E-learning - Towards Maturity
E-learning - Towards Maturity
Getting started with el learning i Laura Overton Laura@towardsmaturity.org lauraoverton CLC workshops What every L&D professional needs to know g about e-learning & Setting off on the right foot lauraoverton Getting started with e-learning – tools in our hands, getting buy in My action plan from CLC workshops 9th June Things to do: People to talk to: Learn more about: lauraoverton WHAT EVERY L&D PROFESSIONAL NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT E-LEARNING! lauraoverton Learning methods are timeless The pomise of e-learning e learning exploration observation case studies coaching discovery demonstration simulation instruction consultation discussion performance support assessment f db k feedback games questioning networking reading lectures collaboration reflection practice p visits work experience research role‐play p y briefings projects sharingg Whereas learning media are evolving rapidly The pomise of e-learning e learning books tapes DVDs CDs podcasts/ vodcasts streaming media social networks telephone web pages downloadable documents email instant messaging chat rooms workbooks wikis teleconferencing forums web conferencing SMS blogs simulators Change and of opportunity The pomise e learning e-learning Self-paced p content Live online sessions Knowledge sharing Online distance learning Simulations & virtual worlds Self Self-paced paced content The pomise of e-learning e learning How do businesses benefit from self-paced content? o Learning materials can be made available to employees wherever they are and at the times that suit them best. o Large numbers of employees can be trained very quickly consistently and consistently. o Assuming there are sufficient numbers to cover the expense of developing the materials, costs per employee can be very low. low Live online sessions The pomise of e-learning e learning How do businesses benefit from live online learning? o They can still carry out live training, but without the travel costs, wasted time and environmental damage. g o Live training can be provided in much shorter chunks than would be practical with typical classroom events. o Sessions can be recorded for the benefit of anyone who misses the live session. session Online distance The pomise of e-learning elearning learning How do businesses benefit from online distance learning? o Courses can be more readily integrated into working life learning g becomes an ongoing process rather than an event. o Distance learning can be as engaging and collaborative as face-to-face sessions. Knowledge The pomise sharing of e-learning e learning How do businesses benefit from knowledge sharing? o Employees can take an increasingly active role in their own learning and development. o Readily-available expertise means less wasted time and effort duplication of effort. Simulations & virtual worlds The pomise of e learning e-learning How do businesses benefit from simulations and virtual worlds? o Critical skills can be honed without risk to the organisation g or the employee. o Vital resources (such as aircraft) don't have to be tied up for training. o Training can be more authentic and powerful. lauraoverton Learning technologies in the charity sector • What’s hot – Electronic learning materials (75%+ use) – Web resources (65%+) – Online surveys and questionnaires (65%+) – Online administration (50% ) (50%+) • What’s not – Video, games or virtual worlds (<7%) – Blogging and chat (< 11%) –P Podcasting d ti (<13) – Rapid development tools (<15%) lauraoverton Skills delivery – what is most likely to be e-enabled? Office admin Team working Problem solving Health & Safety IT user skills Plus ..Communication, IT professional, leadership, team working, organisation specific, induction Round table discussion 1 - Select a topic. 2 - How can you use Self paced content Social Media Virtual classroom more effectively in that topic? lauraoverton SETTING OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT lauraoverton • 85% of organisations use e-learning • But only 12% think it is effective! • CIPD Learning & Talent survey 2010 lauraoverton You want to spend how much?! Training isn’t my job! My manager won won’tt give me the time. This is just not a priority right now! E-learning – th t’ nott that’s real work! Sound familiar? lauraoverton 6 years of benchmarking Embedded Established Developing Sporadic Novice Established users are more likely to report benefits than sporadic users: Quality (6x) Customer satisfaction (x3) Staff satisfaction (x3) Ability to respond quickly (x3) lauraoverton 6 steps to engage your organisation i ti Introducing the Towards Maturity Model lauraoverton Defining Need Activities that help align implementation with both business and individual needs: Strategy aligned with business need Learning relevant to required business need Learning aligned to personal need Defining Need Learner C t t Context Activities that provide learners with options that support their: Choice – time, time place place, approach Work-life balance Career aspirations and motivation Defining Need Learner Context Work C t t Context Activities that help L&D to understand and address issues outside of their immediate control: IT infrastructure Managerial support and culture Defining Need Building Capability Learner Context Activities that build the skills of L&D professionals: Work Context In determining strategy In informal learning/collaboration/performance support In assess assessment, e t, suppo supportt a and d des design g Defining Need Building Capability Learner Context Ensuring E Engagement t Work Context Marketing and communications activities that address stakeholder requirements: Learners Managers Defining Need Building Capability Demonstrating Value Learner Context Ensuring E Engagement t Work Context Activities that highlight business impact: p Gathering feedback Measurement Communicating success Defining Need Building C Capability bilit Demonstrating Value Learner Context Ensuring E Engagement t Work Context The strands intertwine Th all They ll contribute t ib t to t bottom b tt line li business b i re They all require the involvement of stakehold This approach delivers! lauraoverton So where do you stand? / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 / 10 lauraoverton Success is about People NOT technology lauraoverton Who are the stakeholders in your organisation? With highest power? With highest i t interest? t? lauraoverton Engaging Stakeholders – Who and why? L&D staff Senior Management Design, g , deliver,, coach Sponsors Build vision Own specific initiatives Incorporate learning as part of solution Influence management & define success Create priority Define success Line Management Influence and motivate individuals Learners Local learning Champions Allocate time Support Participate in training Motivate, engage and support Apply knowledge Ensure local relevance Improve performance lauraoverton Stakeholder engagement Pow wer • High power & high interest. Power and Influence Stakeholder Map – How do you harness them to work for you? • High power and low interest– How engage? Interest lauraoverton Top 3 stakeholders • • Those new to e-learning influenced more by Training Department and support functions (HR,IT) Mature users place learners and line managers as most significant stakeholders in success lauraoverton Engaging key stakeholders • Engaging appropriate stakeholders at the right implementation stages • Asking s g tthe e right g t quest questions o s us using g tthe e right g t language lauraoverton In what ways can we improve? 1 2 3 4 10 mins on your table to come up with 5 ideas to help you improve: g need 1. Defining 2. Learner and work context 3. Ensure engagement 4 Demonstrate 4. D t t value l lauraoverton Some of our Top Tips BI A clear vision statement endorsed by business leaders. There are measurable targets for learning and e-learning. E-learning is convenient to staff work schedule. Use several different learning technologies. Consistently use other media in addition to text in el learning. i Equip line managers with resources so their teams get the most out of e-learning. Make sure information about e-learning is easy to find. Ensure top managers are seen to use e-learning. K Know th the ffullll costt off learning l i d delivery. li Report against the targets agreed for e-learning. Report external success in awards to the business. TU % agree x 29% x x 30% x x 53% x 66% Staff have access to a broader range of learning opportunities. Staff career aspirations are supported SI x x x 27% x 61% x 52% x x 20% x 42% x 25% x 39% x 34% x 34% lauraoverton More resources www.towardsmaturity.org Get involved in latest TM benchmark: Research Papers: http://tinyurl.com Towardsmaturity org/2010benchmark Towardsmaturity.org/2010benchmark /TMindicator /TMDBBresearch http://tinyurl.com/TMevidence Keep in touch: Laura@towardsmaturity org Laura@towardsmaturity.org /TMindicator /TM33reasons lauraoverton