nsm press automation systems
nsm press automation systems
NSM PRESS AUTOMATION SYSTEMS PRESS AUTOMATION PRODUCTS • Press Line Automation • Stacking Systems • De-Stacking Systems • Hot Stamping Automation • End-of-Line Stacking Systems • End-of-Line Conveyor Systems For 50 years, the NSM MAGNETTECHNIK GmbH has ranked among the internationally leading manufacturers of handling systems for metals. We meet our customers‘ increasing requirements on quality and productivity with simultaneous flexibility and process reliability by comprehensive expertise in automation technology, mechanical engineering as well as control technology. Our most important customers are the automotive industry. Our design is based on our customers‘ special requirements. This means: Freely scalable degree of automation and individual adaptation of the automation solutions to the available investment capital. PRESS TO PRESS Robot Robot with Rotary 7th axis High Speed Linear Feeder (HSF) PERFORMANCE 9 – 11 SPM 11 – 13 SPM 17 – 23 SPM HIGH SPEED LINEAR FEEDER (HSF) BENEFIT AT A GLANCE: • • • • • • Reliable and approved linear kinematics Fastest Feed stroke on the market Easy to teach-in because of simple linear X and Z kinematics Full 3D Line Simulation with Siemens Press Line Simulation PLS Synchronization from Press to Press „On The Fly“ Part Orientation Functions - Shifting, Rotating, Tilting PRESS LINE AUTOMATION Different types of presses can be adapted to our modular systems and give you the best return on your investment. Our standards products and pre-tested modular solutions reduce project risk, time and costs, ensuring an easy installation and maintenance. We also take care of upgrading existing press lines. Our experts are able to support customers in achieving and maintaining productivity of their capital assets. NSM Press to Press Automation Systems are in continuous evolution to become faster, with specific emphasis on reducing critical press occupation times. Full line synchronization assures the optimum interaction of the automation with the press movements to make sure a fast part flow in the entire press line. Press Line Simulation (PLS) supports a high-precision 3D press line model including press to press automation, die set tooling, parts and corresponding kinematics. STACKING SYSTEMS NSM is the market and technology leading manufacturer of different stacking systems for magnetic non-magnetic and aluminum blanks. Our own developments to stack precisely all kind of automotive blanks are the answer to the latest industry demands – such as patented hybrid conveyor system for steel an aluminum banks and pusher stacking systems for tailored blanks. TYPICAL OUTPUT DATA FOR STEEL AND ALUMINUM: STACKING SYSTEM Start-Stop Drop-Off Continues-Run Drop-Off Pusher Matrix PERFORMANCE 100 SPM 140 SPM 90 SPM DE-STACKING SYSTEMS Whether laid out for steel or aluminum blanks: highest flexibility, shortest fully automatically change-over times, great availability as well as long durability – these are the excellent features of NSM-destacking system. The NSM modular design allows to custom-assemble the optimal destacker according to the press type. Dependent to the customer-specific requirements and output rate the destacker can either be carried out by robots, feeder or overhead conveyors. TYPICAL DESTACKER PERFORMANCE DATA FOR STEEL AND ALUMINUM BLANKS: DESTACKER TYPE Transfer Press Destacker G2 Destacker G2 High Speed Destacker G1 Destacker G1 High Speed Destacker PERFORMANCE 34 SPM 16 SPM 26 SPM 16 SPM 22 SPM HOT STAMPING LINE AUTOMATION Hotforming enables the production of car body parts meeting highest safety and quality standards and reducing the component‘s weight at the same time. The method requires an automation process reproducible at any time. NSM MAGNETTECHNIK realizes the whole automation chain; from the blank destacking system to the roller furnace via the pressing automation down to the fully automatic destacking of finished parts in transport racks or bins. CUSTOMER BENEFIT AT A GLANCE: • • • • • • • Maximum production capacity by optimal cycle times Scalable line layout in accordance with customer requirements Integration of the different furnace and press systems Fully automatic line/ tooling change Standardized line and safety control Interfaces for quality assurance and production data collection END-OF-LINE SYSTEMS In order to guarantee a high degree of production reliability, flexibility, speed and maximum component quality in the handling of finished chassis parts, NSM offers manual and robot stacking systems for such parts, which meet the high requirements of modern component manufacturing. NSM MAGNETTECHNIK GMBH Luetzowstraße 21 D-59399 Olfen Tel +49 2592 880 Fax +49 2592 881 88 nsm-magnettechnik.de nsm@nsm-magnettechnik.de