Behavior of 210Po and 210Pb in Shallow Water Region
Behavior of 210Po and 210Pb in Shallow Water Region
EnvironmentAsia Available online at Available online at EnvironmentAsia2 7(2) (2014) 7-18 EnvironmentAsia (2009) 50-54 DOIDOI10.14456/ea.2014.19 The international journal published by the Thai Society of Higher Education Institutes on Environment Genotoxicity Assessment of Mercuric Chloride in the Marine Fish Therapon jaruba Behavior of 210Po and 210Pb in Shallow Water Region of Mersing Estuary, Johor, Malaysia Nagarajan Nagarani, Arumugam Kuppusamy Kumaraguru, Velmurugan Janaki Devi Noor Affizah Saili and Che Abd Rahim and Bujang Chandrasekaran Archana Devi Mohamed School Environmental and Natural Sciences, of Science Technology, Center forofMarine and Coastal Studies,Resource School of Energy,Faculty Environment andand Natural Resources, Universiti Kebangsaan Bangi Selangor 43600,India Malaysia Madurai KamarajMalaysia, University, Madurai-625021, Abstract Abstract 210 Po and 210Pb activities were determined in dissolved and particulate phases in order to understand the behavior of bothThe natural shallow regions such Estuary. Strongvalue statistical between the aimradionuclides of the presentinstudy waswater to standardize andastoMersing assess the predictive of thecorrelations cytogenetic analysis distribution coefficient of polonium andaslead in dissolved phases environmental with SPM proved that the natural nuclides of by Micronucleus (MN) values test in fish erythrocytes a biomarker for marine contamination. Micronucleus polonium and lead have a high affinity to evaluated suspended in particle materials potential in the water where the SPM as a carrier frequency baseline in erythrocytes was and genotoxic of column, a common chemical wasacts determined to fish transport and removeexposed natural isotopes of polonium and lead conditions. from their geochemical behavior. However a low statistical in experimentally in aquarium under controlled Fish (Therapon jaruba) were exposed for 96 210 210 correlation (r=0.414) found between chlorophyll-a with an activitydamage ratio of was Po/ Pb and SPM implies that the enrichment hrs to a single heavy metal (mercuric chloride). Chromosomal determined as micronuclei frequency in of 210erythrocytes. Po was not associated the abundance of chlorophyll-a. But ainstrong correlation between soluble reactive fish Significantwith increase in MN frequency was observed erythrocytes of fish exposed to mercuric phosphorus (SRP) and 210of Po0.25 in the dissolved provedMN thatfrequency the contribution of phosphate element as catalysis increasing chloride. Concentration ppm inducedphase the highest (2.95 micronucleated cells/1000 cells compared 210 the1activity levels ofcells Poinatcontrol coastal animals). waters. The study revealed that micronucleus test, as an index of cumulative to MNcell/1000 exposure, appears to be a sensitive model to evaluate genotoxic compounds in fish under controlled conditions. Keywords: 210Po; 210Pb; total suspended particulate matter; shallow water region Keywords: genotoxicity; mercuric chloride; micronucleus 1. Introduction 1. Introduction The activities of 210Pb and 210Po in the marine environment depend on their chemical specification, In India, about 200 tonsdissolved of mercury and its reaction with surface mineral, or suspended compounds are introduced into the environment organic matter and colloids in the water column 210 industries annually 1981). (Chabauxaseteffluents al., 2008).from Po and 210Pb (Saffi, mobility in the Mercuric chloride has been used in agriculture as aof water column are accomplished by an aggregation fungicide, in medicine as a topical antiseptic and colloidal material and adsorption onto particulate matter 210 disinfectant, and in chemistry as an intermediate in (Smoak et al., 1996). On the other hand, Po is more the of otherand mercury compounds. The of a production biological removal is actively involved in the 210 contamination of aquatic ecosystems by heavy biogeochemical cycle compared to Pb (Tsunogai and metals pesticides has gained attention Nozaki,and 1971). The removal of 210increasing Pb is probably by the in recent decades. Chronic exposure and scavenging of particulate matter from the seatosurface accumulation of these chemicals in aquatic biota into the deep sea and absorption via sediment-water can resultinteraction in tissue (Nozaki burdensetthat interface al., produce 1997). adverse effects not only in the directly exposed organisms,of According to Balls (1988), the distribution but also in human beings. metal concentration in the water column depends on Fish provides a suitable particulate model for matter monitoring the amount of total suspended (SPM) aquatic genotoxicity and wastewater loading, where a major fraction of nuclides quality exists in because of its ability to metabolize xenobiotics and particulate form at high concentrations level of SPM accumulated pollutants. A micronucleus assay has (Baskaran and Santschi, 1993) and about 99% of 210 Pb 210 been used successfully in several species (De Flora, and Po are distributed in the particulate phase, et al., 1993, and water Metcalfe, 1995). The especially in Al-Sabti the shallow region of Kuala micronucleus (MN) test has been developed Selangor (Theng and Mohamed, 2005). However, together as Wei et al. with (2012) DNA-unwinding also found that the assays distribution 210 210 mass monitoring of perspective methods for coefficients of Pb and Po are correlated with the clastogenicity genotoxicity in fishat and particle contentand in turbid waters except themussels offshore (Dailianis et al., 2003). region. Therefore, in order to understand 210Pb and 210 The MN tests have been successfully used as Po behavior in the shallow water region, it is very a measure of genotoxic stress in fish, under both important to quantify their activities to investigate the interaction between these natural radionuclides with the laboratory andoffield conditions. 2006column Soumendra large amount particles in the In water which et al., made an attempt to detect genetic biomarkers are affected by physical processes (e.g., Smoak et al., in two fish species, Labeo bata and Oreochromis 1996; Hong et al., 1999). mossambica, by was MNselected and binucleate (BN) Mersing River as a study area as its erythrocytes in the gill and kidney erythrocytes water depth is less than 10 m, and it is a small catchment exposed to thermal power the plant discharge area of about 232 km2 toward South China Sea.atIt Titagarh Thermal Power Plant, Kolkata, India. and regularly undergoes the mixed tide phenomenon The present study was conducted to determine is dominated by a semi-diurnal tide with a wide range the acute genotoxicity the heavy metal compound of salinity from 1.38 toof32.98 psu. According to Mohd HgCl in static systems. Mercuric chloride is toxic, 2 Ekhwan et al. (2011) in an analysis between 2005 until solvable in water hence it can penetrate the aquatic 2009, the sedimentation rate in Mersing River is very animals. Mutagenic studies with nativeVarious fish species high (approximately 3.26 tons/ha/yr). human represent an important effort in determining the activities especially palm oil agriculture, fisheries potential effects of toxic agents. This study was landing and development expose the river to a very carried outoftoSPM evaluate thewhich use ofpotentially the micronucleus high level loading influences test (MN) for the estimation of aquatic pollution the natural radionuclides in the ecosystem. Thus, the using marine fish under lab conditions. objective of edible this study is to study the relationship 210 210 between Po and Pb with SPM in the water column 2. Materials in this shallowand watermethods region. 2.1. Sample Collection 2. Methodology fishCollection species selected for the present study 2.1.The Sample was collected from Pudhumadam coast of Gulf of Mannar, Southeast Coast of Therapon Samples were conducted on India. 6 February, 5 April, jarbua belongs to the order Perciformes of the 4 July and 9 October 2010, along the Mersing River family Theraponidae. The fish species, Therapon toward the southern South China Sea. About 20l of jarbua (6-6.3 cm in length andusing 4-4.25 in weight) water samples were collected thegNiskin water was selected for the detection of genotoxic effect N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 Table 1: Coordinates and description of study area at Mersing River Area Riverine Estuarine Station 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Latitude (N) 02° 25.062’ 02° 25.348’ 02° 25.579’ 02° 25.558’ 02° 25.604’ 02° 26.149’ 02° 26.690’ 02° 27.189’ 02° 28.149’ Longitude (E) 103° 48.436’ 103° 48.694’ 103° 48.996’ 103° 49.559’ 103° 50.002’ 103° 50.396’ 103° 50.962’ 103° 51.404’ 103° 52.419’ Description Next to bridge and road Nymph area Nymph area Point of 2 rivers and close to palm oil estate Jetty for small boats landed Jetty for fish landed and tourism transportation Toward the sea Toward the sea Toward the sea 2.2. Chemical Analysis sampler from nine selected stations (Table 1 and Fig. 1). In the laboratory, the water samples were filtered immediately through a pre-weighed membrane filter paper (0.45 μm pore size, 47 mm diameter) for collect total suspended particulate matter (SPM) and dissolved phase for further analyses such as chlorophyll-a, phosphate and natural radionuclides. After that the dissolved phase acidified with concentrated HNO3 (< pH2). The 209Po tracer, Fe-carrier and Pb-carrier were then spiked into the samples for further analyses. 210 210 Po and Pb were analyzed through a sequential 210 extraction. The Po extraction from the water samples was well described by Theng and Mohamed (2005) including sample preparation, co-precipitation by Fe-carrier, 210Po spontaneous plating and counting using Alpha Analyst Spectroscopy system with a siliconsurface barrier detector by Canberra, Inc., with ApexAlpha software. After 210Po spontaneous plating, the Figure 1. Map of sampling stations along the Mersing river toward the South China sea 8 N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 solution proceeded to 210Pb extraction using electroanalytical analysis as described by Sabuti and Mohamed (2010). Finally, lead was separated from the samples as a lead sulfate co-precipitate (Blanco et al., 2004; Kim et al., 2001) and counted using gross alpha-beta spectrometry by Tennelec S5 XLB with Eclipse software after an equilibrium with their daughter. Similar to suspended particulate matter; the 209Po tracer and Pb-carrier were spiked into the dried sample for sequential extraction. Concentrated HNO3, HCl, HClO4 and HF at a 3:2:2:1 ratio was mixed with the sample in a Teflon beaker for total digestion. HClO4 was added and heated until dryness if the sample was not totally digested yet. After dryness, the fully digested residue was re-dissolved in 0.5 M HCl and ascorbic acid for 210Po spontaneous plating. The 210Pb extraction was 210 proceed sequentially after Po spontaneous plating as described by Sabuti and Mohamed (2010). Overall, the internal chemical yields were typically 60 to 90%. The reference material, NIST SRM-4357 (Ocean Sediment) was used to verify the performance of the analytical procedure. The obtained recovery value was 88 to 94%. Soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) was directly measured using a UV-spectrophotometer after filtration. The phosphor-molybdate complex formed after 8 minutes reacted with a mixture reagent of ammonium molybdate, (NH4)6Mo7O24.4H2O + sulphuric acid H2SO4 + potassium antymonil tatrate, K(SbO) C4H4O6.0.5H2O to ascorbic acid, C6H8O6 at 3:1 ratio (Huang and Zhang, 2009). the variation of SPM loading in the water column might affect the variation of natural radioactivity such 210 210 as Po and Pb in dissolved and particulate phase. It seems to be a common trait in other shallow coastal water regions (Baskaran and Santschi, 1993; Carvalho, 1995; Hong et al., 1999; Theng and Mohamed, 2005). In this study, the variation of 210Po (r=0.805) 210 and Pb (r=0.679) activity in the dissolved phase is significantly associated to SPM concentrations. Fig. 2 proves that the SPM concentration in Mersing River plays an important role in the distribution of 210Po 210 210 210 and Pb activity and mobility. Po and Pb in the dissolved phase varied from 0.76 to 16.12 Bq/m3 and 3 0.16 to 10.56 Bq/m , respectively. Meanwhile, the 210 210 activity of Po and Pb in the particulate phase ranged from 2.04×104 to 65.64×104 Bq/m3 and 5.24×104 to 3 159.26×104 Bq/m , respectively. By comparison, the 210 distribution of Po and 210Pb in the water column of Mersing River which is located at the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia toward the southern South China Sea was higher than that of the Kuala Selangor Estuary on the west coast toward the Strait of Malacca (Theng and Mohamed, 2005), even though the SPM concentration was much higher. This might be due to effective resuspension as a result of the monsoon effect which exposed the open water area compared to the closed passage of the western coast of Peninsular, which is sheltered by Sumatra Island. Besides that, the activities of 210Pb and 210Po in the marine environment depend on their chemical specification, reaction with surface mineral, dissolved or suspended organic matter and colloids in the water column (Chabaux et al., 2008). Total 210Po activity significantly varied between stations at Mersing River (p=0.001). However, there was no significant difference in total 210Pb activity (p=0.569). This implies that the distribution concentration of 210Pb along the Mersing River was approximately constant compared to 210Po. The constant activity of 210Pb might emanate from the in-situ production of supported 210Pb parent decay in the sediment and its being dissolved in the water column during resuspension. Meanwhile, 210Po might contribute anthropogenically due to human activities such as palm oil agriculture, fish landing, boat traffic and domestic waste from terrestrial sources. In order to determine the accumulation of 210Po and 210Pb in the water column, the inventory of radionuclide of this study was calculated from the measured activity with a decay correction to the sampling date as follows: I = Ao x d -------------- (1) 210 210 Where I is the inventory of Po and Pb in the 2 water column (Bq/m ), Ao is the activity concentration of radionuclide (Bq/m3) and d is the depth of the samples taken during sampling (m). 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Variation of Total Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) The total suspended particulate matter (SPM) in Mersing River varied greatly between 4 to 175 mg/L (mean=22.43±15.71 mg/L). Statistically, there was no significant difference of SPM (p=0.056) concentrations among the nine selected stations. However, there was a significant variation (p=0.000) between the different sampling times. The highest peak of SPM was found during the first sampling (6 February 2010) which was during the northeast monsoon. Strong winds from the southern South China Sea toward the eastern Peninsular of Malaysia might trigger huge waves that break at the coastal region. This phenomenon produces turbulence which might interrupts the water-sediment interface in shallow regions and cause resuspension. According to (Baskaran and Santschi, 1993), sediment resuspension in estuarine water significantly influences the 210Pb activity with respect to SPM concentrations. Therefore, 9 depend on their chemical specification, reaction with surface mineral, dissolved or suspended organic matter and colloids in the water et al., 2008). N. column A. B. Saili(Chabaux et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 18 y = 0.073x + 0.922 r = 0.851 (N = 57) dissolved phase (Bq/m3) 16 14 12 210Po 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 SPM (mg/L) 150 200 150 200 210Pb dissolved phase (Bq/m3) 12 y = 0.043x + 0.640 r = 0.679 (N = 59) 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 50 100 SPM (mg/L) 210 Figure 2. Correlation of 210Po (Bq/m3) and Pb (Bq/m3) in3 the dissolved phase with respect to SPM (mg/L). 210 3 210 Figure 2. Correlation of Po (Bq/m ) and Pb (Bq/m ) in the dissolved phase with respect to SPM (mg/L). 210 Total 210 activity significantly between Mersing River (p=0.001). However, withstations respect at to SPM concentration in the Mersing River. and 210Pb Fig. 3 shows thePomean inventory of Po varied 210 210 210 there was no significant difference in total Pb activity (p=0.569). This implies that the distribution Meanwhile, peak activity of Po and Pb in in the dissolved and particulate phases with respect to of 210Pb along thedifferent Mersingtimes Riverofwasthe approximately constant to 210during Po. Thethe particulate phase wascompared highlighted theconcentration variation of mean SPM at the 210 210 constant210activity ofPb inPbthemight emanate from the in-situ production(April) of supported Pb parent decay in sampling. Po and 210 dissolved phase pattern inter-monsoon and southwest monsoon (July), 210 thecomparable sediment and itsthe being dissolved the water during resuspension. Po mightby were with SPM variationinwhich was column respectively. This conditionMeanwhile, might be manipulated contribute anthropogenically due to human activitiesthesuch as ofpalm agriculture,during fish landing, boat significantly high during the northeast monsoon. input eachoil radionuclide sampling time. 210 210 210 210 traffic and domestic waste from terrestrial sources. In order to determine the accumulation of Po and According to Mohamed et al. (2006), Po and Pb Particularly, the Pb adheres to aerosol and is efficiently 210 water column, thesouthern inventory of radionuclide of this study calculated the measured fluxesPb in in thethe water column at the South China washed from thewas atmosphere byfrom precipitation (Preiss activity with a decay correction to the sampling date as follows: Sea received large input sources from neighboring areas et al., 1996; Yamamoto et al., 1998). It is important to = Ao x d transport and establish -------------(1) precipitation occurs during the such as from Indo-China byIatmospheric that higher 210 210 2 Po and Pb in the water column (Bq/m ), Aito isis well the activity Where I is the inventory of the northern South China Sea and the western Pacific by southwest monsoon even though known as 3 concentration of radionuclide (Bq/m ) and d is the depth of the samples taken during sampling (m). ocean water circulation which were highest compared to the dry season. According to WMO (2010), 2010 was other locations in the Straits of Malacca. This indicates the one of the top 3 warmest years since the beginning that the northeast monsoon significantly plays a critical of instrumental climate records in 1850. Moreover, role in the influence of 210Po and 210Pb accumulation the strong La Niña phenomenon in the tropical Pacific 10 by atmospheric transport and the northern South China Sea and the western Pacific by ocean water circulation which were highest compared to other locations in the Straits of Malacca. This indicates that the northeast monsoon significantly plays a critical role in the influence of 210Po and 210Pb accumulation with respect to SPM concentration in the Mersing River. N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 70 SPM 12 Pb-210 10 50 8 40 6 30 4 20 2 10 0 Northeast monsoon inter-monsoon Southwest monsoon inter-monsoon 200 70 180 SPM 160 Po-210 140 Pb-210 120 60 50 40 100 30 80 60 20 40 10 20 0 0 SPM (mg/L) Inventory of 210 Po and 210 Pb in particulate phase (Bq/m2 ) 60 Po-210 SPM (mg/L) Inventory of 210Po and 210Pb in dissolved phase (Bq/m2) 14 Northeast monsoon inter-monsoon Southwest monsoon inter-monsoon 0 210 2 Figure 3. Mean inventory Po (Bq/m ) and 210Pb 2(Bq/m2) in dissolved and particulate phases with respect to the 210 of 2 210 Figure 3. Mean inventory of Po (Bq/m ) and (Bq/m )times. in dissolved and particulate phases with respect to the variations variations of mean SPM (mg/L) at differentPb sampling of mean SPM (mg/L) at different sampling times. Meanwhile, peak activity of 210Po and 210Pb in the particulate phase was highlighted during the 210 condition inter-monsoon (April)significantly and southwestaffected monsoonthe (July),3.2. respectively. manipulated in 2010 (WMO, 2011) and 210Pbmight in thebewater column Behavior ofThisPo 210 by the input of each radionuclide during sampling time. Particularly, the Pb adheres to aerosol and is distribution of rainfall during the seasonal monsoons. efficiently washed from the atmosphere by precipitation (Preiss et al., 1996; Yamamoto et al., 1998). It is By comparison, the mean of rainfall during the northeast Partition coefficients, Kd parameter is usually monsoon (February), inter-monsoon (April), southwest utilized in order to further understanding on monsoon (July) and inter-monsoon (October) are 41.8 geochemical characteristics of elements in the aquatic mm, 117.6 mm, 128.6 mm and 242.2 mm, respectively environment (Kim and Yang, 2004; Theng and (MMD, 2010). This data shows that climate changes Mohamed, 2005; Wei et al., 2012; Wei and Murray, disrupted the normal global climate. Unfortunately, 1994). According to (Abril and Fraga, 1996), the rainfall data has not yet proven the atmospheric effect mathematical equation has been formulated to on the 210Pb sources. Therefore, the consideration of in describe the behavior of selected contaminants based on situ production of 210Pb from parent decay and SPM physico-chemical aspects of dissolved and particulate input via sedimentation and resuspension might play phase interaction. In this study, the partition coefficient an important role in comparison to atmospheric fallout. is defined as follows: 11 N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 than 99% of 210Po and 210Pb were found in the particulate phase due to the high loading of SPM. According to Stephen (1999), the statistical analyses may suggest a very strong relationship between pH and Kd term, and when it comes to the actual sorption process, it may be controlled by the iron oxide charge. The same applies Po Pb to SPM and K d term; the K d and K d might be influenced by other covariants; either pH, iron oxide charge, organic matter or anionic constituent such as phosphate, chloride and carbonate. By comparison, KdPb increases proportionally with the presence of organic matter especially humic acid, acid polysaccharides and bovine serum albumin and decreases with an increase of AlO3 in sediment (Yang et al., 2011). Thus, 210Po and 210Pb might be released from surface sediments via resuspension (Tanaka et al., 1983). Mn cycling across the sediment-water interface might play a key role in the enhancement 210 of Pb scavenging at the bottom boundary (Spencer et al., 1980). During Mn cycling, 210Pb can either be adsorbed onto MnO2-coated particles or coprecipitated with MnO2 (Balistrieri et al., 1995). This consideration is very significant at the shallow water region like Mersing River. SPM performs as a 210Po and 210Pb carrier for their transport and removal based on their geochemical behavior. In spite of unstable environment conditions and chemical properties of 210Po and 210Pb, a weak Po correlation was observed between Kd during the Pb inter-monsoon (October) and Kd during the Southwest monsoon with respect to SPM. 210Po had a higher biogenic particles reactive than 210Pb and 234Th especially in the euphotic zone (Wei and Murray, 1994) and was actively involved in the biogeochemical cycle (Tsunogai and Nozaki, 1971). Based on the lower concentrations of dissolved oxygen during the fourth sampling (October) which ranged from 3.4 to 5.3 mg/L compared to the first to third samplings which ranged from 4.1 to 6.7 mg/L, 4.1 to 7.4 mg/L and 4.7 to 5.8 mg/L, respectively. These results suggest that 210Po is removed by biogenic particles horizontally due to an almost anoxic environment (Kim and Yang, 2004). Meanwhile, 210Pb adheres to aerosol and is efficiently washed from the atmosphere by precipitation (Preiss et al., 1996; Yamamoto et al., 1998). The highest inventory of 210 Pb in the particulate phase was during the third Pb sampling (Southwest monsoon) suggesting that Kd might be affected by atmospheric fallout since the enhanced inventory most likely occurred during high precipitation. Therefore, bio-physico-chemical factors should be considered in order to have a better understanding of the particle behavior of 210Po and 210Pb in the shallow water region. Kd = [ATSS] / [Adiss x SPM] -------------- (2) 210 210 Where ATSS is the activity of Po and Pb in the particulate phase (mBq/g), Adiss is the activity of 210Po 210 and Pb in the dissolved phase (mBq/g) and SPM is the total suspended particulate matter (Table 2). The Kd value for 210Po ranged from 0.05×106 L/g to 6 6 6 6 3.22×10 L/g, 0.45×10 L/g to 74.82×10 L/g, 1.18×10 6 6 L/g to 93.50×10 L/g and 1.02×10 L/g to 49.21×106 L/g, respectively for 6 February, 5 April, 4 July and 9 October 2010. Meanwhile, the Kd value for 210Pb varied from 0.05×106 L/g to 1.25×106 L/g, 0.47×106 L/g 6 6 6 to 212.58×10 L/g, 13.80×10 L/g to 501.31×10 L/g 6 6 and 0.18×10 L/g to 37.86×10 L/g for each sampling, respectively. Table 2 shows the wide range of Kd values of 210Po and 210Pb for each station during the fourth sampling. A high Kd value for 210Po and 210Pb indicates that there is a strong adsorption of these radionuclides onto suspended particles in the aquatic Po Pb environment. The lower Kd and Kd values were found at Station 5 until Station 7 where boat traffic was quite busy for fish landing and tourism transportation. According to Zuo and Eisma (1993), the Kd value was inversely proportional to the availability of organic matter via the resuspension process where accumulated organic matter was dispersed from the bed into the water column. In this study, it was considered that the shallow water of Mersing River with respect to boat traffic significantly influenced resuspension (e.g., Ekhwan et al., 2011). Po Pb The relationship between K d and K d with respect to SPM were plotted in Fig. 4 in order to investigate its reactivity to SPM. Overall, based on Po Pb the data obtained in this study the Kd and Kd values of each sampling has a strong negative correlation Pb against SPM except for Kd during the Southwest Po monsoon and Kd during the inter-monsoon (October). The inverse correlation between Kd and SPM are commonly found for other nuclides such as 210Po and 234 Th (Kim and Yang, 2004), 210Po and 210Pb (Theng and Mohamed, 2005) and 210Po (Bacon et al., 1988; Santschi et al., 1979). This type of correlation is also known as “particle concentration effect” and a strong correlation demonstrates that the adsorption efficiency for SPM is very good. These results proved that 210Po and 210Pb had an affinity to SPM in Mersing River. These indicate that SPM plays a significant role in controlling the scavenging of 210Po and 210Pb. The scavenging process by aggregation of colloidal matter and adsorption onto particulate matter influenced the mobilization of 210Po and 210Pb in the water column (Smoak et al., 1996). According to (Wei et al., 2012), there was no Po Pb systematic trend of Kd and Kd with SPM in turbid coastal waters. However, this study found that more 12 Po Pb Po Pb 6 Kd (x10 L/g) Area Station 6-Feb 5-Apr 4-Jul 1S 2.12 21.15 62.23 1B 5.03 27.40 2S 3.22 22.32 93.50 2B 1.25 7.38 9.53 Riverine 3S 2.82 3.17 5.72 3B 2.31 2.13 15.58 4S 0.59 0.87 6.29 4B 1.01 5.78 1.79 5S 0.33 0.70 3.76 5B 0.11 0.45 1.18 6S 0.05 1.12 4.75 7S 0.59 0.61 3.10 Estuarine 8S 25.45 11.69 8B 35.76 6.25 9S 23.22 5.67 9B 74.82 5.65 SPM : Total suspended particulate matter “S” : Surface water samples “B” : Bottom water samples Po Table 2. Kd , Kd , Kd /Kd and SPM at Mersing River 9-Oct 9.92 13.11 15.00 49.22 6.60 3.44 1.02 2.31 2.77 4.48 1.98 8.21 6-Feb 0.58 1.25 0.24 0.59 0.56 0.13 0.47 0.38 0.07 0.05 0.59 - Pb Kd (x106 L/g) 5-Apr 4-Jul 29.79 196.01 24.59 99.32 35.65 501.30 9.24 68.31 6.82 234.52 2.44 211.05 1.52 228.84 13.75 35.11 0.47 42.94 0.83 32.68 2.70 171.77 0.84 13.79 48.01 32.37 156.43 32.45 82.52 18.90 212.58 15.16 9-Oct 3.42 15.02 20.44 2.18 24.47 0.18 12.51 5.49 7.92 5.79 3.90 18.19 25.74 21.92 37.86 22.54 6-Feb 3.68 2.57 5.16 4.78 4.14 4.44 2.13 0.86 1.70 0.99 1.01 - Po Pb Kd /Kd 5-Apr 4-Jul 0.71 0.32 0.20 0.28 0.63 0.19 0.80 0.14 0.47 0.02 0.87 0.07 0.57 0.03 0.42 0.05 1.50 0.09 0.55 0.04 0.41 0.03 0.73 0.22 0.53 0.36 0.23 0.19 0.28 0.30 0.35 0.37 9-Oct 2.90 0.87 0.73 22.53 0.27 0.00 0.27 0.18 0.13 0.11 0.20 0.05 0.36 SPM (x10-3 g/L) 6-Feb 5-Apr 4-Jul 9-Oct 49.20 23.81 4.38 16.49 25.06 7.99 17.57 28.51 14.79 4.56 10.53 49.51 28.95 13.57 27.39 21.35 20.65 12.34 7.96 31.23 34.61 7.55 122.74 39.05 59.52 13.08 12.63 43.15 8.17 23.39 41.89 61.12 52.72 17.16 18.37 172.90 64.60 19.59 25.89 175.40 29.07 20.52 33.78 33.78 46.12 15.11 14.86 6.50 7.48 7.85 5.99 12.81 8.19 7.88 8.78 6.16 5.23 12.46 - N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 13 N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 (a) (b) (c) (d) 4.. Correlation b K (L/g) between log and Kd (L/g) and lo og SPM (g/L) ) at the Mersin g River on (aa) 6 February (b) Figure 4. Figure Correlation between log log SPM (g/L) at the Mersing River non (a) 6 February 2010, (b)2010, 5 April d 5 April 2 2010, (c) 4 July y 2010 and (d d) 9 October 2 2010 2010, (c) 4 July 2010 and (d) 9 October 2010 14 N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 Table 3. Correlation of 210Po, 210Pb, SRP, chlorophyll-a and SPM in water column 210 210 Po 210 Po Pearson Correlation Pb SRP Chl-a SPM 1 Sig. (2-tailed) N 210 Pb SRP 156 Pearson Correlation .378** Sig. (2-tailed) .000 N 155 1 157 Pearson Correlation .681** .316* 1 210 210 Table 3. Sig. Correlation of Po, Pb, SRP, chlorophyll-a and.012 SPM in water column (2-tailed) .000 N Chl-a 210 Po SPM 210Pb Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Sig. (2-tailed) N N Pearson Correlation Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) Sig. (2-tailed) 61 210 Po .418** 1 .001 63 Pb .390** .002 .007 61 156 .805** .378** .000 .000 63 63 63 .679** 1 .000 .697** .000 .425** .001 210 63 SRP .335** Chl-a SPM 1 1 N N 57155 59 59 59 59 157 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) SRP Pearson Correlation .681** .316* 1 *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .012 N 61 63 63 water**region. 210Po is preferentially removed by biogenic 3.3. Biological Productivity of Mersing River ** ** Chl-a Pearson Correlation .418 .390 1 particles and.335 actively involved in the biogeochemical 210 Sig. (2-tailed) .001 .002 .007 Chlorophyll-a content in water column has been cycle compared to Pb (Tsunogai and Nozaki, 1971). N 61 of In the 63 aquatic 63 63 210Po is assimilated by environment, utilized as an indicator of assessing abundance ** ** SPM Pearson(Nozaki Correlation .805** .679** .697due 1 even though to its.425 sulfur-like quality phytoplankton biomass et al., 1997). The phytoplankton 210 a non-essential for their metabolism (Fisher simultaneous measurements of chlorophyll-a, Po Sig. (2-tailed) .000and it is .000 .000 element .001 210 between Pb in water column with et al., N were performed in this study57 59 1983). In 59this study, 59the relationship 59 210 210 Po, Pb, SRP, chlorophyll-a and SPM were displayed purpose to study the biogeochemistry behavior of these **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed) 210 210 well known as particles reactive nuclides at shallow *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed) in Table 3. It should be noted that Po, Pb, SRP, and 210Po/210Pb in particulate phase 3.5 3.0 y = 0.362x + 0.443 r = 0.414 (N = 63) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 Chlorophyll-a (µg/L) 4 5 210 5. Correlation between Po/210in Pbparticulate in particulate phase chlorophyll-a (μg/L). FigureFigure 5. Correlation between 210Po/210Pb phase and and chlorophyll-a (μg/L). The relationship between chlorophyll-a and SRP with respect to SPM was plotted in Fig. 6. SRP concentration in the water column is moderately associated with SPM concentration. However, chlorophyll-a has a low correlation with SPM. These indicate that chlorophyll-a has a low affinity to 15 SPM in the Mersing River. On other hand, palm oil agriculture activities probably contribute significantly to SRP concentration in the water column via sedimentation and river bank erosion. The N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 SPM show a significantly (p<0.01) lower correlation The relationship between chlorophyll-a and with respect to chlorophyll-a indicating a low primary SRP with respect to SPM was plotted in Fig. 6. SRP production as the particulate reactive elements and concentration in the water column is moderately SPM seem to have a low affinity to biogenic organic associated with SPM concentration. However, 210 1997). These resultsRiver indicate thatcolumn. Po has a stronger affinity to thehas total suspended particulate matter 210 matter in the Mersing water The low chlorophyll-a a low correlation with SPM. These 1997). These results(Table indicate that Po stronger affinity in to the total suspended particulate matter 210 210 has athe than chlorophyll-a 3). Nevertheless, data obtained this study was insufficient to support correlation (r=0.414)(Table between Po/ Pb inthethe indicate that chlorophyll-a has a low affinity to than chlorophyll-a 3). Nevertheless, data domination. obtained in this studyofwas insufficient support this assumption and to evaluate lithogenic particle A study particle size ontotransport SPM in the Mersing River. On other hand, palm oil particulate phase and chlorophyll-a in Fig. 5 proved this assumption and210to evaluate A study of particleparticle size on dynamics transport settling and sedimentation along lithogenic pathways particle might bedomination. useful in order to investigate that settling the enrichment of Po were not associated with agriculture activities probably contribute significantly and sedimentation pathwaysmechanism might be useful investigate dynamics source-to-sink to get a clearalong geochemical (Fahl in andorder E-M,to2007; Honjo,particle 1982; Liu et al., the abundance of chlorophyll-a. This might be mechanism due to to(Fahl SRP and concentration in the 1982; waterLiu column via source-to-sink to get a clear geochemical E-M, 2007; Honjo, et al., 2009; Nakatsuka et al., 2004). Therefore, this study suggests that a high concentration of SPM in the turbidity effect by resuspension. sedimentation and river bank erosion. The relatively 2009; Nakatsuka et al., 2004). Therefore, this study suggests that a high concentration of SPM in Mersing River is caused by resuspension from bottom sediment. Mersing River is caused by resuspension from bottom sediment. SRP SRP and and Chl-a Chl-a concentration concentration(μg/L) (μg/L) 25 25 Chl-a Chl-a SRP SRP 20 20 y = 0.093x + 4.249 yr== 0.093x + 4.249 0.697 (N=59) r = 0.697 (N=59) 15 15 10 10 y = 0.013x + 1.550 yr== 0.013x + 1.550 0.425 (N=59) r = 0.425 (N=59) 5 5 0 0 0 0 50 50 100 100 SPM (mg/L) SPM (mg/L) 150 150 200 200 210210 PoPo in in dissolved dissolved phase phase(mBq/L) (mBq/L) Figure 6. Correlation between (μg/L) and chlorophyll-a (μg/L) and SPM (mg/L) the water column. Figure 6. Correlation between SRPSRP (μg/L) and chlorophyll-a (μg/L) and SPM (mg/L) in theinwater column. Figure 6. Correlation between SRP (μg/L) and chlorophyll-a (μg/L) and SPM (mg/L) in the water column. 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 y = 0.442x - 0.154 10 yr == 0.442x - 0.154 0.681 (N=63) 10 r = 0.681 (N=63) 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 SRP in dissolved phase (μg/L) SRP in dissolved phase (μg/L) 210 Po (mBq/L) and SRP (μg/L) in the dissolved phase. Figure 7. Correlation between 210 Po (mBq/L) and SRP (μg/L) in theindissolved phase. Figure 7. Correlation between Po (mBq/L) and SRP (μg/L) the dissolved phase. Figure 7. Correlation between 210 16 N. A. B. Saili et al. / EnvironmentAsia 7(2) (2014) 7-18 high inventory of 210Po at station 4 might be due to fertilizer waste input from the nearest palm oil agricultural area via the two small river run-offs (Saili, 2013). 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