July 22, 2016 Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway
Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway We recently had a great visit by the staff of PacifiCorp. For those of you that may not know, we lease our waterfront area from PacifiCorp and more than 50% of our boundary is shared with PacifiCorp. With recent management changes at both LMCH and PacifiCorp, we are developing a new, transparent, and positive relationship with each other. It is important to understand that any improper use of the lands outside of our boundaries could jeopardize this relationship. If you have any questions about this relationship, please contact me. July 22, 2016 For Weather conditions, visit the LMCH Website or call The Hideaway Hotline 360-263-6050 Coming up This has been a good summer for rain but we must stay vigilant on fire safety. While there is a residential and land clearing burn ban in effect until September 30, 2016, recreational campfires are allowed but must be built according to the following Clark County regulations: 7/23 Activities Meeting 4:00pm 7/23 Boat Insp. 10:00am 7/30 Board Mtg 8:30am 7/30 Tree Committee 9:00am 7/30 Bingo 7:00pm 8/6 Camp Craft 11:00 am 8/6 Bingo 7:00pm 8/13 B&G 9:00am 8/13 Poker Run 8/13 Beach Blast Dance 8:00pm 8/27 Tree Committee 9:00am 9/3 Bingo 7:00pm 9/4 Craft fair Fires must be built in a metal, stone or masonry-lined pit. Fires must not exceed 3 feet in diameter by 2 feet in height. Fires must be at least 25 feet from a structure or other combustible material, and have at least 20 feet of clearance from overhead fuels such as tree limbs, patio covers or carports. Fires must be attended at all times or completely extinguished until cool to the touch. Only charcoal or seasoned firewood (not lumber) may be used as fuel for a recreational fire. The use of burn barrels is illegal. If you haven’t paid your membership dues in full or signed the payment plan agreement, LMCH Management has extended the suspension date until July 31. If wish to be on the payment plan, contact the office immediately to avoid your membership going into suspension. Rob Clift Camp Manager Lake Merwin Camper’s Hideaway campmanager@lmch.com This section is dedicated to the education of policies and the enforcement of policies at LMCH to help members and their guest have an enjoyable experience at camp. Watercraft Policies 9/4 Candidates Forum 11:00am 9/4 Dance 8:00pm 9/10 B&G 9:00am 9/18 9:00am Board Meeting Contact Us: Office: 360-247-5589 Toll free: 866-207- 9262 Sales: 360-247- 5940 Office is open daily 8:30am - 4:30 Closed for lunch 12:30 –1:00pm After Hours pager: 360-418-5810 Security/Emergency use only: 360-609-3099 Website: www.lmch.com CB Channel 15 Email: office@lmch.com All watercraft and their trailers must be registered with an LMCH sticker. Registration stickers can be purchased, for a fee, at the Headquarters, with the presentation of the watercrafts & trailer’s title & current state registration if required. ALL guest owned watercraft and trailers must be registered with the LMCH Temporary Guest Watercraft Pass display on the watercraft at all times. NO guest owned watercraft may be stored on LMCH common grounds without LMCH Management’s written permission. Guest watercraft must be stored on member’s site. NO OVERNIGHT parking in the Waterfront parking lots unless specifically stated. Lake Merwin Campers Hideaway assumes no liability for damage to or loss of personal property. One motorized watercraft or two PWC per membership to use LMCH facilities during the following Holiday weekends: Memorial Day, July 4th and Labor Day Weekend. Watercraft Enforcement Violations of the policies will cause the Host Member to be cited and fined and the offending watercraft impounded. Owners of boats and trailers found without proper registration will be notified in writing that the boat or trailer in question will be towed at the member’s expense if not properly registered within a set time frame. Grievance Chair Appointed We are pleased to announce the appointment of Kathy Reuter, 25 on 14, to the Chair of the LMCH Grievance Committee. Kathy has an extensive background in dispute resolution, was a certified mediator with the Florida Supreme Court for many years, and has trained and supervised many mediators during her career. Kathy is excited about bringing those resolution skills to LMCH and has very interesting ideas about enhancing our current policies and procedures. The Board is looking forward to working with Kathy. The Board of Directors will have three openings for the membership to fill at the September 24th annual meeting. Two of those elected will serve positions that have three-year terms. The third seat to be filled will be for two years, the unfulfilled term due to a board members resignation. The three existing board members are eligible to serve another term if they file and the members elect them. You must be a proprietary member of LMCH in good standing and a member for a minimum of one-year prior to the election. You can access the LMCH website at www.lmch.com and download an application. You can also stop by the office and obtain an application at the front counter. The deadline for submitting your completed application is Monday July 25, 2016. Please remember to mark your calendars for the annual meeting on Saturday, September 24, 2016 at noon. Thank you. July 1st marked the 90 day period since dues were assessed. Per the Bylaws, Article III section 2b, calls for any member with dues or charges not paid within 90 days from the billing date to be suspended except in cases where special arrangements have been made with Camp Manager. LMCH has a payment plan arrangement approved by the camp manager and the Board. To be on the payment plan you must do the following: Sign a payment plan agreement Make at least the minimum required monthly payment for 2017 of $132.53 (as of August 1, 4 payments are due). Pay any late fees assessed in addition to the monthly minimum payments. Late fees are assessed if we do not receive full payments by the 10th of the month. We have delayed the suspension of members until July 31, in order to communicate more clearly with members. If you are a member who likes to break up the payments into 2, 3 or 4 payments, you must still sign the payment plan agreement to avoid being in jeopardy of suspension. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us at Finance@lmch.com or contact the office. The dust control product being used around camp is 100% pure and biodegradable. This product consists of sucrose, plant fiber, and aquatic solution, which has a widespread use for dust control and road stabilization. It is completely organic and non-hazardous to people, animals or to the environment and is easily cleaned up with soap and water. We are running low on gravel due to a mechanical issue from our vendor. This issue is being resolved and we should be getting a new delivery of gravel within the next week or so. We appreciate your patience. When you are writing checks, please use blue or black ink and ensure that you are listing your site and block in the “memo” line. Things-N-Stuff is released at 1:00pm on Friday’s, this includes the website We have a great weather forecast for this weekend. Hopefully everyone is able to get out and enjoy it! The Clark Country Marine Patrol will be available this Saturday, July 23h, from 10AM to noon. They’ll be available at the boat ramp area to provide complimentary boat inspections to LMCH members who desire to have their boats inspected. In prior years they provided compliance stickers for those boats that meet all requirements. Water levels have been fluctuating up and down recently. For this weekend the lake is 1-2 feet lower than last weekend. PacifiCorp’s Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license requires that they continuously release certain amounts of river flow for downstream aquatic resources. Unfortunately this isn’t something we can control. Be safe! With lower water levels avoid driving your boat near a bank in any area of the lake. At its current level there are stumps at or just below the water surface in many areas. There is plenty of other lake area to enjoy without taking chances. Do you want to enjoy a free rental slip for next season? Raffle tickets for a free slip are available for $1 per ticket. One lucky winner’s ticket will be drawn on New Year’s Eve. Get yours at the office or from a waterfront committee member/volunteer. Be sure to mark your calendars for the annual Waterfront Poker Run, which will be held on August 13 th. A couple reminders for this weekend at the waterfront: Use the back-lower parking lot to remove your boat tie-downs and canvases. Try to avoid using the ramp area for these tasks. When parking be certain to park between the marked lines. When moored at the rental dock be sure the rental tag is attached to the walkway cleat with rental information clearly visible. Rental dock check-out time is 10AM. Be courteous and move your boat on time. Not doing this displaces the next person who has the slip rented. They paid for access to the slip as well. In case of emergency notify Waterfront volunteers, or contact the office or volunteer security members, or by using the CB radio located at the door of the waterfront security office. We’re here to help. We have first aid materials, emergency jumper batteries, life jackets and utility carts available at the Waterfront Security Office. The waterfront is for everyone. Your suggestions and/or improvement ideas for our waterfront and marina are appreciated. Be safe! Have fun out there! Tim Gonzalez Waterfront Security & Committee Chair waterfront@lmch.com Meditation Point This Sunday, July 24th at 10:00am The NEW CREATION TRIO will be in concert at the LMCH Chapel at Meditation Point. Gordon and Marty Prunty and Antza Reid started singing together in 1975 and have been together as a Gospel Trio ever since. Their message in song is shared through Southern Gospel style music. They have been at Campers' Hideaway many times throughout the years and have many friends here. They are always one of the favorite concerts that the chapel sponsors. We welcome and invite all LMCH members and their guests to attend the chapel service each Sunday at 10:00am. LOOKING AHEAD: The JERICHO ROAD quartet will bring us a special concert in Bluegrass gospel music on July 31st. We hope the weather will cooperate so we can hold the concert in the outdoor amphitheater. Follow us on Facebook @ LMCHChapel. . T-SHIRT CLOSEOUT! SALE! Certain LMCH t-shirts are on sale this week. Come by and grab a few for yourself or as gifts for friends and family! All Sale items will be available (360) 607-8115 MONDAY – FRIDAY 11 AM to 9 PM **Closed Tuesdays** SATURDAY 8AM TO 9PM SUNDAY 8AM TO 8PM New Menu Item, Pizza! Starting this Friday we will be offering pizza. We will have pizza available from 5 PM until kitchen closing every day. We are going to start out slow with a few varieties and add more over time. Currently we are offering 12 inch thin crust pizzas. Classic Margherita, house made red sauce crafted with real San Marzano tomatoes, mozzarella, fresh basil: $8.95 Pepperoni, red sauce, mozzarella, pepperoni: $11.45 Sausage Mushroom, red sauce, mozzarella, house made sausage, fresh mushrooms: $11.45 Hawaiian, red sauce, mozzarella, ham, pineapple:$13.95 We look forward to the opportunity to serve you at KK5. Garrett WiFi Questions? Please direct any Wi-Fi questions and communication to info@iTechInnovators.com In order to sign up for Wi-Fi, it is required that you sign up in the front office Kiosk between the hours of 8:30am-4:30pm. POOL Hours RATES: (tax not included) Daily: $ 1.00 per day Monthly: $ 25.00 per month Annually: $ 175.00 for one device $ 225.00 for two devices Wednesday through Monday Tuesday: closed for cleaning Adult Swim 8:30AM TO 10:00AM Open Swim 10:00AM TO 10:00PM Adult Swim 10:00PM TO 11:00PM Pool Guidelines: The Grand re-opening of The Hideaway Spa will be Labor Day weekend. Watch here for more updates! ~Katina 360-702-8477 Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult 18 or older. You must be 18 years or older to use the spa or sauna. No diapers allowed in the pool, including “little swimmers’. Children who are not potty-trained must wear an LMCH approved swim diaper. We have them for sale at the pool. IMPORTANT CHANGE TO PUMP OUTS Due to limitations on how much waste can be disposed of and processed daily, we will be adding an additional pump out day. Pump outs will be done Tuesday through Friday. We will make every effort to complete your pump out as soon as we can. On busier weeks allow up to 7 days for the pump out to be processed after you request it. We can not schedule service for a specific day. When you request that your holding tank be pumped, please make sure there is access to your tank at the time that you request it. LOST & FOUND WANTED! PICKLEBALLERS A ring was found and turned in to the front office. If you are missing a ring, please come to the front office and describe to claim. Thank you to the person that found and turned it in. Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook At 10:00 O’clock each morning you will find from four (4) to ten (10) LMCHers playing PICKLEBALL at the court located at the playground which is just below the swimming pool on the road to Mediation Point. Come play with us! We want you! Contact Pickleball Phil Cummins (86 on 5) at 503-465-3394. Phil will be most happy to fill you in on the details. Tickets for the annual 50-50 raffle are now available 50% of the money received goes towards Security and the Activities Committee and the other 50% is split between 3 winners,1st winner will receive 25%, 2nd winner will receive 15% And the 3rd place winner will receive 10%. The winners will be drawn at the Labor Day Dance, winners do not need to be present to win. Get your tickets now! Only $1 per ticket! We appreciate your participation. The more we sell, the bigger the prize! Tickets can be purchased from a Security or Activities member or at the office. GARBAGE Reminder that our Garbage cans are for Your HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE ONLY. Please do not dump appliances, electronics , furniture and building supplies. If you wouldn’t put it in your kitchen garbage at home, please do not put it in the camp garbage. Thank you! ACTIVITIES Please be sure to check the Entrance Board, Things ‘N Stuff or the Web site for activities in Camp. Events have a tendency to move around based on volunteers helping us. This was the first year we ran more than three Papa Bear Theaters and dances. We’ve gotten positive feedback from the members – saying it allowed them more “family” time. Wrap Up July Events SNOWBIRD NEWS There will be a no-host snowbird happy hour on August 3rd at 4:00, lower pool parking lot. Please bring an appetizer, BYOB, a comfy chair and join your fellow snowbirds. Questions: Debbie Hill 503-830-4637 July 23rd, Activities Committee Meeting, 4:00pm, KK5 Deck July 23rd, Canvas Night (canceled) We’ll bring these back in 2017 Events in August (subject to change) August 6 – Camp Craft 11am-12, Office August 6 – Papa Bear – cancelled. August 20 – Activities Meeting August 13 – Beach Blast Dance, Papa Bear Area Upcoming Events in September (subject to volunteers) September 3 – Papa Bear Theatre (Good Dinosaur) September 3 – Kids Camp | End of Summer Carnival (4pm-6pm) Papa Bear Area September 4 – Craft Fair (All day) VIP area September 4 – Camp Craft (11am-12pm) VIP area September 4 – Live Band * Code Blue * This is a very long weekend for all the volunteers, so if you have some free time, grab one of us and ask if you can help with setup, cleanup, coordination or even directing. Volunteers Needed The Activities Committee could always use volunteers. Young adults are always welcome. Strong muscles to move equipment before an event or after. Fantastic! Did you know when you volunteer, your site can earn points for pump outs, family pool passes, the log splitter, tree permits and more? We love to see the kids win. Another big night for the young campers. A big thank you to all who came to support the Bingo. I really enjoyed seeing many long time players back again. The big jackpots didn’t go ….meaning the jackpots are even bigger, so hope to see everyone back again on the 30th. Bring a friend or two. Happy Camping Kids Korner: Q: I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I? A: A candle A special thank you to Jim and Toni, Debbie, Don and my granddaughter Cheyenne and friend Kendra who came and helped out. With all the committee on vacation we were in dire need. Thank You all! Your Committee Chair, Kathy Evey Check us out on our Facebook page under “Activities at the Lake”. To find us search on “Activities at the Lake” 2016 BINGO SCHEDULE July 30th, Aug 6, Aug 20th, Sept 3rd
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