RSQ Series - Stopper Air Cylinder
RSQ Series - Stopper Air Cylinder
Sftrc" lrcylinder FSQ seies StopperCylinder RodEndConfigurations 4 Different Canbe MountedDirectlyon a Conveyor ThroughHoleor TappedEndMounting Height FixedMounting AutoSwitchCapable LaborSavin Automationfor ConveyorLines laQPea is sandard: '^h hole morint e^tnroj$ffiJ'rat height) _ . ., 66unring il'i;ggn'ii 'oo' 7fi,'"r6'' AvailableModels formanyapplicaiions. Selectoptions Iipe.' Fxedmountingheight AclronjDoubleacting, singleacting(spring exwithspdng. tended), doubleac'ting Rd endnnfigurafioniRoundbar,non-rotating, roller,lever Mounting:fhrcugh hole;bothendstapped. The@2is equippedwithaneasy to maintainshockabsorber. in the leveris adjustmentThe shockabsorberincorporated . (632,s4O,sso) freeandeasyto-maintain SwitchOptionAvailable I Auto enablesminiaturizaCompactautoswitchmounting I anddesigns. I tionof machines I OptionalSettingfor I RollerDircctionand I RollerLever Cylinder Stopper Serbs RS toapplications Lever selected according .............10ckrn9 . Prevent pallet mechanism repulsion duetolighl ... ........ . Partial passing ofwork........... Withcancel cap . Withlockingmechanism t v"lc^ qrl# lrl AFtaS . '. rFo-+ Leve,E€ Pin .tE3t-*ec P4l €\ u-'/ :'u---) ' Bracker T o \ h qrE-9- l-.:.s Leverstandard position Lever lock Lock releasing . Cancelcap (mechanism toholdlever horizontallv) SeriesVariation ^ - -" l f' -- lry | "** I lT* I Roderd I s*ardarc @'- @-i*rrry o5O . ' l i i :,., . . . ' t . ' . Height Stopper Cylinder / FixedMounting SenbsRSO BoreSize'. d20,d32,s4O,s50 Howto Order nsoH nspa@ WW . Portlype t f f XCl6l i Airlon:NPT With auto switch . a Number a N||mhar of ^l switches cwitihac --a:T 1p" Mounting Bothends tal r,rr- ol .rt auto o,n ,rswitch o*nnt (Rail tnoit mounled) -.r, ,.rt*lt rJ Type ioh hole @ Bore size . Reed switch isee P.11lor detaits.) Cylinderstroke(mm) 101 , 5,20 101 , 5,20 Solidstateswitch(seeP.ll tordetails.) Rodend contiguration Auto switch mounting bracket iM3r0.5xSl o-Am H AEOH A-7trC A80C D F79 D J79 D J79C ' The leler model is applied only 10 bore siz$ The slandad ead w 6 anglh s 0.5m.'L' 5 added lor 3m Ltrdfl,#:"[ffi."*j:::,,. ""."," O Note: Shadedareasin bold type-Special Order; Unshadedareas-Made to Order Fixed mountins heishtSefteS RSO Max. operalingpressure Ambientand fluid Lubrication Non lube Cushion Bolh Stroke lenothtolerance Throuqhholet Both ends tapped Avaitabte Rodend configuration Soundbar, non"rolatjng.roller.lev€r Bore/standard stroke 1 0 ,1 5 2 .0 20,25,30 oolbleactrg Sngeactng Doubeacting wlh sprng RoLrnd bar.non-rotalinq, roller Leverwilhbuil-inshock absober Spf ing fOlGe1norre|',noundBar,andcharhtered rypes) Spfing fOfC€ 1r-ever rypewirhshockAbsorb€r) SeriesRSO Operatingrangefor each rod end configuration Exrrrpre The rollerwith a load speed ol 1sm/minand load weighl of 30kg How to understand the diagram To selecla cylinderlor the above specilications,lind the inters€ctionol the hoizontal axis repres€nling the speed ol lsrvmin and the verlicalaxis representinglhe weight ol 30kg in the diagramshown below and selectthe modelRSQ E 40 positionedwithinlhe operatingrangeofthe cylinder. Roller/round bar/non-rotaling Diagram 1 Lever(withshockabsober) D agram2 Mounting : Bolts lor lhrough hole model BSOB are as shown in table. Howlo order: Stale"Bolflollowedbydimensionsand quantilyas shown. Example) Boll M5 x 65L frzr,r 4 bolts Mounlingbolt 6 50 40 30 25 20 15 ' 2 0 E 6 B 10 rn 5 1 0 2 0 Loadspeed v (m/mn) at Flush piping thoroughlybeiore connectionin orderlo preventdustorchipsfromentedngthe cylinder. € Do not mark or damage lhe piston rod. This could cause damage to packingand resull in lluid 'eakage. O Do not apply oil lo the sliding section of lhe piston rod, O Do nol apply rclarytorque. O Do not apply large-loadenergy to the model wilh a shock absober when ths shock absolbet is absorbrngen€rgytwhen the lev€t is uprighl). Lateralload and operatingpressure Thegrealerlateralloadn€odshighercylinderoperation presgrre,Seltheoperalionpressurcby usang thediagram as a guideline(Apdicableto th€roundbar,roller,andnon-rotaling) D 5 o.7 q ^ , t 0.6 d 0.5 a "3 0.3 o o.2 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 fitting/ RSQ6trF Built-inone-touch O Whenihe shockabsorberisreplaced.securely tightenlhe lockingscrewso lhat itlouchesthe threadedsecton ol the new shock absolber' 0.3J ( e When changingthedirectionofthe rollerslop, loosenthe lockingsclews {in 2 places)on the rodcover.Afterchangingtheirpositions.tighlen them firmly again. Nylontube, soft nylontube, and polyurelhanetube SealKit-How to Order RSory-P"t [,"; Hri'lj,ffLll,,^ 20 32 40 50 Fixed mounting heisht SgfieS RSO Construction/parts list Ooubfeacling . double acling wift spring . rolle( rd end d20 032.d40.C60 Round bar fod end type (D) Leverrodendwi(hbuillin shock absorber (only032,440,d6o) Non rotaling rod end type (K) Singleacting/roller rodend Q20 ? N2. EAO. #0 l PartsList Partst-iir Non-rotalingqude ($ -rteragonsocker selscrew ;l Pads w h a I maft are ued onLyfol tlre doubl€ adinq model w th spnng. H"*q"" """k; Only1 rolleris provided for032 RSo Series Threadmountingibothendstapped dN lhroughhole O thread 2-6.5 Boresized32,d4O,050/RSnQ$2,,10,50 ' Umercions clher rha' r ihe above ae lhe sme as lhose dl rhe basic lype la1 the bn). 4-pN lhrough .l9ro!1E! lrin. lead wire 'i.bend ng radius ro-- H+Siroke an auloswlch arelhe eme aslhe above lor modelswilhoul {Nore1l DimensDns oi auloswncheso A7 and D-Aa tNols2lThe liouresshw lhe dimensions iNore3iNlmb;c n od€nthess lndcatelhe d hansionsol D-A7Et, AaoH F7s,andJ79 Ai Widlh acrossllals: K B+Slroke iNote4)The liauresh*s an eneided prslon od lNote 5) Fo.sinole acl ng on€'touch liflings de pdvided only on 1[e rod sid€ Fixed mounrins heisht SefieS RSO ThreadmounYbothendstaoDed 10 BoresizeQ32,#O, 6CIRSnOB32,40,50 ' Dire.sioB olfFr ll'a. lle abole a€ t1e same ds hN thebasictps (arth6bn). Width across ttats:K (Nolel) D m6nsions lor hod€lswilfrodan autoswlchare$e sameas lh€abovs. {No€ 2)TheliguresshN thedime.sionsorauroswlrch6 D 47 andD AB (Nore3) Nlmbers n parenlhesis ndbalslhe dine.sio.s ot D aTf]H a8oH,F7!, andJ79 (Note4) Therigureshowsanexrended pislonrcd (Note5) Forsin!leactnq, onerouchlittingsareprcvidedontyon the rodside u SeriesRSO Boresize02ClRSnQB20 q ! >rl ii_9N c]0 v tadiris:10 40,50 Boresized32,040,d50/FSEOB32, ?q _21 o 9l l / Min. lead wire bending radius:10 10i11) 20\22) M10.2 E for moderswlhoutanaulosw ich ar61hesameas the above. lNole1l Dimensions (Nore2l Th€1oures of autoswilchesD ATandD ,€. showlhe d mensions n p , A7a9o, aNn d J 7 9 . l N o t e 3 ) N u f i b ; r s a r e n t h € s s i n d l c a l e l h e d m e n s i o n s o t 0 A T D HF rNole 4lTh€ I our€ shows an o.rendedpisron tod Lor ( lare arhro. olF roLcF -.os re p'o{deo onr o_ rFe oo qde, .Note Jl heisht SefieS RSO Fixedmountins Thread mounting/bothends tapped ' Oim€nsio6 olhor han lh@ shown n the labre below are lhe sme as he dwings b€low mfi Boresized32lRSflQf 32n -nn L Boresize440,50iRSnOE:8:l-lL t u r,-l pislonrod srrws ane^rended rNoie4rThei'our€ nd s i o e l N o € 5 )L o s ' l o l e a a n q . o n 6 l o d l l t l ' 4 g s a ' e p r o v i o e d o r l {tor o SenesRSO ' D mensons olher rhan those sh@n n the lable ber@ are lhe sme a th€ drawingsbdow Strokeadjustingshockabsorber Boresize@ZRSnQ n32-tlllB 2.18 20 P s t H EEI o 6ll il 120.5+ 2 slrokes BoresizeO4O, 50/RSfOlS-nLJB F 2-1tA o *14 *13.5 > H 4dj!l!!9 bq!! 4-dN through I-dO countelbore Widlh acrossllals: K B + Stroke With cancelcap/RSlODtl-:f o2O fC ' Dimensionsol lhe model wilha cancelcap are the sameas thoseshown in the above drawings. s u ' Dirnensonslof lhe matimum energyabsoption l'reishtS9fieSRSQ Fixed mounting ' Dmereonsohff thanlhosesfswr inlli€labe beNa€lhe same6lhedawinssbelow mm With lockingmechanism B Model RSUIOA32 48 Nl 5.5 R 10 G@@-l-qtr-5'i.]-r!,!6taaTl!:l Boresizeds2iRSfQi:a32lln D EgLroA50,54 6$ lu8f.2l1tLJ 1-055l!9€h, 8-0€counter bore deplh 7 Boresize040,5O/RSIOra#-Lll D o Widlh acrosstlats: K r cancelcap/Rs':O: tr-t ll lE Withlockingmechanism ' Dimensionsof lhe modelwitha cancelcap are the sameas lhoseshown in the above drawings. > t l U9I, oEll 'Dimensions for the maximumsnoqy aDsofpron \ote 1l D 'en\Ens o rodFs {{5oLr e1.L',o swl I rNole2r he iorres s.ow -E dnB_sro' s o'a-to shlch€' D A7 dt r N o l €I N - m o i r , n o a r e n t f e s s i l d r c a l € i 4 e o m e ' r ' o _ r o o A ) D q O MOxl D A3 AaoF F/9 rnd./9 4lThe rou€ shoG an e\tendedrrstontod LNore (Nore5r'or \tq€ acrrno, o.t o. tl'a rd nds. on" oLLl a rrgsd? pror''deo (Nole 6) The ' ecl'on s sub €cl lo the adlLstng boll adjustment. SenbsRSDQ AutoSwitchSpecifications Applicableauto switch model Grommel (Verticalcable Grommet(Hotizontalcable access) Reed switch Conneclor (twocolors) Grommet Grommet Connector Solid state switch Grommet{two colors/horizontalcable accessl Grommet(lwo colors/verticalcable access) G rommot [*o c0]0I5V lh dlagnoslic oulgrrhof zmk cablsaccess) (!p !q!E44lca@sllq!!!@ ReedSwitchSpecifications/ RailMounted Belay, Sequence conlroller,lC Relay, Sequence conlroller tulax.24VAC.DC 50mA 5-40mA Fssis posrm - Red lgltremtiingdo& 8lslres$illFdrn6ren!h €rifirqrlo& . ' . . . Leak currcnt- None Besponsenme 1.2ms L€adsire - Oi ptool \inyt. @3.4,o.2mn1,2 w1r6(red, b ack). 0.5m ' lmpacl €sistance J00m/s: {30 6G) hsu aron resistance---50Mo or more underl6sr vo tage soovDc (belw6€ncase and cabre) . w thslandvo tage - l500VAC 1 min (betweencase aid €bte) .Ambiontlemperalure 50 140"F(10-60"C) ' Polecton skucture- lEC529spec.lP67,warelprcoj(JtS C 0920),oibrcoj ' Suffx L lor the modelwlth a 3m long l€adwir€. Relay, Sequencs controller Max.20mA Max.28VDC Max.150mA[rax. 100mA 5-100mA Max. 0.8V Max.-imA ON: Red lighremiring diode . Resoonsetime -l .2ms . Lead wre -Oilpr@f vinyl.d3.4,0.2mri 2-wir€ted, btack),3.wi.e(red,whte, btack),0.5m. ' lmpacl reslslan@ 300mb, {30.6G),1000m/s,{102G} ' Insulationresislance 50MA or more underlestvolkge sOoVOC abeh{eenca* and cablel 1l Max.0.8V Max. 0.8V Max. 1mA Max jOuA tvax..lollA Responseposition- Red light emiltingdiode position Best r€sponse Green lightemittingdiode . Wnhsbnd voliag€ 1500VAC1 min (betw6en€se and @bteJ . ADrrionir6Dp€rarur€ 5+140.F 110-6O.C) . Pmleclionsl.wlu€lEC529sps.lP67 waterprool(J|SC0920)oilprmf 'Suliix L lor lhs modelwilh a 3mlong lead wire SefieS RSDO Autoswitch soecirications Auto switch internalcircuit Beed switch D-A76H D"A73, DA73H o-472, D-472H Abck lJl D-A80C D-A80,D-A8OH pnr*ir"y-'-' ffi_ffi o cD-P11 I>A79W/ two colors Indicatorlamp ope€lins rdnse | | | | R€d Green oFF Fled . B€stresPonssPosilron Solidstateswitch o D-F/NTL o.F^)F O-F/LF o Lalchtype diaqnoslc outpul J . Solid slate and Reed switchesare nterchangeable {Reed swilch} {So id slate swlich} D.F79 D-A7 D-J79 +.-------------D J79C @ Diagnosticoutpul OUT 2 SeriesRSDO Autoswitch hysteresis "onO", (oN) Basicwiring 3 wiresystemPNP 3 wire syslem NPN : - t 2 wiresystem -',, i#? : re.Tdr ' --? 1!e44t I i. . ---- '-+-Ikt- c=_ .---# ffih+j l,;"..t \ - ......::-:=",- I /--- @ 3\- - r-puri rr'r :-,'"1-t ii * 6I- n i T-f i | Gr ^.1-r ,/+.'' d r i +\ R".r - ";;fl-rtffi....:.i '*.mff | | *l d'tsY -n , : Th€ dillerencebelweenlhe swilch contactpoint (ON) andswil.h resisterpo nl (OFF)is nomally 2mm max.Jor €ed switchesand 1mm me. lor $lid state switches. The .onianioi ndtud €ras lih lh6 4pullpelcaliois cl e eq.pnao ioto.-'tllec. leoi-eamo.,bPa er"''"" f'= =mP- Switchresisterpoint (oFF) T controllerconnectioncircuits 3 wile system NPN ** i ConlactsMor hysreresls saproblem. . AND (Serial),OR (Parallel)connectionexample AND conneclionfor 3-wlresvstem NPN oulDut OR conneclionfor 3-wiresvstem NPN oulDut D-A7 and D-Ag swilches have no builtin contact protectioncircuit. Use this box ior inductiveloads, 5 metersormoreol leadwires,or 100,200VACapplica- 2 AND connectionsfor 2-wiresystem Whe. 1wo switchos ar6 ANDcoiiecled.loadma f uncl o may r6urt b@use oJ flie toad voll aged@Pwhe. the swilch€s ae luffed ON. l?€piLl lanp lighls wh6n hlo swilches a€ turned ON Eran0eP$s!olageis24VDCafd€sdua s$krwtageB4t L@dslbge lhm $ith b 0N = Porerlo lage- Blsiiul vol€Sx 2p6 =24V_ 4,4r 2Fs Inslallautoswitch in the followingmanner 2 OR conn€ctions lor 2-wire system -f = ; C ; i r _ - -go-f1;r_,\\.:j+_ I | .";i I \_, 1_l i | -! I " D-48 swlch is used iof IooVAC or lsss Sin@ lhere F no votage lmilalon, you can s€ 6ct a suilable model lor your w el rwo >w !r e\ € o q m l r a 6 d . t o a "d J o r . aq6oe.orr qredrasa swirchstumedoFF,and Ta u! oardvr€s,k. Erairre Loan impEdai*s 3K) ad snlchleaks&sreil b lnA Loadvofrage whs sdibi s oFF =LeaGSe0urflt r Load impelame =lfiiAx hcs r 3Nf, -6V Contact Protection BoxInlernalCircuil lnte -i*f "trl l#:r*,iff:i " S:#__,9-D:!]? .";ffi|-w- Auto SwitchMountingPosition(StrokeEnd)/ MountingHeight SeriesRSDO (i32- 60 D-A7,D-A8 D-A7,D-A8 A= @ ,BE6E-- D-A7H,D-A8OH D-F7,DJ79 D-F79W,D.l79W D-A7H,D-A8OH D-F7,D-J79 D.F79W,D-J79W Connector type D-473C,D-A80C D-J79C Connector type D-A73C,D-A80C D-J79C D-A79W, D-F7;WV D-F7trV D-A79W, D-F/SWV D-F7E]V Auto switchmountingposition Auto switchmountingheight 27.O 37.5 ,' i : 4?i{-tl WorldWideQS\E Support... (762-7621) North American Branch Offices Fora branchofficenearyoucall:1-800-SMC-SMC1 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Atlanta) 1440 Lakes Parkway,Suite 600 Lawrenceville,GA 30043 Tel: (770) 624-1940 FAX: (770) 624-1943 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cleveland) 2305 EastAurora Rd., Unit A-3 Twinsburg,OH 44087 Tel: (330) 963-2727 FAX:(330) 963-2730 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Milwaukee) 16850W. Victor Road New Berlin.Wl 53151 Tel: (414) 827-0080 FAX: (414) 827-OO92 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Richmond) 5377 Glen Alden Drive Richmond,VA 23231 Tel: (804) 222-2762 FAX: (80a) 222-5221 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Austin) 2324-D Ridgepoint Drive Austin,TX 78754 Tel: (512) 926-2646 FAX: (512) 926-7055 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Columbus) 3687 Corporate Drive Columbus,OH 43231 Tel: (614) 895-9765 FAX: (614) 895-9780 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Mnpls.) 990 Lone Oak Road, Suite 162 Eagan,MN 55121 Tel: (651) 688-3490 FAX:(651)688-9013 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Rochester) 245 Summit Point Drive Henrietta,NY 14467 Tel:(716)321-1300 FAX:(716)321-1865 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Boston) Zero CentennialDrive Peabody,MA01960 Tel: (978) 326-3600 Fax: (978) 326-3700 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Dallas) Ste.815 12801N. StemmonsFrutry, Dallas,TX 75234 rel: (972\ 406-0082 FAX: (972) 406-9904 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Nashville) 5000 LinbarDrive,Suite 297 TN 37211 Nashville, Tel:(615)331-0020 FAX:(615)331-9950 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (S.F.) 85 NicholsonLane San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: (408) 943-9600 FAX: (408) 943-9111 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Charlotte) 5029-8 West W.T.Hanis Blvd. Charlotte,NC 28269 Tel: (704) 597-9292 FAX: (704)596-9561 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Detroit) 2990 TechnologyDrive RochesterHills,Ml 48309 Tel: (248) 299-O2O2 FAX: (2a8) 293-3333 SMC Pneumatics lnc. (Newark) 3434 US Hwy.22 West, Ste. 110 Somerville,NJ 08876 Tel: (908) 253-3241 FAX: (908) 253-3452 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (St. Louis) 4130 RiderTrail North Earth City, MO 63045 Tel: (314)209-0080 FAX: (314) 209-0085 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Chicago) 27725 Diehl Road Warrenville,lL 60555 Tel: (630) 393-0080 FAX: (630)393-0084 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Houston) 9001Jameel,Suite180 Houston,TX77O4O Tel: (713) 460-0762 FAX:(713)460-1510 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Phoenix) 2001 W. MelindaLane Phoenix,AZ85027 Tel: (623)492-0908 FAX: (623) 492-9493 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Tampa) 8507-HBenjaminRoad Tampa,FL 33634 Tel: (813)243-8350 FAX: (813) 243-8621 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Cincinnati) 4598 OlympicBlvd. Erlanger,KY 41018 Tel: (606) 647-5600 FAX: (606) 647-5609 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (L.A.) 14191MyfordRoad Tustin.CA 92780 Tel: (714\ 669-1701 FAX:(714)669-1715 SMC Pneumatics Inc. (Portland) 14107N.E.AirportWay Portland,OR 97230 Tel: (503) 252-9299 FAX: (503) 252-9253 SMG Pneumatics Inc. (Tulsa) 10203A East 61st Street Tulsa.OK 74146 Tel: (918) 2s2-782O FAX: (918) 252-9511 Europe ENGLAND SMC Pneumatics(U.K.) Ltd. GERMANY SMC Pneumatik GmbH ITALY SMC ltalia SpA FRANCE SMC PneumatiqueSA HOLLAND SMC Controls Bv SWEDEN SMC Pneumatics Sweden AB SWITZERLAND SMC PneumatikAG AUSTRIA SMC Pneumatik GmbH SPAIN SMC Espafra,S.A. IRETAND SMC Pneumatics (lreland) Ltd. Asia JAPAN SMC Corporation KOBEA SMC Pneumatics Korea Co., Ltd. CHINA SMC (China) Co., Ltd. HONG KONG SMC Pneumatics (Hong Kong) Ltd. SINGAPORE SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Pte. Ltd. PHILIPPINES SMC Pneumatics (Philippines),Inc. MALAYSIA SMC Pneumatics (S.E.A.)Sdn. Bhd. TAIWAN SMG Pneumatics (Taiwan) Co., Ltd. THAILAND SMC Thailand Ltd. INDIA SMC Pneumatics (lndia) Pvt., Ltd. North America CANADA SMC Pneumatics (Canada) Ltd. MEXICO SMC Pneumatics (Mexico) S.A. de C.V. South America AFGENTINA SMC Argentina S.A. CHILE SMC Pneumatics (Chile) Ltda. Oceania AUSTRALIA SMC Pneumatics (Australia) Pty. Ltd. NEW ZEALAND SMC Pneumatics (N.2.) Ltd. SMCoffers the samequality and engineeringexpertisein many other pneumaticcomponents Valves DirectionalControlValves ManualValves Mufflers ExhaustCleaners Quick ExhaustValves Valves ProoortionalValves MechanicalValves MiniatureValves FluidValves Cylinders/Actuators CompactCylinders MiniatureCylinders RodlessCylinders RotaryActuators PneumaticGrippers Vacuum VacuumEjectors VacuumAccessories Instrumentation Pneumatic Positioners Pneumatic Transducers SMC PneumaticsInc. P.O.Box 26640, Indianapolis,lN 46226 Tel:(317)899-4440.FAX:(317)899-3102 O 1978-1999SMC Pneumatics,Inc.All RightsReserved. RevisedOctober1999 Air PreparationEquipment Filters-Regulators-Lubricators Coalescing Filters MicroMistSeDarators Fittings Air Fiftings
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