nsm magazine - National Socialist Movement


nsm magazine - National Socialist Movement
By Commander Jeff Schoep
Inside This Issue
Commander’s Forward
Border Ops
Famous Photos
Rally Reports
NSM News
Anglo-Saxon Politicos
AZ’s SB 1070 Victory
The Mitford Sisters
Aryan Titanic
No More Bros. Wars
And Much More
PO BOX 13868
Detroit, MI 48213
nsm88txnorth (at) gmail.com
nsm88lasvegas (at) gmail.com
nsm88au (at) gmail.com
#6 141 457 4917
announcements and progress to
report on within the NSM it is
difficult to know where to start. The
White Pride America site and
operations have been merged into
the NSM. NSM Britannia is working
diligently to return programming
and shows to the radio waves, and
programs will be available again shortly. Anyone
interested in running a U.S. based radio show for
the NSM.
NSM Australia has officially formed up, and
we also have new contact points in New
Hampshire and Idaho The growth of the Party
continues at an unprecedented rate! The NSM has
acquired property in North Dakota. Anyone
serious about getting solid work in ND and is
willing to relocate there for work contact me!
The BBC from the U.K. was recently on a
separate patrol with the NSM in the Southwest in
June for a documentary to be shown in the U.K.
Interviews with Commander Schoep also appeared
in Omerta Hellas, a Greek based NS/Combat 18
magazine, and a separate interview was conducted
by a U.S. based NS site. We thank, salute, and
appreciate the solidarity shown by our Comrades
in Greece, The U.S., and worldwide from other
groups that have taken their time out to interview
and feature the work of the NSM in their
publications, it was an honor for us.
Here in Detroit we have attended several
motorcycle events and set up booths to promote
the NSM, and NSM88 Records. Things went very
well, and we met many, many good people. This
can, is, and should be replicated around the
The NSM is what you, the member,
supporter, or prospect makes it! Do not expect
anyone else to build this Party. It is an honor to
serve alongside of you all in this fight!
CONTACT: Commander Jeff Schoep
SS Sgt. F. Cook,
Jeff Schoep (pronounced “SCOOP”), Commander of the National Socialist Movement
(NSM -- NSM88.ORG) announced today that his organization will hit the streets of Charlotte,
North Carolina in protest against illegal immigration and crime.
On Saturday, November 10th, 2012, at 3pm (ET) the National Socialist Movement will host
its annual November Rally in Charlotte, NC. This event is open to all known white patriots. The
focus will be against illegal immigration, the concern for failing U.S. (and global) economies, as
well other critical issues. There will be numerous speakers and groups in attendance. NSM
representatives or other organizations who are interested in speaking at this event contact
command staff immediately. Following the rally, there will be a meet-and-greet for media, and a
private social gathering and after-party for participants.
SS Sgt. F. Cook, NSM Regional Director for the area, explains that “North Carolina was chosen
for the rally, because illegal immigration has increased dramatically in a part of America where
no one would have expected it.”
Commander Schoep adds, “You might expect the National Socialist Movement to rally against
anti-White issues in the Southeast, but illegal immigration is pulling all classes of people into a
downwards economic spiral. However, rest assured that we’re not going to ignore the issue of
crimes against White people, either,” he adds.
The National Socialist Movement is the largest pro-White civil rights organization in America. It
has chapters across America, and affiliates around the world.
Dear NSM Party Members & Supporters,
Let me begin by stating that most of you (fellow NSM brothers and
sisters) have never seen a fundraising letter sent by myself, and in fact, the last
fundraising letter the National Socialist Movement even sent out was
approximately four or five years ago.
Many groups hammer their membership constantly with fundraising
letters, begging for money to operate, to point of being overbearing. The NSM
has never operated that way, and we do not intend to. I am personally sending
this letter to remind our membership that when you
signed up you agreed to our minimum donation of $10 per month to the NSM
to help us with our operating expenses. I am not going to give you all a sales
pitch as to why you should be sending that in, and how it’s only a few pennies
a day to support your party. This very small minimum donation is critical to
our Party, and this letter is to let everyone know that if you are holding an NSM
patch, or is a probate within our Organization that we EXPECT you to honor
your minimum monthly donation to our party! You can send it in yearly,
monthly, or whatever works best for you.
I am sending out this appeal after looking over our monthly financial
records and seeing how many Party expenses I and several others have
personally funded from our own businesses, due to lack of funds within the
NSM itself. The Party is generous, and we want to help where we can to assist
with gas for carpools to major events, as has been done often in the past,
however we cannot realistically keep up at the current and past pace if we lack
the critical funding we need to operate. We have the largest NS Group in the
United States. If everyone just put in the minimum, there would not even be a
need to send a letter like this out. I am embarrassed to write this to you all,
and have held off on writing this letter for many years. I do not like asking
ANYONE for help, and despise talking about money and funding, because it
sounds Jewish.
The facts are the facts, and we do need funding to operate, so consider
this a reminder and a warning. The NSM expects everyone to chip in on the
minimum monthly donation. If you do not wish to remain within our Party
send us a letter returning your patch, along with a
request to release you from your Oath, and we will release you from our ranks.
The only exceptions to the monthly minimum donation are those approved for
hardship waivers for those out of work who cannot assist, or lifetime members.
Let me end this letter by thanking all of you who are doing your part.
Your continued support is critical to our Party, and we salute you all for your
Commander Jeff Schoep
By Harry Hughes
Our ongoing operations to
observe, report and to indirectly
disrupt drug and human smuggling
have been very successful. Due to a
poor economy, we see fewer farm
workers attempting to cross the
border, but an increase in gang/drug
related activities. Most of what's coming up from south of the border is very
bad, to say the least. The National Socialist Movement is there to stop it.
During the month of March 2012, 26 sex offenders were apprehended at
the Mexican border attempting to enter the United States. Those are just the
ones that tried to enter at ports of entry. We have no idea how many dangerous
criminals enter by jumping the fence, if there's a fence to even jump. Much of
our southern border is unprotected.
On Saturday, January 7, 2012 a recon team quietly punched out to the
Sonoran Desert National Monument area south of Interstate 8 in advance of
multiple large border operations scheduled for the end of the month.
Volunteers will be arriving in force. We have put many exhausting hours into
this project and for at least three days, parts of southern Arizona will be safer
than ever.
From Friday, January 27-29,
2012, members and supporters of the
conducted Operation Heimdallr along
the Vekol Valley drug corridor south of
Interstate 8 in the Sonoran Desert
National Monument. During this same
time period, The US Border Guard
conducted Operation Midnight Star.
Both organizations cooperated and
successfully kept drug and human
smugglers from exploiting our nation's
public lands.
Once our camp was erected, we commenced patrols. It didn't take long to
discover signs of illegal aliens. I found a flashlight and a mop-like thing that
was apparently used to brush away footprints in an attempt to foil the US
Border Patrol. As usual, we also found lots of clothing, backpacks, personal
items and footprints.
We discovered the remains of a horse that was more than likely used to
transport bales of marijuana from Mexico. Once the contraband is picked up,
the horse is no longer needed and is simply left to die in the desert. Note: On
previous patrols, live horses were found and showed signs of serious abuse.
Early Saturday evening, I received a call from a US Border Guard
volunteer who was operating in an area approximately 20 miles away from our
base camp. He was requesting assistance at their location because a party of
several illegal aliens was detected. We dropped everything and rapidly sent two
vehicles with a well armed squad to their location.
While we were in route to intercept the illegals, a US Border Patrol unit
pulled up and asked for a status update. It soon became obvious that our
familiarity with the area would become very important. We guided the Border
Patrol agents to the area in question. After wards, they thanked us for the
assistance. The US Border Patrol also dispatched a helicopter to this remote
desert location.
A female illegal alien was picked up for processing and deportation by the
Border Patrol. Her traveling companions abandoned her out in the middle of
nowhere to fend for herself. All she had were the clothes on her back. No water.
No nothing. This sort of thing is nothing new to us. It's common for smugglers
to sacrifice their own. They can always get more Mexicans.
Volunteers from Arizona, California, Georgia, Oregon and Colorado helped
make our southern border more secure than ever. I'm very pleased to report
that Operation Heimdallr was a success. Follow up operations continued during
the week as there were still some UDAs outstanding. YouTube Report:
This illegal alien was found
wondering along Interstate 8.
He had a gallon jug containing
a brown liquid he was using as
water. He was in rather bad
shape. I called the US Border
Patrol and a unit responded in
less than half an hour.
Women’s Division
member Thora Jaeger, K-9
Thursday (February 16, 2012)
afternoon monitoring the Vekol
Valley Drug corridor and
picked up trash left behind by
considerate B.L.M. public land
users. An unmaintained dirt road passes northward from Interstate 8 through
the Vekol Valley to SR 238. It's not all that uncommon for drug and human
smugglers to take this out of the way route.
It easy to get to Maricopa or Gila Bend via
this primitive road.
As usual, dedicated members and
Movement are the eyes and ears in the
"Contested Zone" of western Pinal County.
The north end of Vekol Valley attracts more
recreational users than the area south of
Interstate 8. We found large quantities of
trash in need of collecting. There is more
waiting for us the next time we return. We
have collected and recycled 4645 pounds of trash, thus far in 2012. The local
recycling center pays us cash for most of the items and we use the proceeds to
conduct future operations.
On Thursday, April 5, 2012, I assisted some friends in recovering a "load
vehicle from the BLM land west of Hidden Valley, not too far from my home.
The GMC Yukon was hidden is a wash and it turned out to be stolen. The Pinal
County Sheriff's Office was notified and a deputy responded to take possession
of the vehicle. YouTube report:
On April 6, 2012, I departed for a three day trip to the Barry M Goldwater
Range south of Welton, AZ for a recon of the area including the Tinajas Altas
and Gila Mountains. For three days, there was no excitement or incidents. We
made contact with the Border Patrol several times Friday morning and they
informed us that the area was "hot.” I discovered some old illegal alien sign on
Saturday afternoon. All I found was a backpack and a disposable razor. They
were deteriorated and had been there for quite some time.
Early Easter Sunday (5:30AM), I decided to break camp and make my
way into Welton, which was north of my location to stock up on ice. I
encountered some loose sand
and found myself stuck and
unable to continue on my
excursion to town. I was in the
middle of the Cipriano Pass. Due
to the holiday weekend and the
remoteness of my location, I
knew I would be there for a while
before somebody would happen
along. YouTube Report:
Although my trip was planned for three days, I had at least a weeks
worth of food and water on board my vehicle. I also had all of my "battle gear"
and extra ammunition, in the event I encountered hostile elements. All
travelers in Arizona (or anywhere) should always have extra water and
something to eat with them. People can and do become stranded. So, be
prepared. Stay alive!
On Tuesday night (April 9, 2012), a cold front moved in and I
experienced strong winds. My tent took a beating and finally broke under the
stress. Since it wasn't very cold, I simply placed my foam pad, sleeping bag and
pillow on top of the remains of my tent and went back to sleep, until the F-15
fighters above started making noise and dropped bright flares. I kept a
flashlight and my AR-15 handy in the event I had any nocturnal visitors. I
eventually went back to sleep after the planes went away.
Sometime after midnight, canine Bailey began barking at something to
the north of my position. I shined my light in that direction and head a voice. A
couple of hikers emerged. I informed them of my situation. They marked my
GPS location and continued on their journey. They told me that they would
notify somebody once they had a signal.
On Wednesday morning, I took a rope,
an 8'x10' tarp, and parts from my tent, and
constructed a temporary shelter. The tarp
was one of the items contained in the pack I
set up for that search and rescue class I took
last fall at Mesa Community College. By this
time, people on the "home front" reported me
missing and called authorities. Not long after
constructing the shelter, a Border Patrol
helicopter was spotted flying to the north of
my location.
About an hour later, I heard a vehicle approaching and actually
recognized it. Friends from multiple
groups, including the US Border
Guard and the Sonorant Desert
Patrol arrived at my location and
promptly extracted my vehicle from
the wash. We broke camp and
If you happen to become
stranded, never leave the vicinity of
your vehicle. Situations like this
might be a little inconvenient, but
they never should be fatal. Of
course, the hiker I dropped off on
Friday morning beat me home.
After a two week hiatus, I returned to the field on Wednesday, May 9,
2012. I worked the area near Smith Road and Interstate 8. After just 20
minutes, I discovered several sets of fresh foot prints. Unfortunately, those
subjects appeared to be long gone. Once illegal aliens make it to the interstate,
they are picked up and transported to drop houses in Phoenix, where they are
often held for ransom.
A couple of hours later, we arrived at an abandoned cattle watering
tank and discovered that somebody tried to extract water from a dry well using
a cut off bottle that was weighted with a rock tied to a piece of wire. All too
often, illegal aliens find themselves out in the middle of nowhere dying of thirst.
During interviews of those we do find, they tell us that they've been out in the
desert for an average of eight days. Unfortunately, drug and human smuggling
is a year round business.
For more detailed patrol reporting and videos, visit Hughes' blog and YouTube
A group of elite U.S. Marines was seen
posing in front of an SS flag in Afghanistan
some time ago. They received lots of flack from
the brainwashed masses. To respect their
privacy, we have shaded their eyes and faces.
This is the ‘before’ photo.
After some wishful thinking, here is the
‘after’ photo…
By Lt. Brian Culpepper, NSM Kentucky
As our Party continues to
press forward in our efforts to
reclaim this nation we feel at this
time it is necessary to do more than
merely criticize the system and the 2
Party power structure currently in
place and present to the public how
we would actually set out to
accomplish our goals of restoring
America to it's preeminent status as
unshakable belief that in order for
this goal to be met that the
preservation of the EuropeanAmerican majority is absolutely
essential to this endeavor as the
Western Europeans have proven
themselves to be the only Race
capable of building the types of
civilized modern urban societies that
will allow us the opportunity to
bestowed upon us by our Founding
conditions that must exist in order
for our people to reap the benefits
conferred upon us by the sacrifices
of our Founding Fathers cannot be
realized within a multicultural
nation as anyone that takes an
objective look based purely on the
statistics will be forced to agree that
as the percentage of non White
minorities increases the standards
of living has decreased for the White
majority. In short, the experiment of
multiculturalism has failed. In just
the past year, leaders all across the
European Union have declared a
multicultural society has failed in
Europe and it will fail in America as
well. Therefore our Party utterly
rejects the
policies of racial
integration which is the gateway
drug to Regional consolidation
followed by the surrender of
National sovereignty to the global
Super state.
wholeheartedly the concept spelled
out so clearly by the Founding
Fathers when they declared, "Trade
with all, entangling alliances with
none." We reject the notion that we
must tie our economy to other
nations by treaties and unions and
declare we can carry on normal
trade relations with all nations with
none of the downside of being tied to
them by these " Free Trade" and"
Fair Trade " agreements that make
even our Senate subservient to
International Law which was clearly
the intent of the Founding Fathers
when this declaration was made.
When America followed the
course so clearly laid out by the
prosperous and the envy of the
world. As we have deviated from this
course we have all borne witness as
our economy continues to decay,
our status as the world's leading
superpower is in jeopardy or gone,
our educational standards have
become a joke, and we are now in
the position of being the first
generation in the history of this
great nation that will pass on as it's
legacy to the next generation a
declining standard of living. As
National Socialists we believe that
primary function
of the
government is to make sure that the
conditions necessary for the culture
that created the nation to flourish
are met. It is above all things the
first and foremost consideration of
our Congress to see these conditions
met. The policies of 'globalism' and
'internationalism' have led us down
the road to ruin and a return to
Nationalist policies are the only
hope we have of regaining our place
superiority in the global arena. We
agree that what happens around the
world affects us also but only in the
degree that we allow it.
One of the primary reasons we
are in debt today is the fact that
working class America has been
taxed to support failed Third World
nations around the globe and the
guarantors of debt all around the
planet. With our ability to pay our
infrastructure, and even the ability
to secure our own borders against
foreign invaders we feel it is past
time for Congress to choose a path
of fiscal responsibility and do the job
they were entrusted to do or face the
consequences of the American
people at the polls. Under the
current economic now in place, the
two parties envision America as a
service and distribution hub for the
world with our manufacturing base
being outsourced to other nations.
This is unacceptable because
it is these factories that produce
materials that support our war
efforts in time of crisis. We reject
statement that these jobs are gone
and are not coming back. We reject
Obama's statement that ten percent
unemployment may be the new
norm just because it is that way in
India. If our politicians would do
their job and look after American
interests first, we can turn this
situation around very quickly. The
doctrine of National Socialism
worked to reverse a horrible
economic situation in Germany in
the 1930's and these and true
principles will work here as well.
One will notice that our
manufacturing based model, which
traditionally provided the
highest standard of living for the
working middle class. The second is
our emphasis on welfare to work
programs in which citizens must be
made to work in order to eat if that
is what is necessary to break the
cycle of cradle to grave Welfare in
America. Also central in our plan is
the immediate repatriation of all
persons to the country of origin that
entered this nation illegally since
the last Reagan era amnesty. Then
by removing redundant Federal
programs and withdrawing the
military from around the planet and
instituting sound monetary policy
here at home we arrive at a level of
spending that we feel will be far
and to the
advantage of the American taxpayer.
This year's current Federal
budget proposal by the two Parties
comes in at about $ 3.8 trillion
dollars. We would like at this time to
give to the American public a list of
action items and some specific
details of our proposed cuts and let
them decide whether the current
budget and policies would be better
or worse for them and the nation as
a whole.
Item One: An immediate end
to all but the most essential in foreign
aid. It is a disgrace that we have
homeless and hungry people here in
America and yet we continue to
send money out of this nation to
other countries, many of whom hate
us and work actively at the
subversion of our nation. Israeli
citizens alone receive annually
about $26,000 for every man
woman and child in the country, not
including military and indirect
assistance. An additional $4 billion
was given to Mexico to help it
enforce security on its southern
border but Congress cannot find
$800 million to finish a section of
OUR border. The Global Poverty Act,
signed by then Senator Barack
Obama will cost the American
taxpayers nearly $850 billion, larger
than the first TARP bailout and the
American public is largely ignorant
of the fact that this bill even exists.
Our estimated savings to the
American public for cutting foreign
aid? $100 billion annually.
Item Two: Welfare-to-work
programs. All able-bodied Welfare
immediately. It is essential that all
retirement age must be productive.
We should not be paying for road
maintenance and infrastructure
repairs when we have citizens
capable of doing the work collecting
a check from the state for doing
nothing. Also mandatory drug
screening for all Welfare recipients.
In our model, everyone that needs
help will receive it, the infirm and
retirement age and our military
veterans but all able bodied citizens
must work. No free rides! Estimated
savings - $170 billion annually.
Item Three: According to the
Cato Institute an estimated $100
billion can be saved annually by
eliminating government domestic
subsidies. The largest areas are
energy, education and agriculture.
We should not be subsidizing
farmers NOT to produce. The NEA
(National Education Association)
should be disbanded immediately
and this responsibility should be
returned to the states. All subsidies
in energy except for the research
into alternative fuel sources should
cease. National Socialist scientist
and Engineers are currently working
Hydrogen from water and feel we
will have this solved in the next few
years. Our systems are on demand
Hydrogen, meaning there is nothing
but water in the fuel tank of your
vehicle thus eliminating the need for
should immediately promote the
increase of domestic exploration and
refining capabilities. The mere
threat of this will immediately lower
fuel costs to consumers here. We
have a strong commitment to 'green'
technology but insist that we can
utilize American natural resources
and still be responsible stewards of
the planet. Estimated savings $100 billion annually.
Item Four: An immediate
repatriation of ALL peoples that have
entered this nation illegally and for
which the American taxpayers are
now burdened with the fiscal and
social costs of having these criminals
here. Estimated savings - $100
billion annually and an additional
$40 billion annually injected back
into the economy that is currently
being sent directly out of the
country now that we get no ripple
effect or job creation.
Item Five: Suspend interest
payments to the Fed. Since the Fed
power from the American people and
has set itself up as the supreme
power in the nation today, making it
impossible for us to get an audit, we
can only estimate but it is believed
that American taxpayers paid out
last year about $ 378 billion in
interest to the Fed. By the way, they
have never paid a penny in income
taxes and have an art collection
estimated at $400 million in their
Programs: By eliminating these we
can save an estimated $10 billion
annually. On the top of the list are
eliminating the Dept. of Homeland
Security, dramatically downsizing
the IRS, abolishing the EPA, and
eliminating the NEA.
Item Seven: Withdrawing all
U.S troops except in the most
strategic areas of the world. Many
troops can be brought home and re
deployed to our own southern
border. so we get at home with no
added cost to the tax payer as well
as the ripple effect of salaries that
will be spent here. The war in
Afghanistan is not in the Federal
budget proposal and is funded by
emergency spending measures at a
cost of about $90 million a year.
Estimated savings - $290 billion a
In summary, our proposed
budget trims nearly one third of the
total federal budget for the fiscal
year and brings the budget down
from $3.8 trillion dollars to $2.6
trillion. Please note that these are
real numbers achieved by real cuts,
not the smoke and mirrors game
played by the current Parties where
they tell America they are cutting
the budget but in reality are only
slowing the GROWTH of the budget.
entitlement spending such as Social
Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Union
retirement age, have not asked you
to accept painful austerity measures
and best of all, no one's taxes went
up. The choice is clear and the
choice is yours.
We can continue down the same
path or we can set the course of
fiscal responsibility and fix the
problems created by the Globalists
in the Government. We believe
America is the greatest nation in the
world and it is certainly worth the
effort to save it as well as the White
Race that created it.
Whit e Pri de Ameri ca has
decided to merge with the National
Socialist Movement This historic
unification will allow each party to
forge forward with the combined mutual resources and power of each group.
While White Pride America is coming onboard NSM's White Civil Rights
Organization, Commander Schoep has already assured WPA staff and members
that their venture will NOT lose nor compromise their likewise uniquely White
worldview. However, there will be a few minor changes in the groups’ media
properties. For example, in deference to White Pride America, NSM’s, National
Socialist Movement magazine will be re-titled, NSM Magazine, while WPA’s
publication, Amerika Erwache has become, America Awaken!”
According to F. Cook, NSM’s Assistant Chief Of Staff, and current chair
of WPA, "White Pride America is extremely elated at the historic merger with
the National Socialist Movement. This merger will mutually benefit both
parties, as well as the whole of the white nationalist and National Socialist
struggles through our combined efforts. The WPA site and our flagship
magazine have always supported the NSM in its work and now as an official
affiliate and part of the NSM family, can double our efforts."
We are also pleased to announce the formation of a Motorcycle Club
affiliated with the National Socialist Movement. We have been working with and
affiliate with various clubs around the U.S. and worldwide for some time now.
On July 25th, 2012 we officially announced the formation of the Anhanger SS
MC (http://www.anhangerssmc.com).
The Anhanger SS MC is affiliated with The National Socialist Movement
and is expanding its ranks even as we write this. Those interested in being a
part of the Anhanger SS MC may contact them via their website.
While the NSM endorses the Anhanger SS MC, however, we work with
many other Clubs and will add them to our official affiliates as time permits,
and alliances forged.
Any ot her Cl ubs seeki ng Alli ances wit h t he Nati onal Soci ali st
Movement shoul d cont act Jeff Schoep, Commander of t he
NSM, at : commander @newsaxon.or g.
We are pleased to announce this to our membership and
supporters, as we expand our ranks and embrace continued
forward progress in the National Socialist Movement.
‘ANGLO-SAXON’ By Commander Jeff Schoep
Not long ago, an unnamed campaign staffer for Mitt Romney made what
became a needlessly controversial remark. With the 2012 Olympics being held
in London, the Romney campaign felt that the event – as well as Romney’s
Western European heritage – could help foster even more positive relations
between America and the United Kingdom.
The staffer was quoted as saying: “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon
heritage, and he [Romney] feels that the…relationship is special.” Predictably,
the Obama Administration condemned the remark, suggesting that it was
‘racist’ in nature.
While the National Socialist Movement has not been endorsing ANY
candidate for the United States Presidency at during the 2012 election, we are
forced to make an important observation.
The condemnation of the Romney-campaign’s ‘Anglo-Saxon remark’ by
the Obama Administration emphasizes how it is continuing to concentrate on
less-important issues ‘of-color,’ instead of concentrating on more important
economic and social issues. Frankly, Obama’s dismissal of what is essentially
an innocent compliment to our UK ‘cousins’ is racially offensive to me as an
Anglo-Saxon. It’s not innocuous – it’s insulting!” American politicians should
not resist using the term, ‘Anglo-Saxon,’ as it is a significant part of the rich
heritage of the United States, as well as many other countries around the
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How to Die Gracefully if you Don’t Make it
Commander of the National Socialist
Movement, the decision of the United
States Supreme Court to uphold a key
element of Arizona’s strict immigration
law is a victory for his White civil rights
group. “The Court’s agreement with the
ability of police to check on peoples’
immigration status while enforcing other
laws proves without a doubt that we
have been correct in our efforts . We have
made people aware around the world that every country has the right to secure
its own borders. And the fact that in the United States, many White Americans
have become concerned about preserving this right makes this issue even more
important,” according to Schoep.
The controversial law
known as SB 1070 was
signed into law by Arizona
Governor Janice Brewer on
April 23, 2010. Sections of the
measure were later put on
hold by District Court Justice
Susan Bolton. However, the
law found itself to be heard by
the Supreme Court in a
relatively short amount of
Even mainstream political
pundits in the media acknowledge
that the “America First” rallies in
Phoenix, Los Angeles, Las Vegas,
and elsewhere across the nation
have been one of the forces
increasing the fervor of the
dialogue, even in light of pro-illegal
immigration counter-protests that
had become almost vulgar in tone.
Most of those protesting
against the immigration law took
one of two paths. Some detractors
focused on the supposed inhumanity of what are essentially criminals to
continue their crime of illegally immigrating and to stay in America. Other
detractors of the law went towards the speculative possibility of ‘racial profiling’
of those stopped by law enforcement once the law was passed.
However, according to Harry
Hughes, spokesman for the Arizona
unit of NSM who has seen human
smuggling first-hand, it was enough
to make up his mind. “Not only are
they coming to this country illegally,
the smugglers, or ‘coyotes,’ care more
for money, and do not necessarily
care for the Mexican people they’re
transporting,” said Hughes. “This isn’t
a matter of racial profiling! These
illegal aliens might think they are
coming to this country for a better
life. They’re not. These people are risking their own life!” Hughes explained.
But the border situation has become worse, with Mexican drug cartels
often battling each other. Usually, innocent Mexicans were now becoming the
victims…not only in the desert, but in their own suburban homes.
JR Smith of one of NSM’s newer units in North Texas says that his group
is still considering following the path of his Arizona and California comrades.
“They’ve got people being beheaded,” he says. “It’s worse than just illegals dying
to get across the border now!”
“Many of us were expecting the Court to uphold more states’ rights,
rather than to trample upon them.” Commander Schoep concluded. “Police now
do have the recognized right to check the immigration status of potential illegal
aliens. At least THAT is a significant victory in today’s liberal political climate.”
Although the ‘open borders’ crowd continues to demonize its opposition
as being ‘racist,’ Schoep strongly disagrees with this weak argument. “It’s not
‘racist’ for anyone of any background to want control over their country’s
borders,” he says. “It’s a matter of legal sovereignty and following recognized
laws – something which may be ‘foreign’ to the Obama administration.”
By Kevin James
When I took up this assignment to
put focus onto the Mitford Sisters for an
thought…hey (or, ‘oi,’ as those English
blokes say)…John says these are pretty,
smart, witty and charming women.
However, I found out that although they
loved two countries (England and
Germany), they espoused ONE belief, that of National Socialism.
As if a foreshadowing, Unity was conceived in the town of Swastika. Both
sisters, Unity and Diana Mitford came from privileged backgrounds populated
by governesses, beer barons, and a few real barons as well.
Diana was a prominent and public supporter of National Socialism in
Germany, and from 1936, a part of Hitler's inner circle of friends and
confidants for five years. A 1936 MI-5 intelligence report proclaimed Unity
Mitford, "more Nazi than the Nazis." Following the declaration of World War II,
Diana attempted suicide. Unity, however, seemed more the life of the party
(pun intended), as she showed up at communist meetings upon occasion to
heckle speakers with a ‘Roman salute.’
Later in 1933 during the Nuremberg Rally, Unity Mitford saw Hitler for
the first time and became entranced. Ten months later, Hitler picked up Unity’s
bill in the Osteria Bavaria restaurant. Biographers suggest that after talking
with her, Hitler was struck by Unity’s curious connections to the Germanic
culture including her middle name, Valkyrie. Mitford's grandfather, Algernon
Freeman-Mitford, had been a friend of Richard Wagner, one of Hitler's idols,
and had translated the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain, another
inspiration for Hitler.
Unity introduced her sister Diana to
Hitler in March 1935. They returned again
for the second rally later that year and
were entertained as his guests at the 1935
rally. And in 1936, Hitler provided a
Mercedes-Benz to chauffeur Diana to the
Berlin Olympic Games.
Unity attended the Nazi Youth
festival in Hesselberg, where she gave a
subsequently repeated these sentiments
in Streicher's paper, Der Stürmer, which
read: "The English have no notion of the Jewish danger. Our worst Jews work
only behind the scenes. We think with joy of the day when we will be able to
say England for the English!” Unity Mitford spoke up for her country and often
pleaded with Hitler to make a deal with England. She even continued to
discuss a possible German-British alliance with Hitler.
"She told me that if there was a war…that she would kill herself, because
she couldn't bear to live and see these two countries tearing each other to
pieces, both of which she loved." True to her despair, Unity Mitford went to the
English Garden in Munich, took a pearl-handled pistol, given to her by Hitler
for protection, and shot herself in the head. Surviving the suicide attempt she
was hospitalized in Munich, where she was visited by Hitler, despite the ongoing war. He paid her bills and arranged for her return home.
Lady Diana Mosley's eventual politically-motivated prison time failed to
disturb her approach to life; she remarked in her later years that she never
grew fraises des bois that tasted as good as those she had cultivated in the
prison garden. Though prison was not something she would have chosen, she
said, "It was still lovely to wake up in the morning and feel that one was lovely,"
when she compared her lot to the other women incarcerated at Holloway. She
spent her later life as a widely-sought literary editor (specializing in
accounts), similar to Jackie Kennedy,
president, John F. Kennedy.
MI5 documents released in 2002
described Lady Mosley and her
political leanings. "Diana Mosley, wife
of Sir Oswald Mosley, is reported on
the 'best authority', that of her family
and intimate circle, to be a public
danger at the present time. Is said to
be far cleverer and more dangerous
than her husband and will stick at
nothing to achieve her ambitions. She
is wildly ambitious." According to her
obituary in the Daily Telegraph, a
diamond swastika was among Diana’s
It’s a shame that probably none
of us got to meet this are charming,
smart, witty, beautiful AND politically
savvy National Socialist women. From
what I’ve read of them, it would have
been a great
As most of you are aware we have upgraded the software on the New
Saxon site, which has lead to some extra features and a more modern look. The
software upgrade was needed to better secure the site against all hacker
attempts, and contains all the latest security upgrades that are important. This
is one of our foremost concerns.
The new software has one glitch/minor malfunction that some of you
may have already noticed. The profanity filter is over acting which means if you
use swear/curse words on the site, the site software has been banning the
people using profanity, and then you must email the staff to get your accounts
un-banned. The swear filter is even doing this in private messages, therefore
UNTIL the software makers are able to figure out how to fix this minor problem,
we are asking everyone not to swear or use profanity anywhere on the site. Yes,
we know its not elementary school, or church, but it’s a really minor
inconvenience, and it should not be too difficult not to swear.
If anyone slips up and is auto-banned by the software glitch, simply
contact the staff and we will get you un-banned without any problem. We hope
to have this matter fixed in the near future, and that you continue to enjoy the
best White's Only Social Networking site on the net!
As you are all aware, New Saxon has not been very aggressive in raising
funds, or asking the members for donations to maintain the site. Other large
forums sometimes raise thousands of dollars a MONTH to keep their sites
online, whereas very small forums/sites cost very little to maintain.
In the early days of New Saxon there was on-going fundraising to
maintain the site, which was greatly needed to keep the site alive, and online.
We rarely mention the need for funding, however the reality of the situation is
we need the members of the site whom can afford to contribute to step up now
and assist us to keep the site online. The Recession has taken its toll on the
American economy, and New Saxon could really use your help now!
Make a single open donation via nsm88records.com. Or mail a check, or
money order to: NSM88 Records LLC Dept. NSX PO Box 13768, Detroit, MI.
48213 USA. Thank you in advance for your continued and ongoing support for
New Saxon & our sponsors!
By Ser gei M.
Go sit in a deep freezer
while someone sprays ice water
on you with a garden hose.
You'll get the basic idea of the
weather for the NSM Frankfort
rally. We all got up early and I
was disheartened to see the
weather taking such an awful
turn. Who would want to leave
the house to go to the store on
a day like that, much less go stand outside for a couple of hours? I knew this
was a stroke of bad luck that doomed political rallies all over the country from
time to time, regardless of politics and support. Regardless of what the civil
rights pimps tell their followers, nobody can control the weather. To myself, I
thought, maybe 30 people will show up. This is going to be bad.
Everybody still went through the ritual of collecting gear and making sure
uniforms were in order. I and a few others headed out to the meeting point for
supporters. Wary, we remembered how at one event the support meet-up
became the scene of another failed communist attack. Maybe all the luck
would be on their side today? The closer we got, the more I hoped the
communist attacked. Though a non-violent organization, direct physical
combat with the enemy is a welcome event in our lives.
One person waited in the
parking lot of the closed and
abandoned Home Depot. He walked
Klansman. Though glad to see at
least one person braved the weather to
come out, it was a disappointment. No
commies to fight and one supporter to
stand with us in the freezing rain.
"We've got more people on the way," he
said as he stood there in jeans in a tee
shirt (obviously a tough individual).
The rain danced around almost like
snow on the breeze as another truck showed
up. Then another truck arrived and then two
vans. Before long, around 30 people had
collected at the meet up point. Everyone was
in good spirits as the Klan began suiting up.
Things had definitely taken a turn for the
better. Around 1:30, we all headed out for the
busses that would take us to the capitol
building. The only problem was, there were
too many of us and two busses weren't going
to fit everybody. Apparently, there was a
caravan of people who were running late too.
Having too many people for an event is a
problem you want to have.
We finally had no choice but to leave.
The missing caravan of 20 or so people ended
up having to go into the crowd of around 50
spectators and protesters. Happily, there were
already supports in the spectator section, even
carrying White Pride World Wide flags. Nice!
We formed up after disembarking and began to march on the capitol
building. "Whose streets?" was the main chant as we marched. The formation
was great and would have got the nod from most any DI at Fort Stewart. This
is always impressive when it works out because normally a third or better at
any rally or march has any military experience.
The counter-protesters were a pitiful lot. Most seemed to be the
boilerplate, rabid, anti-white liberals, along with the local Jewish supremacists
and their pets. The protesters were well outnumbered and of all the events I've
been too, it was one of the smallest herds I'd ever seen. I thought to myself as
the sun shown through the clouds and the wind died down, maybe we're seeing
them finally on the decline? One of the points to any rally is to draw protesters
and demonstrate to the public what the opposition sounds like and looks like.
This has always been one of the most effective means of gathering
support. The problem was that their small numbers would mean they were
less brave and less likely to act out. Instead, it was just a lot of hot air against
whites, Jewish supremacist dogma and profanities hurled in our direction.
But times are changing and people are becoming more and more familiar
with the anti-white (also called anti-racist) cause. They gather far less
sympathy from the public than they did 4 years ago now that their true agenda
is becoming better known. More people can identify Jewish Supremacy as well
now and at bare minimum, most want to disassociate themselves with such an
anti-white, supremacist set of view points. At one time, the Jewish
Supremacists would have been able to goad half of Frankfort to come out and
stand with them against us. Not anymore. Can you say, "never again"?
Obviously, one thing besides president Obama that has hurt the antiwhite cause is the recent fiasco in the media which have led people to actually
question their motives.
The failed Occupy-Movement showed the
ineffectiveness of modern Marxist doctrine due to the fact that they were
unable to name the Jew's role in the economic enslavement of America. The
events in Sanford Florida are one such recent episode. This was involuntarily
an underlining theme of the rally. Though the neighborhood watch captain,
George Zimmerman, was not even nominally white, anti-white rage has been
rampant against the American population. The rally in Frankfort was an
example of that.
The speakers were excellent. Regardless of who it was speaking, it was
something new and interesting each and every time. Sean McBride was the
best one in my opinion. His speech started out slow and even keeled, mostly
talking about his experiences as a school teacher. His speeches are frequently
about his times as an educator, times he seems most proud of. Sean puts a
value on knowledge above all else, I
have gathered, and the best spent
years of his life has been sharing what
he knows with his fellow man.
However, when a Jewish Supremacist
in the crowd shouted a comment
through a megaphone about America,
Sean's mood changed.
"I fought for this country in
Korea! I have more a right to call
myself an American than any of you!"
he shouted back. The old soldier in
McBride came out. I felt good to be standing near a symbol of the ongoing war
between communism and the spirit of human will.
The Klan gave excellent speeches and we were glad they had come to join
us. In all there were around 100 people standing with us on the capitol steps
while we estimated that around half the people in the spectator section were
our supporters. We wrapped it up and headed back as the little crowd of
protestors, sounding like a small town playground instead of an extra-legal tool
of the anti-white police state, dispersed.
The after party's food was excellent! There were lots of neat items for sale
from NSM88 Records as well as different individuals selling memorabilia and
antiques. I really like how people use the after parties as an opportunity to
have a nationalist swap meet. Some more talks were given, mostly on the
subject of international projects, and border issues. This evolution of the prowhite movement gives us a lot of hope in the face of the defeatists.
In all, the rally was much better than we expected, largely in part to the
NSM Kentucky unit as well as the Loyal Knights of the KKK. Thank you all for
sharing the rays of sunshine, drying up the lies of the ‘evil few,’ and shedding
light on the New Dark Ages.
By Kevin James
Stephen A. Nuño, Ph.D., is an NBC Latino contributor and an Assistant
Professor in the Department of Politics and International Affairs at Northern
Arizona University. In an August 8, 2012 NBC Latino article, he suggested that
whites should be profiled, and that openly white nationalists should be put into
internment camps (http://nbclatino.com/2012/08/06/opinion-why-dontwe-profile-white-nationalists/)! Here is a short excerpt:
“…white folks… would be proud
to be pulled over…questioning their
nationalists make up a…fraction of the
…population…[they]…are able to move
about freely…because of what they
look like…How many more good
Americans have to die before we take
these white nationalists seriously?
…before I am accused of being serious,
I am not. But given the arguments
curious…the same argument isn’t being
applied to white nationalists.”
To many people (white or otherwise) this article will be read for what it
likely is -- a calculated propaganda mini-campaign. Under the guise of
academic discourse, Nuño seems to be making generalized suggestions that all
whites are as evil as the psychotic few who have committed such insane
attacks on ethnic minorities.
It is one thing to eloquently satirize social issues,
as did the English writer, Jonathan Swift , in “A Modest
Proposal” (“A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a
year old, a most delicious nourishing and wholesome
food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled; and I
make no doubt that it will equally serve in a fricassee,
or a ragout.") However, even though he claims not to be
serious, Nuño’s own modest proposal could easily be
misinterpreted by some of less academic awareness.
Further, the article seems to exploit what marginal
amount of anti-white suspicion there might be among a
small fraction of the population. Certainly no one in America would suggest
Professor Nuño’s views be stifled, but conversely, it has likewise been
recognized that one does not yell, “fire,” in a crowded theatre, nor throw
gasoline on still smoldering social ‘flames.
Sergeant John Mitchell of
NSM Britannia announced that
his unit is backing a global antiwar initiative aimed at stopping
Whites from being drawn into
wars against each other.
The effort is called No Mor e
Br ot her s War s. “While I would not consider everyone to be my ‘brother,’ I
think we all agree that exploitive wars are a waste – especially for Whites who
have been conned into fighting wars for other countries,” Sergeant Mitchell
Various predominantly White countries around the world have been lead
into fighting wars (or providing significant funding) on behalf of other countries
and interests. This tragically pits White brother against White brother in many
parts of the world. Additionally, many of these wars have and are ironically
being fought against among countries having little if any stated economic or
political strife between them initially. The No More Brothers Wars campaign
seeks the discontinuance of such meaningless wars through public
investigations, forced international mediation, and conflict resolution.
According to Sergeant Mitchell, “We could make immediate accusations
as to who is motivating many of these ‘brothers’ wars. Instead, we want the
‘court of public opinion’ to become aware of these shameful debacles. Right
now, it doesn’t matter which country is motivating what other countries to fight
others on their behalf,” says Mitchell, who adds “They know who they are. And
they will be held accountable. We want the wars being fought among White
brothers to stop!”
Loving, Honoring and Protecting Our European Heritage
Edited from the Collected Writings of Bulldog
From the dawn of prehistory to
the present, a strong, magnificent,
and noble race of mankind has
existed, and thrived. From the
emergence of the Homo sapiens in
the Paleolithic Age, a unique and
distinct racial group evolved. These
prehistoric people began to populate,
forming into clans, then migrating,
confederations; building kingdoms,
nations, and advanced civilizations.
Life was extremely difficult in
the ancient world, and this ethnic
group of man (like all others), had to
become accustomed to a harsh
environment in order to survive.
From being mere hunter-gatherers,
this race of people evolved, learning
to become farmers, healers, traders,
artists, merchants, builders, sailors,
blacksmiths, inventors, adventurers,
warriors, and so on.
Today as well, because of the
utmost fortitude, a strong instinct for
strength of will and determination—
as well as ethnic harmony, unity, and
cohesion—these people thrive. They
have survived and triumphed in spite
of thousands of years of brutal wars
(many fratricidal), and often waged
against them; sometimes with entire
tribes being decimated or completely
annihilated. The remaining fragments
neighboring tribes was used as a
although, in some cases forever
losing their original tribal distinction.
They survived the invasion of
the Asiatic Huns who ruthlessly
displaced hundreds of thousands
more from their ancestral homelands,
only to be subjected in later centuries
to the onslaught of Genghis Khan
and his Mongol hordes. They also
survived the fierce North African
Moors, Magyars from the steppes of
Asia; as well as the Bubonic Plague
(known as the Black Death from the
black patches on the skin of its
victims), that swept through their
homelands in the Middle Ages, killing
This particular, and distinct,
racial group of man is known as
referred to as Aryan). Their human
racial-classification falls under the
category of Caucasoid, being so
behavioral traits; and that have been
anthropological science.
Science tells us that within this
include: the East Baltic, Alpine,
Dinaric, Mediterranean, and Nordic,
respectively. When one speaks of
Germanic, Celtic, or Slavic, these are
generally terms that form specific
linguistic and national groups, as
opposed to actual racial groups. For
example, Germanic is a branch of the
Indo-European language family that
comprises English, German, Dutch,
Afrikaans, Flemish, the Scandinavian
languages, etc.
Europeans are well known for
their ability to excel in the fields of
art, architecture, music, literature,
philosophy, medicine, science, and
technology. As well, the European
inclination is to bring order and
harmony out of disorder and chaos.
As such, Europeans have given the
world a higher sense of morality, civic
duty, judicial, social, political, and
economic systems. Europeans take a
great deal of pride
in their
outstanding achievements.
European literature abounds
with heroic legends and folk tales.
From the Icelandic sagas and stories
of ‘Viking’ gods and goddesses (such
as Odin, Thor, and Freya), to
Siegfried the dragon-slayer of the
great composer Richard
operatic Ring cycle. From
chronicles and the epic
Beowulf, to the Irish
Mabinogian, the great
epics of the Odyssey,
and Iliad of the Classical
World; to the many tomes of
philosophy that have shaped the
thinking of Western Civilization, and
gave birth to its political ideologies
and complex social institutions.
Continental Europe is the
home of a vast array of diverse
nationalities and rich culture which
we have been so fortunately enriched
by, even here in the U.S. and
Canada; countries that were settled
with them established
standards of moral conduct and other
traditions, such as the
socialconsciousness, and family values, to
name a few.
Those of European descent
should highly value their heritage
and ancestry, even above life itself. To
love, honor, and protect — that of
which you are inseparably bound to
by blood, your genetic inheritance—
is the most noble of traits.
One should have the highest
degree of pride in the glorious and
noble legacy of European ancestry
that they have so fortunately
inherited, doing nothing whatsoever
to undermine, or defile it. Study
diligently and learn all you can about
this wonderful heritage
that is worthy of the
highest sense of pride,
that you may cherish,
love, honor, and protect it
partaking of our wonderful
cultural traditions, and
proudly passing it down to
future generations.
White Power is the
degree of socio-political might that
White people, collectively, are in
possession of, and/or exercise control
over, as well as the level or degree of
power necessary to ensure the
preservation of the White race, its
survival and advancement: the
origins, or that of which creates or
causes said power, such as the
genetic predisposition and moral,
spiritual, cultural greatness in people
of European descent.
An advocate or proponent of White
Power as an ideology is one who
believes that Whites should be in
control, or exercise authority over all
facets of society, government, and
economy; who lives a life in
accordance to the values that are
inherent in, and characteristic of the
White race, and is very dedicated,
and involves themselves in political
activism, or other services for the
furtherance of these beliefs.
White Power beliefs and ideals
are anything that, by their very
nature are conducive to, and in
interests and objectives of White
Power -- that which is good for the
These consist of the following, but are
not limited to the goals of:
safeguarding the purity of the
bloodline, separate White living
space, improvement of the race via
eugenics, martial virtues, physical
fitness, working class values, military
discipline, family values, and higher
evolution, as well as obedience to
Natural Law.
Only by the majority of the
White masses mobilizing under a
cooperative and harmonious banner
of unity, and determination to fight
objectives of White Power, will we
prevail. Being under the boot-heel of
those who seek our destruction
(and/or the total elimination of
‘Whiteness’ -- ultimately translating
into a state of full-blown submission),
does not constitute survival and
Needless to say, sitting on the
sidelines will no longer suffice. The
future of our race demands nothing
participation, and sacrifice. Our
posterity is depending on us in the
here and now to become involved and
do our part. As such, the only way to
ensure a safe and prosperous future
for the White race is for us to fight for
White Power.
It does not need to be stated,
that the Aryan is strong willed. It has
been because of this same will,
determination, and fortitude that we
have evolved, and achieved the
greatest accomplishment s the world
has ever borne witness to. These gifts
have been bestowed upon us by the
Gods! As the highest specie on the
evolutionary ladder, we are also very
spiritual beings. It is the Aryan that,
first and foremost, showed mankind
higher idealism, as a particular Aryan
trait. Higher idealism means putting
the welfare of the tribe, clan, or race
above individual or selfish interests.
Or putting it another way: idealism
before egotism.
Tendencies towards excessive
individualism, egotism, and selfish
desires are to be brought to a level of
subordination for the greater good of
the race and nation (the Folk
community). Our creature comforts
are insignificant in the here and now,
if we are incapable of saving our
embattled Folk, which is now
threatened on a global scale, like
never before in history.
Aside from the overwhelming
sociological dangers that we're faced
with (including the mass numbers of
those hostile to our ideology), another
enormous hurdle we
have to
overcome. These are the very things
that undermine the Aryan concept of
higher idealism that keeps us bound
Ponder for a moment on the
significance of the old maxim, 'United
Likewise, consider an old military
strategy that's been used repeatedly
by the victors of many vanquished
foes: 'Divide and Conquer.' Hostile
world governments and greedy (nonAryan) businesses) don’t even have to
work all that hard at defeating us if
we are busy doing it to ourselves.
Consider how many fellow
terrible/awful/horrible disagreement
that you have allowed divisiveness
and dissension to drive you apart?
Have you allowed your ego to be the
driving force in these situations to
keep from resolving the issue, or have
you aggravated the situation when
the other party was being irrational
causing additional animosity? Have
you truly exerted every effort to come
to a resolution, or
is some
stubbornness preventing it?
We've all been guilty of this.
in coming to a
understanding, it has enabled me to
work harder at my own interpersonal
relationships within the movement—
building unity and cohesion, as
opposed to dissension, and division.
More often than not in human
interactions, far too many things are
merely dealt with on the surface, i.e.,
superficially. If those involved would
only exert the necessary, patience,
and honesty, and dig a little deeper,
then they would get to the root of the
problem and find out it was only a
simple misunderstanding.
And while the concepts of
humility and swallowing our pride
may be repugnant to the proud Aryan
warrior spirit, our willingness to
sacrifice our selfish desires for the
well-being of our Folk, is one of the
hallmarks of our noble and mighty
race. When we engage in bickering
and petty disputes amongst our own,
it expends valuable energy that we
could be using for our struggle. It's
the same whether it's pertaining to
disputes between individuals, or
between organizations, being harmful
to the alliances we should have.
'United We Stand, Divided We Fall.’
whatsoever must we compromise our
disagreements must never create
internal dissension, whether amongst
our leadership, or the rank and file. It
is a by-product of the human
condition to have disagreements.
If it is a fellow racialist we
disagree with, then we should, at the
very least, go the extra mile to resolve
it. And remember, debates and
disagreements don't have to turn into
arguments and hostilities. It's an
understatement) to say that we're
angry about the current plight of
Western civilization. In fact, the word
anger barely scratches the surface.
However, let's not take this anger and
frustration out on the people that
matter most in our struggle—our
valuable racial comrades. Let's go
that extra mile to build—not tear
down—but, build Aryan unity and
solidarity. Learn to channel that
anger and negative energy in order to
build ourselves into undefeatable and
ubermensch that will drive our
enemies who want our extinction into
the sea .Where there is unity, there is
an enormous degree of pride, where
there is pride, there is strength.
Remember, "ten thousand hearts one
beat!” “Defeat Never, Victory Forever!"
By Christopher B.
Western civilization is being
aggressively attacked by socialist
governments around the world.
What the communist disease failed to
achieve through Trotskyite mentality
in the 20th century, neo-socialists of
the 21st century -- exuding selfmotivating political ambition and
patronized by Jewish dollars -- achieve with ease. The Western world sleeps
while third-world nations around the world pollute, corrupt and dismantle our
pure way of thinking, living and procreating.
This is a disease not alone reserved for the United States, or the United
Kingdom. It affects Europe en masse, as well as those Western nations like
Australia, New Zealand and Canada, whose origins link back to colonialism. In
fact, anywhere where there is a White culture and population, naive politicians
tend to lull nations into a catatonic state. This not only fulfills the ambitions of
their Jewish masters, but these traitors in elected office have sold their soul for
the opportunity of feathering their own nest at the expense, and not just of a
nation, but of a race to whom they expect homage through the ballot box.
In Australia, some of us regret the day that we
ever unleashed Rupert
Murdoch onto an
unsuspecting Western world.
His legacy, like
tentacles seems to strangle the life out of continent
after continent. The Jewish control of the media is
a gormandizing monster. It is not satisfied with the
ownership of the media in the U.S. it purchases,
dismantles, but it also feasts itself on the body of its
competition. There is no free press anywhere in the
Western world anymore. Anyone who believes the
media is unbiased, is either deluded or a fool.
In Australia, where 90% of the nation’s
population lives in coastal cities, like Sydney,
Melbourne, and Brisbane, 92% of all capital city
newspapers are owned either by Murdoch, or the
John Fairfax syndicate, both of which happen to be Jews.
In my opinion, Jews seem to have little overall respect for the White race.
For them, we have outlived our usefulness. They manipulate, cajole, engage
and when ready dispose of the black race at will. But until that day comes, the
Asian, the African, the Indian, and all the non-white races, are used in a
diabolical chess game by Jewish shylocks to dismantle our culture, denigrate
and demean our heritage. The black horde is indoctrinated, and manipulated
to physically intimidate, murder, rob, rape our women, in full knowledge, that
some black lawyer or judge will view the defendant as ‘the victim.’
What started in the wake of the fall of the Weimar Republic has grown
exponentially, lead by frustrated Trotskyite academics, who teach generation
after generation that Stalin performed miracles in transforming Russia from an
agrarian society into an age of technology. Meanwhile the vile tone of anything
to do with National Socialism, is spawned like vomit from Jewish media. The
Jew seems terrified of anyone who is defiant of their will to dominate.
National Socialism is the greatest living organism this world has ever
known. Through the pages of "Mein Kamp," one sees not only the disease of
the Jewishization of the western world, but the only way to deal with the
process is to expose it, eject them from society, and prevent them from ever
manipulating our cultured and pure western societies again.
Like an insidious leech sucking the life from a healthy body, the Jewish
elite steal from every citizen of Western nations. They steal our voice, our
identity, our language, our culture, our pride, and then finally, they unleash
their dogs upon our women and children.
They will smile at you, speak civilly to you, they will trade with you, but
they want nothing more than to watch your race, culture and heritage die
before their eyes. And when the Aryan race no longer exists, they will claim the
world as their own. Make no mistake about the intentions of the Jew; he was
happy to send millions to their death with Aryan killing Aryan in two world
wars. He is equally delighted when any resistance or threat to their ultimate
objective -- world domination -- is crushed.
Almost 60 years after the fall of Berlin
during World War 2 in 1945, the Jewish owned
media were pumping out story after story about
the ‘evils of National Socialism,’ and the
foundation of this is ‘pure terror.’ Historically,
their fear was that a resistance would rise like
the phoenix from the ashes, and destroy their
ambition. But how many times has the Jewishcontrolled media revealed the impact of the 30
million Russians killed by the Georgian Stalin.
The reason for this is that Jews promote
Socialism. It works in their favor.
With the spread of the Jewish disease from
New York to Russia in the early 20th Century, the Jews cunningly had one foot
in the Communist boot, and the other in the capitalist boot. With control of
both, they knew that no matter what happened, they couldn’t lose. They
controlled both sides of the battlefield.
So while they spread myth, lies, and unsubstantiated psychobabble
about their fate under National Socialism, the truth is that Jews are using the
myth of the holocaust to hold the world to ransom. Their whole espirit de
corps when facing the West is “You owe us, for letting us die in Europe.” It is
political and economic blackmail, and they are the supreme masters in the art
of deception. It is a well-known fact, that if you control what people read, you
will control what they think, how they feel, and like robots, how they will act.
This is the core of the Jewish mind; control; domination and destruction of all
who oppose them.
While the West sleeps in its own apathy, the Jew is stealing your identity.
He will not stop; he will not slow down. He will not be satisfied, until you, your
wife, your children, and your parents are raped and murdered to such a
degree, that ultimately, the western race, like the saber-tooth tiger of ancient
times, becomes an extinct species. The time to act is today, not tomorrow, not
next week, but right now.
This means responding to the Jewish attack through a coordinated and
multi-faceted approach to organized political activity with strong and focused
leadership. If we don’t act now, it will soon be too late to leave the Aryan
Titanic, and with the ship we will disappear into the bleak oblivion.
This is not a game or illusion. It is fact. Today more than ever, the
future of the White race demands that all Aryan brothers stand united, to fight
the plague of Jew and hostile colored alike. The West belongs to the West. It
was created by the West, inhabited by the West, made what it is through
science and technology by the West.
Don’t let the invading disease of the Jew or the Black, steal your land,
your rights, your heritage, language, religion, or your culture. Defy them.
Preserve Western nations for the integrity of our proud race and the safe future
of our children. If we don’t, the Anglo-European race will die aboard a cruise to
historical oblivion!
Find out about how one British woman stood up to obnoxious
multiculturalism in the London underground!
By ST Randy Smith
NSM North TEXAS Unit Leader
Gr eeti ngs and
howdy t o all Whit e
nati onali st s
Part y
Member s!
The great state
of Texas is proud to
announce that on
Saturday, September 8 the NSM North Texas unit
hosted a White Unity BBQ/Meeting. The event went
better than expected, with about 20 people attending. We meet some good folk,
made some life-long friends, and are uniting White groups in the area. The
event was hosted by Stormtropper Randy Smith Unit Leader, as well as Daniel
L., and his wife, probate Kim. It’s all about unity among pro-White
organizations. We’re nothing if we can’t unite and work as a team!
Thank you for all that have helped
in the advancement of the NSM North
Texas unit and to all that showed up to
the BBQ .I look forward to working with
hear a
lot from the Texas unit in the near
future. NSM TEXAS – We’r e l oud and
pr oud! Keep it Whit e, keep it ri ght , and
keep up t he fi ght . Joi n t oday and make
your st and as a Whit e pr oud Ameri can! TO CONTACT NSM NORTH
TEXAS, E-MAIL: nsm88t xnort h (at ) gmail .com
1) NSM’s newest units of are in: ___
a) Hawaii and Germany
b) Hungary and Russia
c) North Texas and Australia
2) What Arizona Interstate highway do many illegal aliens hop rides on? ___
a) 8
b) 10
c) 17
3) The U.S. military has become almost paranoid about ‘White supremacists’
among their ranks. According to a photo-essay in this issue, for sake of the
humor, which group might we approach first? ___
a) Seal Team 6
b) Marines in remote parts of Afghanistan
c) Army recruits in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona
4) According to NSM88 Records, with what can you “support your local white
girl”? ___
a) Welfare and Food Stamps
b) Love and compassion
c) A shirt with bolts on it
ECONOMIC DOWNFALL, what is NOT listed as something that would help? ___
a) Stopping domestic subsidies
b) Raising the prices on school lunches
c) Stopping foreign military intervention
6) According to Commander Schoep, you should not resist using the term: ___
a) Anglo Saxon
b) Pro-Marxist, pseudo-insurrectionaries
c) Capitalist working-class dogs
7) Regarding illegal immigration, Commander Schoep says: ___
a) “The quid pro quo of any society needs to be shaken up occasionally.”
b) “It’s not ‘racist’ for anyone of any background to want control over their country’s
borders…It’s a matter of legal sovereignty and following recognized laws.”
c) “The immigration situation has remained completed unchecked in America and
Europe, and we must stop it right now!”
8) Unity Mitford once said of England and Germany during World War II: ___
a) “I take the good and the bad of my two countries at war with each other with a
mixture of pain and sorrow.”
b) Unity Mitford did not ever say much politically during World War II.
c) She couldn't bear to live and see these two countries tearing each other to
pieces, both of which she loved.
9) The Jews have continued their well-known, yet debatable Holocaust stories in
which they claim six million were killed. There is another story of Germans who
were also killed during World War II during only one night. In what town were half
a million killed? ___
a) Paggelsham
b) Glastonbury
c) Dresden
10) According to Sergei M., counter-protesters at the Wisconsin rally were: ___
a) “…more concerned with media coverage than a proper debate.”
b) “…boilerplate, rabid, anti-white liberals, along with the local Jewish supremacists
and their pets.”
c) “…silly, tight-panted homosexuals who had no idea of what they were actually
protesting against amid their self-inflicted, flailing spectacle.”
11) According to Jonathan Swift: ___
a) “A young healthy child well nursed, is, at a year old, a most delicious nourishing
and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled….”
b) “The South American is a savage of the worst kind, only superseded by the
British Parliament. It is no wonder that they eat their own.”
c) “In any non-White country, its ship of state is usually a ship of fools, often leaving
confusion, irony, discontentment, and ultimately disgust, in its littered wake.”
12) NSM Britannia’s No More Brothers’ Wars campaign seeks to: ___
a) Encourage predominantly White countries around the world to stop fighting wars
or providing military funding on behalf of other countries and interests
b) Stop pitting White brother against White brother in many parts of the world
c) Both of the above
13) Bulldog is concerned about what among pro-White groups: ___
a) Loyalty
b) Solidarity
c) Trust
14) Christopher B. expresses his concern about: ___
a) Rupert Murdoch
b) Joseph Stalin
c) Both of the above
15) What was the name of the woman who angered non-Whites in the
underground by speaking honestly about racial issues in her country? ___
a) Petula Clark
b) Emma West
c) Leni Riefenstahl
By KJ, Managing Editor, NSM MAGAZINE
This has been a whirlwind of events since you last read what I write here.
Due to health issues with a comrade, I have been promoted to Director of NSM
Media. However, while there is more work at times, I come to appreciate the
work and dedication of my fellow producers, writers, photographers, editors,
command staff, and the idiotic masses out there who give us something of
which to be ‘creative’ with even more! You guys come up with some good stuff,
too! You know, I’m sometimes glad that I do not have the ‘final word’, but am
required to initiate discussions and collaborations. I imagine that even the
famed Dr. Joseph Goebbels got frustrated once in a while when his boss asked
him for something at the last minute, or something he didn’t understand at
first. I bet Leni Riefenstahl even ‘one-upped’ him a time or two as well.
“Damn, zat Leni!” So, I must be in good company.
Of course, with the addition of White Pride America and America Awaken
into NSM Media, we now have by my last calculations, quite a few local
newsletters and internet groups, six internet video channels, two magazines, one
streaming radio station. Not bad for one of the world’s premiere White Civil
Rights groups!
By the way, although the affirmation of the major plank of Arizona’s SB
1070 by the United States Supreme Court may seem limited, but it is VERY
important beginning. We are continuing our efforts along the lines of
maintaining public focus on all the negative effects of illegal immigration . We
are also branching onwards and outwards!
The irony is this is that we’re the only ones who could do all this…and
some more! If you’re White, you probably already (and inwardly) know this
manta – ‘Grace under pressure…dignity in the face of adversity .’ Go forth!
NSM Skinhead Division is
available for National Socialists
who feel a strong affinity for the
White Race, but also for the
skinhead way of life!
More information is available via
http://join.nsm88.org/ OR
nsm88skinheads (at) gmail.com
Create Press Releases
Develop Unit and Event Videos
Assist in Media and Event Planning
Article Writing and Editing
Media Interview Preparation
And Much, Much More
Contact Us At: