- Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway


- Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway
Things & Stuff
AUGUST 6TH, 2010
For Weather and
Road Conditions,
please call our
Hideaway Hotline at
What’s up
this week
8/7 Tree Committee
HQ 9:00am
8/7 Poker Run
Waterfront 10
8/7 Beach Blast
Waterfront 88—
Coming up
8/14 B & G
8/14 Bingo
8/14 Papa Bear
8/21 Craig & Norma’s
8/21 Lyle’s Casino
Contact Us:
Toll Free:
Membership Sales:
After Hours Pager:
Security Phone
Emergency use only:
Moorage reservations;
Camp Manager’s Update
In a matter of minutes fire
destroyed one of our memberships last Saturday. Thankfully the site on Block 5 was
not occupied at the time and
no one was injured. The cause
of the fire has not yet been
determined but it was
reported that the member had
been at the site hours before
the fire began. We are very
thankful that no one was
The RV adjacent to the one
that burned was scorched on the side facing the fire but no other damage was reported. This is due mostly to the quick response of the neighbors reporting the fire and
the speed in which the local firefighters along with LMCH volunteers and staff were on
the scene. We should all be thankful for everyone involved including those that helped
direct traffic and coordinate actions. Without their quick response the fire could easily
have spread to the neighboring sites and beyond. This should serve as a reminder to
everyone to make sure that you conduct a thorough check of the site before leaving to
ensure this doesn’t happen to you.
FIRE BAN IN EFFECT FOR CLARK COUNTY– Clark County has elevated the Fire
Risk to HIGH which places a ban on burning for the weekend. Small campfires
FURTHER NOTICE. Gas barbecues and grills only. The ban is in effect for the
entire weekend with no change before Monday. Please be very careful this
MOUNT ST. HELENS TOUR STILL A GO– Before leaving for vacation I put an ad in the
Thing and Stuff about a Mount St. Helens Tour scheduled for Saturday, August 28 th,
2010. All members, their families and guests are welcome to attend. The cost of the
tour is $45 per person which includes the luxury tour bus, admission to the Visitors
Centers and a box lunch. You’ll find additional information in this and future editions of
the Things and Stuff. I hope you’ll consider signing up for the trip. If successful, we’ll
look at more trips to other interesting places in the future.
BOARD CANDIDATES SET FOR SEPTEMBER – The deadline has passed for eligible
members to submit their names as candidates for the LMCH Board of Directors. This
year we have 7 members who will be campaigning for the 4 positions open at the September Membership Meeting on September 25th. The candidates listed in alphabetical
order are as follows:
Continued on Page 6
Friday: Roasted Chicken, mashed
potato & Gravy with
grilled toast
Saturday: T-Bone Steak,
Corn on the Cob, baked potato,
Veggie & grilled Toast
Burger: Black Angus With
Bleu Cheese crumble & bacon
Open Daily
Adult swim (18+)
10:00pm –11:00pm
Open swim
10:00am to 10:00pm
Closed Tuesdays
For cleaning
Sandwich: Rueben
Soup: Clam Chowder
Monday - Thursday
10 am-7pm
Friday 10am - 8pm
Sat. 8 am - 8:00pm
Sunday 8 am - 7pm
“Cheap Eats”
Breakfast Burrito with
Scrambled Egg, cheddar, tater
tots & country Gravy $3.00
Cheeseburger and Fries
Lyle’s Casino Night
We need volunteers to be dealers and runners. It’s been
suggested that we have a raffle drawing for some of the prizes
this year so everyone has a fair chance at winning something.
You will receive on ticket with the purchase of each packet,
Including the extra funny money from Craig & Norma’s BBQ.
You’ll have a choice of what item you’d like to win and should
decrease the time for the auction. Hope to see you all there for
night like no other at the Hideaway!
Bingo !
Everyone in the family is welcome to play. Children under
the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. The basic
charge to play is $6.00 for 16 regular games. We also
play 4 special games for $1.00 per game. These games
are optional. The pay off for all regular games is $30.00
the specials pay 70% of the money taken in. Another
feature is the POWERBALL. At the start of the games we
pick a number and if you Bingo on the POWERBALL
number you also win the POWERBALL jackpot.
KK5 opens for Bingo at 7:00 pm and we
start the games at 7:30.
The Powerball jackpot for August 14 is $80.00. The Big
Blackout jackpot is $200.00 with 62 numbers called.
It makes me happy to report we had an outstanding
crowd at our last game. The more we take in the more we
can pay out.
None of the big jackpots were won but the totals went up
so why don’t you come down to KK5 and get some of that
easy money
Bingo Dates for the rest of the season
Aug. 14th & 28th
Sept. 4th & 18th
AL & Wanda Kaastad 54/6
Tom & Bertie Chambers 31/6
August 21st
Saturday Aug 14th
10:00 am till 3:00 pm
At KK5 (extended parking area)
$5.00 fee per vehicle or space
Money collected day of sale
Tables will be available
If you have significant items or a particular craft or a specialty, I would like to list them in the Things & Stuff. You
can E-mail or call me so I can start to compile a
list.Jeannice.kcmo@gmail.com or call (360)-931-6143
Please include your name, site/block DEADLINE
Wednesday August 11th. I hope this will draw more
attention to our swap meet. Thanks for participating,
VENDORS at this time
#1 Hand painted signs & plates with trailer/traveltheme.
Firestone rear lift bags w/compressor, tank,controls.
Transmission cooler-fits all, Konig wheels w/low profile
215/40 ZR 17 Misc. towing needs.
#2Hancrafted wood signs also Adirondack & rustic log
#3 Scentsy Flameless candles (no fire, SAFE)
#4 Garage sale stuff, used outdoor furniture
Waterfront Poker Run
This Saturday August 7th.
Come support your Waterfront Committee
Visit the checkpoints out on the lake and get your card punched at each stop.
Then turn in your completed card for a poker hand.
No boat? You can still play! We will have runners that will run your card for you!
Winners will be announced at the Beach Blast Dance later that night.
Profits will benefit waterfront
maintenance and improvements.
We are in search of a missing banner from last year’s poker
run. If you were a checkpoint boat and may still have it, or
know where it may be…
could you
please notify the office?
Thank you!
Please remember that
the trash cans in camp
are there for your
GARBAGE only. This
means your regular,
day-to-day garbage. So
if it isn’t something you
would NORMALLY put
in the garbage can under
you sink at home, then please don’t put it in the trash
cans here in camp.
In the last week, maintenance has found a toilet, a
BBQ, construction material, hardened concrete bags,
an antennae and a boat seat. You must remove these
types of items from camp when you leave.
Also, if the first can is full, try the next one, many
times one can will be overflowing while one a few
cans down is almost empty.
Your Maintenance department thanks you
Cell Phone: Call 911
SPECIFY CLARK COUNTY, and be sure to give your site and
block. Sometimes the Cowlitz tower may be routing the call.
Then call security or LMCH office.
Business Hours: 360 247-5589 After Hours: 360-609-3099
CB Radio: Turn to channel 15 and call for security.
There are also CB’s at the Front gate, Waterfront , KK5 and pool
It is essential that LMCH be notified in any emergency.
The staff and volunteers ensure that the emergency vehicles have
access and guides around LMCH. This decreases the response
time to get help to you!
We are also very lucky to have an excellent security team as well
as an Assistant Camp Manger who is a volunteer fire fighter and
The Management staff will be called if necessary; they will assess
the emergency and call for help if needed. North Country is the
area’s emergency medical team and they transport to Southwest
Medical Center, Legacy Salmon Creek, or St Johns in Longview.
Urgent Care
The closest Urgent care center is in Battleground in the Fred
Meyer Complex near Jack-in-the-Box.
Mountain View Medical
101 NW 12th Ave Ste 107
360-666– 8418
cut out and post this information at your site
Craig & Norma’s BBQ Ribs!
Marinated Short Rib
d Rib e sla w
y Co
BBQ a’s Crisp b!
Norm on the co
Corn beans
Bake r roll
Coming August 21st
At KK5
2:00pm—7:00pm or until gone!
Please buy your tickets in advance to
help us determine a general head count.
Pre-purchase your tickets at the
office and receive a 2 for 1 funny money voucher for Lyle’s Casino.
We are also looking for volunteers to help serve and other assistance as needed.
Beach Blast Dance
This Saturday August 7th
8:00pm to 11:00pm
Come listen to the music under the stars at the waterfront.
The only “beach party” for the Summer
Fun for the entire family.
Come see who wins the Poker Run!
It’s Raffle Time!
Lost & Found Kitties
Lost: “Charlie” Grey Long
Haired Male With Raccoon
like markings. Broke it’s collar. Missing
from Block 18 since 7/31
The Securities /Activities raffle has $1,400 in cash prizes
to be given away!
Tickets are $1 each and will be drawn
Labor Day weekend.
Found: Brown & Orange cat with
white paws & Green Eyes. Found on
Block 2 on 8/5. Believed to belong to a
member on block 4, recently given to
them by another member
The Waterfront raffle is giving away the use of a boat slip for
the 2011 season. Tickets are $1 each and the winner will be
drawn at the New Years Eve Dance.
Contact the office
Get your tickets at the office or from committee members.
The $500 prize winner will be presented by Rick Gove and is
offering a $50 bonus if the winner of that prize is present!
Can Crushing
Volunteers needed for can crushing on
Saturday, August 7th at 9:30am
Meet at the Gravel Pit if you are
interested in helping
Firewood Bundles
for Sale
Only $5.00 a bundle
Outside the front of the office.
You can pay after hours using
the provided envelopes
or pay in the office.
Proceeds benefit camp activi-
Camp Manager’s Update
Len Anderson
Susan Baze
Kevin Geraci
Rick Hansen
Daroll Nicholson
Betsy Odegard
Joe Waldroff
Continued from Front Page
In the event you are not able to attend the meeting I strongly recommend that you send in an absentee ballot or
vote by proxy. Remember that the proprietary member from each membership is the only one allowed to
vote. Every vote counts!
In the event you are not able to attend the meeting I strongly recommend that you send in an absentee ballot or vote by
proxy. Remember that the proprietary member from each membership is the only one allowed to vote. Every vote
SECURITY RADIO INTERFERENCE – Those of you that use the Security radios, particularly the BPR-40 models,
may have experienced the very annoying and consistent interference for the past few weeks. That interference is
actually other companies transmitting on the same frequency. We share our frequency with quite a few other
companies. Each company is issued a “PL” code that separates one company from the other on the same frequency. Unfortunately, the BPR-40 model radios do not have that PL code.
We have made arrangements to have the code placed in the radios by a Vancouver based company. We have
tentatively scheduled the repairs for Saturday, August 21st. The time has yet to be determined. If you have one of
the radios that picks up the interference be sure to bring the radio to the designated area (also to be determined)
and it will be coded in only a matter of minutes.
We are at the mercy of the technician who makes the changes to the radios. I’ll be sure to let you and the Volunteer Security Chair know in the event we have to change the date for the repairs.
BPA SENDING OUT NEW LETTERS – LMCH has received a new letter from the Bonneville Power Association regarding their updated plan for new power lines. It is possible that you may have also received one. The BPA has
deleted some of the previous proposed power line locations and added new ones. After reviewing the latest letter
from the BPA it appears that LMCH will remain relatively safe and continues not to be in the area where they are
proposing a new power line. As before, the closest proposed location is south of the existing power line just outside the front gate. Please don’t panic in the event you get one of the new letters. We’re still safe.
I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Larry Lesley
President’s Report
Fellow Campers,
All the forecasts suggest that this is going to be a pleasant (not rainy, not hot) weekend. There is
something for both water lovers and landlubbers.
Tim Gonzalez (72/9) is heading the Poker Run Team to let all lake lovers have some required time on the
lake. Look elsewhere in this issue for the details of how to participate. The Waterfront Committee contributes so
much to our membership at LMCH. Participation is a way for us to demonstrate our appreciation to those on the
committee and also have a lot of fun. Win – Win!
For the landlubbers in camp there is the opportunity for a therapy session at the gravel pit. All those frustrations
that have built up during the work week can be released by your involvement in the “can crushing” activity at
9:30am. Just show up with your frustrations, and within an hour or so you’ll be healed!
Then both the water folk and the earth folk can get together Saturday night at the Beach Blast Dance. The winners of the Poker Run will be revealed.
Larry will be back to work next Wednesday from his vacation. My thanks go to Darren for guiding camp during
this break for Larry and his family.
Len Anderson, President (71/11)
Do you know an outstanding
Once again it is time for Volunteer of the Year nominations. The Pennie Hoppell Award is given to a
member who goes above and beyond to volunteer in
camp. Pennie was a long time member that always
countless hours volunteering and took
great pleasure in doing so. The award is given each
year in honor of Pennie to recognize those that volunteer to help make this camp what it is.
Do you know someone you believe fits this description? If so, you may nominate them by contacting
the office or email Larry at
Larry Lesley(campmanager@lmch.com).
Thank you, Kenneth Malone, BOD
Meditation Point
services Sundays at 10:00am
Guest Speaker this week
Jericho Road
LMCH has scheduled a tour of Mount St. Helens for Saturday, August 28th, 2010. All members, their families and guests are welcome to attend. The cost of the tour is $45 per person which includes the luxury tour bus, admission to the Visitors Centers and a box lunch.
You’ll find additional information in this and future editions of the Things and Stuff. I hope
you’ll consider signing up for the trip. If successful, we’ll look at more trips to other interesting places in the future. In the event we have at least 40 members sign up, the cost will
drop to $39 per person. The minimum number of persons for the tour is 35. In the event
we do not meet the minimum requirement the tour will be cancelled and funds will be returned.
8:00 am - Depart from LMCH Headquarters Parking Lot.
9:15 am - Arrive for a 1 hour visit to the Silver Lake Mt. St. Helens Visitor Center.
(Admission included)
10:15 am - Depart for Coldwater Lake.
11:15 am - Lunch, (box lunch included) Coldwater Lake picnic area.
12:15 am - Depart for Johnston Ridge Visitor Center (admission included)
12:40 pm - Arrive Johnston Ridge Visitor Center.
14:40 pm - Depart for LMCH
15:40 pm - Rest stop TBA
16:40 pm - Arrive LMCH
Those wishing to attend must sign up and pay the fee no later than Saturday, August 21st,
2010. You can sign up at the office and your tour fee may be assessed to your Membership Account.
We will continue to post this information in all editions of the Things and Stuff between
now and the deadline. Be sure to tell your fellow members about the tour. It should be a
lot of fun