ljubljana 4/5/6 feb 2015


ljubljana 4/5/6 feb 2015
4/5/6 feb 2015
introMENT / uvod
info departMENT /
info oddelek
locations / lokacije
MENT 2015
12 concerts schedule /
koncertni urnik
14 lineup 2015
42 conference schedule /
konferenčni urnik
43 conference programme /
konferenčni program
55 creative interplay between
music, art and technology /
kreativni preplet umetnosti,
tehnologije in medijev
61 panelists / panelisti
82 slovenian music goes
international / kratka
zgodovina prebojev
slovenske glasbene scene
87 recomMENT
88 partners / partnerji
89 colophon / kolofon
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
Wherever you are, Kliping is with you. We monitor
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public/private, large/small, sports/cultural … Our
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We are the largest provider in the countries of
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Distinction between new and old media is a thing of
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Information does not have work hours. You
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With us, they are available for you 24/7.
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
MENTality shift
enjoyMENT Ljubljana!
MENT 2015
25-29 MARCH 2015
Presented by
The seventh edition of TMW brings more than 200 local and international acts to the
capital of Estonia. Besides the main musical frenzy, TMW offers sub-programmes
and fringe-events City Stage, TMW Talks, TMW Tastes and Tallinn Craft Beer Weekend.
Come and join us at our seventh year of amazing music,
thrilling discussions, fine food and wonderful people!
Juha Kyyrö,
Fullsteam (FIN)
Jan Sneum,
Danish Radio (Denmark)
“TMW makes you feel like Tallinn is the
new Berlin. Everyone is here, and everything
is easy and amazing.”
“To me the two most important events
over the year are Eurosonic and TMW.
Not mentioned in any order of priority.”
MENT 2015
Info departMENT / Info oddelek
All the info & registration
is available at Kino Šiška.
Vse informacije in registracija
so na voljo v Kinu Šiška.
Wednesday: 2pm - 11pm
Thursday: 9am - 9pm
Friday: 9am - 9pm
Sreda: 14:00 - 23:00
Četrtek: 9:00 - 21:00
Petek: 9:00 - 21:00
We’re available at:
management & booking: manage@ment.si
conference coordination: conference@ment.si
press: announce@ment.si
transportation & treatMENT: move@ment.si
Dont’t forget to visit
WWW.MENT.SI, like us on Facebook,
follow us on Twitter and Instagram
and say hi in person! Or at least
say hi in person!
Ne pozabite obiskati
WWW.MENT.SI, nas všečkati na
Facebooku, slediti na Twitterju in
Instagramu ter pozdraviti v živo.
No, vsaj pozdraviti v živo!
The MENT Ljubljana app will give you an
overview of the complete festival and conference programme. The function ‘Favourites’
enables you to create a personalised timetable; the function ‘Discover’ invites you to rummage among visual and oral samples. Three
fantastic festival days are waiting for you!
Na mobilni aplikaciji MENT Ljubljana te
čaka pregled festivalskega in konferenčnega
programa. Ustvari si programski urnik po svoji
meri s funkcijo »Favourites« in brskaj po vizualnih in avdio vsebinah s funkcijo »Discover«.
Čakajo te trije fantastični festivalski dnevi!
Join the ride / Pridružite se vožnji — MENToBUS
February 5th / 5. februar
February 6 th / 6. februar
Kino Šiška — Metelkova — Kino Šiška
Kino Šiška — Metelkova — Klub K4 — Kino Šiška
from 9pm - 2am (every 20 minutes)
od 21:00 - 02:00 (vsakih 20 minut)
from 9pm - 2am (every 20 minutes)
od 21:00 - 02:00 (vsakih 20 minut)
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
TRG prekomorskih brigad 3
ih b
1 — kino šiška / KATEDRALA — 1st floor
2 — kino šiška / KOMUNA — Ground floor
3 — M Hotel room 2 — ground floor
4 — M Hotel conference room — basement
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
​Kino Šiška, Centre for Urban Culture is the center
venue. It is a public institute, recently renovated
modernist cinema hall, which has instigated new
dynamics in the contemporary music and art scene in Ljubljana since its opening in 2009.
Kino Šiška je osrednja institucija za sodobno, urbano koncertno, a tudi vizualno in uprizoritveno
kulturo. S svojim programom Kino Šiška predstavlja in združuje urbanost, multikulturnost, politično neobremenjenost in tehnološko naprednost.
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
Masarykova 24
1 — Gala Hala
2 — channel zer0
3 — gromka
4 — menza pri koritu
Gala Hala
Metelkova deluje kot avtonomni kulturni in družbeni prostor, ki s prostorsko in zgodovinsko
umeščenostjo velja za enega najpomembnejših
prostorov mladinske in neodvisne kulture ne le
v Ljubljani,
temveč tudi v Sloveniji. Severni del
centra bogati s svojo sproščenoos
stjo, umetniško
izraznostjo in glasbeno raznovrtsk
stnostjo. Festival
MENT Ljubljana se bo odvijal v
klubih Channel Zero, Gala hala, Gromka in Menza
pri koritu.
Photo: Maša Gojić
Metelkova operates as an autonomous cultural
and social space whose spatial and historical Tr
placement makes it one of the most important
venues of youth and independent culture, not
just in Ljubljana, but all of Slovenia as well. It
enriches the northern part of the Ljubljana city
centre with its relaxed, artistic expression and
musical diversity. The MENT Ljubljana festival
will take place in the Channel Zero, Gala hala,
Gromka and Menza pri koritu clubs.
Photo: Maša Gojić
menza pri koritu
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
channel zer0
channel zer0
Photo: Maša Gojić
Photo: Maša Gojić
Club K4 is one of the leading clubbrvenues
in Ljuih
sk of conventional
bljana, crossing the boundaries
2 musical genres
and specific
ek with its programme.
The most popularTbasement
in Ljubljana offers
a selection of progressive international and domestic electronic artists.
Kersnikova 4
Klub K4 je eno vodilnih ljubljanskih klubskih prizorišč, ki s svojo programsko ponudbo prestopa
meje konvencionalne in določene žanrske glasbe. Najbolj popularna ljubljanska klet nudi program progresivnih mednarodnih in domačih elektronskih izvajalcev.
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
Wednesday / Sreda, 4. 2.
Le Grande
Žiga Murko
Elektro Guzzi
Robert Henke
(+ special visual: Fšk & Lynx)
Lumière (DE)
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2
Lovely Quinces (HR)
Manu Delago Handmade (AT)
All Strings Detached (SI)
Anton Maskeliade (RU)
Moveknowledgement (SI)
JoyCut (IT)
Nikki Louder (SI)
Vlasta Popić (HR)
Get Your Gun (DK)
Blaž (SI)
Hey Elbow (SE)
ŠKM banda (SI)
Friday / Petek, 6. 2.
Koala Voice (SI)
Carnival Youth (LV)
Garbanotas Bosistas (LT)
rx:tx night @ MENT
Sea Change (NO)
Without Letters (LT)
Jimmy Pe (sk)
Dojo (RS)
Borka (si)
Soniamiki (PO)
Ludovik Material(SI)
small / mali floor
MENT 2015
Herzog (si)
MENT 2015
Erotic Market (FR)
DJ Moodswinger (RS)
Elektro Guzzi (AT)
Felis Catus & Softskinson (SI)
Alice Boman (SE)
Žiga Murko (si)
Dorian Concept (AT)
Pavemental (si)
Borka (si)
Boomhauer & Donkeyhorse (si)
New Wave Syria (SI)
Kišobran (RS)
Foolish Green (MK)
Punčke (HR)
big / veliki floor
Blaz Perus Live (si)
CHRISTIAN Kroupa Live (si)
FunkinEven (UK)
Vid Vai (si)
Dojaja (si)
Nitz b2b Levanael (si)
Come early to the shows
to avoid disappointMENT!
MENT 2015
lineup 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 00:15 @ Menza pri koritu
Alice Boman’s voice hits with the emotional force and haunting fragility of Nina Simone. It is timeless and direct. Hailing from Malmö, Sweden,
the singer/songwriter first appeared when she
released Skisser, her first EP, in 2013. Swedish
for “sketches,” Skisser was just that – delicate
home recordings from her bedroom that Boman
gracefully unleashed into the world, recordings
that were never meant to fall on any other ears
but her own. But they did. And now it is the time
our ears get the opportunity to see the rising talent on stage.
Glas Alice Boman udari s čustveno močjo in presunljivo ranljivostjo Nine Simone. Je brezčasen
in neposreden.Kantavtorica, ki prihaja iz Malmöja na Švedskem, se je leta 2013 predstavila s
svojim prvim EP-jem Skisser. Skisser v švedščini pomeni “skice” in njena glasba je ravno to –
delikatni domači posnetki, ki jih je Bomanova
iz spalnice poslala v svet, čeprav nikoli niso bili
mišljeni za tuja ušesa. Na srečo niso ostali skrivnost. Sedaj je čas, da tudi mi slišimo njen talent.
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 22:00 @ Gala hala (Metelkova)
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 20:15 @ Kino Šiška
The two girls with a bass and a guitar and two
powerful voices are not only a breath of fresh
air in the local scene, but judging from their live
act should soon expand beyond the borders of
Slovenia. Acoustic ballads that Nick Cave’s wife
better not hear about.
Dekleti z basom in kitaro ter dvema močnima
vokaloma ne prinašata svežine le v lokalni prostor, temveč je po vsakem njunem koncertu bolj
jasno, da bosta morali kmalu stopiti čez mejo.
Akustične balade za katere je bolje, da ne pridejo na ušesa Cavovi ženi.
One of the most exciting new upcoming artists
and one of the first musicians in the world who
plays music and visuals with ‘leap motion’ gesture control technology. Using his whole body,
he creates new soundscapes on the spot with 3D
MIDI controllers and glitchy samplers. Always on
the lookout for the new devices to diversify his
performance, he is developing a gesture control
technique to adjust audio effects with visual projections, making his whole live set interactive.
Musical improvisation is a big part of his performance, but he also creates music using the principle of “first takes”, always leaving the initial,
roughest pieces of composition in the final edit.
Guardian recently proclaimed his music as “…the
best new music from around the world…”.
Eden najbolj razburljivih mladih izvajalcev - eden
od prvih glasbenikov na svetu, ki glasbo in vizualije ustvarja s pomočjo ‘leap motion’ tehnologije
za nadzor kretenj. S celotnim telesom neprestano ustvarja nove zvočne slike s pomočjo 3D MIDI
nadzorne plošče in semplerjev. Vedno na preži za
novimi napravami, Maskeliade trenutno razvija
tehniko za nadzor kretenj, ki omogoča prilagoditev zvočnih učinkov z vizualnimi projekcijami,
kar pomeni, da je njegov celoten nastop interaktiven. Glasbena improvizacija je velik del njegove
izvedbe, a hkrati tudi ustvarja glasbo po načelu
‘prvega posnetka’, saj vedno vključi prvo, najbolj
grobo verzijo kompozicije v končno različico, kar
je prava redkost v svetu elektronike in sodobne
pop glasbe. Guardian je pred kratkim zapisal, da
je njegova glasba “… the best new music from
around the world …”.
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 00:00 @ Channel Zero
Those who have been fortunate enough to catch
Blaž on stage in the past year know that this is
a performance worth seeing again. And again.
And again. If his debut album, which was released six months ago, sounds almost ambient
and exploratory, his live performance is quite
the opposite. Together with excellent drummer
Simon Intihar, Blaž constructs an euphoric and
ever-changing live performance, which deliberately moves between hip-hop samples, ambiance and even noise. The audience is enraptured
by their crazy gestures, while the performers
themselves keep an open mind and follow where the music takes them. If you are looking for a
good club act, you cannot go wrong with Blaž.
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 01:00 @ Klub K4 / Big
Electronic musician from Slovenia, exploring
space between dance floors, bedrooms and nature.
Slovenski elektroničar, ki raziskuje prostore med
plesišči, spalnicami in naravo.
Kdor je imel v zadnjem letu to srečo, da je Blaža
ujel na odru, ve, da gre za nastop, ki bi ga lahko
obiskal še enkrat. In potem še enkrat. In še enkrat. Če njegov pred pol leta izdani prvenec zveni kar malce ambientalno in raziskovalno, gre pri
nastopu za živo nasprotje (see what we did there?). Z odličnim bobnarjem Simonom Intiharjem
gradita evforičen, konstantno spremenljiv živi
nastop, ki se premišljeno giblje med hip-hopovskimi vzorci, ambientalom pa celo nojziranjem.
Občinstvo preverjeno z odprtimi usti spremlja
njune vragolije, medtem ko si odprtih glav drzneta zaviti kamorkoli ju pač že ponese. Če vas
zanima dober klubski live act, z Blažem pač ne
morete zgrešiti.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 04:00 @ Gala hala (rx:tx night)
Boomhauer & Donkeyhorse are an unusual duo,
consisting of Some1Else and Loutseau, two of
the most active and attractive Slovenian bedroom producers. Their music is often based on
ad-hoc remixes of worn-out hits, nostalgic choruses and found samples, lined with witty beat
programming. In their club appearances they
like to spice up the audience experience by chopping and glitching up the compositions even
Boomhauer & Donkeyhorse je nenavaden dvojec. Tvorita ga Some1Else in Loutseau, dva izmed
bolj dejavnih domačih bedroom producentov, ki
pa za pasom še nimata samostojne izdaje. Njuna glasba so pogosto ad-hoc remiksi znucanih
uspešnic, nostalgičnih refrenov in diggerskih
najdb, ki jih podložita z domiselno programiranimi beati. V živo te nato ponavadi samosvoje gličersko razsekata.
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 23:00 @ Gala hala (rx:tx night)
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 03:00 @ Gala hala (rx:tx night)
Borka has been deejaying, producing, editing
and promoting his ass off for more than a decade. His beats show his strong affinity for hip-hop
with mostly sample-based compositions, glued
together out of found bits and pieces and flavored with playful synthesized additives. He is the
current head tastemaker for rx:tx Rec, and also a
member of the retro-Yugo funk & schlager phenomenon Tetkine radosti and the Jimmy Barka
Experience, a four-turntables-and-a-drummer
Borka kot glasbeni producent pogosto skupaj
lepi igrive beate, preproste synth linije in spevne
zaprašene sample. Že vrsto let ga poznamo kot
tehnično podkovanega sukača plošč z zelo širokim glasbenim horizontom, pa tudi kot enega od
stebrov domačih glasbenih institucij, kot sta Tetkine radosti in Jimmy Barka Experience. Poleg
tega deluje kot glasbeni novinar in urednik za
več domačih medijev in skrbi za glasbene vsebine pri založbi rx:tx.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 02:00 @ Klub K4 / Big
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 20:15 @ Kino Šiška
Latvian indie kids. But how convincing! The
quartet went from classroom to rock’n’roll,
with the video for ‘Never Have Enough’ quickly approaching a quarter of a million views on
YouTube. Those in the know are whispering that
Carnival Youth is the next big thing. We say that
these youngsters should be seen while they are
still young and more convincing in their performances than many an old man. Foster the youth!
Latvijska indie mularija. Ampak kako prepričljiva! Kvartet je še iz šolske klopi stopil na pot rokenrola, video za skladbo Never Have Enough pa
se neustavljivo bliža že četrt milijona ogledom
na youtubu. Poznavalci šepetajo, da gre za naslednji veliki bend. Mi pa, da je mladce potrebno
ujeti dokler so še mladi in na nastopih prepričljivejši, kot marsikateri fotri.
A mix of experimental, echoing, exploratory,
ambient, even drone and noise elements with a
main focus on techno.Kroupa’s range is also his
main virtue – in addition to his high level of production. Thus it comes as no surprise that after
his initial exposure on the Slovenian music scene in 2013, he was invited to the Red Bull Music
Academy in Tokio a year later. No need to waste
words, make sure to catch him live.
Eksperimentalno, odmevajoče, raziskujoče, ambientalno, celo dronersko in nojzersko, predvsem pa z glavnim fokusom na techno. Širina
Kroupe je tudi njegova vrlina – poleg seveda visokega producentskega nivoja. Tako ne čudi, da
je doma nase prvič resneje opozoril leta 2013, že
naslednje leto pa je prejel vabilo na Red Bullovo
glasbeno akademijo v Tokiu. O Kroupi ni potrebno izgubljati besed, raje ga preverite v živo.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 03:00 @ Klub K4 / Small
Dojaja has been compiling a genre-rich record
collection since childhood, and his main impetus
(also as a DJ) comes from the pioneers that inspired him – Joy Division, New Order, Kraftwerk,
Depeche Mode. As a DJ he has held his own with
world-renowned artists such as Jeff Mills, Richie
Hawtin, Slater, Rush and Vladislav Delay. He first
appeared on stage in 1995, later on he co-founded the group Rotor and the project Temponauta. As one of the main founders of “Chilli Space”
events and the compilation of the same name,
Dojaja is also active in the field of ambient music. He is otherwise known as a techno DJ, but he
has recently started focusing more on deep techno. One thing is for certain – Dojaja has been
an indispensable part of the local electronic music scene over the last twenty years.
Žanrsko bogato zbirko plošč Dojaja gradi že od
malega, glavni zagon (tudi njegovi DJ poti) pa
so bili zagotovo pionirji, ki so ga za vedno prepričali – Joy Division, New Order, Kraftwerk,
Depeche Mode. Do danes se je kot DJ ob bok
postavil že mnogim svetovnim imenom, od Jeffa Millsa, Richie Hawtina, Slaterja, Rusha pa do
Vladislava Delaya. Prvič se je pred publiko pojavil l. 95, pozneje je soustanovil skupino Rotor in
projekt Temponauta. Dojaja se kot eden glavnih
ustanoviteljev “Chilli Space” dogodkov in istoimenske kompilacije udejstvuje tudi v bolj ambientalni glasbi. Sicer je poznan kot techno DJ,
a se je v zadnjem času posvetil predvsem deep
technu. Gotovo je eno – Dojaja je nepogrešljiv
člen domače elektronske glasbene scene zadnjih
dvajsetih let.
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 22:15 @ Channel Zero
A singer, producer and multi-instrumentalist.
Dunja Dačić is a self-sufficient young lady from
Novi Sad who first gained attention with this
year’s EP Endings. Luckily, this is only the beginning. And it sounds more than promising! Her
music is not only inspired by the likes of Thom
Yorke, PJ Harvey, Grimes, Bat for Lashes and
Massive Attack, but also features traditional Balkan singing.
Pevka, producentka in multi instrumentalistka.
Dunja Dačić je samozadostna gospodična, rojena v Novem Sadu, ki je prvič nase opozorila z letošnjim kratkometražnim ploščkom naslovljenim
Endings. A gre na srečo le za začetek. In ta zveni
več kot obetavno! Čeprav navdih črpa pri Thomu
Yorku, PJ Harvey, Grimes, Bat for Lashes in Massive Attack, lahko v njeni glasbi ne manjka niti
tradicionalno balkansko petje.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 01:20 @ Gala hala (rx:tx night)
Austrian musician Dorian Concept’s videos,
which feature his improvisation on a cheap
MicroKorg, became a viral hit even before the
Facebook boom. His early releases got the attention and endorsement of the British trendsetter trio: Gilles Peterson, Benji B and Mary
Anne Hobbs. In 2009 the label Kindred Spirits
released When Planets Explode, which received wide acclaim from both critics and audiences. Numerous performances followed
(including one in Ljubljana); Dorian also accompanied other acts on tour, performing, for
example, as a keyboard player for Flying Lotus.
Becoming more and more established, it seemed like a very natural step when he joined
the prestigious roster of the Ninja Tune. An introductory EP was followed by the release of
his second full-length album, Joined Ends, and
a completely new approach to his live performances. He turned his solo act into a three-piece band with the addition of the equally excellent Cid Rim and The Clonious. Dorian Concept
was and remains synonymous with unconventionality, piano virtuosity and genre diversity.
Avstrijski hitroprstec Dorian Concept je z videi,
na katerih improvizira na cenenem MicroKorgu,
postal viralni hit še v času pred bumom Facebooka. S prvimi izdajami ga je kmalu opazila in tudi
začela promovirati britanska trendseterska trojka: Gilles Peterson, Benji B in Mary Anne Hobbs.
Leta 2009 je pri Kindred Spirits izdal When Planets Explode in požel slavo tako pri stroki kot
svetovni publiki. Sledili so nešteti nastopi (tudi
v Ljubljani), svoje spretnosti je nudil tudi drugim
izvajalcem in bil na primer tudi klaviaturist koncertnega benda Flying Lotusa. 2011 je sledil logičen prestop k eni najbolj prestižnih neodvisnih
založb Ninja Tune. Po spoznavnem EP-ju je lani
tam sledil drugi album Joined Ends, jeseni 2014
pa je Dorian popolnoma spremenil svoj živi nastop. Iz solo nastopa se je prelevil v tričlanski
bend, v katerem sta se mu pridružila prav tako
izvrstna Cid Rim in The Clonious. Dorian Concept
je bil in ostaja sinonim za nekonvencionalnost,
klaviatursko virtuoznost in žanrsko jebivetrstvo.
MENT 2015
In collaboration with Kataman / V sodelovanju z društvom Kataman
Wednesday / Sreda, 4 Feb, 21:30 @ Kino Šiška (special visuals by FŠK & LINX)
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 01:15 @ Channel Zero (Metelkova)
Forget Justice, Daft Punk and similar fakers. Elektro Guzzi is the true techno rock! This Viennese
trio is literally a rock band (drums-bass-guitar)
making a subtle, texture-rich techno. Live and
on the spot! They produce and perform like any
modern electronic producer, but without any
computer backup, loops or overdubs. Hard as it
may be to believe, what you hear is 100% live.
The band started in 2004, taking five years to
shape their skills before ever entering the studio. This may explain why they have been one of
the few acts so convincing that they got a tour
of Japan and appearances at Barcelona’s Sonar
and Berlin’s Berghain booked before any recording was even promoted. EG are one of the most
wanted and actively touring bands in the circle
of showcase festivals. No wonder they received
the European Border Breaker Award at Eurosonic festival in 2012.
Pozabite na Justice, Daft Punk in podobne pozerje. Pravi techno rock je Elektro Guzzi! Dunajski trio je dobesedno rock zasedba (bobni-bas-kitara), ki ustvarja subtilen techno z bogato
teksturo. V živo in pred vami! Produkcije in nastopov se loteva podobno kot vsak sodoben
elektronski producent, s to razliko, da se ne zanaša na računalniško podporo, loope ali nasnemavanje. Morda je težko verjeti, a vse, kar slišite, je 100% v živo. Začetki benda segajo v leto
2004, vendar si je kolektiv vzel 5 let časa, da
izpopolni svoje znanje in šele potem vstopil v
studio. Posledično je en od redkih bendov, ki je
tako prepričljiv, da je dobil turnejo po Japonski
in nastopa na festivalu Sonar v Barceloni ter v
berlinskem Berghainu še preden so imeli kak posnetek. EG spada med najbolj zaželene in aktivne bende v ciklu showcase festivalov in ne preseneča, da je prejel nagrado European Border
Breaker Award na festivalu Eurosonic leta 2012.
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 02:15 @ Channel Zero
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 00:15 @ Gala hala (Metelkova)
The French quartet possesses magical powers.
Lyrically they can be expressive or streetwise,
while their hip-hop sound is full of catchy tunes,
electronic effects and the chemistry of organic
music. The band does not shy away from sex
appeal (I Want To Be Some Booty), but you also
should not miss the “stripped down” version of
the song Blue Blue, which showcases the band’s
range and ability to invoke emotion. Erotic Market is not a band with a provocative name, but
rather a provocative band whose name we will
no doubt hear again.
Francoski kvartet poseduje čarobno moč. Lirično
je neposredno izpoveden ali pa ulično zafrkantski, zvočno pa hip-hopovski, prežet s spevnimi
melodijami, elektronskimi efekti in kemijo organske glasbe. Drzne si stopiti na polje seksapilnega (I Want To Be Some Booty), obenem pa ne
smete preskočiti “slečene” verzije komada Blue
Blue, ki pokaže bendovo razsežnost in občutek
za prenašanje emocij. Erotic Market ni bend z
izzivalnim imenom, ampak izzivalen bend, čigar
ime bomo brez dvoma še slišali.
Don’t make new people is a Ljubljana-based DJ
collective, devoted to organizing rave parties,
producing music and digging up proper beats
and bass lines within electronic music genres
such as bass, garage, techno, house, bassline, hip-hop, juke, jungle and electro. From old
school to future beats, from bangers to groovy
scenes, from dancing to the obscure. At the festival, the collective will be represented by Felis
Catus and Softskinson a.k.a. SSS. The collective
has performed DJ sets around Europe – in Belgrade, Reykjavik, Rotterdam, at Exit Festival in
Novi Sad, the Republic Festival in Rijeka and the
Illectricity Festival in Zagreb, where it won first
place at the Soundclash DJ battle.
Don’t make new people je ljubljanski DJ kolektiv, predan prirejanju rave partijev, produciranju
glasbe in digganju proper beatov & bas linij, v
žanrskem okvirju elektronskih žanrov kot so
bass, garage, techno, house, bassline, hip-hop,
juke, jungle, electro. Od old schoola do future
beatov, od pokalic do groovy scen, od plesnega
do obskurnega. Na festivalu bosta kolektiv predstavljala Felis Catus in Softskinson a.k.a. SSS.
Kolektiv se je z DJ seti predstavljal tudi v tujini,
v Beogradu, Reykjaviku, Rotterdamu, na Exit festivalu v Novem Sadu, na Republika festivalu v
Rijeki in na Illectricity festivalu v Zagrebu, kjer je
na Soundclash DJ battlu osvojil prvo mesto.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 03:00 @ Klub K4 / Big
The London-based producer with a masterful
ear is to blame for a number of club bangers heard in clubs around the world. His first EP Kleer,
released by Eglo Records, made it clear that Steve is to become one of the most piercing house
producers of the decade. Soon he began cooperating with renowned musicians such as Kyle
Hall, Ikonika, Bonobo, Fatima, Roisin Murphy.
He even started his own record label, Apron Records, which quickly sold out all releases, and
started making regular DJ appearances all around the world. Funkineven is definitely a producer and DJ that is not to be missed at this year’s
MENT Festival!
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 00:30 @ Klub Gromka (Metelkova)
Of course you would be fooled, thinking it was
a British band! The Macedonians have clearly
mastered the Beatles’ discography and have set
down their own path of psychedelic rock and
pop harmonies. The groundwork has been completed – it is time for you to get caught in it.
Seveda bi nasedli! Da gre za britanski bend namreč. Makedonci so več kot očitno posvojili diskografijo Beatlov in se odpravili na lastno pot
psihedeličnega rokenrola in popovskih harmonij.
Teren je pripravljen, nasedite tudi sami.
V Londonu baziran producent z mojstrskim posluhom je krivec za vrsto klubskih ”bangerjev”,
ki tolčejo v klubih po vsem svetu. S prvo izdajo
EP-ja Kleer na Eglo Records je Steve hitro opozoril, da velja postati eden od najbolj prodornih
house producentov zadnje dekade. Hitro so se
pojavila sodelovanja s priznanimi izvajalci kot
so Kyle Hall, Ikonika, Bonobo, Fatima, Roisin
Murphy. Kmalu je Steve pognal tudi lastno založbo Apron Records, na kateri je nemudoma razprodal vse izdaje, kar ga je hkrati pognalo v redne nastope širom sveta. Gotovo je Funkineven
producent in didžej, ki ga na letošnjem Mentu ni
za zamuditi!
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 23:30 @ Klub Gromka
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 21:15 @ Kino Šiška
Do you know what a zeppelin, full of impalas,
flying over Vilnius crashing into a fleet of foxes
sounds like? It sounds like Garbanotas Bosistas.
This psychedelic rock / indie folk fivesome from
Vilnius have played almost every music festival
in Lithuania, performed at the TEDx conference
in Wroclaw (Poland), Positivus (Latvia) and due
to their energetic live shows and positive attitude they have become one of the cornerstone
bands of today’s rock music scene in the Baltics.
Currently they are working on their first LP, which is expected to be out in 2015.
Si predstavljate kako bi zvenel zepelin, poln impal, ki nad Vilno trešči v floto lisic? Zveni kot
Garbanotas Bosistas. Ta psihedelično rockovska
/ indie folk zasedba iz Vilne je igrala na skoraj
vseh glasbenih festivalih v Litvi, nastopila na
konferenci TEDx v Wroclawu (Poljska) ter na festivalu Positivus (Latvija), in zaradi svojih energičnih nastopov in pozitivnega odnosa postala
ena izmed ključnih zasedb sodobne rock scene
v baltskih državah. Trenutno snema svoj prvi album, ki bo predvidoma izšel v letu 2015.
Scandinavia and Australia have never been so
close! One would swear this Danish three-piece worked the same stages and bars of the Melbourne clubs as Nick Cave’s The Birthday Party,
Dirty Three and other similar gloomsters did in
the past. Their blend of heavy stoner riffs, Nordic melancholy and the darkest tales of folk
music was concocted by brothers Andras and
Simon Westmark and Søren Nørgaard on their
2014 debut “The Worrying Kind”. The band has
had a year of intense performances at referential festivals – from hometown Roskilde to German Reeperbahn – with a bright future ahead
of them.
Skandinavija in Avstralija si še nikoli nista bili
tako blizu! Človek bi prisegel, da je ta danska
trojica drgnila iste odre in šanke melbournskih
klubov, kot so jih pred časom Caveovi The Birthday Party, Dirty Three in drugi sorodni mračnjaki. Mešanico težaških stonerskih riffov, nordijske
melanholije in najmračnejših zgodb folk glasbe
(orig: A blend between the weight and aggressive nature of stoner-rock, the nordic melancholy,
and the darkest tales of country- and folkmusic.
) sta brata Andreas in Simon Westmark skupaj
z Sørenom Nørgaardom odtisnila na letošnjem
(2014) prvencu “The Worrying Kind”. Za njimi je
leto intenzivnega nastopanja na referenčnih festivalih – od domačega Roskilda do nemškega
Reeperbahna, pred njimi pa je cela prihodnost.
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 22:15 @ Menza pri koritu
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 00:00 @ Klub K4 / Small
A Slovenian techno DJ and producer. As an engineer, his approach to creating music is more
technical, with lots of creative dynamics and
rhythm changes. He is very influenced by artists
who are not afraid to push the boundaries of techno further into the fans’ ears. His first EP gained lots of attention in Germany, where most of
his listeners and fans come from. His performance takes you on a melodic journey, accompanied
with powerful basses.
Slovenski techno DJ in producent. Kot inženir
je njegov pristop k ustvarjanju glasbe bolj tehničen, z veliko kreativne dinamike in spremembami ritmov. Nanj zelo vplivajo izvajalci, ki jih ni
strah potisniti meje techna globlje v ušesa poslušalcev. Njegov prvi EP je požel veliko zanimanja v Nemčiji, kjer se nahaja večina njegovih poslušalcev in fenov, njegov nastop pa vas popelje
na melodično potovanja v družbi močnih basov.
This freshly formed Malmö-based trio makes
dreamy, experimental pop with strong melodies and a massive soundscape. Through inventive use of horns, electronics, guitars, drums and
vocals, they create an intense, passionate ocean
of sound, which has been compared to the work
of Chelsea Wolfe and Portishead. Hey Elbow are
currently working with producer Joakim Lindberg (MF/MB/, Double Sun) on their debut album. The first single, the atmospheric ballad
Blanca, is stunningly beautiful, so we are eager
to hear the album and see them on the MENT
Sveža zasedba iz Malmöja ustvarja zasanjan, eksperimentalen pop z močnimi melodijami in masivno zvočno pokrajino. Z domiselno uporabo
rogov, elektronike, kitar, bobnov in vokalov trio
ustvarja intenziven, strasten ocean zvoka, ki ga
mnogi primerjajo z deli Chelsee Wolfe in Portishead. Bend trenutno snema prvenec s producentom Joakimom Lindbergom (MF/MB/, Double
Sun). Prvi single, atmosferična balada Blanca, je
osupljivo lep, tako da se že veselimo albuma in
nastopa na MENT-u!
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 23:40 @ Gala hala (rx:tx night)
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 22:45 @ Channel Zero
The Slovakian producer has shared the stage
with the likes of Hudson Mohawke, Four Tet, Ben
Frost, Daphni, Nosaj Thing and Daedelus. In addition, he has put in four appearances at Sziget
Festival, as well as the Slovakian Pohoda, Wilsonic and Waves festivals. This is not surprising,
given his status as one of the best Slovakian producers of the new generation. His main ingredients are broken rhythms that are spiced up by
his characteristic leaps between melancholy and
What if we took an electronic approach to post-rock? The Italian trio of two drummers and an
electronic manipulator is anexcellent example
of the breadth of electronica and dark wave. On
the one hand, the band is sure to excite fans of
artists such as Fuck Buttons and John Maus, but
on the other, it has also performed with groups
such as Arcade Fire, Editors and Modest Mouse. Having just returned from its second month-long tour of the United States, it is high time for
JoyCut to visit neighboring Slovenia.
Slovaški producent si je odre delil z imeni kot so
Hudson Mohawke, Four Tet, Ben Frost, Daphni,
Nosaj Thing in Daedelus. Za nameček je kar štirikrat nastopil na festivalu Sziget, pa tudi na domačih Pohoda, Wilsonic in Waves. In kako ne bi,
ko pa je eden prodornejših slovaških producentov nove generacije. Njegova glavna sestavina
so lomljeni ritmi, ki jih začinja z zanj značilnimi
preskoki med melanholijo in evforijo.
Kaj pa če bi se post-rocka lotili po elektronsko?
Italijanski trio dveh bobnarjev in elektronskega
manipulatorja je odličen primer širine elektronike in dark wava. Po eni strani bi zagotovo navdušil fene izvajalcev ala Fuck Buttons in John
Maus, po drugi je nastopil z bendi Arcade Fire,
Editors in Modest Mouse. Ravno se je vrnil z že
druge mesec trajajoče turneje po ZDA. Skrajni
čas je, da obišče tudi sosednjo Slovenijo.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 01:00 @ Channel Zero
Hailing from Belgrade, Kišobran’s mission is to
unite and promote independent culture and art
through various music events, exhibitions and
workshops. Started as a DJ crew six years ago,
the organisation soon expanded its activities to
include VJing, creative workshops, podcasts and
radio shows. Kišobran parties have become a
synonym for the biggest and loudest alternative,
indie and electro events in Belgrade, as well as in
other Serbian cities.
Poslanstvo beograjskega Kišobrana je združevanje in spodbujanje neodvisne kulture in umetnosti prek različnih glasbenih dogodkov, razstav in
delavnic. Kišobran se je rodil pred šestimi leti kot
DJ kolektiv, a je organizacija kmalu razširila svoje
dejavnosti, ki danes zajemajo vidžejanje, ustvarjalne delavnice, podcaste in radijske oddaje. Kišobran zabave so postale sinonim za največje in
najglasnejše alternativne, indie in elektro dogodke v Beogradu, kot tudi v drugih srbskih mestih.
Wednesday / Sreda, 4 Feb, 20:30 @ Kino Šiška
We could endlessly describe the organic electronic music made by Prekmurje producer Matej Končan, a.k.a. Kleemar, but there is no need.
He has managed to capture his work in a brilliant way with the title of the opening track of the
2013 album Banana Split (w/TRUS!): Bored of
Lahko bi v nedogled opisovali organsko elektroniko prekmurskega producenta Mateja Končana aka Kleemarja, pa ni potrebe. Sam je svoje
ustvarjanje genialno zajel v naslovu otvoritvenega
komada na lani (2013) izdani plošči Banana Split
(w/TRUS!). Naslov se glasi: Bored of Canada.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 19:15 @ Kino Šiška
These four kids from the industrial region of eastern Slovenia are not only crazy about Australian teddy bears, they show even bigger enthusiasm for music! With their lovely, sometimes
freshly naïve, sometimes dead serious mixture
of indie and 70s rock & pop sound, they won
the hearts and votes in the high-school bands
competition league Špilliga in 2014. Yes, high-school students, but with their passionate and
communicative stage performances, they could
certainly teach many of their more experienced
colleagues some manners. Things are moving
incredibly fast for the Koalas – they’re playing
gigs all over the country, getting licensing deals and recording their debut album, which is to
be released at the end of 2014. The live debut of
the album will take place at MENT Ljubljana.
Tile mulci niso nori le na avstralske medvedke,
še bolj so navdušeni nad glasbo! S svojo simpatično, včasih osvežujoče naivno, drugič smrtno
resno mešanico indieja ter rock in pop zvokov
sedemdesetih, je štiričlanska zasedba osvojila
srca in glasove na tekmovanju dijaških bendov
Špilliga leta 2014. Že res, da gre za mladce, a s
svojimi strastnimi in komunikativnimi odrskimi
nastopi bi vsekakor lahko manir učili tudi svoje
bolj izkušene kolege. Zadeve se za Koale odvijajo bliskovito hitro – koncertirajo po celi državi in snemajo prvenec, ki naj bi izšel konec leta
2014. V živo bo premierno predstavljen prav na
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 04:30 @ Klub K4 / Small
His DJ sets are dynamic and he mostly performs
in the context of bass/house events. Recently,
Levanael has made primarily bass music together with Dacho, under the moniker All Things,
and his performances cruise through numerous
genres, seeking the junctions between bass/techno/house. He also actively participates in preparing the programme of Club K4.
Njegovi DJ seti so dinamični, večinoma pa se
pojavlja v kontekstu bass/house eventov. V zadnjem času Levanael ustvarja predvsem bass
komade z Dachotom, in sicer pod psevdonimom
All Things, v svojih nastopih pa prekrižari marsikatero zvrst v iskanju stičišč med bassom/technom/housom. Aktivno deluje pri pripravi programa v klubu K4.
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 19:15 @ Kino Šiška
This lovely lady is on the forefront of a rising
wave of young one-girl-band / singer/songwriters in Croatia. Her first EP “No Room for Us”
was released in September 2013 to rave reviews
in the region and was named record of the year
by a poll of the 20 most important Croatian music critics. She has supported Kurt Vile & The Violators, Omar Torrez, Tame Impala, Morcheeba
and many others in the past year. She played at
SXSW, Canadian Music Week, Indie Week Toronto, Waves Vienna and many other festivals and
conferences in the past 12 months. Currently she
is writing songs for her first full length release,
expected in early spring 2015.
Ta ljubka dama je na čelu naraščajočega vala
mladih kantavtork iz Hrvaške. Svoj odlično sprejet prvi EP “No Room for Us” je izdala septembra 2013, v anketi 20 najpomembnejših hrvaških
glasbenih kritikov pa je bil razglašen za ploščo
leta. V preteklem letu je nastopila z glasbeniki
kot so Kurt Vile & The Violators, Omar Torrez,
Tame Impala, Morcheeba in mnogi drugi. Nastopila je na SXSW, Canadian Music Week, Indie
Week Toronto, Waves Vienna ter mnogih drugih
festivalih in konferencah v zadnjih 12 mesecih.
Trenutno piše pesmi za svoj prvi dolgometražni
album, ki bo predvidoma izšel spomladi 2015.
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 23:45 @ Menza pri koritu
The trio first spread its punk vision of electronica and vice versa. Now it’s a bit older and of
course a bit more mature, treating music in a
much more organic, rock manner, with additions of electronica and charismatic vocalist Tina
Perić at the forefront. She doesn’t hold back
any emotions on the mic, while Matija and Jaka
create a vibrant soundscape. The band has just
finished recording its second album, which is
due out in March.
Domači trio je sprva širil svojo pankovsko vizijo elektronike in obratno. Zdaj je malce starejši
in seveda bolj zrel. Tako se muzike loteva precej
bolj organsko – rockersko, z dodatki elektronike
in s karizmatično vokalistko Tino Perić na čelu.
Ta z mikrofonom deli vsa svoja čustva, medtem
ko Matija in Jaka krojita pisano zvočno sliko.
Bend je ravno zaključil snemanje svojega drugega albuma, ki predvidoma izide marca letos.
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 21:15 @ Kino Šiška
If you have seen the latest artistic masterpiece
from Björk, Biophilia – the movie, then you were
probably surprised that there are actually two
stars of this mind blowing artistic performance.
The second being, in Björk’s own words, “amazing percussionist and Hang player” Manu Delago. Besides Björk, this Austrian musician also
frequently collaborates with other high-class
artists such as Shpongle, Bugge Wesseltoft, Didier Lockwood and the London Symphony Orchestra. For the new album, the ‘Manu Delago
Handmade’ band has teamed up with producer
Matt Robertson (Björk, The Prodigy). The new
material explores a vast array of sounds, ranging
from sweet and delicate vocal lines with colourful Hang accompaniment, all the way through to chunky, electronic beats. The live show of
Manu Delago Handmade is a definite must-see.
The performance is delicate and sophisticated,
moving with ease between heavily rhythmic
and free-flowing spherical sections. Each of the
four performers takes on several instruments,
displaying the great musical diversity of every
member of the ensemble.
Če ste bili priča zadnji umetniški mojstrovini Björk, Biophilia – the movie, ste bili verjetno
presenečeni, da ima film kar dve zvezdi: drugi je
ime Manu Delago. »Neverjetni tolkalec in mojster
hanga”, kot ga opiše Björk. Avstrijski glasbenik
pogosto sodeluje tudi z drugimi zvenečimi imeni
glasbenega sveta, kot so Shpongle, Bugge Wesseltoft, Didier Lockwood in Londonski simfonični
orkester. Za svoj novi album se je zasedba ‘Manu
Delago Handmade’ povezala s producentom
Mattom Robertsonom (Björk, The Prodigy). Nova
plošča raziskuje široko paleto zvokov, od sladkih
in nežnih vokalnih linij z barvito hang spremljavo, vse tja do mesnatih elektronskih ritmov. Koncert zasedbe Manu Delago Handmade je nežen
in prefinjen ter se z lahkoto premika med močno
ritmičnimi in prosto-tekočimi sferičnimi deli. Vsak
izmed štirih članov benda igra na več inštrumentov, kar prikazuje izjemno glasbeno raznolikost
vsakega člana ansambla.
MENT 2015
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 01:00 @ Gala hala (Metelkova)
One of the founders of the Belgradeyard Sound
System collective, an organization active on the
Serbian and international music and independent culture scene since 1998, and co-founder
of Dis-patch Festival of cutting-edge music and
related art, which presented numerous cutting-edge artists from more than 20 countries over
the course of its active period (2002-2010). As
a performer, Moodswinger was part of the Belgradeyard band and has been DJing since 1999,
initially with Belgradeyard Sound System, then
in recent years with solo DJ sets, with an occasional appearance as George Michael Jackson.
Moodswinging is his thing, so be prepared for
anything and everything!
Eden od ustanoviteljev Belgradeyard Sound System kolektiva, organizacije, ki je na srbski in
mednarodni glasbeni in neodvisni kulturni sceni dejavna že od 1998, ter so-ustanovitelj Dis-patch festivala najsodobnejše glasbe in sorodnih umetnosti, ki je tekom svojih let aktivnosti
(2002-2010) predstavil številne najsodobnejše
umetnike iz več kot 20 držav. Kot izvajalec je bil
Moodswinger član Belgradeyard bend, kot DJ pa
nastopa od leta 1999 – sprva z Belgradeyard Sound Systemom, v zadnjih letih pa s solo DJ nastopi, z občasnim nastopom kot George Michael
Jackson. Rad hitro menja razpoloženja, zato bodite pripravljeni na karkoli!
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 23:00 @ Gala hala (Metelkova)
MENT is all about exposing amazing bands like
this one to the world. Their frontman, speedy
rapper N’Toko, already made some noise in the
international festival circle in 2014 with his solo
project, performing at Waves Vienna, Eurosonic,
INmusic and Glastonbury. Now it is finally time
for the band that he fronts. The massive, instrumentally rich and genre-versatile sound of Moveknowledgement, who have been blurring the
lines between hip-hop, rock, dub, funk and electronic genres, is moving the boundaries of quality, inventiveness, virtuosity and powerful stage
performance in the Slovenian urban music scene.
And they have stuff to say, too.
Glavni cilj MENT-a je predstavitev vrhunskih bendov, kot je ta, celemu svetu. Frontman zasedbe,
hitrojezični reper N’Toko, je s svojimi solo nastopi
na festivalih Waves Vienna, Eurosonic, INmusic in
Glastonbury leta 2014 že dvignil nekaj prahu na
mednarodni festivalski sceni, sedaj pa je končno
čas še za njegov bend. Masivni, instrumentalno
bogati in žanrsko raznoliki zvok Moveknowledgementa, briše meje med hip-hopom, rockom,
dubom, funkom in elektronskimi žanri ter na slovenski urbani glasbeni sceni premika meje kvalitete, inovativnosti, virtuoznosti in silnega odrskega nastopa. Ima pa tudi kaj za povedati.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 00:15 @ Channel Zero
Without the electronic duo, who in addition to
analogue synths and drum machines also uses
various toys, including a Walkman, the Slovenian scene would lack a band that has the potential to cruise stages all over the world. DIY aesthetics, melodic electro-pop and distorted synths
that are closer to rock’n’roll than electronica set
them apart as one of the most interesting acts of
the new generation of Slovenian bands.
Brez elektronskega dvojca, ki se poleg analognih
sintetizatorjev in ritem mašin poslužuje še raznovrstnih igračk – vse tja do walkmana, bi bila
slovenska scena prikrajšana za aktualen bend,
ki ima ves potencial, da zaokroži po odrih širom
sveta. DIY estetika, melodični elektronski pop
in distorzirani sinti, ki jim je bližje rokenrol kot
elektronika, odlikujejo eno zanimivejših zasedb
nove generacije slovenskih bendov.
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 21:30 @ Klub Gromka
Animal drumming, thrumming melodic bass,
squealing guitars and piercing screams are the
building blocks of Nikki Louder. The Slovenian
trio offers a sincere club experience that leaves
no audience member cold. The guys have released three full-lengths, gone on countless tours,
from the Balkans to England, and are above all a
band that fans of noise rock shouldn’t miss.
Živalsko bobnanje, hrumeči melodični basi, cvileče kitare in predirljivi kriki so osnovni koščki
sestavljanke poimenovane Nikki Louder. Domači
trio nudi pristno klubsko izkušnjo, ki obiskovalca
nikdar ne pusti hladnega. Fantje imajo za sabo
tri celovečerne albume, nešteto turnej – od Balkana do Anglije, predvsem pa so bend, ki ga ljubitelji noise rocka ne smejo zamuditi.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 04:30 @ Klub K4 / Small
He has been performing, organising and releasing his materials as part of the Synaptic collective since 2009. He released his first EP Yellowbill on Slovenian internet label Bio-Mechanics
in 2009. During the same period, he joined the
Chilli Space collective, where he has so far contributed to four CD compilations and the anniversary 10th double vinyl. He has also remixed
songs for Slovenian and foreign labels (Synaptic Pathways, Colours in Music, Bleepsequence,
Retrospective Zoology, Bio-Mechanics). He has
shared the stage with established producers
such as Andy Stott, Madteo and others. Nitz is
also a programme associate of the current management team of Club K4.
Under the new Pavemental moniker hides one
of the veterans of the Slovene electronic scene,
Jernej Marušič, most renowned for his signature
experimental dub techno sound as Octex. He is
now returning to rx:tx with a new beats and hip-hop driven project, Pavemental. His upcoming
EP Streeteepy reflects the funky flow of skateboard stunts and spacious city chords, spiced up
by his studio trickery. An exclusive pre-release
Pod okriljem Synaptic kolektiva nastopa, organizira in izdaja svoje materiale od leta 2009.
Na slovenski internetni založbi Bio-Mechanics je
leta 2009 izdal svoj prvi EP Yellowbill. V istem
obdobju se je pridružil kolektivu Chilli Space, pri
katerem je do sedaj izdal na štirih CD kompilacijah in na jubilejni 10. dvojni vinilni plošči. Nanizal je tudi več priredb za domače in tuje založbe
(Synaptic Pathways, Colours in Music, Bleepsequence, Retrospective Zoology, Bio-Mechanics). Oder je delil z uveljavljenimi producentskimi
imeni, kot so Andy Stott, Madteo in drugi. Nitz je
programski sodelavec aktualne ekipe kluba K4.
Prvič slišite za Pavemental? Naj vas novo ime ne
zavede, gre za veterana domače scene, Jerneja
Marušiča, najbolj znanega kot Octex, čigar značilni eksperimentalni dub tehno zvok je stalnica
našega prostora. Prav te dni se vrača z novim
imenom in novo izdajo pri rx:tx, na kateri nam
ponuja lastno interpretacijo hip-hop oz. beats
godbe, po kateri je ta domača založba znana
zadnjih nekaj let. Njegovo plato Streeteepy navdihuje igrivi tok skejterskih trikov in prostorskih
mestnih akordov, začinjenih z značilnimi studijskimi varkami. Ekskluzivna pokušina pred izidom
nove plate!
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 02:20 @ Gala hala (rx:tx night)
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 00:45 @ Menza pri koritu
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 23:15 @ Channel Zero
Punčke means girls. And they rock! The band
shies away from genre labels, but they did perform as the opening act for Queens Of The Stone Age. Twice! Like men!
Fresh on the scene, Sea Change is the alter-ego
of Ellen A. W. Sunde. Creating chilling electronica-pop, previous comparisons have been drawn
to the likes of Fever Ray and Lykke Li. With a
natural fascination for noise, improvisation music, tiny acoustic instruments and synth pop, she
creates a beautiful loop-based sound that contains beats, vocal harmonies and 80s choruses.
She has an innate ability to make her music sound magic and creates a live show full of mysterious ambience. Her first singles were all discussed at length by bloggers and the international
press (Clash Magazine, The Guardian, Line of
Best Fit, Stereogum, NME …), leading to heavy
touring all over Europe. Her debut album Breakage will be released on 23 February 2015.
Punčke means girls. And they rock! Nerade se
žanrsko opredeljujejo, so pa igrale kot predskupina Queens Of The Stone Age. In to dvakrat! In
to moško!
Svež obraz na sceni – Sea Change je alter-ego
Ellen A. W. Sunde. Njen severnjaški elektro-pop
so v preteklosti primerjali s Fever Ray in Lykke
Li. Z naravno fascinacijo nad nojzom, improvizacijo, majcenimi akustičnimi instrumenti in synth-popom, Sea Change ustvarja čudovit zvok, ki
temelji na zankah in vsebuje beate, vokalne harmonije in refrene iz 80-ih. Ambient, ki ga Ellen
A. W. Sunde ustvari v živo, je hkrati čaroben in
skrivnosten. Njeni prvi singli so dvignili veliko
prahu med blogerji in v mednarodnih medijih
(Clash Magazine, The Guardian, Line of Best Fit,
Stereogum, NME …), kar je privedlo do obsežne
evropske turneje. Njen prvenec Breakage bo izšel 23. februarja.
MENT 2015
In collaboration with SAE Institute Ljubljana / V sodelovanju s SAE Institute Ljubljana
Wednesday / Sreda, 4 Feb, 23:00 @ Kino Šiška
The central performance of the inaugural MENT
evening will feature the latest project from Berlin electronic wizard Robert Henke. Lumiere is
a breathtaking audiovisual show, in which Henke accompanies his electronic music by piloting
four laser beams. The percussive and textural
sonic scenes provide a counterpoint to the visual rhythm, resulting in a multi-sensorial experience, which is at times fragile and quiet, at
others massive and overwhelming. In the first
year since its release, the Lumiere project has
been presented at prestigious festivals and venues, such as Unsound/Krakow, Transmediale/
Berlin, Barbican/London and others. Henke is
also the co-creator of one of the most widespread computer programs for music production,
Ableton Live. He will present this aspect of his
creativity at a talk within the framework of the
MENT conference.
Osrednji performans otvoritvenega MENT večera
bo najnovejši projekt berlinskega elektronskega maga Roberta Henkeja. Lumiere je osupljivi
audivizualni show, v katerem Henke ob avtorski elektronski glasbi krmili tudi 4 laserje. Perkusivno in teksturno bogato sonično dogajanje
ustvarja kotrapunkt vizualnemu ritmu, kar rezultira v na trenutke krhki in tihi, na trenutke pa v
masivni in udarni multisenzorični izkušnji.Projekt
Lumiere je bil v prvem letu od svoje aktivacije
predstavljen na prestižnih festivalih in prostorih
kot so Unsound/Krakow, Transmediale/Berlin,
Barbican/London in drugi. Henke je tudi soustvarjalec enega najbolj uporabljanih računalniških programov za glasbeno ustvarjanje Ableton
Live. Ta vidik svojega ustvarjanja bo predstavil
na razgovoru v okviru MENT konference.
MENT 2015
Wednesday / Sreda, 4 Feb, 00:15 @ Kino Šiška
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 22:45 @ Menza pri koritu
The fast-rising young Danish producer combines
his electronic world with the organic one. Digital beats, chopped-up vocals and synths are joined live by drums and guitar, with the trio thus
expanding its electronic vision into the world
of post-rock and ambient music – whether on a
terrace in the afternoon, in the middle of a party,
or as a morning wake-up call.
One-girl-band with Sonia singing behind her
synths, keys and bass guitar. Infectious melodies, catchy bass lines, retro sounds and nostalgic
vocals. With two albums released, the first for
German label Moanin and the second for Polish
Qulturap, Soniamiki is currently working on her
third album, which is to be released this year.
Hitro vzpenjajoči mladi danski producent svoj
elektronski svet združuje z organskim. Digitalnim beatom, nasekljanim vokalom in synthom
se v živo pridružita še boben in kitara. Trio tako
elektronsko vizijo ponese še v svet post-rocka in
ambientala. Pa naj bo popoldne na terasi, sredi
žura ali pa za jutranje prebujanje.
One-girl-band s Sonio, ki poje za svojimi synthi,
klaviaturami in bas kitaro. Nalezljive melodije,
spevne bas linije, retro zvoki in nostalgični vokali. Z dvema albuma v žepu, prvim za nemško
založbo Moanin in drugim za poljsko Qulturap,
Soniamiki trenutno pripravlja svojo tretjo ploščo,
ki naj bi izšla to leto.
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 23:30 @ Klub Gromka (Metelkova)
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 23:15 @ Menza pri koritu
It would not be an exaggeration to label the
instrumental quartet as one of the most original bands in Slovenia. Could they perhaps be
the future of post-rock? Given their unique mix
of jazz, ethno, noise and folk, might the label
post-jazz be more fitting? It is hardly of any importance. What matters is that the band is skilfully navigating different musical genres, be it
with the use of “traditional” instruments or by
introducing the banjo, the ukulele, the kalimba
and the xylophone into their music. The band’s
fourth LP Panontikon has just blossomed, with
their home audience and critics notably impressed.
Instrumentalni kvartet lahko brez pretiravanj
označimo za eno izvirnejših domačih zasedb.
Gre morda za prihodnost post-rocka? Ali v preseku jazza, etna, nojza in folka bolje učinkuje
skovanka post-jazz? To niti ni zares pomembno.
Važno je, da bend spretno krmari med žanrskimi svetovi, pa naj bo s pomočjo “klasičnih” instrumentov ali pa z aktualno vpeljavo bendža,
ukuleleja, kalimb in ksilofona. Zasedbina četrta
plošča Panontikon je ravno zacvetela, domače
občinstvo in kritiki pa so očitno navdušeni.
One guitar, two microphones, a bunch of weird
pedals and ancient electronic drums. And two
hairy guys using this funny setup to create an
overwhelming, immersive sound of the sea and
the sky that makes you want to fly high. Seductive harmonies, psychedelically sweet vocal lines, layers of guitar chords and atmospheric delays with retro drum sounds just make your jaws
drop and burst into a smile. We could waste our
time comparing their dreamy sound to the Beach Boys, Tame Impala, Animal Collective, but
instead, let’s say that you should come to their
gig and walk away with a stoned-happy, silly
smile on your face, not fully understanding what
had just happened.
Ena kitara, dva mikrofona, kup čudnih pedal in
predpotopni električni bobni. In dva kosmata
tipa, ki s to hecno opremo ustvarjata razsežen,
prevzemajoč zvok morja in neba, ob katerem
boste hoteli visoko poleteti. Zapeljujoče harmonije, psihedelično sladke vokalne linije, večplastni kitarski akordi in atmosferični odmevi
z retro zvoki bobnov vas bodo osupnili in vam
na obraz pričarali nasmeh. Lahko bi zapravljali
čas in njun sanjavi zvok primerjali z Beach Boysi, Tame Impalo, Animal Collectivom, a vas raje
povabimo na njun koncert – z njega boste odšli
z zadeto srečnim, butastim smehljajem, ne da bi
se pravzaprav zavedali, kaj točno vas je ravnokar
MENT 2015
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 01:30 @ Klub K4 / Small
Thursday / Četrtek, 5 Feb, 22:30 @ Klub Gromka
A producer and DJ from Ljubljana. A former musician who played several classical instruments,
he later focused on electronic music, amazed
by its sonic beauty and experimental characteristics. Heavily influenced by Detroit and Berlin
techno/house sounds, his music could be described as warm and subtle with a pinch of melancholy, layered by hypnotic, repetitive beats and
eerie astral sounds.
Producent in DJ iz Ljubljane. Nekdaj klasični glasbenik, ki je igral več instrumentov, se je
kasneje osredotočil na elektronsko glasbo, saj
ga je osupnila njena sonična lepota ter eksperimentalne značilnosti. Njegovo glasbo, močno
pod vplivom berlinskih in detroitskih techno/
house zvokov, lahko opišemo kot toplo in tankočutno s kančkom melanholije, ki ji večplastnost dajejo hipnotični, repetitivni beati in srhljivi astralni zvoki.
Post-punk, psychedelia and punk directness are
characterized by female and male vocals and
plenty of charisma. Those who have seen the
Varaždin trio live know it is one of the best new
guitar bands from the Balkans. The live debut of
the brand new album Kvadrat will take place right at MENT.
Post-punk, psihedelijo in punkovsko udarnost
zaznamujeta moški in ženski vokal ter obilica karizme. Kdor je varaždinski trio užil v živo, ve da
gre za enega najboljših novih kitarskih bendov
na področju Balkana. Novi album Kvadrat bo
koncertni prvenec doživel prav na MENTu.
MENT 2015
Wednesday / Sreda, 4 Feb, 19:30 @ Kino Šiška / Hall
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 00:40 @ Gala hala (rx:tx night)
Friday / Petek, 6 Feb, 22:30 @ Klub Gromka (Metelkova)
The band has the reputation of being one of the
best electronic bands in the Baltic states, even
though the band’s influences are clearly rooted
in a wide array of alternative genres, interwoven
with indie rock. Over time the band has become
less reliant on vocals and more dedicated to the
music itself. Without words, but with that much
more music!
Pravijo, da je zasedba eden boljših primerov z
elektroniko navdahnjenih bendov Baltika. Pa čeprav so vplivi več kot očitno zakoreninjeni tudi
v paleti alternativnih žanrov prepletenih z indie
rockom. Skozi čas se bend vedno manj opira na
vokale in vedno bolj posveča glasbi sami. Brez
besed, a s toliko več muzike!
This young Slovenian artist mixes different music worlds. On the one hand, he is a trombonist
and composer with a degree. On the other, he is
producer of twisted electronic beats. His music
was born to enthral, to pull you out of the ordinary confines of reality straight into a world of
fluttering electronica birds and blooming palm
trees, and from there to red lit rooms and gorgeous women basking in the haze of cigarette
smoke. Like his music, he is continuing to grow
in many different directions, standing at the intersection of many different paths.
Žiga rad meša glasbene svetove. Po eni strani je pozavnist in skladatelj z diplomo, po drugi pa ustvarjalec zvitih elektronskih ritmov.Njegova glasba je ustvarjena, da očara in popelje
izven vsakdanjih meja realnosti naravnost v svet
frfotajočih elektronskih ptic in cvetočih palm,
od tam pa v rdeče osvetljene sobe do lepotic,
ki poležavajo v meglici cigaretnega dima. Tako
kot njegova glasba se tudi Žiga razvija v različne
smeri in stoji na presečišču različnih poti.
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
RX:TX Night @ ment
Friday / P​ ​etek, 6. 2., 23:00 @ Gala Hala, AKC Metelkova​
An action-packed evening with the headliner Dorian Concept​will host a​​
Slovak producer Jimmy Pé​and members of the most progressive local
music label rx:tx: Octex and his new project Pavemental, the hyper-productive beatmaker Žiga Murko, the unpredictable duo Boomhauer & Donkeyhorse, and the resident DJ Borka​.
Z akcijo nabit večer z osrednjim gostom Dorianom Conceptom bo gostil še
slovaškega producenta Jimmyja Pé ter varovance založbe rx:tx, Octexa, ki
bo predstavil svoj novi projekt Pavemental, hiperproduktivneža Žigo Murka,
nepredvidljivi dvojec Boomhauer & Donkeyhorse in "hišnega" didžeja Borko.
23:00 - Borka
23:40 - Jimmy Pé
00:40 - Žiga Murko
01:20 - Dorian Concept
02:20 - Pavemental
03:00 - Borka
04:00 - Boomhauer & Donkeyhorse
MENT 2015
conference schedule
Wednesday / Sreda, 4. 2.
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2
Artist Guide
to Music
Agents or
Artist Talk /
m hotel
Jono Brandel
& Lullatone
Robert Henke
(aka Monolake)
ces ha
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How to
with Free
The Way
the Music
(from the Balkans to
the Baltics)
V zadn
ju. Pre
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no in i
Session Rock
m hotel 2
NL), T
Friday / Petek, 6. 2.
the World
The Clubs:
Artist Talk /
m hotel
the Bands
How to
invest 1k €
in digital
Session Electronic
m hotel 2
konferenčni urnik
The MENT Ljubljana app will give you an
MENT 2015
Na mobilni aplikaciji MENT Ljubljana te
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to the
conference programme
MENT 2015
Vse okrogle mize in predavanja so v angleškem jeziku /
All the panels and presentations are in English
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
conference programme
MENT 2015
Case: Showcase
Wednesday / Sreda, 4. 2., 18:00 @ Komuna (Kino Šiška)
HOST / VODI: Helen Sildna (Tallinn Music Week, EE)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Ruud Berends (Eurosonic Noorderslag, NL),
Tibor Holoda (Waves Bratislava / Wilsonic, SK), Franz Hergovich (Music
Export Austria, AT), Bernhard Hammer (Elektro Guzzi, AT), Igor Vidmar
(ŠKUC Ropot, SI)
Recently music showcase festivals & conferences have been popping up
like mushrooms all over Europe. Let's investigate the main reasons for this
phenomenon: opportunities for young and upcoming bands for breakthrough, intense networking of delegates from the music industry, boost to the
development of the local/national music scene and industry, educational
moment, impact on local economics (tourism, nightlife, music industry...).
Sounds simple – but does it really work?
V zadnjem času se glasbeni showcase festivali in konference pojavljajo
po Evropi kot gobe po dežju. Preizprašajmo glavne razloge za ta pojav:
mladim in prihajajočim bendom nudijo priložnost za preboj, delegatom
iz glasbene industrije omogoča intenziven networking, izobraževalni moment, pospešek za lokalno in nacionalno glasbeno sceno in industrijo, pozitiven vpliv na lokalno gospodarstvo (turizem, nočno življenje, glasbena
industrija...). Zveni preprosto – pa tudi zares učinkuje?
conference programme
MENT 2015
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
Artist Guide to Music Media /
Glasbenikov vodič do glasbenih medijev
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2., 10:00 @ Komuna (Kino Šiška)
HOST / VODI: Miha Blažič - N’toko (musician / glasbenik, SI)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: John Robb (LouderThanWar, UK), Krešimir Blažević
(Muzika.hr, HR), Katharina Lange (Factory 92, DE), Susi Odrusova (FM4, AT)
Miha Blažič aka N'toko is Slovenian musician, media columnist and an influential public thinker of the younger generation. Besides the more obvious questions that an artist is naturally interested in – how to approach
different types of music media and what are the differences in their functioning (printed and online media, radio), as well as the role of PR agencies
in this process, N'toko together with his panellists will question the future
of music media, and the changing role and influence that they nowadays
have in shaping the active, thinking music consumer.
Miha Blažič aka N'toko je slovenski glasbenik, kolumnist in vpliven glas
mlajše generacije. Poleg nabolj očitnih vprašanj, ki običajno mučijo glasbenike – npr. kako pristopati k različnim vrstam glasbenih medijev in kakšne so njihove značilnosti in razlike v delovanju (tiskane revije, splet, radio), ter tudi kakšna je vloga PR agencij v tem procesu – se bo N'toko s
sogovorniki pogovarjal tudi o prihodnosti glasbenih medijev, njihovi spreminjajoči se vlogi in vplivu, ki ga imajo dandanes na oblikovanje aktivnega, mislečega potrošnika glasbe.
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
conference programme
MENT 2015
Merging Markets (from the Balkans to the Baltics) /
Povezovanje scen (od Balkana do Baltika)
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2., 11:00 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: Matjaž Manček (Kino Šiška/MENT, SI)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Helen Sildna (Tallinn Music Week, EE), Michal
Kaščák (Pohoda, SK), Michał Hajduk (Adam Mickiewicz Institute, PL),
Zsuzsanna Bende (A38, HU), Login Kochishki (Password, MK),
Baris Basaran (Pozitif Live, TR)
Fed up with “emerging markets panels” being a standard repertoire topic
at numerous established (Western) music business conferences, mirroring
the patronizing Anglo-American and Western European attitude towards
the rest of the world, this panel is presenting some of the finest examples
of “emerged” events, institutions and individuals from the Balkans to the
Baltics geo-cultural line and examining the needs, options and opportunities for these markets to connect, collaborate and merge.
Naveličani “okroglih miz o razvijajočih trgih”, ki so del železnega repertoarja na številnih uveljavljenih (zahodnih) konferencah glasbene industrije in v
katerih se odseva angloameriški in zahodnoevropski pokroviteljski odnos do
preostalega sveta, bomo na tej okrogli mizi predstavili nekaj najboljših primerov »razvitih« dogodkov, institucij in posameznikov iz geokulturne premice med Balkanom in Baltikom ter preverili, kakšne potrebe, možnosti in
priložnosti za povezovanje, sodelovanje in združevanje imajo ti trgi.
conference programme
MENT 2015
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
Agents or Angels? / Agenti ali angeli?
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2., 12:00 @ Komuna (Kino Šiška)
HOST / VODI: Nick Hobbs (Charmenko, UK/TR)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Roman Trystram (CAA, UK), Stefan Juhlin
(Pitch & Smith, SE), Reinhold Seyfriedsberger (Ink Music, AT),
Mario Grdošić (LAA, HR)
It's no mystery – it is hard for young or internationally-unknown acts (however big they are at home) to make progress internationally, even more so if
they come from countries with very few internationally-known acts which might at least open some doors. How can an act get somewhere internationally without the help of an established booking agent? What might influence
a booking agent to take on such an act? And if an act does manage to get a
booking agent then what are the ingredients of that relationship being a successful one? Can the expectations of both sides be met? What are the strategies which can work to propel an act out of the local and onto the international stage?
Nobena skrivnost ni, da mladi in mednarodno še neuveljavljeni glasbeniki
(ne glede na to, kako uspešni so lahko v domačem okolju) težko dosežejo
mednarodni preboj. To je samo še toliko težje, če prihajajo iz držav, ki imajo
le peščico mednarodno prepoznanih glasbenikov, ki bi jim lahko vsaj odprli kakšna vrata. Kako lahko neka glasbena skupina v tujini sploh uspe brez
podpore uveljavljenega booking agenta? Zakaj bi uveljavljen booking agent
sploh prevzel tako skupino? In če skupina uspe dobiti booking agenta, kakšne so sestavine njihovega odnosa, da je le-ta lahko uspešen? Je mogoče
zadostiti pričakovanjem obeh strani? Kakšne so strategije, ki bi lahko skupino uspešno potisnile iz lokalnega okolja na mednarodne odre?
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
conference programme
MENT 2015
How to Profit With Free Music /
Kako zaslužiti z brezplačno glasbo?
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2., 15:00 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: Lenart J. Kučić (Delo, SI)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Scott Cohen (The Orchard, UK),
Branko Skendžić (Deezer, HR), Trond Tornes (Phonofile, NO)
Not only has the digital age shaken up the classic business model of the
music industry, it has also offered a bunch of new opportunities to upcoming artists and labels to develop their careers. What share in artists/labels' income is represented by the direct »music sale«? How can free music bring artists profit (in its broader sense)? What is the value of 1 »like/
fan/follow«? Bandcamp clearly shows that the »name-your-price« option
works well for engaged fans – what is the next level of fan to artists relation? Who benefits from all these digital platforms – artists/labels or their
owners? Are new technologies and media promotional or business tools?
Digitalna doba ni le pretresla tradicionalnih poslovnih modelov glasbene
industrije, temveč je prihajajočim glasbenikom in založbam ponudila tudi
vrsto novih priložnosti za njihov razvoj in preboj. Kakšen delež prihodkov
glasbenikov oz. založb predstavlja neposredna »prodaja glasbe«? Kako
lahko brezplačna glasba koristi glasbenikom (v najširšem smislu)? Kolikšna
je vrednost enega »všečka/oboževalca/sledilca«? Bandcamp je zelo jasno
nakazal, da je za prave glasbene oboževalce možnost »sam-določi-ceno«
zelo uporabna in privlačna – kakšna je naslednja stopnja odnosa med oboževalcem in glasbenikom? Komu zares koristijo vse te digitalne platforme
– glasbenikom/založbam ali predvsem njihovim lastnikom? So nove tehnologije in mediji promocijska ali poslovna orodja?
conference programme
MENT 2015
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
The Way the Music Business Works /
Kako deluje glasbeni posel
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2., 17:00 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: Paul Cheetham (Reeperbahn Festival, DE)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Sanjin Đukić (LAA, HR), Login Kochishki
(Password, MK), Katia Giampaolo (JoyCut, IT), Perrine Engelmann
(Jarring Effects, FR)
What is the clearest and most attractive way to show how the music business works? To lead an imaginary promising upcoming band to international recognition with the help of experienced professionals from the areas
of management, record label, booking and PR, who represent the band's
supporting team. Through practical situations in the life of the band, it is
easy to observe the roles and tasks of each member of the band's support
team, as well as the interactions between them.
Kako bi lahko kar najbolj nazorno in atraktivno prikazali, kako deluje glasbena industrija? Vzemimo izmišljen obetaven bend, ki ga vodimo do mednarodne prepoznavnosti s pomočjo izkušenih strokovnjakov iz različnih
sfer glasbenega sveta – manager, booking agent, založba in PR agent, ki
skupaj tvorijo podporno ekipo benda. Prek praktičnih situacij v življenju
benda bomo lahko na preprost način opazovali vloge in naloge vsakega
člana podporne ekipe kot tudi interakcije med njimi.
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
conference programme
MENT 2015
Saving the World With Music Festivals /
Reševanje sveta s festivali
Friday / Petek, 6. 2., 11:00 @ Komuna (Kino Šiška)
HOST / VODI: Grímur Atlason (Iceland Airwaves, IS)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Michal Kaščák (Pohoda, SK), Zoran Marić (INmusic
Festival, HR), Robert Meijerink (Eurosonic Noorderslag, NL), Rebecca Ayres
(Liverpool Sound City, UK), Andrej Sevšek (Punk Rock Holiday, SI)
In the last few years, the festival industry has been on the rise and it might seem to be a saviour for the music industry. How do festivals impact
local/regional/national economies, especially in the times of an ongoing
economic crisis? What about their socio-cultural impacts? Do they provide
the crucial boost to artists’ careers (and their support teams)? Festivals
as the key driving force of national music scenes? Sounds too good to be
true – are there also drawbacks? Where is the limit for the festival industry
V zadnjih letih je festivalska industrija v porastu in zdi se, da bi lahko bila
odrešenik za glasbeno industrijo. Kako festivali vplivajo na lokalno/regionalno/nacionalno gospodarstvo, posebej v obdobju trajajoče gospodarske
krize? Kakšni pa so njihovi širši družbeno-kulturni vplivi? Ali glasbenikom
(in tudi njihovim podpornim ekipam) predstavljajo ključno stopničko za
preskok v njihovih karierah? Festivali kot poganjalec nacionalnih glasbenih
scen? Zveni prelepo, da bi bilo res – kakšne pa so slabosti? Kje so meje rasti festivalske industrije?
conference programme
MENT 2015
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
Babysitting the Bands / Ujčkanje bendov
Friday / Petek, 6. 2., 12:00 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: Scott Cohen (The Orchard, UK)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Guna Zučika (Carnival Youth / Brainstorm, LV),
Espen L. Mentzoni (New Kicks Booking, NO), Tom Tanzer (Manu Delago, AT),
Ivan Novak (Laibach, SI)
In the digital era, the music industry is changing rapidly. How is the music
manager’s role changing in turn? Which are the main challenges and responsibilities of music managers nowadays? Have recent changes ensured
some space for a younger generation of managers? Let's hear experiences
from managers of different profiles, and from different territorial and economical backgrounds.
Glasbena industrija se v digitalni dobi naglo spreminja. Kako se v tej luči
spreminja vloga glasbenega managerja? Kateri so danes njihovi glavni izzivi in odgovornosti? Ali tovrstne spremembe odpirajo prostor za mlajšo
generacijo managerjev? Prisluhnimo izkušnjam managerjev različnih profilov in iz različnih geografskih in gospodarskih okolij.
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
conference programme
MENT 2015
The Clubs: The FundaMENT / Klubi: FundaMENT
Friday / Petek, 6. 2., 13:00 @ Komuna (Kino Šiška)
HOST / VODI: Cor Schlösser (Melkweg, NL)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Mate Škugor (Žedno Uho, HR), Vladica Mladenovski
(MKC Skopje, MK), Robert Bangma (Vera Groningen, NL), Marjan Dewulf
(4AD, BE)
For years clubs / live venues were considered as basic infrastructure for normal development of healthy music scenes. Upcoming bands toured a lot,
slowly building their name, gaining new fans, constantly improving their
stage presence. Also, musically educated and engaged public was cultivated through live club shows on a regular base. In the last few years, the
festival industry has been on the rise, many acts are available for festivals
only, festival fees are getting higher, the festival season lasts for almost 6
months. Do in this constellation live venues still represent the fundamental
infrastructure of live music industry? Is there a future for live venues?
Klubi so nekoč predstavljali osnovno infrastrukturo za normalen razvoj
zdrave glasbene scene. Bendi so veliko nastopali, si počasi ustvarjali ime
in pridobivali nove oboževalce ter nenehno izboljševali svoj odrski nastop.
Poleg tega se je s stalnim koncertnim klubskim programom vzgajalo angažirano in glasbeno izobraženo občinstvo. V zadnjih letih je v porastu festivalska industrija – mnogo glasbenih ustvarjalcev je na voljo le še za festivalske nastope, festivalski honorarji so vse višji, festivalska sezona traja
skoraj šest mesecev. So v teh okoliščinah klubska koncertna prizorišča še
vedno temeljna infrastruktura koncertnega dogajanja? Ali obstaja prihodnost za klubska prizorišča?
conference programme
MENT 2015
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
How to invest 1k Euros in Digital Marketing /
Kako zapraviti 1000 evrov za spletno oglaševanje
Friday / Petek, 6. 2., 15:00 @ M Hotel
HOST / VODI: Cécile Martin (Playpass, BE)
SPEAKERS / SOGOVORNIKI: Jehan Paumero (Believe Digital, FR/HU), Pascal Bertin
(independent journalist, FR), Gordon Gieseking (Project Mooncircle, DE),
Malte Tarnow (Project Mooncircle, DE)
Today, with all the platforms, social networks and new technologies, there
are many different ways to promote your music and reach your fans. Sure
it is great to have all these options available, but on the other hand it is
often hard to decide which strategy is the best for you and your music career. With different profiles of music professionals we will discuss the best
and most cost/effective practices and strategies to launch your band's
Danes imamo v vseh platformah, družbenih omrežjih in novih tehnologijah
malo morje različnih možnosti za promoviranje lastne glasbe in nagovarjanje svojih poslušalcev. Seveda je super, da imamo na voljo vse te možnosti, a po drugi strani se je pogosto težko odločiti, katere sploh uporabljati
in katera strategija je najboljše zate in za tvojo kariero. Z različnimi profili
glasbenih strokovnjakov se bomo pogovarjali o najboljših in najučinkovitejših načinih in strategijah za promocijske aktivnosti glasbenih skupin.
konferenčni program
MENT 2015
conference programme
MENT 2015
Listening Sessions / Poslušalnici
HOST / VODI: Peter Baroš (SIGIC, Slovene Music Information Centre)
Thursday / Četrtek, 5. 2., 16:00 @ M Hotel
rock: John Robb (LouderThanWar, UK), Codruta Vulcu
(ARTmania, RO), Jizah DaFunk (Beton / Warner, SI), Dijana Lakuš (Music
Glue, HR), Hadas Vanunu (IMSF / Menashe forest festival, IL)
Friday / Petek, 6. 2., 16:00 @ M Hotel
ELECTRONIC: Gordon Gieseking (Project Mooncircle, DE), Morel David
(Jarring Effects, FR), Vedran Meniga (Pozitivan ritam, HR),
Borja Močnik (rx:tx / Mladina, SI)
A group of international experts from the music world will give a listen to
a bunch of selected songs (by artists performing at MENT, but the songs
will be »anonymous and untitled«), and immediately afterwards they will
give straightforward and honest feedback to the public. We bet you don't
often get a chance to hear honest analysis of individual songs by internationally renowned music experts – so don't miss this one!
Skupina mednarodnih strokovnjakov iz sveta glasbe bo poslušala izbrane
skladbe (glasbenih skupin in ustvarjalcev, ki bodo nastopili na MENT-u, vendar bodo skladbe »anonimne in nenaslovljene«), takoj za tem pa bodo občinstvu odkrito in iskreno podali svojo kritiko in komentarje na predvajane
pesmi. Stavili bi, da nimate ravno pogosto priložnosti iz prve roke poslušati
mednarodno priznanih glasbenih strokovnjakov, ki iskreno in brez zadržkov
secirajo in analizirajo predvajane pesmi – zato je tokrat res ne zamudite!
conference programme
MENT 2015
artist talks
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
A talk & installation from the creators of Patatap – a simple, yet unbelievably creative portable animation/sound kit. Patatap is a portable animation
and sound kit. With the touch of a finger, one can create melodies charged with moving shapes. Patatap invites creators of all ages to engage the
mind and senses in a different type of audio/visual creation process.
Pogovor in instalacija ustvarjalcev Patatapa – preprostega, a neverjetno
kreativnega prenosnega orodja za ustvarjanje animacij in zvoka. Patatap je
prenosno orodje za animacijo in zvočenje. Z dotikom prsta lahko ustvarjate melodije, napolnjene z gibajočimi se podobami. Patatap vabi kreativne
ume vseh starosti, da si zaposlijo misli in čute z drugačnim načinom avdio-vizualnega ustvarjanja.
artist talk
MENT 2015
(TALK / POGOVOR — HOST / VODI: Relja Bobić (Dis-patch Collective / RS))
The central performance of the inaugural MENT evening will feature the
latest project from Berlin electronic wizard Robert Henke. Lumiere is a
breathtaking audiovisual show, in which Henke accompanies his electronic
music by piloting four laser beams. The percussive and textural sonic scenes provide a counterpoint to the visual rhythm, resulting in a multi-sensorial experience, which is at times fragile and quiet, at others massive
and overwhelming. In the first year since its release, the Lumiere project
has been presented at prestigious festivals and venues, such as Unsound/
Krakow, Transmediale/Berlin, Barbican/London and others. Henke is also
the co-creator of one of the most widespread computer programs for music production, Ableton Live. He will present this aspect of his creativity at
a talk within the framework of the MENT conference.
Osrednji performans otvoritvenega MENT večera bo najnovejši projekt
berlinskega elektronskega maga Roberta Henkeja. Lumiere je osupljivi
audivizualni show, v katerem Henke ob avtorski elektronski glasbi krmili
tudi 4 laserje. Perkusivno in teksturno bogato sonično dogajanje ustvarja
kotrapunkt vizualnemu ritmu, kar rezultira v na trenutke krhki in tihi, na
trenutke pa v masivni in udarni multisenzorični izkušnji. Projekt Lumiere je
bil v prvem letu od svoje aktivacije predstavljen na prestižnih festivalih in
prostorih kot so Unsound/Krakow, Transmediale/Berlin, Barbican/London
in drugi. Henke je tudi soustvarjalec enega najbolj uporabljanih računalniških programov za glasbeno ustvarjanje Ableton Live. Ta vidik svojega
ustvarjanja bo predstavil na razgovoru v okviru MENT konference.
In collaboration with SAE Institute Ljubljana / V sodelovanju s SAE Institute Ljubljana
MENT 2015
MEGAFORCE is a four-man directors’ collective from Paris. Established
in 2007, they quickly exploded in the world of music videos and directed
amazing projects for the likes of Tame Impala, Metronomy, Late of the
Pier, Is Tropical, Kid Cudi, Madonna Ft. M.I.A. and others. They received
numerous awards for their creative use of the medium and are known for
crossing the limits of what is acceptable.
MEGAFORCE je štiri-članski kolektiv režiserjev iz Pariza. Kmalu po ustanovitvi leta 2007 je eksplodiral v svetu videospota in kmalu režiral izdelke za
izvajalce, kot so Tame Impala, Metronomy, Late of the Pier, Is Tropical, Kid
Cudi, Madonna Ft. M.I.A. in drugi. Za svoja dela je prejel številne nagrade, predvsem zaradi značilnega stila uporabe medija in prestopanja meja
In collaboration with Podoba-Glasba / V sodelovanju s Podoba-Glasba
artist talk
MENT 2015
San Francisco based producer Count (Mikael Eldridge) has been involved
in just about every aspect of the music business. He has worked for indie
and major labels, scored films, and has worked as a producer, engineer,
mixer and remixer for artists such as DJ Shadow, Frank Sinatra, Radiohead,
No Doubt, New Order, Run DMC, Tycho, Thievery Corporation and many
more. Count is currently directing the documentary Unsound, which is
about the impact that free internet culture is having on all creators. He has
become a vocal advocate of artist rights issues, speaking at The Future of
Music Summit, C2SV, SXSW, and Grammys on the Hill.
Count [Mikael Eldridge], producent iz San Francisca, je bil tekom kariere
vpleten v praktično vse vidike glasbene industrije. Sodeloval je z indie založbami in veliki založniškimi hišami, ustvarjal glasbo za filme in kot producent, inženir, mikser in remikser sodeloval z glasbeniki kot so DJ Shadow, Frank Sinatra, Radiohead, No Doubt, New Order, Run DMC, Tycho,
Thievery Corporation in mnogi drugi. Trenutno režira dokumentarec Unsound, ki preučuje vpliv brezplačne kulture interneta na ustvarjalce.Count je
glasen zagovornik pravic umetnikov in je kot govorec gostoval na dogodkih The Future of Music Summit, C2SV, SXSW in Grammys on the Hill.
MENT 2015
A talk & workshop with the Bitbanger Lab guys, creators of Pixelstick – the
lightpainting tool that blew everyone’s minds when it came out on Kickstarter in late 2013. Pixelstick is a lightpainting tool. One can lightpaint any
image into long exposures and can even increment through a series of images over multiple exposures, opening up lightpainting to the world of timelapse, and allowing for animations of a scope and quality never seen before.
Pogovor in delavnica s fanti iz Bitbanger Labs, izumitelji Pixelsticka – orodja za risanje s svetlobo, ki je leta 2013 osupnilo na Kickstarterju. Pixelstick
je orodje za risanje s svetlobo. Z njim lahko s svetlobo porišemo katerokoli sliko v dolgo osvetlitev in celo povečujemo prek niza slik z večkratnimi
osvetlitvami. S tem risanju s svetlobo odpremo svet fotografije s časovnimi
presledki (timelapse) ter omogočimo animacije še nikoli prej videnega obsega in kvalitete.
Workshop in collaboration with Poligon / Delavnica v sodelovanju s Poligonom
artist talk
MENT 2015
Grímur Atlason
(Iceland Airwaves, IS)
Rebecca Ayres
(Liverpool Sound City, UK)
Grímur is the current manager of
Iceland Airwaves music festival. The
festival takes place in Reykjavik,
Iceland during the first weekend
of November every year. Over 210
acts perform 250 official shows
over the course of 5 days. On top
of that over 670 shows take place
‘off-venue’ at Iceland Airwaves.
This will be his sixth year managing Iceland Airwaves, which was
established in 1999. During his time
as manager, Grímur has worked
with Flaming Lips, Björk, Caribou,
Sigur Rós, The War on Drugs, Beach
House, Kraftwerk, John Grant and
many others. He has been promoting
bands since he was 16. From his
first gig with Happy Mondays to
acting manager of Retro Stefson,
he’s worked with hundreds of bands
such as Sonic Youth, David Byrne,
St. Vincent, Morrissey, Antony and
The Johnsons, just to name a few.
Rebecca Ayres is Chief Operating
Officer of Liverpool Sound City
(21st–24th May 2015), which is a
world renowned international music,
media and technology conference
and live arts and music festival. Hosting hundreds of artists performing
to an audience of 40,000 music
fans and 3,600 industry professionals, it packs controversial debate,
unparalleled networking, amazing
music, ground breaking film,
fantastic photography, eclectic art,
an Expo, the UK Student Innovation Awards, and even a football
tournament into 3 inspirational
days and hedonistic nights in the
world’s most legendary music city.
Grímur je aktualni direktor glasbenega festivala Iceland Airwaves,
ki poteka vsako leto prvi vikend v
novembru v Reykjaviku na Islandiji. V
petih dneh preko 210 zasedb izvede
vsaj 250 uradnih koncertnih nastopov, poleg tega pa se vzporedno
več kot 670 koncertov odvije izven
prizorišča festivala. Iceland Airwaves
je bil ustanovljen leta 1999, Grimur
pa ga uspešno vodi že šesto leto. V
preteklosti je kot manager sodeloval
s Flaming Lips, Björk, Caribou, Sigur
Rós, The War on Drugs, Beach House, Kraftwerk, John Grant in mnogimi
drugimi. V glasbenem svetu je aktiven od svojega 16 leta. Od svojega
prvega koncerta Happy Mondays
do vloge managerja skupine Retro
Stefson je sodeloval z vrsto zasedb,
kot so Sonic Youth, David Byrne, St.
Vincent, Morrissey, Antony and The
Johnsons, če jih naštejemo le nekaj.
Rebecca je operativna direktorica festivala Liverpool Sound City (21.–24.
maj 2015), ki je svetovno prepoznavna glasbena, medijska in tehnološka
konferenca ter live-art in glasbeni festival. Na festivalu se preko sto glasbenih zasedb predstavi pred 40.000
glasbenimi navdušenci in 3.600
predstavniki glasbene in zabavne
industrije. Številne kontroverzne
razprave, intenzivno mreženje, odlična glasba, prelomni filmi, čudovite
fotografije, eklektična umetnost ter
Expo, britanske študentske nagrade
za inovativnost, ter celo nogometni
turnir skupaj ustvarijo 3 navdihujoče dni in 3 hedonistične noči v
mestu z bogato glasbeno tradicijo.
MENT 2015
Robert Bangma
(Vera Groningen, NL)
Peter Baroš
Baris Basaran
(Positif Live, TR)
Robert Bangma is 45 years old
and has been working in the music
industry for 15 years now. He started
in a small venue Het Bolwerk in
Sneek and from 2001 he has been
general director of the Vera Club
in Groningen. Since March 2014
he has also been general director of Simplon, a second venue in
Groningen. With both venues they
try to offer the stage to upcoming
artists on a non-profit basis. In Vera,
the focus is on everything that fits in
the so-called underground Popmusic
and underground Electronic music.
Simplon is also focussing on upcoming, but more mainstream bands.
Peter Baroš is Secretary General of
SIGIC - Slovenian music information
centre. He was born in 1982 in Celje
and he spent his childhood years
in Rogaška Slatina. Peter moved
to Ljubljana to study philosophy
and sociology of culture at Faculty
of Arts – University Ljubljana. He
graduated in 2009 in the field of
phenomenology of music with work
called Musical performance – listening, ideology, repetition. From 2010
to 2014 he was a councelor for music
at the Ministry of culture of Slovenia.
Peter is also a musician, multi-instrumentalst who plays in slovenian
rock group Zaklonišče prepeva.
Baris Basaran is a talent buyer and
artist booker working at Pozitif Live/
Babylon. He worked seven years in
Charmenko (2005-2011) as a Booking Manager, where he worked as
a specialised talent buyer/booker
of indie, alternative, electronica
and avant-garde genres for various
Eastern European festivals, clubs
and promoters. Since 2011 he has
been working as a booking manager
& talent buyer at Pozitif Live. At the
same time he is in charge of talent
buying and creative programming in Babylon. He confirmed
acts such as; Rihanna, Metallica,
Muse, Bob Dylan, Arcade Fire, Sigur
Rós. He successfully handled and
administrated the cancellation
procedures of 36 international acts
during the summer of 2013. Barış
has also participated in panels at
major industry conferences including
ILMC, Reeperbahn and EuroSonic.
Robert Bangma, star 45 let, je v
glasbeni industriji prisoten že 15
let. Začel je v manjšem klubu “Het
Bolwerk” v Sneeku, od leta 2001
pa je generalni direktor kluba Vera
v Groningenu. Od marca 2014 je
generalni direktor še enega kluba v
Groningenu, Simplona. V obeh prizoriščih si prizadevajo na neprofitni
osnovi ponuditi oder obetavnim,
manj uveljavljenim glasbenikom.
V Veri je poudarek na vsem, kar
ustreza definiciji tako imenovanega
underground popa in elektronike. Tudi Simplon se osredotoča
na prihajajoče zasedbe, vendar
nekoliko bolj mainstreamovske.
Peter Baroš je generalni sekretar
SIGIC – Slovenskega glasbenoinformacijskega centra. Rodil se je
leta 1982 v Celju, svoje otroštvo pa
preživel v Rogaški Slatini. Od začetka
študija filozofije in sociologije kulture
na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v
Ljubljani živi v Ljubljani. Diplomiral je
leta 2009 iz fenomenologije glasbe,
z diplomsko nalogo z naslovom Glasbeni dogodek: poslušanje, ideologija,
repeticija. Od leta 2010 do 2014 je bil
svetovalec za glasbo na Ministrstvu
za kulturo. Peter je tudi glasbenik,
multiinštrumentalist, ki igra v slovenski rock zasedbi Zaklonišče prepeva.
Baris trenutno dela kot ”talent
buyer” in booking agent za Pozitif
Live in promotor za klub Babylon.
Sedem let je delal kot booking
agent v agenciji Charmenko (20052011), kjer je bil specializiran za
indie, alternativne, elektronske in
avantgardne žanre. Sodeloval je
pri oblikovanju programa različnih
vzhodnoevropskih festivalov in
klubov. Sodeloval je z glasbeniki kot
so Rihanna, Metallica, Muse, Bob
Dylan, Arcade Fire, Sigur Rós. Poleti
2013 je zaradi nestabilne politične
situacije v Turčiji uspešno prebrodil
in uredil odpoved 36 mednarodnih
koncertov. Baris sodeluje tudi kot
govorec na okroglih mizah na
konferencah glasbene industrije, kot
so ILMC, Reeperbahn in Eurosonic.
MENT 2015
Zsuzsanna Bende
(A38, HU)
Ruud Berends
(Eurosonic Noorderslag, NL)
Zsuzsanna Bende is head of
programming at the Hungarian
club A38, which is one of the most
important international music clubs
in Budapest. She is responsible for
organising and coordinating the
international music programme.
As a former student of cultural
management, Zsuzsanna Bende also
used to be an active musician and
DJ, and she definitely knows her
way around in the music business.
Responsible for international
promotion, marketing, and sales
coordination at the Eurosonic
Noorderslag. Project manager at
CEETEP & ETEP, the European Talent
Exchange Program. He runs project
management for musicXport.nl /
Dutch Impact Parties for the Dutch
Export Office organisations. Consultant at PSB program, a Buma Cultuur
/ Dutch Government program for
stimulating development of new
export countries for the entertainment industry. Formerly a European
agent and promoter, he worked with
Soundgarden, Nirvana, Hole, Babes
in Toyland, Yo La Tengo, Motorpsycho, Afghan Whigs, The Flaming
Lips, The Saints, Suicide, The Wipers,
Mudhoney, The Flaming Lips, Dead
Moon and many, many more.
Vodja programa v madžarskem klubu
A38, ki je eno najpomembnejših
glasbenih prizorišč v Budimpešti.
Tam skrbi za organizacijo in koordinacijo mednarodnega glasbenega
programa. Zsuzsanna, nekdanja
študentka kulturnega menedžmenta,
se je preizkusila tudi kot glasbenica in didžejka, ter se brez dvoma
odlično znajde v glasbenem svetu.
Skrbi za mednarodno promocijo,
marketing in prodajo na festivalu
Eurosonic Noorderslag. Vodja
projektov v okviru evropskega
programa izmenjave glasbenikov
CEETEP & ETEP. Projektni vodja za
musicXport.nl / Dutch Impact Parties
za organizacije v okviru Dutch Export
Office. Svetovalec pri programu PSB,
ki ga skupaj izvajata Buma Cultuur in
nizozemska vlada z namenom iskanja
novih izvoznih držav na področju
zabavne industrije. V preteklosti je
kot evropski agent in organizator
koncertov sodeloval z glasbeniki,
kot so Soundgarden, Nirvana, Hole,
Babes in Toyland, Yo La Tengo,
Motorpsycho, Afghan Whigs, The
Flaming Lips, The Saints, Suicide, The
Wipers, Mudhoney, The Flaming Lips,
Dead Moon in še z mnogimi drugimi.
Pascal Bertin
(independent journalist
& consultant, FR)
After 20 years in the music press
as editor-in-chief of special issues
and the website of the cultural
weekly magazine Les Inrockuptibles, since 2010 Pascal Bertin has
been freelance editor in music for
the radio (Le Mouv', France Inter),
print magazines and websites (RF8,
Tsugi, Serge, The Good Life, Arte
Concert...). Pacal is Consultant for
BBC France on music documentaries.
Beside that he is also consultant and moderator for various
festivals (The Lab of Nuits Sonores
in Lyon, Eurockéennes de Belfort,
Iceberg Operation, Art Rock in St
Brieuc...), as well as consultant
and coach for young and emerging
artists (Centre Barbara in Paris).
Pascal je bil prisoten v glasbenem
novinarstvu 20 let kot glavni urednik
posebnih izdaj in spletne strani kulturnega tednika Les Inrockuptibles,
od leta 2010 pa je neodvisni glasbeni
urednik in sodelavec različnih radijev
(Le Mouv', France Inter), tiskanih
revij in spletnih strani (RF8, Tsugi,
Serge, The Good Life, Arte Concert
...). Pri BBC France je svetovalec za
glasbene dokumentarce. Poleg tega
je tudi svetovalec in moderator za
različne festivale (The Lab of Nuits
Sonores v Lyonu, Eurockéennes de
Belfort, Iceberg Operation, Art Rock
v St Brieucu ...), kot tudi svetovalec
in inštruktor za mlade obetavne
glasbenike (Centre Barbara v Parizu).
MENT 2015
Krešimir Blažević
(Muzika.hr, HR)
Miha Blažič - N’toko
(musician / glasbenik, SI)
Relja Bobić
(Dis-patch, RS)
Krešimir Blažević, co-founder and
editor-in-chief of Internet music
portal Muzika.hr, the most visited
Croatian (as well as regional) specialized online publication dedicated
to music. In his long-term cooperation with the record industry, concert
promoters and music managers, he
participated in the creation of the
music scene and promotion of concert events. Through systematic support of artists and their work he laid
the foundations of many successful
careers in music. He is a jury member
for Croatian music awards Porin and
Croatian Music Union awards Status.
He is also founder of the first music
bookstore in the region – Rockmark.
N'toko is an atypical alternative hip
hop artist and producer who has
spent the last decade travelling and
playing shows, winning freestyle
competitions, collaborating with
artists from all parts of the musical
spectrum, as well as producing and
releasing several albums and EPs.
He is best known for his amazing
technical skills and passionate live
performances. A devoted activist,
his socially critical writing and
performances played a role in the
2012 protest movement in his home
country Slovenia, where he remains
active as a writer and public figure.
He is currently promoting his latest
album Mind Business which was
released on Japanese label Call And
Response Records in November
2013. He’s also a frontman of Moveknowledgement - a band performing
at this years edition of MENT.
Independent curator, producer,
music promoter, radio DJ and author,
occasional musician, translator and
journalist. He was the initiator and
artistic director of the Dis-patch
festival of cutting-edge music and
related arts from 2002–2010, and
continues to be active as the Creative Director of Dis-patch Collective
(formerly Belgradeyard Sound
System). Since 1999, he has been
author of and contributor to numerous projects in Serbia, the region and
wider – in the fields of contemporary
music and art education, radio, new
media, contemporary visual culture
and beyond. He has participated in
many festivals and conferences in
the region, across Europe, USA and
Canada as a guest curator, lecturer,
performer, panelist or member of
the organizing team. Since 2012 he
has also been active as Program
Manager at Design incubator Nova
Iskra in Belgrade. He will perform under his DJ Moodswinger
moniker at MENT Ljubljana!
Krešimir je soustanovitelj in glavni
urednik spletnega glasbenega
portala Muzika.hr, ki je na Hrvaškem
(in tudi v širši regiji) najbolj obiskani
glasbeni spletni portal. S svojim dolgoletnim sodelovanjem z glasbenimi
založbami, koncertnimi organizatorji
in glasbenimi managerji je sooblikoval glasbeno in koncertno sceno. S
sistematično podporo je pripomogel k uspešnim karieram številnih
glasbenikov. Je član žirije za hrvaške
glasbene nagrade Porin in nagrade
Status Hrvaške glasbene unije. Krešimir je tudi ustanovitelj prve glasbene
knjigarne v regiji – Rockmark.
N'toko je netipičen alternativni
hip-hop glasbenik in producent, ki
je zadnje desetletje posvetil potovanjem in koncertiranju, zmagam na
freestyle tekmovanjih, sodelovanju z
glasbeniki z vseh delov glasbenega
spektra, pa tudi produciranju in izdajanju vrste albumov in EP-jev. Znan je
tudi po svojih neverjetnih tehničnih
sposobnostih in strastnih nastopih v
živo. Kot predan aktivist je s svojimi
družbeno kritičnimi zapisi in nastopi
odigral pomembno vlogo v protestniškem gibanju leta 2012 v Sloveniji, kjer je še vedno aktiven kot kolumnist in javna osebnost. Trenutno
promovira svoj zadnji album Mind
Business, ki je novembra 2013 izšel
pri japonski založbi Call And Response Records, seveda pa je tudi prvi
glas benda Moveknowledgement.
Neodvisni kurator, producent, glasbeni organizator, radijski DJ in avtor
oddaj, občasni glasbenik, prevajalec
in novinar. Bil je ustanovitelj in v letih
2002–2010 umetniški vodja festivala
Dis-patch, namenjenega najsodobnejši glasbi in sorodnim umetnostim,
ter ostaja kreativni vodja kolektiva
Dis-patch (prej Belgradeyard Sound
System). Od leta 1999 je zasnoval
ali sodeloval pri številnih projektih
v Srbiji, regiji in širše – s področij
sodobne glasbe in umetnostne
vzgoje, radia, novih medijev,
sodobne vizualne umetnosti ipd.
Kot kurator, predavatelj, performer,
razpravljalec ali član organizacijske
ekipe sodeluje pri številnih festivalih
in konferencah v regiji, pa tudi
širše v Evropi, ZDA in Kanadi. Od
leta 2012 je aktiven tudi kot vodja
programa v beograjskem oblikovalskem inkubatorju Nova Iskra. Na
MENT-u v Ljubljani bo nastopal tudi
pod imenom DJ Moodswinger!
MENT 2015
Paul Cheetham
(Reeperbahn Festival, DE)
Scott Cohen
(The Orchard, UK)
Jizah DaFunk
(Beton / Warner, SI)
Paul Cheetham is founder and CEO
of Heartburst Management. He has
25 years experience in the music
industry as a concert & festival
promoter, artist manager, and event
organiser and is now International
Project Manager for the Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg. The
Reeperbahn Festival is Germany’s
largest club festival and is one of
the most important meeting places
for the music and digital industries in Europe. The festival offers
around 600 wide-ranging events
in more than 70 venues on and
around Hamburg’s world-famous
Reeperbahn – including concerts
by international newcomers, an
extensive arts programme, and a
business platform and conference
for companies and organisations.
Over 30.000 visitors are expected at
the 10th edition of the Reeperbahn
Festival on 23-26th September 2015.
Scott Cohen is a co-founder of the
digital distribution pioneer The
Orchard, which is the largest digital
distributor in the world with offices
in more than 25 countries. As a
well-recognized public speaker and
lecturer, Scott travels the world
evangelizing new business models
for the digital age. He is a visiting
professor at London Metropolitan University and sits on the BPI
Council. Scott’s music career started
in the late 1980s in independent
and major label artist management.
In addition to his responsibilities
at The Orchard, he manages the
Raveonettes, the Dum Dum Girls, the
Deer Tracks, Queen Kwong, Fallulah
and Bleech. Scott is a minimalist and
strict vegan. No meat, fish, cheese,
milk, honey, leather, wool or anything else derived from an animal.
Jizah DaFunk – born as the almost
unpronounceable Marko Godnjavec,
is a music fanatic. He has been
inspired by alternative, hiphop, electronic, punk & jazz music as far as he
can remember. He attended musical
gigs with a religious zeal, was a party
animal with the dream to work at a
music store, and kept listening to
music whole day long. As a teenager,
he travelled around the world to
see different styles and genres of
music, and he started working at
a record store shop, which was his
first step towards everything he is
doing today. For the last 15 years he
has been working as an alternative
concert/party organizer, freelance
music journalist and radio persona
with the full time job as a publicist
for Slovenian Warner licensee,
and he is also owner and A&R of
his small label Beton Records.
Paul Cheetham je ustanovitelj in
izvršni direktor Heartburst Managementa. V glasbeni industriji ima
25 let izkušenj - kot organizator
koncertov in festivalov, glasbeni
manager in organizator dogodkov,
nedavno pa je postal tudi vodja
mednarodnih projektov pri festivalu
Reeperbahn v Hamburgu. Ta je
največji nemški klubski festival in eno
najpomembnejših stičišč evropske
glasbene in digitalne industrije.
Med festivalom se na več kot 70
prizoriščih na in v bližini svetovno
znane hamburške ulice Reeperbahn
odvrti okrog 600 raznovrstnih
dogodkov – vključno s koncerti
mednarodnih vzhajajočih skupin,
obsežnim umetniškim programom
ter poslovno platformo in konferenco
za podjetja in organizacije. Na 10.
ediciji Festivala Reeperbahn med 23.
in 26. septembrom 2015 pričakujejo prek 30.000 obiskovalcev.
Scott je soustanovitelj pionirskega digitalnega distributerja The
Orchard, ki s sedeži v več kot 25
državah velja za največjega digitalnega distributerja na svetu. Kot
prepoznaven javni govorec in predavatelj Scott veliko potuje po svetu in
predstavlja nove poslovne modele za
digitalno dobo. Je tudi gostujoč predavatelj na Londonski metropolitanski univerzi in član sveta Britanskega
fonografskega združenja BPI. Scottova kariera v glasbenem svetu se je
začela v poznih osemdesetih, ko je
kot glasbeni manager sodeloval tako
z neodvisnimi skupinami kot tudi s
tistimi iz velikih založb. Poleg svojih
obveznosti pri Orchardu je trenutno
manager zasedb the Raveonettes,
the Dum Dum Girls, the Deer Tracks,
Queen Kwong, Fallulah in Bleech.
Scott Cohen je minimalist in strog
vegan. V njegovem svetu ni mesa,
rib, sira, mleka, medu, usnja, volne ali
česarkoli drugega živalskega izvora.
Jizah DaFunk – rojen s skoraj neizgovorljivim imenom Marko Godnjavec,
je glasbeni fanatik. Odkar pomni, ga
je navdihovala alternativna, hiphop,
elektronska, punk in jazz glasba.
Z versko gorečnostjo je obiskoval
koncerte, poslušal glasbo cele dneve,
ter bil neutruden žurer, ki je sanjaril,
da bo delal v glasbeni trgovini. Kot
najstnik je potoval okrog sveta, da
bi se srečal z različnimi glasbenimi stili in zvrstmi, začel pa je tudi
delati v trgovini s ploščami, kar je
bil njegov prvi korak do vsega, kar
danes počne. Zadnjih 15 let deluje
kot organizator alternativnih koncertov/partijev, neodvisni glasbeni
novinar in radijska osebnost, ki je
sicer redno zaposlen kot piarovec
za slovenskega zastopnika Warner.
Poleg tega pa je tudi lastnik in A&R
svoje male založbe Beton Records.
MENT 2015
Marjan Dewulf
(4AD, Be)
Sanjin Đukić
Perrine Engelmann
(Jarring Effects, FR)
Though art historian by education,
Marjan stumbled not by accident into
the current music business. Already
volunteering in her favourite local
club, she applied for a job there and
now, 11 years later, she takes care of
the financial management, all with
a heart for art, rock-‘n-roll and a
strong DIY philosophy. Almost falling
of the Belgian map, the tiny 4AD
Music Club moves in international
ways with an exciting programme,
a pioneering ecological vision and a
suitcase full of European experience.
In business since 1996, first as part of
the marketing dept of EMI’s licensee
in Croatia, Dallas Records (19962010). Founder of Pozitivan koncert
and Mars Festival, PR of Hartera Festival for several years, Head of Exit
Festival promo team in Croatia, PR
of Culture Club Revelin Dubrovnik,
MTV Hrvatska and AXN Adria .Since
2013 he has been head of marketing
and promotion at Los Angeles
Agency (LAA). LAA is promoter,
booker and/or agency to artists
such as Slayer, Skunk Anansie, Tegan
and Sara, Dillinger Escape Plan,
Morcheeba, Zola Jesus, Laibach,
Editors, Dinosaur Jr, Mastodon, PIL,
Lovely Quinces, Punčke, Jonathan
and many many more. LAA is also
official agency of Culture Factory
Zagreb, MTV Hrvatska, AXN Adria.
Jarring Effects is a famous French
independent label for electronic
music influenced by everything from
dub to Hip-Hop. Today the Jarring
Effects collective is composed of
two entities with two different, but
complementary activities: After
Effects, an association for organising
concerts and Festivals (Riddim Collision) and concert production, and
Jarring Effects Label. Since 2001 the
label manager has been Mr Mo, who
is also treasurer of CD1D (a platform
dedicated to alternative online music
distribution (physical and digital)
and president of FEPPRA (Federation of Editors and Phonographic
Producers in Rhône-Alpes).
Having worked at Jarring Effects
for 3 years, Perrine Engelmann
is in charge of administration
and publishing. She has a degree
in intellectual property law.
Izobražena umetnostna zgodovinarka se v glasbenem svetu
ni znašla po naključju. V svojem
najljubšem lokalnem klubu je delala
kot prostovoljka, se nato prijavila
na prosto delovno mesto in sedaj,
11 let pozneje, skrbi za finančno
poslovanje kluba - z vsem srcem
predana umetnosti, rock-‘n-rollu
in DIY filozofiji. Drobni klub 4AD,
ki skoraj sega izven zemljevida
Belgije, z vznemirljivim programom,
inovativno ekološko vizijo in polno
malho evropskih izkušenj uspešno
pluje po mednarodnih vodah.
V glasbenem poslu je aktiven od leta
‘96, ko je sprva delal na marketinškem oddelku pri zastopniku
EMI za hrvaško - Dallas Records
(1996–2010). Sanjin je ustanovitelj
znamk Pozitivan koncert in Mars
Festival, vrsto let je skrbel za PR festivala Hartera, je vodja promocijske
ekipe festivala Exit za Hrvaško, bil je
predstavnik za odnose z javnostmi
kluba Revelin iz Dubrovnika, MTV
Hrvatske in AXN Adrie. Od leta 2013
je vodja marketinga in promocije v
Los Angeles Agency (LAA), ki deluje
kot promotor, agent in/ali zastopnik
za glasbenike, kot so Slayer, Skunk
Anansie, Tegan in Sara, Dillinger
Escape Plan, Morcheeba, Zola Jesus,
Laibach, Editors, Dinosaur Jr, Mastodon, PIL, Lovely Quinces, Punčke,
Jonathan in mnogi mnogi drugi. LAA
je tudi uradna agencija za Tvornico
kulture, MTV Hrvatska in AXN Adria.
Jarring Effects je prepoznavna francoska neodvisna založba za pretežno
elektronsko glasbo - z najrazličnejšimi vplivi od duba do hip-hopa.
Dandanes je Jarring Effects kolektiv
sestavljen iz dveh enot, ki imata
ločeno, a dopolnjujočo se dejavnost:
After Effects skrbi je združenje za
organizacijo koncertov in festivalov
(Riddim Collision) in produkcijo
koncertov, Jarring Effects pa opravlja
delo založnika. Od leta 2001 je direktor založbe g. Mo, ki sodeluje tudi
pri platformi CD1D, ki je namenjena
nekoliko drugačni spletni distribuciji
glasbe (fizični in digitalni), ter je
predsednik združenja FEPPRA
(Združenje urednikov in fonografskih
producentov za regijo Rhône-Alpes).
Perrine Engelmann pri Jarring Effects
dela 3 leta - je vodja administracije in
publishinga. Diplomirala je iz prava
na področju intelektualne lastnine.
MENT 2015
Katia Giampaolo
(Estragon / JoyCut, IT)
Gordon Gieseking
(Project Mooncircle, DE)
Mario Grdošić
Katia is a music professional from
Italy. She is a Co-Director and
Programmer of Estragon: Arts &
Entertainment Music Business. Over
the last 20 years Estragon has successfully staged loads of international bands. Situated in Bologna
(Italy), Estragon Club (capacity
2.000) is among the most important
venues in Italy. Estragon organizes
a summer festival called BOtanique
(open air/capacity 5.000) and manages the Concert Area called Arena
Joe Strummer (open air/capacity
30.000), with past performances
including Arcade Fire, Radiohead,
Green Day and so on. She is also
manager of JoyCut, which played
more than 120 gigs in 2014, 70 in
the U.S. + Canada, 50 in Europe.
Founder and CEO of Berlin based
electronic music label Project Mooncircle, Gordon Gieseking is a man
whose passion for music and vision
knows no bounds. Since the genesis
of the label over thirteen years ago,
his self made musical empire has
taken on a life of its own, giving birth
to a number of offspring projects. In
2009 Gordon co-founded the dub
techno label Project Squared and
launched the music platform Finest
Ego in 2010. He furthermore works
as licensing manager at HHV and for
Ninja Tune in the range of social media. He is also a regular host on BLN.
FM, Red Bull Music Academy Radio
and soon NTS London. With his ever
expansive résumé and experience
within the music business, he is
lecturing at the University of the Arts
– UDK / DigiMediaL and Humboldt
University in Berlin and participating at various music conferences.
He started promoting shows in
high school in his home town of
Karlovac, Croatia. He worked at a
record label, publishing agency in
the 2004-2007 time frame, and
started doing live music in 2007.
He started his own company, Los
Angeles Agency (LAA), in 2011. LAA
manages regional artists, books
shows, curates festival and events,
and promotes big and small shows
in Croatia and the region. So far
some of the names LAA has worked
with include Simple Minds, Slayer,
Down, Neutral Milk Hotel, Gogol
Bordello, Blondie, Skunk Anansie,
Editors, The Gaslight Anthem,
Tegan and Sara, Dillinger Escape
Plan, Mastodon and many others.
So-direktorica in programska
vodja kluba Estragon v Bologni,
je sicer tudi managerka zasedbe
JoyCut, ki je v letu 2014 odigrala
preko 120 koncertov - 70 v ZDA in
Kanadi ter preko 50 v Evropi. Klub
Estragon v Bologni (kapaciteta
2000 obiskovalcev) velja za eno
najpomembnejših koncertnih prizorišč v Italiji, saj je v zadnjih 20 letih
uspešno gostil številne tuje zasedbe.
Ekipa organizira tudi poletni festival
Botanique (kapaciteta 5.000) in
upravlja koncertno prizorišče Arena
Joe Strummer (kapaciteta 30.000),
kjer so med drugim nastopili Arcade
Fire, Radiohead in Green Day.
Ustanovitelj in izvršni direktor
berlinske založbe za elektronsko
glasbo Project: Mooncircle, je človek
z brezmejno vizijo in strastjo do glasbe. Odkar je založba pred trinajstimi
leti nastala, je njegov samorastniški
glasbeni imperij zaživel povsem novo
življenje, iz njega pa se je razvila še
kopica drugih projektov. Leta 2009
je soustanovil dub techno založbo
Project Squared, leta 2010 pa je
lansiral glasbeno platformo Finest
Ego. Poleg tega pri založbi HHV
skrbi za licence, pri Ninja Tune pa
za področje socialnih medijev. Je
reden voditelj na radijskih postajah
BLN.FM, Red Bull Music Academy
Radio in kmalu tudi na NTS London.
Gieseking, ki ima vse obsežnejši
življenjepis in vse več izkušenj
v glasbeni industriji, predava
na University of the Arts – UDK
/ DigiMediaL in Humboldtovi
univerzi v Berlinu ter se udeležuje
različnih glasbenih konferenc.
Z organizacijo koncertov se je začel
ukvarjati že v srednji šoli v domačem
Karlovcu. V obdobju od 2004 do
2007 je delal za glasbeno založbo
in publishing agencijo, leta 2007 pa
se je začel samostojno ukvarjati s
koncertno dejavnostjo. Leta 2011 je
ustanovil lastno podjetje Los Angeles
Agency (LAA), v okviru katerega zagotavlja management za glasbenike
iz regije, dogovarjanje koncertov,
kuriranje festivalov in različnih
dogodkov ter organizacijo večjih in
manjših koncertov na Hrvaškem in v
regiji. Agencija je sodelovala z imeni
kot so Simple Minds, Slayer, Down,
Neutral Milk Hotel, Gogol Bordello,
Blondie, Skunk Anansie, Editors, The
Gaslight Anthem, Tegan and Sara,
Dillinger Escape Plan in Mastodon.
MENT 2015
Michał Hajduk
(Adam Mickiewicz Institute, PL)
Bernhard Hammer
(Elektro Guzzi, AT)
Franz Hergovich
(MICA, Austrian Music Export, AT)
An alternative and jazz music expert,
Michał Hajduk created and developed a strategy for the alternative
music sector, and co-organized a
number of events and conferences in
Poland and around the world. He is
actively working in introducing international cultural exchange. In various
fields in the music business, Michael
plays important roles as event and
concert organizer under the label
“Don`t Panic We`re From Poland"
for world leading showcases and
conferences such as SXSW, CMJ, Culture Collide, The Great Escape, Liverpool Sound City, Reeperbahn Festival, C/O Pop, Eurosonic Noorderslag,
Primavera Pro, Waves Vienna, Tallinn
Music Week, Berlin Music Week,
Jazzahead, WOMEX, Zandari Festa.
Bernhard Hammer was born in
Vienna in 1980 as a son of a Danube
ship navigator and a striptease
dancer. After school he decided
to become a sailor and moved to
Nassau (Bahamas) where he lived for
the next 10 years. There he started
to play guitar and this became,
besides shipping, his second passion. For 3 years he has been back
in Vienna, where he is working as
a musician (Elektro Guzzi, Spatial
Stereo, Buenoventura and T‑shit)
and Karate coach. Elektro Guzzi – a
trio of guitar, bass and drums, play
murder beats with the drive of a
machine and the sonic detail of an
instrument. They have won European
Border Breakers Award in 2012,
which helped them to appear on
festivals like Roskilde, Sónar, Mutek,
Melt!, C/O Pop, Eurosonic, Extrema,
Airwaves, Sziget, Dancity and a long
list of others across Europe, North
and Latin America and Japan.
Franz Hergovich, born in Vienna in
1967, works as project manager at
mica – music austria since 2008. He
co-founded Austrian Music Export
as a joint initiative of mica – music
austria and the Austrian Music Fund.
Since 2011 he is the representative
of the managing director at mica
and managing director of the MICA
– Music Promotion Agency GmbH.
He was head of national distribution
at Soul Seduction for a decade and
worked as a concert promoter and
DJ. He was Secretary of EMO (European Music Office) from 2010-2013
and member of the IAMIC Board
(International Association of Music
Information Centres) in 2012/13.
Kot strokovnjak za alternativno
glasbo in jazz je Michał Hajduk zasnoval in razvil strategijo za segment
alternative glasbe ter sodeloval pri
organizaciji številnih dogodkov in
konferenc na Poljskem in drugod
po svetu. Aktivno deluje tudi na
področju spodbujanja mednarodnih
kulturnih izmenjav. Na različnih
področjih glasbene industrije
ima Michał pomembno vlogo kot
organizator dogodkov in koncertov
pod imenom "Don`t Panic We`re
From Poland" na ključnih showcase
festivalih in konferencah po svetu,
kot so SXSW, CMJ, Culture Collide,
The Great Escape, Liverpool Sound
City, Reeperbahn Festival, C/O Pop,
Eurosonic Noorderslag, Primavera
Pro, Waves Vienna, Tallinn Music
Week, Berlin Music Week, Jazzahead, WOMEX in Zandari Festa.
Bernhard se je rodil na Dunaju leta
1980 kot sin kapitana na Donavi in
erotične plesalke. Po zaključenem
šolanju se je odločil, da postane
mornar, in se preselil v Nassau (Bahami), kjer je živel naslednjih deset
let. Tam je začel igrati kitaro, kar je
poleg ladij postala njegova druga
strast. Pred tremi leti se je vrnil na
Dunaj, kjer je aktiven kot glasbenik (Elektro Guzzi, Spatial Stereo,
Buenoventura and T-shit) in trener
za karate. Elektro Guzzi – trio, ki ga
sestavljajo kitara, bas kitara in bobni,
ustvarja peklenske ritme z zagonom
avtomata in z laboratorijsko zvočno
natančnostjo. Leta 2012 je bend
prejel evropsko nagrado EBBA, kar
mu je pomagalo, da je nastopil na
festivalih, kot so Roskilde, Sónar,
Mutek, Melt!, C/O Pop, Eurosonic,
Extrema, Airwaves, Sziget, Dancity in
še mnogih drugih po Evropi, Severni
in Latinski Ameriki ter na Japonskem.
Franz je od leta 2008 vodja projektov pri avstrijskem glasbenoinformacijskem centru Mica. Bil je eden
od soustanoviteljev Austrian Music
Exporta, skupne pobude Mice in Avstrijskega glasbenega fonda. Od leta
2011 je izvršni direktor agencije MICA
– Music Promotion Agency GmbH.
Desetletje je bil vodja nacionalne
distribucije pri Soul Seduction, delal
pa je tudi kot organizator koncertov
in DJ. Med letoma 2010-2013 je bil
sekretar na Evropskem uradu za
glasbo (EMO) in član sveta IAMIC
(Mednarodno združenje glasbenoinformacijskih centrov) v letih 2012/13.
MENT 2015
Nick Hobbs
(Charmenko, UK/TR)
Tibor Holoda
(Waves Bratislava / Wilsonic, SK)
Stefan Juhlin
(Pitch & Smith, SE)
Nick Hobbs is the owner of Istanbulbased Charmenko & Charmworks,
and co-owner of Charm Musics
Czechia & Poland. He’s a promoter
and a festival & venue talentbuyer, who’s been specialized in
Eastern Europe & the Middle East
since the early 1980s. He also runs
an artists’ agency, Charmworks,
which has an eclectic roster and
works everywhere in Europe and
beyond, especially representing
artists from Eastern Europe, the
Balkans and the Middle East.
Co-founder of the legendary
Bratislava music venue, U.Club, and
renowned DJ with a career spanning
more than 20 years behind the
decks. Tibor is currently active as
a promoter, running his Pendant
agency and taking care of Wilsonic
and Waves Bratislava festivals, while
working as a local promoter of
Electronic Beats Festival for its
client, Deutsche Telekom. He‘s also
curating his own weekly radio show,
Wilsonic_FM, on the 4th channel of
Slovak Public Radio – Rádio_FM.
Founded Pitch & Smith in 2007
together with Kalle Lundgren Smith.
Started off his career in the music
business by promoting small punk
shows in his hometown at the age
of 15. Worked at Luger (promoter
of Way Out West Festival) for a
while before starting Pitch & Smith.
Personal roster includes Neko Case,
Toro Y Moi, JUNIP, Wovenhand,
Brandt Brauer Frick, When Saints Go
Machine, Wildbirds & Peacedrums,
FM Belfast, A Sunny Day In Glasgow,
Alice Boman among others.
Lastnik istanbulskih agencij Charmenko in Charmworks, ter solastnik
agencije Charm Musics Czechia &
Poland je organizator koncertov
ter kurator programov za festivale
in koncertna prizorišča, že od
zgodnjih osemdesetih specializiran
za Vzhodno Evropo in Bližnji vzhod.
Vodi tudi agencijo za glasbenike
Charmworks, ki ima eklektičen nabor
glasbenih ustvarjalcev in je aktivna
po vsej Evropi in širše, še posebej
pa je usmerjena v zastopanje
glasbenikov iz Vzhodne Evrope,
Balkana in Bližnjega vzhoda.
Soustanovitelj legendarnega bratislavskega kluba U.Club in priznan
DJ, čigar kariera za mešalkami traja
že več kot 20 let. Tibor je trenutno
aktiven kot koncertni organizator,
vodi agencijo Pendant in skrbi
za festivala Wilsonic in Waves
Bratislava, hkrati pa je tudi lokalni
organizator festivala Electronic Beats
za Deutsche Telekom. Poleg tega
ima svojo tedensko radijsko oddajo
Wilsonic_FM na 4. kanalu slovaškega
nacionalnega radia – Rádio_FM.
Leta 2007 je s Kallejem Lundgrenom
Smithom ustanovil agencijo Pitch
& Smith. Svojo kariero na področju
glasbe je začel kot petnajstletnik,
ki je organiziral manjše punk
koncerte v domačem mestu. Preden
je ustanovil agencijo, je nekaj časa
delal za Luger (organizatorji festivala
Way Out West). Kot booking agent
zastopa glasbenike kot so Neko
Case, Toro Y Moi, JUNIP, Wovenhand,
Brandt Brauer Frick, When Saints
Go Machine, Wildbirds & Peacedrums, FM Belfast, A Sunny Day In
Glasgow, Alice Boman in druge.
MENT 2015
Michal Kaščák
Login Kochishki
(Password, MK)
Lenart J. Kučić
(Delo, SI)
Michal Kaščák, born in 1972, Trenčin,
Slovakia. Musician, promoter. Since
1985 he has been a member of the
band Bez ladu a skladu and author
of music and lyrics, since 2000 also
of the band Neuropa. He has also
composed music for various movie
and theatre projects in Slovakia and
the Czech republic. Michal Kaščák is
the founder and director of Pohoda
festival. Starting as a local event (8
bands in 1997), it has turned into the
most prestigious festival in Slovakia
that annually hosts about 200
bands and DJ’s from more than 20
countries. Apart from music, other
forms of art such as dance, theatre,
movies, photography, literature
and fine arts are heavily represented at the event every year, which
makes the festival an exceptional
art encounter of broad range.
Promoter, football player, A&R
manager, father, event/party
organiser, bambus drinker, label
manager, booking agent, publisher,
fan of basketball team Metalski
Zavod Tito. He has been active in
the music industry for the last 20
years. He set up the record label and
artist management agency Lithium
Records, working with the most
renowned Macedonian artists. When
his wife didn’t give him the permission to name his son Password, he
re-branded his company name into
Password Production. He is the
founder and director of the biggest
Macedonian music Festival Taksirat,
D festival, Pivolend, Green Beach
Festival and Aqua Park Festival.
Login has been promoter of more
than a thousand local, regional and
international concerts, weddings,
funerals and has worked as a production manager, mother or a godfather
for the biggest regional Festivals.
Lenart is a Technology and Media
correspondent, commentator and
columnist at the biggest Slovenian
national daily, Delo. He also works as
a researcher and an invited lecturer
for several academic institutions.
He finished an MA programme
at Goldsmiths College, London
(with distinction) in Transnational Communication and Global
Media. He later worked as a UK
correspondent and he specialised
in research and IT journalism at
the Guardian newspaper. Lenart
follows the trends in information
and communication technologies
(ICT’s) and analyses the changes
brought about by the convergence
of the communication and media
industries. He is also author and
co-author of several books, expert
articles, and studies on the subjects
of media ownership and new media.
Michal je rojen leta 1972 v Trenčinu
na Slovaškem. Od leta 1985 je član
zasedbe Bez ladu a skladu, za katero
tudi piše glasbo in besedila, od leta
2000 pa je tudi član zasedbe Neuropa. Ustvaril je glasbo za številne
filmske in gledališke projekte na
Slovaškem in Češkem. Sicer je ustanovitelj in direktor festivala Pohoda.
Ta je bil sprva dogodek lokalnega
dosega (8 skupin leta 1997), zdaj pa
je postal najprestižnejši festival na
Slovaškem, na katerem vsako leto
nastopi preko 200 zasedb in DJ-jev
iz več kot dvajsetih držav. Poleg
glasbe so na njem močno zastopane
tudi druge vrste umetnosti – ples,
gledališče, film, fotografija, literatura in likovna umetnost, zaradi
česar je Pohoda edinstveno stičišče
umetnosti širokega razpona.
Organizator koncertov, nogometaš,
A&R manager, oče, organizator
dogodkov, ljubitelj bambusa, vodja
založbe, booking agent, založnik,
oboževalec košarkaške ekipe
Metalski Zavod Tito. V glasbeni
industriji je Login prisoten že dvajset
let. Ustanovil je diskografsko založbo
in agencijo za glasbeni management
Lithium Records, v okviru katere je
sodeloval z najbolj uveljavljenimi
makedonskimi glasbeniki. Ko mu
žena ni dovolila, da bi sina imenoval
Password, je svoje podjetje preimenoval v Password Production. Je tudi
ustanovitelj in direktor največjega
makedonskega glasbenega festivala
Taksirat, organizira pa tudi festivale
D festival, Pivolend, Green Beach
Festival in Aqua Park Festival.
Login je organiziral več kot tisoč
lokalnih, regionalnih in mednarodnih koncertov, porok in pogrebov.
Kot vodja produkcije na največjih
festivalih v regiji, je njihov svojevrstni
boter, mama in tata v enem.
Lenart je poročevalec za področje
tehnologije in medijev, komentator in
kolumnist pri največjem slovenskem dnevnem časniku Delo. Poleg
tega kot raziskovalec in gostujoči
predavatelj sodeluje s številnimi
akademskimi institucijami. Na
Goldsmiths Collegu v Londonu (z
odliko) dokončal magistrski program
iz transnacionalnih komunikacij in
globalnih medijev. Potem je bil dopisnik iz Velike Britanije in pri časniku
Guardian opravljal specializacijo iz
raziskovalnega in IT novinarstva.
Lenart spremlja trende v informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologijah
ter analizira spremembe, ki jih povzroča zbliževanje komunikacijskih
in medijskih industrij. Je tudi avtor
in soavtor številnih knjig, strokovnih
člankov in študij s področij lastništva
medijev in novih medijev.Sónar,
Mutek, Melt!, C/O Pop, Eurosonic,
Extrema, Airwaves, Sziget, Dancity in
še mnogih drugih po Evropi, Severni
in Latinski Ameriki ter na Japonskem.
MENT 2015
Dijana Lakuš
(Music Glue, HR/UK)
Katharina Lange
(Factory 92, DE)
Matjaž Manček
(Kino Šiška / MENT, SI)
Passionate for music, festivals &
events, she worked as production manager, project manager,
event manager, booking agent, pr
manager, artist manager, promoter
& tour manager all over Europe.
Currently lives in London and among
many things is involved in festival
production, from Glastonbury to
Secret Garden Party and with Music
Glue, world’s leading music direct
to fan e-commerce platform.
Katharina is PR Manager at Factory
92, an agency based in Hamburg,
Germany, which successfully
combines PR, marketing, and export
consulting competences in one
house. Factory 92 scales its campaign work from the German to the
European level. Katharina has been
with Factory since 2013. Before this
she enjoyed a 2.5 year spell as Editor
in chief at the German college radio
station Radio Q. Factory 92 works for
clients such as Sziget Festival (HU),
Rock en Seine (FR), Spot Festival
(DK), FKP Scorpio (DE), MCT (DE),
Music Finland (FI), Morr Music (DE),
Secretly Canadian (US/UK), One
Little Indian (UK), Cargo Records
(DE), Believe Digital (DE, DK, NO &
SE), Sonic Visions (LU), etc. The last
year’s artist campaigns include the
likes of Arcade Fire, Robbie Williams
and The Smashing Pumpkins.
Born in 1975. Obtained a law
degree in 1999, just a morning after
opening for Fugazi with his band in
Ljubljana. Actively involved in the
music world since 1996 as a musician
(various noise rock, free improv and
experimental bands and projects),
radio activist (Radio Študent music
editor and dj; started the Klubski
Maraton of Radio Študent in 2001;
co-coordinator of CrossRadio network of ex-Yugoslavian independent
radio stations from 2001–2007),
club dj, promoter and producer of
local and international music events
(editor at rx:tx music label 2004/5;
established Kataman Music Action
in 2005 and run its activities till
2009; Head of Music Programme
at Kino Šiška from 2009 on; cofounder and co-manager of MENT).
Strastno predana glasbi, festivalom
in koncertom je Dijana delala že kot
vodja produkcije, projektni vodja,
koordinatorica dogodkov, booking
agentka, pr agentka, managerka
glasbenikov, organizatorica in tour
managerka širom Evrope. Trenutno
živi v Londonu, kjer je poleg vsega
ostalega vključena v organizacijo
festivalov – od Glastonburyja do
Secret Garden Party, ter v Music
Glue, vodilno svetovno e-commerce platformo med glasbo
in glasbeniki ter oboževalci.
Katharina je vodja za odnose z
javnostmi pri PR agenciji Factory 92
s sedežem v Hamburgu, ki pod eno
streho uspešno združuje odnose z
javnostmi, marketing in svetovanje
pri izvozu. Njihove promocijske
kampanje so usmerjene tako na
nemški kot evropski trg. Katharina
dela za Factory 92 od leta 2013, prej
je bila dve leti in pol glavna urednica
na nemški študentski radijski postaji
Radio Q. Stranke agencije Factory
92 vključujejo festivale Sziget, Rock
en Seine in Spot, pa agencijo FKP
Scorpio, založbe Secretly Canadian
(US/UK), One Little Indian (UK),
Cargo Records (DE) itd. Lani so med
drugim izvedli kampanje za glasbenike kot so Arcade Fire, Robbie
Williams in The Smashing Pumpkins.
Rojen leta 1975. Diplomiral iz prava
leta 1999, samo jutro zatem, ko je v
Ljubljani s svojim bendom nastopil
pred zasedbo Fugazi. Od leta 1996
se aktivno udejstvuje v svetu glasbe
kot glasbenik (različni noise rock,
free impro in eksperimentalne
zasedbe in projekti), radijski aktivist
(glasbeni urednik in DJ na Radiu
Študent; leta 2001 je v okviru Radia
Študent zagnal projekt Klubski Maraton; v letih 2001–2007 je bil eden od
koordinatorjev omrežja neodvisnih
radijskih postaj iz bivše Jugoslavije),
klubski DJ, organizator in producent
lokalnih in mednarodnih glasbenih
dogodkov (urednik pri založbi rx:tx
v letih 2004/5; leta 2005 je ustanovil Kataman Music Action in vodil
njegove dejavnosti do leta 2009).
Od leta 2009 je vodja glasbenega
programa Kina Šiška. Soustanovitelj
in eden od vodij festivala MENT.
MENT 2015
Cécile Martin
(Playpass, BE)
Robert Meijerink
(Eurosonic Noorderslag, NL)
Espen L. Mentzoni
(New Kicks Booking, NO)
Having 10 years’ experience in
telecommunications and 4 years’
experience in teaching internationalization at a French university,
Cécile Martin joined the music business in 2010. In 4 years, she assisted
more than 100 festivals and venues
throughout Europe in their mobile
and social projects. Early in 2015,
she joined Playpass where she is
now in charge of European business
development activities and helping
events to use RFID and NFC technology for managing access control,
cashless and brand activations.
Eurosonic Noorderslag is Europe's
main conference and showcase
festival, focusing on European
music and particularly aiming at its
exchange. With 3000 delegates,
showcases by 300 artists and a
conference with 150 panels, keynote
speakers, interviews and meetings,
Eurosonic Noorderslag is the key
exchange and networking platform
for European music, European
artists, international music industry
professionals and organizations.
Since 2005, Robert Meijerink has
been booker and programme
manager of European talents at the
Eurosonic Noorderslag. Besides
his job at Eurosonic Noorderslag,
Robert is promoter at Doornroosje,
a live music venue in the city of
Nijmegen operating since 1970.
Espen is a born Norwegian, living
in Berlin. He turned to the music industry at the age of 15. Now 23 years
old, he owns New Kicks Booking, an
agency and management representing more than 50 artists and even
more through its partners. Mentzoni
believes in working in creative and
modern ways, as he never got the
chance to see how physical products
ruled the world. He is focusing on
how to use the digital age to enter
new markets, building a name and
a sustainable career for his artists.
Cécile se je leta 2010 po desetih letih
izkušenj iz sveta telekomunikacij in
štirih letih izkušenj iz poučevanja
internacionalizacije na francoski
univerzi pridružila glasbeni industriji.
V štirih letih je spremljala mobilne
in družbene projekte več kot 100
festivalov in koncertnih prizorišč
po Evropi. V začetku leta 2015 se je
pridružila podjetju Playpass, kjer je
vodja evropskih poslovnih razvojnih
dejavnosti, hkrati pa nudi podporo
različnim dogodkom pri uporabi
tehnologij RFID in NFC za upravljanje
nadzora dostopa ter brezgotovinskih in znamčenih aktivacij.
Eurosonic Noorderslag je osrednji
evropski konferenčni in showcase
festival, ki se osredotoča na evropsko
glasbo in si posebej prizadeva za
njeno izmenjavo in kroženje. S 3000
delegati, 300 nastopajočimi ter
konferenco, ki obsega 150 okroglih
miz, slavnostne govornike, intervjuje
in srečanja, je ključna platforma za
izmenjave in mreženje za evropsko
glasbo, evropske glasbenike,
mednarodne glasbene profesionalce
in različne organizacije. Robert je
od leta 2005 booker in programski
vodja tega odmevnega festivala.
Poleg tega je organizator koncertov
v klubu Doornroosje, ki v mestu
Nijmegen deluje že od leta 1970.
Espen je Norvežan, ki živi v Berlinu.
Glasbeni industriji se je posvetil
pri petnajstih. Pri triindvajsetih je
lastnik agencije New Kicks Booking,
ki zastopa več kot 50 glasbenikov,
prek partnerjev pa še nekoliko več.
Mentzoni je zagovornik ustvarjalnih
in sodobnih pristopov v glasbi, saj
zaradi svoje mladosti ni imel priložnosti izkusiti, kako fizične oblike
obvladujejo glasbeni svet. Osredotoča se na vprašanje, kako na najboljši
možen način izkoristiti digitalne
vsebine za vstop na nove trge, povečevati prepoznavnost ter zagotoviti
ustrezno kariero za svoje varovance.
MENT 2015
Vladica Mladenovski
(MKC Skopje, MK)
Borja Močnik
(rx:tx, SI)
David Morel
(Jarring Effects, FR)
Vladica Mladenovski – Grga (born
1979 in Kumanovo, SFRJ) is a music
promoter and concert organizer
who has been working for the Youth
Cultural Center – Skopje (MKC
Skopje), Macedonia since 2009.
Before, he worked at Lithium
Records (now Password Production)
from 2003. In 2011 he established
the Zdravo mladi festival of new
music in YCC, which will this year
see its 5th edition. Besides, he has
booked over 200 concerts as part
of the music programme at YCC.
Borja Močnik (alias Borka) is a DJ,
music critic, host of radio shows
(on national radio Val 202 and
Radio Študent), music producer
and promoter. He is A&R at record
label rx:tx, as music journalist and
critic he writes and cooperates with
weekly magazine Mladina, Radio
Študent and Odzven webzine. He is
a DJ with over 10 years’ experience
and part of the crew responsible
for Tetkine Radosti – series of
events and releases of remixes of
Yugo classics. He is also a member
of Jimmy Barka Experience.
Jarring Effects is a famous French
independent label for electronic
music influenced by everything from
dub to Hip-Hop. Today the Jarring
Effects collective is composed of
two entities with two different, but
complementary activities: After
Effects, an association for organising
concerts and Festivals (Riddim Collision) and concert production, and
Jarring Effects Label. Since 2001 the
label manager has been Mr. Mo, who
is also treasurer of CD1D (a platform
dedicated to alternative online music
distribution (physical and digital)
and president of FEPPRA (Federation of Editors and Phonographic
Producers in Rhône-Alpes). Since the
beginning, Mr. Mo promotes cultural
diversity for everyone, especially in
music, as a fundamental value and
as a way of ensuring social balance.
Vladica Mladenovski aka Grga (rojen
leta 1979 v Kumanovu, SFRJ) je
promotor in koncertni organizator,
ki od leta 2009 dela za Mladinski
kulturni center v Skopju (MKC
Skopje). Pred tem je bil od leta
2003 aktiven pri založbi Lithium
Records (zdaj Password Production). Leta 2011 je v okviru MKC-ja
ustanovil festival nove glasbe Zdravo
mladi, ki bo letos potekal že petič.
V okviru glasbenega programa MKC
je organiziral preko 200 koncertov.
Borja Močnik je didžej, glasbeni kritik, vodja radijskih oddaj
(na Valu 202 in Radiu Študent),
opremljevalec, glasbeni producent in organizator dogodkov. Je
programski vodja založbe rx:tx, kot
glasbeni novinar in kritik pa piše in
sodeluje z Mladino, Radiom Študent
in spletno revijo Odzven. Je didžej
z več kot desetletnimi izkušnjami,
ena tretjina ekipe, ki stoji za serijo
dogodkov in izdaj remiksanih jugo
klasik Tetkine Radosti. In je član
skupine Jimmy Barka Experience.
Jarring Effects je prepoznavna
francoska neodvisna založba za
pretežno elektronsko glasbo - z
najrazličnejšimi vplivi od duba
do hip-hopa. Dandanes je Jarring
Effects kolektiv sestavljen iz dveh
enot, ki imata ločeno, a dopolnjujočo
se dejavnost: After Effects skrbi je
združenje za organizacijo koncertov
in festivalov (Riddim Collision) in
produkcijo koncertov, Jarring Effects
pa opravlja delo založnika. Od leta
2001 je direktor založbe g. Mo, ki
sodeluje tudi pri platformi CD1D,
ki je namenjena nekoliko drugačni
spletni distribuciji glasbe (fizični in
digitalni), ter je predsednik združenja
FEPPRA (Združenje urednikov in
fonografskih producentov za regijo
Rhône-Alpes). Od samega začetka
Mr. Mo zastopa kulturno raznolikost
za vse, še posebej v glasbenem
svetu, kot ključno vrednoto in način
zagotavljanja ravnovesja v družbi.
MENT 2015
Zoran Marić
(INmusic Festival, HR)
Vedran Meniga
(Pozitivan ritam, HR)
Ivan Novak
(Laibach, SI)
Zoran Marić is director and founder
of INmusic festival and director
of the long-running world music
programme Multikultura in Croatia.
After years of experience as the programme director and organizer of
the Multikultura programme, Zoran
Marić founded the largest Croatian
open-air music festival, INmusic, in
2006. Inmusic will be celebrating
it's 10th anniversary in 2015 and has
so far welcomed some of the most
renowned musicians: The Black Keys,
Pixies, MGMT, Foals, Arctic Monkeys,
Jamiroquai, The Prodigy, New
Order, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds,
Morrissey, Iggy and the Stooges,
Franz Ferdinand, Arcade Fire, Sonic
Youth, Kraftwerk, Moby, Grinderman, Flaming Lips, Massive Attack,
Alice in Chains, LCD Soundsystem,
Morcheeba, Lily Allen, etc.
Artist, drummer, freelance journalist, DJ, promoter, publisher, party
animal, with 25 years actively on
the independent music scene.
Underground music enthusiast,
sound provider and positive lifestyle
supporter. Played with bands that
left traces in the region ( Nula,
Radikal Dub Kolektiv). Currently
he is Director of Pozitivan ritam,
a collective of friends and an ltd.
company that organizes festival and
clubbing events, incl. Seasplash –
one of the longest-standing Croatian
festivals, and is in partnership with
widely known Outlook/Dimensions
festivals. Besides event production,
Pozitivan ritam portfolio nowadays
includes: PR & booking agency,
transportation and audio/PA rental
services, Fort Punta Christo venue
and PDV Music Shop in Pula during
summer, Sirup venue in Zagreb, as
well as record label, merchandise
production and online store (PDV).
Born in 1958 in Trbovlje, Slovenia,
Yugoslavia. Member of Laibach
since 1980. The rest is not important.
Zoran Marić je direktor in ustanovitelj
festivala INmusic ter direktor dolgoletnega hrvaškega programa glasb
sveta Multikultura na Hrvaškem. Po
dolgoletnih izkušnjah kot programski
direktor in organizator programa
Multikultura je leta 2006 ustanovil
največji hrvaški glasbeni festival na
prostem – INmusic. Letos bo festival
praznoval svojo deseto obletnico,
do sedaj pa je gostil vrsto svetovno
priznanih glasbenikov: The Black
Keys, Pixies, MGMT, Foals, Arctic
Monkeys, Jamiroquai, The Prodigy,
New Order, Nick Cave and the Bad
Seeds, Morrissey, Iggy and the
Stooges, Franz Ferdinand, Arcade
Fire, Sonic Youth, Kraftwerk, Moby,
Grinderman, Flaming Lips, Massive
Attack, Alice in Chains, LCD Soundsystem, Morcheeba, Lily Allen itd.
Rojen leta 1958 v Trbovljah, Slovenija,
Jugoslavija. Od leta 1980 član zasedbe Laibach. Vse drugo ni pomembno.
Umetnik, bobnar, neodvisni novinar,
DJ, organizator, založnik, žurer, ki
je že 25 let aktiven na neodvisni
glasbeni sceni. Navdušenec za
underground glasbo in podpornik
pozitivnega življenjskega sloga. Bil
je član glasbenih skupin, ki so zaznamovale glasbeno sceno regije (Nula,
Radikal Dub Kolektiva). Trenutno je
direktor agencije Pozitivan ritam, ki
je hkrati kolektiv prijateljev in podjetje, ki organizira festivale in klubske
dogodke, med drugim tudi Seasplash – enega najstarejših hrvaških
festivalov, kot lokalni organizatorji pa
sodelujejo tudi s festivaloma Outlook
in Dimensions. Portfolio agencije
Pozitivan ritam poleg organizacije
dogodkov vključuje: agencijo za PR
& booking, izposojevalnico prevoznih
sredstev in ozvočenja, poletno prizorišče v trdnjavi Fort Punta Christo
in glasbeno trgovino PDV Music
Shop v Puli, klub Sirup v Zagrebu, pa
tudi glasbeno založbo, merchandising in spletno trgovino (PDV).
MENT 2015
Susi Ondrusova
(FM4, AT)
Jehan Paumero
(Believe Digital, FR/HU)
John Robb
(LouderThanWar, UK)
Born 1980 in Ostrava (Czech Rep),
living in Vienna since 1990. Going
to live shows since 1998 (favourite
spot: front or left side middle). In
love with festivals. 1st writing attempts for Skug. Currently working
as music editor for Radio Fm4.
Thinks that interviews are the best
format and radio the best medium.
Most precious work tools: pen,
earplugs & headphones. When in a
record shop always checking if they
have Slint’s “Spiderland” in stock.
Born in France where he organized gigs and festivals since the
age of 17, Jehan Paumero moved
to Hungary in 2003. In 2005 he
created a Booking Agency called
Fenetour, active until 2013, and
organizing Central European tours
for French and foreign bands. In
2009-2010 he worked for the European Capital of Culture (Pécs 2010)
as a supervisor of international
programmes. He joined Believe
Digital in 2013 as a label manager,
and is in charge of the Hungarian
and Central European markets. .
John Robb was rescued by punk
rock in the 70s. He put together
the influential post punk band the
Membranes and went on to be one
of the leading UK music writers of
his generation, being the first to
interview bands like Stone Roses
and Nirvana as well as making up
the term Britpop. He then formed
another band Goldblade and
tours the world with them or the
Membranes and also writes books
on punk rock and music culture. He
is currently writing the definitive
book on post punk and goth culture
and readying the first Membranes
album for 25 years for release and is
the boss of one of the leading music
culture websites Louder Than War.
Ondrusova je rojena leta 1980 v
Ostravi na Češkem, od leta 1990
pa živi na Dunaju. Na koncerte
hodi od leta ‘98 (najljubša pozicija:
spredaj ali levo nekje na sredini).
Zaljubljena je v festivale. Trenutno
je glasbena urednica na radiu Fm4.
Verjame, da so intervjuji najboljši
format, ter da je radio najboljši
medij. Najdragocenejše delovno
orodje: pisalo, čepki za ušesa &
slušalke. V trgovinah s ploščami
vedno preveri, če imajo na zalogi
Spiderland ameriške zasedbe Slint.
Jehan se je rodil v Franciji, kjer je
organiziral koncerte in festivale
od svojega 17 leta. Leta 2003 se
je preselil na Madžarsko, kjer je
leta 2005 osnoval agencijo za
organizacijo koncertov Fenetour, ki
je obstajala do leta 2013, in v njenem
okviru organiziral turneje po srednji
Evropi -za francoske in tuje zasedbe.
Leta 2013 se je pridružil digitalnemu
distributerju Believe Digital, kjer
je kot vodja založb zadolžen za
madžarski in srednjeevropski trg.
Johna Robba je v sedemdesetih rešil
punk rock. Sestavil je vplivni post
punk bend the Membranes in postal
eden vodilnih britanskih piscev
svoje generacije. Kot prvi je opravil
intervjuje z bendi kot sta na primer
Stone Roses in Nirvana, poleg tega
je skoval termin Britpop. Kasneje je
ustanovil še zasedbo Goldblade in
zdaj z njimi ali pa z the Membranes
koncertira po svetu ter piše knjige o
punk rocku in glasbeni kulturi. Trenutno piše knjigo o post punku in goth
kulturi, pripravlja prvi album zasedbe
the Membranes po 25 letih ter vodi
enega vodilnih spletnih portalov za
glasbeno kulturo Louder Than War.
MENT 2015
Cor Schlösser
(Melkweg, NL)
Branko Skendžić
(Deezer, HR)
Andrej Sevšek
(Punk Rock Holiday, SI)
Cor Schlösser is the founder and was
for more than 40 years general and
artistic director of the famous Amsterdam live music venue Melkweg.
During his years at the Melkweg he
constantly managed to enlarge and
improve the venue. Since he left
his position in the Melkweg in 2011,
he has worked as an independent
consultant for music and arts. He
is also a board member at several
Dutch music festivals. He was also a
founding member of the Dutch pop
music institute and was involved in
promoting Dutch artists abroad. He
visited numerous showcase festivals
all over the world and is present
and active as discussion leader at
the Eurosonic/Noorderslag festival
every year. For three years he has
been living between Budapest
and Amsterdam. In Budapest he is
advisor for the international music
programming of the A38 ship.
Born in 1980, Zagreb, Croatia.
Worked as a freelance designer for
a few years until he settled down
in Croatian Telecom, where he
worked for 7 years. There he started
as an editor of Fonoteka, the first
Croatian legal music download
service. Beside that, he was a project
manager and content acquisition
manager until he left the company
and joined Deezer in October 2014.
Currently, he works as a key account
manager for Balkans. Young father
of one and a drummer of two: (The)
Lesser Men and Moody Brooders.
Born in 1977 in Trbovlje, Slovenia,
and has lived in Ljubljana since
1997. Andrej is promoter at Gala
Hala venue, president of KAPA,
association for cultural and artistic
production, and founder of record
label KAPA Records. In 2011 he
founded Punk Rock Holiday festival,
situated on a beautiful location near
the river Soča in Tolmin, and he
has been its promoter ever since.
Cor Schlösser je ustanovitelj slavnega amsterdamskega koncertnega
prizorišča Melkweg, kje je bil več kot
40 let generalni in umetniški direktor. V vseh teh letih mu je nenehno
uspevalo povečevati in izboljševati
prizorišče. Odkar je leta 2011 zapustil
svojo funkcijo, dela kot samostojni
svetovalec za področje glasbe in
umetnosti. Je tudi član uprave
številnih nizozemskih glasbenih festivaliov. Schlösser je tudi ustanovni
član nizozemskega inštituta za pop
glasbo, sodeloval je pri promociji
nizozemskih glasbenikov v tujini.
Obiskal je številne showcase festivale
po vsem svetu, vsako leto pa se
udeleži festivala Eurosonic Noorderslag, kjer aktivno sodeluje kot vodja
razprav. Zadnja tri leta živi nekje
med Budimpešto in Amsterdamom.
V Budimpešti dela kot svetovalec za
mednarodni glasbeni program na
koncertnem prizorišču na ladji A38.
Rojen v Zagrebu leta 1980. Nekaj let
je delal kot neodvisni oblikovalec,
potem pa se je ustalil v Hrvaškem Telekomu, kjer je delal 7 let. Bil je urednik Fonoteke, prve hrvaške legalne
platforme za prenašanje glasbe.
Poleg tega je bil tudi vodja projektov
in vodja za pridobivanje vsebin, dokler ni oktobra 2014 zapustil podjetja
in se pridružil Deezerju. Trenutno je
tam ključni skrbnik strank za Balkan.
Mladi oče enega in bobnar dveh:
(The) Lesser Men in Moody Brooders.
Rojen leta 1977 v Trbovljah, od
leta 1997 živi v Ljubljani. Andrej je
koncertni organizator v Gala Hali,
predsednik Društva za kulturno in
umetniško produkcijo KAPA ter
ustanovitelj glasbene založbe KAPA
Records. Leta 2011 je zagnal festival
Punk Rock Holiday, ki se odvija na
čudoviti lokaciji ob Soči v Tolminu.
MENT 2015
Reinhold Seyfriedsberger
(Ink Music, AT)
Helen Sildna
(Tallinn Music Week, EE)
Mate Škugor
(Žedno Uho, HR)
Booking agent and promoter with a
strong focus on "Central and Eastern
Europe". After being a festival
promoter (cap 3000) for 6 years,
he joined Ink Music from Vienna in
2008. Ink Music books and promotes
around 500 shows for over 50 artists
annually. Their shows and co-operations have been realized all over
Europe and beyond. For a few years
he has been reaching out intensely
to more territories around Austria.
He also booked shows in the Baltics,
Russia, Ukraine, the Balkans, Korea
etc. Beside that he used to work as
official booking partner for Waves
Vienna, curator of various concert
series in Vienna, frequent tour
manager and showcase festival attendee. Some artists he worked with
in the last years: Thurston Moore,
Future Islands, Nada Surf, Suuns,
Dead Prez, Elektro Guzzi, MØ, Jamie
Woon, Shellac and many more.
Helen has been a music promoter
and events producer for 14 years. In
2009 she established her own music
promotion company Musiccase,
which promoted Morrissey, Air,
Sigur Ros, Patti Smith, Feist, Swans,
etc. Helen is the founder and owner
of Tallinn Music Week, an annual
talent showcase festival and music
industry conference existing since
2009, that has grown into one of the
biggest festivals of its kind in the
Baltic-Nordic region, hosting around
200 artists of different genres and
nationalities, around 800 notable
industry professionals and over
20000 festival visitors. Helen is a
board member of Music Estonia,
Estonian Culture Council. In 2014
Helen was awarded the Tampere
Music Award at Music & Media Finland’s industry gala for Exceptional
Achievements in Music Business.
Born in 1972 in Šibenik where his life
and musical journey began. 39 years
later he came back to his hometown
to start Terraneo Festival and in 2014
he came again with the brand new
SuperUho Festival. In the meantime
he graduated on the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in
Zagreb. While studying he started
to promote music in the KSET club,
which is the part of the same faculty
and where many great bands performed from 1997 until 2006 when
he moved to the Student Centre
Zagreb where he became director of
the music programme and got the
chance to promote music in 5 different venues. Since 2010 he has been
fully independent. Beside Žedno
Uho Festival he has been organizing
in Zagreb since year 2000, and
SuperUho Festival which he started
in 2014, he is also Croatian promoter
for Electronic Beats Festival.
Booking agent in organizator
koncertov, ki je usmerjen zlasti v
srednjo in vzhodno Evropo. Po
šestih letih organizacije festivalov
(kapacitete 3000) se je leta 2008
pridružil dunajski agenciji Ink
Music, kjer vsako leto bookirajo in
organizirajo približno 500 koncertov
za več kot 50 glasbenikov. Koncerte
in druge projekte kot soorganizatorji realizirajo povsod po Evropi in
tudi izven nje. Reinhold že vrsto let
intenzivno deluje na območju okrog
Avstrije, poleg tega pa je koncerte
bookiral tudi v baltskih državah,
Rusiji, Ukrajini, na Balkanu, v Koreji,
itd. Bil je tudi uradni booking partner
za festival Waves Vienna, kurator
za več nizov koncertov na Dunaju,
pogosto je tudi tour manager in
redni udeleženec showcase festivalov. V zadnjih letih je med drugim
sodeloval z naslednjimi glasbeniki:
Thurston Moore, Future Islands,
Nada Surf, Suuns, Dead Prez, Elektro
Guzzi, MØ, Jamie Woon in Shellac.
Helen je že 14 let organizatorka
koncertov in producentka dogodkov.
Leta 2009 je ustanovila koncertno
agencijo Musiccase, ki je organizirala koncerte glasbenikov, kot
so Morrissey, Air, Sigur Ros, Patti
Smith, Feist, Swans, če jih omenimo
le nekaj. Helen je ustanoviteljica
in lastnica Tallinn Music Weeka,
vsakoletnega showcase festivala
in konference glasbene industrije,
ki obstaja od leta 2009 in je že
prerasel v enega največjih tovrstnih
festivalov v baltsko-nordijski regiji,
saj gosti okrog 200 glasbenih skupin
in ustvarjalcev različnih žanrov in
narodnosti, okrog 800 uglednih
strokovnjakov iz glasbene industrije
ter preko 20.000 obiskovalcev.
Helen Sildna je članica odbora v
organizacijah Music Estonia, Estonian
Culture Council. Leta 2014 je prejela
Tampere Music Award za posebne
dosežke v glasbeni industriji, ki so
jo podelili na svečanosti v okviru
konference Music & Media Finland.
Rojen leta 1972 v obalnem mestu
Šibenik, kjer se je začela njegova
življenjska in glasbena pot. 39 let
pozneje se je vrnil v domači kraj in
zasnoval festival Terraneo, leta 2014
pa se je ponovno vrnil s povsem
novim festivalom SuperUho. Vmes
je diplomiral na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko in računalništvo v Zagrebu.
Med študijem se je začel ukvarjati z
organizacijo koncertov v klubu KSET,
ki je del iste fakultete. Med letoma
1997 in 2006 je tam nastopilo precej
izvrstnih glasbenih ustvarjalcev,
potem pa je Škugor odšel v zagrebški Študentski center, kjer je postal
direktor glasbenega programa in
dobil možnost organizacije koncertov na petih različnih prizoriščih. Od
leta 2010 deluje povsem samostojno.
Poleg festivala Žedno Uho, ki ga
od leta 2000 organizira v Zagrebu,
ter festivala SuperUho v Šibeniku,
je tudi lokalni organizator festivala
Electronic Beats na Hrvaškem.
MENT 2015
Tom Tanzer
(Manu Delago, AT)
Malte Tarnow
(Project Mooncircle, DE)
Trond Tornes
(Phonofile, NO)
Tom Tanzer manages international
music acts like Manu Delago and
works as A&R for the Viennese
based label Session Work Records
which focuses on new & contemporary music from Austria.
Beside that he is chairman of the
club Propolis based in Innsbruck/
Austria, mainly supporting local
music, theatre acts and other arts.
Malte joined the Project Mooncircle
crew in 2010 and has since been able
to learn a lot, taking over the musicplatform Finest Ego shortly after
and influencing the label’s direction
creatively, assuming responsibility
and rounding up releases with his
writing. He also delved into radio
and hosts the monthly „Finest Ego“
show on BLN.FM as well as having
done specials on RBMA and Flux.
fm, while soon transitioning to NTS
London. Besides occasional and
heartfelt DJ guestmixes, this lets him
express his passion for a wide range
of music. Recently he has managed
to further entrench himself in the
music industry, now also working
for Ninja Tune and their international social media appearance.
Trond Tornes is Marketing Manager
of Phonofile with experience from
international promoting/booking of
artists, artist management and was
active in startups and telecom before
getting into digital music distribution in 2003. Phonofile (since 1999)
is a pioneer within digital music
and the biggest digital distributor
for music from independent record
companies in the Nordic countries –
the leading digital music market in
the world. Phonofile distribute music
not only from the Nordics but also
from labels with offices in Europe,
US, UK and also from the African
continent. The music is delivered by
Phonofile to all of the bigger music
stores as well as to niche online
music stores. By genre the Phonofile
catalogue varies from punk and
metal to classical and contemporary
via jazz and electronic music.
Tom je manager mednarodnih
glasbenih ustvarjalcev kakršen je
Manu Delago ter A&R na dunajski
glasbeni založbi Session Work
Records, ki se osredotoča na
avstrijsko novo in sodobno godbo.
Poleg tega je predsednik kluba
Propolis iz Innsbrucka, kjer večinoma
podpirajo lokalno glasbo, gledališke
projekte in druge vrste umetnosti.
Malte Tarnow se je ekipi Project
Mooncircle pridružil leta 2010 in
od tedaj z neverjetno hitrostjo
vpija znanje in hitro napreduje. Zelo
hitro je prevzel glasbeno platformo
Finest Ego ter začel vplivati na
samo vodenje založbe, prevzemati
odgovorne naloge in pisati spremna
besedila ob izidih plošč. Poleg tega
se je vrgel v radijski svet in trenutno
na postaji BLN.FM enkrat mesečno
vodi oddajo Finest Ego, pripravlja
pa tudi posebne oddaje na postajah
RBMA in Flux.fm, kmalu pa odhaja
tudi na NTS London. Poleg svojih
občasnih DJ nastopov lahko tudi
na ta način izraža svojo strast do
širokega razpona glasbe. Malte se
je pred kratkim še močneje vključil
v glasbeno industrijo, saj zdaj
sodeluje tudi z založbo Ninja Tune,
in sicer na področju mednarodne
pojavnosti v družabnih medijih.
Trond Tornes je direktor marketinga
v agenciji Phonofile, ki ima bogate
izkušnje z glasbenim managementom ter z organizacijo in bookingom
mednarodnih koncertov. Preden
se je leta 2003 podal v distribucijo
digitalne glasbe je bil aktiven tudi na
področju startupov in telekoma. Phonofile, ki deluje od leta 1999, je pionirsko podjetje na področju digitalne
glasbe in največji digitalni distributer
za glasbo neodvisnih založb v
skandinavskih državah – ki je vodilni
digitalni glasbeni trg na svetu. Poleg
glasbe iz skandinavskih držav skrbijo
tudi za digitalno distribucijo založb
iz Evrope, ZDA in Velike Britanije,
pa tudi iz Afrike. Njihov katalog je
žanrsko raznolik, saj se giblje od
punka in metala do klasike in sodobne glasbe ter jazza in elektronike.
MENT 2015
Roman Trystram
Hadas Vanunu
(International music
showcase festival / Menashe
forest festival, IL)
Roman Trystram is a Music Agent at
leading entertainment and sports
agency Creative Artists Agency
(CAA). Roman works in the London
office and represents many of the
world’s leading artists, including
Anabel Englund (Hot Natured), Big
Gigantic, Flight Facilities, Gramatik,
GRiZ, Holy Ghost!, ODESZA, Oliver
Heldens, RAC, RÜFÜS, Submotion Orchestra and Zero 7, among
others. With more than 20 years in
the industry, Roman joined CAA in
2012 from Three Six Zero Group,
where he represented Swedish
House Mafia, Alesso and Disclosure.
Previously, Roman worked at CODA
Music Agency representing acts
such as Avicii, Disclosure, Daniel
Avery and DJ Hell and was also
part of Nettwerk:Ornadel, a joint
venture between Nettwerk and
Ornadel Management, developing electronic acts & touring with
artists such as Tiesto & Sasha.
Roman Trystram je glasbeni agent v
vodilni agenciji za področje zabave
in športa Creative Artists Agency
(CAA). Roman dela v londonski
pisarni in zastopa mnoge vodilne
svetovne glasbenike, kot so Anabel
Englund (Hot Natured), Big Gigantic,
Flight Facilities, Gramatik, GRiZ, Holy
Ghost!, ODESZA, Oliver Heldens,
RAC, RÜFÜS, Submotion Orchestra
in Zero 7. Trystram, ki je v glasbeni
industriji aktiven že več kot 20 let,
je leta 2012 v CAA prišel iz agencije
Three Six Zero Group, kjer je zastopal
zasedbe Swedish House Mafia,
Alesso in Disclosure. Pred tem je
delal v glasbeni agenciji CODA, kjer
je zastopal glasbenike, kot so Avicii,
Disclosure, Daniel Avery in DJ Hell,
sodeloval pa je tudi pri projektu
Nettwerk:Ornadel, ki sta ga skupaj
zasnovala Nettwerk in Ornadel Management z namenom razvoja elektronske glasbe in organizacije turnej
za imena, kot so Tiesto & Sasha.
Hadas has been involved with the
music industry in Israel for over 12
years. She started off as the manager
and artistic director of one of the
biggest and most famous music
clubs in Israel called The Yellow
Submarine, which also operates as
a music centre for developing music
projects and musicians. For the last 5
years she has produced the International Music Showcase Festival – an
annual two week-long festival that
showcases local artists from genres
such as rock, indie, electronic, jazz,
and world music. Hadas is also the
producer and artistic director of the
Yearot Menashe Festival – Israel’s
largest outdoor art and music festival (music, dance, theatre), which is
set in the beautiful forests of North
Israel. Recently, Hadas has also
worked with the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs towards exporting Israeli music, and creating new collaborations
with the international music industry.
Hadas je aktivna v glasbeni industriji
v Izraelu že preko 12 let. Začela je kot
managerka in umetniški vodja enega
največjih in najbolj poznanih klubov v
Izraelu – The Yellow Submarine, ki je
hkrati tudi glasbeni center za razvoj
glasbenih projektov in glasbenikov.
Zadnjih 5 let organizira International
Music Showcase Festival – vsakoletni
dvotedenski showcase festival za
predstavitev lokalnikh glasbenikov
iz rock, indie, elektronskih, jazz in
world music sveta. Hadas je tudi
organizatorka in umetniški vodja Yearot Menashe Festivala – največjega
izraelskega open-air glasbenega in
umetniškega festivala (glasba, ples,
gledališče), ki se odvija v čudovitem gozdu v severnem Izraelu.
Od nedavno Hadas sodeluje tudi z
Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve pri
plasiranju izraelske glasbe v tujino
ter ustvarjanju novih sodelovanj z
mednarodno glasbeno industrijo.
Igor Vidmar
(ŠKUC Ropot, SI)
Started promoting domestic punk
bands in 1978 to showcase the
exploding scene, also via independent Radio Študent DJing, producing
record releases (the first Yugo punk
bands, Pankrti, Laibach et al.) and
concert promotion for Študent
Cultural Centre and later through his
company Ropot. His first international show were Siuxsie & The
Banshees in 1981. He helped set up
the first punk/new wave Novi rock
festival (1981–2000). He promoted
Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Sex Pistols,
Metallica, Pearl Jam, Lou Reed,
Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, Kraftwerk, Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds,
Pixies, Rammstein, Sonic Youth…,
as well as many club shows. He has
a regular radio show on national
radio Val 202 and political columns
on Radio Študent and RTV Slovenia.
ILMC attendee from 1989 to 2006.
Leta 1978 je začel promovirati
slovenske punk bende, da bi pokazal,
kako je scena na tem, da jo raznese.
To je počel tudi kot neodvisni DJ na
Radiu Študent, producent albumov
(prvi jugoslovanski punk bendi,
Pankrti, Laibach idr.) ter organizator
koncertov v okviru Študentskega
kulturnega centra in pozneje prek
lastnega podjetja Ropot. Njegov prvi
mednarodni koncert so bili Siuxsie
& The Banshees leta 1981. Pomagal
je vzpostaviti prvi punk/new wave
festival Novi rock (1981–2000). Organiziral je koncerte za skupine kot so
Bob Dylan, David Bowie, Sex Pistols,
Metallica, Pearl Jam, Lou Reed, Public Enemy, Beastie Boys, Kraftwerk,
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Pixies,
Rammstein, Sonic Youth … pa tudi
številne klubske nastope. Ima redno
oddajo na radiu Val 202 (Drugi
val) ter politične kolumne na Radiu
Študent in na RTV Slovenija (Studio
City). V letih 1989 do 2006 se je
redno udeleževal festivala ILMC (International Live Music Conference).
MENT 2015
Codruta Vulcu
(ARTmania, RO)
Guna ZuČika
(Carnival Youth / Brainstorm, LV)
Codruta Vulcu is the founder and
festival director of ARTmania
Festival, one of Romania´s most
established events with its 10th edition scheduled for 2015, promoting
mainly rock & metal acts. In 2014 the
Blaj aLive Festival was launched with
a focus on alternative and electronic
music. In 2005 she established the
cultural platform ARTmania under
the slogan “Where art & entertainment meet”. From 2005 onwards
ARTmania organized shows of
bands such as: Nightwish, HIM,
Serj Tankian, Within Temptation,
Die Toten Hosen, Jon Lord, Jethro
Tull, Tarja Turunen, Matthias Meyer,
Kenny Larkin, 65daysofstatic,etc,
either as standalone events or part
of festivals. In 2007, when Sibiu was
the European Capital of Culture,
ARTmania organized the closing
ceremonies in the Large Square of
the city hosting performances of
Europe, Reamonn and Groupe F.
Guna Zučika entered music industry
in Latvia in 1999 and soon ended up
in the team behind the Latvian band
Brainstorm, which is Latvia’s most
successful band for a decade. Her
career has grown with the band’s
success and she secured them a support slot on REM’s 2005 European
tour, to play Glastonbury Festival in
2013, etc. In 2006 Guna was Talent
and Music Manager at the newly
opened MTV Baltic. In 2007 she
was chosen as a finalist from Latvia
for British Council Young Music
Entrepreneur of The Year Award.
In 2008 she received MA degree
in Music Business Management
from The University of Westminster
in London. Since 2013 Guna has
been managing Latvia's new band
Carnival Youth that has already
played European showcase festivals
like The Great Escape, Reeperbahn
Festival, Waves Vienna, etc.
Codruta je ustanoviteljica in
direktorica festivala ARTmania,
ki je z deseto edicijo v letu 2015
eden najpomembnejših festivalskih
dogodkov v Romuniji in je usmerjen
bolj v rock in metal zvrsti. Leta 2014
je soosnovala festival Blaj aLive
Festival, ki pa se osredotoča bolj na
alternativno in elektronsko glasbo.
Leta 2005 je Codruta pod sloganom
»Kjer se srečata umetnost in zabava«
ustanovila kulturno platformo
ARTmania. Od tedaj so organizirali
koncerte zasedb kot so Nightwish,
HIM, Serj Tankian, Within Temptation, Die Toten Hosen, Jon Lord,
Jethro Tull, Tarja Turunen, Matthias
Meyer, Kenny Larkin, 65daysofstatic
itd., bodisi kot samostojne dogodke
ali kot del festivalov. Leta 2007, ko
je bil Sibiu evropska prestolnica
kulture, je ARTmania organizirala
zaključne slovesnosti na Velikem
trgu, v okviru katerih so nastopili
tudi Europe, Reamonn in Groupe F.
Guna se je glasbeni industriji priključila leta 1999 in se kmalu znašla v
podporni ekipi skupine BrainStorm,
ki že desetletje velja za najuspešnejšo latvijsko zasedbo. Skupaj z njihovim uspehom je napredovala tudi
njena kariera, med njenimi najbolj
odmevnimi dosežki pa so bili mesto
predskupine na evropski turneji REM
leta 2005, sodelovanje s svetovno
znanim fotografom Antonon Corbijnom in nastop na festivalu Glastonbury leta 2013. Guna je bila leta 2006
Talent & Music Manager na tedaj
ustanovljeni MTV Baltic. Leta 2007
so jo izbrali za latvijsko finalistko v
izboru za nagrado British Councila za
mladega podjetnika leta na področju
glasbe. Leta 2008 je na Westminsterski univerzi v Londonu pridobila
magisterij iz glasbenega managementa. Od leta 2013 je Guna Zučika
managerka mladega latvijskega
benda Carnival Youth, ki je že nastopal na evropskih showcase festivalih,
kot so The Great Escape, Reeperbahn, Waves Vienna in Eurosonic.
MENT 2015
A unique concept of a showcase festival and a conference spanning the
two closest european capitals – Bratislava and Vienna – cities just a
stone throw away from each other.
• FREE transfer from Vienna to Bratislava on Friday (3rd)
• Full festival and conference access for 4 days / both cities
• PRIORITY access to all festival venues for 4 days / both cities
music goes
— Matjaž Manček
Slovenia is one of the youngest states in Europe. Gaining independence only in 1991, it has a
long history of political and cultural influences,
hegemonies, occupations and struggles for the
recognition of its nation, state, culture and language. Culture has always played a leading role
in pushing the Slovenian nation towards development in all areas, with the country's writers,
poets, architects and musicians carving the future of its national identity and independence. Its
transitory geo-political position on the border
between the Balkans and “old Europe”, at the
cross section of Slavic, German, Italian and Hungarian cultures, creates great cultural diversity,
and the fact that the capitol Ljubljana lies just an
hour's drive away from the neighbouring countries, turn numerous small-market disadvantages into strategic advantages and provide a great opportunity for touring artists.
In fact, popular music in Slovenia had a major
impact on the social and political changes in the
1980s. Slovenian punk, new wave and industrial
music pioneers, synchronized with the international currents of new music during that period,
shook up society and helped loosen the stiff embrace of the communist regime. During this time
Slovenian music avant-garde gained international recognition, with provocative industrial conceptualists Laibach becoming one of Mute Records' flagships, and with Borghesia, alongside
Belgian peers Front 242, pioneering the “electronic body music" genre.
After independence, the homeland shrunk from
Yugoslavia to Slovenia and the domestic market
shrunk from 24 million to 2 million people. Before its independence, Slovenia actually had two
different foreign markets. The understanding of
the Slovenian language was limited to the Slovenian audience, so in order to gain recognition
in the entire Yugoslavian territory, the majority
of Slovenian artists who were building up an audience in Yugoslavia were writing all or at least
part of their lyrics in Serbo-Croatian, such as for
example the 1970s progressive rock band Buldožer, alternative rockers Demolition Group and
synth-pop band Videosex in the 1980s, while
Don’t forget to check out
the compilation Slovenian
moMENT 2015 at:
ment.si/compilation or at
MENT 2015
crossover group Miladojka Youneed decided to
use their own “Esperanto” to bypass the language dilemma. After the break-up of Yugoslavia,
the music market's ties with the rest of the former country were mostly severed for nearly a
decade. Therefore, Slovenian bands started to
look for more opportunities in Europe and beyond. Bands that toured and gained significant
recognition in the European territory included
post-hardcore outfit 2227, alternative rockers
Psycho-Path (whose former members are today
playing in the band Werefox) and ska-punks Elvis Jackson, while garage rockers Dicky B. Hardy
and Hic Et Nunc carried out two successful joint
U.S. Tours.
Meanwhile, the annual Novi Rock festival, important for boosting local music production by
showcasing new alternative local and regional
music talents since 1981, promoting them together with international stars like The Smashing
Pumpkins, The Verve, Rocket From The Crypt
and others, ended its mission on its 20th anniversary in 2000. In the first decade of the new
millennium, the independent media institution Radio Študent took over the mission of Novi
Rock with its project Klubski Maraton, which aimed to showcase new talent and improve their
touring options. Among these up-and-comers,
noir-pop groups Melodrom and Silence, electro-rock-hip-hop band Moveknowledgement
(featuring MC N’Toko), lo-fi synth-pop duo New
Wave Syria, indie rockers Barely Modern and
noise rockers Nikki Louder played various international festivals and tours. Metal band Noctiferia has achieved success in the European metal market, touring with bands like Mayhem, In
Flames and others. On the world music scene,
considerable international attention was given
to the following Slovenian acts: Terra Folk (BBC
World Music Audience Award Winners 2003),
Katalena, Brina and Katarina Juvančič.
The Slovenian independent recorded music market, which shared in the “post-Nirvana” boom
effect of the 1990s, was able to give more support to new talents in those times, but was
heavily affected by the era of downloading.
Record labels also minimized support for upcoming local artists, leaving them mostly in the
DIY/self-release sphere. The live music market,
however, has seen some positive trends in the
first decade of the new millennium. More and
more international bands have been putting Slovenia on their touring plans, in part due to bureaucratic costs and paperwork being minimised after EU accession, and in part also due to a
number of new concert facilities.
From the Slovenian pop scene, the singer Magnifico managed to catch the wave of the “Balkan beats” hype in Europe and has been increasing his sales and fanbase across Europe,
especially on the Italian and German markets.
The electronic scene in Slovenia has been vivid
and productive since the early 1990s, especially with Detroit and Berlin influenced techno
getting international recognition with artists
such as Random Logic, Octex and especially DJ
Umek, who is becoming one of the biggest stars
of the global EDM scene. Of the younger generation, USA-based Slovenian soul-hip-hop producer Gramatik is building a huge following around
the world, and a new creative bunch of promising electronic producers is being incubated by
avant-garde electronic music label rx:tx.
In the last decade, Slovenia has faced the needs
and challenges of developMENT with ups and
downs; from joining the EU and being one of its
prodigy children, to the current socio-economic
turbulence that is testing the soundness, patience and strength of the Slovenian people. Naturally, the music scene is sharing in the ups and
downs of its environment and as history tells us,
creativity and bold artistic projects always flourish most when times are tough. We are confident that the artists selected to present the
Slovenian scene at the first edition of MENT Ljubljana reflect this fact in the best possible way
and show that contemporary Slovenian music
production is riding an upward wave and, along
with other young, bold, inventive, creative people, is pushing our society towards decisive improveMENT once again!
MENT 2015
Slovenija je ena najmlajših držav v Evropi. Osamosvojila se je šele leta 1991 in ima dolgo zgodovino političnih in kulturnih vplivov, hegemonij,
okupacij in bojev za priznanje svojega naroda,
države, kulture in jezika. Kultura je vedno imela
vodilno vlogo pri spodbujanju razvoja slovenskega naroda na vseh področjih, saj so slovenski pisatelji, pesniki, arhitekti in glasbeniki gradili prihodnost slovenske narodne identitete in
neodvisnosti države. Njen prehodni geopolitični
položaj na meji med Balkanom in "staro Evropo", na preseku slovanske, nemške, italijanske
in madžarske kulture, je ustvaril veliko kulturno
raznolikost. Dejstvo, da se slovenska prestolnica,
Ljubljana, nahaja le uro vožnje od sosednjih držav, pretvori številne tržne pomanjkljivosti majhnosti v strateške prednosti in predstavlja veliko
priložnost za glasbenike na turneji.
— Matjaž Manček
Pravzaprav je popularna glasba v Sloveniji imela
velik vpliv na družbene in politične spremembe
v 80. letih. Pionirji slovenskega panka (Pankrti,
O'Kult, Otroci socializma,...), novega vala in industrijske glasbe so bili v toku z mednarodnimi
trendi nove glasbe v tem obdobju in so predramili družbo ter pomagali zrahljati togi objem
komunističnega režima. V tem času je slovenska
glasbena avantgarda pridobila mednarodno priznanje; provokativni industrijski konceptualisti
Laibach so se prebili med paradne konje založbe
Mute Records, medtem ko je zasedba Borghesia,
skupaj z belgijskimi Front 242, pomagala definirati "electronic body music" žanr.
Po osamosvojitvi se je domovina skrčila z Jugoslavije na Slovenijo, domači trg pa se je skrčil s
24 milijonov ljudi na samo 2 milijona. Pred osamosvojitvijo je Slovenija dejansko imela dva različna tuja trga. Razumevanje slovenskega jezika
je bilo omejeno na slovensko občinstvo, tako da
je večina slovenskih umetnikov, ki je gradila občinstvo po celotni Jugoslaviji, besedila delno ali
v celoti pisala v srbohrvaškem jeziku. V to skupino spadajo progresivni rock ansambel Buldožer,
alternativni rokerji Demolition Group in synth-pop bend Videosex v 80-ih, medtem ko je crossover skupina Miladojka Youneed dilemi izognila
z uporabo lastnega "esperanta". Po razpadu Ju-
Ne pozabite preveriti kompilacije
Slovenian moMENT 2015 na:
ment.si/compilation ali
MENT 2015
goslavije so se vezi z ostalimi nekdanjimi članicami na glasbenem trgu večinoma pretrgale za
skoraj desetletje. Slovenski bendi so tako začeli
iskati več priložnosti v Evropi in izven nje. Med
bende, ki so doživeli uspeh na evropskem ozemlju, spadajo post-hardcore skupina 2227, alternativni roker Psycho-Path (čigar nekdanji člani
danes igrajo v zasedbi Werefox) in ska-panker
Elvis Jackson, medtem ko sta garažna rokerja
Dicky B. Hardy in Hic Et Nunc izvedla dve uspešni skupni turneji po ZDA.
Medtem pa je na svoji 20-letnici leta 2000 svoje
poslanstvo končal vsakoletni festival Novi Rock,
ki je s predstavljanjem novih alternativnih domačih in regionalnih glasbenih talentov vse od
leta 1981 imel pomembno vlogo pri spodbujanju domače glasbe. Predstavljal jo je skupaj z
mednarodnimi zvezdami, kot so The Smashing
Pumpkins, The Verve, Rocket From The Crypt
in mnogimi drugimi. V prvem desetletju novega
tisočletja je neodvisna medijska ustanova Radio Študent prevzela poslanstvo Novega Rocka
s svojim projektom Klubski Maraton, katerega
cilj je spodbujanje novih talentov in izboljšanje njihovih turnejskih priložnosti. Med novinci,
ki so nastopili na več mednarodnih festivalih in
turnejah, velja izpostaviti noir-pop skupini Melodrom in Silence, elektro-rock-hip-hop bend Moveknowledgement (član katerega je MC N'Toko),
lo-fi synth-pop duo New Wave Syria, indie rokerje Barely Modern in nojz rokerje Nikki Louder. Metal zasedba Noctiferia je dosegla uspeh
na evropski metal sceni in igrala na turnejah z
bendi, kot so Mayhem, In Flames in drugimi. Na
»world music« prizorišču mednarodno pojavnost in prepoznavnost dosegajo izvajalci kot so:
Terra Folk (zmagovalec BBC World Music Audience Award 2003), Katalena, Brina, Katarina Juvančič in drugi.
tju novega tisočletja priča nekaterim pozitivnim
trendom. Vse več glasbenih skupin vključuje Slovenijo v svoje turneje, delno zaradi odprave birokratskih in administrativnih stroškov po vstopu v EU, deloma pa tudi zaradi novih koncertnih
Pop avtorju Magnificu je uspelo ujeti val popularnosti "balkanskih ritmov" v Evropi, saj njegova priljubljenost in prodaja plošč vztrajno naraščata po celi Evropi, predvsem na italijanskem in
nemškem trgu. Elektronska scena v Sloveniji je
živahna in produktivna že od zgodnjih 90. let, s
poudarkom na zvokih berlinske in detroitske techno scene. Mednarodni sloves je pridobila z didžeji, kot so Random Logic, Octex in predvsem
DJ Umek, ki je en največjih aktualnih zvezdnikov
globalne elektronske plesne glasbe (EDM). Kar
se tiče mlajše generacije, slovenski proizvajalec
soul-hip-hopa Gramatik pospešeno gradi zvesto
občinstvo po celem svetu, avantgardna glasbena založba rx:tx iz Ljubljane pa goji številne obetavne producente elektronske glasbe.
V zadnjem desetletju se je Slovenija soočila s
potrebami in izzivi razvoja z vzponi in padci; od
vstopa v EU in vloge čudežnega otroka, do trenutnih družbeno-gospodarskih pretresov, ki so
na preizkušnjo postavili trdnost, potrpežljivost in
moč slovenskega naroda. Seveda tudi glasbena
scena deli te vzpone in padce in če smo se kaj
naučili iz zgodovine, je to, da ustvarjalnost in drzni umetniški projekti cvetijo najbolj, ko so časi
težki. Prepričani smo, da glasbeniki, ki so bili izbrani, da predstavljajo slovensko sceno na prvi
izdaji festivala MENT Ljubljana, odražajo to dejstvo na najboljši možni način, in dokazujejo, da
je sodobna slovenska glasba v vzponu ter skupaj
z drugimi mladimi, drznimi, domiselnimi, ustvarjalnimi posamezniki vodi našo družbo k novemu
Slovenski neodvisni glasbeni trg, ki je bil del
"post-Nirvana" buma v 90-ih, je lahko nudil več
podpore novim talentom, a ga je doba piratstva
močno prizadela. Založbe so prav tako zmanjšale podporo novim domačim umetnikom, ki so
bili tako potisnjeni v “naredi sam” sfero. Kljub
temu je bila koncertna scena v prvem desetle-
MENT 2015
23–26 SEPT.
Organiser: Reeperbahn Festival GbR and Inferno Events GmbH & Co. KG
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
Where to eat, drink,
relax and shop?
Here are a few places that are
not just super fine but also
offer a discount for the festival
goers — just show them your
pass before your order.
Mexico Mediterra Place /
Mexican food, chilli heaven,
steaks, pizza & pasta, lunch
menus (12am - 3pm) / Celovška
street 111 / 10am - 11pm / 15%
on everything
i’m hungry:
castle restaurant
Na gradu / Genuine
slovenian kitchen at the city
castle. / Grajska planota 1,
Castle / 10am - 12pm /
10% on everything
Gostilnica 5-6kg /
Tapas bar, a restaurant and
pizzeria. / Gornji trg 33 /
11am - 11pm / 20% off on
La Favela / Fresh brasilian
restaurant with genuine
brasilian food. / Kersnikova 5 /
11am - 8pm, Sat: 12am - 8pm /
free caipirinha with Churrasko
Meta in bazilika / Genuine
italian kitchen - pizzeria &
spaghetteria - eat.drink.
dance - mangia.bevi.balla. /
Rimska cesta 25a / 7am – 11pm,
Sat: 12am – 12pm / 10% on
trattoria nel castello
LP / Great coffee and tea,
homemade pies, croissantes,
sandwiches and other sweets. /
Novi trg 2 / Mon - Thu:
8am - 12pm, Fri: 8am - 1am,
Sat: 9am - 1am / 10% on
SEM / Enjoy your coffee and
homemade sweets and check
the exibitions. / Metelkova 2 /
7:30am - 1am / 10% on
Shambala / Kingdom of
Asian tastes. / Križevniška 12 /
12am - 10:30pm / 1st visit 10%,
next 15%
TOZD / A small coffee roastery
and vinoteca. / Gallusovo
nabrežje 27 / 8:30am - 1am /
10% on everything
in desperate need of coffee
or something stronger:
it’s time for a new
pair of pants!
Daktari / Culture nights,
parties and drinks. /
Krekov trg 7 / 8am - 1am /
10% on everything
LWGN / Not just your
favourite street fashion shop.
The owners are in a band
and sell music published by
slovenian labels. / Trubarjeva
17 / Mon - Fri: 10am - 20pm,
Sat: 10am - 2pm / 20% on
Pritličje / The most public and
open ground floor in the city
center. Food x Drinks. Music
x Entertainment. Culture x
Society. Comics. / Mestni trg 2
/ 9am - 3am / special festival
drink 30% off
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
producers / Producenti
supporters / podporniki
parteners / partnerji
castle restaurant
trattoria nel castello
partner festivals / partnerski festivali
Častni pokrovitelj festivala: župan Mestne občine Ljubljana Zoran Janković
MENT 2015
MENT 2015
media partners / medijski partnerji
Publisher / Izdajatelj: MENT Ljubljana / Kino Šiška
Design / Oblikovanje: Mina Fina, Nina Urh
Contributing Editors / Pisci:
Matjaž Manček, Andraž Kajzer, Miran Rusjan, Uroš Veber,
Janez Zupan, Miha Brodarič, Zala Vidali
Matjaž Manček: manageMENT & booking
Andraž Kajzer: manageMENT & booking
Miran Rusjan: conference coordination
Miha Brodarič: web departMENT & visual talks
Nina Vrhovec: visual departMENT & visual talks
Mina Fina: visual departMENT
Nina Urh: visual departMENT
Piera Ravnikar: visual departMENT
Zala Vidali: announceMENT
Ajda Es: delegate service & production
Tanja Kos: support
Andreja Bolčina: production
All photo material is from promotional and personal
archives. Thank you for the contributions.
+ the Kino Šiška team, stage managers,
runners, drivers, volunteers and all the
amazing people that lent a hand
MENT 2015
Ker vsak izmed nas kdaj potrebuje nasvet. Svetujemo na področju Applovih produktov,
njihove najučinkovitejše uporabe in vsega, kar sodi zraven.
Ker prodaja za nas ni le artikel v rokah kupca, izdan račun in prejeto plačilo. Pomagamo vam izbrati
najprimernejši izdelek glede na vaše potrebe. Naj bo to stacionarni računalnik ali zaščita za telefon.
Ker se naše storitve ne končajo pri prodaji. Skrbimo za to, da naši kupci ostanejo zadovoljni.
Da izgubljeni podatki ali neposodobljena programska oprema nista več samo vaš problem.
Ker se zavedamo, da je znanje potrebno deliti. Včasih je res dobro vedeti,
kaj pomeni ”alt+shift+2” ali kako ustrezno pripraviti fotografijo za tisk.
Ker gre včasih tudi kaj narobe. Računalnik je prepočasen, telefon pade na tla.
Morda razloga na prvi pogled niti ni videti. Za vas diagnosticiramo, nadgradimo ali popravimo.
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