August 2012


August 2012
The Complete Cure!
BI-Monthly Newsletter from EaCo Chem, Inc.
s th
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C he
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There’s Nothing to Fear
“All we have to fear is fear itself ”
It’s that time of year again when
we unveil our 2013 calendar!
Filled with current projects and
how to’s, this years calendar may be
the best one yet!
This year, we are focusing on
historic projects, difficult situations
and new initiatives. If you have a
project that you feel is worthy of
this years calendar, please let us
know! We’d be happy to see if there’s
a good fit.
If you are interested in ordering
some calendars or possibly having a
calendar personalized, we are
currently accepting orders/requests.
Please direct all inquiries to
FDR. This quote has been heard
throughout history, in songs
and in classrooms. So, how
does this pertain to cleaning
I’ll tell you! The one thing
that generally holds people back
is fear. Fear of making a mistake!
Fear of the unknown! Fear of what
others may think! Fear of failure!
As a society, we have been trained
to live in fear. This has been passed
on from generation to generation.
that traditional methods were not
going to work.
Rexdale Contracting decided to do
some “non-conventional” testing.
First they tried NMD 80 alone with
a double application. This may not
seem out of the ordinary, but since it
didn’t work, they had to try something
else. So they tried the NMD 80
again, only this time they followed
with OneRestore. As you can see by
the clean
For Rexdale Contracting in
Toronto, Canada, there was
no fear! Failure was not an
option, however the mess
he was dealing with was
very real!
On a side note, this
happened because the
lowest bid was accepted,
not the best in quality of
Back to the story! A process
known as “burlapping” was
used during the re-pointing
of this building. What was left
behind was a slurry of mortar
all over the surface of the brick.
Conventional wisdom told them
EaCo Chem, Inc. • 765 Commerce Avenue • New Castle, PA • 16101
(800) 313-8505 • Fax (724) 656-0757 • •
only able to remove all of the excess
mortar left behind on the entire face
What separates one contractor from of the bricks, but also restore the
another, FEAR! It all goes back to face of the brick after tuck pointing.
fear, fear of failure!
Their customer was
In this case, there
extremely grateful
was no fear, so
the results were
provided and told
Rexdale Contracting
they been afraid
that they “saved his
to experiment, the
still be looking for
Others were also
impressed by the results. A friend
They knew there was a way to of theirs was shown the project
achieve success without conceding afterwards and couldn’t believe his
anything, so they kept on working. eyes. This friend just so happens
to work for National Concrete
Turns out that their efforts Associates in Toronto.
completely paid off. They were not
side on the left, it was a good call!
Unveiling Our Hardscape Protocol!
Every one already knows by now what we can do on masonry. The industry
has made the decision to change their cleaning specifications to include
NMD 80 as the number one specified new masonry cleaner on the market.
But did you know that we are equally effective on hardscape masonry
In fact, since many manufacturers that are already specifying NMD 80 for
their brick or block also manufacture pavers and retaining wall blocks, they
are looking at EaCo Chem to help with those masonry pieces as well. Many
have inherent issues in them due to water migration problems.
We have written our “Hardscape Cleaning Protocol” that discusses installation cleaning, remediation cleaning and general cleaning. These protocols
will direct contractors how to remove job site debris, efflorescence,
secondary hydration or “halo’s”, white scum, oil stains, etc...
Over the coming months, we will be offering training for manufacturers,
distributors and installers on our program.
Send us your
success stories!
Here at EaCo Chem we thrive on
your success and would love to
hear your project success stories
in the field!
Whether it is a small or large
project using an EaCo Chem
product or you are using one
of our products in a new and
challenging way, we want to hear
from you! Simply send us your
company name, project info and
location, product(s) used, and
project before, during and after
pictures and we may just feature
your company and project in an
upcoming newsletter or even in
our highly requested monthly
calendars! What a great way to
get your name and project success
stories out there while helping
EaCo Chem to know how our
products are being used by you,
our customers!
Send your story and pictures to
Not currently receiving the EaCo Chem
Monthly Newsletter by email? Please
contact to
be added to the e-mail list today!
If you are interested in getting on the schedule for training, please contact
Howard at for more information.
EaCo Chem, Inc. • 765 Commerce Avenue • New Castle, PA • 16101
(800) 313-8505 • Fax (724) 656-0757 • •

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