March – April - Ukiah Co-op


March – April - Ukiah Co-op
“Voting is a right best exercised by
people who have taken time to learn
about the issues.”
-Tony Snow
March - April 2014
inside this issue
Greetings from the GM.............2
2012 Patronage Dividend.........3
Words on Wellness....................4
Saturate Your Tastebuds...........5
2014 Candidate Statements....6
Proposed Amendments.............7
2013 Financial Report...............8
Keeping Kids Healthy................8
Co-op Staff Stuff........................9
Water Conservation Tips.........10
Co-op Classes...........................11
Co-op Calendar........................ 12
In the Board Election
March 1 - 31, 2014
Connected to
Our Community
Details on Pages 6 & 7
greetings from the general manager
Spring Awakening!
A natural foods cooperative since 1976
721 South State Street
Ukiah, CA 95482
707 462-4778 Store
707 467-9720 Annex
Store Hours
Mon–Sat | 8–8 p.m.
Sun | 9–6 p.m.
UNF Management
As we approach longer daylight hours and await
the new season of springtime, we are all looking
at ways to conserve water and hope that Mother
Nature gives us the rain we desperately need.
There are some really good tips on water conservation that are really simple to commit to. For
more ideas about water conservation check out
the article in this edition of the newsletter, but
here are a few good reminders.
Take shorter showers: a four-minute shower
uses approximately 20-40 gallons of water.
Capture water in the shower: Place a bucket
in the shower while you are waiting for the
water to warm up and use the water you
catch for watering plants or cleaning.
General Manager
Lori Rosenberg
Front End
Lodie DeAlba
Babs Verenis
Information Technology
Brian Alexander
Marketing & Outreach
Jessica Silva
Don Buchanan
Brushing your teeth: leave the water off
after you rinse your brush and apply your
toothpaste. Fill up a glass of water for mouth
Use your dishwasher and washing machine
for full loads only. New Energy Star washers
use 35-50% less water and 50% less energy
to run them.
When washing dishes by hand: Don’t leave
the water running for rinsing. If you have a
double sink fill one for washing and fill the
other for rinsing.
Rinse your razor in the sink when you shave:
Fill the sink with a few inches of water to
rinse off your razor.
Mulch around trees, shrubs and plants:
Mulch will slow moisture evaporation and
discourage weed growth.
Libee Uhuru
Mike Tilander
Anne Wright
Human Resources
Susan Winter
Co-op News
Editor / Layout
Jessica Silva /
Our eReceipt program has been very successful.
The member-owners who have signed up for it
are staying with it. In case you haven’t heard, you
can get an email version of your receipt sent to
Views expressed in the Co-op News are the writers’
opinions and are not necessarily the views of Ukiah
Natural Foods Co-op. Submissions from members
are encouraged. The deadline for submissions is the
first Friday of the month, two months before
publication. Submissions may be edited or not
printed based on length and appropriateness.
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
We have three board seats open for election, each
for a three-year term. In this edition of the newsletter you will meet the candidates and learn about
the bylaw amendments in this year’s election. We
will have in-store voting set up at our customer
service station for voting member-owners during
the month of March. Member-owners who cannot
come to the store to vote can request a paper ballot to be mailed to the shareholder at the address
on record. Results of the 2014 election will be announced at our annual member-owner meeting on
Saturday, April 5th at Barra Winery, on our website
and in the store.
We hope to see you all at our fun member-owner
event enjoying great local food, local music to
dance to and enjoy each other’s company. The
party is from 6-10PM and you must register to attend. Please reserve your spot before March 28th.
RSVP can be made by calling the store or stopping by Customer Service.
Thank you for your continued support of our great
Co-op and I look forward to seeing you at the annual meeting. Happy Spring!
In cooperation,
Lori Rosenberg
General Manager
Vision: We envision Ukiah Natural Foods Co-op to be the foundation of a trusted, cooperative
marketplace of goods and services that provide for the needs of our diverse community.
Purpose: The purpose of Ukiah Natural Foods Co-op is to be a vital, thriving, and growing
community center that will:
Lori Rosenberg, Mike Tilander, Amanda Slade
Anne Wright, Cliff Paulin, Walk & Bike Mendocino
& SPACE Theater
your email address, either instead of the hardcopy
receipt or in addition to it. The eReceipt is sent
within a minute after you check out, so it shows up
in your email before you get out of the parking lot.
Besides saving on paper waste, the eReceipt has
more information than the hardcopy receipt. For
example, it shows when your next share purchase
is due, and your total dividend-eligible purchases
for the year. Give it a try. Just ask Customer
Service to turn on eReceipts for you, or send an
email with your member-owner account number to
•Provide and promote organically grown, sustainably produced food, goods, and services that are
locally and regionally sourced whenever possible.
•Promote the health and wellness of our community by providing facilities, resources, and
information and by offering effective, positive community education and services.
•Embody and model sustainable, humane, equitable, green ways of working and living, creating and
maintaining an ideal workplace.
•Add to the enjoyment and enrichment of our greater community ventures and networks.
•Have fun doing it!
Does the Co-op Owe You Money?
Check this list to find out!
The Co-op issued 2012 patronage dividend checks back in April of 2013. We still have quite a few uncashed checks from that mailing! Below is a list of
members whose patronage dividend checks remain uncashed. The check amounts range from $2.00 to $390. If you are on this list, please contact the
accounting office at 467-9720 or e-mail We will need your current address to reissue you a check.
Aaron Gold
Adam Quihus
Adrian Ramirez
Adriane Pardini
Ai-Ling Lee
Aimee Rozen
Ajah Leas
Alan Brookins
Alex Sidabras
Alexander Kramer
Alicia Widener
Alison Richert
Allen Albonico
Allen or Els Cooperrider
Amanda Beckhusen
Amelia Armstrong
Amiel Needham
Anabel Barahal
Ancha Baumann
Andre Puccio
Andre Vanez
Andrea Rios
Andrei Borysenko
Andrew Felton
Andrew Meserth
Andrew Perrill
Angela Austin
Angela Dawson
Angela Drees
Angela Eaves-Lewis
Angela Knight
Angela Silver
Angela Winchester
Angelica Contreras
Angelina Zangrilli
Anira Gacha
Anita Jackson
Ann Kelly
Ann Parks
Anna Kamitses
Anna Mansfield
Anne Crowder
Anne Rueb
Annette OBrien-Fashauer
Annette Zeni
Anny Syharath
Anthony Engelhard
Anthony Farrington
Antonio Alvor
Arden Tuttle
Aubrey Ellard
Audrey Sines
Augustine Coale
Aurelie Clivaz
Austin Roseberry
Barbara Bristol
Barbara Mayfield
Barbara Oldenburg
Barbara Scott
Barbara Taylor
Barbra Neidlinger
Ben Huston
Benjamin Hittle
Benjamin Provan
Bennie Collins
Bethany Ann Miner
Betsey Quarles
Betty Delaney
Betty Green
Bill Bartram
Deborah Tindall
Deborah Walley
Debra Ford
Denise Woods
Dennis Silverstein-Patton
Dennis Peregrina
Des Vieira
Desiree Delavega
Desmond or Grossman
Devon Redin
Diana Thomas
Diane Delgado
Diane Jordan
Dini Tekleberhan
Dixie Cardoza
Dixie Myers
Django Gurley
Don Howe
Donald Strate
DonMike Chilberg
Donna Anderson
Donna Christian
Dorothy Mayer
Dorothy Wheeler
Doug Johnson
Douglas Arnold
Douglas D Adams
Douglas Grimsbo
Dyke Dewitt
Edgar Damian
Edward Rubles
Eileen Granich
Eileen Henderson
Eileen Wolfe
Elaine Burns
Eli Weaver
Eliane Herring
Elicia Andrus
Elinor Vedolla
Eliot Busse
Elisa Fetzer
Elise Wilkins
Elizabeth Clark-Heider
Elizabeth Jackson
Elizabeth Town
Elizabeth White
Ella Tritchler
Ellen Bartholomew
Ellies Mutt Hut
Eloise Toomey
Emily A Neuroth
Emily Thomas
Emma Carter
Eric Alegria
Eric Salcido
Eugene Pope
Evonna Anderson
Faith Sabatine
Farmers Market
Ferdinand Florido
Fiory Hedley
Forenzo Vinyards
Forest Elie
Forrest Tancer
Frank Arriza
Freida Brown
Gabe Caldwell
Gale Nelson
Ganya Wertheimer
Gary Nix
Bill Schuhmann
Bob Daley
Bonny Goselin
Braden Bearnson
Brady Moss
Brandi Smith
Brandon Richter
Brenda Grosz
Brian Barrick
Brian Palmer
Brian R White
Brian Wilberger
Brian Williams
Brook Fodoroff
Burton Jernigan
Camille Johnson
Carla or Gary DeCrona
Carole Goodyear
Caroline Radice
Carolyn Evans
Carrie Grosvenor
Catherine Nyborg
Cecile Kohler
Cecily Arenas
Channing Cornell
Chareen Chiang
Charla Page
Charles Knipping
Chelsea Roach
Cheryl Cleaver
Cheryl Cornet
Cheryl Plotner
Chris Klopf
Chris Piekarski
Christiane Heckeroth
Christiane Skarada
Christina Berger
Christina Dangler
Christine Baker
Christine Friedrich
Christopher Hamilton
Christopher Lopinto
Cindy Crockett
Cindy Morninglight
Ciro Kraft
Claire Caudill
Claudia Woodward
Colleen Thornhill
Corina Edwards
Corine Pearce
Cynthia Vargas
Daisy Gwin
Dale VanLente
Dallas Cook
Dan Andrews
Dan Liu
Dan P Schafer
Dana Murray
Daniel Stein
Dario Gotchet
Darleen Ciro
David Arnett
David Melly
David Morris
David Smith
Dawn Light Amora
Dawn Warner
Debbie Marks
Debbie Rogers
Deborah Hughes
Gaye Palley
Gayle Gura
Genaro Vega-Arcos
Genevieve DeFigueiredo
Geremy Stever
Gina Lindsey
Gloria Halverson
Gloria Walter
Hans Estes
Hans Petersen
Harry Cahill
Hartley Spencer
Helen Virginia Guleff
Helen Williams
Helen Winkle
Hope Moroni
Hsu Shihchieh
Hulin Wallace
Ian Herkes
Ilyana Webb
Irene Lopez
Isidro Juarez
Ivo Lopez
Jack Graves
Jacob Sutter
Jacqueline Johnson
James Bradley
James Brawthen
James Girard
James Goforth
James Humble
James Persky
James Reese
James Thomas
James Wakefield Lee
James Yoast
Jamie OMally
Jan Ethridge
Jane Tate
Janet Venable
Janice Patten
Janice Roberts
Jaqueline Matthews
Jasmine Hillard
Jason Andrews
Jason Pierpoint
Jason Wolf
Jay Levie
Jay Tomczak
Jean Canevari
Jean Daskais
Jean Stirling
Jeanette Pinon
Jeanine Cable
Jeff Simpson
Jeff Tyrrell
Jenica Thorp
Jenifer Farley
Jennifer Contreras
Jennifer Ehlers
Jennifer Ingram
Jennifer J Peterson
Jennifer King
Jennifer McKenzie
Jennifer Sullivan
Jenny Shakman
Jensen Henderson
Jerod Knapp
Jesse Woskow
Jessica Lee Cichowski
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
Jessica Mireles
Jill Chesla
Jill Coletti
Jim Shoberg
Joan Barela
Joan Giannecchini
Joanie Stevens
Joann SkyWatcher
Joaquin Sherman
Jodine Burkhart
Jody Lamoureux
Joel Maurer
Joel Siebe
Joel Walley
John Davis
John Evans
John Even
John Gaskill
John Goraj
John Herbert
Jon Ferguson
Jose Delgado
Joseph Homick
Joseph Martin
Joseph Sorensen
Josh Devries
Josh Lauderdale
Josh Piagentini
Joshua Lapides
Joshua Smith
Joy Camillo
Joyce Demits
Joye Sperry
Judith Hughes
Judith Peterman
Judy Campbell
Judy Gordon
Judy Stevens
Julia Swoboda
Julia Rutherford
Julie Aldwell
Julie Lyly
Justin Delmer
Kailey Clark
Kaitlin Lewis
Kapila Benz
Kara McClellan
Karen Linser
Karen Sheller
Katarz Laskowski
Kate Garetz
Katherine LaRue
Kathleen Borst
Kathleen Dolan
Kathleen Eberhardt
Kathleen Fetzer
Katie Clark
Katie Wojcieszak
Kelleen Cornell
Kelli Lawson
Kellie Rick
Kellie Sloane
Kelly McMichael
Kelsey Brown
Kenneth Metz
Kenneth Tarlow
Kent Rogers
Kermit Carter
Kerri Daniels
Kerry Ann Sanchez
Kevin Burke
Kim Hickey
Kim Ross
Kimberley Curtis
Kimberly Marsh
King Collins
Kippy Burns
Kira Brennan
Kristi Barrington
Kristine Binderup
Kyala Shea
Kyle Byer
Lain Chamberlain
Larry Rocha
Laura Liska
Laura Rosendin
Laura Ware
Laurel Brownscombe
Lauren Anderson
Lauren Gallagher
Law office of Johanna
Leanne Michaelson
Lee Bell
Leif Bierer
Lenee Goselin
Leo Galli
Leo or Virginia Dikinis
Leola Kealoha
Leonard Dimaggio
Leota MacMillan
Leslie Lind
Leslie Finch
Linda Beatty
Linda Carricaburu
Linda Clouser
Linda Davidson
Linda McNiel
Linda Pedersen
Lino Silva Ramirez
Little Dove Headrick
Liz Johnson
Lois Rogers
Lorenzo Torres
Lori Schultz
Louise Armstrong
Lucas Hanscom
Lucila Udarbe
Lucy Neely
Lukas Benton
Lupe Ramos
Lydia Smith
Lydia Villegas-Lopez
Lyle Thompson
Lynda Urquhard
Lynn Roman
Lynzee Holt
Mabin N Mark
Makalyne Leard
Marbry Sipila
Marc Palli
Marcia Jackson
Margaret Auer
Margaret Bracewell
Margaret Ley
Margaret Sanchez
Maria Mireles
Maria Ortega
Marie Judson
Marie Kong
Marie Livsey
Marilyn J Pope
Marilyn Miller
Marilyn Starwalker
Marilynn Tollefsen
Mark Demeulenaere
Mark Donner
Mark Phillips
Mark Redmond
Marla Quintana
Marnye Sylvander
Marsha WrightMartha Collins
Martin Bradley
Mary Davenport
Mary Feeney
Mary Gaedke
Mary Joens-Poulton
Mary Manning
Mary Marsh
Mary or Jim Shorba
Marya Heath
Maryann Snyder
Matt Graves
Matthew Buckman
Mattie Ford
Maxwell Bradley
Maxwell Gail
Meagan OQuest
Melbourne Omeara
Melissa Thornhill
Mellissa Phillips
Mercedes Kim
Mia Menter
Michael Beck
Michael Dent
Michael Ewbank
Michael Gauder
Michael Meagher
Michael Norman
Michael Toms
Michael Owen
Michael Todd
Michael Vasquez
Michalanne McMillan
Micheal Mahoney
Michele Roth
Michelle Barlow
Michelle Estep
Michelle Moncivias
Michelle Rasmuson
Michelle Sassen
Mike Bottorff
Milane Corr
Mira Sharan
Monelle K Riley
Moorea R. Agnoli
Nabil Girgis
Nancy Ellis
Nancy Finn
Nancy Meden
Nancy Miner
Nathaniel Hayward
Nathaniel Joshua
Naya Rose
Neill or Susan Bell
Nicholas Johnston
Nick Halfacre
Nina Madveno
Norma Chavez
Omar Trouette
Paco Aubrejuan
Paeton VanHousen
Pam Lyssand
Pam Pacini
Pamela Roy
Patricia Amadio
Patricia Bertram
Patricia Harreschou
Patricia J. Coe
Patricia Kice
Patricia Omalley
Patrick Mitchell
Paul H or Grace Liu
Paul Jermain
Paula Radell
Pauline Usher
Peggy Reuser
Peter Waterloo
Phach Hoang
Pifen Chang
Pilar Echeverria
R. Sage Lieberknecht
Rachel Shalaby
Ramon McLane
Ramon Mendoza
Randel Mallory
Rasean Powell
Raul Gacha
Ray Elmore Jr
Reba Chavez
Reza Ghannadan
Rhonda Pearson
Rhonda Sands
Ric Sanz
Ricardo Romero
Richard Christopher
Richard Player
Richard Rea
Richard Robinson
Richard Wilson
Richard Winningham
Rick Dedrick
Rick Gonzales
Rio Delaney
Rob Coyle
Rob Thornhill
Robert Bernards
Robert Lawrence
Robert Norton Douglas
Robert Paul
Robert Pegg III
Robert Pritchard
Robin Sunbeam
Ron Brittain
Ron Schryer
Ronald Dix
Rosemary Alanis
Rosemary Albright
Ross Obrien
Roxanne Samson
Roxanne Regan
Rudy Knoop
Ruth Howell
Ryan Parr
Ryan Russell
Ryan Smith
Ryan Storms
Ryan Ward
Ryn Dornhuber
Sabrina Carvalho
Sadie Switzer
Sadie Urdahl
Saffron Fraser
Sally Green
Sally Minsinger
Sam Hinkson
Sandra Anguiano
Sandra Harrington
Sandra Holsworth
Sandra Shull
Sandra Strong
Sandra Tyrrell
Sara Martin
Sara Rohan
Sara Stark
Sarada Avansino
Sarah C Cope
Sarah Funk
Sarah Israel
Sarah Loriver
Sarah Shelley
Sarah Shems
Sarah Todd
Scott Booher
Scott Myers
Scott Robbins
Sean Gunn
Shana Schuette
Shane Thomas
Sharla Lucero
Sharon Gorman
Sharon Hathaway
Sharon Huggins
Sharon Larsen
Shawn Goring
Shawna Jeavons
Shawnee Kaplan
Sheila Ames
Sheila Elledge
Shelagh Deveney
Shelley Spellins
Sheree Manzanares
Sherri Steinmann
Sherry Erikson
Sherryl Nives
Shirley Fiora
Shirley Maxwell
Sienna Madison
Simran Skie
Sonia Makris-Gomez
Stanley Czyzewski
Stanley Horstman
Star Faraon
Stephanie Young
Stephen Lawler
Stephen Senn
Steven Maizner
Steven Tenneson
Steven Vance
Suanne Goldsmith
Sue Herbertson
Suni Smith
Sunshine Appleby
Susan Schindler
Suzan Ellery
Suzanne Pletcher
Sydney Raymond
Sylvia Byczynski
Sylvia Prado
Tamara Thorn
Tania Evans
Tara Larwood
Tara Mcleer
Taylor Hall
Teresa Capriolo
Terra Mendes
Terri McCartney
Terry Gross
Terry Johnson
Terry Knott
Terry Phillips
Theresa Rivera
Thom Elkjer
Thomas Brewer
Thomas Donald Oneil
Thomas Freeman
Thomas Johnsen
Thomas Jones Jr
Thomas Luischi
Thomas Stewart
Thomas Szabo
Thomas Zimlich
Tim Blake
Tim Scholl
Timothy Bentley
Tona Ginochio
Tony Novelli
Tonya McNeese
Traci Burleigh
Tracy Martinazzi
Tucker Smith
Tyler Barnick
Ursula Gray
Valentine Hale
Valerie Guerra
Valerie Miner
Vanessa Bischof
Venus Tobia
Vera Sawicki
Victoria Castanon
Victoria Joy
Victoria Russell
Vidge Bertain
Vince Caffery
Walter Theall
Wells Hutchins
Wendell Wilson
Wendy Moore
Wesley Dearborn
Will Knight
William Calder
William Cull
William Harris
William Miller
William Perritt
Wynema Phillips-Horve
Xzercie Skidmore
Yarrow Righter
Yarrow Rubin
Yesica Furey
Yurizi Orozco Alvarez
Yvonne Kramer
Zachary Cooper
Zachary Guilfoyle
Zachary Miller
Zena Marks
dew drop
Co-op Class
Wednesday, March 12th
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
$8/$5 Member-Owners
Join this class/info session to learn quick and
easy tools for profound physical transformation through cleansing and detoxification. This
class is designed to equip you with simple
daily tools to keep the systems of your body
strong and toned all year round. These tools
assist in healthy, balanced weight management, the long term health of your lymphatic
system and in creating a calm and grounded
approach to lifelong health.
Instructor Delphine Davidson is a certified
holistic health counselor, a certified yoga
instructor and a certified clinical traditional
family herbalist, in practice for over 10 years.
Please RSVP online at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
introduction to baby
Co-op Class
Friday, April 11th
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
$8/$5 Member-Owners
Co-hosted by Ukiah Natural Foods and
Mendocino Baby. Come and learn how simple it is to make nutritious, whole foods to
feed your baby. Daniel Blanc, experienced
father and chef, will walk you through the
basics of baby food making and the tips,
tricks and tools that will help you whether
you are at home or on the go. Class will be
held at Mendocino Baby, 198 S. School St.
Please RSVP online at
or call Customer Service at 462-4778.
words on wellness
A Co-op, a Golf Course &
Mike Tilander – Wellness Manager
The theme of our wonderful newsletter this time is a
local focus. I helped my brother and his family move
here in the mid eighties and when I saw there was a
co-op, a golf course and great hiking I was good to
go and decided to move here from northern Minnesota as well. I started shopping in co-ops during my
college days and enjoyed the high quality food, ambience, and sense of community
that I experienced at all the various co-ops I supported through
the years. Working at our great
co-op is truly a labor of love. I enjoy watching the deep sense of
community that plays out every
day in the store. We realize that
we can always do things better
in the store and continually strive
to do so. We welcome feedback
from our great member-owners
and the broader community
about how we can improve services and adding products folks
would like us to carry.
Any co-op shoppers out there
experiencing memory lapses,
forgetting where you left your
keys, or remembering if you fed
the dog or not? Our brain health
is precious and anything we can
do to protect it for the long haul would seem like a prudent thing to do! Our most important organ is also our
most fragile. Hypoperfusion is a term for inadequate
supply of blood to a body part. Research is indicating
this process can be reversed if the correct nutrients
are used. Researchers are increasingly recognizing that
most aging humans experience obstructions to cerebral microvascular blood flow that results in chronic hypoperfusion. Perfusion deficits in the brain have been
shown to instigate neurological impairment as simple
as not being able to locate your keys to potentially
senility and Alzheimers. With each heartbeat blood is
pumped into our arteries that branch into smaller arte-
rioles that branch further into the tiny capillaries where
they deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells. Capillaries
are extremely tiny and also highly delicate. Some risk
factors such as hypertension, high homocysteine, high
fibrinogen (increased blood clotting risk), inflammation, and high triglycerides have been shown to damage the thin endothelial shell that protects the capillaries. Maintaining capillary integrity has
been shown to be essential to prevent
hypoperfusion and the neurodegeneration that invariably accompanies it.
Recently a clinical study on thirty former National Football League players
was conducted. These players experienced much earlier signs of hypoperfusion and cognitive impairment due to
the rough sport they played. Nutrients
administered in the study included fish
oils, Vinpocetine, Ginkgo, Alpha Lipoic
Acid, Acetyl L-Carnitine, Huperzine
A, N Acetyl-Cysteine and multivitamins and the increases in the players’
cognitive functioning showed definite
improvements! The Wellness Department carries these products and if you
have questions please don’t hesitate
to ask about them. Our brains have
been shown to require exercise as well
as the rest of the body. Studies indicate that learning new and interesting
things daily increases neurotransmission in the brain
and is excitatory for the brain’s neurons. Research is
also indicating that challenging our brains helps maintain their elasticity and keeps the neurons firing.
I truly believe human beings have a deep-seated need
to be part of something that makes them feel good and
our wonderful co-op certainly offers that opportunity. I
enjoy watching the interactions of our customers with
each other and with our staff and that we are all part
of something extraordinarily special! One of our goals
at the co-op is to have even more of our broader community folks become aware of this special place.
April 22nd
10% Off all bulk products!
(Limited to edible bulk items)
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
‘food inc.’
Co-op movie night
Wednesday, March 26th
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
FREE Community Event
Join us for “Food Inc.” a powerful documentary by Robert Kenner and his unflattering look
inside America’s corporate controlled food
industry. This film will be a part of our FREE
film series viewed at Ukiah Natural Foods
Co-op Annex. Please RSVP online at or call Customer
Service at 462-4778.
‘vanishing of the bees’
Co-op movie night
Wednesday, February 26th
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
FREE Community Event
Vanishing of the Bees is a 2009 documentary
film by Hive Mentality Films & Hipfuel films,
directed by George Langworthy and Maryam
Henein and released in the United Kingdom.
The story centers around the sudden disappearance of honey bees from beehives
around the world, caused by the poorly
understood phenomenon known as Colony
Collapse Disorder or CCD. Although the film
does not draw any firm scientific conclusions
as to the precise cause or causes of CCD, it
does suggest a link between neonicotinoid
pesticides and CCD. Please RSVP online at or call Customer
Service at 462-4778.
Saturate Your Tastebuds!
Amanda Slade – Wine Buyer
Wine competitions are an effective way to compare and
contrast wineries, winemakers and wines, deepening
your experience in the wine world. One reason why I
bring this up: The San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition was held back in January and I am pleased to
announce that many of our tasty Mendocino wines won
many awards including Double Golds! There were
over 5,825 wines entered into the competition from over 1,500 wineries from over 25
states in America -- the largest competition
of wines in America. That’s very impressive, knowing that many of our beloved
wines were showcased, judges tried our
wines, and our county was out there with
the Napas and the Sonomas, so hopefully
more people know of us by now. There
were over 22 wineries that won a Gold medal
or higher and we could not be prouder of the
winners (and everyone else who entered the
competition). Among the Mendocino
winners were Husch, Campovida, McFadden, Navarro, Handley, Cakebread,
Bliss, Moniker Wine Estates, Kimmel,
Parducci, Naughty Boy Vineyards, Seebass, Wattle Creek, La Follette, Tom
Eddy, Hwy 253, Philo Ridge, Brutocao,
Bonterra, Byrd, Alder Springs, Cesar
Toxqui, and Stephen & Walker. We carry
many of the award winners at the Co-op
such as Husch, McFadden, and Handley
(just to name a few). For a more detailed list of the wine competition visit to see a list of all the
wineries that entered and the winners.
Last but not least, Pinot Noir Festival in
May! It is held at Goldeneye’s beautiful
Philo vineyard from May 16th-18th. The
Pinot Noir wines in Anderson Valley are
out of this world. Hundreds of people
from out of town and out of the country
travel to Anderson Valley for this event.
Many wineries in Anderson Valley will be
taking part in this worthwhile event. If you
can get over to Philo, check it out!
There are some other great wine events
coming up and I want to give everyone
an ample amount of time so you can
arrange your schedule, for those who
would like to attend. Saturday, May 3 and
I wish all of you a beautiful spring and
cheers all around!
PD Checks are Coming Soon!
A few things to remember....
1. Checks are based on eligible purchases!
Barring any unforeseen calamities the Co-op will be
distributing PD checks to owners based upon their
eligible purchases (those purchases made during
quarters that they were current on their share
purchases, or were Fair Share).
2. Let us know when you move!
Please update your mailing address with us if you
have moved or are not sure we have the correct one.
We need to be able to mail you the check. Please
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
Sunday, May 4th from 11-5pm is the Hopland Passport. There are 15 participating wineries in the town
of Hopland, food pairings at each winery, live music,
art and picturesque outdoors. For transportation, you
can contact Terrific Tours ( and
ask about the “Hopland Passport Discounted Pricing.”
Another option is have a Designated Driver and they
get in for free! The Designated Driver Wristband
is complimentary and will give your driver free
admission to the event and access to food
and entertainment offerings at each winery. I have worked this event for the past 2
years and they are fun! Yes, they can get a
little crazy at times but with the right group
of people, it is fun! Your tastebuds will be
overloaded and overwhelmed with wines. (I
prefer to taste white wines on Saturday and
the red wines on Sunday, but everyone’s different, so whatever works for you and your head
the next morning). Everyone is in a good
mood, relaxed and socializing with each
other. Tickets are $45 online or $55 at
the event and for more information, check
e-mail with any
updates to your address.
3. Cash it -- Don’t keep it!
Some people may think that not cashing the check
will act as a “donation” to the Co-op. However,
for bookkeeping purposes we strongly encourage
you to cash or deposit your check. If you want to
support the Co-op, continue shopping here, and
if you’d like to make a donation we’d be happy to
give you a list of the groups we support.
2014 Board Elections!
his year the Co-op has four
candidates running for three open
board seats, plus we are proposing
amendments to our Articles of Incorporation and an addition to our Bylaws!
The three candidates receiving the most
votes will be seated.
The Board has voted unanimously to
recommend the approval of the Bylaw
and Article changes. Both of these
items will be presented as one item up
for a yes or no vote on the upcoming
election ballot.
We ask that you read the candidate
statements and review the proposed
changes and additions to our Articles
of Incorporation and our Bylaws (as
mailed to all member-owners). Then
please exercise your right as a member-owner to govern the Co-op and
Candidate Statements
Elaine Boults
ness world. Early on I worked for the
Pacific Stock Exchange, which was a
member owned cooperative. I served
as the County Management Employees’
Association Chair and on their negotiating committee. I’ve served on other
Boards. I have worked on countless
budgets and forecasts. I have a working knowledge of health care reform,
insurance, information systems and
other timely issues affecting businesses. I have hired, supervised, mentored
and had to let staff go. My background
prepares me with the knowledge, experience, relationships and empathy to be
effective in the fiduciary responsibility of
being a Board Member and to work with
the Co-op’s management.
I have been a member of the Co-op’s
Finance Committee since Spring 2012,
which helped me become familiar with
Co-op operations and introduced me to
Co-op Management and Board members. I was appointed by the Board
last summer to complete the term of
a Board member who resigned. I’ve
served on the HR committee and an adhoc committee exploring store growth/
relocation since then.
I believe I have more to contribute and
am seeking re-election for a full term. I
hope to see the Co-op continue to grow
and thrive. I would appreciate your
Larry Mayfield
My name is Elaine Boults and I am a
candidate for the Co-op Board. My
husband and I became Co-op members
in 1993 when we moved to Ukiah.
I retired in 2012 after a 32-year career
in Accounting and Financial Management, primarily in the non-profit, grants
and government sectors, ending by
working for Mendocino County. I also
have experience in the for-profit busi-
I have served on the Co-op’s Board
of Directors for the last three years.
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
Having worked at management level in
both retail and wholesale I see clearly
how successful our Co-op is. However we have challenges coming in the
local market and in the fact we have
outgrown our current location. I would
appreciate your vote to return me to the
Board and help meet these challenges.
Paula Radell
for Medical Staff Services at Ukiah Valley Medical Center.
The Ukiah Natural Foods Co-op is a
unique, progressive organization and
an invaluable resource for community
outreach as well as the promotion of
healthy living. I support its mission; I
believe I am well-qualified through experience and commitment to its values;
and would like an opportunity to give
back to the community that has been
our home for the past several years.
David Williams
Thank you for the opportunity to apply for a position on the Ukiah Natural
Foods Board of Directors. As a Registered Nurse, I have always had an interest in advocating for healthy nutritional
practices, with a special interest in nutritional issues affecting pre-natal women,
infants, children and the elderly. Since
moving to Ukiah seven years ago, I
have developed an even greater interest in promoting healthy, natural, raw,
vegan and vegetarian products as well
as high-quality meat and proteins obtained from a variety of local and community sponsored agricultural resources
within and around Mendocino County.
In addition to my experience as a nurse,
I have been an administrative director
and manager for over thirty years in a
variety of roles, including staff development, patient education, human and
financial resources and organizational
development. I previously served as a
Director on the Board for a long-term
care facility in Virginia Beach, Virginia;
a sub-acute rehabilition hospital in
Renton, Washington; the Ford Street
Project here in Ukiah and the Ukiah
Chamber of Commerce. I am currently
employed as the Administrative Director
Former “Merry Prankster” and early
Haight Ashbury “Hippie” (and proud of
it!), became involved in organic natural
foods early movement in mid 1960s.
Original staff member at New Age
Natural Foods (San Francisco & later
Palo Alto), Stanyon Street Health Foods
(San Francisco) and Erewhon Trading
Co. (Boston, MA) among other related
Longtime environmental protections advocate, I’ve been involved in numerous
groups-- including: Earth First, Greenpeace, Amnesty International and (locally) Willits Environmental Center. 20
year Ukiah Co-op member / supporter.
Nourishing Youth
explanation of proposed amendments
Through Performing Arts
to the ukiah natural foods bylaws
and articles of incorporation
Dear Co-op Members,
The Ukiah Natural Foods Strategic Plan,
completed in 2011, identified moving to
a new and larger location as the top priority for the continued health and vitality of
the organization. The continued growth in
sales, member-owners, and store traffic in
recent years have highlighted this pressing
need. One of the strategies identified to
allow for UNF to make a successful transition to a new location is raising the capital
for such a project, partly from interested
member-owners. The Board of Directors
has been investigating and exploring different methods by which to raise such capital.
Two potential options have been explored:
Member Loans and the issuance of Preferred Shares (C Shares). Member Loans
would be direct loans from member-owners
to the Co-op for a fixed period of time and
with a fixed interest rate. The terms of
these loans would be determined at the time
of issuance, approved by the State, and
advertised to member-owners during a discreet fundraising drive. The second option
is the issuance of C Shares. Many Co-ops
issue C Shares to members as a means of
increasing equity in their Co-op. C shares
are paid a dividend in years when profits
justify the Board of Directors making such
payments. The terms of redemption would
be set at the time of issuance, and any
dividends paid would be determined on an
annual basis. C Shares are only available
to member-owners and carry no additional
voting rights.
In order to offer these options, and comply with State Law, we need to amend our
articles of incorporation and bylaws. The
amendments enable the Board of Directors to administer Member Loans and/
or Preferred Share capital programs. The
Board does not contemplate initiating either
option immediately. However, the Board is
being proactive in the case that a location
for a new store arises and capital needs to
be secured.
The Board has voted unanimously to
recommend the approval of these changes.
They will allow the Co-op to save money
on borrowing costs and offer our memberowners an opportunity to invest in a business they own and support. The Board
encourages you to vote YES on the proposed bylaw and article of incorporation
Thank you,
Cliff Paulin
President, Ukiah Natural Foods Co-op
*For more information, please consult the recent member mailing or
ed fo
requir , call
the me 8 to
462-4 our
secure !
Near & Arnold’s School of Performing Arts and Cultural Education (SPACE) is an
acclaimed afterschool performing arts program serving youth ages 0-18 and is located near
downtown at 508 West Perkins in Ukiah. SPACE is a living example of the power of art and
an arts organization to affect individuals and change the consciousness and landscape of a
rural community. SPACE offers an innovative program that has become a vital beacon for
hundreds of rural children and their families. SPACE creates enduring social connections and
excellent art for a future complete with tolerance, understanding, cultural excitement, and
A unique aspect of SPACE is the Scholarship Program that awards $30,000 per year to
eligible youth who would not otherwise be able to attend performing arts classes. The
funds are awarded on a first come, first served basis. Parents of children who receive
financial aid—and others—express great gratitude that their children are involved in positive
after-school activities learning the performing arts and developing social skills. There are
dozens of young adults who are now professionally involved in the performing arts and/or
in positions of leadership, who got their start through the SPACE Scholarship Program. One
former SPACE student who is currently a professional performing artist, wrote, “I have a
BFA and an MFA in acting. That’s the equivalent of over $100,000 and seven years worth of
training at some of the top institutions in the US. And yet, as a professional actor, I find that
I draw on my years as a student of SPACE just as much as I do on my professional training.
At SPACE I learned to create and perform with an open heart and a respect for others; I
developed a cultural awareness that broadened my worldview; and I learned to look for and
listen to the stories in history and in our daily lives that aren’t always told but should be
heard. SPACE was a formative experience for me as an artist, but more importantly as a
person. The world would be a much better place if every child (and adult) had access to that
kind of education.”
For information about SPACE’s 16-week winter/spring session and/or summer classes, visit or call, 462-9370. You can also “Like” SPACE on Facebook!
*SPACE is a public benefit community organization that emphasizes diversity, youth leadership, cross cultural arts and social awareness, with a
focus on the performing arts as a community service.
Saturday, April 5th
6:00 - 10:00 p.m.
Member-Owner Only FREE Event
Barra of Mendocino Winery
7051 N. State Street, Redwood Valley
2014 Annual Meeting
of Co-op Ownership
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
Article Courtesty Of: SPACE
Local Band
Local Food
Bella Cibo
Local Place
Keeping Kids
Healthy and Safe
Co-op financial report
2013 Year End
Anne Wright – Finance Manager
Through Safe Routes to School
Co-op sales at the end of the year totaled $13,938,921, an increase of 6% over 2012. That’s a pretty
decent increase in sales! As always, the co-op is primarily supported by its members; 72% of total
sales are attributable to co-op owners! That brings co-op sales per square foot to $2048! Sales of
organic products were 63% of total sales and the co-op averaged 1120 customers per day. The sales
chart shows how much our sales have increased since we moved into our current location in 1998. As
you can see, it’s still increasing!
Photo Credit: Jessica Stull-Otto
Article Courtesty Of: Walk & Bike Mendocino
Kids just don’t move as much as they used to -- providing safe opportunities for walking and
bicycling to and from school is one way to keep kids active and healthy.
The rest of the year-end figures are still in the works at this point. Year-end financial statements will be
sent out with the annual membership report in April. Please stay tuned to the newsletter for the yearend net profit figures and make sure that your mailing address is up to date for patronage dividend
information. If patronage dividends are approved by the Board of Directors, the patronage dividend
checks will be sent out in early April.
UNF Annual Sales Growth
UNF Annual Sales Growth
Safe Routes to School (SRTS) is a national and international movement to create safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to bicycle and walk to and from schools. Safe Routes
to School (SRTS) programs are designed to increase the number of children safely walking and
biking to school by integrating health, fitness, traffic relief, environmental awareness and safety
under one program.
Mendocino County Department of Transportation is developing its first countywide plan to serve
schools in the unincorporated areas of the county. Ukiah, Willits, Fort Bragg and Point Arena
have already begun planning for Safe Routes to School. This plan will help county staff and
residents better understand the barriers and opportunities to support kids walking and biking to
school throughout the county. The comprehensive SRTS plan will include strategies for improving walking and bicycling conditions near schools and provide a toolkit for schools and parents
that are interested in supporting active and healthy kids in their community.
Safe Routes to School programs are typically structured around multiple disciplines that are
referred to as the “5 E’s” (Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering and Evaluation). Mendocino County’s plan will include information to help communities tailor the “E’s” to
fit their goals and needs.
In Mendocino County, many students live in rural communities where they are not within walking distance of their school. In addition, many places do not have sidewalks, trails, crosswalks
or other infrastructure that support safe and convenient walking and cycling for children
and families. Even with these challenges, SRTS programs can be effective in rural and small
communities by providing information about safety, options for physical activity and potential
improvements that help parents and children feel more comfortable with walking and bicycling
as a means of transportation to and from school or school bus stops.
One example of a rural school embracing SRTS in Mendocino County includes an established
remote bus drop-off location about one half mile from the school – this short distance provides
children with an opportunity for some physical activity at the start of their day and has the
added bonus of reducing traffic congestion during arrival time.
If you are interested in how Safe Routes to School can work in your community, review the
County’s Draft SRTS Plan for tools and resources. The draft of the plan became available for
comment on February 17, 2014.
You can read more about Safe Routes to School and access the draft plan at
Specific comments or questions about the plan will be accepted until March 7, 2014. Residents
may also submit comments or questions via telephone or email by contacting Alicia Meier, Mendocino County Department of Transportation, or (707)463-4363.
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
earth day and spring savings with co+op deals
coupon book!
Every spring, we celebrate Earth
Day on April 22—a great time to
consider the value of organic and
local foods, and the ways coops are working towards a more
sustainable world. Your co-op has
joined together with more than
130 other locally-owned cooperatives to bring you great deals on
delicious food and healthy products for your family in the MarchApril Co+op Deals coupon book.
Save on some of your favorite
organic brands.
Look for the coupon books at the
co-op beginning in March.
Coupons are valid through April
30, 2014.
Hungry for more? Learn more
about the positive impact food
co-ops and other cooperatives
are having on their communities
Co-op Staff Stuff!
enj o li's
staff favorite recipes:
Raw Vegan Lasagna
1. Nutritional Yeast Flakes (Bulk)
1 small-medium zucchini
Basil Pesto:
2 large tomatoes, sliced
1 handful of fresh basil, approximately 1/2-3/4 cup
Dried basil to top
1/3 cup almonds
Nutritional yeast to top
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 tablespoons olive oil
Cashew Cheese:
1 cup cashews
2 and 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 and 1/2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
1-3 tablespoons water
2 cloves of garlic
Pinch of basil
Pinch of salt
2. Hemp Plus Granola
Cashew Cheese: Blend together all ingredients until receiving the texture desired. The less water you use, the thicker
your cheese will be. Set cheese aside.
Basil Pesto: Blend basil and almonds together, slowly adding lemon juice and olive oil. Blend until it becomes a rich,
hearty texture.
Now that you have everything ready it’s time to prepare your lasagna. Take the zucchini and slice it horizontally into
thin slices. Use 5 slices. Start with a layer of zucchini and place tomato slices and basil on top, layer with another slice
of zucchini, then spread generously with cashew cheese, repeat until desired height/amount of lasagna is reached.
Top with dried basil and nutritional yeast. Serve and enjoy!!
Staff Anniversaries
Lori R.
28 years
General Mgr.
Heather G.
8 years
Cheese Buyer
Kelcy H.
11 years
Grocery Team Ldr.
Crystal S.
3 years
Head Barista
Luis L.
9 years
Devin J.
3 years
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
I enjoy it on my homemade popcorn!
I love it with my yogurt or homemade trail
3. Peanut Butter Stock
I like peanuts - a great snack!
4. Nag Champa - Agarbatti
The smell is amazing!
5. Kombucha - G.T.’s Guava Goddess
It is very smooth and yummy to my
6. Primal Defense - Garden of Life
It has helped me maintain overall health
all year (and all winter) long!
7. Lavender Oil - NOW
It is a lovely scent and doesn’t offend
8. Naturally Fresh - Spray Mist
It is a great deodorant, the spray helps keep
it sanitary, so my fiance and I both use it!
9. Everon Lip Balm - Weleda
My lips love the coco buttery feeling!
at your co-op!
Marketing & Outreach Support, Enjoli
Rountree, describes her eating style as
"healthy, nutritious foods that serve her
body well!"
Voluntary & Open
Democratic Member
Member Economic
Cooperation Among Co-ops
Never pour water down the drain when there may be another use
for it. Use it to water your indoor plants or garden.
Avoid rinsing dishes before placing them in the dishwasher, just
remove large particles of food.
Repair dripping faucets by replacing washers. One drop per
second wastes 2,700 gallons of water per year!
Avoid using running water to thaw meat or other frozen foods.
Defrost food overnight in the refrigerator or use the defrost setting
on your microwave oven.
Choose appliances that are more energy and water efficient.
Place a bucket in the shower to catch excess water for plants.
Operate automatic clothes washers only when they are fully loaded
or set the water level for the size of your load.
Avoid overwatering your lawn. A heavy rain eliminates the need for
watering for up to two weeks. Most of the year, lawns only need
one inch of water per week.
Canned Blueberries
Red Cabbage Leaves (boiled)
Purple Grape Juice
Spinach Leaves (boiled)
Liquid Chlorophyll
Operate automatic dishwashers only when fully loaded. Use the
‘light wash’ feature, if available, to use less water.
Water your lawn in several short sessions rather than one long one,
in order for your lawn to better absorb moisture.
Clean vegetables in a pan filled with water rather than running
water from the tap.
Plant drought-resistant lawn seed.
Use a blower or broom instead of a hose to clean leaves and other
debris from your driveway or sidewalk.
Start a compost pile as an alternate method of disposing of food
waste or simply dispose of food in the garbage. (Kitchen sink
disposals require a lot of water to operate properly.)
Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. Dispose of tissues, insects
and other similar waste in the trash rather than the toilet.
Looking for natural ways to dye your eggs this Easter? Check out the chart below
for great ideas and remember, you can boil the items listed along with your eggs, or
dye them after they are hard-boiled. Whatever your preference, keep your Easter
‘clean’ this year! (Note: The items marked (boil) must be boiled before the eggs.)
Small Quantity of Purple Grape Juice
Violet Blossoms plus 2 tsp Lemon Juice
Red Zinger Tea
Concern for the
Education, Training &
Water Conservation Tips
Autonomy &
Orange or Lemon Peels (boiled)
Carrot Tops (boiled)
Celery Seed (boiled)
Ground Cumin (boiled)
Ground Turmeric (boiled)
Our Core Values
• Integrity
Yellow Onion Skins (boiled)
Cooked Carrots
Chili Powder
Have a new address or phone
number? Update your information
to get the latest in:
• Co-op Happenings
• Quality Food & Goods
Cranberries or Juice
Red Grape Juice
Juice from Pickled Beets
• Patronage Dividends
• Member Opportunities
• Customer Service
• Community Involvement
& Leadership
• Prosperity
Contact our Membership
Lots of Red Onion Skins (boiled)
Canned Cherries with Juice
Pomegranate Juice
707-467-9720 ext. 101
Ukiah Natural Foods Co-op Board of Directors
Clifford Paulin
Vice Pres.
Adam Gaska
George Gibbs
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
Terry d’Selkie
Lorena CalvoEvans
Visita para ahorrar dinero
al hacer sus compras
Miércoles, 9 de abril
De 17h 30m a 18h 30m
¿Cree que comer saludablemente cuesta
mucho? ¿Piensa que no puede permitirse
el lujo de consumir productos orgánicos?
Pues entonces apúntese para hacer la visita
“Compre en la Co-op y ahorre dinero”. Lorena
tendrá el gusto de ofrecerle ideas y estrategias en español sobre cómo ahorrar dinero
para su presupuesto de compra de alimentos. Esta visita se agota rápidamente, así que
reserve su lugar pronto. Reserve su lugar
llamando al Servicio de atención al cliente,
462-4778, o completando una reservación en
línea en
Money-saving store tour
In-Store Tour
Wednesday, April 9th
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
Think healthy eating is too expensive? Don’t
think you can afford to eat organic? Then
come to our store tour, “Shopping to Save at
the Co-op.” Jessica and Mary Anne from Outreach are here to give you tips and tricks to
stretch your food budget! Tour fills up quickly
so please RSVP online at or
Customer Service at 462-4778.
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
ravioli making
st. patricks daY
Wednesday, March 5th
6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
$15/$10 Member-Owners
Wednesday, March 19th
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
$12/$7 Member-Owners
Join us for a class on filled pasta with local chef
Loretta Rampone of Ravioli Rampone. In this
class Loretta will teach you the history of pasta,
pasta ingredients, filling ingredients, and rolled
dough. This class will be fun filled with hands
on guest participation of filled pasta assembly.
Please RSVP online at or
Customer Service at 462-4778.
Sign your child up today for our St. Patrick’s
Day kids class! In this class we will make
‘green food,’ treats with tricks and leprechaun
gold. It will be a class full of magic and fun!
This class is appropriate for children ages
5-to-12 and is a drop-off class; parents, you
don’t need to stay! Please RSVP online at or Customer Service
at 462-4778.
Co-op Class
Taller de cocina en español:
recetas fáciles, rápidas,
saludables y económicas
Co-op Class
Sábado, 19 de abril de 2014
De 10 a 11:30 de la mañana
$12/$7 miembros-propietarios
Descubra nuevos platos y sabores que serán
del completo agrado de toda su familia.
Durante este taller elaboraremos dos antojitos
bien ricos, un suculento plato principal y una
deliciosa ensalada. Todos los platos son
sumamente saludables y fáciles de preparar.
Los ingredientes los podrá
conseguir fácilmente en
nuestra tienda Ukiah
Natural Foods Co-op.
¡Reserve su lugar
pronto! Favor de
confirmar su asistencia llamando al
departamento de
atención al
cliente 462-4778 o
en línea
Co-op Kids Class
earth day
Co-op Kids Class
Wednesday, April 16th
5:30 - 6:30 p.m.
$12/$7 Member-Owners
Sign up your little sprout for this Earth Day
Celebration! We will plant seedlings and
prepare for a spring garden at home. We will
practice ways children can recycle and be
earth friendly as well as prepare seasonal
fruit and vegetable snacks. This class is
appropriate for children ages 5-to-12 and is
a drop-off class; parents, you don’t need to
stay! Please RSVP online at www.ukiahcoop.
com or Customer Service at 462-4778.
Stay connected
with the Co-op
Ukiah Natural Foods Co-op
721 South State Street
Ukiah, CA 95482
US Postage
Petaluma, CA
Co-op Calendar
Wednesday, March 5
Ravioli Making Class -- Co-op Class
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Co-op Annex
Wednesday, March 26
‘Food Inc.’ -- Movie Night
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Co-op Annex
$15/$10 for Member-Owners
FREE Community Event
Wednesday, March 12
Dew Drop Wellness Class -- Co-op Class
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Co-op Annex
Wednesday, April 9
Money-Saving Store Tour (Bilingual)
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Customer Service
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
$8/$5 for Member-Owners
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
FREE Community Event
Monday, March 17
Board Meeting -- 749 C South State Street
All owners are invited to attend, 6:00 p.m.
For a copy of the meeting agenda, go to or look on the Co-op event board
on the day of the meeting.
Friday, April 11
Baby Food Making -- Co-op Class
12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Mendocino Baby
$8/$5 for Member-Owners
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
Wednesday, March 19
St. Patrick’s Day -- Kids Class!
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Co-op Annex
Wednesday, April 16
Earth Day Class -- Kids Class!
5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Co-op Annex
$12/$7 for Member-Owners
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
$12/$7 for Member-Owners
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
The Co-op News • March - April 2014
Saturday, April 19
Meals on a Budget (Spanish Speaking) - Co-op
10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Co-op Annex
$12/$7 for Member-Owners
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.
Sunday, April 20, 2014
The store is OPEN 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Monday, April 21
Board Meeting -- 749 C South State Street
All owners are invited to attend, 6:00 p.m.
For a copy of the meeting agenda, go to or look on the Co-op event board
on the day of the meeting.
Tuesday, April 22
10% Off All Bulk Products
Sale includes all bulk food, herbs and
coffees. (Exclusions Apply)
Wednesday, April 30
‘Vanishing of the Bees’ -- Movie Night
6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Co-op Annex
FREE Community Event
Please RSVP at or
call Customer Service at 462-4778.