StacoSystems C8 Series
StacoSystems C8 Series
Stacoswitch Series Cgis anattractive versaThelowcostdependable tilesinglelampswitchwiththesamebasicswitchmechanism usedin its0PLcounterpart, theSeries 60. Priceincludss complete switch and pushbutton lensassembly andall necessary mountin0 hardware. Matchingindicator only is availabie f0r look-alike appearance when intermixed withswitches 0n thec0ntrolpanel. isavailable withmomentary 0ralternate snapaction intwocirSwitch cuitarrangements; DPDT or twocircuit double break. Ch0ice 0f stanounces nominal, force,20 dardoperating force,32 or lowoperating terminals ounces nominal. Select either solder 0r PCterminals availlengths. Wideswitching range handles resistjve ableinthreedifferent loads from3 ampsdownto lowlevel computer capability. Goldplated forlowlevelloads.Rugged metal bodyandswitch contacts available provide mechanism lOnqest litepossible. Switches maybemounted panel or on a sub-panel withpushbutton lenses directly on display panel forlow-profile Twelve inserted through anov€rlay appearance. a n d 1 6 s t a t i o ns u b - p a n e al sr e a v a i l a b laes a c c e s s 0 r i e s . to activat€ Lensserves asbothdisplay screen andpushbutton switch. q 0f lensshapes, sizes,and col0rs. Selectfromwideassortment asphotographic filmwithchoice 0fseven display Legends areavailable legendwith contrasting c0l0r fill. typesor as an engraved withblack Photographic legends olferhidden or visiblemessages or characters in c0l0ron a black clraracters on a colorbackground, protected under a clearplastic backgr0und. Legends arepermanently legends are0ffered on transluceni colorlensor on cap. Engraved conditi0n mayhavseither white translucent lensthatintheilluminated Alllegends areclear andsharp Jorposa white0ra c0lorbackground. T-1-3/4 midget flangebase lensaccept itivereading.Pushbutton information. lamps.Seepage16forlampordering 14 STYLE"N" STYLE''P'' STYLE"R'' 1 . 1 2x . 7 5 . 7 5x . 5 0 . 7 5D t A . rotro'JEE @ . 5 0s Q . .50 TYP .26TYP . 5 0D l A . .68 DtA. .75 SQ. n n n n n F r F _ @ s , @ s @ s \ I .63SQ. s*itcn LPOSITIVE INDEXTAB (TYPE2 ONLY) s s MECHANICAL lbs. nominal , .---......----..--,...--2 Standardoperatingforce ....,,-.- Indicator 20ozs.nominal 100,000 cycles Lowoperatingforce Mechanicallife ELECTRICAL Contact Load Rating 28 VOC/rrsVAC .-.3.0amperes 1 . 0a m p e r e s 10 microamps,DC only (goldplatedcontacts) Resistive Lamp --....,.-,.--, -. Low level t"ndiT8 ,,., - .........-..1000 resistance Insulation frt T e r m i n aNl o . 8 i s c o m m o nw i t h l a m f s h e l lo n switchesand PC indicator:terminalNo. 1 is commonwithlampshellon solderindicator. ENVIRONMENTAL deleteterminals5 and 6. -55"C to +85'C Temperature panel thickness .250"maximum NoTE: .200(5 03 mm) '---4-. 'r , __a--l- ----t-7-3 ,,-__o-. i o-. lndicator PCTerminals I ? L--_6,-l ? \Y/ pole Double throw Double .62Diatyp (15.75mm) tor DPDT. Terminal arrangement For2CKTdeleteterminals 5 and6. Forlndicatoronlydelete term;nols I thro'rgh 6. TwoCircuit Double break .loa * 015 ,000 ota Indicator Terminals Solder +.015 .*'*:33 ..D" FLAT MTG, HOLE FULL DIA. MTG, HOLE 15 P/r{ Action (20ounces nominal) Force Low0perating (32ounces nominal) torce 0peraling Standard P/N Sullix Terminations Action Cilcuit Teminalions Sulfix Circuit 01 02 03 04 lndicator 0nly 0nly lndicator lndicator 0nly Indicator 0nly None None None None Solder - .20" P.C. - .65" P.C. P.C.- .75" 21 22 23 24 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit Momentary Solder - .20" l\4omentary P.C. - .65' lllomentary P.C. - .75" lMomentary P.C. 05 06 07 OB 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit lllomentary Solder lllomentary P.C. . 2 V ' l\4omentary P . C-.. 6 5 " Momentary P.C.- .75" 25 26 27 28 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternatc 09 10 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Solder P.C.-.20" P . C- ., 6 5 " - .75" P.C. 29 30 31 32 2?DI 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT Momentary Solder l\4omentary P.C.,.20" lvlomentary P . C-.. 6 5 " Momenlary P.C.- .75" 2PDT 2PDT 2PDI 2PDT l\/]omentary Solder lllomentary P.C.- .20" lllomentary P . C-.. 6 5 " l\4omenlary P.C.- .75" 33 34 35 36 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT Alternate iolder - .zv', Alternate P,C. Alternate P . C- .. 6 5 " Alternate P.C. .75" 11 12 14 I J 17 18 19 20 TypicalPar: Number- G CO 17 K 47 1 Solder - .20" P.C. - .65" P.C. - .75" P.C. SoldeI P.C.- .20" P.C.- .65" P.C.- .75" (FILL) B omitil nolrequired arerequired. contacts Prelixusedwhengoldplated Model 1 01thru36. SeeTable Switch/lndicator Style Pushbutton P= .75x .50Rect. H = . 5 0S q .K - . 6 3S q . M = . 7 5S q . =.68 = R = .75Dia. =.50 x.75 Recl. dia. N 1.12 Dia.L J 11. Table 2,Page 01thru57. See Color Combinations Pushbutton 1 Page 10, Display Type1 thru6 and8. SeeTable, Legend 3, Page12. SizeA = 10poinlB = 12pointC= 18point.SeeTable Legend Character Legend flange based T-1-%midget in lamps, available incandescent fitall voltages, various LamPs are units. Stacoswitch or withswitches notincluded andmustbeordered indicators atrightfor Seechart separately. partnumbers andspecifications. withan referenced Partnumbers (.)arestocked by asterisk Allareavailable Stacoswitch. fromlocaldistribuiors. MIIITARY DESIGT'IDESIGTI PART NUMBI u BeR pnRru lsERV0LTS AMP! 1.!.cl__l!l! 7333 lo zczrt'roo .80 63 .04 .03 2o,ooo .04 15 10,000 381 4 J4 06 04 6 000 3 459 .06 .05 25,000 387. JJI JJd IIIII.ITABY DESIGN DESIGN PART AMPS ll.S.C.P.R.A.t.t. votrs I,IUMBEB NUMBERPART -- 18 :: 22 25237-387 28 ::: ::: :: .038-.042.30 .04 lfomStdc0switcl'st0ck NOTE: Available Power Candle M.SC.P.: MeanSpherical = Bated Lab.Life(Hours) Average B.A.L.L. .30 : ;;i 5,000 7,000 longlasting single lampswitch/indicalor Series CgPis a dependable, infourbezel styles, mounting. Available snap-in bezel withconvenient andin choice of black, whitsor gray,these barriers, withor without paneldesigns.The willenhance m0stmodern attractive switches is usedin boththe c8 andc8P switchmechanism sameproven basic element usedintheir0PLcounterpart, Switches, andisthesame featheSeries 60. Thelowpriceof theC8Pis oneol itsremarkable looks.Price because 0f itshighquality andgreat tures. . . remarkable bezel withpushbutton lens. 0r indicator andm0unting includes switch when look-alike appearance indicator only,provides Thematching withswitches. intermixed intwocir oralternate snapaction is available withmomentary Switch of stanDPDT ortwocircuit double break. Choice cuitarrangements; Iorce,20 nominal, or lowoperating force, 32 ounces dardoperating availeilher solder terminals 0r PCterminals nominal. Select ounc€s handles resistive lengths. Wideswitcning range ableinthreeditferent capability. Goldplated computer loads Jrom3 ampsdownto lowlevel metal bodyandproven lor lowlevel loads.Rugged available contacts grade materials assure longest madeof premium switchmechanism plane lor terminations areonthesame Lamp andswitch lifepossible. inwiring. ease andthe lensserves asboththedisplay screen attractive Thecol0rful, jromloursizesin a wide pushbutton theswitch.Select to activate legends types.Photographic oifer of colors andlegend assortment ona col0r messages withblack characters of hidden 0rvisible choice Legends in coloron a blackbackground. 0r characters background, plastic protected legends a clear cap.Engraved under arepermanently lens colorlens0r on a whitetranslucent areavailable ontranslucent either a whiteorcolorbackcondition mayhave thatintheilluminated gr0und. f0reasyreading. Pushbuttons areclear andsharp Alllegends lamps. Seepage16for lampordering T-1-3i4 midget flange accept information. WithBarriers Without Barriers Indicator 0nlv-S0LDERTERMINALS .985SQ. BEZEL . 9 1 5D l A . BEZEL .865 SQ. BEZEL .68 DtA PUSHBUTTON .63 SQ. PUSHBUTTON S T Y L E" N ' ' S T Y L E" M ' ' STYLE"L" STYLE'"K'' .985x1.350 BEZEL .75x1.12 PUSHBUTTON PUSHBUTTON . 0 6 0T o . 1 8 8 M O U N T T N\ G P A N E LT H I C K N E S S T .465 I i f/\ @."" ."99i l - r I lPc - .20 1.30TYP .6s f-- S T Y L ED W T H O U TB A R R I E F ONLY ) L\--'] TN +1.860 - oo5F S T Y L E" L ' ' 75 l]-^ltl tr;;ll IMAX TYP | ?aa I l'--- -li'r I -=7P/-I .r lL, f;;ll ll@ll."i" ll-ll oro l l STYLE''M'' -^-i FOR SINGLESTATION A = .786:3lB FOB SLOT I4OUNTING A = IN (.865) 0651 : Bi - I I l , 'r '----@-, ; o-3 1 ^ - l--.4\-l TwoCircuit Doublebreak " lndicator PCTerminals f C+4 18 r ? lndicator Solder Terminals l < ll fi6)\ I ":. """:": ;#'i" I I ll--Y=LJl Lt page15forterminal arrangement. SeeSeriesC8 Switch/lndicator, MECHANICAL ...-2 lbs.nominal force..-...-.-..--. S t a n d a r do p e r a t i n g ...-...--...20ozs. nominal Low operatingforce. ............ cycles . - - .-, 100,000 Mechanicallife .... ELECTRICAL VDC/115 VAC .. ... ..........-....28 Conlact foad raling . 3 . 0a m p e r e s R e s i s t i v e- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .--.-.---...---....,1 0 amperes Lamp .--...-..........-.., , C only L o w l e v e l- - . . - . . . . . . . - . - . . - . . ...'.1. .0.m i c r o a m p sD (gold Platedconlacts) megohmsmin. - -....-.1000 Insulationresistance.. @ 500 vDc Terminal No.8 is common with lamp shell on switches and PC indicaton terminal No. 1 is common with lamp shell on solder indicator. ENVIRONMENTAL -...---.---55'C to +85'C Temperature A t\ ___^ | S T Y L E" K ' ' pole Double A=.e06tBlg FOF SLOTMOIJNTING A = lN (.985) .0651 -'-.'. TYPICAL ALL STYLES Doublethrow FOB SINGLESTATION .s06 lMAx.rYP.l t L l THE SWITCH POSITION IN IHE PANELCUTOUT FOB SINGLESTATION A = 1 . 2 7 51 3 3 FOB SLOTIVOUNTING A = IN (1.350) .0651 313 Force Low0peraling Force 0peraling Standard P/l{ Sullix Circuit Terminations P/lt Sullix 24 Solder - .2v', P.C. P . C- .. 6 5 " - .75" P.C. 25 26 27 28 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate Solder - .20" P.C. P . C- .. 6 5 " - .75" P.C. 29 30 31 32 2PDT 2PDT 2PDI 2PDT Momentary Solder l\4omentary P . C- . . 2 0 " lVomentary P . C- .. 6 5 " Momentary P . C . - . 7 5 " 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT lvlomentary Solder - .20" lllomentary P.C. lVomentary P . C- .. 6 5 " l\/]omentary P . C . - . 7 5 " 33 34 35 36 2PDI 2PDT 2PDT 2PDT Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate 2PDT 2PDT 2PDI 2PDT Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate None None None None Solder 21 22 P.C.- .75" 05 06 07 08 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit lllomentary lVomentary Momentary Momentary 09 10 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit Alternate Alternate Alternate Alternate 14 tc to 17 18 19 20 13 Tcrminalions l\/]omentary Solder * .20" Momentary P.C. l\4omentary P . C- .. 6 5 " - .75" Momentary P.C. 0nly Indicator Indicator 0nly Indicator 0nly Indicator 0nly 1l Action Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 2 Circuit 01 02 03 04 't2 P/N Sullix K1 K2 K3 K4 K5 K6 Action Style Bezel .865 Sq. Bezel Sq. P/B; 63 63Sq.P/B;.865Sq.Bezel 63Sq.P/B;.865Sq.Bezel 63Sq.P/B;.865Sq.Bezel 63Sq.P/B;.865Sq.Bezel 63Sq.P/B;.865Sq.Bezel 68Dia.P/B;.915Dia.Bezel L2 .68Dia.P/B;.915Dia.Bezel L3 .68Dia.P/B:.915Dia.Bezel LI M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 75 Sq.P/B; .985Sq.Bezel 75 sq.P/B;.985Sq.Bezel 75 Sq.P/B;.985Sq.Bezel 75 Sq.P/B;.985Sq.Bezel .75Sq.P/B; .985Sq.Bezel .75Sq.P/B;.985Sq.Bezel N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 7 5x 7 5x 7 5x 1 5x 7 5x 7 5x - .zv', P.C. -.65" P.C. Bezel Colol Black Black Gray Gray White White Solder P.C.- .20" P . C-.. 6 5 " P . C-.. 7 5 " Solder P.C.-.20" P . C- .. 6 5 " P . C . -. 7 5 " iolder ).c.- .2v' P . C- .. 6 5 " - .75" P.C. Bariel WithBarriers WithoutBarriers WithBarriers WithoutBarriers WithBarriers WithoutBarriers Black NoBarriers Gray NoBarriers White NoBarriers Black WithBarriers Black WithoutBarriers Gray WithBarriers Gray WithoutBarriers White WithBarriers White WithoutBarriers WithBarriers B e z e Black l 1 j 2 P / 8 , . 9 8 5x 1 . 3 5 WithoutBarriers l 1 . 1 2 P 1 8 , . 9x8 1 5 . 3 5B e z e Black WithBarriers l 1 j z P 1 8 , . 9 8x5 1 . 3 5B e z eGray '1.35 WithoutBarriers l 1 . 1 2 P 1 8 , . 9x8 5 B e z e Gray WithBarriers l 1 . 1 2 P 1 8 , . 9x8 1 5 . 3 5B e z eWhite WithouiBarriers l 1 : 1 2 P 1 8 , . 9x8 5 1 . 3 5B e z eWhite Typicalkrt Number G C8P 13 ltil2 09 5 B (FILL) whengold Prefix used plated conucts arerEuired. 0mitif notrequired Model Body Switcl/lndicator 4 01lhru36.SeeTable bezel Snap-in Mountjng Kl lhruN6.See Table 5. Pushbutton CoiorCombinations Tabl€ 2,Page11. 01thru57.See Leoend TvDe DisDlav Table 1,Pagel0 t-trruo andb. See Leqend Chanc,ter Size A: l0 pointB= 12pointC=18point 12 3,Pa0e SeeTable Legeno '19
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