StacoSystems 60 Series
StacoSystems 60 Series
lowcost,sinSwitches arehighquality, Pushbutton Series 60Lighted Theswitchglelamps listings under |V]22885/18. unitswithMIL-SPEC Standard to requirements 0f l.E.E.E. Qualified eshavebeenSeismic "C."Allswitches makADDendix aresealed andT.VA.2200 344-1975 to humidity, saltspray, sandanddust ingthemdripproofandresistant proof.Snapaction mechaswitch aswellasexplosion environments, contact bounce.Gold switching withminimum clean nismsprovide provide precious range from2 plated switching metal alloycontacts withcomputer requireampsdownto 10 microamps,compatible provide flexibility incircuit maximum versatile switches ments.These milinanyotherlow-cost features notavailable otfering design c0ntrol, pushbutton lighted switch. itary-grade or in keyboard arrangecanbem0unted singly 60switches AllSeries to speed installation. available subpanels ments on12and16station pushwithswitch spacing t0 accommodate.50" areolfered Subpanels to accommodate or withspacing eitherroundor square, buttons, pushbuttons .75"inwidth. upt0 andincluding lvlodels 65 t0 tityourparticular application. switch thespecific Select withs0lder ter DPDT c0ntact arrangement two-circuit or and66ofler to l,4odels 65and66butwith 63and64aresimilar minations. lvlodels witheither areavailable Allswitches PCor wirewrapterminations. lvlodels 63and65accept Series switch action. oralternate m0mentary pushbutton for high impact shock and lenses 1 screw-in 60 Type Series Type 2 Models 64and66accept environments; severe vibrati0n lenses. snao-in Dushbutton pushbutton lenses, and Model 61forscrew-in Single lampindicators, pushbutton pushbutlenses, use samedisplay Model 62forsnap-in andindiaooearance. Mixswitches I0rlookalike tonsastheswitches panel andidenseparately forfuncti0n control 0rgr0up cators 0nsame intormation onindicators. tification. Seepage8 f0rordering legends or engraved legends. newphotographic Select Stacoswitch's andshapes. colors in eightdifferent sizes Choose fromnineattractive including of legend types, legends offerwideselection Photographic oi black characters ona c0l0red message, andchoice visible 0r hidden 0rder 0n a blackbackground. characters background or colored separately. Seepages 9-13for Pushbutton Lenses 60 Display Series details. complete '.3i i 1 it : ELECTRICAL i\Flaf D" Contig.(TYP) @ \- ContactRating Resistive lnductive Lamp Dry Circuit .312-32NEF-28THD. l .469.32UNS-2ATHD. Hex Mtq. Nut Lockwtsher Non-TurnWasher 28VDC 'l1sVAC60/400Hz 2.0 amp 1 . 5a m p .5 amp 10.0microamps 2.0 amp ' 1 . 5a m p .5 amp rms D i e l e c t. r. .i c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0V0 A C Insulationresislance................1000megohmsmin. ai 5oovDc ...........50,000cyc1es .060/.250 Panel(TYP.) IiIECHANICAL O p e r a t i n g f o r c e . . . . . .. ..... . . . . . . . . 2 l b s n o m i n a l .......160max. Plungertravel.. . . . . . . . . . c il n e .s L i f e . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... .. . .. . . . . 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 c ym ARRANGEMENT TERMINAL l-.63Dia. lTyp (EncosureType"S" on y,) ENVRONIvIENTAL A p p l i c a bM l ei l i t a r y S p e c i f l c a t i lovnl l t S - 2 2 8 8 5 Explosion Resstance,Shock,Vibration, SaltSpray,I\/oisture Sandand Dust ThernialShock,FungusResistance, MENDEDtAIiIPS RECOIV / DisplayLenses (Tobe usedwithihe Series60 Pushbutton .... 2AV\321) a)I I3/a... ... . _ 6V (328) ncandescent 1 4 V( 3 3 0 ) gNeon V A C( A t H ) . . . .' 1 0 5 ' 1 2 5 l 0 l l0 l For:07{DoublePole) For:04 (2-Circuit) with switch O LarnpsnotsuPPlied O Neonrequlres68KQserlesresistance (07: DPDT)(04:2 CKT) _r TypicalPart Number l0g Pushbutton l\4ounting llodel MILNumber BUSnrn0 -in 15/32-32Screw 1V22885/18 65 15/32-32Snap-in M22885n8 66 I Construction Environmental tight S=Moisture Seespeci{ications seals) (N0stalic0r dynamic N=Enclosed Configuration Circuit (withnon-turnwasher) washer) (without non-turn a . 1 3 6i . 0 0 3 / , ,oe 313Dia----">\ \7f . 3 75 44?333 i1.. 468 6odDid *-' \a Switch0peration action SnaP A=Momentary Snapaction B=Alternate Prelix"R"injront0f modelnrmber(R66) switchbody. RFIshieldsd denotes S 04 B I Flat"D" configuration \typical \ .5/16-32 NEF-28 threads \ / -]KLt\v/l 15/32-32UNS-2A threads -TI .060/.250 L(1.52l6.35mm) PanelTYp 2.00 Rel (50.8mm) A i .62Diatyp (15.75mm) ELECTRICAL .200(5.08mm) ContabtRating . 1 0 0( 2 . 5 4 mm) ReI .200 (5.08mm) Resistive lnductive Het Dry Circuit .025:L.001 In.Sq. (.635a .025mm) Tvp Flat on .400(10.16 mm) Hub 2 places .047 Dia ( 1 . 1 9m m ) 3 places Solder Stand-offs {T .030J- Terminalpositions .20= 0'l ( 5 . 0 8m m= 0 1 ) .650= 02 (16.51mm = 02) .750:03 (19.05mm - 03) and identi{lcation (withnon-turnwasher) /r '136'+ (withoutnon-turnwasher) no3 I .+oa+llflor".---n{ +;' -\i4 -\i7l ouu'llfio," I 375 'D I 11sVAC60/400Hz 2.0 amp '1.5amp ,5 amp 10.0microamps 2.0 amp 1.5amp .5 amp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1000VACrms Dielectric min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1000megohms resistance. Insulation @ 5oovDc cycles Lile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50,000 IVIECHANICAL O p e r a t ifnogr c e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2l b sn o m i n a l 0 axP l u n g e r t r a. .v.e. .l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6 m L i f e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 0 , 0c0y0c l ems i n . + (.76mm) Solderstand-off 28VDC oo3 -ooo compan0nlyarel0ok-alike LampIndicators 61and62Single lvlodels (l\/l0dels 63, Switches Pushbutton Display 60Lighted i0nstotheSeries Lens the Screw-ir mates with Indicator lModel 61 The 64.65.and66). 9Lens.Seepaqes mates withtheSnap-in lndicator andthelvl0del62 Lenses. Pushbutton 60Display 0nSeries 13forinformation Lens shown ior referenceonlY. AcceptsT-1% FIange l',4idget B a s el a m p s . Gasket-lens seal. (Provided with sealed units only) H e xn u t (2 required) Non-turnwash€r .469-32UNS-2A x . b um l n , lsoJaledterminal (3unilsonlY) lsolatedterminal(ref) ,rAf- (F+#Y ContaclSpring Force --...- ..12io 36 oz. per l\.4il-L-3661 mounledin a panelwith a push Strength.... ....-.When button/displaylens installed,the indicatoris capableof withslandingan axial load of 25 lbs. distributedon the face plate of the push button/displaylens per Mil-S-22885 \p7 -- MECHANICAL f-_ panel thickness .250maximum Note: ELECTRICAL Dielectric... washer) (without non-turn (withnonturn washer) / r.125 !.0D3 Dia. . ! l a6B 606oia.---.f\ a6B 6d6Dia' ,,- l"' 1 , 0 0 0 V R M S p e r M i l - L - 3 6 6 1 , p a4t.a7 . 2 1 . Applicable Military SpecilicationsMIL-SENVIRONI\,4ENTAL, 22885Salt Spray,MoistureFesistance,ThermalShock.Vibration, Sand and Dust and FungusResistance .003 .000 T \i Irt l Example:gL S .375 001 -2 Model Number lndicator Lens 61= Screw-in Lens 62= Snap-in The -2 version of the Models 6 1 a n d 6 2 I n d i c a t o r sP r o vides two Iamp terminals. only tight(applies S = Moisture withlensandsealinstalled) 001= Indicator The -3 version providestwo l a m p t e r m i n a l sa n d o n e i s o lated lerminal which allows c o n ne c t i o n s l o r a t t a c h i n g componentsthat are needed due to circuit requirements. T I L W i r i n gD i a g r a m Terminals Number of Lamp _t -t -3 = 2 plusoneisolated telminal (R61) RFIshielded denotes number "R"infront0t model Pretix body, indicator Typical-3 version application lsolated T e r m i n a( ln o t identified) -3 contiguration o nr y Select fromseven legend display types, allstandard options. Hidden orvisible messages. . . leoend characters in black orcolor.. . photographic Jilm0r engraved legends . . . wideselection 0f designer matched . . . theyalladdupto a multitude colors 0fattractive display yourrequirement combinations, andthey're allstandard. Whatever thereis a Series 60 Lighted Pushbutton/Display t0 meetyourexact needs. Series 60 Lighted Pushbuttons arenowavailable withyourphotographic filmlegends to protect characters frOmwearandcontaminaplates tionfromdirt.Thelegend have clear, sharp characters andare permanently protected under a clearplastic cap. Legend characters maybe black0n a colorbackground, or in color0n a blackbackg r o u n dC. h 0 i c0ef 1 0 ,1 2 ,o r 1 8p o i n t c h a r a c t e r h e o ingeh, t .w o ,r threelinelegends available, depending 0ncharacter height andpushbutton style. IVIECHANICAL S t r e n g t h- . . . . . . , . - . . . . . Relamping Faceplatewill withstand25 p o u n dd i s t r i b u t e dl o a d . Relampfrom front of panel without use of tools. ELECTRICAL DielectricSlrength Sea Level 1,056VRI\4S 70,000Feet ... 450 VRMS Insulation Resislance -,,,,.,,.- 1,000megohm at 500VDC ENVIRONMENTAL A p p l i c a b l e N / i l i t a r yS p e c i t i c a t i o n s M I L - S - 2 2 8 8 5S a l t Spray, Moisture Resistance,Thermal Shock, Vibration, Sand and Dust, and Fungus Resistance. Translucent c0lorpushbutt0ns have engraved legends, Display Type 5, withcharacters filledwitha contrasting colorforeasyreadinq. Black yellow, pushbuttons; fillis usedonwhjte, or amber whiteiill is used onred,green or bluepushbuttons. Pushbuttons areavailable in screw-in styleforhighimpact andvibraTypel, forModel tionenvironment, 61 Indicator andl\4odels 63and 65Switches; anda snap-instyle, Type2,lor Model 62Indicator and l\Iodels 64and66Switches. Type2 snap-in stylehaspositive index gripfor forproper 0rienlation 0f legend. Pushbutt0ns have fingertip fOrrelamping. Allaccomm0date T-13/4midget flange easyremoval lamps.Seepage16for ordering information baseincandescent on lamps.ThepushbuttOns aredesigned t0 meetrequirements 0f MILS-22885 andlvllL-L-3661 wheninstalled in a Stacoswitch sealed andwitha QPLlampinstalled. switch 0r indicator LENSCAP-CLEAR CAP-CLEAR F I L ML E G E N D L E N SD I F F U S E R COLORFILTER C H I PD I F F U S E R LENS BODY LEGENDDISPLAYS TYPES1 AND 3 LENS N/YLAR F I L ML E G E N D LOR FILTER LENS BODY LEGENDDISPLAYS TYPES2 AND 4 MOUNTING SASE IYPE I SCREW.IN -a t l _A- t l l _a- t l t _a l t t l -a -a- l t l t l t t l -a- -6- t l t t t tronotrEE .50sQ. .50 TYP .26 TYP .50DtA. .63SO. .68DtA. .75 SQ. 1. 1 2x . 7 5 [r [-l [-_-l | , _, I [t L__J L-_J L_J L_J I . 7 5x . 5 0 L__J L__:J _ s s ' + @ @ s s s L o a rP" ,O r ,S r r Ir T I VrIE N YX T TAAaB/ T v p F , n N r Y l NnDFE INDEX)-TYPE 3 SNAP.IN MOUNTINGBASETYPE2 SNAP.IN(POSITIVE l[?lr^o*olIltrltrtr ILLUMINATEDIIIIIII TYPE Ittu 1l I{ATED ilONNLTUMII{ATEO tEGEl{D LEGEI,ID BACKGROUND BACKGR(lUI{D Translucent Color Translucent White Black Black Color Black Translucent White Visible inColor inColor Visible Black 1 Blacko 2. (Not Hidden EasilV Discernable)o 3. Translucent Colo(D 4. (Not Hidden Easily Discernable)o 5. BlackFilledEngraving Surfaceo on External Translucent Whiteo Translucent ColorCap Black Color Black Black Blacko Translucent White Visible in Color Black 6. 8. Color 0paque Color N0TE|@: FilmLeoend @= Engnved. Black colored capsandclear capswith yellow to bothtranslucent . Whitefill0nallothercolors. Applies round fill0nwhite, 0ramberbackg lilters. translucent colol 10 l NO. CODE 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 o13 14 ID to 17 18 19 2D 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 CAPDESCRIPTI()N Red-Translucent Red- Translucent None -Translucent Green -Translucent Green N0ne None None None -Translucent Yellow - Translucent Yellow -Translucent Blue Blue- Translucent -Translucent Amber - Translucent Amber White- Translucent -Translucent White -Translucent White -Translucent White White- Translucent cent White- Translu -Translucent White -Translucent White -Translucent White White- Translucent While- TransLucent cent white- Translu - Translu White cent cenl opalWhite- Translu -Translucent opalWhite 0DalWhite-Translucent 0Dal White-Translucent 0palWhiie- Translucent cent ooalWhite- Translu ooalWhite- Tanslucent -Translucent 0palWhite -Translucent opalWhite -Translucent 0oalWhite Clear-Transparent Clear-Transparent - Transparent Clear - Transparent Clear Clear-Transparent r - Transparent Clea Clear- Transparent Clear- Transparent rent Clear- Transpa - Transparent Clear r - Transparent Clea Clear- Transparent rent Smoke Grav- Transoa SmokeGray- Transpafent 48 49 50 51 52 53 TRAI{SLUCENT BODY DESGRIPTIONS GOLOR FILTER rent Smoke Gray- Transpa Smoke Grav- Transparent Smoke Gray- Transparent - Transoarent Smoke Grav -Transparent Smoke Grav - Transparent Smoke Gray rent Smoke Grav- Transpa Gray- Tlansparent Smoke N0ne N0ne N0ne None None N0ne N0ne Blue-White Red Bed Green Green Yellow Yellow Blu€ Blue Amber Amber Red Red Green Green Yellow Yellow tv22885/99-XX01 - Translucent White t\422885/99-XX02 White- opaque -Translucent White - opaque Whit€ -Translucent White White- opaque -Translucent White - 0paque White -Translucent Whit€ While- 0paque White- opaque -Translucent White Blue White White Am0er Amber Black- 0Daque Red white- opaque Bed Black-0paque White- 0Daque Blue Amber Amber Red Red Green GrBen Yellow Yellow Blue Green Green Yellow Yellow Blue Blue White White Amber Smoke Gray- Transparent 56 Am0er Gray- Transparent Smoke pushbuttons lorwhite applications formilitary O Recommended 54 55 White- opaque -Translucent White - 0paque White White- 0paque cent Whiie- Translu White- opaque -Translucent White - opaque White -Translucent White White- opaque -Translucent White White- 0paque -Translucent White - opaque White -Translucent White - 0Daque White cent White- Translu White- 0paque White- Translucent While- 00aque -Translucent White - opaque White - 0paque Black - 0paque White Black 0paque White- 0paque - opaque Black - 0paque White Black 0paque White-0paque Black- 0paque - opaque Whrle Blue MIL"SPEC NUMBEB PART - 0paque Elack White- 0paque - 0paque Black White-0paque Black- 0paque - 0paque White Black- opaque - 0paque White LEGEI{D DISPLAYS AVAILABLE r\.422885/99-XX03 M22885/99-XX04 t\422885/99-XX05 r\422885-99-XX1 0 t\.122885/9g-XX06 tv22885/99-XX07 rv22885/9S-XX08 use Type 5 Engraved Legeno 0nly tv22885/99-XX09 tv22885/99-XX11 M22885/99-XX12 t\.,122885/99-XX1 3 4 tv122885/99-XX1 UsePhotoqraphic 1, Legend Types 2,3,4,60r8;or Engraved Type5 M22885/99-XX15 UsePhotographic Types 1, Leoend 2,3,4,60r8;or Enoraved Typ€ 5 Black- 0paque 11 e o t h i cN o . 2 C h a r a c t eSr t y l e A l t e r n a tG * C h a r a c t eHr e i g h t A - 1 0 P o i n tH i g h( a p p r o x. 1 0 " ) B = 1 2P o i n tH i g h( a p p r o x. .1 2 " ) C - 18 P o i n tH i g h( a p p r o x. .1 8 " ) size' styleandchalacter 0l linespetpushbutton counl andnumber maximum characler Typical A= Pushbutton Slyle No.Char/Line l{0.Lines Engru. Film Engrv. Film 4 4 5 L BodyStyle M BodyStyle NBodyStyle 5 6 I P BodyStyle 6 RBodyStye 6 8 I 11 I I Engrv. 3 3 FIm 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 7 4 4 7 I 3 2 3 2 5 5 7 7 TyoicalPart Nuhber - 4 6 6 4 60 Series Pushbutton BodyStyle H =.50Sq" M =.75Sq. J = . 5 0 D i a . N = 1 . 1 2x . 7 5 R e c t . K = .63Sq. P = .75 x .50 Rect. L = .68Dia. R = .75Dia. MountingBase '1= Screw-in 2 = Snap-in(Positivelndex) 3 - Snap-in(No PositiveIndex) ColorCombinations Pushbutton 01 thru57. SeeTable2, Page11 LegendDisplayTypes 1 thru6 andL SeeTable1, Pagel0 LegendCharacterSize C = 18point A = 10 point B = 12 point SeeTable3 Page12 Legeno Tvpical Part Number - l"l22M5&9 Number MIL-SPEC BodyStyle H = . 5 0 S o . L = . 6 8 D i a . P = . 7 5x . 5 0 R e c t . J = .50 Dia. M = .75 Sq. R = .75 Dia. K = . 6 3 S q . N = 1 . 1 2x . 7 5R e c t . MountingBase 1 = Screw-in2 = Snap-in(PositiveIndex) ColorCombination Pushbutton Table2 Page1l) column, 01 thru15 ( SeeMIL-SPEC Note:PartNumberdoesnot coverlegendcharactersize,or legendcopy' Thesemustbe specifiedseparately. 12 C - 18 Poinl B = 12 Poinl o. Char/Line 5 5 7 H BodyStyle J BodyStyle K BodyStyle .10Point No.Lines Engru. Film 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 1 1 No.Lines No.Char/Line Engrv. Film Engrv. Film 1 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 4 3 4 1 3 2 2 3 5 2 2 5 6 3 5 5 3 granted to all MIL-S-22885 hasbeen Products Listing under 0ualified lenses listedbelow.Thoselistedunder display ol the pushbutton 62,64,and66 mounting base andfit Models M22885/19 have snap-in havea screwPushbuttons listedunderM22885/22 Swilch/lndicator. 61,63,and65Switch/lndictors. All in mounting baseandfit Models plastic per pushbutt0ns in standard colors, aremadeof translucent 100piecemin,qty,requ.allorders. lvllL-S-22885. forthese Pushbutton display lenses. Engraved legends onlyareavailable & PANT IO. Mate with irodels 62, 64, and 66 Switch/lndicator [ l l I ] a-) l n [-l + ulu : [J r= Style 9 Style 8 N O T E :S d a p i n p u s h b u t t o . s , a b o v e , h a v e a n o n adjustable index key. This does not allow for position ghanges after i.stallation of switch. Consult SIACO@for non standard orientation M a t e w i l hl l l o d e l s 6 1 . 6 3a. n d 6 5 S w i t c h / l n d i c a l o r I )l \'. \7 L t \_/ I -63oh- l-.===1 | I I lfi" L E= _/ : Style 4 Style5 Style 6 , E Style i4 NOTE: screw in push buttons, above, have an adjusl abte orientation featu.e. This allows engraved push buttons to be positioned after installa tion of the swrtch. MILITARY PART I{0. DESCRIPTION -.63Sq.,Snap-in, Red 19.03Pushbuiton M22885/ - .63Sq.,Snap-in, Pushbutton Green t\422885/19-04 - .63Sq.,Snap-in, Pushbutton White It422885/19.02 -.63Sq.,Snap-in, Yell0w t!,t22885/ 19,01 Pushbutton -.63Sq.,Snap-in, Pushbutton Blue tvl22885,/19,05 -.68Dia.Snap-in, Pushbutton Red 1V22885/19-08 -.68Dia.Snap-in, Pusibutton Green |V122885,/19,09 -.68Dia.Snap-in, White 19.07Pushbutton M22885/ Prshbutton'.68 Dia.Snap-in, Yellow M22885/19-06 Blue Pushbutton .68Dia.Snap-in, |V22885/19-10 -.75Sq. Pushbutton Red, Snap-in M22885/19.i3 -.75Sq. Snap-in 19,14Pushbutton Green, M22885/ -.75 Pushbutton Snap-in M22885 | !9-12 Sq.White, -.75Sq. Yellow, 19.11Pushbutton Snap-in tv22885/ Pushbutton..T5Sq. Blue, Snap-in tM22885/19-15 - .81Dia., Red, M22885 | 22.03 Pushbutton .81Diar, Green, M22885 t 22.04 Pushbutton' Screw,in - .81Dia., White, 2074154 M22885 / 22.02 P!shbltton Screw-in - .81Dia., Yellow, 20741.55 M22885 / 22.01 Pushbltton Screw-in - ,81Dia., Blue, Screw'in 20141.56 M22885 | 22.05 Pushbutton -.63S0. in Pushbutton Red,Screw 20742-61 M22885/22-08 -.63sq.Green, / 22-09 Pushbutl0n 20742-62 M22885 / 22-07Pushbulton..63Sq. White, Screw-in M22885 20742.64 -.63Sq. Pushbutton Yellow, Screw-in 1;/t22885/22-06 2t742.65 -.63Sq.Blue, 20742.66 M22885 / ?2.10Pushbutton -.63Dia.Red, Pushbutton Screw'in 20774-141 M22885/22-13 Push/Pull -.63Dia.Green, Pushbutton 20774-142 M22885/22-14 Screw-in, Push/Pull .630ia.White, 20774-144 M22885/22-12Pushbuttonscrew-in, Push/Pull .63Dia.Yellow, 20774-145 M22885t22-llPushbutton Screw-in, Push/Pull -.63Dia.8lue, Pushbutton 20774-146 M22885/22.15 Push/Pull Screw'in, -.68Dia.,Red, Pushbutton M22885122-18 2074n-4r - .68Dia., Pushbulton Creen M22885/22.19 24740.42 Screw-in .68Dia., White, 20740.44 M22885 | 22-17 Pushb!ttonScrew'in -.68Dia., Yellow, | 22-16 Pushbutton 20740-45 M22885 Screw-in - .68Dia., Blue, Screw-in Pushbutton 20740-46 M22885-t22-20 20765-71 20765.72 4 20765.7 20765-75 20765.76 20767.91 20767.92 20761.94 20767.95 20767.96 20766.81 20766-82 20766-84 20766.85 20766.86 20741-51 20741.52 Co|or...................................M1L-S-22885 C to+85"C Temperature.......................-55" 1.35Vto 28V T-1-3/4 Lamps................................Accept Lampsnot suppliedwithswitchor pushbutton to
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