months and months of episodes pre-filmed before fans ever see episode number one so there’s really no way fans could shape the direction of the show with their input. With “Caprica” that’s not the case and fans are being encouraged to send in their likes and dislikes of the pilot so that the creators can tweak the rest of the show accordingly. So, if you were a huge fan of “Battlestar Galactica” (as most people should be in my opinion), and are looking to see more of the Battlestar universe you should give the “Caprica” pilot a chance. See something in it you don’t like? Let the creators know. This is one of the few times that they might actually listen. Got a question, comment, criticism, or just want to talk about Pop Culture or life in general? A.C. welcomes any and all email and can be reached at Brewer High School UIL Science Team Wins Second Place in Regionals The Brewer High School UIL Science Team won second place at Regionals in San Angelo on Saturday. Members are: Brittany Barnes, Zach Abel, Emma Hayden, Norman Score, Jamie Janzen and Jeremy Tucker. Score won an Individual Award as Top Biology Student and is bound for State in Austin on May 9. Coaches are Anita McDaniel, Jewel Henderson and Paul Wynne. Let’s Continue Moving in a Positive Direction ✘ Claim: We support business growth in White Settlement. and to remember its roots. Former ministers led the congregation in the 25th Anniversary service, while former and current members mingled before services eating donuts and sipping coffee and enjoyed a grilled hamburger lunch afterwards. During class time the West Freeway Youth group performed their award winning drama performance for the adult classes. West Freeway Church of Christ, located at 8000 Western Hills Blvd in White Settlement, celebrated its 25th Anniversary celebration this past Sunday, May 3. One of the things that makes this event unusual is that this church congregation was formed from a merger of five local Church of Christ congregations that came together with a desire to worship in one place pooling their assets and acting as one growing family of the Lord. The ground-breaking for the building took place in 1983, and on May 6, 1984 West Freeway Church of Christ opened its doors. The church is a wonderful place to worship, but it wasn’t always easy. “West Freeway has had its own roller coaster ride. It has had its ups and downs, but the Lord always leads us Up.” charter member of the West Freeway congregation Ted Aldred said. On Sunday current and former Above: Brenley Hammonds members gathered enjoys singing with the other to celebrate this children in Bible Hour. momentous time Color Lowlites Perm Hilites ELITE CUTS No Appointment Necessary $10 Off* Color or Perm ✘ Claim: The Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is not developing property for redevelopment. ✔ Fact: The EDC and the City of White Settlement has purchased and cleared several properties on major thoroughfares in the City and made the land immediately available for re-development. By Theresa Casey Aldred Finding a great Salon isn’t hard. . . . . We’re right HERE ! Mr. White and his associates are always thinking negative. In recent advertisements and letters, Mr. White made several claims regarding the current condition of the City of White Settlement. Here are the real facts. ✔ Fact: They have attacked present and former business owners within the City of White Settlement. In a recent letter to the citizens, they stated, “Instead of concentrating on recruiting businesses from without, let’s concentrate on building businesses from within.” The fact is, we need both! Detail Local church celebrates 25 years of service in White Settlement Caprica: Let the creators know what you think too long, the creators decided to bring the show to a close. This has left a huge void in the television landscape and honestly I’m not sure I’d trust any other creators to fill it. Thankfully, the creators of “Battlestar Galactica” are putting a new show on the air. Titled “Caprica,” the show is a prequel to Battlestar and is set 58 years earlier. While it’s going to be much less operatic and action heavy than Battlestar, the show looks to continue the strong dramatic tradition set forth in the show. Those are all the reasons that fans of “Battlestar Galactica” care, but why should you? Well, I’ll tell you. What makes this a truly interesting story is the way in which “Caprica” is being released. Just last week the pilot was released on DVD. Now, shows like “24” have released a pilot to DVD as well, so that alone isn’t groundbreaking. What is, however, is the fact that “Caprica” won’t be on television for another year. That’s right, roughly twelve months from now. The show hasn’t even started fully filming yet. While already confirmed to air on the Sci Fi Network, they aren’t going to start filming episodes beyond the pilot The Mon-Fri 9-8 Sat 9-6, Sun 1-5 Next to Albertson’s (817) 367-7661 9324 Clifford St, Ste 104 Fort Worth, Tx 76108 *No other offers or specials apply Above: Members greet one another, some after seeing one another a just few days ago, some after not seeing each other for years. Below: Former West Freeway minister David Thurman delivered the sermon at the church’s 25th anniversary celebration. Opinions Policy: The opinions represented by our individual writers do not necessarily represent the beliefs or opinions of the staff of The Grizzly Detail. Responses to items in the paper are welcomed in the form of letters to the editor. There is no charge for letters to the editor, even if they are of a political nature. However, political letters will not be published the week before an election. The Grizzly Detail staff reserves the right to edit all letters for grammar or length, but not to change the intended meaning of the author. We reserve the right to withhold letters from publication if they do not serve the needs of a large number of our readership. All letters must be signed with the name and phone number of the person who wrote the letter. Letters can be e-mailed to us at or mailed to us at The Grizzly Detail, P.O.Box 151342, 8430 White Settlement Road, Fort Worth, TX, 76108. You can also reach us by phone at (817) 246NEWS or at www.grizzlydetail. com ✘ Claim: The City of White Settlement is not helping existing businesses located in the City. ✔ Fact: The EDC has awarded more Business Incentive Grants this year than in all previous years. Business owners are taking advantage of money available to improve their investments. Re-Elect ✔ Fact: There is no slumping sales tax! The City of White Settlement has had a 46% sales tax increase for the first four months of 2009 compared to this time last year. Garry Wilson If they mis-represent the facts this bad, what else will they tell you that’s false? for ✘ Claim: The City of White Settlement is experiencing a slumping sales tax. White Settlement City Council Place 5 Alan Price White Settlement Resident and Former City Council Member Re-Elect ✔ Don Smith for Place 4 ✔ Garry Wilson for Place 5 VOTE MAY 9 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Political Ad Paid for by Alan Price GZD-050609-A05-B.indd 1 VOTE May 9, 2009 Political Advertisement paid for by Garry Wilson 5/6/09 1:03:25 AM Press releases from the WSISD Page 6 Wednesday, May 6, 2009 “A” HONOR ROLL BLUE HAZE ELEMENTARY SECOND GRADE: Taylor Bresnahan, Alex Cannon, Ben Cooper, Rebecca Eason, Sean Hiller, Leah Hine, Caden Kessler, Belinda Norrick, Brendan Sam, Cristina Shelton, Kason Campbell, Alyssa Estep, Alexa Kinnaird, Carter Moss, David Ogidan, Kathryn Stevens, Rockelle Surel, Savannah Torres, Taylor Wilks, Lexie Williams, Taylor Banda, Lesley Perry, Andrew Schmidt, Joshua Shelton, Alexi Tercero, Ryan White, Emily Olds, Christian Aubrey, Carson Ingram, Jordan Character Trait—Caring Matous, Lainey Sitter, Kate Van Wyk, Brian Lawler, Caden Primera, Scott Ellis, Robbie Gee, Jacob Gimlin, Makayla Maston, Samantha Mayer, Colby Pitts, Emma Powell, Michelle Taylor, and Riley Waters PRE K ---- KINDERGARTEN: Danyelle Cannon, Braeden Quintana-Jones, Anna Wharton, T.J. Jackson, River Jones, Branden Torres, Hailey Erickson, Luke Bagg, Christian Swindell, Richard Surel, Kelsey McDonald, Roderick Lyles, Cylie Gonzalez, Kobe Shed THIRD GRADE: Jonathan Trevizo, Devin Brown, Garren Crow, Devon May, Julie Nowlin, Andrew Fetsko, Tori Fortman, Raquel Guerrero, Grace Sandstrum, Emma Tracy, Josh Adair, Macy Lepori, Thaddeus Morris, Kelli Rekieta, Payton Rothenberger, Cole Smith and Kathyrn Cameron FOURTH GRADE: Jaxson Fletcher, Ethan Wills, Parker Bagg, Sydnie Belousek, Makenna Blassingame, Logan Burns, Jordan Cisco, Isabell Collazo, Brandon Hatter, Hannah King, Rebecca Moore, Abbee Powell, Marisa Sykes, Ben Worrell, Alexis Deane, Bayley Holland, Jonathan Lee, Shailee Rankin, Nicholas Barker, , Garrett Quill, Hunter Schmidt, Alysah Sitter, Timothy Tanwongprasert, Brandon Adams, Daniel Bowie, Donovan Brown, Nick Deatherage, Jorge Dominguez, Jacky Enriquez, Corey Ruland, Caleb Shelton, Peyton Summerhill, Chris Tatum and Kayley Williams Middle School Band Students Earn Numerous Medals at District Contest Brewer Middle School band students earned numerous medals and ribbons at the District Solo and Ensemble Contest. Students earned a medal and a certificate for a superior/outstanding rating, a medal for a superior rating and a ribbon for an excellent rating. The following students received superior awards for their solos: Haley Allen, Jahami Arreguin, Matt Biddle, Heather Biddle, Allyson Blackney, Andrew Clark, Emily Cotton, Kaylee Cox, Adam Donley, Grant Dzrich, Nicholas Foley, Brandon Green, Austin Grimes, Mario Gutierrez, Shelly Holdridge, Angel Lanwert, Erwynn Martinez, Luis Montes, Brandon Moye, Lisette Pena, Tristan Shipp, Katie Stemple, David Taylor and Kourtney West. Students who won superior and outstanding awards for solos were: Rebecca Craft, Michael Escobar, Alyssa Harrell, Jin Kim, Ashley Monday, Detail CHARACTER CHAMPIONS BLUE HAZE ELEMENTARY 5th Six Weeks—2008-2009 5th SIX WEEKS—2008-2009 FIRST GRADE: Bethany Bailey, Thabang Kelebeng, Katie Griffitts, Hannah Kincaid, Alyssa Lobbes, Hunter Lucas, Aidan McCord, Madison Munoz, Allison Johnson, Yusuf Khan, Kyrin Barnes, Brianna Perez, Colton Rasor, Megan Ayers, Bethany Barker, Ashley Craig, Autumn Darder, Marcus Grimes, Lauren Knearem, Gabriela Martinez, Theodore Morris, Austin Sykes, Andrea Vega, Caleb Whitlock, Travis Bradley, Brianna Cannon, Caden Gabbert, Mariah King, Rebecca Lares, Lucas Neimeyer, Jacob Olds, Jackson Shepherd, Shelby Sims, Emily Gee, Jessica Johnson, Logan Jones, Tommy Matheson, Addison Bradley, Danny Bradley, Phoebe McCaffrey, Jordan Pendexter and Cody Redmon The Siva Palasingam, Katlin Parsons and Sara Torres. The following students won superior awards for ensembles: Amy Johnson, Bradley Cripe, Gabriel Sotello, Heather Biddle, Jason Hardin, Kaitlyn Dodd, Kelsea Coker, Kerrigan Dodd, Rebecca Tucker, Taylor Shriver, Adam Donley, Alyssa Harrell, Angel Landwert, Ashley Monday, Brandon Franklin, David Taylor, Haley Allen, Jin Kim, Brenann Barrs, Kaleb Berry, Katie Stemple, Katlin Parsons, Michael Escobar, Roman Gill, Sara Torres, Siva Palasingam, Stacy Franco and Tristin Shipp. Emily Cotton, Lisette Pena and Rebecca Craft received superior/outstanding awards, and Brandon Green, Erwyn Martinez, Josh Morales, Kaela Lindsey, Kaylee Cox, Kourtney West, Luis Montes, Megan Smith and Nicholas Foley took excellent awards. Directors are Jason Avrett and Beth Harville. FIRST GRADE: Cole Garrison, Madison Munoz, Braden Wood, Abbie Sherwood, Jarid Fleury, Gabriela Martinez, Mariah King, Benny Mayo, Raquel Lares, Daniel Matthew, Jordan Pendexter, Skydra Saenz SECOND GRADE: Rebecca Eason, Alex Cannon, Kathryn Stevens, David Ogidan, Kailyn Hawk, Heath Sharr, Jamie Eller, Sydney Schultz, Caden Primera, Bryan Guthrie, Emma Powell, Kourtney Horn THIRD GRADE: Teyler Allsup, Koltin Bear, Melissa Valencia, Aaron Miller, Haylee Lovato, Devin Brown, Jackson Stevens, Roan Anderson, Jonathan Champion, Nolan Alexander, Jacky Gonzalez, Laura Lewis FOURTH GRADE: Claire Trieger, Justin Oberst, Makenna Blassingame, Parker Bagg, Sara Stom, Brent Finberg, Hunter Schmidt, Barrett Hooten, Alyse Williams, Ricky Duran, MyKayla Stroud, Grayson Harrelson Eighth Grade Select Band Wins Superior 1st Division Trophy The Brewer Middle School eighth grade Select Band competed at the Sandy Lake Contest on April 23 and earned a Superior 1st Division Trophy. Students are: Zachary Bauman, Rebecca Beavers, Matthew Biddle, Allyson Blackney, Adriana Blanco, Andrew Bobbitt, Andrew Clark, Emily Cotton, Kaylee Cox, Rebecca Craft, Duncan Edge, Oliver Escobar, Stacy Franco, Brandon Franklin, Amanda French, Jeffrey Gibson, Adriana Hernandez, David Hill, Shelly Holdridge, Addison Juarez, Alex Keesy, Jin Kim, Andreas Landwert, Kayla Leake, Kaela Lindsey, Darby Lorance, Sarah Manske, Erwynn Martinez, Roberto Meza, Luis Montes, Brody Nolan, JR Osborne, Lisette Pena, Abraham Quirarte, Joshua Rice, April Smith, Meagan Smith, Fabian Soltero, Katherine Stemple, Cheryl Strickland, Clayton Waldinger, Cheyenne Warren, Marissa Wellspeak, Ryan Wenzel, Kourtney West and Trevor Wyatt. Directors are Jason Avrett and Beth Harville. Letter To The Citizens Why is the City Council of White Settlement refusing to act on the citizens’ request to remove the vice chairman from the Planning and Zoning Board when documents were presented proving negligence in following Texas State law for almost two years, as well as being a defendant in an open lawsuit with the Texas Attorney General’s office? A petition has been circulating in White Settlement requesting the City Council to remove Sue Miller from the Planning and Zoning Board. On April 28th, 2009 at a City Council meeting, an agenda item “A request to remove Sue Miller from the P&Z Board to the City Council” was finally heard around 10 pm after a one-hour delay while the City Council held an Executive Session behind closed doors. Even though to date 245 citizens have signed the petition, and 50 citizens called or visited City Hall to voice their approval to have Ms. Miller removed, the city did not choose to investigate, or ask Ms. Sue Miller, who attended the meeting, any questions. The City Council opted to ignore the supporting documentation; expressed their disgust at receiving citizens’ calls concerning the removal of Sue Miller; and called into question the validity of the petition. At this time we are continuing to circulate the Sue Miller Removal Petition. We are planning to resubmit our documentation and request after the election to a hopefully more supportive City Council. Vote and let your voice be heard . More information is available online at You can also call Darlene at 817-246-7788 for additional information or to schedule a home visit in order to sign the petition. Keep our schools strong, safe and moving forward! VOTE FOR BEN POSEY WSISD BOARD OF TRUSTEES, PLACE 3 Darlene Underwood Political Ad paid for by Darlene Underwood . Political Advertisement paid for by Ben Posey Campaign. Dana Glover Treasurer. 817-238-STAR (7827) Lobby Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-6pm, Sat 9-12noon Drive Thru Hours: Mon-Fri Drive In 7:30am-6:00pm Saturday 8-12noon 24 HOUR BOOKKEEPING * 817-237-6318 “Locally Owned, Rock Solid” Member FDIC GZD-050609-A06-B.indd 1 9636 White Settlement Fort Worth, Tx 76108 5/6/09 1:06:28 AM Press releases from the WSISD Page 7 Wednesday, May 6, 2009 High School Students’ Poetry to be Published in Journal Brewer High School English teacher Melissa Allsup submitted her students’ poetry in a contest for Anthology of Poetry, Inc., and 30 students were selected to have their poems published in an upcoming journal. Students selected are: Megan Harris, Allison Shoup, Darius Williams, Katheryn Zimmerman, Kelly Suppes, Maila Caspe, Spartacus Crawford, Janeice Lyles, Tannahill Intermediate School sixth graders won second place overall in the district UIL Academic Competition. Students who won first place were: Katherine Merchant, art, and Jordan Powell, spelling. Shaylen Becker and Kailyn Hagerman took second in spelling and art respectively. Fourth place winners were: Spencer Crawford, number sense; Emily Norman, oral reading; and Clayre Doltaire, art. Boston Price and Jeen Oosub took fifth in oral reading and art respectively, and Nicole Carter won sixth in spelling. Coaches are: Stephanie Behrens, Susan Boehm, Twilia Craft, Mindy Francisco, Jennifer Fortson, Lauren Parker, Shanna Smith and Shelly Morrill. YS A D 5 ! Y L N O state recognition in Duke University’s Seventh Grade Talent Search. Pictured are (front row, l-r): Angel Landwert, Michael Niles, Siva Palasingham, (back) Mallory Roberson and Matthew Sablan. The Talent Search identifies academically talented seventh graders based on standardized test scores achieved while attending elementary or middle school. Thirteen Brewer Middle School seventh graders were identified and invited to complete either the SAT reasoning test or the ACT assessment college entrance examination, and five earned state recognition. Other students who were selected for the search were: Samuel Amado, Ray Barton, Sarah Luna, Morgan Mikel Eric Rebecca Craft (right) is among 36 North Texas students who were awarded a $2,500 scholarship as part of the Bobby Bragan Scholarship Program, and Brandi Blakeney was a finalist in the competition. Applicants are recommended to apply by their counselor or English teacher. Select students must complete an application with extensive information about their academic achievements, extracurricular and athletic activities, and community involvement, and they must write an essay about their favorite role Newman, David Taylor, model. Andrew Tesar and Mark Bragan, former major league Valdivia. baseball player, manager, and Duke TIP then provides the coach, established the Bobby participants with comparative Bragan Youth Foundation in 1991 information concerning to encourage children to stay in their academic abilities and resources for unique educational opportunities. Beginning at critical points in education, Duke TIP gives students a chance to learn more about their abilities. Through identification, recognition, information, advocacy, challenging educational programs, and research, Duke TIP offers a wide array of services to students, their parents, educators, and schools. Duke TIP enjoys a long history of supporting and extending local efforts to better understand, motivate, enrich, and academically challenge the brightest students in our nation. school and pursue their educational and career dreams. The foundation recognizes outstanding eighth graders each year by awarding scholarships for use toward firstyear college tuition. More than 37,000 eighth grade students from 116 public schools across the North Texas Metroplex are offered the opportunity to apply for these scholarships. The eighth graders were honored during the foundation’s annual scholarship celebration on April 26 at Texas Wesleyan University. Fifth graders compete in district UIL academic competition Several Tannahill Intermediate School fifth graders recently competed in the district UIL Academic Competition. Pictured are: Madalyn Powell, Sarah Clark, Logan Kile, Jessica McClusky, Kadyn Kirkpatrick, Cameron Garrison, Taylor Bitters, Vinit Shah, Erika Beas, Starr Teague, Destiny Jones, Chelsey Hanes, Jenna Dalley, Tristan Nored and Kaitlin Helou. M e n r a c c ado s u T ❇ Patio Extravaganza ❇ lbs Lightbu se! ca by the 0% 30% - 5 OFF Detail Brewer Middle School Students Brewer Middle School Student Selected to Participate in Duke Wins $2,500 Scholarship Brewer Middle School eighth grader University’s Talent Search Kendra Burrage, Shellsea Ramirez, Casey Williams, Ongelic Hill, Kendall Lewis, Kerstin Wilson, Rhannie Surel, Kaytlin Biggerstaff, Heather Franklin, Lauren Graham, Tanner Blassingame, Denise Moreno, Brooks Hebert, Francisco Rodriguez, Mariah Hernandez, Elizabeth Daniel, Allison Rutledge, Brittany Eller, Five Brewer Middle School Rachel Luna, Justin Foley, Shane seventh graders qualified for Cutshall and Lynsey Cornelius. Tannahill Sixth Grade Win Second Place in District UIL Competition The Metal Cross Decorations Rustic Stars Outdoor Patio Sets Many types available Lots of styles ur Enter o rize Grand P ! Drawing Outdoor Metal Porch Swings Variety of Cushion Styles HUGE FACTORY CLEARANCE! PATIO FURNITURE PRICED TO GO! TUESDAY, MAY 5 - SATURDAY, MAY 9 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Ceiling Fans BURGERS * HOTDOGS BOUNCE HOUSE Saturday, May 9 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Lots of styles Outdoor Wicker look Rockers PATCO LIGHTING Cushion Patterns of all types TUSCAN MERCADO 9520 Camp Bowie West GZD-050609-A07-B.indd 1 SPECIAL GIFT W/PURCHASE! (2 Blocks West of Loop 820) 817-560-2345 5/6/09 1:07:20 AM Westside City News Page 8 Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Westside Classifieds P.O. Box 151342 Fort Worth, TX 76108 (817) 246-NEWS / FAX (817) 246-2627 e-mail: Post & Pay online at AUTOMOBILES TILE - REMODEL Cars For Sale Need a cheap car? We have all makes and models. $800-$2500 CASH Call 817-560-1234 Johnston Tile Floors, back-splashes, fireplaces, tubs & showers. Remodels, portfolio available. Tile Contractor w/15 years experience. Call 682-583-3647 GENE THOMPSON & ASSOCIATES 300 N. Jim Wright Frwy. 817-246-4646 PAINTING & TILE Westside Painting & Tile Interior/Exterior Painting, Ceiling & Wall repairs, Cabinet refinishing, Ceramic/Linoleum flooring, Call Michael Today! 817-377-8548 or 817-420-3650 201 N. LAS VEGAS TR. 2-1-CP FENCE $445. MO $300.DEP 415 HALLVALE 1-1 FENCE WU, S&R $355. MO $250.DEP PAINTING & TILE Barb’s Quality Painting Interior, Exterior, textures, re-model, guaranteed work. 817-507-9760 300 DELMAR CT. #14 1-1-CP H, WU, S&R $355. MO $300.DEP INDUSTRIAL SPACE 7727 HARWELL “C” 16x40 MULTI USE $395.MO $350.DEP PLUMBING SERVICES ACCUTECH PLUMBING COMMERCIAL SPACES 820 WEST FRONTAGE CALL FOR DETAILS Hablamos Español Full service plumbing. Residential/commercial, higher quality at lower prices. Licensed and insured. Lic#M-38139. Credit Cards Accepted! 817-367-3373 HOMES FOR SALE BANK OWNED PLUMBING SERVICES Trademark Plumbing Residential/Commercial/ New Construction Remodel/Service Repair/ Slab Leaks Sewer Line Camera Senior Discount Quality and Honesty is our Trademark! M-36776 Free Estimates (817) 246-5415 3/2/2 w/2 Living areas 1600 sq. ft. +/River Oaks Reduced: $59,900 4/2/2 - 2 Story 2892 sq. ft. +/Willow Park Village Reduced: $199,900 5/3/2 4191 sq. ft. +/At the Resort at Eagle Mountain Lake Reduced: $248,900 RELIGION Looking for group of believers to start Cowboy Church on the Westside of Fort Worth. E-mail: wscowboychurch Contact: Paul Robertson United Country Rick Irving Realty 817-313-1275 HELP WANTED NOW HIRING! LAWN CARE TOW-OP INC Towing Service Needs full time tow truck drivers. TDLR certified. Neat, Clean with good driving record. GREAT PAY! Call 817-560-1234 “Professional & Reliable” NAGELY’S 1988 EST. LAWNCARE Richards Lawncare Mowing, edging, trimming, cleanups . Quality Work/ Guaranteed. Call for free estimates. 817-262-7881 • • • • • • Mowing, Edging, Spring Clean-up Leaf Removal, Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming Flowers & Seasonal color Fertilizing & Pre-Emergent programs Turf installation & Seeding Residential & Commercial 817-992-3721 Do you have a Mailbox Planter that needs flowers? I can add beautIful color to your yard! Price includes removal of weeds and grass, add new soil, plant your choice of flowers from a large selection of types, fertilize and water. Free quotes on other sizes! All for ONLY $10 Call me today at 817-690-1037! The Detail White Settlement Area Chamber of Commerce 817-246-1121 UPCOMING EVENTS General Membership Meeting Date: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 Time: Noon (come early to network) Ryan’s Grill Buffet Bakery 1501 S. Cherry Lane Jackpot Drawing Prize: $50 Chamber Mixer Chamber Mixer at Tarleton State University – Southwest Metroplex Date: Tuesday, May 19 Time: 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. Location: Tarleton State University - Southwest Metroplex Hickman Building 6777 Camp Bowie Boulevard Fort Worth, TX 76116 Don’t forget to bring your business cards. Adopt-A-Street Program Sees New Life Fort Worth is rejuvenating an effort that helps keep the city clean and attractive. The Adopt-a-Street program is a joint effort of several City of Fort Worth departments: Parks and Community Services, Code Compliance, Environmental Management and Transportation and Public Works. It is sponsored by a grant from the North Central Texas Council of Governments through funding by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Neighborhood associations, civic groups, schools, youth organizations, faith-based organizations, businesses and individuals interested in keeping their streets litter-free are invited to join the Adopt-A-Street Program. In addition to making Fort Worth a cleaner, more attractive city, the program: • promotes neighborhood pride • helps maintain and increase property values • encourages people to stop littering • increases awareness of environmental issues • decreases roadway and waterway pollution • reduces litter removal costs. Participants select a half-mile to two-mile stretch of roadway and agree to clean it at least four times a year for a one-year period. The city provides trash bags, disposal vouchers and safety vests. All participants must sign a liability waiver. Signs recognizing the organization’s cleanup efforts will be placed on the boundaries of the adopted roadway after the first cleanup has been completed. Adopters receive a certificate of adoption at the end of the oneyear period. To learn more, call 817-9053354. The White Settlement Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed Karla R. Barker, Financial Advisor with Edward Jones, during a ribbon cutting this past week. Barker’s office is located at 9521 White Settlement Road. Camp Fort Worth Means Fun and Learning for Children Kids eagerly await summer vacation, only to complain about being bored after a few weeks — or days. You can help your children overcome summer boredom by registering them in Camp Fort Worth at one of 19 local community centers. The program is organized by the Fort Worth Department of Parks and Community Services. The camps are for children ages 5-13 and run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 15-Aug. 21. Before- and aftercamp care, from 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., is available for an additional fee. Each day at Camp Fort Worth features a curriculum combining varied activities and challenges. Children receive individual attention in a warm and nurturing environment. Trained instructors create an atmosphere where positive experiences are the norm. Activities vary at the 19 camp sites. Campers participate in structured activities such as crafts, games and sports. Guest speakers present information on nature, science, careers and the arts. Outdoor activities vary at each location but can include hiking, fishing, archery and kayaking. Campers take one field trip a week to sites such as a planetarium, water park, skate park, wax museum and miniature golf course. Camp fee is $150 per child, which includes lunch and a snack. Financial assistance, based on family income, is available. Optional weekly activities are available for an additional fee. To learn more, contact your neighborhood community center or call 817-392-5700. Senior Center News Mark your calendar for Wednesdays at 10:00 am at the Center for a challenging study of the Bible led by Jannie Engelmann. Pictured from left to right and reading the scriptures are Kenneth Gandy, Margery Cooper, Jannie Engelmann, Angie Starnes and Elmer Bratcher. The Center’s Casino Night Annual Fund Raiser for our food program is scheduled for June 5 at 5:30 pm. Tickets are $10 which includes a delicious meal, entertainment and $2,500 play money provided for games and the auction finale of wonderful prizes donated by local vendors. Deadline for dinner reservations is June 1. Extra packets will be available for $10. (You must be 18 to play all games except Bingo). Come by the Center to purchase your tickets. The Center is taking registrations for a new Word Training class taught by Barbara Davis starting Friday May 8 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am and continuing until July 17. Please call or come by the Center to sign up for this free class. A new class Internet and EMail will be starting on May 21 and meeting every Thursday at 10:45 am – 11:45 am. The class is limited to the first ten students and is taught by instructor Glen Hendricks. Please sign up at the front desk. We also have a Beginning Computer class starting Thursday, May 21 at 9:00 am. The class runs for six weeks and is limited to the first ten students. Please sign up at the front desk. Make sure you are on the bus on Saturday, May 9 at 9:00 am headed to the Grapevine Winery and Town Center for a day loaded with an exciting tour of the Winery, lunch and, best of all, shopping in the fine shops available in the Old Grapevine Town Center. Please come by the Center to pay your $2.00 to guarantee your seat The Center’s Bridge Club welcomes experienced “Party Bridge” players on Wednesdays from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. There are a few spaces left in the Silk Floral Design class that meets every Monday at 10:00 am taught by instructor and florist of 14 years Nancy Bowling. Sign up at the front desk or call the Center. Please bring silk flowers and a container to class. The Center is selling spaces at $10 each for the annual Parking Lot Sale scheduled for May 16 from 9:00 am until 3:00 pm. Please call the Center for more information. Come by the Center and take a look at the beautiful Oriental Sunset Quilt donated by the Fort Worth Quilt Guild and buy some chances at $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be on our Casino Night Fund Raiser event which is June 5. Make reservations before noon in order to eat with us the next day. Lunch is served Monday thru Friday at 12 p.m. Newcomers and visitors are very welcome. Please call 817246-6619 or come by anytime between 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m to ask about our classes, trips, and other activities. You can also check our web page at and click on the Seniors Department for the latest activities or check on the Cable Channel. *SPECIAL PRICE FOR MAILBOX PLANTERS ONLY GZD-050609-A08-B.indd 1 5/6/09 1:08:22 AM Sports Page 9 Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Bears still in holding pattern as post season looms By A.C. Hall On Friday April 21 the Brewer Bears varsity baseball team took on Birdville and lost 7 – 4. The defeat meant that the fate of their season was going to rest solely on the final game of the regular season. The Bears faced a favorable situation; win and you’re in. With Azle nipping at their heels in the district standings Brewer needed a victory against third place Boswell to guarantee their spot in the playoffs. A loss would mean their fate rested with Azle, who could force a one game playoff for the post-season birth if they won their final game and Brewer lost theirs. So the Bears simply had to wait for their final regular season challenge. But thanks to the UIL postponements instituted in order to prevent a swine flu outbreak it’s almost two weeks later and the Bears are still waiting to play their last regular season game. Head Coach Chad Wehe knows this long layoff can be a double-edged sword. “It is a good thing because we should be well prepared for our opponent. It is a little bit of a disadvantage because it gives us a longer period of time to think. The biggest challenge is structuring practice to our advantage so that we can stay peaked our next time out. We structure for the season so we can be playing our best baseball at the end and we were heading in that direction and now we have a little layoff. Our guys have responded well to challenges all season, so I think we will respond well to this,” Coach Wehe said in a recent interview with The Grizzly Honeycombs! Looking for those pictures from the Spring Show? Go to Detail. Wehe and his staff have devised a way to keep the players on their toes and keep them in game shape while they continue to wait for their May 12 game against Boswell. “We have divided into two teams and we are playing a best of 5 series. It should keep our hitters sharp by facing live pitching also allows our pitchers to continue getting their work in a competition setting, and it keeps us competing. We also have time to brush up our fundamentals and stay sharp. On a week to week basis we have limited time to get all the things we need to work on in, so the time off allows us to make sure we touch on everything,” Wehe said. Arguably Azle has the easier final game as they take on seventh place Mineral Wells while the Bears have to contend with the third place Boswell. “In this district anyone can beat anyone, so you have to be ready every time you go out. The most important thing for us is to worry about us. We can’t be looking around seeing concerned with others, we have our plate full worrying about our own responsibilities,” Wehe stated. Earlier in the season Brewer and Boswell met and while the Bears lost 6 – 4 the close game has inspired some confidence in them as they prepare to play the Pioneers one more time. “We played Boswell tough the first round and just didn’t finish. Being in a spot to control our own destiny is great, and that is all we could ask for at this point in the season. It has been and up and down season, but we have been playing well the last couple of weeks and with the stakes being high I look for our players to continue the momentum,” Wehe said in closing. For now the Bears baseball team’s long wait continues. By the time they head to Boswell on May 12 it will have been eighteen days since their last game. Coach Wehe and his team are hard at work and are doing all they can to turn the long break into as much of an advantage as possible as they prepare to close out the regular season in Boswell with big stakes on the line. It’s “win and you’re in” and it sounds like the Bears are ready to step up to the challenge so head on out and cheer them on in Boswell on May 12. The Events rescheduled by U.I.L. By Ben Posey Although the swine flu epidemic has closed several school districts throughout the state and cancelled all University Interscholastic League (UIL) activities for the week, many of the events have now been rescheduled. Schools cancelled field trips as well. As of Sunday, Texas had reported 43 confirmed cases of the swine flu. The University of Texas officials and the twenty UIL regional track meet hosts have tentatively rescheduled the regional track meets to take place after interscholastic The United States Naval Academy will be sailing into the Metroplex in 2013 as the Midshipmen have signed an agreement to compete in that year’s edition of the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl. Owned and operated by ESPN Regional Television (ERT), the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl has featured a military-theme since 2006 with the United States Air Force Academy competing in the past two post-season games at Amon G. Carter Stadium against Cal and Houston where the Falcons dropped a pair of six-point decision to the Bears (2007, 42-36) and the Cougars (2008, 34-28). “Obviously we are as pleased as can be that Navy, with it’s great heritage and tradition, has agreed to participate in our 2013 game,” said Tom Starr, Executive Director of the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl. “Having one of our nation’s military academies participate in our game is a natural, and is extremely popular with our fans as the past two years have proven with sellouts featuring the Air Force Academy.” Navy has currently strung together sixconsecutive winning seasons as the Midshipmen have compiled a 51-25 record since 2003 with six-straight bowl appearances. With wins over both Air Force and Army in 2008, Navy earned its sixth consecutive Commander-InChief ’s Trophy, tying the record for consecutive trophies won set by Air Force from 1998-02. West Freeway Church of Christ 817-246-NEWS rescheduled to May 16. For Brewer students, this is good news. The Lady Bear Track Team will be taking its regional qualifiers to competition. The Brewer Bear Baseball Team will be continuing its bid for the playoffs as they are scheduled to play their final game at Boswell High School against the Pioneers on May 12 at 7:00 p.m. Spring Football Practice for the Brewer Bears will go on as scheduled with practices being conducted in the afternoons. Look for a complete schedule of practices and scrimmages in this issue of The Grizzly Detail. Navy, which owns an all-time record of 632-516-57 (.548), became just the second school in FBS history to reach the 1,200 games played milestone last season when the Midshipmen handed SMU a 34-7 setback in an October meeting in Annapolis. Rutgers has competed in the most games in FBS history with Michigan and Nebraska ranking behind the Middies. In 128 years of football, Navy has played in 15 bowl games, including a current streak of six years in a row with six victories. The Naval Academy has won one National Championship (1926) while producing two Heisman Trophy winners (Joe Bellino in 1960 and Roger Staubach in 1963), 34 first-team All-Americans, five first-team Academic All-Americans, four Maxwell Trophy winners and 21 members of the College Football Hall of Fame. For the third straight year, the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl will “usher” in the New Year as the 2009 post-season college football game will be played on New Year’s Eve at Amon G. Carter Stadium. The 2009 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl will be televised live on ESPN on Thursday, December 31 with the kickoff time still to be determined. The seventh edition of the Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl will feature schools from Conference USA and the Mountain West Conference. & YA E R M D O H Breaking News or Pictures? competition resumes on May 11. Additionally, the state track meet is scheduled to be held June 5-6 at Myers Stadium at the University of Texas at Austin. The 2009 UIL Academic State Meet, originally scheduled for May 7-9 has been rescheduled for May 2526 for all conferences. The One-Act-Play competition for conferences 1A-3A will be held May 26-28. All contests will take place on the University of Texas campus. The Texas State Wind Ensemble Festival, originally scheduled for May 9, has been 2013 Bell Helicopter Armed Forces Bowl Sailing With Navy Click on client proofs Text it, e-mail it, or call us at Detail Service Directory FREE Assembly Times Sunday Morning Bible Class 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:30 a.m. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10 a.m. Wednesday Celebration Time 7 p.m. System Check with repair! 817-367-2473 BUDGET APPLIANCE Sales - Parts - Service 9649 White Settlement Rd. Fort Worth, TX 76108 Water heaters Slab leaks Full service plumbing Higher Quality Lower Prices GONE GRIZZLY SUBSCRIBE TODAY! AccuTech Plumbing Co. 817-367-3373 817-246-5686 Advertise your business in our NEW service directory. Call us TODAY! 817-246-NEWS Licensed & Insured M-38139 Full Service Plumbing * Residential & Commercial Come see us at our Retail Store! Mon-Fri 9-5 Sat. 9-4 817-246-7536 Find out why your friends, family and neighbors have We Provide Maintenance, Service & Repairs. “Professional & Reliable” NAGELY’S 1988 EST. LAWNCARE • • • • • • Mowing, Edging, Spring Clean-up Leaf Removal, Tree Pruning, Hedge Trimming Flowers & Seasonal color Fertilizing & Pre-Emergent programs Turf installation & Seeding Residential & Commercial 817-992-3721 GZD-050609-A09-B.indd 1 5/6/09 1:09:09 AM Sports Extra Page 10/Wednesday, May 6, 2009 Bears look towards 2009 season with Spring Practices The Detail Brewer Bear Spring Football Schedule May 4-6 May 7 May 11-14 May 15 May 18-21 May 22 May 25-28 May 29 Practice 3:15 p.m. Scrimmage #1 Practice 3:15 p.m. Scrimmage #2 Practice 3:15 p.m. Scrimmage #3 Practice 3:15 p.m. Spring Game Junior Varsity 5:30 p.m. Varsity 7:30 p.m. FREE SHUTTLE SERVICE I A/C I I den I I YOUR TOTAL CAR CARE CENTER Since 1923 PERFORMANCE TEST TM ONLY $9.95 reg. $69.95 INCLUDES: A/C Pressure Test & Diagnostics Coupons may not be combined. ONLY OIL, LUBE and FILTER 15 $ INCLUDES: Up To 5 Qts. of Pennzoil Motor Oil and filter. Special Filters Extra. TAX INCLUDED 00 . 501 N. Grants Ln. 817.246.3000 (Just outside Lockheed’s main gate) SIX SIMPLE reasons why a vote for BEN POSEY is a step in the right direction for the WSISD, including you. 6. 5. 3. 1. VOTE May 9 7a.m. - 7p.m. Ben Posey WSISD Place 3 Political Advertisement Paid for by Ben Posey Campaign. Dana Glover Treasurer. GZD-050609-A10-C.indd 1 2. 5/6/09 1:10:26 AM
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