Spring - Legacy
Spring - Legacy
Torch SPRING 2008 Caring for Families of Deceased Veterans 1923–2008 INSIDE > p3 Morningside Care Group goes live to air on 4BC p4 Armistice project update p6 National Memorial Walk Concert p11Looking out for one another A message from our president THIS ISSUE 2 3 4 4 6 6 6 6 7 10 10 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 A message from our president Morningside Care Group goes live to air on 4BC. Armistice project update HomeFront program and Veterans Home Maintenance Line National Memorial Walk Concert What can Legacy do for you – who do you talk to? Seniors legal and support service Greenslopes Hospital transport changes Legacy Christmas Delights Order Form Your local community centre Seniors Card Looking out for one another In Memoriam Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club Open Day – September 17, 2008 Improving the status of women in Brisbane Vacancy - Accomodation Inaugural Annual General Meeting notice Care Groups and Laurel Clubs Young families and youth news Brisbane Legacy holiday units DIARY DATES 17-19 Oct Young Families Weekend - Farmstay at Cedar Glen, Darlington 25 Oct Explorers excursion to Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary 2 Nov Defence Community Organisation, Families day at Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera 7-23 Nov Explorers Salute Armistice tour to Europe 6 Dec Young Families Christmas party 13 Dec Explorers Christmas party 9-17 JanYouth Camp, Sunshine Coast COVER Helping Legacy – has Gwen Smart selling badges during Badge Week The Printing Office, producers of The Torch, and Spicers Paper are both proud to support Brisbane Legacy in their work. Printed on 115gsm Silk Art Paper 2 Legacy Torch I have recently arrived back in Brisbane after holidaying in England, France and Italy, a wonderful chance to spend time with my three grandchildren who live in England. Reading the local papers there, I became more aware of how fortunate we in the veteran community are in Australia to have a government department dedicated to our welfare. For the widow or children of a deceased veteran, there is no additional support available apart from that social support available to the wider community. One gets the impression that, once a serviceman or woman departs from the Services, the British Government ceases to have any interest. I, along with most other veterans on disability or service pensions, received letters before the budget telling me that the Government recognised my special needs arising from my service to the nation and there would be some benefits in the 2008 Budget. The warm inner glow I felt from receiving these letters didn’t last long once I realised that all pensioners would get the same benefits - so much for special recognition. Although Legacy is not a political organisation, we do strive to represent to the Commonwealth and State Government the needs of our widows and dependents. We work continually to ensure that the support due to our widows and children is not eroded but maintained at a level which recognises the sacrifice that not only the veteran made, but also the stresses and strains that the family went through. Badge Week has come and gone once again. It is an important week for Legacy, because it not only allows us to raise funds to undertake our work, but also provides a concentrated opportunity to place ourselves in the public eye. We are able also to strengthen our bonds with the current Defence Force, which will provide our future Legatees (and unfortunately our future Legacy dependency). Indications are that this year’s Badge Week was quite successful, but importantly we were fortunate in the support we received from the troops at Enoggera, who were able to provide far more soldiers for our city ‘ambush’ than has been possible for some years, due to the heavy operational and training commitment support faced by the ADF. I would like to pass on my thanks to those widows who assisted during Badge Week. Your support too is valuable as the number of Legatees available is insufficient to cover adequately the venues at which we sell badges. I am constantly amazed by the efforts of many of our widows; sometimes it is not clear who is supporting who! I had a phone call recently from a lady whose aged mother was in need of social contact and assistance with mobility. She had heard of Legacy and wanted to know if there was a similar organisation which could support the widows of British veterans. She was extremely pleased to find out that Legacy support is available to widows and children of Allied forces from the Second World War, not just Australian veterans. If you know of similar cases, please assure them that they are welcome at Legacy. Finally, after my break away, I intend to continue visiting Laurel Clubs and Care Groups and I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming months. Brian Avery, President Morningside Care Group goes live to air on 4BC D uring Badge Week, members of the Morningside Care Group visited Southern Cross Broadcasting (radio 4BC and 4BH in Brisbane) with a sumptuous array of scones, sponges, sandwiches, slices and biscuits; all of which were lovingly home made. Providing staff with morning tea was the Groups way of thanking Southern Cross Broadcasting for its significant support of Legacy during Badge Week. Proving that it’s never too old to become a radio star, Balmoral resident Mrs Zillah Pfeffer happily agreed to be interviewed live on air by 4BC announcers, Ross and Sophie. Zillah was a wonderful spokesperson for Legacy commenting on Legacy’s work in the community and what Legacy means to the ladies of the Morningside Care Group. “Precious”, Zillah’s pet dog, also got a mention much to the delight of the radio crew. Ladies of the Morningside Care Group at Radio 4BC If Zillah’s on-air performance wasn’t enough, I understand that the morning tea that followed certainly provided 4BC and 4BH staff with one of many great reasons to continue to support Legacy. Talking Torch T he “Talking Torch” is an audio version of the Torch newsletter produced on cassette tape or CD for those with vision impairment. It ensures that those who have difficulty with reading don’t miss out on the Brisbane Legacy events and news and a range of issues that affect our very important Legacy family. To arrange your copy of the Talking Torch, please contact Jackie at Legacy House on 38464299. Every Life is Worth Celebrating For over 65 years Metropolitan Funerals have been helping Queensland families with sensitivity, respect and dignity. Whether your need is immediate or you are planning for the future, you can trust Metropolitan Funerals to support you every step of the way. A very special offer for Legacy members Simply by mentioning this ad, Metropolitan Funerals will give you a $150 discount off our standard professional fees ensuring you get the service you want at an even more affordable price. And if you call now we will send you a free ‘My Funeral Wishes’ kit complete with a Safe Custody wallet to store all your important papers. Call us anytime on 1800 636 660 – we’re here to help. 1800 636 660 www.metropolitanfunerals.com.au Legacy Torch 3 Armistice project update A fter months of planning and fundraising, the Legacy Explorers Salute Armistice tour is now a reality. The tour, for six of Legacy’s Explorers (dependants with disabilities) will begin in England and take in France and Belgium. Escorted by the Welfare Support Manager, Legatee Craig Hardy and Legatee Janet Menz from Roma, the tour will include a number of commemoration activities marking the 90th anniversary of the Armistice. The tour, which has been billed as the signature welfare activity for Brisbane Legacy’s 80th anniversary, will run from 7 to 23 November 2008. The success of this ambitious project had hinged on raising sufficient funds to cover all non-discretionary costs including travel, transfers, tours, accommodation and meals. In addition to fundraising by the tour group, funds have been generously donated by many service and exservice organisations and by members of the Legacy family. Thank you one and all for your belief in this activity and for your contribution to its success. However, fundraising activities continue in order to now fund some discretionary activities. You can assist in this regard by buying a ticket in the raffle to be drawn on the 17th October 2008. Tickets costs $5 each, are in books of 10, and are available from Legatee Craig Hardy on 3846 4299 or from the other tour participants. The raffle offers some great prizes: 1st is $1200 worth of electrical goods; 2nd is a handmade single bed rug; and 3rd is a $100 Myer voucher, so be sure to get your ticket. As part of the planning for this event, the project team recently sent a letter written in French to the Mayor of Fromelles, a significant Australian historical site in the context of this project. Part of that letter (en Anglais) follows: ......During this journey, our group would be honoured to visit Fromelles and pay our respects to yourself and the people of Fromelles, and also to pay our respects to the site in which lay many Australian soldiers. We are grateful of the care you have provided for our fore-fathers who lay in the soil of Fromelles, and of the extreme respect you have bestowed upon them as they reveal themselves 92 years later. The Explorers understand the importance of this location along with that of Villers-Bretonneux and Bullecourt in France; and Passchendaele,Tyne Cot and Ypres in Belgium, all of which will be visited on the Western Front leg of the tour. While in Ypres, the Explorers will attend the Menin Gate Memorial ‘Last Post’ ceremony in remembrance of our fallen. While away, the tour party will prepare a presentation to share with Care Groups and other gatherings on their return to Australia. HomeFront program and Veterans Home Maintenance Line HomeFront HomeFront is a falls and accident prevention program aimed at assisting veterans and war widows/widowers to maintain independent living in their own homes. DVA Gold and White card holders are eligible for a free annual home assessment to identify fall hazards in and around the home. The HomeFront assessment will normally be undertaken by a qualified health professional such as an Occupational Therapist, Community Nurse or Physiotherapist. Following assessment, DVA will make a financial contribution towards the cost of recommended aids and minor home modifications that will reduce the risk of falls and accidents. The financial contribution is indexed annually and is currently $196.00. Aids and appliances that could be approved and subsidised under HomeFront include items such as sensor lights or the provision of non slip strips on steps. Eligible members of the veteran community can call 1800 801 945 during business hours, to organise a free HomeFront assessment. As well as assessing potential falls hazards, a trained HomeFront assessor will also help identify the need for home or community support services, and will provide information about Departmental and other community support programs to assist the veteran or war widow/ widower to remain living in their home. 4 Legacy Torch Veterans’ Home Maintenance Line (VHML) The Veterans’ Home Maintenance Line (VHML) is a toll free telephone service that provides advice on general property maintenance matters and referral to local reliable and efficient tradespeople. The tradespeople have appropriate qualifications, and both professional indemnity and public liability insurance cover.VHML can also arrange home inspections to identify current or possible future maintenance problems. Any member of the veteran community is eligible to use the VHML. The VHML advice is free but work done by tradespeople, including callout fees have to be paid by the veteran and/or war widows/widowers. The VHML number is available on 1800 801 945, Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. Emergency property advice is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. Both HomeFront and VHML are contracted to a Brisbane based agency Mondial Assistance who delivers these programs nationally through their National network of Assessors and Providers (tradespeople). Advertisement Heading We guarantee you a higher rate on our term deposits Looking out for the Defence community is nothing new to us. After all, it’s the very reason we exist. So, we believe that it makes good sense to support those who support us. From a minimum investment of just $1,000 That’s why we guarantee a higher rate for Legacy on our already high term deposit rates. It’s also why it’s available to all Legacy organisations and members, legatees and their immediate family. For our current rates or to invest in a Legacy Preferred Term Deposit, contact Mike Ricketts on 0415 258 888 or (03) 8624 5436 Conditions apply, please refer to the Products and Services Conditions of Use. Fees and charges may also apply, please refer to the Fees and Charges Schedule for details. Defence Force Credit Union Limited ABN 57 087 651 385 AFSL 234582 IM135 (09/08) Proud supporter of IM34 (06/05) Legacy Torch 5 National Memorial Walk Concert Seniors legal and support service Enjoying the music was Nicky Christie, one of our more active Explorers, and her mother Denise. O n Sunday, 14 September, a large contingent of the Legacy family attended a concert at the National Memorial Walk (Gallipoli Barracks, Enoggera). Hosted by the Royal Australian Regiment Association (RAR Assn), the concert featured the Australian Army Band Brisbane under the baton of Major Peter Thomas. Our widows and their families, many of whom travelled from Caboolture, Bribie Island and Redlands, were treated to a wonderful afternoon of music, a sumptuous BBQ lunch and much companionship. The concert was also attended by many of our Explorers who were to be the beneficiaries of this wonderful fundraising event. The concert concluded with everyone joining in the singing of “We are Australian”, followed by the Last Post and the lowering of flags by two of our Explorers travelling overseas, Beth Coleman and Glendell Hindmarsh. They proudly represented Legacy in this task. What can Legacy do for you – who do you talk to? E veryone’s needs are different and for that reason Legacy’s assistance is individually tailored based on the specific needs of the individual. Following on from the vision of our fore-fathers and the overwhelming need for Legacy following World War One, Legacy is still there to help with advice, practical assistance or even a friendly face to talk to when needed. Legacy is ready to respond where it can regardless of whether the need is assistance working your way through the maze of government benefits or in dealings with the Department ofVeterans’Affairs; emergency financial support; advice on in-home or residential care; or in relation to health, home or lifestyle matters. Legacy is also happy to deal with your family acting on your behalf. Brisbane Legacy has a Welfare Officer available at Legacy House each day (Monday to Friday) to discuss matters with you. Simply make an appointment or telephone Brisbane Legacy on 3846 4299 and ask to speak to the Duty Welfare Officer. If they are on another call or otherwise not available, leave your name, telephone number and the nature of your concern and the Duty Welfare Officer or someone else will ring back as soon as possible. Of course, your local Legatee is also able to assist you with many of these matters and if not, will refer you to Legacy House for assistance. Remember, there is always someone at Legacy House during normal business hours ready to help and if they can’t, will ensure that the matter is passed on to someone who can. As a Legacy lady recently said to our Welfare Support Manager, “When my husband died I felt like I was nobody. With Legacy I feel like a real person again.” So call Brisbane Legacy on 3846 4299, or from the country on 1800 534 229 whenever you need someone to talk to about issues affecting you. 6 Legacy Torch T his service provided by the Queensland Department of Communities is a free legal and support service for seniors concerned about elder abuse and financial exploitation. Elder abuse is any act within a relationship of trust which results in harm to an older person. It can be physical, sexual, financial, and psychological and/or neglect. Financial exploitation is the illegal or improper use, or misappropriation of an older person’s property and/ or finances; forced changes to a will and other legal documents; denial of the right of access to and control over personal funds; and fraudulent or unfair practices from the providers of retirement village, aged rental or residential park accommodation. The Service can: •• provide information, advice and support regarding elder abuse, mistreatment or financial exploitation; •• provide short term counselling; •• provide information on your legal rights; •• refer you to other legal, consumer and support services; and •• represent you in court or before tribunals (in certain circumstances). Make an appointment to meet with an experienced staff member at your local service centre by calling the support service on 3254 1811. If you are unable to access your local service centre, a telephone consultation or a meeting at your home can be arranged. The service cannot provide assistance in all areas of law and it does not prepare wills, provide advice on real estate, financial or investment planning. Greenslopes Hospital transport changes U ntil recently, DVA patients of Greenslopes Private Hospital could claim cash reimbursement for their travel from the Transport Desk. As that service has ceased, claims are now to be forwarded to DVA for processing and reimbursements are made 3-5 days following the claim. The Transport Desk can still accept the claims, but will send them on to DVA. The desk also remains open to organise a Booked Car with Driver. Greenslopes Private Hospital has also advised that its new multistorey car park will open by the end of September. It will provide 348 secure onsite car parks with prices starting from $4 for a half hour, with $2 increments for each half hour thereafter. With the Christmas season rapidly approaching, it is now time to place your orders for our delicious Legacy Christmas products. Below is the 2008 Legacy Christmas Delights order form. Please complete and return the form with payment (sorry, no COD) in the reply paid envelope provided by 31 October 2008. Late orders will not be filled. All orders incur a $5 package and handling fee. Please note that two delivery options are available: 1. Delivery to and collection from your Care Group’s last meeting of the year. 2. Delivery to a nominated address. Orders will be delivered before 12 December 2008. For further information please phone Erin Cann at Legacy House on 3846 4299. Legacy Christmas Delights Order Form First Name:_____________________________________________________ Surname:_________________________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Suburb:_________________________________________________________________ State:____________________________________ Postcode:______________________________ Contact Phone Number:____________________________________________________________________________________ or I will collect my order at my Care Group’s last meeting of the year I belong to the ___________________________________________________________________________ Care Group Please post my order to the above address LEGACY PLUM PUDDINGS Legacy plum pudding Carton of 12 puddings FRUIT MINCE PIES (360g 6-pack) Packet of 6 pies Carton of 12 packets CHRISTMAS SELECTION 6-pack of cakes, puddings, mince pies Carton of 10 packs DELIVERY Packaging & Handling QTY UNIT PRICE $9.00 $95.50 TOTAL $ $5.00 $51.50 $7.50 $65.00 $5.00 TOTAL $ $5.00 Enclosed is my cheque/money order for $___________________________ (Payable to: Brisbane Legacy) or debit my: Visa Cardholder’s name: Signature: or MasterCard $ ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Expiry Date: / __________________ __________________ Please complete and return with payment in reply paid envelope provided. All orders must be received by 31 October 2008 so get your order in today!! Orders not being collected at Care Groups will be delivered before 12 December 2008 Legacy Torch 7 Low Fat ree Gluten F Low GI Low Salt re High Fib Conessa ® Gourmet Meals Since 1993 Healthy eatin made easy... g 1300 112 11 2 MEDIUM MEALS (280–300g) ORDER NO. 233 223 338 $4.80 233 Beef Casserole Beef & garden vegetables cooked in an aromatic sauce, mashed potatoes, green beans 166 $4.80 235 Beef Stroganoff Lean beef strips in mushroom sauce, vegetables, basmati rice 369 $4.80 238 Shepherd Pie Savoury beef mince topped with cheese, mashed potatoes, carrots & peas 198 $4.80 241 Beef Roast Roast beef with rich gravy, mixed vegetables, roast potatoes 173 $5.50 251 Steak & Kidney Beef steak & lamb kidney cooked in an aromatic sauce, mashed potatoes, carrots & peas 226 $4.80 252 Flamed Meatballs Flamed beef meatballs in tomato gravy, green beans, bouillon potatoes 334 $4.80 254 Corned Beef Traditional corned beef with a tasty white sauce, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, mashed potatoes 215 $5.50 Thai Chicken Tender breast fi llet pieces in a green Thai curry sauce, rice 431 $4.80 234 Sweet & Sour Chicken Succulent diced chicken pieces in sweet & sour sauce with carrot, capsicum, beans, celery, steamed rice 319 $4.80 239 Chicken Mushroom Chicken breast pieces in a tasty mushroom sauce, veges, pasta 379 $4.80 252 218 218 Legacy Torch Beef PRICE Spaghetti Bolognaise Spaghetti with a tasty beef mince tomato sauce & cheese 238 8 CAL Chicken . Delivery Areas.. urbs, b u S e n a b s i r B l l A st* a o C d l o G & h c Ipswi ng . *conditions apply 12 Ordering... call us now 1300 112 112 or 24 / 7 online at gourmetmeals.com.au MEDIUM MEALS (280–300g) ORDER NO. 226 244 $5.50 Lamb Casserole Juicy lamb cooked in thyme jus, vegetables, mashed potatoes, green beans 175 $4.80 237 Lamb Curry Marinated lamb with delicious blend of spices, vegetables, basmati rice 434 $4.80 242 Lamb Roast Lamb roast with mint gravy, mixed vegetables, roast potatoes 331 $5.50 Spaghetti Carbonara Spaghetti with bacon & onions cooked in a cream sauce with cheese 469 $4.80 243 Pork Roast Pork roast with rich gravy, mixed vegetables, roast potatoes 255 $5.50 253 Devilled Sausage German Bratwurst topped with an apple, onion gravy, potato bake, vegetables 243 $4.80 Nile Perch Nile Perch topped with a lemon butter sauce, vegetables, rice 442 $4.80 Hake Baked Fish Fillet Fish fillet topped with capers, parsley butter, mushrooms, capsicum, mashed potatoes 204 $5.50 Vegetable Bake Mixed garden vegetables baked with egg, milk & cheese 387 $4.80 Vegetable Platter Assorted garden vegetables cooked to perfection 208 $4.80 237 226 221 221 222 228 227 228 Roast Chicken Breast Chicken breast chunks topped with a mango sauce, vegetables, roast potatoes PRICE 308 231 236 CAL Lamb Pork Seafood Vegetables Legacy Torch 9 Your local community centre T he East Brisbane Community Centre supplies information and referrals on health, welfare, recreation, community development and local issues that affect the community. The services of the centre extend to Woolloongabba, East Brisbane, Kangaroo Point, Coorparoo, Stones Corner, Buranda, Greenslopes, Norman Park, Annerley, Holland Park and Yeronga. The East Brisbane Community Centre provides a range of programs such as group activities, project work, workshops, educational and therapeutic courses and volunteering opportunities which are available to any person.Community centres like East Brisbane are vital in our communities to link people and activities that improve their quality of life and promote social inclusion. Call East Brisbane if you are local and see what they might have for you, on 3891 5686. They are on Vulture St East at East Brisbane. Nearby, at 41 Merivale Street South Brisbane, is our very own Laurel Club. This is a wonderful place to meet with friends and enjoy classes in many different crafts. Like the local community centres, the Laurel Club offers our Legacy family fellowship, fun and a range of interesting activities. Call Legacy House on 3846 4299 to enquire about Laurel Club activities. 10 Legacy Torch Seniors Card I f you are over 60 and want more for your money, perhaps a Seniors discount card might be useful in saving a few dollars here and there. The card is free, is available from the Queensland Government and is widely accepted by retailers and service providers. Typically, savings are around 10%, but some traders offer larger discounts and extras when you present your card. A comprehensive guide which lists all of the services and retailers who honour the card is also provided on application. The application is easy. Call the Department of Communities on 13 13 04 and ask for an application to be sent, or complete the form online at www.qld.gov.au/seniorscard. Looking out for one another O ne of the themes that I often use when speaking to Laurel Clubs and Care Groups is the need to look out for one another. This is especially so as we age, suffer the effects of failing health and become less mobile. There are a total of 46 Laurel Clubs and Care Groups operating under the auspices of Brisbane Legacy. These groups fulfil a vital role in providing a meeting place for our widows(er)s for activity and companionship. Unfortunately however, the trend is towards declining attendances and the inevitable loss of contact with many of those who were once regular attendees. Let me give an example. Approximately 50 members of one suburban care group (membership of 120) have not attended a care group meeting so far in 2008. This would not be alarming were there an explanation for the individual’s non-attendance (away on holidays, sickness, change of address etc). However, where there is no explanation we can only wonder what has happened. Has the person died? Is the person now residing in an aged care facility? Have they been admitted to hospital? While many of these events are beyond our ability to influence, it is nevertheless important that we know about them. Something as simple as a get well card, a telephone call or some other act of concern can make all the difference. I’m reminded of the words of the American author, Leo Buscaglia: Too often we under estimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. My plea to each of you is to look out for one another. If someone is missing from a meeting or other activity, inquire why? Contact the Laurel Club or Care Group president, a legatee or staff at Legacy House and let them know that you are concerned about someone, that you have not seen them lately, that they are sick or that they are moving. A simply expression of compassion for someone else may allow us to intervene in a meaningful way if necessary or simply to allay any concern about the individual’s wellbeing. The Dalai Lama said: Compassion is not religious business, it is human business, it is not luxury, it is essential for our own peace and mental stability, it is essential for human survival. Steven Blinkhorn, CEO Brisbane Legacy In Memoriam Brisbane Legacy gratefully acknowledges the thoughtful generosity of those who choose to make an ‘In Memoriam’ donation. “Betty” Mrs Gloria Squire Edna Homer Barclay Mrs Elaine Williams Kenneth Thompson Mrs June Thompson Alexander Forsyth Mrs Irene Forsyth Edward Richardson AC RSL Bribie Island SubBranch Kenneth Bassett Mrs Edna Bassett Alva Harland Mr Zamin Harland Mrs Beryl Wilson Mr & Mrs R & M Maller Pinaroo Auxilary Athol Paton Mrs Norma Paton Beryl Gladys Allen Mrs Norma Hazzard Cecilia M Wunderlich Mrs Beryl McConnell Dear friend Alice Maude Deal Mr John Bateman Derek Story Mrs Gloria Storey Mrs Elsie Singleton Mrs Diana Wilson APV Australia Pty Ltd Kevin H Willert Mrs Wendy Willert Mrs Margaret “Betty” Davidson Mr Bob Hann Kevin Lane Mrs Shirley Lane Mrs Micky Harland Mrs Denise Martin Lance Corporal Jason Marks Mr Andrew Brandham Ralph E Noble Mrs Constance Noble Harry Day Mrs Marion Milne Late David Gulbrandson 2/3 Field Regt Assoc Jim and Mary Murray Ms Pamela Murray Major Jim Cruickshank MBE Jim’s Friend Reginald Charles Harrington Mrs Hazel Harrington John “Jock” Swain Mrs Alison Swain Anonymous Mary Monica Carmody Mrs Mary Carmody Errol Schmidt RSL Bribie Island SubBranch Farrier William Davey 1st AIF Mr Arthur Davey John Salter Mrs Janette Salter Mervyn Lionel Moss OAM Jean Dawson Jean Worsnop Josephine Mary Pfrunder Anonymous Legacy Mrs Betty Urquhart Mrs Dorothy Young Samuel James Mecklem Mrs Patricia Mecklem The Dearest Friend Alma Mrs Mona Lavery Viv Lowrey Mrs Jill Hobson William John Elms Mrs Joyce Elms Legacy Torch 11 Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club Open Day 17 September 2008 12 Legacy Torch Improving the status of women in Brisbane Z onta International is a global organisation of executives and professionals working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. The Zonta Club of Brisbane North is offering grants of $1,000 towards this goal. Applications are invited from women living or working in Brisbane or surrounding areas. Migrant women are particularly invited to apply. These grants have previously funded: •• educational courses; •• child minding to allow attendance at courses; •• books for study and research; and •• transport assistance to allow access to development opportunities. Up to three grants are offered each year.Winners will be invited to a club dinner meeting, expected to be in February 2009, for a presentation. Assessment criteria: •• economic need and personal circumstances; •• realistic goals related to improvement in status; •• feasible plan to attain goals; and •• if possible, demonstrated commitment. Applications should include: •• applicant’s name, address, telephone number and email address where applicable; •• personal situation and aims; •• details on how this grant can assist you; •• contact details of two referees; and •• copies of references or other supporting information such as school, TAFE or university results. Applications close on 13 October 2008.Further information and assistance please contact Ms Gina Brosnan on 3378 9645 or brosnang@brigidine.qld.edu.au I Vacancy pswich Legacy operates Legacy Court, a private rental accommodation facility of 18 units at Booval, for the benefit of Legacy widows. Vacancies currently exist and are available to any widow enrolled with Legacy. Details are: ••Address: 2 Eileen Street, Booval, IIpswich. ••Rent: $65.00 per (calendar) week. An additional $5 per week for a carport (if available). ••Bond: $500 on entry (non refundable). ••Outgoings: Power, telephone and all other outgoings are the tenants’ responsibility. ••Furnishings: Washing machine, refrigerator and curtains. These units are ideally located and close to all amenities including: doctors, dentists, shopping centre, transport (both buses and trains) and restaurants. Inquiries should be directed to: Ipswich Legacy on (07) 3281 9419 or email iplegacy@bigpond.net.au Notice is hereby given that the Inaugural Annual General Meeting of the Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club will be held at Legacy House, 41 Merivale Street, South Brisbane on Tuesday, 4 November 2008 commencing at 10:00am Business • To adopt the ‘Rules of the Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club’. • To elect Office Bearers for the Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club for 2009. • To transact any other business on matters of substance concerning the conduct and operation of the Club. Rules of the Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club The proposed Rules of the Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club are on display on the Club Notice Board. Alternatively, members may request that a copy of the Rules be forwarded to them by contacting Sue at Brisbane Legacy on 3846 4299. Nomination of Officers Bearers for 2009 The election of Office Bearers for 2009 shall take place at the Annual General Meeting. Accordingly, nominations are called for the positions of President, Secretary and Committee Member (3). Nominations are to be in writing and are to reach the Secretary not later than 4:30pm Friday, 31 October 2008. A list of nominations received will be displayed on the notice board in the Laurel Club at Legacy House or may be obtained by contacting Sue at Brisbane Legacy on 3846 4299. General Business Any member intending to bring forward any specific proposal or motion shall give notice of the same to the Secretary no later than 31 October 2008. Voting To be eligible to vote, a member must be a member of the Brisbane Legacy Laurel Club. Elizabeth Cowell Secretary August 2008 Legacy Torch 13 Care Groups and Laurel Clubs Aveo Albany Creek Care Group Aveo Albany Creek Retirement Village Yellow Dining Room 61 Explorer Drive ALBANY CREEK 1st Friday of the month - 2pm Fran McNamara 3264 8131 Tino Axon 3325 3008 Joy Dunn 3325 2351 Aveo Durack Care Group Aveo Durack Retirement Village Recreation Hall 356 Blunder Road DURACK 1st Wednesday of the month 10am Mona Clarke 3278 8772 Gwen Smart 3879 8575 Beaudesert Care Group Beaudesert RSL 23-25 William Street BEAUDESERT 4th Wednesday of the month 10.30am Ivy Reid 5541 0652 Beenleigh Laurel Club Beenleigh RSL 13 Bardyn Halliday Drive MT WARREN PARK 3rd Monday of the month - 9.30am Dorothy Sime 3805 1943 Bill Winter 3803 5654 Bribie Island Care Group Bribie Island RSL & Citizens Memorial Club Inc Toorbul Street BONGAREE 4th Tuesday of the month - 9.30am Bill Ramsay 3408 3206 Brisbane Laurel Club Legacy House 41 Merivale Street SOUTH BRISBANE Monday to Friday - 8am to 4.30pm Jean Hine 3396 2404 Brisbane Legacy 3846 4299 Caboolture Care Group Caboolture & District Services Memorial Club Inc Cnr Beerburrum Rd & Hasking St CABOOLTURE Last Friday of the month - 11.30am Noel Gottwaltz 5498 9109 Caboolture Laurel Club Memorial Bowls Club War Veterans Home King Street CABOOLTURE 3rd Wednesday of the month (excluding December and January) 9.30am Noel Gottwaltz 5498 9109 14 Legacy Torch Caloundra Laurel Club 1st Monday of the month - 9am Jean Howard 5492 6623 Bill Bunter 5492 7676 Felicity Wilton 5441 3748 Cazna Gardens Care Group Cazna Gardens RSL Home Under Nursing Home 465 Hellawell Road SUNNYBANK HILLS 1st Monday of the month - 1.30pm Cynthia Coupe 3273 8118 Chinchilla Laurel Club Hoy Group RSL Memorial Hall 61 Heeney Street CHINCHILLA 1st Tuesday of the month - 9.30am Ray Kriedemann 4662 7839 Coolum Care Group Coolum Bowls Club 2nd Tuesday of the month 11.30am Renalda Gorrie 5448 1424 Ian Wright 5446 4031 Felicity Wilton 5441 3748 Cooroy/Pomona Laurel Club Cooroy RSL Maple Street COOROY 4th Monday of the month - 10.30am Anne Lee 5447 6679 Elsie McKinley 5485 2707 Eastern Suburbs Care Group Eastern Suburbs Leagues Club Langlands Park Main Avenue COORPAROO Last Friday of the month (Courtesy bus available if you are an Easts Leagues Club Member, phone the Club to organise) 10.30am Joan Hope 3397 1844 Gympie Laurel Club RSL Orchid Room (unless outing organised) Mary Street GYMPIE 3rd Monday of the month (Except December & January) 10.00am for morning tea 10.30am for meeting Colleen Woodbury 5482 3518 Holland Park/Mt Gravatt Care Group Holland Park RSL 58 Arnold Sreet HOLLAND PARK 3rd Thursday of the month - 10.30am Beryl Floyd 3349 0203 Marj Nichol 3349 8047 Inverpine Care Group Inverpine RSL Home 54 Ogg Road MURRUMBA DOWNS 3rd Saturday of the month - 10am Eileen Shorten 3482 2308 Kedron/Wavell Care Group Kedron Wavell RSL Hamilton Road CHERMSIDE Last Friday of the month - 11am Lorna Pearson 3263 2151 Margaret Hough 3205 4021 Kilcoy Care Group Alternate venue each month 2nd Thursday of the month (February to December) - 12 noon Neil Eiby 5496 1457 Allan Ottway 5424 7194 Lana Younger Widows Group Different venue each month Last Saturday of the month 12 noon Helen White 3351 1650 Gaythorne Care Group Gaythorne RSL 534 Samford Road MITCHELTON Last Friday of the month - 11am Peter Thatcher 3356 4250 Logan Central Care Group Logan Tavern Wembley Rd LOGAN CENTRAL 1st Tuesday of the month - 10am Myra Harris 3800 8441 Geebung Care Group Geebung RSL Newman Road GEEBUNG 2nd Friday of the month - 11am Denise Fridolf 3865 8006 Logan East Care Group Springwood Bowls Club 14 Pauline Avenue SPRINGWOOD 2nd Friday of the month - 10am Del Parkes 3841 1092 Ed Heieck 3803 6240 Glasshouse Country Laurel Club Beerwah RSL Beerwah Parade BEERWAH 4th Tuesday of the month - 10.30am Mary Southern 5439 0009 Jim Meakins 5494 0472 Bob Houser 5492 9109 Felicity Wilton 5441 3748 Logan West Care Group Greenbank RSL Memorial Room Anzac Parade HILLCREST Last Friday of the month - 10am Nancy Guinane 3803 4128 Maroochydore Laurel Club RSL House Memorial Avenue MAROOCHYDORE 4th Friday of the month - 9.30am Barbara Curr-Parkes 5445 5925 Audrey Kregenbrink 5448 7571 Felicity Wilton 5441 3748 Moorooka Care Group Moorooka Bowls Club Koala Road MOOROOKA Last Thursday of the Month 11.30am Mavis Dangerfield 3254 4887 Nev Francis 3848 7921 Morningside Care Group Morningside RSL Wynnum Road MORNINGSIDE Last Friday of the month - 10.15am Joyce Turner 3399 5903 Mudjimba Laurel Club Mudjimba RSL Cottonwood Street MUDJIMBA 1st Tuesday of the month - 9:30am Patty-Ann Smith 5443 3268 Kerry Glover 5473 9095 Felicity Wilton 5441 3748 Jean Peterie 5446 3062 Nambour Care Group Nambour RSL Matthew Street NAMBOUR 3rd Monday of the month 9.30am for 10am Muriel Feeking 5453 8405 Val McMaster 5441 1223 Felicity Wilton 5441 3748 Noosa/Tewantin Laurel Club Tewantin/Noosa RSL & Citizens Memorial Club Memorial Avenue TEWANTIN 1st Monday of the month - 10.30am Dulcie Ballard 5447 3120 Jean McKay 5449 8530 Arthur Goodall 5440 5414 Leo Brown 5447 4228 Pine Rivers Care Group Norths Leagues & Services Club Anzac Avenue KALLANGUR Last Friday of the month - 11am Jo Shorrock 3846 4299 Redcliffe Laurel Club RSL Club Tobruk Lounge Redcliffe Parade REDCLIFFE 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month 10am Pearl Reberger 3284 1553 Ray Evans 3203 6650 Ralph Stewart 3883 3998 Young families and youth news Redlands Care Group Redlands RSL 8 Passage Street CLEVELAND 1st Friday of the month - 10am Ray Clark 3286 5764 Ruth Minnis 3286 5643 Sunnybank Care Group Sunnybank Hotel Family Bistro Corner McCullough Street & Mains Road SUNNYBANK 3rd Friday of the month - 10am Jo Myers 3345 6615 Roma Care Group Roma Club Hotel/Motel 1st Tuesday of the month - 10am Janet Menz 4622 3339 Betty Bates 4622 1151 Toowong Care Group Toowong Sizzlers Restaurant Sherwood Road TOOWONG Last Thursday of the month - 11am Marj Affleck 3371 7665 Esther Elkins 3870 0095 Sandgate Care Group Sandgate RSL Keogh Street SANDGATE 1st Friday of the month - 12 noon Pearl Rashford 3269 3022 Ivy Bruce 3269 2358 Tony Ralph 3630 2475 Sherwood Care Group Sherwood/Indooroopilly Services Club Corner Clewley & Browne Sts CORINDA Last Friday of the month - 12 noon Edna Pardon 3379 7081 Clyde Winzar 3379 1075 South West Care Group Blue Fin Fishing Club 24 Lilac Street INALA Last Friday of the month - 10am Glad Rowan 3372 1054 Nancy Cadet 3372 4650 Stanthorpe Laurel Club Stanthorpe RSL Marsh Street STANTHORPE 2nd Monday of the month - 10.30am Lunch at RSL Dining room around 12 noon Margaret Hooker 4684 1294 Olwyn Einam 4683 2305 Lorna Draisey 4681 2426 O Victoria Point Care Group Shark’s Sporting Club Coulburn Avenue VICTORIA POINT 2nd Monday of the month (Courtesy bus available phone Shark’s 3207 7865 before 12 noon on Friday before Monday meeting) 10.30am Malcolm McCallum 3206 4204 Jan Dodd 5540 7693 Warwick Laurel Club RSL Services and Citizens Memorial Club Corner King & Albion Streets WARWICK 4th Tuesday of the month for lunch & meeting at 1.30pm (except December) - 12 noon PM tea & raffle Ev Hounslow 4661 1947 Jean Newport 4666 3469 Joan Smith 4661 7550 Woodford Care Group Alternate venue each month 2nd Thursday of the month (February to December) - 12 noon Valmay Liddle 5496 1180 Wynnum Care Group Wynnum RSL 174 Tingal Road WYNNUM 2nd Friday of the month - 10am Eileen Davidson 3396 1240 ur younger families are asked to note the following activities in their dairies: the Young Families Weekend at Cedar Glen, October 17th - 19th; and Youth Camp at Mudjimba in January 2009. This year the Young Families Weekend will again be held at ‘Cedar Glen’, a working farm located on the scenic edge of the Lamington National Park, just south of Beaudesert. This location is popular with our younger families and our hosts provide a wonderful experience for both the children and their mothers. One of the real benefits of this weekend is the opportunity for our younger widows to talk to each other without the constant distraction of family who are otherwise engaged in a range of supervised play activity and farm experiences. This is followed in the second week of January 2009 by the Youth Camp. After the success of this camp earlier this year, we are expecting to be joined by a number of children and youth leaders from Melbourne Legacy. Based again at the Apex Camp at Mudjimba on the Sunshine Coast, the camp will provide eight days of fun, fellowship and challenging activities. Brisbane Legacy Holiday Units B risbane Legacy Holiday Units are available at Cotton Tree, Maroochydore (Sunshine Coast), at a charge of $100 per person, per week. Widows with school age children have first preference, followed by Queensland country widows, Brisbane metropolitan widows then interstate widows. Reservations can normally be made up to six months in advance, except that widows with school age children have until mid September to book for the Christmas holiday period. Relatives and friends are welcome to accompany you on your holiday. For further information contact Sue at Legacy House on 3846 4299. CONTINUING OUR LEGACY OF CARE... Please send me: Information on helping as a Legacy volunteer Enclosed is my gift of $............. to the Legacy family AUT Information on how to make a bequest to Legacy My cheque is enclosed or Visa Please debit my Credit Card Bankcard Mastercard Name on card:__________________________________________ Expiry Date: ______ /_____ Signature:__________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ P/C:__________________ Telephone:__________________________________________________ Please return this coupon to: BRISBANE LEGACY – LEGACY HOUSE, 41 MERIVALE STREET, SOUTH BRISBANE QLD 4101 TELEPHONE (07) 3846 4299 EMAIL: admin@legacybrisbane.org.au WEB: www.legacy.com.au THANK YOU FOR SHARING OUR LEGACY OF CARE Legacy Torch 15 Defence Service Homes Insurance Scheme ow or widower wid Are you a Veteran (or the of a Veteran)? OUJUMFEUPB%4) F SF B PS E IB V ZP F BW ) r t)?, Loan (whether used or no àUTGSPN%7" PS r "SFZPVSFDFJWJOHCFOF FODF)PVTJOH r "SFZPVVTJOHUIF%FG BO "TTJTUBODF"DUIPVTJOHMP IPNFDPOUFOUT P U FE UM UJ FO F C BZ N PV Z 5IFO UB5JUMFAUPQVQ JOTVSBODFJODMVEJOH4USB DF4FSWJDF)PNFT FO FG % F UI I VH SP UI S WF DP *OTVSBODF4DIFNF and to To see if you are eligible ll compare the features ca 1300 552 662 www.dsh.gov.au P01301C 278x194 coluvs teher p care
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