CAL November 11


CAL November 11
Newsletter of the Colonie Art League, Inc. Vol 24 Issue 3 November 2011
One-Day Workshop
Bruce Handford
General Meeting
Demoist Bruce Handford,
great w/c demo
Bus Trip to NYC (details inside)
Holiday Show Drop-Off
4 - 8pm, Library
Holiday Show Drop-Off
9am - noon, Library;
Hanging Art 1pm
Holiday Show Reception
6:30 - 9pm William Sanford Library
629 Alb-Shaker Rd Colonie
Holiday Show Pick-up Day
noon - 9pm
November Demo
and Workshop
Bruce Handford
returns for One-Day Watercolor
Workshop on November 1st. Bruce is a former member of CAL before moving to
Virginia to pursue his career (and grandchildren).
Google Bruce at
to see his great work. The workshop will be $50
for the day. A check for $25 (or 50) will hold your
space. Send to Kris Woodward at 44 Hoffman
Drive, Latham, NY 12110 payable to CAL with a
Bruce notation.
Holiday Show
Reception at William K. Sanford Library
Tuesday, December 6th 6:30-9pm
Drop-off: Wednesday, Nov 30, 4-8pm
and Thursday, Dec 1, 9am - noon
Hanging of artwork: Dec 1, 1pm
I welcome any and all volunteers to help with the
show. It was a great show last year and we are
looking forward to another wonderful Holiday Show
for the CAL members this year. If you can help or
have any questions, please call Jacqueline Smith at
518-489-1882 or email at
New to the show…..a miniature painting SELLING
and THE JUDGE’S CIRCLE….see below.
Rules for Entry:
One original painting/photograph completed within
the last three years and not shown in a previous
CAL exhibition. No prints or art based on cards,
calendar art, magazine photos etc. Size limit is 36" x
36". This includes the frame dimensions. Nothing
over will be accepted. Paintings must be dry,
sturdily framed and ready to hand with wire. No
teeth/saw tooth hangers are acceptable. Paintings on
canvas which are gallery-wrapped must have all
sided painted to be accepted without a frame.
Watercolor, pastels, drawings, etc. must be under
glazing, such as glass or acrylic.
The Emerging Artist category is defined as a person
who has never received any award from the Colonie
Art League or any other art organization for work in
any medium submitted for any show or exhibit.
Any award means Best in Show, First Prize, Second
Prize, Third Prize or Honorable Mention, or any
other competitive recognition.
A new category at the Holiday Show will be the
Judge's Circle which we are establishing to focus on
approximately 15-20 percent of the artwork chosen
by the Judge. This would be artwork created by
those artists who are mature in artistic vision and
experiences in various media. The prizes awarded
will be First, Second, and Third Place.
All paintings in this category will not be judged in
the other categories.
New Opportunity to Sell at the Holiday Show!
No Commissions, either....
The front wall of the corridor in the art gallery of the
library will be filled with small works available for
immediate sale. We will limit the price to $75 and
size up to 12 inches framed for each piece submitted,
limited to one per artist. Hopefully, we will have
enough space on the wall for all who are interested.
Please include all necessary information, including
name, phone/contact number, title and price, on each
piece. These sale items are in addition to your one
entry for the Holiday Show and will not be judged.
The Holiday Tree
It is time to begin planning your cards for the
Holiday Card Tree at the Colonie Town Library. The
cards (or 4 x 6 matted pieces) are usually on
watercolor paper 4 x 6 inches after folding 8 x 12
inches and suitable for framing or mailing. You are
not limited to a holiday them, however, non-holiday
theme sell best. Cards may be dropped off at the
general meeting or at St. Matthew's Church on
Wednesdays, Thursdays, or the day of the
Reception. The tree is kept at the Library for the
month of December and the cards or matted 4 x 6
pieces sell for $5 each. Your donation of this
artwork is greatly appreciated by CAL and the
Colonie Town Library. The money raised is
specified for art dvd’s or art books for the town
library. Any questions, call Chris Spencer at
518-879-2927 or email at
CAL Website Things you Ought to Know
In the web site there is a
page for members to display their artwork. It is
labeled "Member Art for Sale". The CAL web site is
not a commercial web site and does not sell directly
or indirectly to potential clients. It will only display
your wares and contact information if someone
wants to buy.
One option for the CAL web site is to make a page
with your name on it and include a few examples of
your artwork along with your contact information,
phone number, or email address. Another option, if
you already have a personal web site is to have the
link on the CAL web site jump directly to your web
site. If you wish to participate either way, email the
details to
By sending photos of your work to, your artwork will be posted
on the Colonie Art League website! Jack Berkery
can be reached at with any
Summer Art Program - One of the ways the
Colonie Art League gives back to the community has
been through our Summer Art Program. Held
around the Pruyn House gardens for 5 mornings in
late June /early July, it’s a wonderful way to spend
some time assisting interested children with drawing
and painting in a beautiful setting. Love of children
and painting experience is a must. Please consider
assisting - I remember being so happy my girls were
offered this opportunity, and we still admire their
displayed artwork they made from their time spent
there. We would need 5-6 people to guide the
children. Please contact Marcia Spada if you can
Nominations beginning in January, this
person helps to seek out officer positions that will
need to be filled. Contact any Officer.
Public Relations Director
Contact Micki Ahl with any CAL info that needs to
have PR. She can be reached by e/m at
Newsletter - Editor Needed
Due to circumstances beyond her control, Edith Leu
will not be able to take on the newsletter. Please
continue to send newsletter information to Carolyn
Martel We are looking for
someone to take this on. You need to know basics:
how to copy and paste, and how to use your word
document program. I will be glad to tutor for a
month or’s a great way to become more
New Reminders for Newsletter
Submissions: To save time on my end, if
possible, please send me your text in:
• Black - (CALnews is in black......)
• all one font and type size for text , about 12 point.
The simpler the better.
• If you think something is important, please use
italics or bold - no underlining, (my pet peeve; I
don’t use that feature....that’s what bold is for).
• Also, it would be helpful if in the subject line you
would put Newsletter Nov, (along w/ anything else
in the subject line if you’d like.) Obviously, the
month would change - dependent upon the
following issue you intend your information to be
in. If they are all labeled in that way, I’m less
likely to overlook any. That tends to happen, and
I’d like to decrease that occurrence!
• Email submissions are preferable, and deadlines
are generally the 5th of the preceding month....i.e.
your submission for December issue should be sent
to me by November 5th.
Thank you!
Carolyn Martel
The new membership roster will be printed the first
week in November. Please add any corrections in
contact information so it will be up-to-date, and mail
in your Membership Renewal and check as soon as
possible so you'll be included in the roster!
Thank you
Virginia Laumeister, Peggy Ferguson, Daniel J.
Dunham, Marilyn Merrill, Debbie Boussu, and
Judy Rosolowski for helping Gloria Grimmell with
preparing the October issue of the newsletter for
Lefu Gu…a special thank you for donating a copy
of his book to our CAL library.
To the refreshment committee, Marjorie Ward and
Diane Bollman-Buyer for a beautiful table and to
our members for great refreshments at the October
Get Well
To Sharon Pape after her back surgery. Sharon is
in for an extended recovery at her home. Heal
quickly, Sharon!
Continued get-well wishes to Bob Renner after a
long hospital visit.
Our thoughts go out to Franc Anello and Anne
Peterson who have been ill.
CAL Flood Victim
What a surprise to see Betsy Apgar-Smith at the
October meeting! How nice! Betsy came to say
‘thank you’ to those from CAL that know her from
her long-term CAL association, but also to the many
members that didn’t know her and supported her and
Tom during their great loss. She also came to see
the friendly smiles and receive the hugs that keep
you going in this kind of tragedy. We have taken up
collections at two meetings, but some of you may
have missed the meeting or the info in the
newsletter….so if you would like to contribute…
please send your check payable to Kristin Woodward
and she will present Betsy with cash. We will also
have the donation box at the November meeting. We
went down on the 8th to help out a bit and deliver
tools and supplies we collected for the volunteer
center. It is devastating there….of the 200 homes in
the town, 1/3 are condemned. Betsy’s gallery had
sludge on the track lighting. She related a story: a
small oval table with family photographs was lifted
and transported across the room…nothing had fallen.
The piano, however was in several pieces in the next
room. Whether you know Betsy and Tom, or not…
isn’t it a great feeling to know you’ve helped.
Thank you!
Qiang Huang April 2, 3, 4, 2012 Oil Painting Workshop Visit Qiang on his daily painters website…. or google him at
www.qiang-huang or for a real
visual treat.
Your Cal Library
Your CAL library is one of the many benefits of
being a CAL member. We have a wide selection of
books, videos, and DVDs. If you have never used
the library, you will be surprised and pleased with
the variety of interesting items waiting for you.
Again, our new home for the CAL Library is in the
basement of St. Matthews Episcopal Church, 129
Old Loudon Road, Latham, NY. I have plans to add a
number of new books and DVDs and hope all
members will take advantage of our library.
The library is open: Wednesday and Thursday
evenings: 6-9pm, Wednesdays 10am - 5pm and
Thursday mornings: 9:30-12:30 pm.
The dvd’s are also available at the town hall general
To streamline borrowing and to reward frequent
borrowers, we have a new policy. In the past,
borrowers had to pay a $10 book deposit; and a $3
each or two for $5.00 non-refundable fee for each
video or DVD rental. From now on, all Library
Patrons will pay an annual $15 Patron fee. After
that, you are free to borrow for two weeks at a time,
as often as you like, with no further deposits or
charges (except for overdue fees.)
The Library Patron fee runs at the same time as the
CAL membership dues-from September through
August. However, members can become Library
Patrons any time during the year. Your Patron fee
will be prorated for the balance of the year. To enroll
as a Library Patron, you must complete the
following form. This form does not appear on your
membership or renewal application. Please mail the
completed form with your check made out to CAL
for $15 to Marcia Spada, PO Box 941
Latham NY 12110. Questions: email please:
Your Librarian, Marcia Spada
Yes, I wish to become a CAL Library Patron.
Best phone number___________________________
Email____________________Today's date_______
New York City
on Tuesday, Nov 29th
At this printing the trip is on and there is space
There’s nothing more wonderful than the City during
the holidays. Grab your spouse or a friend or just get
together with some CAL friends for a day of
galleries, holiday shopping, or photo opportunities your choice. $35.00 per ticket, first 50 tickets sold
fill the bus! Tentatively departing at 7:00am, Sam’s
Parking lot, Latham; returning approximately
9:00pm. To reserve your seat(s), please phone
Susan Coon at 783-9485.
The deadline is October 27th.
Money Matters With all of the difficult decisions that the League
faced this past 12 months, we were able to close
the year 2010-2011 with a small surplus.
Income - $55,241.21
Expenses - $54,347.40
Net - $893.81
Here are the figures for the first month of the new
year, 2011-2012:
Income - $2,449.91
Expenses- $1,815.31
Net - $634.57
- Linda Worden
CAL’s Workshops on
St. Matthew’s Church in Latham ($3 donation,) open
to all CAL members. Enjoy a full day of painting
with friends. Come any time after 9am and bring
your smile, lunch, and art supplies. No lessons,
just shared comments by other artists.
Call Kris the first time you come.
Member Classes
Kris Woodward
Watercolor, Oil & Drawing
Wednesday evenings 6:30 – 9:30 PM
Thursday mornings 9:30 – 12:30 PM
Thursday evenings 6:30 – 9:30 PM
Held at St. Matthew’s Church in Latham.
First timers: call Kris Woodward at 783-1828 for
cancellation information. Classes are $15./class;
payable by the month.
Saturday Morning Art Classes
Member Shows and Milestones
Lefu Gu had been juried into the Audubon Artists’
69th Annual juried exhibition, where he received the
Golden Award for his painting. The exhibition was
held at the Historic Salmagundi Club in NYC,
through the month of September.
Margot Bernhard, Beverly Bondley, and Lorenz
Worden are currently exhibiting their artwork at the
William K. Sanford Library in Colonie until
Oct 29th.
Constance Alexander has been juried into
"Landscapes For Landsakes" in the "Legacy
Exhibit", October 8th, 9th and 10th, Coila, New
York .
Elizabeth Apgar-Smith Opening Reception
Betsy would like to invite her friends to her opening
reception on Sun, Nov 13, 2-4 at the Colonie Library.
Her exhibition will be open through November.
To the person who borrowed my black and
aluminum portfolio bin, please return it.
Thanks, Kris
The Madison Theater, through the Beautify Upper
Madison Avenue Project (BUMP), has invited
Colonie Art League members to display their art in
the theater’s street-front display widows. The theater
is located near S. Main Ave., the Café Madison, The
Point Restaurant, Trustco Bank, Price Chopper, and
other high-traffic businesses. The Pine Hills
neighborhood has a population equal to that of the
City of Watervliet.
There is no entry fee or other cost except for a 10
percent commission to the theater for art sold while
on display. There is currently art in the windows, so
please check it out. Contact Lorenz M. Worden at, 489-0866.
for kids ages 8 and up at Studio 5 Art
Colonie Art League Meetings
Classes begin October 1st. Call Carole
Warburton to register 518-371-2359 or got to our
Socializing begins at 6:30, meetings begin at 7:00
League meetings are held on the 1st Tuesday of the
month, September through June (not during July
and August) at the Colonie Town Hall on Rte. 9 in
Newtonville (across from the Siena College) unless
otherwise stated.
Good Service Tips
Ragged Edge Print Studio
Offers a wide variety of printing and jewelry classes.
Photo-based, monoprints, stencils, mixed media and
beading. Go to:
to register online or call Lise 817-3054 cont. pg 6
Arlene's Art Supplies, Fuller Road, Albany,
482-8881. Offers a 10% discount on all supplies
purchased. Mention you are a member of CAL, or
better yet, keep the front of your Newsletter to show
them, in lieu of a card.
during these past few years. Your donation to the
Colonie Art League, Inc. will be greatly appreciated
and you may take full advantage of our non-profit
status under state and federal tax laws. As a
nonprofit organization, The Colonie Art League, Inc.
will provide its members with the minutes and
financial statements, formally adopted by the Board
of Directors.
October Demo with Jim McFarlane
Desolation Road Studios: 182 Main St., Altamont
608-4749…giclees, fine art consignment,
photographic services, digital retouching, portraiture,
art and photography classes, custom framing and
The W. B. Romeling Memorial
Education and Charitable Trust
graciously donates $300 to CAL for a watercolor
demo each year. The trust is supported by artists like
you and continues to award prizes and gifts to
leagues in Buss’ honor. Any donation in any
amount would be appreciated to help continue their
good work. You may send your tax-deductible
check to Jacqueline Rockwood, Trustee, W.B.
Romeling Memorial Education and Charitable Trust,
24 Old Colony Way Apt 2, Orleans MA 02653
American Frame Award Under its
Alliance Program, it rewards organizations whose
members order supplies. When you call in or email
an order, please use our code A105 or write in the
comments that you are affiliated with CAL.
American Frame Award is the nation’s first supplier
of picture frame kits for hobbyists and professionals.
Check out their website for monthly specials. They
are changing their awards program…so the last
time we will reap a reward check is January
1st….just in case you’re putting off ordering.
Gifts, Awards, & Bequests
Gifts and Awards are always welcome from those
who enjoy our exhibitions or are supportive of our
efforts. New funds are needed to sustain our annual
exhibitions, which have materially increased in cost
Photos by Jim Comly
Welcome! We look forward to sharing our goals and interests in the fine arts with you.
□ Renewal □ New Member
If renewing, are there changes to last year’s information?
You must be 18 years of age to join.
□ NO
Media - circle all that apply: Oil Acrylic
(Currently, our shows are limited to two-dimensional art.)
ANNUAL DUES: You must renew by September 30, 2011.
Please make checks payable to Colonie Art League and mail to:
Colonie Art League Membership, P.O. Box 941, Latham, NY 12110.
Dues for Standard Membership: $40.00
Payment: Cash $___________
Dues for Senior Rate (Age 62+):
Check /Check number________________
□ I would like to make a contribution to The Scholarship Fund. $_____________
□ I would like to make a contribution to CAL. $____________
Donation Amount Enclosed $____________
(Tax deductible within limits of the tax laws)
TOTAL AMOUNT $_______________
The Membership Form can also be found on our website:
The CAL Newsletter is mailed to members 10 times a year, Sep – June. Look for updates on meetings
and info on shows, events and workshops within the Capital Region and with your fellow artists.
In an effort to go green we are in the process of distributing the Newsletter by email only.
In the meantime you have an option of receiving the newsletter by: □ Email or □ Mail
CAL runs on volunteer power alone! Please help out where
you can. Contact a board member or Membership
to help out.
CAL is run completely by volunteer members. We depend upon those who can provide their talents and skills to
accomplish the many activities scheduled throughout the year. Please indicate below which area(s) you would
be interested in helping with.
Newsletter ___Leadership ___Shows ___Membership ___Prize Committee ____Workshops___Other ____
CAL Board and Officers
Kristin Woodward 783-1828
Margot Bernhardt 783-8001
Jacqueline Smith 489-1882
Linda Worden 489-0866
Susan Miller 653-1453
Carolyn Martel 462-4306
Diane Bollman-Buyer 439-1715
Jim Comly 377-6734
Lucy Comly 377-6734
Marion Greenberg 274-3434
Marcia Spada 489-0477
Colonie Art League, Inc
P.O. Box 941
Latham NY 12110 U.S. POSTAGE
LATHAM, NY 12110
November 2011