SPM Newsletter (Apr-Jun 2015)
SPM Newsletter (Apr-Jun 2015)
April 2015 Volume 5, Issue 2 St. Pete Masters Newsletter April Showers brings Masters Nationals In like a lion and out like a swimmer. As many of you are aware, SPM has quite a large team heading to San Antonio in a few weeks for Spring Masters Nationals. The team will proudly represent SPM, all decked out in team gear and many wearing the latest and greatest tech suits . It is not very common for masters teams to enjoy such camaraderie with their fellow members and actually act like swim teams. Many “teams” are just set up for triathletes to train or for the 10 or 20 interested pool swimmers who use swimming as fitness. SPM actually is a true TEAM. We train together, we socialize together, we care about each other. The memories of masters nationals & worlds over the past few decades still circulate, with many fast swims and great dinners (and possibly beers) after each session. For those of you who have never experienced a USMS Nationals, it is amazing. It reminds us all that no matter what age or what kind of shape you are in, there is still a place for you in this sport. It also reminds many how much darn fun it is to race! SPM is so proud to have this great group representing us and we all can’t wait to recount the fun, fast swimming, and entertaining stories that come out of this trip. Best of luck!!! Please e-mail knard819@gmail.com if you are interested in writing an article or if you have a great idea for a story. www.stpetemasters.org Welcome New Members! Kristin Cason (40-44) Nicholas Chase (25-29) Steven Cohen (50-54) Owen Deckinga (50-54) Karin Deleurand (55-59) Michele Forte (45-49) Michael Gay (55-59) Tom Gomez (35-39) Stacy Goodrich (45-49) Alex Graham (35-39) Bruce Haselden (50-54) Greg Kennebeck (45-49) Patrick King (30-34) Christopher Knop (50-54) Paul Kurtz (35-39) Victor Maslov (40-44) Cynthia Maston (35-39) Jing Nimchuk (60-64) Daniel Nolan (55-59) Kurt Ott (50-54) Liz Schuster (25-29) Steve Selgison (65-59) James Strouse (35-39) Laura Strouse (45-49) Hurricane Man Info 2015 Happenings Spring things! SPM 2015 Spring National Team St. Pete Masters is gearing up after 26 swimmers recently finalized their entries for this year’s USMS Spring Nationals in San Antonio, Texas, April 23-26,, 2015. The excitement is definitely building after our meet and everyone is training hard so that we can make a great showing in Texas. Thanks to sponsorship by Speedo and OxiClean, we are able to deck out the group in national team caps, t-shirts, polos, jackets, and shorts for the guys and yoga pants for the ladies (no, Ted, you cannot have the yoga pants!) . Please tune in to www.usms.org during the meet and keep an eye on the results for the following National team members: Bob Beach Ted Bradley Kern Davis John Doolittle Steve Freeman Phil Harasz Eric Herman David LeClair Dan Newhaller John Nixon Anthony Sullivan Sherri Bogue Dawn Clark Lauren Connolly Melissa Harasz JoAnn Harrelson Cheryl Kupan Dale LeClair Stase Michota Charlotte Petersen Phyllis Scheidt Jodi Schwartz Suzzette Seril Paula Texel Linda Visser Livia Zien Hour Swim Results Thanks to the many SPM team members that entered the One Hour ePostal National Championship event this year. Team results are not yet posted, but despite the incredible number of entries, we had some individual and relay success. Finishing in the Top Ten in this event were Stase Michota (25-29) -10th, Paula Texel (40-44) – 6th, Charlotte Petersen (50-54) – 2nd, Kern Davis (60-64) – 3rd, Carl Selles (65-69) – 6th, Jack Pyhel (70-74) – 6th and Bob Beach (80-84) – 2nd. Relays that finished in the Top Ten for women were: 25+ (Stase Michota, Charlotte Petersen, Paula Texel) – 3rd, (Lauren Connolly, Sarah Swoch, Sarah Kwon) – 7th, 35+ (Adrienne Forkois, Dawn Clark, Patricia Euler) – 10th, 45+(Melissa Harasz, Cheryl Kupan, Livia Zien) – 6th, 55+(Anne Page, Patty Nardozzi, JoAnn Harrelson) – 7th. For the men we had the following: 45+ (Ken Gersbach, Vince Brockman, Josh Smith) – 9th, 55+ (Tim Kennedy, Dan Newhaller, Kern Davis) – 2nd, (John Nixon, Steve Freeman, Phil Harasz) – 9th, 65+ (Pat Marzulli, Carl Selles, Jack Pyhel) – 2nd. Mixed Relays were successful as well and the results are: 25+(Michota, Kwon, Smith, Kennedy) – 7th, 35+ (Petersen, Newhaller, Texel, Davis) – 5th, 55+ (Selles, Nixon, Nardozzi, Harrelson) – 6th. The Hurricane Man Open Water Swim event is filling quickly and will cap at 400 entrants. If you are planning on competing, please go to www.clubassistant.com and enter today! Volunteers will be needed, so please e-mail me at pnardozzi@hotmail.com and let me know if you can help out. I need help in all capacities including kayakers and/or paddleboarders. Valentine Meet Results SPM made a splash at the annual Valentine Meet which was also this year’s Dixie Zone Championship Meet. With many of our team readying for Nationals in San Antonio, many of our team had outstanding swims. Overall high point winners were Paula Texel (40-44), Cheryl Kupan (50-54) and Kern Davis (60-64) and St. Pete Masters finished third overall with a total of 838 points. Awesome job team! 2 Farewell to a Friend Konrad Euler June 2, 1935 – February 25, 2015 Konrad’s early life was certainly a prelude to how he became the person and swimmer that we all know. When he was quite young, he fell, scratched his knee which became infected. He was incorrectly diagnosed with bone tuberculosis and treatment was to encase Konrad in a body cast to immobilize him. At one point it was suggested to amputate his leg, which his father refused to do. After six years, the correct diagnosis was made as a staph infection and treated, but the damage was done and important bone growth was stunted leaving his left leg 5” shorter than his right. Fortunately, Konrad found that it did not impact him as a swimmer and a life-long love of the water and the sport ensued. Konrad and his wife, Waltraut, both physicians, had been married for over 50 years and have one son, Herbie. Konrad and Waltraut have owned a home in St. Pete since 1980 and have spent as much as six months at a time here. Konrad joined St. Pete Masters around 1996 and was training as much as 5,000 yards per day preparing for his first open water swim in 1997. That next year he completed the 12.5 mile swim around Key West and in 2000 represented St. Pete Masters at World Championships in Munich finishing third in the 5K Open Water event. After three attempts at the Tampa Bay Marathon Swim, he finally completed the swim as a 66 year old in 13 hours, 9 minutes and 28 seconds. Not only was Konrad a fantastic open water swimmer, but he excelled in the pool as well, ending his career with a total of 7 individual long distance All Americans, 3 relay All Americans, 34 individual Top Ten times and 27 relay Top Ten times. The St. Pete Masters swimming family gathered together on March 8th to celebrate the full and fantastic life of Konrad Euler. His son, Herbie and daughter-in-law, Patricia were there to share the memories as well before he was “laid to rest” in his favorite place, Tampa Bay. Bon voyage, Konrad, you will be missed. SPM 45th Annual Short Course Championships Despite the small number of entries, the St. Pete Masters 45 th Annual Championship Meet was a huge success. Beautiful weather and some fast swimming kept everyone in a great mood and enjoying the fun atmosphere. SPM was far and away the combined winner of the meet with a whopping 1,778 points! Winning High Point towels in their respective age group were: Hannah Caron (18-24), Sarah Swoch (25-29), Nat Glackin (30-34), Paula Texel (40-44), Livia Zien (45-49), Charlotte Petersen (50-54), Kern Davis (60-54), and Bob Beach (80-84). It was great to have head coach, Fred Lewis, swimming in the meet and also fun to watch his SPA swimmers cheer him on. Former SPA swimmers, Stase Michota and Tom Gomez had fun swimming their events. Another SPA connection were husband and wife, Paul and Stephanie Kurtz, enjoying being in the pool instead of volunteering on the deck. Many of us enjoyed watching their two little boys running up and down the warm-up lane, heat sheet in hand, “coaching” their parents. As always, the meet cannot run without volunteers! Many thanks to the following for helping out with timing duties: Dave and Margot Larson, Miles Williams, Sandy Steer, Katy Kline, Jon Rosenbaum, Bruce Day, Stacy Goodrich, Tim McMahon, Stephanie Lee, Greg Carlin, Bob Aldrich, Christoph Lichtenfeld, Chris Burke, Tiffany Weidner, Mary Jo Cillian, Sarah Kwon, Ann Piccard, Jason Breese and Joe Baker. Our concession/hospitality crew, Kathy Selles, Adrienne Forkois, and Ann Albert was the BEST and special thanks to Livia for bringing the pasta! Last, but not least, thanks to our officials, Dan Nardozzi, Kevin Mooren, Charlie Kohnken and Joannie Gauzens. They run a fantastic meet! 3 Annual SPM Awards Banquet St. Pete Masters members and their dates for the evening enjoyed the breathtaking views from the 28th floor of Bayfront Tower and dined a delicious array of hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, drinks and desserts at our annual St. Pete Masters Awards Banquet. Recognized at this year’s banquet were the following SPM members: ALL AMERICAN: Bob Beach Brooke Bowman Ted Bradley Hannah Caron Dawn Clark TOP TEN: Laura Albee Sara Kwon Ryan Brady Patty Nardozzi Patty Conolly Barbara Prescott Herbert Euler Joshua Smith Steve Freeman Sandy Steer Philip Harasz Linda Visser Eric Herman Karen Westerman Katy Kline Kern Davis Melissa Harasz Tim Kennedy Pat Marzulli Charlotte Petersen Cheryl Kupan Sherri Bogue Colleen Miller Ron Collins Anne Page John Doolittle Carl Selles Adrienne Forkois Andrea Spurr Ken Gersbach Paula Texel Annie Hayman Tiffany Weidner Jeff Johnson Robert Aldrich Barbara McNulty Chris Burke Regina Novak Bryant Davies Jack Pyhel Patricia Euler Bill Specht Andrew Glenn Bill Stephens JoAnn Harrelson Michelle Walker Leonard Hughes Livia Zien In addition to the swimming awards, we were treated to a performance by our own Anthony “Sully” Sullivan (also known as the OxiClean guy) as he gave away fabulous baskets filled with OxiClean products AND “as seen on TV” items. Our Speedo rep, Lauren Connolly, also a SPM member, was there to hand out the baskets filled with donated Speedo products and also made sure that every person present received a mesh gear bag. Once again, the Georgies were the highlight of the night and everyone had a good laugh or two at the expense of the Georgie recipients. April Fools! Would you buy one of these?! “A conglomerate of SwimToday partners are coming together to introduce the new Narwhal Swim Cap (#NarwhalSwimCap) as a lead-up to the Olympic Games in Rio in 2016. This first-ever, high-tech innovation is engineered to help elite and youth athletes improve performance. It is inspired by the hydrodynamics of the narwhal, the “unicorn of the sea,” and a uniquely specialized Arctic predator. “ Painting with a Twist! Thanks to our social committee, Paula Texel and Cheryl Kupan, for arranging a super fun outing to Painting With a Twist. As you can see by the photo, not only are we awesome swimmers, but fabulous artists as well (some of us anyway!). 4 2015 Calendar April 23-26 – USMS Spring Nationals – San Antonio, Texas 25 – Tampa Bay Marathon Swim May 2 – Hurricane Man Open Water Swim 15 – September 15 – 5K/10K ePostal Swim June 12-14 – Bumpy Jones Meet – Sarasota July 11-12 – SPM LCM Championship Meet August 6-9 – USMS Summer Nationals, Geneva, Ohio September 15 – 5K/10K Ends, 3K/6K ePostal Begins October 4 – Tropical Splash Open Water Swim – Sarasota 9-11 – Dixie Zone Championship Meet (Rowdy Gaines) – Orlando November 7-8 – Shark Tank Meet – Sarasota 15 – 3K/6K ends December 2016 USMS Renewals Team Holiday Party TBD Happy Birthday to YOU! APRIL BIRTHDAYS 3 – Fred Leadbetter – 55* 7 – Chris Burke Stuart Burns 4 – Don Lepore 10 – Susan Haltunnen 11 – John Hockensmith Ann Piccard 18 – Vince Brockman 19 – Koco Eaton 20 – Marybeth Finster 23 – Mike Torsney – 85* 25 – Melody Janson 26 – Anne Page 29 – Bruce Day – 65* Bill Specht JUNE BIRTHDAYS 2 – David Larson 4 – Jenn Verser 6 – Kathy Cleary – 50* 9 – Holly Davila Ken Eckelkamp 15 – Gary Bastie – 65* 16 – Art Halttunen – 65* 18 – Cheryl Kupan 19 – Marcelle Rideout 20 – Leslie Beauchamp 23 – Steve Nelson 28 – Sandy Steer 29 – Don Volpe 30 – Adam Corbin SPM Officers President Women’s Vice President Men’s Vice President Secretary Treasurer Head Coach Assistant Coach Newsletter Editor MAY BIRTHDAYS 3 – John Woodruff 4 – Ron Collins 6 – Linda Visser – 45* 8 – Kevin Mooren 9 – Carey Joyner 10 – Sharon Steinmann 11 – Patty Nardozzi 12 – Amy Nordstrom Stefanie Silvers 14 – Peter Betzer 18 – Mili Dimitrijevic Suzanne Holland – 45* 20 – Jerry Little 21 – Stase Michota 25 – David Herman 27 – Michelle Walker 28 – Joe Baker 29 – Bryant Davies Melissa Harasz Christine Kirchner Steve Freeman Sandy Steer Kevin Mooren Fred Lewis Patty Nardozzi Kristen Rambicure Board of Director Bob Aldrich Gary Bastie Peter Betzer Kern Davis Colleen Egan Adrienne Forkois Phil Harasz Katy Kline Cheryl Kupan Livia Zien
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