Untitled - Machine Accessories Corporation
Untitled - Machine Accessories Corporation
TheGORTITE' Difference Ihe GORlfiF DiViSiOn orA&A Manuracturins Company, Inc.provides application solutions bymanufacturing custom-engineered and stockprotective covers forautomation and '19,15, machining. Founded in theG0RTITE isl0cated inNewBerlin, Wisconsin, division home 0fA&As' corporate headquarters, contjnues t0growbyexpanding GoRTITE ourproduct scope andnetwork of represenlatives andpartners fi roughout theglobe. Design and GoRTITE hassegmented ib manufacturingEngineering processes product . inbthese categories: GonTlTE employs a la0e Enclosed-ShapeBellows staffol design enginee|s yolrapplicalion lo develop you're Whelher solution. prcteclive looking fora cover . RollUp Covers ora complex engineercd . Telescopic assembly, ourdosign leamhas Steel Covers and theknowledge, ex{erience, Engineered Assemblies andthestate-of-lhe-ad tools . waywipers todeliver innovalive dutois quickly andcost-etleclivelf . special Application Products ourapplication specialists useintemally-developed Your requirements application canbesolvedautomated applicdion design programs using one01, 0ra combination 0l these andestimatng to quick and products. Your G0F|ITIE representative will insueaccuract tumaround limeforpropoGals. . Way/Railcovers youinselecting assist tlrerightprotective cover foryourspecific need. Discover the difference thata passion forquality and track custom€r salisfactl:on, a proven record otinnovalion andover50years canmake. 0fmanufacfuring expertise Discover the GoRTJTEo lliffercnce! GORTIE NewBe in,WI 2 IIIGORTITF your discuss lxt application hasa centrally located North TITE network ficanfactory andawo.ldwide parhers. rlesandmanufacturing staffofcustomer service dedicated application specialists aretained rsistyouevery stepoftheway,and lieldrepresentatives factory-trained provide and on-site consultation gnassEtance. passion forquality andcustomer 0finnovative )faction, atrackrecord qns,pluscellular manufacturing ina leanenvironment, )ience thebestNorth American e GoRTITE ceforprotective, andvalue-added neered as6emblies. more than ethaniustcomponents... you... solutions.,, GoRTITE ofiers val ue anufacturing a lull lineof protective cove6 flTEprovides wide vadety of matedals and ablein a forapplicalions requiring tructions designed refeatues,leliableperformance, andflexibility. andpmduction rienced GoRTIE engineels innovative designs, a wide icianslntegrate manufacfuring technologies, and eof available to deliversystemsquickly, rc-edgeprocesses |ctly,andcost-effeclrvely. Assembly andFinishing W€smploy hlghly skilled craflsman lolnnsfom pieces cutandfonned intoastucfu€€ady forassembly. Subassemblies areinspecled hen sentforlinishino operations suchasbulfing, paiding, orplatino. Inhe assembly departnenb, subcomponents areintegrated inbhe frnal ptuduct, thenshipped toyourlocatjon orcanbe lhoughan stocked aloneoiourhcilities program. inventory management Materials Ghad Neopr€ne^ylon 0.010 0.018 0.033 0.040 0.070 0.070 0.135 l()NN ]8NN 33NN 4ONNFG TONNFG TONN 135NN o.oto 16HN 2OHP 0.032 0.033 .045 32HP 33HN G€n€nlp!!p!se Generalpurpose Generalpurpos€ loqd grad€ Food Orad€ purpoje Genera pueose Genera llv/0zoneresigtrce IJV/0zone aesislance Uv/ozone resislance 0.Q00 0.060 60HYP {Blackl (Gray) 60HYP 0.070 0.125 , 0.135 tiv/ozone resislance uv/ozone resislance Uv/qz!!e te!!!E!!q Uv/ozone resistance uv/ozone resislance resistanc4 Uv/ozone Bulyl/Nylon 0.018 0.033 0.040 0.070 18BN 33BN 40BN TOBN Chemical resislance Chemical resislance Chemical resislance Chemical resislance Buna,'Nylon 0.018. 0.033 0.040 0.070 18.!t!t! 33BNN -.{0-B_rlL Coolanvoil rcsislance Clolenu,Qil resisl?nco Coolanvoil resislance Coolanuoil resislance TOSNN Auminiz€d/Fiberglass 0.010 0.025 ]()AF 25AF Hghambient lemperalure maleaial Hghambienl lemperature male.ial Tellon/Fiberolass 0.010 0.016 0.020 10tF 16TF 201F Highambienucoolanl resislance 0.010 0.014 0.018 l OVN 14VN 18VN Cooanlr€sistanc€ Cooanlresstance Cooaniresstance s,407 0.012 0.020 OTUND 12UNO 2OUN Chenical lssishnce Chemical resislance .aat.a12 PTFE 0.014 0,014 0.020 tasartex UrethandPolysstor PTFE Preoxidized/Kevlar Silcone/Fiberqlass 0.016 0.Q3q 0.032 14UPK 16SF 0tf 32SF resistance !i gl]a[bietvcoolant Hlghambi€nucoolant resistance qhemical resishncr lmpervious 1omoslchemicals !lql! !pa&r r€!r!@!s Weldsoatlerresistanct ll/eldspatteresistance cycle life ljgh ambenrHiqher qycLe Highambenr|igher lre cycle life llgl ?mblenvHigher Hiqhambienvchemical rejislllce resistance Uq[ alnbient/ciemical 40vN 70vN Higiambienvch€mical resislance Hiah ambientchemical resislance yourGortite" forfurther information Contact representative depending onyoLrr specific application. Additional materials areavailable, x x x x x x x x x x .x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x Enclosed-Shape Bellows Sewn Standard process, a great Withthishighlyllexible canbeshaped to almost variety of materials Thegreatest anysizeandconfi0uralion. possible ratios occur maximum-minimum typeisreadily adaptable for andlhisbellows grommeb, ofends, usewithvaious lypes tieships, etc. internalguides, stitteners, Thermiseal LayerBellows Folded/Single Polyurelhane Prctective Gortite'Thermiseal covers aredesigned forapplicalions (air, requingcompletely sealed dustand with an excellenl open-toliquid tight)cove6 ftomeilherPvC closed rallo.Manufaclurcd orurethane depending onyourapplicalion. Themlseal covers areavailable ina variet Closed and Round Shaped. ofshapes:open, from Single LayerBellows areconstucted Themoplastic lilmsandfubric reinforced TirermopLastic flms.Witha temperature mnge of0'F " 200'F(depending 0nmatedal)and foldheighbof3/8"to 2",thistype0f bellows construction isusedinmid-lo high-volume where typical folded bellows applications Also forusein maybet00costprohibitive. Tooling areaswhereaeslhetics arercquired. charges andcostrangevaies, depending onbellows complexity. Single Layer Bellows arecleanroomClass100nted.Applications to cM[4\ rcnge tromcamera bellows (Coordinate ltleasu ng[4achines) involves notooling Standad construction evenin lowquantlty costsandiseconomical, lots.Standard covers areSewnwilhnylon lhread.In severe applications, orkevlar coaling canbeadded for a liquid elastomer greater life. Godiflef ProtectiveCovers Proteciive Covels aremadef.om AllGodiflex' a lubeof pureelastomer orelastomer-coated fabric,formedintobellows-lype covetThi$ process gives youa completely s€aled cover canbeused Gortiflex' Proteclive Covels joints, feederioinis, asexpansion vibratory compressor andengine intake andexhaust manifold connections, andfunduct Vulca-Seal connections. IEAdevelopment,Vulca'Seal Anoriginal Manufactured fiomneoprcne, buna,butyl, andhenjoinedby sections ar€cutsepantely viton, silicone andhypalon onfabrics such cover.This vulcanizing toformthecompleted kevlaiandfiberglass, Gortiflex' longer life asnylon, rcsulls ina neatclean appearance, for Protective Covers areavailable seal inabasiveenvironmenb, a complete tempemture ranqes of 100'Fto450"F. internal andtheabilityt0 witBtandmodemte Internal andexternal supports canbe pressure. Lowtooling coslsmake orexternal provided foruseat prcssures upto 15psi, for0EIl,4 useon Vulca-Seal anidealchoice depending onsize. bolhprototype models andnewdesiqns. SealedPIFEBellows (aTeflon"-type MadefromFluoropolymer material), Sealed PTFE Bellows have a lemperature range ol -60"F-500"Fand nominalfold heights 011"t03.5."Sealed inharsh chemical PTFE Bellows areused tanksenvironmenb, suchaspaintmixing is Thermally sealed withnostitching,lhere littleto notooling charge. onlystandard available. flanges arecufiently Enclosed-Shape Bellows Applications Godite" Enclosed-Shape bellows areused inapplications asvaried asmachinetools andracecars. Your cortiteo representative can p you your he determine therightonefor specific need. Back-Up Plates C205 Flange-Type Back-Up Plates areasoavaitabte.If flange lype plates please back'up arerequired, senda drawing (DWG orDXFfrles areprefered.) Note:Plateodercwikoutholesspecified ateshipped blank, without ptease boltholes.lf nounting holesarerequircd, specit'y in Howl0 fudetEnclosed-Shary page Eellowsanlhenert Zippers Zippers maybeincluded foryourlniqueapplicaiion. Ptease specify inHowto Order Enclosed-Shape Bellows onlhenextpage. DesignInfo pertheapplication.Io Allcovers aremade-to-order assurc lhebest please designed cover foryourspecific application, check theapplicable itemandgivespecilic information where reqlested inHowioordef [nclosed-Shape B6llows onthene*(page. Gortiflexo Sizes Enclased nedangular plusa WayProtedar BeanPathEellows gant./ bellows ona lasercuftngnachine. Mounting Materials andAccessories Thechartbelow presently |ststooling sizes availablefor Goflflex" please conslruction. Forother sizes, consutt withGortite:, Bothsquare andrectangular connections areavailable inanysizewitha small tooling charge ornotooling charge aiall. 1/r" st6 5/b 1ya' 174' 2" 4' 3a lk 2Vl' 2tk 4yt' 41/2' 4t/a" 5 63/N' 7' lVt' 75A" I 10" 10r,/4101r"103/4" ll l5' Clamps (.5'LD.I\,linimum) C208 clamps arestocked n anysi2erequired. Theclamp band is.5 wide- 16" 16t' 22 23/t' 24' 3812"40" 44 1, 1lk 1V4 13k 11/' 15A 21h' 2ya^ 3" 3Va" 3V2' !A' 53A 51/, 6" 6Va" 61/r" 65A 81/2" 9sk" 9' g/a" g1/2"gta 113/4 12 123/t"13 13Vr"14' 17' 111/a1713A6" 18' 19' 20" 21" 213' 25 26" 281/2 30'317r" 33" 34' 36 48' 56 Howto OrderEnclosed-Shape Bellows cdv: E-Mail: Please supplya skelch/drawing./CAD file{DWG of DXFfilefomal)/ phoiool yourapplicalion llb lnvea dztalweofow 10,00tcave6.Pbase caxtact Wr 6onif repr*natue b tuc2btlw $evia$ffde4s)u Iose if MefrhyatnetactEauienelE 1. Applicationf &nobs a l€qi|Ed ferd) Plan€ol Moven|€nll PartTypelo becovsq|r: E Horidnh al c)lindsFodd Fam EallEGhi.q al tDres.ruw E Fodwih E anher(Pleasspecity) ll lilud splater E Lsht E lvlediumE Healy descrbe) O ot'er (please E venca screw E Ball E spline Psl= 0 PrEssure Tfinporaturu Aanger: Ambent_ bdenal Envimnmenrr 0 cleanrcom UFDA percenhqe9 Pkase ndcare lo.helorrowing: gril, (0i(duslsand etc) ODry D &ndnqD HotCp Fnides O Abrasive (Typel o'rsorLubncanls D Cunmg chemicars 0ype) x f auminun El Halyc.olanl E waierAloisiurc 2,CovershapeO *'"0 (O E vacuumr Psl= llnmum: Maimum: A.c€lemlion lPleasendmleunilsof measuremenl: Inbml&M.onmenr: ruomEFDA E Cean 0ype) J Lobdcanb fluid, E standafdO Frc-nesisknt 0 ti'dmulic E Squarc/Bechngular g Otiet\SrekhuqtrBd,DWGat DXFlileppfercd) (Pls3se 3, CoverDlmenslons sp.clt li Incha.) oubld€ DiafiebloiCov*€d Prrt(Fod, screqetc.): -f,,u0", InsldeDlafisbrol Cov€i(Muslbegrerterthanthe0DI stedabove if et bhnk,Godile rvilldeleinineUreDrooer de6Gnce): i Ma{fiun All0w6bla co!,€roubi.lcolamet€r: 'o 0D. Enend.dLensh{wilhoul ends): (w,t'o0l ne!"dctrdl4ngtn ends): i;*;11" 4. EndDimensions {Pleasspdjt in indes) Endl: End2: Flanqe D Shndard LD.:_ al slmdddrlanqe Flanqe Fbnoe E lnside Flange J hside Fanga lD.: 0 corar C.lldl.D.: E collar LD.: ColJar Collarcoltar t.D.: 0 Fanqe-Iype 5. MoutltingMaterialsandAcftssodes (.s"l.D.Minimum) tkh: aaa ctnp6 aGs@kedk E C208Clamp atrysnetEiftd. cantpbdtdis.5" wide. Ba.k-Up Plaleltkb: nflangelypebackup E C205Fange-Type ptatEs arcEqliett, pte-,se &M skehh(DWG Dn ptetedrTn toke nmbetuddrcss shown. Y Ptee taxu e-Mit dEtu Colld ColldLD.:_ lJ Flang&Type I Flange 0.0. Cottarwddr VounlhgHol6 6p€.igt_ Nde PkLeddas wiAnn hob Wcihed arcshippedbhnk, widlM botlholes. E Zipper Godite@ StandardRodBoots StopRodScoringo Preventl{icking. BrtendSealLifu maximum Gorlite" RodBoolsprovide proteclion against cllinderrodscoring particles and frcmchips, abrasive Rodboots other impinging objects. areavailable wilhouttooling charges quantilies. order orminimum Specifications I\4anufaclured of rugged neoprcne nylonfabric,Godilee RodBoots coated qivemillions operations oftrouble-f.ee intemperatlre ranqes of 45"F 10220'F. RE-A 3n$ iE 25 2W .10 ,7 .6 nc-mne-zs8c-lo 3lt-t0 malerials arealsoavaihble lor Gortiteo hydraulic iuids, usewithfre resistant ranges expanded tempeEfure and olher special applacalion rcquiremenls. hll.25 M'40 EG10 tr(.25 fl({) 5 9 11 13l, StandardRodBoots Howto OrderGortite@ Crry: E"Mail: 3.EndDlmensions specl8 inincies} {Please L RodBootSlyle ll M-8 E Mr5 fi Rc.8 fl Fc.15 o RF8 o ll BGro o fl RJ-ro lJ o BL10 o o 80-10 0 fl nsro u .l tr f 80,8 nc-25 tr 8Dt5 tr 0 RE,rs D nE-25 U o nF-25 tr nG,25 D RG.4O tr nH-10 L] nf-25 o FH.4O FJ-25 f nJ,40 tr B(10 tr RK.25 r-l nK-40 nl-2s f FL.4O tr nNt-10 D Btl?5 tr R025 l F0-40 J D 8P.25 o Rs-25 f ns40 M,25 BB.8 R8.15 I F8-25 D F0.25 ,r,,-,"'",.1 ,1. ' ". ! . "" ! I \fu\T i^/ FanqeFlanqe lD._Flanqe0D_ Endr: E Slandard Fanqel.D D hsideFrange .D llcorrarcorar lD. D tlmgelypeColar:Colld corrarwdrh ColarWidh lD.End2 D Slandad Fanqs Flange i DAMETER Flanqe 0.0.- D h s i d e F r a nFgaen q e l . D . - - . _- ._. .- _ G",",, i " flange0.D. Corar .D f Cor/ar f Ftdqe-rype cottarcottff| D. cotfi widlh Ftange 0.0. 4. MouringMalerials andAccessories Min mum) c208camp(.5'1.0. J tlotec208clanpsm stukedinanysizeE@iEd.clnp ffi b .5" wide. Type Back!p Plah C205Flanqe Note: t tatse-type back-tpptahsM twtun, *flt sktch(DWG o, DXffle). (sps Hds t): :i MuJninq tkle Pktetue$ wrtnd hales specilied arcshiryd blankfid$ti b^ntMEs. f in imhes) 2, Cowr Dimeosions(Please sDecify nodDianeLE Cylind€r Behacled length:_ Exl€ndedlengh: sboke/traeelDistance v Ptw td ot e-nat ke unpletedtom tuke nunber/adessshown. Godite'StockRodBoots StopRodScoring.Prcvent icking. ExtendSeallife provide poteclion RodBoots maximum rodscohng from Gortileo against cylinder paldcles chps, abrasive andoherimpinqing obiecb. Rod boots areavaihbb in quanlities. 12slock sizes wilhout iooling charges orminrnurn oader Allshipments aremade witiinthree workinq days. give N4anufaclured ol rugged neoprene coaled nylon fabnc, Gorlite' Rod8001s _rllolsolrouble -10 lreeoperatons Interpeaure ranges ol Flo220F. Specifications lnside Diameler 1VB 1V2' 17/g 23/s' 27k 5 51/B' 7Y4" 0utside Diameler 3VB" 33/4 4ls 4% 'VB" 83/t" 9V2" 11' B€tracled L€nQlh Every i2' Exlended :IA 3A 3A 3/4' V2' 12' Yz' Collar l.D.Available lvluslbeordered In7s' incemenls n' 33/s' Vz 3t/4' V2' 4VB' 83/a' V2" 9Y2' Y2" 1l' Vz' 45/s" V2" ,Vs" Howto OrderGoilite@ StockRodBoots Dar" f0 0r0rari0101y: City: Counrry _ Zp,Posiarcode E.Msill Please supply a sketch/drarfling/CAD tile(DWG or DXFlile lonnat)/ photool yourapplicalion L 8odBoll Style LJ sFB-r5 B SMrs SFE-rs D tr sFF-r5 E S F J 2 s l SFK25 3. Endoimensions Obasespeitin inches) a""'to'',,1- J SnC-15 I SRDi5 D SnG-25 El sRfrs 25 E SFO25 E sRr\,j EndI }*o* I 2. BoolDimensions inanch€s) fbas€ sDeci,t EnendedLenglh(wilhoutends,in l2 incremenlsl: 'o J CollarCoar .D FangsFlanqe .D._. J Slrnddd End2 lcorra' C€ar .0 Fanse: Flmqe.D I Slandard 00. tiu'r] Collawidrh Flange 0.0. cottdwioh Fldse00. 4. Mo{nling lllaterials and Accessories (.5 1D.l\,linimum) Clamp J C208 Nolec208clanpsarestocked inanysizercquied. Clanpbandis 5'witle. Back-lp Prab al c205Flange-Type platesateEquired, N,te lrange t]peback-up pteaesendsketch(DWGor DXFfile). (Speci[r) Noies O Mounlinq Noh:Plaleatuegwihut hals specilied arcsheped btankwikoutbalthats. f Phaseld at e-mil ke cm,"r*,o,,,o c2lBclanp '''fzDr] C206 Flanqe-Type tO"nrr."^OO,ru !#l'""n Tubing GTStockGonvoluted Godiflex@ Protective coversandflexibleconnections availablein 13 stocksizes Gortiflef bello\,r/s unitscanbeused ascove6Jorscrews, rcds, proteclion requiring ballspline, oranyapplication againstchips, ljnibcanalsobeapplied dirt,grit,andother abnsive matter asflexlble connections where vibration, movement,or misalignment arenvolved. Gortiflex"' bellows unitsaremanufactured ofNeoprene,?nylon -.060gauge material,.050 andareavailabb in13stocksizes ' ranging frcm1 LD.t0 10" LD.forimmediale delivery Eellows provide will 24' openlength andstocked unilshave1"long collars oneachendformounting. Collars canberemoved 10 prcvide flanges formounting if required. Gortiflex" bellows unitsarecompletely sealed.lf covers areto beusedinrodorramapplicalions, breathing method mustbe provided. Forspecial materials, non-standad lenglhs orends, please andunusualapplications, useHowto orderEnclosed(Page Bellows 9). Shaped C2mCbmps aresiocked inanysizerequircd. Clamp band widlh is1/2'. BELLOWS 0 ,D . BELLOWS LD. 1" TYP ffi t208Clanp(112" LD. -C/D Eellows lnsideDiameter 1 11/2 2 21/2' 3' 31/2" 4 41/2' 5 6' 7' 8' t0 Bellows0ubideoiatnelor (C) Extended Lensth 13/a' 23/6 3' 3V2' 4Yl' 5' srb" 6' 63/4' 8 " 9 ' 1 0 " 1 2 ' , 24' 24 24' 24' 24', 24' 24 24' 24', 24 24' 24' 24' Retracted Lengt (D) 5Y4' 4V2' 4' 4" 3Ya" 3' 3' 21//41 21/41 2V1r 21//4r l\lale al 0peralingTempeaature 3" 2Y2" ' Neoprcne/Nylon .050 .060Gauge -45'Fto 220'F Tubing Godiflex'CTHStockGonvoluted StyleGTHProtectiveGovers andFlexibleGonnections probclivecovers available in six Elastomer colla]diametets. st0cksizeswilhvadable lormost|ghtduty environmenls Godillex'CTH unilscan beused potection cover isrequired for frcmdusl, orwhen anaesthetic grit,oil,etc. Elastorner Gorliflexo CTH unitsaremanufactured of .030Hypalon ' ranging from3/4 LD.to 2' LD.in andareavailabb insixslocksizes llanges onbolhends oflheunits both12'and24"lengths.Inside achieve the desired connecting LD.By accept a snap-in collarlo LD.'s, many differentsizes canbe stocking various snap-in collar Hypalon mater accommodated ina slockbellows. alhasexcellent ab€sion andoilresistance. Temperature range isfrorn-400F ozone, F. to+2800 polylfethane. of black Snap-in Collars are3/4"longandarcmade widthis1/21 arestocked inanysizerequircd. Clamp band C20Sclamps C/D+ cTH-.75-',t2 cTH-.75-24 cTH-1.375n2 ctH-1,375-24 crH-2-12 crH-2-24 3/4" 15/a' 3A" 1s/s" 13/s" 13k" 2', 2y2 21/2" 3V4' 3V4" z', 17/8" 33/4" 13/a' 23/4' I 1/n',lz',3/a&1 1/a" , 1/2" ,x/a"& 1" 1/2"3/a"1", 11/a 11/2'& 13/a' 1/z',s/4',1", 1Y4', " 1V2"& 1x/1" 1, lYa',11/2", 13/a', 2' & 2Va" 1'.11/4' ,1r2',13/4' ,2" &2V4" Gortiflex' Stock Gonvoluted Tubing C2AB Clanp(1/2'LD.hlininun) Specifications lnside0iamelef 1' 1y2' outsideDiameter 13A' Extended Lenqth C Retracted Lengh0 2' 2y2', 3', 3V2' 4' 23h' 3' 3y2' 4V4" 5" 51h" 6' 63/4" 8" 24' 24' 24 24' 24 24" 24 24" 24 24' 5r4' 41n" 4 4" 3Va" 3' 3' 3' 21h' 2V1' 4V2 5' 6 7 10' 9' 8 '10" 24" 24' 24" 2Ya" 2Va" 21/a" 12" Neoprene/Nylon .050- .060Gau0e '45"F10220'F lvlaterial CTH".75-12 3/4' 3/1' CIH-.75-24 cTH'l.37512 I3l3 fifi-1,375-24 1Et' crH-2-12 crF-2"24 2" 2" 17h' 3V4' 13/s 23/1' t" 1s/g 9B' 2V2" 2Y2' 31/a 3V1" z', 1 A , V 2 ' . 3 /&41" " Va",1/.',Va'&1" v 2 , 3 / 4 ,1 " .1 1 / 41\ ,1 / 2&' 1 3 / 4 th', 3/4q, 1r, 1v4\,11h"& 13/4' 1", l Vt', 11/2".13/4"2 & 21/4 1", 1V1",1th", 13/1", 2' & 2V1' Howto OrderGortiflex@ StockGonvoluted Tubing I , StyleI'lumber cT E CT1 I Cr-3 tJ cr-5 J Crr0 CTH ,J clf_.7t12 f fcT15 5 I CT,3 j cT-6 E CT2 J cT-4 .) Cr-2.5 J CT-4.s f, cr7 :l cr8 (CTH 2. Snap-ln Collar oimensions Slyle0nly) (D) End #1Inside Diameter 3. Clamps f J CTH-.75-24-l CTH-1375-12 cTur.37524 ) c l q2 1 2 ECTH224 End *2lnside Dianeler 00): f (.5 10Nlnmum) C208 Clamp lhle: C208clanpsarcstacked n an!sneeqLned.Clanpbandis .5 wide. Ptease lar ot e nat ke conplelrtilom lo ke nunbetkddrs shown. DieSetShields Unique bellows-type covers to protect ballbushing 0rstandard dieseb pinsftom%' to 2%' DieShields areavailable inseven sizes tocover diameterto completely sealout damaging dust, scale andchips. . Bellows-type shields forstandard or ballbushing diesels . Completely sealsouldamaging dirt,dustscrapandscale . Lengthens diesetlife . Provides increased operaiorsafety . Complete plateandclamp withbackupmounling BELLOWS 0.D. ID Diesetshields aremanufaclured fromheaw'duty, oil-resishnt, neoprcnecoated nylon mateal.The bello\,rrs-type, formed construction seals outdamaging abasive particles andinsurcs longlife operation, even n thehighest-speed diesetapplications. ]covrneo DieSetShield setcot$is6 ot tuosnbldttwochnps,md 331,,, 3a 7h" 174 1W' 13/4 osA DSB DSC 060 oSE 0&q 05.1 0SB DSC DSD 2' osF osE 2t/2 DSG DSF ',:, 2s/4. ]il 3:8.', 1?/t^ 3:3,,, 2 3 lf s0ro m 1ih zv2 DSC DSD DSE DSF DSG 3$_', 2ia. 3v4" ]l:l 23a 33A ]ll: 33: ,, 3" 4' 3$-', ]lll 3'/2 41/t 3:3,,, ]l OSA OEB DSO lSE OSE DSF 0sG '!l lts ro15/s ,ff '11 r/s'b1r/s" '7/s-\az- ,, rli 'li ,li ta2rs' 2vs" 2v2to23a2t/s"to3vs" 3:,/s,o3s/s Howto 0rderDieSetShields City: 1.Style Number I E osA fl DsArsfi DSB tl DsB-r 2, 0imensions PinDiameler ofDeSet 18 E DSCI DSC-r8 DSD f DsD r8 DSF f DsFl8 :l DsE I DSE f DsGI DSo 18 Typeof Beaniqlsed or DieSet E SlandddFrklion f der ll shou f Bal 86hinq E sreeve Ptease t'axate-nailke conpleled t'atntathenunbet/addrcss shawn betow Gortiteo Photographic Bellows forapplicaUons aledesigned where sealed, lighftghtprotection isrequiled. Typical applications include: . Camens . copylrachines . Entaoels . lmaging Equipment ourPhologmphic Eellows arebuillwihtreieafures andllexibli!,youneed: . Folded-type construction, using elastomer coated fabrics . Tear andcutresistanl . Provides a complete sealaga nstlight, aiianddrt . Avaihbb inanysize andshape, including offset and combination confrgurations, without tooingcharges . Gonie's3 Belowsprovide a low-cost oplion ll€wSingle-Layer When designing orrequesting aquote 10raGortiteo Photographic Bellows, parKmustbedefrned: ihreemajor . Application . Cover dimensions . Tl?eofcover Tnetwoends bellows cover bedimensioned affltE expandable [!St each sepanately. SeeHowto 0rderPhobgaphic B€llov/s onlhenextpage. Howto OrderPhotographic Bellows City: E Mait: Please supplya sketch./drawing/CAD file (oWG0r DXFlile fomal)/ photoof yoorapplicatiorl (Pleaso L Ed oimensions sloclt InInches) 1. Applicalion D Cnera fl CopyMachine Enlarser Eqlnpmenl O E lmaqinq specily) O Cfieroleas€ 2. CowrShape El squBre/R*t nqular E ottset Taperud 0 E combinalion (Plosospocfftln Inch€8) 3. CoverDlmer|slons* 'hWkchtdlng Ends. Seeten 1.ENDiflEnsians. Exl€nrl€d l.ndn' {v'itloutends): R6lr3cl0d tlnglh' (widrout ends): Flang&Typ€ Collar End1l tlango Fange 0 Dr_ O Slandard collar .D.i Cnl ar O Flange Flange.D.l O I'Ejde 0.0.r _ El Flanse-Typ€ Fhng€ Cdlat Corlar widini Flange l.D.: Corrar t.D.: prerarcd) suopry dBfr.T{oWG orDXF E Yes rlye!,prease 0No Ed2 I f ]- rI- FlangeFlange0.D.:_ 0 standard Collar LD.: fl cdra' O lnsideFanqe E Flanq€-Iype cottar Combinalion Offset Photographic Bellou,s Flange LD.: Flange 1,0,1 Flange 0,D,:_ Cottar LD.: ydrawinq prcierr€o (DwG orDXF fl Yes r ys, das supp ta(a e-nailke conphted tun tothenunbetuddNstbq. V P,lrJase e*l ! 0 N0 Lift Govers ExtendLift Life and PreventCostlyAccidents Duratitd" feature anexclusive manufacturing DuratiteLiftCovers process lourrigidsides wilhout slitching thatprcduces Thisexclusive matealcreates oradding melalwires. pleasing easycleaning, anaesthetically appeannce, " andrcsistance to wearDuratite easyaitachment potectslitt mechanisms fromdust,dirt,foreignobjecb poinb. andpinch " LiftCovers Duralite feafure: . Reinforced lo insure a longlastlng atiachment ends . Venls operation torunifom airflowduring . TieStrips prcperexpansion toguamntee andrctraction movements. A variety Toraiseandlowerarche standard Duratite'Lift Coverc ofmounting options areavailable. yellow inblack orina combination 0fblack and come Duratile'" LittCovers aremadeintheusAPatent Pending. GorFrame Bellows Bellows for GorFrame Vertical/Lateral Movem€nt aretheidealsolution covedng thebases ofmedical tables, lmaging lables, denlalchails, rides. GorFrame bellows areavajlable ina variety of andamusement materials suilable lorappications suchas: . Clean room . Anti-microbial agenb . Ercrcladanl yetaesihetically pleasing, providing GolFmme Bellows arerugged points anattractive andsecure barrier aganstpinch ofmachines. Howto 0rderLift Govers cdr E-Mail: Please supplya skelch/dEwing/CAD file (DWG or oXFlile format)/photo ol yourapplicalion 1. Bellows Typo E DuEtte fl Godile'Ultcor€rE c!ftame' 2. Efivironmsnl Eoom 0 Ant-micob alAsents E washdownO FireReradanl D other f,l sparks E cease E clean 3. Lilt Tableolmcnsions{Pl€lsesp*ily in i.ohes) B.Tabl€Longfi: C,8s!o li/ld$: 0. Baselong$: E,Tabl€ H6ight: F, Basoli€lqhl: BI. Sals€dli€lgit LH,LoweodHolgm: Cl€annc!to ilochadsm:Top E No (S€nd L.rslal(ShddM0y€n6nt skelch olmovenent.) Illto Yss Degrs€ olllll - BighllrcmCenter _ _ E Yes LefilrcmCenler E No (Venls Vontngr arer€quircd i(bas€ andrabbmounb donoralowlorai erhaust.) fl Yes 0 No Malrl€nancc Slnps:{All0l^s moline maintenanco withod ednercmoval 0tcov€r by holding cover lo$etopoflhe il hble.) 0 Yes0No 4, Mountng ollions INSIDE MOUNT Pvc$np6for botinst0Lb e) E Feiniorced MOUNT + -lOUISIDE fl velcmsl'ips pnrldedzwns, DWG Q speeat(PteasE or DXFfrlepreleneQ TABLE- BASE i Pvcsnip6{or boflins tolable) O Reinio(ed E velcioSl ps 1 - DWG 0rDXFfileprcfefted) lPbase uotidetuaqng, J special pnvidednwing, DWG orDXIfle prctened) E A I B E Sp€cial@ease f PEase hxote nailbe cordebdtan tt thenunbet/addrcss shom. t T - GOBFNAME B 0l{tY WayProtectors durable, Gortite3 WayProtecior Belows arehgh-quality, orelastomer-coated fabric covers designed thermoplastic ormachine slideways lromdust, io protecl \,!aysurfaces andother abrasives. dirt,chips, oils,coolants. sparks waysensures Keeping lorejgn rnaterialotl ofyourguide youa more accurate machine, toyourspecific applicat0n, Godite" Clstom designed suited foryour engineers v/illselect tlrebestmateral appcation utilizing a variety olditferenl consiructions vertical and/or crcssral applications. forhorizontal, WayCavers Sewn-Falded anysizeorshape ofwayprctectors tofil Gortite'offers yourapplication. Forhighspeeds, bellows areconslructed Nlachines canberetrofitted lor wilha pantog€phic desiqn. proleclor, nal machine way even lf none were on the orig a wayproleclor cansavecosllv tepa'sd wi. oesqr.A plusotferreduced down timefor surfaces orslideways, beowsTeplacement. instandard orcustom Gortile'also offers linear railcovers Crossrail, andEetJway Coverc, tolt allmakes andmodels ofrailmanutaclurers. sizes railcovers ofelastomer coated Llnear arcmanuJaciurcd wilhstiffeners 10ensure fabric materials andequipped told. solid,lasting support atevery ana beanpath GotliE\WayPrctectors nachine fota highlechlasercutting Heatsealed crassrail andbedway cavers keepcantaninants ltan llanaginglineatruilsona laser WayProtectors WayPntecto6areavailable in a wideva elyol shapes, Gortite€ fabrics iofityour slzes, construclrons andelastomer coated orrubbers processes specifc applimlions needs. Thefollowing arevarious A&A prolectors andsomespecific applications ofGortileo usesto makeway wayprotectors; thesearejusta smallsample: Standard Sewn Slandard SewnCovers aremanufacfurcd ofheavy-duly elastomer coated fabric. withliquid Seams canbecoated elaslomer foruseinextremely abmsive c0nditions. Available wihouttooljng charges inalmost anysizeand protection theyareideallow-cost solutions for conJi$ation, wherc neednotbeliquid 0rairtight. applications covel$ Vulca€eal Vulca-Seal isa palented l&A prccess inwhichsections ot elastomer coated joined fabdcare byvulcanizing to provide pleasing cover a clean, aestheiically inany Vulca-Sealc0ve6 areavaihble sizeorshape, withlowtooling c0s1. Heat-SealedlSewn-Folded Heat-Sealed andSewn-Folded way ofasingle covers aremanufacllred fabfic sheetofelastomer coated ineach material witha PVC $liffener provide section. These covers excellent protection lorlinear bearings andotherprecision equipment, andare requidng verylarge orrigidcoverc. alsoidealfor applications Thermiseal Gorliteelhemiseal Polyurelhane Covers aredesigned forapplications requiring (air, complelely sealed dustandliquid tight) wilhanexcellent covers open-to closed mlio.l\ilanufactured fromeither PVC orljrethane depending onyourapplication. Themiseal covers arc available ina variety ofshapes:0pen, Closed andRound Shaped. lflay ProtectorDesignInformation Tocomplete theorderIolm 0nthenextpage,please notelhelollowing: Dimensions: Fillinallrcquircd waydimenslons, alsoshowing anyobslruclaons whichwouldinteriere withtheprotector f- _*foosedLensth Travel t",'/\",A.rA-i,,"'A \AAAA,M :xre.:ec LeUt-' -l Specily exlended andclosed lenglh requircments orindicate tmvel andwewilladvise closed length. = closed Exlended length length + lravel. Gordilloo isa sewn{olded orheat-sealed Gordilloa prctector madewilhShinless steel way plates for covering eachconvolutron, where hotchips orweld applicalions mighl damage a conventional bellows and\rvherethere isnot splatter loraTelafex metalcovel sutlicient space Thermic-Weld'" matedal i$onepiece withno Thiscover seams, stch-holes orbreal."s. Completely sealed wiihPVC stilteners dle-cltto " your Thefinic-Weld match specifications. mehlend covers comewilhstandard plates andservice. forease0f installaton BellowsWirtth: Cross-secfional widthofwayproiector canvaryfrom3/d'to 3," dependinq uponcleamnce andclosed length requirements. Please indicate thetype0fseruice forihebelJows onlheorderlorm . Nomal(small particles, large lightoil) occasional chips, . Heavy chipload . Coolanb orcutling oils . Olher gases debris, liquids, orabrasives lf thewayto becovered doesnollooklikeourtypicalexamples please (DWG shown, senda sketch/drawing 0rDXFprefercd) 0f yourneeds, youractualway showing dimensions. WayProtectors LinearRailGovers durable, tlermoplastic or Linear RailCovers arehigh-quality, Gortite" Slandard railsfiomdust, to proiect linear bearing fabiccove6designed elastomeacoated abasives. oils,coolants, sparks andother dirt,chips, tofitallmakes andmodels ofallnil manufactureas. Avaihble instandard sizes solid, lasiing withstifieners toensure Linear RailCovels areequipped Standard arealsoavaihble forspecial equipment atevery fold.Customlzed sizes support a Gordillo' optjon, with Forheawchiploads orweldsplatter, andnewproducts. eachconvoluiion, isalsoavailable. stain esssteelplales covering . Standard oflinearrails sizesforallmakes . lvaterials lorlight, medium, andhea!ry dutyapplications . Three andGordillo' available:Heat-Sealed, Sewn/Folded types ofconstructon . PVC on stiffenels inevery convolut . Custom sizes available Opento ClosedRatios belows Heat-sealed GoftleWayPrctectar forlineareil applications. 0.5 6.5:1 4.5:1 4i1 .1.75 0.75 1211 B:1 7tl '2.75 1 16:1 11:1 10:1 -3.5 1.25 20i1 12:1 -4.25 1.5 25:1 15:1 5 17il ' €achFtud Pt'tdre Ptateavffi 2 mnwlutim. " ikteiak statd{d 16 Gadilk ure6 aft tutuhct'ed at 414vrryitP1yatel Mabnabsuitabletu htshtenpqatue nktirg snle]1snd ,Ihfl spakl a\pliutim {e anilable M requ$t "' Dihersionts) tui* ttm 3a b 1.256 tnb{ ol scnan incmses Howto 0rderWayProtectors olv: E Mai!: Please supplya sketch/drasing/CAD lil6 (oWGor DXFlile lomal) phoioof yourappllcadon 1. Applicalion f dcmts a tlqui|Edreld) 0 werdspraflel E Lqht E Medium E Heaty Exl€malEnvlronmonr fl€aseindicabpe.cenlage(s) tormerolowinq: describe) D ard'er(Please parricres (Dirtdusr, s6ndsrit,etc.) E Ab€sive IenDentr|! nango1Aro|Pn. ollyooolanttlubficants 0yp4 fl Cutring chemEars0ypel 0 (Please Acceleralion indicale unls ot measurement)l [i n rur:_ Malmum:_ E Aluminum O water^,lobtrre E Holchip 2. CovorTypeO Cmcs nar O v€rlical ColurnnE Laryo Bsdway W6y El F|alway 0 un€arway E Dovgtall 0 0tt€r (f nEas@'ng fnn exi{ g ctvet,a drawing isEquiEd;DWG otDff nep.ehfleq (Plos sp€citInlnchss) 3, CoverDlmonslons EbrdedLengh _ Bet'acled Lergtr:_ 4.Wayoimonslons (Pl€a3. spoclty InInch6) ForCro3s &ll, var0c6l cotumn, Flalway0rLarga 86lnf,ay 8l 82_ cl Maximum Heiqt't_ c2_ 01_ VtuTUr Wioh._ a_ Crus tull, V.rdc6lColumn, tht WayandlaryE8.dray D2_ Forun6.rll/brD sinsleB€il B oualFal (ltSlnglo Bsll,lndh3ls onlydimddons 81C]andD]) EallManuhciirox_ D2_ 81_ G1 92 G2 c1 01 D1_ B] D2 82_ dimensid$ below toral coverlypes, cl_ xt c2 Plal4s EYeshdl 0 Siandar! FlaiseE Cosed 5. Mounling FlangeONo Ed 2 E sandddFanqeE Clo€ed Flarue f x2_ \1 t2 Pbasa ht ote-nata1ecnnpteted fun touEnuntus/ad&Bgnn. Gordillo@ Steel-Glad Stainless Bellows-Type WayCovers wherelargeanddgidcovels Forapplications arerequired loisa sewnJold€d orheat sealed waycover made wih Gord coverrq edLh.oNolulior.'or Jsein stdrlesssteelplales wedsplatter might applcalions where hotchipsor damage aconventionalb€llo!.rsandwherethere snotsuff centspace foraT€lal exmelalcover. . Protects hotchips, weldsplatter against andother abfasives . Sewnjolded constrLclon, made froma orheat-sealed piece single ofelastomer coated fabric \aithPVC stitfener ineachsection . Slanless taslened toeach steelplates convolution . Available n widlhs andtrave s tofitanyverticaland horizontal application E prcvide ptutectan Ielaf?x andGotdillo Cavers on3 uis nachinkg nadule. F h Venbal nachining cenlet usngGonlilla Eeil1ws anllIelatlex Metal lelesc1pic Way pansGalabe toprcEduiticalnachine andl\riatrac carreEpravnle Cove6 U1teei1n Howto OrderGordillog City: Ploaso slpply a sketch,/drawing/CAD lile (DWG or DXtlile lomal)/ pholoofyourapplicalion (Please 4.WayDime'|sions sp€citininch€s) 1. App'ication a Fqulrsdflsld) e donoros B1 lor lhe lol owinq: Exlenal Ervnonmnf PleN indicalepercenlaqe(s) 92 particles (Dirr, grt erc.) dusr, sand D Abmsive 0yp4 E Cuftngoirvcoohnwlubncanls c1 C2 [ype) E Chemicab A um num ll HolChp E fl water/Moislure E Weldspraner fl Lightf d*nbe) orhs tPee D Mediunr il ueavy TomDeralurc nang€':Ambient _ lvinmum indicale unilsol measuremenl): 0l 02 0 5. LinearWay (Dimens ms81andc1onry) E sinqre 2. Cover0rientalion E Venical O Houontal0 cross8al D oualfiailBailType (Pl0as{ spoclty ln Inch€s) 3, Covorolmonslons cnnvo urionHeighr 00: (=I6veuriin./Mar. Faclor+ .30): Relracled Lengln Leoqlh): Exrmded Lenou0ravel+ setracted 81_ D2 82_ G1 c1_ c2_ 02_ P_ 6. CoverAccess f Top E Botom z Endllo|lnling shomisourshndad endmouing0senwh Gordino" b€ltows. Godila'witt atsoprovids cls1om I ".dbyfie cuslomer designed €ndsasspec ftont/IoD J Sldrdad \\ (sjpoeo wholtmtes. ,*;n (Please suppya f, Olher Rea/8otbm f I \ '.\ $rnddd(shppedw[houlholes) (Please y a drawinq/CAD Olher supp lileioWG orDXfpr€hned) & WayInbrlerence x1 t2 Y] E 5 \2_ 'rop pnteNabn tnemb mwatttw ihte:0h{ unnltiin Wis e atutadeC@ttdGonivtu NbnE f i tr@ ratu emjtke mptetedram tolhctunhil/a t*s shown StockWayProtectorKits ForBridgppodMillingMachines yourBddgeport millingmachine with Protect protectors Gortiteo stockway . Complelely ways enc{o6es . Complele withall mounlinghardware . Easyto install- mountinginstuctionsincluded . Frtsall standard &idseooft6,includingthosewithopticalor alladrments measudno particles t0fall0ntheways Whyallowdamaging chipsandabrasive ofyourBridqeport andtien wipethemoff.)Nowyoucankeepit clean thelife0fyou. acclBtyandincreasing fromlfieshd,whilemainbining madeof .033" wayprotectors arebellows-type covers machine, Godite tofully fabric.Sincefi€y arespecifically engineered thickhypalon-coated protect fromfallingobiects, theways,theynotonlyprolideprotection enclose tle wayst0 keepoutanyforeignmaterials. butcompletely Upper Golumn WayProtectol RearKnee WayProleclol FrontKnee WayProtectol areusedt0 mount theptotectors. Inmostcas€s, existngscrews Theproiectors have Allbncketsandmounting boltsarefumished. fi8 ends, wib a new"slip-on" method 0ffastening been designed mountjnq andremoval. which allowsquick . xfttorlilachine wih Standard & LonglG60 protectors ways and Includes forfrontandrcarknee way,allnecessaty brackets and upper column plates, boltsandscrews. mounting bushings, machines. Kitlils9" and12"travel . Kt torSeri6ll lncludes fireecovers andall mouniing hardware. Howto OrderStockWayProtectorKits <iType: E Kntd Machmeri[|S-tddard & LorgkneeE Kn1J|S4Fs|| v Ptw fat u e-naitke unpletedtom tuke tunbeth&tessstnwn. hls^ryd€ldoilfutriemmdbid*4n!frhsretr light-DutyFabricRollUps CANISTER/ROLLEB ORIENTATION TOIHEWAY ShadeRollerGoverc provide Gortite" Shade Roller Cove6 anideal method forprotecting machines tiatdonotrcquir€ thecomplete sealofa bellows cover. lllachines, suchasdrillinq geneate andmilling unils, which COVER moderate chiploads withoutlargebedwaytravels, arewellsuited EXPOSURE fortheapplication oftheshade cover TO l t i t i "-"i'.: AREA Shades areavailable inmany elastomeFcoated fabrics withrollers WORK supplied inwidths of12'to12.Rollers canbesuppjted compieie withmountjng brackets andcanaccommodate machr e[avels upto20'. : l r l i F Shade rollers aleavailable wiftthelollowng cover matenah: CANISIER IVOUNIING ORIENTATION gauge 18llN.018 neoprene coated nylonlor proteclion light (chips, coolanh) gauqe 33NN.033 neop.ene coaled nylonfof proleclion moderate chips) {coolants, mHN.060gauge hypalon coated nyloilor (coolants, nealyproteclion chips, hotchips) Vertiflexo Goditeo Verttfler" RollUp Canister Column Covels aredesigned io prolect vertical machjne waysandscrews againstdamage from hotchips, cutting oils,lubricants, parlicles. andabrasive . . . . . BlackTellon-coaled fabric shade Protects verlicalways fiomhotchips, cutting oils,etc. Sleel canisler take-up withwiper LJp t0170"verticaltravel Widlhs 10ft anymachine Custom orSpecial Moudling Abrush wiperonlhe canister cleans theshade asitretru$s ano prevents foreign mafter fromdamaging he take-up hardware. CanisleB areavailabje inlwosizes, wihachoice offourfiounting confiqlraiions ioreaseofinstallation. 6" -1114 12'-177/s" 18 231k', 24'-257h' 30" over 20, 33' 50 65 65' 30 60' 90" 135' r70' FabricRollUps Howto Oder Light-Duty cdy; pleasosupplya skelcl/drawingy'cAD 5, Siadefiorntng Brackol flle (DwGot oXFlilo fornet)/ photoot yourapplicalion Anqlefl .7t Slandard Bar O .75'Standard |vnncanisler wnnodcdisler0 RollUp E BoI upwilhbmckels E EollUp Panjculal€ D.Hinge: E lowadsPadculale E Awayliom L Applic.lion O EollerilounlingSrackob 0r' 02' 03" 0nexposed sideof matea E ltlounling Inou hclory E Newdeslgn O tui$ingmachln€ cov€r oienlation:B Horizonlalfl crossoi tr vo al sldool malsdal onunexposed fl Mounling ibb: t Mt lJpbw wlk t'rackeb, btackel si:eh deEmkedbynuimn nll q sEe. abalemenl E Nolss porcenlag4s). 7,Sftado e lrcnmenl ol lhecovetPea$lndkat€ Wlral istheope€ting E po6um io workft€a ro.m O clean fl rtr,c c.oant E Hoau/ E Dry E Gdnding O HotchlpEl Alumnum asshown onPagp 28, Please rcterhcodes dsscrils): D 0$e, lpleas€ 01 _ Mmimun: _ lvlaximum - El203 04 & WlDon (shndard) sleel tr Pvc tr tult E slainl€ss El &ush D None O ohsr indicate unitsol measursm€nl)l Ld ttutaitlocdol'salall to spoellled: 2.Dlmenslons - setecuon Petuted 9.lraxfmumCanblrt0lmsnslon,6 02" o25' tr3" fl 3.r n4 84.5' 05' o55' D 6' O 6.5' E 7' E 7.5' tr 8 fl8.5' O e" EI s.5" o r0' TolrtshadeLenqrh: Umilalioni Ma{mumDiameler Reouited 1lI Canfsier l$ountru 0ptions- setectian asshownonPage28, maserefertocodes 3. ShadeMabdal infdnali0n,Gonilswil choose lheiabricwhichbesl Based onyou appU{alioo mestsyourr€quircmerR Q otlel lcustom) EEl EE2 EE3 EE4 OE5 EE6 Pleouned I l. canlstersurhceTrcstnenl- selection 4. Boll6r IYpe Steel D Shinlessteel O Bawsleel 0 Painted apdlcalidN) 0i' hish-sp€€d fl SLndardE Sulespd'{- 0 oherlPainlSpec,eic.l V t'amtDke nunbet/adtues d1or']'. Pt.26e taxote-naild,ec1npteted Medium-Duty MetalRollUps CANISTEF/ROLLEF OFIENTATION TOTI]EWAY Standard-DutySteelflexo Goidte!ShndardDutySteelflexlRolltjp prolecthble waysonsmaller WayCovers milling andd llinqmachines against moderate hotchiporcoolant loads. These cove6alsomakeexcellent teplacements 0napplicalions where fubric-type shade covers cannot handle heavier chiploads. Standard-Duty Sleelflexr hasa stainless steeltop wiihl/4'x l/4'aluminum surface Nate M,Mlitq extrusions bonded to theundeBide for e)dmsteiqlhandsupporl.Ali widths ofStandard'Duty Sleelflex" covers canberolled compactly overa 3' diameter spingloaded roller c0vEn EXPOSURE TO Ob@ket shawnk Nt ttat CANISTER MOUNTING ONIENTATION Steelflexo Canister.Type Gortile" Sleelflex. Canistea'Type Way Covers combine a ruqged slainless steeland aluminun coverwith a selfconlained lake'up consisling ofa springloaded drumandadjustable tubber wiper mounted ina steelcanister Canister cove6 arecompiele units ready l0rmounting onmachine tools. Can stercovers areavaibble inabove thewayconfigurations formounting on lhemoveable element ofthernachine orbelowlhe waylormounting alfie endollhemachine ways. Steelclad Steelclad Covers aremanuiacluted wttl 1/8'xl/2' steelbarsriveted toan elastomercoaled fabric shade. They provide rolled asmaller updiameter andgreater bendinq llexibility uptoa 90'angle witha 1"radius, andofferthe idealprotecfon l0rconfined applications.ote:rkunhg backelslnM ismt actuat Alumaflex Alumaflex Covers aremade of1/8' joinedbyurelhane aluminum extrusions gives youa small hinges. Their flexibility rolled updiametel ortheycanbeused alone \,!itirout a rcller. ;; MACHITIE TRAVEL VS, ROLTED UPDIAMETER l$rrrclA0 lsrftrtoa MetalRollUps Howto Oder Medium-Duty civ: 5. Shad6llomtng Bncket tlle (DIVG or DXFfils fomaly s{pptya slctcl/ddwingr'CAD Pleasa photoof yourapplicaton Anqle0.75"ShndadBar fl .75"Shnddd Upwl[ioutcanister E FollUpwi[l brackeb 0 8onu! wlt| canister E Rorl Fddiculate tromParliculah ll Away E Hinqe O Towads 1.Applicalion 6. RollerItouiling Brackets f|1'02'tr3 on€xposed side0lnialedal O Moonting dessn madine inourhctory D Neu, fl uistinE onuns$os?d sldsotmateria fl irounlinq ofisnhlion:O Hodtmlal El crossrail E Verr;al Covef bracket szeb datamircd bynaxdwnnnq dze tldc:tttuf th cot6twthbac*ett, abalement E Nolss perceniaqds). 7.Shad.6eost|tE indlcats envircnment ol$e cove?Pleaso whatlstheoperaling to WorkfuEa room O FDA E Clean coolanl O alominum E Neavy ODry OGndins O Holcnip 28. asshown onPaqo Please rctetb codes descibs)l E ober0rease B1 El2 03 _ Mnrmum: - lvlaximum - 8.lVipof. sleel El Bndr{shndad) B Pvc tr Fet O stainless o t{on€ O olhsr indicate unitsornea$rsm€nl): 2. Dimon6lo|ls E4 tzstt,'xasalectlo'lf algll bosptclf,eat: - seleclian Bauied 9.Maximum CaniSfltDlmanslons o5.5' o6' fl e' tr6.5 E7' tri.5' El8', tr 8.s" E s.s E 10 E other(cuslom) llfounllng0ptona- sete.tihAeouned 10.Canisfor 28, Please rcferb codesasShown onPage umitalion: l\laximum Diamel€r flEr 3. ShadeMabnil inlomatim,Gortite willchoose lhe lab c whichbesl &s€d0nyourapplimtion yourrcquir€menls. meets EE2 EE3 EE4 EE5 EE6 11.Gadster$rhc€ Treatne - $iltdisL?Elllsn Sleel Sle€l 0 Painied Sieel E Stainless 0 Raw {. RollerIyDe spec,etc.) O od'er(Painl O ShndaidE Su€-Spdru"furhiqh_spedappLicalons) V t'teaf€ht ore-naitfte conphtedhm ta thenunbeladtu* dwn. Heavy-Duty MetalRollUps Steelflexo Walk-OnWay Coverc Engineered andmanufactured for maximum protection andmaintenance-free opelation. . . . . . . Heavy ouiyConslruction Air[4otor orSpring Driven forEasy Take-tip Continuous Stainless Steel Surface Designed Cuslom to FitYour lvach ne(NoHinges) lrnpervious t0HotChips,0ils, Coolants, andolherAbrasives Available inAnyWidth andLength Sleellex'Wak-onWayCovels aredesigned to protect waysand screws againsl damage lromchips, oils,coolants, andabrasive particles. They areconstrucled withheavy dulyaluminum ribs borded a10fiveted tolfe Lndersde ol a slairpsssleellop personne surface lhatwillsupporl regardless of bedway width andmachine lravel. A custom designed take-up mechanism usesan provide industrial airmotor orspingto conslant lorque andeasytake-up Themechan smcanbe molnted onlhelloororattheendofthebedway Steellex Walt-1n Way Cove6 andGottac AbleandHose Canetse^tice laryeflaarttpe otheroptions include: . Spring drive lake-up Sponge edge seal . A r brake Nylon riders . Brush wrper Nonskid tapeorpant . Filter lubicator regulator SteelflexoPit Covers IIJCHES OFTSAVEL INCHES OFD"LECTION Usinq Slee flex'Wa k-0nWayCovers tocover openpits eliminateslhe need forcumbersome s idingplates.Their continuous slainless sleelsurface isstrong, safe, flexible, yourpresent aidsuitabe forreplacing method ofpitcovering l1 :a i5 iili |. | - ',*uM r1 | - ' . , . 1 A .,r- ,.i** 1 I Howto OrderHeavy-Duty MetalRollUps Please supplya skelclr/d.awing/CA0 fle (DWG or DXFlile format)/ phobol yourapplicalion L Alplicalion PitDeph(50"rcconmended): machine inou hctory D Existinq E Newdesiqn D PitCover whalistheopentingenvironm€nt ofhe cove? Eory 3. Mounlingoplions Above theWay D Machine-M0unred E Floorlvlounred, Floor'Mounted, Eelow rhe Way F oor-Mounted, spdng rak-up D E oivesideLocationsr ERght Etefl E Botr$ne side coolant ll Nealy E Grindins El Hotchip E Aluminom E olherh easedescribe): Iemoerature Arnbienl _ Minimum _lvlaximum 4.oplions indicale Acceeralion(Pleas€ unitsoi measurement): Fide6 D Ai MotorDriveE Sp ngDriveTake-UpE AI Blake Q Nyron [hn-Skid Tape Norskid Paint Edse Sponse Seal O E 0 E Brushwiper O FilerLubrcato/Begulalo. 2,oimensions Y Plea$lu ore-nailfl1ecanpletad lam b ke runbet/adtu$sshown. B.Laruegr Unsupponed Span: lrcmCenler tineo,Follert0: C.Lenglh Carui h Shade FUUtnendedi fat lfalk-AnCave6) l9venlllllayWidk+ 2 rccqnnenden E.Take-Up Lendh(48"r€commended): Toh Shade Lenglh: = 2 r SuDpod nailtenqlh+ TakFupLenglh Shade L€nglh MarmumDiameler Linalalion: (Formlla calculale Maimum Diarnele. 6-2): 48"SECOI\iMENDEO TankGovers Motor-Driven plating, paintinq A complete system lorcovedng chemical, degreasing, andothertypesoflank. . Protect pelsonnel . Conhindangerous fumes . Conlrol evapomlive emissions . Prevent intank conhminalion . Compact design improves mnKappeamnce . IManufactured inanywidlh your orlength to meet application requiremenb Steelflex" Continuous slainless sleeltopsurface withaluminum orshinless steel suppod ribsforlarge hnks. Alliankcovers areavailable wifi a motor driv€andsprino Uke-up mechanism featudng lullelecticcontrol forfoMard, reverse andstopfunctions. TankGovers Howto OrderMotor-Driven city: ziplPoglal code: E-Mail: Plaasa supplya sketch,/drawing/CA0 lile (DWG 0r DXF fle fomal)/phobol you.aDptic.tion l. Appllcatlon ,j:l 0ste€lllex fl rutunill 2. Difionsions Tank width0.0. TankLenglh 0.D. f-:-l SideView La.gest UNupDorled span t-____rs!!!!!-___-_j 3. DdveSfsbm 0lvolororiven E Manual Acrocs Tank E T.aver Fmnt lo BackofTank E TEver 4. Coverodentalion EI Doubre flSin* V raketkan standad tuninsptw openlnq O EerowTank Ptease kx u effiit tte conpteted t'amtothenunber/addrcss shown. t std dnwins/aDfih (Dwcu DxF). l Laserlube' Telaflex'Telescopic SteelWayGovers Engineered andGonstructed to Provide Maximum Protection In TheMost Rugged Applications . AnySizeorShape . Bright Butfed andoiledFinish . HeaW DutyWipers Designed ToFitYourlvlachine Custom with0ptional Brass Nylatron Guides Standard Guides or Bearing Rollers to prctect Telaflex melaltelescoping waycovers aredesigned waysandscrews fromhotchips, dirt,oils,coolants, and damage caused bytoolsandworkpieces. tiomaccidental flatsteelinvirtually anygauge, It4anufactured 0fspecial cove6aresuitable forany insteelorstainles$ steel,Telaiex application, inanyenvircnment. AllTelallex waycovers arefittedto simulated waysandare you.They before delivery to afeshipped lested inoperation 'leady-10-mountl' n0 requiing additional adjustmenb. e r-* lfrE! protecE Teletlex hubonlalwaysand Gardio cove6vedbalwaysot kk Teleflex Elescaping steelwaycovers proidepraEctian ona CNC hoizontal Telaflex'DesignFeatures TopSection Tread Plate orToolTray Available Bearing Rollers (0ptional) Littinq LugsProvided onLarge Covers Nylatron or Brass Guides Heavy-Duty Wipers lvlaterial Section '18ga.thru 1/4"(C.R.Steel withStainless Steel optional) (fromthe Machinel Howto OrderTelaflex@ Measudng frcmlheMachine: lsomeiricView -ll-' w3 -|- il-d.tli ---[TF ii '' ---=.-lf; t ) FIOOF l-^-l tL_ --T--- l l B I FLOOR 8ED FLOOE WayExtension Bracket Telaflex3 Typical WayCover Conligurations m ILC fi: IL B1 J] I L D li\-\ ----===1 82 E1 lL f )) lL J ][L E2 JI lF= J ILL F] t;T:jT;I .tL 2 Jl.l -i LL F2 J] l" -. --;l E =T::====- F---:--- JI \ '.':t Pr6eincrude adraw ru ,lou'" (DwG/Dxr Pclercd) " | TE I EIrl TelailefStandard [,4ounting Configuralions L " l Lr-" l [ ] * "" * * * * , * " . Pehmd) 1DW6/DXF l Howto Oder Telaflex@ {fromthe Machinel ctv: E Each E sel Iehprsm: frcmlhe Machinc: Measudng EMail: Please supplya sl(elch/d.awlng/CAD nle (DWG 0r DXFnleformat)/ plDb ot yourappllcalion whylype ll BoxwayE uydGlatc Eelatnslolluidsatrcslorlote tley exertorirdsiD Pressures Wetave an uEnsive &ldaff ol mv* o fle. PhasecmtactWut Gdtitd EpQ\enlalivelo locatepn uevi,tts oftrels) or t0 seeit onetits yau exact fl unearFail:Make percedag€(s). Wialistheop€ralinq envircnmenl ollhecover? Peaso indicate 1.Appllcalion 0 Dry 0 GrindinsE Holchip Exi$inq only: Manufaclu.er Coven Coolant O Aluminum 0 Hea!.y mal islhefiachine?Make descbe) E oher (please A r sE: x B Y O z D o t ' e r Wo lngTemperaturs _ Mallmum T|aVSI Speed: indicate units0l 'reasurement)l inourlactoryfl Newdesign El E(slinsmaciine Fai E sstw€sn coumnsndTsble E BorilontarB VenicarO cross 2,0lmanslons a Mrby sip€rhs0h1abols wry_ Jl wdywnft tl1 s deolc6sli0lo sidool dil wpd d$m blowway t2 Mrby F3Sdoolwaywpsrbdddofwy- fl2 S& olcaltig losid6ol Eil $ &nom|inear6widti Pl cadiiodisLnco bdd {2y _ G Beiohl ol brlls@ ab@s€y 12 Indivilual heioht ofway_ P2 Cadin!distamo bd@sy _ m gdool try tosldeo,6u.q _ H2Dcplh ol dr!c_ 12 lidNidlar hsgrrrol My_ n2SldoolMylot dool6bn0 Heighl Ahove Way Mardmum ofTable trA o 3. CovorConllgffadon Fottjplacenmtcowa plase crroose tE pdle Michnatcheslhe existing covertle dosesL fl fl B1 E 82 trc tro DE1 E F 2 Q 81 E G 2 f l H 1 fl H2 Q J d l{osntng corfigomlion (Mustselectcontiqu.arion forbothmdsl\|unhg holesM stpptiedunessspecified. LaB r ud e: E 1 E 2 E 3 E 4 E s E6 E7 E8 smallBO d :1 O 2 E 3 E 4 l l 5 E 6 E 7 E 8 &ackgb 5. Exl€osion r0iloor) indic.lewi r,opoiways E Ys: Please 6. oplions W20JVay beyond bed) exlends D Luqs ibte 0nanreaw ovet25ahs. (113kg), E Uflinq d6igned. a lihittgqstqn is integtally w3 0,Vay mdsbelorcbed) ENo slBinle$steel E 4-Way Plate(separale)E Inspeclion Dmr tr 0her showt. V HeaselaxN e nail bE conpleledtom tothenunbet/addftss (fromthe Goverl Howto OrderTelaflex@ Measuring fiom theCover: '. -'\\ VIEWED FSOIV SIIIALLEST BOXTO LARGEST BOX -t tr l -^- l t l ll il!41 l r t FLOON Telaflex' Typical WayCover Configurations m - ILC H LL 81 )I L D J ]LL E2 ]I lFs J [L ] Fl H J] LL F2 ]] Ll- 82 Jl IL E.] J] "att::1 f ll- nauoeaor',no orne,.ne*e llDlvcnxFPreiened) TelaflefStandard Mounting Configuralions EEE Tm E I E"Fl l \ f; - r-l l 0,,., P,e*endudead@ins Prcl€fl€o lDV,0DXf Howto OderTelaflex'{from theGover} C f E Eachlf, set lebpnme: fromfte Cov€r: Measuring E Mail: file (DlvGor DXFfilo loffiaty Please supplya skclci/drawing/CAo phobol yourapplicalion 'lbyT)9e 0 BoxwayE Hydroslalic (Beraling toiuidsalrestorbtne pressures theyexerlff lrlnsmo Wehavean enensitedalabas d @vffi @ frle.Plea* mntactytur 60nibe rcprcsenklitet0 ftictle you Wi ts Ma'(s) 0t t0 seeil qtE fitsWff exact E UnearRail Make percenb9e(s). Whal ishe oDeratng envnonme niofh ecove{Please ndicat€ L Applicalion E ory 0 crindins D Hotchlp Coolanl E AluminunE Heavy des.rbe) E ou€r(please o Erislingfiachineinourlaclory D rl Wo'ftno Temperaturc: _ Newdessn Nozontal fl venical fl Cossnd E Beiwe€n Column andTable l,laxln]um Travol Speed: A|cereralion indicals unilsol measurenml)l tPle3se 2, Dlm€nslons G2\tay/Gu de$dae lo p&k- J2 Tolal@r heghl ||| sid6ol w.y tosid6ot@€r_ 12 Siddol My to siddol 6w sl s'dcol'rwrrop?ak_ 525 drof,i!a lop€ar_ Malimum tleignol Coliel Ahov€ Way trA tr BI tr82 tr c t rD 3. CoverCol|nguaalion Fotrcplacenent ede$,pleasecioosel1eNotilewhichnatchesthe islingcaverllle dosesL EE1 0E2 I] F1 E F2 D c 1 t r G 2 0u l fl N2 0 J ior boi[ endslPtease 4. Mountng Confouralioo{Musls€lectc0nnqunlion otnounlngholecontiguation. ua deskeEMdnwhg PWCa DtFprctened) LaB , soe* 0 r t r 2 0 3 t r 4 D 5 D 6 t r 7 0 8 s m a [ B 0o |' : D 2 t r 3 D 4 0 5 t r 6 0 7 t r 8 5. htenslonSraclcts indicate wl oopofways 10f oor) E Ys: Please 6.options E LftnsLuss ilole onaly &vetow 254hs. (1131g), a h'ftitgsJflenis integtalydestgned. w20rvay extends beyond bed) tr tr V Phaseta. w3(wayends before bed) E 4 WayPalebeparaie) E lnspec0n0oo. e-nQjlke c1npleledfun tDthenunbet/add@ slvm. fl No Howto OrderTelaflex@ {DualAxisl I ta\ Horizontal Table K $.. oYi -L { t f\ fi <\ Y\ 7 N|f a t + l nr,,ou , 0r Column Mounting Surface \ s \-L n Y\ o N [ a \ 8+[ z FrontView M DualAxis Mounting 0ptions I Howto OrderTelaflex@ [DualAxisl Cilyi E EachD Set lelephone: DualAxisTelafloc Covers:pre3se arsosubmll ordsrsh€or onPaqe 50or61 E_Mail: lile (owc or DxFlile lomal)/ Pleas€ supplya sketch,/dmwing/CAD WayType:J BoxWayE Hydroshlic(Felalinq tolluidsal nsl orlo fie pholoof yourapplicalion lhey*erl tr lrmsmil) Pressures yur 6otuereyesentalive Wehave adalabase ofor$ 1A000 coveEPlease cantact Bal: Make J Unear yoff$evious ode4s) ottoseeit onetitsyourexact rcqunenents. tolocate '1.Applicalion Whal6 lh€operatnq envionnenlol lie covefPlease rd (ah percenhgqsj. D Drv E Grndinq fl rorchip cooanl D Alominum E Heavy dercbe) o other(preare mach nernourlaclory fl Newdesqn O Er'etinq woftingrcmpealure: Maximun Travel speed: Accelerallon indicate lPlease units ol measurementl 2, 0imenslons 6= K= E= Conliguralion 3.lltounling UppenD 1 J 2 Lower:0 4 l 5 tr3 D6 tr7 tr8 4, options Nole0nmt eow over25Olbs.1113 ltg) a iningqsten is inteqtaty designed. Bars E Guida o StainlessSteel D 4-WayPlate(srpafale) f|Inspeclionooor o shown. V Pleaseht u e nait f,e unptetedromtuke nLrnber/addEss Telatube@ and lasedube'" Screw & Spline Covers Returns oil Drain Laser Beam Covers Telatube@ provide prctection Telatube covers horizontal orvertical of screws, splines androds iiommetalchip6, coolants andabrasives. Constructed of 16gauge steelfubingwittl wipe|s dresections. Telatubes t0lalhes, milling brass bellveen canbeapplied grinders proteclion requires heavy machines, oranyothermachinerywhich duty against hotchipsorheavy chiploads. Hozonlaltelatubes havebuiltin nylonguides forsupport t0 prevent sagging inlong Vertical travel applications. lelatubes canbeutilized astelescopic oildrain retums. 3 1 0 5 5 3 1 5 8 I 20= - 6 s o E- 6 2 3 10 7 6 I I ll 3 3 s E- 8 2 3 3 I 10 2 2 3 5 1t 6 6 3 9 6 I 9 2 3 3 3 6 7 8 I @ E 3l) 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 conslruclionDetailslor l€latube. 2 2 3 3 3 5 5 11 tott 15 12 2 2 3 3 5 6 I 11 1 0 5 2 3 3 4 3 6 5 6 3 5 inr.o.s lmm13"l045/3 nvi ncrcmenh TalatubesaGavairabre isv1' pers€clion. avairabre Inreiolhs ftlatube buird-up t0lily0ur apprcalioi. 2 3 Enended Lenglh 2 x (Closed Lenqb)- 4" - 8" (Closed 3x Lenglh) - 1211" 4 x (Closed LenotD lasertube" provide protective Lasedubes colemge ofvertical andhorizontal laserbeanson guides, laser machines.They arcequipped wilhblassimpregnated tellon cutting forvarious areself-supporling whenusedhorizontally, andcanbedesigned lravels. lvanufactured of sironglaqhtweight aluminum, Laserfubes arealsoavailable in black anodized aluminum to reduce reflection inside thetube. 2 3 5 6 2x (closed L€nstt- 2" 3 x (Closed Lenqih) 4 4 x (Closed L€nq$)- 614" 5 x (Closed Lenqb)- 9" 6 x (Closed L€nqth) 12' Howto 0rderTelatube@ andLasedube'" City: EMaal: Please supplya slebvdEwing/CADfile (oWGoI DXFlile fomat)/ photoof yourapplicdlion 1,Applicalion E Hmzonral E verical rshhrb€: E sc(ew fl spline D Rod Las.tub€: E LassBeam 0 optica fl other(prea$describe) (Ploas€ 2. Dimenslons sDeci'InInchss) ol Panlo bocorsr€dl Dlamotar L€ndn: Extond€d frarinumAllomblooublds0hmoln loDll Bshacl€dl6nqtn: Insld6Dlam€tnSequlrcd0D): 3,I$ounling0onfiguralions fl -: T n[ r+ I *1 Laq. End: SmallEd: Fhng€ E Shndad (0D)l E Slandadflange ouisideDiameier O colar I Lengh: (lD): C0llarlnsideoiameter O Flange-Iype (0D): Diameter ourside f torn toke nunbethd.]Essho@. Pbasetat u e-naitIE conpteted colar (lD); hsideDiameler Lenglh: (lD); CorlnhsdeDBmeter D Frange.Type (0D): oursdeDameler Telaflex@ Repair Before ForALLtypesof damaged metal telescopicuay Govens rcpairedto OEMspecs or better! Allmakes andmodels ol machines including: . Milltronics . Hardinge . Haas . okuma Covels fordomerlic andimported machines reworked b A-1condilion: . Repair damaged sections . Rsplace riders orrollels . Install newwipers . Replace w€arstrips brass . Clean andbufftooriginal finish Callformore infonnation orfora quobtion. Fasterthanyoucanreplace themwithnewat a fractionof the cost! Stop throwinglawayyour damagedTelescopicWayCovers... We can nye you time, moneyand productivityl Paomptacdrats quotaiions Complebrcpair,re engine€dlg,design,and tabrlcallonsenicB available OEMSpecor Better? yourdamaged GodibelehiexRepair doesmorethanjustrestore covers io Pdorityservice(thrcedaysor less)available "likenew"condilion. your Alterconsidering existing coverdesign, applicalion for moslrepails andmachine environmenl, weusestate-of-lhe-ad technology, compoflents, processes b deliver a rcslored pr0grams andmanufactfing c0verlhalin marry cas€s Discounbd s€nicefor planledmaintenance p€donns ginal. significanty betterthanlheo Largeinvstory ot wipers,rollersand c ticalclmponents Not lit<enet ,, bettf't thm ,pw! 120daywairanly Expe analysis anddiaonosis of chrunic lailur€s TechniciaN with overZ) yearsproduction andnpair o@rience All cov€$aretesbd beforcshioment Fast o Reliablec Cost-Effective Howto OrderTelaflex'Repair C'tY: Ploase supplya pholo(digdalprcf€rsd)of yonrcoverto berepaircd 1. Cover IYpe neMake 0 Mach f Mode/Pri# Machn€ 2, Telaflex Replacemerl WipelsandAccassodes ff0500 n2.7mml I f0r25l32mml Urelhane Wirets At udedandMolded I o^eEs^l A-3 F= ;.;** *, TcuaftD otll-PlEclcllalll{Et 12'Wip€r x8' tlog - '2C TFW o!9q11?.11m1 1--FROM EOGE 3/4"Wp€rr 8' Lffg x l9-688Lonq l!lA-8Wipe. MA-12 Ulp€rx 18'lono - 5/16N Yl6 Wip€l v8idgex 8'Long TFW TFW.12N 12' wtper wfidger 8' tono oFSECnON / ll 0.29sl7.5mnl 6*"---a 0.750t19.1mm1i_* m2Wipet FSOM EDGE-J OFS€CnON / Xr,""- TsAli{t6lloer /- 03rrP 9mml -ll *r"*I rrr-rn" f w oNt-PEcEclta lEt GUAnD - I ----T | 0.295li.5nrml I 0.315r8nmt fI I0.0e1t23mml WGUAND --] stestwlp3rc|18nnols andolards I TFC- V8 ltc - 1t2 TFC- V4 - 741 TFCG TFG-1/8 TFo- 1,? - 3/4 TFG lTG- MA8 - MA12 TFG lor1/8"wiperx 4' Long channel clEnnsllor 12' wip€rx 3' Long lor3/4' Wipsrx 3' Lonq Channel ior 7@luporLlp chrnrul& Guard GladlorlA Wiper x 2' Long Guadror12' wip€lx 4' Long lo(Y4' Wiper x 4' Long Guard x 3' Long GuadtorMA{ Uriper Wperx 3 Long SuadId MA-12 rce - N4 qEnn8|& tuad io. N4Wiper x 4 Lonq channel & Guard lort16' WioerVRidge TFCG-5n6', lor t/2'lMperVnldgsx 4 Lonq & Guard I F C G - 1 l 2 ' Channel & GuadlorPR2 Wiper TFCGPR2 channel l0r Pffi wiper & Guard IFCG- PB3 Ciannel wearslips iorTSAM 16wiper T F B - I x 2 8mmx 2mmBrass 19Whe. I F 8 - 8 x 3 8mmx 3mm&$s WoarStipstorTSAM f f0.121t3.1mm1 F--f oa72t12mml | | -0r29l33mfil ; r l I o.315tsmmt fl JorrT13omml fr0.442t112mm1 | :I | r 0 1 6 0t 4 1 m m l 741MEt L - | r 0.3e4lr0rnml | , o'vro'"t ,.,:ffi-4#*l -1 ,chtuel a 6@dtMbiMtin is a 'EPt*e cohdrca@ ltemsAlsoAtailable 3. Repairandneftni6hmert will contaclyot): a Gorliie' reprcse[trlive cneck€d, fi E FeplaemenlRidec -0.283t7.2mm1 I ftrm ta ke nunbetkdtessshoM Ph6e fat ore-nal be conpleted we€rshps t o"''i"' .J ffi *,r1,,i ]-0.315r8mml P.6mml f 0.103 tr 0.172112dm1 - 0.156[4.0m0] | !-,=_ + tr 86 tr nepbcement 0.472112mm1 ffi 0.472 n2mml -0.13013.3mm1 " * I Godite:X-YFaceShieid Gortite X-YFaceShield Assemblies aremulti-axis covers formachine tools protection. (sideorwall) needing mulli-axis Vertical oranyotherapplication (ceiling orhorizontal orioor)applicaiions inmany difierent environmenls, pharmaceuliml, possibilities including induslrialand arcjustsome ofthemany forlhisapplicalion. Depending X-YFaceshields uponyourapplication, Gortite canutilizea numbea foreachaxis.Stainless ofdifferent methods steelshade, elastomer coaied belting orSteemef, canbeused inconjunction witha spingroller. Gordillo (bellows wilhsteelplate) 0rsliding steelplates canbeused inslead ofa rollel Thespindle canu$eacustom cutout, molded wiperand/or Multiple a bellows. plates Roll-Up coveF orsliding cover themain twoaxis, whilea lamwiper or bellows canbeusedlora hird axis. . Slpplied tully-assembled 0rinkitformwithopelaling and maintenance inslructions . Desioned wilhease ofinstallation andlongevity inmind . Canbesupplied painted t0 meetcurentindustry standards . Wipe|sto clean debris andfluids fromthesurface oitheshade . Molnting afiangement lo suittheclstomer's needs . Speeds (76m/min)or 013000 in/minute more . Acceleralions !p to 1g ol more Vaietyol X-axis sjdewipeNareavailable: . Felt 6HOWN SHADEROLLER FACE SHIELD) . UHI,IW 0epth . Brush . lvolded Polyurehane overalMax.WidlhAvaihble Y-axis sidescanbe to increase tte capped sealing capabilitie$. Height X-YFaceShield Howto OrderGodite@ ciy: E Mail: fle (DWG or DXFlile format)/photo ol yourapplicalion Please supplya sketch/d.awing/CAD I . applicalion D oErM fl Enduser Typeol fluidhe FaceShieldw ll be$bjectedl0: rrames athcnb Golumn, base etc.)? llihatwillthecomponern oilvooolanwtubricanb 0ype) D Cutinq chemicats oype) D attach10? whalwilllhecenlerplal€inlheY-A.xis fl lrble/Moisture desc.ibe) E oherlpleas€ Anbienl T€mpemturs - Minimum - ll lhercwillbefuidsinlie shieldarca,isdmnaqerequircd? l0 dleFace Siield\]|illbesubje.ted Type olmvimnmenl git,etc.) tr dusl,sand, D ofy E Abaivepartcle.l0in, splatler fl Lisht E MediomD Neavy E E Weld Aumlnum Norchp Maximum speed(in-/min.): (please describr) O Crt|er (Pleas€ 2. Dlmensions so€cltInlncnsr) X2Invel= owiall Maximum fl€iglrtAvaiable- Totalx lrawl (xl + 12)= 0veiallMarimum WidfiAvaiable= = DePth Availablo W€mllMaximum Y2Travel= To|a| Yravel(Yt+ Y2)= = z Tr6vsl = Mrrlmom nabolTnvelrX-Axis Y-Ax s= = Z-Axis lodronlal opedng= 3.0ptions or DxFii e lormalprelened 0 Bamwips hreasesendGqodrawinq DWG uhel iloa qndg stoM onfte ueviNspageisstoMtwilhrclletfaceshield. arcalsaavallaue, cantact opiu$,sdt a cd @ andslidkgplates wt 6."tild @Mtultue fN nde oqfaE, f Phasekt orenit aE conpteted tom toke nunbet/addesshom. Fabricated WayWipers FabricatedBuna Gortite@ WayWperc . ldeal forlowb moderab vo'ume6 and mainbnance applkntions. . Fabcated fromcomels andshaight lengtlE ofmolded 80na Nrubber. roorsnrr--11:fo2s . lyp. A- Forheavy chiploaGand Fully encloced ina mebl coolants. wltrspfing-s1eel channel chipguard. -w]l I CHIP 1,03 GUARD . Iyp€B- Lalewiplng forheavy edqe coolant applications. 'forM| "i' bP-/r'-_' -io.gel* Ll ouo L . Both wifi mountng styles supplied plate attached foreayitahlhton, - please Olher styles arcavallable see th6p.ofl6s atdgtrtffwtatyoltneed lsnotshown herc, Gortib'can mako yo0r most anyshape. Conbct Godib' Infonnaton. repres€nlatve torfurlher F_F0.25 -t.lr 1.00. | | 0.86 l,l,/)f --U.r. L TYPE C TYPE B f.-t_ 0.25 orPn-T I GUA(DI .1" 'i' r \ | llo.b4 r o.za/,.),J I --r; I -l 0.50l-* TYPE D ll*o* K4628 d b n i -d ' ,f,:n,-u 16cASTEEL-I t+ - 1.09 Fr#f K11321 1014 | 1 0.08--rF-{ l.-16G4SIEET -M t t .33 u M I tl--r I,-*),J, -oo:;LJ -II;Tl I 0 0.20 K11321 K11252 MoldedWayWipers MoldedPolyurethane WayWperc . ldealfor moderate lo highvolumes andOElvl (nominal required). applications looling charge . lloldedfromhigh-qualily poly!rethane for abrasion resistance. 0ne-piece exceplional with metal insert. construction . Available in 1",3/4",andLPcross sections as neered ctosssections to welas custom-eng yourspecilicalions. . llletachipguadsavailable forheavy chipload applications. by Molded Urethane waywipers arealsoavailable partnumber for0kuma andNloriSeikimachines. plates include molded-in sleelinsert and Wipers pre-driled mounting holes forfast,easyinstalaiion Howto OrderMolded& Fabricated WayWipersI cnv: ouanli! of wipe6 needed: E Mail: lf youaredesigning ftun erislingways,pleaseprcvldeexactdimensiorb andinctuledrawings(0WGor DLFlil6sprelored)witi all dimensions andoutide inbrferences. L Molded Wipers i l-- 0.19 12GASTEEL-I l+ n | ^-n )7 r %l.oos tl '-' m 2 T2GASTEELl-.1 A_ r rl*Jl 3/4'tv0LDEo 0.10 ,u* w ul ForO6lom-Engineercd CrcssSec.lion, ploas€supdya skatch,drawing or CAofi16 (0WG orDXFfils fonnatpntgned) W,,," 0.15 oi-z/y',-t -i-Tr 0.38# 025ro 2oo rzersrrrr-lff !_ _ul a?>, - 1' IVIOLDED r t l LOWPEOFILE MOLOEO 4.23 LOW PBOFILE THIN IVOLDED ' Cmss Seclion &pncdon: ll Wet D Dry lfdrywiper muslb€tabrlcrled. tr 1 O .75' tr t? O t? llln E Cuslom-Enqineered ptaliles Notal', ,75'andLP*lN Mles an standard, Ct$lon aEavailable, (DWG GuardD Wper diawiQs enclosed orDxFliresprefercd) E Chlp endcred desiqn O samplss O txltinq siperinourhclo! D Newmachlns Nole,:Lhldchagaapply @ { c t nakenostanysha1eContact h a newnolded 6ontd tu lfikn inhnalioa. Wr odeE Itsending sanryhtphaecontact AodftdlataBetun Aukotuation ^tunbet 2. Fabricaled Wipers locASTEEr-rFf025 "i:i:-vd--T reensrreLlfl-o25 -=l-gu -lFgs I c,i'fl-r4 1!9-src+11J=o'o 'r*#-lt'i'*Lri ,1,_tr1 'h#i' :1Ky{"i FFzg,-r i--U--r .---T: r_r,- | --.r0.38r-- TYPE B 0t2 ,oersrre,!,F _n 'io lr a s Ul t t /2--r losa-,//loltoit L-0.5e-l STEEL S0nAPER K8839 ';n ,i w u ,U) l I l:4-27_,, - -r 0.s0Ir-.- TYPE C r6casriEL-t-' | lr --r 0.50 r- !_l o.sol_ ryPEA tI -t-l_' o.lolK11321 D lypeA OTyp€B f Typec ETypeD Type K4628 Type K8839 0 E K11321 w n Steel lNrl O Type E TypeK11321 Type K1 1 2s2 Type K505 O E n ,.;". ll tl ))l l:eZ::" 'J ;;fiiEn r-0.66-r TYPE D ll - --------r-------- crk,-7; o.o L' K11321 K4628 -lf 008!,-r6eesrEEL '' l T-M | v l t 133 lV I I l ll r ll ,; l -n ' ? '. l ll I L.))l lo:o//_1:3;t 0.03-ll---' K11252 ADrlicatim: Ewel EDry Whalisfie machine?Make ' ti K1505 ti dry,w permustbetabricared. Modet/Pand _ Exisliiq wiper in ouriactory 0 Newmachine dsiqn f, *'ffimil*##;lr:IffiI';H#fmffiW O chipcuadft Mperdarinqsercrosd(DWcorDxFnespreieneo encrosed E samples V Hwrd 00s ae ntailke conpteted tuln tr rft tunbs/and*s stpL. StockWayWipers delivery! fromstockfor immediate Fourtypesavailable theseruice lifeofmachine reduce downtime, andprolono wipers savecostly maintenance, Godite Al!lourtypes employ Buna-N €lastomer. They aremolded ofabrasion andoil-resistant toolways. 22"lengths,which canbeeasily cut member andar€available instandard thesame stylewiping may be used 1o anach holes may be drilled in wiper and scrcws torequired leng[hs. oversized holesmakes it easyt0 adjustlhewiperclosert0the\rvay wiperto slidinqmember. Useofoversi2ed service life. forextended GoditeoSteelEdgeKneeWipers fromstockin 27"and33" lengths Available plusa thinspring plate insteelmounling sieel Rubberwiper includes a molded Theoilresislant Nitrile guard tough applications where the edge.A unique wiperiorthose along thelenqlh ofthewiping prcperties wiped along withthe against thesurface being arerequired ofhespring-sleei aggressive Rubber hange. flexoftheNitrile asawiperora lightdutyscraper instock 27' and33'lengths andmaybeused Thematerialcomes lenglh, andoversized Thewipercanbeeasily cutlotherequired sheet metal applications. onuneven maybeddlled foreasyinstallation andadjustment. holes TypeA 22oool molded wiper lvletal enclosed witha fingersping toactasa guard. chip TypeB 22ooo2 [,4olded wiperwih melalstrip tooneside. bonded TypeC22ooo3 Recommend Illolded wiper only. plate. useofmeialmounling TypeD22ooo4 [,1olded wiper withlightmelal st p which aclsasfngerspring guard. andchip Howto 0rderStockWayWipers EMail: --l 16GA STEEL 16GASTEEL--il- | + +n14 16GASTEEL-]fF ' -- -t wv I M Il0.84 9 o rV |__l Io."/,-), -Ti -Mt CHIP 1,03 GUARD 0-97 A 0.30 -l r . o s, | | ?l I | 0.2s zl!!6 l--l r I r-t 0.50| TYPE B TYPE A l Vl l f -t f t lt r.io. t | 10.86 r - f - - .l 1l --ri | 02eC,.--),-! -l -M t M I0.84 _1 I r.33 0.50 f* tu lro* [tl r l l || l_11 r I olo (l o.zt --r-i:---i -l|* + o.o3 0.27 Kl1252 TYPE C K11321 1.27 l l {J-070 l r I tl I,-,2i,, --r-i;F t(lr32r f.-1- 0.25 l -[ 1.09. 10.14 0.46l-- !rllrsersreeL +0.25 I Kj505 Avallalla Instandard 22rrlengh6. B 220002 ouantiyol$pe|sneeded: E Typ€ hseioouani ne€ded: t ol wipers O K11321(wit Steel (tt32l ouanuly olwlpsrc n6sdsd: E C 22006Auanlilyotvrip€lsneeded: E Typ€ of wipelsneededl o (11252ouantily ouanryol wipecneeded: O Type0 220004 fl K505 Auarlityof wipasneeded: Appicalion: fl wel Applrcaton: El wel A 220001 ouanlilyolwip€Gnesdsd: E Type fl Dry0rdry.wiperljtE belab cated.l a + n 1- l l 6GASTEET+I|+- * l- 0.12 16cASTEEL-d* SteelEdgef eeWipeF I in 27"lenqths El M628AYril.ble .34 f audfly of wipe6 needed: I 0.37 n t STEEL l-o.oo SCBAPER I u9d I I -0.59STEEL SCMPER K4628 V 16rbe rabricaled.) E 0'y rl'd'y.wioe Ptease hx ote-naitttE conple@tom b thenunberhddEss shown. K8839 Aeairahle In 33"lenglhs ouanlilyol wipeBneeded: Applicalion:fl Wet 0 Dr)( f dry,wiper0!!1 behbncaled.) I NTDoorActuators Powerat Work! GORTIIEo ilT DircctDrivesfor ProtectivetlachineDoorc OneSystem- TwoSolutions: - Everything NTiB:Gompact Inside lvolorandcontolunitarcen6lo6ed together ina singlebox. - Fils anyApplication NI: Universal Motor andconkolunitcan beindividually installed onvoumacnrne. HighProductivily with a HighLevel0t Safety TheNTmachine d00ractuabr canmeet thehighl€vel 0fsatety required whilemainhinlng a highdegree of productivity. Atthesame lime,maintaining rslelant sbndards anddirectves canleadtodifferent solulions: Fordoo6wlthmedium opsning andcloslng speeds, th€ obstuction delsction syslem ofU|eNTdriveisused to prevent parbtromb€ing limhs ormachine crushed, lf any obslruclion isdelecled, fie drivs.evelses immedlateL,. Forhighly dynamic applications andlevels ofkinetic grealer (door energy tran10j weight, speed), addilional . Fofvertcal arangsments d yenbybelb,chains or safety is required suchascontact ships, ropes, a i-drop safety Euipm€nt devices which actdlrecUy on light cudains orshilarequipment. thedoorbody areamilable. . Anaddilional'&tu Slandslill" modulB isavaitable - Upto Satety Salety Cabgory 4 according toCat.3. lntheshndard version, thel,ITddvesupporb Safety . Cat.4 canbemetbybkingadditional measures. Category 2 according b shndard EN954-1 . ln orderrc meetthevarious satetyrequiremenb ofthemachine d00ractlalor,iie NTdrivecanbeequipped withthe following additional opliorE: . ff theposilion 0fa doo.issiillknownaftera power tuillre,lhemotormnbeequipped witha mutti"tum encoder 0ranother Docfion sensor . Forvertical doors, a mechanically aclivated springoperated brakeisavailable. wltichholdsthedoorsin theircunentposilion inlheeventof a powerfuilure oremergenry stop(onlyforNT). TheConlrol UnitFibinloanySysbmEnvironment Thedirectddvem0t0rcontolunithassixdigitalinputs, threedigihlouFuls,a relayouhulanda brakedriver TheDoorManager operating soflware supplied canbe usedlo fieelysetlhefunclions oftheseinputsand outputs. ff required, thecontrol unitcanbeextended with pllggable anadditionalSl40 U0module ora fieldbus (PBoFIBUS, module CANopen) andthusbecome fu y integated intot|e modem automated environment. NTDoorActuators Standard Solntion for Individual Requircments NIIB Gompact Everythins Inside Theuseofautomatic dooractuators inmodem years. machine toolshasincreased inrecent everypossrble machine Thetrendtowards automating toolfunction hasalsoancluded opening andcloslng proleclive ire doors of machine hoods. Theloading presents particular unloading otmachines a and pelsonnel lorbolhlheopenling source ofdanger andexpensive loading robots. Thanks 1othelrwelldesigned sotlware, decades ofexperience lnthe tleldoi aulomatic doorsandtheuseofthelatest generaiion NTmachine ofdrive elements, Gortitee dooractuators areanadeal solution. . ouick opening andclosing times . Compact, space-saving . Holds verlicaldoors inupper endposltion . Geailess direct drive . 0 vecanbecorfgured viasoftware . Good control unitneiworking options . lvaintenance-fiee . Integraled obslacle detection system against crushing) lprcteciion Standald Supply lP65housing containing: . Direcl drivemotor . 230Vcontrolunit (typeCDD32004) . Terminalblock . Doorlvanager operating sottware andlsermanuals onCD - beltclarnp . Toothed beltwheel-idlepulley NT UniversalritsanyApptication NT-4molor NT-10 /14 motor NT'25 /35molot Standard Supply machines Laser cutling Components supplied separately: . Direct drivemolor . 230Vor400Vcontrolunit . Terminal plate boxcover . Shield conneclion . Doorlt4anager operating soltware and usermanuals onCD Conneclion lo dooroDlions: . Freeshattend . Toothed beltwheelidlepulley beltclamp custom toothed belts - custom . Sprocket chain - custom . Rack andpinion rack Diecaslingmachines CDD3000 conlrolunlt NTDoorActuators ForDoorsUpto 800kg - ForEveryApplication Range TheGomplete Hozontal doorweight' kg 40 Vertical doorweight" kg 7 bell lvlaximum tensile forceonthetoothed N 80 1 150 200 3 35 350 920 mm m/s 1.0 2.0 2.0 motor torque Nominal pulse It4otor lorque NM 2.0 4.2 '14 motorspeed Ivaximum position lVounting min" Arnbient temperature "c humidity Relative Io path Travelse traversing speed Maximum unlimited unlimited 34 NM 1000 1000 any -10...+40 1 5. . .8 5 230V,50/60Hz Mains voltage box tm5 Design Degree of protection 750 any - 1 0. . .+ 4 0 1 5. . .8 5 230or400/460 V 50/60Hz insiallation elements 1) m0t0r1P56, controlunlilP20(NE[4A - Reliability ls lmportant SafeProduction d00r opening andcloslng 0ftheprotectve Thezefo-Jorce automalic NT worktirelessy afdsafely. The means thattheoperatorcan consists oi a brush essdirect d ve dooracluator system machine (orlP65intheboxsolution)with an lP56pfotection motorwith anda digital control unt. integrated shaltencoder door Single lealhorizontal (ballbearing ismaintenance-Jree TheNTmachine d00racluator measurement llbricated forlile)andthanks lo itsowndistance system, doesnoirequire subsequent adjustmenls dueto wearof guideways. the Twoleafhorizonial door Sing e lealverticaldoor prior atanytimeandwlthout wereserue therightlo change specifications improvements to ourproducts, Intheinterest oi continued products supplied. to update already warning, andwithout anyobligation NTDoorActuators - QuickandEasy Programming l()/\^++ fU'l1i - included TheDoorlvanaqer operaiinq soth'Jare intheNTscope of - simplifies supply theprogramming oltheprotective doorrequired on iniiialstad-up oflhesystem whilealsosaving time.This PCprogmm parameters canbeused lo settie machine dooracluator ina useF friendly way,slartuphe machine dooractlator, request stalus values andsave thedatasothatdatarecords akeady created canconlinue to beused formachines otthesame lype. b#l ,tu c&6mt [* l'+ M!4l i!-ri,.: SEBUAX I parameter Gorlite'canstoreyourcustomer specilic records on preconfigured. requestand cansupply newdrives thatareakeady Configuration . r 0peraling thesotl$arc iseasy andrequires nospecialtraining. prcvides youthrough A wizad support inthemalnmenu andguides lhesubmenus injustfivesteps. - 0ptimization toolsarcavailabb 1oadvanced inorderto optimization users, achieve lheoplimum dynamics andelegance 0lthemotiofsequence fora parameters specillc syslem. Controller canbedirectly inlluenced or lsedto record molion dalainaealtime. TheGorlite" OoorManager there's nolhing simplerl i<*- Support Supporl forprogramming themachine dooractuator isavailable by phone, e-mailor fa(.Aclavalion ota remote supporl connection or persolreisalsoavaibb€. on-srte sbrl-upbytrained " r:_ r_ ilaF Doorlllanager canberununder g/NT/2000/XPt Windows' lhe op€ating language canbeswilched betw€en English andoerman, _b-lEg Howto 0rderNTDoorActuators Cllyl Telephooel Please supply a skelch/drawing/CAD file{DWG orOXF fle format)/photo ot y00rapplication Make 1, Application Machine Machine Model/Parl Number Type oi debrs h. NTDmrActrator wi besubjected lo: parlicles doslsand,Oril,etc.) {Dirl, E Ab6 ve f, Weldsplater I Lioht I Type ofluid he NTDoor A.tuator wi besubiected to: anlvLubr canls0ype) fl Cutlngoils/Coo [rype) E chemicab lj waier/Moisture fJ olhs hleae dsd be) ueavy a NotChp describe) I o$ermlease (Pre3s€ 2.Dimensions specitininch€vrbs.) Temoeralure Amblenl Mnimum Marimum MdimumDmrTBd DsLnce ootsideDimensona Restrclions tr Yes LlNo please prov ll Yes, dea dmwng(DWG orDXF f e tomatpreiered) ormoreiniormat on. Y PleN kx t e nail uEconpleted tom to thenunbetkdd$ shoM. Gortite@ Motorized WeldGudain Theultimatein versatility in andconvenience weldingsafety! frame andd velnil Custom enganeered require nolimitswitches gearless dircct-drave [laintenance+ee, for motor canbeprogrammed partial acceleration, 0pening/closing, upto tlvometers/second andspeeds provided sofhvare via . ldeallor welding areas andother robotic automaied equipment cells. WeldGurtain Motorized Howto OrderGortite@ needed: ourntlyolwe d cudains E-Mail: ojmensional sesticions: O Yes DNo ourside pleas€ (DWG a orDXF i lelormalpreiered) fi morcinlormation. ll Yes, lrovide drawing f tat ot e nat n e Mptehtt fam take nunber/adre*shawL Please Howto Oder Gortite@ PodableWeldGurtain 0nly: tor0uolalion Quanlily oll|eldcurhinsne€ded: PoilableWeldCurtain Godite@ portable Podable Weld Godite Cudajns arethemost weldcurlain onhe mai(et. Setupandbreak down ins€conds, thecurbincanbetransported lo new working sbtions easily witrib smooth, durable roll€r wh€els. When ret'a6led, it sbndslesshan6"highwiha base 0f80.5"longforeasy slorage. provides yeals0fuseina manuhcturing Heavy-duty steelcorFbuction l0rMlG, TIGandstlckweldlng, environmert Suitable theweldscreen pro@cb against llleeffecb0fneffUVandW radiation emitted dudng arc weldino. Aiding infte conbinment 0fsawdust 0roth€rlightd€bris, tD weld curhincanalsobeused torworkc0lls€paration, asaprivacy wall,orb produclivity. block distracting vier$b increase employ€€ Theshade canbe usedinworkenvironmenh wihlomporaluros aslowas10oFandfeaures pocket adouble-stitched tosecu.e theshade barSteel oulriggeF creale a stable base thathasa highlisibility finish. safety Specifications Bas4Leoglfir ShadaWdllr ExtrndadHolght R.tacLdH.lght shado atodal W€lght &.5' 74,5' 2.0' <G" Jl4" Pvcfflmo.ft cr06n 38lb€. V Heasehtue-na np nnelctpd toln to ke Mbd/dd.N dbm. MoreQualityA&APtoducts BollUp Doors keeppersonne saleby an0dDed aluminum exlrusions, Ivlanufaclured fromstrongilhlweight wilhswing-oul doots. Faslopening andeiminate thedamage Inked closer access tolhevehicle alowinq provideaful l0 equipm€nt. vewofa comparlment andeasy acc€ss Gorliteq Rollljp Doors andclosing, B0| Up00orsar€alsoavalablein fnishes andcolors l0 malch any Gortiieo Available incuslom welpainted 0rpowder coated. lrucksatnanodiz€d . Retail . Kosl$ andolher . PoP dsplays cornmercia enclosures . Utilily vehicles . Emergencl include ljnger rails, handles and lrailers C!stom optlons vehcles . Bacing Finish options same aslor locking mechanisms. lull-slze rnod€ls. andHoseGarriers Godrac'Gable openSlyleandEnclosed-Slyle carriers Division olA&Aproduces cuslom- Gorlraco Ihe corl|aco highslrenglh areconsirucled lmmste€lior afd/or soulions lorcable and efgn€€red andlurnkey They e maximum unsupporled spans areavailab fora broad inawiderange oisizes andstyles a wlde rang€ lighh,veiOhl andcost-eifeclive designs, Clean, ol applicalions, suchasmobil€ conslruclion repaii equpmenl olsizes,quick cavtyaccess, andeasy range hearymachinery, millandioundry dLrty Nylatrac" openSlyle Slandard andlvodular paper make equipment, andrelining conv€adng um equipmenl al paslic solution iorlighvrned Carr erslheideal Cavily heighls ranqe lrom0 75"lo Simpk snap-togelher construction dulyappicalions. st€elcar ercareavalablein over24. Gortrac" prov d€spanessinslallation andmainienance. plaied and/or stanesssleelconslrucllon.our platnCoffe670%beiler zincDichromate carriers are Nylatubeo Encosed-Sryle Slandard corrosion resistance lianslandard zincplaling. lorlighrmedium alsothedealall-p asllcsoluiion l]n!anenclosed canier duiyappicatonsrequ Afullyencosed carerdesgnlromconduilslyLe pleasing system. Aeslhelhaly andtuliyenclosed squaretubng,lhe ineisexcell€nlfOr Gortubeo Tleseclean, hotchp appicatonssmoolh lh€yproi€ct fromdirt,dustanddebris. running operatjon ar€easily ighbveighi andcostellective carrieG isalalable andforaeslhetc applcations. Gortube 0l szes repairab e andavailabe inawiderange zedlinhhes ina n qalvan zedsteelor black anod andmany with wilhsnaplogetherconstruclion, w d€nngeofszes.
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