Things-n-Stuff 05-15-09


Things-n-Stuff 05-15-09
For Weather and
Road Conditions,
please call our
Hideaway Hotline at
Things & Stuff
5/16 Board
Coming up
5/23 BINGO!
5/23 Security
5/23 Putt
5/23 Papa Bear
5/23 Waterfront
5/24 Street
Contact Us:
Toll Free:
Membership Sales:
After Hours Pager:
CB Channel 15
Camp Manager’s Update
What’s Up
This Week
i ng
Memorial Day Weekend is just a couple of weekends away.
It marks the beginning of our summer season and after a harsh and
unforgiving winter, it just what the doctor ordered. Please take the time
to register your watercraft for this year’s boating season if you haven’t
already. All watercraft and watercraft trailers are registered annually.
Vehicles are a little different. The green and white LMCH vehicle permit
is valid for as long as you own the vehicle. There is no fee for the vehicle
permit and it can be picked up at the office.
I recently sent out letters to all committee chairs and co-chairs inviting
them to a meeting on Saturday the 23rd with me and my management
staff. I plan to use the time to discuss what management can do to make
your job easier, service to the membership better and also a time for
everyone to meet and put a face with the name. If you’re a committee
chair or co-chair and didn’t receive your invitation, you’re still invited to
the meeting at 9:00 am in the Headquarters Conference Room. I plan to
take photos of those yet to be taken to complete the board in the lobby so
please be sure to put on your best smile. See you there.
The monthly Board meeting is this Saturday the 16th beginning at 9:35
am in the conference room. As always, everyone is welcome to attend
the regular meeting.
Drilling is complete at the Block 14 landslide area and core samples of
the soil have been analyzed. The geologists will meet with the Board
this weekend to discuss the next step for the construction of the new retaining wall for that area.
The weather is looking good for this weekend.
I hope everyone enjoys it.
Security Meeting
There will be a Security meeting held on the
Deck at KK5, Saturday, May 23rd at 11:00am
New Security Sweatshirts
will be available for
All who are interested,
please plan to attend.
Skyline Corporation has recalled
Several Dometic refrigerators
Manufactured between April 1997
and May 2003. You may contact
them at 1-888-446-5157 or with your
model & SN# to confirm if your model is affected.
Boat Registrations Due
Be sure to come to the office and pick up
your Red 2009 Boat and trailer decals.
Member boats are 20.00 for the year& automatically re-bills each year so if you have
had a boat previously registered, this charge
was on your March statement. Your boat is
not considered Registered
until you verify your boat
and trailer registrations
numbers and attach your
decals on your watercraft.
Monday, May18th is the 29th anniversary of Mount Saint Helens
Eruption. LMCH was very lucky that it blew on the other side, who
knows what would be left of the camp?
It caused over a billion dollars in damages and 57 deaths. The mountain was
owned by Burlington Northern at the
time and was passed to the Forest service
where it became a National monument.
We now have Firewood for sale
at the office for $5.00 each
bundle. There is an envelope for
your payment that you can drop
in the lock bock after hours.
100% of the proceeds go to
improvements the parks and
PaPa Bear Theatre.
Burn Pile Schedule
The burn pile remains locked
due to members dumping building
debris. Per the Fire Marshall, We can only
burn Natural vegetation
Any other wood products
MUST be removed from camp.
If you need to use the burn pile it will be
opened by maintenance each day at
10:00am, 12:30 and 3:00pm
CPR Classes
The next classes will
be held on Saturday
June 13th
From Noon - 4PM.
Please contact the office if you are
interested in attending. These are
two separate classes and you only
need to attend one class to be
certified. There is a fee of $3.00
per attendee for your card.
President’s Report
The forecast this weekend is for very nice weather. Come up and enjoy.
There will be a Board of Directors meeting this Saturday at 9:35. During the action items
portion of the meeting the Board will be discussing some of the LMCH fines and penalties,
committee chair appointment, use of other banks for LMCH money, the volunteer of the year
award and also the increase in the cost of ice.
There was a tree replant letter mailed to a number of members who had secured a tree cutting
permit which included replanting information. It has been discerned that our notification
procedure needs to be evaluated, refined or changed. The committee and Larry are revising
the process. If you received a letter that did not apply to you please accept our apology.
Areas of our Forest Management program are still a work in progress.
Please check out our new playground area. Ken Malone, Bob Riches, Manager Larry and
others have developed a neat area for our children and grandchildren to enjoy. Thanks Arlene
for negotiating the donation of the main play structure from the organization in Lincoln City.
It seldom occurs to teenagers that someday they will know as little as their parents.
Richard Smith, President
How Green can you be?
Every where you look there is a “Green” idea or program.
We have one here at Campers Hideaway.
The program here is simple Use less. Change your lights to
CFC lighting or consider LED lights. Recycle your recyclable items back home. Turn down your electrical heaters and
off when you leave.
The benefits: your participation earns you a swim pass after
6 months and this year the 6% of you who are members saw
a credit on your last statements. A Handy tote for recycling
and a Go Green Sticker for your site.
If more of you join the credit could increase next year.
I know some of you are thinking “sure the use went down
we were snowed out this year and the slide prevented many
from coming up to their sites.”
Prior to winter setting in ,last fall billing showed a decrease
in electrical use. I think many of you are applying the principles of Go Green and haven’t
signed up for the benefits. Don’t miss out !
Please consider becoming part of this program .
In Remembrance
Edward “ Eddie” Denson and
Katelen “Katie” Blacklaw’s young lives
were taken from us on April fourteenth
by a tragic train accident in Woodland,
WA. They were Freshmen at Woodland
High School.
Eddie is the son of Hideaway members,
Matthew and Evelyn Van Dyke.
There is a Donation fund set up at
US Bank under either
Eddie or Katie’s names.
Our thoughts and
prayers go out to their
families and friends.
Roasted Chicken with
Pool Hours
Mashed potato, gravy and
Grilled Toast
Rib-Eye baked
potato, gravy and Grilled Toast
Sandwich: REUBEN
Burger: Buffalo Burger with the
trimmings. Super lean and healthy!
Cheesy Creamy Broccoli
& Chicken Noodle
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
through Memorial Day
8:30am -10:00pm Adult Swim
10:00am-10:00pm Open Swim
10:00pm - 11:00pm Adult Swim
It is required that children under
the age of 14 be accompanied by
a parent or guardian of 18yrs or
You must be 18yrs or over to
attend the Adult Swim.
“Cheap Eats”
Beef stew with Dinner Roll $5.50
French Toast with Egg and choice of
Bacon, Ham or Sausage $5.00
Monday-Wednesday 10 am-3:00 pm
Closed Tuesday
Thursday 10am-7:pm
Friday 10 am—8 pm
Sat. 9 am—8:00 pm
Sunday 9 am—7:00 pm
Go Green
If you have been a participant
for six months, You are eligible
to pick up your Go Green swim
pass at the office. You can still
sign up for Go Green. Stop By
Headquarters if you
are interested.
Welcome to the 2009 Bingo Season.
Everyone in the family is welcome to play. Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. The
basic charge to play is $6.00 for 16 regular games. We also play 4 special games for $1.00 per game. These
games are optional. The pay off for all regular games is $30.00, the specials pay 70% of the money taken in.
Another feature is the POWERBALL. At the start of the games we pick a number and if you Bingo on the POWERBALL number you also win the POWERBALL jackpot. KK5 opens for Bingo at 7:00 pm and we start the games
at 7:30. The Powerball jackpot for May 23 is $100.00 and the Big Blackout Jackpot is $120.00
The Bingo schedule for 2009 is May23rd , June 6 and 20th
July 4th , 18th and 25th
Aug 15th and 29th Sept 5th
Bobie Mc Guire , the mother of Bill McGuire 74/21, won the $180.00. Powerball jackpot plus two other bingos
for a total of $240.00. How is That for a Mothers Day surprise. Please note that there has been a change in our
AL & Wanda Kaastad 54/6 Tom & Bertie Chambers 31/6
It looks to be a great weekend for the boating season to begin. As many have heard,
Karen Frampton 45/5 has joined the LMCH Waterfront Team as Co Chair. She brings with
her a lifetime of boating experience and will be a great asset.
Please make sure you have picked up your 2009 stickers for your Boat and trailer, with the holiday weekend approaching you will not be allowed to launch with out them.
I have not scheduled our annual work party at the Waterfront yet but it will most likely be the first weekend in June, with
all the damage to everyone’s sites (including my own) and bad weather ..... I just haven't gotten it scheduled. We will be
looking for a group of volunteers to pressure wash the docks this year. I Know maintenance has been down there
repairing picnic tables and barbecues and had started pressure washing the launch area, which helps us as well.
Pressure washing the docks takes about 3-4 days to do all of the docks, and is some what weather related. If you are
Interested in giving us a hand with this project contact the office or email Us at . As usual
throughout the season I/we will try and keep every one informed on any changes or activities at the LMCH Waterfront if
you have any suggestions contact us any time.
Our annual Waterfront Meeting will be on May 23rd at 1:00 p.m. in the
Conference Room at Headquarters. Please come and join us...
As a friendly reminder every person under the age of 25 in the state of Washington will have to take a boaters education
class. You can do this on line at there is a $29.00 charge per card but is good for
your lifetime, if you don’t pass you don’t have to pay. “January 1, 2009, it will be boaters 25 years of age or younger will
be required to obtain their Boater Education Card. The phased-in period for compliance will continue until 2016 for various age groups. Boaters born before January 1, 1955 will be exempt from having to obtain a Boater Education Card.”
Have a great weekend…
Mark Pickrell, 25-5 Security 90
Karen Frampton, 45-5 Security 46
Waterfront Co-Chairs
Meditation Point will be open
again for church services beginning
May 31st. Service begins at
10:00am and Larry Waggoner will
be the guest speaker. The chapel is
Non-Denominational and all are
MAY 23RD, 1:00 PM
All who are
interested please plan
to attend..
Thank you
Mark Pickrell 25/5 Security 90
Karen Frampton 45/5 Security 46
New members enjoyed a free breakfast
from the Recreation Committee last
Saturday at KK5. The committee, Larry,
our Camp Manager and our President,
Dick Smith all helped in welcoming the
new members. We have a lot of enthusiastic new members who I hope will enjoy their
membership and this coming summer activities. Thanks
to all who were involved.
Everyone get ready for the Memorial weekend. No
excuse for boredom! If you’re bored, come see me.
I'll get you hooked up for a fun three day weekend.
The Recreation Committee sponsors a Putt-Putt golf
tournament Saturday from 11:00 to 2:00.
Prizes for all ages, from money to a pump out
for adult players. Bring your own golf clubs
or borrow ours. If anyone would like to help
count at the holes, please come down for the
whole tournament or a few
hours. Your help would
greatly be appreciated.
Saturday night, Memorial weekend, we
will, weather permitting, have Papa Bear
Theater. All you kids (everyone) are
invited to come down to Papa Bear Theater, right across
the parking lot from the swimming pool for free popcorn
and pop. Bring your lawn chair or blanket and
something to keep you warm. Movie usually starts at
dusk with cartoons before.
See you there.
Mark your calendars for Friday and
Saturday June 26th
and 27th for the
first Jam Session of the season.
It will be held at KK5, featuring
our very own Lonn
(security) on the
Everyone is
welcome to join,
bring your guitars or whatever
you play. We also have a piano
that has been donated to us, so
come tickle the ivories if you are
so talented.
Don’t fret if you don’t play an
instrument, come enjoy the
music, we may even have a few
singers in our midst.
Any questions,
Call Al at 360-713-7852
Dancing with the stars…..
Or at least under them!
Come enjoy the Memorial Day Street Dance!
Bring the entire family for music , fun,
Friends and more!
Sunday, May 24th from 8-11pm at the pool parking lot.
Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway
May 16th, 2009 9:35 A.M.
HQs Conference
Board of Directors Meeting
Regular Board Meeting
Agenda Topics
1. Call to Order and Roll Call
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
April 18th, 2009 Regular Board Meeting
4. Issue from Members
5. Reports/Discussions
5.0 April 09 Financials
5.1 Executive Report - April 18th, 2009
5.2 Camp Manager’s Report
5.3 Suggestion Box
6. Actions
6.1 April 09 Check Register
6.2 Ice Prices
6.3 LMCH Fines and Penalties Policy
6.4 Committee Chair Appointment
6.5 Volunteer of the Year Award
6.6 Banks
Camp Manager
Office Manager
Camp Manager
Camp Manager
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
Executive Board Meeting
9. Executive Session
9.0 Landslide Issue (11/18 and 14)
9.1 Website Upgrades
9.2 Cost Reductions
9.3 LMCH Join Fee
9.4 Multiple Listing Service
9.5 Courtesy Site Purchase
9.6 69-20 Letter
9.7 Incident Response Policy Revision
9.8 Dashboard
9.9 Camp Manager’s Contract
Camp Manager
Camp Manager
Camp Manager
Camp Manager
Camp Manager
Camp Manager
Camp Manager
Camp Manager