A Service For The Worship Of God
A Service For The Worship Of God
A Service For The Worship Of God 10th Sunday after Pentecost, August 2, 2015 8:30 a.m. in Lingle Chapel; 11:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary LEADING WORSHIP TODAY SERMON Come to the Waters! When Our Thirst for Compassion is Quenched Lib McGregor Simmons Gathering Around the Word PRELUDE Prelude on “St. Columba” Responding to the Word Healey Willan WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS *HYMN No. 754 Help Us Accept Each Other THE OFFERING (8:30) *CALL TO WORSHIP We’ve come to worship God who makes streams flow from rock, who turns the parched earth into springs of water, who sends the rain from heaven, and makes the wilderness blossom and flourish. I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say Deb Cameron, soprano (11:00) Come to Me, All Pilgrims Thirsty Chancel Choir *DOXOLOGY Come, let’s worship our life-giving God who pours out living water on all who thirst. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION I Come with Joy Zebulon Highben No. 606 THE SACRAMENT OF THE LORD’S SUPPER God of mercy, hear the prayers of your thirsting people. For every time we have attributed your miracles in our lives to our own hands alone, Forgive us, we pray. For every time we promised to trust you but turned to our own way when your response did not come soon enough or in the ways we expected, Grant us mercy, O God. For every time we have resisted your efforts to satisfy our longing for love, forgiveness, and compassion, Forgive us, Loving One, and quench our thirst with your grace. Remake us into vessels of tenderness and compassion. For Christ’s sake we pray. Silent Prayers of Confession *RESPONSE OF PRAISE No. 585 Glory to God Glory to God, glory to God, Glory in the highest! To God be glory ever! Alleluia, Amen! Great Prayer of Thanksgiving TEN CENTS A MEAL OFFERING will be received at both worship services today. Please place your donations in the red baskets. If each family at DCPC contributed 30¢ a day each day for 30 days, that would equal $9 per month. The Lord be with you And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Please contact Wilma Ahrens(ahrwma29@gmail.com or 704-896-1134) to learn about the different ways you can help in the library. Sanctus No. 559 Memorial Acclamation No. 560 The Lord’s Prayer Pg. 35 Sharing the Bread and Cup Bearing and Following the Word into the World Hearing the Word (11:00) WORD FOR CHILDREN Come and See Marilyn Houser Hamm (Children are invited to come forward.) “Come and see, come and see, I am the way and the truth,” said he. “Follow me, follow me, come as a child, O come and see.” (Children may proceed to their child care locations at this time.) *HYMN No. 529 Draw Us in the Spirit’s Tether *BENEDICTION AND RESPONSE No. 515 Intrada PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION John 4: 5 - 42 (selected verses) UNION SEMINARY I Come with Joy Together met, together bound by all that God has done, we’ll go with joy, to give the world the love that makes us one, the love that makes one. POSTLUDE *Those who are able, please stand. DISCIPLE CLASSES We are in the process of forming the popular Disciple Classes, which will begin in September and end in May. Those who have experienced Disciple know the classes to be a unique experience of safely exploring faith questions in a small group environment. During the 32 weeks, you will read the Bible, learn from experts (on DVD) as they give their interpretation, discuss the interpretation and your questions with the group, all with the purpose of deepening your faith, and how that faith can be applied to your everyday life. If you have an interest, or just have questions, send either Leslee Kirkconnell (lkirkconnell@dcpc.org) or Marty Metzker (martinmetzker@live.com) an e-mail. RALLY DAY is Sunday August 23 - everyone is invited to come at 9:45am for a fun time of worship and hearing the great opportunities in Christian education for the upcoming year. We will have a special guest and great music as well. This will be followed by one worship service at 11 and then the Fall Picnic! (11:00) Music During Communion Hymn No. 507 Prayer after Communion *PASSING OF THE PEACE IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY the defibrillator and first aid box are located in the west hall of the main building next to the women’s restroom. THE FLOWERS IN THE CHANCEL are given to the glory of God and in memory of Harriet Fredericksen by her family. Invitation to the Table Words of Institution *ASSURANCE OF GOD’S PARDON WE WELCOME YOU to Davidson College Presbyterian Church and trust that you will find God’s presence here. When you cannot be here, join our live broadcast at 11 a.m. on WDAV 89.9 or www.wdav.org. For more information: www.dcpc.org or 704-892-5641. SAFETY FIRST! If your child needs to visit the restroom or get a drink of water during worship, please escort them. Our Child Protection Policy does require that children be escorted in the building, so please go with your children if they need to get a drink or use the bathroom. Sealing of the Word DOVE OF PEACE *PRAYER OF CONFESSION SCRIPTURE LESSON Donald Busarow (Please pass the fellowship register to the end of the pew and back at this time.) As the deer thirsts for flowing streams, so we thirst for You, O God. *HYMN No. 515 BARONITA Preacher: Lib McGregor Simmons Assisting Ministers: Robert Alexander, Mary Margaret Porter, Sonia Lee Music Associate: David Brinson Ushers: Opal Bryant, Doug Fitzpatrick (8:30) Riley Burgess, Bill and Kristin Clark, Ken and Linda Clausen, Marcia Webster (11:00) Greeters: David and Tammy Pressley (8:30) Kim and Andy Beard, Lovenia Summerville, Colette Naso, Pris and Scott Woodmansee (11:00) Sound: Rick Cardenas Bulletin Cover: Niagara Falls in Canada by Jane Todd Come and See text by Marilyn Houser Hamm Geneva Press. All rights reserved. Reprinted under OneLicense.net no. 8841. Grayston Ives DCPC YOUTH Here’s an opportunity for us to gather just to touch base between all of the various trips and vacations. The plan is to meet on Thursdays for lunch. Whoever is able to come is welcome! If you’re in town any of these Thursdays, please plan on meeting for lunch. These will be extremely informal – just a chance for everyone to catch up with each other, eat, and hang out! We’ll meet at a different local restaurant each time, so let me know your favorites! I’ll send out emails and texts to remind you before each one. Somewhere fairly close - not too far to drive, easy for everyone to find, and inexpensive! Send me your suggestions by email (slee@dcpc.org) or text (704-516-6171). FURNITURE NEEDED for Youth Classroom- Can you help? Neutral colored (brown, black, gray, etc.) upholstered couch and/or chairs are needed for a classroom beside the Youth Lounge in the Congregation House. If you have an extra couch or chairs that you would like to donate, please contact Catherine Bragg at 704-617-9905 or catherinebragg@bellsouth.net. STEEPLETALK The August/September Steepletalk, an “Introduction to Fall” issue, will be sent out on August 19. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to all who helped with meals at the Levine & Dickson Hospice House in July. Nearly 30 DCPC volunteers contributed to preparing dishes, providing paper products and delivering and setting up meals. Families of Hospice House patients have expressed what a blessing these meals are. On one evening delivery, we learned that four new patients had been admitted that day. It was storming and pouring down rain when the meal was delivered. Instead of having to get out in the storm and find a place to eat, families received a delicious, nourishing meal at the Hospice House and could remain with their loved ones. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this important ministry! BACK-TO-SCHOOL BACK-PACK DRIVE FOR AMIGOS Consider providing a back-pack full of school supplies for a child in need. Many of our neighbors in Huntersville have difficulty providing their children with the proper tools to help them succeed in school. Please consider buying a school backpack and filling it for a child. Choose a boy or girl, grades Kindergarten-5th grade, or you may make a donation and we will do the shopping for you. You may also write a note of encouragement to include in the backpack. Backpacks are due Sunday August 16 and will be dedicated during our 11 a.m. worship service. They will be given to families at the Amigos Back to School event on August 17. Questions, please call or email Robert Alexander (ralexander@dcpc.org) or Rosemary Klein (klein924@earthlink.net). Thank you for your help! Suggested List for Backpacks 36 Pencils #2 Wood 1 small pencil sharpener 2 Erasers, pink large 2 Crayola crayons (24 ct.) 1 Scissors, pointed 5" 4 Glue Stick, Elmer's, Wash, Purple, Dries Clear, .77oz 4 Composition notebooks (black and white) 3 Notebook filler paper, wide ruled (120 ct.) 5-2 pocket folders, no prongs, bl, red, yel, gre, pur 1 copy paper 1 bag pencil case 1 washable, crayola markers, 8ct Christian Education (All classes begin at 9:45 a.m. on Sundays) Maloney (The Parlor) and The Pines (Marshall Room) August 2: Our Redeemer Comes- Isaiah 59:15-21 August 9: A Choice to Be Just- Jeremiah 7:1-15 August 16: A Call for Repentance- Ezekiel 18:1-13, 31-32 August 23: God Demands Justice - Zechariah 7:8-14 August 30: Return to a Just God - Malachi 3:1-10 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE 8:30 9:45 11 Total 7/26/2015 78 109 163 350 YTD Av2015 93 105 245 443 YTD Av2014 109 334 443 DCPC FINANCIAL UPDATE Offering 7/26/15 Receipts $ 9,813 Budgeted Exp. $29,590 O/(U) ($19,777) YTD 6/30/15 Receipts $692,510 Actual Exp. $753,678 O/(U) ($ 61,168) CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS FOR AUGUST 2-AUGUST 9 Sunday, August 2 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Worship Service 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 12:00pm Lemonade on the Lawn 3:00pm NC Baroque Orchestra Lingle Chapel Lingle Chapel Various rooms Sanctuary Sanctuary Lawn Sanctuary Monday, August 3 7:00am AA 7:00pm AA 7:00pm Young Adult Gathering Jetton Hall Jetton Hall Kerr Home Tuesday, August 4 7:00am AA 4:30pm Property Committee 7:00pm Faith and Formation Meeting 7:00pm NA Jetton Hall Library Room 207 Jetton Hall Wednesday, August 5 7:00am AA 10:00am Davidson Career Transition Program 11:30am Intercessory Prayer 7:00pm Community Missions Committee 7:00pm Global Missions Committee 8:30pm Music Team Thursday, August 6 7:00am AA 7:00pm PFLAG 7:00pm NA Friday, August 7 7:00am AA 7:00am Men’s Study Group 7:00pm AA Sunday, August 9 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Worship Service 9:45am Sunday School 11:00am Worship Service 12:00pm Lemonade on the Lawn Davidson College Presbyterian Church Jetton Hall DUMC Parlor Parlor Library Lingle Chapel Jetton Hall Parlor Jetton Hall Jetton Hall Davidson Village Inn Jetton Hall Lingle Chapel Lingle Chapel Various rooms Sanctuary Sanctuary Lawn DAVIDSON COLLEGE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH P.O. Box 337, 100 N. Main Street, Davidson, NC 28036 704-892-5641, information@dcpc.org, www.dcpc.org Like us on Facebook: Davidson College Presbyterian Church Davidson College Presbyterian Church is an Earth Care and Stephen Ministry congregation on the corner of campus and community. This congregation celebrates partnerships in Christ with the Sigona Presbyterian Church in Kikuyu, Kenya, and the Kilambe communities in Jinotega, Nicaragua and Blythe Elementary School in Huntersville, NC. Together we seek to grow in witnessing to Christ in a complex world and to learn more about how to respond as disciples to the great needs of the world. We are the body of Christ— worshipping, learning, serving, loving, giving— seeking to realize God’s vision for the world. DCPC Vision Statement
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(ralexander@dcpc.org) or Rosemary Klein (klein924@earthlink.net). Thank you for
your help!