#lifficiffisft 1,?i7 ,;.i'. ::. '*jM, I t: I I I . f ,: . i. .,_a, .,..: ' Mo6" $AR SIrI]B (Q@Wffi,AAIP Crs3flrffi) l- 5'A TURDAY tr OCTOB#-R SfA /,t,,, ,' ,/ i /r\, l,/,{ iaurtT \ -t \J C LUffi ROOMs Iqt .r.* 4 d. I"6t ' BRITFINffi '*'Lf ift' [/ !\-/] [lE ' ^{ fRtDAy 0CT 4$o ;.l)"1: _;t ,.i-:rj'j::l -L.,.1 la ,> t] -*ffi* u'j]:1']"j-'*;;-i;i':Jliilu'u I'Li*'.is:rii Ll.'.,,; l;'fi":r-1;'',-'l;';":i';'r1 gl'i';'i -,:i:1::;; 'L;.i:,t* filr:-t'*ii': ill8-iiliL 4'"9';,: -i c; i urts.* !'xioi &i'{*fr r i:it?,:l{1. t,ar;i: .''-i'' *"{."., ust:li3linr, fln,1 t,,i g,r, -i1:11:il; i.:':"I''t': i3.i;::l:}'..r:::'1..;:"1',:'-,:;--;"1:;(-r'l';rr'' :'tr'1 - :. ." -''i-"*lr*, rr' l'e'3:"'::'i Of k+*;n r:iilil;e::: i;.s;'i'ti nr"rl ''rr11{ s" iJii::.1;111$"' -:":"-'3li r-":'i':ir i-'e;l: :t'EUr; ririi +ir f':"* geeXe eniJei:t&,':ntnrl:l-{i :r'C:: 91"' }'i1:iI-i",P,*gtr, '-; :' :r:lil'C:1'lil:'' 'I-:-a,' :llOr:A t0, In C+;ligf ,.tralr:l:d.l * 1;'r.:l, in& ' Sf :l"i 'i"i'i' r'(:'' .ili'li*lrl;i']:j '-:A erl -':,1;:+:: l,:li:ewC::'':i: iJ*'.*tt*r*:-ie t,..:.' .rrrO j::"1CU I i.:i.L'.-1.;-' :,i' -: ,: -1"-. 4''-'' L:: 1J"o.* -; :rl.-- ;";1-'5' i-:. t-,g a"*i ,l;ft'le,:p;:;', ;:) l:"-- ';r;n{;{r6r:f :, ?,:'{:r ";$" 'i:l0r'"gi:::lel'- L"':::i"'i+r;' lsr-,,.1rei,]'.i -F t^ ( ':r'r,::ir :.a. r':* :'-ri^..1''r t-1::L::l' rf :l:B*. I^ j'r i.'l:.i '''i:; JrvL:i-rl ':'1;'i"'' '-' i' -f r :' $;U:'; -";-;;s;'.r'. i{bi,} ,; i J-ur*:;. rutil' ii:,et:1,;::1:: i ;iirg l"i,l;ll- 1i1l:'3 *:;'-il": *,i.. ti i. ,r'rrri'- ii; L'1i';';', s; c:'Ut: :iL;{'rgirli: jjo:lmtl"rl, .11 ,:e-:]i::, '.r1"'.:';1.' j' ti;'i'f :'1"(;''-'*;1".'; i 'l''ijr" ::1jil$'r-';'1j;''"1 ,trr. --a-p,;1.::i.-' t;tra1 1. .:F,,: :.i [,r"'i ,l.JJ7i:-:6rl1 n,';.J --if"lf 1e';" gi)r'r'r;;]/i:'y-: ''i']; l:;i; i'i[]r'':;:i *u !]" *x. ii::q-i: :f l"C= 1,--::i;.' *:lr;^..;r'.".'n, i'i.r'"'"t""f i';'; 'i ?ilh ;:;;i i;r::: ,,,.J;,..1,-,:;.:.:.*; .[1:: * - ;l:ll] sl:rr," :",r' ''r* r-l^ , ^ 'r t,'.l,'t'1i., -: :::J',rG t t!)" .(.r, -: :r r i: C {;j.-: :. :,"R ; -91 }r:i,t]:lr l1r. 7P,{^ ;:,. l li :;1,-l t _,(,. irt :..t t;:i..n;j" ,i ...::,.r !;. i":l -.---/--t fl a!.Yi1 0,.-1"r,'s:l'.1" ', :_*:{}t:.q:'r , 1r {r': e ir:i,offr:i,?" c.l: 4 i :i:,ir:--- 1tal.:.1'' v: 1 1* ff!'l r. "...,ii!:.u rt Cr J. -:'r:=;.' 16.. n,r I,""u, J:, .l;,,. -"r.J.: g;;r,l.,li*r-,".-l;,, ii;*:,;:;" .ir.-r ; .'u -, l-,, /] .tl i:;,:;';. ,,:j: i.u.": , '$'u' .; ;l-:le *r.l:: i !.. ; ... -- ,'.:":fi; i)f:\' lf,a t),",, , ., i,rl,}r I. *"$. !l1i"i ,.-li:' 1 " s ;':-:i'_Li,. ,:l ri rr * il,i, I-, ( ^), +, ;f: ' Jr {,, .n, "i'i F,i 0iijlIl$i a =:i: !.. fi r rr ! OfSi$Ji*lt znf,., $e,tu;,,Jrr:f . .&, .-i-,.ir ".; r,;ii .;i 5.r.rrlil.,: r, ,Pr tr#y*iJLiif:1 :f {N:i* ii.t: :''-:"1:ll:-. 'ir..."li':yE.r' : irn* rq"! , oi ifi 6trL.&o -;*L6ew O*.bgilu:l' lQ"[h^ .i"i{;;,iA& (+il;i{,1ii{ "{i[, itr$,s,trJ]-it. A)'i;h, Frtd"a;r. Sr 1\r'1 ,I.OJ <. M "r W *'ff*1r St ,-E'fl1 ll_ ffiTs+ J$"*I "& ,*j d ri r *ttdI}:{e S{m {s 3m f$ ra, Bs tr4 as s#, ,! PR r'fi llJdil (-'.-r "U t'l ,o iJ @* t4 q "-l{'f 3H L'i.SUi:i I {3 41 & UPrtii{ i1,ffiirM N Iffi % & .tiE"t: ]:'X.u,M $I*i{.S @fr sl! tt S* fa ;J"^C ( ffif 'rrh &,! !l? !)ial:.r ,rx: l,? i-rLrae\;rrt{.,^ .;,r ?i-r r?rl) .rr;i.r,s*li"L e I ( rrr:LiH OfisAfiot{r, [' *7* 8H trPS l''"' l, l:- 2 Uo ef, vehl ol e e, [C, fflr f f , tre aley, r.l -..ti,.,!f s (bottr Iuiaaengarb arb and. stendard vers16n" versj.ons C*goia anC- iuEr ,.i.:i^^., l,), ixgoie-rni'i"i -ih;-6;6;;;" "ljl st,ragglee ;n,ao sy, Mu, Gre$aw w& lov qy e vl E,4 u,tr'a, ii,!,tctut, UI ggll, ov"r - *-- --(:]ur*v ilffi#*i,,: o'gllf i-,.. :]O-" sbLokeem tlrun r';.rw& L7&rrr{1teE; 8..i5u$uar,gueu wlrether irurr$urrt.f- the g!.;.");lrlQtl rrilg EoE}oe aot$.oe ji$&} a&rfl, aeie.-gi-;.)ir."crr (eLL ani or notlrj.*g, .dBrrayently ttao oaiy .ir];ir:9'.. ?o ,ba"* t;h.in6 to organiaez.s of eventg, . _Eourerrgrr-e9, the ectre.$e ealg to tho btellop (not *i.:.-;f* 'r&1I' qgoe "ahlngc anrst esme 'co an eari senettheir-tr-r'1,,*,1..*, vies pf.ioted by ths iloutl,raa lloafey {ec tire c:,eit-o:rt .,,;,,, scurse-lrJed.n l6rll,or-wer* trnf-J.sposed) -tnto the eceE", 1r.. .,::,.: glrgag {of traffJ.erof eorrree)"apar-U *roln a,lr oeiGi,,,.".:, . nIstrr"lt"whloh amoyee Rq.r ?'oatonby parife.u:.ui}-alrf -,,.,, ass os"r,Bent l;". sEPgi$,isiitflB LgiT ;:,.. wltlrout lnoLd.eut, oonpllroer-t wea ratseo to Le 8t $urfers rx,ti: , - - . The d,i.tLors of tlie ficss IB,!J end. the joh$s, (onLl" EasE-,,r, " r",:.,,. 3.ey-not copsrelots)n tha Ervoan €iCIme LooaS ureliLns nhotrrbsr ' i. 1i6 generally, the n,n $ras Hgal.eyobut were :?oroed, to evaou.ate tiieir pilel,uxoi .,!*bonbeagno rnoid'eltl;' rtprobtrgoer! eompet:.tirs were i." .; ltkewlse lo'Ler*cniy ul+,h 'irater, nncl i,etlcn uiaE tel-.:.., lrlre nost trx-fr:rtirnr-rte pe.z't cf tho d.ei6r.res tiee fl,,i:_:",;, ,u{, :,.),...:. d.u,e to e :r.ear: ge).e from the-ogouieastn (eooord.l"a -s' the fJ.shrapirarentLfe b,nil a d.ay in bed., . , lr she total. eatolrrhr l.: ard"ent an6rererwas a r€si_x,iri.,:;. ,: f.tsh-of whLcql:. the $!ee,m. vrf.aewinners (amir:gien a E.*,,,..;i,i," j !ge-Aed' or snagged" ) (an': a Lll- pr$,ue,|, ghey fiEhe,, ifi:r for sl.x hours, tshe Cent}e Leited. }A/O; l,: {i-utla GYJATL&{ A-Se ttember L 5tt^" l@ .' iti:th am, e::.try of 28 r,'p.r?rthLs ovent was I huge ..., ,.,.!..:i,., [e 's,Lthougtr t,he strcng no:"bheriy wlnd. ori o. l*csorc.["-.; :..' fr raad'g. far fngq pl-easant in t:lo ecrlr,l:6riy :!"r, .,. entry liutted. ti:.e progrfrunsre to oniy .:_.., ,.,,.-. 89-e. 3-arge mts*ths or6an1sers are thlniclng r.lg ncl:-lenee .i;n ::irc, i .... eons?ment3-;r e.t futu:re sieetings, th.e 8R3ce sf fouqr B, e,n& Ken Eir.*lls;g d.r.n{.i:.e,.[ d*you aottvLtlee by bagirr,.g 't;hree :rtj.rsts 6nd. tixerj. ::.: ':- ,, I I : between them, j{owever Lt d"i0 aCt, i:resent oare;:}rcrl}o ma bashn a$ f;he progreJune' On tlre ::ee'$lts Eomqtr ?'.i,, ) I& :rost srro* , i iti.Lr.e riu&oo:rrr:ec, IIl,$*r';r;ntLJ"'61:*'* :.;i'li! nssAc e,.fr:.+r't d,olli,:' ,',lttrirg* tl'*1"";,-r,an: llrsligilt &;sjr0 iiiii Bc:e*r :tru'u ptrgii- ,i {^ r- n.i- . j*_ .{.v +.-n*,*.jll frvcrgl:i$,,.,"'twer. tl:u i}+arl'iLg; fi:0l"nC:egi,e}g;i {,il ,.: prevltug.: egeilte. th,q, i8 t-B O$:ii,lLT,rrrh"o *,tt.enf,eri f;tla ' *entf€. 'r*r,;f,-g-q.5.;:,.1rI 'b}I(,$fftEiFe {eq,t* flfCUliG fi!-ri*{,i.t,t$j:rJB .,'. .3rn.r$snfl*rs .*i: ;-',,; ;ilu.i,Gs,FtrL*6e {vr:i}I.1"*.iT or uxi"r.liJ.itnfi ),r" gxl /sff'ee.;raa gre.a.t rrti. i;i":r.r** $o I;I:e e$,cc cf th:e tntrp::.C.' ': "' r!;gf b, ( l,r1:;;:iCrrmj-,.Sart]$,r& l'Ol,j"afd.--- hreathl"rss dtl* r',;i.;: ;,,;.,iil{ Lt fl*ee}sr**;+?rt Ur$e&t *JI'}"/Tr,irSsXourrg ln tcp -t -.{' tl i-- : I € ts . .;: ' ist" t"!t3sE (B:: rl .jr r: ;, l-t'361.'1 ' );and.,1 K;}1u5; ' :_. r....i...: i .fi I 'l''r n", -r,.f lr., ! & .ttEv.l*:$.t, jlniirlni$ l'i3#ir3 Lfi'(;" l*'l{ei:.'tori.(tB :'"' ... i1 anrl(E:'1* t,Hoss tfxel ; )r&" .i "tlt:i],, L$1., s, (rc43; ZnC'"' s8"i{.$ft$ {tl;;*; )rcl, G".u,J}lki; (tl;1",'-i l"*t" B'hlfrss {gf'a; ; ?ad. *; "s1L3.'"'{ffif'} JL \L .) el!|"5'j;;J'i l trv : ( rrie '{6 G"'i{u"'rton }';}. { }1t'_.,...(.. L;:',' 8'}i;ns* r;:n-.* }; iie'"i 'lt'i.ili{trj;.ti,''}$5li5 y'q1tr?\ . 66.11{*n lil. h \ r [IQrn o + it Jlv+,0 n-.a 7.L Lrr t 'i^-!. 3 l.e,r\ lLolilU(r'--!--tJ ,. 8 .,. q & i.t. { {lu,}, r J l&rq"i o J. G }r,i;" ldi:s $.ic}}ru1d.; arrd" iIrs, IJ".&;i11Jmfter" ':'llj: l}';;'Gi -ii+ss {'T:'ltt' ,a.ij*(flEOSGi$ i'J--J. i'j:ff.:it$ ; S;';:ri,.s ;i' Ci*s$,i Cs,r$* S,.,"P,*11ai'*:':(.$tffi:flarf,.), $,,i ,..).:, ltrnN'llc ,a "'.;"*; ,;u.;aGv;; '' *')- $rrFf.ffi]airi *y51 iru** u,siesiabil*& e'{i fiSfi {ii; Sa'fl'Af$a;-f aAtiifiimr;'i;u '*CI i;r"1"o:L-kit1' fflt {*, {lslfffi:tiiri::lte}i; &1l,Ott nel .ug*ebanorunr]er the g:,teto of a Bee?e$6er &t]rr*ts ro huIlcl u;i ail a;ipo'i$"ta foc a E*s.{:fuu,qrtj$ i;rL 'i}r.e 3ru..ur^L;i"er s."oBi.u.c}yl,Bss flre l0h"&&Et8r v,la$ sktl"SfteLlp orgn:::ieed i.zr trro p,r;'ig*f:Lrwt r* :r*mber of e3-ues am,J. ohjocts r.;lrlcii, fi.'ml.ehed" et "i;ro 'Uialver e$.'f'nr, from t?sere ars i.ntu"ieate uiagr em& &Lroet$-o:a* '*g fl.nal.n.t"1^,* r!," T}a*,$nr 4r{n{aT^ ,J.Js&par rll!,rm ;;i:. ay'r n*;S n/,."r '\:,GiUl2"-,: ui{, \1J1,{.w G.tlt,iu*rJ \At/U "i aw \ **a n ? +r.rrrcepsr+{ CrOqp ,i -del+r+ t4*r'd --r;(r*;..:ig';; as+.r"iriir i\Li;-;; .i .l vu;ju*rr an& Aq -Ga-^-!"1 tirv--vv-rl":usfu,ar .Fe-, j.$'(r, +.q t)uu th€ $'ho}ue1"e gerry 0rdstvere-,the Cou,mo&tr" sli6s1fl 8, &g&e *espm 6m the sxtre. tr"avellere tl:.e$ sv'@pr3.B$"3moid.ent]"&r "th@ Pe3.l"ar myotem of, obteLntng s. ,$am5)}@ sf, r$vep mud. 1s nst r*soffilentl *holrsevstr wel]. 1t wor&e" Om the nmap ssstlox?ls there wes cnu$li pesstrffig s,]ld. t"6 -$,eso lng=.emterlngrleavtng an.T rs&ent@r" tho cffte$.m} ro$ts*tli €r&'bhues$.ffi yam, titgi:r (ayeti tf &$.neeti.omal effte$.enefir vr@nt ed, ri.ft" tshe ml,"b$.mate winaerrm.s the $ ff€&r85"i.e00 Stnnd.-*rd.u: on bs$ug preaeetsd. w*th, e Eoy rgmg m,nd" svsr&e$& w$.t}:, "olrank $am ee,casxo'anoe& that $ugdfl$! head.n:t got {gntt3.oer SceprrCIxr1y" e Bm,ob to he twt&&Isd,o She barbeeue SoLlor",,eel the we}3. este&3.i"shod. pattsre sf -peet steeBs amd. om.l";i tho of Bs?oyrsl} lrx,brfeattomir, A iutey Mt:I3.ery Ep66t{e.3. f'oy, wtuxqin ffiure* I5CI"trsv6r J}arbara ffi&o$teo} thoug;}rt theg CIm@ $)1688 @f s-s6e3* ha& tha nffi9.ehe1$"xls trafte Eletrk srl lte 6#I?e *B{} ( sE" prlyt '&h.erre*$l I teCIHef,. mp i"f tleey hs,& sxsstsone w*rk;l.etg for '6i3@s*16h1::gu Lcoeetd. fer +":up goo.i, .:ltrwev@r i.t rve t;fl-d r'of.:: t}-f '-: tht; rot:.-:h" i;;,f- gfir:.L. ;-f then *Let Iike ,:-t ehsuId",,:i.f pcassrb,I* ,. 'hh$.rtk &ore befsre talktng, ;I'0 vre,e goo&. "*o Eeer ths re*aIlpe&rin,:ss* of e:*-raerrnheyrilo:roti Herber-U ( pf Sfmki'.:"ar:,E farqe ]*fus"tursm,te33n {:h,ere Tires ms, oppont, uqt$ty .for Paer tc d"i.eple#" tX?&."s }ahourto'us1y ncqu$"red. med.*ea, )J oI:113" Tt t* l;-: rf*.$ Tre::I" 61Eryryilt':,+'ry'd:t*.S f,:l't:i"Ue s.}1:::AU-'" elCUt *,* I.i(J ilr.l;.;"ruig='I'$v/urrei' 'i:*r.y" ; ;:"e;u,ily- '.!*l[Jolft"'.i].'i (e,.t;.!, ff'*&s.t *ttffi&g ernen'il r;en? t1l11 E,,,,,e,..r * lii 1;i"' ;;l:-ir:.'j.i:U the f3-egua" nn$. f,oun&. F6gL ilbeS.{rt6,gr6utr*, *'or 'fuh.e t'l'eck @mdi" }.ookedi ( ho,pe i) tn:i&, ss m&mi:. ffmxr sst am elem.geu[e& mutoorose' eonsii:'r sl"td.gE, f'he EvonS"xq;,i" iip, livlth a, sal"i*$l;:teim. .r a that tt tri, sf eq,S.ourfu], and" $.ntereetlmg tour CIf ffs,$iiselmts*our exporte prsm*r,:*gs*S" 1t fi.ret tr*14,s, Smcl*ea'L3;r ysn lis,y@ eome lr@rf tra.' e}}e& youffigl led.y su;lpoffters"' J*ru* -6* oc*A$CI$r? SEPfl jtr*lSAP. \9tr7, .L.M' *"-%t sn+:rtr, os:r is e ;:r.e'ah,tne i'ahl.cli i.s: ,5.rtvera f*r ihe sheer: reuri) Of f.ri.'rlrug, it lre faot, i.t reus1; li.ave impece* nle a'nLe ir.erid.J., ln"r; q.u.aJ' 3. tt e s, prea t sl. oB 6'oe6tr tng u treLn-l" |ke '*::*lee-"i-, trt m;*t h.ave pe:rfeot vlal: r,rad" a.fl3ie*i.:::, ;;'re-::f;i :-.3 i -,. '.1 a i r- .,. i /,r, .r,-r <r2 ^-r..1 !r;-:'"..i- ; r.. '-- .-!'1-,..r'. U Jl .- J ii"'.; ai I[ ehor;j.d. p]eaee t]te etro- not nsoCIssa,trlLf of th.e mcbv nhOre tnr*"$e.-, n&?6 i.reen perverted. bl' the DetrCli styLlsts* but ihe s,;"f, rf tlre oc:in.$1cseutr, wb,o lrnernrs what tO l-Lbe. eiinuid. he a rlei-i'ght io wheoS trt, In eti.ier trfir&$!, [t,,l'J"i; gri;wiii:r5, of ltttr s gn,rege jue'o te drLve lt *h-iritnE r*ld" f*r the f,un ;f d.rlvi.nn Lt fsstn Oars of thra'f{ortrflf? htr Reiji Siel'n- a i"rom'isplrte -.-2. .1 . -q...--, i r.r.r "err L? --ir/: ^.y,i.i ,aL+|}riUv.!3!\-,*1Jr& +U'4'r{ r.rF 1! TJ I:;,trJ fti eile* ivlth 6i:'eert. erra"t!.e a odr, u*uw to tho rrgenteerrllrnLe the BV* -tt f,or uel,ober ith" Ver;r ngr6i f,d* fhe *m,seiL dovi.Laenr, iras thcught uB s6$e he euggest,e& llat ;uree, iJartleular}.y ebout dlreOtlo;rs-e,t'[enti" the iiriefln6 praet,Le-o,fty" $B$en"iilsl t{.} ; **irie.'U* gor n'vid.a;r iU$tobex" 4th). -tt 'otr ':l}edrrled. segm$ t,hiet S, Atuih' Uf the June i:flOt,OrLn€iffi rYC'Ul"& :iI rii,crtlr r,'rlr&l.e tCIo' Sorrnf,e lnteresi;lng'po-+-Rtsp-_ erl.* sho1* 1i Erci:Iqy' .'-lnii a*r*l:"y-tite ]:?Jn w"'r"L*1.. car3:Ii *mbere a *i:-ance tc catah the present J.ea#-er EOb Hlshop" *}3., sii:.]-*'fu31y :" 4 t8 'n 56/1 c- u. r.4*E 647 -4L> questj.onatt ahout porrul er evenl'ngs weichi&g - i;iie rg*t.ntros.riffi5frIffitlrese rfl,:uci ped.e,3.J-i"ngtiu She fll"ms should. be ,*u**u"* sters x"Oel:-y A ,,iriei.*n,t1.;' io**nest,i-ng t]:a.t ;"ou noed nr't' hr3'ng *1ong Lhet rs'ouriie eushitn" ent'r}" {e9 wj.l"}-itrainLd.e you a 6wo hob I't;f;,as ln the p8.s"6, lrgo'i:rmettt {pnt:"r5"d.ed. he ts not a-sulrpsy ts f,CIiiglrt a, ,i;. ir*r.lggl')* ) o j;Te.t,iiie,X,iy tfr,* nr:r*en"tng t'1.-11- her ,c-n 't lvottid. iiic<* r,* st'ort et S;CI0 pu" I thr: C1';3 I"'rCIclllse snd' I 7 qrHR ':)t1,Ti | /11 ailfiHn _-_?_. r\- tt i' I/'rft{\t { \t w (\=5d tfl tru t !t - I L- VV d* ItrnI hasa BEtrSir:H Dos 0 r c OTFtTn rJ)3!- i a ip\I iiEni T rfna;tt, ; *f,f,.U.-r-i rIi ilr{ ( fl*d ?A 1rt I il tfs{, -sl ;ry /'--1 11 t J Y-- lrna- LY)I d d ,pff#trfl# t. !f ,\/\J, lf !" o$ii ulrn,$ ii you H/i\r-& irrffi,irr,r{ $ gO DO. iT$sHf:] DISOE#/*HISISG. A EIJUl,i'i]I]ti#, BUIi"ST-Ci}f, t?GUY FdiVKtiS'T EAHBB-q, aB CSAtsLIqS S. A Sl:Irn$troH ffi BrH$I:c ch DAIUGIRoU$ $'ff{f'?IEiKS (SOlgu Sffi OSDiiaSD] WITIJ B!: DtrSCHARGLIU, nF fO LIOHB lHtsH*- m; D0Nn B WE CAl{ E'I}trD S&ilE $O KmP Wffi,L Ay$Alf, ffi rrm rooD WII,J[, BE TATG:I{ F(R GIjrRllI{$EE rHH CrmF,} AIID 3{O ITESPOT{SXBXIJIST W ,Jx{ SUCKER EE!,I.mtS {F frg$ finFH&S}I}mSg$e WEICE WIu,e pnonasf,,y! tsE ovBi su},prrrE$ lluE so ttlr , - - :;.: . ..t.]:i-,,." - t"- ai#acs JgJ$ffi"wffiuoo '*'iif '!iiii::iff 10 2 {. H [trl, -Tffi{,}, (i " 6 P0]J$All$rii"rl,o 3s,SstiI:,1iF"lir;,,'e' ji" ;i;,;T*;i3 i'..,'.noss,*.,iif . RrcFIArl.$s,H, 4' 11' EA$sor. tZt ffAsErJ_ .A&Sm.,Ir,i'i* 's"U" stEVEHhirJ HEffisx.&S${s -:-;; Z KrsGrlT, 4 2 ITAUSTK, 8A33JOR eF, S* rB'G' H,-4" Fuan o$bg rn. .I[, sisuoP ? q GITTITIES, tr 7 SHtrJLSY;8"8 . HAiflIIrS0$s E"B * ^slr, FrCIuli ?iii)Tl];'tT'Ii{ry}i:ff' 1?"'C ?2, 40+ 6 3 k 4 10"1 " V 7 b'{) ?'*S 4" * t" fl tN a ? ,)*0 2 3 }' I ?"e ?"2 i1 Lz HlJ$$ffisiMtrs ;':'' -.''-:i-' :",')"i 0 z"t' l"? 6 7 '{i IffpBo t2 aPa lsc 2 uact*mtm, o'. EumrHGsY{,-6" 2 $[J}]E]{&S,J ", EBTfi,ISC'9E. UoMtrLIr lrfcxgf g^ eG ilr#ffi;H: $ -e ett;nfllXrg &iu&rJi!ffi p o! " iirlrqul;rt*3fl" ". 1^ a,ll h1- vtllriJEnia$$G'h* I i&trrA$ rll o 1.{,rHH"is-x^ P0LL-*.nDr.?"{,. DAVtr$ rlta}5:ti $Uutr.ii sF ' XJff;fkt, n4. T EtsE[rE, a IJ. P0IrIJARDsMrs B" 3' ]'e [ i' i * "l" 1 k i" 1 .1 i1. r'\r -r"fi,:it, iifl:rtri'i.n'qy. .. -:.. T.;.m Ho$,s iJi:.gsii. dr*g--}'[+xtnn q.lire _:. ir:{.-..nn-hofr vrff ...d;_z.*Ji f,rlmrr-n.raqr ,r -+ v 1'-&r/ *irt s:r t],re ;.. i i -itlt"c i.:r:rii,i1i tii&', j.)O;t rt1j.eif, ,i; trvtf,r,.5 erBl3,gij. &*si!."i' 'on* :Lm.o1bsae Of tlte Br$usq cr;rt_mgyll, :*ri$ d"uo ilpeot t0 n Tf iet?r X hsBe ^ ! :1";lmrsmtLy Joe S,;ne*ntj. hee trrsen ce,rrytnff ell (flo,ry*,,nsr:;::enfi$r .1n tlie tttfryn*!:artXo*,iarfJr et fiLnli ag6.i,n at tlte *,1$o-*.:l&.,inl.sum'l wilO wtl"f be, rrliggtg*" I{o S.oubt Xrs s.n. xmd.Brst,a,nf,e. tf'*Y.J, '? ? rqllm. r,t,.r.? .ea '!i'J'':;+ji' plr.e& ,tff*!:s q:*,ii J;-.-". T*.fn d.;.il ?r*nr" ;1L:,JU /Ii-Lr -,, s6AAa;aa*n ,- qd;vdujlrbJr dirI rgEL]"y Pres* to outdcnlq@i3.1e" a{ tne }est $;uth Caant roflb.lents wer"e,fireatec to lulte aa h,1*:ttion CIf ura.ter uktlng (nrrt-tr r:r'"lrf+"*€ d&& eubBine Yfi.rle:.1+s) bp H*a)--a.n:s?.l*j -ASr*na;r 116 dj.#svt GwiS ,!};,' r.:+dd:;.i1lf i:.l:Tsel.f" .-,31"isirud.. i,rlat*-tr''{;o .,. :l::r{a:rso;J l"ij-,tJ,:n:t3fu. ; fire ,:;f'.".,il. €Jx$}.rri'il ni;.elueh* r, r,eagg#, ., .:, , fnf .am -1O* , $EPsEtrrBEB 19: &IOIIE fIJg "J$ two nore now mgmbersEHEr'fiffiTeLeome endRqf lrovejoy drlan BebbLe, n hope that we wil see af"ot of you in the futuve, tJ$-ti.,10 0s$ I'" 8EI{S!:}"$" vsry d.eoetrltlv'e sl3.onoe, heg vdth errcetir{.ng crud.ely resenbLi a motto. ;ne:id.onti.y' the 'ficc'{;ern d.lvlsl.on turned up ett ti::. l;[ae$:'-uo3e gn i.:guee-. g Sgep soergto th€ $C eSenont hs,f, a f::e1tl dey at the gymkher so&le sercvr specSrnens e,t'iene.eiL, [hough aot und.u]p iuoi;5' flo';' cirri.ft 'clleSr Looke& nbca,".r,trro ?he Hli.ol:alri.s :rrtskCIa;n was tbe srylftestr d.eeplto'13 s roeeci r1i.;,"; cf long AX,s.',;an-3e tre,tre11.1ng" '. {:vetlieayd" a, ::eriiarle tliat if the PolLard.s evet r;r',{ tl:e:.r pu.; a}"oagua::0 hwlag seen $eorge Yel l,lr.":;tl $ Sc]:.13 m:C, thg aou:tcl, wtLl have $he {,SiJraf';e:' & trDlossou,r,rl. :fl*riti:ir r" .-l*.i.rl e:':E;::ile!E ,:f praotteaSiy elrery knowa breed., '*rio tilme;i:oeF":rtg *ea.n ';hought thet they were of at the Plne (Septe::rber 7th)- aI6( fcr the i.ap-soorers-ead. very gooc "r;cr" :ipr,; :ei:ruLi;s-IJoB Do3.lerrGeoff ts1111n9 an([ Gre"l:.e;r Perl,itna sovereC, tlremselves wL{;h gLoryp fi ;:.,..a.4 ';.r*.'..'',: ;,;oi:.,i':i i:r:"u'r*'J.c'1 ,1e;1;s: i.L .A :) !, ) I enllghtoned speLl" ( a irrnber tn one of orr i'rldsy 'trulzzea, I feel a i;t --o ttgr&l/e taruingrr ooeu::ecl e,t I ilT''r belng ns:,si; eomieal; on th.,s taebed. onto trBugatttlto Bhe Centre conmlste of manSr clraracters, bu? a'; 'cii6 momeat I take ry hot off to tlre one who I emrrllatLn6 at Seast two Af the brase rncnireyso Gordlon $ilao$Lcal,r1're were hegl,:y to aete , " )t fr*m 1:.i,d"lng" .Aalrone d.eslreou.s of 1et . ai.l rr.:ir:;':6;ed. eesy .l.iasscns bg' tho expart. A6 the grm.lchene*ihe t,hree*}e8,€isd ?iaec shOtvot .Len l:lbe3.lng end. Te* Jones wtt]:, perfect, eo*ord.Ltr" nl-,j on*!rarttcr:ier]-;;' swLtehes anC gear" rr,'ork" ^LLso ilr, .ii;i:.ns 0llast e.n*. Sls,sh thl.e tlnel si:*',i",cd. the :ILrjleJ.Ei:. Lifr: Sever kaot-lt oa$rt be :::r:td,one,, ll.ixno-';ref, ti:at tr?v62n nad.e a ltgh.t*nlng ino?e fri,.,. ;icnd:e *c Iler::ig1pril-a:r,otl:er eritra^r* In tirt tr,r-;;:'r:r j" s:"1 i1-E* i}I rf ,l f n, rnorul r:ig" 5 llr.,.;3'i tipol";;::1.sCI*& rrciir'** *f info::inatton hat -:;::-;'.,:,"4r".1Ji ( i ili:ptl) Cr:ied. ';p- inOr':* preeieilng hur j-:aess, j{, f eer, rl , llIi ll ::'1. '* vrr;:*...,1u# ,'* ,*fu'.i ..rar.:*]. :: .. ,: 4,,."1 : l[ ,, l[ i.,i.€. .i., ,: .: 'i.r:.r. r ai. 'ilr ;::r,-i:':,';].. ,,. I :::^: r.i.".r,._ _;...i,a . -' ;. ! ri ri; .r,i*i]f,*Eln eg57 c'i'}ii rr'';;"':, ^r€.{hl,$ f,-Ftt'lti,rr *J, j 11 ,i.$,:"r:ii.r,iorrr,,,. :.iJ a iij,' t.?ia.& {,,+r^i1i llll - ..1:,. ,. j,", $:td. Of gOte* ' :*, jd,*.1,,i,:f -_ 'r:] ,,i,., ..,:re; Ann, -,b- i- ii.., .,;-,_. ..,,; ,-:. :i } , ..,,,, ,t , .:, ^,;,_..I. ...,. li: .,-*, llll,,-,.1,?......,J.-,.;.:.i].*",*ij,..l;";'.*':,u1-'.-''....i.:-... , . :j _r; *-.-ssrt ililB .1.::, t : ;.. $;:, &ha'; **tu" ;;;"Ii' *i:,1,=-,.,'i*#*..t #;;il:-i**&**. ll u ;r;e@-L ****-;,:r':.;r:;=e,Ii:i ':' ,.'r' ',.-,': R*p; ,'::::.^'']J . It ""',x :rs- :' 'r:r,..i -* ..",*. ".,,; ltIr l[ c ilr,,u;tjiri;.. ll-tll**e6.;I- ;i-J,$;)S:ii;;lirl,-:;:11;';;; ..;o __.*rl-; .i_, i-r.:,t p-"r1 v,I ,SlCri; ffif f,e;t ! il, -" i "rr ri, ,,.: -.-i -.r?ii- :^:-l j,:".1 *rr, *!.r*, Jf (}wt***i,- ir, s';rr,:.; rrur.-r;;iiri *=* i;t****ll P:I't$T**1I?$f * ;;'u'lit':'" ;,'"ss'''isotrmersiin-* U tffi#u-fiil-fria*4.'f*q#.ffi'r'rio rfaotrd,emtly the-;il'*Ai*;,"n :mrehs:,shflp m.p;p]tos,ti.e l *i* f,'or"m*r ll "f.lre o(rl1lifi';ht(ijr J Il e o:::tro 'e.-t €oca@ tLe elu:* .1 r. i*.sryra,:., i":ow isgeTJT frefire meube ,:s,.. fim&iitg thq I J ,,1'-"1-8* t}amt there t s :G,o.".. a$ &gry}e; f os" the t| trBu,sf.tamm:s ::* . ;{6eB& F{hre S}anr;^ ho*;. .dh, .id}.$ $ss,:}6r r*@,ub@r Fro& of t4o'f:flgnge:.Ae *;"th" ,,ib.1ir,.[,s,nro I W.* JL*' ;*rO'lt ang $.nt@7"e6?tsr * -r +.,,noi r e I '_e phene bma* ro ffir a,ez*-=?iru.n#3;#*";#*#€fr-fi&: sr frf I "s@L*#$ffi."pE_ $.&L-f,&r.r,0n?&iseu. S," &,ffinsuxleew the Irnrn$m.*, gpt $l.ssosml sg h,*e.-in'ffi,8-s"&3.Lte,J0;" ;iltg#*rua be or s"e"-EA Xi[Ei"**1" msm&* Pm^p*93**6-qgp ffiryg;,, sr to 1t*omrw{t}a rs*toy-n*ohfFr6o te, stege 8.3.o &.&so tror ssr3"e,pryq" r*n *nileg fior"rmotrtrAne E@r@@sB.0 {ep:res i{ 3.9 up ran-;r }.-$ "nmpa mt fgH^5**$"mg I+SW0@&,: &ryther &e'&msle fv*r* ry$.trtue &r ff*htrs &$.I&, 'tmm*l'sesm phoass }s "t43i3 ( prarymse .) mr'}#:i-ks dt5 eJ..?; ]", iB. Tc \ I f*=) ll,t i[ Ii \* '44Y -.1 ,l J^t IU \\t ;t' t |.*.f I I n* \*----" ( -*r .s,'*q-e\\ /* 4 T
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