november 2015 - Word of Faith Int`l Christian Center
NOVEMBER 2015 Prayer Friday, November 13 7:00-11:00pm Give Thanks THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICE Thursday, November 26 • 9:00am SMART GIVING TEXT ANY AMOUNT TO (248) 200-5490 Oldies But Goodies! CHRISTMAS CONCERT Sunday, December 13 • 6:00pm RECURRING GIVING fast. convenient. secure. Set up an account today. Celebrate Jesus! CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Thursday, December 24 • 7:00pm Musical Guest Celebrate! HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY, BISHOP! November 22 Marvin Sapp Thu., December 31 9:00pm NEW YEAR'S EVE SERVICE N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 5 UPCOMING SPEAKERS SUN. TUE. WED. KEITH A. BUTLER LEE FERGUSON ANDRE BUTLER SUN., NOVEMBER 1 10:00AM • SANCTUARY TUE., NOVEMBER 3 12:00 NOON • CHAPEL WED., NOVEMBER 4 7:00PM • SANCTUARY ANDRE BUTLER DERRICK GREENE ANDRE BUTLER SUN., NOVEMBER 8 10:00AM • SANCTUARY TUE., NOVEMBER 10 12:00 NOON • CHAPEL WED., NOVEMBER 11 7:00PM • SANCTUARY KEITH A. BUTLER ANITA DAVIS ANDRE BUTLER SUN., NOVEMBER 15 10:00AM • SANCTUARY TUE., NOVEMBER 17 12:00 NOON • CHAPEL WED., NOVEMBER 18 7:00PM • SANCTUARY Service is canceled Wednesday, November 25 due to Thanksgiving Service on Thursday, November 26 at 9:00am. KEITH A. BUTLER MATTHEW HOYLE SUN., NOVEMBER 22 & 29 10:00AM • SANCTUARY TUE., NOVEMBER 24 12:00 NOON • CHAPEL Pastor Andre & Minister Tiffany FIRST FAMILY OUR PURPOSE Bishop Keith & Pastor Deborah Butler Founders & Senior Pastors Our purpose is to Teach the Word, Do the Work & Touch the World! Pastor Andre & Minister Tiffany Butler, Executive Pastors Lee & MiChelle A. Ferguson Pastor Joel & Minister Kristina Jenkins PASTORS & MINISTERS Stephen Bell Mabel E. Boshoff Anita Davis Marie Diggs AnJolo Fielder Elizabeth Fielder Linda Fielder Derrick Greene Matthew Hoyle David John Ray McClintock Kila Turner Eboni Leslie, Music Director • Wayne Castle, Assistant Music Director STATEMENT OF FAITH What We Believe The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. In the triune nature of God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God and are in need of salvation. Salvation has been provided through Jesus Christ for all men. The infilling of the Holy Spirit is an experience subsequent to salvation and that it is the will of God that all be filled. Healing is provided in the redemptive work of Christ and is available to every believer. The church consists of all those who have received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. There shall be a bodily resurrection for the just and unjust. In the personal, visible, imminent return of Jesus Christ. In Water Baptism and the observance of the Lord’s Supper. OUR VISION MASTER PLAN Open Pistis Schools of Ministry/churches in Europe and Africa Open a catechism program for laymen Open a ministers’ training center Open an Operation Blessing Center, providing food and clothing to the poor Establish a 24-hour crisis telephone Prayer Center Be a church home for all people of every race, creed, and national origin Effectively minister to the sheep/lambs of WOFICC Develop saints to do the work of the ministry Financially support other ministries Establish Word-based ministries in urban cities Develop churches throughout Metropolitan Detroit, Michigan and the United States THREE WAYS TO ORDER On-line at Phone Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 888.909.WORD (9673) HAPPY BIRTHDAY BISHOP BUTLER! To celebrate Bishop Butler’s birthday, all books, CD and DVD Series by Bishop Butler will be 60% off Sunday, November 22. In-stock or in the Come early and shop before service! #WOFICC #BISHOPSBDAY Like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for exclusive Black Friday sales starting at midnight and throughout the day Friday, November 27! WORD OF FAITH INT’L CHRISTIAN CENTER 20000 W. Nine Mile Road • Southfield, MI 48075-5597 PH: 248.353.3476 • VP: 248.809.4306 24-Hour Prayer: 800.541.PRAY (7729) Bishop Keith A. Butler, Founder & Senior Pastor Pastor Andre Butler, Executive Pastor STAY CONNECTED! Download our App! ATTENTION: Church services are filmed and broadcast via TV and the Internet. Photographs of church attendees may be displayed in printed publications or in electronic format such as on church websites or social media pages. Bishop Keith & Pastor Deborah WELCOME TO WORD OF FAITH For more information about these and other announcements at Word of Faith, please visit STARTING POINT Wednesday or Sunday one hour before service God has a Future for You! If you’re new to Word of Faith or if you want to become a Word of Faith member, then get on the Path to your Future by attending the 4-week Starting Point group. Word offices will be closed November 26 & 27 for Thanksgiving. The office will reopen Monday, November 30. SERVICE DAYS & TIMES SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE 10:00am Service TUESDAY SERVICE 12:00 Noon WEDNESDAY MID-WEEK SERVICE 6:00pm Healing Service STARTING POINT 301: Nov. 1 & 4 401: Nov. 8 & 11 101: Nov. 15 & 18 201: Nov. 29 & Dec. 2 7:00pm Wednesday Night Service EARLY MORNING PRAYER GROUP Monday–Friday, 6:00am Chapel Classes are held on Sundays from 9:00am to 9:50am and Wednesdays from 6:00pm to 6:50pm FAITH GROUP WEEK Let’s Do Life Together! November 1 - 7 November 15 - 21 Faith Groups are groups of four to twelve people who meet biweekly in homes, dorms, workplaces and local establishments where participants experience the presence of God, authentic community and spiritual growth. HOST TRAINING Saturdays: November 7, 14, 21 & December 5 or Tuesdays: November 10, 17, 24 & December 8 STARTING POINT “ALL-IN-ONE” CLASS On Saturday, November 7, you can complete all four membership classes in one day from 9:00am to 1:00pm. (You must attend the entire session in order to receive credit for attendance). EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES We are always seeking high quality, passionate, Jesus-loving people to join our team. Our open positions are listed below. • Full Time Lead Quality Control Analyst ENCOUNTER WEEKEND Friday, December 4 & Saturday, December 5 • Part Time Help Desk Analyst Registration Deadline November 22 For more information, please visit Encounter Weekend presents a series of experiences and personal teachings that result in visible, noticeable change in the lives of all who participate. More info and registration: PREMARITAL CLASSES Class 2 - November 14 Class 3 - November 21 Class 4 - December 5 Class 5 - December 12 Class 6 - December 19 MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT Class 2 - November 14 Class 3 - November 21 Class 4 - December 5 Class 5 - December 12 Class 6 - December 19 • Part Time Data Entry Clerk Need Pastoral Care? Being a member of Word of Faith has its privileges, one of which is the services of our Pastoral Care Ministry. When an immediate family member (Parent, Grandparent, Spouse, Child or Sibling) makes his or her transition or is hospitalized, please call the church office immediately, day or night! Our Pastoral Care Team is available to serve you and your family 24 hours a day. Please remember this line is only for Pastoral Care services. For all other inquiries, please call the church office during normal business hours. In Memoriam Word of Faith Int’l Christian Center has added a Memorial page to our website for Word of Faith Int’l Christian Center members who have made their transition. Visit for more information. Adding a member to this page is left to the family’s discretion. Therefore, not all members are listed. Regarding Your Giving When making a contribution by credit card, please sign your name. This authorizes the charge. When placing your offering in the offering boxes in the lobbies (mounted on the wall), please make sure your offering goes all the way down into the box. formerly Kingdom Business Institute OUTREACH REFRESHER TRAINING for current volunteers will take place on Saturday, November 14th from 1:30pm to 4pm. This is the last one for the year. Please bring your manual and a dish to share. See the Receptionist the day of training for room location. See you then! ATTENTION 24-HOUR PRAYER CENTER, SWAT AND OUTREACH VOLUNTEERS…our annual Christmas Celebration is Saturday, December 5th from 12Noon to 3pm. See your leadership regarding what to bring. See the Receptionist for location. See you there! Register now for the next P.T.U. courses, starting Tuesday, November 3, 2015. Year I Course: Discover Your God Given Purpose Year II Course: What To Do With a God Idea Classes are held on Tuesdays, 7:00pm to 9:00 pm Cost: $75.00/per course DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Sunday, November 1, 2015 For more information, pick up a brochure from the literature rack located in the lobby or call the Education Department at (248) 353-3476, ext. 346. KBM Prayer Saturdays at 10:00am in the Holy Spirit Room. Please visit or call (248) 3533476, ext. 241 if you desire to partner with Keith Butler Ministries or for more information. SILVER SAINTS Our bodies are the temple of God and weekly exercise helps us keep fit! Come and join us on Tuesdays for our SILVER SAINTS “CHAIR” EXERCISES at 10:00am in the Hagin Gym. FAITH CHRISTIAN ACADEMY IS OPENING SOON! Become a part of the FCA team. Open positions include: Assistant Principal • Teachers • Staff Volunteers Please contact Principal Joyce Stephens at 248.353.3476, ext. 356 for more information. WORD OF FAITH ATHLETIC CORNER Diamond Open Recreation Basketball Saturdays, 12:00pm –2:00pm Now through March 19, 2016 THE UNIT Open Recreation Basketball Saturdays, 9:00am – 11:30am Now through March 19, 2016 Diamonds Fitness Fusion Tuesdays, 6:45pm - 8pm November 3, 2015 - March 22, 2016 Diamonds Aerobics Tuesdays, 7:00pm – 8:15pm Now through March 22, 2016 *Bring a mat and light hand weights for class* Diamonds Zumba Thursdays, 6:30pm – 7:45pm Now through March 24, 2016 Bring a mat and light hand weights for class The Worship Arts Department is currently recruiting new members for both the Sanctuary Choir (ages 36 & up) and 812LIVE (ages 18-35), and we need YOU! Please contact if you are interested in joining the choir. You must be a Word of Faith member in order to participate. NO AUDITION is required to join. Hope to see you soon!!!! THANK YOU to all who served during our Kidz World Harvest Fest! You were a tremendous blessing! · The next Kidz World New Team Members’ Training is Thursday, November 12 in the Ark at 6:30pm. There are many exciting opportunities to serve inside & outside of the classroom! Flexible serving schedules are available. Join us for a great experience that will change your life! · Kidz World is open every Sunday and Wednesday during our worship services. Bring your child to Kidz World where they will receive fun-filled teaching from God’s Word! Kidz World…a place where kids can soar! FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE, Friday November 6th from 7pm-10pm in the Hagin Gymnasium and Lower Chapel for all youth Grades 6-12. Admission is $3 at the door. Be sure to bring money for food and snacks. Mark your calendars: A combined JV and Varsity Youth year end Christmas Party will be Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 10:00 am during our regular youth service time in the hagin gym. This event is open to youth grades 6-12. You do not want to miss it. See you there! GLORY PHI GOD YOUTH SERVICES are held every Wednesday at 7:00pm; and also the last two Sunday’s of the month at 10:00am. Locations: Varsity (Grades 9-12): Hagin Fieldhouse at the Northwest corner of our campus JV (Grades 6-8): Lower Chapel of the main building This month services are as follows: Sundays 10:00am: November 22nd & November 29th Wednesdays 7:00pm: November 4th, November 11th, November 18th. CLASS OF 2016 Attention All Seniors!!! Senior Meetings are the 1st & 3rd Thursdays of every month from 6:00pm-7:00pm in the youth education room! Come and learn about upcoming Senior Activities. If you have any questions regarding Glory Phi God Youth Ministry, please contact the Youth Department at extension 398.
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